NYY 2012 Annual Report

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  • 7/31/2019 NYY 2012 Annual Report






  • 7/31/2019 NYY 2012 Annual Report


    Registered ofceCarlton Lodge

    Carlton Miniott


    North Yorkshire

    YO7 4NJ

    Charity number 1116521Company registration number


    PresidentM Dobson MBE


    John Dennis MBE

    TrusteesC Les - Chairman

    P B Triffitt - Treasurer

    L J Gibbon

    S Collison

    B Hitchen

    L N Baynes

    E Mitchell

    T Roberts

    T Swales

    Company SecretaryT Roberts


    Chipchase Manners384 Linthorpe Road


    TS5 6HA

    BankersLloyds TSB Bank Plc

    Market Place


    YO7 4HB

  • 7/31/2019 NYY 2012 Annual Report


  • 7/31/2019 NYY 2012 Annual Report


    201112 has been a year of

    consolidation and transformation

    at Carlton Lodge. We have made

    significant progress in replacing lost

    business from last year. Newcustomers include Millthorpe School

    from York who brought 118 pupils in

    the last week of the summer term.

    Because we could only offer 98 beds

    in accommodation we housed the

    overflow in two twenty-man scout tents,

    providing the students with sleeping

    bags, mats and pillows - our first foray

    into catered camping packages.

    Another School from York, Manor CE

    Schools came on 3 consecutive 3-day

    inclusive packages, each with 72

    people. We also hosted a group who

    were piloting the Governments new

    National Citizenship Service project,

    a programme with which we will bemuch more engaged in 2012 -13.

    The year saw a successful campaign

    to encourage FE colleges to use

    activities at the Lodge as part of their

    induction programmes. Kirklees and

    Middlesbrough colleges were but two of

    several who benefited from using

    adventurous activities to help youngstudents to get to know each other

    through their shared experiences of

    the day.

    Our Holiday Activity Days have

    become well established in the

    local community as an alternative to

    child care for 8 14 year olds with

    attendance growing throughout

    the year.

    The Family Fun Day at the end of July was

    also attended by over 250 people.

    Through the dedication and energy

    of Miles Bradshaw the Carlton LodgeBursary Fund was established. Carlton

    Lodge was selected by Ladbrookes

    Northallerton Branch as their charity

    of the year, and we also received

    generous grants from many of the Lions

    and Round Table groups around the


    In September 2011 50 volunteers

    from O2 Telefonica carried out

    various tasks around the site as part

    of their Think Big programme. The

    relationship continued into 2012 when

    a second team converted the games

    room into a facility that could be

    used as a dining area, renovating the

    kitchen and preparing the old staffshowers in the Stables to be converted

    into a laundry.

    Finally, as part of the staff re-

    organisation, we recruited seasonal

    facilities staff to replace our previous

    reliance on casual staff supporting the

    housekeeping and catering delivery.

    This was a great success, leading toimproved cost-effectiveness and

    efficiency, as well as increased scores

    on evaluation forms.

    2012-13 promises to be our busiest

    year ever and the foundations built in

    2011-12 will serve as a firm base on

    which to build.

    Mark Faulkner, Head of Centre



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    This year we have continued to support

    our members by carrying out regular

    youth club visits, responding to leader

    concerns and providing usefulresources. We have resumed our

    membership to Keyfund and continue

    to offer young people access to this


    The nature of the support we provide

    to our 45 member clubs is always

    diverse, and this year was no exception.

    Our Fieldworkers continue to provide

    advice and support on developing

    appropriate policies and practices, and

    advice on access to the latest funding,

    resources and activities. In return,

    conditions of membership are followed

    in order to record and demonstrate the

    sectors provision of safe and

    appropriate activities for young people.

    This year saw a significant change

    in the way we report voluntary youth

    activity across the county as we made

    the move to using North Yorkshire

    County Councils Aspire database. The

    intention of this is to allow voluntary

    sector youth work to be recognised and

    recorded in comparable terms along-side statutory provision.

    Finally, congratulations to Richie Bastow,

    our Youth Work Apprentice seconded

    from NYCC. Richie completed his

    apprenticeship earlier this year and

    achieved a level 3 in Youth Work



    The team worked intensively from

    December to promote the scheme

    and secure expressions of interest from

    young people across York and North

    Yorkshire. Progress in recruitment by

    March 2012 was on-target.


    In the coming year we will be

    mapping youth activity from all

    providers and identify potential areas

    for development. We will be offering

    further volunteer training and

    producing tools to help clubs improve

    their safety and increase their


    Our training activity has developed

    since we became an accredited centre

    with OCN. From January to March

    2012 we delivered to 21 learners,

    with 3 learners accumulating the 10credits required for an Award in

    Youth Work Practice. Lucy and Clare

    started an assessor course with OCN,

    and Lucy has also undertaken a Level 4

    course to improve practice.

    We developed a short course as part

    of the Starting Fresh NEET partnership.

    As an accredited provider we can workwith small groups of young people

    as part of their progress towards work,

    training or education.

    Our training programme and Starting

    Fresh work enables us to progress our

    aim of providing devlopment

    opportunities for young people and

    adults, and wil secure our status as atraining provider in North Yorkshire.

    Lucy Gratton, Head of Youth



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    North Yorkshire Youth Limited

    Statement of financial activities (incorporating the income and expenditure account)

    For the year ended 31 March 2012

    Unrestricted Restricted 2012 2011

    funds funds Total Total


    Incoming resources

    Incoming resources from generating funds:

    Voluntary income 2 43,157 247,959 291,116 487,327

    Investment income 3 1,740 - 1,740 2,770

    Incoming resources from charitable activities 4 458,069 - 458,069 414,134

    Total incoming resources 502,966 247,959 750,925 904,231

    Resources expended

    Charitable activities 5 271,597 194,527 466,124 653,053

    Governance costs 7 216,022 85,967 301,989 299,691

    Total resources expended 487,619 280,494 768,113 952,744

    Net incoming/(outgoing) resources for the year /Net income/(expenditure) for the year 15,347 )(32,535 )(17,188 )(48,513

    Total funds brought forward 714,125 78,240 792,365 840,878

    Transfer between funds - - - -

    Total funds carried forward 729,472 45,705 775,177 792,365

    Extracted from the full nancial statements of

    North Yorkshire Youth Limited

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    North Yorkshire Youth Limited

    Balance sheet

    as at 31 March 2012

    2012 2011


    Fixed assets

    Tangible fixed assets 12 1,293,735 1,290,706

    Current assets

    Debtors 13 15,378 11,832

    Bank and cash 11,396 21,312

    26,774 33,144Creditors: amounts falling

    due within one year 14 )(183,556 )(137,435

    Net current liabilities )(156,782 )(104,291

    Total assets less current

    liabilities 1,136,953 1,186,415

    Creditors: amounts falling due

    after more than one year 15 )(361,776 )(394,050

    Net assets 775,177 792,365

    Funds 16

    Restricted income funds 45,705 78,240

    Unrestricted income funds:

    Unrestricted income funds 435,967 420,620

    Revaluation reserve 293,505 293,505

    Total unrestricted income funds 729,472 714,125

    Total funds 775,177 792,365

    The financial statements were approved by the board on 2012 and signed on its behalf by

    C Les


    Extracted from the full nancial statements of

    North Yorkshire Youth Limited

    23 August

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    Last year, I reported that North

    Yorkshire Youth had suffered financially

    from the austerity measures that had

    been implemented by the then new

    Coalition Government. We anticipatedthat these measures would continue to

    adversely affect our historically core

    business in the current year, and we

    therefore undertook a root and branch

    review of all our systems and costs,

    with a view to increasing our efficiency

    and cost effectiveness.

    This review was completed, and

    together with the diversification

    programme facilitated by the Grant

    received from the Governments

    Transition Fund, has placed the

    Organisation in a much stronger

    position to succeed in the current

    challenging economic conditions.


    The measure of our success in

    identifying cost savings and new

    business opportunities is the level of

    Incoming Resources from Charitable

    Activities shown on the Accounts. Our

    income from Booking Fees and

    Awaydays etc has increased from

    414,134 last year to 458,069 this time,an increase of 43,935, or 10.6%.

    In these recessionary times, I believe

    this is a remarkable outcome, and I

    would like to take this opportunity of

    congratulating the Chief Executive

    and the whole of his team on

    achieving this result, and thank them

    for the enormous amount of hard work

    that has been necessary to reach this


    However, there is still much work to

    do. As you will see, the Organisation

    has still incurred a slight overall loss

    of 17,188 in the year, and this needs

    to be reversed in order to put theCharity on a firm financial footing.

    I am confident that the continued cost

    savings and new business will achieve

    that result despite the continuing harsh

    trading conditions.

    In the meanwhile, our Bankers, Lloyds

    TSB, have remained hugely understand-

    ing, approachable and supportive,

    helping us over short-term cash flow

    problems, and generally offering sen-

    sible and prudent financial advice,

    advice that has been reinforced by

    the continued support of our Auditors,

    Chipchase, Manners. My thanks to both

    of these organisations.


    Trading in the current year is on budget,

    and I hope that we will see North

    Yorkshire Youth producing a surplus in

    the year. This is the result that we are all

    striving to achieve, as only by making

    these surpluses can we produce the

    cash we need to continue to improvethe services that we offer to the young

    people of North Yorkshire and the wid-

    er area.

    Philip Triffitt

    Honorary Treasurer.


  • 7/31/2019 NYY 2012 Annual Report




    31 MARCH 2012

    We have examined the summary

    financial statements set out.



    The trustees are responsible for

    preparing the Annual Report. Our

    responsibility is to report to you our

    opinion on the consistency of the

    summary financial statements within

    the Annual Report with the full annualaccounts and trustees report.

    We also read the other information

    contained in the Annual Report and

    consider the implications for our report

    if we become aware of any apparent mis-

    statements or material inconsistencies

    with the summary financial statements.


    In our opinion, the summary financial

    statements are consistent with the full

    annual accounts and trustees report of

    North Yorkshire Youth Limited for the

    year ended 31 March 2012. Copies of

    the full accounts will be lodged with

    the Charities Commission and can be

    obtained from North Yorkshire YouthLimited.

    Chipchase Manners, 23rd July 2012



    The accommodation was brilliant and the food and service excellent.Youth Worker, Hull

    Ive left my fear behind because of your help and your instructors thank you!

    Lizzie, aged 10


    Ive seen some of them show skills and behaviour they normally hide - they made

    me very proud.

    Learning Mentor

    The training has enabled us to improve greatly the service we provide to our youngpeople in terms of providing informal information and guidance and safe practice.

    Training Participant, Tadcaster.


    The Youth Club has improved immensely over the last 18 months with the

    advice and support given to us by NYY. The facility has been able to recruit more

    volunteers and the junior and senior groups have benefited greatly from the

    support given by the team.

    Volunteer Youth Worker, Hambleton

    Always nice to know theres expert advice when needed - dont know what we

    would have done without them.

    Youth Club Volunteer, North Yorkshire



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    Sherburn Youth Club

    South Milford Youth Club

    Huby Youth ClubSinderby & District Youth Club

    Sherburn in Elment Youth Drop In

    Topcliffe Youth Club

    Sidewalk Detached Youth Project

    Wolds Valley Youth

    The Fire Place

    Ebberston Youth Group


    Snape Youth Group

    Hellifield Youth

    Sheriff Hutton Youth Club

    Thirsk Clock

    Can Do

    InterActive Whitby & District

    Wistow Youth Club

    Glusburn Theatre School

    Moor Lane Youth CafeVale of Mowbray Senior Section

    Sinnington Youth Club

    Pickering Town Youth Council

    Ripon Youth Theatre

    Osmotherley Youth Club

    East Harsley Village Hall Youth Club

    Melmerby Youth ClubHovingham Youth Group

    Stainforth Youth Club

    Ryedale Youth Theatre

    Allhallowgate Drop In

    Ampleforth Youth Club

    Malham Youth Group

    Carthorpe Youth Club

    Bentham Youth Cafe

    Ripon Cathedral Youth Group


    Scarborough Amateur Boxing Club

    X:Talk Youth Group

    East Coast Tigers

    Hunmanby Young Peoples


    North Stainley Youth Club

    Hambleton & Richmondshire YoungCarers

    Pheonix Explorer Scouts

    Lower Wensleydale Youth Project

    NYY MEMBERS 2011-12

    Our membership in the year 2011-12 comprised the following clubs and

    projects for young people:

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    North Yorkshire County Council

    North Yorkshire Police Why Should They? Fund

    The Skipton Building Society Charitable Foundation

    The North Face Explore Fund EU

    Transition Fund (Cabinet Office / Big Fund)


    BJ Shaw

    The Willis Family

    Mr. Paul Smith

    Miles Bradshaw

    Brett Edgeworth

    And all our donors through Virgin Giving and Just Giving,

    too numerous to list!


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    North Yorkshire YouthCarlton LodgeCarlton Miniott

    ThirskNorth Yorkshire

    YO7 4NJ

    Registered Charity No: 1116521.

    Registered in England No: 5883684

    t: 01845 522 145www.nyy.org.uk