I 2 THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL FRIDAY MORNING DECEMBER 17 1909 oAdon Victor Herbert Merry Ji 4 Gfristnias- a sr r Thats the combination that will bring joy into your home if there are any little ones there and even if there are not because Mr Edison has made the Phonograph that will play the Amberol Records and Victor Herbert has made music for it which you simply cant resist and besides Victor Herbert there are hundreds of other good music makers grave and gay all waiting- to introduce the real Christmas feeling Into your home- Whatever you have for Christmas be sure that somebody gives somebody an Edison Phonograph Then there will be at least one present which will be wildly and rapturously welcomedE- dison Phonographs can be had roar 1250 to 12500 < Edison Standard Records JS < X t Edison Amberol Records play twice as lone so- c Edison Grand Opera Records 73c and 1JO- OThjre are Edison dealers everywhere Go to the nearest and- s > < hear the Edison Phonograph play both Edison Standard and Of > Amberol Records and get complete catalogs from your dealer r from usNATIONAL PHONOGRAPH COMPANY 75 LaVetid Avenue Orange N J The Clutter Music House is the largest distributor of Edison Phonographs and Rec ¬ ords in Florida NO AGREEMENT IN BIG FIGHT RICKARD DECLARES JEFFRIES AND JOHNSON HAVE NO SECRET AGREEMENT REGARDING DI ¬ VISION OF BIG PURSE- By Associated Pres New York Dec 16Tex Rickard the jjrlzefight promoter who has just returned here from Boston denies there is any secret agreement existing between Jeffries and Johnson over a division of the 101000 purse which Rickard offered While in conferene with Jeffries and Johnson before the final articles were signed said Rickard today 1 told them that they could divide the purse any way they desired and even suggested a 50 per cent division as it seemed that the betting odds would be about even The fighters discussed- the subject but when told them it was in their interest the public be given the full details they dropped the mat- ter Ill bet anyone 1000 that there Is no agreement between Jefries and Johnson of any kind excepting to di ¬ vide the purse 75 per cent to the win- ner ¬ and 25 per cent to the loser And Ill bet Tom SIcCarey of Los Angeles- or anyone else another 1000 that I did note give Jeffries 10000 or an- other secret inducement to favor my bid for tho fight- I have not the least doubt now that the fight will be held in Salt Lake City Everything points that way Read The Journals Want Ads and profit thereby Enamelware Sale 500 Pieces Worth from 35c to 1 Each I 25 CentsS- ee display in large hardware window Sale begins Friday morning at 9 a m For Cash Only WM JOHNSON SON 1tiiIsToRY Of ORDER RED i MEN TO PUBLIC SOMETHING ABOUT ORDER WHICH WILL BE INSTITUTED IN PENSA ¬ COLA NEXT WEEK WITH EX- CEEDINGLY ¬ GOOD MEMBERSHIP Telling something of the past his ¬ tory the purposes and aims of the Order of Red Men a branch of which is to be instituted here on DDC 22 bv the grand sacnem J W White of Jacksonville George C Stanhopo a local gentleman well versed in the order and one of the most enthusias- tic in its reorganization here gave an interesting condensed statement re- garding the same for The Journal It was given for the benefit of the public as well as for tile benefit of many ap- plicants ¬ who are going to be among the charter members of the new branch The institution of the order will take place at K of C hall on next Wednesday evening Mr White comes the preceding ay The Improvt Order of Red Men explained Mr stanhope was organ ¬ ized at Baltimore Md in 1834 and known as local lodge No 1 taking for its motto Freedom Friendship and Charity Freedom in honor of that race fast fading away and to whom the forest the plains the hills and the valleys were as free as the air is to the eagle friendship to commemorate- the unswerving loyalty with which an Indian maintained a noble and unsel ¬ fish affection for him to whom his faith was plighted charity the crowning virtue of human life Under those ennobling influences mankind is lifted higher and nearer toward the great spirit Other tribes were soon instituted- and as time passed the order grew into public notice and favor until to ¬ day the council fires are burning not only iu every state and territory of the Union but it has followed the glorious emblem of liberty into Pana ¬ ma Alaska Porto Rico Hawaii and all of the other possessions of the United States and there is not a member but who would work for its defense The emblems of the order are drawn from nature alone Tho American Indian the prototype of the order who was driven farther and farther toward the setting sun away from the hunting grounds of their fathers and graves of their loved ones whose lands were devastated and wig- wams ¬ destroyed is acknowledged uy historians to be the noblest type of man ever found in his natural state They looked up through nature and there beheld natures God They ad ¬ mired the lightning for they thought it was the great spirit striking the flame to light the council fires They loved the thunder for they thought it was the voice of the great spirit speaking to His children and all their customs and ceremonies were taught- by nature and all their lessons were drawn frdai natures school The Im- proved ¬ Order of Red Men is proud to perpetrate the mecjory of this noble race and as time passes and their history exists only in tradition our or ¬ der will hav the honor of being the preserver of its forms and customs and of handing down to posterity the of an extinct race Could a higher Destiny await any organization- Let such be our ambition Well may we boast and we do with a feeling of pride of the splendid progress we have made during the en Those Corpuscles- n t mn rmme your bloodred and white keep you well If they are healthy cause you sickness If diseased- To make and keep them abundant and healthy is to have pure blood free- dom ¬ from disease and vigorous health The clyr rurfuse ol Hoods harsh jarilla is to do this and its success is ttended by thousands of wonderful uroe Cures of all blood diseases crcfate eczema rheumatism catarrh l1t it tcday in the nsnsl liquid lorn or Ia- icobted Ublst form caned SrsaUs REAllY CURES q BAD STOMACHS INDIGESTION GAS HEARTBURN- OR DYSPEPSIA IS THOROUGHLY OVERCOME IN FIVE MINUTES AFTER TAKING A LITTLE DIA PEPSIN- If your meals dont fit comfortably- or you feel bloated after eating ant you believe it Is the food which flllt you if what little you eat lies like a lump of lead on your stomach if there is difficulty in breathing afte eating eructations of sour undigested food and acid heartburn brash or a belching of gas you can make u your mind that yoir need something- to stop toed fermentation and cur Indigestion- To make every bite of food you ca aid in the nourishment and strength- of your body you must rid your Stom ach of poisons excessive acid and stomach gas which sours your entire meal interferes with digestion and makes so many sufferers of Dyspep- sia Sick Headache Biliousness Con ¬ stipation Griping etc Your case 16 no differentyou are a stomach suf feVer though you may call it by some other name your real and only trou- ble is that which you eat does not digest but quickly ferments and sours producing almost any unhealthy condition- A case of Papes Diapopsin will cost fifty cents at any Pharmacy here and will convince any stomach sufferer five minutes after taking a single dose that Fermentation and Sour Stomach is causing the misery of Indigestion No matter if you call your trouble Catarrh of the Stomach Nervousness or Gastritis or by any other name always remember that a certain cure Is waiting at any drug store theTfTd ment you decide to begin its use Papes Diapepsin will regulate any outoforder Stomach within five minutes and digest promptly without any pains or discomfort all of any kind of food you eat n n tire period of our existence The grand and unexcelled march of the Red Men from the beginning of the order to the present time is enough to challenge admiration of all mankind and Is amply sufficient to foreshadow a golden future Over one hundred i years have sped down the corridors of time since the cornerstone of our or der was laid and it Is destined to shine I as a beacon light when we who are here today have long since paddled- our I canoe safely to the undiscovered country from whose bourne no travel i ers return And now a tribe in Pensacola and the fire will bo kindled on th night of Dec 22 by Brother J W Wipe P G S of Jacksonville Florida I PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching Blind Bleed- ing or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded 50c TO MAKE SOME- IMPROVEMENTS bVHERENEEDEDi BOARD OF WORKS DECIDES TO I REMEDY CONDITIONS NEAR I CLASSICAL SCHOOL LONG DE- SIRED ¬ I BY FACULTY AND STU ¬ DENTS Action by the board of works la one instance last night at the regular meeting will bo pleasing to a IaT number of people in the northern I part of th city for the board de- cided ¬ to make needed Improvements on DeSoto street in the vicinity of tin Classical school something need- ed a long time The matter was = La 1f v- I I M C ii LESTER PIANOS I LS7 4- STER A Carload Just Received t = = T in Mahogany Walnut and Oak Prices 350 to 600 Get one for Christmas delivery we are marking Sold a number of pianos for delivery Christmas eve A piano is a present- for the whole family You can pay 10 down and 10 per month until paid for No interest KRANICH AND BACH PIANOS I The highest grade piano made Costs more and is used by celebrated musicians Kranich and Bach quarter grands and parlor grands have no equal A test Will convince you We have a large number of usedrented pianos- at very much reduced prices Victor and Edison Phonographs 4 = and Records Easy payments Your o iI < credit is good TIlE CLUTTER MUSIC iIOUSE I 112114 S Palafox Street Wir r = T = rJ k r p < T co brought up in a report of the man ¬ ner in which rains have been cut ¬ ting away the street in that part of the city and the chairman said that there had been cut in the street a hole almost large enough to hide a house in This condition was grow ¬ ing worse with every rain and tl 3 board knew that something had to be done and that right away In spite- of the deice to be a little more care- ful in the matter of expenditures the hoard at once passed a motion that the street superintendent fix that street as soon as possible thus reme- dying ¬ conditions which threatened to do a lot of damage before toeing final- ly ¬ stopped In addition to stopping- the menace to private buildings in the neighborhood the city water- works plant will also now get protec- tion ¬ and the move will be pleasing- to the water department which fans vainly in the past tried to get re ¬ lief One time during a late rain the engines had to be shut down for fires were extinguished by the water coming from the hills By the super ¬ intendents direction drains will be constructed and holes filled in so that the water will be carried off evenly and through proper and safe channels PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS PA70 OlNTVNr 1 3 guaranteed to cure any case of Itching Blind Bleed ¬ ing or rrotriitllng Piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded 50c Read The Journals Want Columns this morning ANNUAl VISIT GRAND MASTER- GEORGEL SElf GRAND ENTERTAINMENT PLAN ¬ NED IN HONOR OF HIGH DE¬ GREE OFFICER BY THE LOCAL LODGES OF THE ODD FEL LOWS- A grand entertainment will take place at Rafford hall tonight under the auspices of the local lodges of the Odd Fellows The meeting will be held for a twofold purpose com ¬ bining the annual visit of the grand master and also the conferring of the degree of chivalry The entertain- ment ¬ will be on an extended scale and all the Odd Fellows are looking forward to it with much anticipation Past Grand J Ed Williams will ia I a few words extend a welcome to all present after which the orchestra I will render a selection Then the conferring of the degree of chivalry on two ladies of the Rabokah lodge- sy the staff of the Canton This is the highest honor which can be con ¬ ferred o na member and to witness the work in such degree will be some ¬ thing of a treat even to Odd Fel- lows ¬ Tho grand master of the state of Florida Hon George T Self of De Land will next deliver un address He is know 1o be an orator of eloquence- and much wit and his address will Interest his hearers Following his address the grand- master will take occasion to present- to I a member of Pensacola Lodge No 4 a jewel for a continuous member- ship ¬ of twentyfive years- A selection by the orchestra will bring the formal program to a close after which the members and their families will retire to the banquet- hall where refreshments will be serv ¬ edA cordial Invitation is extended to all Odd Fellows and their families and visitors WORK OF GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MADE KNOWN TO PUBLIC- By Associated Press Washington Dec IGLand classi- fication ¬ examination of water sources I investigation of mine accidents an1 I tests of mineral fuels and building materials formed special features of the work of the United States geolog ¬ ical survey during the fiscal year 1909 according to the report of the director of the survey just issued The report states that the general land office depends upon the survey- to furnish detailed valuations for every fortyacre tract of cOAl land that is placed on the market Tho- I purpose of the surveys work in the coal lands is to expedite the reston tion of agricultural entry of land found to be barren of coal The report gives detailed accounts of the progress of work on the topographical and geological atlases of the United States of special geo ¬ logical and hydrographic surveys in- cluding ¬ work in Alaska and of sta- tistical ¬ work on mineral resources NEW SUITS FILED The following new suits wcr filM yesterday in the office of the clerk of the circuit court Sol Cabn Co vs PeiRaoa bama W > strn Railroad dui 750 Blount << Blount rtv c torneys for plaintiff Vm H Knows YS Pcnsa 1 bama Western Railroad dr 3500 TMount < mount ic Crt toiiijb tor plaintiff = = = Only One BROMO QUININE that is p fixative fromo Qlirinine 1ft box 2Sc Cures a Cold in One Day Grip in 2 Days me2aaaaS2a22aaeeeaeaaaaaae22eaa222eea2E222B22aeaBa2222aaaa E222ae222222eeaaeaaaaaaE22aeee22eaaaee222eeeaem N m OPEJ K1TFRY NIGIIT ryi OUR STORE WILL BE OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL XMAS e I t N m mm m I Remember your credit is always good One h des ul C a II In 2628 East Southern Ai- In m m m FURNITURE COMFA1 Y Garden Hotel m- f8 m ° dollar per week buys anything in the store Street Building I = e m I m 1MjJ n ilReli tJj n1I t iae2 ea2eaea2aeaaa2aaaaeaa2Eae22eeae22aeaaaaaaa2aea22ae2eaaeeae 2aaaaae2 aa222aaaaea2aaaaaEaaaaaeaaaeaei- J N

oAdon 1tiiIsToRY PENSACOLA JOURNAL FRIDAY ii Laufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/11/00380/0634.pdfplicants who are going to be among¬ the charter members of the new branch The

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Page 1: oAdon 1tiiIsToRY PENSACOLA JOURNAL FRIDAY ii Laufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/11/00380/0634.pdfplicants who are going to be among¬ the charter members of the new branch The



oAdonVictor Herbert

Merry Ji4 Gfristnias-a

sr r Thats the combination that will bringjoy into your home ifthere are any little onesthere and even if there are not becauseMr Edison has made the Phonograph thatwill play the Amberol Records and VictorHerbert has made music for it which yousimply cant resist and besides VictorHerbert there are hundreds of other goodmusic makers grave and gay all waiting-to introduce the real Christmas feelingInto your home-

Whatever you have for Christmas besure that somebody gives somebody anEdison Phonograph Then there will beat least one present which will be wildlyand rapturously welcomedE-

dison Phonographs can be had roar 1250 to 12500< Edison Standard Records JS

< X t Edison Amberol Records play twice as lone so-

c Edison Grand Opera Records 73c and 1JO-OThjre are Edison dealers everywhere Go to the nearest and-

s> < hear the Edison Phonograph play both Edison Standard andOf > Amberol Records and get complete catalogs from your dealer

r fromusNATIONAL

PHONOGRAPH COMPANY75 LaVetid Avenue Orange N J

The Clutter Music Houseis the largest distributor of Edison Phonographs and Rec¬

ords in Florida





By Associated PresNew York Dec 16Tex Rickard

the jjrlzefight promoter who has justreturned here from Boston deniesthere is any secret agreement existingbetween Jeffries and Johnson over adivision of the 101000 purse whichRickard offered

While in conferene with Jeffries

and Johnson before the final articleswere signed said Rickard today 1

told them that they could divide thepurse any way they desired and evensuggested a 50 per cent division as itseemed that the betting odds wouldbe about even The fighters discussed-the subject but when told them it wasin their interest the public be giventhe full details they dropped the mat-ter

Ill bet anyone 1000 that there Isno agreement between Jefries andJohnson of any kind excepting to di¬

vide the purse 75 per cent to the win-ner


and 25 per cent to the loser AndIll bet Tom SIcCarey of Los Angeles-or anyone else another 1000 that Idid note give Jeffries 10000 or an-other secret inducement to favor mybid for tho fight-

I have not the least doubt nowthat the fight will be held in SaltLake City Everything points thatway

Read The Journals WantAds and profit thereby

Enamelware Sale500 Pieces Worth from 35c to 1

Each I

25 CentsS-ee display in large hardware windowSale begins Friday morning at 9 a m

For Cash Only









Telling something of the past his ¬

tory the purposes and aims of theOrder of Red Men a branch of whichis to be instituted here on DDC 22 bvthe grand sacnem J W White ofJacksonville George C Stanhopoa local gentleman well versed in theorder and one of the most enthusias-tic in its reorganization here gave aninteresting condensed statement re-garding the same for The Journal Itwas given for the benefit of the publicas well as for tile benefit of many ap-plicants


who are going to be amongthe charter members of the newbranch The institution of the orderwill take place at K of C hall on nextWednesday evening Mr White comesthe preceding ay

The Improvt Order of Red Menexplained Mr stanhope was organ ¬

ized at Baltimore Md in 1834 andknown as local lodge No 1 taking forits motto Freedom Friendship andCharity Freedom in honor of thatrace fast fading away and to whomthe forest the plains the hills and thevalleys were as free as the air is tothe eagle friendship to commemorate-the unswerving loyalty with which anIndian maintained a noble and unsel ¬

fish affection for him to whom his faithwas plighted charity the crowningvirtue of human life Under thoseennobling influences mankind is liftedhigher and nearer toward the greatspirit

Other tribes were soon instituted-and as time passed the order grewinto public notice and favor until to ¬

day the council fires are burning notonly iu every state and territory ofthe Union but it has followed theglorious emblem of liberty into Pana ¬

ma Alaska Porto Rico Hawaii andall of the other possessions of theUnited States and there is not amember but who would work for itsdefense The emblems of the orderare drawn from nature alone ThoAmerican Indian the prototype of theorder who was driven farther andfarther toward the setting sun awayfrom the hunting grounds of theirfathers and graves of their loved oneswhose lands were devastated and wig-wams


destroyed is acknowledged uyhistorians to be the noblest type ofman ever found in his natural stateThey looked up through nature andthere beheld natures God They ad ¬

mired the lightning for they thoughtit was the great spirit striking theflame to light the council fires Theyloved the thunder for they thought itwas the voice of the great spiritspeaking to His children and all theircustoms and ceremonies were taught-by nature and all their lessons weredrawn frdai natures school The Im-proved


Order of Red Men is proud toperpetrate the mecjory of this noblerace and as time passes and theirhistory exists only in tradition our or¬

der will hav the honor of being thepreserver of its forms and customsand of handing down to posterity the

of an extinct race Could ahigher Destiny await any organization-Let such be our ambition

Well may we boast and we dowith a feeling of pride of the splendidprogress we have made during the en

Those Corpuscles-n


mn rmmeyour bloodred and white

keep you well If they are healthycause you sickness If diseased-

To make and keep them abundantand healthy is to have pure blood free-dom


from disease and vigorous healthThe clyr rurfuse ol Hoods harsh

jarilla is to do this and its success isttended by thousands of wonderfuluroe Cures of all blood diseasescrcfate eczema rheumatism catarrhl1t it tcday in the nsnsl liquid lorn or Ia-icobted Ublst form caned SrsaUs








If your meals dont fit comfortably-or you feel bloated after eating antyou believe it Is the food which fllltyou if what little you eat lies like alump of lead on your stomach ifthere is difficulty in breathing afteeating eructations of sour undigestedfood and acid heartburn brash or abelching of gas you can make uyour mind that yoir need something-to stop toed fermentation and curIndigestion-

To make every bite of food you caaid in the nourishment and strength-of your body you must rid your Stomach of poisons excessive acid andstomach gas which sours your entiremeal interferes with digestion andmakes so many sufferers of Dyspep-sia Sick Headache Biliousness Con ¬

stipation Griping etc Your case 16

no differentyou are a stomach suffeVer though you may call it by someother name your real and only trou-ble is that which you eat does notdigest but quickly ferments andsours producing almost any unhealthycondition-

A case of Papes Diapopsin will costfifty cents at any Pharmacy here andwill convince any stomach sufferer fiveminutes after taking a single dosethat Fermentation and Sour Stomachis causing the misery of Indigestion

No matter if you call your troubleCatarrh of the Stomach Nervousnessor Gastritis or by any other namealways remember that a certain cureIs waiting at any drug store theTfTdment you decide to begin its use

Papes Diapepsin will regulate anyoutoforder Stomach within fiveminutes and digest promptly withoutany pains or discomfort all of anykind of food you eat

n ntire period of our existence Thegrand and unexcelled march of theRed Men from the beginning of theorder to the present time is enough tochallenge admiration of all mankindand Is amply sufficient to foreshadowa golden future Over one hundred

i years have sped down the corridors oftime since the cornerstone of our order was laid and it Is destined to shineI

as a beacon light when we who arehere today have long since paddled-ourI canoe safely to the undiscoveredcountry from whose bourne no travel

i ers returnAnd now a tribe in Pensacola and

the fire will bo kindled on th night ofDec 22 by Brother J W Wipe P GS of Jacksonville Florida


PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYSPAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed tocure any case of Itching Blind Bleed-ing or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14days or money refunded 50c












Action by the board of works laone instance last night at the regularmeeting will bo pleasing to a IaTnumber of people in the northern I

part of th city for the board de-cided


to make needed Improvementson DeSoto street in the vicinity oftin Classical school something need-ed a long time The matter was

= La 1f v-





STERA Carload Just Received


==T in Mahogany Walnut and OakPrices 350 to 600 Get one for

Christmas delivery we are marking Sold a number ofpianos for delivery Christmas eve A piano is a present-for the whole family You can pay 10 down and 10per month until paid for No interest


The highest grade piano made Costs more and is usedby celebrated musicians Kranich and Bach quartergrands and parlor grands have no equal A test Will convince youWe have a large number of usedrented pianos-

at very much reduced prices

Victor and Edison Phonographs 4=

and Records Easy payments Your oiI <

credit is good

TIlE CLUTTER MUSIC iIOUSEI 112114 S Palafox StreetWir r = T = rJ k r p< T co

brought up in a report of the man¬

ner in which rains have been cut¬

ting away the street in that part ofthe city and the chairman said thatthere had been cut in the street ahole almost large enough to hide ahouse in This condition was grow ¬

ing worse with every rain and tl 3

board knew that something had to bedone and that right away In spite-of the deice to be a little more care-ful in the matter of expenditures thehoard at once passed a motion thatthe street superintendent fix thatstreet as soon as possible thus reme-dying


conditions which threatened todo a lot of damage before toeing final-ly


stopped In addition to stopping-the menace to private buildings inthe neighborhood the city water-works plant will also now get protec-tion


and the move will be pleasing-to the water department which fansvainly in the past tried to get re ¬

lief One time during a late rain theengines had to be shut down forfires were extinguished by the watercoming from the hills By the super ¬

intendents direction drains will beconstructed and holes filled in sothat the water will be carried offevenly and through proper and safechannels

PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYSPA70 OlNTVNr 1 3 guaranteed tocure any case of Itching Blind Bleed ¬

ing or rrotriitllng Piles in 6 to 14days or money refunded 50c

Read The Journals WantColumns this morning








A grand entertainment will takeplace at Rafford hall tonight underthe auspices of the local lodges of

the Odd Fellows The meeting willbe held for a twofold purpose com ¬

bining the annual visit of the grandmaster and also the conferring of thedegree of chivalry The entertain-ment


will be on an extended scaleand all the Odd Fellows are lookingforward to it with much anticipation

Past Grand J Ed Williams will ia I

a few words extend a welcome to allpresent after which the orchestra I

will render a selection Then the

conferring of the degree of chivalryon two ladies of the Rabokah lodge-sy the staff of the Canton This isthe highest honor which can be con ¬

ferred o na member and to witnessthe work in such degree will be some ¬

thing of a treat even to Odd Fel-lows


Tho grand master of the state ofFlorida Hon George T Self of DeLand will next deliver un address Heis know 1o be an orator of eloquence-and much wit and his address willInterest his hearers

Following his address the grand-master will take occasion to present-to


a member of Pensacola Lodge No4 a jewel for a continuous member-ship


of twentyfive years-A selection by the orchestra will

bring the formal program to a closeafter which the members and theirfamilies will retire to the banquet-hall where refreshments will be serv ¬

edA cordial Invitation is extended toall Odd Fellows and their familiesand visitors


By Associated PressWashington Dec IGLand classi-


examination of water sourcesI

investigation of mine accidents an1 I

tests of mineral fuels and buildingmaterials formed special features ofthe work of the United States geolog ¬

ical survey during the fiscal year1909 according to the report of thedirector of the survey just issuedThe report states that the generalland office depends upon the survey-to furnish detailed valuations forevery fortyacre tract of cOAl landthat is placed on the market Tho-

I purpose of the surveys work in thecoal lands is to expedite the restontion of agricultural entry of landfound to be barren of coal

The report gives detailed accountsof the progress of work on thetopographical and geological atlasesof the United States of special geo ¬

logical and hydrographic surveys in-


work in Alaska and of sta-tistical


work on mineral resources


The following new suits wcr filMyesterday in the office of the clerk ofthe circuit court

Sol Cabn Co vs PeiRaoabama W >strn Railroad dui

750 Blount << Blount rtv ctorneys for plaintiff

Vm H Knows YS Pcnsa 1

bama Western Railroad dr3500 TMount < mount ic Crt

toiiijb tor plaintiff

= = =Only One BROMO QUININE that is p

fixative fromo Qlirinine 1ftbox2ScCures a Cold in One Day Grip in 2 Days

me2aaaaS2a22aaeeeaeaaaaaae22eaa222eea2E222B22aeaBa2222aaaa E222ae222222eeaaeaaaaaaE22aeee22eaaaee222eeeaemN m




m I

Remember your credit is always good One h des ul CaIIIn 2628

EastSouthern Ai-



m FURNITURE COMFA1 Y GardenHotel m-


m°dollar per week buys anything in the store Street Building

I = e m Im1MjJ n ilReli tJj n1I t

iae2 ea2eaea2aeaaa2aaaaeaa2Eae22eeae22aeaaaaaaa2aea22ae2eaaeeae 2aaaaae2 aa222aaaaea2aaaaaEaaaaaeaaaeaei-