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Nourish October 2012 Issue 15

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Monthly online magazine with articles promoting wellbeing one all levels. Body Mind Soul

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Your Body ~ mind ~ soulYour Body ~ mind ~ soul


Issue 15Issue 15 October 2012October 2012 Photo by Phil Nielsen

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4 Welcome 5 Free Fall 6 Take Five 8 Falling Back: Writing Through Time 10 Trusting Our Inner Knowledge 12 Citrus Fresh Essential Oil Blend 14 Runes of the Month - Manaz 15 Runes - Kenaz 17 Sunday Excursions 18 Flu Shot or Not? 20 Living - Thanks to Cancer 26 Free Range Edibles - Edible Flowers Part 2 30 Yoga - Alignment - Good Posture and More 32 Monthly Astro Tid Bit 36 Soul Grounding 39 Message from the Angels for October 40 Live Long & Prosper - EMF Part 2 44 Energy 101 - Eyes Right! Right from the Heart 45 I Saw You 46 The Amazing Avocado 47 Winds of Change 48 Conversations with Chamuel 49 Questions to Archangel Chamuel 52 Power Animal - Quail 53 Ship's Log 54 100 Days of an Intentional Practice Part 2 56 The Wheel of Fortune 58 Celestite

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All content ©2011 - 2012 by Nourish Your Body Mind Soul Nourish Your Body Mind Soul is a monthly publication dedicated to em-powering readers with knowledge that can help them feel fulfilled on this journey called life. All articles are the express views and beliefs of the writer and are pro-vided as guidelines to the readers. Ultimately each reader is responsi-ble for their own choices and decisions. The articles are meant as guidelines and the reader is encouraged to expand on the knowledge presented within these pages to form their own opinions.

Published on the first of the month!

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Fall is slowly starting to creep across the land-scape. Some of you are already experiencing fall in its glory of righteous colors, but here in the Vancouver area it comes a little later. A few trees are gracing us with their leaves changing color, but green still rules the day. I have noticed the air is a little brisker when we are out on our walks. Yet the sun still warms the day quite nicely. Ah October, the month for Thanksgiving (in Canada) and Halloween. Thanksgiving; time to gather around the gold-en cooked turkey with family and friends to give thanks for the bountiful harvest. This worked well when we all had farms and were dependent upon a bountiful harvest. Now how-ever, not all Canadians celebrate the day in that fashion. It has become a day off from work (if you are lucky). Turkey? Some just don’t like turkey and all the trimmings and have a simpler meal. Yet a few of us still take the time to prepare a feast, invite friends and family to help eat the feast and give thanks, not for the bountiful harvest but for what we are grateful for in our lives. I think it matters how we were raised whether we bother making it a big day or not. For me it is an opportunity to celebrate and go all out. PLUS and this is a big plus.... turkey dinner turns into a week of meals! Halloween. What other day can you dress up and take on the persona of someone other than you? You can be as silly or serious as you like. Costume ideas are only limited by your imagi-nation and if you don’t believe me, look to the show “the Big Bang Theory” where Sheldon

dresses up as a “the Doppler effect”. You either love the holiday or hate it. Halloween has come a long way from its Celtic roots of the festival of Samhain (pronounced sow-in). The Celts celebrat-ed their New Year on November 1st. No-vember 1st marked the end of summer and the harvest and the beginning of the dark, cold winter, a time of year that was often associated with human death. They figured that the night before this day, the veil between the worlds became thin. Thus, they believed the ghosts from be-yond were able to walk the earth once more. To ward off these ghosts, druids

(Celtic Priests) built large sacred bonfires. People gathered at the bonfires dressed up in animal heads and skins (they dressed up so that the ghosts would not recognize them) to burn crops and animals as sacrifices to the dei-ties. At the end of the evening people would return to their hearths and re-lit them from the flames of the sacred bonfire to help protect them during the coming winter. Over the years it evolved into a version of what we have today. There are still people who cel-ebrate in the traditional Celtic fashion; alt-hough I am not sure if they sacrifice animals (perhaps someone could let me know). A quick search on the internet serves up much infor-mation on all of the Halloween traditions, worth a quick check to see just how it came into be-ing. This year as I sit down to partake in a marvel-ous turkey dinner; I will be giving thanks for each of you, both the contributors and the readers, for allowing me to bring forth this magazine month after month. At Halloween I am planning to light a candle and ask that all souls around the world are shown the path to peace and prosperity. Yes, that candle will be inside of a carved pumpkin! As you journey through October, celebrate all the beauty nature offers and enjoy some laughter with friends and family.



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Free Fall after Takahama Kyoshi

falling leaf is caught

sunlight net gives way flutters to the ground

weaving earth descent

sunlight net gives way shimmers mist of gold weaving earth descent

softens falling breath

shimmers mist of gold shaft of light descends

softens falling breath twisting turning leaf

shaft of light descends

holding life’s return twisting, turning leaf food for soil and seed

holding life’s return stem lets go to yield

food for soil and seed waiting to receive

stem lets go to yield

flutters to the ground giving up its gold

falling leaf is caught.

Margie Kivel

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Recently I read a quote that said “you are the aver-age of the five people you spend the most time with. Jim Rohn”. WOW really?!?! While this quote has been around for a while I had not heard of it before. It gave me pause. I sat with it for a day and reflected if I believed it to be true. The verdict was still out when I came across the book The Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom. The dichotomy between the two really gave my brain something to chew on! I enjoyed the book/movie immensely and actually felt it to be a truth I could believe in. The book takes us on Eddie’s journey to heaven, where he meets 5 people who touched his life or whose life he touched while he was alive. Eddie learns about the interconnectedness of all our lives. (6 degrees of separation comes to mind) The premise is that who we meet in life has an effect not only on us and them but also our extended net of people and their extended net. We never know what will come of our meetings with others or their part in our path. It is a great mys-tery. While Jim Rohn asks us to look at the present snapshot, Mitch Albom asked us to look at the larg-er picture. Both are equally important. Who knows, you might just meet one of your current 5 when you get to heaven. If you were to pull out a piece of paper right now and list the people you spend your time with, what would your average be? You might have more or less than 5 people, which is ok. The point of this ex-

ercise is to actually look at who you spend your time with. What qualities do they contribute to your aver-age? What qualities are you contributing to theirs? Let me see … the list should probably have our co-workers, we all know how much time we spend on the job. Then family members, because we do spend time with them, some of us more than oth-ers, and they play a big part in each of our lives. Then our friends, partners, lovers etc. I also sit here wondering, with the way cyber space has made the world smaller, do we count people we chat with online, know from Facebook, Twitter, Pin-terest, Google, MSN, Yahoo, do they count? I think if we are in regular contact we do have to include them. Once we have our list, then what? What exactly are we being asked to do? How do we know what our average is? The context of the exercise is to discern if, who we hang out with, support us, encourage us to be our best, and motivate us to strive for more. I suppose we should start with the basics and a few questions. How does each of them make us feel? Do we enjoy spending time with them? I hesitate to place this question here but believe if we are looking to find out more about ourselves we

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Marlene Cobb

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need to ask if the person brings us down or takes us higher. Do they have the same goals and ideals as we do? Can we accept the part of us that is being mirrored by them? When I look at the people that are on my list I am pretty happy with who they are and what they con-tribute to my life. I believe they push me forward and help me to be the best I can be. In fact they probably push me to be better than I think I can possible be. I also would like to believe I contribute something to their average. When I look at my list, I notice that I spend more time with some people and less with others. There are very few people on my list. I then think back to ten years ago when the list was larger. I realize that my life has changed. Which it does, not much stays static in our lives. What we did five years ago is most likely not what we do today. After much thought, I come to the conclusion that the basis for the quote “you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Jim Rohn”, is this - who I surround myself with matters. My interactions with others matters. As my thoughts meander around, a clear knowing comes to me that each of us has our inner soul guiding us to those who have something to offer us or vice versa, we have something to offer them. Sure there might be times when we are not ready to let go, move on, or accept that someone is toxic for us. Yet they fall out of our life. For the most part, when the time is right, a natural progression happens and we spend less and less time with cer-tain people on our list. If you write your today list, then write a list for five years ago and then ten years ago, how different is each list? You might have a couple constant people on the list but I wonder if you would even remem-ber some of the names of people you were in close proximity to 5 or 10 years back. Who influenced you the most on each list? Who in looking back do you wish you spent less time with, or more time with? This list would give us that hindsight that is clearer than present sight most of the time. Yet each of those people brought something into our lives that made us who we are today. We cannot discount them or really wish they had not been around. We need to think of time as an investment unto ourselves. Each moment that we spend with some-

one is part of that investment. Are you throwing your “investment” down the drain or are you plac-ing it where it can grow? Each moment of time spent with others is part of your path, part of your growth, part of your achievements. I looked at each person on my today list and asked how I could make both their and my life richer. How the time I spent with them was benefitting each of us. Was I spending our time together wisely? I decide to write another list, this time listing people I wish I spent more time with. A goal to strive for as the year winds down. Who do you really wish you spent more time with? Why do you want to spend more time with them? At the end of the day, what really matters is that we spend time with the people we love being with. As for the rest, they just might be the 5 people we meet in heaven. Consider each interaction you have with others as interconnectedness and strive to be the best you can be. Learn what you can. Of-fer what you can. Most of all make a difference in each relationship. Invest wisely, we cannot tell in the moment how each person is shaping our aver-age, or if they will be one of the 5 we meet in heav-en!

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My writing space has been recreated and moved to a new location, but the calm and quiet energy has stayed. I have recently relocated to the Okanagan and I can feel the words waiting to come forward… I sit here at my computer and reminisce about the many stories I have not thought about it a very long time. When did I last move? Why did I move? What was the first sense of change that I can remember? How did I feel about that change? Falling back… Into the memory vault I go. Fifteen minutes of a free write, timer set and I remember not to lift my pen until the timer goes off. It is a sto-ry about leaving Winnipeg for British Colum-bia. I was not sure what was happening but I

remember everyone being excited and cele-brating my birthday at my grandparents’ house the day we left. Recalling on past memories and stories can come often during our writing and sometimes we really want to remember moments that are slipping away. One writing prompt I have done is flipping through a photo album and when a picture pops out at me I prop it near where I write. I take a deep breath close my eyes and take a moment to connect. When I open my eyes I can do a free write around what that picture means to me. After I feel like I have completed the story I take one of my favourite coloured pencil crayon and circle words that were reappearing and then take another colour and circle all the emotions. Once I have read through it again and circled

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Image from http://goodonesaregone.com/journal/2011/11/falling-back-a-possible-explanation-for-me-myself-and-i/

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the words of each colour I do another free-write. I set the alarm for ten minutes this time and write. You can try this activity too… What came up for you? A gentle reminder to the self is to be kind, be loving and patient. If nothing came that you could connect to take time away from your jour-nal and do a physical activity, for example: walk, play with your children, do the dishes, knit… If a story comes then honour it and write it out. The act of reaching back into our memory bank can take us on a wonderful journey of re/discovery. At times a cathartic release occurs and it is important to respect this and be kind to the self. I often have my drawing book beside my journal, if it’s a fully lined journal, so I can draw out my story or write in large letters when I need to release.

“To get the truth of your feelings you must discover who you were, what you chose, what you decided.” - Tristine Rainer As I write about moving away from Winnipeg I can remember feeling excitement for a new va-cation. That change was thrilling! I chose to be excited and happy about this and I decided that wherever we landed in life was going to be great because of whom we were as a family. Another aspect that I did not think about at the time, but is clear to me now, are the faces of my grandparents trying to look happy and excited for my birthday party and crying as they waved to us as we drove out of their driveway. Today I feel the sadness as I understand how large of a change that was for me. I would never again be able to go to my grandparents’ house for sleepovers every other weekend or attend our family gatherings.

Reaching back into the memory vault with this story has made me realize how resilient I am in making new friends, creating a family wherever I am and having strong supports that help me through the many changes. I moved only a couple months ago and can see similarities in how I reacted and the situation. I left quickly, during my birthday party excited and ready for the new challenges and situations that would come my way. Although I did not move with my family or close to my family this time I could still feel their support and I knew it was all going to be ok. Winnipeg calls my name, Vancouver calls my name, Ashcroft calls my name, Kamloops calls my name… Writing through time allows me to visit them all as often as I want and remember how each place I have lived holds great stories waiting for their moment to shine… What’s your story? Namaste.

Sita-Rani MacMillan, M.E Sita-Rani is a journal writing facilitator who has provided workshops across Canada. Locally She has facilitated workshops for the BC Children’s Hospital, Helping Spirit Lodge Society and The Grind writing group on Main Street in Vancouver BC. She has also facilitated writing workshops at The Great Moon Gathering in Ft. Albany, Ontario and was a writing instructor at the Native Educa-tion College. She provides workshops for a variety of audiences from children to veteran writers; es-pecially those who claim to not be writers. She re-ceived her Masters in Literacy Education from the University of British Columbia in 2010 and has written her paper on Journaling for the 21st Centu-ry: Journal writing for personal growth. For writ-ing tips follow her on twitter @questionWWLD or Facebook www.facebook.com/sitaranimacmillan. Visit Sita-Rani’s website www.sitamacmillan.com to find out more about her work or inquire about a workshop in your area!

What Would Love Do?

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It has always been my profound belief that we have direct access to all the wisdom we need in this lifetime. New computers often come with software installed, and the human body/mind/soul system does also. And just as program software can connect us to the internet - a world of information beyond the confines of our computer, we too can access knowing beyond what we have been taught – knowing that has existed for eons in cosmic consciousness, or universal intelligence. Every situation, cir-cumstance, or moment in our lives can be an entry point to deeper knowing, wisdom and understanding, if we look at them through the lens of evolving consciousness. In other words, if we choose to view ourselves as be-ings who are here on Earth to learn and grow in depth and wisdom, and life events as the curriculum around which we structure our learning, then we really become co-creators of our reality. What we see may literally become what we get. I witnessed an excellent example of conscious evolution in a sixteen-year-old male client. He was suffering from anxiety, and was struggling both at home and at school. He worried about

everything. My task in therapy is to connect my clients to their own inner strength and wisdom. He was making good progress, then one week he announced that his girlfriend had just bro-ken up with him. He was devastated; worried about her finding another guy, and wondering how he would cope. I was prepared for a set-back. However, he surprised me when I next saw him. He was truly in his strength. I thought the shift might be because they were back together. That was not the case. He ex-plained that he reflected back on the time be-fore he had even met her. He realized that he had no idea what lay ahead for him, could not have anticipated her presence in his life. So, he reasoned, there were very likely many other wonderful surprises awaiting him, of which he was presently unaware. What a teacher! How often, when we have setbacks in life, do we feel regret, remorse and sadness, focusing only on what we have lost? We may even berate our-selves, feeling somehow, that we have failed. If we adopt the wise perspective of this young man, when we find ourselves in a career or re-lationship void, instead of feeling down about

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it, we could allow ourselves to experience deli-cious anticipation of multiple possibilities. We are then in an energetically open mode, which is attractive, in both senses of the word. If we adopt an attitude of discouragement and hope-lessness, we contract energetically, which makes it difficult, if not unlikely, for us to at-tract what we desire. The meaning of our lives is less about what has happened to us, than how we interpret those events. No one taught my young client how to look at his break-up. He did not find his perspective in any books, talk shows, or spiritual treatise. He found it within his own consciousness. He found his own answer within himself. More significantly, he trusted his inner knowing. When we trust our inner knowing, we have strength and confidence. Low self-esteem, in-security, and anxiety are often the result of an inner battle between what feels true inside, and what we assume to be an external truth. An external truth may be what others expect of us, what they say to us, how we think socie-ty views us, or what we think we ought to do or be. If we trusted ourselves, we could negate those external influences, but if we do not trust ourselves, then we negate our inner

truth. If we continually negate our inner truth, we become depressed. It reminds me of pilots who disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle. It seems there are string of islands that look like the Florida Keys. If the pilot determined his bearings assuming he was seeing the Flori-da Keys, he then he discounted his instrument readings. Ignoring his instruments he then flew out to sea, ran out of fuel, and crashed into the ocean. We need to regard our inner feelings and intuition as our in-strument panel, and not allow our-selves to chart our course by some-thing outside of ourselves that we ‘assume’ is more ‘right’ than our in-ner knowing. In doing so, we align our-selves with our soul’s journey. It may be at times unpredictable, at times uncertain, but always holding the promise of wonderful sur-prises, depth and richness, that come only through being true to ourselves. Gwen Randall-Young is an author and award-winning Psychothera-pist. For permission to reprint this article, or to obtain books or cds, visit www.gwen.ca

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Gwen Randall-Young

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Vera Enshaw

Feeling grumpy? Out of sorts? Looking for a pick-me-up? Look no further! “Citrus FreshTM” oil blend combines 5 citrus oils with spearmint with amazing results! This beautiful blend has a more powerful aroma than any of the citrus oils by themselves—and the unity that is created will knock your socks off! All of the citrus oils are soothing, calming and re-laxing. Add spearmint into the mix and you have a scent that lifts the spirit and relieves mental fa-tigue as well. The blend was designed to stimulate mental activ-ity, boost creativity and increase clarity of thought. Just smelling it brings a wonderful ener-gy into my being….and when I put it on and wear it oh, my! All of those wonderful citrus oils come from where? That’s right. Places that are warm, where the sun shines a lot! Can you imagine living (or maybe you do!) in a place that is permeated with warm citrus smells—naturally? Oh. Almost enough to make me want to move there! And spearmint as ground cover, so that you are re-leasing the scent to mix with the citrus? Dream on THAT for a while! You can put this blend right on your skin (always testing on a small area first, right? Or diluting with an organic carrier oil). Add a drop to your drinking water to benefit internally. And….this is

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just the most awesome idea: Place 2 tablespoons Epsom Salts in a 1 ounce clear glass salve jar. Add 25—50 drops of Citrus FreshTM. Remove the lid liner from the lid, and use a push pin to punch several holes in the top of the lid. Replace the lid on the jar and place the freshener in a drawer or small cupboard with your clothes to help keep them smelling great! You’ll get to be centered, balanced and mentally clear every time you wear some-thing out of that drawer! These also make great gifts (or door priz-es!). Just make up your own label for the lid after the holes are punched and use the la-bel to help seal in the aroma until it is ready

to be used. (This idea comes to you from the idea people at “Abundant Health” http://www.abundanthealth4u.com/ ) Be creative—I’m sure you have small jars around and about that are just perfect for this! Use glass—citrus oils are VERY hard on plastics! And….if you want something REALLY amaz-ing—put Citrus FreshTM together with cedar-wood essential oil. Uplifting, refreshing, calming … sends me to a most incredible place! Enjoy your journey with oils this month! Vera

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Phil Nielsen

The rune I drew for the month is Mannaz. This is the symbo l o f

mankind as a whole and is of-ten used when assistance from others is needed. It symbolizes the powers of the rational mind. When the cast has positive runes Mannaz can indicate that now is a good time to implement new plans, however if the other runes are negative it suggests that now is not the right time for any fresh projects. It may signal a time to remain mod-est and not take credit for any accomplishments. Examine your present situation, look to the runes, and remain aware. Mannaz can indicate a mag-ickal ability when paired with

Perthro or Laguz; however Mannaz and Laguz can also indicate that the person is having problems with women in general no matter what the sex of the querent. In reverse this runes indicates you can expect no further help in your predicament from any fellow human for the du-ration of the reading. Chances are you will run into all sorts of obstacles, either from indi-viduals, but more often it is a group of people who see fit to interfere in your business. In this case the surrounding runes indicate your course of action. Paired with Isa or Naudhiz, it would suggest waiting before acting, with Je-ra, it indicates legal action, and paired with Tiwaz, it counsels fighting fire with fire. Sometimes the message can

be that you are your own worst enemy. When relating to an individual it is a prime indicator of selfishness and can show that your self-centeredness is the root of your problems. In that case, try seeing things from some-one else’s point of view for a change. Mannaz can also indicate a way of life that is foreign to you; perhaps a country or it could also be a person. That person often will hold a sexual interest for you. In an other-wise positive casting, this could be the meaning.

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On our journey through the letters of the Elder Futhark with Frank Joseph in his book “Gods of the Runes” we come to Kenaz, which was originally, the rune of the god Kvasir, The Di-vine Inspirer. There was a time when there were only five gods in the Aesir. They were battling their fellow immortals, the Vanir over the proper development of the world that they had both created. They realized that they would eventually each destroy the other and so they made a pact to never go to war and learn to settle differences amica-bly. To solemnize this oath, each god spat into a ceremo-nial vase. The last god had no sooner finished though, when a new god sprang up from the vase fully matured. His name, he said, was Kvasir, the spirit of wise generosity. He was wise and gentle, filled with wonderful knowledge and goodness. Both the Vanir and the Aesir came to honor and respect his counsel, which he gave freely to immortals and mortals alike. Although he was given a place of honor amongst the Vanir, like Odin, he often roamed Midgard disguised as a congenial traveler, sharing what he knew. If he was welcomed he would relax by the hearth fire, whether it was a castle or a humble hut, and he would reward his hosts amply with friendly wisdom. It was through his generosity that mankind grew from sav-agery to civility. He was also revered by the Aesir. One of their own, Loki committed a barbarous act that demanded punishment but he es-caped, deceiving the other gods with his mastery of shape shifting. Kvasir followed

the subtle clues left by Loki and came to an abandoned hut with the remains of a fire still smoldering. Sifting through the ashes he found a badly burned web and recog-nized it as a fisherman’s net, part of a shamanistic ritual for transformation. Kva-sir returned to Asgard and told the other gods Loki had assumed the identity of a salmon, which soon led to his capture. He was loved by the peoples of Midgard, the Vanir, and the Aesir and Asynir. The Niflheim dwarves, however, did not share that love; to them, the greater the soul, the more their hatred, so they murdered Kvasir by slitting his throat and drinking his blood. To sweeten their monstrous feast,

they mixed honey to Kvasir’s blood. This combination turned to mead, a magically brew that inspired poetry in all who drank it. The dwarves however, corrupted its use to mock their betters, which led to trouble with the giants, who left the dwarves to drown on a low rock far out at sea. The squealing Nifl-heimers however managed to bribe their way to safety by handing over the brew to

the giants but they in turn further corrupt-ed the mead by drinking and singing bawdy songs. By rights the remains of Kvasir belonged to the gods, so Odin, disguised as an irresisti-ble farmhand, visited the giantess assigned to guard Kvasir’s honeyed blood, hidden deep inside a mountain. In exchange for three days of lovemaking, she allowed him three sips of the brew. That was enough for him to consume every drop and shapeshifting into an eagle; he flew back to Asgard and regurgitated the mead. It was properly used after that to inspire true po-etry and song that appealed, as all art should, to the higher nature and sentiment

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of all who experienced it. Exceptional poets, singers, and musicians were said to be blessed by Odin with a drop or two of the precious mead. The Old Ger-manic word kvas, a strong beer, was derived from Kvasir and the word is still in use in Jutland to describe the crushed fruits that go into the production of mead. Like the brew that flowed from Kvasir’s sacrifice, his rune is associated with the spark of inspiration that all artists and craftsmen need to physi-cally manifest that which is in their hearts and souls. It is synonymous, in fact, with creativity and the birth of ideas and con-cepts. Kvasir’s generous spirit is the kernel of all art, which strives to elevate every soul that comes in contact with it. Artists must achieve, at least somewhere during the cre-ative process, an altered state of conscious-ness, which could be perceived as a form of madness to outsiders. Pennick states that in this way Kvasir’s rune represents the bor-derline between madness and genius and associates it with knowledge, learning, in-sight, remembrance and wisdom. Lisa Peschel writes that his rune implies “the friendly, warm, controlled flame of the torch or the hearth fire”. Kenaz represents the torch of enlightenment through inspirational art. As such it also represents a fundamental creative energy not unrelated to vigorous good health and strong powers of recupera-tion. It signifies new, positive things and urges us to open ourselves to their consider-ation. Because Kvasir was so giving, his rune often represents gift-giving and altru-ism and connotes regeneration through sac-rifice. Kvasir’s gemstone is flint and his color is red, denoting the sparks that kindle a blaze of light. His astrological representation is equivalent to Libra, known as Glitnir, the Hall of Splendor, from Sept. 23 to Oct. 22. In reverse Kvasir’s rune (Kenaz) means loss, coldness, weakness, emptiness, declining health, miserliness, paucity of ideas, and a

dwindling of creativity. Until next month I wish all of you peace and prosperity. Remember the more you use your runes, the more they will become at-tuned to you and the more they will reveal. They are, after all, made of the same thing as all of us, energy. Skaal, my brothers and sisters.

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Sunday Excursions There are places along this road where nature colludes with resident ghosts in the fine art of shape shifting. Figures dance behind layers of watery isinglass, blurring the edges of once separate worlds. Hunters walk the woods, the realm of nature spirits, and earth mothers sing healing into form and grace. Warm afternoon breezes; a siren’s call luring me through reality’s gates to lay in other lifetimes. I am bungee jumping through timelines until surrounding water, cliff and sky spin together to make soul taffy. That lingering sweetness among ancient memories to be reclaimed with only a simple touch of finger to lip. Margie Kivel

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Very soon, if not already, you may be considering receiving your annual flu shot. The flu shot is normal for many people and is part of their fall routine. The current flu shot is a combi-nation of three vaccines. In one shot you get im-munized to Influenza A, Influenza B and the notori-ous H1N1 (swine flu) that was rampant in 2009. For many people, it is not even a question whether to get it or not. For others, they never get it and for yet others it is still an unknown question. There are definite pros and cons for the flu shot. The obvious pro is to hopefully preventing any major illness from developing during the Winter Season. Many people also report getting less common cold when they get the flu shot. The primary con is the insertion of a foreign vaccine into your body and the pain at the site of the im-munization. The pain is minimal and generally only lasts 24-48 hours. It is recommended that everyone

get the flu shot, but especially people who are over 65 years old, children and people who are immuno-compromised. This would include anyone with can-cer, diabetes, HIV or any major illness that would decrease their immune system. In addition, people who are exposed to people in the above categories, such as health care workers, teachers and family members are all recommended to have the flu shot. In this article, I will primarily focus on another ele-ment of illness that is often forgotten, but can sometimes play a larger role in our being suscepti-ble to flu’s, infections and other illnesses during the Winter Season. I believe that there are many factors as to why peo-ple get the actual flu that sometimes simply getting the vaccination does not alter. For those who have had the immunization but still get sick, this article could prove incredibly helpful. It will also benefit anyone who is unsure if they want to receive the

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vaccination or not. The other factors that affect our ability to contract the flu virus include invisible energies, beliefs, our thoughts and our own self-care amongst others. Many people spend the entire Fall and Winter Sea-sons in fear of what bug will come their way. They are diligent with hand-washing, not sharing cups and even sometimes may choose to wear a mask when outside of their home. Some even take this further when they wear gloves for every activity, so that they will not be exposed to anything. Others refuse to shake hands, and may even wipe the door handles before they enter a room. These seemingly logical steps are also accompanied by large fear energy. When we are constantly wor-ried and petrified about the cough in our neigh-bour’s cubby, and duck our head when someone in our grocery line-up coughs, we are sending fear and anxiety energies through our body. This energy is transmitted through the neural pathways and on a cellular level will affect our immune system. This has been well studied and documented by many researchers and scientists over the years. Candace Pert, author of Molecules of Emotion, said “A feeling sparked in your mind will translate as a peptide being released somewhere. Peptides regu-late every aspect of your body, from whether you’re going to digest your food properly to whether you’re going to destroy a tumor cell.” In her work she scientifically proved that our emo-tions and thoughts are the primary molecule that stimulates healing or can cascade our body into ill-ness. That choice is ours. This is truly an amazing and incredible gift. We are given the gift of choosing how we want our body to feel, act and simply by the choice and focus that we put towards our thoughts, emotions and feelings. Getting back to the flu shot we can combine this information from Candace Pert and our knowledge base from the BC Center of Disease Control regard-ing this vaccination. It would seem to me, that if we choose to get the immunization, then we should trust that we are going to be well and healthy, and not allow ourselves to go into fear mode of what could happen if our child picks up a cold. Therefore, whether we choose to get the vaccine or not, it only makes sense that we keep our mind and bodies out of that fear mode. It is so easy to get swept into the wave of paranoia as we see our co-workers ill. I, myself, constantly send love and light to anyone sick, trusting that this will serve them better than my fear of them. The other thing I encourage us all to do as we move

into the Winter Season is to recognize that we can keep our immune system strong. Regular exercise, yoga, healthy diet, meditation and daily self-care is prudent for this to happen. We have more than one defence against the flu shot. We do not have to put ourselves at mercy of only the vaccination. There is so much more we can do. Pay attention to our minds, our fears and our beliefs. The antidote of fear is love. In addition, we can keep ourselves healthy through eating well, regular exercise, meditation, yoga and prayer. These activities have all been well studied to show the raise our immune system which can only benefit us. Have a phenomenal fall season! I hope this helps you in your decision – flu shot or not. Dr. Divi Chandna is a family doctor and an intuitive healer. She loves to work with clients who want to get to the root source of their disease process. Dr. Divi believes that illness is not a one way road, but all disease can be unravelled and healed. She stands in her life mission to help people understand the majestic beauty of who they are, and to realize that they have the ability to self heal and release into their own supreme perfection. She intertwines her gifts of intuition and her practical, cognitive mind of medicine to help people on their healing path. Dr. Divi practices in Vancouver and does ses-sions in person, on phone and via Skype. www.drdivi.com

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It was just a flat black mole. I went to sleep a regular person and awakened from surgery into the wonderland of a completely changed world. Hosting cancer is hideous, horrendous and horrific, so forget scary in your vocabulary. But there’s a diamond in the middle of it. Burning that coal called ‘the cancer experience’ into the diamond gift….well, in my experience, that’s what the ride is all about.

I’d like to share my perspective on how I

began living - thanks to cancer. Perhaps my journey will help someone else who’s had the cancer experience take that journey to find their diamond gift.

My experience with cancer began when I

was in my early twenties. It was as dramatic on the outside as it was on the inside emotionally. Actually I had my hands full dealing with the physical component and didn’t get around to un-derstanding the emotional for quite a few years. As a nurse, I learned that flat black moles were dangerous. When I found one on my body I re-ported it to the dermatologist I was working for at the time. But I knew inside me already that it was cancer. He immediately shot me over to the surgeons and by the end of the week I was lay-ing on the stretcher waiting to be wheeled into surgery

The surgery was easy, it was the after

burn that was the hardest. For a month of days I lay stretched out, a twenty four year old princess on my daybed in the living room of my New York City apartment. My life as I knew it was over. I filled those days with questions about every-thing. Most importantly, the question burning in me was will I live, and should I, how.

One of my friends brought me a magazine

that held within it a miraculous paradigm change for me. It was an article and what would soon be a book by Norman Cousins on how he healed

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himself from a terminal disease by laughing. He watched funny slapstick comedies. Honest! I found it fascinating and it was the absolutely perfect learning moment for me.

His article touched something in me in the

deepest place. When I finished reading the mag-azine I knew I was in charge of whether I lived or died from my personal cancer experience. I knew also that my attitude was what would kill me or cure me. I mean I KNEW that deep in my bones. From that moment on I vowed I would live each moment fully. And more importantly I knew that I had to monitor what I thought about inside my head: I had to be responsible for my thoughts and my thoughts had to be positive.

It all sounds quite clinical as I explain it

now, but trust me, it was one big roller coaster ride inside my emotions. The highs came with, ‘wow, what a beautiful sunset that is.’ The chas-er low would then creep in with ‘OMG, there’s something inside of me eating away at me and I have no control over it.’

The Wait and the Watch

Any person of the cancer experience

knows the horror of ‘the wait.’ We are told, depending on the type of cancer we are hosting, how long we must wait to see if we will live or die. I can tell you that for me that was one of the greatest scars my experience with cancer gave me. I wouldn’t doubt that for many people, it may even create its own self-fulfilling prophesy.

Five years is the usual time. Mine was on-

ly a two year timeline….there wasn’t much hope for my kind (melanoma) back then. Everyday for two years I awoke and chalked off one more day of life lived without the terror of finding a new lesion.

A really strange experience happened to

me the first follow up appointment after my sur-

gery. I was back in the surgeon’s office for a dressing change. That was when THE WATCH began. In The WATCH, the doctor gets out a magnifying glass and scans up and down and around every area of skin on my body. This was the first time I experienced it. He scanned my body for new signs of IT. And he found another flat black mole on my leg. He measured it with his calipers and drew a pen line around it on my skin. Then he gave me an appointment for the following week. OMG! OMG! I repeated over and over as I sat on the bus ride home through New York traffic.

When I’d entered the doctor’s office that

day I still raw and broken from the surgery and my new label: cancer patient. The roller coaster took a really big dip. I went back to my daybed but I began to talk loudly to myself: “This is NOT cancer, IT is going away, IT is go-ing away. I haven’t lived my life yet! I don’t want to die without living!”

Somehow the mantra coincided with the

measuring the following week, and after two more weeks that little black spot was gone, gone, gone to the amazement of the surgeon measuring it. It was gone and it never even thought of coming back. Kerthunk. Wow, went my mind. From that moment on I began to learn that I wasn’t a victim of cancer but I WAS a victim of how I viewed my cancer experience, and indeed my life. That ‘knowing’ took me into life and on a journey of unbelievable experiences that I’ve written about in my new book, Decod-ing the Butterfly Promise. As for THE WATCH….that continues through each year of my life, which is now dec-ades past the initiation of the first WATCH expe-rience I just described. On the surface of things, I am calm. But emotionally there are other things at work. One of the side effects I found early on in my experience is that I can’t watch a surgeon cut into human skin, mine or any one

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else’s, whether on TV or in real. I have to look away. I know it’s part of the traumatic memory (both emotionally and physically) of my own skin. Beyond the physical scars, behold the emotional damage

It’s time for us in society to move

more into understanding and healing the emotional side of cancer, not just the phys-ical component. Here’s where we have fallen down in our treatment of people, I believe. We get ourselves caught up in the physical treat-ment and often don’t even see that there’s an emotional thing happening. There are definite-ly emotional scars we get as a result of cancer experiences and we are just beginning to un-derstand that.

But I’m going somewhere else with this. I’m going to the pre-quel to cancer manifesta-tion. There’s research that indicates that peo-ple who develop cancer also share similar emo-tional traits. (SeeTable 1.) Even more amaz-ing is the fact that the traits subcategorize ac-cording to the types of cancer. Louise Hay has spent her life sharing with people how these and other illnesses are the result of un-dealt-with emotional issues. Thank you to Louise for her wisdom and courage.

Although I was in my twenties when I

was diagnosed, after years of reflection I came to understand the emotional part of me was struggling as far back as I could remember. I was always ‘different’ and because of that I was labeled ‘too sensitive’ by family, friends, teachers, you name it. Well, I was sensitive! I just thought others weren’t sensitive enough, quite frankly! So I didn’t think the label fit me. Lack of sensitivity was the label I gave to peo-ple whose discomfort with me caused them to need to label me.

Ultimately however, I must have heard

it so often that I began to believe it, sublimi-nally at least. I began to create an inner emo-tional scenario: “well if I’m not wanted here, if I don’t fit in, why should I bother staying somewhere where I’m not wanted. I’m outta here. “No, I didn’t know this consciously; or rather I wasn’t

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Table 1. Personality Traits Found in People with Cancer

The following are typical personality traits found in people who have had cancer: 1 Highly conscientious, caring, dutiful, re-sponsible, hard-working, and usually of above average intelligence. 2. A strong tendency toward carrying other people's burdens; taking on extra obliga-tions, and often "worrying for others." 3. A deep-seated need to make others hap-py; a “people pleaser" with a need for ap-proval. 4. Often lacking closeness with one or both parents. 5. Harbours long-suppressed toxic emo-tions: anger, resentment and/or hostility. The cancer-susceptible individual typically internalizes such emotions and has great difficulty expressing them. 6. Reacts adversely to stress, and often be-comes unable to cope adequately with such stress.

Usually the individual experiences an especially damaging event about 2 years before the onset of detectable cancer. The individual is not able to cope with this traumatic event or series of events, which comes as a "last straw" on top of years of suppressed reactions to stress.

7. An inability to resolve deep-seated emo-tional problems and conflicts, usually begin-ning in childhood, often even being una-ware of their presence. Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/cancer-articles/emotional-causes-of-cancer-negative-emotions-in-the-body-can-cause-

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aware of it consciously at the time. But I took in the rejections and I began to reject myself too.

In my late teens and early 20s I had

three ‘accidents.’ First a car accident (as a passenger); then an elevator fell 41 stories with me in it (alone); and finally a boat hit a huge ocean wave and cracked my already damaged spine. All of these accidents hap-pened in less than four years. Back then we didn’t think of synchronicities. I ended up wearing a metal back brace and feeling near constant pain. Maybe the label of being too sensitive was ‘breaking my back.’ That was the bad news. The good news was although I might be different and lonely, at least I had arranged

to have a constant hug from my steel brace. At least my physical pain and I didn’t feel so alone and vulnerable out there in the world!

Well, apparently I wasn’t getting the

meaning from the message. NOT at all. So the message moved in closer and amped up considerably. Enter the cancer diagnosis and instant surgery.

Burning the coal of the cancer experience into diamonds of wisdom

My life changed completely when I awoke after surgery. I was assigned a social worker to help me work through the anger we people of cancer are assured of getting as part of our ‘grief reaction.’ I frustrated the heck out

of my social worker because I insisted on being happy I was alive and on being positive. (I re-ally did take in the message from Cousin’s arti-cle and the understanding that my attitude was important.)

I had a horrible teacup-sized scar on my

shoulder as a result of surgery. That Christmas I had a huge party and bought a backless for-mal gown for it. I had my boyfriend paint a flower over the scar and weave the painted on vine down my spine. It and my back were the hit of the party. (My boyfriend was a doctor I met as I was recovering from my operation. Even meeting him was an act of life for me. I remember sitting in the hospital cafeteria in a daze that first day back at work. I spied him at another table and my inner voice told me that if I was going to live, I’d have to let go of my shyness and live now. So I walked right up to him and introduced myself. We began dating that very day, to my amazement.) But back to the holiday party. After the party we also took a photo of the flower up close so you couldn’t really tell it was a human back –my post can-cerous back. I framed the photo and present-ed it to my surgeon in one of my follow up vis-its. THAT seemed to make my social worker even more angry with me for not being angry. Yes the anger did finally come. Eventually. And I passed through that gateway too. But in my own time.

Years went by and finally I found the di-

amond. The short of it was this: Because I was different and therefore felt rejected I wasn’t certain if I wanted to be here, as in stay alive. Along with my team of guides and my whole or higher Self, I created the experience of having cancer so I could make up my mind whether I was going to stay here or go. Live vs die. Peri-od. Not only that, but true to Louise Hay’s meanings of illnesses, my sensitivity=my skin. So of course, I had manifested the cancer on the ‘sensitive’ layer of me - on my skin. The metaphor was the answer and the way to turn the coal of the cancer experience into the dia-mond lesson in my journey.

Through that experience with the coal of

cancer I finally made a decision. I chose life. In doing that I began an emotional journey that empowered me to transmute that coal into

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my diamond. Without the experience of cancer I wouldn’t have been able to make a conscious choice and stick to it. And perhaps my fourth accident would have been the end of me in a physical body here on planet earth.

But there was more. Years and years lat-

er the diamond began to sparkle. I learned we are beings not just physical but emotional and mental and spiritual as well. Hello puzzle board! I could now see all the pieces fitting together. I began working with people to un-earth the hidden emotional issues that moti-vate them without their even knowing it. I know we aren’t victims…or we aren’t meant to be them. So once we realize our own creative power and the power of our emotions and we deal with them, we are free to truly be alive. We don’t have to have experienced cancer to ‘get it.’ If we have tucked or hidden our emo-tional blocks and issues on a little shelf some-where outside of ourselves, if we don’t attend to them, eventually they will makes themselves known to us. That’s the magic of our own Self helping us to keep ourselves in balance. If we don’t deal with our emotional issues, the hu-man system will up the ante and move it into a physical illness. (actually that’s a law of ener-gy) The type of illness will very likely even be a message and a metaphor, just like mine was. It’s our inner Self’s voice attempting to get us to pay attention to something we’re hiding from ourselves, and it’s flat out not healthy for us or our energy balance and flow. Are there emotional characteristics that predispose us to cancer? Here’s where we move from me to you too. There’s been quite a bit of research over the years and I’m not here to talk to you about it, but just to share with you that there IS a lot of social science research on the topic of un-derlying emotions and behaviours and people who have the experience of cancer. Table 1 provides a list of personality traits that people who experience cancer seem to share, according to one author. When I walked my finger down the information on the table, WOW! There I sat. Nearly all of them applied to me. I couldn’t believe it, but I knew it was true. There I was fitting right into that

table. More reflection. Yikes! Am I nothing more than a textbook case?

But let’s explore this and take it even further. Let us suppose that we predispose ourselves to illness when we become out of balance within our own energy. Period. And the illness we end up with will manifest in the best way it can to alert us of the problem we need to attend to in our emotional/mental or spiritual energies. So could this table also apply to anyone who’s out of balance, feeling reject-ed, feeling unwanted or not good enough? Food for thought. There’s also research on Resiliency, which is the technical word for how well people handle stress and what makes the difference between people who thrive in spite of it or who get overwhelmed. I’ve added a site you can go to where you can evaluate your own resiliency skills. Look for your top skills and find one or two skills you’d like to beef up. Why? Because what we DO know is that having resiliency skills helps us handle the stresses: physical, emotional, mental or spiritual, that we come across in our lives. The more of the resiliency traits we have, the less mis-managed stress and the lower our negative effects of stress.

By the way, there are also positive ef-fects of stress, so don’t be too ready to jump on the “oh me, I have stress” bandwagon. That’s also what helps us fly and get beyond our problems. See stress as an energy and you as the person who can use that energy to help you solve a problem or improve your situation. The stress response was created in us for that very thing: along comes a dinosaur, quick fight or flight energy pumps into us. Watch us run. Same goes for emo-tional, mental and spiritual levels of stress. We manifest that energy called stress to help us solve the situation and not to make ourselves a victim of something or other!

What I really want to get across is the

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fact that from my personal experience and many others I’ve worked with, I have gained clarity. We aren’t victims of cancer (or any stresses in life) although we can be lead to be-lieve we are. We also aren’t survivors of can-cer, at least not in my book because being a survivor makes us the victim of something. We are playing with a full deck and we are in charge of our lives and how we choose to re-spond to the experiences that life brings us. I am NOT saying we can or should control our lives. I AM saying that we are in charge of how we respond to the situations and adventures we have in our lives. And I’m saying that we are powerful, we aren’t victims unless we fall prey to that belief. My experience of cancer taught me that In combination with our inner larger invisible Self and our spiritual guardians we co-create experiences that allow us to clean out toxic emotions that we have been holding or carrying around unbeknownst to us (consciously, that is.)

Once we believe and then understand that we aren’t victims, we have the power to create our lives, we can move forward to live them with joy and gusto. Yes, we still have to clean up our emotional garbage heaps we hide somewhere within our-selves. But once we know we are also in charge of that, we have all the power we need to move forward into vital lives. So that’s my story, my coal and my diamond. I strongly urge you to find the diamonds in your own experience whether it’s with cancer or any illness or problem challenging you. If you would like to explore this further for your-self, feel free to contact me at [email protected] for counselling or for times and dates of our upcoming Transmuting the Coal of Cancer into My Diamond Treasure Workshop. If you would like to share some of your coal to diamonds experiences, please go to http://whitewaterwellness.weebly.com/be-awesome-blog.html. About Gail Siler, PhD Dr. Siler, an international consultant and social scientist worked for more than two decades with people from international or-

ganization and governments to communi-ties to help them create positive change in their personal lives. She was Associate Pro-fessor with University of Toronto for many years and taught at Humber College School of Business.

Gail is the founder of The Inner En-trepreneur and Champions of Change pro-grams and creator of the Personal Energy Management Curriculum. Dr. Gail offers counselling and workshops on maximum wellness and personal energy manage-ment, including counselling on manage-ment of obsessive-compulsive disorders and addictions.

Gail’s new book, Decoding the Butterfly Promise describes how we return to our power. To purchase or learn more about the book go to www.Decodingthebutterflypromise.com. For personal counselling or information on upcoming workshops including Transform-ing the Coal of Cancer into My Diamond Treasure go to http://whitewaterwellness.weebly.com/our

-services.html. Visit our radio program archives at Keeping the Promise on Blogtalkradio to learn more about your personal energy manage-ment and join us on Thursday evenings at 8pm PST for our half hour live show. You can phone in with your questions.

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Luckily for us our summer has continued into September so I hope you have taken ad-vantage of it and tried some of the edible flow-ers I talked about last month, remember soon they will be gone! Most of the edible flowers I’m talking about re-ally wouldn’t be considered weeds, some you wouldn’t even consider herbs they are so com-mon to the veggie patch. First on the list this month is a true edible weed.

Pineapple Weed Pineapple Weed (Matricaria matricariodies) is one of those plants that seem to love a strug-gle. You will rarely find it growing in amongst your flower beds or garden, that’s too easy for the Pineapple weed. It thrives between the

cracks in sidewalks, and hard-packed busy dirt and gravel driveways. When not trampled it can grow to about one foot tall. Pineapple weed is often mistaken for Chamo-mile, and is actually a close relative of chamo-mile? It can be used much like Chamomile to make a tea with a slightly weaker effect. Un-like Chamomile its flowers never develop pet-als, as the flower ages the cone shape becomes more pronounced. This is probably one of the easiest weeds to identify though, once you pick one of the flow-ers and rub it between your fingers you will smell that wonderful pineapple-y aroma, it’s heavenly! Pineapple weed makes a very pleasant tea (hot or cold) with a mild calming effect. You can nibble its leaves and use them in salads, but

the stems can be bitter to the taste. Traditionally it has been used to keep insects away from food and as an aro-matic pillow filling. A strong tea was given to new moth-ers to assist with milk production.

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By Marilyn Dyke

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Zucchini or Squash Blossoms

If you've ever grown zucchini you know how they can go from pretty little flower in the evening to a coach by morning. One year "The Husband" for who knows what reason decided we needed 3 zucchini plants in the garden. Don't ever try this yourself! At most one plant will suffice. It got to the point where friends and neighbours wouldn't make eye contact with us anymore. To resolve the problem I now pick the flowers off my zucchini plants and eat them. You could call this birth control for zucchinis. You can use squash flowers in the same way. Just make a mixture of cooked rice or quinoa, cheese, herbs, and finely chopped veg-gies....the list is endless. Put some of this mix-ture in the flower and fold the petals around it. Lay them in a buttered baking dish and bake until they turn golden. Or you can cook the stuffed flowers in a sauce, a lovely cream sauce comes to mind here, the possibly are tasty.

Nasturtiums This is another easy to grow plant that will come back year after year in the Vancouver ar-ea. In fact I find the "volunteers" that come up are much less prone to aphids than the ones I grow from seed. Nasturtiums are used medicinally to help ease a sore throat and in bacterial and fungal infec-tions. The flowers and leaves of Nasturtiums have a wonderful peppery flavor that really perks up a salad. You can tuck the leaves and flowers into a sandwich to add interest, I’m thinking egg salad……yum! I've haven’t tried this recipe for Nasturtium Pesto, but it sounds delicious! Nasturtium Pesto Pesto is made from 5 basic ingredients ground together. If you add more oil it will be looser. In a food processer mix:

Nasturtium flowers and leaves Nuts of some sort, toasted preferably Good quality shredded Parmesan cheese Good quality olive oil Raw or roasted garlic

You can use this immediately on pasta, soup, crackers etc, or freeze it in small batches for later.

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Chive flowers

Another tasty floral edible is Chive flowers. In fact I tend to use the flowers of my chives more often than the leaves. It adds a dash of purple color to salads that contrasts nicely with all the greenery and it has that oniony taste contained in a very small package. I personally love onions in everything, great big juicy chunks or slices of onion really makes a salad or any dish for me, but unfortunately I’m in the wrong family. My family would prefer I forgo the onion, so I’ve found some middle ground with chive blossoms pulled apart and strewn about the salad. I’m beginning to think it’s not the actual taste of the onion they take issue with perhaps a more sub-tle approach would be better accepted. A very close cousin to Chive flowers is Garlic flowers which are edible as well and these add a nice subtle garlic flavor to foods. A quick and easy spread that looks gourmet can be made by mixing Chive or Garlic flowers (broken up) into soft goat cheese.

I could go on and on about edible flowers, but at this point I think it would be wise and prudent to add a list of un-edible or down right dangerous flowers to this article. The following list can be feasted upon with the eyes only!

Azalea Bleeding Heart Buttercup Calla Lily Clematis Crocus Delphinium Foxglove Hellebore Iris Lily of the Valley Lupine Monkshood Narcissus Oleander Periwinkle Petunia Rhododendron Sweet Pea Wisteria

Until next month, eat safe and enjoy your edible weeds while they’re still here! Marilyn Dyke is a past life regressionist trained in Dolores Cannon's Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy. She has been an active teaching and healing Reiki Master for many years (Usui & Karuna). Much of her summer is taken up communing with her vegetable and herb garden and concocting herbal creams, salves, teas and herbal essenc-es. It is Marilyn's pleasure and passion to assist others to create their highest potential. Y o u c a n v i s i t M a r i l y n a t www.BodySoulApothecary.com

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Purify your eyes, and see the pure world. Your life will fill with radiant forms.

~ Rumi

You will notice within these pages, the Maya Calendar Horoscope is missing. Nourish readers, please do not despair, you can still check out the Maya Calendar Horoscope at Margue-rite’s website. www.whitepuppress.ca

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Through the practice of Yoga we give the body an opportunity to stretch and strengthen the muscles that help bring the body into proper alignment. How is your alignment these days? If you are anything like most of us it could use a little adjusting. Through following these few simple tips you too can enjoy the benefits great posture has to offer. By hanging a string from the ceiling in front of a mirror you can see what needs to shift in order to have proper alignment. Breaking it down there are some key points to address. Looking at the string take note of your feet, ankles, knees, hips, shoulders, ears and the crown of your head. One of the things that can be helpful is the assistance of someone to guide you back into alignment, as it may feel foreign at first. Breaking it down, let’s go through each part. Feet & Ankles: Straighten the feet so they are inline with the knees and not turning inwards or outwards. Next take note of where in your feet are you placing the majority of your body weight. Are you resting on the out-er edge of the feet? More towards the ball of the foot or firmly leaning back on the heels? You want to distribute the weight evenly through the entire foot so as to not be rolling the foot inwards or outward to either side or forward or back. Taking a moment now bring the feet into alignment before moving on. Knees: Taking a moment have a look at your knees. Where are they in relation to your ankles? Slightly forward? Back? Locked? Looking at the string bring the knees into alignment with the ankle. Now soften the knees so they aren’t locked. Hips & Pelvis: Taking a moment have a look at your pelvis. Is the pelvis tilted for-ward or back? Are the hips higher on one side than the other? What can help at this point is to start by loosening the pelvis with a little forward and back trusting motion and then swinging the hips side to side. As you come

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By Jeannie Magenta

Alignment Good Posture and More!

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back to the resting position slowly begin to bring the hips and pelvis into alignment with the ankles and knees so your butt isn’t sticking out and your belly is soft and core abdominal muscles are lightly engaged. Breathe Shoulders: Taking a moment have a look at how you naturally hold your shoulders. Are they hunched forward slightly? Is one side higher than the other? Are they tensed up are around your ears or relaxed down away from your neck? Start by inhaling the shoulders up to your ears and exhaling them back and down. Do this for several breaths until you re-ally begin to feel the shoulders relax and un-wind. Each time feeling the expansion in your chest as you draw them back and down. Now have a look at the string and bring the shoul-ders into alignment with the ankles, knees, and hips. You may have to lean slightly back in or-der to complete this alignment. Be sure to still remain soft in the knees with your abdominal muscles still softly engaged. From a front view you also want to make sure the shoulders are both at the same level. You may need to ac-tively engage one shoulder drawing the shoul-der down. Okay how are things feeling? You may want to stop here if you are feeling a little off balance and begin to work to strengthen your posture in this new state of being. Taking every chance to remind the body to assume this position. You can use light switches as your clue to straighten up or stoplights. Whatever will re-mind you to pause and check out your posture. For those ready to carry on lets keep going! Ears & Head: From a side view you want your ears to be inline with your shoulders. To achieve this you may need to move your head slightly forward or back. Try dropping the chin slightly and elongating the back of the neck to bring the ears into alignment. From a front view you want to be sure the ears are both at the same level. Now if one shoulder is higher than the other you need to begin there as it will naturally continue to throw your neck slightly out of alignment because the muscles are tighter on one side of the body. Pausing here take a look in the mirror and

check that all the key points are lined up. Then taking a few breaths scan your body and notice where it feels tight and where it feels relaxed. When adjusting posture always start at the bottom and work your way up. As the founda-tion of a house determines numerous factors when it comes to building so does the align-ment of your feet, ankles, knees and hips. A great place to work on alignment is your lo-cal yoga class always being mindful to stay in balance and not reach beyond your body’s lim-it. Also you may want to seek the assistance of a chiropractor or a physiotherapist to help you work on alignment. The benefits of good alignment are life long and may keep you pain free in years to come as one part of the body isn’t being stressed to com-pensate for another. So stand tall like the great oak tree and grow in mind, body and spirit!

Jeannie Magenta resides in Vancouver and has a passion for people and assisting them on their journey. Offering coaching sessions, reiki energy healing treatments, private yoga sessions and group wellness workshops for individuals and organizations around BC. To every session she creates a nurturing space for clients to journey in-wards and she brings a positive energy that is tangible and uplifting. If you’re ready to clear out the internal clutter book a session with Jeannie. She can be reached by email at [email protected] Live, Laugh, Breathe and Shine On!

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Monthly Astro Tid Bit Long Term Forecast Deep core changes you have been internal-izing will begin to pick up speed and being to manifest in the external world. It is very important to continue to hold light in your heart and work on your inner silence. You may experience a change in the way things are communicated – don’t be surprised if your knowledge or experience moves to a much deeper level and you are finally able to put much needed structure into your ideas… continue to think big! Don’t sweat the small stuff when it comes to your beau-ty regime this month … that extra gray hair or line denotes wisdom … right ;-) New and Full Moons – it is important to step outdoors and connect to the night sky, when we do this we inherently connect to collective energy helping us recognize genetic habits and patterns.

The transiting New Moon on October 15th 23 degrees Libra The Collective New Moon – this new moon is providing a venue for manifesting all the hard work that our collective souls have been doing. Add 3 to 5 minutes in your daily meditation and focus “purely” on un-conditional love and anchoring light ... it WILL make a difference. The transiting Full Moon on October 29th 7 degrees Taurus The Collective Full Moon – The Full Moon casts a light into our darkest corners, this may bring up negative emotions or fear … Collectively we have the opportunity to al-low the darkest aspects of ourselves to move into the light, letting go of fear (false evidence appearing real), break out of neg-ative patterns and habits. In the following monthly individual horo-scope you will find a combination of your a solar and lunar energy. Ride the wave to

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by Tamira

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set new goals and re-evaluate completion of old goals as you move forward in the month. Writing down your goals is an im-portant step, but being passionately connected to each goal is vital to achiev-ing them.

Aries (March 21-April 20) New goal setting opportuni-ties are October 26th and 27th – Take care not to be your own “Self-undoing” especially when you are creating your goals. You are a powerful magnet this month. Keep focused in a healthy way … raise your vibrations to attract or develop relationships that will want to invest in your future. Concentrate on bu i l d ing you r se l f -confidence in order to meet your needs and take care of yourself.

Taurus (April 21-May 21) New goal setting opportuni-ties are late Oct 2nd, 3rd, 29th (Conjunct Collective Full Moon) and 30th - This is an especially important time for you focus on total-ly outside the box change. You can move mountains to complete your goals … if you really want to ;-0

Are you your worst enemy when it comes to your health? If you have set a health goal go deeper to look at what can you change in your home envi-ronment to support this goal … stock your cup-boards and refrigerator with health-full choices to reflect your desires? Don’t let emotional eating bubble up out of no-where.

Gemini (May 23-June 20) New goal setting opportuni-ties are October 4th, 5th, and 31st – If you have un-limited opportunity to in-crease beneficial energies in your life … what would you consciously do with it? If you find passion and cre-ativity ready to bubble up and burst forth, take pen in hand, close your eyes and allow the words to move through you onto the page. Grounding in a walking meditation or yoga will help move you through any self-censoring. Your words may touch or impact other peo-ple on a deep soul level … let them flow out to anyone that will listen.

Cancer (June 21-July 20) New goal setting opportuni-ties are October 7th and 8th - How do you want the world to remember you? Redemption!

Have you discovered how to marry more of your pas-sion with your work … Your reputation and integrity is key to your spiritual growth this month. You may feel a push pull between your home-life and career this month. Put your creativity to the test by coming up with a recipe that will fill everyone’s needs – espe-cially your own.

Leo (July 21-Aug. 22) New goal setting opportuni-ties are October 9th and 10th –? What will really make you happy – finding your sweet spot … have you really put enough thought into that? You may find yourself on a quest to understand the patterns and habits that have been deeply en-grained in your psyche. There is no question that you have the “Heart of a Lion”, but how do you feel about your own ability to love yourself? Exercise: Look in the mirror (I mean actually look in the mirror) do you have unconditional love and compassion for the person looking back at you? Contemplate and journal ... create changes and goals accordingly :)

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Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) New goal setting opportunities New goal setting opportunities are October 11th, 12th and 13th – Set a goal … Commu-nication + preparation = Suc-cessful Commerce It is time to take stock in what you have surrounded yourself with – what do you truly value and need in your life? Have confidence in your ability to create a flow of un-limited prosperity to fill the needs and wants of today … this constant flow can also be directed to feed excess ener-gy into the vision of your fu-ture – the “best of both worlds” is possible.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) New goal setting opportuni-ties are October 14th and 15th (conjunct Collective New Moon) What do you need to do to create the Love in your life that you so desperately desire? This month you have the difficult task of moving for-ward consciously using your closest relationships to mirror what changes you need to make within your-self. Yes I have said it be-fore … You Attract Where You Are At! Are you happy with what you are seeing? If creating balance between you and the other is all that you want and need ... what price are you willing to

pay? You don’t need to lose yourself … inter-dependence is the goal! Happy Solar Return (Birthday) Allow the Sun to infuse you with health and vitality to take you through the next 12 months. It is important that you soak it all in.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) New goal setting opportuni-ties are October 16th – Do you have a Business goal? Don’t be afraid to make a solid plan with details oth-erwise you may end up spinning your wheels. Create action – It is your turn to find opportunities to pay it forward by helping someone in need – be a leader - buy a few lunch vouchers or participate in a food drive … even some-thing as simple as an in-spiring smile will “make someone’s day”. Do It! On a personal level take care with your emotional health, don’t put things off that need to be taken care of today.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 20) New goal setting opportuni-ties are October 18th and 19th – Increase what you love ;-) Be the socialite you truly are … have a party – go to a party – engage in deep

philosophical discussions and allow that soul to soul connection. You may find yourself developing an im-portant relationship. Have Fun … Be Creative! The light you shine out into the world is extremely im-portant ... let the love in your heart grow in its own light!

Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 20) New goal setting opportuni-ties are October 20th and 21st - What is your great-est FEAR – What goal can you set to create through this fear. If you find yourself over-scheduled and run off your feet at work use the actual front door of your home to create a balance within yourself. As you physically open the door feel all the stress of the day melt away in a puddle outside, you don’t need it – just let it go. Use ½ hour soak in the bath at night complete with candles – sea salt and “take me a way” music to cleanse body/soul/spirit. This allows you to accom-plish greatness as you move back into the outside world tomorrow ;-)

Aquarius (Jan. 21-Feb. 18) New goal setting opportuni-ties are October 22nd and 23rd – is there a practical

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or real-istic goal that you should be creating or re-working to ensure success in your career? Slow and Steady. Expect the unexpected – especially via communica-tion. Take a few minutes to journal each day. At the end of the month review your journal for meaningful goal setting ideas, don’t just read the words … con-nect. Education is high-lighted for you this month. If there has been a course you have been thinking about take the steps to sign up.

Pisces (Feb. 18-March 20) New goal setting opportuni-ties are October 24th and 25th - Think “Increase”, how can you take what you are doing and bump it up a notch?

The ability to have your thoughts and emotions un-derstood has a direct im-pact on your feelings of empowerment. If you feel misunderstood, not finding the right words to express yourself … relief is just a

breath away. A few minutes of … focused … slow… deliberate breathing will provide the “mind cleansing” you need. A more productive awareness can be achieved by creating a large auric field to share with those you wish to c o m m u n i c a t e w i t h (spiritually and physically) – invite them into your bubble of energy to “mind meld”.

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Tamira has over 20 years’ experience working in the “Arts” Tamira holds a BA in East West Traditions/Religions/Astrology and is NCGR Certified Level III. She specializes in Soul/Spirit centered Astrology. Other interests include: • Certified Yoga Teacher and a practicing Usui Reiki Master (since 1996) and a

Registered Karuna Reiki® Master through the International Center for Reiki Train-ing; and a Meditation Teacher she is a dedicated Energy Worker.

• Certified Level II with Dolores Cannon Method in Past Life Regression and Quantum Healing

Email: [email protected] for more information on how a Consultation can help you with any transitions you are experiencing in your life.

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By Suzanne Robinson

Kia ora, Greetings. ‘Soul grounding is a way of living for harmonious relationships’. Harmonious relationships value respect, re-sponsibility and relaxation. In all decision making ask yourself have you got these 3 components? More often than not you have the first two but the relaxed attitude is sadly missing in many areas today. You could do your piece for you, your family and society by soul grounding. To maintain all three values of harmonious re-lationships, consider soul grounding. Soul Grounding is a door to a higher vibration. To ground enables you to receive the new en-ergies. Soul Grounding is done as an invitation as love is always invited in. By being specific and inviting the soul/essence of the earth energies into your energy field, you are trust your own relationship with your soul is with the love vibration and acknowledg-ing that you want to connect with the soul of the earth. It is on a ‘like attracts like’ vibration.

The words are important as when you are grounding with the earth the soul to soul con-nection has no defining gender or positive neg-ative terms, it just is. How you perceive your experiences with earth indicates to you your own filters. The added benefit is you are bypassing the surface pollution of earth and only resonating with the soul of earth. I found this quote I felt resonated with this part of soul grounding. This is to show that this wisdom has been around for centuries. ‘In all creation, trees, plants, animals, and gem stones, there are hidden secret powers which no person can know of unless they are revealed by God”- Hilde-gard of Bingen. 1098 – 17 September 1179 (philosopher, Benedictine abbess, visionary, the pope at the time recognized her as a ‘Doctor of the church’, which is a title which recognizes individuals of importance in the Christian church for their contribution regard-ing theology or doctrine). The first step in soul grounding is important as you need to know where your subtle energies

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start and finish. When you are meditating or on your own you can often manage to maintain a sense of peace within. We are here on earth to experience living in communities. Learning how to relate to others in harmonious ways is vital now that we are in-troducing technology that enhances the monas-tic way of living. Our relationships with others suffer. A relationship with the plants and nature will help us to develop more harmonious relation-ships. Connecting on soul level enables the process to be gentle, yet strong. You are working with more than people. You are also relating to nature. Your senses and your emotions help you understand and know yourself with nature. For many understanding the subtle energies that relate with people is understood, and yet, things still seem to be missing. This is your in-troduction to your relationship with your soul, which also resonates with nature. Last month focused on knowing yourself through your sense of feeling, to get you out of your head, your questioning mind. Awaken to your own healing by being aware of your sens-es, and emotions and using your own body as your teacher. By feeling the smell, taste, touch, colours, rhythm and sound within your body. This part of the soul grounding is all about love, and loving and knowing yourself. A ‘love’ that is universal to all creation. Love is an emo-tion, it is felt, it is experienced, and connects us to the universal love flow. 2. To make it easy, plants resonate at a very high vibration. You raise your vibration by ‘knowing yourself’. You are ready to develop your relationship with plants for the next part in your soul grounding

process. Once you love and know yourself, and develop your understanding of your essence. A direct link to your inner wisdom with the plants will help you change your attitudes, your beliefs, the way you do things to within. You will feel what resonates with your soul (feel) then you can express your essence or soul self. Each time you integrate more of your senses and emotions you bring light to the understanding of your essence self. You bring light to that which is underneath or hidden in the dark. This is where you are awakening and sharing your perspective. The plants act as buffer. As plants soften the boundary between buildings, they also soften the relationship with others. Re-member the roses at valentines. They help you strengthen you connection with your soul self by balancing your emotions as you heal by therapies like flower essence, aro-matherapy and hydrosols. They assist you to discern which your emotions are and which others are. E.g. when you include the essence of the plants to your energy through invitation, the plants and crystals fill your subtle energy field where you have not yet discovered your-self. This is usually where you have blocked yourself through thoughts or beliefs. 3. You and your relationship with others this is about how you relate in the home and work place or group environment. Setting boundaries and accepting and receiving your perspectives. Standing strong and defining your unique perspective. 4. You and your relationship with the land this is about how you relate with others being at peace within and in a harmonious relation-ship with others, inclusive of nature. The earth is a natural mediator, linking all entities through a universal love energy, or universal

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flow. There is a natural order that means ac-cepting other people’s essences first then this makes it easy to accept other perspectives. We can then all grow and flourish in a harmonious way through love. (Peace) The cycle continues, within yourself and then your relationship outside, to strengthen the new flow of energy from within you, to radiat-ing your essence outside of you. The more you deepen and strengthen your understanding, and integrate more, the more you are able to share your universal wisdom with others. The plants and the earth benefit from the energy as well. It stimulates the growth as shown in tests done with plants and animals. They resonate to the vibration of feeling. This perspective is given with love, light, wis-dom and peace. Aroha nui and many blessings Suzanne Bio; Suzanne has a background as a landscape

designer and has been exploring the inter-relationship of people, plants and places for over 30 years. She has published a book, “Soul Gardening” to assist people to become more aware of how to change their way of life just by understanding their personal subtle energies through their senses, emotions, thoughts and words, and how to apply this integrated way of being in everyday lives for harmo-nious relationships. Suzanne has private sessions to assist people through their healing process and has follow-up work-shops to assist maintaining the soul grounding with different techniques she has developed.

To learn more about ‘soul grounding’ see Su-zanne’s web site; www.soulgrounding.ca.

“Preparing for Spiritual growth”

By Suzanne Robinson

Soul grounding is a way of preparing for spiritual growth. Soul gardening is a way of maintaining yourself with your soul in a balanced and harmonious way. Soul Labyrinth walks include a gentle re-leasing of energies as you are guided through a garden walk in preparation for your spiritual walk through the labyrinth. Soul healing sessions are sometimes needed to make those alignments with the universal love energies of the heavens and earth. Workshops are periodically provided on ways to maintain yourself in a spiritual way of living that embraces nourishing your soul and prepares you for spiritual growth. Articles in the ‘Nourish publication

www.nourishpublication.com on ‘Soul Grounding’ and my web site;

www.soulgrounding.ca I will be starting ‘Preparing for spiritual growth sessions’ What to bring; an intention to want to con-nect with your soul. A picnic lunch to share. (Something that can be left in cars without spoiling) Footwear and clothing suitable for walking outdoors on grass and bark mulch in all weathers. Be prepared for up to 2 hours for garden and labyrinth walking A sense of humor How to participate; Call Suzanne 604 607 7790 or E mail; [email protected] By Donation

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At this time we ask you to draw on your cour-age and face all unresolved issues. No more pushing them to the side for another day. When you are faced with them, deal with them. If you continue to push them aside, there will be no space for anything new to come into your life. Not to mention that when you push things aside, the stress caused by these situations still resides within you. Eventually that stress needs a release valve and when it blows, you are the one to pay the price. This price can come in the form of sickness, anger, or a com-plete meltdown where you are unable to handle even the simplest of daily activities. No matter what unresolved issues you have lurking around you, it is a good time to call up-on us angels for guidance and help. We are always standing by ready to assist you in any situation, but you must first ask for our help, we cannot intervene unless you do. Once you have called upon us please be open to hearing our guidance. Often, after calling upon us, you block the help we offer you. Sometimes you don’t believe you deserve our help and other times the necessary life changes required to turn things around feel too threatening. Know that any time you choose to receive guidance from us, we fully support you during your next action steps. Trust that together, we are a team. You might not feel that the timing is right to turn things around. This is your own fear block-ing you from moving forward. The timing is indeed right, otherwise you would not have

been led to it. You have been working towards this goal for some time; you have gained the knowledge and tools to proceed. Now is the time to take bold steps and move forward fear-lessly. To help you release this fear of moving forward we offer you the suggestion, get out and exer-cise. Take a yoga class, go for a walk, buy a membership to a gym and then use it, or swim a few laps at the local pool. All of these activi-ties will clear out stress and give you the ener-gy to complete the task at hand. Exercise cen-ters you by clearing out all your chakras. When you come from a place of being cen-tered, you are open to new creative ideas and will be able to clearly see solutions to situations you have been hiding from. Now more than ever, the world needs you to be the best you can be. Stop procrastinating and work towards bringing true peace to your be-ing. Fear comes from the unknown; you don’t know what will happen once you make that first step. If the unresolved issue is something you don’t want to look at, then it has already put you into a place of fear. Step out of allow-ing it to control you. All of us Angels are here for you, rooting for you to succeed, and willing to assist you to reach your full potential. The more you can shine in peace, the more you will be able to help others shine. October is a good month to call upon us and allow us to help you clear up any unresolved issues in your life.

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by Kaye Castleman Hello, again! Welcome to Part Two of my article on electromagnetic fields, and how you can support your body's EMF's in conditions that disturb their natural harmonics. Last month we re-viewed the nature of our biological EM fields, some of the common sources of EM pollution, and several devices that are available to help counteract this pollution. Now we're going to look at some symptoms that may indicate EMF support is required, and a few simple practices that can nurture this aspect of your health. Modern science has a long way to go in under-standing the complete role of EMF's on our ho-listic wellness. We are aware of certain specific aspects, such as the positive effect of negative ions, the increase in circulation created by a magnetic field, and the healing results of far-infrared therapy, to name a few. Robert Beck-er investigates the nature of biological EMF's in his authoritative works, The Body Electric, and Crosscurrents. And we are more aware than ever before of the debilitating effects of artifi-cial EM fields as they become increasingly prevalent in our daily life. Ellen Sugarmann discusses this issue in her book, Warning: The Electricity Around You May be Hazardous to Your Health.

As we noted last month, since our electromag-netic systems play a governing role in virtually every system in the body, they can be a factor any health issue. The most common symp-toms that relate directly to EMF disruption are headaches, fatigue, problems with vision or concentration, tinnitis, heart rhythm disorders, depression, insomnia, memory loss, blood pressure fluctuations, brain degenerative dis-eases and many cancers. This is a short list, however, so if you live in the modern world, please consider EMF radiation as a contributing factor to any state of dis-ease you may be ex-periencing. Since our energy fields are ex-posed to increasing numbers of man-made de-vices, it is important to know what to do to compensate for their influence. In addition to the many products and therapies listed in last month's issue, I recommend three simple prac-tices that have a direct healing effect on our electromagnetic systems. They are simple to do and generally inexpensive. The first is regular exposure to moving water. We know that water is a powerful healing element, and moving water emits high-er levels of negative ions which are extremely balancing to our biology. There are many ways to incorporate the positive effects of moving water. Standing under the shower is probably the easiest for most people, though it

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is worth noting that if your water is chlorinated or treated with chemicals, much of the benefit is lost. Walking by a brook or stream, a set of rapids, or a waterfall are all excellent ways of exposing your body to moving water. River water tends to move more slowly, but is more beneficial than lake water, which hardly moves at all. If there is no natural body of water where you live, you may consider creating a small pond with a fountain. Generally speak-ing, the more water, the more benefit, but even a table fountain on your desk will help offset the EM radiation from a computer. An aquarium with a water filter and circulating system that are cleaned regularly is also a good indoor option. The most important factor is regularity. If you can bring moving water into your environment on a daily basis, you will reduce the stress on your EMF's. My second recommendation is a prac-tice known, among other things, as Earthing. Simply, it is walking bare-foot on the earth. This ancient habit has become almost non-existent in our modern world, and as a result, we are separating our-selves from a natural method of connecting with the balancing fields of the planet. Our EMF's are automatically regenerated when we lay or sleep on the ground without any separa-tion between us and the earth. Walking is per-haps the simplest method for making this con-nection. Our feet are natural conductors for the electrons that blanket the earth's surface and are available to feed our biology, but mod-ern footwear made of plastic or rubber severs this connection. This topic is discussed fully in the book, Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever?, by Clinton Ober, et al. Once again, water enhances the effects of Earthing, so walking along the seashore is the ultimate form of this practice. Dewy grass is also excel-lent. Damp earth is preferable, but even walk-ing on dry, dusty ground is superior to never making that skin-to-skin connection with Gaia. Finally, I highly recommend vibrational healing for balancing EMF's. In my expe-rience, with any method of what is commonly called energy medicine (Qi Gong, Reiki, Heal-ing Touch, Therapeutic Touch, Attunement, Reconnection, etc.), as well as EMF Balanc-ing, (which was devised specifically for this

purpose), all EM systems are fully rebalanced with the completion of a treatment. Vibrational medicine is intimately connected with the EMF's of our biology, and tends to naturally reorgan-ize any disruption in the EM fields when admin-istered by a competent practitioner. This does not mean that special degrees or training are required. Any caring individual with clear, pos-itive intentions and an understanding of the principles of energy medicine is capable of achieving these results. It is more difficult to perform the techniques on oneself, however, so I suggest trading treatments with a compatible partner. Since the EM benefits of these tech-niques begin to wear off after several days, I recommend making this a regular practice. Once a week is plenty. For situations where there is less EMF stress, once a month may be sufficient. These are my favourite practices for strength-ening the biological EM fields and maintaining EMF balance. Once balance has been achieved, it is relatively simple to maintain with regular attention, even for those who live with high levels of EM radiation in their environment. As our dependence on technology grows, it is im-portant to balance our life with regular healing practices, and focused time in the restorative energy of nature. The rewards for making these commitments are improved overall health and quality of life...a fair compensation by any standards. Kaye Castleman, B.A., M.A., Health Intuitive, Channel for Archangel Chamuel, Reiki Master and Certified Attunement Practitioner, has been a practicing alternative healer in the interior of British Columbia for over a decade. She offers massage, Raindrop Technique and body rea-lignment treatments, as well as in house and long distance healing sessions, nutritional counseling, magnetic therapies, and recom-mendations for all types of holistic health is-sues. She also offers a collection of therapies and techniques to clear the mental and emo-tional blocks that get in the way of the true health and wellness that are ready to enter your life. To arrange a phone, email or Skype session, contact Kaye at 250-706-1022or [email protected]

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Photo by Phil Nielsen

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by Vera Enshaw So? How has it been? Have you en-joyed the seeking of knowledge in another’s eyes? In your own eyes? I fell in love with my husband because of his eyes. In a nano-second they went from being ...hmmm .... reg-ular? … to eyes that were full of humour and laughter, of knowing that what we were talking about was serious and at the same time funny. He was able to laugh at himself and at the situ-ation he found himself in. My heart went “leap!” and continues to do so on a regular ba-sis. I am so very grateful that we are togeth-er! It is not always easy to open the veil on our own eyes and see past our problems, our expectations and our preconceived judgments. When we do, the rewards are powerful and po-tent. It can be very scary to look into the eyes of someone with whom we are having issues, especially someone who is not really close—a co-worker, a neighbor or a committee member in a volunteer organization. Not only scary—also often hard to accomplish by the very brief-ness of our encounters. I promise you that

when you open yourself up to this level of un-derstanding and awareness your world will be-come a happier, friendlier place! You now have a great list of descriptive words that will assist you in recognizing the qualities in the person into whose eyes you are gazing. If you begin by knowing that every person you see is love incarnated the task is that much easier, far less scary. So…..let’s take your sister/brother/aunt—someone who you have perhaps a diffi-cult relationship with. Are you able to find a picture of them? One that shows their eyes very clearly? Great! Take that photograph and look into the eyes. Notice your feelings as you look. Allow them to be—”thank you for shar-ing” - and continue looking. Write down each and every feeling and judgment that comes to you. As you are looking, find the place within you that recognizes that this person, in spite of your feelings and beliefs, is an angel walking right beside you. That you are an angel walk-ing right beside them. Both of you love incar-

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nate. The next time you are in the same space as they are—go and connect with them. Shake hands. Look into their eyes. Look for the quali-ties. Love. Fear. Anger. Disappointment. Joy. Interest. Depth. Humour. What do you see? Do you have a scared/tickly feeling in the pit of your stomach even thinking about doing this? What about...your employer? Your imme-diate superior? Your teacher/yoga instructor/the cashier at the grocery store? Each person on this planet, whether we like them or not, agree with them or not is just the same as we are. They are love incarnate. Love that has perhaps lost its way and is seek-ing the way back in the only way they know how. By looking into their eyes and recognizing their qualities, perhaps speaking them out loud or at the very least acknowledging them to yourself….you are granting them permission to see those same qualities within themselves. And when we begin to acknowledge ALL of the quali-ties that are within us...love, fear, hate, joy, kindness, sorrow, and intelligence….then we begin to know who we truly are. And that, my friend, begins the journey of healing of the self, each other and this planet.


I Saw You

I saw you just the other day I saw the way you looked Downtrodden, beat….and oh, so tired I looked the other way I wondered later on that night Just why you looked like that Why you were living on the street Could you not put up a fight? And then I wondered...if I had gazed into your eyes, what qualities I’d see? I sat me down and looked into Uneasy memory And there they were, your deep blue eyes Not rheumy as I’d thought But crystal clear and deep and wild Like the river in full flood I saw within those deep blue eyes A hunger fierce and bold For love, acceptance, kindness That we all seem to withhold I saw the place in those blue eyes That mirrored the place in me A part that won’t accept the pain That living a lie would mean And humbled did I go to sleep Knowing he was braver than I And dreamt of truth, of love and light And in the morning cried Vera Enshaw

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BENEFITS OF AVACADOS Maintaining of Cardiovascular Health: Heart health improves by including oleic acid and omega-3 fatty acids in the diet, which are contained in avocados. Anti-Inflammatory Benefits: Research shows that avocados help prevent inflamma-tion in the body, which will help osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and a whole host of other problems. Blood Sugar Regulation: Avocados are a rel-atively low carbohydrate food, which means that only about 19% of its calories come from carbohydrates. Also, they contain less than 2 grams of sugar in 1 cup, which is low on the glycemic list. It is also a great source of fiber

for diabetics and everyone else needing to be on a low glycemic diet. Anti-cancer Benefits: Research is still in the preliminary stages as to all the benefits this food has to fight against cancer, but since avo-cados offer antioxidants, the risk of developing some cancer can be reduced with avocado con-sumption. Anti-Aging and Preventing of Free Radi-cals: Among the most popular health benefits of avocados, this food can help to slow the ag-ing process. Research shows how food directly affects how we look, and avocados are rich in antioxidants to help slow aging. They also con-tain glutathione, which fight against free radi-cals, and will encourage a healthy strong im-mune system.

EACH AVACADO CONTAINS Vitamin A Vitamin B Complex Vitamin C Vitamin E Potassium Iron Copper Magnesium Calcium Protein Phytochemicals such as - • Beta-sitosterol • Glutathione • Lutein

Avocados are fruits not vegetables. It is also called an alligator pear, due to it’s pear like shape and bumpy textured green skin.

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Winds of Change Everything is in the air – turkey vulture rides the waves, short thin grasses yield their silver tufted seeds. It’s a good day to head out, catch the heady winds blowing south, join up flocks heeding the call. The beginning of harvest – turkeys gobble acorns, squirrels bury them, farmers bring in corn. Exhausted gardens turn brown, return to soil gardeners glad for respite from summer’s frenzy. Trees begin their change from green to red, yellow, cocoa brown and wine, their glorious swan song. Margie Kivel

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Archangel Chamuel is most commonly known as the angel of love and compas-sion. (S)He can be helpful in dealing with communica-tion issues, relation-ships, ethnic and ra-

cial tension, and to assist in situa-tions where we are looking for things we have lost, or cannot find. As a channel for messages from Chamuel, I have found he has a strong desire to support the open-ing of our heart chakra, especially at this critical time in our develop-ment.

Welcome, Dear Heart, to the loving of energy of Archangel Chamuel. I am here to share with you insights from the garden of the angels, a level of consciousness far higher than the ener-gy of the Earth plane. As I make connection with you on your level, I feel the weight of your dimension, the denseness of the energy you function within, and I am again in awe of the tremendous work you do under these condi-tions. It is difficult to the point of virtually im-possible to access the beauty of who you are in this environment, and yet you do it regularly. You wade through the illusion of separation, the myth of pain, the delusion of death, the in-vention of right and wrong, and the fantasy of your own limitation, and still manage to realize the majesty of your potential. The divine spark that is contained within each of you finds its moment to shine, and in an instant you are liv-ing the glory of who you really are. In that moment, the whole world responds to your light and is blessed by it. We in the angelic realms are awed by your achievement and humbled by the magnificence of the human, fully realized. You sit in the most revered seat in the entire universe, Dear Heart. You are the divine human, at once mortal and immortal, fallible and infallible, servant and sovereign. How you manipulate these polarities radiates in the colours of your life, for all to see. There is

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Do you have a question for Chamuel? Archangel Chamuel is happy to respond! Please submit your question to [email protected] if you click on this link it will come up in your email format with Archangel Chamuel in the subject line. If you are going to manually email please include Arch-angel Chamuel in the subject line. Please include your name, it will not be published, sold or used in any fashion it just prevents us from having bots respond.

no circumstance that can diminish you, if you choose it. And even under the most oppressive of conditions, you are often inspired to express your Highest Self. Know that you are hon-oured and celebrated for each of these achievements. Your triumphs are recorded for all eternity, as they form the very fabric of the universe. All the angels and beings of light kneel before you in respect for the path you walk. So it is with great honour that I offer my service to you now....

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Question: Hello, Archangel Chamuel. I've been wonder-ing about this question for a long time. Can you tell me why I am here?

AA Chamuel: Of course, Dear Heart. I can tell you why you are here, because it is the same for all humans. You exist on the Earth plane to raise the vibra-tion of the whole. There is no other reason, and there is no greater purpose in the uni-verse. In every thought, word and deed, you affect the energy web of all that is. Every time you turn your direction to the light and express yourself from a higher vibration than you are in, you expand the consciousness of life. You are like a generator for existence, to use a sim-ple analogy, and all the universe is indebted to you for this service. Apart from this, there are no specific guidelines for what you are to do or how you are to live. These choices are com-pletely up to you. This is why it is said you live on the planet of free choice. So if it makes no difference what you do or how you do it, what does make a difference? It is why and how you

do it. Create with love, from a place of joy, and you will live your ultimate potential. What thoughts open your heart? During what activi-ty does time stand still for you? Find where these answers converge, and follow that direc-tion. Then you cannot do other than live the fullest potential of why you are here. Bless you for your commitment to living a conscious life, and to encourage you in your sincere effort, I can offer a piece of advice that is meant for you specifically....your body knows the answer to your question. (smile and wink)

Question: Please help me with this, dear Archangel Chamuel. I know you can help people find things, and I have been looking for the right career for years. It's always a choice between money and passion. Am I wrong to want to get

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paid for what I love to do? Am I doing some-thing wrong? I would work at a job that doesn't interest me, but that feels like a spir-itual betrayal. Please help me sort this out.

AA Chamuel: Sweet Angel of Earth, I hear your frustration and I ask you to relax and breathe. There are no answers outside of you that are not within, which is something you already understand. But hearing the answers from within requires that you listen from the calm of your own trust. Things seldom appear as you expect them, even when they are straightforward in your own mind. The universe loves to improve upon your intentions, manifesting the grandest ver-sion of your creative potential that you will al-low. This is one of the ways you are assisted in your growth. Your frustration is restricting your hearing. Your expectations are clouding the truth that lies just outside your awareness. The only way to bring this knowledge to you is to open your heart to receive it, without judg-ment or fear. Relax in the understanding that all is well, that you are a child of the universe and beloved by all that is. Everything is work-ing in response to you, and as long as you radi-ate dissonance, then the perfection of what you seek remains out of reach. The more you en-joy the harmony of who you are and your rela-tionship with all things as they are, the more quickly will you have your understanding. To facilitate this harmony, you must make a com-mitment to the loving care of Self on every lev-el - physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. In specific terms, this is would require attend-ing to the things you put into your body and making time to move your body in healthy ways, managing your environmental influences to limit disempowering ideas and shifting the thoughts you generate that do not support your intentions, reviewing your relationships and at-tachments to emotional patterns that do not serve you, and taking opportunities for soli-tude, contemplation, and to connect with the healing energy of nature. There are many ways to follow through on these suggestions , and you know which areas require more atten-tion than others. Balance is always the key. To assist you in this process, I can say that there is nothing you are missing or that you

have done 'wrong'. Speak your intention with-out guilt or reservation, and send it out lovingly into the wisdom of the universe. Your hesita-tion breeds hesitation. Know that you are enti-tled to the bounty of all creation, and a heart that is living in balance on all levels can gener-ate from this fullness with ease. Wonders lay before you, Dear Heart. Celebrate! Kaye Castleman, B.A., M.A., Health Intuitive, Channel for Archangel Chamuel, Reiki Master and Certified Attunement Practitioner, has been a practicing alternative healer in the interior of British Columbia for over a decade. She offers massage, Raindrop Technique and body rea-lignment treatments, as well as in house and long distance healing sessions, nutritional counseling, magnetic therapies, and recom-mendations for all types of holistic health is-sues. She also offers a collection of therapies and techniques to clear the mental and emo-tional blocks that get in the way of the true health and wellness that are ready to enter your life. To arrange a phone, email or Skype session, contact Kaye at 250-706-1022or [email protected]

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Jeannie Magenta

Gail Siler

Gwen Randall-Young

Suzanne Robinson

Marilyn Dyke

Dr. Divi Chandna

Sita-Rani MacMillan M.Ed


Easy links to our contributors web-sites. Just click on their name to the

right and you will be taken to their site. From there you can interact with them,

Get connected today!

It's Halloween It's Halloween! It's Halloween! The moon is full and bright And we shall see what can't be seen On any other night. Skeletons and ghosts and ghouls, Grinning goblins fighting duels, Werewolves rising from their tombs, Witches on their magic brooms. In masks and gowns We haunt the street And knock on doors For trick or treat. Tonight we are The king and queen, For oh tonight It's Halloween!

by Jack Prelutsky.

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This month while having a reading I noticed a quail within the artwork on a card I had drawn. Now the reader could not see the quail but it was distinct to me. So much so that I have not been able to get it out of my head, hence the choice for this month’s power animal. I have only seen a quail once in my life; this was in the Okanagan region of BC. I thought it was an odd little bird, cute but odd. I never gave the small bird a second thought. Until the reading. What exactly did quail mean? My adventure to discover what I could about quail began. Quails are ground dwelling birds that prefer to run rather than fly. They can fly but choose only to do so only as a last resort when alarmed. They fly very fast, 40 - 50 miles per hour, but cannot go great distances. When quail shows up we need to check if we are grounded, or do we need to ground ourselves. Because they are fast runners they can cover 20 feet of ground in about one second. When they feel threatened they run for cover and blend into the surrounding brush. Another fascinating way they protect themselves from prey is to fly straight up beating their wings loudly. The motion and noise often startle the predator which gives the quail time

to escape. If you are feeling threatened or criticized, distrac-tion, in any form might help you out. Removing yourself for a few minutes is another way to redirect the energy and attention. If all else fails, running as fast as you can away from the situation could be just what you need to do. Quails eat nuts, seeds, fruit, berries, greenery and insects. NO junk food for quail and if one shows up in your life it is a good sign to stay away from junk and fast food. Make healthy choices sticking to fruits, veggies, and proteins. Quails also search for food in a covey (flock) rather than by themselves, so if you are able to, enjoy the company of others when you dine. Quails do spend time alone but they are very social animals and love being part of the covey. There is safety in numbers. They blend in. They are about nourishment of the soul and family. Are you spend-ing enough time with family? Are you spending enough time with yourself? Each is important. We need interaction as humans but we also need soli-tude to be able to unwind, listen to the mind chatter in our heads, and sort out our thoughts. Think of your time interacting with others as the gathering time of different knowledge and your alone time as discerning time, a time to integrate all that knowledge into your truths. Quails are about attaining a greater sense of who you are. When they show up it is time to develop a stronger understanding of your soul’s destiny and purpose. You might be starting something that is out of your comfort zone and will stretch you to the max; however in fol-lowing through you will expand your sense of self and who you are. Most of all, quails message to us is to nourish our own body, mind, and soul. In taking care of ourselves we in turn will nourish oth-ers when we spend time with them.

Marlene Cobb

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Photo by Phil Nielsen

Ship’s Log

It now seems as though I didn’t stick around for

for the rest of August and have simply jumped ahead!

Did anything memorable happen on those pages or was it just repeats of

previous ideas of life?

I will test the wind with upraised wet finger to see if anything grabs

that would change things

on my present course through these uncharted cerulean seas.

I catch the breeze and smell the land that waits for me.

My ship and I are of single eye looking with hope’s expectation for treasures beyond our shell’s

capacity to hold and absorb.

Push the envelope, I say as we lean forward to expand

girth and breadth of view, full sails, clear eyes of love.

Send up the smoke to call

us to your distant shore, for we have set course to what will ring true within.

Margie Kivel

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Are you ready to get practicing? Sweet! Enjoy this time as a personal gift to yourself. When we follow our heart and challenge ourselves to do great things, amazing things happen. Right now you are at the beginning of something amazing. Yes we have started already however it’s not too late to still join. Not everyone started on Sept. 16th so I will continue on until the last per-son has completed. By simply going to Facebook and joining the group “100 Days Of An Inten-tional Practice” you can meet and hear from others on the same journey. Everyday there will be little posts to encourage you and keep you moving forward. May this journey of a 100 steps be the beginning of 1000’s more to come! Missed Part One? See Last months issue of Nourish and catch up and with the journey. As this goes to press the group is begin-ning week two. What fascinates me is how powerful being a part of group is during this process. I know that one click away is a group of people encouraging me - as I am them. For this process I chose to do one hour of personal wellness each day as my practice. Yes in just a short period there have already been a couple of days where I just didn’t feel like it. On these days I took the opportunity to reflect on what I really wanted to do if I didn’t feel obligated. The first time I chose to clean the office at work to get it ready for classes. The office felt amazing after. I actually felt like I could feel a sense of calm wash over me when I was done. Like tak-ing a deep breath followed by a long exhale. I think I even threw in a sigh there too. Cleaning the office would be really easy to chalk up to an hour and a half of work and it was. However given that this is a space I spend time at each week I look forward to enjoying the benefits of the time expended. My second roadblock was the rebel within. I woke up feeling less than fabulous and really just wanted to stay in bed for the day. I didn’t want to go for a walk, journal, do yoga or all those other healthy things I should be doing. In an attempt to gain some clarity I decided to draw an angel card to determine where I was

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Part Two

A Snapshot of the Journey

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best to focus my energy. Quickly after shuffling out popped two cards. The first angel card was “freedom” and the other one was “listening”. Yes, as you can imagine my inner rebel groaned. How could I feel free when I had this big commitment ahead of me? Taking note of the second card “Listening” - I sat holding the card that read “Freedom”. Asking myself the question “What would I do today if I felt free to choose anything? If I wasn’t concerned about any tasks pending, commitments, or finances – what would I choose?” The first thought that came my way was to go meet a friend for tea and the next one was to relax and melt into the sofa with a good book, a cup of tea and a blanket. Which is exactly what I ended up do-ing. By listening to my inner desires I gave my rebel and my spirit exactly what they needed. I gave them the opportunity to just be in the present moment. Come October 16th we are going to take some time to review the previous weeks and use this period as an opportunity to make any adjust-ments you may find necessary to continue this long term. One of the things I recommend to others is to gather a support team together for your journey. Imagine you are running a mara-thon. What supports would you need in place to make that happen? A friend to help you put in your training miles, a coach to help you maximize your running potential, a balanced eating plan to meet your body’s current needs, proper rest, massage, quality gear recom-mended by a fitness expert, some time talking to the pros that have ran marathons before you and so on.

Give yourself the gift knowing you don’t need to do this alone. You may seek professional as-sistance or the love and support of your dear friends. Often reaching out is one of the hard-est things to do. Yet if I asked all your friends “What they really wanted for You?” I am sure if I boiled their words down it would be “ Only the Best” So remember you’re worth all the love and support you are drawing your way and I am sending a extra dose because your amazing! To book a coaching session email [email protected] Jeannie Magenta runs a weekly non-profit Laughter Club and presents laughter workshops, Sessions, and conference energizers for corporate and non-profit organizations. Jeannie is also a certified Hatha Yoga teacher and Wellness Counselor. She has al-ways had a passion for people and spreading joy and once you meet her you will understand why she can help so many find more joy in there life. She can be found at www.lovetoshine.ca

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As the Fool continues on his journey it becomes apparent to him that he might not always get guidance from other people. Today he comes across a big wheel. Sure, there are people on the wheel at different places but not one is standing out prepared to speak with him. In-stead, he discerns from within, what the mes-sage is.

When the Wheel of Fortune appears, prepare for changes, positive changes. Even though most people see change as difficult or traumatic, change is usually for our benefit. What causes the fear is that we don’t know any different and can not foresee how the change is going to make things better.

This card reminds us that "this too shall pass." Whether that's good times or bad times, it pass-es. If suddenly you find yourself "sitting on top of the world," keep your perspective, as that too, like everything else, changes. Live in the now, count your blessings, and just realize that much of life is outside of your control, but even that is okay. Roll with any changes, and think positively.

If your query is in regards to work or love, the Wheel of Fortune asks you to follow your heart and dreams. It is possible when the Wheel shows up that it could be time to change jobs or take a closer look at your relationships. If your heart is no longer in it then the time for change

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Wheel of Fortune card from Shadowscapes Tarot - Stephanie Pui-Mun Law and Barbara Moore

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has arrived. There is always the art of negotia-tion within your current commitments and the card alone should not determine your leaving.

If your query is in regards to finances, the Wheel generally lets you know, that if you have been having a rough go of it, things will turn around. One should also keep in mind that if you are in a prosperous period, the opposite could happen and your income may drop a little.

If your query is in regards to health , it maybe time to go back to the basics. Proper nutrition, exercise and adequate sleep are the message the Wheel brings. Ensure that you are taking proper precautions to keep your stress levels under control.

Overall, the Wheel of Fortune reminds us to go with the flow no matter what is coming towards us. Don’t resist, for resisting only makes the sit-uation worse and ultimately longer. The Wheel of Fortune is usually a very good card to receive in a reading. When it shows up, don’t forget to look at the context (health, finances, love, ca-reer) of your question. From there discern what your next action should be. Perhaps it will be as simple as counting your blessings for what you have and not looking at what you don’t have. Or it could be time to facilitate a change towards something new.

Change is part of the cyclical nature of life, em-brace it and live the best life you possible can.

Think of the Wheel of Fortune as a Ferris Wheel, it goes up and you can see the whole area, you feel elated. It go goes down and your tummy might drop and there is not much to see but soon you are on the climb up!

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Photo by M Cobb

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The soft blue color of Celestite is what first drew me to it. I fell in love with the color and how the crystal was formed. Little did I know then, that it was considered an “angel” crystal. I purchased my first piece many years ago. That piece of Celestite sat on my bedside table for many years. During a move it disappeared. I was disheartened, yet when I looked for an-

other piece to replace it, none stood out, or called to me as they usually do. Four years lat-er one small piece called to me, a year after that a larger piece (pictured above) decided to come home with me, and then another (also pictured above). The small piece, I was first guided to purchase, was given away to a per-son who needed its calming healing effects.


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Celestite is a wonderful healing crystal and most healers own at least one piece. It is said to help balance the chakras by first clearing the aura of a per-son and working inward. When the chakras are in balance, Celestite goes to work on the physical body by helping to release pent up stress. Any person who is in a high stress situation should have a piece of Cel-estite and hold it at the end of the day. It’s won-derful calming, cooling en-ergy will work quickly to help release all the built up stress of the day. If you are prone to being a worry wart, Celestite is a perfect addition to your home. I would suggest packing a piece around with you always, but please only choose a tumbled piece, and as it is a soft crystal, do not place it with other crystals. Please note that Celestite is an excellent stone to bal-

ance male/female energies within us. Sitting with this crystal will help to realign these energies, bringing them into balance once again. Some of the other healing properties Celestite is said to help with are; improved eyesight and hearing, as well as promoting elo-quence. Next time you have a sore throat, try this; place the crystal on the afflicted area. I have not tried this personally yet, but it is supposed to relieve the soreness. It is also believed to aid with the functioning of the thy-roid gland, as well as to re-lieve digestive problems and eliminate toxins from the physical form. Celestite brings a calm, centered, serene gentle en-ergy into any space it is placed. This makes it a great crystal for healing and meditation spaces. When used during medita-tion it helps to open up a

clear channel of communi-cation with your higher self, angels and guides. Celestite helps you to ac-cess your own intuition, that small inner voice. I have found when I medi-tate with Celestite, I am able to get to my silent space quicker, I believe this is due to the calming effect of the crystal. Once I am there, I am able to receive guidance and infor-mation clearly and concise-ly on the situations occur-ring in my life at that mo-ment. Celestite is probably not a crystal you would pick up and hold every day, yet it is a beautiful crystal to have one display and enjoy visually. If you own a piece of Celestite, I would love to hear how you work with your crystal. If you don’t own a piece, start your adventure by finding the perfect piece for you.

Marlene Cobb

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Photo by Phil Nielsen