Number 43, October 2013 A Member of the Round Table Family Of Clubs Editor Ray Hill National Communications Officer [email protected] Copy Date for November Newsletter 25th October 2013 Results: Individual: Mike Clarke (Shirley Late Knights) Team - for the Cochran Trophy: Shirley Late Knights - (Dave Ollis, Mike Clarke, Andy Watkinson, Richard Halstead) Runner up Team: Newport (Bill Jones, Mark Ashton, Dave Tamlyn, Chris Cann) Longest Drive (at the 18th hole): Lyndon Bent (Exeter) Nearest The Pin (at the 8th hole): Alan Wright (Chippenham) For 2013 the National Golf Finals found a new home at Ladbrook Park Golf Club, near Solihull. On a clear Thursday in late September teams from twelve regions competed for the Cochran Trophy, and the results show that home advantage does help. Congratulations to the members of the Shirley Late Nights team, who now have the distinction of being both the National and Conference golf champions. If your region does not currently hold a golf competition then why not challenge a few local clubs and enjoy the fellowship. The winners can enter the National Final. Shirley Late Knights Mike Clarke Alan Wright


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The monthly Newsletter of the Association of Ex-Round Tablers' Clubs

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Page 1: October2013


A Member of the Round Table Family

Of Clubs

Editor Ray HillNational Communications Officer

[email protected]

Copy Date for November Newsletter

25th October 2013

Results:Individual: Mike Clarke (Shirley Late Knights)Team - for the Cochran Trophy: Shirley Late Knights - (Dave Ollis, Mike Clarke,Andy Watkinson, Richard Halstead)Runner up Team: Newport (Bill Jones, Mark Ashton, Dave Tamlyn, Chris Cann)Longest Drive (at the 18th hole): Lyndon Bent (Exeter)Nearest The Pin (at the 8th hole): Alan Wright (Chippenham)

For 2013 the National Golf Finals found a new home atLadbrook Park Golf Club, near Solihull. On a clearThursday in late September teams from twelve regionscompeted for the Cochran Trophy, and the results showthat home advantage does help. Congratulations to themembers of the Shirley Late Nights team, who now havethe distinction of being both the National and Conferencegolf champions.

If your region does not currently hold a golf competitionthen why not challenge a few local clubs and enjoy thefellowship. The winners can enter the National Final.

Shirley Late Knights Mike Clarke

Alan Wright

Page 2: October2013

41 Club Calendar 2014


The world we live in is changing faster every day. When I waswas in Round Table the home computer was in its infancy,there was no affordable home publishing software, printerswere very expensive, and slow, and we had not heard of theInternet or email. We relied on word of mouth, telephones, theRoyal Mail and those with access to photocopiers for all of ourcommunications.

Now all of this has changed and the vast majority of us rely ontechnology for instant communications. We even navigatewith a little box in the car's dashboard or stuck on thewindscreen with a voice (often a woman's) telling us where toturn and when we have arrived at our destination. We nowtake for granted things that were pipedreams when we wereTablers.

At 41 Club we have slowly adopted this new technology,adapted it to serve our needs and now we need to improve ourcommunications to contact those many thousands of ex-Tablers who have not joined 41 Club. This monthly electronicnewsletter was probably the biggest step forwards we hadtaken in a long time, but it is not received by all members. Weare now planning a marketing campaign to reach prospective

members on your behalf and this will involve the use of currenttechnology and social media. Before you panic we are notplanning on spending vast amounts of money on this and wewill not be abandoning any of the communication techniqueswe currently use. But we will investigate all cost-effectivemethods, some of which have no cost at all, other than ourtime.

Those who have left Table in the last 20 years are of theelectronic generation and conduct much of their business andcommunications via a keyboard. (Many Tables conduct theirbusiness by email as it presents instant communicationsrather than waiting two weeks for a meeting.) They enjoycommunicating via Twitter, Facebook, Linked In and othersocial media. I would like to hear from our members who usethese social media; how they use them, how they think we canuse them to our advantage and how they can help us spreadthe word. To survive we must move forward in this brave newworld.

Ray [email protected]

The 2014 Calendar is now on sale and features a selection of photographs from the NationalPhotographic Competiton.

The price remains at £5 with all profits being donated to Macmillan Cancer Support.For your copy please contact your Regional Councillor

or send a cheque for £6.50p (including post and packaging) toRay Hill, The Huntsmans Lodge, Wimboldsley, Cheshire, CW10 0LL

Page 3: October2013

Macmillan News


41 Club and TangentNational Conference Bournemouth 2014

24th to 27th April

As this newsletter was beingprepared we were sad to hear of thepassing of Colin Painton (NationalPresident 1977-78).A full obituary will appear in theMarch edition of the magazine.

Vice President Jim Smith proudly introducing thenewest member of 41 Club to fellow golfers at therecent National Golf Final. Perhaps he should firstcheck the rules to make sure that green Daleks areactually eligible to join the club!

Congratulations and thanks to Alan Foxwell of Knowle and Dorridge 41 Clubwho organised a coffee morning at home in aid of Macmillan's World's BiggestCoffee Morning. The event raised just over £1,000 which has been passed toMacmillan and will be included in the total raised by the club.A fuller account of the coffee morning will be in the November magazine.Well done Alan from all at National.

On-Line DonationsSeveral members have asked if they can make donations via the internet and canthey then add gift aid in order that Macmillan can claim back the tax?

The answer to both questions is YES. Donations can be made atwww.justgiving.com/41club-macmillan and if you are a private individual you canopt for gift aid. This means that the Chancellor will add a further 25% to thatdonation.

Nobody grows old merely by living anumber of years. We grow old bydeserting our ideals. Years may wrinklethe skin, but to give up enthusiasmwrinkles the soul. ~ Samuel Ullman

Page 4: October2013

Harpenden Go To Town

At Harpenden 41 Club we like to get out in the summer, so ata recent meeting we organised a guided walk in London. Yetanother glorious hot summers day saw us convene atHarpenden station where Train Monitor Alan Falconerorganised cheap group tickets and got us on the right train.Just across the road from the new south exit to Blackfriarsstation is the Doggetts Coat and Badge pub, where we met ourcolleagues already in town for work. There was time to standoutside and enjoy a pint. In fact, with the warm sun, 8 differentreal ales, and a continuous display of young ladies clad inlycra jogging past us, there was a move to simply stay thereinstead of starting our walk.However, Andy Rose galvanised the 24 of us and introducedus to our guide, Neil, who announced that we would be walkinground the Blackfriars area. We would stop at various pointsand be asked questions about that spot. If we got them wrong,we would have to commit a forfeit.Thus most of us ended up on Blackfriars bridge, singing“Jerusalem” to the commuters walking by, as we were unableto pick the correct answer (from a choice of two). In fact, wequite enjoyed it, and sang it again.

And so we went on, through alleyways and courtyards, hardlywalking on main roads at all, with fascinating facts, and equallyfascinating forfeits for wrong answers to Neil’s quiz questions.

We ended up on the south bank of the Millennium Bridge, andAlan McEvoy was the smartiepants who got most of thequestions right, earning him a nominal prize, and brief respectfrom the rest of us. Then we strolled along to a nearby Greekrestaurant, which was very busy but expecting us. It seemedthey weren’t expecting us to eat however, as it took 55 minutesfor our (cold salad and dip) starters to arrive. Eventually we allhad a good feed and a large discount was negotiated.A short stroll brought us back to Blackfriars, where ChairmanAndrew Cawthorpe took advantage of the 7 minute wait for thetrain to have a business meeting on platform 2.

Finally, the occupants of our carriage were treated to a PeterHubball joke session, which, thankfully, was clean, and funny!A super evening, and thanks to Andy Rose for organising it.Graham Wood, Harpenden 41 Club

To err is human

To ahh is piratical

Page 5: October2013

In last month's newsletter I asked for suggestions on how we can help individual clubsin their search for new members. The response has been a little disappointing; in factit has been absolutely zero. Does this mean that there is not a single club that needshelp recruiting new members? Is every club totally satisfied with their numbers andfind it easy get new members? I think not! So come on, please put your collectivethinking caps on and suggest ways in which we can work together to ensure that 41Club has a future and not just a past.











FOR  ALL  THE  INFORMATION  ON  THE  ENTIRE  EVENT  VISIT  OUR  WEBPAGE  www.41clubnerja.org  &  click  on  the  Iberian  Cluster  2014  Bu on

GentlemenRegion 20 Dinner – Oxford– Friday November 8th

2013, 7.30 for 8.00It is once again my great pleasure to invite you all to theRegion 20 Dinner which will again take place in thesuperb surroundings of The Hall at Exeter College in thecentre of the City of Oxford.With National President Martin Green, an exceptionalspeaker, a superb meal and an evening of greatfellowship. With reasonably priced Wine and Port whatmore can you want?The booking form can be downloaded from the 'What'sOn' section at www41club.orgYours in Continued Friendship

Frank Venables41 Club National Councillor Region 20

I am very pleased to see that Macmillan is your chosen charity. Iam writing to ask whether you could give publicity to the MacmillanMammoth Quiz. It seems to me that it might have a lot of appealfor us old codgers (as in people who cogitate). It is on 28thFebruary next year and you will no doubt be aware of it. I have runone in the name of HAWK 41 for the last two years, raising over£500.

Anna Webb sends out all the bumf and lots of advice - and thewhole package only costs £10. She has a Guinness World Recordset in 2012 for most simultaneous quizzes, and has raised over£100,000.

It would be great to have the extra boost that 41 can give toincrease participation / find organisers.

If it's already in your plans then apologies, but thank you, anyway,for reading this.


Peter Ryan, Hoylake & West Kirby 41 Club

Page 6: October2013

24th SEPTEMBER 1963, the inaugural meeting to formBridlington Past Table and which was celebrated 50 years tothe day on the 24th September 2013. A special presentationof an engraved tankard was made to Peter Holt, now in his90th year, who was elected the first Vice Chaiman at thatmeeting and is now a honorary member. His connection withthe Round Table/Past Table now totals 70 years - is this arecord?

The celebration dinner was attended by National PresidentMartin Green, Past National President Frank Bull from Whitbyin his 88th year, members of Bridlington Round Table 42,Bridlington 41's, many former members of Bridlington RT 42together with representatives from Past Tables in WestYorkshire. In fact, the number of decorations worn was quitedazzling!

As a memento of Martin's visit to Bridlington he was presentedwith a bowler hat by Chairman Mike Thompson wearing a tophat. In Bridlington Past Table it is a tradition, the reason forwhich is lost in the mists of time, to bring a bowler hat tobusiness meetings and the AGM which must be worn whenvotes are cast - no bowler, no vote - and the Chairman mustwear a top hat!

A typical Table meeting of fellowship and old friendshipsrenewed, culminating in a raffle which raised £200 for Martin'schosen charity - Macmillan Cancer Care.

Richard J Graves, Secretary, Bridlington Past Table

50 Years Of Bowler Hats !

Friday 25th October White Rose near Leeds

Friday 1st November Red Rose Dinner, Lytham StAnnes

Friday 8th November Region 20 Dinner, ExeterCollege, Oxford

Wednesday 11th December The Lamb at LeadenhallLondon Christmas Dinner

Monday 13th January Martin Young Cluster, Southend

Friday 28th February St David’s Day Dinner, Wrexham

Monday 3rd March Smethick Cluster

Wednesday 5th March Mid Wales Cluster

Thursday 6th March Region 21 Severnvale Dinner,Brickhampton Golf Club

Friday 7th March Dorset Knobs

Friday 14th March Region 4 Prince Bishops Dinner,Durham

dates For The Diary