Nowadays, painting an appealing portrait seems to have taken precedence over the truth behind it. However, I would take the middle ground position claiming giving a positive spin to things may be a dominating feature our time but the seek of truth has never been so frenzy . In this report I am going to cite the reasons and the examples which I was led to jump to this conclusion. To begin with, great amount of money are spent on marketing purposes in order to Fabricate an appealing image for products, people, movements in such a way to accrue profit or gain the support of the grassy level roots., it seems that companies and individuals place much importance on winning the hearts and minds of clientele and supporters. This has been a sound strategy, in an age of democracy and over consumption there are so many logical reasons for purchasing one product over the other or supporting a movement over the other. In addition to this, people are becoming increasingly passive with disinclination to deliberating. Therefore, portraying something in a positive colour is of moment because it deceives people to purchase products or support ideas with the pretending attractive appearance


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Nowadays, painting an appealing portrait seems to have taken precedence over the truth behind it

Nowadays, painting an appealing portrait seems to have taken precedence over the truth behind it. However, I would take the middle ground position claiming giving a positive spin to things may be a dominating feature our time but the seek of truth has never been so frenzy . In this report I am going to cite the reasons and the examples which I was led to jump to this conclusion.To begin with, great amount of money are spent on marketing purposes in order to

Fabricate an appealing image for products, people, movements in such a way to accrue profit or gain the support of the grassy level roots., it seems that companies and individuals place much importance on winning the hearts and minds of clientele and supporters. This has been a sound strategy, in an age of democracy and over consumption there are so many logical reasons for purchasing one product over the other or supporting a movement over the other. In addition to this, people are becoming increasingly passive with disinclination to deliberating. Therefore, portraying something in a positive colour is of moment because it deceives people to purchase products or support ideas with the pretending attractive appearance However, it would be wrong to assume that truth has become immaterial. Over the past two hundred years, there has been a democratization of societies which made possible to reveal the truth behind every image. Never before has it existed such pluralism of views in the public eye, accessible with a click of a button. Thus endeavors of creating an attractive image are ubiquitous but people have the means to combat the sham of such endeavors. In sum, both creating an attractive image and reality stood shoulder by shoulderto cover the needs of todays societies. The empowerment of one over the other might have a deleterious impact on societies