Nuclear arms race by jessica

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Page 1: Nuclear arms race by jessica
Page 2: Nuclear arms race by jessica

• This happened because American leaders would want to have enough nuclear weapons to draw an argument from the soviet union but this proved not very effective.

• They do not believe each other because they both were world power and they were competing for their views of (capitalism and communism respectively) to be spread.

Page 3: Nuclear arms race by jessica

•Because the American had dropped

the nuclear bomb in Japan , they

thought that the Soviet union

wouldn’t be able to make one , but

they dropped their first Soviet bomb

on august 29, 1949, shocking the

entire world.

• On October 4, 1957, the soviet union

showed the world that they are able

to reach any part of the world when

they launched their own satellite on

the 31 October 1959.

• The Soviet Union was extremely concerned by these developments. Although they had exploded their first atomic weapon in 1949, they were a long way behind the United States in nuclear technology. They had concentrated on producing large missiles that could travel long distances. However, these missiles were inaccurate and their size made them difficult to conceal.

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