Office of SA to CNS GeoIntelligence 2009

Office of SA to CNS GeoIntelligence 2009. Introduction Data Mining vs Image Mining Image Mining - Issues and Challenges CBIR Image Mining Process Ontology

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Office of SA to CNSGeoIntelligence 2009

Page 2: Office of SA to CNS GeoIntelligence 2009. Introduction Data Mining vs Image Mining Image Mining - Issues and Challenges CBIR Image Mining Process Ontology


Data Mining vs Image Mining

Image Mining - Issues and Challenges


Image Mining Process

Ontology for Image Mining


GeoIntelligence 2009 Office of SA to CNS

An Overview of Image Mining

Page 3: Office of SA to CNS GeoIntelligence 2009. Introduction Data Mining vs Image Mining Image Mining - Issues and Challenges CBIR Image Mining Process Ontology

Image mining deals with the extraction of implicit knowledge, image data relationship, or other patterns not explicitly stored in the images.

Image mining is more than just an extension of data mining to image domain

Military Applications:Mobility Analysis

Traffficability Analysis

Potential Corridor of Landing

Image Mining

GeoIntelligence 2009 Office of SA to CNS

Page 4: Office of SA to CNS GeoIntelligence 2009. Introduction Data Mining vs Image Mining Image Mining - Issues and Challenges CBIR Image Mining Process Ontology

Office of SA to CNSGeoIntelligence 2009

The features may include: Color (in various channels), Texture (e.g. Directionality,

likeliness, contrast, roughness and coarseness), edge,

luminance, shape, spatial relations, temporal

information, statistical measures (e.g. moments – mean, variance, standard deviation, skewness etc).

Page 5: Office of SA to CNS GeoIntelligence 2009. Introduction Data Mining vs Image Mining Image Mining - Issues and Challenges CBIR Image Mining Process Ontology

Data mining searches: Valid patternsPreviously unknown patternsPotentially useful patternsUnderstandable patterns

Image mining extracts:Strategic informationRelationships and patternsLandscape aspects

Challenges (image mining)Relative valuesSpatial informationMultiple interpretationPatterns representation

GeoIntelligence 2009 Office of SA to CNS

Page 6: Office of SA to CNS GeoIntelligence 2009. Introduction Data Mining vs Image Mining Image Mining - Issues and Challenges CBIR Image Mining Process Ontology

Image information mining is an interdisciplinary endeavor Computer vision (image processing) Pattern recognition (classification & clustering) Databases (images & ancillary data) Information Retrieval (indexing and queries)

Challenges of mining information in remote sensing images Multi /hyper spectral (huge size, different formats) Variability of data sets (formats, types and structures) Time consuming preprocessing (correction and registration) Complex spatial / temporal associations Feature extraction & semantic definition (application specific) Ancillary data (climate variables, digital elevation model) Interpretation (a-priori and domain knowledge)

GeoIntelligence 2009 Office of SA to CNS

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GeoIntelligence 2009 Office of SA to CNS

Content-based image retrieval (CBIR)

Modeling the contents of the image as a set of attributes

Using an integrated feature-extraction/object-recognition system

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Image Mining Process

Image Databa



Transformation & Feature Extraction


Interpretation & Evaluation


Office of SA to CNSGeoIntelligence 2009

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Graph Mining Approach

Attribute Relational Graph (ARG)

Regional Adjacency Graph (RAG)

Ontological Approach

Image Mining Approaches

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Method Ontology



Physical Ontology





Task Ontology

Ontology for Image Mining

Incorporation of semantic information into the knowledge discovery process

Ontology describes a particular reality with a specific vocabulary, using a set of hypothesis related to the intentional meaning of the words in this vocabulary

Physical ontology

Structural ontology

Method Ontology

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Image Mining Systems


A spatial data mining system developed by Han et al (1997)


A NASA-developed Image Mining System


A Multi-sensor Image Mining System developed by BAE Systems

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GeoIntelligence 2009 Office of SA to CNS

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Currently, most image processing techniques are designed to operate on a single image

Very few techniques for image data mining and information extraction in large image data sets

“Knowledge gap” in the process of deriving information from images and digital maps

Future research directions in remote sensing image mining include tracking individual trajectories of change

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Satellite Data


TDSSTerrain Decision Support System

Attribute Data, Spatial Data, & Knowledge Base

Spatial DB Server (GIS)

R DB Server (RDBMS)

Relational DB Miner

Spatial/ImageDB MinerTKDD

Terrain Knowledge Discovery from Data

Format Converter


VLDHVery Large

Database Handler

Military Applications

Interactive Mining I/F

Application Interface


Terrain Analysis and Visualization

Training Set, Testing & Validation Data Set




Map Data


Expert Refinement

Discovered Rules/ Features (Natural & Manmade)


Development System

Knowledge Acquisition I/F

Domain Expert

Knowledge Base

Knowledge compiler

GIS Mapping I/F

Inference Mechanism


Field Data

Scale Converter

Projection Converter

DTSData Transformation System

GIS Mapping I/F


CCM-Cross Country Mobility

NMO-Natural & Manmade Obstacles

PCL-Potential Corridor of Landing

TD&CS-Troops Deployment & Camping Sites

LOS-Line of Sight