errious wit-vu- for Incorgarated Village: Cadarhurst 'OPPICIAL NEWBPAPER tor irra- tor publiciian of notin iv.) in District Court of Unifed States this Esatern District: of New York- otered at the Post Gilice at Freeport. N. Y., second mail , under """" M Turd a fats 1 ## year in advance ** ropes: fnd ante THE DAILY REVIEW AND you Here we are with thelfnt fesue of Thé Daily Review. ¥ It 1s a small beginning. Who ea tell how it will develop and grow? The Daily Review comes to you! with a broad purpose} a definite alm. Roosevelt, Row 1s your opportunity | ~ It 1g. the deaire of Ure management J We look to you to be a worthy suo. 111112311 a means of devsloping Cos | of Your illustrious father who bost that) is in Nassau Cuuqty.‘ foresaw big cvents and was prepared Every good and proper undertaking} tor-them when critical times came I In -the county is ontitled to the sup- - God 'biess the women who serve hot coffee and 8"I"wiches to tho | members of an auxiliary or not! ~-g_ 3 nee Marjorie {Carpenter, uge 31, of 205 South - Main ? stead a'u t finding some-} Sgt}; of Ruckvllhl' danntre. hwaa yi sheng: : are Sreet, Frocport,. Future address, 308 | thing that had a real kick in it. ebruary 25, 'and d an hour port m “ff! newspaper, There k Abr a.. Vie¢-Prosident | North Main Street, Frecpor | ~-_z Interment was in Greenfield no'petty lines of dlvlnv' + 5 n +'YOu sit in at! George Albert Bailey, age 21, and Hi I "Sill Maer nc Four Shades For @etory. D Politidaliy The D ily Reyiows is s henceforth ireth Pauline age 20, both of Mardings and Coolridges"-New York $ - RepublMces a " the weekly _ , ° * Inwood. Future address Gilbert Street, | Trying to make it the Hmunted White in noel oes s retune DY OF PVT. BLOCK |= 5x“ n influx”? £1- 2? - "dn ut Hardiag, we hope you Wiltinm Nev d Td Johan- | V * foundation ~strneture wo 11 be 1 with ilness 'Roepke, as f Hempstead. | 8T sone sucerss edition is BQN: But fite y we ture addr 25 Rast Rnilroad ave, on B "-By the Demo tt 18 "Cpen to fai senta> | ' ils reevort t from -mavy r the fact tl (4 p that tje i Beginning of the publication as a daily coincides with the beginning! unts of di | Loo osal of stolen automo- . of the work of President Harding and SP o utomo. | 0,/ of Elgnonl. Future address Mount volunteer firemen, whether thoy are d""dy ws [ 98. Epnerson: Avenue, Flora) Park. Pu- | ture Assistant Secretary of the Navy) Rockville Cent |_ George Meyer Inwood, and V Maple Road, 1 dress Inwood James Pock | Main Street, F Predorick «Carduer Freema ust. I both of Rockville Cen 59 we are to have more flays of ac» | dress 142 tre. "Held as link in Bond theft"-Philse detphia. Another missing lifk l ~-. Cl:- NOMINATION ‘m‘ o der one head"-Washington. Mr. Harding states as soon As he sets on Job, He'll make He'll do away with "doughboy," He'll do away with "Gob," Oh boy! We're goin' to see a lotta fual L always liked the navy, With its tendency to rove. The flappy s breeches, Avenue, % Built just like Sibley Stove, rP9t-Jem. under one command! feller be loned colpnel, | In the -th Cavalry, C I age 24, of Mt. Tremper County and Louise L. Erb, ago per, alter Roberf Smith, age 26, 45 Ry: Avenue, East Rockaway, and s. Josephine MacLachlan; age 21 address,> 125 Atlantic ELKS NOTE Brother Doms CHEATING THY CHEATERS remi ter rge Ir th charging 1 4. and fu 10, Hailrond says commuters, ad | Use criminal devic Con- It 'You're a L. I. A. R. " shouts the commuters. utu Maple Avenue, Hock ville | biles, AL th be | Nicholas Andrekou, age 31, Far Rock» -__ his carefully chosen cabinet. leared as: um: atmosphere ”Am. and 'Toula Andrcakou, age 25, C.H. J, | One need mot possess the gift of + [HM Future address, 1045 Contra l prophecy to! foresee months' of éx- wa | Avenie, |_ It is easy-t nd. th ti- | captionally exacting work before the Y-i0 understand the atti p | tude of the American Legion mei newly! “it” "if“ oglzotvarzmeorit I: who object to German propaganda in | Washington. Every last oe New York or any other part of BB citizens is entitled to know in a End . , United States, way “who read About erutient Is doing. Therein lies one Seal tle of the privileges of-the daity edition. "*** As n dally it can and Will serve Its #. z To Get an Education | to the eight sons d B os it could not hope to do in| "By- the time I finish I shall be in and daughters share and share alike. lates usy , ”U“?! we to. debt $800," writes Edward R. Gilmore Thome who. inherit are Hutch | Witoner > weekly form. Jan It the January Boys' Life, telling how |inson, John W. Hutohinsony . Anna® Freeport, March 7.-An ain of spring 'The Dally Review will he obtained money for his education.|Wurts, Mrs. Fdith Horned, Mrs. E. [life i= iDparent iin all companies in the | Nassau County news. It will resent "To 'have waited until I earned 8. Conrow, Mrs. Mary H. Savage, Freeport Fire Department. Nomin this n dependable, readabte form. sans before guliig to school would have Y H.. Hutchinson and - Mrg. tong: are in otder for offieers to be International Nows Service Nee} loved me several years..? can now h ~Fussell. elected. in "April. “mm“mm‘anmkgmmwnmm at, ml: A; TH, in the amoeba! mom-uni; “1:1! e y Review as in any other my lite. Woewsbaper ofice. With this' js the O this hows service that has built up & steady patronage of thousands of readers | MRS. EMMA B -MOrouinson Mineola, March 7.- The {lite Enmimg, 43, Mayor. Hylan ought [LQ ,, Med with One Ole Hanson, of probate re in $1,000 in p The estate is I Edward Hutchinson and Mrs. carm # then. 1 thust row aro ' at least a|Hutchinson died on February. 26, bet far overtaken in alcoholic sthmu- were | @ #treet corner. in Newark, j each other for support. As a spectator heard. the following It somewhat fuszy Far Rockaway, ' | CAMPAIGN CIGARS LEFT ESTATE To CHILDREN will of Surrog dispos@y of an than $10,000 in real onal p e Howell or te worth ind" more operty. {Coming Elections in Freeport Fire Department Keep Candi- Con» Hose 'Co. 2 turkey dinner as éexecutore. M.s. Thursday eventing. following the bust. ness meetin and nominations of off- cers. It was a gala affair and campaign leurs were in ovidence. | Hamiltoh Kifg wet 'duys two gentlémen, #een under a lamp-post on clinging to pastod them he over dialogue carried on accents, Paul Polis and his. Bike Orchestra, a lively aggregation of Tvs musical en-] 8a1d Souse Number Ono to se [thusiasts who made things morry for | 6d in Naseau County. mr‘m.:r att bminzz‘: f; alaninr Two: "Do you know BIN Tal-{the diners. Your cooperstion is invited to rices ¢ if the Oportunities offered you, and, with all tun: it in you; hoary-n .. make wi iGemes t coming genera « IJOHK Lewis Cante are a part, as successful as it is possible for you to. Ds In the death of former louder standard of your country, You do hot John Lewis Childs Long Tslasd has| "64d to have muuch fnoney to do it, you | Shovation. .f‘3emi“‘.:.'"‘n”;23$zf,“‘;.'; Prowkc fer 208 Let. lest one. of .its foremost citisens. do, however, feed "m; g | pleasing to the crowded houso, P - Women | Wr: Childs has done much during the ..£‘."‘.‘:‘.'."‘§.:"... a.. riihisoged f who . teat again the C living close to the | ' Blrlehm-mbroknhnmt again. t of to the | moarly fifty years he has lived ow mz-Nmmfitmm while out with the Boy Scouts 48. im- of Mother Earth. Plays and gag}; your? full“ fond-1t- welfire. dut 3 Tew io put t Ange) RTOYINE- The boys wore in the we Dagtants through which she can give U u any «other MI ' County 'tostdent ever gave such wide , - publicit® to the home: ssction. His) "YAY IF FLOWERS", advertising made the fname of Flora} | Purk known the world over, * Bucceséful in,his private business, ft was not self" inter®ut Alone um' actuated him in dija best andeavors. . -~~Always itontified with the Repub "AI-m Party, ho win a zealous worker * tn it Intorents:> fit the State Leaftg=)croused sales in the retail florinth" ture No w + nene. + | lature No was most happy in working | Powers' are nme avaliable both inf for of the. interes(& of large and amall ~retail shops at. al- lls: distriet v -pmeawar prices,.~ becaue rhino-I; "8. 11, bis "donyidtions tha did | tion" canto his- Neen , redureed, pring of nahin h fot { undorilags ) 'up minke frinds by lflumnfifiy are “03mm in, thelr. | «ote, bil 1tomlld alvrays be ft Rogen, cunationg, swest | tim- that tro >>. 4 true to iw sof than: 60 ex: &c sonbbeid aud coinlstent Tn file Lon: fruebityr-wnd "pugs; ) beaut | n {tuk are offered -at) pricew. | ia af I (65, ands Colale. plant 'for. the) r: Wilde uc ountulnfnd" a | Reslou.. 1vade. are ht poro fi bail thiake ShOE Jie - Coat imal "tly toad there. tis g 4 Ige tand bro tho ifrakg | 4, thal l _ s \ t4 ra o & : a f * cobx'y Wiis + - nev untied tf the Diabla of C Exe \ W 5 will: 47 shnclogn-2006.. Lenn $ the cor a djing ist Mot Pa fain wave ot % the smaller communities sip 441g: 24° TRU albreh®.. Content is , eemmnat hilo-thotr newewritlter. t14) (hay @.. a«szen «of ea ese t aghinet the: riles, bit the .re in such Coat Mr. gite good / Hare dn ip {nblance. clippod ® of 1C. -- Ho- Tma. brought Srim .She neva recount ot the clong/ aw Pe h ** tue wf im n Smail Yiiege in uslde. d. aint the W, The sill (of Adod of MetHick, whn @itkd on Fikn T, to Mysd: seth wider Fieri. teary an all ©8500 in mel popper ls and abit 1 Seel je l proverty aul to ir woe, (# Polisk brothars "t the 5. Fimo wad Bulat - Martino, nt'r j '. ina oud Aavisferiico bo nk FitiGor all? Aron Ari Moat Hilal walpiar t divan il it Allie ha ite, Shs Colored - Fk ian Mnmlfmuucv- and I i Rydia Waite itp rib bag t for Far .am | neon a i I Arry Cw "hare. watery Cabin oad | etic ae 2 ,',L,_\|Jf te soll Irom. the I at vann'ry : duiga® to ka dist he was P Said Souso Number ment of Em name," Said Souse Number One: "Who?" The Bellmore or Pay Engine Co. 1 on Tuesday nominated -| George Vogt for Captain .and Edward , Finch for Lieutenant. Nobinations in Jononeils, Clipsheot, , BELLMORQ JOTTINGS Theatre has beginf ah to The Instinet farart z: sreative work, Bible and Mission st elussey which are to be found when-L C. Wo, C.. Al, Thaw copy _- MUST: BE IN THE: OFFICE OF ~ BY 5 P.M. | c ii- t uated dutt d ts hat dts & put Ammy and Navy un | e has beaten Vol:] usle was furnished" by Professor | saplumdlv army and the mavy one , our... FOR $4955 EATERS : | unfuriod | fF ' aged nt Cemetery - TH-Wantagh, "Feb. 23, Joss years, burst | si Smith, aged | i \ It E was in Cypi Wednesday. the Fears, and wasi very well inived by two 8 Cozzens, and pne brother, ph Elmo Sheldon, Jr.. son Mrs. R. E. Sheldon, TO COME OVERSEAS | s Hills Cemetery My. Coxtens had beep building in Freeport known He wasa member of Redwood ° of Masons in Brooklyn. He is Walter B' and Ralph Elmo Sheldon, Jv. of Mr. imds at Mineola of Soldier Who Died in France Get Red Cross Aid wonton nooln , March 7 k con be set for the ft of Adoiph Block. No arrival son of definite of the £ Mrs. fr Block, of Jeffeson avenue, this e, who was killed in action in Ce. Is was learned in : letters from officials; received by the local FHarthaton. fter, Rod .Crosa, which .body .has hen it was learned (that Privata @c had made the supreme sacri' ## country Mra. Block wanted the fuins of her son lir it back h it was the U. itt home the bine policy bodies ( reconciled, but nter 1 wities annomneed that the @t dead would be Drought @ then nothing had been 9 one los: in action In the ington moting forth what i's body. W reply to your; letter of PUr with refcrenes fo. the the remains of the' late T @@ that while operations ar A Produ IDEAL SPECIALTY We are closing out our dresses and in future will devote "foretaartimird securing The Finest of Intimate App not to soldiers he Res coun- back heard he remains of Mincola's boy, tas World following is the letter to Mr efforts being made to bring Back Private Febpu- return Private however, prosecuted. as lons and accurate handling. of our soldier dead will perpaft. "In order' that sufficient time may Be bad in which to make i ch ar- rangements as may be «lunch-m}, in con- section with the burial of the remains Upoh thelm arrival in this country, the legal next of lin will be notified by telegram from our branch oflice at Hc- bokeR as «oon as possible after recelyt of information from K wemains have been chm. again notified by He in telegram from Mo- boken upon shipment of the remains from Hoboken, N. J," | Al our ESS Was BUILT | OX | SERVICE I 206 MERRICK Roan Rocieville Centre Phone 571 Block, Co. C, $8th Int., you ate e now stop and her a ( Increasing: production increases the purchasing vale of the D E Let us get hmMDURdAu'hl‘bkbww'm MMH workwfiemu *_* Boost the value of the dollars . ... and will make them grow with Jidge Frank R. , of Educ 167$$9 for the Das in New York atic designates incliding s # Long tes of southeastc bit (Putrm Abrl/16 as Arbo and It is the wish that ea devele some tin in citervince of FIRE ESCAP Automatic fire fes have been in- at the R Centre Sani- tarlum. 'They wil it of exit from the second and fors, at the front, handling Invalids ; _o: THE WINCHESTER s {_ WE BELIEVE THAT THE, SOONER PMM | sTaBtLzED THE BETTER, Ws arg E QUR PRICES AS FAST AS MARK A {E 1 -FOR INSTANCE MOORES HIGH SCHOOL GRADE PAXNT Dror TURPENTINE DROPPED $130 GitQ® LINSEED OIL DROPPED $1.85 GA SASH CORD DROPPED $1.25 PER HAM WATCH FOR OUR WEEKLY THIS WEEK HMGIT GRADE CORN BROOM VARNISHED HANDLE = Reglurly Sold for $1.30 89¢c _|] HICKS & WATTS will so ing then. FR _ A PER CENT PAID TN-INTEREST DEPAMATMENT 40868 HE. H. & * ~NDW dhow to me AND | | & # me WINCHESTER [PORT, N. v fovided. +0 ARE GE. $ GAL owns BACK Wal BRYTHING - A SELL Lynbrook ing 767 PNG ISLAND BE APRIL 15 Tt, Acting Com- fx2d April ance of Arbor The: prociam- nes. The first and the coun- w Fork, includ- hess will keep Education De- In the State he proper date equipment for a | ( EI V-i Milady l 1 I l U ¥ | chan tie § v 5 uus mune sia swat

ODE OLD 8UBSCMBZBS - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn95071431/1921-03-07/ed... · 2018-12-20 · ODE OLD 8UBSCMBZBS • malrnmau-f with the SOUTH HIDE OBHERVKR

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Page 1: ODE OLD 8UBSCMBZBS - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn95071431/1921-03-07/ed... · 2018-12-20 · ODE OLD 8UBSCMBZBS • malrnmau-f with the SOUTH HIDE OBHERVKR

errious wit-vu- for





Cadarhurst'OPPICIAL NEWBPAPER tor irra-tor publiciian of notin iv.)in District Court of Unifed States



Esatern District: of New York-

otered at the Post Gilice at Freeport. N. Y.,second mail , under"""" M Turd a fats

1 ##


year in advance** ropes: fnd ante


Here we are with thelfnt fesue ofThé Daily Review. ¥

It 1s a small beginning. Who eatell how it will develop and grow?The Daily Review comes to you!

with a broad purpose} a definite alm. Roosevelt, Row 1s your opportunity |~ It 1g. the deaire of Ure management J We look to you to be a worthy suo.111112311 a means of devsloping Cos | of Yourillustrious father whobost that) is in


Nassau Cuuqty.‘ foresaw big cvents and was preparedEvery good and proper undertaking} tor-them when critical times came IIn -the county is ontitled to the sup- -


God 'biess the women


who servehot coffee and 8"I"wiches to tho |

members of an auxiliary or not!~-g_


nee Marjorie{Carpenter, uge 31, of 205 South - Main ? stead a'utfinding some-} Sgt}; of Ruckvllhl' danntre. hwaa

yi sheng:


: areSreet, Frocport,. Future address, 308 | thing that had a real kick in it. ebruary 25, 'and d an hour

port m “ff! newspaper, There k Abr a.. Vie¢-Prosident| North Main Street, Frecpor | ~-_z Interment was in Greenfield

no'petty lines of dlvlnv' + 5 n +'YOu sit in at! George Albert Bailey, age 21, and Hi I "Sill Maer nc Four Shades For


@etory. D

Politidaliy The


D ily


Reyiows is s henceforth ireth Pauline age 20, both of


Mardings and Coolridges"-New York $ -

RepublMces a " the


weekly _ , ° * Inwood. Future address Gilbert Street, | Trying to make it the Hmunted White innoel oes s




5x“ n influx”? £1- 2? - "dn ut Hardiag, we hope you Wiltinm Nev d TdJohan- |V *

foundation ~strneture wo 11 be 1 with





'Roepke, as f Hempstead. | 8T sone sucerss

edition is BQN: Butfite y we ture addr 25 Rast Rnilroad ave, on B "-By the Demo

tt 18 "Cpen to fai senta>


| ' ils reevort

t from -mavyr the fact tl

(4 p that tje iBeginning of the publication as a

daily coincides with the beginning! unts of di |Loo osal of stolen automo-. of the work of President Harding and SP o utomo. |

0,/ of Elgnonl. Future address Mount

volunteer firemen, whether thoy are d""dyws

[ 98. Epnerson: Avenue, Flora) Park. Pu-| tureAssistant Secretary of the Navy) Rockville Cent|_ George MeyerInwood, and VMaple Road, 1dress InwoodJames Pock

| Main Street, F

Predorick «Carduer Freemaust. I

both of Rockville Cen59 we are to have more flays of ac» | dress 142tre.

"Held as link in Bond theft"-Philsedetphia. Another missing lifkl ~-.


der one head"-Washington.Mr. Harding states as soonAs he sets on Job,He'll makeHe'll do away with "doughboy,"He'll do away with "Gob,"Oh boy! We're goin' to see a lotta fualL always liked the navy,With its tendency to rove.The flappy s breeches,

Avenue, % Built just like


Sibley Stove,rP9t-Jem. under one command!

feller be

loned colpnel,| In the -th Cavalry, CI

age 24, of Mt. Tremper

County and Louise L. Erb, ago


alter Roberf Smith, age 26, 45 Ry:Avenue,


East Rockaway,


ands. Josephine MacLachlan; age 21

address,> 125



ELKS NOTEBrother Doms

CHEATING THY CHEATERSremi ter rge Irth charging 1

4. and fu


Hailrond says commuters,

ad| Use criminal devicCon- It 'You're a L. I. A. R." shouts the commuters.


Maple Avenue, Hock ville

| biles, AL th be |


Nicholas Andrekou, age 31, Far Rock» -__

his carefully chosen cabinet. leared as: um: atmosphere ”Am. and 'Toula Andrcakou, age 25, C.H. J, |

One need mot possess the gift of + [HM Future address, 1045 Contral

prophecy to! foresee months' of éx- wa | Avenie,|_ It is easy-t nd. th ti- |captionally exacting work before the Y-i0 understand the atti

p | tude of the American Legion meinewly! “it” "if“ oglzotvarzmeorit I: who object to German propaganda in |Washington.


Every last oe New York or any other part of BBcitizens is entitled to know in a End ., United




way “who read Abouterutient Is doing. Therein lies one Seal tleof the privileges of-the daity edition.


"***As n dally it can and Will serve Its

#. zTo Get an Education |

to the eight sons d Bos it could not hope to do in|


"By- the time I finish I shall be in and daughters share and share alike. lates usy

, ”U“?! we to. debt $800," writes Edward R. Gilmore


Thome who. inherit are Hutch|


Witoner >

weekly form. Jan It the January Boys' Life, telling how |inson, John W. Hutohinsony . Anna® Freeport, March 7.-An ain of spring

'The Dally Review will he obtained money for his education.|Wurts, Mrs. Fdith Horned, Mrs. E. [life i= iDparent iin all companies in the |

Nassau County news.


It will resent


"To 'have waited until I earned 8. Conrow, Mrs. Mary H. Savage,


Freeport Fire Department. Nomin

this n dependable, readabte form. sans before guliig to school would have Y H.. Hutchinson


and - Mrg.


tong: are in otder for offieers to beInternational Nows Service Nee} loved me several years..? can now h ~Fussell. elected. in "April.“mm“mm‘anmkgmmwnmmat, ml: A; TH, in the amoeba! mom-uni; “1:1!e y Review as in any other my lite.Woewsbaper ofice. With this' js the O°O thishows service that hasbuilt up & steady patronage ofthousands of readers

| MRS. EMMA B -MOrouinson

Mineola, March 7.- The{lite Enmimg, 43,Mayor. Hylan ought


[LQ,, Med withOne Ole Hanson, of probaterein $1,000 in pThe estate is I

Edward Hutchinson and Mrs.carm # then. 1 thustrow aro' at least a|Hutchinson died on February. 26,

bet far overtaken in alcoholic sthmu-were| @ #treet corner. in Newark,j


each other for support.As a spectator

heard. the followingIt somewhat fuszy

Far Rockaway, '|


will of

Surrogdispos@y of an

than $10,000 in realonal p

e Howell orte


worthind" more


{Coming Elections in Freeport FireDepartment Keep Candi-

Con» Hose 'Co. 2 turkey


dinneras éexecutore.


M.s. Thursday eventing. following the bust.ness meetin and nominations of off-cers. It was a gala affair and campaignleurs were in ovidence. |Hamiltoh



wet 'duystwo gentlémen,

#een under a lamp-post onclinging to

pastod them he overdialogue carried onaccents,

Paul Polis and his. Bike Orchestra, alively aggregation of Tvs musical en-]8a1d Souse Number Ono to se [thusiasts who made things morry for |

6d in Naseau County. mr‘m.:r att bminzz‘: f; alaninr Two: "Do you know BIN Tal-{the diners.Your cooperstion is invited to rices ¢ if

theOportunities offered you, and, with alltun: it in you; hoary-n .. makewiiGemes t coming genera «IJOHK Lewis Cante are a part, as successful as it is possiblefor you to. DsIn the death of former louder standard of your country, You do hotJohn Lewis Childs Long Tslasd has| "64d to have muuch fnoney to do it, you | Shovation. .f‘3emi“‘.:.'"‘n”;23$zf,“‘;.'; Prowkc fer 208 Let.lest one. of .its foremost citisens. do, however, feed "m; g | pleasing to the crowded houso, P - Women


|Wr: Childs has done much during the ..£‘."‘.‘:‘.'."‘§.:"... a.. riihisoged f


who . teat again the


C living closeto the |

'Blrlehm-mbroknhnmt again. t of to the |

moarly fifty years he has lived ow mz-Nmmfitmm while out with the Boy Scouts 48. im- of


Mother Earth. Plays and

gag}; your?full“ fond-1t- welfire. dut 3 Tew io put t Ange) RTOYINE-


The boys wore in the we Dagtants through which she can giveU u any «other MI

'County 'tostdent ever gave such wide ,-publicit® to the home: ssction.







FLOWERS",advertising made the fname of Flora} |Purk known the world over, *

Bucceséful in,his private business,ft was not self" inter®ut Alone um'actuated him in dija best andeavors. .-~~Always itontified with the Repub"AI-m Party, ho win a zealous worker

*tn itIntorents:> fit the State Leaftg=)croused sales in the retail florinth"ture No w+ nene. + |

lature No was most happy in working | Powers' are nme avaliable both inffor of the. interes(& of large and amall ~retail shops


at. al-lls: distriet v -pmeawar


prices,.~ becaue rhino-I;"8. 11, bis "donyidtions tha did|

tion" canto his- Neen, redureed,pring of

nahin h fot { undorilags )'up minke




by lflumnfifiy are “03mm in, thelr. |«ote, bil 1tomlld alvrays be ft


Rogen, cunationg, swest |tim- that tro >>. 4 true to iw sof than: 60 ex:


&csonbbeid aud coinlstent Tn file Lon: fruebityr-wnd "pugs; ) beaut|n {tuk


are offered -at) pricew. |ia af I (65, ands Colale. plant 'for. the)r: Wilde uc ountulnfnd" a | Reslou.. 1vade. are ht porofi



bail thiake ShOE Jie - Coat imal "tly toad


there. tisg 4 Ige tand bro tho ifrakg | 4, thal l _s \ t4 ra o & : af * cobx'y Wiis +- nev untied tf the Diabla of CExe \ W




will: 47 shnclogn-2006.. Lenn


$the cor a djing


ist Mot


Pa fain




ot %

the smaller communities sip 441g: 24° TRU albreh®.. Content is ,eemmnat hilo-thotr newewritlter. t14)

(hay @.. a«szen «of

ea esetaghinet the: riles, bit the .re in such Coat Mr. gitegood /


Hare dn ip {nblance. clippod® of 1C. -- Ho- Tma. broughtSrim .She neva recount ot the clong/ aw Pe h **

tue wf im n Smail Yiiege inuslde.

d. aint the W,

The sill (of Adod ofMetHick,whn @itkd on Fikn T, to Mysd: sethwider

Fieri. teary anall ©8500 in mel popperlsand abit 1

Seel je l provertyaul to ir woe, (#Polisk


brothars "t the


5.Fimo wad Bulat - Martino, nt'r


'. ina oud Aavisferiico bo nkFitiGor all? Aron


Moat Hilal walpiar

t divan il it Allie

haite, Shs Colored

- Fkian Mnmlfmuucv- and I

i Rydia


itp rib bag t



Far .am |

neon a

i I Arry Cw "hare. watery


Cabin oad |etic ae 2 ,',L,_\|Jf te soll Irom. theI at vann'ry :


duiga®to ka dist he was P

Said Souso Numberment


of Emname,"Said Souse Number One: "Who?"

The Bellmore

or Pay

Engine Co. 1 on Tuesday nominated-| George Vogt for Captain .and Edward ,Finch for Lieutenant. Nobinations in

Jononeils, Clipsheot,, BELLMORQ JOTTINGS

Theatre has beginf ah

to The Instinet farart z:sreative work, Bible and Mission stelussey which are to be found when-LC. Wo, C.. Al, Thaw

copy _-


~ BY 5P.M. |





put Ammy and Navy un|

e has beaten Vol:]

usle was furnished" by Professor |


army and the mavy one ,

our... FOR $4955 EATERS:

|unfuriod | fF

' agednt Cemetery -TH-Wantagh, "Feb. 23, Jossyears, |burst| si Smith, aged




E was in CypiWednesday.theFears, and wasi very well

inived by two8 Cozzens, and pne brother,

ph Elmo Sheldon, Jr.. sonMrs. R. E. Sheldon,


s Hills CemeteryMy. Coxtens had beepbuilding in FreeportknownHe wasa member of Redwood° of Masons in Brooklyn. He is

Walter B' and

Ralph Elmo Sheldon, Jv.

of Mr.

imds at Mineola of Soldier WhoDied in France Get

Red Cross Aidwonton

nooln, March 7k con be set for the

ft of Adoiph Block.

Noarrivalson -of


of the£ Mrs.fr Block, of Jeffeson avenue, thise, who was killed in action inCe.

Is was learned in : letters fromofficials; received by the local


fter, Rod .Crosa,


which .body .has

hen it was learned (that Privata@c had made the supreme sacri'## country Mra. Block wanted the

fuins of her son lir it back h it was the U.

itt home thebine

policybodies (

reconciled, but nter 1wities annomneed that the

@t dead would be Drought@ then nothing had been

9 one los: in action In the

ington moting forth



i's body.W reply to your; letter ofPUr with refcrenes fo. the

the remains of the' late T

@@ that while operations ar




We are closing out our dresses and in future will devote

"foretaartimird securing The Finest of Intimate App

not tosoldiers he

Rescoun-backheardhe remains of Mincola's boy,


tasWorldfollowing is the letter to Mreffortsbeing made to bring Back Private


however,prosecuted. aslons and accuratehandling. of our soldierdead will perpaft."In order' that sufficient time mayBe bad in which to make


i ch ar-rangements as may be «lunch-m}, in con-section with the burial of the remainsUpoh thelm arrival in this country, thelegal next of lin will be notified


bytelegram from our branch oflice at Hc-bokeR as «oon as possible after recelytof information from Kwemains have been chm.again notified by



intelegram from Mo-boken upon shipment of the remainsfrom Hoboken, N. J,"






OX |


206 MERRICK Roan

Rocieville CentrePhone 571

Block, Co. C, $8th Int., you atee now



her a(

Increasing: production increases the purchasing vale of the D ELet us get hmMDURdAu'hl‘bkbww'm MMHworkwfiemu*_* Boost the value of the dollars. ... and


willmake them grow with

Jidge Frank R., of Educ

167$$9 for


theDas in New York atic designates

inclidings # Longtes of southeastcbit (PutrmAbrl/16 as Arboand

It is the wishthat eadevele some tinin citervince of

FIRE ESCAPAutomatic fire fes have been in-at the R Centre Sani-tarlum. 'They wil it of exit fromthe second and fors, at the front,

handling Invalids











will soing then. FR


40868 HE.H. &

* ~NDW dhow tome







[PORT, N. v







Lynbrooking 767

PNG ISLANDBE APRIL 15Tt, Acting Com-fx2d Aprilance of ArborThe: prociam-nes. The firstand the coun-w Fork, includ-hess


will keep

Education De-In the Statehe proper date

equipment for







| chan tie§ v
