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Semi-Annual Newsletter for the Nu Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon

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Page 1: Nu News 2000-02

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Nu Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon February, 2000



Luncheon was

better than ever

N u Chapter members who weren't present for the 44th

Annual Christmas Luncheon held December 20 missed one of best get-togethers in recent years.

Even with some of our stalwarts missing, we still had 33 Fraters attending, representing the biggest Christmas event in the memory of many members. As usual, we have Dan Costello to thank for his efforts in making the arrangements for the luncheon at San Francisco's Olympic ClUb.

On hand this year to greet their Fraters were Ed Dermott, George Dove, Bill Rus, Len

. Schlussel, Dan Costello, Andy Viscovich, Tom Morgan, Don Lawrie, Phil Merritt, Chip Wray, Roy Claxton, Fred Lusk, Bill Thompson, Will Deady, Griff Marshall, Terry Mcllraith, Dave FranCiS, Garth Wilson, Doug Patton, Carl Anderson, Jeff Graves, Howard Nemir, Cliff Ceridono, Dick Anderson, Robin Harris, John Bell, Hal Plimpton, John Phillips, Ken Richardson, Peter Winkler, Mike Wray, Wayne Martinez, and John Sooklaris.

A few Christmas carols were rendered and the Teke Quartet belted out a song. A lot of visiting and sharing of news climaxed the event. Although we missed some of our Fraters, we couldn't have wished for a much better day.




t last December's luncheon, Frater Tom

Morgan reported to members on the status of the chapter house and of progress being made in the direction of re-establishment of an undergraduate chapter. His report elicited some hope on the part of those present at the luncheon that 2725 Channing could be justifiably renovated and that a Nu Chapter reorganization was also a real possibility. A further report from Tom Morgan to Nu News makes some of this more clear.

In 1998 the Nu Chapter Housing Corporation hired Everingham Associates (EA) of Berkeley, a project management and consulting finm, to detenmine the feasibility of renovating and remodeling the house. EA, in tum, contracted with an architect and structural engineers to complete a study. Based upon that study, renovation was detenmined to be feasible.

To hire the engineers, architect and the project manager, a $150,000 loan was arranged, $90,000 of which was allocated for payment of back taxes and outstanding bills. The remaining $60,000 is being held by the lender pending completion of an appraisal which is expected to be completed soon. When this money is released, the indebted­ness incurred by emergency loans of several years ago will be paid.

The Housing Corporation is soliciting the help of volunteers to assist in financing, as it will require a capital campaign to reduce the $150,000 debt and pay contracting costs in the future.

The EA report wisely points out that while renovation is a dollars and cents decision, the reorganization of the Chapter is an emotional one, quite separate from the issue of the house itself. This, too, looks promising. Look for more news on this topic soon.


• News of Vour Fellow Alumni • Founders Day Dinner April 8 • Lost Fraters and an Appeal for Help • Dues News

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Coming April 8 New Location -


DAY DINNER A change in venue, but the same great

conviviality, will prevail at the next Founders Day Dinner April 8, a date selected because Easter is late this year.

Although we have enjoyed Hs. Lordships Restaurant for three years, we find Saturday nights there are booked for months in advance. And prices have gone up too- everywhere Because experience dictates that April is traditionally the best month for this event, Frater Dan Costello has searched diligently for accommodations elsewhere. And we believe he has succeeded admirably.

All of us remember Spenger's Fish Grotto, just off the freeway in West Berkeley. In fact, we had a reunion dinner there in 1994. But Spenger's has changed, and much for the better. Completely remodeled and brightened at a cost of millions, it has retained its charm. This will be the site of our Y2K Founders Day Dinner. Trust Frater Dan; he's never let us down.

Those of us who gathered at Spenger's six years ago remember with mixed emotions our shared experience with some other group enjoying their own reunion in the same room. We had a lot of fun that night and our two parties exhanged greetings and salutations throughout the evening.

But not this time. We'll have our own room and our own full, private no-host bar. And the dinner, including dessert, tax, tip, and three bottles of wine on each table, is tribute to Dan's dedication to detail and his appreciation of the fine life. One choice of entree is a combination of Filet of Salmon and Breast of Chicken with Mustard Tarragon. The other, Filet Mignon with Mushrooms. At a cost of $42.00, this is still a tremendous value.

If you don't know where Spenger's is, you didn't go to Cal. Nevertheless, here are directions: Coming from either direction on Highway 80, take the University Offramp, heading west Continue to the first signal light and turn left on 6th Street. Then turn left on Hearst and you'll soon see Spenger's at 1919 4th Street. (Continued back cover page)

Dues Are Due Every day he goes to the mailbox in unbridled

anticipation. Our Treasurer, Wayne Martinez is a very positive person, so he knows there will be a few envelopes in the box containing Nu Chapter alumni dues, It would be a shame to disappoint him (and the rest of us) Your Nu News is supported solely by your


So please send in your dues today. There's a form on the insert in this newsletter for this purpose. We'll publish a Dues Honor Roll in our next issue, Please be on it. It's important to all of us.

FROM YOUR EDITOR May I get maudlin?

I have not taken advantage of my dubious position to editarialize for a long time. Instead, I've been content to report the news, good or bad, whatever it may be.

I know that most of you have social ties outside the Fraternity. You play golf, you belong to clubs, you have ties at work, you have neighbors. TKE is probably only one of many organizations to which you pay social homage-- if you aTe active at all. When we joined Tau Kappa EpSilon, we joined a FTaternity for Life. This was not supposed to be something we outgrew as we took our places in the UTeal" world. We joined TKE because, among other incentives, we recognized the potential for a long-term commitment to caring and friendship-- or at least that's what we said we felt at the time.

Those of us who have clung to this commitment know that the caring and friendship is there. It has always been there. Some have fallen away. They never knew (or perhaps never ctfTed) tJuzt this tremendous support system of loyalty was in place for them.

In the six yetfTs since [ inherited the Taster of Nu Chapter FTaters, [ have had the painful task of deleting names of those who have passed away. Each yetfT we lose a few more. And I wonder: Should I have made a greater effort to enjoy these FTaters during the final yeaTS of theiT life- perhaps for the first as well as the last time? Or should they have made a greater effort to give us that chance? Indeed, the last time I saw Don McIntosh, Al Nelson or Pete Kot1WT was at a Christmas Luncheon or a Founders Day Dinner. Now they are gone. But because I was there and so were they, I had a chance to see them before they went away. That opportunity meant a lot.

Another opportunity will present itself April 8., and [hope-- as I always hope-- tlUlt I will see Fraters whose company I have not enjoyed for many years. I hope you will not miss this opportunity to be present. But don't do this for me. Do it for yourself Do it for all of us. We will come away from the Founders Day Dinner so much richer for having renewed OUT

commitment to the Fraternity For Life by spending the evening with our old friends-- and undoubtedly some new ones, too.

In our busy lives, each of us has a lot on his agenda, and sometimes choices must be made. I hope you will choose your Fraternity the evening of April 8.

dues (no rhyme intended). So are other mailings and - Robin C. Harrisreminders that you receive throughout the year.

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ITH THIS ISSUE of Nu News, we include e-mail

addresses where they are known. If you have an e-mail address, please send it to us so we can include it on our roster.

We also want news of you and your family. Tell us about yourself and what you're doing for the next issue of NU NEWS. Mail it to 6690 Kelsey Creek Drive, Kelseyville, CA 95451.

JOHN BELL '57, wife Peggy and family members enjoyed a long­awaited trip to Norman Rockwell country in Stockbridge, Massa­chusetts for Christmas, and are hopefully recovered from the throes of remodeling their new home, John is still flying as a consultant while enjoying retirement. John has


a new address: 19140 Robinson Road, Sonoma, CA 95476. (belicapt@AOL. com)

LEN SCHLUSSEL '49 still lives in the northeast part of San Jose and prepares income taxes for a limited number of clients. Len's address is 1029 Vista del Mar, San Jose, CA 95132. ([email protected]), Len and wife Ruth traveled to the Founders Day dinner last Spring with BOB BEBB '48 and his wife Sue (they just celebrated their 50th anniversary). Bob is retired and lives at 1988 Kobara Lane, San Jose 95124, Bob's was the first scroll number after the reactivation of the Chapter in 1948.

ED DERMOTT '49 is still retired, still skiing and still riding horses. He has served for nine years as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Sutter Medical Center in Santa Rosa. This is a community service, which translates to no pay, he says. Ed and wife Bernice (Cal '51) live near two of their three children and


four of their six grandchildren.

Their address is 4311 Raymonde Way, Santa Rosa, CA 95404.

PETER WILLIAM THOMPSON '54 has a new address. Always noted for his shyness, Bill didn't tell us much about himself, but we know he represents ABC Chemical in the Fresno area, and that new address is 2341 Dawson Cove Lane, Clovis, CA 93611-5997.

DOUG PATTON '56 is an attorney in Oakland, and when at home can be found at 5845 Ocean View Drive, Oakland,CA 94618. ( doug patt@PacBell. net)

DAN COSTELLO '51 and wife Sharon enjoyed a trip to Hawaii this past summer for their 30th anniversary. He still plays golf twice a week and works out at the Olympic Club every week. Dan's daughter graduated from Sacramento State and his son is a sophomore at Diablo Valley College. The Costello digs are at 910 Hastings Drive, Concord, CA 94518-3822.

ANDY VISCOVICH '48 is now a grandfather of lan, 211 and Sean, 3 months. Wife Elena is semi-retired as Associate Superintendent of Stockton Schools. Andy is active on the Croatian Scholarship Foundation as its newsletter editor and still consulting in educational management. The Viscovich home is at 3754 Fort Donelson Drive, Stockton, CA 95219. ([email protected])

TOM MORGAN '50 ('51) was married to Marcy in 1996. Tom works relentlessly on Nu Chapter in an effort to bring it back to the status it once enjoyed. Tom's nephew recently pledged TKE at Whitman College in Walla Walla, WA. Tom lives at 375 Muller Road, Walnut Creek, CA 94598.

PETER WINKLER 76 still lives in Strawberry, near Tiburon and has two children, 4 and 7, who love school. Wife Kathy teaches Kindergarten at St., Hilary's in Tiburon. Pete practices law in Tiburon, 'and says a broken ankle sustained in a bicycle/Sport Ute encounter was the highlight of his year. Pete does not say which conveyance his was inIon. He can be reached at 104 Main Street, Tiburon, CA 94920. ([email protected])

HOWARD NEMIR '57 and wife Claudia are expecting their second grandchild in July. They traveled to Spain last Spring. Howard spends many hours as a volunteer helping to restore the 1891 Southern Pacific depot in Danville, The Nemirs live at 1566 Ramona Way, Alamo, CA 94507. ([email protected])

BOB SHARP '56 is still retired as a special education teacher with Oakland schools. Bob and wife Sheila live at 2123 Knollwood Drive, MartineZ, CA 94553-4812.

Another Frater with a new address is JOHN SOOKLARIS '80, John manufactures art supplies. He is at 128 Lakeside Drive, Corte Madera, CA 94925, (John@masterp i ecearts. com)

BILL McCAMMON '30 writes, "I thoroughly enjoyed Nu News as did my wife Esther who was very active with the Mothers Club helping to restore Nu Chapter after World War II.' Bill notes that out of 16 pledges, he and DENNY ELLER '30 were the only two to graduate from Cal on time. Bill's address is Box 4239, Incline Village, NV 89450.

We extend condolences to DENNY ELLER '30 who lost his wife Sallie a little over a year ago after 63 years of marriage. He lives at 1661 Pine st. #1245, San Francisco 94109.

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CARL WEST ANDERSON '57 is daughter and son-in-law,' he says. BOB GASSIN '60 still lives in retired as Presiding Justice, "Now I get to ride in it more than Durham (that's near Chico) and California Court of Appeal. He when I owned it." Jeff and Shirley says EI Nino wiped out his kiwis, remains active with the American live at 57 Bahama Reef, Novato, but "us human types are fine: Arbitration Association. Carl and CA 94949. Bob's daughter Usa lives in Illinois Margo live at 2071 OaklandAve., and they also have a son who it Piedmont, CA 94611. BILL DeMARTINI '50 is still in seems to this Editor should be Uustice [email protected]) Pebble Beach and playing tennis. about 11 years old now. Bob stays

His son and daughter-in-law are in touch with RICH MILLIKAN and RICH MILLIKAN '59 is enjoying both doctors, doing interning at GEORGE BRANCH, and recently greatly improved health after University of Washington. This enjoyed a phone caU from BILL several months of severe illness. news from TOM MORGAN who KOBUS '57. The Gassin Rich has moved to a managed care also says ROGER STANSFIELD homestead is at 9312 Lott Road, facility in Napa and enjoys it very '50 is at Sun City, Roseville. Durham, CA 95938. much. "Meals are like going to a ([email protected])restaurant, put you don't pay the DON LAWRIE '50 and wife Harriet check,' he says. Rich's son Chris are still living in San Jose after 50 Everything new for DON ROMEO was recently married (BOB GASSIN years and have been married '58 and new wife Marge. They have '59 and GEORGE BRANCH '59 almost 50 years. He's mostly a new address and a newly attended the wedding) and is retired, he says, and enjoys golf, remodeled home: 1523 Gretchen presently living in Rich's house in traveling and grandchildren. They Court, Rohnert Park, CA 94928. Napa. Rich's address until further are at 1070 Hedgecroft Place, San That's just south of Santa Rosa. notice is 211 Redwood Road, #225, Jose, CA 95120. Napa, CA 94558. (dhlawrie@AOLcom) FRED LUSK '56 would like to sell

you his house. It's a big place that "Nothing real new" says BILL RUS ROY CLAXTON '51 and wife Muriel he and Ann have lovingly and '48. "Scharlott and I are dOing fine." just returned from a trip to India carefully remodeled over the years. I'm semi-retired, doing some with DAVID FRANCIS '54 and wife You can write or visit the Lusks at consulting and putting together Mary Jo. The Claxton address is 1418W. Morris, Fresno, CA 93711 financing for a West Coast plant for Box 10, Ross, CA 94957, and the BioLumber, for which I am Vice- Francis residence is at 153 Wild We're told Harry Smith '49 and his President, Marketing. Bill has four Horse Valley Road, Novato, CA bride have celebrated their 50th grandchildren. They live at 13 Corte 94947. ([email protected]) wedding anniversary. His address Ortega, #16, Greenbrae, CA 94904. is Box 10497, Truckee, CA 96162.

"Guess what?" says CHIP WRAY GRIFF MARSHALL '51 is stili '53, "I was married in October to a Last time we checked, PATRICK actively working, he says. He's in delightful gal, Anne. We are slowly REYNOLDS was still campaigning the process of putting together a settling in to Sonoma and look against smoking through Citizens Hedge Fund. He says he and Violet forward to your dropping in, in For A Tobacco Free America. As a are enjoying good health. Griff had between our travels." They live at descendant of the R. J. Reynoldsa routine of traveling to Africa for 2081 Hyde Burndale, Sonoma, CA Tobacco family, his story is an many years, but is no longer doing 95476. interesting one, and was featured in that. Griff can be reached at P O. Nu News a few years ago. His Box 919, Tiburon, CA 94920. His And MIKE WRAY '80, son of CHIP address is Box 492028, Los home is located at 12 Roseville WRA Y IS living in Green Valley, Angeles, CA 90049. Court. ([email protected]) Solano County, with wife Eileen and (I [email protected])

three girls, 13, 9 and 4. Mike is still JEFF GRAVES '56 is on the Board an environmental consultant DAVE FRANCIS '54 just reported in of Directors of the Novato Historical cleaning up contaminated soil and following a heart attack and triple Society. He still collects antique groundwater. The address is 904 bypass recently. He's the "mystery toys and says he now has more Via Pajaro, Suisun City, CA 94585- man,' he says, as there was no than ever. About 70 of them are on 1526. warning that this was going to display at the museum. He is happen. He's feeling good now, active 10 efforts to restore the old TOM NICKEL 72, is an attorney, though, and has just begun a fire house at Hamilton Field. "I and can be located at P. O. Box cardiac rehab program. He'll be gave my 1936 Packard to my 60712. San Diego, CA 92166 playmg tennis soon, he says.

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40 Years In Nu News

STEVE DEDINA '60 mtanls of the Undergraduate Ch pte;. reports that a newsletter entitled Nu News will be published regularly to keep alumni informed of news of the House and its activities.

JACK DIRKS '53 hopes to graduate soon and be ordained as an Episcopalian Priest. He met the girl of his dreams this summer and they were married the following March. He is presently in Tennessee but hopes to be stationed in the State of Washington.

BILL RUS '48 is operating his own construction company and says he is set up to build anything from a patio to a dam. He is living in Palo Alto.

BILL GRAHAM '51 is to be married in July. Bill is with Matson Navigation Co. in Washington DC.

30 Years In Nu News

DON McCALLUM '61 retired from the Yolo County District Attorney's Office to open his O\\TI law fum.

BILL SCHMOHL '66 is a Navv dental officer serving with the . Marines in Okinawa

DAN COSTELLO' 5 I is a stock broker for Hayden Stone Company in San Francisco.

SAM PEDEN '59 is back in the Bay Area working for the IRS after six years in Redding, California.

20 Years In Nu News

SOPH GOTH' 18 sold his San Francisco apartment and moved to

Fre "11o where he was born and where all his relatives live. He has been convalescing from an extended illness in a care facility ' there.

JAMES SHERK '64 lists his permanent home as Southern California. He sayS IKE is alive and well there du primarily to BOB QUELLMALZ's parties. "The Fraternity can be remarkably supportive if one lets it:' says Jim. ([his is a good message/or us today ill the year 2000).

MIKE COBB' 58 completed six years of service as Santa Clara County Republican Chairman and was recently appointed t o the Palo Alto Planning Commission. He is Director of Administration for Systems Centrallnc., and runs a sideline business in advertising.

MARK PARRISH '79 is Prytanis of the Undergraduate Chapter and reports 14 new initiates in the MaOlSOnHouse. There are 30 live-in members and 13 out-members this year.

10 Years in Nu News

HER..\{ FIS HER '52 retired from PG & E and is now remodeling his parents' ranch home in e Fishers recently traveled to Pennsvlvania and Virginia and cruised t Alaska.

EARL BOYNTON '56 retired from the U.S.Army Reserve as a Full Colonel. He received the Meritorious Service Medal on that occasion.

CHARLES SHAPIRO '73 is a physician specializing in male infertility. He and his "ife rect.'tltiv visited with MARK WILLIAMS and \vife, and talked about old times.

MARK EDELSTONE '83 is a securities analyst for Prudential­Bache and will complete his MBA in Finance in Apri l 1990.

or aptrr Efrrnul MICHAEL F. AFTERGUT 'S8

Michael passed in 1997. Originally from St. Louis, Missouri, he was initiated in Spring 1965. While at Cal he was a

. member of the water polo team and was a Political Science major. He resided in San Leandro, California at the time of his death.


"Heggie· was a podiatrist, and served in many offices of the California Chiropody Association. He resided in the San Diego area and was preceded in death by his wife, Muriel. He held the lowest Nu Chapter scroll humber (#75) v.tlen he died at the age of 95.


Harry passed CNMf December 27, 1997, Initiated in 1925 as an honoray member, he was a class-mate of Irving Krick and Madison Devlin {see below} and held Scroll Number 140. Harry lived in Sausa-lito, California, and was 97.


(Scroll #141) passed away in October 1998. He will be remembered as the leader of the Cal Band in the early 193Os. He spent many years as a professional trombonist, and was also an accomplished photog"apher· who worked with Ansel Mans in Yosemite. He lived in Kentfield at the time of his death at 91.


A life-long San Francisco resident. Dick passed away in FeI:ruary 1999 at the age of 62. He had been involved successfully in property management there for many years. He was also an excellent pianiSt. Dick was Best Man at the wedding of Carl and Margo Anderson.

EUGENE H. EARLY '54 Gene entered Chapter Eternal January 11, 2000. Initiated in 1953. he was an engineering student at Cal and worked for the Navy in Europe and in California. He leaves his wife Mary Lou, bNo sons and several grandchilaen.

We regret that news of the passing of Fraters does not always reach us In a timely manner, Therefore, some of our obituaries are published well after the fact.

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LOST FRATERS . THE SEARCH CONTINUES This is a partial list of Fraters for whom we have been unable to obtain a valid address, or whose mailings have been returned as unforwardable since the previous mailing (in other words, some have just recently became "Iost."). The list is broken down into several eras. Maybe you can help: Are they in address book?

PART I - The Years from the Reorganization of the House in 1948 to Approximately 1953 -

Ian Kay Richard Gause Tom LaFehr Alan Thompsonn John Tilbury Jr. George Jensen Maynard Shipley John Hatfield Don Relfe Will Smith Ernie Hartsoc John Blackwell Jack Dirks Bob Stephenson Roland Robie Abbott -'Bud" Scheer Bud Marshall Tom Smith James Ford James Watson Gay Virden Richard Peterson

PART II - The Years 1953 through 1960

Burt Rowe Ed Dawson Bill Onun Jerry Park George Branch Lee Shugart Geo.(Ed) Thompson Jim Fitzpatrick Jack Paxton Robert Cartright Dean Weibel Roger Venturi Dan Peterson Arnold Hale Dick Klink John Boland Ed Stokes Larry Evans William Dozier Frank Klink Roger Venturi Gene Cherry Larry Sands Bill Longworth Paul Clarkson

Don Chaffin Thomas Newell Dan Baker

PART III - The Years 1960 through 1970.

Ray Rasmussen W. B. Sonne Reuel Griffin Michael Duffey Robert Free Thomas Turner Clinton Ar Lance Johnson Michael White Steven Smith

Michael Cowyer Terence Hook Philip Keeffe Rainer Schelp Gary Hall Craig Thomas Russell Buss Mark Johnson Ralph Morgan Lee Hugdal Randall Morgan Jerry Boddum John Doyle Peter Dutley

Steven Bray Robert DiCicco Brad Volpi Norbert Reich FOCND Robert Lashley Douglas Lee Michael Smith Kevin Korb Sarge Moore FOUND Charles Barker William Snow Michael Gardner John Weber Andrew Towne Robert DeNike Eric Thatz David Thompson Bruce Talmage FOUND Robert Carpentier Charles Mason Russell Calvert David Adams Carl Fredrickson Charles Bachelor !!J2JJ1!.l11. Daniel Ludlow Robert Testa Richard Jenks Richard Russell Malcolm Brachman Kaoru Sakai Michael Waughtel Garrett Beaumont Lawrence Miller David Hyerle Scott Little David Guerrero Tony Wayne Milton BW\vTI Homer Arrington FOUND Martin Reidy James Shigley Mark Senavsky Jon King FOUND Neil Korus Thomas T enguall Gerard Crowley Peter Dumont John Oldenkamp Terence Magovem Kevin Clark Tim Levin Roger Solomon James Key Paul Rogers Urs Matejka Robert Lacev Hugh Ashley FOUND Paul Yandell Dennis Bloch

PART V The Years 1977 through 1983

Peter Berrv Phillip Erickson Louis Torregosa Steve Elefant Clark Daggs James Falconer RobtSteven Martin Paul Springer Marc Voisenat Richard Wright

Frank Schultz Michael Dittman Mark DeSilets John Zelinsk:y Mark Grimes Robert Brackett Blake Jenkins Thomas Steig Tim Shore Ricardo Ferrer

Ed Marek Geoffrey McNew Anders Torgerson Kirk Pappas Nicholas Buffmger Jim Mahler Richard Stull Bruce Bauman David Harris Steven Schmidt Kevin Collins Richard Flees Edwin Mastro Chris Burns Robert Mellema Anthony Francovich Wade Smithson Daniel Goldstein Ma)llard Rothchild

HELP US SOLVE THIS MYSTERY - Our records show scroll numbers for which no Frater is listed. They are as follows: 387 - Between Dave Kimball and Don Romeo 390 - Between Bob Sharp and Dick Walther (might be Ed Stokes) 427 - Between Jerry Park and Don Chaffin 437 - Between John Harrison and Manuel Rivera 440 - Between Robert Penland and Dick Klink 478 - Between George Branch and William Kuhn Sr.

ALSO - Here are Fraters we have been carrying from the 19205 and 305. Are they still with us? Some of you from the "olden days" may know. Oscar Utzinger '26, Ralph Wright '27. Carroll Steffen '27, James Hamilton'29, George Lamb '29, Harvie Freed '29, John Rodgers '31, Ted Halg '31, Robt. Hartwell '31, Percy Carter '32, Eliot Swan '32, Harry Peters '33, Franklyn Cavier '34, Virgil Oyster '34, Robert Gould '34, Donald Hayes '34.

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Xu Q.t4aptrr AlulUni Assoriation of Watt iKappa fEpsilon PRESENTS THE 101st ANNUAL COMMEMORATION OF


Spenger's in Berkeley Dinner $42 per person, $84 per couple

Detach Below and Return by March 29 to: Dan Costello, 910 Hastings Drive, Concord, California 94518

------ - --- ---- - ---------- - -------- ----- - --------

o Yes! fll (we'll) be with you for the annual Founders Day Celebration, Sat, April 8.


I:\DICA TE CHOICE OF 0 Filet Mignon for 0 1 a 2 o Salmon/ Chicken for 0 1 2

:'vly check is enclosed for $42.00 x number in party (Payable to Dan B.Costello, please) $


Detach this form to send in your Y2K Dues. Please make payable to Tau Kappa Epsilon and mail to: Wayne P. Martinez, 95 Aptos Avenue, San. Francisco, CA 94127.

]0) 1(J[ ]E § o My check for $30 is enclosed representing my Nu Chapter Alumni dues for the year 2000.


City / State / Zip

HOW TO SA VE 33 CENTS: Along with this dues statement, includee a blurb about yourself and your family for Nu

News. Wayne will forward it to your Editor, saving you the agonizing responsibility of a separate mailing of your

biographical stuff to Nu News.

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FOUNDERS DAY ... (Continued from page 2

Our banquet room is the Shmick Room. Ask for i.t by name. Dinner will be served at 6:30 and your social hour( s) wi II begin as soon as you get there. (Some have been known to show up two hours early.) If you arrive before the room is ready, congregrate in the main bar to meet with other early arrivals so you'll have plenty of time to visit.

If you have questions, you may telephone Tom Morgan at (925) 934-2747, Robin Harris at (707) 279-8028, or Dan Costello (after March 30 because he is spending two weeks in Florida) at (925) 827-9249.

Dan reminds us all to call a Frater who has not attended a Teke function in a long time to to the Banquet. Better yet, make it a double date.

There is a form on the reverse of this page for you to indicate your intention to join us.

NU NEWS 6690 Kelsey Creek Drive Kelseyville, California 95451