Nurses for Nurses Norfolk Annual Conference

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  • 8/9/2019 Nurses for Nurses Norfolk Annual Conference


    Annua l ConferenceNorfolk Island12th16th January 2011

    Enjoy five wonderful days on beautiful Norfolk Island

    with fun workshops, friends and fantastic timesexploring all that the World of Norfk has to offer.

    Earn up to

    18.5 CPD


  • 8/9/2019 Nurses for Nurses Norfolk Annual Conference


  • 8/9/2019 Nurses for Nurses Norfolk Annual Conference


    DAY 1

    We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. AristotleSta rt a ne w hab it and mo ve tow ard exce llenc e Sign up for Wellness Sessions! A fanta sticway to sta rt your da y! Join one o f our qua lified p rac titioners sessions, designed for all levels,even novices. Eac h session provides you w ith a n hour to sta rt eac h day a hea lthy wa y. Dosom ething you love , try som ething new or do them a ll, but m ost o f a ll Enjoy!

    YogaSpec ific stretc hes and p oses with the purpo se of c rea ting b alanc e in the bo dy

    through d eve lop ing b oth streng th a nd flexib ility.

    Tai ChiChinese system of slow meditative physical exercise designed for relaxation and

    ba lanc e for overall health.

    Qiguong (chee-goong)Bene fit from low imp ac t trad itiona l Chinese exercise wo rking the

    breath a nd mo veme nt for op timum ene rgy flow a nd c irculation.

    CyclingA relaxing ye t p hysica l session to som e o f the island hot spots to w atc h themorning c ome alive.

    WalkingTake plea sure in the the rap eutic sound of Pac ific Oc ea n wa ves, feel the sandbetw ee n your toe s as we wa lk som e o f the island mo st ma jestic b ea c hes.

    1800 WELCOME COCKTAILS & CANAPESWelcome rec ep tion on the Emily Bay Foreshore. Dress is sma rt casua l. You w illrec eive a welco me island c oc ktail and the op po rtunity to sam ple a numb er ofisland delic ac ies. This is a grea t op portunity to m ee t othe r c onferenc e d elegatesas we be gin the inaugural NfN Annual Conferenc e in this idyllic loc at ion.

    1930 WELCOME DINNER in the KINGSTON RUINSA short wa lk from the welcom e rec ep tion a t Emily Bay are the Kingston Ruins

    the loc at ion for a b ea utiful c andlelit we lc om e d inner. You w ill be officially

    we lco me d b y the M inister for Comm unity Services the Hon. Mr Timothy J.Sherida n MLA of Norfolk Island and en joy a d elicious three c ourse m ea l includ ingbo ttled w ine, juic e a nd softd rink.

    To introd uc e you to the Norfolk history, a loc a l, Arthur Eva ns will

    sha re his passion fo r island histo ry, culture and lang uage. Arthuris a trad itiona l Island er who se first langua ge is tha t o f Norfolk/Pitca irn. He has lived on Norfolk Island mo st o f his life and fee lsprivileg ed to ha ve be en a pa rt of a unique c om munity from1955 whe n d a ily life w as very different to tod ay.

    Arthur w ill sha re his passion w ith you, pa inting a historic m onta ge o f the four set tlement s ofNorfolk with references to the me dic al p rac tices of the ind ividual eras. Borrow ing from the

    dia ries of G eorge Hamilton - Surge on a boa rd HMS Pandora, c ove ring som e o f the harshtreatm ent given o ut to the p risone rs of t he Pena l Settlement and d isc ussing individua linvestigat ions c ond uc ted on the Pitc airn/ Norfolk comm unity from 1808 til present day...this is the story of life a nd dea th o n Norfolk.

    WELLBEING SESSIONSOptional each morning from 6.30 to 7.30


    1700 REGISTER AT ALL SEASONS COLONIALWelc om e to Norfolk! Reg ister and ge t your co nferenc e p ac k at the All Sea sons

    Colonial where much o f the c onferenc e w ill take p lac e.


  • 8/9/2019 Nurses for Nurses Norfolk Annual Conference



    David Mc Cow an wa s bo rn on Norfolk Island and c omp leted his Gene ralNursing a t Princ e Henry, Prince of Wales Hosp ital, Sydney, Midwifery t raining a tthe Ma ter Mo thers Hosp ita l, Brisbane, Diploma of App lied Sc ienc e (Clinica lNursing Stud ies) at Q UT and Bac he lor of Hea lth Sc ienc es (Ma na gem ent ) atCharles Sturt University, Bathurst a nd is a Fellow of the Roya l Colleg e of Nursing

    Austra lia . He has worked as a reg iste red nurse in Norfolk Island , NSW andQue ensland and ha s been the Direc tor of Nursing a t Delega te Distric t Hosp ita l,

    Dorrigo Hosp ital and Gym p ie Genera l Hosp ital. He is c urrently the Direc to r ofthe Norfo lk Island Hosp ita l Ente rprise. This is his sec ond te rm a s Direc to r havingfilled this role in 19951997 and ha s bee n the Direc tor this time for 7 yea rs.

    David w ill share w ith you how hea lth c a re servic es a re p rovide d on NorfolkIsland and the c halleng es and solutions in p roviding c om prehe nsivehea lthca re to a remo te Isla nd.

    Norfolk Island is classed as a remote isolated community approximately 1500kms from Sydney. It is a self gove rning external te rritory of Australia howeve r,hea lth servic es a re p rovide d by the Norfolk Isla nd Go vernment and d oe s notc om e und er the Fed eral Hea lth Ca re Ag reem ent a rrang eme nts.

    DAY 2



    Cheryl is a Reg iste red Qua lity Assessor a nd a Reg iste red Nurse. She ho lds aMa sters Deg ree in Qua lity in Hea lth Ca re and is an Assoc iate Fellow o f the

    Australasian Assoc iation for Qua lity in Hea lth Care. Che ryl is c urrent ly jointd irec tor of he r own c om pa ny, Hea lth Servic es Evolution w hich p rovidesma na ge me nt system s to the hea lth c a re industry.

    Cheryls presentation reflec ts c urrent best p rac tice, is prac tica l and isdelivered with the know led ge tha t mo ney is tight, sta ff time is limited and c a rep rovision needs to b e e xcep tional. The p resenta tion also inc ludes p rac tica ltips for utilising the limited p rod uc ts you may have a va ilab le at your servic e.


    0630 WELLBEING SESSIONS (op tiona l)

    1030 MORNING TEA

    1230 LUNCH Norfk Fish Fry PoolsideFresh loc al fish fried in our spec ial sp ic y c oc onut ba tter, sa lads, jac ket p ota toe s, fresh b rea d ,ca ke stand, tea a nd c offee.

    1.5 CPDHOURS

    1.5 CPDHOURS

  • 8/9/2019 Nurses for Nurses Norfolk Annual Conference


    1600 ASK FLO PANEL & AFTERNOON TEAA p anel of founding me mb ers will answe r a selec tion of subm itted questions.You c an submit q uestions on the reg istrat ion form.


    1900 DINNER (optional)

    TOUR NORFOLK ISLAND GENERAL HOSPITALThe Hosp ital on Norfolk Island is a Genera l Hosp ital which is fund ed fromwithin Norfolk Island . It is a business en te rprise which is sub sidised by theNorfolk Island Legislative Assembly from taxes raised in the Island.

    The Hosp ital generally has tw o doc to rs, who are GPs, there is a fully q ua lifiedDentist, a full nursing sta ff, X-ray d ep artme nt, Pa tholog y a nd ag e-c a refac ility, an op erating the atre, pharmac y with public and private wa rds.

    DAY 2


    A fun night out fo r a ll age s! Dress as a c onv ict & join in w ith theCom ma nda nt for an evening of ga iety, feasting, singing and da ncing.Great Foo d! Grea t Fun! (Outfit supp lied )



    Listen to ta les & stories tha t will delight you, ma ke you sad , maybe w ee pand throug h it a ll, send shivers dow n yo ur sp in. Enjoy d inner a t h isto ricKingston and a lantern wa lk.


    As a he alth ca re w orker the c omp eting dem and s of c areer and p ersona lfulfillment a re a c ontinual ba ttle for your time . So you c an provide quality ca re

    for your c lients you need to have g ood ba lanc e b etw een wo rk and your

    persona l life.

    Suzanne Evans a 7th ge neration d esc end ent o f the Pitc a irners/ Bounty m utineers

    is a Primary Sc hool Tea c her, Lingu ist, Fitness Lea der, Autho r/Pub lisher, Wife a nd

    Mo the r to four children... oh a nd runs a Swim Sc hool in the Summ er. Throug h this

    session esc ape w ith Suzanne as she loo ks a t the fine a rt of ba lanc e -professiona l

    c om mitme nts, ra ising a fam ily and still having time to be

    true t o yourself. Suzanne esc apes and en joys the things she loves; Norfolk

    na tiona l pa rk wa lks, swimm ing & snorkelling w ith her c hild ren a t Emily Bay orsurfing. It's all about BALANCE.



    1.5 CPD



  • 8/9/2019 Nurses for Nurses Norfolk Annual Conference


    DAY 3

    1100 ACHIEVING YOUR POTENTIAL AS A HUMANBEING. To assist you to ac hieve your ca reer go a ls.GAYE EVANS

    Ga ye Evans is a ma ny fac ete d person a nd as a result is both intriguing and anenigm a. She is a highly intuitive te ac her with an interesting a nd va ried c areer

    both in Norfolk Island and inte rna tiona lly. As a Me mb er of the Leg islativeAssem b ly for two terms and the lat ter three year term a s Government M inisterher responsibilities ha ve inc luded Co mm unity Service s, Cap ital Works, Ed uc ation

    and Imm igration. She is passiona te a bout No rfolk Island s unique c ulture a ndlang uag e, whic h she tea c hes.

    Do you feel you

    lac k confidenc e

    are highly stressed

    are w hirling like a to p and never ca tc hing up

    a re c aug ht in a d ysfunc tional relationship

    lac k vision for where you w ant to g oa re looking for mo re fulfilment w ithin your ca ree r

    Yes! Well. You a nd a million o thers. How ofte n do w e reac h out t here? Out

    where? Anywhere! But usua lly ~ aw ay from us. To b orrow the wo rds of Carl Jung,only whe n w e look into our ow n hea rts, will our vision b ec om e c lea r. Who is theone p erson w ho w ill be w ith us from our first b reath, right throug h to our lastb rea th. Only one . So how imp ortant a re YOU! I wo uld sugg est tha t you the mo stimportant person you will EVER know. It is absolutely in your best interest to findout as muc h as you ca n ab out you and wo rk out the very best wa y that you ca nenha nc e your life expe rienc e. Join Gaye a nd d isc ove r your true po tent ial.


    0630 WELLBEING SESSIONS (op tiona l)

    1030 MORNING TEA

    1230 LUNCHAssorted Sand wiches, Fresh Fruit Pla tter, Orang e Juice , Freshly Brewed Co ffee & Tea


    Ga il is a high ly qualified reg istered nurse w ith a varied bac kground in infec tion

    c ontrol. Ga il ha s ma na ge d infec tion co ntrol p rog rams for large reg iona l public

    hea lth o rga nisat ions and p rac ticed in the a rea of infec tious d isea ses in Lond on.

    In this session G ail w ill highlight t he late st infec tion c ont rol metho dolog ies utilised

    in various hea lth c a re set tings. Ga il s d isc ussion w ill foc us on the em erging

    inc idenc e o f multi-resistant o rga nisms and wha t tha t mea ns for you in your


    1.5 CPDHOURS

    1.5 CPDHOURS

  • 8/9/2019 Nurses for Nurses Norfolk Annual Conference


    1900 DINNER (optional)DRESSING FOR SUCCESS & PROFESSIONALGROOMINGInc ludes three course d inner, bo ttled wine, juic e, softd rink.

    Dressing fo r suc c ess is no t o nly ab out c hoo sing the right o utfit. It is about yourove rall g room ing. For a fun w orkshop , over dinne r, join our pane l of experts (Ha irStylist, Bea utic ian a nd Stylist) w ho will p rovide guida nc e in key a reas to he lptransform your overa ll look into p rofessiona l, suc c essful and effo rtless! One luckylad y will rec eive a c omp leme ntary ma ke overwill it b e you?

    OR GHOST TOURListen to ta les & stories tha t w ill delight you, ma ke you sad , ma ybe we ep a ndthroug h it a ll, send shivers dow n yo ur sp in. Enjoy d inner a t h isto ric Kingston a nd alantern wa lk.

    1330 CULTURAL CLASSROOM Watawieh yorlyi, kam lorngfe aklan en ern letl bet baut

    Norfk...translationHi everyone, come with us and learn a littlebit about Norfolk

    As a hea lth c are wo rker your ab ility to und erstand and take into ac c ountva rious c ultures is va luab le whe n dea ling w ith c lients from d ifferent c ultura lbac kgrounds. Norfolk Island boa sts a long and p roud history with Europ ea n,Australian and Polynesian influence. It is this combination coupled with itsisolat ion tha t m akes the c urrent Island c ulture so d istinct ive. Explore som e ofthese w ond ers in a n outd oo r Cultural Classroo m. Wea ving, d anc ing, co oking,Norfk lang uag e, c rafts and mo re.

    DAY 3



    Ge off Atkinson is Leg a l Co unsel, Deputy Cura to r Dec ea sed Esta tes, Deputy

    Crow n Prosec uto r for the Norfolk Island Go vernment, and Co unsel a ssisting t he

    Norfolk Island Co roner.

    Geoffrey will provide a brief o utline of t he history, structure a nd role o f Co rone r's

    Courts, the typ es of Coronial proceed ings in which nurses ma y be c om e involved ,

    the typ es of evidenc e which nurses ma y be req uired to p rovide t o a Corone r's Court,

    rec ord kee p ing and sta tem ents by nurses reg arding dea ths of p ersons in the ir ca re,

    potential risks or p itfalls for nurses invo lved in coron ial p rocee d ings and finally should

    nurses b e leg ally represente d in c oronial proc eed ings and if so, who should p rovide

    such lega l rep resenta tion?


    1600 ASK FLO PANEL & AFTERNOON TEAA p anel of found ing me mb ers will answe r a selec tion of subm itted questions.You c an submit q uestions on the reg istrat ion form.





  • 8/9/2019 Nurses for Nurses Norfolk Annual Conference


    DAY 4



    Sue is a Reg istered Nurse. She ho lds a d ua l degree in Nursing a nd Ad ministrat ion

    and ha s a Ma sters Deg ree in Prima ry Hea lth Ca re ma joring in Pa lliative C are. Sue

    is c urrently joint direc to r of he r ow n com pany, Hea lth Service s Evolution w hich

    p rovide s ma nage me nt system s to the hea lth c a re industry.

    Due to the ir position in the c a re tea m, nurses find the mselves in the situat ion of

    ha ving to a dvoc ate on b eha lf of t heir clients on a da ily basis. In this session Sue

    will ide ntify bo th the legislative requireme nts reg arding a dvo c ac y a nd the moral

    and ethical c onund rums sta ff find them selves in.


    0630 WELLBEING SESSIONS (op tiona l)

    1200 LUNCHAssorted Sand wiche s, Lem on Pie, Orang e Juic e, Freshly Brewe d Co ffee & Tea


    Your cha nc e to g o w ild o r sleep in. Take som e time to go shop p ing , c a tc h

    up with your friend s and see the sights of Norfolk Island .

    There are to urs and ac tivities ga lore to fill your mo rning or go in sea rch o f

    island insp ired gifts and big name b rands including Liberty of Lond on,

    Crab tree & Evelyn, Ge org io Arma ni, Clinique , Ca lvin Klein, Clinique , Estee

    Lauder, Guc c i, Ama lfi, Pierre Ca rdin, Pring le, Asics, Nike, Ree bok, Ca non ,

    Bose, Sha rp, Roya l Doulton and Zwilling & Henc klesjust to nam e a few.


    Cheryl is a Reg iste red Quality Assessor a nd a Reg iste red Nurse. She ho lds aMa sters Deg ree in Qua lity in Hea lth Ca re and is an Assoc iate Fellow o f theAustralasian Assoc iation for Qua lity in Hea lth Ca re. Che ryl is c urrently joint

    d irec tor of he r own c om pany, Hea lth Servic es Evolution w hic h p rovide sma nage me nt system s to the hea lth c are industry.

    Dea ling with diffic ult p eop le is a d ay to d ay c onc ern. Prod uc tive time is lostdea ling w ith d iffic ult individuals on an ongoing b asis and this lea ds todetrime nta l effec ts on w orkp lac e c ulture and c auses add itiona l stress in whatc an be a ve ry de ma nd ing role. The a im of the w orkshop is to p rovide theinforma tion required to instill co nfidenc e to de al with the se shall we sayinteresting individua ls.



  • 8/9/2019 Nurses for Nurses Norfolk Annual Conference


    1930 GALA CONFERENCE DINNERinc lud ing 3 course m ea l, bottled w ine, juic e and softd rink.

    It s All Ab out YouGALA DINNER80s DiscoA c ulminat ion o f the c onfe renc e. Join your friend s and c ollea gue s for anight o f fun a nd frivolity.

    Get foo tloose a nd g et o n do wn to the 80s disc o. A fun filled trip to the80s. A themed evening to ta ke you ba c k to a n era w here M TVrevo lutionised music , girls just wanted to ha ve fun, do t c om change dthe w orld, you loo ked Prett y in Pink a nd d esperate ly wanted tobelong to The Brea kfast Club or if you were a lrea dy co ol youc rimp ed your hair, loved leg wa rme rs, and only wore fluro so yo uwe ren t left ha ngin on like a yo yo.

    Join us for 80s insp ired everything!

    Your ticket to the Gala Dinner is included in the conference fees but if

    youd like to bring a partner or friend you can purchase extra tickets on

    the registration form.

    DAY 4


    Kingston a nd Arthurs Va le Herita ge Area (KAVHA) is signific ant for itsassoc iat ion w ith four distinct settlement pe riod s in one p lace: the p re -Europea n Polynesian oc c upation; the First a nd Sec ond Set tlements duringthe c onvict era (1788-1814, 1825-55); and the Pitca irn p eriod (1856p resent ), refe rred to as the Third set tlement .

    KAVHA holds imp orta nt symb olic, c erem onia l, religious, lifestyle a nd

    c ultura l assoc ia tion in a unique built a nd nat ura l environm ent. It issignific ant fo r its assoc iation w ith the sett leme nt o f the Pitca irners and theevo lution and deve lop me nt of the Norfolk Island c om munity. Enjoy a

    spec ia l interest to ur of KAVHA incorporating the Old Hospita l a ndDevonshire Tea a t the restored No 9 Qua lity Row .


    1630 ASK FLO PANEL & AFTERNOON TEAA p anel of founding me mb ers will answe r a selec tion of subm itted questions.You c an submit q uestions on the reg istrat ion form.



  • 8/9/2019 Nurses for Nurses Norfolk Annual Conference


    DAY 5


    YOU The Importanc e o f looking a fter yourself so tha t you

    can ca re for others.


    Com pa ssion fatigue . Burnout. Word s tha t strike dread in the hea rt of a ny

    professiona l. Nurses a re no exce p tion . It is when w e sta rt to lose our sense o f self

    to the pe op le we a re helping. When we be gin to give out more com pa ssion/

    c aring then w e a re rec eiving, we are in da nge r of p hysic al, em otional andspiritual exhaustion.

    Extrem e leve ls of c om mitme nt a re req uired by hea lth c a re p rofessions. No one is

    imm une. Foc using on others c a re and he a lth, at our own expe nse in a

    c onsistent m anner and failing to atte nd to our own need s c an lead to b urnout,

    ineffec tive wo rk pe rforma nc e a nd even result in leg a l or ethica l liabilities. Join

    Barba ra fo r more Insight.

    0930 BRUNCH AT CAPTAIN COOK MONUMENTOn the northern side o f the island there is a m onum ent a nd sc enic lookout

    where Ca p ta in Co ok first land ed in 1774.

    You w ill enjoy a delic ious BBQ b rea kfast a t the mo nume nt a nd a spec ial

    p resenta tion b y Barba ra She lley.

    Follow ing brunch m ea nde r along the c oa stline through c oa stal

    vegetation, Norfolk Island pines and white oaks. Enjoy spectacular views of

    the c oa stline and islets.


    0630 WELLBEING SESSIONS (op tiona l)

    Sce nic lookout from Ca pta in Cook Monument


  • 8/9/2019 Nurses for Nurses Norfolk Annual Conference





    Early Bird (p rior to 1 July) $785

    Full Reg istra tion $820


    Wellbeing Sessions $6-$10 per session

    Convict Dinner $75

    Ghost Tour $75

    Dress for Suc c ess Dinner $85

    Ad d itiona l Tickets to G a la Dinner $135 eac h


    All me a ls (inc luding d rinks) are p rovided a s notedbe low with the exce ption of the dinners on Day 2and Day 3 w hich a re op tional. Brea kfast is notincluded but ma y be p art of yourac comm oda tion/travel pa ckage.

    Welcome Reception. Welcome cocktail,bott led wine (red/ white/ spa rkling), juic e, softd rink, c anap s and Norfolk Island delic ac ies .

    Welcome Dinner. A gourmet BBQ w ith b ottled

    wine (red/white/sparkling), juice, soft drink,ca ke stand, tea & c offee.

    Morning Tea, Lunch and Afternoon Tea each

    day is provided .

    Gala Dinner. One ticket to the Ga la Dinnerwhich inc ludes a 3 course meal with bo ttledwine (red/white/sparkling), juice, soft drink.

    Brunch on Day 5. BBQ brea kfast, tea , c offee

    and orange juice .


    Convict Dinner. 3 course d inner with w hite wine

    and orang e juic e. Ba r fac ilities are a va ilable.Ghost Tour. 2 co urse d inner with wine on arrival.

    Dressing for Success Dinner. 3 course dinner

    with bo ttled w ine (red / white/ spa rkling), juice,soft d rink


    Transport from the All Sea sons Colonia l to othervenues will be p rovided as req uired forconfe renc e a c tivities. Pic k up from othe rac c omm od ation venues is provide d for some

    events and c ar hire is ava ilab le o n the island forreasonable rates.


    Our travel pa rtner OM NICHE has put t og ethe r a

    range of p ac kag es inc luding flights,ac c om mo da tion, transfers and othe r inc lusions.

    These p ac kag es must be booked d irec tly withOM NICHE by c a lling 1800 111 653.

    Full deta ils of the pa c kage s a re a va ilable from ourweb site ww


    All Seasons Colonial of Norfolk Island is a popularthree and ha lf sta r, resort hot el nestled in 11 ac resof beautifully landscaped sub tropical gardens.

    It s p rovision for c onfe renc ing is a ll encom passing.With a selec tion of ac c om mo da tion styles,dedicated conference facilities, superb menus,unriva lled servic e throug h to a myriad of uniqueextra c urricular ac tivities.


    When you arrive and sign in you w ill receive aspe c ial c onferenc e p ac k including the follow ing:

    Conference Diary including c onferenc esc hed ule for ea c h da y

    NFN Lan yard w ith plastic c onfe renc e p ass

    holder. (This w ill also hold tickets to op tiona lac tivities you ha ve selec ted .)

    A ma p a nd Informa tion ab out Norfolk Island

    Disc ount Vouc hers

    and a few extra trea ts!


    Details of the p rog ram are c orrec t a t the time o f

    p roduc tion. The orga niser reserves the right toma ke c hang es, am end me nts or substitutions toany spea kers, present a tions, mea ls or otheractivities as necessary.

  • 8/9/2019 Nurses for Nurses Norfolk Annual Conference



    Nurses for Nurses Annual Conference Norfolk Island

    1216 Janua ry 2011


    FIRST NAME: _______________________________ SURNAME: _______________________________

    ORGANISATION: ______________________________________________________________________

    POSTAL ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________

    SUBURB: ________________________________________ STATE: _______ POSTCODE: ____________

    PHONE: ________________________________ MOBILE: ______________________________________

    EMAIL: ________________________________________________________________________________

    SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS (eg he a lth, d ieta ry, physica l):

    ASK FLO PANEL QUESTIONSPlease w rite dow n a question o r tw o to sub mit to the Ask Flo Pane l disc ussions.

    POLICIESPayment Policy: Full pa yme nt must be m a de prior to 30 Sep tem ber 2010 to c onfirm your reg istration.

    Cancellation Policy: After reg istering, if you later find that you a re una ble to a ttend you are we lc ome to nom inate a

    substitute to ta ke your plac eplea se no tify us in writing o f the c hang e a nd ensure you a lso c hang e your

    ac c om mod ation/ trave l with Omniche . If you need to c anc el your reg istration, we c an o ffer a full refund if you notify us

    in writing p rior to 30 Sep tem ber 2010. After 30 Sep tem ber 2010 and p rior to 1 Nove mb er 2010 we c an provide a refund

    of you r registration fee m inus a c anc ellation fee o f $160 inc g st. No refund s will be ma de a fter 1 Novem ber 2010.Op tional ac tivity tickets c an b e c anc elled up to 48 hours p rior to the a c tivity and will rec eive full refund.

    Privacy Policy: Informa tion c ollec ted o n this form w ill be used to p rocess your reg istrat ion. Photograp hs w ill

    be taken a t the e vent for future informa tiona l and p romo tiona l purpo ses and during the c ourse o f the

    co nference your photog rap h may b e taken.

  • 8/9/2019 Nurses for Nurses Norfolk Annual Conference


  • 8/9/2019 Nurses for Nurses Norfolk Annual Conference



    Our c onferenc e p artner Omnic he Holidays has a range of pac kage s

    available including flights, accommodation, transfers and other inclusions.

    For full deta ils dow nloa d the Ac c ommo dation a nd Travel Pac kage Broc hurefrom or c a ll Omniche Holidays 1800 111 653.

  • 8/9/2019 Nurses for Nurses Norfolk Annual Conference


    For information about membership

    and to register go to

    If you are not already an NfN member you will need to

    register so you can attend the annual conference.


  • 8/9/2019 Nurses for Nurses Norfolk Annual Conference


    Nurses for Nurses NetworkPho ne 07 4151 3884Fax 07 4152 4771Email [email protected]