OCTOBER 2016 VOL VII ISSUE 10 (Our Motto - Aesthetics, Values, Courtesy) (Extension of Telangana & Andhra Sub Area Offrs' Mess), C/o HQ Telangana & Andhra Sub Area, JJ Nagar Colony, Secunderabad-500 087. Tele: 27862584, 27862181, 27867884, 27867881, Army 6218 Website: e-mail: [email protected] For NEFT payments send e-mail to : [email protected] Website : www.rsisecunderabad.in Editorial Team : - Mondays, 1930 hrs Film Show Thursdays & Sundays - Fridays 1930 hrs Tambola 05 Oct 2016 Wednesday 1900 hrs RSI Autumn Pageant 21 Oct 2016 Friday 1900 hrs Diwali Eve Bumper Tambola 23 Oct 2016 Sunday 1530 hrs Diwali Mela, Fire Works Display & Hamper Draw 29 Oct 2016 Saturday 2030 Dance to DJ Music Notes : 1. Film Show in RSI. Hindi or English film will be screened on Mondays, Thursdays and Sundays as per availability of the film from the distributor. 2. Diwali Functions. General Instructions of Diwali Functions on 21 & 23 Oct 2016 are given in the Notice incorporated in this News Letter. Notes : Time Smt Shrilekha Khanna (W/o Lt Col J D Khanna (Retd)) Mob : 9849553181, Wg Cdr T A Ramachandran (Retd) Mob : 9550864219 and Wg Cdr AB Bhushan (Retd) Mob : 9848048651 RSI PROGRAMME FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER 2016 Editor: Smt Shrilekha Khanna (W/o Lt Col JD Khanna (Retd)) Dear Members, Starting the month of October with Navaratri fasts and Dandiya dances, this is the most colourful and festive time of the year. Dussehra ( Vijay Dashmi) , the celebration of victory over evil, the beautiful Durga Puja pundals, the sumptuous bhog served to one & all- everything is replete with colour and warmth. The celebrations for Diwali are another highlight of the month. And, even as we gear up with new clothes, fireworks and lots of eats, let us not forget the Father of the Nation, who helped us gain our Independence and be proud citizens of this beautiful country. th On 5 October, a very special programme- The RSI Autumn Pageant “ Mystique” is being organised. Come & be a part of this colourful event under the October skies. HAPPY READING!!!

OCTOBER 2016 VOL VII ISSUE 10rsisecunderabad.in/sites/default/files/OCTOBER-2016.pdf · 2018-09-27 · OCTOBER 2016 VOL VII ISSUE 10 (Our Motto - Aesthetics, Values, Courtesy) (Extension

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Page 1: OCTOBER 2016 VOL VII ISSUE 10rsisecunderabad.in/sites/default/files/OCTOBER-2016.pdf · 2018-09-27 · OCTOBER 2016 VOL VII ISSUE 10 (Our Motto - Aesthetics, Values, Courtesy) (Extension


(Our Motto - Aesthetics, Values, Courtesy)

(Extension of Telangana & Andhra Sub Area Offrs' Mess), C/o HQ Telangana & Andhra Sub Area, JJ Nagar Colony, Secunderabad-500 087. Tele: 27862584, 27862181, 27867884, 27867881, Army 6218 Website: e-mail: [email protected]

For NEFT payments send e-mail to : [email protected] Website : www.rsisecunderabad.in

Editorial Team :

- Mondays, 1930 hrs Film Show Thursdays & Sundays

- Fridays 1930 hrs Tambola

05 Oct 2016 Wednesday 1900 hrs RSI Autumn Pageant

21 Oct 2016 Friday 1900 hrs Diwali Eve Bumper Tambola

23 Oct 2016 Sunday 1530 hrs Diwali Mela, Fire Works Display & Hamper Draw

29 Oct 2016 Saturday 2030 Dance to DJ Music

Notes : 1. Film Show in RSI. Hindi or English film will be screened on Mondays, Thursdays and Sundays as per availability of the film from the distributor.

2. Diwali Functions. General Instructions of Diwali Functions on 21 & 23 Oct 2016 are given in the Notice incorporated in this News Letter.


Notes : f


Smt Shrilekha Khanna (W/o Lt Col J D Khanna (Retd)) Mob : 9849553181, Wg Cdr T A Ramachandran (Retd) Mob : 9550864219 andWg Cdr AB Bhushan (Retd) Mob : 9848048651


Editor: Smt Shrilekha Khanna (W/o Lt Col JD Khanna (Retd))

Dear Members,

Starting the month of October with Navaratri fasts and Dandiya dances, this is the most colourful and festive time of the year. Dussehra ( Vijay Dashmi) , the celebration of victory over evil, the beautiful Durga Puja pundals, the sumptuous bhog served to one & all- everything is replete with colour and warmth. The celebrations for Diwali are another highlight of the month. And, even as we gear up with new clothes, fireworks and lots of eats, let us not forget the Father of the Nation, who helped us gain our Independence and be proud citizens of this beautiful country.

thOn 5 October, a very special programme- The RSI Autumn Pageant “ Mystique” is being organised. Come & be a part of this colourful event under the October skies.


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Mondays Indian Cuisine (A la Carte) Indian Mini Buffet

Tuesdays Vegetarian Cuisine Barbeque Evenings (during fair weather)

Wednesdays Sizzlers Sizzler Evenings Indian A la Carte Continental Mini Buffet

Thursdays Indian A la Carte Biryani Mini Buffet

Fridays Chinese Cuisine Chinese Mini Buffet (A la Carte)

Saturdays Continental Buffet & Continental Mini Buffet A la Carte Barbeque Evenings (during fair weather)

Sundays Buffet Brunch & Lunch





PS : Limited Breakfast is served on all days from 8.00 am to 10.30 am.

Advance booking on phone will help RSI kitchen to serve members better.

Save Mobile Nos pertaining to Catering key personnel.

Food Stalls at Diwan-e-Aam are open during Movie Screening, Tambola and Dance Nights.

PS :

PS :

PS :

Day Noon Evening

lBreak Fast services on all days of the week, except Sunday.

lBrunch on Sundays at Diwan-E-Aam (Food Court)

For Advance Booking Contact :-Sri Kapil - 80089 50449Sri Ramesh - 97015 23853RSI Reception - 27862584

stl01 Oct (Saturday) - Continental Cuisine

ndl02 Oct (Sunday) - Hyderabadi Cuisine

thl08 Oct (Saturday) - Continental Cuisine

thl09 Oct (Sunday) - North Indian Cuisine

thl15 Oct (Saturday) - Continental Cuisine

thl16 Oct (Sunday) - South Indian Cuisine

ndl22 Oct (Saturday) - Continental Cuisine

rdl23 Oct (Sunday) - No Buffet Lunch due to

Diwali Melath

l29 Oct (Saturday) - Continental Cuisineth

l30 Oct (Sunday) - Chinese Cuisine




HEAD COOK (KITCHEN) - 7732029411

LANDLINE - 27862584EXTN. 221, 218



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Page No. 3

YOGA TOH….!!!!

The second week of June saw us students in a state of great skeptical anticipation, which

thgained tremendous momentum after 15 June 2015.We were gearing up for the first International Yoga day, declared so by the UN itself, persuaded by none other than our Prime Minister Narendra Modi, at our club which is arguably the best in India.

Around twenty of us excitedly discussed what we could achieve. It is always fun to be students!

“Surya Namaskars facing the west”-this to circumvent a prohibition which was hanging round its neck. We can arrange our selves like this or …… .. that. “We can do Navasana series”! “No, a formation of Thadasanas”. Our guru and Maestro who had come to choreograph the show watched helplessly. The guru is young and new as all experienced hands were dispatched to various part of the world. Our regular gurus were in the bowels of African and East European subcontinents. Please! Please! Silence!- shouted the new guru. The sedate master stepped up -“I shall choose” –he declared. When the cacophony subsided, the exasperated guru said –“all of them together cannot do a single asana properly”. “Ramnath can bend but cannot balance. Rinky can do all poses, but cannot sit down .He cannot slow down..She is slow …back looks good not the front” so on and so forth. Suddenly, the master thought he had found a clever way of elimination. He asked for volunteers to go on stage in front of a large audience. All of us raised our hands!! Finally it was decided to check out various asana, select one person to demonstrate one asana.

Then came the dress . Pyjama kurta or tracks and Tee shirt? There were proponents for a combination too. What color?

Once more the loud suggestions and discussions started. The master again asserted –“Black and white.”

Grumblings started-“I won't wear short white T shirt as my this and that……too much exposure” -said Preeti who is physically flexible as a rubber band and mentally, as much as reinforced steel! ...Later the master taught us Akash Dhanurasana to add a little bit of exotica to the show. This

involves in you sitting on the floor, leg outstretched ,holding left toe with your left fingers and folding the right leg ,so that the right toe touches the nose.(refer uncle Google and aunt Wikipedia for clarification and further knowledge) .When the guru chose Sitha to showcase it ,because she did it very gracefully, Preeti forgot her 'this and that… exposure etc' and demonstrated it better. Next was the discussion as to how to approach and arrange ourselves on the stage .Our guru, unused to us ,was nearly in tears !! “Please listen”, he was begging-

As for us-It is always fun to be students!. Our average age -56 plus!

stJune 21 arrived with a festive air. The Samanthika hall, open, and surrounded by luscious greenery looked colourful. We had all proudly brought along our two guests too.

A bit about the background: our club hosts five yoga groups. The athletic Power Yoga group, who do exotic asanas for unbelievable amount of times; Gyan Yoga, who are into colors and auras; Hath Yoga, who stretchhhh and hooold their muscles for improbable duration. Then there is a miscellaneous group of senior citizens who huff and puff through pranayamas and laugh their heads off-They call themselves The Corporate Yoga group as they achieve all this sitting on a chair. Of course finally there are us- the Panthanjali Yoga practitioners. Our philosophies are different, we live and let live…except for Jayant , who takes turn navigating through each group as per his fitness levels. We never practiced together. Our coordinators hardly spoke to each other. Probably were not on speaking terms ! But the spectacle did the club proud. Each group was in varied colors of pink, yellow, black and white complementing each other, the show flowing, in dove tailed precision. Our three minutes just came…and went.

We started with the classic salutation to the teacher. “Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu Guru Devo

Contd on next page

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YOGA TOH….!!!! (Continuation)

Maheshwaraha Guru Saakshat Para Brahma Tasmai Sree Gurave Namaha” meaning the teacher is the Creator, the Sustainer and the Destroyer. Guru is the Supreme being itself- to such a guru our salutations. The highest reverence you can pay to any human. Our gentle Murthy,- who guides us through tolerance, the Hitler Nagamani who pushes us to limits we never knew existed and Sanjeev who insists and achieves accuracy of poses from us..We ended with the prayer ''Loka Samastha”-A prayer for universal peace, happiness, health and completeness. Most apt considering the variety of yoga schools assembled, considering the diverse religions of people assembled, considering the diverse age group assembled-Truly-''yoga toh mujse aur sabse hoga.”

Contributed byMrs Nirmala Ramnath

W/o Cdr KA Ramnath (Retd)9394834274


ANIMALS AT WAR (Continuation)

It's believed that around 16 million animals assisted the armed forces during the First World War.

Horses were needed by cavalry divisions and, by 1916, there were over a million of them in service.

Dogs were trained for a wide variety of purposes: As guards, as watch dogs , for search and rescue, for message delivery, for mine detection, for wire laying (for field telephones), for company morale-boosting. The canine hero Rin Tin Tin - a real-life dog, was found as a puppy, on the Western Front.

In the First World War lanterns could not be used in the trenches at night because the bright light might attract enemy snipers or shells. Important messages were, therefore, often read by the blue-green light of glow worms.

More than 100000 pigeons served in the First World War. More than 200000 pigeons served in the Second World War.

In the First World War doves and rats were often sent into tunnels behind enemy lines to check for poisonous gas.

Rats have been trained to sniff out landmines. They have a nose for them, and are too light to trigger off an explosion. Rightly or wrongly, trained rats are still used in this field today.

During the Second World War elephants were used in Burma (now Myanmar) to build roads and transport humans.

Cats were used on board ship in both wars, and in the trenches of the First World War to help get rid of rats.

Bears were often regimental mascots. The most famous military bears must be Winnine-the-bear from the First World War and Wojtek from the Second World War.

Wojtek (pronounced Voyek) was the mascot of nd22 Company, Polish Army Service Corps

(Artillery).Rescued as a cub, he grew up to help carry supplies and ammunition, stood guard and was an extraordinary morale-booster. After the war, he retired to Edinburgh Zoo.

During the Second World War the US considered using Mexican free-tailed bats as living incendiary bombs. Once freed over Japanese towns and cities, it was hoped that the bats would roost in attics. Timers would then set off the tiny firebombs, killing the bats and burning down the houses. This was never put into operation.

The Dickin Medal, which was instituted in 1943 by Maria Dickin, is awarded to animals for acts of bravery. So far only 60 animals have received the Dickin Medal; 32 pigeons, 24 dogs, 3 horses, 1 cat.

Contributed byCapt Pandu Ranga Reddy (Retd)


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There is no one on this earth who has not faced a problem in life, and most of the times people have succeeded in overcoming them. We should not allow our problems to become our masters. Ups and downs in life are very important to keep us going, because a straight line even in E.C.G. means we are not alive.

A merchant had the misfortune of owing a large sum of money to the moneylender. The moneylender, who was old and ugly, fancied the merchant's beautiful daughter so he proposed a bargain. He said he would forego the merchant's debt if he could marry the daughter. Both the merchant and his daughter were horrified by the proposal. The moneylender told them that he would put a black pebble and a white pebble into an empty bag. The girl would then have to pick one pebble from the bag. If she picked the black pebble, she would become the moneylender's wife and her father's debt would be forgiven. If she picked the white pebble she need not marry him and her father's debt would still be forgiven. But if she refused to pick a pebble, her father would be thrown into jail.

They were standing on a pebble strewn path in the merchant's garden. As they talked, the moneylender bent over to pick up two pebbles. As he picked them up, the sharp-eyed girl noticed that he had picked up two black pebbles and put them into the bag. He then asked the girl to pick her pebble from the bag.

If you had to advise her, what would you have told her? Careful analysis would produce three possibilities:

1. The girl should refuse to take a pebble.

2. The girl should show that there were two black pebbles in the bag and expose the moneylender as a cheat.

3. The girl should pick a black pebble and sacrifice herself in order to save her father from his debt and imprisonment.

The girl put her hand into the moneybag and drew out a pebble. Without looking at it, she fumbled and let it fall onto the pebble-strewn path where it immediately became lost among all the other pebbles.

“Oh, how clumsy of me,” she said. “But never mind, if you look into the bag for the one that is left, you will be able to tell which pebble I picked.” Since the remaining pebble is black, it must be assumed that she had picked the white one. And since the moneylender dared not admit his dishonesty, the girl changed what seemed an impossible situation into an advantageous one.Most complex problems do have a solution, sometimes we have to think about them in a different way. It's truly said, the early bird gets the worm, but it's the second mouse that gets the cheese. Think and act…the same rule does not apply everywhere!!!

If you want to get a different crop in the future, you have to sow different thoughts in present.

Contributed by Mrs Sneh Johari

W/o Col RP Johari9490440324

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Page No. 6



1. RSI management requests members suggestions for improving the format, layout, content and better reading experience for RSI monthly News Journal.

2. Some of the areas identified are as under:-

(a) Archives Section

(b) Veteran's Section

(c) Stn News incl sports round up

(d) Fashion & Beauty tips

(e) Culinary Skills Section

(f) Twin Cities Column – Do You Know?

(g) Adolescent/Youngsters Section

(h) Photography section from members

(i) Poems

3. Members participation is paramount in this


4. Kindly forward your articles on the subjects

enumerated above for creating various sections.

5. Members, spouses & children keen on assisting

RSI in Content Writing or Editing various sections

may give their names.

1. RSI provides 65 days credit facility cycle to the Member i.e, previous month bills (Billing Month) are

th thfwd by 20 of Current Month and are to be paid by 5 of next month (Assigned Month).

th2. If Bill is not received by 20 of the ensuing month, please contact Tele No 27862584/ 27862181/6218 (Army) to find out the amount to be paid. However, SMS alert about the bill amount is sent in advance to all the members before dispatch of bills by courier.

th3. Bills shall be settled by 5 of Assigned Month by Associate Mess Members. If payment is not received by due date, SMS will be sent to the affected members to clear the dues by a grace period of 10 days. If the affected members do not clear the outstanding bills within grace period of 10 days i.e.

thupto 15 of the Assigned Month, credit facilities will be stopped.

4. “ARREARS” column appearing in the bill, is the amount pertaining to outstanding payment of the Billing Months. The word “ARREARS” is for acct purpose only and cannot be amended being Hard Coded. All payments either cleared/not cleared by

th5 of Assigned Month, will appear as “ARREARS” in the bill pertaining to the next month. However, the

thpayments made by 5 will be reflected at the end of the bill details (Amount paid as on) and will not be added to the amount to be paid.

5. Members are advised not to be upset on seeing thARREARS amount, in case of bills cleared after 5 of

thassigned month, since payments received upto 5 are considered while billing.

6. Members are also requested to read the important notes given in the monthly bill.

7. Payments can be made by any of the following mode:-

(a) By Cash

(b) By crossed cheque in favour of RSI, Secunderabad

(c) NEFT, SBH, Bolarum A/C No 62218253148, IFS Code SBHY0020080 followed by e-mail [email protected] with transaction details.

(d) By Swiping Credit/Debit Cards at RSI Office.

1. The Diwali Function will be held in RSI on 21 & 23 Oct 2016. The details are as under:-

(a) 21 Oct 2016 (Friday)

(i) Five houses of Bumper Tambola from 1900 hrs with attractive prizes. (Cost of Tickets - Single Rs 20/-, Set Rs 40/- and Sheet Rs 60/-).

(ii) Venue. Open Air Cinema.

(b) 23 Oct 2016 (Sunday)

(i) Diwali Mela from 1530 hrs onwards with the following attractions:-


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Page No. 7

RSI NOTICE (Continuation)

Ph.: 65273009, 27969515Cell : 93910 26109 90104 99920Fax : 040-27969515


a a

a a


Specialist in transporting household Goods & Cars Management under retired Army Officer Door to Door delivery

Goods to move under transit Insurance Packing done by Expert Packers Car Transportation by Car Carriers


Shop No. : 12/63/D, Srinivasa Colony (Behind BajajShowroom) Main Road, Alwal, Secunderabad - 500 010.


Cell : 9010907530964064967098484196349885988691

Estd. 1999


(An Ex-Serviceman Enterprises)

Specialist in Packers, Movers Car Carriers &

Shop No. 63, Road No. 2, Maruti Nagar, Lothkunta, Secunderabad - 500 015. Telangana.


* Games of Skill.

* Stalls of Garments, Pearls & Jewellery, Handicrafts and various other items.

* Lucky Stalls.

* Stalls for Business Promotion (preferably AWWA related items except builder/property dealers/Real Estate Agents).

(ii) Fire Works Display at 1930 hrs.

(iii) Food Courts.

(iv) Diwali Hamper Draw with attractive prizes.

2. Entry for members, lady wives and dependent children is free. However, it is mandatory for members bringing guests are required to write the name of their guests in the Guest Register on arrival.

3. There will be plenty of stalls of eatables and bars will be operational on both days. Arrangement of Buffet Dinner has been made for 21 Oct 16 (Friday) on advance booking. Booking may be done at RSI Reception or other mobile/tele numbers of RSI catering.

4. Members interested in booking stalls for Diwali Mela on 23 Oct 16 may contact Secretary, RSI before 18 Oct 16. The allotment of stalls will be on 'first come first serve' basis subject to availability. The booking charges are as under:-

(a) Stalls to be booked - Rs 500/-by Fmn/Est/Unit.

(b) Stalls to be booked by - Rs 1000/-Members for own use.

( c) Stalls to be booked - Rs 2000/- by civilians.

(d) Stalls to be booked by - Rs 1500/-RSI Members for relatives/friends and for companies/establishment

where they are employed.

5. Members are requested to kindly come in large numbers and enjoy the Diwali Function on 21 & 23 Oct 2016.

Page 8: OCTOBER 2016 VOL VII ISSUE 10rsisecunderabad.in/sites/default/files/OCTOBER-2016.pdf · 2018-09-27 · OCTOBER 2016 VOL VII ISSUE 10 (Our Motto - Aesthetics, Values, Courtesy) (Extension

Durga Gold & Silver Pvt. Ltd.Near KFC, Ramgopalpet PS, M.G. Road,

Secunderabad. Tel : 9849069176 / 64503070E-mail: [email protected]

Durga Jewellers is the first ever

Jewellery Mall in the heart of

Secunderabad. Well known for

it’s modern design. Durga is

also a benchmark when it

comes to quality and trust.

The Jewellery Collection in

D iamond, Gold, Pear ls ,

Antique, Polki & Silver is so

unique. Innovative and

enormous that you will be

compelled to say WOW.

Page No. 8

95-C, Parklane, Opp. Chenoy Trade Centre,Secunderabad - 500 003., T.S., India.

Tel. : +91-40-66313510 I 27813559E-mail : [email protected]