Nutrition Ashley White

Nutrition Ashley White. Carbohydrates Two types: 1.) Simple: “simple sugars” refined sugars white sugars in candy Sugars in nutritious foods (fruit

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NutritionAshley White

CarbohydratesTwo types:1.) Simple: “simple sugars” refined sugars white sugars in candy Sugars in nutritious foods (fruit and milk) No added sugar to nutritious group

2.) Complex: “starches” Grain products: bread, crackers, pasta, rice Unrefined are better options: -vitamins, minerals, rich in fiber Refined are processed (removes nutrients and fiber): -white flour, white rice


Watch protein intake, protein has limited storing-excess turns into fat Repair muscle tissue after anaerobic exercises

Amino AcidsUsed for: hair, skin,

nails, building muscle, bones, immune system, build and repair tissues,

make enzymes, hormones

Good Protein:White-meats, yogurt,

cheese, milk (skim or low-fat), eggs, beans, pork

tenderloin, soy, lean beef


• Types: Monounsaturated Polyunsaturated Saturated Trans

o Mono + poly: good for heart, cholesterol, overall healtho Sat + Tran: increase risk of disease and increase cholesterol o Total fat should be limited to 20-35% of calorie intakeo Highest energy source (9g) o Burn off from aerobic exercises

Mono+ Poly=“good” Fats

Sat+ Tran= “bad” Fats


Types:A, C, D, E, B1, B3, B2, B12, B6, B9

Vitamin Chart


• Types:Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus,

Potassium, Zinc

Mineral Chart