r J w e F > c t t f- i 7 6 F Jt VaNR n W i1 A7V JJ IL- n = r r f- lIi < THE FURNITURE HOUSE < I c 7 OF MclVER HacKAY It ifJ CARRIES A LARGE 1 MODERN AND COMPLETE STOCK V J- t O F- FURNITURE a t AN- DFURN1SHNGSF HOUSE ALL KINDS 11 The only House in Central Florida that Complete 3 Fwnishes the Home Carries at all Times the Latest and lest in Furniture Keeping up with the times and Just Ir t What the People Want rt Also carries a Complete Line of Builders and Shell fardware Carriages Wagons Buggies Harness Saddles Etc Look over our Stock and get our prices before you e vake your purchases Yours Respectfilly MclVE MAC KAY Ocala Florida I i AUTOMOBILE vateR1Y- ttnBOLTEDOHTire 1 K IS A T l TH- EHealTirefquipment 1 TO FIT ANY RIMS f JOLTEDON CLINCHER QDCLINCHER J WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF FISK TIRES A8 WELL AS OTHER AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES AUTO- s REPAIRING AND TIRE VULCANIZING DONE PROMPTLY AT REASONABLE PRICES OCALA IRON WORKS OCALA FLA rz- li J r M FRESH MEATS AND VEGETABLES- Western Beef Veal Florida Stall Fed Beef Mutton Armours Star Ham Armours Pork 1f Sausage Cabbage Rutabagas Turnips Beets J Sweet Potatoes Irish Potatoes Spanish Onions 4 k F > EOWAROSPho- ne 108 City Market itIifI II- i i N t iJj IIoJ t It- A n l- I t- o I i t l lit w I The Brush Runabout t If you are interested In or are thinking of purchasing a small runabout car there IB nothing for the money so powerful reliable and possessing such hillclimbing and sandpulling qualilties as the Brush You can get descrip- tive ¬ y catalogues by calling on or writ lnt- r R R CARROLL Agent for Marion County STAR OFFICE OCALA FLA rf t > I DAVID S WOODROW WM J SHERIDAN Phone 165 Phone 139 WOODMAR SAP STONE COMPANYOF- FICE t IN HOLDER BLO CK OCALA FLORIDA ° CRUSHED STONE CEMENT LAKE WEIR SAND COMMON SAND Wo have a stone crusher at work In Ocala and are prepared to do all kinds of Cement Work Build Foundations make Cement Blocks Cement Brick Build Sidewalks Artificial Stone Fences Stone Mantels We make Blocks for Foundations for house work which look better than brick and the cheaper Warehouse and Crusher on Coast Line track north of Foundry I VERNON W ELDREDT- HE UPTODATE y HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTERC- ard Signs Designed and Made Paperhanging a Spec- ialty r New Mirrors Made and Old Ones Resilvered Glass Frosting Gilding Graining Kalsomining Furniture Re- pairing etc Quality a little higher prices a little lower ALL WORK GUARANTEED v Phone 21 office Montezuma Hotel MONTEZUMA HOTE- Lr r W TOPH OPEN THE YEAR ROUND Dwmewial Hotel Rates S2 Per Day Ocala ttorhli Er- as DUNNELLQ- Nt t of Inhroet Taken In and Around the Phosphate City ° I From the Advocate of Nov 5 Mr and Mrs Sam Petteway were Ocala visitors last week O G Weston the Ice man visited- his home In Ocala last Friday Capt Ed Anderson Went to Ocala- on business Friday of last week Mrs W J Waters who has been very 111 for several weeks Is steadily improving Miss Mamie Pedrick daughter of J S PedrIck Is visiting friends In Floral City Miss Louise Trimble of Citronelle- was a guest of Miss Agnes Stringfield last Friday- J A Parham the feed and grain man was a visitor on business to Morrlston lat week- L C Walker our night marshal- has been on the lift for a few days but Is getting O K Capt Ed Holder and G F Scott came over from Ocala in their tour ¬ ing car Friday morning Mrs Crews and Mrs J W Dean of this city were shopping In Ocala Thursday of last week Misses Hunt and Wilkerson of Rockwell were shopping and visiting here Thursday of last week G F Williams proprietor of the Ocala barber shop was a business visitor In punnellon Friday last John Dewey visited his home In Ocala last Friday Mr Dewey Is managing the Wlthlacoochee Hotel Ed Holder J A Grumble and A B KIbler formed a trio of business visitors to 34 last Friday morning- J P Wallace one of Marions pros ¬ perous farmer sons was a business visitor to this city Friday of last week Lawrence Means a vauable at ¬ tache of the East Florida Telephone Company here was an Ocala visitor last week Mrs Hartsell nee Miller of Hol ¬ der 34 was a shopper in this city Saturday She was accompanied by Mrs Cooper Bassstt W H Koon the merchant re ¬ turned home Friday from Ft White where he was called by the death of his grandfather- Supt R E Turner of Citrus county was shaking hands here with friends Friday He Is one of our most able educators Alex McKInsey col was arrested I by Deputy Sheriff Allen of Citrus county last week and turned over to I the Marlon county authorities- Mr I J B Whilden of Gainesville passed through Dunnellon Sunday en route to Homosassa to enjoy the hunt Ing and fishing for a few days I T J Vann of Madison Fla Is vis- iting ¬ his son R E Vann of this city He expects to leave in a taw days to visit his daughter in Sanford Mrs Chappell- Mrs C E Hooa nas returned after paying quite a lengthy visit to her sister Mrs Harmon Head at Fort Meade Her friends are glad to have her home again Will Mfitcalf the uptodate and accommodating pharmacist at the Dunnellon Pharmacy was a between trains visitor at Floral City Thurs ¬ day of last week The many friends of Mr and Mrs Harman Head will be be glad to know that they are very happy over the ar ¬ rival of a beautiful little daughter at their home In Vest Fort Meade- Dr Bishop of Holder passed thro here Saturday enroute to Juliette in his honk wagon Henry Gordon former sheriff of Marlon and also a former citizen of Dunnellon was a visitor here Satur- day ¬ on business connected with the sheriffs office- T P Allen of Inverness passed thro here Friday enroute home from Newberry where he had been in business connected with Sheriff Car ¬ ters office of Citrus county Mrs F E Henry and baby of Winter Haven are guests of Mrs Buse at the Marion They were ac ¬ companied home by Miss Gertrude Buse who has been visiting them at the above place- W V Weathers R D Harrison of York In company with Curtis Carter of Leroy passed thro here enroute- for their homes frpm a fishing trip to Crystal River They ported a fine time and good catch Mr Weathers I is the postmaster at York Mr Harri- son Is in the mercantile business at the game place while Mr Carter Is in business at Leroy- N H Boswell came down from Dunnellon Wednesday and accom- panied ¬ his family home that day They had been here on a visit to Mrs Boswells parents Mr and Mrs M D BellInverness Chronicle Mr and Mrs W D Edwards and Mrs C G Leitner were delegates to the Baptist Association held at Red Level and retort spending a very pleasant day especially as they were bountifully fed by the good people of that place Mrs Chas Hood who has been the guest of her sister Mrs Harmon Head at Fort Meade for the past two months returned last week much- to the delight of her many friends- J L Leitner formerly of this city but now an Ocala merchant was mingling with his friends here Frl doy Lon as he Is called has a host of friends in this city made while in the mercantile business Miss Louise Trimble of Citronelle a charming and accomplished young lady who visited Miss Agnes String field here for a few days last week departed for home Friday much to the regret of her many friends- C A Rivers the popular mlxolo who has been connected with the Florida Power Co left Tuesday for Waterloo Iowa where he will accept- a position with the Armstron Quam Manufacturing Co Mr Watson is one of the best electricians that has ever come to this part of the country Mayor Robertson of Ocala passed thro here last week In the interest of good roads Mr Robertson is an enthusiast on this question and Is ac ¬ complishing much good in the way of good roads Rev Folsom who has been holding I a revival In Hernando was in the city Thursday He reports a good attendance and much good being ac ¬ complished He is soon to hold a re- vival ¬ hero Misses Agnes Stringfield Winnie Tucker of Ocala Hattie Feinberg- Mrs E Hanawacker and Messrs Ed Tomlln Ben Feinberg and Buval j t blppt 4 pfcrty OS NJuao pt t Td wfafl fitfrnfty p fnpQ At Hflffitt Ell Thursday of last week They repast a flno time Shorty Stowe of Tampa made this office a pleasant call Friday Shorty pounds the celiuoMs on a Merg type setting machine In the Tribune office at the above place but was formerly of the Ocala Star We were glad to see him Arney E Bronson employed at In glls on a dredge as engineer had the misfortune to have a heavy weight fall upon his foot lacerating the member In a very painful manner Dr Griffith of this place was sum ¬ moned and rendered surgical aid Mr Bronson is well known In Dun ¬ nellon and his many friends sympa- thize ¬ with him In his misfortune- The grading crew of the S A L R R are now only a mile from town and the work is progressing rapidly- Itll not be long before they will be operating trains over the rightof- way as they are pushing things to a finish in a hurry This road will cer- tainly ¬ be a great help to develop the country in and around here and will supply a long felt want Mr and Mrs Childs Blanton passed thro here last Thursday enroute for Lebanon having the remains of then little son Charlie in charge where they were taking the body for inter ¬ ment Rev Folsom of the M E Church of this city was In attendance- and performed the funeral rite In his usual solemn and sympathetic man ¬ nerC Y Miller the merchant prince of Leroy was in town Saturday and re lated to the writer a thrilling tale of a runaway that occurred at the above place in which he was the cnlef actor His horse became frightened at som object and ran away throwing C Y out but not injuring him but com ¬ pletely demolishing the rig Mr Mil ¬ ler went to Ocala and bought a new buggy and came to Dunnellon on tb train with the I remnant of the old one In his pocket He left them here for the blacksmith to fasten a new buggy to A crowd of young people spent a most enjoyable evening at the home of Mr and Mrs T K North Wednesday evening While their genial host roasted oysters the guests played such enthusiastic games as hideandseek goosle gander etc and were qultt ready for the delicious repast of oys- ters ¬ crackers coffee and pickles Those present were Misses Annie Lindsey < Nellie Bonner Helon White and Julia Zimmerman Messrs W E Gamble Lee Knight Dawson White Eugene Swindle Walter Bellah and H R Keister Mr and Mrs North are a splendid host and hostess and anyone may count himself fortunate to be in- vited ¬ to their home The ladles of the M E Church gave an oyster supper Thursday of last week and they were certainly re- paid ¬ for their efforts The affair was under the direct management of Mrs Benson and Mrs Bargannler and Mrs Turnipseed and others aided materially in making all have a good time and also to the financial success of the supper I About a35 or UO was taken In and the purchasers were more than well I paid for the few dimes they invested I The oysters could not have been served in a more delicious manner and we can only hope that the day Is not far distant when the ladles will repeat the supper as we think that such an entertainment is always a good thing and is certain of a large patronage The entire town almost turned out which for itself speaks for the popularity of such occasions Come again ladies you MAY- Be wearing glasses already and get ¬ ting benefit from them but not so much as Is possible to get I have heard people say I have tried wearing spectacles That is no sign that glasses will not benefit you You may nave been fitted the best that your vptician knew I fre- quently ¬ FIND PEOPLE wearing glasses that are an injury to their eyes Some defect was pver looked Our Tests Leave Xo Defects Undiscovered- DR D M BONEY Eyesight Specialist Ocala Fla Office hours 9 to lOa m and 130- to 430 p m Optical office and lab- oratory ¬ rooms 2 and 4 Gary block WOOD FOR SALE 500 cords of firstclass wood for sale f o b Montague Fla For particulars address C E Foglestrom CLOTHING PRESSED CLEANEDS- UITS MADE AS GOOD AS NEW Careful Work and Prompt Deliver- yOCAlA PRESSING ClUB W F MARLOW Prop- rietorFOLEYS I KIDNEY CURE JLL CURE YOU of any case of Kidney 01 Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medi ¬ cine Take it at once Do not risk h ving Brights Dis ¬ ease or Diabetes There is nothing gained by delay SOc and 100 Bottlon auus euaTIUT SOLD BY ALL DRUQWT9 S rrM or BEAUTIFY YOUR LAWN- Have i4 K Your Lawn Mower Sharpened > y the Very Latest it H We have just received one of the famous Ideal f Lawn Mower Grinders a machine especially built for the purpose of grinding Lawn Mowers which does the work perfectly If you will favor ns with your patronage we guarantee to give you back tkt Mower in better condition than the day you bought r qi it It will be sharp and stay sharp longer than the old style way which is usually done by inexpe- rienced ¬ workman with a file or an emery wheel y f T Next time your Mower needs sharpening bring it in or notify us and we will make it cut so nicely it will surprise you MARION HARDWARE CO FLORIDA AS A WINTER GARDEN Fruit and Produce News Each year Floridas vegetable acreage grows apace The follow- ing ¬ partial list will convey some idea of the activity of the truckers- At Grand Island there are 150 acres in peas and beans for fall and winter shipment- At San Antonio there are 50 acres In vegetables for fall and winter shipment consisting of egg plant okra and peppers- At Micanopy there are 200 acres In vegetables for fall and winter shipment- At I Taylorville there are 25 acres in vegetables for fall and winter shipment- At Ojus there are 200 acres in tomatoes egg plant and peppers for fall and winter shipping- At Coleman cabbage and beets are shipped from January to April and tomatoes from May to June 20 Shipped about 400 cars of cabbage- last year and the crop this year will be about the same At Orange home a number of I small growers of tomatoes and cu- cumbers ¬ will ship several thousand I crates and baskets The usual acre- age ¬ will be planted- At Trilby there are ten acres in egg plant poppers beans lettuce and onions nor fall and winter ship ¬ pingAt Eden there are forty acres in beans and tomatoes for fall and winter shipping I At Manavista lettuce cucumbers l beans and cabbage of which there are eight acres are grown for fall I and winter shipping- At Lisbon there are 150 acres in vegetables for fall and winter ship ¬ pingAt As atula very little gardening- is I done Usually about 100 acres of spring vegetables are planted a little of everything in the vegetable- line At Palmetto there are 2000 acres in vegetables for fall and winter shipment consisting of lettuce to- matoes cabbage beets celery okra peppers and egg plant- At Green Cpve Springs cabbage celery cucumbers beans and onions- are the fall and winter crops of which there are ten acres this sea sonAt Leesburg there are 200 acres in beans and peas for fall and win ¬ ter shipment- At Pompano a good many are planting Amcote peas Among them are Judge Mizelle S H Hamilton- and K A McNab who are setting put five acres each I KILLS TO STOP THE FIEND The worst foe for 12 years of John Dcye of Gladwln Mich was a run ¬ ning ulcer He paid doctors over E400 without benefit Then Bucklens Ar ¬ nica Salve killed the ulcer and cured I him Cures fever sores boils felons eczema salt rheum Infallible for piles burns scalds cuts corns 25c at all druggists HANDSOME JAPANESE CHINA- A E Burnett the Jeweler has Just received a very handsome lot of Jap ¬ anese china in new shapes The color Ing and designing is exquisite FIRST FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT- The first Florida grapefruit ar ¬ rived in Chicago last week It was received in a fair condition and prices while not phenomenal were fairly high About 350 Is all the trade cares to pay for Florida grapefruit at this stage of the sea ¬ son The sizes as yet run rather small which is very natural at this time The grapefruit In the main has shown up a little green and a good deal of It has been very thick skinned Foleys Kidney Remedy will cure any case of kidney or bladder trouble that Is not beyond the reach of med ¬ icine Cures backache and Irregular- ities ¬ that if neglected might result in Brlghts disease or diabetes Sold b- all druggists Small shipments of fruit are now going forward every day Nearly every grower who cultivates as much as five acres or more has one or two trees that ripen the fruit earlier than others While quite green this fruit is juicy and sweet- in September and quite palatable- The small grower who handles his own crop generally picks this early fruit and gets a good price for it DeLand New- sWantedAt once man with good togging team to haul timber for mill Write or call Hilton Lumber Co Belleview Fla 2tw Folej Honey and Tar cures coughs quickly strengthens the lungs and ex- pels ¬ cold Get the genuine In a YDUO- rW Du A NEW ENTERPRISE- FOR OCALA THE OCALA DEVELOPEMENT COMPANY will sell you a home in Ocala Will sell you a lot andrJ build a house planned by you Will guarantee the titl e and carry the insurance You pay little more than rent Now ready for business SEE J J FORT UNION BLOCK 1 a AI p J1II WINDSOR HOTELN JACKSONVILLES FINEST AND FLORIDAS 4 LARGEST and BEST YEARROUND HOTEL Rates 3 per Day and Upwards Americas Plan THOMAS M WILSON Proprietor JlI J l Just a Minute About Sew g FIacfiines Why Not Buy The BestTh- ere is no economy in buying machine that are cheap in mechanism and high in price that you will want to trade off in a short time- A SINGER is always the pride of its owner The Singer Sewing Ma- chine ¬ is recognized all over the world as the model of sewing machine per- fection ¬ and all other makes are judged by the Singer standard That ja why everv woman is proud to own a Singer sold only by the Singer Sew- ing Machine Co dealing directly from maker to user They are now being sold at lower prices Also the best oil neediest belts etc of which we carry a larger took than any other dealer and we are onthe spot to give careful attention t all customers P A STAMPS Mgr 30 12 Montezuma Block J The Value of Good Digestion It easy to figure if you know what your stomach b worth Kodol keeps the stomach at par value by insuring good digestion Kodol cures Dyspepsia Kodol Insures good digestion by to special effort by tonics ant absolutely duplicating Natures stimulants doesnt cure anything normal process In perfectly digest- ing ¬ or accomplish any good Neither all food taken into the stom- ach ¬ does dieting Indigestion and serious ailments which it Inducel- While Kodol Is doing this the can be averted and corrected om tt stem ach Is resting and becoming by natural means strong and healthy A strong and Kodol supplies tbs hours healthy stomach guarantees a means It performs the stomachs aound and active brain work for ItjU8t as ti a stomach The man with a sound stomach should perform It Thlle the stom- ach ¬ a stomach that Is doing for the takes a little rest for Uf body Just what Nature Intended stomachs sake It to dois the man who Is always Our Guarantee prepared for any emergency He Go to roar drtgUt today and ret a del la there with the goods lar bottle Then after jon haTe tu4 tb e The man with a sick stomach is entire contents of the done 4 call honestly aoJ that It has not any a man sick all over When the the bottle to the drnggiit ant stomach is Irritated by undigested he win refund your money without qnta food the blood and heart are di- rectly ¬ tlon or delay We will then pay the orai pint for the bottle Dont hesitate all affected Then dullness un ¬ Crngrgtats know tbatonr guarantee is natural sleepiness sick headaches Thitt offer applies to the larpe botUou17- tal and to but one In family The large bo Tertlgo and n U ng spells and tie contatni4 urges aa muck aa Uu oitr Ten serious brain trouble develop cent bottle Kodol will prevent these Kodol is prepared at the labor iparrinjr the stomach and bats oriesof ECDeVltt CoChlca aol 1 ALS BT JLLL FIRST dOSfl DIIVO C9 A

Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1909-11-09 [p ].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03318/00040.pdf · 2009. 5. 15. · r w J F e > c t t f-7 6 F Jt VaNR n W i i1 A7V

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Page 1: Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1909-11-09 [p ].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03318/00040.pdf · 2009. 5. 15. · r w J F e > c t t f-7 6 F Jt VaNR n W i i1 A7V

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F Jt VaNR n W i1A7V JJ IL-



r f-








O F-




The only House in Central Florida that Complete 3

Fwnishes the Home Carries at all Times the Latest and

lest in Furniture Keeping up with the times and JustIr t

What the People Want

rt Also carries a Complete Line of Builders and Shell

fardware Carriages Wagons Buggies Harness Saddles Etc

Look over our Stock and get our prices before youe

vake your purchases Yours Respectfilly

MclVE MAC KAYOcala Florida

















Western Beef Veal Florida Stall Fed BeefMutton Armours Star Ham Armours Pork

1f Sausage Cabbage Rutabagas Turnips BeetsJ Sweet Potatoes Irish Potatoes Spanish Onions


k F> EOWAROSPho-ne 108 City MarketitIifI



iN t

iJjIIoJ t


An l-



I i t



The Brush Runaboutt If you are interested In or are thinking of purchasing a small runabout

car there IB nothing for the money so powerful reliable and possessing suchhillclimbing and sandpulling qualilties as the Brush You can get descrip-tive


y catalogues by calling on or writ lnt-


rf t >







Wo have a stone crusher at work In Ocala and are prepared to do allkinds of Cement Work Build Foundations make Cement Blocks CementBrick Build Sidewalks Artificial Stone Fences Stone Mantels We makeBlocks for Foundations for house work which look better than brick andthe cheaper Warehouse and Crusher on Coast Line track north of Foundry



y HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTERC-ard Signs Designed and Made Paperhanging a Spec-


New Mirrors Made and Old Ones Resilvered GlassFrosting Gilding Graining Kalsomining Furniture Re-pairing etc Quality a little higher prices a little lower


Phone 21 office Montezuma Hotel




Dwmewial Hotel Rates S2 Per Day Ocala ttorhliEr-




of Inhroet Taken In and Around

the Phosphate City °


From the Advocate of Nov 5

Mr and Mrs Sam Petteway wereOcala visitors last week

O G Weston the Ice man visited-his home In Ocala last Friday

Capt Ed Anderson Went to Ocala-on business Friday of last week

Mrs W J Waters who has beenvery 111 for several weeks Is steadilyimproving

Miss Mamie Pedrick daughter ofJ S PedrIck Is visiting friends InFloral City

Miss Louise Trimble of Citronelle-was a guest of Miss Agnes Stringfieldlast Friday-

J A Parham the feed and grainman was a visitor on business toMorrlston lat week-

L C Walker our night marshal-has been on the lift for a few daysbut Is getting O K

Capt Ed Holder and G F Scottcame over from Ocala in their tour ¬

ing car Friday morningMrs Crews and Mrs J W Dean of

this city were shopping In OcalaThursday of last week

Misses Hunt and Wilkerson ofRockwell were shopping and visitinghere Thursday of last week

G F Williams proprietor of theOcala barber shop was a businessvisitor In punnellon Friday last

John Dewey visited his home InOcala last Friday Mr Dewey Ismanaging the Wlthlacoochee Hotel

Ed Holder J A Grumble and AB KIbler formed a trio of businessvisitors to 34 last Friday morning-

J P Wallace one of Marions pros ¬

perous farmer sons was a businessvisitor to this city Friday of lastweek

Lawrence Means a vauable at¬

tache of the East Florida TelephoneCompany here was an Ocala visitorlast week

Mrs Hartsell nee Miller of Hol ¬

der 34 was a shopper in this citySaturday She was accompanied byMrs Cooper Bassstt

W H Koon the merchant re ¬

turned home Friday from Ft Whitewhere he was called by the death ofhis grandfather-

Supt R E Turner of Citruscounty was shaking hands here withfriends Friday He Is one of ourmost able educators

Alex McKInsey col was arrestedIby Deputy Sheriff Allen of Citruscounty last week and turned over to

I the Marlon county authorities-MrI J B Whilden of Gainesville

passed through Dunnellon Sunday enroute to Homosassa to enjoy the huntIng and fishing for a few days

I T J Vann of Madison Fla Is vis-


his son R E Vann of this cityHe expects to leave in a taw days tovisit his daughter in Sanford MrsChappell-

Mrs C E Hooa nas returned afterpaying quite a lengthy visit to hersister Mrs Harmon Head at FortMeade Her friends are glad to haveher home again

Will Mfitcalf the uptodate andaccommodating pharmacist at theDunnellon Pharmacy was a betweentrains visitor at Floral City Thurs ¬

day of last weekThe many friends of Mr and Mrs

Harman Head will be be glad to knowthat they are very happy over the ar ¬

rival of a beautiful little daughter attheir home In Vest Fort Meade-

Dr Bishop of Holder passed throhere Saturday enroute to Juliette inhis honk wagon

Henry Gordon former sheriff ofMarlon and also a former citizen ofDunnellon was a visitor here Satur-day


on business connected with thesheriffs office-

T P Allen of Inverness passedthro here Friday enroute home fromNewberry where he had been inbusiness connected with Sheriff Car¬

ters office of Citrus countyMrs F E Henry and baby of

Winter Haven are guests of MrsBuse at the Marion They were ac ¬

companied home by Miss GertrudeBuse who has been visiting them atthe above place-

W V Weathers R D Harrison ofYork In company with Curtis Carterof Leroy passed thro here enroute-for their homes frpm a fishing trip toCrystal River They ported a finetime and good catch Mr Weathers

I is the postmaster at York Mr Harri-son Is in the mercantile business atthe game place while Mr Carter Isin business at Leroy-

N H Boswell came down fromDunnellon Wednesday and accom-panied


his family home that dayThey had been here on a visit to MrsBoswells parents Mr and Mrs MD BellInverness Chronicle

Mr and Mrs W D Edwards andMrs C G Leitner were delegates tothe Baptist Association held at RedLevel and retort spending a verypleasant day especially as they werebountifully fed by the good people ofthat place

Mrs Chas Hood who has been theguest of her sister Mrs HarmonHead at Fort Meade for the pasttwo months returned last week much-to the delight of her many friends-

J L Leitner formerly of this citybut now an Ocala merchant wasmingling with his friends here Frldoy Lon as he Is called has a hostof friends in this city made while inthe mercantile business

Miss Louise Trimble of Citronellea charming and accomplished younglady who visited Miss Agnes Stringfield here for a few days last weekdeparted for home Friday much to theregret of her many friends-

C A Rivers the popular mlxolowho has been connected with theFlorida Power Co left Tuesday forWaterloo Iowa where he will accept-a position with the Armstron QuamManufacturing Co Mr Watson is oneof the best electricians that has evercome to this part of the country

Mayor Robertson of Ocala passedthro here last week In the interestof good roads Mr Robertson is anenthusiast on this question and Is ac ¬

complishing much good in the way ofgood roads

Rev Folsom who has been holdingI a revival In Hernando was in thecity Thursday He reports a goodattendance and much good being ac ¬

complished He is soon to hold a re-


heroMisses Agnes Stringfield Winnie

Tucker of Ocala Hattie Feinberg-Mrs E Hanawacker and Messrs EdTomlln Ben Feinberg and Buval

j t blppt 4 pfcrty OS NJuao pt t Td

wfafl fitfrnfty p fnpQ At Hflffitt EllThursday of last week They repasta flno time

Shorty Stowe of Tampa madethis office a pleasant call FridayShorty pounds the celiuoMs on aMerg type setting machine In the

Tribune office at the above place butwas formerly of the Ocala Star Wewere glad to see him

Arney E Bronson employed at Inglls on a dredge as engineer had themisfortune to have a heavy weightfall upon his foot lacerating themember In a very painful manner

Dr Griffith of this place was sum ¬

moned and rendered surgical aidMr Bronson is well known In Dun¬

nellon and his many friends sympa-thize


with him In his misfortune-The grading crew of the S A L

R R are now only a mile from townand the work is progressing rapidly-Itll not be long before they will beoperating trains over the rightof-way as they are pushing things to afinish in a hurry This road will cer-tainly


be a great help to develop thecountry in and around here and willsupply a long felt want

Mr and Mrs Childs Blanton passedthro here last Thursday enroute forLebanon having the remains of thenlittle son Charlie in charge wherethey were taking the body for inter ¬

ment Rev Folsom of the M EChurch of this city was In attendance-and performed the funeral rite In hisusual solemn and sympathetic man ¬

nerCY Miller the merchant prince of

Leroy was in town Saturday and related to the writer a thrilling tale ofa runaway that occurred at the aboveplace in which he was the cnlef actorHis horse became frightened at somobject and ran away throwing C Yout but not injuring him but com ¬

pletely demolishing the rig Mr Mil ¬

ler went to Ocala and bought a newbuggy and came to Dunnellon on tbtrain with the I remnant of the oldone In his pocket He left them herefor the blacksmith to fasten a newbuggy to

A crowd of young people spent amost enjoyable evening at the home ofMr and Mrs T K North Wednesdayevening While their genial hostroasted oysters the guests played suchenthusiastic games as hideandseekgoosle gander etc and were qulttready for the delicious repast of oys-ters


crackers coffee and picklesThose present were Misses Annie

Lindsey < Nellie Bonner Helon Whiteand Julia Zimmerman Messrs W EGamble Lee Knight Dawson WhiteEugene Swindle Walter Bellah and HR Keister Mr and Mrs North are asplendid host and hostess and anyonemay count himself fortunate to be in-


to their homeThe ladles of the M E Church

gave an oyster supper Thursday oflast week and they were certainly re-paid


for their effortsThe affair was under the direct

management of Mrs Benson and MrsBargannler and Mrs Turnipseed andothers aided materially in making allhave a good time and also to thefinancial success of the supper I

About a35 or UO was taken In andthe purchasers were more than well I

paid for the few dimes they investedI

The oysters could not have beenserved in a more delicious mannerand we can only hope that the day Isnot far distant when the ladles willrepeat the supper as we think thatsuch an entertainment is always agood thing and is certain of a largepatronage The entire town almostturned out which for itself speaksfor the popularity of such occasionsCome again ladies

you MAY-

Be wearing glasses already and get¬

ting benefit from them but not somuch as Is possible to get I haveheard people say I have triedwearing spectacles That is no signthat glasses will not benefit youYou may nave been fitted the bestthat your vptician knew I fre-quently


FIND PEOPLEwearing glasses that are an injury totheir eyes Some defect was pverlooked

Our Tests Leave Xo DefectsUndiscovered-

DR D M BONEYEyesight Specialist

Ocala FlaOffice hours 9 to lOa m and 130-to 430 p m Optical office and lab-oratory


rooms 2 and 4 Gary block


500 cords of firstclass wood for salef o b Montague Fla For particularsaddress C E Foglestrom



UITS MADE AS GOOD AS NEWCareful Work and Prompt Deliver-





of any case of Kidney 01

Bladder disease that is notbeyond the reach of medi ¬

cine Take it at once Donot risk h ving Brights Dis ¬

ease or Diabetes There isnothing gained by delaySOc and 100 Bottlon


S rrM or





Your Lawn Mower Sharpened>y the VeryLatest


H We have just received one of the famous Ideal fLawn Mower Grinders a machine especially builtfor the purpose of grinding Lawn Mowers whichdoes the work perfectly If you will favor ns withyour patronage we guarantee to give you back tktMower in better condition than the day you bought

r qi

it It will be sharp and stay sharp longer than theold style way which is usually done by inexpe-rienced


workman with a file or an emery wheelyf

T Next time your Mower needs sharpeningbring it in or notify us and we willmake it cut so nicely it will surprise you



Fruit and Produce NewsEach year Floridas vegetable

acreage grows apace The follow-ing


partial list will convey someidea of the activity of the truckers-

At Grand Island there are 150acres in peas and beans for fall andwinter shipment-

At San Antonio there are 50 acresIn vegetables for fall and wintershipment consisting of egg plantokra and peppers-

At Micanopy there are 200 acresIn vegetables for fall and wintershipment-

AtITaylorville there are 25 acres

in vegetables for fall and wintershipment-

At Ojus there are 200 acres intomatoes egg plant and peppers forfall and winter shipping-

At Coleman cabbage and beetsare shipped from January to Apriland tomatoes from May to June 20Shipped about 400 cars of cabbage-last year and the crop this year willbe about the same

At Orange home a number of I

small growers of tomatoes and cu-


will ship several thousand I

crates and baskets The usual acre-age


will be planted-At Trilby there are ten acres in

egg plant poppers beans lettuceand onions nor fall and winter ship ¬

pingAtEden there are forty acres in

beans and tomatoes for fall andwinter shipping I

At Manavista lettuce cucumbersl beans and cabbage of which thereare eight acres are grown for fall I

and winter shipping-At Lisbon there are 150 acres in

vegetables for fall and winter ship ¬

pingAtAs atula very little gardening-



done Usually about 100 acresof spring vegetables are planted alittle of everything in the vegetable-line

At Palmetto there are 2000 acresin vegetables for fall and wintershipment consisting of lettuce to-

matoes cabbage beets celery okrapeppers and egg plant-

At Green Cpve Springs cabbagecelery cucumbers beans and onions-are the fall and winter crops ofwhich there are ten acres this sea

sonAt Leesburg there are 200 acresin beans and peas for fall and win¬

ter shipment-At Pompano a good many are

planting Amcote peas Among themare Judge Mizelle S H Hamilton-and K A McNab who are settingput five acres each



The worst foe for 12 years of JohnDcye of Gladwln Mich was a run ¬

ning ulcer He paid doctors over E400without benefit Then Bucklens Ar¬

nica Salve killed the ulcer and curedI him Cures fever sores boils felonseczema salt rheum Infallible forpiles burns scalds cuts corns 25cat all druggists


A E Burnett the Jeweler has Justreceived a very handsome lot of Jap ¬

anese china in new shapes The colorIng and designing is exquisite


The first Florida grapefruit ar¬

rived in Chicago last week It wasreceived in a fair condition andprices while not phenomenal werefairly high About 350 Is all thetrade cares to pay for Floridagrapefruit at this stage of the sea¬

son The sizes as yet run rathersmall which is very natural at thistime The grapefruit In the mainhas shown up a little green and agood deal of It has been very thickskinned

Foleys Kidney Remedy will cureany case of kidney or bladder troublethat Is not beyond the reach of med ¬

icine Cures backache and Irregular-ities


that if neglected might result inBrlghts disease or diabetes Sold b-

all druggists

Small shipments of fruit are nowgoing forward every day Nearlyevery grower who cultivates asmuch as five acres or more has oneor two trees that ripen the fruitearlier than others While quitegreen this fruit is juicy and sweet-in September and quite palatable-The small grower who handles hisown crop generally picks this earlyfruit and gets a good price for itDeLand New-

sWantedAt once man with goodtogging team to haul timber for millWrite or call Hilton Lumber CoBelleview Fla 2tw

Folej Honey and Tar cures coughsquickly strengthens the lungs and ex-


cold Get the genuine In a YDUO-rWDu



THE OCALA DEVELOPEMENTCOMPANY will sell you a home inOcala Will sell you a lot andrJbuild a house planned by youWill guarantee the titl e and carrythe insurance You pay littlemore than rent Now ready forbusinessSEE J J FORT UNION BLOCK

1 a AI p J1II


Rates 3 per Day and Upwards Americas Plan


Just a MinuteAbout Sew g FIacfiines

Why Not Buy The BestTh-

ere is no economy in buying machine that are cheap in mechanism

and high in price that you will want to trade off in a short time-

A SINGER is always the pride of its owner The Singer Sewing Ma-



is recognized all over the world as the model of sewing machine per-



and all other makes are judged by the Singer standard That ja

why everv woman is proud to own a Singer sold only by the Singer Sew-

ing Machine Co dealing directly from maker to user They are now beingsold at lower prices

Also the best oil neediest belts etc of which we carry a larger tookthan any other dealer and we are onthe spot to give careful attention tall customers

P A STAMPS Mgr30 12 Montezuma Block


The Value of GoodDigestion

It easy to figure if you know what your stomachb worth Kodol keeps the stomach at par valueby insuring good digestion Kodol cures Dyspepsia

Kodol Insures good digestion by to special effort by tonics antabsolutely duplicating Natures stimulants doesnt cure anythingnormal process In perfectly digest-ing

¬ or accomplish any good Neitherall food taken into the stom-

ach¬ does dieting Indigestion and

serious ailments which it Inducel-While Kodol Is doing this the can be averted and corrected omtt

stem ach Is resting and becoming by natural meansstrong and healthy A strong and Kodol supplies tbs hourshealthy stomach guarantees a means It performs the stomachsaound and active brain work for ItjU8t as tia stomach

The man with a sound stomach should perform It Thlle the stom-ach


a stomach that Is doing for the takes a little rest for Ufbody Just what Nature Intended stomachs sakeIt to dois the man who Is always Our Guaranteeprepared for any emergency He Go to roar drtgUt today and ret a della there with the goods lar bottle Then after jon haTe tu4 tbe

The man with a sick stomach is entire contents of the done 4 callhonestly aoJ that It has not anya man sick all over When the the bottle to the drnggiit antstomach is Irritated by undigested he win refund your money without qntafood the blood and heart are di-

rectly¬ tlon or delay We will then pay the oraipint for the bottle Dont hesitate allaffected Then dullness un ¬ Crngrgtats know tbatonr guarantee is

natural sleepiness sick headaches Thitt offer applies to the larpe botUou17-tal and to but one In family The large boTertlgo and nU ng spells and tie contatni4 urges aa muck aa Uu oitrTen serious brain trouble develop cent bottle

Kodol will prevent these Kodol is prepared at the laboriparrinjr the stomach and bats oriesof ECDeVltt CoChlca