Nursing in Research in Malawi

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  • 7/26/2019 Nursing in Research in Malawi


    Involvement of Nurses inResearch in Malawi

    Alfred Maluwa, PhD

    Research Director

    University of MalawiKamuzu Collee of Nursin

    !lo"al #ealth Research $aunch Meetin

    Kamuzu Collee of Nursin

    %th&cto"er, '()'*

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  • 7/26/2019 Nursing in Research in Malawi


  • 7/26/2019 Nursing in Research in Malawi



    In the University of Malawi, +romotionof faculty is "ased on +u"lication in

    +eer reviewed ournals

    -aculty at KCN have to teach students.

    su+ervise them durin clinical andcommunity +lacements. set,administer and mar/ e0aminations

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  • 7/26/2019 Nursing in Research in Malawi


  • 7/26/2019 Nursing in Research in Malawi



    -aculty of KCN have to meet the fouressential elements of universityeducation1

    a2 ena"lin students to ac3uire s/ills and/nowlede in +re+aration for +racticeafter they raduate

    "2 e3ui++in students with +ro"lem4solvin s/ills

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  • 7/26/2019 Nursing in Research in Malawi



    c* eneration of new /nowlede for the"ene5t of the nursin 6 midwifery+rofession and the wider community,

    d* transmission and +reservation of society7svalues*

    8he challene is on how to "alance theim+ortance of teachin, nursin +ractice,and research 6+u"lications

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    Im+ortance of Research inNursin

    9na"les reconition of the +ast throuhthe researchers7 ac/nowledment of the+resent 6 e0istin /nowlede*

    $eads to re:ection, synthesis, andidenti5cation of a+s in /nowlede

    throuh critical a++raisal of theliterature*

  • 7/26/2019 Nursing in Research in Malawi


    Im+ortance of Research inNursin

    8he research +rocess itself allows for o++ortunityto thin/ loically, communicate e;ectively witheditors, reviewers, and readers, and therefore

    shar+ens arumentation*

    Researchers develo+ attri"utes in wor/insystematically, dealin with con:ict,truthfulness, and trans+arency in oriins ofideas or conce+ts*

    Research e0+erience +rovides evidence thatim+roves nursin +ractice

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    Im+ortance of Research inNursin

  • 7/26/2019 Nursing in Research in Malawi


    Im+ortance of Research inNursin

  • 7/26/2019 Nursing in Research in Malawi


    Im+ortance of Research inNursin

  • 7/26/2019 Nursing in Research in Malawi


    =tatus of !lo"al Research inNursin

    Nurse scholarly +roductivity is not uniformlydistri"uted across the world*

    &ut of )'>? articles on nursin education research in@maor ournals +u"lished "etween )BB) and '(((,

    B( of the articles were from North America and9uro+e*

    Nursin research and +u"lications were +oorlydevelo+ed in the UK and laed "ehind otheruniversity disci+lines*

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    =tatus of Research at KamuzuCollee of Nursin

    Kamuzu Collee of Nursin was o+ened in)BB

    8he aim is to +re+are most hihly 3uali5ednursin and midwifery +ersonnel for theMalawian nation

    8he collee focuses on total student and sta;develo+ment eared towards addressin"oth the current and emerin health issues

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    =tatus of Research at KamuzuCollee of Nursin

    8he collee encouraes faculty to

    interate the 5ndins of vi"rantresearch and outreach +rorams toinform +ractice

    -aculty should +ursue e0cellence in+ractice throuh own +rofessionaland +ersonal develo+ment

  • 7/26/2019 Nursing in Research in Malawi


    =tatus of Research at KamuzuCollee of Nursin

    After ' years of its e0istence, E)BB to'((F2 the research out+uts at the

    collee were very low.

    8here were F faculty. ? PhD holders, G'

    with Masters Deree, and )B with

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    =tatus of Research at KamuzuCollee of Nursin

    A total of )? +u"lished articles wereassociated with only ' faculty mem"ers

    =ome of the articles were +u"lished asearly as )B>> showin that research

    out+ut +er year was very low

    =ome of the +u"lications were fromfaculty in the "asic de+artment

  • 7/26/2019 Nursing in Research in Malawi


    =tatus of Research at KamuzuCollee of Nursin

    Most of the +u"lications came fromresearch +roects

    Most faculty did not have research+roects

    8he situation has im+roved with theintroduction of +ostraduate +rorams

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    =tatus of Research at KamuzuCollee of Nursin

    8he collee has F Masters +rorams inclinical s+ecializations.

    M*=c* EMidwifery2. M*=c* ERe+roductive#ealth2. M*=c* EChild #ealth Nursin2.

    M*=c* ECommunity and Mental #ealthNursin2.

    M*=c* ENursin and Midwifery 9ducation2*

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    =tatus of Research at KamuzuCollee of Nursin

    =tudents are underta/in research ondi;erent to+ics within each masters+roram

    =tudents are encouraed to +u"lish theirresearch results

    #ence the num"er of +u"licationsEresearch out+ut2 has increased to 'G inthe current year*

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    =tatus of Research at KamuzuCollee of Nursin

    8he collee has ?? faculty in % de+artments.

    Clinical instructors

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    =tatus of Research at KamuzuCollee of Nursin

    8he collee continues to colla"orate with the+ostraduates students after they have

    raduated to ointly im+lement research+rorams

    8he collee has as of Auust, '()' "een

    desinated a World Health OrganizationCollaborating Centre (WHO CC) forExcellence in Inter Professional Educationand Practice

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    =tatus of Research at KamuzuCollee of Nursin

    8he collee is develo+in a PhD +roram ininter +rofessional #ealth =ciences

    8he +roram will further strenthen research atKamuzu Collee of Nursin

    Kamuzu Collee of Nursin is colla"oratin withother Universities a"road, Norway, U=A, UK,Ireland, Australia

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    =tatus of Research at KamuzuCollee of Nursin

    8he collee is also enaed in reionalcolla"oration E

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    Concludin remar/s

    Research is very im+ortant for evidence"ased nursin +ractice

    Kamuzu Collee of Nursin hasstrateically +laced herself to

    im+lement more research +rorams andincrease research out+uts EPu"lications,inventions, +atents2

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    8han/ you for your attention