THE C8 FACTOR Supplementing with CapTri® C8 MCT THE TRAINER'S PAGE Find your place in the bodybuilding spectrum HIGH SCHOOL STRENGTH BENCMARKS Iron Vic speaks! WHY AREN'T YOU GETTING LEANER? Three major reasons you're failing to meet your goals MUSCLE MEETS MEDICINE The importance of sleep BUILDING THE METABOLISM How to get big and ripped Parrillo on the Road Parrillo on the Road Seminar is huge hit in St. Louis

OCTOBER 19-20, 2019 - Parrillo Performance · You're ready to compete in a bodybuilding show, but you aren't quite sure which division you should choose. This is a common issue in

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Page 1: OCTOBER 19-20, 2019 - Parrillo Performance · You're ready to compete in a bodybuilding show, but you aren't quite sure which division you should choose. This is a common issue in

THE C8 FACTORSupplementing with

CapTri® C8 MCT

THE TRAINER'S PAGEFind your place in the

bodybuilding spectrum


Iron Vic speaks!


Three major reasons you're failing to meet your goals

MUSCLE MEETS MEDICINEThe importance of sleep

BUILDING THE METABOLISMHow to get big and ripped

Parrillo on the RoadParrillo on the RoadSeminar is huge hit in St. Louis

Page 2: OCTOBER 19-20, 2019 - Parrillo Performance · You're ready to compete in a bodybuilding show, but you aren't quite sure which division you should choose. This is a common issue in

Contributing PhotographersJohn ParrilloDominique ParrilloMarcus McCuistonGreg Walck

ContributingWritersJohn ParrilloMarty GallagherDr. Jeremy GirmannScott CanatseyAndre NewcombIron Vic SteeleRon Harris



PublisherJohn Parrillo

Design DirectorMarcus McCuiston

Editor At LargeMarty Gallagher

John Parrillo’s Performance Press is published monthly. The subscription rate of one year (12) issues is $29.95 ©2019 by John Parrillo. All Rights Reserved. For information, Please contact Parrillo Performance at (513) 874-3305 or e-mail to [email protected]








Many people have difficulties getting enough sleep, but what can happen if we don't get enough? Dr. Girmann explains in his latest article.

You are working hard in the gym, but you aren't quite seeing the results that you would like. Ron Harris shares three reasons why you aren't getting leaner.

If your goal is to get big and ripped, check out this months's edition of The Parrillo Principles. Andre Newcomb explains how to build your metabolism.

This month we feature a simple and healthy recipe for balsamic glazed salmon!

What if you could harness elevated ketone body levels and the benefits of ketosis – but without going on the highly restrictive (and boring) keto diet? Read on!

You're ready to compete in a bodybuilding show, but you aren't quite sure which division you should choose. This is a common issue in the current bodybuilding world and we are here to help you decide.

Iron Vic Steele answers questions from readers.

4 – Parrillo on the RoadLevel 1 Certification for Trainers

OCTOBER 19-20, 2019

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John Parrillo's Performance Press

By Marty Gallagher

Wild Horse Fitness in suburban St. Louis has long had a

reputation for obtaining outstanding results on a widespread basis for all its members. The owner of Wild Horse Fitness is Henry Lovelace, an elite bodybuilder that successfully transitioned from elite athlete into elite coach and trainer. Not all great bodybuilders make great coaches: just because you can obtain outstanding results for yourself does not automatically mean you will be able to elicit great gains (or any gains) for others. Henry is a master craftsman, a human body mechanic, someone that remolded his body using Parrillo Principles and uses these same Principles to this day. “I saw John Parrillo in action for the first time at a Muscle Mania event 25 years ago,” Henry recalled. “Parrillo was onstage with Flex Wheeler, Kevin Levrone and Shawn Ray. The audience was peppering the four with intricate questions about bodybuilding nutrition and training. Parrillo’s

knowledge blew me away. I remember thinking, ‘who is this guy!?’” John Parrillo recalled meeting and getting to know Henry. “Henry was just one of those guys that you knew right away was hardcore through and through.” True enough. So, it was only natural that when Henry got into the commercial gym business, his facility would mirror his personality and vision.

Wild Horse fitness is a facility with a philosophy. “We’re dedicated to results.” Henry said. “Every member has their own customized training and nutritional program. Everyone at Wild Horse is working with a plan; no one is just working out. Everyone has a purpose. There is a collective energy at Wild Horse.” Every new member collaborates with Henry to create a mutually agreed on game plan for transformation. Henry added, “My philosophy and the Parrillo philosophy are indistinguishable, John and I see eye-to-eye all up and down the line.” Henry’s idea was to bring John to

Wild Horse and allow his members to ask questions of the Muscle Guru, questions related to their own training and their own progress. “I had learned so much from John over the years; he is a bodybuilding Google, an oracle. You can ask him any training question or pose any nutritional problem and he immediately comes up with a brilliant solution for your situation. I wanted to give members a chance to quiz the oracle.” Sometimes people hear better what they already know when it is retold by an outside expert. “John and I talk on a regular basis. It hit me one day, ‘why not get John down here to give my people a taste of what got me fired up about Parrillo a quarter century ago.’”

Henry’s first encounter with Parrillo was a revelation. He was so taken by what he’d heard Parrillo say at the Muscle Media event that he decided to reach out to John. “I remember the first time I worked up the nerve to call Parrillo headquarters. I was

shocked that when I asked if I could talk with John, he picked up the phone. I sputtered out my question and he took 45-minutes with me.” Hardcore Henry took John’s advice and put it into action and because he did he obtained sensational results. “John’s message was so radical back then. Nowadays all his stuff that was considered ‘crazy’ back in the day has been adapted and adopted on a widespread basis by the mainstream bodybuilding community.” In April of this year, Henry invited John to come to Saint Louis and put on a seminar at his iconic Wild Horse fitness. Henry thought it would be beneficial to bring John Parrillo in to address the Wild Horse troops about the intricacies of nutrition and training. “I preach the Parrillo approach every day, yet when John explains it to my clients and students in person, they are dazzled, like they’d never heard it before. After John left, they were fired up, everyone started buckling down and tightening up.” Henry laughed, “Having Parrillo tell them what I’ve been telling them

for years reinforced the message.”

John was shocked when he first walked into Wild Horse fitness. “This gym was incredible,” Parrillo said, “it was spotless, everything was polished, it was unbelievable. This was easily one of the best gyms I have ever been in, and I have been in quite a few.” Henry (like Parrillo) is a stickler for perfection. “I have created the type of gym I would want to train at.” Henry related, “I wanted to go the extra mile for the members. For example, we have a large room upstairs that is our lounge/meeting area. Members can get a Parrillo protein shake, use the Wi-Fi, hang out and socialize before or after training.” Henry has created a community with a unifying purpose, i.e., improving the physique using Lovelace/Parrillo bodybuilding strategies and tactics. There was terrific anticipation leading up to the April 27th seminar and for the sixty attendees, John did not disappoint. John explained the flow of the seminar. “We led off by

reintroducing the seminarians to the ABCs of basic bodybuilding nutrition. We walked them through the power of regular food and how some foods are preferentially partitioned to building muscle while other foods are preferentially partitioned into creating body fat.” Henry added. “Everything about Parrillo nutrition is logical.” John continued, “We teach people how to expertly use regular food. 80-90% of bodybuilding nutrition involves regular foods used with great care and precision.”

It was powerful for John to reiterate what Henry had already been telling them. “John has the power to really break things down in a way that allows people to really get it.” The lion’s share of the four-hour seminar was dedicated to questions and answers. John was impressed with the questions. “Everyone had really done their homework. Everyone had specific questions relating to their own situation.” Participants had come from as far away as Chicago and were

Parrillo on the RoadSeminar is huge hit in St. Louis “They’re still

talking about it!”

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John Parrillo's Performance PressParrillo on the Road – Seminar is huge hit in St. Louis

trains here is serious about progress and progressing. When they are given a potential solution to a plateau, my people will implement it.” Since April, Wild Horse has been on fire. “For example,” Henry related, “One of our female members is regional bodybuilding champion. She indicated she lived in constant fear of getting fat and was living on 1,200 calories a day.” She expressed her fears about the Parrillo high calorie/clean calorie approach. At the seminar John assured her that an infusion of calories would change her physique.”

Henry added, “After she talked to John at the seminar, she started to feed herself (more clean calories) and within no time her physique filled out, her injuries went away, and her energy skyrocketed. She is actually leaner now.” Asked about

the general post-seminar consensus, Henry related, “It’s been two months and folks are still talking about it. They’re still talking about the things John talked about. Folks are talking amongst themselves about those timeless Parrillo topics…how to build the metabolism, insulin surges, what to eat when you commit to eat more, meal scheduling, meal preparation, plus always and forever lots of talk about nutritional supplementation.” Parrillo talked at length about the role of supplementation in a diet plan. John outlined the role of supplements. “I stressed to them that supplements are meant to supplement, not replace, regular food. Used correctly, supplements will cause progress to skyrocket.” One seminar attendee was a 44-year old female going through menopause. She could not lose weight and quizzed John as to what she could do. “John’s answer blew their minds,” related Henry, “he told her to start taking three protein shakes per day and adding two tablespoons of CapTri® C8 MCT to each shake.” Some quick calculations reveal that this strategy would add 100 grams of high BV protein per day along with 1,200 ultra-clean calories.

Henry continued. “She followed through and implemented John’s advice. “In 60 days, she has lost 15 pounds of body fat, this after being stuck for two years.” These are not atypical results for those that enact the Parrillo prescription with the discipline and tenacious adherence required. “There are no half measures,” Henry stated, “To get the really dramatic results requires tremendous effort in the weight room, daily cardio and complete adherence to precision eating and supplementation. Those that stick to the Wild Horse/Parrillo program get results without fail.” John is passionate about educating people and helping them achieve their goals. Any forward-thinking facility that would like to put on a Parrillo nutrition and training seminar can contact us here at Parrillo Headquarters: 1-800-344-3404.

encouraged to ask questions and as many follow-up questions as needed. “There were quite a few trainees that asked multiple questions,” John said, “the questions were quite detailed and precise. I tried to make sure that everyone was given an opportunity to see if we could come up with a solution.” Henry recalled his first encounter with John and wanted to replicate this experience for his members. “I bought my first copy of High Performance Bodybuilding at a local garage sale. That book changed my life.” Henry read it cover to cover while prepping for a bodybuilding show. “I devoured the book, incorporated all the big check squares and got on track.” After a few weeks his progress, while good, seemed stymied. “That’s when I called John and we talked and talked. He quizzed me on my training and my diet at

length and in depth. I needed to lose some body fat fast and was stumped.”

He had me describe my diet in detail. After listening, he told me, ‘lose the bananas.’ I had been eating a ton of bananas – every other bodybuilding expert indicated bananas were an excellent bodybuilding food. John told me to switch out the insulin-spiking bananas for some natural carbs. With that one tweak I lost a ton of body fat and I lost it fast. This is the kind of Parrillo-experience I wanted to bring my people.” By all accounts, Parrillo visit was a smash hit. In his wake, those that attended the seminar were making gains on a widespread basis, basically off the information gleaned from the afternoon with Parrillo. “People are making gains right and left. Our members are serious people,” Henry said, “everyone that

“To get the really dramatic results requires tremendous effort in the weight room, daily cardio and complete adherence to precision eating and supplementation. Those that stick to the Wild Horse/Parrillo program get results without fail.”

-Henry Lovelace

Wild Horse Fitness Salon

Wild Horse Fitness Co-Owner Angie McMullin and granddaughter

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AUGUST 2019AUGUST 20198 91-800-344-3404 www.parrilloperformance.com

spring stroll through the park. They aren’t breathing heavy, and they’re not breaking a sweat. As such, their so-called cardio session accomplished next to nothing. You have to work hard. Cardio should not be easy! When you’re breathing so hard you can’t talk on the phone and sweat is pouring down your face, you’re doing it right. Personally, I prefer HIIT inter-val style cardio, alternating 60-90-sec-ond ‘sprints’ with 90-120-second ‘re-coveries’ at about 70% of maximum effort for the duration of the cardio session. And of course, if you really want to incinerate fat, nothing burns it off quite like fasted AM cardio. It sucks getting up early and doing cardio on an empty stomach, but man does it work!

YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND 'CLEAN EATING'Finally, a lot of people out there really have no concept of what clean eating is. Clean eating is choosing fresh food, not processed, and cooking it in such a way as to minimize your intake of sugar and saturated fat. It also means eating plain food rather than drowning it in things like mayonnaise, ketchup, teriyaki sauce, or calorie-lad-en salad dressing. A grilled chicken breast with some seasoning sprinkled on it is clean, while an extra-crispy breast from KFC is far from it. Spices and low-calorie marinades can make your food every bit as tasty as that fast food crap, and if you need to sat-isfy your sweet tooth, Parrillo Perfor-mance now offers an entire range of delicious treats like cookies, brownies, cake, frosting, and peanut butter – but without all the sugar and calories you don’t need, and with added protein to help you hold on to your hard-earned muscle while you get ripped.

more than you take in. You will need to cut back on your portion sizes, and typically that will come out of your carbohydrate intake. Conversely, there are also many cases where people don’t eat enough, and making mat-ters worse, they go anywhere from 4-6 hours between meals. This puts the body into panic mode where it thinks you’re starving, and it regulates itself by slowing down your metabolic rate to conserve energy for survival. Instead, feed it every 2-3 hours with lean protein, starchy and fibrous carbs, and healthy fats.

YOU'RE SKIPPING CARDIO – OR DOING WIMPY CARDIOIf you’re not doing your daily cardio, you shouldn’t be confused as to why your bodyfat levels aren’t dropping an iota. Or maybe you are hitting car-dio, but the intensity is simply much too low to burn enough calories. You will see people ambling along on treadmills like they’re taking a lovely

Summer is flying right by, the only time for many of us when we can show off the hard work we’ve put in the rest of the year blasting iron. Most of us like to drop some serious bodyfat and display some nice abs and veins, but what if it’s not happening? If you are trying to lean out and it’s not happening, one or more of these reasons is probably to blame.

YOU'RE EATING TOO MUCH – OR TOO LITTLEJohn Parrillo advocates eating plenty of wholesome, fresh food every day to fuel your intense workouts and recovery so you can make the gains you crave. But some people go too far with their clean food and consume more than they really need. If your body requires 3,000 calories a day to maintain your current weight and you routinely take in 4,000, don’t expect to be showing any new cuts anytime soon. Losing fat does require a caloric deficit; ie; you must burn off


Facebook: Ron Harris WriterTwitter: @RonHarrisMuscleInstagram: ronharrismuscleYouTube: RonHarrisMuscle

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Follow Dr. Girmann on [email protected]

I was recently asked what I most struggle with in terms of

maintaining a healthy lifestyle.Sleep.

Without hesitation, sleep is the answer.

Like many of you, I have an unremitting sense that there is so much to do and so little time to do it. Spending one-third of our lives sleeping seems like a perfectly fine waste of the precious time that we do have to be doing something useful or exciting.

Despite donning our metaphorical capes and hustling with heroic effort during the day, we cannot escape the inherent rhythms of our biology and our need for sleep. I’ve tried. It doesn’t work. If it weren’t important, we would have surrendered our sleep long ago.

By Dr. Jeremy Girmann



Muscle Meets Medicine: The Importance of Sleep

consolidation, our learning and recall can become significantly impaired. It has also been discovered that during sleep, a group of specialized cells called glial cells sweep up the day’s debris and eliminate the waste products that would otherwise accumulate in the brain, causing damage and dysfunction. This is a fairly new area of research and one that has profound implications for the prevention of diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, which results in part from a build up of a protein called beta-amyloid.

A Weakened Immune SystemSleep significantly impacts our immune system and it’s ability to protect us against offending agents. It has been shown that the growth, communication, and transport of immune cells are all affected by a lack of sleep. The consequences of sleep deprivation on our immune system can be likened to sending a fatigued and underprepared army into battle, day after day.

Furthering the point, a recent study was conducted to examine the body’s response to hepatitis A vaccines. It was clearly shown that better sleep on the night after the experimental vaccinations were administered resulted in much more robust immune responses to the vaccines. This finding indicated a specific role of sleep in the formation of immunological memory.It should also be noted that while we often recognize the importance of the immune system for protecting us against viruses and bacteria, processes such as cancer and its prevention are equally reliant on a properly functioning immune system.

Impaired Muscle RecoveryWe need to respect the bed just as much as we do the bench if the goal is muscle growth and recovery. During the night, the energy that sustains us throughout the day can be directed toward repair processes that heal and fortify our bodies for the days to

The Importance of Sleep

how a vicious cycle might be formed:

Joe works long hours and sleeps for only 4-5 hours per night. He experiences significant workplace stress and notes that with the few hours of sleep that he does get, the quality of sleep is generally poor. He doesn’t have the energy to exercise and he finds himself eating more throughout the day, noting that he has continued to slowly pack on the pounds over the past few years. The lack of sleep, absence of exercise, and poor diet begin to affect his professional life. He becomes forgetful and is unable to engage with his work in the way that he used to. He becomes depressed, relationships suffer, he starts to drink heavily and he eventually gets Alzheimer’s disease and dies. Yikes! That escalated quickly. You get the point.

come. Anabolic hormones are elevated, inflammatory molecules are dampened, and cell turnover is increased. The less we sleep, the less we recover. It’s really that simple.

Impaired Fat LossTwo hormones that are intimately involved in the regulation of appetite and energy balance are Leptin and Ghrelin. Several studies have shown that a lack of sleep

In the days when we were snoozing on savannas or camping out in caves, falling asleep represented a significant threat to our safety, and yet, our need persisted.

Studies have indicated that most adults should aim for between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each night. Athletes following intense exercise programs likely need more.

It seems like a lot, doesn’t it? Let’s take a look at just a few of the risks that we run with dozing deprivation.

Dying SoonerWe’re cutting to the chase with this one.

“I’ll sleep when I’m dead.” If you’ve uttered these words, you’d better spend some of your waking hours digging your own grave because

you’re likely going to need it sooner than you otherwise would if you choose to neglect proper sleep.A large literature review noted that 6 hours of sleep or less has been associated with a 12% increased risk of death.

Impaired Memory and Cognition“No one looks back on their life and remembers the nights when they had plenty of sleep.” I’ve heard this phrase more than once and I contend that no one looks back on their life and remembers much of anything if they neglected proper sleep.

Memory consolidation is a process that is known to occur while we sleep. This can be thought of as the organization and storing of information and memories in the filing cabinet of our brains for quick and easy reference. Without proper

can cause a profound imbalance between these two hormones, often marked by an increase and Ghrelin and a decrease in Leptin. The net effect is that sleep deprivation can cause a significant increase in appetite with particular predilection for carbohydrate consumption. This, in combination with simply being awake for longer hours, increases the likelihood of greater caloric consumption. In addition, shorter and less restful sleep leads to an exaggerated increase in the stress hormone, cortisol. While cortisol release is necessary for normal physiologic function, amplified cortisol release can certainly contribute to packing on the pounds.

What’s more? Sleep restriction has been shown to result in both impaired glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity. This increases the likelihood of metabolic derangement and the risk for development of diabetes.

Though these represent just a few examples of the detrimental effects of sleep deprivation, you can imagine

During the night, the energy that sustains

us throughout the day can be directed

toward repair processes that

heal and fortify our bodies for the days

to come.

Spending one-third of our lives sleeping seems like a perfectly fine waste of the precious time that we do have to be doing something useful or exciting.

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AUGUST 2019AUGUST 201912 131-800-344-3404 www.parrilloperformance.com

That is a great way to find a starting point for the competitive journey. Our in-house Amazon, Carrie Canatsey, is a good example of this. She loved the idea of bodybuilding, but in her second year competing, Women’s Physique was created. The judges all offered Carrie the same advice… “Try Women’s Physique.”

It did not take long and within 2 years the Women’s Physique division also changed. The women were getting more muscular and Carrie was honing her physique into a sleeker and more aesthetic look. She loves the physiques of Cory Everson and Anja Langer and sought to achieve the look that they had presented so well. The Judges were urging her to try Figure, as it was the look she was sporting. Now she is in preparation for the NPC Universe in the division that she has taken painstaking steps to be ready for.

The point I am trying to drive home is that an athlete should begin to zero in on a look that will be most competitive in a chosen division. To dabble in a couple of Divisions early on is understandable, but, once a clear signal and advice from the judges, it is time to come up with a strategy to achieve the desired look. If being a true Bodybuilding Division competitor is the goal, then the 5 year plan is in order. Just keep growing proportionally and keep listening to the judges. Bodybuilding takes patience and a few years of committed time for most mortals.

There are certainly some out there who may just want to get on a Bodybuilding stage for fun, or just to say they “did a show”. That is expected, but there are some who will take this endeavor more seriously and seek to make more than a weekend competition to try. Those are the ones I enjoy working with the most. There is power in raw passion. I love helping people to nurture and cultivate the passion and direct it to a winning end.

The Trainer's Page

The Trainer's Page: Find your place in the bodybuilding spectrum

The Trainer's PageBy Scott Canatsey – Lead trainer at the Parrillo Performance training facility

Find your place in the body building spectrum

The bodybuilding world has changed dramatically over the

last decade. The advent of several new divisions within the sport has given rise to a variety of looks to fit each division respectively. From bikini to bodybuilding, each division has a standard to be met. There is an appropriate level of muscle and conditioning distinct in each division. Shouldn’t more consideration be given to achieving a specific look to bring to the competitive stage?

If anyone has paid much attention to their local bodybuilding shows, it is apparent that the majority of people tend to enter multiple divisions in

hopes of some kind of hardware. I understand the mentality, but it is a bit haphazard for a sport that demands meticulous control and dogged effort. It is easy to witness many of the same people, show after show continue to enter multiple divisions in hopes of a trophy in some class. Maybe even pull off a class win. But, does this help the competitor to hone in on the division best suited for them?

If a competitor is entering their first or second show, it is a good idea to enter a couple of divisions to see where they fall in the judging, and see what criteria that they come closest to now.

This is the laser focus necessary to succeed in the competitive bodybuilding universe. Now pick a division and go for it!

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Building the Metabolism

Want to get BIG and RIPPED? Here’s how…

One of John Parrillo’s most important and controversial

ideas was his contention that, over time and with strict nutritional and exercise adherence, the metabolism could be “built.” In many ways this is the fundamental Parrillo precept, one upon which the entire Parrillo philosophy of bodybuilding is constructed. Metabolism is defined as “the breakdown and conversion of food (and drink) into energy.” Further, John Parrillo states, “The metabolism has two functional components, catabolism and anabolism. Catabolism breaks down food and extracts the nutrients needed for energy, repair and growth. Anabolism is the construction of new body tissue, new muscle.” Why is a “built” metabolism a good thing for a bodybuilder? To build and maintain significant amounts of muscle mass requires ample calories, first to build muscle and then to maintain that muscle. Muscle is a metabolically active tissue that requires calories to survive: the more muscle you have the more calories are required. Those bodybuilders that swear allegiance to low calorie diets never become large and muscular. John Parrillo

“Aerobic exercise is critical,” John explained, “a fitter bodybuilder is able to train harder, train longer and train more often. Intense cardio exercise builds cardiovascular density and mitochondrial density.” The Parrillo approach to cardio is not polite, sweat-free jogging, or texting while riding an exercise bike. “The bodybuilder should use a variety of aerobic tools, machines and modes, while always seeking to train just below the oxygen-debt threshold.” By sweating profusely, by, huffing and puffing, the bodybuilder derives maximum benefit from their cardio efforts. Weight training, Parrillo-style, covers all the bases: low rep training is recommended for maximum power and muscle density; moderate reps build maximum muscle size while ultra-high rep sets reset Golgi-tendon reflex trigger points and straddle the fence between resistance training and cardio. The Parrillo weight training approach is best described as hard, heavy and often.

Foundational core precept: use metabolism-amping nutrition: not all calories are created equal: some calories are naturally “partitioned” towards healing muscles torn down in training. These calories contain micronutrients that repair and replenish muscles, this as a precursor to generating actual muscle growth. Other calories are naturally partitioned into the creation of body fat. The Parrillo nutritional approach biases food consumption towards muscle-building calories while avoiding fat-producing calories. Not coincidentally, those beneficial calories also accelerate the metabolism. Certain foods are nutritionally power-packed, yet difficult to digest. There is a thermic expenditure assigned to digesting hard-to-digest nutrients. “Dynamic action” refers to a food’s ability to stimulate heat during digestion. Heat accelerates the body’s metabolic rate. By biasing food consumption towards foods that spike the metabolism, by

ingesting calories that are difficult to store as fat, the Parrillo nutritional approach creates the perfect anabolic diet. Regular food is augmented with powerful Parrillo nutritional supplements. In the Parrillo lexicon, a “clean” calorie is partitioned towards building new muscle, providing energy or it is excreted. Ample amounts of clean calories “underpin and optimize results obtained from high intensity exercise.” John went on to explain, “we stress eating calories difficult for the body to convert into body fat. We stress eating calories that spike dynamic action and amp-up the metabolism.”

• Lean protein: the backbone of the Parrillo nutritional approach is the ample consumption of lean protein. Protein spikes the metabolism by upwards of 30% for 10-12 hours. Carbohydrate and fat, by comparison, elevate the metabolic rate a mere 4%. Parrillo recommends hard-trainers intake a minimum of 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight. A 200-pound bodybuilder would take 200-300 grams per day.

The Parrillo Principles: Building the Metabolism

By Andre Newcomb

• Fiber carbohydrates: fiber carbs are virtually impossible to be converted into body fat. Fiber has very few calories, a low caloric density. Fiber is an excellent intestinal cleanser; fiber scraps walls of sludge as it passes through the body. Fiber carbs include green beans, broccoli, onions, carrots, lettuce, cabbage, kale, asparagus, etc. Parrillo recommends a high fiber intake as “the perfect complement to a high protein intake.

• Starch carbohydrates: starch carbs are broken down into glucose, blood sugar. Glucose is used as energy for red blood cells and the central nervous system. Glucose is a muscle’s main fuel source during intense exercise. Unlike simple sugar, natural starch carbs produce a slow, steady release of glucose. In the Parrillo approach, starch carbs are always eaten with fiber and protein, never alone; food combining dampens starch insulin spikes.

• Nutritional supplementation: John Parrillo developed a line of super-potent nutritional supplements, initially to fill a gap; potency was

pointed this out in a recent interview, “Note that those that adhere to low calorie diets and to ketogenic (no carb) diets are able to lose body fat - however they are unable to grow muscle mass.” The lack of calories and carbohydrate stymies new muscle construction. The Parrillo approach to bodybuilding requires a skillful blending of high intensity exercise with a highly specific and extremely sophisticated nutritional strategy. Those that successfully adhere to the Parrillo approach invariably add lean mass while simultaneously reducing body fat. What could be better than that?

Foundational core precept: engage in intense exercise: diets alone are never as effective as diets synchronized with exercise. Most conventional progressive resistance exercise programs are insufficiently intense to build muscle; most conventional cardiovascular exercise routines are insufficiently intense to burn body fat. The Parrillo approach towards exercise insists bodybuilders must engage in two types of exercise: weight training and aerobic training. Both types of exercise need be sufficiently intense in order to obtain the muscle-building, fat-burning results being sought.

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sadly lacking. During the 60s and 70s, impotent soy protein was cut with sugar and sold with nasty chemical filler. Parrillo set the potency standard with his protein products. CapTri® C8 MCT possesses the caloric density of fat, 9-calories per gram, yet cannot be stored as body fat.

Putting it all together: Are you training hard enough? Engage in hardcore weight training and intense cardio. Train with the requisite ferocity. Be consistent. Weight training need be hard enough to trigger hypertrophy; cardio need be intense enough to cause the burning of body fat. The training is underpinned with high-calorie, clean calorie eating. Protein goals are set: each day, seven days a week, protein minimums are attained. Nutritional supplementation can go a long way in helping a serious bodybuilder attain his daily protein goals. Fiber carbs are eaten often. Starch carbs are derived from natural sources and eaten with other foods to dampen insulin spikes. The classic Parrillo meal consists of a large portion of lean protein along with unlimited fiber and a portion of natural starch. The intake of calories is divided up into smaller, more frequent meals or feedings. Be aware that in the Parrillo approach, there are no cheat days or cheat meals: once the process commences, the training is expected to be done as scheduled and the nutritional game plan adhered to completely. The Parrillo approach is an expert blending of cardio, lifting, nutrition and supplementation. None of the elements are optional or replaceable. All the disciplines amplify one another.

How to build the metabolism: a Parrillo-influenced bodybuilder might start of with a 2,500 (clean) calorie per day diet. Here is one potential 2,500 calorie daily meal plan…

The Parrillo Principles: Parrillo Secrets

The Parrillo nutritional approach has many characteristics: establish a multiple meal eating schedule stressing a high intake of lean protein and fiber. Natural starch carbs are only eaten with other food. Long-chain triglyceride fat consumption is minimalized and “switched out” with MCT fat (medium-chain triglyceride) contained in CapTri® C8 MCT. After four weeks of stabilized eating at 2,500 calories, the Parrillo bodybuilder “kicks up” the overall daily caloric intake by 500 calories, from 2,500 to 3,000 calories. This might be accomplished by intaking an additional 65 grams of protein (one more shake, one chicken breast) and an additional 65 grams of starch carbs (a modest-sized portion of

brown rice.) Aerobic intensity would be kicked up, lifting intensity taken up a notch. Stabilize at 3,000 for two to three weeks, stabilize and realize the gains. Repeat. Multiple meals, clean calories, high protein and heavy MCT supplementation underpin exercise that becomes increasingly intense. Results are monitored weekly using the unique Parrillo BodyStat Kit. This nine-point skin-fold caliper test assesses changes in body fat percentiles, week to week, month to month.

Augment with supplements: the Parrillo bodybuilder adopts and adapts to the process. As the weeks roll by, clean calories need be systematically increased. Exercise

intensity is increased, training sessions grow longer, momentum develops, muscle is built, body fat oxidized. There must be a complete commitment to nutrition. The Parrillo Nutritional Program includes a 450-gram scale; the Parrillo approach to nutrition requires total accuracy. The serious bodybuilding effort requires nutritional precision – are you able to eyeball 250 grams of brown rice or 125 grams of cod? How big a portion is 200 grams of turkey breast of 100 grams of green beans? After handling foods over and over, after repeated food prep and meal creation, a seasoned bodybuilder can “eyeball” a 250-gram portion of chicken breast or 50 grams of broccoli with great accuracy. Regular food is augmented with powerhouse Parrillo nutritional supplements. As the weeks roll by, as the bodybuilder delves deeper and deeper into the process, more clean calories are needed, more fat-free protein is needed. Two Parrillo protein shakes per day, one Optimized Whey™ shake in the morning and a Parrillo Hi-Protein™ caseinate shake before bed, provide 70 grams of protein – this goes a long way

John Parrillo's Performance Press

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towards hitting daily protein goals. CapTri® C8 MCT becomes critical: each tablespoon contains 120 calories per level tablespoon. CapTri® C8 MCT calories are the cleanest of calories. Despite being a lipid, a fat, CapTri® C8 MCT calories go to the head of the oxidation line as soon as they are consumed. Many bodybuilders will double their caloric intake over the course of a 12-week off-season mass-building phase. Use supplements judiciously and expertly.

Why go to the trouble? If you are serious about taking your physique to the next level, a serious approach is needed. Most trainees have sluggish metabolisms; they under eat the wrong foods and under-train. Real gains are rooted in establishing an intense training regimen and underpinning the never-ending body shock (that is true training) with a high calorie, clean calorie, multiple meals eating approach. Those that can lock down the training and establish consistent clean eating, with lots of calories and lots of potent supplements, never fail to make sensational gains. Jump

in (calorically) at a low level and lock it in for a protracted period. No bobbles or cheats. Begin building the metabolism by slowly adding small amounts of clean calories, heavily biased towards protein. Each week kick up the calories, each week kick up the cardio and each week kick up the lifting intensity. Hold the course for 8-12 weeks. Building the metabolism requires you eat more (clean fuel) in order to lose body fat. Use weekly BodyStat readings as a report card. Keep the fuel clean and the exercise intense. Eating more to lose body fat is the very definition of building the metabolism and the core principle of Parrillo-style bodybuilding.


Meal 1 egg white omelet with vegetables, oatmeal, CapTri® C8 MCTMeal 2 Optimized Whey™ shake, Parrillo Sport nutrition barMeal 3 tilapia fish, rice, corn, green beans, CapTri® C8 MCTMeal 4 50/50 Plus™ shake (post-worko ut replenishment)Meal 5 chicken, asparagus, potato, salad, CapTri® C8 MCTMeal 6 Hi-Protein™ shake

400 350 650 200 750 160



Total Calories

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Endurance is critical in athletic training and bodybuilding. Can a person increase their endurance through the use of nutritional supplementation? Science says yes. Endurance can be improved, regardless the degree of fitness, if the ability to clear waste products from the bloodstream is improved. Parrillo Performance combed the available scientific research and determined that a specific combination of:

Cable CrunchesCable Crunches are excellent for building muscularity in the upper and lower abs. The most important point about this exercise is to tuck your pelvic girdle in and forward as you perform the movement. Unless you adopt this position, your lower abs will go unworked. Keep your ab muscles completely tensed as you do the exercise.

Performance Points

• Tuck your pelvic girdle in and forward

• Stay tight

Question: How many calories should I consume?Answer: This is one of the toughest questions to answer, because it's a very individual thing determined by your lean body mass, activity level and genetics. There are mathematical formulas you can use to estimate your maintenance requirements, but they do not work reliably. The easiest way to handle this is simply to start weighing your food and use the Food Composition Guide in the Parrillo Nutrition Manual to calculate how many calories you normally consume. Keep a food journal listing everything you eat. After a week, average your daily calorie intake and this will give you a good idea of how many calories you need to maintain your present lean body mass. You can adjust this up or down by 300-500 calories per day depending on whether you want to gain or lose weight. As your muscle mass increases, your metabolic rate increases as well, so you'll need to slowly and continually adjust your calories upward, known as "building your metablism."

Max Endurance Formula™

Recipe Spotlight

Question & Answer

Exercise SpotlightTips &Tidbits

Supplement of the Month

Balsamic Glazed Salmon2 lbs Salmon or Steel Head Trout1 Cup Balsamic Vinegar2 Tsp Soy Sauce2 Tbsp Brown Sugar Substitute1/4 Tsp Ground Ginger

In a small sauce pan bring vinegar to a boil, lower heat and let simmer for 5 minutes to reduce to about 1/2 cup. Add brown sugar substitute, soy sauce and ginger. Mix well. Marinate fish for several hours then place on a large foil lined cookie sheet. Bake 350 degrees for 20 minutes or until fish flakes.

The Parrillo Training Manual is designed to help you:• Learn specific exercises that have proven effective for some of the nation’s top competitive athletes.• Determine the optimum rep/set scheme you need to maximize muscular density, cardiovascular density

and muscular endurance.• Increase your mental acuity, perfect your form and intensify your workouts.

Information included:• Individual chapters for each muscle group, featuring sample workouts used by John Parrillo with some of

the top professional and amateur bodybuilders in the world.• Illustrated movements to show you the proper form for that particular exercise.• The importance of aerobic training and how it can help improve your physique.• Chapters on fascial stretching, a revolutionary way to stretch your muscles for maximum growth.• A chapter on proper posing. Including all of the mandatory poses for most bodybuilding organizations.

order today!


• Inosine-which improves oxygen utilization.• DL-Phenylalanine-which improves mental acuity.• Ferulic Acid-which stimulates endrocine function.• Potassium and Magnesium Aspartate-which helps clear ammonia, an endurance

robbing waste product of intense training that is quickly turned to uric acid and filtered out of the blood supply

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Everyone seems to be going crazy over the “keto diet,” in

which you restrict all carbs, eat a lot of fat, and consume moderate protein. Physiologically, it elevates levels of ketone bodies in your system and puts you into ketosis – a fat-burning state.

All sounds good, right?

Sure, but the keto diet is very difficult to stick to and can put you in danger of missing out on vital nutrients that you’d otherwise get from starchy carbs. For one thing, if you can’t stick to a diet for longer than half of Monday, what’s the point?

I’ve got a proposition for you: What if you could harness elevated ketone body levels and the benefits of ketosis – but without going on the highly restrictive (and boring) keto diet?

Is this something that appeals to you?

If so, then I’m happy to tell you that supplementing your diet with Parrillo CapTri® C8 MCT is the answer.

This medium chain triglyceride (MCT) oil is formulated with the most effective and most ketogenic MCT: caprylic acid, or C8.

Let me elaborate.

Most MCT oils are made from coconut oil or palm kernel oil. Specifically,

The C8 Factor


By John Parrillo

there are four kinds of MCTs found in coconut oil: C6, C8, C10, and C12. (The numbers refer to the length of the carbon chains.) These are the four main medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil, broken down:

• C12: Lauric acid, 45%• C8: Caprylic acid, 7%• C10: Capric acid, 6%• C6: Caproic acid, 1%

Lauric acid is the least useful and most difficult to digest of all the MCTs. In fact, it behaves more like a conventional fat in the body than an MCT, and many chemists and scientists do not even want to classify it as an MCT.

So right off the bat, you can see that regular, run-of-the-mill coconut oil is high in a fatty acid that may not even be an MCT. This also means that when

you consume it, you do not obtain the fat-burning benefits that some other MCTs confer. Plus, lauric acid can be more readily converted to body fat. Basically then, only 15% or less of the MCTs in coconut oil are truly effective.

Which brings us to the other MCTs. Among these, the most superior is C8. It has the best ketone-producing profile; ketones are substances in the urine which indicate that your body is burning fat. Put another way, the body produces ketone bodies when it uses fat for energy, as opposed to glucose. In fact, C8 is the fastest MCT to metabolize.

Also, C8 has been demonstrated to be up to three times more ketogenic than C10 and 4 times more ketogenic than plain old coconut oil. With C8, you can trigger ketosis, but without cutting carbs!

Bottom line: C8 is the secret fat-burning factor in CapTri® C8 MCT – because it can be converted into ketone bodies rapidly and efficiently and help the body burn fat.

But not just any fat … MCTs high in C8 burn off belly fat (including the dangerous deep fat that pads the stomach and organs), and they pry off stubborn hip fat (which should be good news for women).

According to a review of 13 studies published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, MCTs (compared to conventional long-chain fats) decreased overall body weight naturally (without dieting) by 2 pounds on average; waist circumference by more than half an inch; and hip circumference by up to half an inch – along with statistical decreases in internal fat around organs.

What these results mean is that CapTri® C8 MCT with its powerful C8 acts as a natural fat burner, with the potential to attack all sorts of fat on the body. Also, it may serve as a supplement to prevent fat gain when used daily.

High C8 CapTri® is also: • A concentrated calorie source for

gaining muscle mass;• A metabolism booster;• A source of instant energy; • An effective fuel for your body and

brain;• An antimicrobial agent that helps

fight bacterial infections and viruses;

• A cooking agent for frying foods healthfully.

So if you want the rapid fat-burning benefits of a keto diet without having to suffer through it, make sure you’re supplementing with CapTri® and its C8.

Supplementing with CapTri® C8 MCTCapTri® C8 MCT is incredibly versatile and tastes delicious. Start with one tablespoon a day, and after several days, add in another tablespoon or two. You can:• Use it as a salad dressing with a little

vinegar, herbs, and spices.• Add it to protein shakes.• Drizzle it over vegetables or eggs.• Top baked potatoes with it (butter-

flavored CapTri® C8 MCT is yummy on spuds).

CapTri® C8 MCT is the most highly refined, ultra-purified C8 MCT on the market, specifically designed for people who want to be as lean as possible. It’s available exclusively from Parrillo Performance.

References1. Mumme, K., et al 2015. Effects of medium-chain triglycerides on weight loss and body composition: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Journal of the Academy of

Nutrition and Dietetics 115:249-263.

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Fire those antagonistic muscles!

CapTri®, MCTs and body fat

BodyStat possibilities

High school strength benchmarks

Desert cardio

Bottom-heavy? try fasted cardio



Is it better to use a fast or slow rep speed? I read about explosive reps and reps that are purposefully slowed down. I just kinda push and pull without really thinking about it. I suppose I used a “normal” rep speed. Should I be speeding up or slowing down my reps for better results? Also – how fast is fast and how slow is slow? Do I have to take 10-seconds lower the bar in the bench press? I am an intermediate level guy.

JoBo, Dayton

A lot of experts have a lot of conflicting opinions. At Parrillo Performance our stance is the complete bodybuilder should master and utilize all three rep speeds: fast, normal, slow. An explosive rep is easy to explain and understand, during the concentric, the loaded phase of any progressive resistance rep, a fast rep, an explosive rep, is pushed or pulled as fast as possible. That’s easy. Note that the explosiveness occurs only on the concentric. Never use explosiveness on the negative. Normal rep speed is also easy to grasp, push and pull as you normally would, without thought or preplanning. The human body operates on autopilot when left alone.

Also available inButter Flavor

Pure C8 medium chain triglycerides (MCT Oil) from fractionated coconut oil

As most know, the Parrillo Program is based on eating high amounts of protein and complex carbs and keeping fat intake to a minimum. Of course, everyone’s metabolism is different and can handle foods differently. If you’ve worked with the Parrillo program you know that to lose body fat, we recommend cutting carbohydrate calories. We don’t dispute the fact that you can lose body fat by lowering carbs, thus reducing insulin. What is wrong with high fat programs is the use of dietary fat.

Studies have shown that dietary fat is very prone to being stored as body fat. Not only does dietary fat contribute more to fat stores than carbs or protein, but high fat foods are loaded in cholesterol and trans fatty acids, making you a prime candidate for heart disease.

The way you utilize the low-carb strategy on the Parrillo Program is with the help of CapTri® C8 MCT Oil, a fat, containing 8.3 calories per gram. However, because of its molecular structure, it digests in the body more like a carbohydrate.

In fact, it is burned quicker than carbohydrates and has almost no tendency to be stored as body fat. CapTri® C8 MCT Oil is used to sustain energy levels when lowering carbs or adding quality calories to your diet when trying to gain lean mass.

That’s where CapTri® C8 MCT Oil and dietary fat differ. CapTri® C8 medium chain triglyceride oil is the healthy approach to low-carb/high-fat dieting.

Try one of our 80 recipes from the CapTri® Cookbook, mix Captri® C8 MCT with your favorite shake or combine with your daily meals.

The slowed rep speed is highly recommended. However, the Parrillo strategy avoids ridiculously slowed rep speeds; too slow destroys poundage-handling ability, too slow slashes usable weight to an unacceptable degree.

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Unless you consciously command the body to go fast or slow, the autopilot function will default to “normal,” a rep speed halfway between fast and slow. “You can make any exercise more effective,” John Parrillo related, “by actively engaging the target muscle’s antagonist. The antagonistic muscle lies on the opposite side of a limb (biceps/triceps, quadriceps/hamstrings) or on the opposite side of the torso (pecs/lats, abs/erectors.)” Parrillo continued, “The ‘slowed eccentric’ technique generates maximum muscle fiber stimulation. ‘Barely’ slow the negative eccentric; resist by firing the antagonistic muscles.


I am a serious non-competitive bodybuilder. I am a CrossFit-type athlete and new to the Parrillo

approach to training and nutrition. I am quite impressed with how comprehensive your approach is. I am particularly taken with the Parrillo nutritional approach. I am looking to maximize my lean muscle mass while retaining my current low body fat percentile. I am intrigued with the MCT CapTri® C8 MCT – there has been a lot of good press about how MCTs are beneficial on a lot of levels, including treatment of memory loss and as an energy source. How is it the calories from CapTri® C8 MCT cannot end up as body fat? This is mystifying to me.

Renee, Rancho Cucamonga

CapTri® C8 MCT is a lipid, a medium-chain triglyceride, a fat, and as such contains 9-calories per gram and 120-calories per level tablespoon. This is twice the caloric density of carbohydrate of protein calories. Not

Iron Vic Speaks!

all fats are the same. MCTs have a unique metabolic structure. As soon as MCTs are consumed, they are preferentially burned. Regardless how much food you have consumed, when CapTri® C8 MCT, n MCT, is consumed, it jumps to the front of the oxidation line. CapTri® C8 MCT has the caloric density of fat yet is easily digested. Dietary fat, long-chain triglycerides (LCTs,) also contains 9-calories per gram. However, because LCT fat and body fat have such a similar chemical structure, LCT fat is easily and preferentially converted into body fat. The classic Parrillo procedure is to “switch out” fats, replace LCTs with MCTs. CapTri® C8 MCT is a sophisticated product that can be used with equal effect by those seeking to add maximum lean muscle mass and those seeking to maximally lean out. CapTri® C8 MCT is a versatile, unique, nutrient-dense source of clean calories and deserves to be on the shelf of every serious athlete.


I ordered the BodyStat Kit. My wife wants to enter a bikini competition later this year and she decided to get serious. I want to start taking her BodyStat readings on a weekly basis. I used BodyStat a decade ago when I was competing. Its been a while and I was wondering if you could go over the possibilities again – after taking the nine-point skin-fold pinch test and doing the calculations, conclusions are drawn based on the numbers – could you review the possibilities and course corrections?

Taz, Brooklyn

BodyStat provides a pair of calipers and instructions on how to take a nine-point skinfold caliper pinch test. This will create a baseline. Once you have established a baseline, each succeeding week you can seek to improve on the baseline. Here are the weekly BodyStat possibilities.

John Parrillo's Performance Press

1. Add fat, lose muscle2. Add fat, add muscle3. Stay the same in body fat, lose

muscle4. Stay the same in body fat, add

muscle5. Lose fat, lose muscle6. Lose fat, add muscle 7. Stay the same in muscle, add fat8. Stay the same in muscle, lose fat9. Stay the same in both fat and


Each of these nine generalized categories has a generalized prescription or remedy. If, by way of example, your weekly BodyStat reading indicated you had lost both fat and muscle during the previous week (#5) and assuming you were in a mass-building phase, one solution would be to maintain the current levels and intensities in cardio and weight training while increasing clean calories. The indicators are you are catabolic; to nudge you into anabolism, an increase in clean calories is called for. I think BodyStat is a smart move on your part. This takes the subjectivity out of “how do I look?” always a problem when wives ask husbands for honest feedback. Let BodyStat tell her how she’s doing. That way if she’s adding fat, you don’t have to be the one to tell her. “You’re getting fatter!!” that never goes over well, even if it is the truth.

Mr. Steel,

If you were strength training high school football players, would you establish benchmarks or standards? Would you use the repetition bench press drill as a strength test, as they do at the NFL Combine? Also: what is the best sprint distance to practice? 40s? 100-meter? 200-meter? I train some college prospects and was curious what kind of strength level you would expect or strive for? I work with all types and kinds, from small, swift skill position players to giant offensive and defensive linemen. We have a good strength program

– just wondering how you’d devise a strength test?

Coach Phillips Great State of Texas

First off, I would identify the lifts that were important. Then I would insist on perfect form. No partial reps or bouncing “football” bench presses. I would test the below-parallel squat, the bench press, deadlift, overhead press and power clean. No need to test curls or lateral raises. As far as standards, use ratios. Elite athletes should be able to attain the following using crisp technique: squat, double bodyweight; bench press 1.5 x bodyweight; deadlift 2.5 x bodyweight; overhead press, bodyweight; power clean, 1.25 x bodyweight. An elite 200-pound football player would have to squat 400, bench press 300, deadlift 500, overhead press 200 and power clean of 250 pounds. Obviously, these are strong numbers for a high school player. The use of the high-rep

bench press at the NFL Combine is a ridiculous carryover from days when we didn’t know any better. This is a terrible strength benchmark. The best sprint length most closely matches the demands of the sports: for football 20 to 40-yard dashes are sport specific, while for soccer or Rugby 75 to 100 yards sprints might be more appropriate.


I run outdoors for my cardio here in Arizona. I love it, but as you might imagine, I sweat by the bucketful. I am a lean guy that regularly runs 5Ks and half marathons. My problem is I need to hang onto my hard-earned muscle during the competitive running season. Last year I lost ten pounds of muscle during the three-month competitive running season. I am lean and cannot afford to lose any muscle. Ideally, I would like to figure a replenishment strategy that helps me hang onto my muscle. Is this too much

The use of the high-rep bench press at the NFL Combine is a ridiculous carryover from days when we didn’t know any better.

Page 14: OCTOBER 19-20, 2019 - Parrillo Performance · You're ready to compete in a bodybuilding show, but you aren't quite sure which division you should choose. This is a common issue in

AUGUST 201926 1-800-344-3404

CapTri® C8 MCT Butter Flavor CapTri® C8 MCT Max Endurance Formula™Enhanced GH Formula™Advanced Lipotropic Formula™Joint Formula™Bio-C™Natural-E Plus™Liver Amino Formula™Mineral-Electrolyte Formula™Muscle Amino Formula™Ultimate Amino Formula™Essential Vitamin Formula™Creatine Monohydrate Formula™Calcium PyruvateEvening Primrose Oil 1000™Fish Oil DHA 800 EPA 200™

Pro-Carb Powder™Vanilla, Chocolate and Strawberry

Hi-Protein Powder™Vanilla, Chocolate, Peach, Strawberry and Banana

All-Protein Powder™Milk Flavor

Optimized Whey Protein™Vanilla Malt, Chocolate Malt and Strawberry Malt

50/50 Plus Powder ™Vanilla, Chocolate, Milk and Orange Cream

Chocolate Fix Protein Powder™Chocolate Almond Coconut and Chocolate Cherry Cordial (NEW)

Parrillo Protein Bars™Vanilla Créme, Fudge Brownie,Strawberry Shortcake and Peanut Butter Delight.

Parrillo Energy Bars™French Vanilla, Peanut Butter Supreme, Chocolate Almond Coconut, Chocolate Cherry Cordial and Graham Cracker.

Parrillo Protein Chew Bars™Vanilla and Chocolate Graham Cracker

Parrillo High Protein High Fiber Soft Chew Bars™Chocolate, Pecan Praline, Toffee and Peanut Butter

PB for MCT™Instant Hi-Protein Low Carb Pudding™

Chocolate and VanillaHi-Protein Pancake & Muffin Mix™

Maple and BananaHi-Protein Cake & Cupcake Mix™

Chocolate, Vanilla and Spice CakeProtein Frosting Mix™

Vanilla, Chocolate, Peanut Butter (Allergen-Free) and Cream CheeseProtein Ice Kreem™

Vanilla, Chocolate and PeachContest Cookie Mix™

Plain, Chocolate and Butter Flavored ShortbreadContest Brownie Mix™ (Chocolate)High Fiber Chocolate Syrup Mix™

Nutrition ProgramNutrition Manual, Food Composition Guide, 30 Diet Trac SheetsCapTri® Manual, CapTri® Cookbook, Supplement Guide, and 450g Deluxe Food ScaleTraining ManualProper Exercise Techniques, Special Fascial Stretching and High Intensity RoutinesBodyStat KitBodyStat Manual, 12 BodyStat Sheets, and Skinfold CalipersPerformance PackageNutrition Program with BodyStat KitTotal Performance PackageTraining Manual, Nutrition Program, & BodyStat Kit CapTri® CookbookStrict recipes using CapTri® C8 MCT to make your food taste great!John Parrillo’s Performance Press™12 Monthly informational-packed issues (US)

32 oz32 oz150 capsules150 capsules150 capsules90 tablets90 tablets90 capsules400 tablets150 tablets150 capsules150 capsules150 tablets300 grams150 capsules90 gelcaps90 gelcaps

35 oz

32 oz

28 oz

28 oz

32 oz

32 oz

12 / box

12 / box

12 / box

12 / box

16 oz16 oz

24 oz

24 oz

21.2 oz

32 oz

25.4 oz

22.3 oz16 oz


























to ask? I eat Parrillo bars and drink Optimized Whey™ shakes every day. How about Max Endurance Formula™ or Pro-Carb™? Could they help? Rex, Flagstaff

I would suggest Max Endurance Formula™, Advanced Lipotropic™ and Mineral Electrolyte Formula™. This three-way combination covers a wide variety of bases. I like your instincts about Pro-Carb™: why not preload your body with glycogen? Long-distance runners traditionally have a pre-race meal of spaghetti, carb-loading using a lousy carb to do it. Pro-Carb™ is way more concentrated and way more concentrated and effective as a means of supercharging the body with carbs prior to an endurance event. As soon as a sweaty training session or run is done, wash down 4-6 Muscle Amino™ capsules with a 50/50 Plus™ shake. Muscle Amino™ is loaded with muscle-sparing branch-chain amino acids; 50/50 Plus™ is half glycogen-replenishing carbs and half muscle-sparing protein. There is no doubt in my mind that if you strategize with these powerful Parrillo supplements, you will improve running performance and retain muscle mass. Let us know how this turns out.


What exercises would you suggest to shrink the butt? I have become bottom-heavy in recent years. I have done a lot of step-aerobics and do sculpt-and-pump. Nothing seems to work. What is the best exercise for reducing oversized glutes?

Janice, Arlington

Probably the best exercise for butt-reduction is to change your diet. It is not that your glute muscles are too large, it is that you have excess body fat lying atop the glute muscles. The excess body fat is stored in your “saddlebags.” This is not an exercise issue this is a diet issue. What is the best way to reduce body fat? I would

Iron Vic Speaks!

Health and Vitality through Exercise and Nutrition

suggest a Parrillo-style nutritional program synchronized with a serious “fasted-cardio” program. Cardio exercise is important. It spikes the metabolism and yours in undoubtably sluggish. Morning cardio is best: wake up, have a coffee and perform an aerobic session. Please break a sweat, if you are not moving quick enough the break a sweat, regardless the mode, you are not going to obtain much in the way of benefit. Drop all the “lite” and “low fat” foods you are eating; get rid of fruit juices and sweets. Tighten up the eating, hit some fasted cardio. Get a copy of the Parrillo Nutrition Program and stick to its precepts. With eight weeks of concentrated effort you can lose 4 to 6-inches of girth. Spot reducing is a myth. However, by implementing a new dietary approach and coupling it with some calorie-burning, metabolism-spiking fasted cardio, within two months you can go from bottom-heavy to normal.







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High Efficiency Protein Dietary Supplement

High Biological Value Protein

Protein and Carbohydrates for Workout RecoveryProtein drink for chocolate lovers

Portable 60/40 Nutrition

High Powered Nutrition

Chews Like Taffy

Soft and Chewy Texture

Protein Packed Peanut Flavored SpreadHigh in Protein, Low in Carbs

Great Taste, Guilt Free

Great for Strict Diets

Delicious with the Parrillo Cakes and CupcakesMake Protein Ice Kreem™ in your ice cream maker

Try this on Parrillo Ice Kreem™ or Brownies!


















S, M






Page 15: OCTOBER 19-20, 2019 - Parrillo Performance · You're ready to compete in a bodybuilding show, but you aren't quite sure which division you should choose. This is a common issue in


Kristi BrueningJuly 2019 Featured Athlete


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6200 Union Centre Blvd. Fairfield, OH 450141-800-344-3404


Health and Vitality through Exercise and Nutrition

Parrillo Peformance 6200 Union Centre Blvd. Fairfield, OH 45014 www.ParrilloPerformance.com