lYotection Ai IMseaae take pi*«-« is «h* W ly Autumn Mim MrKeon M S graditele «f ÜM collage of 8t. Bltoabetk and ia eer m ary of tW Cattali. W.»men's Coi mge Club of Want Biitiatoii Mr Bree\ Mr*. Shaded, Former Local Woman, To Head Jersey Spanish War Veterans Nsws.rm I3OT For Yoe T H E Al The L e a d e r WH. 16. NO. 6 Entered « Second (.U a Matter Aulirai 12, 1921. «1 the Port Uflk* «»" LYNDHURST. NEW JERSEY. VT«ci"lt All The Baaee — It'a V*^« tlY u* our province, of course, ¡¡5 don't forget th« Leo A. Walsh ¿.„„rial Fund fame Wednesday el Mann ° v l i - . . . Awlv E**rt, t*>e «onial Stuyvettnt . ‘ meat market proprietor, had zT polled on h i» thia week which .ill keep hint under the table for ^Seeiaa a” yuan* mi«a on the eunny of eu. waltaaii into the attire demanda» that Andy five her a wnt two pound« oi - baroney" „„ fiwiinc- She «poke hau*huly, '■"-Barone»?* « W Andy. •ilaroney," ah« replied. -oh “ Andy eatd. “tha girl muat i«loney. So ha put up two ZlrA*. i.anded it oyer to Miaa Hauihij U>d eent hai out rnto the suniirht. , a lew minutaa Inter an indignant mother almoet broke the door down „1 .«-ndin* baloney when I asked S; two pound, of Mrioin ateakl” VJ! 1| Mi'a Haughty juat teetered on tier tooa and gave Andy scathing ^ . . . John Kafnar, our loading Paaaaic furniture dealer, a abort time ago advertised a fire aal«. Thinga are voling off. I t 1« o n ly a hot weather sale now. But take a peek at thoae torrid bargain»! e e a (red Kaempfa adYartieement on one of our pafea i» worthy of peru- „1 A can of TV ME doe« a real valve iui< carbon job on your car. t.d » can of TYMB cotta just one wur i | : • .T v Sam Hrody'e poetic advertising >* attracting * great deel of attention In fact, $ome hnve gone up to Sam •«king him if hs wanted to b« made the p«et laureate of Lyndhurat. -No . repi ied Sam, “Id rather be the dry goods laureate of Lyndhumt if you don't mind. Step inside and kwk at the bargains." jt • 9 William C. Collins of the Collina Funeral Home waa honored recently »hen he wu. r lee ted chairman of the local Planning Board. This is a real hoaor to a non frha In oar local uvu: »nd funinaap lifr hut Irrrn credit and an aeeet. AI Mitchell just sçnt in a warning I hai » .« la U> taken to haarL by toca! tolks. W “Now.” aaid A I,-“is the time to repair that houtiag ayateni. In the winter it will be too late.*’ Maybe, it « N Ü be a good idea to get an estimate on that Numbing )ol> now ! This to^mn haa aeen «he error of it.« » « p . It will Do loager be a ropy rat. It promiaet faithfully that it »ill not Maar In any way bad frammar. i>ad ideas and bad man tier». TWO REFUSED LICENSES BY LOCALBOARD Cain and Mulligan Lose Out At Thursday M eeting O rganiaiag laat night ia tha Towa Hall, the recently created Planning Board outlined some of the aims to- ward which it will work in the next year. William C. Collina waa named chairman. Peter Longa rao, who waa appointed for a one year term, waa elected vice chairman and William J Connolly, appointed for a five year term, waa elected secretary. One of the moat enthaaiaatk advo- cates on the bnit waa Commiaaioner M Himten, appointed by 1 1 . Board of Connai—inner» aa their rep reaenUtive, who worked towafd the creation of tbs planning unit ever since hia election to the board. “Look around Lyndhurst”, Com- miaaioner Holden declared. “It ia not difficult to aee how failure of the township to foreaee the future de- stroyed all effort# to progrrns in an intelligent manner. I.yndhurat mueh- roomed—development« hit all a^- tiona at once. There was no guiding force to keep the development within bounds. Store* popped up in all di WMfking resident 111; s.-. tiona It became impoaaible to define buaineaa and reaidential sectiona. “ More than that: Lyndhurst not plan in any way to meet the re- quire menta of ahifting civilisation forces. Ixicated aa we are, Lyndhurst could have made the moat of her natural' resources and become one of fne prtae communities of New Jer- sey. Instead, we must battle with bankruptcy. Failure to nlan in ad vanee is the sole reason for this.” Mr. Connolly, who is deputy direc tor of relief urged the unit to con sider various projects that might be ¡•h to completion with of the WPA : hmugh FRED BELLARS WATCHING PRINCET iilhertord. New jeisev uikIvi M m Act ol March J, 187? AY. JULY t, IS36 rCCNTS FOUR PUT (WOUNDS M E NOW READY HIS RUNNING DAYS A. A. U. MEET SATURDAY Bellars Ran In 1 9 0 8 k'*^ *w“ 4 Say s There Are IMffer- Oiympiad In That waatba y thi»,. ..n d « rnres In Old And New n a in thuee day a FUMimt .lay nsnaers —> _ England came Chiefly frosa the cellegea They j TTBfk Sty Iw r mead « anpenence.1 tye all Tapping remaikable reaourcea the run and atudy. Hosiiy, they re»-, 1 tine af ' " Aleo, tkqr get thirty ane J. Kafner Reaches Chicago Meeting Special to Osmmercial Leader 1 UK AGO—John Rafner, proprietor of RafnerV Furniture Store of Pas »air. N. J , raached here today to attend the aatiennI convention of iurmture dsalars. Mr Rafner is scheduled to speak on several iataVMtlng eagles af the futmtere baahsasa. H a 4n eonstdr ed -•nr of the beet informed men in the •untry on small city fu mi tare needs, talks are being eagerly awaited. Pavement of Page avenue, eaat ai geated. laying of curbs on Meadow road waa another. Mayor Bogle's _ statement $2f> 0,<H >0 hed been appro heart by \ plated 4a \aw Jereev'e UU7 budget to take care of extenaioa ot Ruther for«! avenue acroas the Haekenaeck Meadows led Mr Connolly to wax warmly over the prospect« facing Lyndhurst beeauae of thia. Mr Connolly said Meadow road would become one of the moet im portent arteries in Lyndhurst since it would be the logical raecessor to Route 2. This has already beendis cussed many time* ia Lyndhurst and Mr Connolly said the Planning Board would be wise to audie ready for the development. Chief among other matters to con oern the board was the Paaaaic River waterfront Whether the aec will be allocated for buaine»s. was discussed. depth of which only he knows, Don aid Lash, tha Indiana University run net, Saturday sped around Princeton « black diamond track to win the 5.000 meter race in 14 minutes 4 8 seconds to establish a new A. A. U. mark. Applauae from the 20,000 present rang out into the hot air. Heartily applauded ¿ike th«- re«? »in a trim although somewhat stout man with a winaoeeten face and aandy hair. He was FVd Bellars of Lynd hurst who C»uld remember when he himself hed triumphent moment« just as young Lash was having then Bellars represented America ia the Olympic games of 190«, the year whet i some of the toast A me risen running was done. Like Lash, he to«> was a distance man. If there waa the tiniest portion of envy or jeelousy in Belters it did not Show. He was a leader in the ap- plause. In hia caee it waa the sort "f applause a man who know, it ia about can give. In Beliars’s day they did not run ia meters. They counted off the race diatance in milea. Five thouaand met- ers are anpinniaMgoisr six milea. Sel- lers ran distances from two miles up Bel I are’ diatance waa five mi lee. Van Coartland Park’s cross-country over that historic ground« to national t ham piona hip« tsrice. la hia dey, Bellers wea one of the country's fineat distance men. H im sc rep books ere thich with clusters of stories of bis proweaa. They pic- tured him in cartoon, too, end one of hie most treasured dippings is an interview boseman Bulger, who died a few year* age, SMBS M l t- Lyndhurst to get for the old K m - V\ • well-paid coachea. A: because of their remiuu«>na. the typee of job which ara p s i likely to smR their strength. Bellars worhad is a carpenter He climbed tedders, hfng shiagies, daily risking bis precio un knoe« and anhle* When he raa far ghe New York A. C. he res on New Yerk tracha foil he got hia start d Waping along the numeroua opea M da in Lyndharet Bellars has saasf atémonos ef the Olympic trip. He hasn't m coadiëen various reasone — by abont tn pounda. At that, ha «ame la ftft*, t aAyraoon Hie- greet«et Cenada. 'A st... ky yoolh 14» peon* then, he charge.1 I outdaer (lack t«» set up the Roger Breslin Is Engaged to Local H. S. kstrnctor Mr and Mra. BÉvnrd K Mels»« of 4K Grand piece» Arlington, have ■_ ___________________ announcedtheSM fceaseeteftheir track' knewhim'¿all" f¿rhe” ri^-ed Alice Sógina, ta Ry ovsr thathiatoric ground«to national^ ‘“»em Breelin, es* of Mr. aad Mra WPA ASSISTS IN GETTING READY FOR PLAY WORK Bregfin Says History Is Being Made By Playground Supervisor! Who Labor With Load Children M i« I Kan >00 shildrm arc taking part tiuly m pUvgt* ««ml tivioca and the Girt Sctmt Dny Cntnp as thr in n w H *«• "That Fnncetoe trach.n he atwhed summer approach Never tn the annals <4 the SOWehsp^g hm»ev It » ¿»i* dau^USI Id likod t*J have ha« att HUkk nl.m u.1 i.K iko Lail .-htl. If r-ti P v «*r 1 Av% aula raa turned in an thia een tiaaat ta twaaly See yeare. What gid he think ef Laah? M bn "A gt%_. ________ power. A baaatifel runner.“ What w>-uld he have daae age Iasi a manor like Laah? “Who knows?" said Bailara, -fd like to have met bim eny athlete -HMf S • Ohre The kid did ana* Aee ran« There are difference« betw rwantng and Bellars’ day he *tr- » track i r « n ,ha* thtrt ® WuA rUmwJ f.* t»w U*l ch.Utcn. Ever, say day weceet so gaed. It was W ojneedsy from 10 A M to I P M the ihikirm are permit ■nîat ^ fwim m the Lyndhumt M where all are getting wmm Pnncet«*n track givas~yee something j »»»»H! 1«*«* le bounce on. It throws yen alean. I 1 That's the war Lash rana--he houngs. | can gat his H« can get an a track U V - They ran digorenUy la M u r a ’ ( day, toe, ha said They rea U bant the he«d la thoee days, be said la atoe to thèah Nurses Stress Immunization For Youngsters John J. Breslin, it. Of 4 m aar. as*i mra • Ta* kind ef ruse Oteaa Cunning Í12SM T. Say Need Is tireat For B»"i> -i. fr*>m >S t.I.r lia waa graduated University ami John Msrshall Calle » of Lew. H« ia a member of the la» firm of Arealin A Breslin a4 Lynd Sazi cuuuaul . K.t don't take aeythiog -way I aia dora rannera,“ Reliure Uftèd he wh>< se« Johnny Reyes bant Duringlhs awash af Juue we have reeeed Itophtherte la a s s O e m u and MghSheste to new eeu lie The team enti BiiflW gVl n gleet baash «tos tfceit way eheut Saiurday's ea el Use hnwM meel» IV« wv-* ’I t u u i r 1 found Rallar. h .n -,n . ff ' haret. and to a broth.r of Pmavcutxi Q< r " » ^ warn ■■ far John Burke, father of i « ■% J Burke, preaent WPA bo ad S grggiM l U nilgp Raids Crap Game Finds Fifty Yeunjc Men Kngsged In tiam r shtlrmaa el «he depasu id ptoygtwuMa, • m H i t.dU i the au*o far the yeufn to «esa The jdeyvfwead w e * u wua sat WHh Marta» h-tWari, far High Mnasl eUUeto, Ag , »af known in Lf wore aui i I by tha WP* Ml by Breelin Me m aa B f nahMNlan e l Uto syaSss n week t'aaaur OaMa&L M to t a arhM.1 athiotob and Weite* ae seaeta editor *4 thia new« ■or iSrte l'alea». weM l a s e s fca Sditola, aa4 Mise lauto! PLANNING AIMS TOLD MONDAY BY NEW BOARD The Board ef or perka The memhera ofthe board were* urged Thursday night ref ueed to eonsider ihs mutter It was decided ths in k erUI , the first and third Mondeys of every Road. In the first named place Leuia | month. ' ! J. Cote of Bloomfield was refaeed -------- o Uesnm by a four to Saturday A crap game ia whlrh fifty Man j •sere taking part *«a ra*<led atogl- he»de«i Seturdey night by Bergeen< Fred Beyer in 114 Wayv—asit e«e lie Sergeant Haver's sudden aa Member* Refuse rzrgjz. ''h*‘ ^em of the fame tad alesed an sltogoai O f| At M fftlBf fYnasnlastoaai ■ lest! pm uf llJ g that was ea the table , ^ * liquor licen-i Costa waa cherged with operating T toW Bnpng tftn H M to iH snd en ama«-ngl> sot » Of the children who .. I ..-.i Ma ’oung bufey danna the i.-.ntna haa beau dtoruaaad i amltore We to»« l>4aigfv*«Mtos to * gv4 ■Sèi"« s Æ r;:: Collins Named Chair- man At Organization Meeting In Town Hall Divorce Is Given I.rand Oper.ing For Farrell's On Saturday | A divorce decree, baaed ou daeer ‘ a'ñd I tto#. waa 1 I m* >«,.<_ _____ _ _ _____ Adviaory Master Mar A surprise party was boner of Mrs F A. 4th, her bérthdey Mr end Mae auaapalertty e-ib raeldsa«« tfaldfen would ha sángM b( i and Mae WUIaiia h e grand spauillg for oe of Lyndhurafs •nnouucud today. In raw style th«' piace will c i with a free- turkey will open wiU dinner, entertainment and damcing. J»> k Farrell and Chnrtey Beau, pf'pnetora af the ina, declared ree- *rvalions may be mede by telephone nr »t the door. The laa to located at ^l*-dl4 Valley Batmh A- saloon it the corner two weeks . fore, cerne to the meeting In force a li 111 1 with Lawyer Sylvester Goldberg tn A nna lYItinlD rtlC n bght their rauee The second license n iu m m UUIVIH Ui w u r . f UM^ t«. Wrlhem MuTl.g.n " i After e long argument by (¿oldherg Oecree Advised In Jer- SSTSt sey City Last Week o¡a -h» By Judge I one Only Mayor Bogle _____ ¡ of the permit. I Bawgm ef Kearny Cala who ca«, from oataMa I.J~I Mr Joaoah Tim.»«», fata I m » , th, ^ .i ^ Ik. .a ..,. ****• «rad Wr. r * Uaatoc ^ “ *** BOARD HAS PARLEY ON NFW SfHOOI l*"Cw ItC fr J v n U v L L ,, in,’ .«aanaauoaa ill Macota aad «roela haa a»rotated lhe aw>" H ...... ell IkK—u a n beta* > ...... »ed aetauaa of hie de, ,w aal.« a fat a. ■toau-iw ufa* M a s a s e w e>|a apj» e ««a asaa a* *>- i “ aaaoa- Maiawa fan a,Mo a t f tha of • e haeo a e a M llM M a MaaU —— -- laa aacardtaa tha «akf h—, Well Ih a tw i . and k.|w a lhe >e>, aear ’’ »•" ha|Q^ÿ< ..T_| ^ ü z T I *«>>• te the faa.lt, don., vaeo : i_ _ aaaw M k iW la aoli.a> a . Surprise Partv For ourpnse rany ror LÄÄjfL ‘ j if a ÍL wmImF ff e - h . J a aatoP mS&A9***1*4* RRPBPMBfHM Htov HatoBVL- . ____ n to neiieanU who wished to es- s gambling game aad held for ish toisons at 100 snd 784 Ridge 1 of ' fatam gat The Board of Bdmatwe asst Teee- H —- - - - n àiJuaa ta Of Ih et.m r Hoa^eeiá 4.waaa in pn»et« aea |w el to *s moas the rWA wu n ■hnw M feetfaily suhsaitto< Miblmi ^ Veagalia. g N Margare« L Pfutot. I N z i^"u.lrr::* t i iiqu WINS it ha ffraatod « »«.ita hrt; Mr and th, r~.l l i i l . ? » « and tha lleaaa» Brand atJaree» < Itjr. M> and . . . Thenar, oaa to akift all orm lk HDQT PDI7IT ta o f f.tur t., (M l,. Hlaka and faaril|r of Nowart ' '■■ ? - •- TI , r llU 1 I Itl/.f. ia fenr * . Ana M larra, S «-. a.r, j | PLANE wer (rade, aow I rale« aa Ida* «a e l a i ha«aaaa. t a n e * thau « n aa< far Satureia) ni*ht. % ^jjjf'va*'wínkíe^bere'^.«teraaji, in H'lM.RKD OS « T . «IRTHrMY \ e«rpnae family reunion marked 'je -xaeioB ef IBs Thth birthday ef v rh -mas F. Denning on Taeedny, J‘> 7th at his home 7 « Fourth •reet. Lyndhurst The reunion was - tended by hie an daughter* and * « e . euttuen grsndrhlldras nnd tw., , ,eat grastodlina. " I'A Dances Here l>ery Thursday Ht"ek dance, erllt be bald In i . ihurat every Ttiuradajr nifbt - »>ide tha Moiuniial Park. it annoatHod tadajr h^ Coarala- . Jkoffttoda, u a ifh i publie wi VIP* dan. her aait acaiaat 221 «»th at reel, Weet New York. Mra. Muhlbruch toM the court that bar hue. .and waa ahiftleaa and ref ueed to ahooldar the reanonaiNlitr of mar riad life The wife aaid that her haabaad loot hia Joh fear y w r a a a o aad made aa M a d to Jnd etoadjr emiiloymast after that. She aaid ho merely took odd joha aad a»ent what little aiaaay ha aude on hiawelf ot '"■K TpfLoer *ud that eoon aftar Naw Year’. Day, IMI, ah. told her hualiand he woald h a « to look fat atoad, employment aad lka. be re- aaatod her au«eati..n and M d her he waa tirad of married lita. Sha aaid he thraatonad to laaee har a«d earned oat hie threat a few day* later He haa never retomad to h«r. Tha a a a r i i h ware mamad ta Habakaa aa »««amber t. l»t* atuh.hruch did eat eeataet hia oife a Beverage Commiaatoner Burnett fa- j _h ^ LeadhuiaL varad the ohjurtieue of reaideaU ^ when they had merit and that the i r * - i heudirg^ ^ ^ ____, _ Mr and Mra. A'frgl Crantola* lleiswr P Mbefheed. swaervtaaua Idural Youth Krlurr Vnm Detroit W ith Tmph) I sadhural a tot mils I» Ihs awaSs airplane torto held la ^ B M I Inal sn to a* « a g ii mmmm I to ììfce pact ta the jtolgr i 4 * are amad le « n é tftwea to «to piny gee ends au* la « s Vue* toa ! toM si 10 h M nnd u g n a r j . I** toe^Wto al r ïï Ito.« Mee*, »ee' \ l £¿ z . i t r - Wf*A I‘ruffram Tuld - , _ _ ' w i SiJe«a mt n^aAàl maso Mayor Bogles real «otate " Tipany had rented the store u. Mneaa Heer Hospital mt •MBT _ _ •e could act as mayor . Seed 1 « I JBBM Bmbs fustoeggn bans toen smmanasd mmmm§ thus sin#«'- aoo Ur. K. Mr. VHaaw th-*- u d e a . H -IO» è»*» •*. *— aid and their moe Mad «Ilham - «4» I d t o M ¡ TW*. e..i.. • ' a .do *• taeaart^l l . t M, Wfk B* mt Mo . - . . a . haea loft to aM d th. aato T *? *** SÎTS^hTÎaiTÎ!!!, ^ 2 L B ST _ . I M VI b Ci P * ÜB «Ban ln toüal K d d p il m t aunm egtor fnstoiey ^ î-**î h m the tranauction H .weve, barg declared Ban ly disqualify the ever eeaau Were Merer Bogle deslured Burnett would prebeh 1 1 tne caee tv eaguta »* depart meat « Biete« toa» Police Shooters Show Best Form as long as they worn beJ generally there was nel Cain should he diernmm] I iHelden^uri of the N«w V e t e r n o « _BKAuaiUnrp wee BdHI Wing gwen out I wood, Jene Z*. M aatf ft why The fellow.og Wags storto« i * .i eaainet I Ire ' tMpaftinWt peesltfnaS. Hr«. Mee urging etto* | neSto d BUÉiC si Mnroeed. w Jtoaoy .tote (aaod. Wteakoth Sawp. «t o 'j n ^ . e'atoah unte ü fe n a n jss?« . r~ — —- ^ jtçy W»a»‘«« «mat Toaaday, «SS \A an H r s a , Brook sve.ee M jp au and Mra. H L "maller ol IM Lieiaigsto« ave. Chief Otto Bayer, Jr a rgare« TÜrd i ley a# 140 *‘d I ▼'•ewe «*y I «7 M gSBU In F ¿ w w «beeeto % ae'tejgfcewm is Jnto f Ligi Pattuì mas Jach O^elB shew | s^oases^^gheil end Fa »toe vetto rhmt a| The s nous to A greei sambsr ef I out for that beanng - *• lO d fl uf tmtagaies i T i t o l i H mm af Bren San aa toreaeaa. Besam MCaiBarias Ito M ■ t she emsA. aaudnl BBa gm ato. hew Bas 1earn s un sAltoeh -j ^ etouasua nag ihieae tour the Hugwnfl eud to HMnáa aud greggail BntotoT .... « Tenu Ha:( gtaneto« I*1 ,»” 11 - \WgM A* itone M H B LQ M M Me#'-* Aæmaa rare-I I maMir ft« M« || U l t JaaaS « * a aad (ngto> \ Je#— n F Fvtoda Unan» a t r “ I r*n«*e see fm tor. Km» Orna of IsgaBe. dogart city Cm etenl historian ■.agalla Be.li. | . , < amdse. degpflaseas eenAuatoe. Me* * Atoasiìalae. Lóelas' BnfcíT m ne- Oto? <*errrw4« OH ii n l , »au B* % Rsry *• ••«** ‘ top r . » ,tp 7 toe «« Ces W AsSSag hp Maw toeuap Celioni asg he* asge «ntoaSMa Iw enmi la n tongto paar i f b u a n a i a n psgpa »»

Nsws.rmI3OT For Yoe e a d e r uik vi m FOUR PUT (WOUNDS ME ... · kwk at the bargains." William C. Collins of the Collina Funeral Home waa honored recently sider various projects

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lYotection Ai IMseaae

take pi*«-« is «h* W ly Autumn Mim MrKeon M S graditele « f ÜM

collage of 8t. Bltoabetk and ia eer m a r y of tW C attali. W.»men's Coi mge Club of Want Biitiatoii Mr B ree \

Mr*. Shaded, Former Local Woman, To Head Jersey Spanish War Veterans

Nsws.rmI3OTForYoe T H E

Al TheL e a d e r

WH. 16. NO. 6Entered « Second (.U a Matter Aulirai 12, 1921. «1 the Port U flk* «»"


VT «ci"lt All The Baaee — It'a V* « tlY u* our province, of course,

¡¡5 don't forget th« Leo A. Walsh ¿.„„rial Fund fam e W ednesday e lMann ° v li- . . .

Awlv E**rt, t*>e «onial Stuyvettnt . ‘ meat market proprietor, had z T polled on h i» thia week which.ill keep hint under the table for

^Seeiaa a” yuan* mi«a on the eunny of eu. waltaaii into the attire

demanda» that Andy f iv e her a w nt two pound« o i - baroney"„„ fiwiinc- She «poke hau*huly,

'■"-Barone»?* « W Andy.•ilaroney," ah« replied.-oh “ Andy eatd. “tha g irl muat

i«loney. So ha put up two ZlrA*. i.anded it oyer to Miaa Hauihij U>d eent hai out rnto thesuniirht. , •

a lew minutaa Inter an indignant mother almoet broke th e door down

„1 .«-ndin* baloney when I asked S ; two pound, of Mrioin ateakl”

VJ!1| Mi'a Haughty juat teetered on tier tooa and gave Andy scathing^ . . .

John Kafnar, our loading Paaaaic furniture dealer, a abort time ago advertised a fire aal«. Thinga are

voling o ff. I t1« only a hot weather sale now. But take a peek at thoae torrid bargain»!

e e a(red Kaem pfa adYartieement on

one of our pafea i» w orthy of peru- „ 1 A can o f TV ME doe« a real valve iui< carbon job on your car. t .d » can of TYM B cotta just one

w u r i ♦ | : • . T vSam Hrody'e poetic advertising >*

attracting * great deel o f attention In fact, $ome hnve gone up to Sam•«king him if hs wanted to b« madethe p«et laureate o f Lyndhurat.-No . re pi ied Sam , “I d rather be the dry goods laureate of Lyndhumt if you don't mind. Step inside and kwk at the bargains."jt • 9

William C. Collins of the Collina Funeral Home waa honored recently »hen he wu. r lee ted chairman of the local Planning Board. This is a real hoaor to a n o n frha In oar local uvu: »nd funinaap lifr hut Irrrn credit and a n aeeet.

AI Mitchell jus t sçnt in a warning I hai » .« la U> taken to haarL bytoca! tolks. W

“Now.” aaid A I ,-“ is the tim e to repair that houtiag ayateni. In the winter it will be too late.*’

Maybe, it « N Ü be a good idea to get an estim ate on that Numbing )ol> now ! • • •

This to^m n haa aeen «he error of it.« » « p . It w ill Do loager be a ropy rat. It promiaet faithfu lly that it »ill not Maar In any w ay bad frammar. i>ad id ea s and bad man tier».


Cain and Mulligan Lose Out At Thursday

M e e t i n g

O rganiaiag laat n ight ia tha Towa Hall, the recently created Planning Board outlined some of the aims to­ward which it will work in the next year. William C. Collina waa named chairman. Peter Longa rao, who waa appointed for a one year term, waa elected vice chairman and William J Connolly, appointed for a five year term, waa elected secretary.

One of the moat enthaaiaatk advo­cates on the bnit waa Commiaaioner

M Himten, appointed by 11 . Board of Connai—inner» aa their rep reaenUtive, who worked towafd the creation of tbs planning unit ever since hia election to the board.

“Look around Lyndhurst”, Com- miaaioner Holden declared. “It ia not difficult to aee how failure of the township to foreaee the future de­stroyed all effort# to progrrns in an intelligent manner. I.yndhurat mueh- roomed—development« hit all a^- tiona at once. There was no guiding force to keep the development within bounds. Store* popped up in all di

WMfking resident 111; s.-.tiona It became impoaaible to define buaineaa and reaidential sectiona.

“ More than that: Lyndhurst not plan in any way to meet the re­quire men ta of ahifting civilisation forces. Ixicated aa we are, Lyndhurst could have made the moat of her natural' resources and become one of fne prtae communities o f New Jer­sey. Instead, we must battle with bankruptcy. Failure to nlan in ad vanee is the sole reason for this.”

Mr. Connolly, who is deputy direc tor o f relief urged the unit to consider various projects that might be

¡•h to completion with o f the WPA

: hmugh


iilhertord. N ew j e i s e v uikIvi Mm Act o l M arch J , 1 8 7 ?

AY. JU LY t , IS36 r C C N T S


A. A. U. MEET SATURDAYBellars Ran In 1 9 0 8 k'*^ *w“4 Say s There Are IMffer-

Oiympiad In That waa tba y thi»,. ..n d « rnres In Old And Newn ■ a in thuee day a FUMimt .lay nsnaers —> ■ _England came Chiefly frosa the cellegea They j TTBfk Sty Iw

r mead «anpenence.1 ty e a l lTapping remaikable reaourcea the run and atudy. H osiiy , they re»-, 1 t in e a f '

" Aleo, tkqr g e t thirty ane

J. Kafner ReachesChicago Meeting

Special to Osmmercial Leader

1 UK AGO— John Rafner, proprietor of RafnerV Furniture Store of Pas »air. N. J , raached here today to attend the aatiennI convention o f iurmture dsalars.

Mr Rafner is scheduled to speak on several iataVMtlng eag les a f the futmtere baahsasa. H a 4n eonstdr ed -•nr of the beet informed men in the

•untry on small city fu m i tare needs, talks are being eagerly awaited.

Pavement of Page avenue, eaat aigeated. la y in g of curbs on Meadow road waa another. Mayor Bogle's

_ statem ent $2f>0,<H>0 hed been appro heart by \ p la te d 4a \a w Jereev'e UU7 budget

to take care o f extenaioa ot Ruther for«! avenue acroas the HaekenaeckMeadows led Mr Connolly to wax warmly over the prospect« facing Lyndhurst beeauae of thia.

Mr Connolly said Meadow roadwould become one of the moet importent arteries in Lyndhurst since it would be the logical raecessor to Route 2. This has already been discussed many time* ia Lyndhurst andMr Connolly said the Planning Board would be wise to audie ready for the development.

Chief among other m atters to con oern the board was the Paaaaic River w aterfront Whether the aec

will be allocated for buaine»s.was discussed.

depth of which only he knows, Don aid Lash, tha Indiana University run net, Saturday sped around Princeton « black diamond track to win the 5.000 meter race in 14 minutes 4 8 seconds to establish a new A. A. U. mark.

Applauae from the 20,000 present rang out into the hot air. Heartily applauded ¿ike th«- re«? » in a trim although somewhat stout man with a winaoeeten face and aandy hair.

He was FV d Bellars o f Lynd hurst who C»uld remember when he him self hed triumphent moment« just as young Lash w as having then Bellars represented America ia the Olympic gam es o f 190«, the year whet i some of the to a st A me risen running was done. Like Lash, he to«> was a distance man.

If there waa the tiniest portion of envy or jeelousy in Belters it did not Show. He was a leader in the ap­plause. In hia caee it waa the sort "f applause a man who know, it ia about can give.

In Beliars’s day they did not run ia meters. They counted off the race diatance in milea. Five thouaand m et­ers are anpinniaMgoisr six milea. S e l­lers ran distances from two miles up Bel I are’ diatance waa five mi lee.

Van Coartland Park’s cross-country

over that historic ground« to national t ham piona hip« tsrice.

la hia dey, Bellers wea one o f the country's fi neat distance men. Him sc rep books ere thich with clusters o f stories o f bis proweaa. They pic­tured him in cartoon, too, end one o f hie most treasured dippings is an interview bo se man Bulger, who died a few year* age, SMBS M l t- Lyndhurst to get for the old K m -

V\ •

well-paid coachea. A: because o f their remiuu«>na. the typee of job which ara p s i likely to smR their strength.

Bellars worhad i s a carpenter He climbed tedders, h fn g shiagies, daily risking bis p recio un knoe« and anhle* When he raa far ghe New York A. C. he res on N ew Yerk tracha foil he got hia start d Waping along the numeroua opea M d a in Lyndharet

Bellars has s aasf atém onos e f the Olympic trip. He hasn't m coadië e n

various reasone — by abont tnpounda. A t that, ha «ame la ft ft*,

t aAyraoonHie- greet «etCenada. 'A st... ky yoolh 14» p e o n * then, he charge.1 I outdaer (lack t«» set up the

Roger Breslin Is Engaged to Local H. S. kstrnctor

Mr and Mra. BÉvnrd K M els» «of 4K Grand piece» Arlington, have

■ _ ___________________ announced the S M fcea seet e f theirtrack' knew h im '¿ a ll" f¿r he” ri^-ed Alice Sógina, ta R yovsr that hiatoric ground« to national ‘“»em Breelin, es* of Mr. aad Mra


Bregfin Says History Is Being Made By Playground Supervisor! Who Labor

With Load ChildrenM i« I Kan >00 sh ild rm arc taking part tiu ly m pUvgt* ««ml

tiv io c a and the G irt Sctm t D n y Cntnp as th r in n w H *«• "That Fnncetoe trach.n he atwhed sum m er approach N e ve r tn the annals <4 the SOWehsp^g hm »ev

It » ¿»i* dau^USI Id likod t*J have h a« at t H U kk n l .m u .1 i .K ik o L a i l .-htl. If r-ti P v «*r 1

Av% aula raa turned in an thia een tiaaat ta twaaly See yeare.

W hat g id he think ef Laah? M b n"A g t% _ .________

power. A baaatife l runner.“What w>-uld he have daae age Iasi

a m anor like Laah?“ Who knows?" said Bailara, - f d

like to have met bim eny athlete-HM f S• Ohre

The kid did ana* Aee ran« There are difference« betw

rwantng and Bellars’ day he

* t r -» track i

“ r « n , h a * t h t r t ® W u A r U m w J f . * t»w U * l c h .U t c n . E v e r , say day w eceet so gaed. It w as W o j n e e d s y fro m 1 0 A M t o I P M th e i h ik i r m a r e p erm it

■nîat ^ f w im m th e L y n d h u m t M w h e r e a ll a re g e t t in g wmmPnncet«*n track givas~yee som ething j »»»»H! 1 « * « * le bounce on. It throws yen alean . I 1 That's the war Lash rana--h e houngs. |

can gat hisH« can getan a track U V -

They ran digorenUy la M u r a ’ ( day, to e, ha said They rea U bant the he«d la thoee days, be said l a

atoe to thèah

Nurses Stress Immunization For Youngsters

John J . Breslin, i t . Of 4m aar. as*i m ra • Ta* kind e f ruse Oteaa CunningÍ1 2 S M T. Say Need Is tireat For

B»"i> -i. fr*>m >St.I.rlia waa graduated

University ami John Msrshall Calle » of Lew. H« ia a member o f the la» firm o f Arealin A Breslin a4 Lynd

Sazi cu u u au l .K .t don't take aeyth iog -w ay

I aia dora rannera,“ Reliure Uftèd he wh>< se« Johnny R eyes bant

D u r in g lh s awash af Juue we have reeeed Itophtherte l a a s s O e m u and

MghSheste to new eeu lie The team enti

B iif lW g V l n g leet baash «tos tfceit way eheut Saiurday's e a e l Use hnwM meel» IV« wv-*

’I t u u ir 1 found Rallar. h .n - ,n . ff ' haret. and to a broth.r of Pmavcutxi Q<r"»^ warn

■■ far John Burke, father of i « ■%J Burke, preaent W PA bo ad S g r g g i M l U n i l g p

Raids Crap GameFinds F ifty Yeunjc Men

Kngsged In tiam r

shtlrm aa e l «he depasu id ptoygtwuMa,• m H i t.dU i the au*o fa r th e yeufn t o «esa The jdeyvfw ead w e * u wua sat

WHh Marta» h - t W a r i , far High M n asl eUUeto,

Ag , »afknown in L f

wore aui i I by tha W P * Ml by Breelin Me m

aa B f nahMNlan e l Uto syaSss n week t'aaaur OaMa&L M t o t a arhM.1 athiotob and Weite* ae sea eta editor *4 thia new« ■or iSrte l'alea». weM l a s e s fca

Sditola, aa4 Mise lauto!


The Board efor perkaThe memhera o fth e board were* urged Thursday night ref ueed to eonsider ihs mutter

It was decided ths in k erUI ,the first and third Mondeys of every Road. In the first named place Leuia | month. ' ! J. Cote of Bloomfield was refaeed

-------- o Uesnm by a four to

SaturdayA crap gam e ia whlrh fifty Man j

•sere taking part *«a ra*<led atogl- he»de«i Seturdey night by Bergeen<Fred Beyer in 114 W ayv—asit e«e ■ lie Sergeant Haver's sudden aa

Member* Refuserzrgjz. ''h*‘ em

of the fam e tad alesed an sltogoai O f | At M fftlB ffYnasnlastoaai ■ le s t ! pm uf l l J g that was ea the table ,^ * liquor licen-i Costa waa cherged with operating

T toWBnpng tftn H M t o i Hsnd en ama«-ngl> sot » Of the children who .. I ..-.i


’oung bufey danna the i.-.ntna haa beau dtoruaaad

i a m lto r e We to»«

l>4aigfv*«Mtos to* gv4

■ Sèi"« s Æ r ; ::Collins Named Chair­man At Organization Meeting In Town Hall

Divorce Is Given

I.rand Oper.ing For Farrell's On Saturday |

A divorce decree, baaed ou daeer‘ a'ñd I tto#. waa1 ■ I m* > « , .< _ _____ _ _ _____

Adviaory Master Mar

A surprise party was boner of Mrs F A.4th, her bérthdey

Mr end Mae

auaapalertty e-ib raeldsa«« tfaldfen would ha s á n g M b ( i

and Mae WUIaiia h

e grand spauillg foroe o f Lyndhur a fs

•nnouucud today. In raw sty leth«' piace will c i with a free- turkeywill open wiU dinner, e n te rta in m en t and damcing.

J»> k Farrell and Chnrtey Beau, pf'pnetora a f the ina, declared ree- *rvalions may be mede by telephone nr »t the door. The la a to located at ^l*-dl4 Valley Batmh A-

saloon i t the corner two weeks . fore, cerne to the m eeting In force

a l i 1 1 1 1 with Lawyer Sylvester Goldberg tnA n n a l Y I t i n l D r t l C n b g h t th e ir rau ee The se c o n d licensen i u m m U U I V I H U i w u r .f UM t«. Wrlhem MuTl.g.n

" i A fter e long a rg u m en t by (¿oldherg

Oecree Advised In Jer- S S T S tsey City Last Week o ¡ a - h »

By Judge I one Only Mayor Bogle■_____ ¡ of the permit. I Bawgm e f Kearny

Cala who c a « , from oataMa I.J~ I Mr Joaoah Tim.»«», f a t a I m » , th , ^ . i ^ Ik . . a . . , .* * * * • « r a d W r. r * Uaatoc ^ “ ***

BOARD HAS PARLEY ON NFW SfHOOI l*"CwI t C f r J v n U v L L , , i n , ’ .« aanaauoaa ill Macota aad « ro e la haa a»rotated lhe aw >"

H .. . . . . ell IkK—u a n beta* >...... »ed aetauaa of hie de, , w a a l . « a fa t a .■toau-iw ufa* M a s a s e w e>|a apj» e ««a asaa a* *>-i “ aaaoa- Maiawa fan a,Mo a t f tha of• e haeo a e a M llM M a MaaU — — ‘--laa aacardtaa tha «akf h—, Well Ih atw i . and k.|w a lhe >e>, aear

’ ’ » •" h a | Q ^ ÿ <

..T _ | ^ ü zT I *«>>• te the faa.lt, don., vaeo : i_ _ aaaw M k iW la aoli.a> a .

Surprise Partv Forourpnse ran y ror L Ä Ä j f L‘ j i f a ÍL wmIm F f f e - h . J a aatoP m S&A9 ***1*4*

R R P B P M B f H M H to v H a t o B V L - . ____ nto n e iie a n U who wished to es- s gambling gam e aad held for ish toisons at 100 snd 784 Ridge 1 of '

f a t a m g a tThe Board of Bdmatwe asst Teee- H —- - - - n àiJuaa ta Of I h e t .m r H o a ^ e e iá 4.waaa in pn»et« aea | w

e l to *s moas

the rW A wun■ h n w

M fe e t fa i ly suhsa itto< M iblm i ^ Veagalia. g N Margare« L Pfutot. I N

z i "u.lrr::* t i iiqu WINSit ha ffraatod « » « . i t a h r t ; Mr and th , r ~ . l “ l i i l . I « ? » «and tha lleaaa» Brand at Jaree» < Itjr. M> and . . . T h e n a r , oaa to akift all o r m l k HDQT PDI7ITta o f f.tur t., (M l, . Hlaka and faaril|r o f Now art ' '■ ■? - ■ • - T I , r l l U 1 I I t l / . f .

ia fenr * . Ana Mlarra , S « - . a.r, j | PLANEwer (rad e, aow I rale« aa Ida*«a e l a i h a«aaaa . t a n e * ■thau

« n aa< far Satureia) ni*ht. %• ^ j j j f ' v a * 'wínkíe^bere'^ .« teraaji, in

H'lM.RKD O S « T . «IRTHrM Y

\ e«r pnae fam ily reunion marked 'je -xaeioB e f IBs Thth birthday e f v rh -mas F. Denning on Taeedny, J ‘ > 7th at his home 7 « Fourth •reet. Lyndhurst The reunion was

- tended by hie a n daughter* and * « e . euttuen grsndrhlldras nnd

tw., , ,eat g r a sto d lin a .

" I'A Dances Herel>ery Thursday

Ht"ek dance, erllt be bald In i . ihurat every Ttiuradajr n ifb t - »>ide tha M oiuniial Park. it ■ annoatHod tadajr h^ Coarala-

. Jkoffttoda, u a i fh i

publie wi VIP* dan.

her aait acaiaat 221 «»th at reel, Weet New York.

Mra. Muhlbruch toM the court that bar hue. .and waa ahiftleaa and ref ueed to ahooldar the reanonaiNlitr of mar riad life The wife aaid that her haabaad loot hia Joh fear y w r a a a o aad made aa M a d to Jnd etoadjr emiiloymast after that. She aaid ho merely took odd joha aad a»ent what little aiaaay ha aude on hiawelf ot

' " ■ K T p f L o e r *ud that eoon aftar Naw Year’. Day, IM I, ah . told her hualiand he woald h a « to look fa t atoad, employment aad lk a . be re- aaatod her au «eati..n and M d her he waa t ir a d of married lita. Sha aaid he thraatonad to laaee har a«d earned oat hie threat a few day* later He haa never retomad to h«r.

Tha a a a r i i h ware m am ad ta Habakaa aa »««am ber t . l» t*

atuh.hruch did eat eeataet hia oife a

Beverage Commiaatoner Burnett fa- j _h ^ LeadhuiaL varad the ohjurtieue o f reaideaU ^when they had merit and that the ir * - iheudirg^ ^ ^ ____, _

Mr and Mra. A 'frg l Cra n to la *

lleisw r P Mbefheed. swaervtaaua

Idural Youth Krlurr Vnm Detroit W ith

Tmph)I sadhural a to t m i l s I» Ihs awaSs

airplane to r to held la ^ B M I Inal

sn to a* « a g i i mmmmI to ììfce pact ta the j t o l g r i 4 *

are am ad le « n é tftwea to «to pinygee ends au* la « s Vue* toa

! toM s i 10 h M nnd u g n a r j . I * * t o e ^ W t o al

r ï ï I t o .«Mee*, »ee'

\l £ ¿ z . i t r -

Wf*A I ‘ruff ram Tuld

- , _ _ ' w i S iJ e « a mt n ^ a A à lmaso Mayor B o g les real «otate " —Tipany had rented the store u . Mneaa H eerHospital mt

•M B T _ _•e could ac t as m ayor

. S e e d 1 « I J B B M Bmbs fustoeggn bans toen smmanasd mmmm§ thus sin#«'-aoo U r . K. M r. VHaaw t h - * - u d e a . H - I O » è » * » •*. *—aid and their moe Mad «Ilh am - «4» I d t o M ¡ TW * . e. . i . . • ' a . d o *• taeaar t ^ l l . t M , WfkB * mt Mo . - . . a . haea loft to a M d t h . aato T *? *** S Î T S ^ h T Î a i T Î ! ! ! , ^ 2 L B S T

_ . I M V I b C i P * ÜB «B an ln toüal K d d p i l m t aunm egtor fnsto iey

^ î - * * î hm the tranauction H .weve, barg declared Ban ly disqualify the ever eeaau W e re

M erer Bogle

deslured Burnett would prebeh 11 tne caee

tv eaguta » * depart meat «

Biete« toa»

Police ShootersShow Best Form

as long as they worn beJ generally there w as nel Cain should he diernmm]

I iHelden^uri

of the N«w V e t e r n o «

_ B K A u a iU n rp wee B d H IW ing gw en o u t I wood, Je n e Z*. M aatf f t

why The fellow .og Wags s torto« i * . ieaainet I I re ' tMpaftinWt peesltfnaS. Hr«. Mee

urging etto* | neSto d B U É iC s i M nroeed.

w Jtoaoy .to te (aaod. Wteakoth S aw p . « t o ' j n ^ . e'atoahunte ü f e n a n js s ? «. r ~ — —- ^ j t ç y

W»a»‘«« «mat Toaaday,«SS\A an

H r s a ,Brook s v e .e e

M j p a u and Mra. H L "maller o l IM Lieiaigsto« ave.

Chief Otto Bayer, Jr

a r gare«TÜrd iley a# 140*‘d ■ I

▼'•ewe «*y I «7M gSBUI n F ¿ w w « b e e e to % a e 'te jg fc e w m is J n to f

L ig i Pattuì mas Jach O^ e lB shew | s^oase s ^ ^ g heil end Fa »toe vetto rhmt a |

The snous to

A greei s ambsr e fI out for that beanng

- *• lO d f l uf tmtagaies iT it o l iH mm af Bren San aa toreaeaa. Besam

MCaiBarias Ito M

■ t she emsA. aaudnl BBa gm ato. hew Bas 1 earn s un sAltoeh -j ^ etouasua nag ihieae tour th e H u g w n f l eud to

H M n á a aud g r e g g a il B n t o t o T .... «Tenu Ha:( g t a n e t o «

I * 1,»” 11 - \ W g M A* i to n eM H B L Q M M M e#'-* A æmaa r a r e - II m a M ir f t « M « | | U l t JaaaS « * a aad (ngto> \

Je#— nF Fvtoda Unan» a t r “

I r * n « * e see fm

tor. Km» O rn a of Isg a B e. dogart c it y Cmetenl historian ■.agal la Be.l i . | . ,< am dse. degpflaseas eenAuatoe. Me* * Atoasiìalae. Lóelas' BnfcíT m

ne- Oto? <*errrw4« OH iin l, »auB* % R s r y *• ••«** ‘ top

r .» ,tp

7 toe ««

Ces WAsSSag hp Maw toeuap Celioni asg he* as ge «ntoaSMa Iw enm i la n tongto paar i f b u a n a i an psgpa »»



Finie Even When Weather Ia Hot

B> 8Ä0W , - , n vwon by MV». T. G. Morris of Baby­lon, X . I., a aubecriber of the Baby­lon, L. I. Leader.

An apron and a box of Cox • Gelatine ha* been awarded to Mr«. Earl Ports of Livingstone, N. i.,who ia an interested reader of theThere come hot days when we N

r e a li» that for m eati on end we MiUord Conn. News.have been having that and cold thH

iced- H T M - JT ' ■ta ^ ~lettuce and tomato

hardly be looked in the i o f the heat, there* ia a' something no^ And atment, it ia pi a lovely lam manner of the an interesting section o f Europe which lie* to the North and East o f Italy. Here, then, is the renpé for this oM, okT d i s f t -

LAMB A LA CAfctflOLA'To serve fon t — the inféedlents':

1 VS pounds lamb 6 slices bacon 6 small onfohs, sliced* f l> # .3 cups broth 1 stalk celery 3 sprigs parsley

1 sprig thyme 1 teaspoon M it il large onion, stuck full of clOVfiw 3 white young tumipa 3 carrots6 medium potatoes 1 pinchThe method: .'lYint and cut thé

meat into one inch cubes and roll in flour to which has been added salt and pepper. Dice the bacon. Cook the bacon in skillet until crisp. Remove the bacon from pan and plare on unglazed brown paper. Cook onion in bacon fa t until lightly brown and then remove from pan. Brown meat in same fat. After meat is btowtt, remove from pan. Blend left ova*’ flour with remaining fat in the skil­let. Add two cups o f broth and cook for U*n minute«, stirring often. Ptac« celery, uarsley, bay loaf and thyme in small sack made from thin cheeae cloth. Arrange meat, bacon, brow?i onions, salt, pepper and onion witn the cloves stuck in and the sack with the herbs in a casserole and cover with gravy. Cook in oven a t SI de­gree» for about one hour.

With this serve an y seasonable green salad and the dessert may well ba a fresh apple pie w ith a bit of cheese.


This week we are entering a new prise and the flrst one g o es to Mrs. Carlton Woodlin o f M illville, N. J., a reader o f the Bridgèton, N. J Evening News. Mrs. Woodtln Will receive a can o î Pompeian Olive Oil and a .metal container of recipes, her recipe is for; t

t o w a t o J W T ü â t Pe

cheese tray with — - seven kind* of Borden'

rs. E. C. Stevenaon o f Burling- N. J_ a subscriber o f the Mount

lv N. J., Herald has won a an assortment of

Jrd en s Chees**A caw* o f Trom m els White Label

Beer ha* b«*n awarded to Mrs. Alice Fowler of Brooktyh, N. Y., a reader of the rtfVei'head, L. L, County Re­view.

Mrs. W. D. McGiffert o f Hudson, N. Y., a subscriber of the Coxhaekie, N. Y.. Union News has been awarded a Sedenl, Hand Made, Hand Painted S a b * Bowl.

We are now giv ing away seven prizes each week which means that thefl$ are seven lucky women each

or i/nufcual recipifr t<f Snow in

and sUKar and spread* between thin |sh eer o f buttered bread.

Peanut butter .Sweet pickle relieh CreamMix ingredients in the deaired

proportions to taste using cream to make o f spreading consistency. Spread on thin slices o f whole wheat


PW , ^ - - ^ T , m a p — »«eit If you would like to win one wÊ M *1 prîtes, sendof the«? pri ur best novel

care of this paper. Several women 'iave asked what becomes of the redpes that are not awarded prises within a week or ao after they are submitted. The aflbwer to that ia, they are kept all together and a recipe months old has just as much chance o f being n prixe winner as one recently submitted.

AVACADO SANDW ICHES Peal and mash the avaeado pear

to a pulp. Season with sa lt and a little pepper to taste and aprena between thin slice« o f either Whiteot rye breaH.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Madtoen o f 737 Ridge Road are enteftaiirflMPat their home for several days lfta . Madison’S sister Mrs. John Lord awtf children o f H awthorne and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mahoney of New York.


Irene Dunne,John Boles b

Flew Picture

peteM ly l it e msets are lovely and the bust­

led cuatumat o f the women lend charm and beauty to thw mid-Victor­ian sets. Philip M oeller, the chie director of the New York Theatre GuHd, has directed the ftlm play with studious care and has imbued it with the charm o f ita period.

he» charriage detti» daughter of lea LandHls of

Ü ín -ÍChar-

Miss Ruth Seneae o f 642 Milton avenue is spending the summer at Midland Beach.

Malälo erta«!*.

at dinne-

Mra. Joke and Mrs. Ai Lyndhurst.

Toron all

Misses Lucille and N ettie Garram- Road are *p*nd-


Epocket t> «ah and

Suggestions For Buffet, Garden,

Porch LuncheonsT ie time o f the year has arrived

when sandwichea have ceased to be taken for granted but are expected, and looked forward to. The hostess who is in doubt a s to what to serve and feel perfectly free and easy a- bfli t a y r to # a platter (.f dainty deTIcioua sandwiches o f many varie ties, accompanied by a crisp, chilled salad, frosted drinks and a delight­fully refreshing dessert. This com ­bination is SDlendid fpr buffet, porch or garden luncheon or teas, and here are several sandwich sugges­tions:

TUTTI F R U IT SANDW ICHES H cup date*'4 ctip walnut m eats H cup suffcf ,6 maraschino cherries 2 Ufbhsapoona orange Juice % cup whipped cream Put fruita and nuts through a

fbod chopper, and then mix with orange juice. Add the whipped cream

By ANN PAG*. latoes are now about half

. thair high of a few weeka ago.»mb too, i» cheaper ao tha« a dinner

of roast lamb, new potatoes and green peas ia now a possible f«s»t for modest

■ •rrjsw.sst/vssprices aeetn to have ateadied, aft laaat temporarily.

Fruit ia the big market in* item with moat type« of bertiss and melons available, a normal »upplyof bananas and oranfaa, apricot«, cherries, peaches and plums' abundant, freah pineapples seasonable, apples and pears beginning to come into market and flgft and seedless rrapes arriving here.

Generally apeaking, vegetables and aalad greens are also cheap and abun- dant.

Hers are three menus plsnned far d i (Te refit budget level*.

L*W Cart DiaaerBraised Seek 8Ueee Lamb

Potato«« . GreenBread and Butter

Sliced Peaches SoftTea or Coffae*

Media« t ost Dinner Boast Bsaf Browned Potataee

Creamed Onions Bna.i and Butter

Plum CobblerTea or Coffee Milk

Very See c l. I DlaaerCantaloup«

Boast Lamb Potatoes ia CreamGreaa Peas

Beet and Onion 8alad Bolls and Batter Poach Shortcake

* r

Irene Dunne and John Boles, wtiow ere so suitably teamed as the lov- _____________________

iW ‘«fcek Street” , are again I 2«8 R idfe Roai± to the great advsnta«* of in f a week at ibskasqiMT the romantsfe. lover» in .a»— ....

Mon’s tala. Misa Dunn j | r. and Mra. Philip BicAloon of unhappy heroine o f the 7*2 Ridge Road entertained at their

and creates a genuine home for several dwys Mr. and Mrs. her in B low 's efforts , Allan DSqr of New York City.

|ia c e for' herself am en « —S i and hypocritical mem- M r and Mrs. Alfred Crankshaw of

bera o f her family, when she returns <>84 Livingston avenue and son Allanto thmn after abandoning her titled j *re spending the summer at their huSfctfM in Europe. Only her grand* cottage at Cirtv«- Lake, m other and her cousin’s flahce un- derstafed and sympathise with her deaira to live among her friends in N ew "York with the same freedom th at aha had cr a v ed abroad.

John Boles plays with considerable ardor the romantic Newland Archer T h e latter marries May Welland, loving Her cousin, Ellen but not know ing how to get out o f his long stan ding engfegement.

Helen Weetlev. as Granny Min- go tt, the atrong willed and fun lov- • n g mgtriarch of the highly social claii£ oi Mlngot* and Welland, con- tributea an am using characterization.JuMe Haydon, I .aura Hope Crew»,Lionel A tw ill, Theresa Maxwetl-C.*i- over and the balance of the cast handle their respective rolee com

Mias Ella Schreck en ate in of 242 Eem averme has returned from a ▼isit with friends in the Poc«mo Mountains.

Mrs. W. J. Schdll and daughter Mildied of ¿4* Stuyveeant ayerme spent th* week-end on a trip to Washington.

Mr mmi M n . J o « * ) , Hohl o f 17 Ridt* rMurnwl from■Ur in tlw C«t*kill Mount»rn«.

Mr. n d Mr., C h a ri» M b * » h n r« iH T *l fr o « their honeymoon in New York S t . le .n d .r e no* • M a . t 622 K in i.l .o d .venue, Lyndhurst. Mr.. G eJih.rit w u b e fo r e ¿

M .ID E I !i f tM E P rC » s L f l n c v c r S H 'I W E r t i

.p uga! a-.l1 U M H öN H

gether add,butter, creamed to-

1 can tom ato soup Mi can waterIn • separate dish m ix.2 cups flour1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon each, cloves, cinnamon

and nutmeg Mi cup raisinsMix all together well and pour in

greased pan. Bake in a hot oven B minutes, then reduce temperature and bake until done. Nuta may be added if dealt«.

Miaa Edith H arrison o f Anerarii, N. Y., a aubacriber o f the CMfethafn N. Y., Courier, ia the winner o f a

rice ball and a box o f All Comet Rice Producta.

’Tnryuok Mon Çtx'vQ : W s ih k 0 2U u:..y tJ/HThe wise rem em ber that, to con­serve the fruits of their labor, they m ust ap p ra ise w e ll the va lo e they re c e iv e Iot the ir money. O u r services represent the utmost in value. ■


I - » 0 0 0

M E / A 0 3 I A L F U N E R A L H O M E

/ f ' , « ’ 1

Hot sum m er d ays m abe h eavy dem ands <5# clo th ing and fre­quent changes are w To sim p lify your laund ry prob­lem , w ash and iron e le c trica lly . A nyth in g that soap and w ater w on 't harm m ay be w ashed wtth sa le ty in the Thor. The Thor e le c t r ic ire n tn g a tta ch m e n t presses each t tf lc le q u ick ly and w ith a fin e finish.

Thor w ashers w ith the Q entle H and unit are priced from J8S.S5 cash up. E le c tric ironers Irom $30 up. Sm a ll carry in g charge if you buy on terass.




REVOLVING B A R S$11.50 ... *5«

BEDS4 Poat Beds, or finish $ 3 - w

BOUDOIR CHAIRSChintz Covered ChainOay designs - j

Pormeri y up to $12

CHAIRS* 1 5 7 5 .

Complete Set ot Walnut Dining Room Chairs — 1 Most

Cha» snd 5 Guest Chairs. Regular $35 Value

(irand clean-up ol left over piece» Irom quality suites, ol complète groups wtth one or two pieces missing, ol slightly damsged items — in Isct we sacrifice now the entire remnant stock ol our lire sale ~ nothing he*d hack or reserved. Come In, whatever yon buy Is a TRM ENO O DS BARGAIN.


3 Pieces — London StyleGenuine Frieze

R e g u la r $ 1 2 9 6 4

Occasional CluHrs in Colorful Coverings

ir $5.95* 2 K

$22 OveratuKed CLUB CH AIRS

CHESTSr|3js$29.75 Walnut


CHEST (JT DRAW ERSWalnut or M ap le i f ' &■

CHINA CLOSBT$1 5 .«$29.5(1 Fretted Oteas

Walnut Closet _

DESKS* 1 3 ”

$29.50 Desk wtth 7 dwmnrs


Porcelain Top Sets If.95 $12.95 $14.95

SeM Ms^le Sets $19.75

$»5 S O I» OAK 5 01 PC. DW FTTCS - 3 Í

$75 Two-Piece Tapestry

Livia^ Room............ 1 9$135 Karpen SolidMahoqany................

Hand Sewed, Hair Filled ' 6 4$175 Throe Piece Carved Prome De Luxe ”7 9


$95 $109 $119 $179*

BE H U M A N !S h o p

CLOBBD EVKRY WBUNBS1*AY EVENING AT « to »ive our ein p l o y e e e an evening to spsrin w itntheir U m llle . — durins July August.

ICEBOXES$17.50 All Steel ModernIce Box in W h ite O

MATTRESS» 7.77$».50 tener Spring

Mattress, All SUes


SEMOOM SUITE* 3 4 *$♦* Three Piece Maple

Bedroom . . .

$S0 Modern Walnut %y i .50

$12« f our Picce Modem

Round Mirror Suite . * 6 9Many Other Quolty Saites

at $77 $19 $ m $159






9'xl2’ Bigelow Wooltone $5 . «

Formerly $19

SECRETARY* 1 0 7 !$24 Colonial Secre­

tary, Walnut, Maple

STIMO COUCHES $ K 7 STwin Studios in Liv­

ing Room Fabrics -

TABLESpez,. *2 ^ 75


Porcelain Top TableW ith Slide

WARMOSESJ L 7 *Mothpraol



Wateot DeutetWardrobe, Reg. $44

* » 7 5â^àJ& ? 1

VELVET STAIR c A R e rr Reg. *1.50 » 6 9 *

SoMd Maple Welch Cabinet. Reg. $35 * 1 4 ”



Violetta PoDara Married Sunday To Jas. Du Pont RUTHERFORD NATIONAL BANK

Eitabumibo 1895RU TH ERFO RD • EA ST R IT H E R F O R D - C A R LST A D T LYN D H U RST

$1.117,70711 1,007,111.01

» 0 . 1 * 1 . l i l . i H . m m

m . 4 7 »I,*99.177

697.771 97 lftft.OTO.0U 1*7.4 .'-tt- 41.10000 n.71 j.T j

Cash and IX k limn Banks . . .Umted States U w nm cn t Securtttes Commercial Paper and CaB Loans . . , Sfate, Municipal and Other Siluriti«* Loans to Municipalities . . . . . . . . . . . . .Secured Loans ................Other Loans and Discounts .Bank Buildings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Other Real Estate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Furaitm t n j R u a w Other Assets

* # ,19 ft .( 16 7 .7 l


and white crop« paper. A buffet per was aerve.

Th* bride chose for traveli Capital FuihIh-P i^ irv fd St**k(Vmunon S tu c k .........Surplus ................. . . . . . . .U n iv iJrd P r » i t i .JV denrd Stuck Krtirrmen* F u n J ^

Reserved for Inim at, Etc . . . .D e p w t s ..........................................................................

t m u n u nhat, shoea and glove« and pink blouaaShe vota a eeraage af j m Aaai.

I pon their return from a wedding trip by motor Mr. and Mra. DuPont will , reaide a t M eyersvills Road.

2Ü0.UU0UU I f 1 .000.00 24,766 ÜÜ IQUQOÓjOO 12*171 «V

7.176,116 22tartded Lyndhurat High School. Th# htide atudied voice with Mr«. Blan che Out water Piaraon of Lyndhurat and Maestro Clemante Da Man-hi of Naw York City and mada bar debut at Carnegis H^Jl in tha spring. She recently Bang the leading part in tha opera "Pagfiaccr preaented in Paa- aaic.

Tha bridegroom ia tha preaident of tha laong Island Mineralogy Hub.

Letters From N. Y . Herald Tribune

To t lx Not York t im id TribuneThat thara ia weed for aa a g r e e

alva cam apian In thia i w i i l ( i hi iM courage the g i f t 'o f toy piatola, gun» and other death auggaatlng toy a to children is shown in the alarm ing.in- creaae in the number of homicide« for which children ia their early leans are ¿saponaible.

Tha New York State Coaiarence of PoMah ClUha, after assking aa aa hauative stody o f child delinquency affecting all racial and aocial group« of the United Statea, in which it

j utilised the in foraatia» . 0f govern­ment agenriee, launched recently the “No-tov-gun ■ avam snC’, with tha aim o f «11 acou raging parent« aad othara from l iv in g death auggaatlng toys to childrea.

To quote the conference report: "la our effort* to lU m p eat gang a tar murdera, banditry and orgaaised crime by state laws prohibiting the •ale o f deadly weapons, netUUg la done to prevent toy manufactarera. and importer« from flooding thia country «|ith m ia la lM ptalois. re­volver«, sub-machine guns aad other weapons, all a f which are closely inode lad upon thoee uaad by the criminal claaaaa Thia, considering the plaatic mind o f a child, ever open to auggeation. ia a matter «roll worth our eerioua attention.

*ft,m.oft7 7i

Member Federal Deposit In«ur*« r Corporoitt»i Member Federal Resen* System

block, .m l d o ll., u d fiom tVn> . . psiid by addin* .lru .tu r . 1 art. .if v ir io n , ly p o . Thrn lh » r . .r* th . work bench, the hammer, tha m * aad plane, all comprising a new playroom philosophy atmi

aim e f tha Oaflerd tiiwep la

"All over thè country chlldren are given toy piatola and cartridge btfU aa gtfta at O ria tm a s or othar timea of thè year On atrrata and in varani Iota youngatera am aaen either etret t h « abnut or dodging behmd poeta, traaa or parked cara with thelr t»y implemrnta o f banditry. training themaalvea tò ba quuk on tha draw It may be that arnie uf our genmwn lsaraad aboet guna frem plsyiag with aimilar teya

"American m aaaferturere have learned lo ba guidad by tearhara and peychologiata. Moet e f t e r U*Jr «una aad playthings of aimilar tvpe are af foreign aiaaufarture. whkrh of fars ampie haaia far reèartwm "

EDWARD C RYRICKI, Preaident New York Stata ton far

anca a f Poliah Cluba.

Full line of Points, Yoraishes. Enamels

WILLIAM HELLMICH227 Stuyvesant Ave. Lyndhurst, N. J.

Phone Ruth. 2-0251 Sdeace Aclohas It!Float Owaors Accepted It!

Cor Owaers Need It!SAM BRODYSTYMEOn the musl important street In the heart oj our *°*n.

Where sweethearts and shopper, are strolling up and

Yos^'can see them carrying parcets with a smile ol

T h^ it'co m W i« Irani the Irimt Hue where Sam Brody a a action.


One Of Lyndhurst s



last month, in the nation-wide popular rtferro* durn conducted by the American Institute of Pub- lie Opinion, President Roosevelt polled 55.1 % of the vote of both major parties. Since then Alfred M. Landon ha* received the Republican party nomination. To what extent has the Landon candidacy changed puty strength?

The American Institute aI Public Opinion has measured the change, aad is prepared to teU exactly bow the two major parties compare in Rreugth this month. It is the first time in history that such a report on a presidential campaign has been possible withia one month of the nom- ination of th. candidates.

Be sure to see the rssalts of this latest scientific polL Th . report w ill be published in Section 2 of next Sunday's .

/ N E W Y O R K ^

3Heral5 tribuneO i*w yftw copy from y«ur na'wsdeolar

M. E. CHURCHAll who attended the evening ser­

vice a t the Methodist Episcopal church laat Sunday evening enjoyed a delightful address by Henry Dubuy, on hia experiences in the United State* N avy, during the past two year*. Mr. Dubuy recently returned from Honolulu, where he had l»een stationed for some time.

Thia Sunday the pastor, Rev. Don­ald E. William«, w ill preach at 11 in the morning and 8 in the even­ing.

Members o f the Sunday School are grouped by departments with a spec­ial speaker for each department each Sundial,I during tbe vacation month«,

Regular class work will be reaumed ih September.

Th< Ladies Guild held an interest­ing meeting on Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Charles Cromley, presi­dent. in charge. Mrs. John M. Vogel, vice president, led the devotions, with c. vocal aolo. She was accom­panied J>y Mrs. John Hixson. Plans were made for a trip to a cream ery in Pine Brook on the morning of August 6th. The ladies will Isavs from the church s t 9 s.m . H ostesses for the social hour were Mrs. Vogel, Mrs. D. E. W illiams. Mrs. Sarah Sherwdod, Mrs. Hixson snd Mra. Clarence Smith. In the momini r the leiftes rolled bandagea for the Hack



Washable PaperSIN G LE RO LLS

1 2 “ *Plastic Paper


IS; xs*ji viiuUcbL Kcdt«ith . m m r y . » . r d l«« i* th« 4M M M Held Herr Friday

Aa ■■Xu I p«< «*la and 4 m * m- . 11.1 . u k .U k> M u . i — f»n * i * s — < w i f t -m jMb

. at Sse hman

m QMMfMa _

r « k m 4 l i *»*ai«ii h

Mr *a4 M » W . . . d t ,Mdjamllf -4 1*1 r«M«a I

LEVY'S PHARMACYOver 100,000 Pm firiptiona Filled In The Past

Snapshots . . . !Any sire up lo and includine No. 1 «

Yardtoy's Toiletries Clapps Baby Foods 3 25*Elastic Stockings, •eHs, Tresses

Stuyvesant é Vaftay Brook Ave». p tw e hi th. 2-In »

For Tuning Up and Breaking In M o to r»



Sal, ftasat for Itrfta CsaatyFRED KAEMPF

3 4 9 S t u y v e s a n t A v e , L y n d h u r s tl*hora RUtherford 2 - T M l M

LEGS LAMB(Al lisas) -

Sager Cared RempCORNED BEEF

ISiriola BROOKFIELD r __ t___Prying


Steaks BUTTER Heans

*31* 2*7* *31* *31*H

Ovattine . . . MB bob . 27s FiRgree Spiaach . 2 caas HbM U M M

Cora Fkdtes . . . 2 php 1)B Wheaties . . . . . 2ph«i2lB Heiax Soaps . . . 2 C M 2 k Octagon Soap . I cakes IH

Strlnglsss Oreea Boons b S« resh Uhm laoas . lhsltf

Joraay Cora . . . 4 ears 2 9 «

Jeraoy Boots . . . ) —- 1 9 b

laafcerg Lettuce . . . . 1 9 b

Sweet Jaky Pham 2 ks 1 9 b

Caatslsap Melees 2 far 1 9 b

288 Stuyvesant Ave., Lyndhurst, Ruth 2-1448


A T LAST, RECREA TIO N. . . .Through the W orks Progress Administration (W P A ),

Lyndhurst has finally organized a playground system for ourchildren and adults. . •

This week, four playgrounds were spread wide open under the direction of Mrs. Annette Humphries, County Recreational leader who announced the appointments of Caesar Guidetti, Peter Curcio and the writer to work as leaders under the di­rection of Mr. Murray Rothenberg of Teaneck. This will take care of the boys' angle while Miss Janet Muir and Miss Isabelle Knight, of Lyndhurst will handl« the playgrounds which are open for the girls.

The local staff met on Monday along with Director of Parks and Playgrounds, James A. Breslin and announced their program which itfill carry them through to Labor Day.

The program is an extensive oi%e. Miss Knight wtU present a pageant on the Municipal Park in the near future; the boys and girls will alternate every week in going to the swimming pool; the W PA have arranged an outing to the Yankee Stadium oh July 16 and to the Polo Grounds ih August; every second Thursday, the W PA orchestra will present a block dance on Delafield Avenue alongside of the Park while every other Tuesday will find the W PA symphony orchestra presenting aconcert in Municipal Park.

* * • *

THANK YOU, A R C H IE .. . .One (ft the leaders in the township of Lyndhurst to stop

the amount of drownings in the Passaic River each year is M r.. Archie McCaffcrty, manager of the Lyndhurst Swimming Pool

Legion Vets Whack Down On Young Lads, Just Showing ’Em The Big Boss

wh< has been fighting hard each year to put a stop to river nSfy/cf 7 TVOh!»on, nf Lageren berg, lbBoschen, as, 3b . Da Ken ni s, n ...

swimming until such is a safe doingMr. McCafferty is working splendidly wth tihe Recrea­

tion »Dept, and has given up his beautiful swimming pool and beach tor the youngsters of the township every Wednesday wh^tomu«C 2bmorning from the hours of 10 o'clock to 1 o'clock to M r. M u r “ ~ * * ray Rothenberg, instructor of the four local playgrounds to bring local youngsters and teach them the art of swimming. Mr. Me*Cafferty not only has given up his pool but has assigned three of his life guards to help out the Recreation Dept.

Later in the season, Mr. McCafferty will offer a series of life saving lessons to the residents of Lyndhurst which will surely go over big.

For this, Archie should be given a “break” and the only break we residents can give him is to patronize A e Lyndhurst Swimming fVmi Incntcd on Rtver Road opposite O ow t Avenue.

The old tim ers put ft all orer the kids again. This tim e the American Legion’s veterans beat out the Sigma Delta in a three inning overtime game, winning in the l t t h inning when they scored five markers to break a 6-6 deadlock and to bring home a 10 to 6 victory and sharing first place honors with their con- querers.

The Legion has the Hebrew Assn.and Commeieial I«— r t f to beat nextweek while the Sigm a D elta has to beat the B. P. O. E. 1606 to end the first half. I f both teama win their remaining gam es, a play-off for the first balf o f the Recreation “B" league will be neceeeary.

w ily I^andells and Jerry Cornell led the Legion's forces bat it was Len Dawson's double w ith tw e on and two out in the sixth fram e wtth the Legion trailing by a ran that made the gam e the thriller that it

In the tenth fram e, Cornell opened with a single, Pirataky and Moloy singled and Cornell scored. Dawson came through with his second doable of the evening to encounter for two more runs, Jim Prendergaat doubled to right scoring Daweon and Bitty Landelle doubled to score Preauter- *a8t.

Lowell Polhemus, losing pitcher led his team at bat w ith three hits.

The box score:AMERICAN LEGION ab. r. h. «.Prendergaat, rf .................... 6 2 2 1[Landella, If .............................6 0 3 0Monaco, cf ................... 6 1 2 CChrist, 3b ...............................4 0 1 0Cornell, s f .............................I 2 3 2Pirataky, c .............. 6 1 2 0Moloy, lb ............................... 4 1 l 0W alters, ss .............................6 1 1 0| Houghton, p .................i 1 1 #D aw son, 2 h 7777 77777 7777# 1 t •

Totala .............................. 0« 1« IT " tSIGMA DELTA ab. r. h. e.

. , 1 1 1 0§ 1 0 1

. . 4 1 1 0 ..4 0 1 0 . 8 0 2 0 ..4 0 0 0 ..4 0 0 0

K. Robertson, 3 b , s s ............ 4 1 1 2H. Robertson, rf .................4 0 1 0L. Polhemus, p ..... 4 I S O

6 10 3Totals ...............................41Score by innings: .

Am. l>egion 201 002 000 5— 10 17 3Sigma Del. 103 000 100 0 — 6 10 8• • e

Up at Independent Oval, the Dante DePamphalia Assn. continued their leadership in the Recreation "A” lea­gue with an easy 16 to 6 win over the Dykes Assn.

Loo Cortese came through with «topped the Passn « .* w vM-u.ry but waa touched for h“™1* ¿ atu rd ay .ten hits, eight in the first three in-

Rocknes Win Pair Of Ganes Over Week-End

The Rockne A thletic Club's baee- ball team took two (fames over the week-end. A t jfruiont on Saturday afternoon, the Rocknes defeated the Dumont Red Sox, 4 to 3, While the Lodi H illtop Reds were edged out 9 to 8 in a ten inning affair on Sunday afternoon.

In th is . gam e with two out in the tenth inning, Caatle- .singled for his only hit of the day. to bring home K atsenstein from third with thewinning run. W illiams pitched the

| knee, ng onlj _ B H p H U

wildaeea constantly got him into

entire gam e for the Rod iTy seven h its

allow although his

troahle. Herbert ares a big gun ia the Rockne attack, getting two dou­bles and a sin g le in h is s ix tuma at bat.

“Gue” Demareat hurled l i e holiday bill a t Dumont and kept the Red Sox eight hita Mattered.

H ie box-ecore:ROCKNES - ab r. h. e.Garaventi, 3b ....................... 3 2 2 0Coon, c ...................................8 0 1 0Herbert, lb .................4 1 1 0W illiam s, ss .................. 3 1 0 1 0Burk, If .......... 4 0 0 0C astles, c f .................3 1 1 0Patterson, rf . . . . . . . ----- 8 0 0 0Pringle, rf .............................. O 0 0 0Dros, 2b ............. 4 0 0 1Demurest, p ......................... 8 0 1 0

TotalsKED SOXO’Neill, c . . . . ; ..................... 2Ben ville, If ............................ 8Jordan, rf ............Jordan, 88 . . . . . .Durr, 2 b ................George, c f ............ .M attio, lb ........Dearborn, 3b ...Brucker, p ..........

» 4 7 1ab. r. h. e.

Leo A. Walsh Fund Games Shapas Up As Two Hard llittiag Tent Are

Picked To Meet la July 15th GcaeThe benefit soft ball game between the stars of tbe R e l a ­

tion Department ‘A" and ‘B’ Leagues oh July 15, 1936 at Marin Oval for the Leo A. Walsh Memorial Fund is fuliy under way with the fans picking the all-star» with the apptvvml of Caesar J. Guidetti and Walter Rowe and with the ticket sale hovering around the 1,000 mark.

The players who will participate in the game are:


PLAY*_____Mr. Murray _

Teaneck. director Pia;

PICE¥ of

. ______ three playgrounda Mtoeted atV . » * j r ' B r o o * t h . Town Hail, t i l . J ev a n o n Schu.,1 H i m « « * on L s j» .v en u e «n.l the St. MiehMl Pfcm round ™ Marin avenue whpft* to an nou f . tly t « . r t S * today th.

" 5 1, hf ®P*n from 10 ' to l S l l A d i n n 2 until6:80 o’clock daily.


Position A ' League B' LeagueP itc h e r ......... .409 ......... . L. Fblhemus .476C a tc h e r ......... . . . S. Palumbo .3 5 0 ......... . . W hitehurst .5001st Base . . . . . . . J. Canicci .360 ......... . . . T Walsh .4282nd Base . . . . . . . . L. Geary m . . . . . ......... Boschen .3675rd Base . . . . .263 ......... R. Robertson .625Shortstop . . . . C dock .714 . . . . ; , . j J. Cornell .400Shortfiek) . . . . . H. Famkoff .445 ......... . . . R. OMson .545Left Field . . . . . . . J. Candia .304 . . . . . . . B Undells .600Center Fiekl . . . . A. Ciandia .350 ......... . . . C. Christ .428

D V _____ / /" IRight Field . . . . S. Shabunia .391 . . . . .P itc h e r ........... . . . P. Carucci .391 ......... . . . Houghton .500P itch e r........... . . . E. Mizeski .214 . . . r . . . P Ciccone .354C a tc h e r ......... . . D. Cameron .392 . R. Westphal .333

. . Lagerenberg .368tat Base . . . .. . A. Guidetti .529 .........In f ie ld ........... T. Cimmarata .333 ......... . . C . Pirovano .308Shorrfield . . . . . R DcFrinn .293 ........ . R. Chapman .241Outfield .333 ........ F. Burk .385Manager . . . . ................ R. A Ib ino ........ . . . . . __ j Breshn

DePamphilis Association Winner Of Passaic Recreation’s Track Meet

Totala .................32 3 8 3

Marions Beat Braves Saturday

With Pitching

tings.Ton;ony Cammarata had a perfectD I Z Z Y D A L E S . . . .

The DePamphilis Assn. track team which won the Pa&fiuc I fo* 'J*C it y tr a c k m e e t o n t h e F o u r th h a v £ t h e g r e a te s t p a c k o f r u n of" e h j e l n foar trips to the*piate. n e r s e v e r h a n d e d t o g e th e r in t h is s e c t io n a n d w a lk e d . iw a v w i t h Uykes Aa*n. . .204 000 0— 6 10 4ners ever handed together in this section and walked away with the meet without putting in a relay team and leaving five star athletes hom e...T he Legion shouldn't have loot that game to Passaic last Saturday . . . Three errors in the first canto netted Passaic two runs.

Ralph Albino of the Hilltop A. S' S. Club will manage the Recreation ‘A ’ Stars with Jimmy Breslin taking care of the ‘B' Leaguers. . . Packy Guidetti has the tennis courts in great shape, probably the best they ever were i n . . .Nic* work, FVrky . . .The ticket sale for the all star soft ball game next Wednev day has received great help from local townsmen and organi- zation. . .Although Tommy Breslin met defeat in the Yountakah Country Club s championship by Michael Bonavita of Nutley on Sunday, Lyndhurst was still in the golf picture when Eddie O'Brien shot an 85 in the first round of the caddie's tournament on Monday with W indy Rielly, another kxral boy coming in second with a 9 1 . . .The two winners enter the caddie's touma- mcnt at Forest Hills next m on th ...T h i* Ray Kenny who did right field play and some pitching for the LyndKurst Club last Sunday will try out with the N. Y. Yankees when the New Yorkers return to the Stadium in two weeks. . .His real n a iK i l Ray Hart and is captain of W<x>dniere High School in Long Island in football, basketball, baseball and shoots a 72 in fplf.His brother is scholastic champ of the Lung Island links and shmts a game of 68 . . .W ant* to go to Alabama where baseball is played year ro u n d .. .Has a food future s he is only eighteen years old.

Uyk«*I ».-l a,.,pn.i.H 340 125 X— 16 IS 6


KecreatUMi “A ” LeagueCi O beli' D a r a a p w l s .................A. (iuidetti, DePam philis .........H. Karri koff, A th letics ...........L. Geary, A tM a tio a .........................L. Cortez«, D eP a m p h ilis .................

Recreation “B” LeagueF. Monaco, Amer. Legion ........... 667R. Robertson, Sigm a D elta . . . 626R. O hi son, Sigm a D elta ............ 646G. Berner, Coml. Ldr........................ISOE. W hitehurst, Sigm a D elta . . . 500J. Houghton, Legion ................... 60S

LABT W EEK'S BEBULTS Recrea t ion “A ” lea g u e

Tueaday—June M) — la ja f l ld e n t Field. Thomas and Ninth St.A th le t ic s ..................486 001 2— IB 14 4DePamphilis . . .010 400 4— 9 10 7

Batteries E Miseaki and Cameron. Eulti, Curcio and Palurilbo.

Umpire—C a ea a ^ Guidetti.

Thursday—July 2 —- Independent Field, Thomas and Ninth St.Tigers, A. C. . ..' 340 »20 l - -1® 16 8Dykes Aaan. 200 000 0— I S 2

Butteries— P. C anuvi and P. De U g


1 0? Johnny Clauaen, form er Paaaaic a High and Cornell Univereity runner,0 grabbed the spotlight Saturday in q I the Recreation Departm ent’s fifteenth n annual track and fteld m eet at the1 School Stadium. Clausen captured

three first place medala and tied for first in a fourth event.

The team prise went to the De­Pamphilis Association o f Lymttaamt,

! which garnered 39 points. The Hall- : toppers, members o f the Passaic High i

track squad, were second with 20 ! points. The Rutherford A. C. did not ! defend its title.

Clausen captured the century, the running broad jump, the hop, ekipand jump and tied with Castles of

■— ! Lyndhurst for high jump honors.Under the foar hit pitching of »Yankee’* Vannaman, Passaic High

Charles Polo the U n ilh u ret Manone ^ (1 ^ tf|lt.k ac9> WM another stopped the Paaaaic Hraves at Lynd- brijfht indivi<iua| performer. He cap-

J lf1’ _Saturday. tured the 220, placed second in theE. ragoda starrrri at hat witn • cenlury hop, skip and jump and

three hit«, o n . a triple out of t,mr' , hird in thl, brol^ jump, i Bub Walker, junior national d»-

W ith th l. victory the local, have champion more than 2« year.T V 1 - r JES'.li* 25, *«"• «-«.•«»s is . The Bfcsrlons will • ture the discus throw with a heave

? ,lh th* .1? r*Vc B ? inAt \ot 110 feet, six inches.Ward P ark P a e a ^ U is Sunday at V k ^ t h e r veteran ath­lete, led a strong fleld home id the3 o’clock. Cars w ilr leave the Marion

Field a t 1:4B p.m.The box erore:

PASSAIC BRAVESab. r .h. e.

W illiams, ss ..........................3 0 0 0| i k & ...............4 » 0Toth. If ...................................4 0 0Griffin, p , rf .....................:. 4 1 2Poet, o f ...................................4 o lSchults, 2b ............... 4 0 1J. Griffin, lb ........................2 0 0Bodd, c ............................3 0 0f t — lia r , rf,p .................. 1 0 0DHNrorth, ft ........................1 0 0

and (kampoala. W illiam Bello.

Fifty Mile Motor Paced Race At Velo On Suaday

The start o f the am ateur ch aa i- pionahips coupled with a M ir M M 1

pared t*tu»ar event and tan open races will feature the Velad i erne's Sunday night

í i i h the cry In the air that Milh- -fcamn Mike I>e Filippo ia a heavy

favorite to dethrone Franco Oeor- getti, the Italian Flyer; fana should flock to the bowl in large nuaahrrs finan now on.

De Filippo, a youngster la carrjr- -ing Uncle Sam's banner in the choa- cho*. ehnanpionshlpe and with an oav standing chance I

turnover tables on Franco, America baa it» fr e t chaaue since 19H2 when Charley Jaeger, the last American rular, to bring the crowa back home.

Among the outMatiding amateurs aet *>r the title nan sret Al ie llin g er , champion; Oecar Sellinarer, Pete 1>«-I V aectte. A agust Chuxolia. CWIf Bui livaat, Buatur Logan. Dannie Kspns Hu, Mike B e to llo . Llovd Thomas Ji . Ber»ard Mammon, Charity Midler, P a td W x e a end Al B u lg.™

The UUe run will be the aame as the pea w*U eigb t initial heat*, —m winner. 'Mie eight qut»lif\ers to be pitted tn twt» sem i-finals and two winners from each of those to battle it out in Xhm ftnal can«., with pointe to eeare f> for first, * for seeond; S for Ihir4l 1 for foi WM

Friday. Jaij^ l -Independent FieldThomna and Ninth St. DePamphilis . . 5V0 »41 WeM Ende . O tt OKI • 1 I ft

Batteries -Corteae and 1’alambe Holden, Kipp and LennoxUmpire— Caeear Galdettl.

Morgan Elm er, Rutherford lumin­ary. beat W alt Cary of Lyndhurst in the milr, run in 4 minutes, 44 and 4-5 aeconds. Johnny Militello, Lodi croee-country and mile aoe, was third.

Cary carde back in the javelin to win with a toss of 145 feet. Caesar tju idetti, Lyndhurst took the shot put with s throw half an inch short of 46 feet.

Davies, Cary and Reinhardt fin­ished in that order in the half mile

_ . . w i a * »"d l he Franc lac an Lyceum relayL v ifh iiitD s i* ' h 'a s v u k i ,w»m D'Amore, Baker, Bainhardtb Y lfU tiu W T MARIONS Mrtjjvenor capttired the mile re-

ab. r. h. e. i aJr.4 } } • The summaries:

1 '* 0 100 yard dash— Won by Claeaen;..4 0 8 0 second, Vannaman; third Olaon. Time. 4 0 0 0 — |o 4.5 ¿«(mid*.

8 0 0 0 ; 2» ) yard Audi—Won by Vanna-. 4 1 1 0 m«n; second. Ruffino; third, Lippen-. . 4 0 1 0 ^ t . Time 23 3-6 eeca.• I I 0 440 yard daah—Won by D'Amore;. 4 0 0 0 second, Broderick; third, Swainaon

” Tim e- 52 1-8 seconds..32 4 8 0 HBif mile— Won by Davies; second

Cary; third Bainhardt. T im a—2 min 6 2-6 ■ttMiis .

. « 1 Mile— Won by Elmer; second, Cary;At ( restwood Lake I third, MlUUllo. Titne- 4 minutes, 44 j 4-5 seconds.

A M rie, of weekly W ater Carnival. Mile — ,* " n b!fwill he inaucurawd a t CrrKwood " « “«J All-Ameneana; thirdClub, Allendale, Suiatey afw m oon. | N<vN«n,-,. Time— m inute,, 37 k .

The success o f th« original Carm-1 Etmnmgval. keiii an the iM tarf of the <’!ab ' lausen; second MxNlucki; thim , > an J*\y 41h c lA fa l lo n . h a , prompte.l j » » » « ' lM.urte* 21 ft. « i" e j"the eatabhshment o f the event as a i n n i n g high jump—Caattes snd regular event on the dub program i Clausen, tied for first; third, JaaiMki.

The carnival w ill be held every H aig*t- 6 feet, 7 1-4 in ch esHap, F h lf and Jump — W ot by

Brandt, c ...........P. Kovalsko, cf . . Pagoda, ssCove, p .............Sab leek i. If 8. Balkowski, lb WHkiewics, 2h W. Bulkowski, 3b W wiatkowski, rf

T otals ........... ...

W eekly C arn iv a l

Sun.lay afte moor Open U all «wim­mere, they will . lahéne speed racae. with comedy stu nts and «xhibitiona.

. | J u ly fll Marion OtraL J tth M s» . . . . - l i t 012 0 —4 7 lllj.ii.___ m | aim I 1 a 1 w,in “ ""•■y a n n i» ana «xmoirnni».

together with amueenwnt.Recreation lea g u e Tueaday- June 80— Marion (leal.

Phalanx ................« t0 801 8—0 10 1Cam). U l i ............... I l l 080 0—4 7 6

Battries » a r ta s and S a fa r Cicccaie and Weetphal.U m p ir e - Dakm.

• • a*Thuradav, July 2 ~M arioa Oval

Four oilier raoM will c o .p l . t e the ■V«"’* •m » r » U card which will ‘ ------- ““ *vtay at p a aharp.

rwur u w ci rauaa w w cvmbivw u"> _ l4Mi Â14à A_M A 1e t ^ r a u card -h le h win ret un d «- **7 5 3 , ^ t é W ¿ J

huret.S. t i.ildberg and Berger.

t lK A N I) O P E N IN G

FARRELL'S INNC h a r i« R e m * Jack

Karrcll, Proprietor»

¡fe .

FREE! Turkey Dinner Entertahaneat

Dancing812-814 V alley B rouk Av«*.. I .y iu lburst


I'mpireFrirr4ftir< July 8, Marion ttead.

Amer Leplaa . . ot»2 002 4 -n 14 I B P O. E. 01§ 000 0 -4 g s

Batteries Houghton and PiratakyBreslin and *


WED., JULY 15thAH R k k * . A d m issio n antf

• ScI t a a 10 I t p.m

If Baia — N a e l OtBS..W air 1 w .Free Clrcaa Baad C«

MbaiMi M Vaaaaasani A iW rsky DletsUice 41 feet, fi 1-2 in.

Discus throw — Won by WblBrr; aecond, (iuaaeff. third, Kietnchalk IMatance—l i t feet, 6 inchea.

Javelin thn»w— Won by C a » ; aec­ond. Klemchalk; third Farr. Dtotar.ce

_14fi feet 6 inchea.Shot put—Won by Guidetti; eec-

ond, Lennon; third. Nadolny. Distance—44 feet, 11 1-2 inchea.

Team scores— De Pam philis Asso­ciation 39, unattached 24, Hilltoppars 20, All-Americana 11, Franciscan Ly­ceum 11, Lodi A. A. 1, V isitations 1, No Nsme* 1.

Legion Loses Third Game In

Final RoundTwo pinch-hltteTa, Moleson and

Kitarowski. came through with bin- gles in the ninth and the Memorial Poet Jumors went one up on the Barringer Poet Junlore Saturday at

Passaic won the gam e, third in a five-tussle series to determ ine the Passaic-Bergen cham pionship in £ ta te American Legion circles, by a 5-4 count. Two runa in the final frame, one on Kisarowski’s double which acored Moleson, brought victory.

Passaic needs only one more win to cop the series and advance in the State eJiminationa.

The be* score;PASSAIC ab. r. h. po. a. e_.Pusio, 3b .Kemitf, ss Korch, If .Deak. 2bKusma, lb '........... 4Liptak, cf ................4Escott, rf ......... ..... 8Sudol, c .................... 4Sloma, p .................... 2•Moleson ..................1••K isarow sk i........... 1

Bears Leafing League At Race

b Strettii NearsNewark Can the Bears stand

the strain? That is the question being asked around the Internationa League circuit. Some think and hope they will blow up aa the race nar­rows down to a real battle But such thoughts do not frevail in the Newark camp nor with Mena?«' Oecar V it t Barring any unforseen accidents, A l- Oa is confident his Beers wiH Continue to set the pace right down to the wire. The skipper or the Bears, however, ia not over confident for he has great respect for the Rochester Bed Wings. He likewiee chirps no A ft at this stag»- should elim inate the Buffalo Biaonr. Montreal Royals or the Toronto Leafa in their deductions for all are capable o f springing a genuine sur-

Carlstadt Cubs Fa llBefore Simones

The Simone decíalo* fromth i. week a t ‘

.3 1 8 2 4 0 4 0

0 1 0 0 0 1 0

0 0 1 21 12 il0 141 0 0 1 0 8 0 0 1 0 1 0

88 5 7 27 7 2 ab. r. h. po. a. e5 1

. .5 08I

. .4 .4

. .4

. .4. .3

1 0 2 41 0 0 8 1 8 1 0 1 2 0 9 0 1

Totala LYNDHURSTRoaa, c f ...........Coughlin, ss .Lilley, 3b J Russo. 2b .Ruggiero, lb .A. Buses, rf .. laBusao, If .Whelan, r .Schenack, p ..

Totala ................84 4 7 2 7 1 1 4• Moleson hatted for Eacott in 9th. •• Kisarowski batted for Sloma in

9th.Score by innings:

Paaaaic ..................... . . .2 0 1 000 — ILyndhurst 100 201 000—4

Two base hita— Liiley, Korch, Kix- aruwski. Ramis. Uaaea on balls—

1; Sloma 1 Struck eat— Schenack 5; Slom a 7.

stadt. The winners the eighth to winscheduled for seven extra innings.

The box acore:CAWLSTADT CUBS

ad), r. h. po. a. e.Caldwell, c f .............4 I 2 4 l 0Siri, lb . . . . . . . . . ' . .4 0 2 5 0 0Luciano, p .................t 0 0 1 3 0Jacobs, c .......... 4 ¡1 1 5 1 0Piaxza, 2b .................2 0 1 2 1 0Angelino, ss ............ 3 0 0 2 3 0Lombardo. 3b . . . . . 3 0 1 4 0 1Pfsteiifty r f . . . . . . . . 2 0 1 l 0 1I .am panilo, If . . . , 2 0 0 0 0 0

Totals .............2» 2 8 24 9 2M O W» ALL STARS

» ab. r. h. po. a. e.Matrona, c . . .8 0 1 1 4 1Stagm eyer, saFusero, If ............ 4LaRuaso, 8b IPerei lo, c f .................4Ruggiero, Jb Candle. 2b ,Rosa, r f ___Guido, p . . .

Totals .............. . .36 4 11 24 11 1Score by innings:

Simones .................. * . . .0 0 0 001 12— 4Cuhf .................. 010 010.0—2

Two base hita— Marrone, Perello 2. Stolen Bases— Caldwell, Fuaaro, Ja- cobe, Angelino, Siri. Sacrifice hita Laciano, Piazsa, Angelino. Double playe— Lucieno tn P iassa to Sin Strikeouts — Guido, 4; Laciano 5. Bases on bails—flu id o f ; Luciano 3. Umpire—De Paolo.

Sluyvesanl Special!10 & 10

EverytMng Fini»hed! . . . No Charge lor Shirts!!

Super Ue Line Service!!Weering apparel starched and hand finished Buttons replaced.

Mending and daMiing. Shirts Hand Ironed—$c

Returned R e a d y to W ear.

10 lbs . . $1.50Each Additional lb—IE cents

Wei W ash 3e per lb.Flat Work Finished 6c lb extra

Shirt a——8c

Stuyvesant Hand Laundry


Good News! Good NewsTFor Lyadharst and Vicinity

JACK'S SHOE STOREhas purchased the entire stock of the

PALAZZO SHOE STORE O PEN IN G SA LE W IL L START f i ia l f , Jeae 26th at 9 A. M


SANDALSE» . Brow«, « wwte


S<Nt Pr,. ol MENS and BOYS

SNEAKERSW*l bt given away at

4 8 * pr: A D E N T E


Comfort—Cool— BE. 2-O.EM

Thurs , Fri., July »-10

R«iehelie HudttonBUCK (of “Call of Wild")“Country Beyor.d”


“THE H EA LER ” r i t l l i w PVKM M (, __

n .v ! n u t s 1 w i i t u 'M ENS BATH IN G

Beauty Contestw tft H iu < n of C m a n a

l im>n fofk ll H .lp u . find a

S*L io T u e .. J ui> 11-14 THK K l?«; ( I f HOWLSW. C. F IE LD S

P O P P Y ’ *

«rSSETI.“Trouble For Two”

M lisn.O M K IO

I T R A J U T MATOir.KSpecial Kiddy Show

o i * il l r K T i *rj<:I'mntM July g

R W u n i a i c v r x k . b t•i» r\ kI i w i n


Saaakini la Leges

HU. 2 0011M n c *

Friday, Heturday, July MK11

“ Bullets or Ballots”»■III KOW AKUG. KOIMXSON

JOAN H lO M lK i lsBrides Are Like That’


Nn.. Mm , M y t r t t

“Sm all Town <*1"•H k ROBKRr TAYIOK m** JAN CT G A V M *


“ Road Gm ik *»H k DONALO WOODS u n

KAY I .IN N tk P .«

T « » . T k .r . , J . I ; f a - »


MP.I.EN MORI. I S ALLAM J O N * ' r .u ’i R m itM i.v

Thirteen Hours b* A ir» • M A N i B W R T

n n M .M I HR IV

L IT ER A R Y NOTE - Mr SUwi School '5*. is engaged in th« diapci t Road Uhi t o n Avenu* Bewwm

American reading public interuated in phiio atphms o f l i f e Professer ' John Macmurrey of University Col­le««. London, has spent year« study mg Plato, Marx, Ms ha met. Buddha and Confuciu», ertvo form a Wonder­ful rich hsckground for hia Anal conclusion» in “Creative Society" (Aaaociatien Press—$l.hO).

The professor ;>re*upposes the sim ­ilarity of the ideelology of Chria- Usait y aud Communiera, true Chris­tianity heing pure Communism. Christ preached many principle« of I'ommuniim king he/ore Marx but didn't go into the ecaqnmic detail that caused Marx to be held as the Communists* prophet nor was HI« mind soured by envy or jealousy. It is otti) peeudo-Chrtstianity and P*eu<1o-< ommunism which a ie op­posed to each other because o f either fear or ignore*tee. Thia seem s a great deal to prore but with great ardor and a fine power o f esprae»

MY8TBRYB* foie Mr. Westborough fell ae-

ieep a number of strange things < happened. As he sat talking with his host, Usn- roft, ia the living room of the Ifttter’a Wisconsin estste , he ssw a fare at the window. Although a lloo«l tight brightened the grounds a minute luter Gke dsy neither could see the intruder Then Bancroft of­fered drinks as s nerve cute. Short ly sfU r this We«tborough felt sleepy The lest thing he retsetnbered was his hosts talking about receiving a note in which Ms life was theosten**!

Queerer events followed Ms wak ing. Bsncroft and another of hi« guest had tlluppeared. A search usrty failed to find them. The fol­lowing morning evidence of murder wa* tound at Bowen's Bock, on the (•stste nesr a cliff overlooking a ne«r. On a ledge was a blood stained handmark. the fingerprints o f w h u t wqrs found to he Bansroft'al ' This is psrt of the clever plot of “The Death A n ger , by Clyde B


Fifty (¡iris Attend Open­ing Session Of

(am pThe local Glri Scout Hay Camp

to bs known as Happy Hour C «»p opened on Monday with over Rfty g u ls registers«! This number » a s In- crossed with sddtuoast enrollments yesterday.

Tha director of Dm cemp is M rs H. H Me>er of Mentrleir. who 1» also ia rhargs e f <e# unit of the. ramp, which is sspecially m tereeud in N atete Study.

Mr*. Cdgsr B. Karp 1« la charge at another a* it who are «todyme health and home m aking. Mrs H J Cma*sns, herdkraft; Miee Klisa heth Uadaay. «tgesllm g, Mrs M J Colaa, Tenderfoot Bcoet work.

Mi«« I «abet h u g h t «erne« U> ramp for ea e hour each afternoon to gtvt the g itU special work Ht drantatka

the part s f the V a lla i

t h » ancient chieftain guiding her few fM re fu i followers w ith the auOasty o f s priestsss. Live cha racte rs esrm and loving, cold and fearless, mske the story rate through Ume. Jewel« o i {MOSS dot tha chapters with beauty. It 1| with pleasure ia the hot > ueirner evenings to read s hook so refreshing snd cooling aad a t the M IS tims *» worth erhiU. Though the author isn’t well knew* am ont Act!on lover*, «he has h ea atifu lly il lust rated s pwtureaqus tim s in Cali­fornia's history with lovdhle, faacins ting t harerter« H.V.M

Mrs. John Leigh, Entertains Club


•■•/■n of Uw inhanftf. S iu H u Koll» «Ii* a p W m U o f L r * * « n ' ' « t r l a M S t k » r ►

I «h Srh«rf «Wra I» WM pm dM ' day» Mt» Kam« < ih . S n l v eia**. arao.Ara l o f Uv» U n k . Brooklyn•I M aihoiaalkracfeH o f ■ ----------- "

' Pr«*-* 0 4 . MbMhW of tA. N*-• *' « w l k «s o' Vacuum I I H c l ip p in g

$ 1JSBright's Pet Shot

c a t »» ------ A ——Mwey nss*iPhnoo goafwjr M i l l


( U n t im e ly 'h e ip lu l t e r v m g . a n d tW w g h r lu l o ' « » n n m d ta e a t a » » c « v i r » » f to. th a n k fu l l i m i t a i

SPEC IALSFor Ju ly Only

S’ . Permanent W ire *$5 00 Complete

s i j * H t r a a M i c n é s » Individ«.«* Cofflarc


«2 S T l VVTVOfT AVE. Ptaa* s i m i - tm 7

SCHWARTZ Stotieaery SfereI a y s — I Av«. L | * â »

TypewnftTS J . L. B U R K

tw i bsoav , J U .Y « , m s

T h t Comw arclul LeaderW M hh«l Every Tlnirsdîy by

■ T H E C O M M ER C IA L LEA D ER O O , Im c.ifb Valley Bmak Avenue

Telephone Rutherford 2~420t>—4ÏD1

Pred S. Berner......................... EditorEmtM ]. Dabmett . . . . Sectj. m i T rcij. W ffliam E. Kaempf ..1 ........ Adv. Mgr.


I LEADERETTES Ìw M k S w n w H » « - n w i i M u w « 1 * 1 t to» I■ M S «• mm nek ornoa« u» » H i t . <**tm to te n • mm» ................................................................................................................................................... V

THE PLANNING BOAROA reality alter many long years, Lyndhurst's new Plan­

ning Birard will have many busy session» if it attrm pu to meet squarely and honestly the questions implicit in the work ut the board. The tra^tdy is that locil officials neglected to c r ganiie such a board when the township was actually growing Real plans, honestly enforced, would have made a Hanning li,aril one oi the most vital force* in Lyndhurst's history. In­stead, Lyndhurst operated under a rubbery zoning ordinance that p erm itted almost anything anyone asked for.

The Planning Board got under way m auspicious circum­stances The discussion Monday night was not theoretical "hot Jir' s tu ff . Every comment was wdl grounded on fact. Every plan had been given due consideration.

Suggestion oi W PA projects that will he for the good and advancement of Lyndhurst was well within the province

the Planning Board. There is much W PA money to be spent. |l nuinicipalMtS could see that it is spent that the future— which will pay for the benefits—will abo profit by them tbe money will ftot have been wasted. The Planning Board can g»V*‘ that subjea sincere consideration r _

A problem the Planning Board should tackle at once is the development oi the meadows W hat can be done with meadows was shown by Kearny. Many large industries are lucated'in the meadows there. Many more can be fitted in our meadows lor, next to Kearny, we have the largest share of the meadows west of the Hackensack River.

Time will show the Planning Hoard what must be under­taken to make Lyndhurst s progress certain and swift Jutting Imni the interest and enthusiasm displayed in Monday night's iiweting, th e Planning Board will succeed.

Prosecutor John J. Breslin is displaying commendable energyin prosecuting his plans to. force the fake police justices out of I w|||business. This newspaper sincerely believes it would be best j <cri _that all justices of the peace be thrown out of busineii. Thereis no placc for them in New Jersey today. thr mysteries of th« disapp—raiMoa;

It is a serious thine when a policeman gives out a ticket of nueer light« that look like gi«nt . . .. . . ^ ; 7 • * fl-ertiaa, of poi«on mushrooms andand hails a law violator into a court of justice. murdar. A«rJLIt 1» not a aerious thing when a policeman arrests an al-j , .

ltged law violator, rushes him to sonu dingy, half hlddtn o f t « —Th« --itirfnt 1—j—tr ~*‘ihi r~-*where a cluck in suspenders sits in judgement. It is not a serious »o«if ond the Swrra of old C»nthing when this dimwit who probably could not pass a kinder **nr“ ^'f'twIuUfui uarten examination gravely pronounce» a heavy fine—in the «,*. MHi" w th. .«•■u«» *u ™*'. . 1 1 ' IU till* oi Ik» lol».! MVOl h>lace of all exhortations. mto rnoom oi*-r, ond ihrouetioot

This smacks too much of a "gyp business . Justice has black tH »tor» the inMroot nov«r ¡»gi yes enough without these "snap tines handed out by police '^ ¡¡¡K T fB S 'U cn . with th. ....

lustices. t Sion of Ui« SpsnUrd snd th. lor.It a man has violated the law he should receive a summons. ^ ll^ uuJh^r

He 'hoilld then be forced to answer the summons. And his case' jm .u to his Arthbwbo», h. »»• 'hi iuld have the consideration of a regularly appointed record-«.me of whom are, oi courv, bad enough, but most of whom, ¡. '... iu f'„rir« Mwmwi pi*o. la

like th o se Lyndhurst has had, are experienced lawyers who deali ut m t d a s s j u e a s i^ m r n s j 8 ';* < e v a w i wlsf»y

Breslin is brmguM, Mbtor Velude Comm,is,oner Ktegee a» J - J i £ well as State M ice Chid Kimherling before the Bergen County Msiwna bristling wtfh tir«ie«« on'

next Tuesday to hear their comments on police

EUsvwnb H A Lyndkur.t j at gMnbne < n

r is ie —i»» w« h theciW prw i Imcal gero» that than fshd their

way’ into the experimental aufuum . 1 th» Urated States * * * *

FU R T H ER U T E R A R Y bRTTE Mr Henry Hmmm M thr Livingston Avenue Hammai m engascd m the cWncal dr partiatnt of tbe New Yorher M r Hamm* wnrin hard a» hi»clerical work, but betimes comp<»e* lyrical genu, that may «runeday find their way into the New Yorker. whereup<»> Mr Hmbou

1 will ttiii the dencal buuncas to gu tu hdl • • • •

D RA M ATIC . N O TE MU* I «be! Knight of Stu ry-n t Avenue has returned tnxn her trKhifig m St.-rlw*. Ik* a rest <he hat agreed to imbue in *o«n* Itlty G irl Scouu at their Day Ctmp the A BC whacking the daylight» out <il **> »«*• ihenre Heault« later

• • • •

T R A G IC ?*YTT — A Ridge Read ysing mm who o bravely trying to tahe thr place oi ner ma (who > <n vacam«)

gtowy ilew rt tht .thet aftrrni.ei In the muht <* 1 0 met shirt*, waah the laat uf the lurxh thabr

and rtarns« the dr— rt from the eltctne ice bin «he managed tu dump gooey «me upon the (lour, dfttmymg m the fractum of a moment the work 1/ a lifetime Her Im w o IamaI u*»til stnchai papa bought a hock u4 bity cent ».e cream S< «ttle her nerve»

• • * •

PO LIT IC A L N O fTl — 0 *uma»0«er James A SnwlHi dotai t Inok »» wan any W e . Sul a week is> he waa »an indeed It *eni* the Elk* and Dtmocrats failed to S * « *hrit convenount with any regard lor a man'» health They »*me i»i •uccmtve week-end* Janie» allended both a « he •■»’« to wan any 1

FR IEN D SH IP NKTTE - When P.mnan Vic Sthmken •ton'» column faded hevauae V*. became itck. who t'«k up the aidtfrU in hit cuBtague * nupport but San IXeiald. fueaian.

CONG « A T I ’ LA T t TRY NlTTE - At ZimKalut who want over to hM in LymSaint with the R iti Theaire whan h r wm manager there it now with the Krgmt in Kearny whuh hr hope» to build into 1(1 proper pmpoftntw.

• a • •

JtlJTT W lW D E R IN G N C T E H- a the Iffmft the Lynd ! hunt Theatre t» t o be opened again Out?

(¡rand Juryjustices. .

Kimberlmg should be given a thor sigh questionmg to learn his views on the Subject. All over New Jersey last week-end -ta>j- policemen were arresting motorists for driving un road houlders These viohtinrs were hustled before police justices

and given heavy finesThere i t no doubt that road shoulder driving is serious.

But it has prevailed for years. Give people a little chance to learn the new rule, then enforce it, would seem to be the proper pr, Kcdure.

Many rides were spoiled Sunday by the summary manner in which arrests were made and fine» were pronounced.

We are not arguing tor law breakers* We do demand ^■nvientKius administration of jutOce—juttice that not i*dy is fair hut that s e s a i r ioofct a a i w p e N i ou t a t fair.

W e say it dnet not look fair to hurtle a law violator before 1 -tagy dimwit in the twilight a mufty offiice and there sting him with a heavy fine!



Philip J JkWkx, of «r.Mr, PMIÌ» X

S r . and S r t. l l t l U O Ruthortort

P»lo j U in ln e *t S W California « k n * W ha* jaat ! d *y. M r. R ~ l» >

llMod hi« —Ca a t roar a l s u a - S ita re* ,p . ,»nd douahtor '■"I " ' i i j l l S i kta * s & k n , I k . a a t Mr*. D ta M “ <rW * t u i i h 1 SrH S.w fcia; tho rh .ili|»h oreh . «

«••»t competitive acletlaraM f ia the J

BLIND HATRED NGTE - II c e r ta in l i * » p n a a a mlu n g m th w c u h u n n ’i d r iv e w a y th e r r ’» giing m b e a m u rder

•U te I*

STYLE N irTE — W nb 1 had nerva enough a> wear a of Ih.nr highly c i**td (purple. yeBnw, tie ) iTKivt* d»<*

B E R G E R SCENTER SHOPMl Steyvsseet A ve, Lyadfcarst

laN ta f\m U t i l iRayoa Panties HaadksrsM«f iSag. a * • tala Prtat Magala» te t a »

1 U î # e r 1 0 «

PAOE S X i c A P n » ■fflUIMDAT, JU LT y i t »


We caanot guarantee the insertion of any ad­vertisement ia these columni unless Mine is paid lot in advance. Rate« for classified advertising are as follows: one insertion $.50, two consecu­tive insertions $.76, three consecutive insertions $.90; four consecutive insertions $1.00. Limit

— five lines, average six words to a line.


Floor* scraped aad rei niehed Bra- ,,1 Header sob. I l l Fereet Aveaee, Lyndhurst. Phoae Rath. 2 482J- ^

TAINTEK ANL> DECORATOR— also REFINISHING OF FURNI­TURE. Old, Furniture brought back to its original color. J. P. Groenendyke. Ph me Ruth. 2-4166.

WM HELL MICH— We carry a fu» line of Painta. Varnishes, Wall papers, houaefurniahings, window shades—all reasonably priced.

227 STUYVESANT AVE.Ruth. 1.-0251

8-26-tf ¡------

£OR RENT—6 room house and gar­age; sun porch and breakfast room. Newly decorated. Complete with FrigMmire. 26 Delafietd Avenue, LfV Lyndhurst. 7-2-2ti-p “


Girl Scout» Open Day Camp Mod. On Delafield Ave.

Lyndhurst Girl Scouts opened their ft rat Day camp Monday on Delafield avenue, Lyndhurat. with a program for fifty girla. Sessions will be held Friday and next Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Members of the Council will direct the camp under the superviaion of Mrs. H. R. Meyer of Monte lair. Mrs. Wilbur Wright is eamp chairman. In charge o f yesterday’s program was Mrs. John A. Davidson.

Sessions will begin s t 10 a.m. and close at 8 pm . Commissioner Jam es A. Breslin. director of the department

r parks and playgrounds, cooperated with the scouta by aaaisting in set


ting up the camp near the D. L. A W. Railroad Treatle. The WPA work­ers stood gusrd at the camp to see that the activities were not disrupted b> onlookers.

The program included work for four units. Elizabeth Lindaay directed

j a class in signalling, Mrs. Margaret 1 Coles supervised s claaa in design -

An innovation will be tried Satur­day by the local I-odge of Elks when a shirtwaist dance will be held at headquarters. This means men n \ l dress in their shirtwaists and women may doll up la a correspondingly cool manner. Sylvester Goldberg, in charge o f arrangements, said so far interest in the affair has been great. Local men are expected to insist that their wives and sweethearts go to a dance where the} can dance as the weather dictates.

CARD OF TH ANKS We wish to thank our m any rela­

tives and friends for their kind ex pression o f sym pathy and beautiful floral offering» extended to us in the recent loss of our beloved mother, and wife, Mary McDonald, 69 years of age of 138 New York Jeraey City.

Hu4>and Jam es McDonald, Daughter Violet Schw eigert and

Brother William..

Local Women AtCamp Gaw Party

Î M ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Êr i V

j! 4 ■ \ i i r - <

The follow ing Lyadharat ______attended a lawn card party at the home o f Mrs. J . J . Blake o f CampGaw: Mrs. L evis Parier. Mrs. John . . _______J. Breulin, Mrs. August Berg, Mrs. birthday anniviJohn Flynn and Mra. William L. ” ‘------Kelly.

Mrs. Blake is vice-president o f the Bergen County Womaa’s Democratic Club. Mra. Louis Farier of Lynd­hurst, is president.

W illiam Bryan o f 230 Forest ave­nue has returned from a stay at Asbury Park. _

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Melillo of 236 Sum m it svenue have returned from a v isit with Mrs. Melillo s fam ­ily at Mt. Vernon, N . Y.

Tenth Birthday PartyMarie and Phfllia feelaa.

daughter« o f Mr. and Mrs. FrankSeel sa of Harrington svenue, Lynd­hurst, were guests o f honor a t a

le »ration e f their tenth a t the

partybirthday anniversary, i home, .Fahnor Lodge o f Mr. and Mrs. Philip Falatteo o f E ast Dur- ham. New York, formerly o f Lyftd-Surst.

Other Lyndhurst asShts present were: Mr. snd Mrs. Dominie* Bon­etti and Miss Margaret Pollai».



BOSTON8, COCKERS, SPITZ, FOX, J •"« Mrs. Harry Emmons, directed snd Cross Breed Puppies $2 up. ; handcraft and Mrs. Edgar Earp ar Tropical and Gold F ,.h Full Un. « E “ . * , * « ¡ 2 o f cagea, bird, fish and dog *up- plies. Special 6 gal. fish aquar. $1.Let ua take care of your pets while you enjoy your vacation. Free de­livery GEARY’S PET SHOP, 433 Broad St.. Newark. Near D. L. A W. Station.


FOR RENT—3 room spsrtm enU. Rent $12. and $15. Gas and elec­tric, no bath. Apply Samuel Glick, 307 Ridgr Road. Lyndhurst. N J

FOR RENT—4 rooms and bath; au tnmatic oil heat. Adulta only. 342 Valley Brook avenue, Lyndhurat.


FOR RENT Fumiahod room with hot and cold running * wster in room, with or without board. 321 Forest Avenue, Lyndhurst.

7-2-4ti-c— - . ——------------- — * —FOR RENT—All improved bunealow


$3.00. A large box of utensils $2.00. Bag of rugs curtains $1.00 each. Ruth. 2-1863


: poking gs and

FOR SALE— Two Vacuum Cleaners, Torrington, Premier. $6.00 each 319 Watson Ave., Lyndhurst.

6-26-4ti p

FOR SALE - Tropical fish tanks; plate glass including tope and bot­toms. Sixes 2 20 gal; 2 10 gal. and 3 8 g sl. with stand to hold 5 tanks, breeding equipment includ­ed Very cheap, also 17 standard sixe screens and seven odd s iie 60c apiece. 613 l>ake avenue, Lyndhurat.

6floor*. garage $1£ rlor,




improved «16 SECOND AVE., LYNDHURSI*.1 7-2-4ti-p

Special features were a abort story told by Misa Elisabeth Boston of the sU ff of the Free Public Library and a lesson in dramatica by Miaa IsabelKnight.

Jack Tietal o f 602 Ridge Road has returned from a visit with friends f t Bel mar.

six room house, double garage $40Apartment, five rooms, tiled bsth . 1 .h.rdwond door.. p n ( < K 6 Other I.OST—-Male y t a . a ll ■» ■ * -1 ( 5 room apartm ent. »25 ,n d up, ; lar. <*> ■'''¿•I' •" ■ ¡S * - ,Nirlwleon Co.. 147 Stuyveaant ave- I W- W * . 6,3 Seventh 8L,MMU Lyndhurat. Phone Ruth 2-1 h u n t . T -9JUU a . ~~ r W H P C h i* . Wf ,J ~ O w n e r

K )R RENT -Lyndhurat ~ n».r ini can h .v e n .y in , for ad— — snd expenses. Call Lyndhurst re-

lice Dept. I -» '«2 family houae. Rent »2 '. Phone Ruth. Í -S U * 7 2-4ti-r



PHONE Rl'TH. *-»77» New Closing Hours 9 to 6 Friday and Saturday 9 to 9

N O T E SMr. snd Mrs. John F. Wood» #f

315 Stuyvesant avenue are spending several weeks at Spring Lake.

Mrs. William Gallagher and fam ­ily of 216 Fern svenue are at Point Pleaaant for two weeka.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carella of 143 Orient Way and family have re­turned from a v isit at Belmar

Mias Jean O ankshaw of 2*1 Liv­ingston svenue ha* resumed from a trip to Stroudsburg, Ps.

Members of the H. G L. Club j went on a picnic yeaterdsy. Mem- her* who went were: Miaaea Elixa- j beth Faust. Margaret Fantone. Cath i erine Ptllippnne and Thora Freit.

la d ie s ’ Guild e f the Methodist Episcopal Church m et yesterday at the narish hall to roll handagea for the Hackensack Hospital.

Mr snd Mrs. C. C. Christ o f 386 Stuyvesant avenue have left U* spend the summer at W aterwitch.

Ladies’ Auxilianr o f the Lvndhurst Masonic Club will hold a bua ride to Cold Spring Lahe. August 6. ! Mra. Henry Dsucher is chairman of the comm ittee in charge.



Kore.t and Styveeeat A n a .4ev franklin G. Faber. recter

Rartory \ T . I . phoaetil Li.ui«iU>a A n . Sum . t-IM TJ


t i u u r a

all polnta. ha. tha im m arulel.. met aad renquered tin in every (oral Love muat triumph over hate. Truth aad U fa muat aaal tha victory ovar error and death. before the thorn, ran ba laid aaide for a crown, the henadlction follow . “W ell done. »o-Kl and fa ithfu l aarvanf. and the au- , r a n u of Spirit be damonatrateu' ip» . bH. U l , _ _ _ _ _


- J . .

Cation DressesEysiet, polks dot, voiles. One and

vo pcs Sixes 14 20 A 3 6 -4 4 .


SILK PRINTSSixes 14 to m — 89 to 64


TUNIC DRESSESSm artest thing with white



Sheer Full Fsshionsd Rmgless |§ r Service, full fssh RingTeM f f c

SOXwhite with Elastic Cuff Sisee 6 to lOVfc 10«

Striped Sport Sox Elastic Cuff Rises 6 to lOVk — Iftc

f , '

NOTICETake notice that William Tait in­

tends to spply to the Bpefd of Com­missioners o f the Townkhtp o f Lynd­hurst for s Ptensry Retail Consump­tion License for prends e r situated at 419 Ridge Rood in the Township o f

non, N. Y. Lyndhurst. ; X Objections if any. dbmild be made

Mias Pauline Schooner o f 333' immediately in w n tiag to Dominick Second avenue, a teacher in the J Li veil i, Municipal Clark in the saidLyndhurst schools, is spending the L Township.summer with her fam ily a t Orwigs f WILLIAM TAIT,burg, Pa. £ | July 9-16 ^ » Applicant.

W JP e AIContiaosd tra * pace \)

cra/CSaeood Week — Athletic» |R , r.

Turablinc. WraaUiac, etc.)Third weak — SaaehaU —

W heel, Weak. (Dalla and t jraancer children).

F W th Week— Father aad Son la The Air Week. (Fathera ahould ha iavttad te p a r t k ~ t a ia the mak "*«. •* y y Fifth" f * — “ Í D«w«hter andDoll Parade.

w n h week Falk Dance, Dram, and Music.

Seventh Weak — Hobbies, gsn.es and Circus Week.

Ei«hth weak—c ib in e Prop-am

tey< for

Wm A. HoywoodResi Eststa - Insurance

Phone RUtherford 2-7510 431 Lake Avenue, Lyndhurst. R j.


I l Sylvaa St Rathorferd. N. 1. Authorised as

■ev Gear*rae F. Maller. IM Travara Ft Lyadharat. N . i-

Break Ave. aad T e a » « I *SU NDA Y. JU N E 12th

V:l» a »> Sunday School.10:30 a.re Feetival Service.At th u aervtce 8». M atthew ', will

celebrate th . Ffteeath Anniveraary ef the installation o f Rev. Mullet, their paetor Mr. Muller a «reduele of Concordia Sem 'iarj L S i ix ju l. re

. aear Valley Brook U ttal.. D. D_

reived the call to S t . ------------- „hia fraduattoa, and waa laat a I led aa the paetor of St. M atthew’e ea July 10th. I>11 Dtirtnf hie p e .torete perMriafr and aew church wi built, the mieeiea con*re«alloa «roer to be a .tron* aelf .upportiM *•*- g relation. M. M atthew’, look , for ward with faith and confidente the future aad hopee , hi i.lian uM fulneee to thie coiaaiun tty and the kingdom at large.

t HR18TIAN « T h N C B t'M UBt U - R A O Í Ü | l* i r r Will he the .uh

iact e f t it . L eea o a -S erw * la all i 'hurchee ad ( A n a l. S rieeu et. m Sua

] day. July 18.“ • * - - T «*t ia: ~ i s mo y _for i

is »ell

Htuyveaant A v Bov. J sbm

, U A.M. Sunday «eheol.11:00 A.M. M ontine Wora.iip 7:00 P.M. Yean* People. CirieUan

U nioni nn P M Interm ediáis \o u n g

peoplea Society

M KTH O IHST m S C O P A L CH USCH __________ [

Comer h«oy«eeaat aad Tealtne Aves.Rev Donald K. Williams. Pastor Parsonage, 807 T u tin e Avenos. Phoae. Rutherford 2-7$l$-J


( HRIMl a \N H< IRNCB Mey he Read. Borrowed er P errhssad


Phone RUtheriord 2-7640 RUtheriord 2-7641

Q uality M ealsChas. LobmayerLyndhurst Market

52 Stuyvesant Ave., Lyndhurst, N. J.


•lay. July is .Th# Golden T e s t le: -TO do*nA I« .urom unK sU forgot not

Hm m Aveaae RathorferdREV HUBERT A WR!OHT

88 Orient W ai. Rutherford M omlag Worship II AM §mAar ■ eh eel U AM.


with eacrifires God(H ebrew s I8 18L

the eitniion* which com- | prise tha Leesew-Sermon Is the fol- K>wii.g from the Bible “Bleeaed is the man that eodareth temptation: ter whea he la triad, he * a H > « t n i T the rrowa of life , which tfc. U e d u^hathhim" (Ja

TW U Ith»- (oUuwing pesaage ft Christian ScássMO testbooh. aad Health with Key le the _ turea" by Mary Raker Eddy: "Since (

— U g r I ' I Ml ' ' ' ’ 1

Is N O er tsr i H. Ic rtK Jt**row T a UÌ9COU* * v m

S t e u l • / ISe He*Se* OaorwS TH* rifwt oawrHi mt COfW« M n -

" f c L st « J « A. M. S w isr wrvieoi a»_ll w a -

Wi On rtM iDvMiMks H e » *■ h M A M m e s ta Om K iv i TWO tre

»MhiuUrs aw4 oa Thttrsdsr evmJas »*SÌT se le • OS «‘asash.



Yoa can’t buy s BETTER Refrigerator st any price . — ---------- !JtSS TOAND i t c o m _




TERMS l^w eet la History!

Philip H. HarrisonA Co.

880A Y ALLEY BROOK AYR. Distributors f««r Northern N J

CALL RUTH t 1681 Open EVea. t i l 8 PM

Saturday *U1 6 PM


SMILE and HUSTLE" FREE DELIVERYrr t a A s S o v a l u e s . . .


ty Plus Service to give you ssv in g s like these

Specials July 9th to July 15th laelusive

Fruits and V cQ clob lfsM eat D epartm entThurs., Fri. and Sat.


SHOULDER VEAL R> t yBREAST OF VEAL. . . . 8>15< RUMPS OF VEAL . . . lb 23*

PRflilE CHUCK ROAST. . ft 19* PRIME RIB ROAST . . . . Ih 25*

C E w r iv F BffiELEGS OF LAMB ■> 25c

Your Neighbor About Our CORNED BEEF OR NAVFL lb 12c


Thursn Fri. and Sat. CANTELOUPS 2 for 156

Perfectos a /e sweet and mellow, delicious Udessert (.r lireakfast


BOSTON LETTUCE............... 5*CARROTS...................2 to~*. 5*BEETS . ^ ^ e e ' e e e e e 2 k^ck.* 5*SCALLIONS................2 . .... 5*IIBI.II IfU g Y KLLOW

BANANAS ................. ft U


Con» Flakes1*9 6 ^SUNSW RET

Prune Juice0 1 7 »


Royal Gelatin P*»9 5<


Jello pkg 5 «

A I X A K O U N U ( KA t k KRS

Crax 1*9 14 «


Marmaladel f e i a r i p

PLAIN or IODIZED Free Running


WINES AND LIQUORSG and W G IN .................... 4-5 qt 0 9JULIUS MARCUS GIN . . . . qt 1.39 LONDON LANE SLOE GIN . . pt 98*ORANGE G IN ........................... pt 98*AMERICAN G IN ................. l-5th 1.09Popular brands Boor In cans & bottles Straight WHISKEY . . . 100% pt 69*KESSLERS . . pt98*TOWN TAVERN.......................pt 98«CALVERT . pt 1.42SEAGRAM'S . -c-V-, * . . . . pt 1.19SEAGRAM S V.O.................... pt 2.04Three Feathers BLUE LABEL . qt 2.22



Oxol2 ^ 2 5 *


Evap. MBktell

4 0 « plus deposit

' • 'W ir FOITUPI 8m s DmmH

GINGER ALE A SODA . . . 3 far ¿ *



Tomato Ju k i 3 cans 2 0 *

w a r n ! m b a t

Bonita Fish25«

H U R P rS

Bean Soap Igcan g *

Comet Rice 12 oz pkg J *


Super Suds15 »


Soap CMps15*


Mayonnaisel i FT. JARS

2 ,or25*Heavy Cretan



Toilet Soap 3 cakes 5 *



Rb Veal Chops . . . lb 19c

Fresh Clioppsd Beef . . . .fc !7 *

■ I