E MMANUEL E PISCOPAL C HURCH , N ORWICH , N.Y. 13815 2015 N OVEMBER N EWSLETTER office, and we can arrange something that works for you. I look forward to “meeting” you and hearing all about you, your family, your journey with Christ, or whatever else is on your heart. In the past few weeks, several people approached me to ask how I would like to be addressed. I am wondering if there are others with the same question. There is no “right” answer to this question. As I said, relationships are important to me, so I want you to feel comfortable with an address that feels right to you. I have given this matter a good deal of thought and prayer – I even researched it a little. Many Episcopalians prefer to use the term Father to address their (male) Priest, rather than other titles such as Reverend (seems too formal) or Pastor (which seems too Protestant). If you are looking for a title that is parallel to Father Chuck, Greetings and Happy Thanksgiving to all! It is my pleasure to say a heartfelt “Thank You” for this opportunity to minister with you. I look forward to having opportunities to learn about you and get to know each of you. If you haven’t already figured this out about me, I value relationships and community discernment. I enjoy interacting and journeying with people, as it provides an opportunity for Jesus to make an appearance amongst us. As Mother Teresa so eloquently puts it, “I can do things that you cannot and you can do things that I cannot; together, we can do great things.” I say – let’s get together and do great things! For the next several weeks, I plan to make myself available at the Emmanuel Church office every Wednesday from 1 – 2:30 pm. Please drop by for a chat and/or coffee as you are available. If that doesn’t work with your schedule, or if you would like me to come to you – please call the then Mother Lisa would be the best choice. If Mother Lisa does not feel right to you, please feel free to simply call me Lisa. Again, I want you to feel comfortable with whatever choice feels right to you. Lastly, as we look forward to the upcoming Advent season, I am offering an invitation to join me for an Advent series. The 5 week study series is titled, Sent: Delivering the Gift of Hope at Christmas. This series will challenge us through story, art and Bible study to discover how Jesus is calling us to be His hands, feet, head and heart in the world. It is my hope that this is an opportunity to begin the new liturgical year together in prayer and mutual growth. More details to follow in the weekly announcements. I am so grateful to be here with all of you! -Mother Lisa M USINGS FROM M OTHER L ISA

November Emmanuel Newsletter 2015

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November Newsletter

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Page 1: November Emmanuel Newsletter 2015



office, and we can arrange

something that works for

you. I look forward to

“meeting” you and hearing

all about you, your family,

your journey with Christ, or

whatever else is on your


In the past few

weeks, several people

approached me to ask how I

would like to be addressed.

I am wondering if there are

others with the same

question. There is no “right”

answer to this question. As I

said, relationships are

important to me, so I want

you to feel comfortable with

an address that feels right to


I have given this

matter a good deal of

thought and prayer – I even

researched it a little. Many

Episcopalians prefer to use

the term Father to address

their (male) Priest, rather

than other titles such as

Reverend (seems too

formal) or Pastor (which

seems too Protestant). If you

are looking for a title that is

parallel to Father Chuck,

Greetings and Happy

Thanksgiving to all! It is my

pleasure to say a heartfelt

“Thank You” for this

opportunity to minister with

you. I look forward to having

opportunities to learn about

you and get to know each of

you. If you haven’t already

figured this out about me, I

value relationships and

community discernment. I

enjoy interacting and

journeying with people, as it

provides an opportunity for

Jesus to make an appearance

amongst us.

As Mother Teresa so

eloquently puts it, “I can do

things that you cannot and you

can do things that I cannot;

together, we can do great

things.” I say – let’s get

together and do great things!

For the next several weeks, I

plan to make myself available

at the Emmanuel Church

office every Wednesday from

1 – 2:30 pm. Please drop by

for a chat and/or coffee as you

are available. If that doesn’t

work with your schedule, or if

you would like me to come to

you – please call the

then Mother Lisa would be the

best choice. If Mother Lisa does

not feel right to you, please feel

free to simply call me Lisa.

Again, I want you to feel

comfortable with whatever

choice feels right to you.

Lastly, as we look

forward to the upcoming

Advent season, I am offering an

invitation to join me for an

Advent series. The 5 week

study series is titled, Sent:

Delivering the Gift of Hope at

Christmas. This series will

challenge us through story, art

and Bible study to discover

how Jesus is calling us to be

His hands, feet, head and heart

in the world. It is my hope that

this is an opportunity to begin

the new liturgical year together

in prayer and mutual growth.

More details to follow in the

weekly announcements.

I am so grateful to be here with

all of you!

-Mother Lisa


Page 2: November Emmanuel Newsletter 2015



St. Matthews Tasting Tea

November 1, 2015 1:00 to4:00 pm

Raffle Crafts

Recipes Tastings

1 First Lesson Wisdom of Solomon 3: 1-9

Psalm 24

2nd Lesson Revelation 21:1-6a

Gospel John 11:32-44

8 First Lesson Ruth 3:1-5, 4:13-17

Psalm 127

2nd Lesson Hebrews 9:24-28

Gospel Mark 12:38-44

15 First Lesson 1 Samuel 1:4-20

Psalm 16

2nd Lesson Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18), 19-25

Gospel Mark 13:1-8

22 First Lesson 2 Samuel 23:1-7

Psalm 132:1-13, (14-19)

2nd Lesson Revelation 1:4b-8

Gospel John 18:38-37

30 First Lesson: Deuteronomy 30:11-14

Psalm: 19 or 19:1-6

2nd Lesson Romans 10:8b-18

Matthew 4:18-22

Join Us For our Free Community

Thanksgiving Dinner

Turkey & All The Trimmings Thursday,

November 26, 2015 Emmanuel Episcopal Church

37 West Main Street Home Deliveries (within 2

mile radius of Norwich beginning 11:00 a.m.

Regular seating starts at noon

(Dinner noon to 1:00 p.m.) For Delivery, take outs,

reservations or to volunteer call (607) 334-8801 by

November 20, 2015

Pie Request… Emmanuel kindly requests pies to be

donated for the Thanksgiving Day Community Dinner.

Homemade and Store

bought pies are welcome. Please contact the Church Office if you

would like to furnish pies.

The pies should be delivered to the Parish Hall at Emmanuel on

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

before 4:00 p.m.

Page 3: November Emmanuel Newsletter 2015



2– Doris Carnachan

3-Jennifer Jenkins

6-Brooke Harris

11-Kara Smith

13-Jason Lenning; William


15-Ann Markham

18– Ian Stone;

Charles McMullen

20-Everett Thompson; Emily


22– Natalie Gracin; Rachel

Gracin; Amy Rogers

26-Ethan Russell

27– Karen Ingraham

147th Convention of Diocese of Central New York

November 13 & 14, 2015

The theme of the convention is: “To Everything a Season.”

I am sure this conjures up thoughts of Ecclesiastes 3:1-15 and the more full sentence, “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.” My mind also goes straight to Pete Seger who wrote the song, “Turn! Turn! Turn!” using the words from Ecclesiastes, or to the version made famous in 1965 by the folk-rock group, The Byrds. This U.S. number-one hit from 1965 is said to have the oldest lyrics of any song ever ranked on the “Hot 100” chart. It even lists the writers as “Book of Ecclesiastes and Pete Seger.” The intent of the writer of Ecclesiastes seems to be that everything has its time as determined by God. Seasons come and go. Bishops come and go. This, my last Convention as your diocesan and presider, will be a time of reflection, yes, but it will also be a time to look toward all that is yet to be in God’s grand embrace as we participate in the new creation God is always seeking to build among us. Our time together on this earth is always a voy-age of discovery informed by the Spirit’s movement in the past and anticipa-tory of all that the Spirit will do in the future. So, please join me and all the other Episcopal faithful who serve just as you do in your local setting in the desire to be faithful to Christ’s mission on earth. I still have close to another year with you as your bishop and our mission, “To be the passionate presence of Christ for one an-other and the world we are called to serve,” goes on.

Grace and peace in Christ, The Rt. Rev. Gladstone B. Adams III

Bishop of Central New York

Stewardship Sunday November 15, 2015

You are a congregation of generous people. We will observe Stewardship Sunday on November 15 with the blessing of the pledge cards for 2016 at the 9:30 a.m. worship.

Thanks go to… ...the vestry for approving funds to bring more than forty members of the Madrigal Choir of Binghamton NY to Emmanuel for the first of two fall concerts saluting music composed for stage and film. The free concert at Emmanuel occurred Saturday, October 17, 2015 and was also supported by donations from those attending. Folks who attended the same concert the following afternoon in Binghamton paid between $5 and $35 to hear music composed by Verdi, Sullivan, Berlin, Kern, almost a dozen differ-ent contributors to Disney repertoire, and others. Thanks also to Claudia Kachmarik, Emmanuel’s organist and choir director, and Madrigal Choir board member, for her introduction to Emmanuel of another opportunity to serve Norwich neighbors.

Congratulations to Mike & Cathy Gray on the birth of

Riley Scott Gray born October 14, 2015 9lbs. 4 oz. 21 3/4”

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November 12, 2015

MENU: Ham Dinner, Sweet Potatoes;

Cole Slaw, Roll, Beverage & Dessert

Only one seating STARTS AT 5:30 P.M.



Thanksgiving Beatitudes Be thankful that you don’t already have everything you desire. If you did, what would there be to look forward to? Be thankful when you don’t know something, for it gives you the opportunity to learn. Be thankful for the difficult times. During those times you grow. Be thankful for your limitations, because they give you opportunities for improvement. Be thankful for each new challenge, because if will build your strength and character. Be thankful for your mistakes. They will teach you valuable lessons. Be thankful when you’re tired and weary, because it means you’ve made a difference.

- Author unknown

November 22, 2015

Thanksgiving Service at Emmanuel Episcopal Church

7:00 p.m.

Please bring a non-perishable food item for Our Daily Bread Food Pantry

Guide my words

Father, I face another day in which I will be called upon to

use my words wisely and well. May they encourage those

who listen. May they speak truth but also be said in love.

May I pause before I pounce. May I be bold enough to

speak when I would rather run away. Lord, I give my mouth

to you today. May what comes forth be sweet and not

bitter. May the journey each word takes from my mind to

my heart to my lips be guided by your hand. May what

comes out be life-giving rather than causing death. May my

words make you proud and bring you glory. In Jesus’

name, Amen.

- Karen Ehman, Keep It Shut (Zondervan)

Congratulations to Dan Cassavaugh &

Frances D’Imperio who were married on

October 24, 2015. The ceremony took place at

St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church

in Savannah, Georgia. Our best wishes to the

Cassavaugh’s for a blessed future together.

Fifth Sunday Service on

November 29, 2015—11:00 a.m.

St. Andrews Episcopal Church, New Berlin

Lessons and Carols

Celebrate the First Sunday of Advent Together

Page 5: November Emmanuel Newsletter 2015


Dear Church Member:

We are in the process of creating a church members’ directory with information from ALL THREE Churches. If you

already returned an application without birthdates and anniversaries, please resubmit.

Please Print

IMPORTANT: Do you want to be listed in the THREE PARISH Church Member Directory? yes____no__

Do you still want to receive the monthly newsletter from Emmanuel? yes____no__

The beauty of stewardship

Stewardship has to do with how we manage our time, talent, resources—basically our entire lives. It’s a beautiful concept when properly understood. Here are the basics of good stewardship:

God is the source of all creation, including our lives. God is the primary owner of all that exists.

We are blessed by being given the task of managing well all that we have influence over: our lives, our abilities, our minds and bodies, our time, our part of the earth, our finances, our children, our church buildings, our automobiles, etc.

Although we can make decisions regarding each of the above, ultimately we are responsible to God. Sooner or later, we must give an account of our management of God’s creation and of God’s gifts.

When we properly use the talents, resources and property that God allows us to manage, we find great joy. Think of planting a garden which soon overflows with colorful flowers, wonderful vegetables and flavorful herbs, etc. God gave us the plot of ground, God gave us the seed, God gave us the wisdom and strength to bring forth such beauty, such good things to see or eat, or smell. Yet we did the work, with God’s help, to make it a reality. Like Adam we tilled it and kept it. But God gave the increase. God’s provisions and our labor brought the garden to its fulfillment.

Good stewardship enables us to do something positive and wonderful with the money God has allowed us to have. What feels better than knowing one has managed money well? Our bank account, our checkbook and our portfolio tell the story. When money is handled well, we have enough for ourselves and are still able to give to God’s work.

That is the beauty of stewardship.

Names of Family Members Mailing Address Birthdates Phone number(s) E-mail address

Wedding Anniversary Date Alternate Address & Dates at that Address

Page 6: November Emmanuel Newsletter 2015






Fr. Chuck Taylor

PO Box 370

New Berlin, NY 13411


Email:[email protected]

Editor: Fran Nash

Phone: 607-334-8801

Email: [email protected]

To Know Christ And To Make Him Known

Remember the Church in Your Will!


We’re on the Web!




Our Daily Bread Food Pantry continues to see an increased

need. Thank you for your past, present, and future support!

As the holiday season approaches, our monetary needs are

particularly important. If you wish to make a contribution,

monetary contributions may be sent to Our Daily Bread Food

Pantry, P O Box 813, Norwich, NY 13815.

Food Items for November:

Week of November 1 - Canned chicken or tuna

Week of November 8 - Canned fruit

Week of November 15 - Canned vegetables

Week of November 22 - Boxed Macaroni & Cheese, Potato


Week of November 30 - Juice

Thank you for your continued support!

Barb and Gary Tompkins

Volunteer Coordinators

The Food Pantry will be CLOSED on

Wednesday, November 11, Wednesday

November 25 & Friday, November 27

Our Daily Food Pantry

Located at Emmanuel Church

Hours of Operation

Monday, Wednesday & Friday

10:00 am-12 pm

Monday & Wednesday 3:30-5:00 pm

Condolences to the family & loved ones

of Harold Palmer.