yl c > It- c c 1 k SIX OCALA EVENING STAR SATURDAY DECEMBER 11 1909 L a 3OBINSON President 8 H BLITCII Manager J O BOOZER Ant Manager GEO J BLI TCH Te- DerCOMMERCIAL BANK OCALA FLA THE DEPOSITORS IN THIS BANK Are the merchants the professional and successful men and women of the city ute farmers of the surrounding territory We accommodate all classes Our customers represent the men and women who have built and are still building successful enterprises We solicit a share of your business Ocala News Company- G W MARTIN Proprietor Established 30 Years 1 We have always had a good stock of Holiday Goods but this year we have a better stock than ever To convince yourselves come in and see for yourselves- For Toys we have a lot of new ones that have never been shown in Ocala Mechanical Friction Wooden Iron and in fact anything you want in that line Our line of Dolls is also complete dressed and undressed large and small Toilet Sets at your own price We can suit you for prices all along the line Comb and Brush Sets Manicure Sets Writing Sets Smokers in Silver Ebony and all kinds- of Fancy Mountings We can furnish you with articles suitable for anyone either young or old t We can say without contradiction that we have the largest line of Books ever carried in Ocala we can fur- nish you any kind of book you want our line of copy ¬ rights is complete poem books books for boys girls and babies and in fact the whole family We have the only line of Bibles and Testaments in town Our line of Fancy China is ahead of anything we have had before Hand Painted Old Dutch Donatella Ware something entirely new Staple 10 and 12 piece Toilet Sets and Glassware all kinds When it comes to Fountain Pens we have a full line of the Ideal Waterman Pens Parkers Lucky Curve besides others Dont buy Fountain Pens until you look ours over To sum it all up we can come nearer fitting you out for presents than any house in town Our line of stationery is complete in every detail and we are the only stationary house in town other people carry a little as a side line but Stationery is our business OCALA NEWS COMPANY Ocala Florida F U OF A The Fraternal Union of America meets in Yongqs Hall the second Thursday of each month 1 R E Yonge F M C K Sago Secretary HARNESS MENDED Harness of all kinds mended or new parts made where desired Also saw filing done Apply to J T Simmons at Tompkins Cobbs stables HENS FOR SALE About 30 head of large fat hens for sale Apply to George Chambers at the fire station The pleasant purgative effect ex- perienced ¬ by all who use Chambe- rlains ¬ Stomach and Liver Tablets and the healthy condition of the body and mind which they create makes one feel joyfu- lLOSTSalesmans price book Re- turn to Ocala House and receive re ward 1I- l = x Ve- v rr4 > v o Tf Perfect Cut 5 DIAONDSI- n I all the settings that are popular and also in distinctly unique and I original settings- The more you study the possibilities- of a diamond as a gift to your wife daughter or sweetheart the mere you study its excellent investment feature the more satisfied will you be in your decision that the diamond- is f the REST gift YouH 11 nd here also a daxzling ar- m ¬ I of silver novelties gold trtnkfts- sujfrb cut glass watches rings neck- laces ¬ slherware etcall priced at our NORMAL prices A full line of Edison records and phonographs A E BURNETT OCALA FLORIDA I FOR SALE AT GOVERNMENT BUILDING n Pressed and common brick foun ¬ dation stone asphalt timber and < lumber of all kinds cheap Apply to the contractors DRESSMAKING- Mrs Adams at 199 Henry street will do dressmaking and braiding FRESH SEEDS We have in our fresh supply of re- liable ¬ garden and flower seeds for fall planting Tydings Co The Robert Loveman Concert com- pany ¬ who held the boards at the ar- mory ¬ last night we regret to say did not give the performance their press announcement led the public to ex- pect ¬ The concert was only mediocre The best part of the performance was ho playing of Mr Blake on the harp which was unusually fine Ifyou are suffering from bilious- ness ¬ constipation indigestion chron- ic ¬ headache invest one cent in a pos ¬ tal card send to Chamberlain Medi- cine ¬ Co Des Moines Iowa with your name and address plainly on the back and they will forward you a fret sample of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets Brinson Coggins the successful farmer and orange grower of Weirs dale Apis here today He sfUd so far he had shipped 1300 boxes of oranges and as far as heard from received satisfactory prices He has several hndred boxes of oranges and fully SOO hoses of grapefruit still on the trees which he will ship later The Ocala Fertilizer company can sell yon a special fertiliser for each crop that will give you the best re ¬ sults- If you want good candy get Nun nailys at the Postofftc Drugstore Fresh every week thats what makes it so good An alarm of rare was turned in last night at S oclock The fire was a pile of rubbteh that some one had started- to burn in the vacant lot west of the market R CDavis d cjo or Jacksonville handle silk typewriter ribbons The each 750 per dozen FROM MONTANA TO- FLORIDA 1 ON FOOT Long Walk of a Sheep Herder to Find- a Home in the Sunny South- St < Augustine Record I Haw Creek Dec 10Tired and travel worn but hale and hearty a stranger of apparently middle age has arrived in Haw Creek after a walk all the way across the country from I the highland sheep ranges of Mon ¬ I I tana in the far northwest Accom- panied ¬ I only by the faithful collie which had shared the life on the range with him he made the trip to Florida claim a new home on Haw Creek in old SL Johns t When he arrived he went to the of- fice I of the St Johns Development Company at Omega and gave his name- as Edwin He produced well worn papers showing that he held the title to a forty acre tract which he had purchased on the creek He was tired but talkative and at- tracted ¬ much attention The tory which he told is full of interest For j many years he has followed the oc i cupation of sheep herder on the ranges of Montana During blizzards that cut through furlined stickers and trousers and make ones feet feel like tlocks of ice despite many pairs of woolen socks cowhide boots and buckskins he had driven great herds of sheep which depended upon him alone to guide them through the blind ¬ ing snow To be sure he said one is well paid for such work but he thought sunny Florida would be better At any rate he and his companion- the faithful black collie which had hared the blizzards and the storms- on the range with him walked all the way across the country to the new I home in the Southland The place I which they will make their home Is just beyond the Haw Bush j Florida is just the place for me he assured those who have talked with I him He is busy clearing stumps preparatory to putting in his first crop The determination shown by I him to become a resident of this sec ¬ tion indicates that he is going to make D good citizen and he is welcomed here Many are taking a great deal of interest in his story which is fully borne out NOTICE I Thirty days after date or as soon thereafter as practical the city coun ¬ cil of the city of Ocala will receive und consider bids for the paving with vitrified brick those parts of the fol ¬ lowing described streets in Ocala Ma ¬ rlon county Florida towit That part of the extension of Magnolia street beginning at North Sixth street and i running thence north to the right of way of the Seaboard Air Line railway company and also that portion of North Sixth street beginning at Mag- nolia ¬ street and running east one block and also that portion of North Sixth street beginning at Magnolia rtreet and running west one block Said hids to be sealed and fil- ed ¬ with the clerk of the city of Ocala xt least live dayshefore the meeting of the council at which time all of the bids for such paving are to be consid- ered ¬ I in accordance with specifications- for such paving on file at the city I clerks office in the city of Ocala Ma- rion ¬ county Florida The city council reserves the right to reject any or all of the bids that may be submitted J M Meffert- x President of City Council Attest H C SIstrunk City Clerk December 10th A D 1909 WEATHER FORECAST Washington Dec 11Palr tonight freezing temperature In north and heavy frost in central portion proba- bly ¬ light frost to 27th parallel Friday lair continued cold light north winds FOR SALE Wellington piano as good as new cheap for cash Apply TO Mrs W J Lohrig Ocala Fin TERRIBLE STRAIN RESULTED NOT AMISS- A I Lenoir Lady After Two Weeks Grinding Labor Feels Better Than Ever Lenoir N CHI am not tired at all and am stouter than I have ever been writes Mrs Kate Waters of Lenoir NC although I have just finished a two weeks wash I lay my strength to Cardui the womans tonic I have taken a lot of it and I can never praise it enough for what it has done for me I I can never thank you enough for the ad ¬ vice you gave me to take Cardui for since taking it I look so well and am stout as a mule You are urged to take Cardui that gen- tle ¬ vegetable tonic for weakwomen Its use will strengthen and build up your sys ¬ tem relieve or prevent headache back ¬ ache and the ailments of weak women- It will surely help you as it has helped thousands of others in the past 50 years- N BWrite to Ladies Advisory Dept Chatta ¬ nooga Medicine Co Chattanooga Tenru for Special Instructions and 64page book Home Treatment for Women sent in plain wrapper on request I THE COMMERCIALPRE- SSING CLUB FRANK MUSTIX Proprietor Next Door to the Western Unioii Telegraph Oflice Work Called for and Delivered Promptly All Work Guaranteed White Trade Only I CHRISTMAS Jewelry Yuletide Suggestions We offer for yottt selection here the f ° most comprehensive showing we have ever made of appropriate articles for Holiday Gifts that will both delight the recipient e and giver and also have that added value i 4 of permanent and lasting charm Your attention especially invited to our D superb collection of 0 00 Diamonds Silverware S o P Gold Jewelry i Cut Glass and Watches a o Q 1 Gold JewelryRings Studs Pendants Pins Brooches V Lockets Necklaces Bracelets Chains Household WaresSilver Glass and Pottery China Knives Forks Spoons Trays Bowls Vases Pitchers Jugs Candelabras Platters Tureens Coffee SetsOlive and Bon Bon Dishes i Mens Jewelry and Novelties Cigarette Cases p Watches Fobs Seal and Emblem Rings Flasks Desk Fittings Cuff Links- In < X the preparation and selection of his comprehensive- stock of Diamonds and Precious Stones Jewelry Silverware Watches Clocks China and Glassware Fancy Goods Etc r A E Burnett has since the establishment of his business maintained certain standards of quality and excellence to which all articles must conform Not only must the- o material and workmanship of each piece be beyond criti- cism O but the style and design must satisfy the best require- ments ¬ of current fashion and demand t j y Line of Edison Phonographs and Records i A BURNETT I i vzI OCALAFLA I Where Holiday Prices Do Not Prevail I SAVANNAH CONVULSED BY A HORRIBLE CRIME I Savannah Ga Dec 11 Victims of I a revolting crime Mrs Eliza Grib We aged seventy years and her daughter Mrs Carrie Ohlander were found dead in their home No 401 Perry street West here last night while a third woman whose name is unknown found just inside the front door of the house is at the Savan- nah hospital dying Physicians state that Mrs Ohlander- vas the victim of a criminal assault just before she was killed One hun Jred and fifty negro men caught in the meshes of the police drag net through Yamaeraw the negro section- of the city are prisoners the theory o the police being that a negro man having planned an assault upon Mrs blander was compelled to commit he other crimes to escape I The symptoms of kidney troubles- are I urinary disorders weak back and backache rheumatism and rheumatic I pains and twinges pHins in the groin etc There is mrfning so good for kid- ney ¬ and blad er oublp as DeWitts Kidney and Blad4rprPills You may depend upon tnnTto gie entire satis ¬ faction They are antiseptic act promptly and soothe the pain Sold by all druggists SMALLEST CROP IN SIX YEARS The Price of Cotton Went Up to 16 i New York Thc Cents HThe announce- ment ¬ I of the government estimate on the cotton crop yesterday caused the I Irice to use to 16 cents The esti- mate ¬ is 100SSOOO bales the smallest crop since 1903 Many persons find themselves af ¬ fected with a persistent cough after- an attack of Influenza As this cough- can be promptly cured by the use of Chamberlains Cough Remedy it should not be allowed to run on until- It becomes trobulesome FIRE WOOD FRE WOOD We have a large sappy of fire wood both pine and oak fireplace and stove lengths Good seasoned wood- A BIG LOAD FOR A DOLLAR delivered cash Call rt factory or PHONE 17GGeo GILES CO Have you seen tne new visible Fay Sholes typewriter R C Davis Co general agents FRESH MEATS AND VEGETABLESW- estern Beef Veal Florida Stall Fed Beef Mutton Armours Star Ham Armours Pork Sausage Cabbage Rutabagas Turnips Beets Sweet Potatoes Irish Potatoes Spanish Onions t W s P E O W A R D S Phone 108 City Market 4 J Physicians Advise the use of a goodlaxative to keep the bowels open and prevent the poisons of undigested- food from gettinginto your system The latest product of science is VELVO Laxative Liver Syrup purely vegetable gentle reliable and of a pleasant aromatic taste Velvo acts on the liver as well as on the stomach and bowels and is of the greatest possible efficacy in constipation indigestion biliousness sick headache feverishness colicflatulence etc Try VF 1 VELVO LAXATIVE LIVER SYRUP NORTH LAKE WEIRI- s preeminently the strongest realestate offering on that beautiful body of water all points considered Have an Especially Splendid Proposition there just now for the investor r Quick Action Means a Golden Harvest Phone- or write to J p M Neely Co T Summerfield Fla A

Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1909-12-11 [p Six].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03345/00162.pdf · c ylc> It- c 1 k SIX OCALA EVENING STAR SATURDAY DECEMBER 11 1909

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Page 1: Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1909-12-11 [p Six].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03345/00162.pdf · c ylc> It- c 1 k SIX OCALA EVENING STAR SATURDAY DECEMBER 11 1909

yl c > It-cc




a 3OBINSON President8 H BLITCII Manager J O BOOZER Ant Manager



THE DEPOSITORS IN THIS BANKAre the merchants the professional and successful men and women ofthe city ute farmers of the surrounding territory

We accommodate all classes Our customers represent the men andwomen who have built and are still building successful enterprises

We solicit a share of your business

Ocala News Company-G W MARTIN Proprietor

Established 30 Years1

We have always had a good stock of HolidayGoods but this year we have a better

stock than ever To convinceyourselves come in and

see for yourselves-

For Toys we have a lot of new ones that have neverbeen shown in Ocala Mechanical Friction Wooden Ironand in fact anything you want in that line Our line ofDolls is also complete dressed and undressed large andsmall

Toilet Sets at your own price We can suit you forprices all along the line Comb and Brush Sets ManicureSets Writing Sets Smokers in Silver Ebony and all kinds-of Fancy Mountings We can furnish you with articlessuitable for anyone either young or old t

We can say without contradiction that we havethe largest line of Books ever carried in Ocala we can fur-

nish you any kind of book you want our line of copy ¬

rights is complete poem books books for boys girls andbabies and in fact the whole family We have the onlyline of Bibles and Testaments in town

Our line of Fancy China is ahead of anything we havehad before Hand Painted Old Dutch Donatella Waresomething entirely new Staple 10 and 12 piece Toilet Sets

and Glassware all kindsWhen it comes to Fountain Pens we have a full line of

the Ideal Waterman Pens Parkers Lucky Curve besidesothers Dont buy Fountain Pens until you look oursover

To sum it all up we can come nearer fitting you out forpresents than any house in town Our line of stationery iscomplete in every detail and we are the only stationaryhouse in town other people carry a little as a side line butStationery is our business



The Fraternal Union of Americameets in Yongqs Hall the secondThursday of each month

1 R E Yonge F MC K Sago Secretary


Harness of all kinds mended or newparts made where desired Also sawfiling done Apply to J T Simmons atTompkins Cobbs stables


About 30 head of large fat hens forsale Apply to George Chambers at thefire station

The pleasant purgative effect ex-


by all who use Chambe-rlains


Stomach and Liver Tablets andthe healthy condition of the body andmind which they create makes onefeel joyfu-

lLOSTSalesmans price book Re-turn to Ocala House and receive reward



xVe-vrr4 >

v o

Tf Perfect Cut 5



all the settings that are popularand also in distinctly unique and I

original settings-The more you study the possibilities-

of a diamond as a gift to your wifedaughter or sweetheart the mereyou study its excellent investmentfeature the more satisfied will yoube in your decision that the diamond-is


the REST giftYouH 11 nd here also a daxzling ar-

m¬ I

of silver novelties gold trtnkfts-sujfrb cut glass watches rings neck-laces


slherware etcall priced atour NORMAL prices A full line ofEdison records and phonographs




Pressed and common brick foun ¬

dation stone asphalt timber and<

lumber of all kinds cheap Apply tothe contractors


Mrs Adams at 199 Henry street willdo dressmaking and braiding


We have in our fresh supply of re-liable


garden and flower seeds for fallplanting Tydings Co

The Robert Loveman Concert com-pany


who held the boards at the ar-mory


last night we regret to say didnot give the performance their pressannouncement led the public to ex-pect


The concert was only mediocreThe best part of the performance washo playing of Mr Blake on the harp

which was unusually fine

Ifyou are suffering from bilious-ness


constipation indigestion chron-ic


headache invest one cent in a pos ¬

tal card send to Chamberlain Medi-cine


Co Des Moines Iowa with yourname and address plainly on the backand they will forward you a fretsample of Chamberlains Stomach andLiver Tablets

Brinson Coggins the successfulfarmer and orange grower of Weirsdale Apis here today He sfUd so farhe had shipped 1300 boxes of orangesand as far as heard from receivedsatisfactory prices He has severalhndred boxes of oranges and fully SOO

hoses of grapefruit still on the treeswhich he will ship later

The Ocala Fertilizer company cansell yon a special fertiliser for eachcrop that will give you the best re ¬


If you want good candy get Nunnailys at the Postofftc DrugstoreFresh every week thats what makesit so good

An alarm of rare was turned in lastnight at S oclock The fire was a pileof rubbteh that some one had started-to burn in the vacant lot west of themarket

R CDavis d cjo or Jacksonvillehandle silk typewriter ribbons Theeach 750 per dozen




Long Walk of a Sheep Herder to Find-

a Home in the Sunny South-

St< Augustine Record I

Haw Creek Dec 10Tired andtravel worn but hale and hearty astranger of apparently middle age hasarrived in Haw Creek after a walkall the way across the country from I

the highland sheep ranges of Mon ¬ II tana in the far northwest Accom-panied

¬ I

only by the faithful colliewhich had shared the life on therange with him he made the trip toFlorida claim a new home on HawCreek in old SL Johns t

When he arrived he went to the of-fice


of the St Johns DevelopmentCompany at Omega and gave his name-as Edwin He produced well wornpapers showing that he held the titleto a forty acre tract which he hadpurchased on the creek

He was tired but talkative and at-


much attention The torywhich he told is full of interest For j

many years he has followed the oc i

cupation of sheep herder on theranges of Montana During blizzardsthat cut through furlined stickers andtrousers and make ones feet feel liketlocks of ice despite many pairs ofwoolen socks cowhide boots andbuckskins he had driven great herdsof sheep which depended upon himalone to guide them through the blind ¬

ing snowTo be sure he said one is well

paid for such work but he thoughtsunny Florida would be better

At any rate he and his companion-the faithful black collie which hadhared the blizzards and the storms-on the range with him walked all theway across the country to the new

I home in the Southland The place I

which they will make their home Isjust beyond the Haw Bush j

Florida is just the place for mehe assured those who have talked with I

him He is busy clearing stumpspreparatory to putting in his firstcrop The determination shown by I

him to become a resident of this sec ¬

tion indicates that he is going to makeD good citizen and he is welcomedhere Many are taking a great dealof interest in his story which is fullyborne out


Thirty days after date or as soonthereafter as practical the city coun ¬

cil of the city of Ocala will receiveund consider bids for the paving withvitrified brick those parts of the fol ¬

lowing described streets in Ocala Ma ¬

rlon county Florida towit That partof the extension of Magnolia streetbeginning at North Sixth street and i

running thence north to the right ofway of the Seaboard Air Line railwaycompany and also that portion ofNorth Sixth street beginning at Mag-nolia


street and running east oneblock and also that portion of NorthSixth street beginning at Magnoliartreet and running west one blockSaid hids to be sealed and fil-


with the clerk of the city of Ocalaxt least live dayshefore the meetingof the council at which time all of thebids for such paving are to be consid-ered

¬I in accordance with specifications-

for such paving on file at the cityI clerks office in the city of Ocala Ma-rion


county Florida The city councilreserves the right to reject any or allof the bids that may be submitted

J M Meffert-x President of City CouncilAttest H C SIstrunk City Clerk

December 10th A D 1909


Washington Dec 11Palr tonightfreezing temperature In north andheavy frost in central portion proba-bly


light frost to 27th parallel Fridaylair continued cold light north winds

FOR SALE Wellington piano asgood as new cheap for cash ApplyTO Mrs W J Lohrig Ocala Fin





Lenoir Lady After Two Weeks

Grinding Labor Feels

Better Than Ever

Lenoir N CHI am not tired at alland am stouter than I have ever beenwrites Mrs Kate Waters of Lenoir N C

although I have just finished a twoweeks wash I lay my strength toCardui the womans tonic I have takena lot of it and I can never praise itenough for what it has done for me I

I can never thank you enough for the ad ¬

vice you gave me to take Cardui forsince taking it I look so well and amstout as a mule

You are urged to take Cardui that gen-


vegetable tonic for weakwomen Itsuse will strengthen and build up your sys ¬

tem relieve or prevent headache back ¬

ache and the ailments of weak women-It will surely help you as it has helped

thousands of others in the past 50 years-N BWrite to Ladies Advisory Dept Chatta ¬

nooga Medicine Co Chattanooga Tenru for SpecialInstructions and 64page book Home Treatmentfor Women sent in plain wrapper on request






Next Door to the Western UnioiiTelegraph Oflice

Work Called for and DeliveredPromptly All Work GuaranteedWhite Trade Only


CHRISTMASJewelryYuletide Suggestions

We offer for yottt selection here the f°most comprehensive showing we have evermade of appropriate articles for HolidayGifts that will both delight the recipient

e and giver and also have that added valuei

4 of permanent and lasting charm Yourattention especially invited to our

D superb collection of0 00

Diamonds SilverwareS

o P Gold JewelryiCut Glass and Watchesa o


1 Gold JewelryRings Studs Pendants Pins BroochesV Lockets Necklaces Bracelets Chains

Household WaresSilver Glass and Pottery ChinaKnives Forks Spoons Trays Bowls Vases PitchersJugs Candelabras Platters Tureens Coffee SetsOliveand Bon Bon Dishes

i Mens Jewelry and Novelties Cigarette Casesp Watches Fobs Seal and Emblem Rings Flasks Desk

Fittings Cuff Links-



Xthe preparation and selection of his comprehensive-

stock of Diamonds and Precious Stones Jewelry SilverwareWatches Clocks China and Glassware Fancy Goods Etc rA E Burnett has since the establishment of his businessmaintained certain standards of quality and excellence towhich all articles must conform Not only must the-

o material and workmanship of each piece be beyond criti-cismO but the style and design must satisfy the best require-ments


of current fashion and demand

tj y Line of Edison Phonographs and Records


i vzI OCALAFLAI Where Holiday Prices Do Not PrevailI



Savannah Ga Dec 11 Victims ofI a revolting crime Mrs Eliza Grib

We aged seventy years and herdaughter Mrs Carrie Ohlander werefound dead in their home No 401Perry street West here last nightwhile a third woman whose name isunknown found just inside the frontdoor of the house is at the Savan-nah hospital dying

Physicians state that Mrs Ohlander-vas the victim of a criminal assault

just before she was killed One hunJred and fifty negro men caught inthe meshes of the police drag netthrough Yamaeraw the negro section-of the city are prisoners the theoryo the police being that a negro manhaving planned an assault upon Mrsblander was compelled to commithe other crimes to escape I

The symptoms of kidney troubles-areI urinary disorders weak back andbackache rheumatism and rheumatic

I pains and twinges pHins in the groinetc There is mrfning so good for kid-ney


and blad er oublp as DeWittsKidney and Blad4rprPills You maydepend upon tnnTto gie entire satis ¬

faction They are antiseptic actpromptly and soothe the pain Soldby all druggists


The Price of Cotton Went Up to 16 i

New York ThcCents

HThe announce-ment

¬ I

of the government estimate onthe cotton crop yesterday caused the I

Irice to use to 16 cents The esti-mate


is 100SSOOO bales the smallestcrop since 1903

Many persons find themselves af¬

fected with a persistent cough after-an attack of Influenza As this cough-can be promptly cured by the use ofChamberlains Cough Remedy itshould not be allowed to run on until-It becomes trobulesome

FIRE WOOD FRE WOODWe have a large sappy of fire wood

both pine and oak fireplace and stovelengths Good seasoned wood-

A BIG LOAD FOR A DOLLARdelivered cash Call rt factory orPHONE 17GGeo GILES CO

Have you seen tne new visible FaySholes typewriter R C Davis Cogeneral agents


estern Beef Veal Florida Stall Fed BeefMutton Armours Star Ham Armours PorkSausage Cabbage Rutabagas Turnips BeetsSweet Potatoes Irish Potatoes Spanish Onions

tW s P E O W A R D SPhone 108 City Market



Physicians Advisethe use of a goodlaxative to keep the bowels open and prevent the poisons of undigested-food from gettinginto your system

The latest product of science is VELVO Laxative Liver Syrup purely vegetable gentlereliable and of a pleasant aromatic taste Velvo acts on the liver as well as on thestomach and bowels and is of the greatest possible efficacy in constipation indigestionbiliousness sick headache feverishness colicflatulence etc Try VF 1



NORTH LAKE WEIRI-s preeminently the strongest realestateoffering on that beautiful body of waterall points considered

Have an Especially Splendid Proposition therejust now for the investor


Quick Action Means a Golden Harvest Phone-or write to

Jp M Neely Co T

Summerfield FlaA