1 NUWC Innovation Successes and Current Innovation Thrusts Innovation in Oceanography, Ocean Engineering, Defense and Marine Trades Symposium University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography November 4, 2013 Pierre Corriveau, PhD Chief Technology Officer Naval Undersea Warfare Center Newport, Rhode Island [email protected] 401-832-2724 Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited. This Brief is provided for Information Only and does not constitute a commitment on behalf of the U.S. government to provide additional information.

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NUWC Innovation Successes and Current Innovation Thrusts

Innovation in Oceanography, Ocean Engineering, Defense and Marine Trades Symposium

University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography

November 4, 2013

Pierre Corriveau, PhDChief Technology Officer

Naval Undersea Warfare Center

Newport, Rhode Island

[email protected]

401-832-2724Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited. This Brief is provided for Information

Only and does not constitute a commitment on behalf of the U.S. government to provide additional information.

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Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited. This Brief is provided for Information Only and does not constitute a commitment on behalf of the U.S.

government to provide additional information and / or sale of the system.

• NUWC Overview• What is Innovation?• Technology Innovations

– Submarine• UUVs• Virtual• Physics Based Modeling

– ADCAP (checking on public release?)– UUVs/Handlers

– Surface Ship• No foul• Physics Based Modeling (PBM)

– Light Weight Torpedoes– Fabrics (NAVATECH)

AgendaSupporting NUWC S&T, ILIR & IAR

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Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited. This Brief is provided for Information Only and does not constitute a commitment on behalf of the U.S.

government to provide additional information and / or sale of the system.

Mission and Vision



The Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division Newport provides research, development, test and evaluation,

engineering, analysis and assessment, and fleet support capabilities for submarines, autonomous underwater

systems, and offensive and defensive undersea weapon systems, and stewards existing and emerging technologies

in support of undersea warfare. Executes other responsibilities as assigned by the Commander, Naval Undersea

Warfare Center.

Undersea Superiority: Today and Tomorrow

NUWC Movie

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A Bridge from Concept to Capability

Prototyping Test & EvaluationUndersea Warfare Analysis

ResearchDevelopment Acquisition

Life-cycle Support

Partnering with Industry and Academia to Deliver Systems from Concept to Capability

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government to provide additional information and / or sale of the system.

Combat Control SystemsActive and Passive Acoustic Sonar SystemsFire Control SystemsHull-Mounted, Fixed and Towed ArraysTowed Array Handling SystemsAcoustic Transducers & WindowsAntennasExterior Comms

Electronic WarfarePeriscopes & Imaging SystemsMissilesLaunchersTorpedo System, Including Propulsion, Payloads, and SoftwareUnmanned Undersea VehiclesCountermeasures

Division Newport Areas of ExpertiseSubmarine Technology

Submarine Unmanned Aircraft Systems

Periscopes & Antennas


Sonar Room



Spherical Array


Torpedoes Launchers

Hull ArraysTowed Arrays


Towed ArrayHandlers

Combat Control Systems

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government to provide additional information and / or sale of the system.

Division Newport Areas of Expertise Surface Ship Technology

Surface Ship Sonar

Surface Ship USW Offensive and Defensive Systems,Including Torpedo Recognition and Alertment

ASW Modules for Unmanned Surface Vehicles

Sonar Processing


Towed ArraysAnd Transmitters


Towed ArrayHandlers


Remote Vehicles

Torpedo Tubes

Littoral Combat ShipMission Modules

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government to provide additional information and / or sale of the system.


Precisely Controlled, Instrumented Environments Enable the Most Cost-Effective Method of Bringing Systems from Conceptualization to In-Service

Wind Tunnel

Land-BasedIntegrated Test Site

Anechoic Chamber

SubmarineRadio Room


Over WaterAntenna Arch

SubmarineBridge Trainer


Unique USW Facilities and Ranges

• State-of-the-art simulations and networking

• Reduce cost, risk, and development time

• Highly specialized for USW

• Full life cycle applicationUSW

Launcher Lab

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government to provide additional information and / or sale of the system.

NUWC Newport AUV Capabilities




•Maintain Situation

Awareness (SA)

•Plan/ Replan/ Optimize

•Monitor sortie plan

•Preserve high level

system safety

Programming and Control System

(Collocated Authorized Client)



•Execute PL plan *

•Control PL elements

•Monitor PL status

•Monitor/report PL PMFM

•Track (SA) processing *

Low Level Hardware Safeties

Vehicle Subsystem Payload (PL) Subsystem




•Recording *

•Actuators *

Local Comms

UUV System Control Authority

Or Payload Data End User(Remote Authorized Client)

Remote Comms

Local Comms

PL commands, PL

nav data

PL status, PL

PMFM, sensor data,

maneuver / comms


Vehicle status,

Nav data, Vehicle

PMFL, Vehicle

sensor data, Comms




Comms data

PL element


PL element

status, PL

sensor data



•Control Vehicle elements

•Preserve UUV safety

•Monitor vehicle status

•Monitor/report PMFL

•Relay comms data




Comms data

Vehicle element

status, Vehicle

sensor data,

Comms data

Alternate Remote Comms

Standard Communications paths

Optional Communications paths











UUV System * If applicable

Structural & CFD Analysis

Autonomous Architecture

Navigational Technologies

Energy Alternatives

Shock & Vib Analysis

Novel Designs

System Integrations

Acoustic Test Facility

Anechoic Chamber

Fleet SIM Exercises

EMI Testing

HWIL TestingAt Sea OperationsShipping & Handling

Wind & Water Tunnels

Sub Launch Tubes

Battery Charging



AUV Division Lab Range Support Inner Range Outer Range


NUWC Newport, RI


Mission CONOP Support - Acquisition Support - Sensor & Communications Development

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• 4,698 Total Work Years, (Gov’tand Contracted)

• $935M Total Funding

• $581M to local economy for payroll, contracts, construction, and services purchased



2,578 NUWC Personnel


Types of Employment Civil Service Contract Est Overall

Engineering / Science

Professional Administrative

Technical Support

Administrative / Clerical

Wage Grade

TOTAL** Figures include detachments

72% Of Our Workforce are Engineers and ScientistsAdvanced Degrees - 161 PhDs (6%) and 834 Masters (36%)

NUWC Impact On Southern New England

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government to provide additional information and / or sale of the system.

• Do something better, faster, stronger, or utilizing less resources

• Use some thing to do something else

• Develop a new thing

• Combine multiple things to something better, faster, stronger, less resources, …

What is “Innovation”?

New – first instance of thing

Novel –different use of thing


“thing” with known use

“thing” with unknown use


Known & understood

Known & not understood


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government to provide additional information and / or sale of the system.

Analysis Supported Innovation

• Develop and support current, incremental, radical, and disruptive things

• Assess level of performance/underperformance for: – known, unknown, understood, and not understood

Ideation Incubation Development Transition

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government to provide additional information and / or sale of the system.


Quick turn-around

< 2 yrs.

Near-term w/in POM; ~5 yrs.

Mid-term Navy after next

Far-termw/in POR lifecycle beyond known requirements and gaps

Futurewhat could be coming from the “as yet unknown”

Analysis Supported Innovation


Incremental Better, faster, stronger, …

Radical Previously undefined use or area

Disruptive Gain advantage in known use or area

ProcessAbility to support and/or develop Incremental, Radical, or Disruptive



System/ Component/ Tactical

Capability/ Theater-level/ Operational



Attributes for

Successful Capability

Technical Feasibility

Military Utility

Operational Feasibility

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Pre- ADCAP MODS Shock Qual Program-Strictly Shock Testing-



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Rigid Body Dynamics

Multidisciplinary Physics-Based Modeling (PBM)


Legend: Surface


Legend: Field

T = 0.15 T = 0.25

T = 0.15 T = 0.25

Heat TransferBuckling

Stress Analysis Electromagnetic

HydrodynamicsStructural Acoustics


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government to provide additional information and / or sale of the system.

ADCAP Mods Shock Qualification PBM

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UNDEX Shock Modeling of ADCAP in Tube


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- Models growing ever larger and more complicated

- Computational resources increasing in capability

- More and more complex mechanics being simulated

- Meanwhile: accuracy improving (i.e., “last 5%”)

LMRS UUV Forward Cradle Energy Handling System

Individual Battery Cells within

Energy Section

(contact throughout)

Nearly half million finite elements in model

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Secure Network (Secret System High, OC-3 155Mbps)DS-3 (45 Mbsp)


External Connectivity





• DEP (Future)


• Australia

• UK

• Canada


• EB

• Raytheon

• Lockheed/Martin

• Northrop Grumman


Underwater Tracking Ranges



ESM Test Bed

• AN/BLQ-10






Combat Control System

Laboratory (CCSL)

Virtual Submarine

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government to provide additional information and / or sale of the system.

Submarine Bridge Trainer

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Virtual Worlds Create an Ecosystem

Immersive LearningConferencing

Scenario SimulationDistributed M&S


Command & ControlInternational


Virtual NUWC version 2.0 in Second Life™

Multiple Applications Occurring Simultaneous in a Single Environment

All source material released for Public Distribution11/11/2013


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AnalysisExperimental Data Playback and Visualization

• VWs used for real-time playback* of experimental data within a virtual CACC (e.g., DDCS-C, streaming video, personnel location, individual voice)

• Filtered Information is visualized (e.g., line-of-sight is green) during playback

Audio Flow

Visual Flow

Control Flow

Elect. Flow

Eye Tracking

Supports Playback and Visualization of Experimentation

• Can expose many types of information such as: Human Comms, Team Structures, Task Flow, Mind Maps, Automation, etc. and is analyst determined

• Can visually compare information components side-by-side with baseline event data.

• Can visually link experimental events to performance metrics

Data Flow Diagram

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ExperimentationVirtual C2 Demonstration


Virtual C2



Performance as

Physical C2

Remote, Distributed Access


Virtual C2 Space Actual Tactical Systems

Team C2 on Tactical System


Virtual Performance Collected from Within VW Can Be Compare to Physical

• Supports distributed

team dynamics

• Enables virtual

COOPEX and team


• Enables Integration of

legacy and prototype


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government to provide additional information and / or sale of the system.



Virtual C2 Implications

Marine COC

Implications:• Can create any virtual C2

environment (platform level or

theater level or combination),

insert real fleet operators (all

blue or blue on red), give

them access to actual tactical

displays (with real or

simulated data) and

prototyped functions and be

able to conduct experiments

assessing team performance

or the environment’s

performance compared to a


Shared BYG-1 TI-06


*Run August 200911/11/2013 23All source material released for Public Distribution

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government to provide additional information and / or sale of the system.

Persistent Littoral Undersea Surveillance(PLUS) User Operational Evaluation System (UOES)

Mission: • Semi-Autonomous Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW)

in the littoral environment

Description: • Command & Control Center can be run from

anywhere around the globe

• Networked in-water system:- Unmanned Undersea Vehicles (UUV) with passive

sensors- Gliders

Platforms: • Craft of Opportunity

- UUVs can be launched from almost any surface craft with a winch/crane & adequate storage


– Effective, adaptive & persistent surveillance of multiple quiet targets over large littoral areas

ACAT: Pre AcquisitionTechnology & Development Phase









ts Gliders

Launch & Recovery

UUVs &



Command & Control

Real Time

UUV Control
















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Iceberg Imaging & Environmentally Aided Navigation

The unmanned glider used during the Greenland expedition by a team from the Division is shown on the deck of the M/V Cape Race, the vessel that was used for the research project.

Image of the iceberg taken by the glider

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government to provide additional information and / or sale of the system.

Recent Surface Ship Successes….

The left panel is a control made from EPDM containing 0% DCOIT the right

panel is 3% DCOIT

Neoprene/DCOIT: Composite Surface Ship SONAR Bow Dome Program (PEO-IWS-5B) intends to use this material for its boot

Large amount of sea life has settled on the untreated panel.No grooming/cleaning has been applied to the panels

Narragansett Bay ResultsApril – November 2009

“No-Foul” Elastomers

Joint program

with NSWC


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Mechanics research was conducted to identify/investigate key

architectural parameters for improving dynamic energy absorption

levels in woven fabrics and composites.

Crimp-imbalance, defined using the ratio of crimp contents among

warp and weft reinforcing fibers, was successfully identified and

evaluated using highly robust numerical models.

Crimp-imbalance, which decouples the transmissibility

of stress waves along fiber directions, was shown to

significantly increase energy absorption capacities by

up to 20%. The governing energy balance showed

that greater energy transfer occurred through

dissipative means (i.e.; inter-fiber friction and damping)

rather than through strain energy mechanisms.

Numerical models were developed using single-ply,

woven fabrics constructed of High Performance Fibers

subjected to FSP projectiles for both normal and

oblique angles of incidence.

The effects of functionally-graded crimp-imbalance in

multi-layered systems will be shown to provide

increased energy absorption levels and tailoring for

specific threats.

Crimp-Imbalanced Protective (CRIMP) Fabrics & Composites

(U.S. Patent Pending)





• Technology Sponsor:

Army Research Laboratory

Weapons & Materials Directorate

• Principal Investigator:

Paul Cavallaro

Code 702, Mechanics of Advanced Structures & Materials Team

Comm: (401) 832-5082

Email: [email protected]

FY09 – CY10 Accomplishments:

• U.S. Patent Application filed (Navy Case # 99,125).

• Single-ply, numerical models and results published in NUWC TR#

11,957 entitled “Crimp-Imbalanced Protective (CRIMP) Fabrics”.

• Single-ply, analytical solutions and results published in NUWC TR#

11,970 entitled “Crimp-Imbalanced Protective (CRIMP) Fabrics: An

Analytical Investigation into the Relationship Between Crimp Contents,

Energy Absorption, and Fabric Ballistic Performance”.

• Publication in Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics entitled:

“Mechanics of Energy Absorbability in Plain-Woven Fabrics: An

Analytical Approach”.

• Research presentation as invited speaker at CompositesWorld’s 2010

High Performance Fibers Conference, Nov 9-10, Charleston, SC.

• Publication and presentation at ASME’s 2010 International Mechanical

Engineering Congress & Exposition, Nov 15-17, Vancouver, Canada.



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Cavitation on Swept Foils7.2 m/sRec = 7.5 x 105

5000 frames/s Humpback

whale fin

What is the purpose of the bumps on the fin?

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Biorobotic Technologies for Vehicle Autonomy

• 6 independently-controlled flapping fins

• Demonstrated 6 DOF precise maneuvering

• Low emitted hydrodynamic noise

• Power savings relative to Cross-Tunnel Thrusters

Low-speed maneuvering in a confined space:

Yawing in-place

Lateral Translation


Pitch Yaw

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Bio-inspired Design

MURI Bio-inspired Vehicleo Endurance o Sea Keepingo Autonomous controlo Environmental sensingo Maneuverability

Opportunities for Synergy?Exploit energy efficiencies & scavenging; Maneuverability; Autonomy; sensors

NUWC is charged with developing the feasibility to construct an autonomous DNS acoustic platform based on EAP

NUWC Smart Sensoro Persistenceo Behavior based Autonomyo Acoustic sensingo Propulsion

The Jellyfish NodeVideos Jellyfish

Smart Jellyfish

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• High velocity results in low pressure along the projectile body

• At low enough pressures, the water vaporizes

• Bubble envelops body

• Skin friction is greatly reduced (order of magnitude)

• The body must be designed for stable flight riding in cavity

Supercavitation enables very high speed and extended range

Still Image 10-1 Bi-Conic projectile in cavity




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Development Status• Patent -NUWC has licensed this Patent Technology with SCITECH Medical

• Patent Holders (Lynn Antonelli, PhD and John Lomba) received royalties for their invention

• ALSO- Lynn mentored several Naval Research Enterprise Internship Program (NRIEP) students who helped in developing the technology

Patent Example

Remote Optical Detection of Physiological Signals

Patent Developed an optical, non-contact method for remote

sensing of cardiac pulse signals in humans and animals

using a laser interferometer .

Dual-Use application of Naval Technology (laser sonar) and the use of students made this development possible

Patient’s head and neck

Laser Beam


•Benefits• Casualty care for immediate trauma state evaluation

• Non-contact detection without adding patient distress

• Pulse readings in challenging situations and


• battlefield triage, burn victims, neo-natal, veterinary.

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• Stable, Long Term Investments– Stewardships

• High Risk, High Payoff R&D

Foreign Military SalesArmament Cooperation

ProgramsData Exchange Agreements

Technical Cooperation Programs

Cooperative Research and Development Agreements

Collaboration on a Global Basis

DoD Partners

• Basic Research, Fundamental Ideas, Scientific Talent Pool

– 21 Educational Partnership Agreements

– 56 Cooperative R&D Agreements


International Components

• Demo/Validation, Production– Cooperative Research &

Development Agreements (CRADA)

– Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)


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government to provide additional information and / or sale of the system.

Undersea Dominance

Top 10 S&T USW Challenges• Deployment

High energy power sources with efficient self-healing power management system capable of autonomous recharge and safety certification

Amorphous low form factor launch & recovery methods, continuous guidance, control and navigation for singular and multiple (mixed) UxVs with perceptual decision making capability to optimize mission success.

• Sensing/Processing Innovative approaches to reduce false alarms and false positives while maintaining a high probability of

correct classification in the presence of high clutter, multipath, and otherwise adverse environmental conditions to increase automation.

Inexpensive persistent sensors (and sensor fields) with in sensor (and group) processing using low power consumption circuitry, long endurance power sources with in-situ regeneration capacity.

• Communications Safe, reliable, time-sensitive, high data rate underwater communications at tactical speeds and depths. Reliable, secure data links and antennas for line-of-sight and beyond line-of-sight connectivity to enable

command, control, and communications for all USW assets, including submarines, UxVs, and distributed USW systems.

• Command and Control (C&C) UxV autonomy and autonomous control, including improvements in intelligent software agents for decision

making. Auto-reconfigurable, open architecture environment w/ability to automatically fuse multilevel security data

(on-board and off board in an effective networked environment) into a common picture with interactive data visualization for multilevel decision making.

• Engagement High speed reaction, invisible/stealthy long range, miniature weapons to neutralize seabed targets, cripple

high value assets and attack against swarms; single user environmentally friendly weapons. Organic soft and hard kill counterweapons capable of ship self defense

Technology to enable electronic warfare including the ability to blind adversary sensors, disrupt, infiltrate and spook cyber systems. To permit time critical strikes against distant land and surface targets; quick reaction strikes against fast small high-speed boats and ASW aircraft through the integration of High Energy Laser and/or kinetic weapon systems.

Updated March 2013