October 2013 • Volume 28 • Issue 9 A Reform Congregation Embracing Our Jewish Tradition News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah ANNUAL FALCON’S FUNDRAISER TO BENEFIT TBT RELIGIOUS SCHOOL See page 6 for details! DON’T MISS OUT!!!! - AUCTION TEASER Matt Ryan and Mark Richt signed footballs - Little Alley Steaks - Rumi’s Kitchen - A night at the opera with hotel and dinner - Nordstrom gift basket - Diamond Jewelry from Brilliant - and much, much more!

Oct 2013 Kol Tikvah

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Temple Beth Tikvah bulletin for Oct 2013

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Page 1: Oct 2013 Kol Tikvah

October 2013 • Volume 28 • Issue 9 A Reform Congregation Embracing Our Jewish Tradition

News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah





See page 6 for details!


Matt Ryan and Mark Richt signed footballs - Little Alley Steaks - Rumi’s Kitchen -

A night at the opera with hotel and dinner - Nordstrom gift basket - Diamond Jewelry from Brilliant -

and much, much more!

Page 2: Oct 2013 Kol Tikvah


News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Substance Abuse Awareness Shabbat - Oct. 4 - Noach

In recognition of October being National Substance Abuse Prevention Month, I am joining many other

rabbis in our Greater Atlanta area to raise awareness and break taboos of talking about substance abuse in

our Jewish community. We feel it is such an important issue that the Atlanta Rabbinical Association is

partnering with Jewish Family & Career Services’ new initiative, HAMSA – Helping Atlantans Manage

Substance Abuse to make this a community-wide effort.

Last year at Yom Kippur, I spoke at great length about the need for our Jewish community to be more responsive to our

congregants facing addictions. Since that time, I have been overwhelmed by the number of people who have been

dealing with addictions in their own families – children, parents, spouses and partners. Far more families have been

touched than I ever could have imagined. So one hand, I am gratified that we are having this discussion out loud. On the

other hand, it shows that there is a lot of pain out there, even in our own Beth Tikvah community.

We have chosen to use this Shabbat because of an episode in the Torah portion, Noach, where Noah survives The Flood

and gets drunk. Why is this the image that is given to us? Wouldn’t one expect that Noah would be just grateful to be


There are many things that can bring a person to such self-destructive behaviors. We often say that addictions are a

disease, but what they really show is dis-ease. So we are going to talk about faith, hope and God as ways we can find

strength, along with issues we need to confront in our community. For additional information about the work of

HAMSA, please contact 770.677.9318 or [email protected] / https://yourtoolsforliving.org/hamsa.

Temple Beth Tikvah was very pleased to be recognized for its

support of Jewish camping by receiving The Coleman Summit

Award: Presented to Temple Beth Tikvah for Outstanding

Achievement in Coleman Camper Recruitment.

From L-R, Bobby Harris, Director of URJ Camp Coleman; Rabbi

Fred Greene; Ron Swichkow, TBT President; Andi Solomon,

Associate Director of URJ Camp Coleman; Rabbi Rick Jacobs,

President of the Union for Reform Judaism

“Thank you so much for Temple Beth Tikvah 's wonderful donation of 3,587 pounds! That's the

equivalent of 2,989 meals to children, seniors, and others who are hungry in our community. The

demand for food has only gone up over the years - over the last four years, our distribution has gone up

by 85%. More than one in every ten seniors in Georgia are living in poverty. Thank you so much to

everyone at the Temple for responding to Isaiah's call to "share your bread with the hungry" as it says in

Isaiah 58:6-7. Thank you for remembering those in need during the very special high holy days.”

Elizabeth Haskell Food Drive Sourcing Specialist Atlanta Community Food Bank

TBT celebrated Sukkot in a brand new Sukkah this year.

Grateful for our carpenters!! The Sukkah was a gift to TBT

from an anonymous donor! Thank you from all of us who

enjoyed it during this season!

From L-R: Scott Povlot, Ric Mershon, Mark Greenspan, Peter

Hartog, Ron Swichkow, Mark Mosbacher, Bart Schwartz &

friends, David Shippel and Mike Lober

Page 3: Oct 2013 Kol Tikvah


News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah


KASSEL CONTINUES IN OCTOBER Oct. 6 10:30 – 10:55 – Where Do Our Prayers

Come From 11:00 – 11:25 – Torah Cantillation, continued 11:30 – 11:55 – prayer practice (for Hebrew & non-Hebrew readers)

Oct. 27 10:30 – 10:55 – Structure of the Hebrew Bible

11:00 – 11:25 – Torah Cantillation, continued 11:30 – 11:55 – prayer practice (for Hebrew & non-Hebrew readers)



Judaism greatly values the proper acknowledgement of our teachers. If we quote from the Talmud or other Jewish literary sources, it is appropriate to mention the person to whom the quote is attributed.

It is equally important to know who are the composers of Jewish music, people who have poured their heart and

souls into settings of Jewish liturgy, texts and themes.

What an honor it will be to have Rick Recht lead us in our Erev Shabbat worship on Friday, October 25

th. We have

come to know and love many of his original compositions and it will be a treat to hear his music with which we are less familiar. Not only is Rick Recht’s music widely known around the country, his reputation as a warm and accessible MENSCH – precedes him as well!

LASTLY – A FEW THANK YOUS! A few weeks have passed since Yom Kippur but I must extend one more public thank you to the members of our Volunteer Choir who helped to lead our High Holy Day services after much hard work! Thank you to:

Choir Conductor: Paige Dobbins Sopranos: Arlene Cohn, Hassia Levin, Linda Liss, Maddy Kallman, Ariel Cohn Margis, Hilda Ortiz, Jewel Rubin

Altos: Pam Alterman, Laura DeRiemer, Donna Kallman, Sharon Khoury, Ros Taranto

Tenors: Steve Cohen, Eric Estroff, Larry Heit, Bill Segal Basses: Dan DeRiemer, Ellery Potash, Russell Waldman, Scott Weiss.

I wanted to share these beautiful words of wisdom by Emily Perl Kingsley. A very wise woman shared it with me, and it is just too wonderful to not pass along.

Treasure your children – everything about them!

WELCOME TO HOLLAND By Emily Perl Kingsley.

c1987 by Emily Perl Kingsley. All rights reserved

I am often asked to describe the experience of raising a child with a disability - to try to help people who have not shared that unique

experience to understand it, to imagine how it would feel. It's like this......

When you're going to have a baby, it's like planning a fabulous vacation trip - to Italy. You buy a bunch of guide books and make your

wonderful plans. The Coliseum. The Michelangelo David. The gondolas in Venice. You may learn some handy phrases in Italian. It's all very


After months of eager anticipation, the day finally arrives. You pack your bags and off you go. Several hours later, the plane lands. The

stewardess comes in and says, "Welcome to Holland."

"Holland?!?" you say. "What do you mean Holland?? I signed up for Italy! I'm supposed to be in Italy. All my life I've dreamed of going to


But there's been a change in the flight plan. They've landed in Holland and there you must stay.

The important thing is that they haven't taken you to a horrible, disgusting, filthy place, full of pestilence, famine and disease. It's just a

different place.

So you must go out and buy new guide books. And you must learn a whole new language. And you will meet a whole new group of people

you would never have met.

It's just a different place. It's slower-paced than Italy, less flashy than Italy. But after you've been there for a while and you catch your

breath, you look around.... and you begin to notice that Holland has windmills....and Holland has tulips. Holland even has Rembrandts.

But everyone you know is busy coming and going from Italy... and they're all bragging about what a wonderful time they had there. And for

the rest of your life, you will say "Yes, that's where I was supposed to go. That's what I had planned."

And the pain of that will never, ever, ever, ever go away... because the loss of that dream is a very very significant loss.

But... if you spend your life mourning the fact that you didn't get to Italy, you may never be free to enjoy the very special, the very lovely

things ... about Holland.

Jenifer Friedman, Director

Early Childhood Education Center

Page 4: Oct 2013 Kol Tikvah


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

The holidays have come and gone and I hope all of us

are feeling good about the New Year ahead. The

Board of Trustees recently spent an entire day together

along with our clergy at our annual board retreat. We

fleshed out our group vision for this coming year and

had an amazing day of brainstorming about our

collective dreams and goals for the TBT community.

During my Rosh Hashanah talk I tried to spell out my

personal vision for TBT during my term as President.

In a lot of ways it continues the mission set forth by

our past leaders of bringing our community closer

together and helping each congregant find personal

meaning towards their own Judaism and lasting

connection to our community.

Sounds pretty good don’t you think? But here’s the

rub that I’m sure you see coming. In order to make

this all happen, we need each family to reach into their

heart and wallet and make a meaningful gift to our

2013-2014 annual campaign. You are probably

saying to yourself, “What?, Again?, We just did that

recently”. We are starting the new campaign a little

earlier this year but it is for a very good reason. The

Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation has made a

generous matching gift of up to $25,000 but we must

meet that match by December 15th. This means that

your donation, will actually count twice!

We join almost every synagogue in doing additional

fundraising in order to meet our budget, which as you

have heard, includes a lot of capital improvement and

maintenance projects. You should have received a

packet of information on the new campaign from our

fundraising committee. Our goal, as it was last year is

twofold: to raise at least $100,000 and have every

single family participate in some way. What an

amazing statement we, as a community would make if

we were able to achieve 100% participation.

We have so many positives going on within our

community. We are growing again. We have

fantastic, hard working and dedicated clergy, amazing

religious school and pre-school programs, an

energized youth program that is continuing to develop

our children’s Jewish identities and our hard-working

Board of Trustees all coming together

as a cohesive group to work for the

common good of our community.

This is certainly not my favorite ask, but

I have learned that I am not asking for myself….I am

trying to support the sacred work that we have been

entrusted to do to ensure Temple Beth Tikvah

continues to be the most vibrant community that it can

be. Won’t you please join me, in whatever way you

are able, in giving tzedakah toward this year’s Annual



Ron Swichkow

TBT Annual Campaign 2013-14

Mark and Dana Anderson

Joshua and Jack

Ari and Jodi Craine

Lola and Miles

Aaron Grandison

Sidney and Robin Karlin

Barbara Litt

Welcome Back to:

Stanley and JoAnn Coburn

Harrison and Carson

Murray and Sonia Lynn

Welcome to the TBT Family!!

Page 5: Oct 2013 Kol Tikvah


Save the Dates!

Book Festival Dates are November 2nd - 17th

TBT will be hosting the following events:

Jeffrey Toobin - Thursday, November 7th at 7:30 PM

The Family Reading Festival - Sunday, November 10th at 10:00 AM

Please support this year’s Book Festival and support TBT at the same time.

For every series ticket purchased TBT will receive $18.

Use the code TBT when ordering individual tickets online.

Use the code TBT SERIES when ordering series tickets online.

Rick Recht is the top-touring musician in Jewish music playing over 150 concerts a

year in the United States and abroad. Recht is widely recognized for his appeal to

youth and family audiences not only as an exceptional musician, singer/songwriter,

and entertainer, but as a role model for involvement in Jewish life. He has become an

icon for Jewish youth in the United States, elevating the medium of Jewish music as a

powerful and effective tool for developing Jewish pride and identity among the

masses. "We're lucky because our fan base ranges in age from little kids to adults

which allows us to do all kinds of different concerts," said Recht. "We have the

opportunity to constantly change things up and do what it takes to inspire Jewish youth

and adults and make them feel connected to each other and their Jewish heritage. The

teen rock concerts are sweaty, loud and exciting. The little kids concerts give us a

chance to be goofy, but really educational at the same time. The family concerts are a

little bit of everything and the Shabbat Alive! services have their own unique, powerfully spiritual feeling. Only in

the Jewish world could we experience this wonderful variety of creativity, spirituality, and interaction."

TBT to Host Rick Recht

The 22nd Edition of the Book Festival of the MJCCA, one of the South’s premier literary events, is scheduled for November 2-17, 2013. The Book Festival features works from more than 40 of this year’s most sought-after and talked-about authors, celebrities, and influencers. Keynote authors include: Scott Turow, Jeffrey Toobin, Chris Matthews, Elin Hilderbrand, Clark Howard, Alan Dershowitz, Brad Meltzer, and Pat Conroy. Local authors include: Jeffrey Stepakoff, Clark Howard, Wendy Wax, Jim T. Barfield, Lee N. Katz, Jeff Clemmons, and Robert Weintraub. More than 10,000 visitors will enjoy: The Family Reading Festival, The Comedy Night at The Punchline, engaging speaker programs, author meet-and-greets, book signings, panel discussions, and more. Most events will be held at the Marcus Jewish Community Center of Atlanta (MJCCA), 5342 Tilly Mill Road, Dunwoody.

To purchase tickets, call 678.812.4005 or visit online at www.atlantajcc.org/bookfestival.

Page 6: Oct 2013 Kol Tikvah


We’ve had a great start to our school year. What a feeling to see our empty rooms suddenly become full of life. Happy

faces and cheerful voices are throughout the building. I am so proud of our wonderful teachers for creating engaging

lessons and of our outstanding students who come each session eager to learn. We have 324 students gracing our halls

this year.

We have already learned about and celebrated Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot and Simchat Torah. Our

kindergarten classes were consecrated during the Simchat Torah celebration. Each child received a blessing by the Rabbi

under a tallit, a torah scroll of their own, and a certificate to remember this meaningful ceremony.

A few of our upcoming events are: October 20th is the 13 Mitzvot-Bar/Bat Mitzvah meeting for all 6th grade students.

We are looking forward to our 5th & 6th Grade Retreat which will be held November 8th and 9th. Also on November 8th

we will have our 6th grade family shabbat.

This year we are continuing with our fundraising and tzedakah projects. Thanks to TBT Congregant Arthur Blank from

the Atlanta Falcons, who is very supportive and generous to our school, we have 2 amazing fundraiser packages that

Arthur donated to our school. The first package includes: 4 Tickets for the November 10th Falcons/Seahawks game, 4

pre-game sideline passes, and a catered meal in the suite. The second package is a football signed by Matt Ryan. For

those of you who are not familiar with Super Suites, they are the premium seat option in the Georgia Dome. Inside, there

is a bar and lounge area where you can relax before the event. With private restrooms, plasma televisions, and more, this

is a suite experience like none other! This is a once in a lifetime experience that you won’t forget and will benefit our

school as well. You do not need to be a RS family to participate. It is our hope that each family will purchase one raffle

ticket for themselves and sell many more to friends and Family. Raffle ticket prices are $20 each or three for $50. The

raffle drawing will be held during religious school on November 3rd.

On Sunday, September 8th we took a picture of the student body. We have a great picture that will hang in the school

lobby. Below is the picture we took for fun. A very big thank you to Rachel Palazzo for taking our beautiful school


Educator’s Message

Page 7: Oct 2013 Kol Tikvah


B’nai Mitzvah

News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Youth Group

Calling all TBT families – We need your help

hosting all of the out-of-town youth groupers

who are coming to TBT for NFTY-SAR’s Fall

Kallah November 15-17th. If you are able to

host youth groupers that weekend, please email

us at [email protected] and we’ll sign you

up. Thanks in advance!

HOTTY (9-12th Grade)

WHAT DID WE DO THIS PAST MONTH? The HOTTY Board spent the weekend at Big

Canoe planning all of our awesome events for

the year, including…a Chopped Competition

(this month!), our annual Broomball Latke-In,

and a Six Flags Scavenger Hunt. It’s going to

be a packed and fun-filled year! You can find

out the upcoming events and download the

calendar here: http://www.bethtikvah.com/

community/senior-youth-group or on the

HOTTY Facebook Page (https://


This past month we had our Movie Mall

Madness…we started with dinner in the sukkah

and then headed over to the Avenues for a

scavenger hunt and a movie. It was a great way

to start the year!

UP NEXT: This month is our Chopped Competition at

TBT on October 5th. Come see if you can make

it past the HOTTY Chopping Block! Then, join

us on October 13th for Ruach for Life at

Riverside Park. Join our Tikvah Teens Team



RFLCY13SA?pg=entry&fr_id=53944. Come

help us fight cancer!

GET READY FOR FALL KALLAH! We are so excited to be hosting NFTY-SAR

Fall Kallah this year…Mark your calendars for

the weekend of November 15-17th. Our

committees are meeting every Monday at

5:45pm at TBT. Come by to help us plan the


Join the HOTTY Facebook Page (https://www.facebook.com/groups/TBT.HOTTY/) to stay up-to-date on what's happening and to RSVP for HOTTY events!

JYG (6-8th Grade)

WHAT DID WE DO THIS PAST MONTH? JYG kicked off the year with Pizza in the Hut

during Sukkot. We ate lunch, played some

mixers and got excited for the rest of the year.

We hope to see some more of you at our future

JYG events. Download the full calendar here:


youth-group or on our JYG Facebook Page


UP NEXT: Join JYG & HOTTY on October 13th for Ruach

for Life at Riverside Park. Join our Tikvah

Teens Team here:


RFLCY13SA?pg=entry&fr_id=53944. Come

help us fight cancer!

Join the JYG Facebook Page (https://www.facebook.com/groups/TBT.JYG/) to stay up-to-date on what's happening and to RSVP and help arrange carpools for events!

Want more info about HOTTY or JYG?

Contact Adam or Bobbee at:

[email protected] or 404) 228–2494.

Jasmine Sarah Peterson will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on October 19, 2013. Jasmine is the

daughter of Sheyla and Gary Peterson and sister to Jack. Her grandparents are Ivet and Ruben Buyukbabani of Istanbul,

Turkey and Marion and William Peterson of Orlando, Florida. Jasmine is a 7th Grade Principal’s Honor Roll Student at

Dickerson Middle School and a Duke TIP Scholar Recipient. Jasmine enjoys attending Jewish camp, snow skiing, and

spending time with family and friends. In addition, she plays competitive lacrosse. As part of Jasmine’s Bat Mitzvah

projects, she participated in the “ Rally in the Valley” Foundation lacrosse tournament to benefit childhood cancer, and

volunteered at The Bremen Adult Jewish Home. Jasmine will be donating Tzedakah from her Bat Mitzvah to Jewish

Family and Career Services and Hadassah Children’s Hospital in Jerusalem.

Jonah Meyer Bennett will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on October 26, 2013. Jonah is the son of

Jonathan and Rebecca Bennett and is the older brother of Danielle and Erika. He is the grandson of Jaime and Sara

Rejtman of Plantation, Florida and Matthew and Sandra Bennett of Margate, New Jersey. Jonah is a 7 th grader at High

Meadows School and he loves soccer, reading, writing, and hanging out with friends. One of his mitzvah projects to

become a Bar Mitzvah is to support the Hagar School in Israel, which fosters peace between Israelis and Palestinians.

The Rejtman Bennett family is looking forward to sharing this special day with family and friends.

Cameron Schwartz will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on October 12, 2013. Cameron is the son of

Bart and Maria, brother to Maddie and Brian. He is the grandson of John and Suzette Schwartz and Mary and the

late Dennis Piretra. Cameron is an honor roll student in the seventh grade at Elkins Pointe Middle School. In his

spare time he enjoys playing football, lacrosse and wrestling. The Schwartz Family is looking forward to sharing

this special day with family and friends.

Kyle Spencer Cohen will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on October 26, 2013. Kyle is the son of Lisa

and Michael Cohen and older brother to Ryan. He is the grandson of Judy & Morrie Gurevitch of Boca Raton,

Florida and Pat & Frank Cervasio and Judy & Leon Cohen of Sandy Springs. Kyle is in the 7th grade at the Epstein

School. He plays basketball and baseball for the Epstein Eagles and volunteers with Buddy Baseball, a program

designed to mentor young special needs baseball players. Kyle is looking forward to sharing his simcha with Jonah

Bennett and his family.

Page 8: Oct 2013 Kol Tikvah


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah


October 13th - 1pm - Ruach Relay for Life Sisterhood is excited to have created a team to support this amazing event. Come join with us as we walk to raise money to help find a cure for cancer.

November 12th - Jewish Women's Community Event - Sponsored by JF&CS and JFGA Jewish Women's Community Event to educate Jewish women about domestic violence in the home. Please contact us for more information.

November 21st - Sisterhood Dinner in Historic Roswell - 7pm Come spend time with old friends and meet new ones as we have a fun evening out in Historic Roswell. Details to come!

Mitzvah Day - December We are currently organizing a Mitzvah Day to be held in December. Details will be sent out soon. The Sisterhood Committee also supports Family Promise and we will be organizing a Sisterhood/Men's Club volunteer effort for future Family Promise dates. Please don't forget to sign up for the October dates for Family Promise! We encourage you to stay in touch with what’s happening by liking our Facebook page. We are also excited to introduce a more interactive arena to our social media with our closed Facebook group and we invite you to join us there as well. Traci Hartog and Danielle Rubenstein

The Sisterhood Steering Committee

Traci, Danielle, Wendy, Susan, Maria and Kim

Treat yourself to something new…

Yoga with a Jewish Twist Classes begin Thursday, October 24th, 7 - 8:15 pm

We continually talk about shalom, or peace, but how can we embody the idea?

This class is for anyone who would like to strengthen their body, calm their mind, dissolve anxiety, engage their spiritual side and live life with passion.

In each class we will discuss the weekly parsha then unite the theme with yoga poses.

Our guide will be The Kosher Sutras – The Jewish Way in Yoga and Meditation

If you are new to yoga, you will discover how your body can be an expression of Torah wisdom.

If you are involved in a yoga practice, you will find inspiration and meaning from Judaic wisdom.

Co-ed class will meet once a month in the little Oneg room and is sponsored by Sisterhood. Reserve these dates (come to 1, 2, 3, or all!):

November 14, December 19, January 23, February 20, March 27, April 24

Bring a yoga mat and wear comfortable clothes; this is a gentle classJ Space is limited so please rsvp!

RSVP to Pam Chanin [email protected] or 404-219-1453

Page 9: Oct 2013 Kol Tikvah


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Casino Night and Silent Auction!

October 19, 2013

Sponsor a Table - Make a Donation

Email Lindsay Levin at [email protected] or

Katie Jaffe at [email protected]


Sunday & Monday

October 6th & 7th from

5:00 P.M. until 9:00 P.M.

A portion of all sales will be

donated to Relay for Life

Dine Out



Relay for Life -Ruach Atlanta

2nd Annual Relay October 13, 2013

Support a TBT Team @


And help us “Finish the Fight!”





October 1, 2013


Providence Square

4111 Roswell Road, NE

Marietta, GA 30062

Please support these events!

Formerly Killer Creek

Relay for Life - Ruach will be using tuna to weight the

luminary bags and then donating all of it to JF&CS.

Please bring your cans to TBT and we will collect them.

Thank you for your support of Relay !

Page 10: Oct 2013 Kol Tikvah


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

October 2013 TBT Happenings

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4 5

9am Tai Chi

5pm Religious


5:30pm College


Mailing Prep



Class Meeting

7pm Sisterhood

Bunco 6pm ECEC Open

House & Shabbat

Shalom Yeladim

8pm Shabbat


Substance Abuse



9am Bagels, Learning & Torah

10am Shabbat Service

Klein/Rosenberg B’nai Mitzvah

4pm HOTTY—Chopped Competition

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

9:30am Religious







10am Rabbi

Tam’s Adult Ed

10:30am Cantor’s


12:15pm Rosh

Hodesh—It’s a

Girl Thing

5:45pm Fall

Kallah Planning


7pm Families


7:15pm Melton -


9am Tai Chi

No Religious


6pm Relay for

Life Captain’s


7:30pm Relay for

Life Steering



7:30pm Rabbi

Greene’s Adult

Ed Class -

Looking at Life

through the Book

of Job

6:30pm Board

Shabbat Dinner

8pm Ruach

Shabbat Service

9am Bagels,

Learning & Torah

10am Shabbat


Schwartz Bar


13 14 15 16 17 18 19

No Religious


Relay for Life

No Religious


12pm Senior


5:45pm Fall

Kallah Planning


7pm Families


7:15pm Melton -


9am Tai Chi

No Religious


7:30pm Board of

Trustees Meeting


Board Meeting

7:30pm Relay for

Life Wrap Up


7pm Women’s

Study Group

7pm Breast

Cancer Support


7:30pm Rabbi

Greene’s Adult

Ed Class

6:30pm Shabbat

Service with



9am Bagels,

Learning & Torah

10am Shabbat


Peterson Bat


7pm Casino


20 21 22 23 24 25 26

9:30am Religious


10am Rabbi

Tam’s Adult Ed

10:10am 13

Mitzvot & Bar/Bat

Mitzvah Meeting

10:30am Cantor’s


5:45pm Fall

Kallah Planning


6:45pm Kesher /

Confirmation /


7pm Families


7:15pm Melton -


9am Tai Chi

5pm Religious


7:30pm Officers


7pm Camp

Barney Open


7pm Yoga with a

Jewish Twist

7:30pm Rabbi

Greene’s Adult

Ed Class





Rick Recht

9am Bagels,

Learning & Torah

10am Shabbat



B’nai Mitzvah

27 28 29 30 31

Family Promise

9:30am Religious


10:30am Cantor’s


3pm Women’s

Interfaith - The

Red Tent

Family Promise

5:45pm Fall

Kallah Planning


6:45pm Kesher /

Confirmation /


7pm Families


7:15pm Melton -


Family Promise

9am Tai Chi

5pm Religious


7:30pm Ritual



Family Promise

Family Promise

Page 11: Oct 2013 Kol Tikvah


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Campaign TBT - EveryONE Matters

Andy Berke in memory of Gloria Berke and Stanley Berke

Sandy and Nancy Simon in memory of Marian Simon

and Rudolph Simon

Building Fund

Hadley and Lisa Lowy in memory of Bea Lowy

Matthew & Vanteria Geller in memory of Donald

and Natalie Geller

Campership/Israel Fund

Harvey and Natine Rosenzweig in memory of Anne Hoffman

Barbara Giordano in memory of Israel J Gerber

Drs. Gary and Michal Loventhal in honor of Chad Salinas

Cantor Kassel’s Discretionary Fund

Cynthia Chapman in honor of Rosalind Taranto's birthday

Robert Leventhal in memory of Robert E. Leventhal

James and Gail Bennett in memory of Scott Jared Monat

Ruth Zeidman in memory of Celia Mendelson

Caring/Kehillat Chesed Fund

Burton and Sara Grossman in memory of William Brooks

Ruth Zeidman in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of David and Ellen

Herold's granddaughter, and Bernie and Bernice Bickwit's

great-granddaughter, Taylor

Fred and Patricia Landsberg in memory of Leslie Shutt

Steven & Janice Liederman in honor of Laurence Levine's 80th

birthday and Gloria and Leonard Biberman's golden wedding


Mt. Bethel United Methodist Church

Walter and Esther Shultz in memory of Judy Friedman,

Isidor Goodman and Sylvia Goodman

Endowment Fund

Bruce and Bonnie Walkes in memory of Murray Wixman

and Anna Mangen

Sheryl Blechner in honor of -

-the birth of Mr. and Mrs. Rich Gerber's granddaughter, Milly

-the Bat Mitzvah of Mr. and Mrs. David Herold's

granddaughter, Taylor Herold

-High Holy Day aliyah

-wishing a year of restored health to Jenifer Friedman

Lawrence and Anne Skal in memory of Rose Skal

General Fund

The Shuster Family in honor of Lois Clymin's 80th birthday

Jonathan and Barbara Berger in memory of Melvin Berger

Sharon Gerber in memory of Rabbi Israel Gerber

David and Bonnie Sandfelder in memory of Stephen Finestone

Shirley Crawford

Michael Zalkin Memorial Library Fund

Jeffrey & Beth Kess in memory of Lillian Mansfield and

Elizabeth Goldberg

Prayerbook Fund

Joel and Kathleen Schoenblum in memory of Duane S. Rutte

Edmund Weisberger in memory of Joan Gray Weisberger

Michael and Nannette Wien in memory of Cecelia Schneider

Rabbi Greene’s Discretionary Fund

Laura Yates-Dreffin in honor of Rabbi Greene

Neil and Ruth Hilsen in memory of Edna Licht

Jerry and Marcy Kaufman in memory of Joselyn Berg

Families Anonymous in honor of Rabbi Greene

The Warsaw Family in memory of Esti's brother

Bruce and Carol Waldman

Audrey Eisen in memory of Seymour Honig

Stan Reich in memory of Margaret Danzig

Julian and Martha Fuerst in memory of James Laurens Youmans

Stephen Prosterman in memory of Gerald Prosterman

Scott and Lori Dreffin in appreciation of Rabbi Greene

Howard & Cynthia Steinberg in memory of Gerald Prosterman

Richard and Flora Cohen in appreciation of the listing of

Rose and Leo Zimmerman and Benjamin and Marie Cohen

in the Yom Kippur Book of Remembrance

Sam and Alice Herndon in appreciation of High Holy Day honor

Ivan Nathan in honor of Rabbi Greene

Allen & Kaye Ginsberg in memory of Dr. Gerald Prosterman

Andy and Marci Fried in memory of Fred Singer and in honor of

Rabbi Greene for his commitment to social justice

Rabbi Tam’s Discretionary Fund

Barry and Dore Kaiser in memory of Irving Kaiser

Howard & Suzanne Silverman in memory of Nathan Schwartz

Religious School Fund

The Wilson Family in memory of Susan Gergans

Fred and Patricia Landsberg in memory of Mildred Turkel

Douglas Wexler and Jane Greenberger in memory of

P. Richard Wexler

Steve and Michele Gergans in honor of Chad Salinas

Todd and Rachel Wilson in memory of Susan Gergans

Youth Group Fund

Jeremy Hutchinson in honor of Chad Salinas


Page 12: Oct 2013 Kol Tikvah


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

It’s the Annual Turkey Drive!

Please send your donations in increments of $10 to TBT marked Turkey and we will do the rest.

New to the Turkey Drive? Call Marsha Mathis @ 770-992-4256—She loves to talk Turkey!

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News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Submissions for the November Kol Tikvah are due by October 1. Please email to

[email protected]

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Domestic

abuse occurs when one person uses physical, emotional or sexual

violence to control someone else. It affects every member of a

family. Children frequently become victims in a relationship they

cannot understand or control. The impact of living with abuse

can last a lifetime.

One in every four women experiences domestic violence during

her life, and a child abuse report is made every 10 seconds in this

country. Domestic violence and abuse of adults and children

exist in every community – and in many families where you

don’t suspect it

JF&CS’ Shalom Bayit, a program of Counseling Services - Tools

for Life, strives to prevent abuse and to mobilize the Jewish

community to create the change needed to end domestic

violence. Shalom Bayit provides individual counseling and

support groups for adult abuse survivors and for youth affected

by abuse. It offers educational programming for adults and abuse

prevention for youth.

Nobody deserves to be abused. For information about Shalom

Bayit counseling, education or opportunities to make a

difference, contact Wendy Lipshutz, program director, at 770-

677-9322 or [email protected].

JF&CS and the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta’s Women

& Philanthropy Division are proud to present a women’s

community event to educate Jewish women about domestic

violence on Nov. 12, 2013, at the Greenfield Hebrew Academy.

Tickets for the evening are $25 in advance; $36 at the door. For

more information about the event, contact Stephanie Wyatt at

[email protected] or call 404-870-1625.

Rabbi Tam’s Adult Ed Class




Sundays October 6, 20; November 3, 10

10 - 11:30 am in the Library

It is a given that in today's America, individual Jews have

difficulty in joining and expressing loyalty for Jewish

Communal life. There are, I think, historical reasons for this

difficulty, to be found in the character formation of the Jew

who was shaped by the Jewish historical experience. The

causes for individual reluctance to express Jewish communal

loyalties among young Jews especially, are not to be found in

the nature of North American pluralistic, democratic culture

alone. For six sessions we will investigate the experience of the

Jew through four historical epics: Biblical, Greco-Roman,

Medieval, and the Modern in attempt to discover the "lessons"

Jews learned through this history. Are the lessons learned

antithetical to the continuation of Jewish communal life in a

setting of political and individual freedom? No knowledge of

Jewish history or Hebrew is necessary.

2013-14 Brill Institute Class

Melton Year 2: Dramas of Jewish Living

7:15 - 8:45 pm, Mondays, September 23, 2013 - May 19, 2014 Fee: $365 for 30 weeks includes the textbook and additional materials

For more information, please contact Laurie Finkelstein at

678.812.3723 or [email protected]

Rabbi Greene’s Fall Adult Ed Class



Thursdays, October 10, 17 and 24

7:30 - 9 pm

All of us have faced challenges and trials. Sometimes we

wonder, “where was God?” Looking at the Book of Job and

using insights from Rabbi Harold Kushner’s book, When Bad

Things Happen to Good People, we will explore themes of faith

and hope in the midst of suffering.

ADULT ED JF&CS—Shalom Bayit

TBT Seniors Luncheon

Monday, October 14 at 12 PM

Linda Briks, Jeannie Aiken &

Sheri Schwartz


JF&CS - Who We Are &

What We Do

RSVP to Natine at

[email protected]

Page 14: Oct 2013 Kol Tikvah


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Do you have family in a local nursing home or assisted living facility?

Rabbi Greene and Cantor Kassel would like to update our list of TBT families who have parents in local nursing homes or assisted living facilities. They try to visit our family members when they can and would like to know where your parents are living. Please email their names, address, phone numbers to [email protected] to add them to this list. They try to coordinate with other volunteers from different Atlanta synagogues in cooperation with the Jewish Chaplain at Jewish Family & Career Services.

Breast Cancer Survivor Group

Now Available to the Jewish Community

A monthly support group is now available in the

Jewish Community and all are welcome to attend. The

meetings are for all interested people who have had

cancer, who are going through treatment or surgeries,

and /or who have been recently diagnosed, as well as

for those who might have questions pertinent to breast

cancer. In addition, this program is for sharing

experiences, meeting others and gathering information

regarding diagnoses, surgeries, and genetic testing from

various professionals. The third meeting will be held

on Thursday, October 17, at 7:00 pm where we will

hear from Dr. Stephen Szabo.

This survivor support group is being sponsored by The

Kehillat Chesed/Caring Committee of Temple Beth

Tikvah, 9955 Coleman Rd, Roswell, 30075, who is

also the host synagogue.

For further information or questions, please contact

Valerie Rapowitz at [email protected] or

call 678-643-9672.

NEW CHAVUROT ARE FORMING NOW Get Connected: Join a TBT Chavurah!

We have congregants interested in forming groups for young

families, single parents, and young professionals, and

there are many more possibilities for groups that might

interest you!

What's a Chavurah?

A Chavurah is a circle of friends. It's a group of people with

similar interests or who are in similar life stages gathering

together regularly to celebrate Jewish holidays, share

simchas, attend TBT events, visit interesting places or

participate in any activities that interest them. Being part of a

Chavurah can enhance your experience at TBT by helping

you develop a strong sense of community and deeper

connections within the congregation.

Who can be part of a Chavurah? Any member of TBT!

Just fill out the application and we'll help find like-minded

families or people to form a group. Drop by the TBT office

to pick one up, or visit


20Application%20Form%202013_0.pdf to download.

What does a Chavurah do? You choose the activities you'll

participate in and how often and where you meet. You might

participate in holiday celebrations, adult-only social events,

day trips, and charity projects. We can help you design a

calendar of programs based on your group's interests.

Questions? Please contact Dalia Faupel at [email protected]

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News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah


Your synagogue community wants to be a Caring Community/Kehillat Chesed.

If you have recently experienced a loss or are facing a crisis, or are celebrating a simcha, please let our office know as soon as possible.

Our clergy and friends strive to be a source of support as best as they can. If you know of one of our fellow congregants that has experienced a loss or can use a hand, please contact the office at 770.642.0434.

“It is hard to sing of oneness when our

world is not complete,

when those who once brought

wholeness to our life have gone and

naught but memory can fill the

emptiness their passing leaves behind”.

The following Memorial Plaques

has been placed onto our

Memorial Board this past month:

Elaine Jedel, Wife of Peter Jedel

Stephen Winick, Husband of Sharon Winick Jedel

Carol Lynn Birnbaum, Wife of Peter Birnbaum

Wesley Gergans, Father of Steve Gergans

Susan Gergans, Mother of Steve Gergans

Thank You to our Amazing Office Volunteers!

Addie Myers

Roberta Goldman

Leslie Swichkow

Ellen Frank

Kathleen Schoenblum

Aaron Stieglitz


Planning a simcha or group gathering?

The Tam-Blank Social Hall is the Place to Be.

For more information on renting our Social Hall,

contact the synagogue office at 770-642-0434.

In Memorium

Temple Beth Tikvah

acknowledges with sorrow the passing of:

Gerald Prosterman

Stepfather of Howard Steinberg

Rita Weiner

Mother of Cindy Steuer

May God console you among all the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

Page 16: Oct 2013 Kol Tikvah


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Synagogue Information

Synagogue Office - 770-642-0434

Fax Number - 770-642-0647

School Office (Perri) - 770-642-4168

Preschool (Jenifer) - 678-350-0076

Assistant to Clergy - Michelle Leder

Financial Secretary - Jenny Korsen

Admin. Assistant - Lisa Singer

Office Manager - Becky Sullivan

Adult Education Cindy Getty [email protected] Budget & Finance Harlan Graiser [email protected] Chavurot Dalia Faupel [email protected] College Outreach Lynda Bennett [email protected] Ginger Glazer [email protected] Communications Tom and Marsha McMurrain [email protected] Family Promise Andy Fried [email protected] Jeff Schultz [email protected] Fundraising

Ruben Braiter [email protected] Gift Shop Pam Alterman [email protected] Carrie Bickwit [email protected] Rhonda Schweber

[email protected]

House Ted Nathan [email protected] Human Resources Seth Zimmer [email protected] Interior Standards & Marketing Susan Estroff [email protected] Israel Gene Carasick [email protected] Kehillat Chesed (Caring) Leslie Swichkow [email protected] Library Ilana Zalkin [email protected] Membership Recruitment & Retention Mark Rudel [email protected] Lindsay Levin

[email protected] Katie Jaffe [email protected] Men’s Club Peter Hartog [email protected] Mark Greenspan [email protected]

Nominating Committee Vicki Steine [email protected] Ritual Esther Shultz [email protected] Rosh Chodesh Women’s Group Pam Chanin [email protected] Security Jay Sausmer [email protected] Seniors Natine Rosenzweig [email protected] Sisterhood Traci Hartog [email protected] Danielle Rubenstein [email protected] Social Action Rodney Eberhardt [email protected]

Darin Cohen [email protected] Website Development Scott Povlot [email protected] Youth Group Debra Schwartz [email protected] Michal Loventhal [email protected]

Get Involved! TBT Committees and Chairpersons

Page 17: Oct 2013 Kol Tikvah


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Want to visit Israel? Want to do it with old and new

friends from Atlanta? Want to see and do things in ways

that you never could do on your own? Then join us on the

Connecting Community Mission to Israel from June 15-

23, 2014. We’ll visit traditional sites, see many new

wonders, learn about the many complex political and

social issues Israel faces today, and see Jewish Federation

of Greater Atlanta dollars at work. This truly is an

experience you won’t want to miss!

For more information, please go to our link:


Click for more info!!

Page 18: Oct 2013 Kol Tikvah


Fred Greene


Donald A. Tam

Rabbi Emeritus

Nancy Kassel


Hassia Levin

Education Director

Jenifer Friedman

ECEC Director

Ron Swichkow President

Todd Boehm

Vice President

Marsha Mathis

Vice President

Denise Straus

Vice President

Andy Gutman


Michael Braun


Jill Mattos


Board of Education