Copyright © 2012 You Wealth Revolution. All rights reserved. October 22, 2012 Interview with Christie Marie Sheldon Ascending Past the Matrix: Choosing Unlimited Abundance

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Copyright © 2012 You Wealth Revolution. All rights reserved.

October 22, 2012

Interview with Christie Marie Sheldon

Ascending Past the Matrix: Choosing Unlimited Abundance

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Copyright © 2012 Om Freely. All rights reserved.

Darius: Hello and welcome, everyone. This is Darius Barazandeh. You're tuning into the You

Wealth Revolution Ascension 2012. This is the first call of a very special event. There's no question in my mind and no question in the minds of people all over the planet that we are entering a tremendous phase in our conscious evolution, a huge period of shift and transition. A lot of people have come forward to us and said, “Darius, what can the You Wealth community do to really accelerate the ascension process, to really take what we did in our event, in our movement and now elevate the planet in a bigger way.”

I want to share a few reasons why we are taking this on. It's really the biggest thing that I've ever tried to do and put my energy towards. I've got to say this is one of the biggest things that the community will ever do and that you are doing. When we all work together and flow together in this, things will shift in a big way. I want to talk about what our intention is, why we're doing it, why ascension is very different than anything else you may have been exposed to and exactly what is possible for all of us in this time. There's no doubt that we are very close, literally. Today is the 22nd of October 2012. We know that December 21st 2012 has some very amazing significance and several other key dates in December have some significance. A lot of people will mention many different dates, so I don't want to get hung up on one date versus the other, but what I will say is as we've gone down this journey we begin to realize very clearly since the 1960s this ascension energetic shift process has been happening. Every year it's been speeding up and here we are as a species on this planet and this final two-month stretch where literally there are opportunities for our transformation that people, that cultures, that human beings eons ago, centuries ago only could dream about. We literally right now have the potential magnetically and energetically to create such a quantum leap physically, mentally and spiritually in our evolution that it boggles the mind. Now I want you to imagine what would be possible in your life if you could harness the cosmic energy waves right now that are breaking up the low vibration all around this planet. What if you could directly feed into the higher-energy waves that are working and reaching the planet right now? These energy waves are fulfilling their cosmic mission to transform the energy of this planet. They are literally. If you imagine the ocean where the waves come at the beach in a never-ending fashion and those waves can break through and wear away even solid rock. Cosmic higher-energy waves scientists have said they have been coming at the earth and literally dissolving low vibration. That is what this ascension portal, this ascension timeline, is about. We are literally two months away from that climatic point. What we are going to do really has never been done before. We are bringing together one of the largest online communities close to 100,000 people and climbing. We are going to harness the power of this to literally shift your life. Now imagine what it would be like if you could just plug into this cosmic channel, to this new wave of vibration, this new ascension wave and change your life.

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What would it be like if you could literally dissolve past fears, doubts and if it was infinitely easier than it's ever been before? What would it be like if just by connecting to high energy you could absolutely transform your life and tap into intuition, powers you didn't realize you had, knowledge that for centuries had been kept from human beings and animals. What if you could activate the DNA that's lain dormant in the human species for centuries? Studies have concluded that 90% of our DNA is dormant. It is waiting for an activation to turn it on. What would your life be like if you were one of the first few on the planet to begin to unfold, unwind and uncurl that DNA, that DNA that is your birthright, that is your power, that is everything you've always been. It's the gift inside that you know that you've known always was yours. I believe and I've traveled around and I've seen so many people right now dealing with frustration and some pain and some worry and some wondering what their life's going to be like. Yet, I've seen other people who've activated this who literally have been creating the lives of their dreams. I began with a very crazy idea to some, maybe a really dangerous idea, maybe a really controversial idea. I thought what if we could use the huge power of the largest event in history, The You Wealth Revolution, and we know what's coming and we know we're in this ascension portal and what if we could take all of this energy and we could all work together? That we could all hold each other’s hands and heart and we could raise up and lift up together and in doing so we could transform everyone in this group using the amazing truth that we know through science and quantum physics shift the planet. What if our moment in history is right now? What if one simple action you take right now could change the world forever? Is that a crazy idea or is it an idea that's time has come? Well, this is what we're doing and we decided to take it up a whole other level because we thought, well, what if we brought together some of the most conscious, most powerful transformational leaders on the planet and we told them of this mission. We let them know what we were doing to change the education system, which is one of my big missions, to change the vibration of the planet, to change the vibration of money, to change the vibration of health, to change the vibration of abundance and we ask them to be part of this as well. We ask them to share in the ascension circle and to literally connect you to the circle and shift your energy every day. What if we set the intention that every day as we move into December 21st, 2012, we literally magnify this energy? Can you feel in your body where that is starting to tingle? Can you feel the DNA start to unwind? What if what we did here was so large, so big, so amazing that nothing on the planet could stop it, that what we created here today, The You Wealth Revolution Ascension 2012, would change your life forever. That idea is what moves mountains, that idea, is what changes worlds. I want to share a few things that have been predicted. There's no doubt that wherever we are right now as we move into this December 2012 date our intention energy will get stronger and stronger. If our life here has been about scarcity or lack or fear or we're still holding on to that energy, literally those vibrational pulses will get stronger and stronger in our life.

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For everybody here, Joseph and Chris and Judy and Elizabeth and Cecilia and Yvonne and Jeffrey and Hope, and all of you that know inside your heart that you have a gift, that pulse of, that push of that life that you know is yours will get stronger and stronger. At the same time, the reason this is vital to me, the reason I am literally putting everything on the line for this event is because I know as well that whatever low vibration is holding you back or trying to hold you back, it will continue to be a strong pulse and will get stronger and stronger until one thing happens one thing. I'm giggling because it's the most beautiful thing in the world. Until you rebirth and ascend into what you've always been and when that happens absolutely through this climatic event, you will shift and this is what we're here to do. For many people on this call, 2012, December specifically, and we move through, this vortex will be a huge shift. It's going to be the beginning of a new time, a beginning of a new age and for all of you on this call who really tap into what we're doing and you just listen in, you tune in, you plug into the clearing work we're going to do, to the work Christie Marie's going to do and Derek's going to do and Rica's going to do and Ann's going to do and Mas is going to do and Mashhur, everyone that's here to share in this movement, we are going to break up that energy. We are going to give you the ascension power and we're going to magnify it in a way that's never been done before. We want you to be a fully expanded vessel because it's your birthright and we're going to give you everything that you know is yours. I want to get to different questions people have, but first, what I want to do is part of what we'll be doing very much if you are on the Ascension 2012 email list and you were part of our Shift 2012 event, which literally, I've got to say, we have hundreds and hundreds of emails, literally thousands of emails where people's lives shift and irrevocably altered. What we noticed, which was shocking to me, was that as we did the intention circles, as we expanded the heart and we opened people up to this energy, as we moved through this event more and more, people's lives starting shifting. The pulses, the resonances, the transformation got stronger, stronger and even stronger. Now, what I realized was that we tapped into something very, very powerful, something never done before and what I learned was we could do something even bigger and better. I've got to tell you it looks like Christie Marie just climbed on the line. She's going to be part of our first ascension circle. Everybody, if you're feeling your energy start to tingle it's because Christie Marie is here. I want to do this. We're going to start with an ascension exercise and what I want to do for everybody is I want to do a miraculous ascension clearing. I want to really set the stage for what we're going to do and what our procedure will be. Just like last time, we'll get on ten minutes early and we are going to do an ascension circle clearing and an ascension elevation exercise. The goal is not just to clear your energy, but to literally raise your energy to reach – and please write this down or just really get this in your heart – to reach the higher-energy waves that are coming, the cosmic waves that are coming at the planet right now. There is high vibrational energy that is trying to reach the planet. We are high vibrational beings who have been trying

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to reach that energy like plants trying to grow to the sun. What if we created a cosmic channel, a cosmic portal to go straight into that higher vibrational energy? It's different than anyone else has ever attempted. It's never been attempted that I know of on this scale. It's different than anything else you may ever hear about. Let's do it. This is our moment in history. This is my promise to you. I'm going to give everything I have to give you, Hope, to give you, Joseph, to give you, Ursula, to give you, Nelson, to give all of you, Bob, Marjorie, Cal, Brian, Elizabeth, Judy and the literal thousands of people that I can't name that are on the power that's always been yours. There may be things that try to come against us, that try to stop us from this because there's low vibrational forces that are going to be pulling us magnetically down toward that energy, there's no doubt about that. I mean it's just true there is low vibrational energy. However, we know one thing and then we're going to start the ascension work that you cannot – and please write this down – if you have a light room, a light that is filled with sun, a room full of sun that is beautiful, you cannot bring a candle of darkness into that light room and make it dark. We are inexorably and essentially filled with light, filled with love, filled with goodness, filled with this high vibrational cosmic ascension energy. We can't bring a candle of darkness into that place and darken it. It’s impossible. However, what we can do, what we know is true and the laws of physics are very clear, that if there is a dark place, if there is a dark spot in our energy field, if there is a space where we are still holding on to fear or doubt or worry, it takes one candle, one flicker of light, to irrevocably remove that darkness forever. Welcome to the You Wealth Revolution Ascension 2012 we are going to be begin. We have Christie Marie on. We're going to be starting with her in literally six minutes and we're going to do a six-minute ascension clearing, so if you're in the right place at the right time you are here and there is a reason you're here. If you're driving, I would recommend you do not do this exercise. If you are present and in a place you can do so safely, what I would do is I would just sit down and take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth and take another deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. Now we're going to do something very different. Let's take a deep breath in, but instead of doing it through our nose, let's take a deep breath in through our heart. Yes, through our heart. Breathe in through your heart and that energy may come through your nose, but feel the heart opening up breathe in. As we exhale anything, our low energy in our heart space, we are going to release out to be purified, flash burned and cleared. Take a deep breath in through your nose expanding your heart and as we exhale, any low vibrational energy gets flash burned, cleared and released. Now let's focus in on the area of our feet and ankles and we're going to release any and all energy that is low vibration that is not of our divine inheritance in the area of our feet and ankles no matter how long it's been there, no matter what source, no matter how it is swirled about our DNA, no matter how it is blocking our DNA. We are now using this cosmic energy of the ascension portal to release this low vibrational energy in our feet and ankles and we release it right now. Now, we are going to call

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into that space the high vibrational energy of the portal and this portal is sealed. It can only bring in high vibrational energy into our feet and ankles and feel it coming in. I can see we just got a comment in someone said, “Oh my gosh, I'm feeling this. It's incredible, Darius, keep going.” Okay, we are going to keep going and we are not able to stop because we are in our true space now. Let's look at the area of our knees and our thighs and our hips. Whatever energy has been locked there, even if it's been for centuries, even if it's been from DNA that we inherited, even if it's been from things not of our own choosing, we are going to send that back to source. We are going to release that through the cosmic energy portal of the ascension portal and let it go. We are going to purify, burn, clear, heal that energy it is now gone. What do you feel in your hips, knees and thighs? We've returned it back to source. Now through the portal we are going to bring into us the energy that is ours in our hips, knees and thighs. Feel it coming in. Breathe it in and feel that tingling. I'm feeling it. It's quite unbelievable, actually. Okay and now we're going to move to the area of our stomach, chest and throat. Anything that is holding us back we are going to send out through the portal that low vibrational energy, we're just sending it back to source. It's being cleared as we speak. Feel that chest, that solar plexus begin to expand that energy ascension is coming through. Now breathe in that higher vibration right into your spleen, into your solar plexus. Feel it coming in. I am feeling my heart expand. I'm feeling a lot of connection. Breathe into your heart chakra everything that you've been, everything that you desire, everything that you know you are, breathe it in right now. Feel it turning on the DNA that's waiting to be turned on. Feel it activating those parts of you that have been waiting to be activated.

Now the area of your throat and crown, we're going to do both of these together

because I want whatever is in your throat in your message to come out through your crown into the universe in one giant ascension shift. Anything that’s been blocking your throat or your crown, any low vibration energy whether through your own lifetime or through inheritance in your DNA, we are sending that energy out through the portal, through time and space to be clarified, cleared, flash burned and released and healed. It is happening right now. Feel what's coming up through your throat, feel the words, feel the truth, feel your truth.

I know some people are feeling an energetic release. There's some crying. I know it's coming. It's okay. We're here for you. We love you and we support you. It is your time now. This is between you and your divine inheritance, your destiny. Send it out and feel what's coming into your throat now – a new voice, a new fresh perspective, a new possibility. Bring in through the ascension portal your new truth. It's been traveling for eons to reach you at the speed of light. Feel it come in. Make note of what it is, what it's saying to you and explode that out now through your crown and send it out into the world into all time and space for the whole planet to feel and vibrate and know it is your truth. It is straight up the hour. It is October 22nd 2012. We are less than two months away from one of the most catechismic shifts this planet will ever experience and we are on the forefront. We are the pioneers. We are the Ascension 2012 circle.

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Let's get ready. Christie Marie is on and we are going to get started. Thank you, everyone. I love you. I care about you and through the power of all of you I can make it through this journey as well. I am just as dependent on you and your amazing power as we all are and that is our truth. Alright, well, I am excited. I feel that it is unbelievable and a dream that started with just an idea months ago is now a reality. All of you have that power. What I first want to do is…so we can literally just blast the whole world with this energy and literally I want to clog up the systems of media and clog up the systems of social networking and exchange. Go to www.youwealthrevolution.com/now and we have on that page a Facebook sharing application. Share with the world exactly what we are doing and you can share on Facebook. We know through Facebook we have the ability to reach millions and millions of people and this is what all of these technologies have been culminating. There's no doubt that everything is getting smaller and smaller. This is why we are able to literally transform the world. Share this on Facebook and we can invite so many people into the circle. We have an incredible guest who has been listening in and has been raising the vibration of this group and clearing it as we speak. It is Christie Marie Sheldon. She is an intuitive healer. She's the author of The Unlimited Abundance and the Love or Above Spiritual Tool Kit. She's been using her spiritual gifts to guide us to manifest the reality of our dreams for 2012 and in this ascension time she is going to help us today and through this entire ascension journey to literally open up our awareness, to literally open up our energetic frequency and to activate and ascend into our spiritual gifts so that we can be the energy of ascension to others. We also are going to release any energy that is holding us back. Our DNA literally is waiting like a fully fertilized seed that is waiting to burst through the ground and soak in the beautiful rich energy of the sun. Our sun is this cosmic energy that's coming for us that is breaking the energy. Christie Marie is here. She has done over 10,000 consultations personally breaking up this energy. She has elevated her energy for this event to a whole other level and that is literally like putting huge magnification energy on something that is beyond description. I am ready to just blast off today and really take this to a whole other level, so let's do this, everyone, just take a deep breath in through your nose and breathe out through your heart and now let's take a deep breath in through our heart space and out and feel the ascension energy coming in as those cosmic waves reach us and reach us and reach us and, without further ado, we are going to begin. Christie Marie Sheldon, welcome to the You Wealth Revolution Ascension 2012. It is a pleasure and honor to have you here.

Christie: It is so exciting to be here with all these open-hearted people. I mean I love the vibe

already. Thank you so much for setting such an amazing stage for all of us. I love it. Darius: We are all taking everything to a whole other level. This is such an incredible group. I

want to maybe start, as we have just broken things wide open with this circle, what are

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we moving towards in the next two to three months? I want to get your perspective, what you're feeling energetically from the planet and what we're moving towards and then I may have a follow up on the energy of this group right now, but first, what are we moving towards and what's going on?

Christie: Well, I just think it's a divine wake-up call for everybody. I mean, look, we all have this

innate perspective when we show up here on the planet like I know I could be capable of move. I know I should be doing more. I know that there's more greatness in me. I just look at this as this is the invitation and everybody on this phone call knows that you have support. It’s things like this that will support bringing in the higher vibrational positive energy that's going to help you shift.

I think one of the more important things to do for everybody listening is that you know how you helped everybody kind of connect to the light and bring in the energy, I think it's important for us to as individuals stay in balance with the flow so that we're choosing the alignment of light and love at all times versus sometimes people try to like pull all the energy towards them. That's okay, but also makes sure you're bringing in the light or your channel for this pure light. I find that we often clear a lot of our blocks and stuff like just by being – I call it ABC – always being connected. If we can live in this energy of always being connected and allowing the light to channel through us, we'll be filled up and we'll get what it is that we need and want. Sometimes the planet needs our help to like being a beacon of light and love so that we don't always just like pull things from it. Like wouldn't it be cool if we added to the experience of everybody on it. That's my perspective.

Darius: Okay and for this group here as we're here gathering in the first ascension call, I mean

what is the energy that you're feeling in this group and in terms of ascension where are we at and what is the energy that you're picking up from this group right now?

Christie: I actually hear anticipation, expectation. There's a little bit of…we can all feel this a

little bit. There's a little bit of fear underneath, a little bit, but it's getting pushed out the more that we add light. I just feel like everybody here knows that there's something better and new and exciting and they just want to be a part of it.

Darius: Right, yes. Christie: It's kind of like I always say you should connect a group of givers and have them all

hook up and give to each other. That's pretty much what it feels like – a group of givers all bringing in a lot of light and choosing something more profound than what their current experience is.

Darius: Yeah and I believe I have this undying belief and some people will call me an idealist,

but I think I'm an intuitive that knows that everybody here has a tremendous mission that is bigger than anything they can imagine and it may just be raising the most beautiful child they possibly could and maybe changing the world, but it is so much bigger than any of the energy around them and they know it that's why they're here. They know they have something amazing.

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I want to talk about this idea of abundance and attraction of abundance from the perspective of really living the life and being in that place energetically that you know you need to be. When you look at someone's energy field, when you look at this and where we're moving toward in 2012 and we know these cosmic waves are reaching people of high vibration, that's why they're lives are shifting like this. They’re just tapping into that energy and other people are blocked from it. When you look at someone's energy, what is keeping them from reaching that high vibration energy that is trying to reach them and come through them?

Christie: It's basically these inherited and agreed upon and patterns that they have ingested

inside themselves so imagine if you can for a perspective is you have this reality field and it really is more expanded than the bubble but for right now let's just call it reality bubble. This reality bubble that goes with you this field influences everything that is either brought into your life or repelled from your life. How is this reality bubble created? Well, it's created from all your thoughts, your feelings, your decisions and one of the most profound things that I would've never, ever, ever understood unless I had worked on so many people it was the greatest gift that ever happened for me.

Most of these patterns are pretty much imprinted in us before the age of seven to ten you know depends on the various individual. We could be thinking and I've seen this you know somebody could be 50-year old and their like I'm blocked in my abundance but when I trace back what that pattern is that overlay in their field where it goes to is could be watching Mom and Dad stress about money. Here these people have been like you know I hear this all time, “Christie; I've been working on myself for 20 years; I've been working on myself for 10 years; I've been working on myself and it still won't shift.”

It's because you haven't found like that root thing, you know it's like you haven't got all

the tendrils out and usually it's before the age of you know seven. This imprint so when I look at somebody's field they light up like a Christmas tree. They could be talking about anything it doesn't even matter it could be how much in love they are with somebody, or it could be their abundance or money. The field will start resonating like light or shadows and dark and the shadows and dark are these patterns or overlays. Ideally, what our field of influence would look like is just really a flow of light both towards us and through us and out from us, right. We give as much as we receive, that we're open to both flows.

Some people have patterns that are…how many of you listening, for instance, have ever said when somebody gave you gift, “Oh, you didn't have to do that?” Well, in that moment you're not an excellent receiver. It could have been that you were imprinted or taught at a very young age, “Honey, be very humble. Don't ask for things.” I grew up a very good Catholic, so I was taught don't ask for things when you go over to anybody's house. Thank them, but don't really let them give you too much, etc. etc. right. What would that have taught me in my flow of abundance? It would have taught me don't really ask for things, don't be a pest and later on in my life it manifested into me being afraid to literally ask for help from the universe or anybody.

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These are the barriers that start to kind of imprint on us and we can be X amount of years old later on and we don't know. We talk inside our self and we go, “What's my problem?” Well, the problem is you've accidently ingested, agreed to and aligned to these patterns. Nothing can happen to us unless we align or agree with it and as little people, we want Mom and Dad's love and we want love from the people around us, so we soak in their stuff so that we can be more like them. So, therefore, they will hopefully feed us and love us and care of us and do all those good things.

Darius: Two things I got from what you said, Christie. One was we align or agree with certain

patterns and there's this new energy pattern coming online and some people are still aligning and agreeing with the old pattern because this is the only thing they know. The other thing that blew me away that I think is relevant here is the asking, is that if we simply get cleared to ask for the abundance that is ours, the higher vibrational energy…I believe the cosmic waves hitting the earth are coming in to really plug us in to really activate the abundance in the whole sense of the word. We can have it if we ask.

However, that asking, many times people are blocked. What are some of the hidden things that block us? Even if we ask we don't necessarily get there and maybe I'd love to do some clearing. First of all, we have so many people on the call I want to do some clearing for people based on what you're sensing as blocks, so they can really tap into this energy.

Christie: Yeah. No, it's my pleasure to help everybody clear today, so I'm excited. I'm excited

about that, but some of the blocks, for instance, okay, let's just say you grew up in a certain culture or family where you learned that the root of all evil is money, okay. Let's just talk very…because I always look at money as money is a neutral source, but if we spend it in a way that enhances our life, it's a love filled gift, right. If we spend it in ways that detract from our life, it's not so fun, okay. If we have this whole belief, the love of money is the root of all evil, then we can't what happens later in our life is we want to be good at our source.

I believe that all people at the source of us want to be good and loved and cared for. Why would I want to take that cash or use that cash or create it in my life because I would rather be good and loved and cared for than be the rich, greedy person or the person who loves money. In my experience and my reality, I absolutely love money, like I think it brings me freedom, right, that one belief and see how that can be like engrained in the culture of the whole family. You have a whole pod of people that are all vibe-ing this whole thing about you can't be rich and get in heaven. Everybody wants to get to heaven. We don't want to disappoint God, Universe, Source or any of those things, so it even goes to a deeper level. The main ways that people will cut off their flow is really about love. We don't want to disappoint usually our parent or our mates or Source or Universe. If it ties into that one, that's one of the major, major blocks that people have with abundance or that you can't be spiritual and have money, that's another example, right.

Darius: Exactly, exactly and I mean as we talk about this money or this exchange as we're

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moving into 2012, what is the energy that you're feeling with regards to 2012 and money? Is there a special energetic blend now where this is coming together in some way or where it's especially important? To me, money is just a form of energy and if we're blocked to any energy as we move into 2012 we're going to experience more chaotic resonance around that certain stuck energy pattern. It's really just a symbol of another energy form that we want to definitely clear and be able to receive, correct?

Christie: Yeah, yeah. No, absolutely. Well, first off, if everyone can get a picture of the planet

now versus 50 years ago, more and more businesses and people are actually tying philanthropy into their business endeavors, you know what I mean? They'll start a business. They'll donate 5% to this fund or this fund or this fund. The energy of ascension really supports the belief. Now watch this belief that I have more than enough. If I have more than enough, I can happily share it and give it and be generous with because I have more than enough. That's really what the energy is called to be, but often people are stuck in the old paradigm and they're like, oh my God. If you grew up I'm broke, what do you think I am made of money, we don't have enough, honey, you have all of those kind of paradigms that are impinging on you and that's what's playing out.

My clients who have really worked on clearing their abundance…see, even if you worked on it for 20 years, I can promise you that some of the tools that I'm sharing with people, you can shift it within a short time like a month, six weeks, a couple days, whatever. I've had people on these clearing calls who’ve sent me emails saying, “Gosh, I cleared this one block that I never really realized I had after your call and then I got abundance in three days.” It doesn’t have to be a long time as long as and you have the key here, Darius, is we're bringing in the higher ascension energy. That's really, truly the difference. You need a high enough vibration to come in to pull out the old paradigm and for whatever reason sometimes people can't do it on their own. They think or they have a belief like that or they don't want to be greedy with the energies, so they don't bring it in enough. All of us here can support the growth of that, for sure.

Darius: Well, I want to do this. We have Delene from Cape Town. We have literally over like

hundreds of people writing in and she says, “I've not been able to shift into abundance. Please can we help break down these walls?” For many of you I feel this and I want to break down these walls because, believe me, this energy of abundance, of this new shift paradigm, this new ascension is trying to reach you and we are stopping it. Christie, let's maybe get started with some clearing based on where you think we need to go and what you're feeling from the group. Can we do that?

Christie: Yeah, yeah and did you say her name was Eileen, by chance, is that what you said? Darius: I've never heard this name before – Delene, D-E-L-E-N-E. Christie: See, now, the first thing, because I'm so intuitive my brain automatically goes for the

block, but the first thing just because you're listening is it feels like it attached more to her father and it has something to do more around contracts that she has with her

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father or getting him to help her or take care of her or love her or something. That's where her block is, but let's do the whole group, for sure.

Okay, so if everybody wants to close your eyes. Obviously, if you're driving you can't close your eyes. Pull over. Everybody take your energy up to 300 feet above your head where there's literally like a dimension a portal. We all intuitively know where this dimension and portal is because whenever we connect or close our eyes or pray or meditate, this is where our energy naturally goes to. Everybody knows where home is. Take your energy up and see, sense or feel the light and allow this light just to kind of open and I like to picture it like a vortex. So it just kind of comes in and kind of rotor rooters everything out of it with this light.

Allow this light to come through your crown opening up the connection between you and this abundance field, this abundant field of influences. Generous and kind and helpful and aware and will happily show you any block that you have in the way, so you can eliminate it today. Allow that light to show up through your crown and into your third eye so you can see the truth about where your blocks are, where you're still stuck even if you've been working on it for a long, long time. Today's the day.

Allow this light to come through your ears, so you can get guidance and allow the light to come through your throat. Now it's kind of interesting to me that our throat is the smallest channel, right, but it's the connection between our heart and our head. We really need to open up this channel so that we communicate from a very balanced way between our heart and our head and our intuitive guidance and our knowing. Allow the light to just kind of rotor rooter just a little vortex through your throat, opening it up so that channel’s very open, very aligned, very balanced. I can feel somebody, some people…a lot of women will hold a little bit more than men – I'm not sure why – will hold a little more anger in their throat, so I can feel that sadness coming leaving some people. Okay, allow the light to come into your heart center, yes, opening up your ability to have compassion. You know what? Just thank your previous experience. Thank you for showing up, thank you, thank you, thank you, but now I'm ready and willing and able to jump into the next paradigm, ready to blow up the bridge and just be in a new space, okay. Allow this light to come into your solar plexus where all your nerve centers are. Any of you who have ever felt dejected, rejected, a little sucker punched, a little taken off like shocked, any of those kind of feelings that are in that area just allow light to just sort of vortex its way through there saying, “Bye-bye. Thank you so much, but I am ready to be balanced and whole and healed and loved and cared for.”

Allow this light to come into your stomach area opening up the places where you feel powerless. Some people have a chakra in that system. That part that looks a little deflated like a tire that's deflated, so we want to poof that up – a very technical term –fill that so that you have the power, the drive, the capabilities, the awareness, all your talents. We're going to ask our talents to open up – the will, all the light to come into your root so that you can actually be literally grounded in a new world, the higher version of yourself. If you're standing in this old kind of gunky stuff, this old reality field, what would it be like for you guys to be able to just literally kind of jump into a new

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world. We clean out the root, it'll allow us to do that. Allow the light to come all the way through your legs. I like to connect to the center of the planet because there's actually a field or a dimension in the center that feels like mama's love, like the divine mother love, the source energy of I'm supported, I'm cared for, I'm quite all right as I am, I am good to go. Imagine what it would be like to literally be completely supported, whatever that feeling means for you guys. Alright, when you're ready, I'd like to take it like an elevator ride back up. So once you've connected, just kind of again open it up so that literally a vortex, a little elevator vortex comes right back up into your legs, into your feet, your legs, your hips and straight back up into your heart. I like to fill my field of energy from my heart so I'm connected now from above and below. Imagine that in your heart you have a 360 degree sunshine of light coming from above and below and then just fill your field and expand it out about 20, 30, 40 feet. Now the more abundant you are the bigger your field of influence will be. If you're abundant, you're willing to be the light or the catalyst that changes the space in your house, the space in your family, the space in your room. Now you're not necessarily willing to change for another person, but your energy is just being the vibration of ascension, being the higher vibration of change and consciousness and fun and love and abundance and all those good things.

What I'm feeling from the group is I want everybody to just imagine whatever your

last…kind of do this a little bit in your head as close as you can without thinking too much. Take the last five years’ income, whatever that is, okay. Notice the word ‘income,’ right – incoming energy that you're allowing and whatever that five years is I want to divide it by five and that's about how much energy in the form of money you'll allow in your life that's kind of your limit in a way. A limit, that's why I use the terms unlimited abundance because wouldn't it be cool if it was unlimited, if it was fully open?

Whatever that number, that magic number for you guys is let's – I like to say –transmute because it instantly vaporizes it. It kind of like blows up that old bridge and you can't transform and transform seems arduous sometimes or hard. We're going to just transmute it and clear it and evaporate it and de-stable it and we're done with it across all time, dimension, space and reality. Whatever that limit is, now you'll have stories or beliefs or realizations of why you chose that limit. I'm going to ask you this question because we're going to go to the root of it. What was the first age that you guys decided to start limiting how much income you were allowing into your life? Maybe you heard something from your family or maybe somebody was jealous or made you feel wrong about your income, whatever that is, okay. Whatever age came up for you, there's probably myriads of other patterns kind of laid on top of that. So we're going to ask that all of them, okay, because it's not usually one story that we buy the first time. It's usually hundreds of them, but all of those stories, will you please transmute and clear across all time, dimensions, space and reality. Okay, that was a good one. All those stories where you first started the limit of incoming energy, incoming abundance, incoming cash, okay, transmute and clear it across all time,

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dimension, space and reality.

Now let's work on debt for a minute. There is debt that we can take on that will increase our income eventually, right, and then there is debt that keeps us in jail because we're taking our future earning power, like basically whatever we spend now in the future we have to work it off, which is pretty much like being in jail. You've just now locked in your future to pay off for something in the past so you've created this kind of funny time warp. I want you to think about, again, just do that magic formula of the last five years’ amount of debt on average that you accumulated per year then divide that by five. Okay, now I know some people are going, “Well, do I include my house debt,” or “Do I include my credit card debt,” but again, I would just include both of it if you have a question because we're going to get rid of it, so might as well include both. Okay so whatever that number is that you kind of put yourself in jail in every year for will you please, please, please transmute and clear it across all time, dimension, space and reality. It's a lot of energy here a lot. Okay, so I can feel you guys have a lot of guilt, a lot of shame, a lot of let down a lot of like…the two lowest energies are guilt and shame. So we got a lot on this, so I'm really glad I pulled it up. Okay, so all the guilt and shame, you guys, alright, time to let go anguish, pain, trauma. Okay, transmute and clear it across time, dimension, space and reality.

Now what's the first age in which you started to accumulate debt? Now this is an interesting question because it might even be emotional debt that comes to mind. Whatever person, place, thing, idea, event that you started indebting yourself to at the very first age, what age is that? Okay, interesting. Most people started to become in debt because they thought it was good is what I'm a feeling in the room, so to speak. Okay so everything is will you guys transmute it and clear it across all time, dimension, space and reality. Any other energetic debt that you guys are holding that's basically barring you from your abundance at some very easy level, would you transmute and clear across all time, dimension, space, reality.

Now I can feel another layer in people of anger, just shear distress fear and anger regarding this whole being in debt. That energy will really kind of lock people up in handcuffs, so that's really what that energy does. Okay, so everything that is everywhere, you guys, like you're in handcuffs and you’re angry about it, torn about it, terrified about and all your justifications about why it was good to do, okay, because you had talked yourself into at some level. So all the reasons why it was a good idea, will you please transmute and clear it across all time, dimension, space and reality. Lot of justifiers, you guys justify your debt very well. There are lots of stories about that. Okay, one more time – transmute and clear it across all time, dimension, space and reality.

I'm trying to bring in a lightness to it. I can feel some people are getting a little irritated when I'm bringing this energy up. If you’re one of the ones that's getting irritated with this energy, just kind of really like think of expanding and letting in a lot more energy right now, okay. So today's the day you can be over it. Today's the day you let it go. Today's the day the debt energy cycle can end, okay. Everything that is, just

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transmute and clear it across all time, dimension, space and reality. I've had people change their whole debt situation, in literally a couple months' pay off their houses in a couple months.

Okay, yeah. Okay, so I hear let's bring in, let's just activate. So sometimes it was clearing energy and sometimes addition energy. Let's bring in the energy that like a magic wand in some ways opens up all your gifts, your talents, your abilities to create and generate a lot of income. Think about asking the universe what would it take for you to bring to me a lot of income, what would it like for you to open the door to my new abundance, what would it take for you to right now give me a download, an answer, an explanation, a direction, a know-how in bringing in extra income?

Now sometimes it'll come in the form of common sense, but sometimes people think, well, it’s common sense, but it could be your intuitive hit. So be open to however it comes to you. So right now if you were going bring in an extra ten, twenty thousand dollars, okay, ask yourself. Just allow it kind of burble up in your head what is one thing I could do right now to bring in an extra ten to twenty thousand dollars? What is the one thing I could do right now to bring in an extra ten to twenty thousand dollars?

Okay, now if you didn't have an answer in your head in two seconds, that's okay. I actually watched all you guys kind of receive the download. So it might come in the form of a dream or a sign or a friend telling you something, okay. Just be open. Universe, please show me no matter what it takes even if I'm hard headed, right, even if I'm hard headed figure out a way to show me. I am open to the receipt of the information. I am open to the receipt of the know-how. I am open to the receipt of the exact person, place, thing, idea or event that is going to open the door for abundance to me. Okay that feels pretty good. I kind of felt you guy's kind of click in. Your homework is to really just keep asking the universe please show me and you can pick any number. I just picked out that number because I think people would be very cheerful if an extra ten, twenty grand showed up from somewhere. You can pick any number you would like to invite in and just really work with the invitation of asking for that to show up and then receiving the valuable knowledge and know-how on how to make that happen. I always believe in the premise of you have to take massive action. You can't just say, “I want to win the lottery,” and not go in and buy the lottery ticket. Somewhere you have to maybe do something or even if a friend buys it for you, you still have to open your hand to receive it. There's some action that has to happen.

Okay and when you guys are ready, just send a blessing to everybody on this call and everybody who listens to any future recording of this gets exactly what they came here to get. Gets the exact door opened, gets the exact block cleared, gets the exact awareness to open whatever it is. Okay, cool, I felt that. Go ahead.

Darius: It's like I'm feeling kind of just more space things coming in where there's so much more space available for people and lots of people will say, “Well, Darius, what does money have to do with this 2012?” Money is essentially for a lot of us. It is just a representation of a certain stuck energy in our life. I have a lot of friends that have an abundance block to money, but they also have a block to love because they have a

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self-love issue. So the money just plays out as like this physical manifestation or lack of manifestation of something. Whatever it is your block, heal that, whatever it is and we are releasing it with Christie. Christie, what shifted on the call for people as you're kind of now looking out into the energy of the group? What's different right now from when we started? We started pretty high. Where are we now?

Christie: What's really fascinating is remember how I said that my little psychic clue is I look

under everybody's feet to see if they're in the same reality bubble. First, when I asked that everybody get whatever they need, like some people weren't letting go all the way, but everybody just finally like – whoosh – and this energy under everybody's feet kind of opened. You said you felt more space, but yeah, that's another thing is everybody kind of jumped to a different reality. I agree with you.

The reason I focus on abundance is literally because I mean I've seen mates and marriages and families just completely fall apart because they have a deep love for each other, but this one thing called abundance is the sticky point where everybody fights. It's just not healthy because it, too, is just energy that can shift and change families. You're not just changing one person. If you affect a family, you're changing every person in that family and then the ripple effect that goes out into the future.

Darius: Well, we are so much destined for more and it is our birthright. It is our energy and it's

reaching us. It's coming through us. I have a quick question from Moria and so many people on this call can…all of you, when I said I want you to remember was there a time when you were so clear and so pure and that energy was reaching you and your life was like this, here's what Moria said from Ashton. She said, “Hey Darius and Christie, when I was young I knew everything and I was able to manifest instantaneously whatever I focused on. Then I cut myself off from that and the natural ability when I noticed…” oh my gosh, this is big, “that no one else was capable of allowing themselves to live that way. I felt guilty that life was so easy for me.” Christie?

Christie: She just nailed my biggest block, too. That was my biggest block. I watched myself be

totally in tune with everything and manifesting so easy and even throughout my life like I would shut it down and make it hard. Thank you for bringing that up because a lot of people have that block. I think we're all psychic sponges and we're open and we know really what to do and then we look at all the craziness and then we think maybe I'm the one that’s crazy and everybody else is sane. The moment you have that thought, you just accidentally bought into their stuff. Everybody on the call right now, let's just open that back up.

Think of the first moment you just thought, oh, this is too easy, maybe I'm going to get caught or maybe – I don't know – maybe I'm wrong or maybe people won't love or like me if I just am a show off and I just show up and become abundant and happy and loved and cared for. Anywhere you guys shut off, let's just transmute and clear it across all time, dimension, space and reality. Whoo, okay, then let's just open back up all that knowing, all that knowing of, wow, it just really is this easy. I don't have to complicate it like everybody around me. Alright, cool. Whoo, I love it, you guys are really receptive. Yeah, it's a really good field now. I love it. Thanks for bringing that up.

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Darius: Well, yeah, I want people to get back to that energy and, again, this is the path where we're in the natural flow and things become very, very automatic when we want them the manifestations happen very quickly. I want to maybe go through some of the things that are blocking people because I think if we're aware and we can begin to move that energy on this call and shift it as a group. I believe we can have some tremendous transformations, which is my goal. What are some of the common abundance blocks and the money abundance you talked about, but also the block to some other things – relational and health as well? What are some of the common things that you see blocking people? Then I'd love to get another clearing as well on the tail end of this because I think we're definitely going to shift some huge energy right now.

Christie: Yeah, well, one of the main blocks is fear of change, which is kind of funny. I always

look at it like our cells are vibrating. We have molecules and atoms and protons and everything on us is actually changing. My perspective is I think it actually would feel harder to keep everything solid and in place. Doesn't that feel a lot harder because the fact is everything is changing. What happens is people just really solidify into their stories and their identities like I'm a woman, I am a man and because I am a man I have all these definitions that go along with that, right. We have this definition about what a mom is, a sister is, a husband is, a business person is and then we conform ourselves into that.

What if everybody on this call was thinking more about how can I just be the catalyst in that arena while fully being myself and just doing it the way I do it? Kind of like we were talking about manifesting, making it easy. If you go into business and you notice that business is hard, what if you're the catalyst that says, no, I'm going to do business easy. What if you're the mom who watches other moms struggle? What if you’re the mom who says, “Wow, I'm going to make growing up my kid easy, I'm going to be totally in tune to whatever they need and the vibration in my family is going to change because change is possible?”

One of the bigger blocks is people are afraid of change. Let's just clear it. It's like I don't want to talk about it because it's sort of like everybody's going…so everybody on the call who has a little block or fear about changing or being different or standing out or looking different or I hear being weird…I always laugh at that. If you look up the definition of weird it means supernatural and that's one of the definitions and I thought, well, gosh, we're all supernatural. We're all super naturally. Okay, so wherever you guys are afraid of change, let's transmute and change that and clear that across all time, dimension, space and reality. Yeah, so that's one.

Darius, I'm sure you've seen this with a lot of people, often people are wishy-washy, actually, because they don't want to commit to manifesting something because they decided somewhere along the way, this is a block. Well, I'm not going to have it or it's going to be too hard or what if we really ask for it and then I don't get it then I'm going to be heartbroken. They put all these barriers so that they won't even really ask for what they want. They'll instead settle with some other limit or choose to be indecisive or wishy-washy. That's one of the major barriers that I see with people doing. How many people on the phone call have kind of given up a little, are stuck back in time

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going, gosh, if I really asked for that then I might get it or then I might not get it? Let's transmute and clear that across all time, dimension, space and reality.

There's a lot of interesting blocks. How many people on this phone call, for instance, have felt like you're a victim? That so many things have happened to you that you don't think you can get over, right? Now usually a victim pattern occurs in the first part of life. If your parents don't let you grow your own free will and make choices so you get to exercise the energy of I am, who I am and I really want to go do this, Mom. If you're always, no…I just love that. Look at this word ‘no.’ Sounds like K-N-O-W, right. We've twisted the word ‘no’ into the word knowing, like psychic knowing, K-N-O-W, and so it's like when people go to connect to the light, they're like, oh, I don't know. I think it really is attributed to being told no so often or feeling the energy of I can't. Yeah so that's one of the major blocks. Let's see I'm trying to think of a good one for the crowd. Well, I think there's a scarcity factor that people think there's not enough to go around. I mean I don't know, Darius, did you have a lot of brothers and sisters or things like that? Did you have to share and do all that kind of stuff when you were growing up?

Darius: Yeah, I mean to a degree. I think for me when I really starting into the scarcity, it

wasn't about resources around me, but it was about my own ability, which is just as damaging. When you get out and you actually are on your own when there's a scarcity of your own belief in your ability, you create outward scarcity even if you're in a fully abundant world.

Christie: Yes completely, completely true. Yeah, so there's scarcity in many forms, but all of it

usually comes down to, at some level, I'm not enough to make it happen. Then usually that's linked to some shame or guilt because shame's one of the lowest energies and it means I am not enough.

Darius: Paula just wrote in. She said, “That is me.” Another person said, “I'm afraid to be

seen,” Moria. Another person said, “Yes, this is helping me. Thank you so much.” Another person said, “This is beautiful.” A lot of people are feeling exactly like each one of these issues are hitting. The reason we're doing this, guys, is because as we go through and with Christie, we work through these and we release them, it's literally like we talk about this cosmic energy of ascension coming it. We talk about this higher energy.

It's literally like slowly just like knocking down little bitty dominos. You may knock one down and you go, okay, that's just one domino. Eventually, the dominos start to knock each other down and there's this huge momentum. We're just slowly going in and releasing and breaking down whatever is keeping you, so you can totally connect to where we're going.

Christie: Yeah, absolutely. I mean the reality field is just filled with all our stories basically at the end of the day. It's all the stories that we identify with and if you delete one story then it's kind of like a pinball machine. It just kind of starts ricocheting off and like igniting or making you aware of other stories that you might have that are similar that can also now go today. For sure, there really is a pinball effect to it.

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Darius: What about those people – and this is a really big one – that maybe have either lost a

job or in another sense maybe gained another future, if you want to put it the other way, too. They've lost a job, but they gained a new possibility or maybe they have their own practice or healing or work that they do, but it's just not really getting to the point where they can have the freedom and the security in themselves to really provide for the ones they love and for themselves. What do we do about that?

Christie: That brings up…it's one of my favorite stories. I get to hear these amazing inspiring

stories from clients. They send me emails. This gentleman had been out of work for two years and he was an executive, so to go from an executive earning six figures to being out of a job for two years, that's obviously not very fun for the family or for his own self-esteem. His wife started taking my unlimited abundance course because she was trying to do anything to get the family in a different place. She said, “Honey, I know this is kind of a little weird or it’s energy and you might not get it yet, but will you just do this course and see what happens, like you have nothing to lose?”

He did the course and within six weeks basically what happened for him by just clearing some of his blocks of uncertainty and change and success issues and things like this, he manifested a brand new job earning more than he had earned in his whole previous years of working like 30 years. Just clearing whatever that block was for him about self-esteem and uncertainty and he was a little depressed, his wife had said, he dramatically shifted and it didn't take that long. From two years, it took six weeks, but that's okay. He had to do work. He had to send some resumes out etc. etc. He really just feels that just working with energy changed his whole life.

Earlier in the call I had talked about debt and people might not have been sure should they lump their debt in with paying off the house or is that a bad debt or a good debt. Again, on my course, I had three people – this is fascinating to me – send me emails within a short amount of time saying that they didn't know how it was going to happen or what was going to happen and we all know with real estate and the economy. One person had sent me an email – I have it in front of me – and he had said, “I'm totally moving into a new life. It's been a while. I don't understand what's happening or how it all happened. This energy thing, it requires me to let go of all the old negativity in me.” Then I'm going to skip a little bit, but he says, “I'm grateful that you keep reminding us to play and have fun. I'm building a house with my family. It's a big project. I'm feeling concerned about what we're doing because it isn't smart considering the economy. I've been using your formulas to double or triple our income to find the next viable project and I want to pay my house off in five years.” Then he sent another after that, “As of yesterday we can totally pay for the house with cash if we want to and this was not expected.”

This energy stuff can powerfully change things and it was because he was just willing to. The energy he's talking about – play, fun, asking – I don't know where it's going to come from. I just have to let go of the old negativity in me and, voila, the proof was in the pudding for him. Obviously, he followed guidance and things like this along the way and took some action.

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Yeah and there were two other people who…one of the blocks I find is a fear of doing numbers or fear of working with numbers. People don't want to really look at what's up with their money and put the head in the sand. It'll be a little easier. Somebody went through and did all their numbers and what they realized was his lifelong dream was actually paying off his house. He realized just by looking at his numbers and everything, he said I can pay off my house if I want to. I'm going to pay off my house. It was my lifelong dream to always be able to pay off my house. Just by literally clearing his block to looking at what was up, he figured out how to pay off his house.

It's like bringing awareness to a lot of new things. We were talking about debt again earlier. Desiree had sent an email to me and she said, “I focused on manifesting a part-time job making $40 per hour, so this is what I set my intention on. So far, in this journey…” with basically me, Christie, she said she got an extra ten thousand per year in part-time work making her $40 an hour, which she had set her intent on and she erased $8,500 in loan debt, total $18,500. She said, “I'm happier, healthier, wealthier and wiser, which is priceless, in my opinion.” The wiser was because imagine how much no stress she has because, again, just doing energy work, following guidance obviously she didn't get the job sitting at home on her couch, you know what I mean? She took some action. Again, this was within two months' time, so it wasn't a long time.

You're going to get so many emails, Darius, from people emailing you back two months later going, “Oh my God.” Hopefully, everybody on the call puts it together that what happens two months or a month or whatever could have happened just by them taking huge steps right now.

Darius: Yeah, well, we're getting huge numbers of people writing in. I just want to read just for

everybody. Kristen wrote in from Northern California. She says, “I've heart chills over and over from today's call, cries of happiness. I still do have achy throat energy.” Another person, Monica, says, “I am joyful and grateful and accepting and receiving, but things that I wanted have not yet come into my life.” Donna writes in. She says, “I've been looking for work for two years.” Dale wrote in. He says, “I used to be prosperous and happy and now I'm homeless almost struggling to survive and feeling that something has cursed my life.” Another person, Debbie, said, “I lost my job. I wasn't rehired by another employer, but I did use the law of polarity and found something new.”

What I’m seeing is a lot, some people really ascending and getting the opportunity and then really tapping into the energy and other people not. I want to make sure everybody can get there and one of the big things I want to talk about…I know we've got a few more things here, but family and family DNA, family inheritance and how that DNA can keep us stuck in a vibrational pattern that isn't ours. I want to say this, too, for some of you that had a lot of abundance and then it's like turned off – I think it was Dale who said that in Brunswick – many times when this energy shifts it's like the stuff that we've been holding onto, the low vibrational energy actually comes on stronger in our life and we start manifesting from that low vibration. Even though we had it before it's actually being brought forward, so we can break it up and move to the

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next level. What do you say on all that, Christie, and what can we do about it? Christie: Well, like your soul loves you enough to actually help you get to the next level and if

we're, for some reason, a little blocked or not paying attention or are busy with life or we don't connect all day long – ABCs, always be connected – then your soul will…the soul wants you to find what's in your way. So it'll show it to you kind of in a…sometimes it's a dramatic way. I mean the truth is sometimes it's dramatic. Then it's your job to literally connect to the light every day and just start transmuting and clearing whatever pattern created it even if you don't know what it is.

What happens is I find some people will stop doing the work because they say, “I don't know where it came from.” Usually I agree with you. Most of it’s inherited pretty much from your family at some level and then when you're around family then it just gets activated and reminded. I'm going to ask everybody on the call to check this out. If some of you are the ones that lost jobs or did something at a certain age, I want you to track it back and ask around this age in my family's life did something happen with my mom or dad around this age that I’m now duplicating? I've actually seen that quite more than I would, again, by working with ten thousand people, I've seen that so many more times that I'm like, wow, that is so weird. I was talking to somebody at dinner one time about this and he goes, “That's so weird.” He goes, “My sister got married on the same day as Mother's first wedding,” and she didn't even know that was the mom's first marriage wedding date. He goes, “What's really weird is she's literally marrying…” like he was the first son and then there was a daughter with a different dad, right? He goes, “And honestly, my sister is marrying my Dad.” It's so engrained in them to follow those kinds of patterns or whatever, so yeah, yeah, fascinated.

Darius: Well, I mean this really is incredible and one thought that sort of came into my mind

was your story. I think I remember hearing you had many challenges like the people on this call even when you had these energetic tools. Once you began applying them, it's like everything shifted and I'd love to kind of share a little bit of that. I don't think a lot of people know your story and through your story, what's really possible for them.

Christie: I left the house with 30 bucks in my pocket, I moved to the city to Chicago standing on

the el tracks I'm trying to put myself through college, work a job and just live. I'm standing on the el tracks. It’s freezing, okay, so it's like the first moment it turns cold. I have no boots. I have my like lighter coat and honestly it was zero or – I don't know. It was crazy. My feet actually started becoming numb standing on the metal el tracks. I'm like, “Are you kidding me? This is so cold.” I said, “Okay, if there really is God in this moment, no matter what, my life has to look completely different.”

My belief structure at that time was that I wanted…my neighbors had a condo in Florida and they were wealthy. So I thought, okay, I want a condo in Florida. I want a red Mercedes convertible. I want a wealthy life. I want a man who totally adores and loves me that I totally love and adore and I don't care what has to happen, but it has to shift now. That was my heart-felt kaboom to the universe.

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Within a couple weeks I walked into this bookstore and, again, I usually went to the library because I had no cash. For whatever reason I went into this bookstore and a book literally like I felt…it's kind of weird. I'm walking and I felt like, okay, go a few more aisles to the right and this is before I even knew I was psychic or anything. I just felt this pull. I turned to the right and literally a book falls off the bookshelf without me even touching it. I'm like, wow, that's kind of weird. I pick it up and it talks about how to manifest things by connecting to the light. For whatever reason the thought that came in my head when I picked up the book was this is the truth. This is the truth. I would ride the bus to work every morning and I'd take my diary because I had no one to vent to. I wasn't a complainer. I was like the suck it up girl, so I'd write in my diary every day about what I wanted my life to look like and what was going on. I found this diary like five years later and all those things I had asked for, right – the Mercedes convertible, the condo in Florida, etc. etc., but it literally took within two years and I had all those things. I had a really wealthy lifestyle with multiple homes and fancy cars and a condo in Florida and one in Chicago and one in California. It was really big life that I manifested in a very short amount of time just by applying the energy of connecting to the light and asking for what I wanted.

Darius: I think the other point that is completely incredible to me, seeing how these have

worked, it's totally possible for many people assuming you do certain things in a certain way. What's even more incredible to me is the people whose lives have been touched, too, as well and the life that you've created that is, in essence, even bigger than that because so many people have been transformed.

Any favorite stories and when I say this, everyone here, I say these things because I want to really believe that the energy that is seeking you can reach you and you can plug into that source. The minute you believe, that's the minute you magnetize towards you that powerful ascension energy we've been talking about. Tell me, Christie, I mean what is it that in your mind stands out as some of your favorites of the people that have been transformed because you made a decision?

Christie: Thank you for saying that because what happened is once I got the money, for me

that wasn't enough because, okay, great, I accomplished it. My whole dream was how do I help more people? This was totally fun and I wanted to have friends who got it. There are a couple stories. I really appreciate the down and out kind of stories because I think that we're all capable…I mean, really, if anybody really knew how stressed I was and I worked two full-time jobs and I went to school, we've all kind of been there.

One of my favorite stories on the journey was Estacia. She sent me an email and I'll just read the email. She said, “Three months ago my husband almost died, spent five days in the hospital. The bill is $58,000 plus $3,000 for the ambulance, $3,000 for the doctors and we have no insurance.” Obviously, you can tell if she has no insurance her cash flow is obviously not that great. “You can imagine how I felt. Two weeks after starting your unlimited abundance course the ambulance bill was brought down. We paid only $650. The $3,000 for the doctor’s fee is being made in payments.” They worked out a fee schedule with them, but she said, “Here's the astonishing thing. This

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Friday I received a letter from the hospital,” because I'd talk to her on the phone. She said, “I kept calling people over and over and over again trying to figure out how I could pay off this because I don't want to have debts. This is going to like bankrupt…” She said she finally found a nice woman who told her about this program called Sponsored Care. “And this Friday I received a letter from them pardoning us of the $58,000 bill. We are so thrilled. Thank you, Universe. I've been asking how it could be paid almost every day. Thank you, Christie, for the tools to accomplish this. We are feeling so blessed.” I mean how many people listening or know somebody who's been in those situations where once you have medical stuff and you don't have insurance, I mean that can change the life of a whole family, for sure.

I love Karen. Karen sent me a thing…she has five kids, a stay-at-home mom. She was working part-time and she goes, “Christie, I got my dream job in the space of four weeks.” She says, “I've gone from working two days to three days to full time. A lot of what I do is remotely from home,” so that's cool because she's a mom and then she can pick up her kids and do whatever she's got to do with these kids. “My boss is so cool, a really great mentor, totally flexible and because I've been using your tools to help everybody around me…” She's been inundated with new clients since she took me on. “My husband is also getting new clients and it's like I'm manifesting on their behalf and reaping the rewards.” She goes, “You must understand I have doubled our household income in one month.” You're talking about a family who always struggled to make ends meet. This is a very middle-class family who has five kids. I'm sure the cost of five kids is pretty astonishing. Just using the tools and manifesting on other people’s behalf really helped her. I love this, Darius, the story and here's why she was working on abundance and money. We all know that all these patterns are tied to other things, okay, so it's not really just about abundance and cash. She said, “I'm delighted to report…” and she sent me all her medical reports because she was so proud of it. She goes, “You probably don't know what this number means, but this number means I was going to lose my kidney. What this number means now is I'm not going to lose my kidney.” She says, “Finally after four years of nightly sleep bleeds I'm no longer dependent on them. I'm listening to your meditations every night. I sleep more soundly. This has been huge.” She put capital letters “HUGE FOR ME.” She says, “My debt no longer exists.” She negotiated the entire debt to zero with a creditor by paying them $2,500. She is not diabetic anymore. Like that's what the charts were saying, so somehow whatever the medical doctor's chart said was I'm not diabetic anymore. She lost seven pounds and she was living in a very negative environment and she basically moved out, met a mate, got new friends and she says, “I can hike now. Again, I was walking with a cane,” and just literally by clearing her abundance it changed like how her body moved and worked and operated and stuff. I mean that's powerful. I've seen people working on their abundance block. I had this guy John from Hawaii and he literally created a relationship with his 18-year-old daughter that he hadn't had

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in ten years. He said all he did was really just send her love and light and use the like being connected and I just asked that whatever was between us all those negative energies, that it just leave. She called him up and said, “Dad, hey, I want to get together.” Now they have a really fun relationship. It was just one of those kinds of divorces where things got a little messy and got in the way. He's like, “I got my daughter back.” I mean how priceless is that? I mean, seriously, it's amazing for her and him. It changed multiple lives.

Darius: Well, you know what I'm seeing and feeling, obviously, is that as people shift the

energy, as we get these tools, I mean one of the things I love about what you do, Christie, is I love to awaken people to the new possibility and you're sort of like the technical expert that goes in and actually does the tweaks in the energy system and reads it so that it can be tweaked and gives people the freedom from the blocks. We've talked about a few. There are literally 25 abundance blocks and these are stopping us from the love that we deserve, the abundance that we deserve, the energy, maybe even the health, maybe even the experiences, maybe even just the peace of mind.

There are 25 and I know we're probably not going to have time to go through all of them. I'm going to read just a few really quick because I want to talk about how Christie wants us to actually get some help to literally dissolve these and just blast them aside. They include things like resistance and doubt and fear and clearing the fear of change, clearing money zapping decisions, clearing the fear of growth, clearing the fear of success. It's amazing that when I speak about like the 2012 possibility of literally ascending into the most incredible life and being that percentage on the planet that really is living their dreams, people feel good about that for a while and then they get scared and go, “Well, I've never had that. I wouldn't know how to be,” or the fear of rejection or the fear of numbers or indecision or the fear of the future or the fear of clutter or the fear of blocks or the fear of discovering the ultimate you, the fear of turning self-sabotage into absolute certainty, lack of self-worth and much, much more.

Christie, I mean these 25 blocks, how do we work through them? I mean how can we start doing this step-by-step?

Christie: Well, how I designed this program is it was my grand experiment because I thought,

okay, so I get to see this with clients every day. So what if I talk to 400 people live and they were my experiment. This is why I have so many emails from them because they were…I said, “Look, if you guys do this, you have to send me your emails so that I know what's happening and how I can tweak it and help people.” I knew that there were these 25 blocks when I was looking at a client. I sat down with a pen and paper and I said, “Okay, so when I work on any new client, what are the things that most everybody has?” I came up with 25 things that most everybody has. I knew that if it hit it from all angles that something would have to change. That was my promise to the 400 people that, look, I promise you something will change. Let's do this together. Let's see what happens. I recorded those sessions and what I found is this energy bubble that if everybody's in tune enough, if they really just tap into the program and just tap into the

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energy vibe that's been culminated from everybody doing the program, it's actually gotten bigger.

Darius: It's sort of like we've heard people call it like a morphic field or like the energy shield

that this has created. We can tap right into it and like the circle, magnify our results. Christie: Yeah, yeah. So the morphic field for this thing, it just gets better and better every day.

Yeah and I still get these amazing emails back from people saying, “Oh my God,” and the thing is what I know for sure and I promise everybody on the phone call, you do this program your life will be different. I've even made it easy for them, Darius, because I knocked $200 off, so it's $199. The thing is the initial people who did this, they paid $1,000 and what I told them is this – if you don't make over $1,000 from doing this program somehow, some way, you know what I mean? I don't think you're going to be like, “That's not going to happen, right?”

To me, it's kind of a no-brainer and it's only a no-brainer and I know everybody on the phone call might not know it's a no-brainer, but I have a stack, Darius, of emails about three inches tall from people just sending me their really cool stories of things that have happened. I know it works and you have a 90-day unconditional money back guarantee and it's like everybody on this phone call was drawn here for a reason and I think it's to ascend. If my help can help you do that I would love for you to feel the invitation of that and be invited in and literally find the easier path. I don't know if I would have found all these 25 blocks by myself had I not worked on all the people that I did. By me working on everybody else I got to see, oh, they have that. Oh, maybe I have that, too, and I got to find them and kind of search and destroy and clear it all up.

Darius: Well, what's coming into me like as we talk about ascension and we talk about really

plugging into the higher energy that's working to reach us through the cosmic spaces coming into earth. It's almost like we're all trapped in this matrix and the title of this talk today is Ascending Past the Matrix: Choosing Unlimited Abundance. The matrix is all about scarcity. The matrix and the media and all of the forces are all about limited resources and we have to divide things up because there's not enough and there's this and then we have make do. It's all literally just a bunch of bullshit and it's such bullshit that’s been plaguing this planet for so long that it's literally going to be the thing that is going to free us.

When we say what this matrix is just bunch of crap. Pardon my language, but what the heck, right? It is. It's a bunch of junk. It's not real. We're going to ascend past this matrix and what we're talking about are the 25 things that literally keep us anchored down in the prison of this reality. Now we talking about ascending past that and that is what we are doing. I want to tell people where it is because Christie put this together for us here and it's at www.youwealthrevolution.com/christie. That's www.youwealthrevolution.com/christie.

Christie, really quick, if somebody wanted to hire you to do this and clear these blocks personally, the 25, do you still do that? What is that cost? I mean I don't how you would do that with your schedule, but is that something that someone could pay you for?

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Christie: I still do it because I actually am kind of in love with it, but the thing is in this new paradigm that I'm in, I prefer to work with people who really want change. They would have to purchase six sessions, which I think right now…I know I should know my prices, but I think it's over $4,000.

Darius: Yeah, that's a big difference. Christie: Yeah. Darius: Wow, this is a huge difference, so I mean the difference between Christie doing it and

really connecting to this morphic field of this program, one of the things I noticed here in the program that I thought was pretty interesting was you talk a lot about indecision and getting unstuck. A lot of people here are in sort of this indecisive place and they're stuck in the morphic field of indecision or in the energetic field of indecision. Why does clearing indecision literally transform our life almost instantaneously?

Christie: Well, because if you're stuck in a wishy-washy world, it's like you just won't step into it

and go for it. It's like you'll know what to do, like you should maybe eat 12 – I don’t know – 1,500 calories a day, right. We all know we should maybe do that and exercise and eat good food and have enzymes, whole based foods, fruits, veggies all that good stuff, but yet, we'll go and go have the hamburger or the cheeseburger or the sugary dessert, but it's kind of like that. I think you should love your food, so I don't want to bring up something everybody…I felt like, Darius, in this moment I just bought everybody's food stuff. I did, but the thing is we know what to do, but yet, we don't do that.

That's actually a form of indecision and indecision is created by a reality field like the matrix, okay, of all of our rules, all of our thoughts, all of our feelings, all of our experiences. We clear indecision, we're basically breaking down all of our bullshit rules that keep us stuck in the matrix. So we think I don't have enough time, okay. Maybe you think, oh, I should call person, oh, I don't enough time, but what if that was your pure divine guidance saying, “Call that person. That person's going to open up a door that'll bring you an extra $50,000,” but you don't call them. I mean that can like literally ruin your life in some ways. Indecision is really just you hitting your wall, hitting your matrix, hitting your rules, hitting your identity, like literally just stopping yourself. Just going – kaboom – I guess I'm going to shut the door. That's what indecision is. If you can't make up your mind you might as well just imagine every time you don't make up your mind to do something or go for it that you just shut the door.

Darius: Then you’re anchored down into that matrix again. It's like sort of the chains get

thicker and you've now like reconditioned yourself again to be stuck in that matrix. We literally have this power. Guys, please hear me. We have this power. You’re hearing from two people that have probably radically transformed their lives – myself and Christie – in a huge way from literally nothing. We have this power and it's time we awaken it and we ascend.

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Natalia just wrote in from London. She says, “The headaches that I've had all week are gone. Thank you, Darius and Christie. I'm headache free and I believe it will stay with me. I love you, Christie. I love you, Darius, lots of love.” This is what happens. We're creating a different environment here, a different matrix, a different ascension portal to open you up to who you're meant to be. I'm going to let people know where this is at to go a little deeper into this and clear the 25 walls that are keeping people stuck. It's at www.youwealthrevolution.com/christie . It's 50% off and they have three months to literally use this and apply it for three months.

Christie: Yeah, because the reason I do that is because…I mean I'm completely certain it

works. So once people buy it, why they would want to return it? It's just they have plenty of money, more than the $199. I mean people are generous and kind. Why would they just return it? You know what I mean, so the reason I can do that is because I mean literally I look at it like a no-brainer, like if you do this work you will get change.

Darius: If you do this work, you will get change. If you don't, let your team know in three

months and none the worse for wear. I mean that's a huge gift, the way I see it. We've got a quick question from Dale. It says, “Give the address again.” It's

www.youwealthrevolution.com/christie. You say Christ with an I-E at the end of it, right, Christie? I remember that.

Christie: Yeah, it's usually easier because otherwise I have to spell it and they mess up the

front and the back. It's just a little easier. Darius: Well, Christie, I'm going to stretch you just a little bit. I want to get some questions. So

anyone anything anyone wants to, can we have maybe five more minutes and anyone has any questions or anything they need…?

Christie: Yeah. Darius: Okay, cool and then we can maybe just send some high-energy to people as well as

we tune out the call. Anything anyone wants to add or share or ask, please send us some questions. Kristen just wrote in from Northern California. She said, “I've done unlimited abundance and I'm in love with the program and I'm doing them daily. I feel like a million bucks and I've transformed my life into one of beauty and joy. I'm grateful for Christie and her program and I feel like I have the keys to the kingdom. I now live in a beautiful home in God's country, completed my novel from 15 years ago and I got out of a difficult relationship with respect and ease.” This is Kristen in Northern California. This is pretty cool. She just wrote that in. Thank you, Kristen. Okay, so we've got a question from Andra. Okay, I think what Andra is asking is, “Is there such a thing as generational curses?”

Christie: Yeah. Darius: That's a great question, yeah. Christie: Yeah, this is fascinating. Toward the beginning of my career – I've probably been

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doing this now about 15 years – I remember a gentleman. He called me up and he literally had made millions and lost millions three times in his life. He was like, “Christie, you've got to figure out what is going on.” I tuned in and I said, “It feels like a family curse four generations ago,” and I said like on Mom's side of the family or something. He said, “Oh my God.”

He was in the Middle East and what had happened is in that generation of the family they had gotten kicked out of the country. They were kings or queens or princes or princesses – they were royalty. They got kicked out of the country and all their money was taken away. Literally, when I cleared the curse on him from four generations back he was then able to make money and keep money. It was a great teaching tool for me because I'd never seen that before. Now looking at it like the Kennedy curse and things like this, I think there really is like an energy that can get implanted into family. Even Jackie O had always had a fear of her son flying an airplane. I don't know, which happened first – the energy of that or like did her fear create it or was the energy already there and she read it. I mean who knows, but it happened.

Darius: I'm going to ask you like kind of a crazy question that just came in and sometimes I

don't really know, well, I know where they come from. They come from the audience, they just kind of come in through the audience to me. It's a little bit controversial and it's maybe kind of a little bit scary, but what the heck. I mean what would be some signs and don't want to label anybody. I don't want to put anybody in the place where this becomes a truth for them. If someone's looking at life, like what would be a sting that would be a signpost of some sort of generational energy that's just like a pattern? That's really what a “curse” is. It's just a pattern that sort of keeps repeating generationally. What would be some signs of that?

Christie: Well, I always say to people just take a heads up if you know, so you can take out a

piece of paper and just write Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa as many people as you know. Just write what was their story about money. Then just see if there are any parallels with your life and you just might be fascinated to discover where there were parallels and things like that. That would be the easiest way. Go talk to your mom or the relatives or the whatever.

I mean, again, I think that what happens is we pretty much imprint our parent's reality before the age of seven and so you're pretty much living the energy that you pulled in from Mom and Dad. All of us are pretty much psychic, intuitive, light beings as kids and then we just kind of pull in everybody else's story. It'll look like a generational maybe and, again, curse, I say that lightly as well. A curse is just really a pattern or energy or an overlay that you somewhere believed in or aligned with or soaked in.

Yeah, I mean most people don't have huge generational curses, but I just like to call them family patterns and just look at what was Mom's abundance, what was Dad's and those are the two people that usually imprint the most. Like adopted people, I have worked on lots and lots of people who have been adopted. When I clear them, I have to clear the families that they grew up with and a lot of them don't know much about the other Mom and Dad, but if they've been given up for adoption, there are

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generally speaking, a lot of imprints about trauma that they've had from the biological mom and all that stuff. That's also a clue for those of you listening who are adopted. Make sure you clear both sets of parents.

Darius: Wow, wow. I mean this is the kind of thing that we can begin to break up that energy

through what we're doing and connecting to this new field. That really as you look at 2012, a lot of what we're beginning to realize with this ascension piece is it's really about connecting to the right energetic field and releasing the low vibrational anchors that keep people plugged into the wrong field. This is what we're doing here. This is what the You Wealth Revolution Ascension 2012 is about and this is why we're doing it is because every day we are chipping away and connecting you to a higher field.

I know a bunch of people are going forward with this, Christie, because they want three months to literally transform their life. I can only imagine on the other side of this what it'll be like. It's at you Y O U www.youwealthrevolution.com/christie, www.youwealthrevolution.com/christie. Christie, as you sort of look out over the group here and you look out over what we started, this whole new ascension piece, what comes into your energetic field? What reading do you get and I'll just let you take the mike for now and go forward and share with us what's coming in.

Christie: Alright, so I can see about 60% of you are kind of like tuned in. About 40% of you are

kind of, oh, like they're busy. They're playing on the computer or something. All of the 40% of you just kind of tune right in. Everyone is going, “Busted.” Just really take in a deep breath here and just really connect for a minute and I want you all to just ask this question. Scale of one to ten, ten being like I'm ready to change where you're at scale one to ten, ten being your totally ready to change.

Okay, now we're going to ask them another fascinating question, though. Scale of one to ten and this scale is ten being 100% okay, how much are your subconscious blocks and your patterns and your overlay’s stopping you from getting maybe an extra $100,000 or the love of your life or whatever your big dream is, okay. What percentage are your subconscious blocks and programs stopping you? Now if you answer that question...I saw what some people did. Some people went to their head to answer that question, but I'm talking about when you're answering the question from your subconscious block, tune in, you know what I’m saying? Our head wants to sometimes take us out of it and go for fear of like, oh, I might lose control, my ego might want me to change too much. The ego will say, “Oh, I might have to change too much and I'll lose control.” Some of you might have got a low answer and if you did, that's totally fine. It could be true, but I want you to check in one more time and ask what percentage – scale one to ten, ten to mean 100% – are your subconscious blocks or programs or patterns overlaying you. Are they basically stopping you or blocking you from getting whatever your next big dream is?

Okay, everybody tuned in more. Thank you. I saw some people kind of tune in accidentally because your mind wants to just kind of say, “No, I'm fine,” but again, if you don't have what you want, how fine are you? Again, it's an invitation not to make anybody feel bad if they don't have they want. That is not my goal here in this moment. My goal here in this moment is to kind of start getting you to tune into to see

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your blocks and your programs are kind of controlling you and I don't want that to happen for everybody listening, okay.

Anything that you guys want to, once you guys finally tuned in, right, there any of those patterns or programs that you just want to delete, right, not just transmute them. Clear them, delete them, let them go. Thank you very much, don't need them anymore. Okay, cool. Thank you. I really want to thank everybody just right now honestly for just tuning in because I saw a lot of people finally get it right now like really get because they saw what their number was. Did any of them send their number to you, Darius? I want to hear what some of the numbers are.

Darius: We can ask them, yeah. Send us your numbers someone said, “What would the range

of numbers be?” Christie: Well, I saw some people, when I said ‘head,’ I got this picture in my own mind that

some people think, oh, I'm just 10% blocked, but I looked at that person. It was a male energy. I was looking at and I thought, oh my God, honey, you're subconscious blocks are 60% and your mind’s telling you, no, it's only 10%. That's what I was noticing, yeah.

Darius: Paula said she was at a 100% and then another person said ten and 100%. That was

Sharon from Washington. That means that she was blocked 100%? Christie: Yeah, her subconscious mind. I asked the question ‘her subconscious programs are

blocking her 100%.’ See, Darius, the reason I did this program is a fascinating question that occurred to me to ask. I was sitting in meditation. I heard, “Ask this question,” and the question was how many people are actually living free will choice over 50% of their life? I wasn't even asking 100%, okay, and the answer I got was shocking to me. The answer was less than 10%, less than 10% of people on the planet are living free will choice. That means without patterns over 50% of their daily life.

That means the matrix is controlling you and that you're just living out your patterns creating the same kind of hamster wheel existence day in and day out. That's why I think people are just kind of sad a little bit, you know what I mean. There's a sadness that occurs in people where they have all these conflicting realties. They know who they're supposed to be and then these conflicting realities just show up and say, “No, you're not that. You can't do that. What the heck are you talking about?”

The reason I did the unlimited abundance was because I wanted to see if I could bust people out of it or not so that they're living free will choice over 50% of their life. They're not living their patterns anymore. That's really why I did it and it is fascinating. That's why I had people tune into that level, so they really get that who are they really choosing or are they just kind of living the life of patterns.

Darius: Yeah, we've got Johann from South Africa – 100%, another person – 90%, another

person – 95%. People are just 100%, very freaky. Rose said, “I love you both.” That is kind of freaky, but it's really interesting and the thing I'm going to end with here or at

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least transition now into the next step of this, which is if you are living from free will choice, the things you want, in my opinion, would be in your life. We have that capacity to get them. If we want them in our heart, we have the capacity or we couldn't dream them. We couldn't feel them. We couldn't experience them. When we think about 2012, for many people it's going to be a new beginning. For some people, it's going to be a bigger challenge because they're holding on to that low vibrational energy.

It's kind of like if you're on a rollercoaster and the lower vibrational that you have, the harder that rollercoaster ride's going to be because the goal of the rollercoaster is to break up that low vibrational energy, is to dissolve that. It's going to get tougher and tougher as you hold on to more and more of that energy. We can have low vibrational patterns and we inherit DNA into our system and that system essentially is energy. We carry energy in our DNA throughout our entire body and that subconscious energy or that energetic field or that program or pattern is carried. A lot of this when we say 10% being free will and 90%, it's carried in our cells. It's carried in our pattern. It's carried in our programming. We want you to have the tools to break this up and really connect to the energy and the life that is desperately, desperately wanting to reach you. Christie, incredible stuff, any final words for everybody here?

Christie: My heartfelt wish for everybody on this phone call is just really, really that whatever is

needed to awaken in you awakens. Whatever realization that you had will just show up if you haven't had it yet and that your life be completely and totally blessed and that you take the invitation that this energy is bringing you to just open up to the next amazing. I mean, everybody, if we just really choose the amazing life versus the life that we settle for, so that's my wish for everybody out there.

Darius: I love it and disconnect from the matrix of scarcity and illusion that the world is sort of

like just hammering on us and it's going to get stronger. Like the more we cling to that the bigger challenge it is. I think we want to create worlds of abundance and so we do that from within and we do that here at the You Wealth Revolution Ascension 2012.

Christie, thank you for being here, much love and thank you for opening up this incredible event.

Christie: Yes, my pleasure. It's completely my pleasure showing up for you guys and helping in

whatever way I could. Darius: Alright, guys, let's send Christie just a huge amount of love, a huge amount of light

and a huge amount of thanks. Feel that coming in, Christie, they're sending it in droves.

Christie: Whoo. Darius: Oh wow, wow. Thank you so much, Christie. Christie: Alright, thank you, many blessings.