Nov. 16-22, 2014 Vol. XXII No. 46 Official Publication of the National Shrine of Our Lady of Candles, Jaro, Iloilo City • Tel. Nos. 320-9505 & 329-1625 website: www.ourladyofcandlesnationalshrine.com email:[email protected] 6th Sunday of Easter 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) Unleash that Treasure! I n today’s Gospel, Jesus tells the Parable of the Talents, wherein the master, before setting out on his journey, gave talents to his three servants. To the first he gave five, to the second he gave two and to the last one, he gave one. Two of them used their talents wisely, doubling what they received from the master. The third one, however, was afraid of his master that he buried the talents given him. When the master came back, this servant dug the talent and returned it to him. Before we were brought into this world, each of us has been blessed with a certain amount of talents. It is up to us to discover and use them wisely and properly to improve and make us go on each day. Taking risks is part of our earthly Kapiestahan ni Santa Isabel de Ungria Sa Nobyembre 17, Lunes nga adlaw, ang bilog nga Arkidiosesis sang Jaro magasaulog sang Kapiestahan sang iya Patrona, Santa Isabel de Ungria. Sa sini nga kaangtanan, ginaagda ang tanan sa pagtambong sa Santos nga Misa sa a las 5:30 sa hapon sa St. Elizabeth of Hungary Metropolitan Cathedral, Jaro, Iloilo City. Ang Misa pagapangunahan ni Most Rev. Angel N. Lagdameo, D.D., Arsobispo sang Jaro. sojourn. How do we know if we can tackle a job or not if we do not even lift a finger to start with? An entrepreneur can only have opportunities to succeed if he risks his capital to start his own business. If he does not, how is he going to set out on the road to success because he had not taken the first step? The problem with us is, we want to be assured of success. At the end of the day, it is still the one who was willing enough to risk who becomes successful! The talents we have been given are paired with responsibilities. For example, if we have the talent for singing, we can use our voice to help spread the Kingdom of God. We may also want to join the choir. These talents, when left undiscovered and Ma. Rosario L. Rote-Tejada left unused may just fade away. Sayang! Our talents have been given us to make us grow. It is up to us to develop and use these to our advantage. If there is one thing each of us needs to know, it is to take risks especially if it is for the good of the people of God. The worst enemy we may ever have is our own selves. Who can hinder us from doing what is right when everybody may be doing what is grossly wrong? Can I stand for my God despite my friends laughing at me? Above all, do not be afraid. Fear hinders personal growth. Fear cuts short our efforts toward self-development. Unleash that hidden treasure in you and give it the lift for the greater glory of God and soon, we will live happily. source: freebibleimages.org

Nov 16 - 23, 2014

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Nov 16 - 23, 2014

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  • Nov. 16-22, 2014 Vol. XXII No. 46Official Publication of the National Shrine of Our Lady of Candles, Jaro, Iloilo City Tel. Nos. 320-9505 & 329-1625 website: www.ourladyofcandlesnationalshrine.com email:[email protected]

    6th Sunday of Easter

    33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

    Unleash that Treasure!

    In todays Gospel, Jesus tells the Parable of the Talents, wherein the master, before setting out on his journey, gave talents to his three servants. To the first he gave five, to the second he gave two and to the last one, he gave one. Two of them used their talents wisely, doubling what they received from the master. The third one, however, was afraid of his master that he buried the talents given him. When the master came back, this servant dug the talent and returned it to him. Before we were brought into this world, each of us has been blessed with a certain amount of talents. It is up to us to discover and use them wisely and properly to improve and make us go on each day.

    Taking risks is part of our earthly

    Kapiestahan ni Santa Isabel de UngriaSa Nobyembre 17, Lunes nga adlaw, ang bilog nga Arkidiosesis sang Jaro magasaulog sang Kapiestahan sang iya

    Patrona, Santa Isabel de Ungria.Sa sini nga kaangtanan, ginaagda ang tanan sa pagtambong sa Santos nga Misa sa a las 5:30 sa hapon sa St. Elizabeth

    of Hungary Metropolitan Cathedral, Jaro, Iloilo City. Ang Misa pagapangunahan ni Most Rev. Angel N. Lagdameo, D.D., Arsobispo sang Jaro.

    sojourn. How do we know if we can tackle a job or not if we do not even lift a finger to start with?

    An entrepreneur can only have opportunities to succeed if he risks his capital to start his own business. If he does not, how is he going to set out on the road to success because he had not taken the first step? The problem with us is, we want to be assured of success. At the end of the day, it is still the one who was willing enough to risk who becomes successful!The talents we have been given are paired with responsibilities. For example, if we have the talent for singing, we can use our voice to help spread the Kingdom of God. We may also want to join the choir. These talents, when left undiscovered and

    Ma. Rosario L. Rote-Tejada

    left unused may just fade away. Sayang!Our talents have been given us to make

    us grow. It is up to us to develop and use these to our advantage. If there is one thing each of us needs to

    know, it is to take risks especially if it is for the good of the people of God. The worst enemy we may ever have is our own selves. Who can hinder us from doing what is right when everybody may be doing what is grossly wrong? Can I stand for my God despite my friends laughing at me?Above all, do not be afraid. Fear hinders personal growth. Fear cuts short our efforts toward self-development. Unleash that hidden treasure in you and give it the lift for the greater glory of God and soon, we will live happily.

    source: freebibleimages.org

  • CANDLE LIGHT (November 16 - 22, 2014)

    When I embraced the priesthood five years ago, it was clear to me that I was embracing the Cross. During the Ordination rite, we were made to kiss the Cross and exhorted to live the mystery we celebrate especially the Holy Eucharist. Hence, as Jesus sacrificed His whole life for the whole world, I must, as His priest, give my all for Him and for His people.

    As I continue to live my priesthood every day, starting from Barotac Viejo for a year and here in the Cathedral for four years now, the words of the ordaining Bishop, Live the mystery you celebrate becomes a reality so concrete and tangible that without the grace of God, I couldnt have reached this far.

    There were many challenges along the way. Responsibilities and duties can be so overwhelming at times. Relationships with others are not smooth and easy all

    CANDLE LIGHT (November 16 - 22, 2014)2 3


    Rainbow in My HeartFr. Nathaniel G. Gentizon

    THe PaSToR SPeaKSMsgr. Higinio C. Velarde

    Building TogeTher

    Cash in Hand, November 6, 2014 P 379,788.87

    Donations Received:

    SSVP-Our Lady of Candles/ SEHKS P 1,500.00Anita Lacuesta-Jesena, MD 2,500.00A Friend 500.00 A Friend 500.00Brgy. San Roque 304.00Brgy. Benedicto 1,000.00Brgy. Desamparados 1,047.00 Hector Divinagracia 2,000.00 Amelu Dichupa 1,000.00Anne Lane Divinagracia 200.00 Mrs. Marciana Ledesma & Children 5,000.00Mr. and Mrs. Marianita Elauria & Family 1,000.00Mr. and Mrs. Nestor Alitao, Sr. & Family 500.00 Donation for the Week 17,051.00Donation Box (Sept. 22- oct. 31, 2014)

    Anonymous 1,000.00 Ma. Elena Basnillo 200.00Anonymous 1,000.00Estela M. Moralin 50.00JoJie Escuchon 100.00C.T.J. 500.00 Mr. and Mrs. Zorfredo Tesara 200.00 A Friend 200.00 Ruby Susano 100.00Victor and Mae Chua 2,000.00 Susa Tung 1,000.00Mila Ubas 50.00Gee Ar Pifao 20.00Rene Himar, Jr. 20.00Pearl Joy Majarucon 40.00Ana Marie Macato 50.00 Ma. Cecilia Fisher & Family 200.00 Anonymous 2,000.00Anonymous 500.00Rosdel Magsipoc 100.00 Elaine Grace Capalla 500.00Anonymous 50.00Donalyn Nobleza & Family 50.00 Rozzum Bayoneta 100.00Anonymous 20.00 Maricon A. Chua 500.00Erlinda S. Regalado 100.00 A Friend 100.00 Gerardo Labios, Jr. 100.00Henedina A. Herrera 2,000.00Mary Ann H. Labanen 100.00 Nida G. Nicolaou 100.00 Ang Familly 20.00 Zita Family 50.00 St. Peter Life Plan 20.00 Perez Family 1,000.00 Anonymous 20.00 Anonymous 1,000.00 Anonymous 32,185.15 47,345.15ToTaL DoNaTIoN 444,185.02eXPeNSeS FoR THe WeeK (36,000.00) CaSH oN HaND - November 13, 2014 P 408,185.02

    Fond Memories at Jaro Parochial House

    Sharing music together with the choir for the Lord. Beny Castillon

    Taking pictures and joking with young acolytes while eating sopas and pandesal happily. Listening to the Schola Candelarias angelic voices during their practices and watching them playing and running around the convent. Happily accommodating MKK leaders and visitors passing by the convent.


    Ang memories ko sa Jaro convent nahinabo sang seven years old pa lang ako kag isa ka acolyte. May isa ka gripo sa kilid sang conbento nga dira ako nagainom kag dira sa may De Colores Hall kami nagahiwat sang katapusan sang Flores de Mayo, dira man kami nagahampang kag tama kami sadto kasadya.

    Christian Hibionada

    Istoryahanay kag magkinadlaw kami during meal time. Evelyn Nervato

    Ang akon fond memories sa old convent amo nga pirme kami ginapakaon ni Fr. Ronald sa common room kon magab-ihan kami kag sang magpabulig si Fr. Nat himos sang iya gamit kay malakat sia for three days, gingaan niya kami sang shampoo kag conditioner. Eufemia Tadifa

    Ang pag-inupdanay upod sang mga kaparian, MKK leaders, personnel and staff, laiko, religious organizations members, ministries sa pagplano kag pagpatigayon sang Parish Pastoral Plan.

    Meril Robles

    Ang indi ko malipatan sa convent nga gamayan lang ini masunog tungod sang pagluto nakon sang floor wax sa kusina. Gindakup sang kalayo ang wax kag nagkarabkarab. Sa sobra nga kakulba, nagpanic kami, tapos ginbasyahan namon sang tubig ang nagakarabkarab nga floor wax, gani nagdaku pa gid ang kalayo. Maayo na lang naggana ang fire extinguisher.

    Leo Tabao

    Ang indi ko gid malipatan amo ang pag-upod ko sa mga ushers sa pagkaon kag pagshare sang kon ano ang ara sa konbento kag ang pag-upod ko man sa pag-isip sang kolekta. Wala gid ginapaabot naglinog kag nagaisip gid kami sang kwarta. Kinulbaan kami kay daw nagaraginit gid ang konbento. Naghibi ako sa daku nga kakulba. Ailyn Arib

    Ang isa ko ka masadya nga memory, diri ako nag-umpisa sulod obra kag nagkilalahay kami sang upod ko sa opiisina. Kon may okasyon dala ang mga pari kag laiko naga-share kami sang amon kabudlayan sa convent.

    Roberto Hamot

    ANG SAKRAMENTO SANG BUNYAG SUNO SA KODIGO SANG DERECHO KANONIKOSa nagligad nga mga isyu sang Candle Light, akon ginhatag ang kaundan sang ginatudlo sang aton Simbahan nahanungod sa Sakramento sang Bunyag. Ini nga doktrina akon ginkuha sa Katesismo para sa Pilipino nga Katoliko. Sa sini nga isyu kag sa mga isyu pa gid nga masunod, akon naman ipahayag ang mga ginapatuman sang Derecho Kanoniko nahanungod sa sini nga Sakramento. Subong sang akon na ginsiling, amo ini ang konkreto nga pag-implementar sang ginatudlo sang Simbahan sa iya Katesismo, sa bagay nga malikawan ang lain nga paghangup sang pagtulon-an paagi sa pagtuman sang ginapanugyan sang Libro sang Kasuguan sang Simbahan.


    Ang Sakramento sang Bunyag amo ang ganhaan para sa tanan nga mga sakramento sa bagay nga indi makabaton sang iban nga sakramento kon indi anay mabunyagan. Ang pagbaton sang bunyag sa iya matuod kag kinaandan nga porma ukon bisan ang handom lamang sa pagbaton sini kinahanglanon gid para sa kaluwasan. Ang materyal nga ginagamit sa bunyag amo ang tubig nga nabendisyonan para sa sini nga katuyoan suno sa libro sang liturhiya kag ang porma sini amo ang pagmitlang sang nagakaigo nga mga tinaga nga ginapatuman sang Simbahan. Kon hilingagawon, bisan ang ordinaryo nga tubig sarang man magamit.Ginamando gid nga dapat amanon sing nagakaigo ang pagselebrar sang Bunyag.


    Nov. 7-13, 2014Gani, ang mga hamtong na nga buot magpabunyag dapat mag-agi anay sa ginatawag nga pagka-katekumeno. Samtang, para sa mga kabataan, ginapanugyan nga ang mga ginikanan kag ang mga maninoy kag maninay dapat matudloan sang mga butang nahanungod sa kahulogan sang Bunyag kag sang mga katungdanan nga ila dapat tumanon. Obligasyon sang kura paroko ang magpatigayon nga mahanda ang mga ginikanan para sa bunyag sang ila kabataan.

    Isa pa gid ka importante nga butang nahanungod sa selebrasyon sang Bunyag amo ang paghatag sang nagakaigo kag Kristiano nga ngalan sa ginabunyagan. Obligasyon man sang kura paroko, mga ginikanan kag mga maninoy kag maninay ang magtan-aw nga ang mga ngalan nga ginahatag sa ginabunyagan indi malayo kag indi batok sa Kristiano nga panimuot. Sa karon nga panahon, halos indi mapatihan ang mga ngalan nga ginapili sang mga ginikanan para sa ila mga anak. Wala labut nga indi ini suno sa Kristiano nga tradisyon, sa masunson ang mga ngalan nga ginahatag nila sa ila kabataan may lamod nga pangkalibutanon kag wala sing kahilabtanan sa pagtuo. Makaluluoy man ang mga kabataan nga ang ila ngalan lain gid sang sa kinaandan. Kon magdaku sila, mabudlayan pa gani sila magsulat sing husto sang ila ngalan, Ang mga ginikanan amo ang dapat basulon tungod sini. Ang mga ngalan nga ginapili sang mga ginikanan para sa ila kabataan nagapahayag lamang sang ila handum nga sundon kag ilugon sang ila kabataan ang kabuhi sang tawo nga ila ginapahingalan sa ila bata.

    Sa kinaandan, ang lugar sang bunyag amo ang Simbahan sang parokya, bisan pa nga kon kaisa, bangud sang rasonable nga kabangdanan, sarang matugotan sang Obispo ang paghiwat sang bunyag sa isa ka lugar nga nagakaigo. Ang mga hamtong

    dapat bunyagan sa ila kaugalingon nga parokya, samtang ang mga kabataan dapat bunyagan sa parokya sang ila ginikanan. Madali mahangpan kon ngaa dapat pasulabihon ang Simbahan sang parokya sa diin dapat bunyagan ang bata. Ini nagapakita sang paghiwat sang bunyag sa pribado nga puloy-an, kag bisan pa gani sa mga ospital, kon wala sing permiso halin sa Obispo nga amo ang magahukom kon bala nagakaigo ini kag may iya nga pastoral nga kaayohan.

    ANG MINISTRO SANG BUNYAG (cc. 861-863)

    Ang Obispo, pari ukon diakono amo ang ordinaryo nga ministro sang bunyag. Pero kon sa tion nga hilingagawon, kag wala sing ordinaryo nga ministro, ang bisan sin-o nga may husto nga intensyon sa pagtuman sang ginatudlo sang Simbahan sarang man makabunyag. Obligasyon man sang kura paroko ang pagtudlo sa mga tumoluo sang husto nga paagi sa pagbunyag kon ginakinahanglan sa ila ini nga ministeryo. Samtang indi man suno sa kasugoan nga ang bisan sin-o nga wala sing nagakaigo nga permiso magbunyag sa gwa sang iya teritoryo, bisan pa nga ang iya ginabunyagan iya man sakop. Ang Obispo amo ang pangulo nga pastor sa diosesis kag gani, para sa mga hamtong, ilabi na gid sa mga nakakompleto na sang ila ika-14 ka tuig nga edad, ang pagbunyag sa ila dapat nga hiwaton sang Obispo kon amo ini ang iya ginapakamaayo. (May kasugpon)

    the time. Many temptations had to be overcome with a strong sense of identity and purpose. What else? Name it! We priests, experience the same trials other human beings are confronted with.

    Nevertheless, I know and I believe that sufferings and sacrifices are essential ingredients in my life. As I embrace the Cross, God allows me to carry the same; I am being fashioned and formed to become more humble, compassionate and holy. The thought that I live my life for others even it means dying to myself gives me so much strength and inspiration. After all, this is in Gods mind when He created me that I live my life with and for others.

    Please do not think that this call is only for me. This is for you as well. You, yourself have a cross to carry. Dont refuse it. Many have emerged more noble, compassionate and mature after embracing the Cross. The moment when we refuse to carry our cross is the moment when we fail to give life to others.

    Priesthoodwhat a life it is! I may be in tears sometimes. But just like after the rain, God puts a rainbow in my heart.

    source: www.desicomments.com

    Share what God has blessed you with! Let us build together our Parochial House.

  • CANDLE LIGHT (November 16 - 22, 2014) CANDLE LIGHT (November 16 - 22, 2014)

    (Let us pray for each other)

    Editorial BoardrEV. Fr. NATHANIEL G. GENTIZON


    PurEZA D. LAcuEsTAArMANDO A. suEAssociate Editors


    News Editors

    juLIETA G. AquILOMA. rOsArIO r. TEjADA

    Feature Editors

    LALAINE D. PAsquINCirculation

    rIcArDO q. FALLAcOrINA IILayout Artist

    LOurDEs L. ALquIsADA PurITA H. EscObIA


    TZIETEL GErALDINE A. PErrErOContributors

    The Candle Light is a non-profit weekly publication.


    rT. rEV. MsGr. HIGINIO c. VELArDE, jr., jcD, PA Parish Priest

    rEV. Fr. rONALD c. DE LEONSenior Parochial Vicar

    rEV. Fr. NATHANIEL G. GENTIZONParochial Vicar

    rEV. Fr. PHILIPP NEIL Y. ANTENOr-cruZ Special Assistant for Temporal Affairs

    rEV. MsGr. ALEjANDrO P. EsPErANcILLASpecial Assistant for Liturgical Affairs

    rEV. Fr. FrANcIscO T. ANGOsTurArEV. Fr. jOENIck s. TErrITOrIO

    Resident Priests

    4 5

    Quote of the Week :: Gospel Reflection

    Ang Pulong Nangin Tawo


    readings for the WEEk

    BIRTHDay16 Fr. Noel Gomez Fr. Titus Prudente18 Fr. Rudyferio Pesongco Msgr. Ramon Masculino21 Fr. Angelo Colada22 Fr. Virgilio Permosil

    NeCRoLoGy17 Fr. Diosdado Parreas

    Ika-33 nga Domingo sang Tuig, Nobyembre 16, 2014

    Mt 25:14-30 ukon Mt 25:14-15, 19-21

    NOVEMbEr 2014


    Lonely peopleThat all who suffer loneliness may experience the closeness of

    God and the support of others.

    Mentors of seminarians and religious

    That young seminarians and religious may have wise and

    well-formed mentors.

    Remember that when you leave this earth, you take with you nothing that you have received only what you have been given: A full heart enriched by honest service, love, sacrifice and courage. St. Francis of Assisi

    Sa Palaanggiran Nahanungod sa Tatlo ka Suloguon

    The one hundred or more participants in the Parish Faith Formation Program organized a surprise belated birthday celebration for Fr. Joenick S. Territorio. He is our professor in Christology, the course scheduled in the months of October and November 2014.

    The unexpected short program and fellowship was held at the La Isabelita Hall,

    33rd Sunday in ordinary TimePrv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31Ps 128:1-2, 3, 4-51 Thes 5:1-6Mt 25:14-30 or Mt 25:14-15, 19-21

    Monday, November 17Rv 1:1-4, 2:1-5Ps 1:1-2, 3, 4, 6Lk 18:35-43St. Elizabeth of Hungary

    Tuesday, November 18Rv 3:1-6, 14-22Ps 15:2-3, 3-4, 5Lk 19:1-10Mass of the Dedication of the Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul, Apostles

    Wednesday, November 19Rv 4:1-11Ps 150:1-2, 3-4, 5-6 Lk 19:11-28

    Thursday, November 20Rv 5:1-10Ps 149:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 9 Lk 19:41-44

    Friday, November 21Rv 10:8-11Ps 119:14, 14, 72, 103, 111, 131 Lk 19:45-48Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

    Saturday, November 22Rv 11:4-12Ps 144:1, 2, 9-10 Lk 20:27-40St. Cecilia, Virgin & Martyr

    Fr. Territorios Birthday Celebration

    Jaro Cathedral Compound, last November 7, 2014, which started at 8:00 until 9:00 oclock in the evening.

    After Fr. Joenicks session in Christology on the topics for that evening, Judgment and Resurrection, we proceeded to the next room where the tables and food were set. It was well decorated with blue and green balloons with life-size picture on the screen.

    EducationMin i s try

    sa imo ang dalagkus pa gid nga kantidad. Dali diri kag mag-ambit sang akon kalipay! 22Dayon ang suloguon nga nakabaton sang P2,000 nagsulod kag nagsiling, Amoy, ginhatagan mo ako sing P2,000. Yari pa gid ang P2,000 nga akon naganansya. 23Ang iya agalon nagsiling, Maayo gid, maayo kag matutom nga suloguon! Tungod kay maayo ka magpatikang sang diutay nga kantidad, karon itugyan ko sa imo ang daku nga kantidad. Dali diri kag mag-ambit sang akon kalipay! 24Dayon ang suloguon nga nakabaton sing P1,000 nagsulod kag nagsiling, Amoy, nakahibalo ako nga mabudlay ikaw nga tawo, kay nagaani ka sa wala mo matamni kag nagatipon sang patubas sa wala mo masab-ugi. 25Hinadlukan ako, gani naglakat ako kag gintago ko ang imo kuwarta sa duta. Yari ang imo kuwarta. 26Ang iya agalon nagsiling, Malain kag matamad ka nga suloguon! Nakahibalo ka gali nga ako nagaani sa wala ko matamni kag nagatipon sang patubas nga wala ko masab-ugi? 27Ti, kuntani ginpatago mo sa

    Elenita G. Java

    14 Ang Ginharian sang langit kaangay sang isa ka tawo nga manuglakat sa iban nga lugar. Gintawag niya ang iya mga suloguon kag gintugyan niya sa ila ang iya mga pagkabutang. 15Ginhatagan niya ang kada isa sa ila suno sa ila ikasarang. Ginhatagan niya ang isa sing P5,000, ang isa sing P2,000, kag ang isa pa gid sing P1,000. Dayon naglakat sia.

    16Ang suloguon nga nakabaton sing P5,000 naglakat kag iya ginpatikang ang iya kuwarta, kag nakaganansya sia sing P5,000. 17Amo man ang nakabaton sing P2,000, nakaganansya man sia sing P2,000. 18Pero ang nakabaton sing P1,000 naglakat kag nagkutkot sa duta, kag ginlubong niya ang kuwarta sang iya agalon.

    19Sa tapos ang malawig nga panahon nagbalik ang agalon kag nagpakighusay sa iya mga suloguon. 20Ang suloguon nga nakabaton sing P5,000 nagsulod kag nagdala sing P5,000. Nagsiling sia, Amoy, ginhatagan mo ako sing P5,000. Yari pa gid ang P5,000 nga akon naganansya. 21Ang iya agalon nagsiling sa iya, Maayo gid, maayo kag matutom nga suloguon! Tungod kay maayo kag magpatikang sang diutay nga kantidad, karon itugyan ko Ang tagsa-tagsa sa aton ginbugayan sang aton Ginoo sang mga kinaadman kag talento. Apang sa masami ini nga mga talento, kinaadman kag mga kahigayunan nagakadula lang sa aton nga wala naton napatubo kag nagamit para sa kaayuhan. Ang aton Ebanghelyo nagapresentar sang mga rason kon ngaa ang ini nga mga kinaadman nagakadula ukon nagaka-uyang tungod sang kahadluk, sa bagay nga aton lang ginapabuyan-buyanan ang mga oportunidad nga naga-agi sa aton kabuhi nga kuntani para sa maayo nga bwas-damlag. Indi lamang naton mabasol ini nga mga nadula nga mga kahigayunan tungod lamang sang mga nagakalahinabo sa aton palibut. Ngaa ginapabuyan-buyanan naton ining mga kahigayunan nga naga-agi sa aton kabuhi?

    Una, nahadluk kita nga mag-risgo. Kinahanglan risguhan gid ang mga desisyon sa aton kabuhi. Sa pagrisgo madiskubrihan naton

    For the sake of Christ, then I am content with

    weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities,

    for when I am weak, then I am strong!

    (2 Corinthians 12:10)

    Ini nga dinalan sang Santos nga Kasulatan ang nangin inspirasyon namon sa Tabuc Suba-Ilaya agud magpadayon sa gihapon ang mga hilikuton sa amon Magagmay nga Kristianong Katilingban.

    Natapos namon ang tuigan nga paghiwat sang dawn Rosary sa bilog nga bulan sang Oktubre sa sulod na sang lima ka tuig. Nagabulos-bulos ang Urna members sa pagsugod sang Santos nga Rosario adlaw-adlaw kag ang kada Domingo ginapamunu-an sang Youth Ministry sa kada alas kwatro sang kaagahon.

    Sa katapusan nga adlaw, Oktubre 31, naglibot kami sa pagprosesyon sa barangay kaupod ang mga kabataan,

    pamatan-on, Urna members, kag mga pumuluyo nga may bitbit nga lampara kag mga kandela. Naghatag sang kasanag ang apat ka mga sulo samtang ginapatigayon ang prosesyon.Sa pag-abot sa parte sang litaniya, ang tagsa-tagsa sa amon naghalad sang bulak sa tiilan ni Birhen Maria kag gin-amba ang Stella Maris bilang pasidungog sa iya.

    Napatigayon ang amon pagsinalu-salo paagi sa paghugpong sang mga katapo

    sang katilingban agud ang tanan maserbihan sang pamahaw. Sa sini nga hilikuton, may

    isa ka senaryo ang nakatandug sa amon tagipusuon. Isa ka amay nga kon kaisa amon makita nga nagatika lang sa kapilya nga wala gid gani nagasimba ang matutom sa iya pagkarga kag paghakus sa imahen sang Mahal nga Iloy sa pagsugod tubtob sa matapos ang prosesyon. Nangin isa sia ka mabinungahon nga padya para sa amon mga kabudlay.

    Dawn Rosary sa Tabuc Suba-IlayaLourdes L. Alquisada

    source: sodahead.com

    bangko ang akon kuwarta, agud sa akon pagbalik makuha ko ang akon kuwarta upod sang iya saka. 28Karon, kuhaa ninyo ang kuwarta sa iya kag ihatag sa suloguon nga nakabaton sing P10,000. 29Kay ang tagsa-tagsa nga may iya hatagan pa gid, kag magasulobra ang iya pagkabutang. Pero sia nga wala sing iya, bisan pa ang diutay niya nga pagkabutang kuhaon pa. 30Nahanungod sa sining walay pulos nga suloguon, ihaboy sia ninyo didto sa kadudolman sa gwa. Didto magahibi sia kag magabagrot sang iya mga ngipon.

    ang aton talento. Ini nga talento aton gamiton agud mag tubo ang aton kasampat para sa kaayuhan sang kalibutan. Sa pagpatubo sini nagakinahanglan kita nga mag-atubang sang aton kahadluk. Tinguhaon naton nga malab-ut ang aton tinutuyo nga maayo. Aton man ini dapat pagatun-an kag pagasakripisyohan nga may pagtuo kag pagsalig. Kon kaisa, kinahanglan man naton bayaan ang aton mga pinalangga kag lugar agud nga makapadayon kita sang aton nga kabuhi. Kon aton pasugtan ang kahadluk nga gamhan ang aton tagipusuon kag panghuna-huna tubtub na lang sa aton kamatayon madala naton ini nga kahadluk.

    Ikaduha, sa masami, waay kita makabaton sang encouragement sa pagdiskubre kag pagpatubo sining mga kinaadman. Importante ang pagrisgo kag encouragement sa pagpatubo sang mga abilidad kag talento nga ginhatag sang Dios. Kalabanan sang mga kadalag-an sa kabuhi natabo tungod sang kaayo kag pagsalig sang mga

    tawo sa aton palibot. Kasubong sa isa ka bata nga pirme lang ginasinggitan kag ginahambalan sang malain sang iya ginikanan, ini makapugong sa iya sa pagrisgo kag pagtubo.

    Ipangamuyo naton nga kasubong ni Jesukristo magtubo man kita sa aton pagpabakod kag pagpatin-ad sang mga duna nga kaalam nga ginhatag sang Dios sa aton kaugalingon kag isigkatawo. (Excerpts from Paghiambit sa Panimbahaon)


    1. Ano ang mga talento ukon mga kina-adman nga ginbugay sang Ginoo sa akon?

    Ini bala akon ginagamit para sa kaayuhan sang akon kaugalingon, pamilya kag komunidad?

    2. Bilang isa ka katapo sang MKK, paano ko bala ginakilala ang kaayo sang mga tawo sa akon palibot sa pihak sang ila nga mga kasaypanan ukon kakulangan?

    That brief but joyful occasion included happy wishes, greetings and messages and words of gratitude and affirmation on the ministry, works and words of wisdom shared to us by Fr. Joenick.

    The participants also offered him birthday songs, poems and dance numbers and awarded him a certificate of appreciation.

    All participants shared what were brought by fellow members such as cakes, food, drinks and local delicacies.

    Everyone enjoyed each others company and was blessed by Fr. Joenick after the picture taking and singing of the song, If We Hold On Together.

    On that occasion, we also remembered and prayed that God continue to grant all our former professors and resource speakers the gift of good health, long life, faithfulness, holy perseverance and wisdom so that more people will be touched and influenced by their works, life and love for Jesus Christ.

  • CANDLE LIGHT (November 16 - 22, 2014) 7


    Misa Pro Populo Sponsors/Offerers November 16 LibertadNovember 23 CC El-98November 30 SeminarioDecember 7 Desamparados

    oras sang ParokyaNovember 19 BenedictoNovember 26 San VicenteDecember 3 BakhawDecember 10 San Roque

    First Saturday Dawn RosaryDecember 6 CC El 98


    FAITH FORMATIONOn November 21 and 22, Fr. Ronald C. De Leon will

    continue to discuss on Catholic Social Teachings at La Isabelita Hall, Jaro Metropolitan Compound, 6 p.m.

    6 CANDLE LIGHT (November 16 - 22, 2014)

    Ginapangabay ang mga dugay na nga nalubong sa mga nicho nga magsaylo voluntarily sa mga bone boxes agud ang aton mga utod nga mga minatay makabulos man sa mga nicho. Wala na kita tuyo nga magpatindog pa sang nicho kay kon sigihon naton ina malab-ot gid ang tion nga mawad-an na kita sang lulubngan sa aton mga minatay. Kuntani indi na kami makalab-ot sa punto nga piliton namon kamo sa pagsaylo sang inyo mga minatay, kundi himuon na lang naton ini sa VOLUNTARYO nga paagi kay nagapati kita nga ini bahin sang aton pag-ulikid kag paghigugma sa aton isigkatawo, ilabi na gid sa mga minatay kag sa pamilya sang nagtaliwan.

    Ang balayran sa boluntaryo nga pagsaylo sang mga tul-an halin sa nicho pakadto sa bone box lima ka libo ka pisos (Php 5,000.00). Dala na diri ang pagkalkal, ang lapida, kag ang pasira sang bonebox kag subong man ang napulo (10) ka tuig nga renta sini. Sa dugang nga detalye palihog lang pamangkot sa opisina sang parokya.

    Pangabay Nahanungod sa Pagsaylo sang Minatay Gikan sa Nicho Pakadto sa Bone Box

    Bone Boxes at Jaro Catholic Cemetery

    INMACULADA CONCEPCIONAng nobena para sa Kapiestahan sang Inmaculada

    Concepcion, magasugod sa Nobyembre 29, 2014, Sabado nga adlaw, a las 5:30 sa hapon, sa sulod sang Katedral.

    Ang aton parokya nagabaton na sang maluyag mag-sponsor sa mga Misa Nobenaryo kag sa adlaw sang Kapiestahan sa Disyembre 8.

    Subong man, may pagahiwaton nga prosesyon pagkatapos sang a las 5:30 nga Misa sa hapon. Ginapangabay ang tanan nga magdala sang kandila.

    Ang ini nga adlaw isa ka holiday of obligation sa mga Katoliko. Ang mga masunod amo ang schedule sang mga Misa Nobenario kag ang Misa sa adlaw sang Immaculada Concepcion:

    Misa Nobenario:Nobyembre 30 kag Disyembre 7 - 3:00 p.m.Nobyembre 29, Disyembre 1-6 - 5:30 p.m.

    Disyembre 8, 2014 5:00 a.m. 6:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 12:15 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m.

    REDEMPTORISTS SEARCH-INAng Redemptorist Vocation Team naga-imbita sa mga

    pamatan-on nga lalaki, professional ukon college graduating students nga naga edad 35 anyos panubo nga magtambong sang amon Vocation Search-In An Afternoon with the Redemptorists sa Nobyembre 23, 2014, a las tres ang takna sang hapon sa St. Clements Monastery, St. Clements Church, La Paz, Iloilo City.

    Para sa mga detalye palihog pagkig-angut sa aton opisina sang parokya sa (033) 320-0717 ukon 09477629153/09167691270. Madamo gid nga salamat.


    october, 2014Beginning Balance: 79,364.50Less: Expenses for the Month Printing 64,240.00 Allowances 7,239.00 Supplies 4,705.00 (76,184.00)ending Balance: 3,180.50


    Sa pagsaulog sang kapiestahan sang Patrona sang aton Arkidiosesis nga si Sta. Isabel de Ungria, ang parokya magahiwat sang Medical kag Dental consultations sa Nobyembre 22. Ini bukas sa mga katapo sang parokya. Sa mga interesado palihog magpalista sa Service Ministry head ukon BAC coordinator sang inyo natungdan nga barangay.

    youth Serving as one BodyThe Tabuc Suba-Ilaya Youth Ministry conducted a leadership training and team building activity last Saturday, November 8, 2014 at Maria Paz Hillside Resort, Alimodian, Iloilo.Twenty nine new and vibrant youth members actively participated in the challenges facilitated by their enthusiastic seniors; Cedric, Feby , Justin, Armida and Vince. The event was tagged as #team _ILAYA Unite ..Lead ..Serve with a Scriptural theme: You are the Body of Christ and each one of you is a part of it. (1 Cor 12:27)Just as our human body is one with many parts, the tasks were designed to make the members realize that they are each an important part of

    Tzietel Geraldine AlquisadaPererotheir team and their gifts and talents are vital for the ministry to function effectively. The activities were: Trust Fall, Trust Walk, Spiders Web, Human Pyramid and Amazing Race, which tested and strengthened their character, trust and cooperation. Brick shaped papers were distributed and they wrote on it the gifts or talents they are willing to share. The youth silently prayed before they posted their gifts on the church miniature.

    The ministry heads and officers were taught leadership roles and communication channeling. The participants were regrouped into different ministries according to their declared gifts and talents. The coordinators of youth ministry, service, worship, education and temporalities met their members for the first time. It is very significant that the gifts and talents they have will be consistent with the ministry they will be serving. They all enjoyed their boodle fight lunch, random energizers and pool games.

    The young ones were also touched by the affirmation of their teammates during the sharing while the facilitators felt honored and privileged to guide and lead their younger brothers and sisters. They were also surprised as their facilitators headed by Geraldine rendered a Body Song presentation at the end of the program. The event was fully supported by the Barangay coordinators who prepared food and assisted the team for a smooth program flow.

    Indeed it was a successful day for Tabuc Suba-Ilaya Youth Ministry. The youth members went home tired but happy. It is my hope and prayer that they will all serve the Lord with their gifts and talents. Just like in their Trust Fall, may their voices continuously resound, ONE BODY, MANY PARTS!

    youth Ministry Membership orientationTabuc Suba Ilaya - WESTFYOktubre 29, 2014, alas tres sang hapon ginhiwat ang Youth Ministry Membership Orientation

    Seminar sa amon kapilya para sa mga miyembro sang Youth Ministry upod sang ila mga ginikanan. Ini nga hilikuton ginpatigayon agud mapahibalo sa mga ginikanan kag sa mga miyembro ang ila katungdanan sa komunidad kag Simbahan bilang isa ka youth minister.

    Ginpatpat ni Bro. Mark Hormigoso ang nahanungod sa The Role and Mission of the Church for the Filipino Youth in the Perspective of the Youth Ministry. Ginpaathag man ang mga pagsulundan o house rules sa mga pamatan-on. Gintinguhaan ini nga madihon agud mangin sulundan nila.

    Sa sini nga kahiwatan nagakalipay kami nga yara ang presensya ni Fr. Nathaniel Gentizon, Youth Director sang parokya , kaupod si Ms. Julie Ann Blancaflor JPYM Youth Coordinator nga naghatag tinion sa sining mga pamatan-on sa Tabuc Suba Ilaya tubtub matapos ang ila pagpiniliay sang ila opisyales sina man nga hapon. Ang pag-ugyon sang mga ginikanan kag pagbulig nila sa paghanda isa sa mga una nga tikang sa pagpahamtang sa sining pamatan-on

    sa ila mga lihok kag mga ginaplanohan nga mga programa sa palaabuton.Sa amon pagpanglakaton kaupod sang Urna

    kag sang Youth Ministry, indi gid malikawan nga may kahuyang sa espiritu, dala sang indi maayo nga pag-inupdanay kasubong sang mga pasipala kag insulto mismo sa sulod sang katilingban kag sa palibot sini. Mabudlay kay may mga paghisaay kag kapipit-an, apang sa sini nga kahuyangon kag mga pagtilaw, sa gihapon nagahugpong kami agud mangin mabakud pa gid kami. Nahibaluan namon nga ang Diyos yara nga nagaubay sa amon.

  • CANDLE LIGHT (November 16 - 22, 2014) 9

    Pureza D. Lacuesta

    year of the PoorOne afternoon while I was watching the Ratsada program on the TV Screen, I saw Msgr. Meliton B. Oso, who talked about the Year of the Poor. While he was talking there was a line: Give a Gift San Dionisio.What a beautiful interpretation of Christian Living. It is Christ-like and is a mirror of the heart that thinks of the poor during these troubled times.

    The prices of the goods are sky high. From medicine to food, clothing, household needs, school requirements, and many more. We have to earn more and work harder if we want to survice.

    Msgr. Oso must have seen all these, also the crimes and vices growing in number. The sidewalks and public places are common venues of beggars who cannot do anything more than beg. Strollers, sidewalk vendors and students are often victims of snatchers of cellphones, jewelry and other items which can give them what they need and desire.We do not need to be wealthy in order to share with the poor. If we have two pieces of bread, give the other. If you have only one, give the other half. If you have only a half, can you not give it all? Used clothing can also be given away.

    If we call ourselves Christians, then we must try to practice the values which are taught to us through the Bible, the catechism books, and the homilies of our priests.

    8 CANDLE LIGHT (November 16 - 22, 2014)

    When we participate at Mass, we listen to the readings which speak of Jesus love and concern for us.

    At the end of the Mass, the priest says: Go in peace, the Mass is ended. As the Mass ends, our mission begins.

    If we see the poor who need material things, we have to do something to alleviate the situation. If they are poor in understanding the tenets of our religion, we have to become volunteer catechists preach by word and example and not be ashamed to do it.

    This is the time to show what we know and what we can in order to be Christ-like. Lend a hand wherever you can and do it, whether there are witnesses or not to your charitable action.Charity is the beginning of love for doing something that can give joy and hope to those who are in despair. Charity is the queen of all virtues with humility as its trusted companion.

    If we will follow Msgr. Oso in his desire to widen Christianity through love for the poor, if we follow his preaching on television and create a program of work that is compatible with the young and the old, the educated and the unschooled, with those who live in mansions and in humble homes, we can surely create a new volume of Christian Living manuals, that can survive through the centuries, long after we have returned to our Maker.

    During the culmination of the catechetical month, Msgr. Ramon Pet opened the program with a prayer, reminding the assembly of the devastating effect of typhoon Yolanda in the northern and central towns of Iloilo. The whole country remembered the casualties and at around 8:00 at the start of catechetical day he summoned everybody to pray for the victims - casualties and survivors.

    Dr. Linda Tacorda as well mentioned that this year is dedicated to the laity. This is in preparation for the coming 500 years celebration of the evangelization of our country. The nine-year novena started in 2013, Year of Faith; then 2014, Year of the Laity; and 2015, Year of the poor. Of big interest is the sharing of the faith-life stories of lay representatives of the Inter-Diocesan Commissions. The first to share was a couple from Family and Life, where the couple stressed that, the faith of humanity passes through the family. The family is the cornerstone of society. The gift of life and the gift of vocation comes from the family. The family is the school of love, the center and height of civilization. What you are is Gods gift to you, what you to become is your gift to God. They concluded their sharing with a song rendered by the Commission on Family and Life, whose Director is Fr. Randy Doromal. The representative from JASAC related how they worked hard for the CARP. The sharing experiences were too extreme. They underwent so many sacrifices and even caused the life of some before the award came, after a very long time. There were times when farmers from the different regions of the country converged

    in Manila and experienced the strong and hard water-bomb from the firemen who were out to disperse them. Many of them were hurt but were determined to fight for their right. They believed that with Gods compassionate love they would be successful in their struggle.Another sharer was a young teenage girl who went through the darkest moments of her life. According to her, she lived a scandalous life that wrecked her heart not minding what others said about her. Her heart rusted with pride took hold of her. The family became impoverished. The father wanted to mortgage the house. One of his daughters reminded him, If you mortgage the house we will have no more shelter. But because of love for her, the father answered that even if they lost everything it did not matter as long as their sister got well. The mother told her about her friends unsavory comments that she could even discipline her students very well, but not her daughter. With these, she realized how evil wrecked her and the family. She vowed to change. She repented. Now, she attested how merciful and compassionate God is. He does not allow His children to rot and be left in darkness. She praises God, crying out for forgiveness and is thankful for her spiritual transformation.

    The next sharer said that in all our experiences in life we can arrive at the realization that we all have the vocation to become holy and have the mission to evangelize. Our life is the most valuable gift of God. In our movement to become holy let us call on God because God calls us by name, allows us to enjoy this life. We are chosen. So, in order to complete being chosen by God we need to serve Him.

    Msgr. Ely Fuentes, on his part said, The in-put from the sharers are their own life experiences and faith. Our life is without meaning if it is not connected to faith. Our life cannot be separated from faith and

    vice-versa. Faith becomes meaningful for us when we experience difficulties in life. Ang pagtuo nagaangot sa basic nga bahin sang aton kabuhi halin sa panimalay, kon ang kaangtanan sang nanay kag tatay naangot sa Dios. Paagi sa paghigugma sa Dios nagaisog kita sa pagpahayag sang aton kabuhi kay bisan ano nga klase ina nga kabuhi nagapangibabaw sa gihapon ang Iya paghigugma sa aton. Sa kabuhi naton bilang laiko wala sing mas powerful pa sa gugma sang Dios. Dira kita nagahugot sang aton power of transformation in Gods compassion and mercy.

    At around three oclock in the afternoon, a Catechetical Mass was held, presided by Archbishop Angel N. Lagdameo and concelebrated with Msgr. Ramon Pet. In the homily of Archbishop Lagdameo, he said, A vocation of being catechist is for everybody, otherwise faith within the Diocese will die because there are no catechists. Ignorance of faith is dangerous, that is why adult catechesis must be given to the lay faithful who are evangelizers! All Christians are called to witness as a way of catechesis. They are proclaimers of the Word of God.

    More importantly the Archbishop mentioned the virtues necessary for a good catechist. First, he or she must have credibility he must do what he says. Second, he or she must be prayerful as much as possible he must pray in solitude. He must give importance to his own personal prayer life.

    Pray for us, for your fellow catechists and for your parish priest. Ikaw kag ako laiko, ikaw, ako, tanan kita mga katekista!

    Fe Marina S. Siacon

    One thousand four hundred forty-three (1,443) enthusiastic and committed catechists coming from fourteen vicariates attended the closing celebration of the Jaro Archdiocesan Catechetical Month at the Jaro Covered Gym last November 8, 2014. This years theme: Ikaw kag Ako, Laiko. Ikaw, ako, kita: Katekista. The earliest to register at six-forty in the morning came from San Jose Placer Parish, Plaza Libertad, Iloilo City. The highest number of catechists who participated came from the Parish of St. John Sahagun, Tigbauan with 58 participants, followed by the parish of St. Catherine of Alexandria with fifty-one participants and the Parish of St. Nicholas

    de Tolentino, Cabatuan and Patronage of St. Joseph, Pototan with 46 participants. Tigbauan had the highest men participants of five.

    A parade around the Plaza led by Jaro Elementary drum and corps participated by delegates of fourteen vicariates opened the celebration. Msgr. Ramon A. Pet, H.P. ACCCE chairman opened the celebration with a prayer and welcomed the participants.

    Dr. Linda Tacorda, ACCCE Catechists Formator gave the orientation and the objectives of the catechetical day in this year of the laity. This was followed by the faith life sharing of lay people participated by representatives from each diocesan commission. They were William and Anna Cajilig of Family Life, Eva Babao Alaan of JASAC, Benjie Pelobello from ACCCE, Marybeth Pedregosa, JAYC, Natalie Trespeces and Nora Garganera from the

    Commission of the Laity and Maria Cortesa C. Macajilig from the Diocesan Council of the Laity, Diocese of Kalibo.

    Msgr. Ely Fuentes, P.C. and Msgr. Joemarie Delgado, P.C. gave the syntheses. The afternoon activities started with

    a Quiz Bee on the life of the Lay Saints participated in by fourteen contestants representing each vicariate. First place went to Mercedes Alturino of Villa, Arevalo, second place Aldeliva Taburda of Mandurriao, and third place Omar Ezra Gelpe of Guimbal.

    The Archdiocesan Catechetical Month Celebration in the Year of the Laity closed with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist presided by Arch. Angel N. Lagdameo, D.D. together with Msgr.Ramon A. Pet, H.P.

    archdiocese of Jaro Culminates Catechetical MonthPurita Hubag Escobia


    Engr. Alberto H. Yanga

    The couples below wish to contract marriage with each other. For any impediment or serious

    defects that will prohibit marriage, please inform the Parish Secretary or

    call 329-16-25.

    FIRST PUBLICATIONeLVIe B. eSMoReS, 26 yrs. old, resident

    of San Nicolas, Oton, Iloilo, son of Elias E. Esmores & Robina T. Baares and RHea Joy P. GeRaNeo, 26 yrs. old, resident of San Nicolas, Oton, Iloilo, daughter of Victorino V. Geraneo & Edna O. Pongan.

    DeNNIS G. DeBLoIS, 44 yrs. old, resident of San Jose Subd., Tagbac, Jaro, Iloilo City, son of Eddie C. Deblois & Mila C. Gaitano and MaRy GRaCe J. eBRo, 40 yrs. old, resident of San Jose Subd., Tagbac, Jaro, Iloilo City, daughter of Narciso R. Ebro & Teresita N. Justado.

    eNDReSITo D. DeGaLa, 47 yrs. old, resident of Commission Civil St., Jaro, Iloilo City, son of Ernesto D. Degala & Maria A. Dacles and MaGDaLINa V. RaMoS, 41 yrs. old, resident of Commission Civil St., Jaro, Iloilo City, daughter of Dominador P. Ramos & Concepcion E. Vega.

    PeDRo, JR. L. TaNUTaN, 44 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Cabugao Sur, Sta. Barbara, Iloilo, son of Pedro, Sr. U. Tanutan & Fe L. Lindres and aRLeNe D. NoBLeTa, 41 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Cabugao Sur, Sta. Barbara, Iloilo, daughter of Juanito L. Nobleta & Elvira L. Durias.

    RaNNIe T. SoNGCULaN, 27 yrs. old, resident of San Vicente, Leganes, Iloilo, son of Norberto C. Songculan & Rosemelinda L. Tuso and aRLyN e. SULIT, 29 yrs. old, resident of Cabudian, Dueas, Iloilo, daughter of Reynaldo L. Sulit & Adelaida L. Espinas.

    eReNIo B. JUayoNG, 31 yrs. old, resident of Taft St., Sta. Barbara, Iloilo, son of Eleuterio, Jr. S. Juayong & Nenita D. Baunillo and aRLeNe G. CayoN, 33 yrs. old, resident of J.C. Zulueta St., Oton, Iloilo, daughter of Inocencio T. Cayon & Fe A. Granada.

    aRCHIe G. GaLVaN, 32 yrs. old, resident of Buluangan, Jordan, Guimaras, son of Mario G. Galvan & Susan G. Bernejo and HIaDy G. GaLUNo, 31 yrs. old, resident of Buluangan, Jordan, Guimaras, daughter of Edmundo O. Galuno & Thelma G. Gamarcha.

    RoNaLDo a. aLBeRCa, 45 yrs. old, resident of Sta. Barbara, Iloilo, son of Celedonio M. Alberca & Benedicta A. Anacan and eLMa S. MaTaLUBoS, 44 yrs. old, resident of Sta. Barbara, Iloilo, daughter of Flaviano P. Matalubos & Digna S. Sulpico.

    RoMy L. MaRQUeZ, 33 yrs. old, resident of Jibao-an, Pavia, Iloilo, son of Federico A. Marquez & Vilma L. Lizada and CaTHeRINe a. DeToyaTo, 35 yrs. old, resident of Jibao-an, Pavia, Iloilo, daughter of Benjamin A. Detoyato & Lourdes C. Andalecio.

    MaRK aNTHoNy G. VaSQUeZ, 24 yrs. old, resident of West Timawa, Molo, Iloilo City, son of Ceperiano T. Vasquez & Rosielyn L. Gamuyao and ReCHeL V. CaJUDay, 22 yrs. old, resident of West Timawa, Molo, Iloilo City, daughter of Romeo T. Cajuday & Herminia M. Villar.

    to page 10...C

    Duha ka beses kada semanaNagakalangkag ang tagsa-tagsaTungod kami naman ang magasinapolMagapaambitanay sang kalipay sa paghinulsol.

    Kanami batyagon bilang isa ka KristiianoKon nagapakigbuylog sa hilikuton para sa GinooIlabi na kon bukas ang tagipusuon pagbulig sa isigkatawoDaw manggad nga di matupungan ang pagkabig nimo.

    May tion nga kami gahiwat sa gwa sang puluy-anGinabatas ang tun-og, katugnaw kag ulanApang ina nga sitwasyon sa aton gapahanumdumNga kon may pag-antus ang grasya sang Dios aton man maagum.

    May gapamalibad man nga indi magbatonTungod alang-alang wala kwarta ibakal pagkaonSiling ni Sister Maya ang wala pamahaw indi gid rasonNga ang Bible Sharing sa panimalay indi mapadayon.

    Sa pagsinapol kon kaisa matabuan manNga may gaselebrar sang iya kaadlawanMadamo ang pagkaon busog sa panyaponSa presensya ni Birhen Maria ang selebrante tuman ka malipayon.

    Padayunon naton ang pagbuhi sang MKKIlabi na kon ang panimalay bug-os ang pag-abiabiBusog nga busog ang amon balatyagonKon ang Pulong sang Dios ginabaton hugot sa tagipusuon.

    Indi kita magkahuya kon ang aton balay gubaAng importante si Birhen Maria ang magasakaSa paghatag paglaum, sa tagbalay mismoPahanumdom nga ang aton Ginoong JesukristoNabun-ag man sa sitwasyon nga pigado.

    Aton gid pasalamatan ang grasya nga nabatonBunga sang pagpaninguha kag pagsalig sa kaugalingonDapat man tandaan sang tanan nga tawoNga ang tanan nga ara sa aton naghalin gid sa Ginoo.

    Kabay nga kita tanan magpangabuhi sa kamatuoranMagpangamuyo para man sa aton kaluwasanSamtang may panahon pa, magbag-o na mga binunyaganTungod kita tanan umalagi lang sa sining kalibutan.

    ang MKK sa BarangayCorazon L. Majarucon

    Life experiences as Way to Transformation


    MASS INTENTIONSNoVeMBeR 16, 2014 SUNDay 05:00 a.m. +Antonio Samoro by Zionland Development Philippine, Inc. 06:30 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Ladies of Charity 08:00 a.m. MISa PRo PoPULo 09:30 a.m. +Leon & Ney Tajanlangit, Serafin & Victoria Mallare, Alfredo & Corazon Hugo, Encarnacion & Maria Clara Gonzaga, Eduardo Nuguit, Augustus Bacabac & Luz Tajanlangit by Alice T. Mallare 12:00 n.n. +Rene Madrid by Dr. Bernadette Madrid 03:00 p.m. +Dr. Pauline Aristorenas by Dr. Ofelia Palmejar & Dr. Marie Joyce Palmejar- Tan 04:30 p.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Rogelio Florete, Sr. & Family; Alberto Yanga & Hollero Family; Randy Lumbaning & Family; Eva Corsino & Family; Fe Marina Siacon & Children; Mr. & Mrs. Rodolfo Garrido & Family; Ninfa Baylen & Family; Ma. Grace Evangelista & Family; Mr. & Mrs. Felicito Cabrera Jr. & Children; Michelle Ann Cordero & Family; Rosette Tayongtong & Family; Alma Blanca & Children; Avery Blanca; Ma. Fe Gelano; Braulia Cababasay & Family; Amelita & Analou Enriquez Lazarraga; Jelly Yap & Children; Connie Alenaje & Children; Gerard Penecilla; Villanueva & Goboc Families; Ismael Parreas Jr.; Jaypee Bagaforo & Family; Mr. & Mrs. Crispulo Celeste Jr. & Family; Maxilinda Lucy Castao; John Railey Te & Ray Jan Te; Sergio EscrupuloSr.; Ednel Christi de Asis; Nestor Malones; Syoti-Miel Trading and Special Intention of Andres Lumbaning and Neneng Lazarito. 06:00 p.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Immanuel & Ma. Theresa J. Bartolo, Ma. Zhar Lenna J. Armishaw & Feliciano Japitana 07:30 p.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Stephanie Amit

    NoVeMBeR 17, 2014 MoNDay Feast of St. elizabeth of Hungary 05:30 a.m. +Amado Piamonte, Jr. by Piamonte Family 06:00 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass for the Birthday of Maricar Marcelo by OJ & Swit Marcelo 06:30 a.m. MISa ReQUIeM 12:15 p.m. +Purificacion Jalando-on by Arcenia Jalando-on & Family 05:30 p.m. +Rey John Villaluna by Villaluna Family NoVeMBeR 18, 2014 TUeSDay 05:30 a.m. +Desposoria Ledesma Penecilla by Atty. & Mrs. Enrique Arguelles 06:00 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Cipres A. Abcede 06:30 a.m. +Desposoria Ledesma Penecilla by Rosendo C. Lamis, Sr. & Children 12:15 p.m. +Desposoria Ledesma Penecilla by Mrs. Josephine Conjusta 05:30 p.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Alfredo & Aurora M. Hugo by Alice T. Mallare NoVeMBeR 19, 2014 WeDNeSDay 05:30 a.m. +Dr. Pauline Aristorenas by Atty. & Mrs. Enrique Arguelles 06:00 a.m. +Francisca Padlan by Dr. Ofelia Palmejar & Dr. Marie Joyce Palmejar-Tan 06:30 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Norma J. Aguirre 12:15 p.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Jerkes & Alexis Sacuebo 05:30 p.m. +Antonio Samoro by Bernardo & Hazel Porquez

    NoVeMBeR 20, 2014 THURSDay 05:30 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Jerkes & Alexis Sacuebo 06:00 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Imelda C. Florete 06:30 a.m. +Desposoria Ledesma Penecilla by SEHKS Faculty & Staff 12:15 p.m. +Asuncion Tirado Solleza by Atty. & Mrs. Enrique Arguelles 05:30 p.m. Mass Intention of UPV, Chemical Engineering Students in Taking the Board Exam NoVeMBeR 21, 2014 FRIDay 05:30 a.m. +Asuncion Tirado Solleza by DMII, Our Lady of Candles Circle 06:00 a.m. +Desposoria Ledesma Penecilla by Jose & Rose Marie Piamonte 06:30 a.m. +Msgr. Alberto Piamonte by Piamonte Family 12:15 p.m. +Antoinette Reyes by Chua Family 05:30 p.m. +Desposoria Ledesma Penecilla by Delfin Jordan & Children NoVeMBeR 22, 2014 SaTURDay 05:30 a.m. +Asuncion Tirado Solleza by Emma Victoria & Children 06:00 a.m. +Salome Florete by Mr. & Mrs. Rogelio Florete, Sr. & Family 06:30 a.m. +Elena S. Trinidad by Lourdes Morano 05:30 p.m. +Desposoria Ledesma Penecilla by Penecilla Family





    STePHeN e. LeDoMa, 22 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Compania Central, Molo, Iloilo City, son of Petronilo, Jr. M. Ledoma & Ma. Divina T. Evangelista and MaRy aILeeN B. PoLMo, 21 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Compania Central, Molo, Iloilo City, daughter of Alfredo T. Polmo & Marietta L. Batuto.

    MICHaeL G. VaSQUeZ, 31 yrs. old, resident of Blk. 21, Lot 3, NHA, Brgy. Bakhaw, Mandurriao, Iloilo City, son of Danilo L. Vasquez & Monina L. Gime and JULIe aNN L. ToNo, 33 yrs. old, resident of Blk. 21, Lot 3, NHA, Brgy. Bakhaw, Mandurriao, Iloilo City, daughter of Felipe H. Tono & Nilda L. Libo-on.

    eD aNGeLo C. BayaG, 27 yrs. old, resident of Bankers Village, Jaro, Iloilo City, son of Edgardo Bayag & Elizabeth Castellano and MeRRyL Lee a. GoNZaLeS, 27 yrs. old, resident of Caninguan, Lambunao, Iloilo, daughter of Victor Gonzales & Loida Almeria.

    BoNIFaCIo F. CaRDao, 42 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Buhang, Taft North, Mandurriao, Iloilo City, son of Rogelio Cardao & Nelly Flores and Lea J. LaQUIaN, 39 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Buhang, Taft North, Mandurriao, Iloilo City, daughter of Rufino Laquian & Elena Joven.

    ReyNaTo LoZaDa, 36 yrs. old, resident of Bagongbong, Lambunao, Iloilo son of Alejandro Lozada & Melania Lecoto and RoMeLy a. DeTaMayo, 39 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Bakhaw, Mandurriao, Iloilo City, daughter of Romeo Detamayo & Hasmin Aniolga.

    SECOND PUBLICATIONLeo T. TaBao, 25 yrs. old, resident of Talento,

    Tubungan, Iloilo, son of Leopoldo Tabao & Corazon Tacloban and CLea a. BaRCeLoNa, 23 yrs. old, resident of Malusgod, Dueas, Iloilo, daughter of Rosendo Jr. Barcelona & Florencia Aron.

    ReNe P. GUMBaN, 34 yrs. old, resident of Punta Dike, Brgy. Bakhaw, Mandurriao, Iloilo City, son of Remo S. Gumban & Nilda C. Punsalan and PReCIoUS o. BaLIGUaT, 27 yrs. old, resident of Punta Dike, Brgy. Bakhaw, Mandurriao, Iloilo City, daughter of Romeo C. Baliguat & Myrna C. Oligo.

    JoNaTHaN W. Coo, 40 yrs. old, resident of Villa Hermosa, La Paz, Iloilo City, son of Rogelio E. Coo & Beau Wah C. Woo and CHaRMIe S. SaNCIo, 31 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. San Jose, San Miguel, Iloilo, daughter of Jovencio C. Sancio & Emma B. Sabido.

    aLBeRT T. VILLaRIN, 29 yrs. old, resident of Sta. Ana Subd., Zarraga, Iloilo, son of Arthur Villarin & Erlinda Teao and SHeILa MaRIe a. DeMeTITa, 28 yrs. old, resident of Sta. Ana Subd., Zarraga, Iloilo, daughter of Eduardo Demetita & Lourdes Abad.

    WaReN P. GRaJo, 34 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Balabago, Jaro, Iloilo City, son of Wilfredo Grajo & Gilda Paltiguera and MaRIBeL B. TaBUGa, 39 yrs. old, resident of Cabanbanan, Oton, Iloilo, daughter of Crisostomo Tabuga & Encarnacion Basco.

    THIRD PUBLICATIONJoHN RoSS M. oMaPaS, 29 yrs. old, resident of

    Calumpang, Molo, Iloilo City, son of Mariano N. Omapas & Marissa S. Mahilum and HoNey Bee P. PaCLIBaR, 29 yrs. old, resident of Cuartero St., Jaro, Iloilo City, daughter of Endresito D. Paclibar & Gloria P. Peronce.

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