NWARW Gen Mtg Minutes 04-06-2015

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General Meeting Minutes for the Northwest Austin Republican Women - April 2015

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NWARW Minutes April 6, 2015General Meeting


President, Cassie Daniel called the meeting to order and Chaplain, Chris Sale led us in an opening prayer. Jean Crawford and Susan Friedrich led the pledges to the American and the Texas flags.

Vice President, Membership, Michele Samuelson introduced our guests, candidates, and elected officials. Guests at this meeting were Brandon Simon, Aich Awtoul, Kay Hays, Andi Ball, Amy Hurst, Abeer Syed, Madeline Mclean, Dalton Moore, and James Dickey. Candidates present were Deke Pierce, for Pct 2 Constable; Mark Axford, for PEC District 1; and Bill Kelberlau, for Williamson County Sheriff.

PROGRAM: 2nd Vice President - Programs, Terri Flow introduced our speaker, Michael Quinn Sullivan with Texans for Fiscal Responsibility who gave an extremely informative talk on the status of various bills currently in Texas Congress. The bills discussed involved taxes, spending, and government accountability. Mr. Sullivan encouraged us all to contact our congressmen and Governor Abbott regarding these issues in order to keep Texas fiscally conservative and our lawmakers accountable.


A list of members in attendance was filed. A quorum of voting members was present.

Officer Reports:

Recording Secretary, Rhonda Murphy Minutes from the March meeting were accepted and filed.

Treasurer, Olga Lasher reported our balance as $3,513.02.

1st VP-Membership, Michele Samuelson reported our club has 34 active members and 15 associate members. Our club membership handbook will either be distributed at our May meeting or mailed to members as it came back from the printers with several problems that needed correcting. Michele also reported that new club nametags will soon be available.

2nd VP-Programs, Terri Flow announced our May speaker will be Jody Rushton, President of Texas Federation of Republican Women.

Corresponding Secretary, Cindy Osborne reported on grandchildren born to club members, Olga Lasher and Susan Friedrich. She also reported receiving a very nice thank you email from Hope Alliance, last months Caring for America project. Several of our members had family members pass away this month: Kathie Holliman, Melinda Field, and Judy Moore. She will be sending condolences from the club. Other members currently dealing with health issues are Jean Crawford, and also Jen Strattons daughter has pneumonia.

Committee Reports:

Campaign Activities: Members were reminded to turn their hours in to Carolyn Isbell.

Caring for America: Chair Susan Friedrich also reminded members to turn in their hours. This months project is for Hearts of Purpose Journals. Checks and cash can also be accepted. Next months project will be announced by email.

Hospitality: Chair Elaine Lehmann has need of volunteers to serve as greeters for our monthly meetings. A sign-up sheet was passed around the room.

Legislative: A chair is needed for this committee. Terri Flow reported that the Federal government is in recess until April 12 at which time they will return and discuss issues related to Iran. Upcoming Presidential Debates will be August 15th and September 16th. Ted Cruz has declared and Marco Rubio and Rand Paul will soon follow. The Texas Presidential Primary will be held only 330 days from today. In Texas, Representative Tony Dale has a link discussing his perspective on the budget.

Telephone: Chair Jean Crawford needs 1 more volunteer to call about 6 people per month informing them of the monthly meeting, lunch menu and Caring for America project.

Literacy: A chair is needed for this committee. It involves helping with the Constitution and Dictionary Day projects. This committee will also organize a project donating books to local school libraries. We have books available to donate from Chairman Munisteri. Other: Jean Crawford attended a recent Travis County Voter Registrar Training. She announced that this training is put on every month and more Republicans are needed to be trained. You do not need to live in Travis County to attend the training. Voter Registration Cards must match your ID in order to vote in Texas. There will be more information soon about club involvement in this effort.

New Business:

TFRW Belles & Boots Ball, April 15th Volunteers are needed to help at check-in and the silent auction. Let Cassie know if you would like to volunteer. Dress is Western or cocktail attire.


See agenda attached.

Michele Samuelson encouraged everyone to be informed regarding local elections. She has 3 books in the back available for members to read and share. She also has voter registration cards and NWARW membership applications available at the back table.

The TFRW Board meeting will be April 17th and club members are encouraged to attend as this will allow us to receive points for our club.

We will be continuing our Caring for America projects through the summer. Our Summer Happy Hour schedule will be coming out soon. Our Annual Republican Round-Up Event will be held in the fall.

The next Executive Committee meeting will be held on Friday, April 10th at 11:30am at Big Daddys Burgers on Hwy. 183 at Burnet Rd.

The next General Meeting will be held on Monday, May 4th at Dave & Busters Restaurant, 11:15 am social and 11:45 am meeting.

Rhonda MurphyRecording Secretary

April 6, 2015 p. 2