OF THE HISTORY EUROPEAN UNION. History of the European Union began after the Second World War (1945) -Europe recognized the need for peaceful co-operation

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Page 1: OF THE HISTORY EUROPEAN UNION. History of the European Union began after the Second World War (1945) -Europe recognized the need for peaceful co-operation




Page 2: OF THE HISTORY EUROPEAN UNION. History of the European Union began after the Second World War (1945) -Europe recognized the need for peaceful co-operation

History of the European Union began after the Second World War (1945)-Europe recognized the need for peaceful co-operation between European countries.

25 March 1957 - six countries in Rome was the cornerstone of the organization (started to create the European Union). Founding members were: Belgium, France, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany and Italy.

Page 3: OF THE HISTORY EUROPEAN UNION. History of the European Union began after the Second World War (1945) -Europe recognized the need for peaceful co-operation

European Coal and Steel Community - the organization of enterprise, which launched the economic integration of Europe (now the European Community has competence). Was established on the basis of the Treaty of Paris, signed in 1951. Over the six founding members: -Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg (Benelux countries)-France and Italy-West Germany (NRF) of the European

European Coal and Steel Community - the organization of enterprise, which launched the economic integration of Europe (now the European Community has competence). Was established on the basis of the Treaty of Paris, signed in 1951. Over the six founding members: -Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg (Benelux countries)-France and Italy-West Germany (NRF) of the European

9 May 19509 May 1950Robert Schuman proposed that Europe create a structured care that is necessary for the maintenance of peaceful relations. This proposal, known as the Schuman Declaration, is regarded as the beginning of today European Union.

Robert Schuman proposed that Europe create a structured care that is necessary for the maintenance of peaceful relations. This proposal, known as the Schuman Declaration, is regarded as the beginning of today European Union.

-9 May is regarded as Europe Day-9 May is regarded as Europe Day

-Also invited to attend the British, but you gave up, (so as not to lose their national sovereignty)

-Also invited to attend the British, but you gave up, (so as not to lose their national sovereignty)

Page 4: OF THE HISTORY EUROPEAN UNION. History of the European Union began after the Second World War (1945) -Europe recognized the need for peaceful co-operation

Another element of European integration was the establishment of 25 March 1957 in Rome, the European Economic Community (EEC) and the European Atomic Energy Community (EUR ATOM).

Page 5: OF THE HISTORY EUROPEAN UNION. History of the European Union began after the Second World War (1945) -Europe recognized the need for peaceful co-operation

EEC 1 started its activities in January 1958. It is based on the Treaties of Rome was signed 25 March 1957. Basics organizations have been modified by the Treaty fuzyjnym (1967), the Single European Act (1987) and the Treaty of the European Union. The founders of EEC * Belgium * France * Luxembourg * Netherlands * Germany (united Germany) * Italy

In subsequent years, the organization joined:-1973* Denmark* Ireland* United Kingdom-1981* Greece-1986 * Spain * Portugal-1995* Austria* Finland * Sweden (since this year is called the EEC, the European Community)

The main objectives of EEC* equally consistent economic* development of Member States TRACK* raising the standard of living and “approximate” the Member States

EuropeanEuropean Economic Community Economic Community

Page 6: OF THE HISTORY EUROPEAN UNION. History of the European Union began after the Second World War (1945) -Europe recognized the need for peaceful co-operation

Took effect in 1958 under the Treaties of Rome

The objectives of the Treaty:* develop a nuclear industry in some Member States * generate the conditions for research and development * the establishment of the nuclear safety standards identical

Activities conducive to the introduction of plans in force include* New research monitoring the safety standards associated with this sector of the economy, * the creation of a common market of materials and equipment used in the nuclear industry * allow barrier-free flow of investment and professionals in the industry

Such factors contribute to the objective of the secondary and the peaceful uses of nuclear energy

European Atomic Energy CommunityEuropean Atomic Energy Community

Page 7: OF THE HISTORY EUROPEAN UNION. History of the European Union began after the Second World War (1945) -Europe recognized the need for peaceful co-operation






Founding MemberFounding Member

July 23, 1952July 23, 1952

Date of accession ::Date of accession ::

Page 8: OF THE HISTORY EUROPEAN UNION. History of the European Union began after the Second World War (1945) -Europe recognized the need for peaceful co-operation



United KingdomUnited Kingdom

The first extensionThe first extension

Date of accession ::Date of accession ::

January 1, 1973January 1, 1973

(the first extension of the north)

Page 9: OF THE HISTORY EUROPEAN UNION. History of the European Union began after the Second World War (1945) -Europe recognized the need for peaceful co-operation

The second extensionThe second extension

(the first extension of the south)(the first extension of the south)


Date of accession ::

Date of accession ::

January 1, 1981January 1, 1981

Page 10: OF THE HISTORY EUROPEAN UNION. History of the European Union began after the Second World War (1945) -Europe recognized the need for peaceful co-operation

Third ExtensionThird Extension



(extension of the Mediterranean)

Date of accession ::

January 1, 1986January 1, 1986

Page 11: OF THE HISTORY EUROPEAN UNION. History of the European Union began after the Second World War (1945) -Europe recognized the need for peaceful co-operation

Extension of incompleteExtension of incomplete

The German Democratic RepublicThe German Democratic Republic

Date of accession ::

October 3, 1990October 3, 1990

(first central unification of Germany)

Page 12: OF THE HISTORY EUROPEAN UNION. History of the European Union began after the Second World War (1945) -Europe recognized the need for peaceful co-operation

The fourth extensionThe fourth extension



FinlandFinlandDate of accession ::

January 1, 1995January 1, 1995

(extension of the second and the second north central)

Page 13: OF THE HISTORY EUROPEAN UNION. History of the European Union began after the Second World War (1945) -Europe recognized the need for peaceful co-operation

The fifth enlargement (Part I)The fifth enlargement (Part I)


Czech RepublicCzech Republic









Date of accession ::May 1, 2004May 1, 2004

Page 14: OF THE HISTORY EUROPEAN UNION. History of the European Union began after the Second World War (1945) -Europe recognized the need for peaceful co-operation

The fifth enlargement (Part II)

(southern extension of the second)

Date of accession ::

January 1, 2007January 1, 2007



Page 15: OF THE HISTORY EUROPEAN UNION. History of the European Union began after the Second World War (1945) -Europe recognized the need for peaceful co-operation

Important datesImportant dates1 July 1968 - began work of the European Customs Union with a common customs

tariff to third countries

6-7 July 1978 - At its meeting in Bremen, the European Council decided to set up the European Monetary System with the European Monetary Unit (ECU).

7-10 June 1979 - By the first direct elections to the European Parliament 410 elected seats.

1 January 1981 - entry into force of the accession of Greece to the European Communities

17 and 28 February 1986 - the signing of the Single European Act

7 February 1992 - was signed in Maastricht will enter into force 1.11.1993 Treaty on European Union

1 July 1968 - began work of the European Customs Union with a common customs tariff to third countries

6-7 July 1978 - At its meeting in Bremen, the European Council decided to set up the European Monetary System with the European Monetary Unit (ECU).

7-10 June 1979 - By the first direct elections to the European Parliament 410 elected seats.

1 January 1981 - entry into force of the accession of Greece to the European Communities

17 and 28 February 1986 - the signing of the Single European Act

7 February 1992 - was signed in Maastricht will enter into force 1.11.1993 Treaty on European Union

Page 16: OF THE HISTORY EUROPEAN UNION. History of the European Union began after the Second World War (1945) -Europe recognized the need for peaceful co-operation

21-22 June 1993 - at the European Council in Copenhagen agreed to join in the future to the European Union countries of Central and Eastern Europe, including Poland.

15-16 December 1995 - at the European Council meeting in Madrid confirmed zmiar set up in 1999, the Economic and Monetary Union

16-17 June 1997 - The European Council meeting in Amsterdam a treaty giving the EU new powers and responsibilities. 2 Oct 1997 - The Treaty of Amsterdam is signed. Shall enter into force on 1 May 1999

16-17 June 1997 - The European Council meeting in Amsterdam a treaty giving the EU new powers and responsibilities. 2 Oct 1997 - The Treaty of Amsterdam is signed. Shall enter into force on 1 May 1999

3 May 1998 - The Brussels European Council decides that 11 Member States (Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Spain, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Germany, Portugal and Italy) which satisfies the requirements for adopting the single currency on 1 January 1999 Greece will join them later.

31 Dec 1998 - Fixed and irrevocable exchange rates between the currencies that are to be replaced by the euro.

Page 17: OF THE HISTORY EUROPEAN UNION. History of the European Union began after the Second World War (1945) -Europe recognized the need for peaceful co-operation

3-4 June 1999 - the European Council in Cologne a Convention to draw up a European Charter of Fundamental Rights. The members of the Convention are representatives of the Heads of State or Government and President of the European Commission. Javier Solana is appointed as High Representative for common foreign and security policy.

8 and 13 June 1999 - The fifth direct elections to the European Parliament.

15-16 October 1999 - The Tampere European Council decides to make the European area of freedom, security and justice.

10-11 December 1999 - The Helsinki European Council, the meeting was mainly devoted to the enlargement, Turkey officially recognizes as a candidate for EU membership, and decides to push ahead with negotiations with the other 12 candidate countries.

23-24 March 2000 - The Lisbon European Council draws up a strategy for boosting employment in the EU, modernize the economy and strengthening social cohesion in a knowledge-based economy.

7-8 December 2000 - the European Council in Nice reaches agreement on the text of the Treaty amending the system of decision-making in the EU enlargement. The President of the European Parliament, European Council and the European Commission solemnly proclaim the Charter of Fundamental Rights.

3-4 June 1999 - the European Council in Cologne a Convention to draw up a European Charter of Fundamental Rights. The members of the Convention are representatives of the Heads of State or Government and President of the European Commission. Javier Solana is appointed as High Representative for common foreign and security policy.

8 and 13 June 1999 - The fifth direct elections to the European Parliament.

15-16 October 1999 - The Tampere European Council decides to make the European area of freedom, security and justice.

10-11 December 1999 - The Helsinki European Council, the meeting was mainly devoted to the enlargement, Turkey officially recognizes as a candidate for EU membership, and decides to push ahead with negotiations with the other 12 candidate countries.

23-24 March 2000 - The Lisbon European Council draws up a strategy for boosting employment in the EU, modernize the economy and strengthening social cohesion in a knowledge-based economy.

7-8 December 2000 - the European Council in Nice reaches agreement on the text of the Treaty amending the system of decision-making in the EU enlargement. The President of the European Parliament, European Council and the European Commission solemnly proclaim the Charter of Fundamental Rights.

Page 18: OF THE HISTORY EUROPEAN UNION. History of the European Union began after the Second World War (1945) -Europe recognized the need for peaceful co-operation

26 February 2001 - Signing of the Treaty of Nice. Shall enter into force on 1 February 2003

14-15 December 2001 - The Laeken European Council adopts a declaration on the future of the Union. This opens the way for future reforms and the EU for the creation of a Convention to draft a European Constitution. President of the Convention shall be appointed Valéry Giscard d’Estaing.

1 January 2002 - The introduction into circulation of euro banknotes and coins.

31 May 2002 - All 15 Member States simultaneously ratify the Kyoto Protocol - an international agreement to reduce air pollution.

21-22 June 2002 - The Seville European Council reaches agreement on immigration and asylum policy EU.

10 July 2003 - The Convention on the Future of Europe completes its work on the draft European Constitution.

4 October 2003 - Start of the intergovernmental conference that will draw up the constitutional treaty.

10 and 13 June 2004 - The sixth direct elections to the European Parliament.

Page 19: OF THE HISTORY EUROPEAN UNION. History of the European Union began after the Second World War (1945) -Europe recognized the need for peaceful co-operation
Page 20: OF THE HISTORY EUROPEAN UNION. History of the European Union began after the Second World War (1945) -Europe recognized the need for peaceful co-operation



Adrianna Adrianna CzopCzop

Marianna Marianna Antonina Antonina KabałaKabała