J 0 wr Ii H- K TT T 1 A i i T > < IN- L J t > 1 OCAL c VEND GiAltrlttl NESDAY t BEi3 19Ot d i KNOTAIR- R MEN AND WOMEN The Guaranteed Hose of Quality I Mens Lisle Like now 25 cents per pair Six pairs six months 150 the box Womens Lisle Like Steer and fine with interlaced Grater Splicing Six pails six months 200 the box KNOT AIR has the appearance and feel of athoroughly high grade stocking and vthey are absolutely Guaranteed by the isuker to wear six months without holes rips or tears or New Hose Free We carry a complete line of KNOT AIR in Lisle Like and Pure Silk Lisle from 150 to 300 per box of six pairs i H B MASTERS GO It j 4 I EXCLUSIVE AGENTS OCALA FLORIDA It 3OBINSON President I H BUTCH Manager J I O BOOZKR Asrt jiseaSei GEO J DId TOll Teller T r COMMERCIAL BANK OCALA FLA THE DEPOSITORS IN THIS BANK I Are the merchants the professional and successful men and women of the city the farmers ot the aurroun ding territory- We accommodate all classes Ou r customers represent the men and women who have built and arc still building successful enterprises- We solicit a share of your busln ess n THE FURNITURE HOUSE I OF McIVER MacKAY f CARRIES S A ARGr- MODERN i AND COMPLETE STOCK O F T FURNITUREA- ND HOUSE FURNISHINGS KINDST- he IL 1 I sly louse in Central Florida that Complete I fMtlslra the H me Carries at all Times the Latest an- dkit S i Furtqre Keeping up wltli the Ames ami Just What tile Fettle Want Also carries a Complete Line of Builders and Shell 1 ariware Carriages Wagons Buggies Harness Saddles Etc Lttk ver oar Stock and get our prices before yen wale ytr pirchases Ycujrs Respec- tfullyMCIVER a MACK AY Ocala Florida I Jlo KNIGHT 6 LANGLe- ading Vehicle Dealers I of Central Florid- aAi 4 Ai Imrcase Reliable Wagons Buggies Carls aid Carriages carried at all limes aness Saddles Lap Robes Whips und all items carrkd by a firstclass house of this kind bought in quan Nttes Irw the factories and always in stock al the very I p fewest prices We cat save you money on yonr purchases be they lrtt f r WK1- 4f fl for most of the IratJIng and best makes t waftfti aM talli- esKNIGHT t LANG b Nc Site N Mure OCALA FLORIDA 4 r OCALA OCCURRENCES- Eagles meet this evening Masons meet tomorrow night When you drink at Troxlera you know It Is right Mr Arthur Hzrravpr of Tampa Is a i rriija oi she Ucaia House You can buy the E W smoker Troxlers Hulnuts Violet Sec Soap at the Court Pharmacy- Mr H A McArthur of Gainesville Is a guest of the Ocala House A large assortment of choice fruit- at Troxlers- Mr Louis R Chazal left today for New York via the Clyde Line FOR SALECheap a Rambler bi ¬ cycle Call at Star office Mr Ed Little of Lynchburg is at the Montezuma Sixteen new post card views of Ocala just received at Weihe the jewelers- Mr J O Smith of Cltronelle isat the Montezuma Twentyeight different post card views of Ocala at Weihe the jewelers Mr A B Medlin of Jacksonville is a guest of the Montezuma Napoleon Lilac Talcum Powder at the Court Pharmacy- Mr D C Marlow of the A C L railway Is a guest of the Montezuma Twentyeight different pot card views of Ocala at Weihe the jewelers Mr C E Poe of Leesburg is a guest of the Montezuma- W T Forbes of Anthony was a vis- itor to the city today f A new shipment of Hudnuts toilet articles just In at the Court Phar- macy ¬ Mrs H L Anderson of Jacksonville Is in the city the guest of Mrs W H Dodge i FOR SALE CHEAPA firstclass ladys buggy horse Apply to DrrA j L Izlar Mr C W DeMartine of Gainesville collector of internal revenue is in the J city a guest of the Montezuma If you want a good lead pencil buy one of Gerigs Best 5c at the Poet ofllce Drugstore- Mr Usher Norwood returned yester- day ¬ t from a two weeks visit to the east coast Use Palmers Lotion after shaving f 0c and U bottles at the Postofflce Drugstore I Pennsylvania Grit and other leading newspapers and magazines at Hal lards news stand 4 The latest copywright books and the finest general line of books ever shown in this city at tho Ocala News Co The best package of paper linen coth finish 25 cents per pound and envelopes to match at Ocala News Co Let us do your prescription work Prescriptions called for and delivered promptly The Court Pharmacy If you want a good lead pencil buy one of Gerigs Best Cc at the Roat offlce Drugstore- Mr Drew Mathews has moved to Jacksonville from Flemlngton and has taken a position in the postotfice sell ¬ ing stamps Jergens Talcum Powder large cans holding nearly a pint each guaranteed- pure and fragrant The Court Phar- macy ¬ x Mr Fred G B Weihe has rented part of the Harpermuslcal storeroom and will set up his son Fred In the Jewelry busines- sW have a few boxes oi exception ¬ ally fine writing paper Drop Inland take a look ot them The Postofflce Drugstore- The Star regrets to hear of the ill- ness ¬ of Mrs F G B Weihe She has been confined to her bed for the past ten days Have you seen kite new visible Fay Sholes typewriter R C Davis Co general agents The Kings Daughters will meet to ¬ morrow morning at 1 oclock in the Sunday school room at the Methodist churc- hWantedAt once man with good lotrsring team to haul timber for mill Write or call Hilton Lumber Co Bellevlew Fla 2ty Mr J Dodge of Gainesville man alter for the Singer Sewing Machine Co In that territory is In town and a guest of the Montezuma Foleys Honey and Tar cures coughs quickly strengthens the lungs and ex- pels ¬ cold Get the genuine in a yellow package Sold by aU druggists We now have pretty post card views- of all the churches of the city includ ing a new one of the Episcopal church Weihe the jeweler- Mr C II Mathis of Blackwell S C the well known melon and cantaloupe grower Is spending the week In Ocala looking after the preparation of his lands In this county for the next crop I The peculiar properties of Cham- berlains ¬ Cough Remedy have been thoroughly tested during epidemics of Influenza and when it was taken in time we have not neard of a single case of pneumonia I The board of public Instruction ad- Journed this noon and their only regret was that they did not have more mon- ey ¬ to perfect the school cause Vldney trouble do not delay In taking the most reliable and denendable rem- edy possible such as DeWitts Kidney and Bladder Pills These wonderful nllls are being used with great satis- faction ¬ by thousands of neople Try DeWitts Kidney and Bladder Pills to ¬ day Sold by all druggists = 1 MEW ARRIVALS IT THE TEAPOT GRUCRY i New Pack ReyaJ Scarlet Dried Fruits FIGS CITRON I PRUNES I PEACHES APRICOTS CURRANTS SEEDED RAISINS LEMON AND ORANGE PEEL We Have Exclusive Sato of the Rayal Scarlet Line and Carry a Cemplete Stock at all Time Every article Guaranteed USE CREAM FLOUR Fleischmane Yeait Received Twice a W- eekTEAPOT GROCERYA- T THE ARMORY There was another well pleased se ¬ quence of audiences at the Armory last evening the pictures showing up finely and the performers playing their parts well Misses Howard and Rus- sell ¬ are certainly splendid singers and as this evening ie their last appear ¬ anco every one should go and hear them j There waa a well attended matinee this afternoon and there will be an ¬ other Saturday afternoon- On the program this evening is The Country Girls Peril a thrilling wild west story Faded Lilies a pathetic- love tale The First Biscuit a comic I gem and two other good spfejects- MlsH I Vesta Wallace will be at the I armory the remainder of the week commencing tomorrow evening She has been playing at the Baird theater- In I Gainesville and the Sun says of her Miss Vesta Wallace continues- to delight her audiences Shp Is clever- at I dancing besides she has a sweet voice and her song and dance ace Is j most pleasing- AT THE METHODIST CHURCH f Miss Mabel Head organizer of the Young Peoples Home Mission Society will lecture at the Methodist church tonight Miss Head is a celebrated lecturer and has won much applause wherever she has been Come out and hear her LAKE WEIRi A EIGHTEEN MILES FROMbCAUA j Heuses to Rent at Wvodmar on the V Bluff OverJk1h1 the Lake GOODWIN BUNGALOW Furnish- ed modern plumbing running water acetylene gasJ10 per week ARGYLE COTTAGfc Furnished running water i5 per week BLAIR VILLATo rent on Octobsrti lfor the winter furnished running water modern plumbing acetylene gas 2l per month David S Woodrow i Holder Block orals F- taCASTORIA 4 IK IniU ui CUUm- Til KM YH Km Ahaji BNkt Soars the- eigntttare Mk of WEEK OF PRAYER THURSDAYS PROGRAM I Subjects Mexico and Cuba I Leader Mrs J A Bouvler Song Send the Word Prayer Scripture reading Isaiah 10 Paper Our Work In Mexico Mrs T E Bridges Duet Why Have You Not Told Us Mrs G W Martin Mrs C N Kirk land Paper The Need of Trained and Consecrated Women Mrs T J1 Nixon Items from Cuba Mrs LT Izlar Poem A Little Pebble Miss Louise Nixon Song He That WInneth Soils Announcements Collection Close by repeating John 316 Mrs W W Clyatt entertained the members of the Young Peoples Mis- sion ¬ Study Circle last evening at her pleasant home in the second ward This was the Initial meeting of the circle and an organization was perfect- ed ¬ with Mrs C N Kirkland leader and Miss Louise Jlxon secretary The class will meet to study conditions on the western frontier of the United States every other Tuesday evening at the homes of the different roemers It promises to be a very InteresUngAnd profitable study j FOR SALE CHEAP- A I desirable building lot on North I Second East Adams street opposite- the Jewish synagogue Address Box 180 city Many persons find themselves at ¬ fected with a persistent cough after an attack of influenza As this cough- can be promptly cured by the use of Chamberlains Cough Remedy It should not be allowed to run on until- It i becomes trobulesome- Mr Fred Roberson of Crystal River who has been in the northwest for the past three or four months has return- ed ¬ and spent the past few days in this city a guest of the Moatezumc I Rev W H Coleman left this noon I for McIntosh to perform the marriage ceremony of Mr Drayton Avera of Gainesville to Miss Mary Allen of Mc- Intosh ¬ The ceremony will take place at the Christian church at that place tha evening It will be one of the so ¬ real events of the season- If you desire a clear complexion take Foley8 Orlno Laxative for con- stipation and liver trouble asIt will stimulate these organs and thorough- ly ¬ cleanse your system which Is what everyone needs In order to feel well Sold by all drttggieta j AUTOMOBILE CLUB ORGANIZED The Marion County Automobile Club met last night in the Elks club rooms and organized The meeting was at ¬ tended by 26 of the members who had signed the clubs membership list and half a dozen other gentlemen- Mr Edward Holder was asked to take the chair and preside over the meeting and 3ir Jake Brown acted as secretary- The following officers were unani- mously ¬ electe- dPresidentEdward Holder Vice President H Spencer Secretary Emmet E Robinson TreasurerBen elnauer Board of governors = J D Robertson J M Meffert Geo K Robinson W P Edwards R E Tonge Clarence Camp The president stated that he would appoint all necessary committees after he had consulted with the board of governors The following important document- was introduced by Mr J D Robertson- and unanimously adopted- To the Honorable Board of County Commissioners Marlon County FIn GentlemenAt a meeting of the Ocala Automobile Club held in the Elks hall Tuesday night the 2nd Inst the following resolutions were unani- mously ¬ adopted Whereas There has been graded a public road connecting Dunnellon with Ocala and whereas this is one of the most Important road in the county connecting the two chief cities of the county and whereas this road forms a link In the proposed public highway traversing the state and connecting the two chief cities of the state Tam- pa ¬ and Jacksonville and whereas the county commissioners of the other counties of the state through which ths proposed public highWay passes are taking steps to make the portion- of this proposed highway in tile other counties hard surface road therefore belt r Resolved That this association re ¬ quest the board of count comhiis sloners of Marion county to jiiakenhe entire road connecting Dunnellon and Ocala a hard surface road or straw road And In any eVent that this as- sociation ¬ request the county commis- sioners ¬ of Marion county to straw the unfinished portion of the aforesaid road before the time for holding the Marion County Fair Be It further resolved That the board of county commissioners be also requested to straw the three miles of unfinished road between Ocala and Gainesville north of Lowell Be It further resolved That a copy of these resolutions be presented to the county commissioners of Marion county at their meeting in Ocala on Wednesday the 3rd Inst- A committee consisting of the pres- ident ¬ vice president and secretary of- the club was appointed tQ present the above resolution h to the botirfiOf county commissioners at sessIon tQ day r f A similar resolution aas pftTerijdJyerp belly by Mr Spencer applicable Jo the short 5 r t of road n wejf a commIitee4f the president vice president and the acting secretary was appointed to appear this moroilng be tore tie county cornmiaBloriera andJ urge their cooperation and assistance in the Chatter The comraftteonras also asked to tape ujj with thd DOm nilssloners- r thesinatteK cff puJtlngmp guide post slgns long the route of the road through Marion county t JudgeD S Williams representing- the Marion County Fair Association stated that the association was < ing the r track In fine shape fortilea- dtonioblle parades and races and wanted the full cooperation Qftthe members of the club and all automo bile owners that this feature of rthe fair might be a bjg succesa This cq = operation > and partlclpationtaas unon Imously given i dodge Williams jOjetf asked wn1cKtH5 club preferred small cash prizes that they might be able to offer or club cups an1 the club fav- ored ¬ the cup prizes Treasurer Ben Rhelnauer collected the first months dues from all mem ¬ bers present There were 70 names of I members on the list as read Mr Holder stated that while a major ¬ ity of those signing the list were auto- mobile ¬ owners It was the wish of the get every citizen In the county who favored hard roads and good roads- to join the club and assist in the great work of building hard roads In the county and thereby helping every per ¬ son benefiting every part of the coun ¬ ty and Increasing property values The meeting was a very enthusiastic- one The board of governors will at ¬ tend to all details ofthe organization- The matter of the members of the Tampa club stopping over night with the racing cars on the 25th was dis- cussed ¬ and it was agreed to do all pos ¬ sible for their entertainment and to take this point a permanent lay over town I Thl os AflterfeaB sorest atxxiB to- fliuts whisk possess the most valuable medicinal virtues Is abundantly attested by scores of the most eminent medical writers and teachers Eyen the untu tort Indians had discovered the useful- ness of many native plants before the I advent of the white race This informa- tion ¬ I Imparted freely to the whites led tho latter to continue Investigations until I today we have a rich assortment of most tluable American medicinal roots < > O 4 TOr Pierce teller that our AmcrJcta for seta attend In most yluiblo medicinal root fol the cu f most obstinate and fatal dis- eases ¬ If we oWdpTOperlylQTesUrale them I and UL wnafefianun of this conviction be fa with Dr tb atervxwt mRYPlnl1- U t ftwfort hI Kt < pnMn VfpHlral Ttc cote w r 1 + I IQnt v 1 tori fT riJr Tlg < d regulator and blood cleanser kncrgn to med el science Drspep 3u Or lodisestloaT torpid liver functional sad sea Tilrulr and other affections of the Man field to ItS <uratlTe action The reuoa why it cures these and many other Is dearly shown in a little book f C extracts from the standard medical works rkich is mailed free to any address by Dr B Y Pierce of Euffalo N Y to all aepdiaa- reotteet for the seas j 4 4 4 j Not lees war elous In the unparalleled curt It Is constantly making otwoDan e minT peculiar affections weaknesses and dUtrdsln deftnc menU Is Dr Pierce PaTorileSPrescriptlptvtsas is amply attested so testimonials con- tributed ¬ byVrXlHful paT7ttn rho have been cured by it orratarrhtLI- rregu ft r a n- pe Qd I a rtt lesprol ai < us jmd- m r- s nt < jtys < by Treakne ulcer allon of atgraslind klndml jiffctions o ten- After many other advertised oedicloM and U4 failed c v b 4 Both tit above mentioned medicines an holly made up from the elycerlc extracts of native medicinal roots The processes em- ployed ¬ in their manufacture ttereot1 Intl with Dr Pierce and they are on by akllled chemists and pharmacists T ltb the aid of apparatus fwd appliances fpeclallT < for tills Dorpoe soedlcin are entirely free from alcohol aid all other harmful liabitfonnlnir drugs A- toll list of their Incradicata a elated oa MCA botlsraiosr- Wta now have pretty post earl views of ill the churches of the city includ- ing ¬ new one of the Episcopal church Weth the jeweler te r C s t2 e > i MILLINERY F 1- 1I We direct special attention to our fine showing 4 of Cheap Millinery which includes a SPeci tl lipe of Hats for 150 200 250 and 315 and on j xP and would certainly be your worth while to cone 1- anct inres gate belore buying elsewhere i We also carry a full line medium price and Pattern Hats l Our work room this season is well equlfjplci and we are readyAcTdo uu kind ot work ait a reasonable price- Be sure and ask to see our beautiful line of >e Automobile Ve- ilsMiss r H Mary AffleckN- ext to Munroe Chambliss Ba- nkHOTEL r v II 11 11 PARK t Jacksonville Fla C European Pl h Rates 1 per day and up Rathskeller- and Cafe in Connectio- nE L P THASARB MANAGER 1 m- t FRESH MEATS NO VEGETRBLES Westeru Beef Veal Florida Stall Fed Beef Mutton Armours Star Ham Armours Pork Sausage Cabbage Rutabagas Turnips Beets Sweet Potatoes Irish Potatoes Spanish Onions 1 W p EO WARDS PhLde 108 City Market THE FLORIDA CONCRETE AND PAYING CO e Wn r prepared fill your orders for cement work of whatever kind- Mndfacfurersofrementbrick v bliiding blocks hexagon and eta in lWksQran rail kinds of paving material We employ skilled workmen and a our mottoMs to > please Teniip r sty quarters pKone 256 1 i s < > JAMES J MOQRH EAD MGR r ANEW ENTERPRISE i z r- i FOR OCALA A JJ 9 1 e c n THE 0 E1 1- COMPANY DEVELOPEMENT will sell you a home in Ocala Will sell you a lot and build a house planned by you Will guarantee the title and carry the insurance You pay little Y 4 more than rent Now ready for business SEE J1 Jl FORT UNION BLOCK i1 I FISH AND OYSTERS Fresh salt and fresh water fish In ¬ side and outside oysters shrimp etc received every day Temporary lo ¬ cation south of west end of the city market building In small wooden building William Tucker Phone 219 Mr andMrs W S Doyle have tak ¬ en rooms at the Campbell House Mr Doyle is the representative of the Gulf Refining Company Messrs H K Robinson representing the Arnold Hat Co Atlanta and S Little representing the Dixie Girl Shoe Company of Lynchburg Va are guests at the Montezuma v Mr D M Barco and wife ot York were in town today to secure an In- troduction ¬ totheir new granddaughter that arrived yesterday at the home of Mr and Mrs Will Barco In the second ward > Mr Robert A Burford and bride from Boston arrived yesterday and are at home with Mr BurfordTs i r- ents Mr and Mrs R A Burford To- night a reception will be given the r brjde and groom and will be largely attended JW HInton a prosperous young farmer near Sharps Ferry was a bus iness caller In town today and paid the Star an appreciated calL He said jit was so dry nothing planted would grtfw The TVonians Auxiliary of Grace Episdbpalchurch met yesterday after ¬ noon with the president Mrs Halsley In the interest of the advent box which will be forwarded to the moun- tains or Kentucky for a needy preach er The attendance at the meeting was I good Mrs Gray of Orlando met with the auxiliary rol yl Kidney nemerty will cur any case df kidney or bladder trouble that 1S not beyond the reach of medj Iclne Cures backache and Irregular- ities ¬ that If neglected might result in Bright disease or diabetes Sold by aIr druggists WATEDSettled couple to rent I two orr three furnished rooms with Mrs M B Reed 116 South Orange t I NOTICE- Of Stockholders Meeting Notice is nereby given that an ad ¬ journed charter meeting of the stock holders of the Ocala Garage I Supply I company Will be held at the office of the county Judge In Ocala Florida on Wednesday Nov 3rd A D 1909 at 8 oclock p m Joseph Bell President- R R Carroll Secretary- Mr t J H Spencer is booked to at- tend ¬ I the auto races in Atlanta which t will begin Saturday The attendance- it is estimated will run into the tens of thousands LOSTStrayed or stolen Maltese kitten with star under chin answer ¬ ing to name of Satan Liberal re ¬ ward for information leading to recov- ery i Address Miss Annie Atkinson i There Is no game law against any one hunting for PLANKS CHILLJ TOXIC Its guaranteed to cure ma larla chills and fever Price 25 cents per bottle Ask your dealer hed i probably know ti a ST MARGARETS GUILD- TO HOLD A BAZAAR- The I ladles of St Margarets Guild will hold their annual bazaar on Dec 2ndat the Womans Club building SMALL HOME EASY PAYMENTS A small home In the city well locat- ed new house easy terms F W Ditto FRESH SEEDS We have In our fresh supply of re ¬ liable garden and flower seeds lor fall planting Tydings Co Phone us for you prescriptions We call and deliver them The Court Pharmacy y R C Davis COop of Jacksonville handle silk typewriter ribbons 76c each 750 per dozen I FOR SALE FaySholea typewriter j In good condition Has only been used a short time Will sell for J59 I cash Address Box 211 Ocala St- Ii rJ

Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1909-11-03 [p ].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03314/00018.pdfJ 0 wr Ii H- K TT T 1 A i i T >< IN-t > L J 1 OCAL c VEND GiAltrlttl

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Page 1: Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1909-11-03 [p ].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03314/00018.pdfJ 0 wr Ii H- K TT T 1 A i i T >< IN-t > L J 1 OCAL c VEND GiAltrlttl



wr Ii H-



1 A


i T ><



t >

1 OCAL c VEND GiAltrlttl NESDAY t BEi3 19Ot




The Guaranteed Hose of QualityI Mens Lisle Like now 25 cents per pairSix pairs six months 150 the box

Womens Lisle Like Steer and fine withinterlaced Grater Splicing Six pailssix months 200 the box

KNOTAIR has the appearance and feelof athoroughly high grade stocking andvthey are absolutely Guaranteed by theisuker to wear six months withoutholes rips or tears or New Hose Free

We carry a complete line of KNOTAIRin Lisle Like and Pure Silk Lisle from

150 to 300 per box of six pairs



4 I



It 3OBINSON PresidentI H BUTCH Manager JI O BOOZKR Asrt jiseaSei

GEO J DId TOll TellerT




Are the merchants the professional and successful men and women ofthe city the farmers ot the aurroun ding territory-

We accommodate all classes Ou r customers represent the men andwomen who have built and arc still building successful enterprises-

We solicit a share of your busln ess










heIL 1 I

sly louse in Central Florida that CompleteI

fMtlslra the H me Carries at all Times the Latest an-

dkitS i Furtqre Keeping up wltli the Ames ami JustWhat tile Fettle Want

Also carries a Complete Line of Builders and Shell1 ariware Carriages Wagons Buggies Harness Saddles Etc

Lttk ver oar Stock and get our prices before yen

wale ytr pirchases Ycujrs Respec-


Ocala FloridaI Jlo


ading Vehicle Dealers I

of Central Florid-aAi4

Ai Imrcase Reliable Wagons Buggies Carls

aid Carriages carried at all limes

aness Saddles Lap Robes Whips und all items

carrkd by a firstclass house of this kind bought in quanNttes Irw the factories and always in stock al the very

I pfewest prices

We cat save you money on yonr purchases be they

lrtt fr WK1-

4f fl for most of the IratJIng and best makes t

waftfti aM talli-esKNIGHT







Eagles meet this evening

Masons meet tomorrow night

When you drink at Troxlera youknow It Is right

Mr Arthur Hzrravpr of Tampa Is ai rriija oi she Ucaia House

You can buy the E W smokerTroxlers

Hulnuts Violet Sec Soap at theCourt Pharmacy-

Mr H A McArthur of GainesvilleIs a guest of the Ocala House

A large assortment of choice fruit-at Troxlers-

Mr Louis R Chazal left today forNew York via the Clyde Line

FOR SALECheap a Rambler bi ¬

cycle Call at Star office

Mr Ed Little of Lynchburg is at theMontezuma

Sixteen new post card views of Ocalajust received at Weihe the jewelers-

Mr J O Smith of Cltronelle isatthe Montezuma

Twentyeight different post cardviews of Ocala at Weihe the jewelers

Mr A B Medlin of Jacksonville isa guest of the Montezuma

Napoleon Lilac Talcum Powder atthe Court Pharmacy-

Mr D C Marlow of the A C Lrailway Is a guest of the Montezuma

Twentyeight different pot cardviews of Ocala at Weihe the jewelers

Mr C E Poe of Leesburg is a guestof the Montezuma-

W T Forbes of Anthony was a vis-itor to the city today


A new shipment of Hudnuts toiletarticles just In at the Court Phar-macy


Mrs H L Anderson of JacksonvilleIs in the city the guest of Mrs W HDodge


FOR SALE CHEAPA firstclassladys buggy horse Apply to DrrA j

L Izlar

Mr C W DeMartine of Gainesvillecollector of internal revenue is in the


city a guest of the Montezuma

If you want a good lead pencil buyone of Gerigs Best 5c at the Poetofllce Drugstore-

Mr Usher Norwood returned yester-day

¬ t

from a two weeks visit to theeast coast

Use Palmers Lotion after shavingf 0c and U bottles at the PostofflceDrugstore I

Pennsylvania Grit and other leadingnewspapers and magazines at Hallards news stand 4

The latest copywright books and thefinest general line of books ever shownin this city at tho Ocala News Co

The best package of paper linencoth finish 25 cents per pound andenvelopes to match at Ocala News Co

Let us do your prescription workPrescriptions called for and deliveredpromptly The Court Pharmacy

If you want a good lead pencil buyone of Gerigs Best Cc at the Roatofflce Drugstore-

Mr Drew Mathews has moved toJacksonville from Flemlngton and hastaken a position in the postotfice sell ¬

ing stamps

Jergens Talcum Powder large cansholding nearly a pint each guaranteed-pure and fragrant The Court Phar-macy



Mr Fred G B Weihe has rentedpart of the Harpermuslcal storeroomand will set up his son Fred In theJewelry busines-

sW have a few boxes oi exception ¬

ally fine writing paper Drop Inlandtake a look ot them The PostofflceDrugstore-

The Star regrets to hear of the ill-


of Mrs F G B Weihe She hasbeen confined to her bed for the pastten days

Have you seen kite new visible FaySholes typewriter R C Davis Cogeneral agents

The Kings Daughters will meet to ¬

morrow morning at 1 oclock in theSunday school room at the Methodistchurc-

hWantedAt once man with goodlotrsring team to haul timber for millWrite or call Hilton Lumber CoBellevlew Fla 2ty

Mr J Dodge of Gainesville manalter for the Singer Sewing MachineCo In that territory is In town anda guest of the Montezuma

Foleys Honey and Tar cures coughsquickly strengthens the lungs and ex-pels


cold Get the genuine in a yellowpackage Sold by aU druggists

We now have pretty post card views-of all the churches of the city including a new one of the Episcopal churchWeihe the jeweler-

Mr C II Mathis of Blackwell S Cthe well known melon and cantaloupegrower Is spending the week In Ocalalooking after the preparation of hislands In this county for the next crop


The peculiar properties of Cham-berlains


Cough Remedy have beenthoroughly tested during epidemics ofInfluenza and when it was taken intime we have not neard of a singlecase of pneumonia


The board of public Instruction ad-

Journed this noon and their only regretwas that they did not have more mon-ey


to perfect the school cause

Vldney trouble do not delay In takingthe most reliable and denendable rem-edy possible such as DeWitts Kidneyand Bladder Pills These wonderfulnllls are being used with great satis-faction


by thousands of neople TryDeWitts Kidney and Bladder Pills to ¬

day Sold by all druggists




New Pack ReyaJ Scarlet Dried FruitsFIGSCITRON I


We Have Exclusive Sato of the RayalScarlet Line and Carry a CempleteStock at all Time Every articleGuaranteed


Fleischmane Yeait Received Twice aW-



There was another well pleased se ¬quence of audiences at the Armorylast evening the pictures showing upfinely and the performers playing theirparts well Misses Howard and Rus-sell


are certainly splendid singers andas this evening ie their last appear ¬

anco every one should go and hearthem j

There waa a well attended matineethis afternoon and there will be an ¬

other Saturday afternoon-On the program this evening is The

Country Girls Peril a thrilling wildwest story Faded Lilies a pathetic-love tale The First Biscuit a comic I

gem and two other good spfejects-MlsH


Vesta Wallace will be at the I

armory the remainder of the weekcommencing tomorrow evening Shehas been playing at the Baird theater-In


Gainesville and the Sun says ofher Miss Vesta Wallace continues-to delight her audiences Shp Is clever-at


dancing besides she has a sweetvoice and her song and dance ace Is j

most pleasing-


Miss Mabel Head organizer of theYoung Peoples Home Mission Societywill lecture at the Methodist churchtonight Miss Head is a celebratedlecturer and has won much applausewherever she has been Come out andhear her



Heuses to Rent at Wvodmar on theV

Bluff OverJk1h1 the Lake

GOODWIN BUNGALOW Furnish-ed modern plumbing running wateracetylene gasJ10 per week

ARGYLE COTTAGfc Furnishedrunning water i5 per week

BLAIR VILLATo rent on Octobsrtilfor the winter furnished runningwater modern plumbing acetylenegas 2l per month

David S Woodrow i

Holder Block orals F-


IK IniU ui CUUm-Til KM YH Km Ahaji BNkt

Soars the-eigntttare Mkof


Subjects Mexico and CubaI

Leader Mrs J A BouvlerSong Send the WordPrayerScripture reading Isaiah 10Paper Our Work In Mexico Mrs T

E BridgesDuet Why Have You Not Told Us

Mrs G W Martin Mrs C N Kirkland

Paper The Need of Trained andConsecrated Women Mrs T J1 Nixon

Items from Cuba Mrs LT IzlarPoem A Little Pebble Miss Louise

NixonSong He That WInneth SoilsAnnouncementsCollectionClose by repeating John 316

Mrs W W Clyatt entertained themembers of the Young Peoples Mis-sion


Study Circle last evening at herpleasant home in the second wardThis was the Initial meeting of thecircle and an organization was perfect-ed


with Mrs C N Kirkland leaderand Miss Louise Jlxon secretary Theclass will meet to study conditions onthe western frontier of the UnitedStates every other Tuesday evening atthe homes of the different roemers Itpromises to be a very InteresUngAndprofitable study




desirable building lot on North I

Second East Adams street opposite-the Jewish synagogue Address Box180 city

Many persons find themselves at¬

fected with a persistent cough afteran attack of influenza As this cough-can be promptly cured by the use ofChamberlains Cough Remedy Itshould not be allowed to run on until-It


becomes trobulesome-

Mr Fred Roberson of Crystal Riverwho has been in the northwest for thepast three or four months has return-ed


and spent the past few days in thiscity a guest of the Moatezumc


Rev W H Coleman left this noonI for McIntosh to perform the marriageceremony of Mr Drayton Avera ofGainesville to Miss Mary Allen of Mc-Intosh


The ceremony will take placeat the Christian church at that placetha evening It will be one of the so ¬

real events of the season-

If you desire a clear complexiontake Foley8 Orlno Laxative for con-stipation and liver trouble asIt willstimulate these organs and thorough-ly


cleanse your system which Is whateveryone needs In order to feel wellSold by all drttggieta


The Marion County Automobile Clubmet last night in the Elks club roomsand organized The meeting was at¬

tended by 26 of the members who hadsigned the clubs membership list andhalf a dozen other gentlemen-

Mr Edward Holder was asked totake the chair and preside over themeeting and 3ir Jake Brown acted assecretary-

The following officers were unani-mously


electe-dPresidentEdward HolderVice President H SpencerSecretary Emmet E RobinsonTreasurerBen elnauerBoard of governors = J D Robertson

J M Meffert Geo K Robinson WP Edwards R E Tonge ClarenceCamp

The president stated that he wouldappoint all necessary committees afterhe had consulted with the board ofgovernors

The following important document-was introduced by Mr J D Robertson-and unanimously adopted-To the Honorable Board of CountyCommissioners Marlon County FIn

GentlemenAt a meeting of theOcala Automobile Club held in theElks hall Tuesday night the 2nd Instthe following resolutions were unani-mously


adoptedWhereas There has been graded a

public road connecting Dunnellon withOcala and whereas this is one of themost Important road in the countyconnecting the two chief cities of thecounty and whereas this road formsa link In the proposed public highwaytraversing the state and connectingthe two chief cities of the state Tam-pa


and Jacksonville and whereas thecounty commissioners of the othercounties of the state through whichths proposed public highWay passesare taking steps to make the portion-of this proposed highway in tile othercounties hard surface road thereforebelt r

Resolved That this association re¬

quest the board of count comhiissloners of Marion county to jiiakenheentire road connecting Dunnellon andOcala a hard surface road or strawroad And In any eVent that this as-sociation


request the county commis-sioners


of Marion county to straw theunfinished portion of the aforesaidroad before the time for holding theMarion County Fair

Be It further resolved That theboard of county commissioners be alsorequested to straw the three miles ofunfinished road between Ocala andGainesville north of Lowell

Be It further resolved That a copyof these resolutions be presented tothe county commissioners of Marioncounty at their meeting in Ocala onWednesday the 3rd Inst-

A committeeconsisting of the pres-ident


vice president and secretary of-the club was appointed tQ present theabove resolution h to the botirfiOfcounty commissioners at sessIon tQday r f

A similar resolution aas pftTerijdJyerpbelly by Mr Spencer applicable Jo theshort 5 r t of road n wejf

a commIitee4f the president vicepresident and the acting secretary wasappointed to appear this moroilng betore tie county cornmiaBloriera andJurge their cooperation and assistancein the Chatter The comraftteonrasalso asked to tape ujj with thd DOmnilssloners-r thesinatteK cff puJtlngmpguide post slgns long the route of theroad through Marion county t

JudgeD S Williams representing-the Marion County Fair Associationstated that the association was <

ing the r track In fine shape fortilea-dtonioblle parades and races andwanted the full cooperation Qftthemembers of the club and all automobile owners that this feature of rthefair might be a bjg succesa This cq =operation > and partlclpationtaas unonImously given i dodge Williams jOjetfasked wn1cKtH5 club preferred smallcash prizes that they might be able tooffer or club cups an1 the club fav-ored


the cup prizesTreasurer Ben Rhelnauer collected

the first months dues from all mem ¬

bers present There were 70 names of I

members on the list as readMr Holder stated that while a major ¬

ity of those signing the list were auto-mobile


owners It was the wish of theget every citizen In the county

who favored hard roads and good roads-to join the club and assist in the greatwork of building hard roads In thecounty and thereby helping every per¬

son benefiting every part of the coun ¬

ty and Increasing property valuesThe meeting was a very enthusiastic-

one The board of governors will at¬

tend to all details ofthe organization-The matter of the members of the

Tampa club stopping over night withthe racing cars on the 25th was dis-cussed


and it was agreed to do all pos ¬

sible for their entertainment and totake this point a permanent lay overtown


Thl os AflterfeaB sorest atxxiB to-

fliuts whisk possess the most valuablemedicinal virtues Is abundantly attestedby scores of the most eminent medicalwriters and teachers Eyen the untutort Indians had discovered the useful-ness of many native plants before the


advent of the white race This informa-tion

¬ I

Imparted freely to the whites ledtho latter to continue Investigations until Itoday we have a rich assortment of mosttluable American medicinal roots

< > O 4TOr Pierce teller that our AmcrJcta forseta attend In most yluiblo medicinal rootfol the cu f most obstinate and fatal dis-eases


If we oWdpTOperlylQTesUrale themI

and UL wnafefianun of this conviction befa with Dr tb atervxwt mRYPlnl1-

U t ftwfort hI Kt < pnMn VfpHlral Ttccote w r 1


I IQnt v1 tori fT riJr Tlg < d regulator and blood

cleanser kncrgn to med el science Drspep3u Or lodisestloaT torpid liver functional

sad sea Tilrulr and other affections ofthe Man field to ItS <uratlTe action Thereuoa why it cures these and many other

Is dearly shown in a little bookf C extracts from the standard medical worksrkich is mailed free to any address by Dr BY Pierce of Euffalo N Y to all aepdiaa-reotteet for the seas j

4 4 4 j

Not lees war elous In the unparalleledcurt It Is constantly making otwoDan eminT peculiar affections weaknesses anddUtrdsln deftnc menU Is Dr PiercePaTorileSPrescriptlptvtsas is amply attested

so testimonials con-tributed


byVrXlHful paT7ttn rho have beencured by it orratarrhtLI-

rreguft r a n-

pe Qd I a rtt lesprol ai < us jmd-m


s nt < jtys < by Treakne ulcerallon of atgraslind klndml jiffctions o ten-After many other advertised oedicloM and

U4 failedc v b 4

Both tit above mentioned medicines anholly made up from the elycerlc extracts of

native medicinal roots The processes em-ployed


in their manufacture ttereot1 Intlwith Dr Pierce and they are on byakllled chemists and pharmacists T ltb theaid of apparatus fwd appliances fpeclallT

< for tills Dorpoesoedlcin are entirely free from alcohol aidall other harmful liabitfonnlnir drugs A-

toll list of their Incradicata a elated oaMCA botlsraiosr-

Wta now have pretty post earl viewsof ill the churches of the city includ-ing


new one of the Episcopal churchWeth the jeweler te r

C s t2e > i MILLINERY




We direct special attention to our fine showing 4

of Cheap Millinery which includes a SPeci tl lipeof Hats for 150 200 250 and 315 and on jxPand would certainly be your worth while to cone 1-

anct inres gate belore buying elsewhere i

We also carry a full line medium price andPattern Hats l

Our work room this season is well equlfjplciand we are readyAcTdo uu kind ot work ait areasonable price-

Be sure and ask to see our beautiful line of>e Automobile Ve-


r H

Mary AffleckN-ext to Munroe Chambliss Ba-

nkHOTELr v II 11 11


Jacksonville FlaC European Pl h

Rates 1 per day and up Rathskeller-and Cafe in Connectio-





FRESH MEATS NO VEGETRBLESWesteru Beef Veal Florida Stall Fed BeefMutton Armours Star Ham Armours PorkSausage Cabbage Rutabagas Turnips BeetsSweet Potatoes Irish Potatoes Spanish Onions

1W p EO WARDSPhLde 108 City Market


Wn r prepared fill your orders for cement work of whatever kind-Mndfacfurersofrementbrickv bliiding blocks hexagon and eta in

lWksQran rail kinds of paving material We employ skilled workmen and a

our mottoMs to > pleaseTeniip rsty quarters pKone 256



i zr-




9 1 e cnTHE 0 E1 1-


will sell you a home inOcala Will sell you a lot andbuild a house planned by youWill guarantee the title and carrythe insurance You pay little Y

4more than rent Now ready forbusiness



Fresh salt and fresh water fish In ¬

side and outside oysters shrimp etcreceived every day Temporary lo ¬

cation south of west end of the citymarket building In small woodenbuilding William Tucker Phone 219

Mr andMrs W S Doyle have tak ¬

en rooms at the Campbell House MrDoyle is the representative of the GulfRefining Company

Messrs H K Robinson representingthe Arnold Hat Co Atlanta and SLittle representing the Dixie GirlShoe Company of Lynchburg Va areguests at the Montezuma


Mr D M Barco and wife ot Yorkwere in town today to secure an In-


totheir new granddaughterthat arrived yesterday at the home ofMr and Mrs Will Barco In the secondward >

Mr Robert A Burford and bridefrom Boston arrived yesterday andare at home with Mr BurfordTs i r-

ents Mr and Mrs R A Burford To-night a reception will be given the

r brjde and groom and will be largelyattended

JW HInton a prosperous youngfarmer near Sharps Ferry was a business caller In town today and paidthe Star an appreciated calL He said

jit was so dry nothing planted wouldgrtfw

The TVonians Auxiliary of GraceEpisdbpalchurch met yesterday after ¬

noon with the president Mrs HalsleyIn the interest of the advent boxwhich will be forwarded to the moun-tains or Kentucky for a needy preacher The attendance at the meeting was

I good Mrs Gray of Orlando met withthe auxiliary

rol yl Kidney nemerty will curany case df kidney or bladder troublethat 1S not beyond the reach of medj

Iclne Cures backache and Irregular-ities


that If neglected might result inBright disease or diabetes Sold byaIr druggists

WATEDSettled couple to rentI two orr three furnished rooms withMrs M B Reed 116 South Orange



Of Stockholders MeetingNotice is nereby given that an ad ¬

journed charter meeting of the stockholders of the Ocala Garage I Supply

I company Will be held at the office ofthe county Judge In Ocala Floridaon Wednesday Nov 3rd A D 1909 at8 oclock p m

Joseph Bell President-R R Carroll Secretary-



J H Spencer is booked to at-tend


I the auto races in Atlanta whicht will begin Saturday The attendance-it is estimated will run into the tensof thousands

LOSTStrayed or stolen Maltesekitten with star under chin answer ¬ing to name of Satan Liberal re ¬

ward for information leading to recov-ery

iAddress Miss Annie Atkinson i

There Is no game law against anyone hunting for PLANKS CHILLJTOXIC Its guaranteed to cure malarla chills and fever Price 25 centsper bottle Ask your dealer hed

iprobably know ti a



TheI ladles of St Margarets Guildwill hold their annual bazaar on Dec2ndat the Womans Club building


A small home In the city well locat-ed new house easy terms F WDitto

FRESH SEEDSWe have In our fresh supply of re¬

liable garden and flower seeds lor fallplanting Tydings Co

Phone us for you prescriptions Wecall and deliver them The CourtPharmacy y

R C Davis COop of Jacksonvillehandle silk typewriter ribbons 76ceach 750 per dozen

I FOR SALE FaySholea typewriterj In good condition Has only been

used a short time Will sell for J59I cash Address Box 211 Ocala St-

