29 May 2020 PLTP / 06/ 2020 Dear Parents/ Guardians, Since the implementation of full Home-Based Learning (HBL) on 8 April 2020, our teachers have worked hard to ensure that our students are able to continue with meaningful learning and to provide greater support to those who are not able to learn from home. Our students have adapted well to learning from home and demonstrated adaptability and resilience during this challenging period. We want to thank our supportive parents who have come aboard to provide support and guidance to their children, while giving them space to be more self- directed. It has been a period of learning and growth for everyone. Our teachers, students and parents have all risen admirably to the challenge. With the end of the Circuit Breaker period on 1 June 2020, we will progressively bring students back to school from 2 June 2020 (Term 3), in a careful and safe manner. For a start, our Primary 6 students will attend school daily from Mondays to Fridays. Students from Primary 1 to 5 will rotate weekly between Home-Based Learning (HBL) and returning to school for lessons. Please refer to the table below for the weekly rotation schedule. Week In-School HBL T3W1 Primary 4, 5, 6 Primary 1, 2, 3 T3W2 Primary 1, 2, 3, 6 Primary 4, 5 T3W3 Primary 4, 5, 6 Primary 1, 2, 3 T3W4 Primary 1, 2, 3, 6 Primary 4, 5 From Term 3 Week 5, we will work towards bringing all students back to school daily, if the situation permits. MOE will monitor the situation closely and we will inform all parents in due course. Schools will ensure that safe management measures are in place to keep our students safe: o Daily temperature-taking, with additional visual and question screening, will continue to be carried out for all students and staff. In addition, students and staff who are unwell, or who have adult household members on home quarantine / Stay Home Notice or have flu-like symptoms such as fever and cough, will be required to stay away from school. o Schools will clean high-touch surfaces more frequently and disinfect the premises daily. o Students and staff are required to wear their masks or face shields.

o Students will practise frequent hand-washing throughout ... · T3W1 Primary 4, 5, 6 Primary 1, 2, 3 T3W2 Primary 1, 2, 3, 6 Primary 4, 5 T3W3 Primary 4, 5, 6 Primary 1, 2, 3 T3W4

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Page 1: o Students will practise frequent hand-washing throughout ... · T3W1 Primary 4, 5, 6 Primary 1, 2, 3 T3W2 Primary 1, 2, 3, 6 Primary 4, 5 T3W3 Primary 4, 5, 6 Primary 1, 2, 3 T3W4

29 May 2020 PLTP / 06/ 2020 Dear Parents/ Guardians, Since the implementation of full Home-Based Learning (HBL) on 8 April 2020, our teachers have worked hard to ensure that our students are able to continue with meaningful learning and to provide greater support to those who are not able to learn from home. Our students have adapted well to learning from home and demonstrated adaptability and resilience during this challenging period. We want to thank our supportive parents who have come aboard to provide support and guidance to their children, while giving them space to be more self-directed. It has been a period of learning and growth for everyone. Our teachers, students and parents have all risen admirably to the challenge.

With the end of the Circuit Breaker period on 1 June 2020, we will progressively bring students back to school from 2 June 2020 (Term 3), in a careful and safe manner. For a start, our Primary 6 students will attend school daily from Mondays to Fridays. Students from Primary 1 to 5 will rotate weekly between Home-Based Learning (HBL) and returning to school for lessons. Please refer to the table below for the weekly rotation schedule.

Week In-School HBL

T3W1 Primary 4, 5, 6 Primary 1, 2, 3

T3W2 Primary 1, 2, 3, 6 Primary 4, 5

T3W3 Primary 4, 5, 6 Primary 1, 2, 3

T3W4 Primary 1, 2, 3, 6 Primary 4, 5

From Term 3 Week 5, we will work towards bringing all students back to school daily, if the situation permits. MOE will monitor the situation closely and we will inform all parents in due course. Schools will ensure that safe management measures are in place to keep our students safe:

o Daily temperature-taking, with additional visual and question screening, will

continue to be carried out for all students and staff. In addition, students and

staff who are unwell, or who have adult household members on home

quarantine / Stay Home Notice or have flu-like symptoms such as fever and

cough, will be required to stay away from school.

o Schools will clean high-touch surfaces more frequently and disinfect the

premises daily.

o Students and staff are required to wear their masks or face shields.

Page 2: o Students will practise frequent hand-washing throughout ... · T3W1 Primary 4, 5, 6 Primary 1, 2, 3 T3W2 Primary 1, 2, 3, 6 Primary 4, 5 T3W3 Primary 4, 5, 6 Primary 1, 2, 3 T3W4

o Students will practise frequent hand-washing throughout the school day and

practice wipe down of tables and shared equipment after use.

o Staggered recess by level. Intermingling across classes and levels will be


o There will be fixed exam-style seating in classrooms and spaced seating in

canteens or alternative venues.

o Schools will also stagger arrival, dismissal and recess timings to reduce

congestion. (Please see Para 1 for stagger dismissal arrangements.)

For easy reference, please refer to Annex A for the infographics on the various safe management measures put in place. To ensure that our students remain active and keep healthy, we will resume Physical Education (PE) lessons when they return to school, with strict adherence to safe management measures. During PE lessons, students and PE teachers will not be required to wear masks when engaged in strenuous physical activities such as running and workouts. Given the constraints to implement National Physical Fitness Award (NAPFA), the NAPFA tests for P4 and P6 have been cancelled. School-based Student Care Centres will resume operations from 2 June 2020 for all levels of students in primary schools, with fixed groupings and required standards of hygiene. If you are unable to secure alternative care arrangements during HBL days and both parents have to return to work, please approach the school for assistance. All National School Games competitions for 2020 will be cancelled, as there is insufficient time to complete the season within the school calendar. In addition, students would not be adequately prepared for the competitions due to lack of training. Our teachers will continue to monitor the progress of your child and be in regular contact with you and your child to provide support during this transition. MOE will continue to closely monitor the COVID-19 situation. We urge you to rely on official sources of information and not to circulate any unconfirmed information. If you have any further queries, please contact our school at 6466 3600 or email us at [email protected]. Thank you and keep safe! Mr Koh Chin Thong, Martin Principal

Page 3: o Students will practise frequent hand-washing throughout ... · T3W1 Primary 4, 5, 6 Primary 1, 2, 3 T3W2 Primary 1, 2, 3, 6 Primary 4, 5 T3W3 Primary 4, 5, 6 Primary 1, 2, 3 T3W4

1 Staggered Dismissals & Changes in Vehicle Pickup Points (w.e.f. 2 Jun 2020) In addition to the list of safe management measures (SMM) mentioned earlier, the school has also reviewed the conduct of dismissal and made a few changes. These are all in an effort to decongest and ensure safety for our children. The key decongestion strategy is to stagger the movement of students from the classrooms to their various pickup points and also to ensure sufficient space for at the pickup points to provide safe distancing. While the daily dismissal timing do not change, the school will stagger the release of students from their classrooms by levels. This is to minimise congestion at the corridors and staircases as they move to their respective pickup points and gates. We have also reviewed the space congestion of the various pick-up points and made some changes to the vehicle pickup point. Pickup Points for Children Walking or Taking Public Transport. There is no change to the various pickup points for this group of children. The school will continue to designate waiting areas by levels with sign post to minimise intermingling across levels. However, we urge all adults waiting to pick up their child to observe safe management measure; to wear mask / face shield and observe safe distancing at all times. We will have staff onsite to manage and they can turn away anyone without a mask/face shield. (NEW) Pickup Points for Children to be Picked Up by Car. To ensure further spatial segregation for our students while waiting for their parents, we have now designated a Lower Primary (P1-P3) and an Upper Primary (P4-P6) pick-up point for parents driving in to pick up their children. Level Pickup Point Access Gate Gate Opens

Lower Pri, P1 to P3

Level 3 Foyer Via Gate 2 1250H to 1345H on Mon, Tue & Fri 1320H to 1415H on Wed and Thu *Pick up after gate closure time will be at Bus Bay (Level 1 via Gate 4)

Upper Pri, P4 to P6

Level 1 Bus Bay Via Gate 4 After all the school buses have left the Bus Bay. Est. 1315H on Mon, Tue & Fri Est. 1345H on Wed and Thu

NOTE: For family with children from across levels, the Lower Primary child(ren) will always follow the Upper Primary sibling’s pick up point. The P1-P3 students will all proceed to the Library to wait for the Upper Primary siblings. On days where the Upper Primary child is on HBL or is staying back in school for lessons, the Lower Primary sibling will still proceed to the Bus Bay for pick up. For example, in Term 3 Week 2, if a P2 child has a P4/P5 sibling (who is on HBL), the P2 child’s vehicle pickup will still be at the Bus Bay. This is to ensure simplicity and consistency for the children and parents.

Page 4: o Students will practise frequent hand-washing throughout ... · T3W1 Primary 4, 5, 6 Primary 1, 2, 3 T3W2 Primary 1, 2, 3, 6 Primary 4, 5 T3W3 Primary 4, 5, 6 Primary 1, 2, 3 T3W4

Traffic Reminder: As the road along Holland Drive are strictly demarcated as “No Parking” zone, parents are reminded not to come to the school before the gate opening time. The school staff and LTA enforcement officers will enforce this, and pictures might be taken for follow-up by LTA. This is to ensure that we traffic along Holland Drive can flow to facilitate the expeditious movement of buses and cars out to the main roads. 2 Safe Management Measures for Children taking the School Bus The school has worked with the school bus operators to implement the following Safe Management Measures, as guided by MOE HQ.

a. Any child who is unwell should not board the school bus and should stay home.

b. Bus drivers / attendants will visually screen the children before they board the bus. Any child who has flu-like symptoms (e.g. running nose and cough) will not be allowed onto the bus.

c. Every child needs to wear either a mask or a face shield. (See Annex B for

pictorial of approved mask and face shield in school.) d. Each child will be allocated a designated seat by the bus driver. e. Children are not to interact and play with each other on the bus.

The school and the bus operators seek the parents understanding and help to explain these safe management measures to the children so that they know what to expect while taking the school bus. 3 Assessment update The school believes both formative and summative assessments are integral parts of our pupils’ learning process. In view of the removal of mid-year Semestral Examination, the school will introduce weighted assessment for P3 to P5 in Term 3. The distribution of weighting is as shown below.

Term 1 2 3 4

Mode of assessment

Term Review SA1 (cancelled due to FHBL)

Weighted Assessment


Weighting 0% - 25% 75%

For the P6s, we will also be conducting timed practice papers before the mid-July break as one of the modes for teachers to identify the strength and areas to strengthen in preparation for PSLE. All forms of assessment provide insights to our pupils’ learning and as such, we seek your cooperation in ensuring that your child / ward is present during the periods of assessment for all subjects. If your child / ward is absent for an assessment, his/her Subject Teacher will pass the assessment paper(s) for your child / ward to attempt them as practice. It will not be counted

Page 5: o Students will practise frequent hand-washing throughout ... · T3W1 Primary 4, 5, 6 Primary 1, 2, 3 T3W2 Primary 1, 2, 3, 6 Primary 4, 5 T3W3 Primary 4, 5, 6 Primary 1, 2, 3 T3W4

as part of the overall result. A mark of zero will be given to pupils who are absent without a reason deemed valid by the school for weighted assessments. We will also like to inform that the school will not be conducting any make-up for the written examination papers except for the P4 for Subject-Based Banding purpose and P6 Prelim. Please do not hesitate to discuss with the Form or Subject Teacher of your child / ward should you have any concerns regarding his/her learning progress. 4 Calendar of Events A copy of the Term 3 Calendar of Events will be provided to your child. Please refer to Annex C.

5 Parent-Teacher Meeting (PTM)/ Parent-Child-Teacher Conference (PCTC) In view of the Covid-19 situation and safe management measures, the school will be organising an online PTM to give you a quick update on the holistic development of your child(ren). There will be no school for all students that day. Please find the information for PTM below.

Date Friday 17 July 2020

Teachers involved

Time 0730 – 1700

Teachers’ Lunch break


Modes of meeting

Zoom meeting

Form Teacher and/ Co-Form Teacher P3, P5 and P6 Mother Tongue Language teachers

[Do note that the school will suspend PCTC for this PTM.] As our Mother Tongue Language (MTL) teachers teach more than a level, they will conduct zoom meeting with parents and guardians of P3, P5 and P6 during this upcoming PTM. Parents and guardians whose children are in P1, P2 and P4 will be scheduled to meet with the MTL teachers at the next PTM. If you would like to find out more about the progress of your child, you may email the respective MTL teachers. Please find attached Annex D: Conversation Starter for parents for suggestions on the types of questions parents can ask our teachers for a more holistic understanding of your child. Booking of PTM/PCTC slots via MCOnline Parents are to indicate your preferred time slot to attend the PTM/PCTC via MCOnline. Kindly find attached Annex E, Instructions for login and booking of time slots. The allocation of time slots is based on a first-come-first-served basis. Please find below the start and end dates for online booking:

Booking System Opens Booking System Closes

Date Tuesday, 7 July 2020 Friday, 10 July 2020

Time 8.00am 5.00pm

Page 6: o Students will practise frequent hand-washing throughout ... · T3W1 Primary 4, 5, 6 Primary 1, 2, 3 T3W2 Primary 1, 2, 3, 6 Primary 4, 5 T3W3 Primary 4, 5, 6 Primary 1, 2, 3 T3W4

Should you encounter any difficulties with your booking, please email the respective Form Teachers for assistance. For parents who do not have online access, you may call the respective Form Teachers to arrange for a slot. 6 P4 Subject-Based Banding (SBB) and Higher Mother Tongue Language (HMTL) briefing All Primary 4 parents are invited to attend the online SBB and HMTL briefing on Friday, 17 July 2020 on the same day of PTM. SBB Briefing : 12.00 p.m. – 12.45 p.m. Mode: Googlemeet HMTL Briefing: 1600 – 1700 Mode: Googlemeet A registration form will be sent to you via the Parents Gateway nearer to the date and only participants who have signed up for the event will be given the link to the briefing for security reasons.

7 Parenting article “Stressed, distressed or depressed? There IS a difference” The key, for parents worried about their children, lies in how to tell the difference. International expert in youth mental health, Prof Stanley Kutcher, talked about this in a mental health panel organised by MOE. You may read more from this article. Mr Koh Chin Thong, Martin Principal


Lead with Character, Serve with Talents

Mission Nurturing concerned citizens with integrity and a spirit of excellence through holistic education

School Values

Respect, Integrity, Care, Excellence

Page 7: o Students will practise frequent hand-washing throughout ... · T3W1 Primary 4, 5, 6 Primary 1, 2, 3 T3W2 Primary 1, 2, 3, 6 Primary 4, 5 T3W3 Primary 4, 5, 6 Primary 1, 2, 3 T3W4

Annex A

Annex B

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Approved Reusable Mask & Face Shield in School 1. For parents who wished to purchase reusable masks and face shields for their child, the

school advised that these masks or face shields be simple in design. The general guide

for both mask and face shield is that they should preferably be of plain single colour.

Parents should refrain from getting face masks with loud designs for use in school. In

addition, for face shields, it should be the type without an attached hat or cap.

2. Please refer to the following diagram for samples of approved design for face shields

and masks.

Face shields without cap/hat.

Single colour reusable mask.

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Annex C

HPPS 2020 Term 3 School Calendar (Tue 2 Jun to Fri 4 Sep)

Date/Day Event Remarks

Mon, 15 Jun to Fri, 19 June

P6 E-Oral Practice 2020

Mon, 29 Jun to Fri, 3 Jul

TR/WA P3 – P5 (TBC)

Fri, 3 Jul Lock down + EHA

Mon, 6 Jul Youth Day Observed School Holiday

Wed, 15 Jul Commemoration of Racial Harmony Day & Hari Raya Celebration

Fri, 17 Jul PTM for ALL levels P4 Subject-Based Banding (SBB) and Higher Mother Tongue Language (HMTL) briefing

*HBL for ALL levels

Sat, 18 Jul to Sun, 26 Jul

Mid Term Break

Mon, 27 Jul to Tues, 28 Jul

P6 Prelim EL/MT Oral 1.30p.m. -2.30p.m.

Wed, 29 Jul P6 Prelim MT Oral 2.15 p.m. – 3.45p.m.

Fri, 31 Jul Hari Raya Haji Public Holiday

Fri, 7 August *National Day School Celebration

Mon, 10 Aug National Day Observed

School Holiday

Thu, 13 Aug & Fri, 14 Aug

PSLE Oral Examinations P1-P5 pupils do not come to school on these two days *HBL for P1-5

Wed, 19 Aug *P3 GEP Screening Exercise P3 pupils only

Wed, 19 Aug P6 Prelim EL & MT Listening Comprehension

Thu, 20 Aug

P6 Prelim EL Paper 1 & 2

Fri, 21 Aug

P6 Prelim Math

Mon, 24 Aug

P6 Prelim MTL

Tue, 25 Aug

P6 Prelim Science

Wed, 26 Aug P6 Prelim HMTL

Thu, 3 Sept

*Teachers’ Day Celebration

Fri 4 Sept Teachers’ Day

School Holiday

Sat, 5 Sept to Sun, 13 Sept

Term 3 School Vacation

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Annex D

Conversation Starter for parents

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Annex E

Guide on How to Make an Appointment for the Parent - Teacher Meeting

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1) Go to mconline.sg (https://www.mconline.sg/) and log-in using your child’s account:

Child’s account

Student account login ID

[Year of Birth] + HPPS + [last 5 characters of their BC Number]

For example,

A 2020 Primary 1 Pupil with BC Number t1329335e will have a login ID as 13hpps9335e A 2020 Primary 6 Pupil with BC Number t0839335e will have a login ID as 08hpps9335e


In line with password change policies, all students’ account password have been

reset to student20.

2) Click on School admin > Parent-Teacher Meeting: View Form

3) Choose the meeting and click on the form title

Online Zoom Meeting

Online Zoom Meeting

Page 13: o Students will practise frequent hand-washing throughout ... · T3W1 Primary 4, 5, 6 Primary 1, 2, 3 T3W2 Primary 1, 2, 3, 6 Primary 4, 5 T3W3 Primary 4, 5, 6 Primary 1, 2, 3 T3W4

4) Select the available timeslot and enter your name and contact number.

5) Click on Book Selected to confirm the time slot.

Online Zoom Meeting

Page 14: o Students will practise frequent hand-washing throughout ... · T3W1 Primary 4, 5, 6 Primary 1, 2, 3 T3W2 Primary 1, 2, 3, 6 Primary 4, 5 T3W3 Primary 4, 5, 6 Primary 1, 2, 3 T3W4

Appointment Booking with Mother Tongue Teachers

1) Repeat Steps 1 and 2 of Page 1 and 2.

2) Choose the MT meeting and click on the form title

3) Select the available timeslot

4) Click on Book Selected to confirm the time slot.

Online Zoom Meeting

Online Zoom Meeting

Page 15: o Students will practise frequent hand-washing throughout ... · T3W1 Primary 4, 5, 6 Primary 1, 2, 3 T3W2 Primary 1, 2, 3, 6 Primary 4, 5 T3W3 Primary 4, 5, 6 Primary 1, 2, 3 T3W4

Guide on How to Cancel a Booking for the Parent Teacher Meeting Form

1) Go to mconline.sg (https://www.mconline.sg/) and log-in using child’s account.

2) Click on School admin > Parent-Teacher Meeting: View Form

3) Choose the meeting and click on the form title.

Online Zoom Meeting Online Zoom Meeting

Page 16: o Students will practise frequent hand-washing throughout ... · T3W1 Primary 4, 5, 6 Primary 1, 2, 3 T3W2 Primary 1, 2, 3, 6 Primary 4, 5 T3W3 Primary 4, 5, 6 Primary 1, 2, 3 T3W4

4) Click on Cancel My Booking

5) Click OK

6) Click OK

Online Zoom Meeting