NXT : Not A Bitcoin Clone Expanded Usability Bitcoin is “just a coin”, as a re its clones. NXT uses completely new Java code to make a revolutionary new “coin” very different from Bitcoin, AND a wide variety of exciting new financial services as well. Network Simplicity The Bitcoin network requires competitive Proof-of Work (PoW) GHash/sec mining using expensive, power-hungry custom ASIC nodes. The NXT network uses cooperative Proof-of-Stake (PoS) transparent forging, immune to “51% attacks”, running on $35, 4W commodity Raspberry Pi nodes. Transaction Rapidity Bitcoin uses 10+ minutes/block for a max throughput of 7 transactions per sec (TPS) using a 16GB (a nd gr owing) b lockchain. NXT currently takes 1 minute per block at 4.5 TPS, with improvements coming in block timing speedup and routine chain pruning to support eventual “instant” transactions with guaranteed confirmation at 1000 TPS. True Anonymity Bitcoin transactions between wallets are recorded forever on i ts blockchain. NXT is adding code to achieve true transaction anonymity by implementing both “mixing” and the no-trust- needed zerocoin / zerocash protocol developed at John Hopkins University. Active Community 5000+ NXTers from 50+ countries are united in a friendly online communit y. We don’t just talk, we act. We’re growing fast. Please, come join us! A Ac ccep pt t  NX XT T T To od day y W Wi i t t h h Coi inpay yment ts s.net t V VENDO OR R S S WEL LC CO OMED!  Mee et a NX XT T c co onf f er re enc ce e re ep no ow w: T Twee et t @ @ne ew w2nx xt t N NX XT T G Go oes F Ful l l l  O Op pen S Sour rc ce A Apr ri i l l  4 4, , 2 20 01 14 4 CODER R S S W WELCOMED! Ne w w T To N NX XT T?  www.new2nxt.com DISCOVER N N X X T T  www.new2nxt.com

NXT Brochure Draft

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8/12/2019 NXT Brochure Draft

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NXT : Not A Bitcoin Clone

Expanded UsabilityBitcoin is “just a coin”, as are its clones. NXT uses

completely new Java code to make a revolutionary

new “coin” very different from Bitcoin, AND a wide

variety of exciting new financial services as well.

Network SimplicityThe Bitcoin network requires competitive Proof-of

Work (PoW) GHash/sec mining using expensive,

power-hungry custom ASIC nodes. The NXT

network uses cooperative Proof-of-Stake (PoS) 

transparent forging, immune to “51% attacks”, 

running on $35, 4W commodity Raspberry Pi nodes.

Transaction RapidityBitcoin uses 10+ minutes/block for a max

throughput of 7 transactions per sec (TPS) using a16GB (and growing) blockchain. NXT currently

takes 1 minute per block at 4.5 TPS, with

improvements coming in block timing speedup and

routine chain pruning to support eventual “instant”

transactions with guaranteed confirmation at 1000 TPS. 

True AnonymityBitcoin transactions between wallets are recorded

forever on its blockchain. NXT is adding code to

achieve true transaction anonymity  by

implementing both “mixing” and the no-trust-needed zerocoin / zerocash protocol developed at

John Hopkins University.

Active Community5000+ NXTers from 50+ countries are united in a

friendly online community. We don’t just talk, we

act. We’re growing fast. Please, come join us!

AAcccceepptt NNXXTT TTooddaayy WWiitthh CCooiinnppaayymmeennttss..nneett 


MMeeeett aa NNXXTT ccoonnf f eerreennccee rreepp nnooww:: 

TTwweeeett @@nneeww22nnxxtt 

NNXXTT GGooeess FFuullll OOppeenn SSoouurrccee AApprriill 44,, 22001144 


NNeeww TToo NNXXTT?? 





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  Drink from the firehose at our NXT “pub” thread…if you dare: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=345619.0

NXT First 100 Days : WOW

As of early March 2014, NXT has shown it is more

than “just a coin”.  As a 2nd  generation

cryptocurrency written from the ground up in new

Java code, NXT has rolled out numerous financial

service capabilities  that will revolutionize the

crypto world  – with many more to come!  New PC

wallets and clients  are out, as well as a detailed

business plan and upcoming NXT IPO for NXT

Mobile Apps Co. that aims to bring the NXT

ecosystem to iOS and Android smartphones. As an

alternative to long, complex transfer addresses,

NXT offers a text “alias” registration system on its

blockchain with over 60,000 registered in its first

100 days. NXT has demonstrated new altcoin

creation  atop its blockchain that will soon allow

anyone  to create their own new PoW/PoS coins,

not just a limited programmer priesthood. Most

significantly, NXT has a parallel testnet CURRENTLY

TESTING crypto-signed peer-to-peer Asset

Exchange (AE). In addition to working with user

defined assets, NXT AE gateways are being

established with direct connection to other altcoin

transaction clients such as Doge. The goal: Trade

Doge peer-to-peer on NXT! This unique capability

will soon offer a real alternative to existing

exchanges. Don’t wait on ethereal vaporware - join

us in testing NXT Exchange TODAY!

NXT Future Days : to da moon!

Speaking of exchanges: Cryptsy is coming!  On the

Feb 8 Let’s Talk Bitcoin #82 podcast at 13:30, “Big

Vern” of Cryptsy commented: "[NXT] is not a cookie

cutter coin…technical implementation [at Crypsy] is

going to take a little more time...it's popular…it’s

fair…I feel comfortable with [NXT].” 

NNXXTT IIss GGrreeeenn Ecological? Financial? BOTH !!!

Bitcoin depends utterly on a small mining node

network fighting for their cut of 3600 newly minted

Bitcoins per day. The only thing keeping Bitcoin

from freezing up (at $500-$1000 BTC price) is$1.8M-$3.6M of daily inflation  ($0.6-$1.2 BILLION

per year!) that pays for its ongoing required 25

million (and rising!) GHash/s of wasted computing.

A typical miner “pickaxe” is a Butterfly Lab Monarch

costing $2000 and using 350W of power to produce

600 GHash/sec. Using these numbers, the current

Bitcoin mining network has sunk unit infrastructure

costs of at least $83 million  and (at $0.10/KwH)

ongoing electricity costs of at least $35,000 per day.

Bitcoin gear and power costs are rising ever faster.Exponential growth of Bitcoin’s hashrate (see

blockchain.info/charts/hashrate) means mining rigs

and energy use are destined to  skyrocket out of

control. Bitcoin (and clones like Doge) by their very

nature are wasteful and ultimately destined to fail. 

NXT solves this problem sustainably. By using PoS

cooperative transparent forging, not PoW

competitive gigahash mining, NXT has no

exponential forcing function at its core that drives

its costs and energy consumption ever higher. A

NXT blockchain support network of 1000 Odroid U3

nodes has a one-time unit infrastructure cost of

only $60 thousand  and uses only $48 per day  in

electricity. Forever.

Learn more:www.new2nxt.com

The NXT Bottom LineLast Nov 24, a billion NXT were distributed to 100

founders who sent a Bitcoin or less to a Bitcointalk

[ANN] thread open for six weeks to the public. You

could have been founder 101. Since then, the

Dgex.com and Bter.com exchanges have enabled

well over a half-billion NXT “coins” to change handsfor under 0.1 mBTC each in only 90 days. NXT’s

parity dilution target price with BTC is 120X higher.


Key ongoing events: full open source code April 4;

continuing new feature announcements; listing of

NXT on Cryptsy and BTC38; and growing Chinese

acceptance of NXT as cheap and non-inflationary.

As a 100% Proof of Stake (PoS) “coin”,  NXT doesn’t

mine (create) inflationary new coins daily like BTC – 

it only forges (recycles) existing ones. PoS allows

cooperative selection of NXT node operators

(forgers, in the blacksmith sense of the term) to

generate new blocks in proportion to the total NXT

“coins” (or “stake”) they already own . They use

cheap CPU computers to receive transaction feesembedded in blocks they create and add to the NXT

blockchain. This method yields a small return on

current holdings – like savings account interest –but

enables a huge potential transaction time speedup.

NXT is a new, stable financial service ecosystem 

based on non - inflationary “coins” and cooperating,

cheap, speedy nodes. Watch out, BTC. NXT is here!