June/July 2015 • Volume 29 • Issue 6 A Reform Congregation Embracing Our Jewish Tradition News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah Please join us in welcoming Rabbi Alexandria Shuval-Weiner to the Beth Tikvah family with a Blue Jean Shabbat & Pot Luck Dinner Friday, July 3rd at 6:00 PM Followed by a joyous service in our outdoor Alterman Chapel at 7:00 PM RSVP at bethtikvah.com under Sign up for Events URJ Atlanta Reform Shabbat Service Friday, July 31 at Temple Sinai 5:30 pm Wine & Cheese 6:30 pm Shabbat Service followed by a festive oneg

June/July 2015 Kol Tikvah

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Temple Beth Tikvah's June/July newsletter

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Page 1: June/July 2015 Kol Tikvah

June/July 2015 • Volume 29 • Issue 6 A Reform Congregation Embracing Our Jewish Tradition

News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Please join us in welcoming Rabbi Alexandria Shuval-Weiner to the Beth Tikvah family with a

Blue Jean Shabbat & Pot Luck Dinner Friday, July 3rd at 6:00 PM

Followed by a joyous service in our outdoor Alterman Chapel at 7:00 PM

RSVP at bethtikvah.com under Sign up for Events

URJ Atlanta Reform Shabbat Service

Friday, July 31 at Temple Sinai

5:30 pm Wine & Cheese

6:30 pm Shabbat Service followed by a festive oneg

Page 2: June/July 2015 Kol Tikvah


News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

How Awesome is this Place!

Mah norah haMakom hazeh! How awesome is

this place! This was the feeling that I

experienced when I first walked through the

doors and hallways of Temple Beth Tikvah-

back in early December. I experienced such life

pulsating from everywhere. Teachers in passionate and gleeful

debate, Cantor Kassel’s glorious voice leading those sweet little

preschoolers in prayer, I even came across a Tai Chi group,

honoring the sanctity of the body, with their graceful


Over the course of time, I spoke with various people, and came

to better understand TBT’s absolute delight in nurturing and

sustaining a community focused on meaningful Jewish living,

commitment toward personal growth through Talmud Torah

and acts of justice and loving kindness, and finally the joy in

celebrating life’s transformational moments as a congregational


My heart sang, and it made me think of Jacob’s exclamation in

parashat Viyetzei, Genesis 16 “Mah norah haMakom hazeh,

ayn zeh ki im bayt Elohim. How awesome is this place. It is

none other than the house of God.”

Temple Beth Tikvah is such a place!

And now, to be in this time of preparation- readying to take my

place as the next rabbi to this holy community of TBT, this

beautiful house of God- I am filled with awe and a great deal of

excitement. Rav Todot- deepest thanks, for bestowing upon me

the honor and the trust to be named your new rabbi!

And now for the task at hand, doing what we must together to

become one- rabbi and congregation, walking hand-in-hand

into the next stage in the life of TBT.

Our rabbinical transition team headed up by Steve Gerson and

Sheryl Blechner, are busy planning varied opportunities which

will take place throughout the summer and into the autumn for

us to meet, and begin getting to know one another. In addition

to these events, I hope that you will feel free to stop by the

synagogue office just to say “shalom”! I so look forward to

getting to know each and every one of you!

My husband Jay Weiner, and I (along with our dog Duncan)

plan to arrive into Roswell sometime during the last week of

June. Our first TBT Shabbat together will take place July 4th

weekend. Although it’s summer time and many folks may be

away for the holiday weekend, I do hope that if you are in

town, that you’ll plan to join Cantor Kassel and me as together

we celebrate the gift of Shabbat and mark the birthday of this

great nation of ours with song, prayer and some special


Mah norah haMakom hazeh, how awesome is this place…

these people…our relationships. In the days, months and years

to come, I pray that we have many special and holy times as we

walk our sacred Jewish path-together.

Rabbi Alexandria Shuval-Weiner.

And now – something I’ve never done before, nor thought that I would do: quote a David Bowie song.

“Ch – ch – ch – ch - Changes”

You can sing the rest in your head, but the catch phrase is what’s important here.

Change can excite us and/or make us anxious.

Change encourages us to grow in understanding and in our ability to adapt.

Change keeps us alert and open to possibilities.

Change……is not an enemy.

Change is – LIFE itself.

Speaking of “changes”, I am now the mother of a hot-off-the-press BAR MITZVAH. I want to thank you all for sharing in this

Simchah with me and for all of your well wishes. After so many years of tutoring other people’s sons and daughters, I finally experi-

enced the parent-side of this life cycle. It was a source of much joy for me, Jacob and our family and friends.

In these summer months we bid farewell to Rabbi Fred Greene and welcome Rabbi Shuval-Weiner. I personally want our TBT

membership to know that I am most grateful for the time Rabbi Greene and I had together here as clergy partners. I wish Rabbi

Greene, Deborah, Yael, Leora and Noa – only the best in their move to Boulder, CO and at Congregation Har Hashem. May the

Greene family continue to live and share their passion for Judaism. May “change” be their friend.

I also look forward to welcoming Rabbi Alexandria Shuval-Weiner and Jay Weiner to Georgia, to Roswell and to Temple Beth

Tikvah. May our community embrace them and our hearts be open wide to receive all that they will have to offer. May we all take

an active role in not merely sustaining Temple Beth Tikvah but in helping our synagogue to thrive and nourish the souls of its

members. Rabbi Shuval-Weiner cannot do this alone nor can she and I do this by ourselves. Everyone must be a part of making

“ch – ch – ch – ch – changes”……….that strengthen our community and how we live our Judaism.

Wishing you all a refreshing summer,

Cantor Nancy Kassel


Page 3: June/July 2015 Kol Tikvah


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

For the last few years we have combined the June and July

editions of the Kol Tikvah. Kids are in camp, families are

going on vacation and we are in a million different directions

doing what we all do for the summer. But while our

community members are busy, two very significant things are

happening at TBT. Summer of 2015 marks a huge change for

us. On May 15th, our community paid tribute to Rabbi Greene

for his nine years of service to TBT during a beautiful Shabbat

service followed by a lovely oneg. Many of us had an

opportunity to personally say good bye to Rabbi Greene and

others did so through the tribute book. Rabbi Greene’s last day

at TBT will be June 16th. We certainly wish him and his family

well as he starts a new chapter in his life as he moves to

Colorado to start his new rabbinate.

A few days later, our new Senior Rabbi, Rabbi Shuval-Weiner,

and her husband Jay Weiner, will be leaving Kansas City to

make the long drive to Roswell. She is so excited about

coming to TBT and expects to hit the ground running. The

transition team has already started their work and have thought

of just about every possible thing they can do to make Rabbi

Shuval-Weiner’s first 120 days the best they can be. Rabbi

Shuval-Weiner and her husband have bought a beautiful home

near the synagogue and are already making plans to open their

home to our congregants so she can meet all of us and get to

know our stories and Jewish journeys.

A few months ago, while Rabbi Shuval-Weiner was here with

Jay on a house hunting trip, I had the opportunity to spend

some time with them. I had been dying to ask her a burning

question, so when I saw my opening, I asked: “Rabbi, now that

the ink has dried on your contract, I need to ask you, why did

you choose us over the other offers you had? Especially the

synagogues courting you on the west coast nearer your kids?”

She paused for a moment and I was a little

worried that I might have over-stepped my

bounds but she said, “Honestly, there was

something about TBT I felt when I visited

both times that just kept drawing me back and

I knew this was where I needed to be.” She

went on to say that she was so impressed with our search

committee citing the diversity of the committee and the warmth

not just shown to her but toward each other. When we finished

talking, I knew in my heart of hearts that we have the absolute

right Rabbi to lead us into our future. During our research and

throughout the entire search process, we kept hearing the term,

“a calling”. Rabbi Shuval-Weiner is not just called to her

rabbinate, she is called to Temple Beth Tikvah.

As you might imagine, there is an incredible amount of work

for her to do beginning her first day. We have B’nai Mitzvahs

starting on August 1st and religious school starting in August as

well. The High Holidays, aka Rabbis’ Busy Season, is not far

behind. Rabbi Shuval-Weiner is excited and full of energy,

spirituality and empathy as she begins those very difficult first

120 days. I know she and Jay will value and appreciate your

patience and support as they make their home in our

community. There will be plenty of opportunities in the

coming months for you to get to know the Rabbi and I hope all

of you take advantage of these opportunities, so stay tuned.


Ron Swichkow

We are still accepting registration for both summer camp and the 2015-2016 school year!

Please visit our website at http://bethtikvahpreschool.com for more information and forms.

If you or someone you know would like to come see all of the great things going in our school, please do not hesitate to

contact me 678-350-0076 or [email protected].

Jenifer Friedman

One Chapter Ends and a New One Begins

Early Childhood Education Center

Page 4: June/July 2015 Kol Tikvah


News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

We have had a terrific school year. I am always so amazed by

how much our students have learned and how they have grown up

by the end of the year. It has been a true pleasure to teach them

and celebrate our holidays, traditions and customs with them. I

am so proud not only of the knowledge they have gained, but of

their understanding of how important tzedakah and mitzvot are to

us. Each week students bring in Tzedakah. At the end of the

year they give suggestions on where they would like a portion of

the tzedakah to be donated to. This year the tzedakah will go to

three places: The Zion Blumenthal Orphanage in Jerusalem, The

Israel Guide Dog Center for the Blind and Yad Sarah. At the

orphanage the money will be used to make dinner for 120 chil-

dren. At the Israel Guide Dog Center for Blind the money will be

used to feed a class of “dogs in training” for a day. At Yad Sarah

the donation will be used to purchase mattresses to help alleviate

bed sores. Some of the money will be used to fund the religious

school scholarship fund.

We had a very touching memorial service for Yom Hoshoah –

this is the Holocaust Remembrance Day. The Rabbi, Cantor and

the 7th grade class led a very thought provoking service. It was

very meaningful to have Tomer Barash speak to us on Yom

Hazikaron – Memorial Day for Israel’s Fallen. It is a day when

we remember all the people who perished through the years in

wars, terrorist attacks and serving in the armed forces. We

watched a video showing how people react when the siren goes

off for Yom Hazikaron. The video was a compilation of many

different places such as highways, malls, stores and restaurants in

Israel. It was very interesting for the students to share the 2 mi-

nute of silence with Israel. It was a very touching video.

The following week we celebrated

Yom Ha’atzma’ut.- Israel Inde-

pendence Day. The students

marched throughout the synagogue

waving their flags and singing

many songs, it was a truly festive

time. We had a guest speaker, Ezra

Ravins, from the Jewish National

Fund. He spoke about Israel and

the amazing advancements in agriculture. We ended the day

serving the kids a delicious cake and wonderful oranges.

The entire school participated in creating pages for a scrapbook.

This book was given to the Rabbi on the last day of school. Some

classes created a “class page” while other classes created individ-

ual memories from the students. It was a wonderful book that the

Rabbi will be able to treasure forever.

I’d like to send a special thank you to Rabbi Greene and Cantor

Kassel for their involvement in our school. I’d like to thank our

Board of Education, led by Jill Mattos for their endless support

throughout the year. Thanks to our Bagel Volunteers, it’s not easy

to get up early on a Sunday morning; we are so grateful for their

support and dedication. A good school can not run without the

amazing help provided by our dedicated volunteers. I would like

to thank the Men’s Club for providing water to our thirsty kids. I

want to thank our teachers and Madrichim, they are amazing!

Without them our school would not be what it is. Last but not

least, I want to thank my assistant, Perri Kunofsky for her dedica-

tion and hard work. She puts her heart into the small details so

that our school can run so beautifully.

As the year came to a close, we were already working hard on

next year. By now, everyone should have received their registra-

tion packet by email. If you have not received a packet please

call the religious school office (770-642-4168) or email us at

[email protected] and we will send you a packet. You can

also visit our website to download the registration forms.

Receiving your registration forms on time allows us to plan

effectively for next year.

Also, please mark your calendars for our 1st day of school which

will be August 23rd, 2015.

I would like to encourage all of you to keep practicing Hebrew

with your children over the summer. The beauty of education is

that it never ends. Learning another language necessitates prac-

tice. Even if it’s just 10 minutes every other day over the sum-

mer, this will allow the children to retain what they learned with

us. I recommend that you review flash cards, read your siddur

together and attend services over the summer. There are also

wonderful websites that students can practice their Hebrew such

as www.behrmanhouse.com.

We wish everyone a happy and healthy summer.

Hassia Levin

Religious School

Page 5: June/July 2015 Kol Tikvah


Youth Group

When I think of HOTTY, one word comes to mind: pride. Yes, "home"

and "family" come to mind a little bit later, but "pride" comes to mind

first, and that's because when I first started, HOTTY was not a home or

a family. I know you all have heard it a thousand times, but when I start-

ed HOTTY we were nothing. Aaron and I were made co-freshmen reps

because both of us offered to do it, and HOTTY had never had a

contested election before. The next year, I decided to run for RCVP

when no one else did (even though I was originally planning to be song-

leader). After that, we were thrown into confusion when our adviser left

and we had no idea if and when we would get a new one.

But that's all history now. Now we have not one, but two incredible

advisers without whom none of this would be possible. Now we have

four grades full of enthusiastic HOTTYites. Now we are a community, a

family a home. Now we have an annual congregational service, monthly

events, and a teen lounge. And now, unlike when I started, we have

recognition by the congregation as something that matters, something

that really is important to our community.

I cannot say how proud I am of how far we've come. And this is the best

part: look around you. Take in all of the people you see here. All of this

is because of us. All of this is because we - starting from the graduating

seniors who kickstarted this all and going down to our incoming ninth

graders - we built this. We are the ones who said "Jewish youth and

HOTTY is something that matters." We are the ones who built this

youth group up into the amazing thing it is. And trust me, I've seen a lot

of youth groups this year. I've seen how they run, and I've met the peo-

ple in them. None of them is like HOTTY. None of them has the genu-

ine enthusiasm and passion that we have here. I can honestly say that we

are the best.

Thank you so much HOTTY for being a home for me these past 4 years.

I'm going to miss you all so much more than I can say. Keep doing the

incredible things that you're doing, and keep being the best you can be.

I'll miss you all so much.

Sam Marks

Join the HOTTY Facebook Page (https://www.facebook.com/

groups/TBT.HOTTY/) to stay up-to-date on what's happening and

to RSVP for HOTTY events!

Join the JYG Facebook Page (https://www.facebook.com/groups/TBT.JYG/) to stay up-to-date on what's happening with JYG, RSVP and arrange carpools for events!

Join the 5th & 6th Grade Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/groups/TBT.56/) to stay up-to-date on what's happening, RSVP and arrange carpools for events!

Want more info about the youth groups at TBT? Contact us at: [email protected] or call us:

Bobbee (303) 981-2356 & Adam (404) 971-4687



It’s not too late to attend a Jewish camp in Atlanta this summer! There are several great options for your kids.

Need help figuring out which one is the best for your kid?

Ask Adam and Bobbee!

We’re happy to help you find the right program

for your child for this summer.

Page 6: June/July 2015 Kol Tikvah


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

B’nai Mitzvah

Darcy Brooke Jones will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on June 13, 2015. Darcy is a seventh

grader at Hopewell Middle school, and is a member of the Beta Club, and a Duke TIPster. She enjoys golf,

cooking, baking, working out, and computer games. Darcy is also a true animal lover, dogs and horses

being her favorites. She is the daughter of Karolyn Diamond-Jones and Greg Jones, and granddaughter of

Bruce and Doris Jones, AJ Carr and Rosalie Klinghoffer Rosen. She is the younger sister of Nate, Harry

and Will Diamond.

Abery Ohayon will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on August 1, 2015. Abery is the son of

Debi Flagel Ohayon and of Yosef Ohayon. Abery’s younger sister is Davida Ohayon. He is in the

7th grade at Crabapple Middle School where he is enrolled in gifted classes and orchestra. Abery's

interests include weather, national parks, and, of course, friends and family. His grandparents, Barbara

and Jerry Flagel, and his great-grandmother, Edna Flagel, live in Naples, Florida. His savta, Pnina

Ohayon, lives in Jerusalem. Highlights of his mitzvot experiences have included visiting the Holocaust

museum in Washington DC, planting a tree in Israel in his grandmother's honor, and giving to charity.

Ethan Jacob Ramaglia will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on June 6, 2015. Ethan is the son

of Marla Ramaglia and Kurt Ramaglia, and brother of Rachel. He is the grandson of Evie and Stan Garnet,

and Nancy and Peter Ramaglia. He is a 7th grade super honor roll student at Haynes Bridge Middle School

where he plays trumpet in the band. Hobbies include swimming, playing outside, videogames, and music.

Ethan is looking forward to sharing this special day with his family and friends.

Julia Madison Tuttle will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on August 1, 2015. She is the

daughter of Karen and Mark Tuttle of Marietta, Georgia and granddaughter to Ione and Randolph Ives of

West Palm Beach, Florida, the late Nancy White of Woodstock, Georgia and the late Duane Tuttle of

Marietta, Georgia. Julia is in the 7th grade at Simpson Middle school where she is on the Principal’s

Honor Roll, enrolled the STEM Academy and plays viola in the 7th grade orchestra. She loves painting,

drawing, reading and the company of her cat Rylie. Julia enjoyed performing in a concert for the residents

of the Heritage of Sandy Plains assisted living home for seniors.

Have you filled out your profile yet?

GrapeVine is an innovative tool that sends you personalized recommendations for upcoming events in

the Atlanta Jewish community.

TBT is one of over 30 community organizations that are currently posting their events on GrapeVine.

The event recommendations you receive from the GrapeVine platform are all based on your personal

profile, where you can set your age, neighborhood, interests, and choose the organizations you want to

connect with the most. By setting your personal profile, you’ll be customizing the recommendations you

receive in your GrapeVine weekly email. You will also help TBT learn more about the interests and

needs of our members, which we can then use to develop the programs that you want to experience.

Please take a minute this week to log on to www.grape-vine.com or download the free app to set your

profile and start receiving the right recommendations for you!

Page 7: June/July 2015 Kol Tikvah


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Fundraising News

Andy and Julie Aaronson

Jonathan and Allison Agin

Barry and Shari Alhadeff

Pam Alterman

Steven and Teri Astren

Brian and Sheri Baker

Steven and Sheila Barid

Dale and Wendy Bearman

Jonathan and Barbara Berger

Leonard Berger

Harris and Suellen Bergman

Michael and Jeannine Bernstein

Jerry Bilsky and Judy Tolkan

Peter Birnbaum Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation

David and Robin Bledsoe

Todd and Jennifer Boehm

Michael and Heather Braun

Adam and Adrienne Bruckman

Jamie Burak

Paul and Cherie Cervasio

Lois Clymin

David and Roberta Coad

Michael D. and Lisa R. Cohen

Michael and Marlene Cohn

Steve and Arlene Cohn

Community Foundation for Palm

Beach and Martin Counties

Mark and Stephanie Craig

Renee Davis

Gordon and Hollis Decker

Craig and Susan Derene

Mitchell and Dyann Diamond

Kristopher and Paige Dobbins

Joseph and Waynah Dunn

Rodney and Erika Eberhardt

Audrey Eisen

Alan and Pam Epstein

Elliot and Donna Feller

Steven and Amy Fine

Rory and Jenifer Friedman

Steve and RoseAnn Gerson

Ed and Cindy Getty

Arthur Gittelman and Marcia Pearl

Cary Goldenthal and Lori Shapiro

Neil and Jennifer Goldstein

Robert and Cindy Goldstein

Harlan & Ivie Graiser

Rabbi Fred and Deborah Greene

Anne Grossman

Burton and Sara Grossman

Andrew and Karen Gutman

Scott and Nancy Harris

Peter and Tracy Hartog

Yitzhak and Ronit Hermoni

David and Ellen Herold

Mitchell and Julie Hilsen

Jamie and Katie Jaffe

David and Beth Janes

Peter and Sharon Jedel

Daniel and Stephanie Joseph

Morris and Anna Kagan

Doug and Donna Kallman

Cantor Nancy Kassel

Valerie Kassel Jr

Howard and Linda Katz

Jerry and Marcy Kaufman

Jeffrey and Beth Kess

Sharon Khoury

Jared and Rachel King

Jeff and Cindy Klein

Marc and Deborah Klein

Peter Klokow and Ellen Frank

Stanley and Bobbie Kopkin

Steven and Helen Kraus

Ned and Lisa Kreiss

Robert and Karen Kremer Kenneth Lawler Jr and Ginger Glazer

Fred and Patricia Landsberg

Melvin and Vivian Lapes

Scott and Sheryl Lasky

Hal and Jill Leitman

Ron and Lindsay Levin

Ronald and Jennifer Levine

Emily Lewit

Gary and Michal Loventhal

William and Rita Loventhal

Hadley and Lisa Lowy

Gilbert and Ellen Ludwig

Murray and Sonia Lynn

Joel and Aviva Margolies

Jonathan and Joan Marks

Jason and Maggie McAuliffe

David McClung

Thomas and Marsha McMurrain

Howard and Helaine Medoff

Gary and Peggy Mendelson

Ric and Barrie Mershon

Martin and Charlene Milstein

Ilene Monat

Mark and Jennifer Mosbacher

Robert Moss

Jay and Anita Myer

Robert and Marcy Nader

Ted and Melanie Nathan

Bernie and Gail Natter

North Georgia Pain Clinic, PC

Ryan and Rachel Palazzo

Larry and Jackie Pepper

Gary and Sheyla Peterson

Jason and Melanie Pickett

Shirley Plotkin

Scott and Rhonda Povlot

Marla Ramaglia

Joel and Valerie Rapowitz

Herbert and Bunny Renkin

Betty Rickles

Robert and Ellen Rickles

Barry & Robin Riegelhaupt

Howard & Barbara Rosenberg

Joel and Judy Rosenberg

Harvey and Natine Rosenzweig

Irving and Doris Rosing

Paul and Julie Rubin

Tod and Leslie Rubin

Mark and Gail Rudel

Andrew and Barbara Sacks

Robert and Donna Schacher

Joel and Kathleen Schoenblum

Gary and Debra Schwartz

William and Terry Schwartz

Rhonda Schweber

Sanford and Gail Seidman

Ira and Brenda Share

Stacy and Alicia Sher

Walter and Esther Shultz

Carol Shutzberg

David and Elisa Siegel

Sandy and Nancy Simon

Lawrence and Anne Skal

Kenneth and Helene Skolky

Sharon Snowiss

Stuart and Frances Solomon

Howard and Cynthia Steinberg

Steven and Linda Steinberg

Aaron and Sheila Stieglitz

Mathew and Dani Stordy

Barry & Denise Straus

Ronald and Leslie Swichkow

Donald and Marilyn Tam

Rosalind Taranto

Lloyd and Gail Tate

Steven and Abbe Tobin

David & Christine Toltzis Bruce and Mariann Mamberg Turiansky

Mark and Sally Vosk

Bruce and Carol Waldman

Bruce and Bonnie Walkes

June Wallach

Ronald and Sheri Weiner

Clifford and Loretta Weiss

Mark and Debbie Weiss Douglas Wexler and Jane Greenberger

Bram and Dana Wieskopf

Jeff Willard and Steve Mahan Mark Williams and Michelle Easton

Thomas and Susan Williams

Todd and Rachel Wilson

Scott and Susan Wynne

Andrew and Ilana Zalkin

Ruth Zeidman

Seth and Ellen Zimmer

(donations received through April 2015)

Shalom! For those of you who were able to attend the Annual Meeting in

May, you heard from numerous participants ranging from Rabbi Greene to

our President Ron Swichkow, that our synagogue needs to be supported

in order for us to maintain our building and grow our programs. Outside of

the Nadiv Lev or dues, the #1 support we have created is our Annual Cam-


As we near the end of the fiscal year, June 30th, let me review the goals of

the Fundraising Committee and show you where we stand.

Our overall goal at the start of the year was to raise $100,000. I am excited

to share that through the end of May, we have surpassed that goal having

raised $101,000+. This is excellent and thank you to all the families that

have supported the Annual Campaign.

The other goal that we had was growing the involvement of our congrega-

tion to support the Annual Campaign. As of May, we have had 178 families

out of 475 families participate. At 178 families we are at 40% and with

another 65 families participating during the month of June, we can get to

50% which would be the best participation rate that we have achieved in

quite some time. Even a small contribution of $18 by 65 more families will

reduce the amount of funds that we need to take from our reserves.

We have made contributing to the Annual Campaign as easy as possible.

Here's how you can participate:

1. Click this link http://www.bethtikvah.com/make-donation

2. Call the Temple at 770.642.0434 and speak with Jenny

3. Mail in a contribution to Temple Beth Tikvah, 9955 Coleman Rd,

Roswell, GA 30075

Thank you in advance for your contribution to the Annual Campaign.

Lastly, thanks to the members of the committee for their efforts and support

during this past year:


Jonathan Agin,

TBT Fundraising Chairman

Dale Bearman Dan DeRiemer Bart Segal

Carrie Bickwit Scott Guttman David Shippel

Ruben Braiter Sid Karlin Ron Swichkow

Todd Boehm Rob Rickles Andy Zalkin

Page 8: June/July 2015 Kol Tikvah


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Create Community in a Chavurah

"The members of our Chavurah are like extended

family. I can't imagine holidays without

them!" (comment from TBT Chavurah member)

What's a Chavurah?

It's a group of people who share common interests and

meet regularly to celebrate Jewish holidays, share

simchas, attend TBT events, and participate in any

activities that interest them. Being part of a Chavurah

can enhance your experience at TBT by helping you

develop a strong sense of community and deeper

connections within the congregation.

What does a Chavurah do?

You choose the activities you'll participate in and how

often and where you meet. We can help you design a

calendar of programs based on your group's interests.

How do I join a Chavurah?

Just fill out the application and we'll help you find like

-minded families or individuals to form a group. Drop

by the TBT office to pick one up, or visit

http://www.bethtikvah.com/community/chavurot to


Questions? Please contact Dalia Faupel at

[email protected]

Happy summer from Sisterhood! We hope you are

having a lovely summer, filled with new exploits

and “new horizons.” This is the time of year when

Sisterhood is engaged in planning upcoming fall

events particularly. If you would like to become

involved in program planning, please let us know.

We welcome new

ideas and new folks

to our committee.

We have truly

expanded in breadth

and diversity of programs, and always are looking

for “helpers!” Shout out to us if you would like to

come Thursday, June 18th for a dinner and planning

session at the home of Leslie Swichkow. Leslie has

graciously offered to host a dinner for our

committee chairwomen and newly interested


A big thank you is in order for Barb Garb,

organizer of our last major event this season at Red

Sky Tapas and Bar, on May 14th. It was really

great to get together with Sisterhood members and

share a nice evening of food and talk. If you

missed this, please come to our next social event

for fun and to meet some fine Sisterhood members.

Robin Bledsoe Sisterhood Chair


Your synagogue community wants to be a

Caring Community/Kehillat Chesed

If you have recently experienced a loss, are facing a crisis or are celebrating a simcha, please let our office know as soon as possible.

Our clergy and friends strive to be a source of support as best as they can. If you know of one of our fellow congregants who has experienced a loss or can use a hand, please contact the office at 770.642.0434.

TBT Seniors


Monday, August 10 at 12 PM

Rabbi Shuval-Weiner

will be our speaker

RSVP to Natine at [email protected]

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News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

June 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 9:00 am ECEC Summer Camp Begins 7:15 pm

Families Anonymous

2 9:30 am Tai Chi

3 4 5

8:00 pm

Shabbat Service

6 9:00 am Bagels, Learning &

Torah 10:00 am Shabbat Service -

Ramaglia Bar

Mitzvah 7

5:00 pm Endowment

Board Meeting

8 7:15 pm

Families Anonymous

9 9:30 am Tai Chi

10 11 12

8:00 pm

Shabbat Service

13 9:00 am Bagels, Learning &

Torah 10:00 am Shabbat Service -

Jones Bat Mitzvah 14 Flag Day 15

7:15 pm

Families Anonymous

16 9:30 am Tai Chi 7:30 pm Board of Trustees


17 18 19 6:00 pm Oneg 6:30 pm

Shabbat Service

20 10:00 am Shabbat Service

21 Father's Day 22 7:15 pm

Families Anonymous

23 9:30 am Tai Chi 7:30 pm Officers Meeting

24 25 26 6:00 pm Oneg 6:30 pm

Shabbat Service

27 10:00 am Shabbat Service

28 29 9:00 am Summer Camp Session 2 Begins 7:15 pm

Families Anonymous

30 9:30 am Tai Chi

July 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 TBT Offices Closed 6:00 pm Potluck Dinner 7:00 pm Blue Jean

Shabbat Service to

Welcome Rabbi


4 Independence Day 9:00 am Bagels,

Learning & Torah 10:00 am Shabbat Service

5 6 7:15 pm

Families Anonymous

7 9:30 am Tai Chi

8 9 10 6:00 pm Oneg 6:30 pm

Shabbat Service

11 9:00 am Bagels,

Learning & Torah 10:00 am Shabbat Service

12 13 7:15 pm

Families Anonymous

14 9:30 am Tai Chi

15 16 17 6:00 pm Oneg 6:30 pm

Shabbat Service

18 9:00 am Bagels,

Learning & Torah 10:00 am Shabbat Service

19 20 7:15 pm

Families Anonymous

21 9:30 am Tai Chi 7:30 pm Board of Trustees


22 23 24 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Last

Day Summer Camp 6:00 pm Oneg 6:30 pm

Shabbat Service

25 9:00 am Bagels,

Learning & Torah 10:00 am Shabbat Service

26 Tishah B'Av Family Promise

27 Family Promise

7:15 pm

Families Anonymous

28 Family Promise

9:30 am Tai Chi 7:30 pm Officers Meeting

29 Family Promise

30 Family Promise

31 Family Promise

No Service at TBT 6:30 pm Combined Atlanta Reform Shabbat Service at Temple Sinai

August 1

Family Promise

9:00 am Bagels,

Learning & Torah 10:00 am Shabbat Service

Tuttle/Ohayon B’nai Mitzvah

Page 10: June/July 2015 Kol Tikvah


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Annual Campaign

Ronald and Leslie Swichkow in memory of Marty Soniker and

wishing a Mazel Tov to the Boehm family on Adam becoming a

Bar Mitzvah

Marvin and Trudy Davis in memory of Gerald Rein

Sandy and Nancy Simon in memory of Ruth Berney

Sandy and Nancy Simon in memory of Marty Soniker

Mark and Debbie Weiss in honor of Mike Cohen's retirement

Mark and Debbie Weiss in memory of Marty Soniker

Building Fund

Dale and Wendy Bearman in memory of Samuel Bearman

Hadley and Lisa Lowy in memory of Marilyn Narduzzi

Campership/Israel Fund

Ronald and Leslie Swichkow in memory of Lowell Herman

Larry and Jackie Pepper in memory of Harriett Herbin and

Rose Pepper

Howard and Suzanne Silverman in memory of Edith Silverman

Nadine Duhaney

Cantor Kassel’s Discretionary Fund

Steven and Amy Fine in memory of Marvin Fine

Michael and Wanda Cohen in memory of Jennie Cohen

Steven and Helen Kraus in memory of Abraham Kraus

Dan and Laura DeRiemer in memory of Lorraine DeRiemer

Shirley Plotkin in memory of Saul Plotkin

Robert and Adele Toltzis and Ruth Zeidman in memory of

Marty Soniker

Caring/Kehillat Chesed Fund

Phyllis Madans in memory of Sophie Madans

David and Ellen Herold in memory of Dvora Herold

Larry and Jackie Pepper in memory of Miriam Belger

Ruth Zeidman in memory of Marty Soniker, dear friend of

TBT Seniors

Betty Rickles in honor of Steve and RoseAnn Gerson's new

granddaughter, Arden Uffalussy, and in honor of Noah Rickles'

graduation from high school

Addie Myers in memory of Ida Bachman

Aaron and Sheila Stieglitz in appreciation of TBT offering Aaron

the opportunity to commemorate his "2nd Bar Mitzvah"

Fred and Patricia Landsberg wishing a speedy recovery to

Rhoda Scrivner

Kenneth and Helene Skolky in memory of Shirley Skolky

Marvin and Trudy Davis in memory of Marty Soniker

Endowment Campaign

Mark and Debbie Weiss in memory of Natalie Berlin and

Walter Berlin

Douglas Wexler and Jane Greenberger in memory of

Marty Soniker

General Fund

William and Marjory Segal in memory of Rose Lieber

Bernie and Gail Natter in memory of Cydel Feldser

Avi and Erica Stein in memory of Marty Soniker

Steven and Eydie Koonin in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of

Rachel Lyndsi Steuer

Ben and Amy Tolchinsky in memory of Carol Tolchinsky

Shirley Crawford

Aaron and Sheila Stieglitz in appreciation of Rabbi Greene and

Cantor Kassel

Michael Zalkin Memorial Fund

Bruce and Bonnie Walkes in memory of Leo Wixman

Andrew and Carolyn Bickwit in memory of Bernard Bickwit

Prayerbook Fund

Mark and Sally Vosk in memory of Harry Solomon

Rabbi Greene’s Discretionary Fund

Andy and Marci Fried in memory of Lowell Herman, father of

Deborah Greene

Richard Quintana in honor of Rabbi Greene

Tom and Patti Seibold in memory of Lowell Herman

David and Robin Bledsoe in memory of Katharine G. Reuss

Elaine Rabb in memory of Lowell Herman

Jerome and Margie Cohen in memory of Minnie Friedman

Nadine Duhaney

David and Robin Bledsoe in memory of Morris Raiken

Rabbi Shuval-Weiner’s Discretionary Fund

Michael L. Klein in honor of Rabbi Shuval-Weiner

Steve and RoseAnn Gerson in honor of the birth of their

granddaughter -- Arden Florence Uffalussy

Rabbi Tam’s Discretionary Fund

David and Ellen Herold in memory of Ilana Cohen

Bruce and Bonnie Walkes in memory of Marty Soniker

Elaine Rabb in memory of Helen Rabinovitz and Robert Rabb

Max and Carol Wolf in memory of Sylvia Perling

Robert and Marcy Nader in memory of Melvin Dolub

Barry and Robin Riegelhaupt in memory of Oscar Brandes

Bruce and Bonnie Walkes in memory of Bessie Wixman

Religious School Fund

Fred and Patricia Landsberg in memory of Bernice Landsberg

Larry and Jackie Pepper in memory of Rose Pepper

Torah Fund

Morray and Susan Scheinfeld in memory of Paul and Joan Barton

Youth Group Fund

Stanley and Bobbie Kopkin in memory of Dave Kopkin

Douglas Wexler in memory of Jean Berman

(donations received through 5/20)


Page 11: June/July 2015 Kol Tikvah


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah


In Memorium

Temple Beth Tikvah acknowledges with sorrow

the passing of:

Marty Soniker

Husband of Fern Soniker

Irving Nye

Grandfather of Dana Leff

Jack Tobin

Father of Steve Tobin

Larry Youngerman

Father of Fran Kamp

Grandfather of Matthew Kamp

Ken Kinoshita

Father of Kenji Kinoshita

May God console you among all the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

Thank You to our Amazing Office Volunteers!

Lois Malkin

Ellen Frank

Marsha McMurrain

Marla Ramaglia

Erica Stein

June Wallach

Marsha Mathis

Kenny Lawler upon his graduation from GA Tech with

a B.S. in Computer Science. He will be working for

Amazon in Seattle WA. Proud parents are Ginger

Glazer and Ken Lawler.

Graduating high school seniors:

Ilene Monat on her engagement to Gary Fader.

Carol and Bruce Waldman on the

marriage of their daughter,

Jennifer, to Max Gross .

Honor a person or event

with a leaf on our tree of

life. You can purchase a

leaf as an individual or as

a group.!

Kudos to Noah Eberhardt on the successful

completion of his Eagle Scout project.

Noah rebuilt 3 benches for our back patio.

Zac Povlot

Zach Baker

Jacob Kremer

Sam Marks

Emily Medoff

Brian Lenhard

Aaron Schwartz

Ali Schiffer

Danny Zimmer

Maryn Perlson

Danny Gutman

Liana Lipinsky

Jason Levinson

Jake Weiss

Page 12: June/July 2015 Kol Tikvah


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Synagogue Information

Synagogue Office - 770-642-0434

Fax Number - 770-642-0647

School Office (Perri) - 770-642-4168

Preschool (Jenifer) - 678-350-0076

Assistant to Clergy - Michelle Leder

Financial Secretary - Jenny Korsen

Admin. Assistant - Lisa Singer

Office Manager - Becky Sullivan

Adult Education Ivie Graiser [email protected] Budget & Finance Karen Korshak [email protected]

Camp/Israel Scholarship Marcia Haber [email protected] Chavurot Dalia Faupel [email protected] College Outreach Lynda Bennett [email protected] Beth Kess [email protected] Communications

Mark Rudel [email protected] Family Promise Randy and Amy Siegal [email protected] Brian and Jennifer Steinberg [email protected] Tony Rosenberg [email protected]

Fundraising Jonathan Agin [email protected] House Ted Nathan [email protected]

Human Resources Seth Zimmer [email protected] Israel Gene Carasick [email protected] Kehillat Chesed (Caring) Leslie Swichkow [email protected] Library Ilana Zalkin [email protected]

Membership Recruitment & Retention Jill Leitman [email protected] Marcia Pearl [email protected] Men’s Club Mark Greenspan [email protected] Peter Hartog [email protected]

Nominating Committee Todd Boehm [email protected] Ritual Esther Shultz [email protected]

Security Jay Sausmer [email protected] Seniors Natine Rosenzweig [email protected] Sisterhood Robin Bledsoe [email protected] Social Action Terry Apt Carasick Terrys [email protected]

Website Development Scott Povlot [email protected] Youth Group Debra Schwartz [email protected] Michal Loventhal [email protected]

Get Involved! TBT Committees and Chairpersons

Planning a simcha or group gathering?

The Tam-Blank Social Hall is the Place to Be.

For more information on renting our Social Hall,

contact the synagogue office at 770-642-0434.

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News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Page 14: June/July 2015 Kol Tikvah


Alexandria Shuval-Weiner Rabbi

Donald A. Tam

Rabbi Emeritus

Nancy Kassel


Hassia Levin

Education Director

Jenifer Friedman

ECEC Director

Ron Swichkow President

Harlan Graiser

Vice President and

President Elect

Todd Boehm

Vice President

Denise Straus Vice President

Joe Dunn


Michael Braun


Mary Block

Chairperson, Board of Education