Occupational Health and Safety

Occupational safety and health is an area concerned with protecting the safety, health and welfare of people engaged in work or employment

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Occupational Health and Safety

Occupational safety and health is an area concerned with protecting the safety, health and welfare of people engaged in work or employment.


• Provide a safe and healthy work environment

• Employees, protect against health and safety risks arising from working environment

• Maintain and improve employee's health, safety and welfare

• Ensure continuity of production

• İncrease productivity

Why occupational health and safety?

• Every 3 minutes, work accidents are happening in the world.

• Every 90 minutes, a person is maimed.

• Every 4 hours, a person dies.

• Turkey in fatal occupational accidents is first in Europe / third in world

According to figures from the International Labour Organisation (ILO):

•Every year, 260 milion occupational accidents are taking place in the world

• 160 million people are caught occupational disease

• Every year, 2 million 200 thousand people are dying due to accidents at work and occupational diseases

Social security statistics for the year 2009

• The number of accidents at work : 64.316

• Death due to accidents at work : 1.171

• Work disability as a result of accidents at work : 1.668

• The number of occupational diseases : 429

• Permanent work disability as a result of an occupational disease: 217

Social Security Agency according to the data that covering 1998-2009 the years:

• 927.727 work accidents took place in Turkey

• 4.601 Occupational disease was detected

• 10,543 people died as a result of work accidents and occupational diseases

• Each year, 5% of national income consumed in these problem areas

• In 2007, Turkey's GDP $ 659 billion. So Turkey 26.4 bilion dollars was lost.

• 5.4% of Global revenue is lost from this disease.

• İn 2008, global revenues was 65 trillion dollars.So 3.5 trillion dollars were lost due to inadequate occupational health and safety.

Work Accident: Work accident that unplanned, often in personal injury, machines, tools and equipment to incur losses, stop a production time that led to an event is called.

A) The insured person while he was at work,

B) The work being carried out by the Employer thereby,

C) The Insured during shipment to another location with the task by the employer,

D) Lactating women of the insured to give milk to children in the allotted time

E) The insured, provided by the employer where the work is performed by a vehicle be brought to the public during the escorted ,

accidents are counted that work accidents

98% of workplace accidents can be prevented with some measures to be taken.

9 out of every 10 accidents occur from unsafe behavior. Remaining part, because of unsafe conditions consist.

If we can avoid unsafe situations and behaviors, we have also prevents work accidents

To prevent accidents at work and occupational diseases, some responsibility falls on everyone.




• Enact laws

• Check

• To create Infrastructure

EMPLOYER:• Take all necessary measures.

• Tools and supplies must be keep thorough

• Check OHS measures

• Cccupational risks, the measures to be taken, to inform workers about their legal rights and responsibilities

• Occupational health and safety training required must provide


• Workers are obliged to prevent any kind that taken in the field of occupational health and safety

İn our country with regard to occupational health and safety first serious improvements have been realized in 2003 with the emergence of various regulations. With this law, occupational health and safety regulation has been tried. To achieve this, a new profession has emerged from occupational health and safety specialist

What Does An Occupational Health and Safety Specialist Do?

Review, evaluate, and analyze work environments and design programs and procedures to control, eliminate, and prevent disease or injury caused by chemical, physical, and biological agents or ergonomic factors. May conduct inspections and enforce adherence to laws and regulations governing the health and safety of individuals.

Most of the work accidents occur at construction and mining works. So there are basic equipment that protects human security. That are some basic safety equipments.

Helmets protect head against that bumps, falling objects and immediate contact electrik shock

Reflective vests have a high view of employee safety measures can contribute to providing.

shoes is safety equipment to protect against that sharp objects to sink, falling objects and compression

•Steel toe ( permeability resistance up to 1100 kg )• Electric resistance up to 100 kilohms (conductive footwear)• Insulation against heat• Antistatic shoes ( electrical resistance of 0.1 - between 1000 megohms )• Insulation against cold• heat-resistant base ( 300 ° C)• water-resistant uppers (footwear surface)• energy absorptivities of the heel region• electrostatic discharge

These are individual basic safety equipment. But There are some ways the use of tools. we will give you some examples for that use of tools.

The most important tricks of ladder safety:• Ladder at least 113 kg must be designed to withstand concentrated loads.• The diameter of Steps must be at least 19mm for metal stairs, at least 28cm for wooden stairs.• Steps must be spaced at least 30cm vertically, at least 40cm wide.• Every day should be checked before use (including ladder feet)• should be fixed. • Floors must be solid and smooth.•The upper end of the ladder should be based on a solid ground.• Ladders, to the outer side at an angle to prevent slipping should be placed. (75 degrees)


• Scaffold design, establishment, modification and dismantling operations should be carried out under the supervision of experts to do.• Including independent scaffolding all Scaffolding securely tied or should be supported.• Fully installed platforms should not be attempted.• During installation and dismantling of scaffolding, appropriate barriers and signs should be placed around of scaffolding To prevent damage to people.• The path used by people, the competent authority responsible for areas such as the sidewalk should be contacted Before setting up scaffolding.