Page 1 A WV Special Report The Numis Report An Inside Look at How to Profit From One of The Biggest Asset Trends of Our Lifetime Written by Brad Wajnman Investment Director, The Wealth Vault LEGAL NOTICE M4 Research LLC, the Publisher (a.k.a. M4), has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this report, notwithstanding the fact that M4 does not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are accurate, due to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet. The Publisher will not be held responsible for any losses or damages of any kind incurred by the reader, whether directly or indirectly, arising from the use of the information found in this report. This report is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting or financial advice. All readers are advised to seek services of competent professionals in the legal, business, accounting, and finance fields. The Reader assumes responsibility for use of information contained herein. The Author reserves the right to make changes without notice. The Publisher assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of the Reader of this manual. Copyright © 2011 M4 Research LLC. All rights reserved No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the Publisher.

Numis Report

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  • Page 1

    A WV Special Report

    The Numis Report An Inside Look at How

    to Profit From One of The Biggest Asset Trends

    of Our Lifetime

    Written by Brad Wajnman

    Investment Director, The Wealth Vault


    M4 Research LLC, the Publisher (a.k.a. M4), has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible

    in the creation of this report, notwithstanding the fact that M4 does not warrant or represent at any

    time that the contents within are accurate, due to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet.

    The Publisher will not be held responsible for any losses or damages of any kind incurred by the

    reader, whether directly or indirectly, arising from the use of the information found in this report.

    This report is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting or financial advice. All

    readers are advised to seek services of competent professionals in the legal, business, accounting,

    and finance fields.

    The Reader assumes responsibility for use of information contained herein. The Author reserves the

    right to make changes without notice. The Publisher assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever

    on the behalf of the Reader of this manual.

    Copyright 2011 M4 Research LLC. All rights reserved

    No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in

    any form without the written permission of the Publisher.

  • Page 2

    The history of bartering (trading one good for another) goes back thousands of years. Some

    of my fondest memories as a kid are from the days when our entire class would officially

    ditch school to take field trips down to the Los Angeles Museum of Natural History (think

    Night at the Museum with Ben Stiller).

    Of course, we studied the dinosaurs, but we also learned about ancient

    cultures and how various items such as feathers and stones were traded and

    used as a form of currency.

    By around 700 BC the Mesopotamians were using precious metals such as

    silver and gold as a medium of exchange.

    Todays a very different story, and we both know the money in your wallet isnt real. Nope,

    our cash is literally nothing more than a piece of paper guaranteed and backed by nothing but

    AIR... not to mention a mountain of debt!

    As long ago as 20 BC, Roman emperors like Augustus became the first legal counterfeiters

    to adopt a fiat money system, much like the U.S. and virtually the rest of the world use

    today. Fiat money is money that has no actual value, but is enforced as legal tender by the


    Back in 1971, Nixons decision to take us off the gold standard may have

    appeared to be a good idea, but look at where that got us. Gone are the

    days where you could walk into a bank and exchange your paper dollars

    for silver or gold that was kept on deposit.

    If youve already read our Precious Metals Investing Series (accessible via our

    Unconventional Portfolio page) then you know were bullish when it comes to stocking up on

    silver and gold. This natural commodity has always been, and always will be, the only real

    money well ever see. After all, precious metals are one of the few things remaining in the

    world that arent a big fat lie.

    The Purpose of This Report

    Most people buy stuff while the wealthy purchase assets, and with that in mind, the purpose

    of this report is two-fold: a) to present you with a clear picture of whether owning silver and

    gold collectible coins is a wise choice, and b) to expose you to an optional way to create an

    additional stream of income through a unique business opportunity.

    Ill get into all the details in a minute, but first let me put things in the proper context...

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    A quick story... Long before getting involved in the high-yield investment arena several

    years ago, yours truly was an entrepreneur (still am). Being a late bloomer, I wasnt even

    aware of the concept of passive income until I was in my mid 20s.

    Society conditions us to think that to get more money we have to work harder. Both of my

    parents had jobs and worked hard for everything we had, so I thought Id have to work my

    ass off even harder if I wanted to become wealthy some day.

    I knew there was no well do it for you solution to anything in life, so I started my first

    business when I was thirteen years old (I realized early on its not in my DNA to work for

    anyone else but myself).

    I knocked on doors, whacked weeds and mowed lawns around the neighborhood, to earn

    some bucks and hang out at the arcade all weekend.

    After graduating from college, I started a freelance art business which was basically a

    glorified job where I worked on commercial projects and traded my time for someone elses


    Robert Kiyosaki, best-selling author of the Rich Dad, Poor Dad series, explains how the rich

    dont work for money they get money to work for them. In case youre not familiar with it, he

    refers to this model as the Cash Flow Quadrant:

    The quadrant(s) each of us is in is determined by where our main source of income comes

    from. The most important lesson I learned from Kiyosaki early on in my career was that in

    order to obtain financial freedom, youve either gotta be a B (business owner) or an I

    (investor) or both. The E and S quadrants should be avoided.

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    As a freelance artist, I owned an S business, and like most business owners in this

    quadrant, my business really owned me. So, in 1997 I got this crazy idea to make the shift

    towards the B and I quadrants. That way I could earn residual income from my business

    and earn interest from my investments.

    Einstein said it best: Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre

    minds, and being an open-minded kinda guy, it wasnt very long before I was introduced to...

    yup, you got it... network marketing (I can almost hear the spears whipping by my ears as I

    type this, but hear me out before you burn me at the stake)...

    My parents thought I was off my rocker... and yeah, I know all about the slime-ball tactics and

    the rotten track record network marketing has had over the

    years. But at that time it was a serious wake-up call for me,

    because it was at that moment that I realized exactly what was

    missing in my life...

    It was something thats made every millionaire on this planet


    No, its not money, privilege, or luck...


    The ability to earn on the efforts of others was something I didnt have in my art business,

    and after working sometimes 14-hour days, I knew I needed to use leverage to work smarter,

    not harder.

    Long story short, like most nave newbies who join a network marketing business, I failed

    miserably. On top of that, I also became part of the infamous NFL club... you know, No

    Friends Left! Been there? Done that? Got the T-shirt?? Me too.

    Needless to say, the dream of enjoying a passive residual income eluded me for the first few

    years. But thanks in part to a stubborn attitude (Im told its a genetic defect), I found some

    good mentors, took massive action, and eventually went on to enjoy some major success in a

    few well-known companies.

    At that time, one of the biggest hurdles I encountered in network marketing was (and still is)

    attrition. For most people, it becomes a constant and never-ending battle to fill the leaky

    bucket (i.e. replace people faster than they leave).

    Ill come back to the topic of attrition and how it ties into everything here later on, but before

    we go any further, I think its important that you know exactly where both Barry and I stand on

    this kind of stuff.

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    So, heres the deal: from day one, the Wealth Vault was created as a place where you, as a

    member, can get access to carefully-researched, and highly-profitable, money-saving and

    money-growing services, programs, vendors, and contacts.

    As a general rule, Barry and I are NOT fans of traditional network marketing opportunities;

    however, we ARE fans of creating multiple streams of passive residual income, and buying

    assets that appreciate in value over time.

    Let me be more specific and not just talk in generalities...

    If youre like most people unless you inherited a family fortune, won the lottery, or are

    already financially independent chances are you dont have an unlimited amount of risk

    capital to invest in various Investment Vehicles (IVs).

    And hey, when youre up to your eyeballs in debt, and stuck in a dead-end job you hate just

    to pay the bills, the reality of someday having time and money freedom and living your

    passion may seem like a fantasy: something that will never happen.

    But the truth is, discretionary income for investing has to come from somewhere. The way I

    see it, youve got basically two options:

    Option #1 - Lower your expenses.

    Option #2 - Increase your income.

    For some people, its easier to find new ways to increase your income than to try and cut

    back. If youre an employee and have very little extra money right now to put towards

    investing in passive opportunities, you can either work more hours/get a second job... or you

    do what makes more sense: you start a part-time business on the side.

    In all seriousness, we all come into this world with ONE LIFE and a ticking clock attached to

    it, and most people let someone else dictate how theyre gonna live it. So I say, forget any

    (misguided) loyalty to an employer and start looking after number one.

    Starting a home business, or diversifying into an additional business, is one of the best

    hedges against losing your job (if you still have one) or anything else that can negatively

    impact your finances.

    When it comes to home business offers, we normally ignore roughly 99.9% of what we see

    out there in the marketplace. To put it bluntly, were so damned sick and tired of the cesspool

    of same ol me too flavor-of-the-month type deals that continue to flood the internet.

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    Each week over 175,000 people join a home-based business. Sadly, over

    95% of them will end up spending more than they make. A lot of these

    opportunities prey on the uninitiated, leaving a trail of carnage behind them.

    Historically, network marketing opportunities are anti-cyclical. In other

    words, when the economy tanks, more people look for ways to generate additional income.

    And heres what ends up happening to many of them: as people become more desperate,

    they in turn become more susceptible to getting ripped off by scams.

    Over the years, Barry and I have witnessed the proliferation of many so-

    called opportunities out there masquerading as legitimate programs.

    It boggles my mind when I see how much pre-launch and ground floor

    opportunity hypin and pimpin goes on in the industry.

    It would be laughable if it werent for the fact that the Do it once and get paid

    for life mantra has been nothing more than an empty pipe dream for most


    Then there are the companies that just throw together a hot, suped-up pay plan with some

    hollow vaporware product to promote, just for the sake of saying they have a product.

    THIS is the kinda stuff that gives real companies a bad name, and its why we feel its our

    duty to share a bit of education with you on whats real, and whats not.

    Listen, Im not knocking those currently active in network marketing or in a business thats

    working for them. The problem is, its not always easy to weed out the legit programs from

    the scams, even if youve got years of experience. However, one thing you can do is use a bit

    of common sense, so let me break down what I mean by that real quick...

    The Litmus Test - The true litmus test to determine the viability of any business

    opportunity can be answered with one simple question:

    Would I buy my product at retail (and continue buying it) if there was no

    opportunity attached to it?

    Think about it, would there be a market for the product if it wasnt an integral part of a

    business opportunity? Or even better... is it something you could recommend to your own

    mother or other close family member to buy?

    Common sense, right?

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    One of the drawbacks to products marketed through network marketing is that many of them

    are marked up and grossly overpriced due to how many people are getting a cut of each sale.

    And if thats the case, youll have a hard time obtaining retail customers.

    The importance of retail customers is beyond the scope of this review, but the bottom line is,

    you dont want to be involved in a business where the only people buying the products are

    the companys own distributors.

    In a nutshell, heres my list of criteria that must be met as far as network marketing

    products are concerned:

    1. There MUST be a product of true value.

    2. It must stand on its own merits. In other words, theres gotta be a market for it, even

    if it werent attached to a business opportunity.

    3. It cant be so overpriced that the general public wouldnt buy it as customers who

    arent involved in the business opportunity.

    Once bitten, twice shy If youve been burned before in another

    home-based business, hey, join the club... we know exactly how that

    feels because its happened to us more times than we care to admit.

    But despite what your grandma told you, just because there are a few

    rotten apples in the bunch doesnt mean the whole basket is spoiled.

    Frankly, we dont go around actively looking for network marketing programs to join, but just

    when we thought wed seen it all, a company comes along thats hard to ignore... a company

    with a product that has actual intrinsic value which is proven to appreciate over time.

    Numis Network is one of those companies.

    Its been operating under the radar for the past few months, but a team of seasoned,

    successful leaders have banded together, and its starting to catch some major buzz right


    We heard about this company through a close personal friend and decided to do some

    extensive research on them to evaluate what theyre all about. And after completing our due

    diligence, we came to the conclusion that there was ZERO downside to it.

    Not only that, we felt it was compelling enough of an opportunity to be listed in the WV under

    our Referral Programs category (see the Unconventional Portfolio page).

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    And just in case youre thinking it, Barry and I have absolutely no intention of taking our focus

    off what we do here on your behalf at the WV to pursue building another business not in the


    We simply recognized tremendous synergy and value between our mission to help our

    members build long-term wealth, and what Numis is offering simple as that.

    Here are a few compelling points that stood out for us:

    The products are tangible ASSETS, which historically have grown in value over the


    No sales demonstrations or customer testimonials are needed. The value of the

    products is immediately obvious to everyone.

    Even though this isnt technically a passive opportunity, you can be financially

    rewarded just by participating as a customer (without ever referring a single person).


    Well, now that weve gotten some of the foundational stuff out of the way, lets dive into the

    details. Of course, this opportunity isnt gonna be a fit for everyone nothing ever is.

    However, I encourage you to read on because you might just be surprised by what you see

    (and hear). But Ill let you be the judge...

    The Company

    Numis Network is a young company (launched in August of

    2009), but whose leaders are far from being young in the

    industry. Its founding partners Ian Cordell, Chris Kent and Jake

    Kevorkian have two decades of network marketing and direct

    sales experience.

    Their strategic partner, Mike Mezack, is one of the top numismatic coin experts in the

    world. Over the last twenty years, Mike has sold over a billion dollars worth of silver and gold

    coins on TV shopping shows like the Home Shopping Network.

    This gives Numis Network HUGE wholesale purchasing power, unlike any other silver and

    gold dealer on the Internet.

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    These four partners started Numis Network for all the right reasons: silver and gold have

    been an equivalent of money and power for over four thousand years. And they haven t lost

    their value in all this time on the contrary.

    So let me ask you a rhetorical question: Why do most people get involved in a network

    marketing business?

    To make money!

    No one can deny how vital money is in their everyday life, and Numis Network was founded

    to help people create wealth, collect wealth, and preserve wealth by supplying MONEY to

    its customers.

    Some people are just buyers and will want to buy coins because they love collecting them,

    while others want to build a business. The banks get paid to sell money, so why not you?

    By the way, the dirty little secret about most companys pay plans is the vast majority of

    them are geared towards the big hitters. Now youll be able to check out all the details of

    how Numis Networks pay plan works, but based on what weve seen (and weve seen a lot

    over the years), their binary compensation plan is the fairest of all network marketing plans.

    The Products

    Like I said before, a companys products must be of high

    value for the end consumer.

    Numis Network sells silver and gold coins, but not just any

    kind of coins. These are the highest grade, certified silver

    and gold numismatic coins issued by the worlds leading

    government mints.

    If youre not familiar with the term numismatic, let me explain...

    Numismatic coins are collectible coins, so their value is based not only on precious metal

    content, but also on coin condition and collector demand. People in various parts of the world

    have bought or inherited collectible coins for many years.

    Theyre cherished for their beauty, historical significance, and their potential investment

    value. Worldwide, its a 100-billion-dollar-per-year industry ($10 billion in the U.S. alone).

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    As an avid coin collector, Ive personally spent thousands of dollars on the same type of silver

    and gold coins that Numis sells. In fact some of my favorites I own are the graded Silver

    Eagles and $20 St. Gaudens Double Eagle gold coins.

    Collectible Vs. Bullion

    In case youve never understood the difference between an ungraded bullion coin and a

    numismatic coin, let me break it down for you since its really important...

    The value of a regular ungraded bullion coin is based on its metal content. The spot price

    of silver (as of this writing: Feb 2010) is currently trading at a little over $16 an ounce, and

    ungraded Silver Eagle bullion coins are selling for around 20 bucks.

    Graded coins, on the other hand like the modern issue ones Numis Network offers are

    not priced based on their weight alone. Instead, their selling prices are based primarily on

    their rarity, age and condition.

    Collectible coins are coins that are certified and encapsulated for

    preservation (and presentation). Theyre graded by ANACS, NGC,

    and PCGS. Historically, numismatic coins sell at a significant

    premium over their intrinsic silver or gold content.

    Collectible coins are graded on the Sheldon Scale (which is the

    global standard), and range from 1 to 70. 70 is the highest grade

    possible, indicating virtually perfect condition (never touched by a

    human hand). Only 1 out of 10 coins that come from the U.S. mint is

    an MS70 grade.

    So the condition of the coin has a lot to do with the value. Supply and demand is the basic

    premise here, and they only mint a certain number of coins for any given year. Im a car nut,

    so let me use this analogy...

    Lets say you found an old beat-up 1966 Corvette for sale that was sitting in someones

    garage for over 30 years, and everything was missing except the cars shell. Do you think it

    would be worth much? Well, perhaps... if the owner still had some of the parts layin around.

    But what if it was a perfectly restored, mint condition 1966 Corvette? I think youd agree that

    youd have to pay a LOT more for it today than when it first rolled off the showroom floor over

    40 years ago, right?

    So, when youre talking about the rarity of something, we have to remember that the mint is

    only going to mint a certain number of coins in any year, and that year only.

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    Numis Networks flagship product is the most popular

    collectible coin in the U.S.: The 1oz MS70 Silver American


    This flawless Silver Eagle Dollar makes a great addition to

    your collection, or the perfect legacy gift for anyone. Numis

    charges $120 retail and $99 wholesale for their ANACS

    MS70 2009 Silver Eagle.

    Now, heres the million-dollar question, Okay, all that stuff sounds great, but what is it


    Well, as part of our research, we checked out several reputable silver and gold coin dealers

    online to compare prices, and verify that the MS70 American Silver Eagles that Numis sells

    for $99 (plus S&H) werent being marked up the gazoo.

    We ended up finding the same exact coin going for $149.50 at one of the largest vendors.

    MS70 = $$$$$

    While its true that both silver and gold bullion as well as collectible silver and gold coins will

    get you to where you want to go, collectible coins have the ability to get you to your

    destination faster.

    Heres what I mean...

    As I said before, ungraded Silver Eagle bullion coins including those dating back to 1986

    are worth around $20 (a small premium over the spot price of an ounce of silver).

    But its a very different story for MS70 graded coins. MS70 Silver Eagles have massively

    increased in value since 1986.

    The estimated values below are from a screen shot taken inside the NGC paid membership

    site (ngccoin.com). It shows the values of the MS Graded Silver Eagle coins ranging from 60-

    70 for all years minted (sorry if you have to squint!):

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    Here are a few cherry-picked years that really caught my attention:

    1988 MS70 Silver Eagle $3,130

    1996 MS70 Silver Eagle $5,310

    1999 MS70 Silver Eagle $6,250

    Pretty exciting, huh?

    Heres some more food for thought... if you had purchased a 1oz MS70 Silver Eagle every

    month since the day of issue in 1986, you would have spent around $24,000.

    Any idea how much your $24,000 1oz Silver Collection would be worth today? Well,

    according to ngccoin.com, your $24,000 collection would be worth over $300,000!

    How many products have you seen in the network marketing industry that have increased in

    value in the past 24 years? Its just one of those things that makes you say, Hmmmm!

    Compared to silver and gold, theres just not as much retail demand for most network

    marketing products that lose their intrinsic value immediately upon purchase (i.e.

    consumable lotions, potions, juice drinks or vitamins).

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    Were from the Government... and were here to help. Okay, this is a seldom talked about (but significant) advantage of owning collectible coins,

    and one of the main reasons I ONLY buy numismatic coins for my own portfolio these days.

    No matter what part of the world you live in, all of us have different degrees of confidence (or

    should I say disdain) about our countrys government.

    As a sovereign-minded dude, I know Im not the only one who feels authoritarian government

    intrusion into the private financial affairs of its citizens has become a major concern, and for

    good reason...

    Private ownership of silver and gold in the past has been illegal in certain countries, like the

    former Soviet Union, Communist China, and most notably the U.S. in the years following the

    last Great Depression.

    In the wake of massive bank failures and a subsequent run on the banks, on April 5, 1933,

    President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued the following executive order:

    I, as President, do declare that the national emergency still exists; that the continued private

    hoarding of gold and silver by subjects of the United States poses a grave threat to the

    peace, equal justice and well-being of the United States; and that appropriate measures must

    be taken immediately to protect the interests of our people.

    Therefore, pursuant to the above authority, I hereby proclaim that such gold and silver

    holdings are prohibited, and that all such coin, bullion or other possession of gold and silver

    be tendered within fourteen (14) days to agents of the Government of the United States for

    compensation at the official price, in the legal tender of the Government. All safe-deposit

    boxes in banks or financial institutions have been sealed pending action in the due course of


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    Although many citizens resisted, the herd mentality gave in and thousands lined up in front

    of Federal Reserve banks to return their silver and gold to the government.

    When we hear about Martial law, the mere mention of it automatically brings up accusations

    of paranoia, conspiratorial delusions, etc. But the fact remains that gold has been

    confiscated in the U.S. four times. Think it couldnt happen again?

    Here are a couple important lessons we can learn from Roosevelts confiscation of silver and


    Lesson #1: Many forms of silver and gold were exempt from confiscation. Roosevelt only

    confiscated silver and gold bullion bars of silver and gold, and bullion coins. Numismatic

    coins were exempt, as were silver and gold jewelry.

    These forms of silver and gold also were exempt from previous confiscations in the U.S.

    during the Revolutionary War and Civil War. Also exempt from Roosevelts silver and gold

    confiscation were silver and gold mines, silver and gold mining stocks, silver and gold

    nuggets and dust, and silver and gold held by U.S. citizens outside America.

    Lesson #2: Silver and gold skyrocketed.

    Despite Roosevelts silver and gold confiscation, silver and gold bullion and stocks soared

    during the 1930s. Bullion went up 70%. Homestake Mining shares increased nearly 700%.

    In the future, some of the more oppressive high-tax regimes (take a guess) may resort to this

    confiscation tactic again in a desperate attempt to prop up the value of their fiat currencies.

    It would enable the government and banking cartels to buy up a whole lotta gold at bargain

    prices as people rush to sell it in desperation before the deadline date of lawful ownership


    Any gold you own through bank and brokerage-type setups would be completely visible to the

    powers that be, and is already subject to reporting requirements imposed on us, all under the

    guise of anti-money laundering.

    But the government cant seize what it doesnt know about (unless they start implanting bio-

    chips in numismatic coins). God bless the 5th Amendment.

    Unlike bullion, buying collectible coins doesnt require you to file any special government

    reports. In other words, you can remain anonymous as a collectible coin investor.

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    Offshore Silver & Gold Ownership

    Theres a reporting requirement if you own physical silver, gold, and other precious metals

    held in a financial account such as a foreign savings, checking or brokerage account.

    However, theres no reporting requirement for silver, gold, cash, etc., held in foreign safe

    deposit boxes.

    One of the easiest ways for Americans to do this is to set up a safe deposit box in Canada,

    London or Switzerland.

    Why bother? Primarily because having assets outside the U.S. gives you an extra layer of

    privacy, which is eroding little by little as each year passes by. In the event that silver and

    gold is confiscated again, foreign safety deposit boxes may be exempt, as they were under

    Roosevelts confiscation.

    Its also much more difficult for a third party to confiscate your gold if its beyond their borders

    and outside their reach.

    Foreign Currency Exchange

    Another thing to consider is many countries across the world are no longer accepting U.S.

    currency. But collectible coins and precious metals are rare and invaluable, and are accepted

    anywhere and everywhere around the world (especially during these times).

    To sum this section up: savvy investors understand how paper currency is quickly devaluing,

    so theyre constantly looking for ways to invest in collectibles like coins of precious metals,

    gems, etc. These are some of the main reasons why certified coins provide greater value and

    privacy than simple bullion coins.

    Attrition & Retention

    The topic of attrition is another very important consideration when

    evaluating any type of home business. The main problem I see is

    that many network marketing companies autoship people into

    further debt.

    Whats left after youve consumed your products?

    Thats right, the CREDIT CARD BILL!

    What do most people do when the unopened boxes start piling up in their garage and they

    get the bill?

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    You guessed it they CANCEL their autoship!

    There are over 4,800 companies within the network marketing and direct sales industry.

    Of these 4,800+ companies, over 2,000 of them are health and wellness companies. Now in

    all fairness, Im in no way criticizing the health and wellness industry. In fact, I personally buy

    and consume a lot of products from this industry on a monthly basis, but the point I want to

    make here is, after a consumable product is consumed, its gone.

    In this economy, if youre going to join a network marketing program, doesnt it make good

    sense to build a home-based business where the autoship is an asset and not a


    This is one of those rare cases where you can actually increase your net worth just by

    being on auto-ship.

    Logic says that if Im getting money shipped to my front door every month, then Im

    automatically succeeding financially, even if I dont build a downline or even sell the product!

    With Numis Network, weve heard over and over again that people dont want to get off

    autoship. In fact, one guy who had brought in 1300 people says that 1220 are still on

    autoship after 6 months.

    When the product youre marketing is silver and gold, people will want to buy as much of the

    product as they can get. Many will exchange their own commissions (cash paper currency)

    for even more REAL MONEY and people in the business will see their team volume rise.

    Besides, which of these would you rather be garage qualified with?


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    Ive never heard anybody tell me that theyve got way too much silver and gold layin around

    the house. When your product is freshly minted MS70 Silver Coins, all you have to do is drop

    them into someones hands and theyll instinctively want what you have.

    All joking aside, wouldnt you agree that silver and gold coins are the type of product that

    brings instant credibility, just by possessing them?

    Support & Training

    Having the right mentors to help you grow your business is critically important if you want to

    build a big check that continues to flow for many years to come. Most network marketing

    opportunities have a bad case of the blind leading the blind.

    If you decide to join Numis Network using the links below, its going to be a much different

    experience than what youll get from most other teams.

    Being part of the fastest growing team has its advantages; youll get comprehensive training

    on internet marketing strategies thatll make your business grow quickly, and youll never be

    required to make out a list and harass your friends and family (unless of course, you enjoy

    that type of thing).

    Heres how the process works: As soon as you sign up, well get you plugged in, so you can

    access to our private team training site. Itll teach you exactly how to generate leads for your

    Numis Network business using the most cutting-edge strategies available. Youll learn how to

    generate quality, targeted traffic to your site quickly and affordably. NOTHING will be left to


  • Page 18

    Closing comments...

    Lets face it, there are a lot of people who say theyre ready to start their own business, work

    from home, pay off their debt, acquire real assets and make some serious cash flow.

    But the reality for most is that they want to be a couch potato (watching Survivor and eating

    pizza), expecting the cash to just come rolling in. Like any legitimate business, its going to

    require some time, money, and most importantly, action.

    The good news is, the start-up costs are low, and theres a proven system in place to

    automate the majority of tasks required to attract quality people to your business.

    So, I have just one question for you... well, three actually: If you need extra income, why not

    market money?

    Why not collect money?

    Why not market AND collect money?

    Every time you turn on the TV or radio, you hear commercials telling you to buy or sell your

    silver and gold. You can be a part of something that actually helps people become collectors

    of assets, rather than debt.

    First mover advantage comes with the early stages of involvement in ANY network marketing

    venture. Just like in the financial markets, the people who profit the most are the ones who

    are able to spot a trend and get a head start before the masses find out about it.

    The majority of people that see this business all have the same reaction...

    They say, Really? Tell me more!

    All of the usual responses of I dont like it, I dont see the value in it, and even the big one:

    I dont have the money... theyre all thrown out the window. Everyone immediately sees the

    value, and more importantly, they get the concept.

  • Page 19

    The FEDs Printing Presses are on OVERDRIVE. A falling dollar is bullish on silver and gold.

    The experts say the biggest wealth building opportunity will be in Silver.

    My father and grandfather saw the value in owning silver and gold. It doesnt take a PhD. to

    recognize the incredible appreciation in value that silver and gold have enjoyed over the past

    40+ years.

    Numis Network is a FUN business to build, and you get to increase your net worth, just by

    being on autoship.

    At the end of the day, if someone joined and never did anything with the business, theyre still

    collecting an asset every month that has value. From a business standpoint, we see this as a

    very unique opportunity to capitalize on a market trend thats going to happen with or without


    Heres the way I look at it: even though Ive been collecting coins since I was a kid, it forces

    me to do something I know I should be doing on a regular basis.

    Would you be better off today if you had collected a silver or gold coin each month for the last

    five years?

    Will you be better off when you collect one silver coin each month for the next five years...

    and make money doing it?

    Well, hopefully this report has helped you understand the difference between modern

    ungraded bullion coins and graded numismatic coins, so that you can make an informed

    decision about whether the Numis Network products and business opportunity is for you or


    For some, it simply helped to confirm your natural inclinations about network marketing and

    the home business industry, and even though this report includes my own opinions based on

    many years of in the trenches experience, Ive done my best to be as objective and fair as


    Since we prefer to only buy graded coins through trusted dealers, we feel good about being

    able to recommend Numis Network as one of them. I think youll find them to be a classy and

    highly professional company.

    Watch all their videos like we did, and then draw your own conclusions.

    Successful entrepreneurs all have one thing in common; they take action and are willing to

    invest in themselves and a business for financial gain.

  • Page 20

    These are troubled times with businesses failing left and right, companies laying off

    employees, and new graduates unable to find work. Our evaluation revealed to us that Numis

    Network is a company you can trust, with people of the highest integrity running it.

    Theres no better time than NOW to create wealth and prosperity for your and your family.

    And if youre ready to start proving the recession only exists for OTHER people, then its time

    to set some goals and get to work, since fortune favors those who act.


    If you can see the massive potential of owning a business that markets assets rather

    than consumables...

    If you can apply yourself to the business just a few hours each week...

    If youre tired of joining one get-rich-quick program after the next and getting nowhere


    If youd like to be part of the fastest growing team of full-time pros that no longer worry

    about their checks evaporating into thin air due to massive attrition...

    Then theres only ONE thing you need to do right now...

    Take The Next Step!

    Visit The Product-Only Website

    To learn more about Numis Networks silver and gold coins, you can visit their retail-only

    shop where you can watch the videos and join the coin of the month club without being part

    of the business.

    They have an extensive collection of modern numismatic coins as well as rare and vintage

    coins. You wont find a safer way to buy collectible coins than Numis.

    Heres the site: https://www.shopnumis.com/lwlmedia

  • Page 21

    Visit Our ILS Marketing Pipeline

    ( What we use to sift, sort, and select prospective Numis Business Partners)

    This final step is completely optional, but we believe you owe it to yourself to at least check it

    out. You have nothing to lose, and your existing life will always be there for you if you decide

    this project isnt for you.

    So, if youre interested in learning more about Numis Networks off the charts business-

    building model, go through through this presentation here:


    Thanks for investing your time in reading this report. As you know, no one can guarantee

    your success; thats up to you... but partnering with Barry, myself, and the rest of our team

    will stack the odds heavily in your favor.

    Whether we do business together in Numis or not, we wish you all the success that you



    Brad Wajnman

    Investment Director & Co-Founder, The Wealth Vault