www.nourishpublication.com December 2012 1 Your Body ~ mind ~ soul Your Body ~ mind ~ soul Issue 17 Issue 17 December 2012 December 2012 Photo by Phil Nielsen

Nourish - December 2012 - Issue 17

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Your Body ~ mind ~ soulYour Body ~ mind ~ soul

Issue 17Issue 17 December 2012December 2012 Photo by Phil Nielsen

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4 Welcome 5 Christmas Carolers 6 The Business of Growth 8 Free Range Edibles—Bog Cranberries 10 December Memories 12 Discernment 14 Rune of the Month - Uruz 15 Runes - Wunjo 17 The White Parcel 18 Live Long & Prosper 20 Meditative Writing Practice 22 Quantum Hypnosis Healing Therapy 24 Mine is Breakfast

26 Part 2—In the Spirit of the Season 28 Unchained Melody

30 Christmas at the Siler House

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All content ©2011 - 2012 by Nourish Your Body Mind Soul Nourish Your Body Mind Soul is a monthly publication dedicated to em-powering readers with knowledge that can help them feel fulfilled on this journey called life. All articles are the express views and beliefs of the writer and are pro-vided as guidelines to the readers. Ultimately each reader is responsi-ble for their own choices and decisions. The articles are meant as guidelines and the reader is encouraged to expand on the knowledge presented within these pages to form their own opinions.

Published on the first of the month!

32 Monthly Astro Tid Bit 36 Christmas’s Past 37 December Message from the Angels 38 Soul Grounding—Accepting your guides on the love path 40 Health Benefits of Pomegranate 41 Memory of Christmas 42 Essential Oils—Purification™ 44 Giraffe 46 Conversations with Chamuel 48 Hanged Man 50 Mayan Ascension Prophesy 2012, Dec 21, 2012, Part 1 51 Mayan Ascension Prophesy 2012, Dec 21, 2012, Part 2 52 Clear Quartz 54 Getting the Tree 56 Carols around the Piano 58 What is Behind You? - What is in Front of You?

In the spirit of the season, I thought it would be nice to ask each author the above ques-tion. Some of the answers were given as part of their articles and some were a stand alone response. I have sprinkled them throughout the magazine for your enjoyment. From all of us at Nourish Your Body Mind Soul, may your holiday season be

merry and bright!

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As we move into December, I can’t help but observe that the “season” seems to start earlier and earlier each year. It seems to me that we no sooner see Thanksgiving (in Canada) leave the shelves and Christmas starts slowly appearing. Oh, at first it is just a few items but once we round the corner past Halloween it appears with both guns blazing! Don’t get me wrong, I love this time of year, and who am I to complain when my favorite Starbucks seasonal beverage starts being served. More time to savor and enjoy the lovely concoction! I sat and pondered why, as a society, we seem to be pushing this earlier each year. I understand that the stores and other companies want our dollars, and the sooner they place their products in front of us the sooner they can start making a return on their dollar. Yet we embrace this openly. I see homes being decorated, people are out shopping for the perfect gift to exchange with loved ones, and posts start appearing on Facebook that celebrate this wondrous season. No, I am not talking about December here, I am talking November! I even caught myself singing along to the Christmas Carols being played in stores. As I was pondering, the thought came to me that no matter what religious sect you follow, there is a cel-ebration that seems to bring joy and hope during this time of the year. That is reason enough to start celebrating as early as we possibly can. It is the magic that has us embracing the season. Sure there are the Scrooges of the world out there bah

humbugging everything, yet I believe, even they feel the magic take over just a wee tiny bit. Almost like a reward for a year well lived. A time to let go, just for a little while, the struggles not only we indi-vidually have faced but the world as a whole. It is a time to reach into our pockets and give just a little more to causes we support year round. As most organizations will attest to, this time of year sees more donations than any other time of the year. Food banks can provide food for a couple of months out of the donations received now. In view of this, I think collectively we need a little magic all year round to ensure that charities receive more on a consistent basis. It does not matter if you celebrate Advent, St Lucia Day, Hanukkah, Winter Solstice, Christmas, Kwanzaa or something I have not mentioned here; it is a gathering of friends and family sharing, not always gifts, but good company and food. So this month take some time to get wrapped up in the magic of the season, feel the hope seep into your being and try not to get overrun by the hustle and bustle. Enjoy peace and quiet moments with friends and family sharing a special beverage, and allow yourself to escape into the wonderment of the season. From my home to yours Merry Christmas! Marlene

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Love’s first notes haunt the air while clouds of breath encircle cold huddled singers prayer filled with the story joyful. Sweet harmony weaves through known songs of hope transcending, the end of darkness, birth of light, angelic chorus blending. Soft voices tremble in the night as sound expands to hold the words – Jesu, joy of man’s desiring pierces soul, carol is heard. Behind the glass, lips move then hum, take up the notes – this night all joined as one within love’s high abodes.

Margie Kivel

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N ever before have there been so many seekers. Seekers will open minds and trusting hearts. What a magnificent op-

portunity for evolutionary growth. Unfortu-nately, it is also a magnificent opportunity for profiteering. Mass marketed spirituality is an oxymoron, but in the rush to reach the next level of spiritual advancement that small but important fact is overlooked. Ironically, for

many a spiritual seeker the ego is engaged in the service of the not-so spiritual. Yes, even spirituality comes with designer labels! Many in the business of spirituality have marketing plans that would be the envy of any multina-tional corporation. They have the art of at-tracting customers, and developing new prod-ucts at just the right pace to keep the cash flowing abundantly. Consciously or uncon-sciously, followers are created. Loyalty is en-gendered. At workshops or seminars the crowd is worked, and the product line is laid out with workers ready to take your VISA. It is strange cross between religion and the shop-ping channel. What happens when spirituality becomes a business? Many who are vulnerable will negate their own home grown spiritual wisdom in favor of the shiny new model that everyone else is adopting. After all, if so many are drawn to it, it must be the right path. Unfortunately, all roads to healing are littered with some of the same stuff. Psychology, with its promise of emotional balance and inner strength also loses something when it becomes a business to be

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Gwen Randall-Young

This is a time of rapid spiritual growth. There seems to be a move beyond the sometimes confining religious thought, to a spirituality that carries the promise of embracing and honoring all life. There is a vision of a multitude of spiritual pathways connected by a common theme: despite all differences and uniqueness, we are one.

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marketed. Seminars and workshops which promise to heal the anger, the self-esteem, the inner-child, the trauma or what have you in one week or one weekend can be misleading, and harmful to some individuals. Flyers arrive daily announcing the curative powers of all kinds of natural source products. That is not the problem. We need this infor-mation. The problem is the hard sell approach that is clearly playing on the fears that people may have about their health, and the hefty prices being charged. We are strayed so far from the tribal wisdom that taught us to help one another out of love. Sharing spiritual views, emotional wisdom, and healing modali-ties is one of the beautiful ways in which we nurture and care for one another. It is a natu-ral part of being human and we do it for each other without and expectation of anything in return. For some, healing is a strength and so becomes a livelihood. But how do we ensure the purity and integrity when a one on one healing becomes mass produced? How do we differentiate between being healed, and being a “sale?” In the same way that we have learned to value organic produce, we may have to eschew pro-cessed healing in favor of the natural, organic, close-to-the earth kind. Ultimately the most powerful healing tool we have is our own clear consciousness. We can learn to tune in to our bodies, and to “feel” what is right. We can learn to nurture ourselves, and to bring gentle-ness, acceptance and compassion to our emo-tional pain. And we can be still and quiet enough to tune in to the wisdom of the Uni-verse, allowing it to pulse through our aware-ness. It will provide all of the guidance we need. Ancient travelers learned that they could be still and observe the heavens, and in doing so could chart their path. Tribal people knew how to read the tracks, the wind, the water, and the scents in the air. What all had in com-mon was trust in their ability to utilize their own senses, their own bodies and minds to in-terpret their world and show them the way. This ability is natural. It is intelligent, in the largest sense of the word. Somehow we have relegated our natural intelligence to a back seat, adopting a lemming like rush towards we know not what. We must stop and get our

bearings. There is much that is good in our world. There are many honorable teachers and healers from whom we may learn, but ultimately we must teach and heal ourselves. It is through tuning in to our deep wisdom that we engage our powers of discernment. At a time when choic-es are unlimited, and all markets are burgeon-ing with new products, processes and people, discernment may be one of the most important modern day survival skills that we can develop.

Gwen Randall-Young is an author and award-winning Psychotherapist. For permission to reprint this article, or to obtain books or cds, visit www.gwen.ca

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There are many honorable teachers and healers from whom we may learn, but

ultimately we must teach and heal ourselves.  

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To help celebrate the sea-son as promised I’m going to talk about Bog Cranber-ries- I usually provide a Lat-in name right after the eve-ryday name, but in this in-stance there’s a bit of a di-lemma and the jury is still out. Some will put it under the Vaccininiums category with blueberries, huckleber-ries and Lingonberries. Others prefer to categorize them as Oxycoccus. I’m

sure you’re about ready to nod off already so let’s just call them Vaccinuum oxycoccus and get on with it. The early pilgrims called them “Craneberries” because the blossoms resembled the head and neck of a crane. This was eventually shortened to cranberries. The berries of Bog Cranberries are smaller than commer-cially grown cranberries and the outer skin of a ripe Bog Cranberry is much softer than commercial cranberries. Many herbalists consider them tart, but I find them much sweeter than the commercial variety. They are at they’re best after a frost though. Bog Cranberries grow along the ground on thread like stems that run in, around and over moss and other plants. The leaves are small and dark green and the berries seem too large to be supported on such a fine stem. In the sum-mer the berries are green, but after the first frost they rip-en turning a bright red. You can continue to pick the ripe berries right through the winter and into spring.

(Continued on page 9) By Marilyn Dyke

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As illustrated in this painting by Jonathan Eastman John-son picking them is easiest down on your hands and knees because you definitely need to have your cranberry eyes on to find a lot of them. As with many native spe-cies they don’t produce copious amounts of fruit, but what there is, is delicious! I love to nibble as I pick, so I don’t usually bring home enough to make 100% bog cranberry sauce but if you don’t have enough for a batch of sauce you can add in some commercially grown cranberries or add the bog cranberries to any bread, cake or crumble recipe. If you can pick enough of them they make a very tasty jam or jelly. Apparently they store very well, and can be kept through-out the winter unwashed in a covered container in a cool place, you may also dry or freeze them though I wouldn’t know, they never get that far in my house! True to their common name these very tasty little berries grow in bogs, which we fortunately have a-plenty in this area. Un-fortunately bogs seems to be an endangered species now-a-days. Developers look on them as waste-land because the land can’t be farmed, lived on or used commercially, but this bog land is sometimes the only place certain animal or plant species can live. Traveling over bogs can be a little tricky though and this brings to mind the very first time I visited a bog on the

far side of a lake years ago. Luckily I was with The Hus-band at the time (never do this on your own). As we began making our way over the bog he casually mentions to be sure and step on the top of the grassy tufts. “What happens if I don’t?” I shot back, “You’ll sink”… and off he went. My heart skipped a beat right then and I really didn’t want to go any further but he was almost out of screaming range by now, so I gathered my courage and gingerly stepped along. Trouble was these tufts wiggled all over the place, so even though I was careful to step in the middle of one it might bend off to one side and I had to quickly and find another one for my next step. Well it wasn’t long before I did manage to slide off and I immediately found myself with one leg in oozy mud right up to the hip and the other draped across another tuft. No matter how hard I tried I could not get

the oozy mud leg out. In this state of near panic my mind first went to a National Geographic article I had read about a perfectly preserved man that was found in a bog hundreds of years after his death. Apparently the acidic nature of the bog preserves things very well. Great I thought, I’ll be perfectly preserved, but dead! Next I did what any other normal person would do, I started laughing hysterically after each vain attempt to extricate myself. Finally The Husband showed up and pulled me out, still laughing. After that I used a walking stick to help with my balance, but I can’t help but wonder whether that oozy bog mud would have help the complex-ion? Hmmm. First Nations people picked the berries green in the sum-mer and early fall. They either stored them raw in damp moss or they would dry them. I once read that the area I live in Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows was well known for its bog cranberries and families from miles around would have specific areas where their family could pick that were passed down over generations. Medicinally bog cranberries are used in the same way our cultivated ones are for urinary tract infections. So the next time you find yourself in a bog I hope you are able to try this tasty little bog Cranberry. After the whirlwind of summer and business of fall is over don’t you find this time of year your thoughts turn to con-necting with friends and family? The winter season seems to make me yearn for fireplaces, good food and company. It is my most heartfelt wish that you, your family and friends enjoy a wonderful winter season, celebrating and gathering together as we step into another new year filled with warmth and love. See you next year!

Marilyn Dyke is a spiritual past life re-gressionist trained in Dolores Cannon's Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy©. She has been an active teaching and healing Reiki Master for many years (Usui & Karuna). Her summers are spent messing about in the garden producing herbal creams, salves, tinc-tures, teas etc. It is Marilyn's pleas-

ure and purpose in this life to help support your quest for balance, peace and physical well being! Visit Marilyn at www.BodySoulApothecary.com

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As I write this month’s submission, it brings back many personal memories of holidays from years gone by. The Season of Christmas is a warm and loving time for most people. It is a time when we connect with family and express our love and sense of connection with each other. My parents immigrated to Can-ada from India a few years be-fore I was born. In India, this holiday is acknowledged but rarely celebrated like we do here. In my growing years, my parents did not know what to do with their children who asked for Santa and a Christ-mas tree. So, they purchased a one foot high re-usable plastic tree that was pre-decorated. The tree lived in a box in our basement and then moved up-stairs a few weeks before the holidays! Regardless of how many years we reused the tree for; my wide eyes would get larger with excitement every year that I saw the tree re-emerge from our basement box. For most of us, the holidays are all about love, fam-ily, connection and friends. Even in the years that I was alone in school, many friends and acquaint-ances would organize parties for those of us who were ‘orphans’ and far from family. During my years in training, I always found the holi-days created three distinct populations of people. The first were those who were lonely and often de-pressed during this festive time. The next was a group of people who were so stressed about the holidays that it was never really a time to enjoy. The last group was always my favourite – those who truly lived and loved the holidays for a time of love, connection and peace. If you have always been stressed, what would hap-pen this year if you dropped the pretence and just allowed yourself to experience the joy of the sea-son? If you have always felt depressed and lonely, what would happen if you allowed yourself to meet others to make the festivities about connection?

I have always thought the crazy December time was an opportunity for us to be festive, express our true love and joy for each other and really connect with each other. It is a time to put the past behind us and to really feel a space of connection for each other. It is a time of year that if we openly em-braced someone, it would not be considered ‘weird.’ These holidays are a season in which we can open

our heart charka for ourselves and others and truly heal our own wounds and help others do the same. The holidays are truly magical times. Many times we may work in a job in which we may share work-space with dozens of others. We may even be in the same cubicle as another, but never get to know our neighbour. This time called Christmas is an opportunity for us all to drop our control and separation around each other. It is a time for us all to come to-gether, realize our similarities and minimize our differences. This is a season to express our

love and connectedness with each other, even if we don’t even know our neighbour’s name. This is our cardinal truth. We are beings of love and connec-tion. We are truly all the same. For me, the holidays are still about that re-usable, plastic, pre-decorated Christmas tree and spreading joy. Happy Holidays! Have a safe, warm and wonderful, joyous holiday season! Hugs – Dr.Divi

Dr. Divi Chandna is a family doctor and an intuitive healer. She loves to work with clients who want to get to the root source of their disease process. Dr. Divi believes that illness is not a one way road, but all disease can be unravelled and healed. She stands in her life mission to help people understand the majestic beauty of who they are, and to realize that they have the ability to self heal and release into their own supreme perfection. She intertwines her gifts of intuition and her practical, cog-

nitive mind of medicine to help people on their healing path. Dr. Divi practices in Vancouver and does sessions in person, on phone and via Skype. www.drdivi.com

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Saturday, February, 2nd 2013 from 930 am- 1230 pm

Energize Your Life - Learn to Maximize Your Wellness

This morning will be a fun-filled interactive talk and discussion about health and wellness. Dr. Divi will teach you very specific tools to accelerate your healing. She will also help to de-bunk

myths and belief systems that are keeping you sick.

Join Dr. Divi for an amazing morning that is guaranteed to help you on your journey of health and wellness.

Cost: $49

Contact: Dr. Divi Chandna, www.drdivi.com 604-739-3484

Location: Park Inn & Suites Vancouver Broadway Hotel 898 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V5Z 1J8

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Discernment is the ability to judge well. The word judge in today’s society is almost a dirty word, as “who are we to judge?” Yet to live life well, we need to be able to discern what is best for us. We need the ability to judge well.

There is an Aesop’s Fable that teaches “discernment” nicely.

There was an old woman who on her way home from market one cold frosty day, came upon a snake that was nearly frozen to death.

The old woman decided to rescue the snake and scooping it up, she took him home. The snake slowly started to warm up and revive. The old woman took very good care of the snake and began to think of him as a pet. One day the snake struck out and bit the woman! The woman bewildered and in shock exclaimed “How could you bite me? I have shown you nothing but kindness” To which the snake replied “I am a snake and that is what snakes do”.

Moral of the story, the snake was only being a snake, doing what snakes do naturally.

Bad judgment? Perhaps, however other ener-gies were at play. Empathy and sympathy.

To have empathy means; the action of under-standing, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another of either the past or present without having the feelings, thoughts, and experience fully communicated in an objectively explicit manner.

To have sympathy means; to act or have the capacity of entering into or sharing the feel-ings or interests of another.

Empathy involves listening, sympathy involves reacting. When we empathize, we understand

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others feelings without getting involved. When we sympathize we identify with their feelings to the point where we take on their pain. Empathetic peo-ple listen, and ask questions that help the person to understand what is going on. Sympathetic people feel moved to offer advice and solutions instead of letting the person come to their own realizations.

This is where discernment comes into play. Dis-cernment takes empathy and sympathy out of the equation. It also takes the other person out of the equation and leaves you discerning what is best for you. Discernment is an innate ability we are all born with. It is the inner wisdom we all have that lets us know when we should or should not do something.

Had the old woman empathized with the snake, she would have understood what it was like to be cold; she might have asked questions that would have led the snake to move to a more sheltered area. Instead she took the path of sympathy, and decided to rescue the snake. Not in her favor, the snake did not ask to be rescued and hence the plan back-fired. Even if the snake had asked for help the plan would have backfired because the snake was just being himself. The old woman probably would not have given any thought to the snake had she used her discernment because whether or not the snake lived or died had nothing to do with her.

Where am I going with all of this? I might just be weaving a wonderful story but I am actually hoping to instill the importance of trusting your inner wis-dom in all situations you find yourself in. 2012 has been the year of letting go and releasing that which no longer serves us. For many of us that meant regurgitating past issues we felt we had put to bed ages ago. Yet, we were asked to peel the layers even deeper. It has been a time of preparing our-selves to be the best we can be and to stand in our power, ready for the beginning of 2013 and be-yond.

Already we have been witness to some of the shifts and changes earth has been making. These will continue to happen as the earth readjusts itself. The shifts and changes are not only happening to earth but to the human population as well, and again, these will continue to happen. The impact and hardships these changes and shifts have caused, pull at us to reach out to those affected. We must be very cautious and use our discernment

so as not to add chaos to the mix. The mass con-sciousness would have us do just that. The news leaders of the world know that a story with much strife and hardship sells better than one of a posi-tive note.

This will continue. It will continue because of fear. Fear that the ways of days gone by are changing. Fear because what once was, will no longer be ac-cepted. Fear is a huge motivator for many people. A well-spoken person can have people jumping to do their bidding. We have seen this pattern repeat-ed throughout history. Much like the snake from my ramblings earlier, they can be dangerous by na-ture. Their venom is the poison we feel when we help and are taken advantage of. In this respect, be highly discerning in all that you read and view in the coming months. It is not about judging what they are experiencing or what is being reported or conveyed, it is about discerning if it is a truth you wish to invest in.

Discernment will play a big part in how we move forward. Oh sure, our sympathy and empathy will be on our sleeves but if we are wise, we will take a moment and truly see where our inner compass points before proceeding. Balance and calm is the key to the next year. Staying in balance no matter what comes along to throw us into panic. Discern-ing what the best course of action is for ourselves, and not following the herd because it seems like the thing to do.

Marlene resides in Burnaby BC and is a certi-fied Usui Reiki Master/Teacher. Marlene has also been certified in Angel Medicine by Dr. Doreen Virtue, and has taken many courses/workshops to keep current in all aspects of spiritual healing. Marlene’s passion is to help others live up to their fullest potential through insightful, helpful, gentle treatments.

Marlene is the publishing editor at Nourish Publication which she founded in 2011 to provide wisdom and healing to a larger audi-ence through a variety of authors. Marlene also writes various columns for the publication. Divine blessings, gratitude, love, light and healing to all, may you know peace and have serenity in your life. Connect with Marlene at www.merrlina.com or email at [email protected]

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Phil Nielsen

rune for the month is


This rune rep-resents the auroch, a wild ox. Unlike the domesticated and predicta-ble farm cattle

of Fehu, this is wild, untamed, virile strength. Uruz is a forceful, driving, masculine rune. It rules over changes, especially sudden and unexpected ones that need to draw on the power that Uruz can supply. These changes are often natural ones and should

not be avoided. Examine things in your life that no longer serve you. You may be asked to give up these things. In business, Uruz indicates an eventual im-provement but only after much concerted effort on your part. This rune does show that you have the strength to succeed as it is the rune of raw, archetypal force.

In reverse, Uruz indicates that you are either about to fail, or have missed an opportunity. Search your memories. Have you failed to take of a moment be-cause of fear or low self-esteem? It can indicate a lack of motiva-tion or a willingness to allow

someone you feel is a stronger individual to dictate your beliefs. Even in reverse Uruz can still in-dicate surprise changes in your life. In a health reading, it would indicate a low vitality or minor illness that will soon have to be faced. For males it can also sug-gest psychological or physiologi-cal problems of a sexual nature. It all depends on the other runes in the cast. If the tones of the overall reading are negative, it indicates that you allow the changes to pass before trying to force an outcome. In an other-wise positive cast it would also show that things will work out for the best.

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This month the rune is Wunjo and is associated with the god Vidar, The Conqueror of Doom, who was one of Odin’s sons. According to the Ed-das, the Aesir’s first battle was against Ymir the frost giant whom they had to overcome for life to survive and evolve. Their fight was led by Odin All Father but the fatal blow was adminis-tered by Vidar. This unleashed the Great Flood which purged static eter-nity to usher in a new age of nature and civilization. Yet by setting in mo-tion the process of time, all things now come into being and are inevitably are crushed from existence by the same mechanism. Vidar foresaw Ragnarok (The Doom of Powers or The Destruction of Powers, where powers means gods) an inevitable conclusion to the epoch they created to last for a thousand- thousand years. Vidar determined to survive Ragnarok and help re-build the world in the distant future that he could not envision but intuitively knew existed in the irre-versible cycles of death and rebirth. He learned from the Norns of the part he was to play in the last bat-tle between the forces of light and darkness. The Norns are the three female spirits of Norse my-thology who weave among them the web of fate that even the gods can not break. They are: Udra, or Weird, Wyrd, the Past; Verdani, the Present; and Skuld, the Future. They guard one of the three wells at the root of Yggdrasill, Urdarbrunnr (Weird’s well) where every day the gods sit at court. Vidar is told he will have to defeat Fenris, the cos-mic wolf at the last great battle so he devises a de-fense against the most terrifying menace in the uni-verse. He does not share this with anyone or the Norns prediction of doom for fear the dwarves and their army of giants will use that knowledge to their advantage at the final days. He is forever known as the Silent God. His silence is no less perplexing to friends and enemies alike than his unusual collec-tion. Disguised as a poor priest, he often went to the shoemakers of Midgard and begged them for the scraps of leather they threw away after making shoes and boots. He piously explained that it would be good of them to donate the extra pieces for the Asgard’s war effort against the Jotunheimers and Niflheimers. They were more than happy to rid themselves of the otherwise useless remainders and soon Vidar had enough leather to fashion the most impenetrable military boots ever devised. They went high up his legs covering most of his thighs and their soles were of an unprecedented thickness. To these he added a

pair of heavy leather gauntlets, which protected not only his hands , but reached almost to his elbows. He then set boots and gloves aside until they would be needed during the Last Day. Ragnarok ("Doom of the Gods"), also called Gotterdammerung, means the end of the cosmos in Norse mythology. It will be preceded by Fimbulvetr, the winter of winters. Three such winters will follow each other with no summers in between. Conflicts and feuds will

break out, even between families, and all morality will disappear. This is the beginning of the end. The wolf Skoll will finally devour the sun, and his brother Hati will eat the moon, plunging the earth into darkness. The stars will vanish from the sky. The cock Fjalar will crow to the giants and the gold-en cock Gullinkambi will crow to the gods. A third cock will raise the dead. The earth will shudder with earthquakes, and every bond and fetter will burst, freeing the terrible wolf Fenrir. The sea will rear up be-cause Jormungand, the Midgard Serpent, is twisting and writhing in fury as he makes his way toward the land. With every breath, Jormungand will stain the soil and the sky with his poison. The waves caused by the serpent's emerging will set free the ship Naglfar, and with the giant Hymir as their com-mander, the giants will sail towards the battlefield. From the realm of the dead a second ship will set sail, and this ship carries the inhabitants of hell, with Loki as their helmsman. The fire giants, led by the giant Surt, will leave Muspell in the south to join against the gods. Surt, carrying a sword that blazes like the sun itself, will scorch the earth.

Meanwhile, Heimdall will sound his horn, calling the sons of Odin and the heroes to the battlefield. From all the corners of the world, gods, giants, dwarves, demons and elves will ride towards the huge plain of Vigrid ("battle shaker") where the last battle will be fought. Odin will engage Fenrir in battle, and Thor will attack Jormungand. Thor will be victo-rious, but the serpent's poison will gradually kill the god of thunder. Surt will seek out the sword-less Freyr, who will quickly succumb to the giant. The one-handed Tyr will fight the monstrous hound Garm and they will kill each other. Loki and Heimdall, age-old enemies, will meet for a final time, and neither will survive their encounter. The fight between Odin and Fenrir will rage for a long time, but finally Fenrir will seize Odin and swallow him. Odin's son Vidar, seeing this, and with rage and shame, will at once leap towards the wolf. Fenir, his mouth gaped wide and ready to swallow

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another god whole, is astonished when Vidar leaps inside, planting his leather shod feet firmly on his lower jaw. Then, with his gloved hands, will push with something greater than his own strength against the roof of Fenri’s mouth, breaking the sali-vating jaws and tearing them apart in a cracking explosion of blood and agony. With a gurgling shriek heard throughout the cosmos, Fenris will collapse and his dying carcass will fall into the sea, compel-ling the waters to rise in waves that drown Midgard and overflow Asgard, extinguishing the flames of battle and washing the uncountable dead away into unknown graves. Then Surt will fling fire in every direction. The nine worlds will burn, and friends and foes alike will per-ish. The earth will sink into the sea. After the destruction, a new and idyllic world will arise from the sea and will be filled with abundant supplies. A few humans and fewer gods found ref-uge on the summits of high mountains. Among the handful of the living was Vidar, other gods will be reborn. Wickedness and misery will no longer exist and gods and men will live happily together. The descendants of Lif and Lifthrasir will inhabit this earth. Despite the apparent mayhem of his myth, Vidar’s rune, Wunjo is generally associated with joy. Svensson writes that it epitomizes the adage “All’s well that ends well” It is the inner joy or soul’s calm and tranquility when we communicate with our own godhood, as Vidar did when foresaw his destiny in Ragnarok. The Silent God refers to his wisdom or vision through meditation. As Guido von List observed, “To be with one’s Self is to be with God. As long as a people possesses un-spoiled their entire original ability to internalize as a natural people, it also has no cause to worship an external divinity. For an external divine service bound by ceremony is only made obvious when one is not able to find God in one’s own innermost be-ing, and begins to see this outside his ego and out-side the world- “in there, in the starry heaven.” The less internal the person is, the more outward his life becomes. The more a people lose its sense of inner worth, the more pompous and ceremonialized its outward manifestations become…” The Norse, a ‘natural” people secure in their instinc-tual relationships with the gods, had no need of dogma, a hierarchical church structure, or cathedral buildings. They were interested in spirituality, not religion; a mystical experience that put them in ac-cord with Creation, not a man- made doctrine aimed at making them tithe-paying congregationists. All they needed were their myths and the rituals to reenact them at sacred sites outdoors. Vidar per-

sonifies this nonstructured outlook, because his worship was the least formalized yet most beloved of the gods. Common people paid him homage dur-ing the course of their daily lives, rather than in op-eratic church services. As late as the thirteenth cen-tury, Swedish shoemakers regularly put out scraps of leather on behalf of the god, wishing him good luck in the upcoming battle with Fenris. Astrologically, the Silent God occupies a position within Libra, from September23 to October, known as Glitnir (the Hall of Splendor). Vidar’s color is yel-lowish gold and his gem stone is chrysolite. His rune, Wunjo, is the emblem of meditation, that qui-et state through which we enter into pure joy our innermost being. As Vidar overcame Fenris, so too his rune means success for those who draw it. McVan observes that Wunjo “battles against dis-couragement and sadness to bring cheerfulness and courage in both the individual and the group. Clan-centric and binding of kin, this is the rune of emo-tional healing and self confidence, the will to win.” All these characteristics are exemplified in Vidar’s myth as well as his survival of the Ragnarok deluge on the top of a mountain which is paralleled in the significance of his glyph, which “signifies both a conclusion and a new beginning: the mountaintop has been reached, and so there is much happiness, but at the same time new vistas open up and new challenges wait to be conquered” A reversed Wunjo urges a solid attempt a medita-tion in order to clear the mind and go within for the direction we lack. We are unhappy because our plans - from which we may be expecting too much – are not working out as we had hoped. The best move may be to postpone any important decisions until a more favorable moment arrives. In any case, caution is advised. Until next month, Skaal, my brothers and sisters

Phil is passionate about many things in life. Having been a free wanderer all his life he has gained wisdom on many topics he is passion-ate about. Wanting to have a deeper under-standing of his roots, Phil started to delve into his family background. His grandparents im-migrated to Canada from Denmark. This pas-sion has led him to explore the history and lore

of runes which he shares with you here. If you wish to contact Phil please email him at [email protected]

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by Abby Armstrong

Every year of my childhood just before Christmas Eve a box neatly wrapped in white paper and bound with strong string would arrive at our post office two miles away. Of all the cards, letters and packages that were handed to us by the postmaster, this one was vitally important to all of us. The writ-ing on the front in bold print said, “Mr. & Mrs. Albert Jones and Girls.” I was one of the four girls who loved to know it was in our possession. It was mailed from my father's older sister, Alberta, who lived in Kendrick, Idaho, U.S.A. This meant she was our American aunt. For this parcel to arrive in our isolated corner of the world, Francois Lake, B.C., Canada, it must have been mailed at the end of November. In fact, I was certain Santa Claus had an important role to play in the delivery of our gifts. We often had two or three feet of snow, 10-20 below Fahrenheit and a threatening blizzard in December. Yet, it never failed to be under our tree in time. In our household in the forties we re-ceived few modest practical gifts and many had been chosen from the mail order catalogues such as Sears, Eaton's or Woodward's. Items sent from our Ameri-can family were waited upon with great anticipation. This parcel helped create the mystery and magic to be found under our tree each year. On Christmas Eve we all waited for our

father to finish his farm chores and join us around the decorated spruce tree. It was sheer agony as we impatiently waited for him to stomp in from the cold, freshen up, join us as we listened to Christmas carols playing on CBC and sample the homemade fudge and shortbread. In our family we opened pre-sents on the evening of December 24th and hung our stockings for Santa to deliver a special chosen sur-prise as we slept away. Sometimes my father moved faster than other times and might pull out a bottle of Port or Sherry to offer adult visitors. Once he was smiling and relaxed, we would started our gift opening but the white box was left until the last. My father han-dled it with cherished reserve as the love tumbled out of the Christmas parcel. Each gift was attractive and suitable for our age. My father's gift would be hand-knitted gloves, socks or a vest as well as a store bought piece of clothing. His sister knew the colours he preferred and what her Canadian country brother needed. This package brought love and hope as well as a feeling of being connected to a bigger world. The gifts reflected up-to-date trends. The rhinestone necklace for my mother, the bottle of Evening in Paris for my two older sisters and the powder blue nylon sweaters for my younger sister and I. These were 'up-to-date' treasures. Our Amer-ican aunt loved our father and all of us very much.

Abby's life journey has taken her from a rural country beginning to a city dweller in Metropolitan Vancouver and now to urban Tsawwas-sen where she writes, paints and tends a sharing garden. She is motivated by nature, nurture and the human spirit. Her reflection on life and its complex relationships inspires her works in all media. A fusion of pioneer roots, travel, curiosity and passion for learning maintains her dynamic involvement in all areas of her life.

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by Kaye Castleman What does it take to live a long and prosperous life? We're not speaking here simply of living to a ripe old age, while amassing a generous bank account, luxurious home and valuable possessions. “Live Long and Prosper!” refers to a life of fulfillment, both in time and in abundance of all things worthwhile...a life well-lived, whatever that may mean to each of us, a life of happiness and satisfaction. What does it take to live this kind of life? Most people would agree that good health is near the top of the list. It is not mandatory, by any means, as many of the health-challenged in our so-ciety can attest. But the more vibrant and healthy we feel on a physical level, the happier and more satisfied we are with our life in general. This is be-cause physical health, mental health and emotional health are interconnected in a myriad of ways, and whenever we neglect any one of these areas, the others are put under stress. In the same way, when we nurture any aspect of our health, we are caring for the whole of our be-ing. For instance, a body in good physical health is

able to think more clearly and perform cognitive tasks with greater agility than someone who has a poor diet and gets no exercise. Similarly, a person with a positive attitude and an open heart has a stronger immune system than someone who is an-gry, depressed, or otherwise stressed emotionally. One of the most effective ways to enhance overall health can be to deal with the emotional burdens in your life. Not only does it improve your emotional balance, mental clarity and physical well-being, but it can bring you much closer to living a life of happi-ness and fulfillment. One of my favorite techniques for dealing with emo-tional stresses is an adaptation of Dr. Carolyn Mein's research into using therapeutic-grade essen-tial oils for releasing unwanted emotional patterns. As a chiropractor, Dr. Mein has a background in the many points on the body that correspond to health issues, organ function, emotions, etc. These points are used in acupuncture, chiropractic, trigger point therapy, and many other healing modalities. Using muscle testing, Dr. Mein has determined the opti-mum pairing of body point and essential oil to re-balance hundreds of specific emotional imbalances.

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The therapy requires the application of a certain oil to the corresponding body point several times a day for a minimum number of days. It doesn’t get any simpler than this! The science behind this technique is encouraging. Research is supporting the theory that essential oils have the ability to rewrite genetic information. This is a very significant finding. It means that essential oils, when they are taken directly from nature and are unadulterated by chemicals or abusive pro-cessing methods, have the ability to reprogram un-balanced coding in the DNA. Unbalanced coding can be a result of negative experiences anywhere in our past, even from our ancestors. These negative ex-periences cause our system to imprint codes within our DNA that predispose us to certain responses. Generally the more distressing the experience, the more imbalanced is the predisposition. In simple terms, people who have had devastating experienc-es in their life or the lives of their parents, etc., will have a tendency to negative emotions and behav-iors. Several factors can mitigate these responses, including a nurturing environment, quality relation-ships, or a devotion to personal growth, but in some cases even these positive influences are not enough to overcome the genetic predisposition. The strug-gle for many people to find emotional balance can be agonizing. People in this situation have often pursued many avenues of support, including counseling and reli-gious groups. They understand intellectually how they wish to change their feelings and reactions, but they are simply unable to do so. It is as if they can see the Self they wish to express, but are powerless to get to that place, as in that dream where we are running and running to catch something that re-mains forever outside our reach. These people are often ashamed of themselves and their behaviors. They are ready to do anything to shift their issues, but they have no idea how to do it. People who have reached this level of commitment are the most successful candidates for releasing emotional patterns with essential oil therapies. Even miniscule amounts of oil are sufficient to re-program the brain and genetic chemistry. The key is in finding the specific emotional imbalance. For example, are we dealing with a feeling of hopeless-ness or helplessness, loss or despair, lack of worth, not feeling good enough or insecurity? Each of these may feel as if they apply, but they have unique chemical properties and require different therapies. To determine the appropriate oil thera-py, muscle testing is a quick and effective tool. In seconds it can accurately source the emotional im-balance that is causing the unwanted feelings or be-haviors. From that point, using Dr. Mein’s research

to determine which oil and what point on the body are most appropriate, that particular predisposition can be erased, often in just a few days. It is important to mention that essential oils cannot induce behaviors contrary to a person’s will. If there is a desire to maintain certain feelings and reactions, then the oils will not override this. This is why a commitment to change brings the most effec-tive results. When this is the case, I have seen adults with child abuse issues heal their destructive relationship patterns, mothers with outbursts of temper rebuild their self-control, and people coping with difficult family dynamics find balance and har-mony. In a world that is challenging us at every level, resolving the issues that are standing be-tween you and the person you wish to be, could be only a few drops away. Living a life of fulfillment is often closer than we think. Kaye Castleman, B.A., M.A., Health Intuitive, Chan-nel for Archangel Chamuel, Reiki Master and Certi-fied Attunement Practitioner, has been a practicing alternative healer in the interior of British Columbia for over a decade. She offers massage, Raindrop Technique and body realignment treatments, as well as in house and long distance healing sessions, nu-tritional counseling, magnetic therapies, and recom-mendations for all types of holistic health issues. She also offers a collection of therapies and tech-niques to clear the mental and emotional blocks that get in the way of the true health and wellness that are ready to enter your life. To arrange a phone, email or Skype session, contact Kaye at 250-706-1022or [email protected]

Diane Ackerman

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2012 the year of self-discovery.

With the upswings in life come the down and what I have learned throughout the years is the importance of being mindful of where my thoughts go. I have been studying meditation for the past few years and have attended several meditation retreats. One teaching from Vipassana meditation that has stayed with me is that transformation comes through self-observation. During their retreat I sat in silence for 10 days and learned how to deepen my meditative practice through breath and being in the quiet. Recently I was lamenting about not facilitating my journal writing workshops for the past several months; as well my writing space was given away for other use and where I relocated was uninspiring. I did not want to sound like I was whining so I chose to leave my journal closed. If I wrote it than I would have to own it! That attitude quickly changed after a trip to the local library. I found a book on CD by Dale Carnegie about worrying. As I listened to it on my drive to work the words reawakened me. That evening I opened up my journal and wrote several pages on meditation and writing. A few days later I realized my next workshops could be on meditative writing. I can use the skills I have developed over the years in meditation and provide others with these teachings. So, I began to listen to my inner wisdom and respond to the questions that often haunted me in the quiet times:

Why have I left my writing workshops?

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Why do I fear my words? What is peace to me?

I was sitting on my meditation cushion and there were no sounds around me. I could only hear my breath and my fountain pen gliding over the pages while the words flowed freely. I felt a sense of peace come over me as I put down my pen. My meditative writing practice has shown me how I can stay in balance with my emotional, spiritual, intellectual and physical self. As I write and focus on breath both my mind and heart have freedom to explore the words coming forth. I am grateful for practicing this prior to the holidays (as I am often stressed with try-ing to “perfect” every detail). As well as the holidays we have purchased a new home and I know I will require the many tools I learned in meditation and journal writing to help me continue to practice well-being in each of the four areas. I want to continue to develop these writing practices during the holiday season. My favorite tradition is the stockings, which are hung on the fireplace on Christmas Eve. Every year I ask my family to remember the stockings. Some of them feel that there is little value in them but for me I get to re-live my childhood over and over again. Since I can remember I have enjoyed waking up and looking at the filled stockings. This year I will fill them with words of gratitude and love. I can use the teachings I have learned while attending meditation retreats and writing workshops to develop a very meditative writing experience. I look forward to developing my next set of workshops! My December Intention: May I write through stress and find peace in the moments I need it most. Namaste Sita-Rani MacMillan, M.Ed, B.Ed, B.A. Writing Facilitator, Educator, Poet www.sitamacmillan.com You can follow her via Twitter and Facebook: Twitter: @questionWWLD Facebook: www.facebook.com/SitaRaniMacMillan To learn more about Vipassana meditation visit their website: www.dhamma.org To learn more about the Self Realization Meditation Healing Centre visit their website: www.selfrealizationcentrecanada.com Sita-Rani MacMillan has relocated to the South Okanagan from Vancouver where she enjoys spending time in nature and renovating her home so she can provide future: writing, healing, yoga and meditation workshops. If you are interested in connecting with her to learn more about workshops or how to get involved with a local area writing group please con-nect via her website. Sita-Rani has a background in Education and has facilitated journal writing to groups across Cana-da. She has received her Masters of Education in Literacy Education as well as her Bachelor of Education degree at the University of British Columbia and her Bachelor of Arts at Thompson Rivers University. She has been practicing medita-tion for several years and journal writing for nearly twenty years.

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What sets Dolores Cannon's hypnotherapy method apart from others? Well, the first difference you will note is time. A Quantum Healing Hypnosis session will take any-where from 3 to 6-8 hours to complete, and some-times longer. I personally average about 5-6 hours. Why so long? Would you be able to really relax, open yourself up and go to the deepest level of trance that you can with someone you had only just met? Even for those who don't have trust issues the idea of allowing a to-tal stranger to lead you into the deeper recesses of your mind is daunting. Most hypnotherapist's ap-pointments are 45 minutes to an hour long. We will usually spend at least twice that amount of time just getting to know each other in a QHHT session.

Once the hypnosis has begun we will proceed at your pace. That may be rapid fire answers to my questions, or you may feel more comforta-ble with a slower more thoughtful pace. Explor-ing a past life is always interesting and I wouldn't want to miss an important detail that may be the key to understanding. While in the between lifetime state clarity and understanding can often be found to the life just viewed, or in planning the next one ahead. This is often a very peaceful and enjoyable place to explore. The list of questions that you bring to the ses-sion are asked of your Higher Consciousness or Higher Self. This is your direct 24/7 link to the divine you. We practitioners of QHHT trust this source of knowledge and healing implicitly, for me it's like chatting with an dear friend. This part of you know you better than you know yourself and nothing is beyond the realm of possibility. There are no limitations except the limits of your own imagination. And finally, after I have gently brought you

back to full wakefulness we discuss the information found over tea and a bite to eat which helps to re-orientate you back into this reality. When you're ready to leave you have much to ponder in the days ahead. Often you aren't the same person who stepped through my door a few hours ago. If you would like more information about this process please visit my web site at www.bodysoulapothecary.com . There you will also find links to Dolores' site and more information.

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Chr i s tmas morn ing . Stockings were full, the Christmas tree piled with the unknown: square, ob-long, even round packag-es wrapped in pretty pa-per. The little ones were up first, running to wake up the older siblings: “Santa came! Come see!” Once everyone was up, we could delve into the contents of our stockings: sweet delights, a mandarin orange and always a small gift. Santa was good! While we were savoring these delights, Mom was making breakfast:

sausages, pancakes and eggs. Break-fast always came before opening the gifts under the tree. Suspense built. Smiles lit faces as we looked at each other, laughter filled the air. This is the tradition that I brought to my adult life. No matter where I am or who I’m with, breakfast comes first. Sausages, eggs, pancakes and sus-pense. Mmmmmmm.

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  Today  I’m  sitting  in my  local  ‘remote  office’ sipping my  favorite: an americano misto with  foam on top.  It’s a nice alternative to my usual pot of tea. Against  the  rainy  sky,  the  other  patrons  talking around me  give me  a  feeling  of  sunshine  and  just enough of a buzz to help me shift into writing mode. And to make a point, the sun has  just burst through the clouds and a big patch of blue is smiling through at me.   This month of December  is a  rare and excit‐ing month  because  it’s  the  prophesied  end  of  the current cycle of human development,  thanks  to  the wisdoms kept by  the Mayans.   We are heading  full tilt  into Winter Solstice 12‐21‐12, not to mention an important event for earth herself on 12‐12‐12. There are goo‐gobs of articles and talks (take your pick on fear‐filled or  inspired) telling us to get ready for one or the other or both of these dates.  Some even offer to give us an up close and personal enlightened foot 

in the door for the right monetary exchange.  I’ve been  following  this  trail  since  1987,  and 

the Empress of  the Universe has  suggested  I  share some  of  our  information  about  this month  of  De‐cember with you.       

Graduation Day 12‐21‐12:  the Old Cycle Ends    

Since  I  love butterflies,  let me put  it  into the context of the life cycle of butterflies.  Did you know that the caterpillar molts up to 5 times before it turns into a chrysalis and gets on with becoming a butter‐fly?  Well, suppose that humans do something along the  same  lines  before  we  transform  into  our  own whole  SELF,  our  Butterfly  SELF.   We  might  even 

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sprout wings and become Angels when  we  get  to  the  final  stage but  that’s  not where  I  am  going with this right now.  Let’s  say  that  12‐21‐12  is  the magic  point when  homo  sapiens completes its task and enters into its  next  stage,  the  one  that  I’m calling  ‘homo hearteans.’   Putting all  the  information  together, 

what we have been  told, either  in writing, speech or intuitively  is that the magic of the end of the Mayan Calendar  is simply that we are ending one of our hu‐man  caterpillar  stages  and  beginning  another  one.  We have lifted our energy frequency to the point that we have outgrown our current energy container. We are now moving  into a higher energy form, and  it’s a lot  like when  the caterpillar molts  into  its next body as it continues its journey forward. We will still remain in our body, but we will molt and change our bodies in invisible ways. The most  important  thing  to know  is that we are  increasing our  ‘energy’ body  to  the next frequency.  

   Actually  it’s  pretty  exciting  when  we  think 

about  it.   Because  it means we  are graduating.   On December 21, 2012,  if we listen we might hear a ring‐ing tone in the air saying ‘Homo Sapiens’ is dead, long live ‘Homo Hearteans.’  This message is more like the king is dead, long live the queen. This is why. 

 We  are  ending  the  time  of  exploring  separa‐

tion of self  from Self, and  separation  in general.   We have  lived  and  explored  this  theme  of  separation globally as the love of power over others: people, ani‐mals,  vegetables, minerals  and Our Lady Earth her‐self. For eons we have explored  it.  In these  last days look  around  at  us:  families  separate  from  family members,  neighbors  who  don’t  know  one  another, households    who  rarely  eat  together,  ignoring  the person beside  them  in  favor of  the  text message on their  electronic  arm  extension.    While  If  we  look around we can see how we are overwhelmed by  the gigantic  footprint  of  conglomerates,  large  corpora‐tions, governments, institutions from church denomi‐nations  to  government  workers’  unions  telling  us what  we  can  and  can’t  do,  offering  us  a  world  of things even as  they  take away  the most precious of 

all: our connection to one another, to Source, and to our own Self.  Hierarchy is the tool humans have used to  explore  separation:  Them  versus  us,  power  over others vs powerless selves, victors vs victims. 

  Most of our organizations have become so big 

they  exist  all over  the globe  and dominate much of the world  (think Nike, Wal‐Mart, Banks, Unions,  the Golden Arches of McD’s)  If you watch  the Canadian documentary The Corporation,  you can get a concise, if  disheartening,  critique  of  how  corporations  have changed us as a people. (In fact the basic premise of the  documentary  explores  corporations  as  psycho‐pathic entities based on  the World Health Organiza‐tion’s  definition  of  a  psychopath.)    Thankfully  the documentary  offers us  also  the  good  news  on what corporations and the new directions that ‘responsible’ corporations are beginning to head.   My point  is that we have well and truly explored the love of power and being separated from things and people.  I like to say we have been ‘isolates.’ 

 We  have  explored  power  and  the  dynamics, 

both pros and cons, including the limits of how much power  can  be  imposed  over  others.    For  example, there was even western corporation  in a  third world country who forbad the people  living there to collect rain water off their own roofs!  I am not writing this to ‘dis’  corporations  but  to  explain  the  love  of  power theme we have been exploring  in this presently end‐ing cycle.   

 As cultures and countries, we have each taken 

our own  society’s approach  to exploring power over others. Think of each country as a family with all the different types of family interests and issues.  Not on‐ly have we explored  this  theme of  love of power, but the wisdom of  the mass consciousness has grown  in our global exploration.   

 One of the results is that we the peoples of the 

world  have  helped  to  grow  ourselves  up  and  into  a higher frequency energetically as humans.  The good news  is that we are bringing this cycle to a close and we  are  entering  into  the  next  cycle.    Global  cycles take many  years  to  start  and  to  end,  so  transitions can be from eons to hundreds of years. We have been exploring  this  lesson  called  ‘separation’  and  ‘love  of power’ for approximately 200,000 years.  

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But  as  humans,  we  began  our  transition  in 1987 with the Harmonic Convergence. New energies began  to be  streamed  into  earth  to  awaken  us  and help  us  rebuild  our  energies  in  anticipation  of  the ending of the  love of power cycle and  in preparation for  the next cycle.    If you  look at  the burst of meta‐physical, self‐help and personal development books, groups, workshops, experts and gurus, you will notice they began to expand around the 80s and look at the bookshelves and internet airways now! Their messag‐es boil down  to  this: Stop being  a  victim, find  your Self and be your Self. Be who you truly are and follow that  link within  you  in  a manner  that  allows  you  to create your work as a sacred gift of you being YOU.     Graduation Day 12‐21‐12:  the New Cycle Begins 

 The new cycle I am so happy to say can be de‐

scribed as  the power of love.      I am not  just  transpos‐ing letters in a phrase to make it sound cute. (But ad‐mit it; it does have a certain poeticism to it!)  The un‐derlying key is this:  we are graduating from using the solar  chakra  as  our  organizing  view  of  the  world (hence our 200,000+ year cycle of exploration of sep‐aration and of power.) 

 Yea us, we are graduating!   And Commence‐

ment Day is 12‐21‐12.  If you look at the body’s ener‐gy system,  it  is the heart chakra that will now be or‐ganizing  our world  view  and  as  a  global  culture we will explore all the combinations and permutations of this task for our new long cycle.    

 In this next cycle we will enter and explore the 

theme  of  love  and  how  to  look  at  issues  through  a more  compassionate  eye:  not  through  the  ego  but through the  I of the heart.  Interestingly,  the heart  is the middle point of our 7 chakras.  One of its jobs is to bring  together  the  physical  aspects  of  our  self with our spiritual aspects. It is the mediator you could say in our new task that asks us to marry spirit and mat‐ter within ourselves.   

 As we shift our energy frequency up, and with 

it our ways of viewing our world and its issues, we au‐tomatically move from the solar chakra into the heart chakra.    It  doesn’t  happen  all  at  once  across  the 

globe, but one person and one heart at a time.  How‐ever, the critical mass needed to bring this shift  into reality will be on board by 12‐21‐12.    (Think  the Tip‐ping Point or 100th Monkey effect.) Even though it’s a small percentage of  the global mass,  it’s  the  critical number needed  to  ignite  the new agenda and stage of evolution of humans. We are moments away from the  tipping point. After  that  it’s a gradual ascension until  all homo  sapiens have  completed  their  energy growth  and  move  into  their  new  stage  of  ‘homo hearteans,’ which  could  take  up  to  300  years  or  15 generations, according to one source.  

 Evidence of  the  shift can be  seen  in  the out‐

pouring  of  regular  people’s  support  for  the  Indone‐sian  Tsunami  in  2004,  New  Orleans  flood,  Japan’s Earthquake (Nourish’s publishing editor Marlene and a small group of us actually went to visit Japan in the astral  and  offered  stabilizing  and  calming  energies one evening), and Hurricane Sandy  in the New York/New  Jersey  areas.    Look  at  how  much  we  have evolved  just  since  the  trials and  frustrations of New Orleans  compared  to  how  the New  York Hurricane situation was handled.    It shows how much we have grown in such a short time in our explorations of ways of becoming more compassionate and ‘heartful.’  

 Look  back  at  Terry  Fox  and  at  Rick  Hansen 

and their leadership as they used their body power to open our hearts and help us all  learn to see our own power. Now  look at the young people who are start‐ing global  support or healing programs at age 10 or 14 upward.   These are all examples of directions we are moving into as we shift on 12‐21‐12 and exploring the newly evolving part of ourselves: homo hearteans. 


Establishing the New Connection and Our Phone Call from Home 

The exciting thing is that while this is a global ripple, it happens within us one person at a time.  But when we get  into  the heart chakra  focus something magical happens in the heart.  The heart is the door‐way.   When we  are  organizing  our world  from  the 

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heart chakra we begin  to understand  that we are all connected. 



There is something else. When we arrange our world through our heart chakra, we can communicate with all manner of beings….dogs, cats, ants, spiders, eagles,  people  (including  those who  speak  different languages, angels, invisibles, beings from other times and spaces, and beings in a multitude of dimensions. We begin  to  realize  that,  like  the  rainbow shows us, we  are  composed  of many  frequencies  and  colours within ourselves.  Also, we meet other aspects of our‐selves  in everyone we pass, not  to mention  in every bird, tree, angel and cloud. 

Oh,  and  there’s  the most  important  thing  of all.  When we are in our heart we also are able to com‐municate  with  our  own  inner  Source,  that  invisible bundle of energy that  is our pure essence Self grow‐ing forward with us, as us, and through us.   

So how does this relate to teaming up?   Well, it’s time to team up with our invisible Whole self, our true  inner  self.    Just as we have  two hemispheres  in our brains, we are two beings ….spirit living in matter.  The two hemispheres  in our brains are to help us put the two parts of ourselves together.   The  left brain  is the  ‘make  it so’ action mechanism. Our right brain  is the doorway  into our higher self, our wholeness, and our Source aspect. We  reach  it  through entering our heart. We  have  been  a  species who  explored  using our  left  brains  (masculine  polarity)  but  have  come now  to  the  time when we  are  being  called  upon  to open and develop our right brains,  (our feminine po‐larity). With this comes the invitation to join together both  these  aspects  within  ourselves.  Just  like  the heart beat…lub‐dub. We need both in order to contin‐ue evolving forward.  Lub‐dub: here we go. 

 There’s  more  too.  What  is  happening  ‘out there’ in the sky field and star system is an alignment with  the  centre  of  the  universe…and  guess  who’s right  at  the  receiving  end  of  it?   Our  Lady Mother Earth and her life forms…ahem…that includes us.  We have a boost coming, and it’s like Home answering ET 

who’s been trying to call out into the universe for her parents  for  at  least  2000  years.  There’s  a  doorway that  is opening and on 12‐21‐12  it will be wide open and our  incoming  intergalactic phone will be ringing.  The great central sun, Source, the Force, Godess/God or Daddy/Mommy, are sending through a message in the form of energy and inspiration to us, little ET our‐selves.  

 This message  is the Commencement Address 

and Blessing to us upon our graduation from this cy‐cle  of  exploring  separation  and  polarity.    Here  we stand  in  our  energetic  caps  and  gowns  listening  to 

and  feeling  the  excite‐ment  of  having  finished that stage and moving off onto our next exploration as  the  new  graduate  hu‐mans  with  a  higher  fre‐quency, homo hearteans.    

 In that incoming galactic phone message from 

home, we are being called upon now to step up to the plate and to team up with others; to walk in our light and  come  from our heart‐  full‐ness. This  is going  to be  a wonderful  and  challenging  dance  as we move ourselves  forward.   We  are  embracing  the  light  and opening  to carry more of  it.   And we are continuing forward on our journey to return ourselves to our own wholeness. 

About the Gail Siler, PhD Dr. Siler, an international consultant and social scientist worked for more than two decades with people from international organization and governments to communities to help them cre-ate positive change in their personal lives. She was Associate Professor with University of To-ronto for many years and taught at Humber College School of Business. Gail is the founder of The Inner Entrepreneur and Champions of Change programs and crea-tor of the Personal Energy Management Curric-

ulum. Dr. Gail offers counselling and workshops on maximum wellness and personal energy management, including counselling on management of obsessive-compulsive disorders and addic-tions.

Gail’s new book, Decoding the Butterfly Promise de-scribes how we regain our feminine power and return to whole-ness. To purchase or learn more about the  book  go  to  www.Decodingthebutterflypromise.com.

Visit our radio program archives at Keeping the Promise radio station to learn more about your personal energy management and join us on Thursday evenings at 8pm PST beginning in January for our half hour live show.

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by Vera Enshaw

Music. It is the heart and soul of the uni-verse and of each one of us. Energy. En-ergy is created by the vibration of every-thing that exists. As energy is created, so is music—which creates more energy—and on and on it continues.

There is a pulse, a beat to the universe—that IS the Uni-verse. That pulse is echoed in your body and in mine. Your heart beats. Your breath flows in and out. Blood pulses through your veins. You are one incredible musical instru-ment, and you are unique. No one else makes the exquis-ite sound that you make. Think of it: as each being/entity/thing is created, a new instrument joins the universal cho-rus. Pretty amazing, hey? (Here’s a thought for you. As things are created out of substance that already has it’s own music, is their music an amalgamation of all the notes that went to create it? How does that affect us?)

At this time of year there is a lot of music be-ing played, both the kind you can hear and the kind you can’t. People sing along to songs that have been in their family’s consciousness and memory for several generations. At no other time of year in this country is shared music so prevalent. We are gearing up for a great celebration and the music flows!

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Go into a meditation. Listen to your-self, really listen. Hear your heart beat. Your breath as it flows in and out. Go deeper and feel the blood in your veins. Hear the rhythm that you are, hear the beauty that is you. Now...allow your awareness to move into your energy field. Feel the pulse of your music there. Is there anything different? Pull your awareness back to your body, then back out to your en-ergy field. Now what do you feel? After you have done this meditation several times and have truly experi-enced your music, go out into the busy streets of your community. Make sure you dress warmly, because you could be out there for a while! Find a place where you can stand or sit with-out being interrupted—and where you know that you are safe. You might want to have a trusted friend accom-pany you, one who knows the value of silence. When you are settled, close your eyes. Prepare yourself by going into a meditative state to the point that you can feel your awareness. Al-low your awareness to expand out into the street amongst the people there. Feel, then pull your awareness back to yourself. Remember what your music sounds like, experience that memory in your energy field. Now once again allow your awareness to move out amongst the people. Listen for their music. Is it a symphony? Can you pick out individual instruments? Is there discordance? Stay in one place—and then move to another spot. Go into a mall—with so many people in one spot you will want to expand your aware-ness in small increments so as not to be overwhelmed! This can be an exquisite experience, and if you are able to go out several

times between now and the end of the year you will feel the symphony swell and ex-pand. As you become more aware you will be able to focus on particular pieces. Then you can open your eyes and see if you can find that instrument. There will be a huge difference between adults, young adults, teenagers and small children. Let this be your gift to your-self…..one that you will be able to use over and over again. This symphony that is the people of our planet is unique and ever changing. I think that it will bring a smile to your lips and joy to your heart—which will add to your personal symphony!


Vera Enshaw is a spiritual being in human form who currently resides in Vancouver. Her path in this life is to know love and to share that love with you through the mediums of heal-ing, spiritual counseling and teaching. She is a Reiki Master, shares high quality essential

oils using the Raindrop Technique and uses crys-tals and quartz crystal toning bowls to help you find healing in all your bodies. She is fascinated by energy and teaches people at all levels how to expand their awareness. Working with guides and angels – with Spirit in all its forms – is one of the greatest gifts she has received. Let her share it with you! Contact Vera at [email protected] for more information.

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My fa-v o r i t e h o l i d a y memory is our S i l e r H o u s e f a m i l y C h r i s t -mas: a tradition

that lasted from my childhood until I was well into my 40s and my son was ten years old. The main players were the six Silers who lived there, and my Uncle Snook and Aunt Fay, Grandpa Collier and Grandma and Grandpa Siler. As we married and had children, the numbers of little voices replaced our elders who passed on, but we always came back to Siler House for Christmas.

My best memories were the “arrivings.” Es-pecially Aunt Fay and Uncle Snook, because they came from over 500 miles away. That evening was the best one of all. Snook would go into the living room with the men and boys and they’d watch TV and you could hear the rumble of their voices and their laughter. Dad would get out the Catawba sweet rose wine and pour the adults their glass, and we’d open a bag of Ballreich’s, the best potato chips in the world, made right in our own commu-nity

Fay would bring us when we were still kids ‘the gift’ we all waited eagerly for: frozen cherries. Such a delicacy for us, and oh how impatiently we waited for the warm water on the cardboard carton

to hurry along the defrosting process! When we had our little bowls filled, Christ-

mas festivities officially be-gan.

But the best of the best was the ‘making of the dressing’ ritual. Mom and Fay would sit at the family room table and get ‘caught up’ til the wee hours, over a huge bowl of steaming chestnuts along with the celery, onions and breadcrumbs that would all find themselves turned into dressing usually by around 2 am. Paring knives in hand, chestnuts were peeled and the air was filled with giggles, cusses, jokes and frustrations freely expressed, not to mention Fay’s funny stories and jokes. Sitting there listening to the conversations was a delight for me. Around that table as women and girls, something magical happened: the warmth of the miracle of family.

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“Preparing for Spiritual growth” By Suzanne Robinson

Welcome to Yewstone Gardens “Karakia o whenua”

Soul grounding is a way of preparing for spiritual growth in a small group of up to 5 people. This helps to maintain your spiritual integrity with other spiritual people.

Soul gardening is a way of maintaining yourself with your soul in a balanced and har-monious way.

Soul Labyrinth walks include a gentle releasing of energies as you are guided through a garden walk in preparation for your spiritual walk through the labyrinth.

Soul healing sessions are for individuals. These focus on clearing the emotional, mental or spiritual blocks, healing their relationships so they are in alignment with their soul .These alignments with the universal love energies are needed to develop and prepare for spiritual growth in a balanced and harmonious way.

Workshops are periodically provided on ways to maintain yourself in a spiritual way of living that embraces nourishing your soul and prepares you for spiritual growth. These include herbal tea making from the garden; painting from the soul; meditating with poise; relationship drawings: healing for the soul

Articles in the ‘Nourish publication www.nourishpublication.com

on ‘Soul Grounding’ and my web site; www.soulgrounding.ca

About Suzanne Suzanne has a background as a landscape designer and has been exploring the inter-relationship of people, plants and places for over 30 years. She has published a book, “Soul Gardening” to assist people to become more aware of how to change their way of life just by understanding their personal subtle energies through their senses, emotions, thoughts and words, and how to apply this integrated way of being in everyday lives for harmonious relationships. This is to prepare people for spiritual growth. ‘Preparing for spiritual growth groups’ When: Each Thursday by booking ahead. (Only open to 5 people at a time.) Time; Starts promptly at 11.00am.Goes to approx. 2.00pm Where; 3127 248th street, Langley, V4W 1X7 What to bring; an intention to want to connect with your soul.

A picnic lunch to share. Footwear and clothing suitable for walking outdoors on grass and

bark mulch in all weathers. A sense of humor

How to participate; Call Suzanne 604 607 7790 or E mail; [email protected] By Donation With Aroha nui and many blessings Suzanne

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As Above So Below My Favorite holiday tradition is my Winter Solstice Celebration of cleansing the house (physically and energetically), then decorating with bright colours and candles to infuse joy during the darkest days to take me into the year. This practice includes light-ing Bayberry Candles that I infuse with Prosperity oil (an old Ficino recipe from the 15th century) to attract and invite positive energy and good tidings into the household for the year to come. Monthly Astro Tid Bit Long Term Forecast Here we are at yet another transition – moving from the old year into New Year – full of hope and won-der for the future. Who better to talk about than …. “Uranus, the Planet of change”. Uranus, who will move direct on December 14th has been retrograding (on an inner spiral) since July of 2012, let’s explore this mystery a little deeper… This planet is the 3rd largest planet in our solar sys-tem, has approximately an 84 year cycle and actu-ally spins on its side. Wow! Keep in mind the “as above so below” … he literally can turn us on our side and shake-up stagnate old energy patterns and habits that we have been holding on to ever so tightly. Our lives consist of daily –weekly – monthly – yearly patterns and habits – as shown by the per-sonal planets in the sky … the ones we can see with our naked eye. These patterns and habits are kept in place by the last noticeably visible planet – Sat-urn – who represents restriction, limitation and boundaries and is the representative of form in our manifest world. Uranus, which if you have incredi-ble eyesight and know exactly where to look, can occasionally be seen by the naked eye, is the bridge between the Outer (collective) planets and the In-ner (personality) planets. The lesson of Uranus, represented by a lightening-strike has a simple message, “embrace change or suffer the conse-quences”. Awaken to possibilities of new ways of be-ing. While Uranus was retrograde we were asked to go on an inner journey to contemplate what patterns, habits and beliefs need to change. Where does this

change need to start … within each one of us – hence the inner spiral! Now that Uranus is moving into a direct motion (Dec 14) we will be asked to express these changes that we have made internally … out into the world. We can see an increase in electrical energy … crammed with change when Ura-nus is prominently placed (personally or collective-ly), by being in direct communication to other plan-ets (parts of our psyche) and by the sign and place-ment he is travelling through – which right now is Aries. Uranus is about looking forward. Every time Uranus has been prominent in our collective sky we have had progress in our technology, inno-vation and discovery. Right now our collective sky tells us that we are on the tip (of an iceberg) with tremendous potential for change. Of course all of this change is being shaped and sculpted (sometimes supported) with other planetary com-munications along the way. Step up to the plate – stop talking about it – we now have opportunity to do it … make changes in your outer world … and inevitably the Collective! Of course we remain hopeful the progress we are about to embrace will be associated with enlighten-ment, ingenuity and a highly developed intuition – bringing our higher mind into a closer symbiotic re-lationship to our lower mind. As Above … So Below, may your New Year be full of Joyful Change! For some the collective energy hits closer to home as these planetary actions directly involve the per-sonal birth map, for others whom are not directly affected … support the ones you love that are strug-gling with the energetic signature! New and Full Moons – it is important to step out-doors and connect to the night sky (this is where we find our Collective Moon), when we do this we in-herently connect to this energy helping us recognize genetic and collective habits and patterns. The Collective New Moon December 13, 2012 New Moon in Sagittarius

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External energy reveals new directions and possibil-ities for the next month. The general feeling sur-rounding this New Moon is that we need to pay attention to the details – it is the little gestures we make a big impact. The Collective Full Moon Our last Full Moon of the year is December 28th in Cancer. This moon casts a light into our darkest corners and may bring up negative emotions or fear (false evidence appearing real) … this internal emo-tional energy is ready to bubble into the collective awareness over the next month. The general feeling around this Full Moon is a very intense energy. Don’t let yourself fall into a trap of emotions at the end of the year – have a solid picture of how you want to move into the New Year and stick with it. Prosperity is bound-less! In the following individual horoscope you will find a combination of your a solar and lunar energy for the month. Ride the wave to set new goals and re-evaluate completion of old goals as you move for-ward in the month. Writing down your goals is an important step, but being passionately connected to each goal is vital to achieving them. All times are Pacific Time.

Aries (March 21-April 20) New goal setting opportunities are from early afternoon December 19th, 20th & 21st. Sometimes your emo-tions (or “perceived” showing lack

thereof) can be your worst enemy. This month cre-ate a goal or game plan that will help you express your emotions in a truly healthy way. You might do this through exercise to release emotion, or you may decide to set a meditation goal. Perhaps something like yoga will be the way to embrace both. You are out there this month – think of it as a social soiree built just for you. Your motto this month is “Be Prepared” – unexpected events and fun – just remember what goes on at an office party … does not stay at the office party … it gets told over and over and … over again at the water cooler so mind your P’s and Q’s otherwise for you it could be a ca-reer busting situation ;-)

Taurus Horoscope (April 21-May 21) New goal setting opportunities are from late morning December 22nd, 23rd 24th (day). Whether you facilitate group healing work or simply love to try out

new techniques and collective work. Make a plan (goal) to attend a few workshops or sessions during this festive season. Intuition and psychic connections are strong this month. Your past or issues from the past (lives) may resurface – something you have been avoiding dealing with – suppressed behaviors and relation-ships are involved.

Gemini Horoscope (May 23-June 20) New goal setting opportunities fall on December 25th & 26th How does the world see you? Set a goal this month that will bring your spiritual and physical lives a little bit closer

together … the world(s) is watching and waiting for you. Have you been working on some health goals – con-tinue to move forward – ground and continue to put one foot in front of the other. Overwhelm all your senses to dig deep, surround yourself with pictures, books, scent, candles, colour, inspirational words and sayings – remind yourself of what you are working toward.

Cancer Horoscope (June 21-July 20) New goal setting opportunities are December 1st, 2nd (afternoon) & De-cember 27th afternoon evening & 28TH (Full Moon). Let yourself dream just for a minute – if you could do any-

thing you wanted to that would expand your wis-dom and knowledge … what would it be – a course… a trip to a foreign land for experience … unexpect-edly finding a an ancient book full of secrets … just remember you will be asked to share! Make a plan and immerse yourself in the potentials. Let your mothering skills be upfront and in full bloom – tis the season to give lots of kisses and hugs … and whether “they” let you know or not … it

is needed and secretly appreciated by all. Leo Horoscope (July 21-Aug. 22) New goal setting opportunities are from December 3rd to early afternoon on 4th & 30th. Set a goal to ensure

you have some alone time to re-charge your batter-ies – perhaps download a piece of music that is peaceful and can help you unwind after an exciting busy day. This is an incredibly powerful month for you – show your creativity, style, flair & fun … need I say more?

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Check out your local theatre (if you are not starring in it) get dressed up and make a romantic night of it. You may feel the urge to “speculate” … the stars are with you buy that $1.00 lotto ticket … somebody needs to win, it might as well be you … it is fun to dream!

Virgo Horoscope (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) New goal setting opportunities are December 5th & 6th Go all out this year and decorate your house for the season – it is all in the details – use your goal setting to take the stress

out of your holiday season parties and gift giving – make a budget and time line … then stick to it by planning out each week (or day) with mini goals that lead up to the big ones. Remember it is not about the amount of money you spent it, is the time and planning that will bring big smiles. (how about a gift certificate to organize someone’s closet) You may need to put a deadline on some of your projects especially ones that entail writing. If you do not have any writing projects on the go – per-haps that is the direction you need to go!

Libra Horoscope (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) New goal setting opportunities are from December 7th to late afternoon on 8th. Get out into your neighbor-

hood this holiday season – set a goal to spread around a little bit more of that Venusian love ... tis the season to watch for mistletoe. Participate in soup kitchens & clothing drives for the local neigh-borhood and how about getting your friends togeth-er and gift schooling to a little girl in India or Africa, use your innate charm for the collective good! It is important to keep your budget commitments during this holiday season (perhaps enlist the help of a Virgo friend ;-) get creative.

Scorpio Horoscope (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) New goal setting opportunities are from December 9th (afternoon) & 10th. You may be able to dig up the drama – but what are going to do

with it – creatively? … Set a goal to take this in-credibly perceptive deep symbology that you carry within you and share it with us … We want to be touched … heart wide open. You may have opportunity to marry your passion with your income … This month is THE month to express yourself – just

let it all out – tell the people around you how much you care … sing at the top of your lungs (yes even outside the shower) your ability to put the words together may astound even you… let alone those around you – dig deep.

Sagittarius Horoscope (Nov. 22-Dec. 20) New goal setting opportunities are from late afternoon December 11th, 12th and the New Moon on Decem-ber 13th Focus on your home – re-

member our home is a reflection of who we are – look around do you have some clean-up that you need to do … or maybe just rearranging … set a goal to take your “home” to the next level! Relationships (including business) are in complete focus – don’t forget you attract where you are at – and what you are attracting this month will be big-ger than ever – if you want to create a real - giving – receiving – larger than life relationship – then you need to be ALL THAT! Happy Solar Return (Birthday) Allow the Sun to in-fuse you with health and vitality to take you through the next 12 months. It is important that you soak it all in.

Capricorn Horoscope (Dec. 21-Jan. 20) New goal setting opportunities are from early afternoon December 13th, 14th, and early morning on 15th. There is an odd energy of distracti-

bility + you being your own worst enemy this month which is really not like you … Make a plan and set a goal to keep yourself on-track and focused this month. Can you be responsible and passionately explosive at the same time? You may find yourself able to move mountains (or at least leap over them) with a single bound … superman/woman activity. Be sure to focus this energy in a healthy way … no dictator-ship allowed – right? :-0 Happy Solar Return (Birthday) Allow the Sun to in-fuse you with health and vitality to take you through the next 12 months. It is important that you soak it all in.

Aquarius Horoscope (Jan. 21-Feb. 18) New goal setting opportunities are from late afternoon December 15th & 16th. Imagine how your life would look if you did not need to worry

about …. ? Set a goal this month that will create

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this emotional security blanket for you. You may have a moment seize you when you feel like you want to jump out of your easy chair and give yourself a kick to get motivated – go talk to the neighbors and see what your personal community could do as a group. Even though this energy might feel a little bit raw and wearing, (save the world again?) continue to make change in your life, fulfill your desire to be a philanthropist …you can make a difference. This season brings the greatest reminder of how the world could look when we all want to work together …. Peace on Earth!

Pisces Horoscope (Feb. 18-March 20) New goal setting opportunities are from evening December 17th & 18th. Focus your goal setting on how you

might interact with the world – get out there and get active, participate and that does not mean get ab-sorbed by it! This month you might feel like no one can see you – this is due to an incredibly strong cloak … or brick wall you have surrounded with yourself. Of course this has been created because you are a psychic sponge and you need it … just keep in mind that if you want to be seen – you will be … that is all you need to know!

Tamira has over 20 years’ experience working in the “Arts” She holds a BA in East West Traditions/Religions/Astrology and is NCGR Certi-fied Level III, and loves to share with you her insights into your Transpersonal

path. Other interests include:

Certified Yoga Teacher and a practicing Usui Reiki Master (since 1996) and a Registered Karuna Reiki® Master through the International Center for Reiki Training; and a Meditation Teacher she is a dedicated Energy Worker.

Certified Level II with Dolores Cannon Method in Past Life Regression and Quantum Healing

Email: [email protected] for more infor-mation on how a Phone or Skype Consultation can help you with any transitions you are ex-periencing in your life. Holiday Gift Certificates are available

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When presented with this question my first response is that I have no favorite, all of my remembered Christmas-es have been wonderful. I can't think of any bad ones that could be used as a yard stick against the "wonderful" ones. Although they've all been wonderful for different reasons I suppose. As a child it's sooo exciting to think that Santa will find his way into your house to deposit presents just for you! Presents are eagerly accepted and everything is loved, even the socks and under ware! In my teens I got glimpses of a deeper meaning to the holidays. Getting together with family, some rarely seen was the highlight then as it is now. I remember the deep longing I felt for the cold & wet of a BC Christmas when I lived in Australia. I stubbornly cooked up the traditional turkey and trimmings in a kitchen that registered 100 degrees Fahrenheit at 4:30 in the morning rather than the Aussie traditional BBQ. Oh well, it was done and we had a great time doing it. Australia was where my daughter was born, and I natu-rally longed to bring her home so she could know her ex-tended family and have a cold wet Christmas tradition too! I remember with great fondness Christmases when we barely scraped together enough to buy our children pre-sents, forget about us. Maybe those are my favorite memories? Now-a-days we have grandchildren and this certainly has to be the very best Christmas! I savour every moment, enjoying them as they experience the magic of their very own Christmases. I don't remember keeping any particular traditions. The holiday evolves with whatever is happening in our lives and it's our family that glues it all together in whatever fashion pleases us at the time. Looking back I have to say every Christmas has been magical in it's own special way and for that I am most grateful.

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Your journey is about to launch! The time has come and your journey is beginning. Many of you have felt that your journey has been going on for a number of years, but really that was just the preparation. The real journey begins now. You are about to become the intrepid traveler, sailing through the universe. Some of you will be on a physical journey as you are guided to visit different locations, which some of you will move to. For others the journey will be an internal one. Like all journeys you will need to prepare. Know-ing where you are now and where you are going is the first step. Having the resources to take yourself on this journey is important; you have many tools in your tool box to use. It is time to pull them out and start applying them to life. Prepare for the unexpected turns this journey will take, yet do not hesitate out of fear, for the joy of getting to the place you are going is as equally important as the destination. Some of you are asking, “Where am I going? I have no plans to travel, inner or outer.” This will be the most sacred and fulfilling journey of your life. It will be the sharing of self. Letting your light shine for all to see, being all that you can be, and simply sharing your love and light with all. Life is meant to be lived and when you are living in your own skin, being who you are all the time, you are living and not enduring life. Endur-ing life is what happens when you choose to hide who you are and share only part of yourself with those you come in contact with. Now is the time to share from the depths of your soul. Allow oth-ers to see your essence and feel your radiance.

It is about giving without expectation of receiving in return. It is a time of learning that you can only receive as much as you give out. You are an incredibly generous being, start sharing all that you bring to the world. Remember there is a vast supply of energy, joy and resources to be tapped into and the more you tap into these supplies the more the universe can return to you. Share without reservation and be open to receiving what others have to share with you. Take heart dear ones, as this year comes to a close, for you are making a difference. With the journey you are embarking on you will be making a bigger difference. Now more than ever, people, no matter what walk of life they come from, need you. All light-workers, no matter how hesitantly, must step into their light. This is how you make a difference in others’ lives, in ways you might never know about, many benefit because of you. Your light radiates far and wide. The smallest gestures, smiles shared, extended kindness, a helping hand when most needed make an impact. We are not asking you to stand on a soap box and shout out to all that peace must prevail, war must end, forgiveness must be given, we are ask-ing that your journey extends to all you come in-to contact with. Be the light, be you. Celebrate the year that has been and embark on the journey before you with joy in your heart and light from your soul. Blessings from the Angels.

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By Suzanne Robinson

Kia ora, Greetings.

The Ancient Ones We are the guardians of the land. We are the ones to help you understand. We are the ones to help you find your way; help you leave your troubles far, far away. We will be here for you when you have the strength to be yourself. We will help you stand in truth with all to feel. You will feel our strength with love. This has come to thank you for your love. With this we are acknowledging a friendship deep within. Thank you for being strong. Thank you for acknowledging the beauty within.

To begin grounding with your soul, you trust your own inner thoughts and your own perspec-tive.

To help you with this is found within the essence of the rocks and stones around you. Find a rock that is really calling to you. Feel a sense of relationship with the rock. Thank the rock for the reflections and thoughts

you gained as you went through the process.

For some it might be a logic thought form- ‘Rocks can’t relate to us’. For others it might be a pull or a push. Others may feel emotional. Still others may have thoughts that relate to different beliefs.

All of these are valid. This is the journey

through your different perspectives. The one you want is one that is felt within you. The emotional

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one is the one that validates you are on your soul path. They are the gateway. You need them, but not to be caught and stopped with them.

With including the energies of earth and plants

you are increasing your spiritual path. The plants and rocks essence reflects directly to your essence /soul. This is what is underneath and is felt.

Now that you have given gratitude to the rock for your new understanding, WAIT and receive the thank you back from the essence of the rock.

You will feel a feeling that for some is like a gentle strength. A sense of peace. In knowing who you are, you are able to under-stand, and in the understanding comes the feeling sensation that is who you are.

You, as part of the universe are from earth, mother if you so choose. She has nurtured you, she is from whence you come, she is the provider of your feel-ings of being at one with all.

She who is at the base of your roots, she has shown you who you are. She has shown you the mountains, the seas, the storms, the sun, the moon. She has allowed you to feel at one with your brothers and sisters, the animals, birds, plants, fish, insects, etc. Without mother earth you would not be here, as part of the universal consciousness. She is the foundation of your beginnings.

The acceptance of who you are does not end at what race, religion, country. Those are not your roots. Mother Earth is your roots. As part of the greater picture, to be at peace, first with the self, acknowledging the self, and to be at peace with the self.

Humanity has shown you how to see and think. Nature shows you how to feel. In order that you are whole within, you are learning to accept the whole self. This includes all. Breaking the barriers to feelings, and seeing and thinking.

Mother earth has shown both storms and sunshine. You are able to feel both with mother earth. In order to communicate, feeling must be part of the communication. To feel love for all, is the greatest feeling to accept. This is first to feel love for the whole self, so that you are able to love and accept through love all others.

Up till now, there has been fear, fear to feel. Fear it might show you who you are. It is time to be in balance with the universe. We must accept who we are. People, who have emotions, who are able to

feel. Our roots are with mother earth. “Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” Albert Einstein What are the benefits to ‘grounding with nature? Nature help’s people of different spiritual beliefs grow in a way that is balanced and harmonious with all. There is harmonious growth in all relationships. Our next generation benefits and their growth gains from a balanced perspective There is growth in business and technology that is aligned with the universal love flow that benefits people as well as the environment. Begin by letting your body be your teacher, trust yourself.be a witness to the words you and others use to discern where you are at on your soul’s path. Let time, energy and money be a confirmation of where you are at on your soul’s journey at this time. This perspective is given with love, light, wisdom and peace. Aroha nui and many blessings Suzanne

Suzanne has a background as a landscape designer and has been exploring the inter-relationship of people, plants and places for over 30 years. She has published a book, “Soul Gardening” to assist people to become more aware of how to change their way of life just by un-

derstanding their personal subtle ener-gies through their senses, emotions, thoughts and words, and how to apply this integrated way of being in everyday lives for harmonious relationships. Su-zanne has private sessions to assist peo-ple through their healing process and has follow-up workshops to assist maintain-ing the soul grounding with different techniques she has developed.

To learn more about ‘soul grounding’ see Su-zanne’s web site; www.soulgrounding.ca.

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Great source of vitamin C

increases oxygen levels to heart


helps lower blood pressure

helps ease depression

good for oral health

inhibits breast, prostate, colon cancer and leukemia

nutrient dense food high in anti-oxidants

some studies have shown it slows Alzheimer’s

can help reduce PSA levels

keeps blood platelets from sticking together

increases good cholesterol levels

may help combat erectile dysfunction

Pomegranate Royale 2 oz (57 g) bottled pomegranate juice

1 tsp (5 mL) pomegranate seeds

4 oz (113 g) cava or dry sparkling wine

Pour pomegranate juice into cham-pagne flute; sprinkle with pome-granate seeds. Top with cava

To easily release the arils (seeds) cut in half horizon-tally then holding the cut side down over a bowl tap with a spoon. The arils will release into the bowl.

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She shared her mother’s love of the creative aspect of Christmas, creating a new birth expe-rience for all who entered her house through the ambience of love. Janice had her mom’s recipes for potato donuts, and whenever she made them on a Christmas morning it would transport her to the kitchen of her childhood with its delicious smell of donuts. “We would hover, my sis-ters and I, around the platter where the dough-nuts would end up once they were lifted out of the bubbling fat, placed on brown paper bags to drain and then dusted with con-fectioner’s sugar. We were like fledglings hover-ing around their mother in the chance she would give them a bug or worm. She would let us score a few do-nuts, then shoo us out of the kitchen,” Janice fondly recalled. Her mother, Elaine, made Christmas special in so many ways. Her home made decorations which she brought out at Christmas, were beyond anything one could buy – felted ornaments, wreaths made of the

traditional materials but always with some un-expected items like small birds which she sculpted out of clay, hand crafted candles with imbedded jewels from nature. Janice still had some of her mother’s Christmas decorations which she would hang on the tree or from win-dow locks. But the one custom that only she and her

mother shared on Christ-mas Eve was going to the midnight carillon service at the stone church in the country. More often than not there would be a light dusting of snow falling and the swish swish sound of the tires rolling over the snow like skiis.

Once the carillon began Janice and Elaine were enveloped in mystery and awe as the peal of the bells drifted down from the balcony to ring in their hearts. Their faith has continued to grow and expand, Janice on the earth plane and Elaine in the spirit realm, and it is the main tie that binds them together, because from that sprouts the vine of love.

Excerpt from A Matinee Life a novel in progress by Margie Kivel

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Vera Enshaw

There are some oils that one should never be without—part of an “oil first aid kit” Purification™ oil blend from Young Living is one of those oils. It is incredibly effective for just what it says—purifying. The holiday season coincides with that time of year when we generally spend a lot of time indoors, in homes and offic-

es that don’t get the benefit of fresh air. Purification™ can help to keep you free from the typical winter ailments and at the same time keep you emotionally bal-anced and mentally clear! Inhale Purification™ when you are on a plane or in a crowded room to protect yourself from the germs that other people bring into the space. Keep a small bot-tle in your purse or pack and rub a drop on your hands when you get off a bus or other public transportation. Use it in rooms that are stinky from stale odors (you know….the after-party smell!) In a short

time the air will smell lovely and fresh. You can diffuse it or just put a couple of drops on a cotton ball. It’s also wonderful to put in the rinse cycle of the wash—smells lovely and can help to re-move unwanted odors. A drop or two on a cotton ball, stuffed in the toe of smelly shoes will help remove that odor as well. If you have a room in your home or office where the energy al-ways feels heavy and where you don’t want to spend time, diffuse Purification™ to clear it. It will also help to “clear the air” after an argument, or before and after an unpleasant discussion.

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Lemongrass Lavendula Mellaluca Myrtle rosemary

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On an emotional level, Purifica-tion™ can help us deal with an-ger, fear and related issues. Whether you are working on cur-rent or past anger problems, a drop rubbed over the liver twice per day will assist you in finding clarity and healing. Use Purifica-tion™ for any clearing that you want to do— rub a drop on the reflexology area on the bottom of your feet or your hands while you are doing the work. My favorite way of using the oil is as bug dope. Yup. I put a couple of drops in my hands, rub them together and then rub it over the exposed parts of me. No bugs. When I lived in the Cariboo black flies and their bloody little bites were a fact of life—until I started using Purification™. Everyone around me started using it, too—great stuff! Mosquitos, wasps—they do not like it at all! Oh, wait—got a sting/bite? Didn’t put it on quick enough? No problem! A bit of Purification™ on the bite

soothes the sting almost immedi-ately, neutralizing the poison from bees, spiders, wasps and hornets as well as mosquitoes and black flies. As with all Young Living essential oil blends, Purification is created from therapeutic grade oils—the highest quality. If you would like to know more about it, and the oils contained within the blend, contact me or check out Young Living on the web. Please remember to use only 3rd party certified therapeutic grade essential oils. May the refreshing scent of this lovely blend help you to transi-tion from fall into winter, from the old year to the new, with ease and grace and in good health!


Vera Enshaw is a spiritual being in human form who currently resides in

Vancouver. Her path in this life is to know love and to share that love with you through the mediums of heal-ing, spiritual coun-seling and teach-ing. She is a Reiki

Master, shares high quality essential oils using the Raindrop Technique and uses crystals and quartz crystal toning bowls to help you find healing in all your bodies. She is fascinated by energy and teaches people at all levels how to expand their aware-ness. Working with guides and an-gels – with Spirit in all its forms – is one of the greatest gifts she has re-ceived. Let her share it with you! Contact Vera at [email protected] for more in-formation.

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I was thinking I would do something along the lines of the holiday theme for the power animal this month, like say reindeer, but my gang had different ideas for me. Or should I say Giraffe had a different idea for me! Giraffe has been coming to me each issue for the past 3 (including this one), yet I have allowed the other animals, quail and wolf to speak to the readers.

I love giraffes and think they are cute. My favor-ite giraffe was Jerome, from The Friendly Giant, a TV program in Canada for children when I was growing up. I did not know any other symbolism

and thought I was perhaps supposed to incorpo-rate more fun into my life. It was time to see why giraffe was hanging out with me.

Giraffe’s are an elegant, beautiful animal. Their long graceful necks and legs make them the tall-est animal in existence and also the most unique. Their spots help them blend into their environ-ment when needed. However they tend to stand out in the African wilderness. At heights of 16 – 20 feet tall, I am sure you can see them long be-fore you are close to them. Maybe it is the long eyelashes they appear to have, but giraffes al-

ways look proud and stately to me. If giraffe shows up we should take a moment to celebrate our unique-ness. Even if you stand out in a crowd, stand tall and be proud of whom you are.

Having long necks help them to reach the tallest of branches to eat leaves but it also allows them to see great distances. This is a ben-efit for them as they can be aware of what is coming up on them. People with giraffe as a totem or power animal are highly intuitive and are able to see great distances, and the future if they choose to. If you feel life has become stagnant or complacent, or have lost sight of where you are going, stand tall and be like the giraffe and look at what is on the horizon. Even if what you see on the horizon is something you don’t want to see, use this foresight to help navigate the road ahead. While you might have to reach a bit, you can achieve all your goals and dreams.

Their long legs keep them balanced and grounded to the earth. Given their necks reach so high, and their legs are so long, they are said to walk both the heavens and the earth at the same time. This is a reminder that while you might spend time dreaming, you are al-ways going to have your feet on the ground. Giraffe gives us an in-dication that we are balanced be-tween our spiritual and material world when they show up.

You might think giraffe is unable to defend themselves given their gan-

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Marlene Cobb

gly appearance but a well-placed kick can kill any predator. Not to mention their necks are really powerful and both male and female gi-raffe’s have horns on their head to help with attacking predators. A head-butt can dissuade predators from keeping up the attack. If Gi-raffe has shown up for you, take it as a sign that no matter what, you too can stand up for yourself and defend what you believe in. A green light to stick your neck out for beliefs and causes you feel strongly about. If you have used your “distant vision” and checked out the landscape around you, you will always know when it is appropriate to jump in or retreat.

Drinking is the one thing that makes them vulnerable. They need to spread their legs fairly far apart in order to reach down and drink from the water source. Due to this giraffe is the only other animal besides camels that can go days without taking in water. Giraffes are family/herd oriented, when one giraffe lowers themselves to drink the rest of the herd keep watch for any trouble.

Giraffe teaches us that like them we can hear and see more than meets the eye if we are willing to raise our awareness to those around us. A few kind encouraging words to those in need are always appreciated, and a well-placed “head butt” or simply walking away at other times keeps us in alignment with our true selves.

With giraffe showing up it is a reminder to keep your head up! Stand tall! Look not just to the road ahead but what is right in front of you and to take time to relax and socialize. Find balance between wants (neck) and needs (legs) and the road ahead will be aligned with your highest self!

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Archangel Chamuel is most commonly known as the angel of love and compassion. (S)He can be helpful in dealing with communication issues, relationships, ethnic and racial ten-sion, and to assist in situations where we are looking for things

we have lost, or cannot find. As a chan-nel for messages from Chamuel, I have found he has a strong desire to support the opening of our heart chakra, especial-ly at this critical time in our develop-ment. Welcome, once again, Dear Heart, to the safe and sacred energy of the angelic realms. If you take a moment to breathe and allow it in, you will receive much more than the wisdom of the words on this page...or on your screen, if you will. Give permis-sion, and the energy inherent in the words can also enter your consciousness. There is far more going on than what you see, or what you read. There are many levels of input that are available to you, not only here, in my words, but in everything you expe-rience. Take the time to create some distance, to

soften the information you are receiving from your primary senses, and you will notice other levels of activity. This awareness is available to you at all times. How do you create this subtle awareness, some ask. It is the easiest thing you can do. Simp-ly intend it. Create the willingness in your mind, and you open the door to it. It may not all flood over you at once, but by opening the door, you re-move the barrier between you and and the subtler levels of perception. Continue to do this, and you will eventually become of aware of wonders beyond the scope of your eyes and ears. Your will is the master switch in your reality. And with that pearl of wisdom (wink), on to your questions.... Kaye Castleman, B.A., M.A., Health Intuitive, Chan-nel for Archangel Chamuel, Reiki Master and Certi-fied Attunement Practitioner, has been a practicing alternative healer in the interior of British Columbia for over a decade. She offers massage, Raindrop Technique and body realignment treatments, as well as in house and long distance healing sessions, nu-tritional counseling, magnetic therapies, and recom-mendations for all types of holistic health issues. She also offers a collection of therapies and tech-niques to clear the mental and emotional blocks that get in the way of the true health and wellness that are ready to enter your life. To arrange a phone, email or Skype session, contact Kaye at 250-706-1022or [email protected]

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Question: I'm not sure I believe in angels, but I like to read your answers. What's up with that?

AA Chamuel: (belly laughter, if angels have bellies!) Bless you, Dear Heart, for your honest and forthright question! (more chuckles) It is a good thing, to be ques-tioned, you know? Then, in true communication, I must ask the question of myself...do I exist? It is a lovely exercise.... But you are asking more. Why are you drawn to read my words when you are not even certain that I exist? The energy, Dear Heart. It is the energy in the words that attracts you. At a subtler level of your awareness, you resonate with the truth of them. Their truth and your truth are in harmony. It is simple universal physics. You gravi-tate to that which is compatible with your vibration, and most especially with that which vibrates an in-crement higher than your current state. If my words were vibrating lower than you are vibrating, then they would be boring to you, like reading a Grade 3 Reader. If they were vibrating too high, then they would be unfathomable, like trying to read a dissertation on molecular biology. I attune my information to the consciousness of the inquiring mind, the heart not yet fully open, but seeking ful-fillment. If this is you, then you have landed at the right place, and I have succeeded in my intention. And by the way, it is, in truth, irrelevant what your mind believes. It is your heart that knows.

Question: Dear Archangel Chamuel, why is everything so diffi-cult right now? When I was younger, life seemed so much easier. Am I just getting old and crotchety?

AA Chamuel: Ahhh, my dear, evolving human! How many pages can we take in this beautiful magazine to answer your question? A complete answer would require a full book! You have asked the question of ques-tions, so I will give you as much helpful information as possible for the moment you are in. First, you are definitely not getting old and crotchety. In fact, you are entering the prime of your life, the fullness of your current life's experience. All that came be-fore was in preparation for this exhilarating mo-ment. And second, life was certainly more harmoni-ous in your younger years, at least on the surface. The illusion of reality had not yet reached its critical point, and so you and all your fellows were content to continue playing the game. But that has past, and you are now experiencing the bursting of the bubble. It is a singular moment in your history, and you have chosen to be here for it. It is a difficult time, as you say, and very challenging to maintain your spiritual balance, very stressful on your biolo-gy. It is also a unique and precious time in your evolution. You are participating in the spontaneous awakening of humanity, which is an honor and a gift you have given yourself. If you can begin to under-stand your current circumstances from this perspec-tive, then much of the difficulty can be eased. Yes, there are challenges, especially to the struggling human. But you are a player in the most awesome moment in all of creation. Feel into that reality, and recognize who you really are. Every thought and deed that is initiated by you during this time, espe-cially during the stressful events, is affecting the outcome. This is a privilege that is granted to only the most deserving of souls. You know that there is nothing in your current experience that can diminish you, so keep this thought as you navigate through this extraordinary time. The love and support of all the angels, archangels and beings of light are with you.

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As our Fool leaves Lady Justice behind him, he cannot help but feel a bit overwhelmed. Taking in all that she had to say, the Fool decides to just be for a while and dis-cern what his truth really is. What is at the core of his being? What knowledge can be gained if he just sits qui-etly and sorts through his thoughts and past experiences? Coming upon a tree beside the road the Fool sits down. It is reported that he sat there for 9 days, not eating and barely moving. On the 9th day without reason or a word he climbed the tree and dangled from one leg, hanging upside down. Coins and other items fell to the ground from his pockets; still the Fool stayed centered and did not utter a word. He has surrendered in that moment, all his wants, needs and ideals and from this has gained a different perspective on life, and his world. For the first time in a while he feels he has clarity. The Fool however realizes this will not last; soon he will have

to right himself. At that time he will have to act on what he has learned. Right now he feels ok with just hanging out, weightless, observing, absorbing and seeing as if for the first time. When the Hanged Man shows up in a reading it generally means you are at a crossroads and must come to a deci-sion. It usually is a yes or no, in or out, up or down kind of crossroads where you find yourself wanting to do something but unable to discern exactly what that is. The Hanged Man is a clear sign to make a choice. If you just don’t know what to do or how to do it, that's a clear sign that you should stop, relax, and look at what is going on in your life. Do you need to let go of something, such as attempts to control life situations, people or things? Perhaps you have an outdated goal which is no longer realistic, or a closed or outdated attitude that is holding

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Hanged Man card from Shadowscapes Tarot - Stephanie Pui-Mun Law and Barbara Moore

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you back, that you need to let go of. Any sacrifice that you make at this time creates space for something new and positive to fill the void. This should be a thoughtful reflec-tive time, one that allows you to look at how you might best serve you own interests if you are willing to change. It does not matter if your question was about work, health, relationships, finances, or of a spiritual query, the Hanged Man always asks what you can do to change the situation. How can you shift your perception or perspective to change the situation? If work has got you down and you feel like you are spin-ning your wheels, you might need to look for a new job or relax into a wait and see attitude with a positive demeanor. If love seems to not be going your way, it could be letting go of an unattainable lover, or of the vision you carry around on how the perfect relationship looks. It might be that you need to re-evaluate what you think makes you happy. On another note if you are in a relationship and you think it is fabulous, you might want to check in with your mate and be sure they are on the same page. If finances have you down, the hanged man tells you it is time to open the flow of prosperity by sharing what you have. Even if you have very little there is someone with less that could benefit from whatever you give. With health issues the card might signal it is time to do some research with regards to your issues about how to treat them. It does not signal a time to ignore what your doctor has prescribed, but is there something you could add to your health regime that would boost what is already in place. So if the hanged man shows up in your reading take heart that you don’t have to hang upside down in a tree, you just need to reflect on how you are looking at things. It is time to let go of any negative, self –limiting beliefs. Be careful about what you allow yourself to say or think about your life. Small sacrifices always return huge rewards, so stay positive and reassess what you no longer need.

(Continued from page 48) “Christmas! The very word brings joy to our hearts. No matter how we may dread the rush, the long Christmas lists for gifts and cards to be bought and given--when Christmas Day comes there is still the same warm feeling we had as children, the same warmth that enfolds our hearts and our homes."

~ Joan Winmill Brown

“My idea of Christmas, whether old-fashioned or modern, is very simple: loving others. Come to think of it, why do we have to wait for Christmas to do that?" ~ Bob Hope

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Dear ones First off there is no reason to fear the changes if you un-derstand there is no time or space as you know it. For that is an illusion; many of you are coming to understand this. Have you noticed how fast things have been mov-ing? in a blink of an eye? As this time, of what most be-lieve to be the end of the world, approaches let’s be clear you are not going to up and poof off the planet. Now is the time to stand in your power, for the power of love and joy to reign. Now is the time for integrating your shad-ows and releasing all that does not serve you. However there is to be no more game playing, time is short. The mass conscious collective has been shifting in quan-tum leaps this year and many of you are shifting quantum leaps with it. As well as shifting on multi-dimensional lev-els you are not even aware of. Though for some of you there is an awareness of this because you are and have been called to assist in the mass shift, to help humanity through it. Make no mistake though every person on the planet and all created things have their part to play. For in quantum physics all are connected and what affects one can and does ripple to affect all. So, with that in mind, on December 21, 2012 there will be a quantum leap of tremendous importance that the Ma-yan’s speak of and echoes through their ancestors and time itself to every person, place, thing and all of crea-tion. There will be a galactic shift in the cosmos. In terms you will understand, there will be a collision of quantum light particles that will change your planet, its people and the cosmos itself for the better. *chuckles* yes let’s call it the big “O”, little death because in the grand scheme of things that is what it is. In Native American terms let’s call it a continuation of the Creation story. For the world mass consciousness and the cosmos start anew December 21, 2012, it is not the end but the beginning. It is the merging of all that is with no division. It is living in the sacred heart itself. Being IT for that is what you are. Has this year been easy for many of you? NO, but birth is never easy, with a mix of pain and joy. The earth is go-ing through birthing pains, hence all the traumatic weath-er and climate changes. It is releasing toxins and cleans-ing to give birth to a new earth, where the mass con-sciousness wakes up. Now is the time, there is no more. You are the new children; with love and childlike wonder you will grow and thrive. Like all new beings there will be growing pains, but you will survive in trust, love and faith. Joy of this time be with you! Your Ancestors of Creation

I am Michelle Hayes, an empath/intuitive who has a passion for healing and children. My Shamanic name is Whitestar Eagle, given to me in a naming ceremony. I have a passion for children and be-lieve it is my calling to help to educate and love the future generations of this world. My passion for healing is a calling that asks me to help others transform and heal. For every person and soul is

but a miracle and a gift to the world and the universe in love, purity, compassion, kindness and grace of the creator and spirit. We are all one. We all transform and heal to our greatest poten-tial. This is where love, enchantment, magic and light is in our heart and souls. I offer reiki, reflexology, intuitive healing, intuitive/angel read-ings, channeling, shamanic healing and shamanic journeys. My services can be done in person or long distance by phone, email or Skype. I currently reside in Toronto. If you have any ques-tions, comments or would like to contact me for more infor-mation please visit my blog http://whitestareagle.wordpress.com or email me at [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you!

Mayan Ascension Prophesy 2012 ~ December 21, 2012 ~

Part 1 Channeled by Michelle Hayes

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Hello again Dear Ones, Last time we spoke about there being growing pains you as new children and new beings will have and that you will survive in trust, love and faith with the coming of Decem-ber 21, 2012. Let us address those growing pains and what is needed in the times ahead. Everything on the planet and beyond will be affected. As new beginnings dawn, you the new children will be learning anew. Like all children and hu-man beings there is a learning curve. This learning curve applies as well to all of humanity and our collective con-sciousness. With the massive shift in the cosmos, the earth, its people, and all of creation it is only natural for there to be anxiety, fear, trepidation and confusion about what is happening with the passing of December 21, 2012. Some of the growing pains we speak of have to do with balance and harmony within yourselves. We speak of inte-grating of your shadows, releasing all that does not serve you and standing in your power in joy and love. The growing pains come with some of you not being ready to shift in such a massive and monumental way. This will cause stress, confusion, anxiety and continued fear. For those of you that fit this category remember this cosmic and galactic shift is all about love, joy, living in your sacred heart and living from our hearts. However, those of you not ready to come along yet it is okay, there is no pressure or judgment in this. The ascension and the shift will still effect you. For you the growing pains will be slow baby steps and sometimes intense but as we have said before these shifts are and have been intense for everyone and you are not alone. Remember God and the universe will never give you more than you can handle. So take heart Dear Ones for we all have our part to play in this shift and yours is an important one. You will grow at your own speed and time with guidance from your hearts, love, courage and those willing to guide and support you with love. Rest easy assured that you will be fine. There is much love and compassion for you from the Divine and all of Creation. Again our message is “be assured Dear Ones all is well”. As always ask and pray for assistance and it will be there for you. You are loved as the perfect chil-dren of God and the universe. Yet for those of you that have been preparing, shifting,

and who have stepped into their power, you will embrace the shift. The growing pains you experience will be differ-ent in some ways and not so different in others. Your re-sponsibility is to assist, help and guide others. To hold the energy, hold the space for the shift and ascension. The growing pains and challenge for you is to stay in your power. To recognize your personal patterns that keeps you from it and then blast through those patterns to a new paradigm. To continue to shift those limiting beliefs and your own shadows to better serve, first yourself in healing and then others. It is a great responsibility but one we are most assured you can handle or you would not have been called and guided to be here at this time. An-other part of the growth is to listen to you hearts and be guided by it at all times. To release anything that no longer serves you, in essence let go and let it be. Yes we are paraphrasing the Beatles here because “LET IT BE” and let yourself be who you are is what is required. It is

absolutely necessary for you, humanity and all created things. Of course it does not come without its challenges for there will still be stress, confusion, anxiety and sometimes fear that comes with such momentous and galactic shifts. The differences here will be rec-ognizing them and then using them, releasing them and shifting through them to the whole new paradigm and reality. In doing so, you bring yourself back to balance, harmony, love and joy. You will continue to serve your greatest good for the greatest good of all you love and serve. Without question the greatest good of humanity, of all crea-tion and the universe. For this is what you were born to do, live up to your greatest potential for yourself and God. At every moment you are doing this by

just being who you are. There is much love and support for all of you, all you have to do is ask and we will be there with much love and guidance. Finally there will be some that are completely unaware of any of this. For them it will just be another day like any other. However as we have said, they too have their part to play and it is an important part just like those men-tioned above. For these souls their growing pains will be awakening from the sleep they are in. They will be asked to open to greater possibilities than they can presently see. With that we will close by saying peace, trust, love and faith be with you always. Joy and love of this time be with you Unfathomable love Your Ancestors of Creation

Mayan Ascension Prophesy 2012 ~ December 21, 2012 ~ Part 2 Channeled by Michelle Hayes

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12 – 12 – 12 signifies the completion of the Crystal-line Matrix on earth. Since 2000 a different portal has been opened on a significant date during each of the 12 years, the first being 1-1-01. The energy that has been activated each year since has been increasing and the cumulating of this activation is 12-12-12. As if there was not enough going on this year with 12-21-12 we can add this to the mix. Or as my mind is thinking, they are both part of the whole. There is no separation between the two. They are an extension of each other. I will be honest, while I have heard of these events happening worldwide, I have not been watching or keeping up with them. However it makes sense to me that if this is the completion of the grid and 100% activation of all the ancient crystals below the surface, then as we are all one and everything is one, any crystals we have in our possession will re-ceive a booster charge! If you wish to read more on the Crystalline Grind this article very helpful: http://hiddenlighthouse.wordpress.com/category/earth-grid/ While researching about crystals for December I came upon this: Computers are powered by quartz crystal - in fact, quartz crystals run our modern technological world: cell phones, televisions, radios, lasers, ultrasound, etc. Crystals are even the heartbeat of time itself in all quartz watches and clocks. Quartz is not only a source of power and energy, but it is also capable of storing information. A computer is powered by a ti-

ny chip of quartz crystal that holds all of its memory - just imagine what a quartz crystal weighing 10 or 20 pounds could contain. That information tweaked my brain enough to pick quartz for December. I have many quartz crystals in my home and use each of them for different things. Some I use specifically for healing crystals, some just look neat, and others hold the space and energy for me. Quartz is not just one stone but many and I have touched on a few other quartz crystals in past issues, but I am going to focus on clear quartz this month. All quartz crystals have 6 primary properties. They are able to structure, store, amplify, focus, transmit and transform energy, which includes matter, thought, emotion and information. Making quartz a power stone, considered worldwide as the "Universal Crystal". It is the most recognized type of crystal, and what many people envision when the thought of "crystal" comes to mind. Crystal quartz can harmonize and balance any area it is place in. It enhances energy and thoughts, and purifies the spiritual, mental, and physical. Definite-ly a crystal everyone should own. Clear quartz would make an excellent gift to anyone on your list for any occasion. Even if the person does not “delve” into the magic of crystals, clear quartz on a LED light base compliments any décor and will pro-vide positive energy for any home. Clear quartz helps by releasing people from the past

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in order to ‘move on’. I think about this statement with re-gards to the month of December and what is being asked as we shift into the new paradigm of energy. Clear quartz can aid each cell in getting rid any un-wanted/negative memories/patterns which may be stored, and encourage new regenerative growth. New cells are made all the time within all living things. When new cells form they are copied as exact replicas of the cells already present (think cells splitting). Holding a clear quartz in your non- dominate hand see the energy filtering into your cells transmuting them into healthy, vibrant cells. If you are interested, hold the intent by having the energy clear out all past negative energy stored within your cells (this can be from this life time, or a past life). Quartz can be used to imprint

any energy or information (think computers here), the possibilities are limited only by you. Clear Quartz is the ultimate "any Chakra stone" as it radiates all the color vibrations within the spectrum of light. If you are working on any blocked chakras, clear quartz can help get things moving. As quartz helps to focus the mind, it aids in concentration and enhances mental ability. It is the perfect crystal to hold while meditating. Crystal Quartz is probably the most versatile, multipurpose, powerful healing stone on the planet due to is unique helical spiral crystalline form. It is a master healer and can be used for any and all conditions. It's stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance. It takes the energy to the most

perfect state that is possible; go-ing back to before the disease set in. It cleanses and enhances the organs and subtle bodies and acts as a deep soul cleanser, connecting the physical dimen-sion with the mind. I really love clear quartz and this year alone I have added many pieces as I was drawn to my col-lection. I had decided in early November that I would like to use my crystals as décor for the holidays. Pictured here, I simply took a bowl, placed some bat-tery operated lights(I felt drawn to multi colored but clear would be just as lovely) in the base, covered with tinsel (to add some extra sparkle) and then placed my clear crystals on top. I am very pleased with the way it turned out and will enjoy for the coming month!

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While the question seemed so simple when I asked it, it turned out to be harder to answer. Up until 7 Christmas’s ago one of my favorite traditions was getting the tree. (I moved to the city and real trees are not allowed in the apartments I live in. My tree now comes out of a box each year, and I miss the joy of get-ting a tree) A date would be picked in December, usually around the 15th. Some years we went out with friends, other years it was just our small family of three. It did not matter how many of us there were; it was a fun filled adventure. Dressed with enough clothes we could barely move to ward off the chill, we would pack a hacksaw and axe into the vehicle (some years a car, others a truck) and head out into the woods. The quest to find the per-fect tree began, we would sing along with Christmas songs, laugh about trees from previous years, and won-der what we would find this year. At the first sign of a perfect tree we would park, unload ourselves from the vehicle and traipse into the bush to check out said tree. After knocking the snow off the tree and circling it for the kill, it was usually decided that a better one was to be had. This would entail everyone traipsing off in a differ-ent direction, and yells of “come see this one”. NO tree was left snow laden if it looked like a contender, and if you have every gone out to find a tree you will know that snow makes them all look perfect. When all trees had been deemed unworthy for our perfect tree, we would load back up into the vehicle and travel a couple miles down the road. After about an hour of this in and out of the car, banging snow off trees (which falls onto your head) the laughter would start to turn to cranky pleas of “just pick one, any one will do”. The best part was when after a couple of hours traipsing about it was determined the first tree was indeed the best and off we would travel back to the scene of the first tree, praying all the way that another tree hunter had not taken our prey. After chopping the tree down and securing it to the vehicle it was time to take it home. Placed lovingly into its tree stand it was allowed to thaw out in the comfort of our wood heated living room while the family enjoyed hot chocolate and a hearty lunch. Then the box of decora-tions would be hauled out and the lights would be placed around the tree. One by one all the decorations from years gone by would come out. Our daughter’s first Christmas ornament was usually the first, followed by the

animated motorized ornaments, and the special birds that clipped onto the tree. On and on they went until the box was empty, each one sharing its story with us again. Last, the tree was wound with silver garland and then tinsel was flung or shaken onto the tree. The tree always looked beautiful, no matter how mis-shaped, once the mix of lights and decorations trimmed it. It stood proud and was the gathering point each morning and night to admire the lights twinkling in the dark. As the presents piled up under it, and the blessed day drew nearer it was the tree that held the magic of the season. Beside it, on Christmas Eve, the story “Twas The Night Before Christmas” would be read and just be-fore the child was off to bed, cookies, a few carrots, and a glass of milk would be placed beside the tree to help San-ta and his reindeer journey through the night. Yes indeed the magic seemed be captured in each tree each year. Each year it was hard to bring ourselves to pack away the decorations and lovingly place the tree outside devoid of all but a few strands of tinsel left to blow in the wind. Today while I no longer traipse through the snow in search of a tree, the tree, albeit an artificial one that tilts a little to one side, still holds the magic for me.

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One of my favorite traditions is singing carols around the piano at Christmas time with family and friends. Suzanne

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Photo by Phil Nielsen

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Your shadow is probably the first answer that comes to mind. Yet there is more behind you than just your faithful companion the shadow. There is also the year that was. We have made it through anoth-er calendar year and if you are like me, most of that year was spent living in the now. You know, each moment that came along. This is a very good way to live as it does not allow for wallowing on what was, or looking so far off into the future that we don’t see what is right under our noses. Less gets missed this way and we have more opportunity to enjoy what is. I find with living in the now, that it is important to look back. I am sure there are some out there that would disagree with me and say that the only thing that matters is right now. Yet if we don’t take the time to look back, we lose sight of just how far we have come. It makes sense to me to look behind us and realize that even though we might have had challenges, by staying in the mo-ment, we worked through them and succeeded. It brings to light, that no matter what, we seem to be able to adapt and carry on living a life of fulfillment. 2012 was touted as the year of personal growth. It was a year that brought back to us past issues we felt were healed long ago. Brazenly, they asked to be revisited and released once again. For some it was a frustrating year. For many, it was a won-drous year as many layers of the onion were peeled away. It does not matter what kind of a year you had. It is time to celebrate another year lived and welcome in the new. While I was writing this I drew a card from Colette Baron-Reid’s Wisdom of the Hidden Realms deck. My question was “What do I need to know right now?” The card I pulled was in sync with this article so I am going to include it here;

Lady of the Mirror Reflection, nonjudgment The Lady of the Mirror is both Ally and Chal-lenger, asking you to see yourself in the mirror made by the events in your life. She represents the power-ful force of the Law of Attraction and reminds you that what you are is what you attract. This isn’t to say that

you need to blame yourself for inviting trans-gressions or if you find yourself a victim of a big picture event – say, a war. This is a dis-torted interpretation of this law. Certain events are fated to test our faith. Rather, find yourself within the web woven through your life – your relationships, opportu-nities, desires, seeming failures, and success-es. Observe how you’ve responded to life’s challenges, great and small, and be aware of what is familiar in the present. Release all judgment, and accept things exactly as they are with love. The Lady of the Mirror asks that you honor every part of your story as essential to your highest unfolding. Can you see yourself as be-

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Now that you have reflected on 2012 it is time to place some goals down for 2013. Nothing earth shat-tering or unattaina-ble, just goals so that you have purpose going into the New Year. Winter is typi-cally the dreaming time, time to plan what you are going to plant, grow and har-vest for the next year. Take a few moments and really discern what you want to plant this year, what is missing in your life? What would you like to be better at? Go ahead make a wish, all dreams are achieva-ble but first they must be the seed of

thought. The choice is yours as to if you will write them down or not. It could be more like a mantra “I will be at peace no matter what is going on around me”. It

could be a commitment to spend more time with loved ones, and less time working. It could be a lifestyle change to be healthier. The point here is to make sure that you are setting a goal that you desire to achieve. Place it out there in the universe and make a commitment to following the path it leads you down. I am not sure what 2013 will bring but I am confi-dent that no matter what I will achieve another year well lived. I am also positive that 2013 will be a year of living well for you too!!

ing exactly where you need to be on your path? Do you love what you see in the mirror? Can you perceive your part in your reactions and motives behind your current situations? You will find your answer in a thorough and honest self-appraisal. As we step into this last month of the year 2012, mark a day on your calendar and reflect on the card above. Answer the questions that are posed as they relate to your “web”. This is to be a loving reflection of self and how you arrived at where you are today. No judgments being made, just reflect-ing on what is. In taking a time-out to do this you will be honoring yourself and all the choices you made during the last year. Raise a glass and give a cheer for another year well lived!

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Photo by Phil Nielsen