November ISSUE 2015 November Issue 2015 THE MAGNET CHRONICLES The Land of Opportunity” By: Bairon Gomez 2016 & Lisbeth Barrera 2017 Behind every person there’s a story to be told. Today, you will know the story of Mr.Diaz., our Assistant Principle. Mr. Diaz was born in El Salvador. Throughout his childhood, in his country, it was difficult to get by. Necessities, such as water, would be a challenge to get a hold of. His mother decided to change this by heading to the United States, “the land of opportunity”. However Mr.Diaz stayed behind with his father and younger siblings. As a child, Mr.Diaz was forced to make a choice; go to school or work. He decided to give school a try. Although he wanted to stay in school, he realized that he could not afford to continue attending school. School required him to purchase his own supplies. Unfortunately, money was something he didn’t have which caused him to drop out of school. He attempted to go back to school three times, but ended up dropping out again. Instead of trying to enroll in school for the fourth time, he was forced to work due to lack of money in the household. Mr. Diaz’s mother, who was in the United States, persuaded him to migrate to the U.S. at age 12. His journey to America was rough, but he managed to migrate to the U.S. safe and sound. Once he arrived with his mother, she enrolled him back in school. He entered school being illiterate in his own language(Spanish). Although he was illiterate, that didn’t discourage him from continuing school, it actually gave him a push to catch up to the other kids, which he did. One day, his mother was diagnosed with lung cancer. The doctors gave her two years to live, but she ended up living for eight. She outlived the time that the doctors gave her, due to her fear of leaving her son alone, and Christian faith. She managed to see Mr.Diaz graduate from high school, but unfortunately, after his graduation, she passed away. Instead of falling into a stage of depression, he used his mother loss, as his incentive to be where he is today. Although his mother wasn’t physically there when he graduated from college, he carried her inside his heart. Today, Mr.Diaz has earned a Teaching Credential,Counseling Credential, Administrative Credential, and Master Degree in Education Administration and Counseling. He earned all these titles by working hard for them, and overcoming obstacles he encountered in his life.

November ISSUE 2015 THE MAGNET CHRONICLES · 2016-02-05 · November ISSUE 2015 November Issue 2015 THE MAGNET CHRONICLES “The Land of Opportunity” By: Bairon Gomez 2016 & Lisbeth

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Page 1: November ISSUE 2015 THE MAGNET CHRONICLES · 2016-02-05 · November ISSUE 2015 November Issue 2015 THE MAGNET CHRONICLES “The Land of Opportunity” By: Bairon Gomez 2016 & Lisbeth

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“The Land of Opportunity” By: Bairon Gomez 2016 & Lisbeth Barrera 2017

Behind every person there’s a story to be told. Today, you will know the story of Mr.Diaz., our Assistant Principle. Mr. Diaz was born in El Salvador. Throughout his childhood, in his country, it was difficult to get by. Necessities, such as water, would be a challenge to get a hold of. His mother decided to change this by heading to the United States, “the land of opportunity”. However Mr.Diaz stayed behind with his father and younger siblings. As a child, Mr.Diaz was forced to make a choice; go to school or work. He decided to give school a try. Although he wanted to stay in school, he realized that he could not afford to continue attending school. School required him to purchase his own supplies. Unfortunately, money was something he didn’t have which caused him to drop out of school. He attempted to go back to school three times, but ended up dropping out again. Instead of trying to enroll in school for the fourth time, he was forced to work due to lack of money in the household. Mr. Diaz’s mother, who was in the United States, persuaded him to migrate to the U.S. at age 12. His journey to America was rough, but he managed to migrate to the U.S. safe and sound. Once he arrived with his mother, she enrolled him back in school. He entered school being illiterate in his own language(Spanish). Although he was illiterate, that didn’t discourage him from continuing school, it actually gave him a push to catch up to the other kids, which he did. One day, his mother was diagnosed with lung cancer. The doctors gave her two years to live, but she ended up living for eight. She outlived the time that the doctors gave her, due to her fear of leaving her son alone, and Christian faith. She managed to see Mr.Diaz graduate from high school, but unfortunately, after his graduation, she passed away. Instead of falling into a stage of depression, he used his mother loss, as his incentive to be where he is today. Although his mother wasn’t physically there when he graduated from college, he carried her inside his heart. Today, Mr.Diaz has earned a Teaching Credential,Counseling Credential, Administrative Credential, and Master Degree in Education Administration and Counseling. He earned all these titles by working hard for them, and overcoming obstacles he encountered in his life.

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Day Of The Dead By: Gabriela Moreno 2017 &

Xochitl Vivar 2017

"The word "death" is not pronounced in New York, in Paris, or London, because it burns the lips. The Mexican in contrast, is familiar with death, jokes about it, caresses it, it is one of his favorite toys and m o s t s t e a d f a s t l u r e . " -Octavio Paz

The month of November holds a very special holiday for Central and Southern Mexico. The first day of celebration for the Day of the Dead takes place on the eve of October 31st. The family of the deceased prepare altars (ofrendas) on this day, for the deceased to come and enjoy the festivities prepare for them. To take part in this celebration, you can prepare your own altar for your loved one who has passed away, using the following materials:


Wild marigolds



Photo of the deceased

Pan de muerto " Day of the Dead bread "

Water or other drinks

Property of the deceased ( items/belongings )

Images of saints " deceased believe in"

Pieces of cut paper

Ceramics and woven baskets


Deceased favorite food

"The souls have visit their altars do not actually eat or drink what is on the altar. They can't- they have no bodies instead, they absorb the aroma and energy of the food, which nourishes their spirits.

After the holiday is over, the food and drinks on the altars are distributed amongst family and friends, but the food and drinks are now tasteless and devoid of nutritional value, because their essence is gone."


“Juice” By: Jesse Salomon 2017

Anabolic Steroids also known as "juice" are performance enhancing drugs used by athletes and recreational users to improve their physique. This drug is capable of increasing strength,endurance, and muscle mass. The proper name for this drug that can turn a normal person into the literal definition of the Übermensch ( German for superhuman) is " Androgenic-Anabolic Steroids". Steroids are temporarily beneficial. But once the user suddenly goes "cold turkey". They begin to suffer from withdrawal. Withdrawal symptoms for steroids users develop over time. Some symptoms can vary from having a significant increase of chance to develop liver cancer, to the yellowing of skin and teeth. Statistics reveal that the constant abuse of steroids can result in death by overdose. If at one point in your life, you are offered steroids, it is wise to refuse , for your body, and sanity could be at risk.

The First Thanksgiving By:Lisbeth Barrera 2017

The first Thanksgiving originated in 1621 where the p lymouth colonis ts and Wampanoag Indians shared a feast. They came together to celebrate the pilgrims first corn harvest.For many years it wasn’t a national tradition or followed by any people. It wasn’t unt i l 1863, that president Abraham Lincoln made thanksgiving a national holiday. In our modern days, Thanksgiving is celebrated every fourth, Thursday in November. Thanksgiving is now, a holiday where families and friends came together to give thanks for the good things that have happened to them.Generally, Thanksgiving is celebrated with a turkey, but some families celebrate with chicken or ham.

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Cristiano Ronaldo Reaches His 500th Goal! By: Cynthia Rodriguez 2017 &

Ana Andrade 2017 Real Madrid's soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo reaches his 500th goal. It took him a total of 753 games for both country and club to break this record. That's not all. Ronaldo has passed Raúl Gonzalez record of 323 goals and made it 324 goals with more to come with Real Madrid. Setting the record, Ronaldo even got his own personal headline "CR324." Raul sent him a message congratulating him and letting him know that he hopes that Ronaldo keeps scoring more goals. Ronaldo needs to score one more goal to tie up with Spanish Premier League Stéphano, and needs thirteen to reach Gonzalez. Having broken records people call him a legend for the Real Madrid team. Soccer is a team sport without his teammates Ronaldo wouldn't have reached his 500th goal.

Tracy Morgan Back in Action By:Anthony Ruiz 2016

Actor and comedian Tracy Morgan was in a car crash on October 2014. This happened in New Jersey while Morgan and six other friends rode around in a limo bus. A Walmart truck driver who did not see anyone. Tracy Morgan's vehicle was then rear ended sending his vehicle into six other vehicles ahead of him. Two of his friends were injured, while James McNair, one of Tracy’s writers, was killed in the accident. Tracy Morgan was hospitalized and in critical condition. After stabilizing, Tracy Morgan was diagnosed with paralysis from the waist down. In the year leading up to the Emmy’s, Tracy underwent therapy and surgery to recover from his paralysis. Many actors at the Emmy’s were very excited to see this comedian back in action. A few words from Tracy to show he has not lost his sense of humor, When I finally regained consciousness, I was ecstatic to learn I wasn’t the one who messed up,” he laughed, “only recently I’ve started to feel like myself again”.


The New Star Wars Movie Arises                                                        By: Felipe Delgado 2017  

Hey Star Wars fans , have you guys been waiting for a new movie ? The latest movie of Star Wars was released in 1983 . Well , after 32 years , the time has finally come and a new Star Wars movie is to be released on December 18 of 2015 . The trailer for the new Star Wars movie had the most views within a 24 hour span on YouTube . It had 30.65 million views after 24 hours . The new movie will be called " Star Wars : The Force Awakens ." Prepare yourself for a brand new adventure in the Star Wars Galaxy .



                                                    Game of The Year By: Jose Munoz 2016 This goes out to all the gamers and all the Call of Duty lovers! Are y’all excited for Black Ops 3? I’m sure a lot of y’all are hyped and can’t wait for its release. Black Ops 3 is said to be the game of the year! I wouldn’t be surprised; the beta itself is amazing! If you still haven’t pre-ordered Black ops 3, I recommend you, ASAP! However, if you think it’s too pricey, you could wait until Black Friday to get the game a bit cheaper. There might not be a big difference in the price because it was just released; but some discount is better than the regular value. Don’t miss out on the game of the year! Oh by the way, it gets released on November 6.

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STUDENT LIFE!! ! ! !A Knock on Your Door

By: Noresi Palacios 2016 Students, hello!? Get up, this is a wakeup call! Don’t tell me you’re not taking advantage of the FREE college courses!? Wait, did I just mention FREE? Absolutely! Isn’t this amazing!? And you’re not even in college yet! If you haven’t been aware, here it is. As high school students we are given the opportunity to enroll into college classes. You’re probably asking, “Why should I do that?” Enrolling into these courses is one of the BEST ways to get ahead, not only in college, but in high school as well. At Fremont, like any other school, these divisions are worth about 10 credits each. In the college world, they are a value of 3-5 units. Wow, how cool is that!? Once you get to college, you will already have several units or requirements. What does this mean? You will finish college earlier! For example, I myself have taken FIVE courses. Can you imagine how much time and money I have saved!? With that being said, students, please, please take advantage of this opportunity. As Jackson Brown once said, “Nothing is more expensive than a missed opportunity.” *Fremont offers about TWO classes each semester * Community colleges offer various courses during

summer or semesters

Magnet Thanksgiving Potluck By: Bairon Gomez 2016

Come join your Magnet family in a Thanksgiving feast. This is a chance for you to meet the fun side of your teachers. Food and games will be provided at the Magnet gathering. We encourage you to bring a delicious dish along to share with your magnet comrades. I guarantee you, you’ll have a great time.So if you are interested in attending the Thanksgiving Potluck, make sure you are free for November 19th from 5pm-7pm.

Straight A's By: Jose Sagastume 2017   

Have you guys passed your classes with straight A's? A magnet student named Arturo Martinez has. He has been working hard these past 2 years to earn them. Now the only challenge he is facing, is to get an A in AP United States History with Mr. Aldrich which is really challenging. Imagine all that studying just to pass one test. Many would think he doesn't have time for his friends and family,but he has time just like the rest of us. Many would think he would feel arrogant with his accomplishments but he is not. Arturo Martinez is very humble and is motivated to continue his strong journey.

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Dear Einstien,

The There's this guy and he likes me, but I don't like him. I've tried to friend zone him many times. I've called him "bro", "dude", "bestie" and even "fam." I've told him many times, "Bro I don't like you like that, you're like family to me." He doesn't seem to understand though. Sometimes I feel like just being straight up, tell him that he's annoying and to stop bothering me. I don't want to lose his friendship. What is a nice way to let him know I don't like him back ?

Thank you in advance,

Friendly heartbreaker

Dear Friendly Heartbreaker,

Sometimes being nice doesn't work on certain people. You have to lay down the law and be truthful. They say the truth hurts, and it can certainly hurt this guy but it won't kill him. Here is a 10 step guide that should help you turn down this weirdo.

#1 Tell him the truth #2 Tell him you’d want to be friends #3 Make it clear #4 Tell him you dislike him #5 Pretend to be saddened by his proposal #6 Avoid the guy #7 Don’t speak to him alone #8 Be rude #9 Cut him off from your social circle #10 Ignore him

Hopefully these steps work for you, and this guy understands the friend zone signs or just leaves you alone . Let me know what happens :)

Sincerely, Einstein




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Veterans Day!!! By: Maggie Pina 2016 For most of us, Veterans day is just another chance to enjoy the day off from work or school. Little did we know, on November 11, 1918 WWI ended at exactly 11 A.M. The origin of the holiday follows all the way back to 1938 when Woodrow Wilson originally announced it as Armistice Day. With that being said, lets make this November 11th different. Be sure to to take a few minutes to acknowledge it's purpose and pay tribute to the brave men and women who have served the country in our armed forces. Those who put their lives at risk to ensure that the rest of us can enjoy the freedom, we often take for granted. So if you didn't know these facts, guess what? You learned something new today! Happy Veterans Day!

Water in MarsBy: Jesse Cruz 2017

O n S e p t e m b e r 2 8 , 2 0 1 5 , N A S A discovered water on Mars. NASA used MRO(Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter) to discover water. Using the imaging spectrometer on MRO, researchers found signatures of hydrated minerals. Ojha first noticed these

features as a University of Arizona undergraduate student in 2010. Using images from the MRO's HiRISE(High Resolution Science Experiment), new study pair HiRISE observation with mineral mapping by MRO's CRISM(Compact Reconnainces Imaging Spectrometer for Mars). It has shown a signature of hydrated salt at multiple RSL Location. In my opinion, finding water is not as exciting as finding life in other planets.

Are The Police Corrupt? By: Cristian Sagastume 2017

Many people believe the police are corrupt and racist. This information is false. The media puts a terrible name on the police. The news seems to only care about- what will make a great story. Police officers risk their lives everyday to protect and serve the citizens; including people who dislikes them. There are some racist and corrupt officers, but there are many outstanding ones who do their job right and with dignity. In the end, police officers are not racist or corrupt, it's just those officers who seem to make it into social media.