The vision of Notre Dame Catholic Church is to glorify God by being a faithful, inclusive community who, in the name of Jesus Christ, enables all to grow in their relationship with God and with one another through witness, worship and service. NOTRE DAME CATHOLIC CHURCH (Corner of Water & Washington Street) Kerrville, TX. 78028 Pastoral Center: 909 Main Street Office Hours: 8:00am-5:00pm (Closed between 12N-1:00pm) Phone:(830)257-5961 Fax:(830)895-9771 Website: www.notredamechurch.cc Social Center:(830)257-1929 Faith Formation: (830)896-4233 School: (830)257-6707 MASS AND SERVICE SCHEDULE SATURDAY VIGIL: 5:00 pm SUNDAY: 7:45 am, 9:15 am (Spanish), 11:00 am, 5:00 pm WEEKDAYS: Please refer to the inside of the bulletin for the Mass times RITE OF RECONCILIATION: Satur day – 3:30 - 4:45 pm MARRIAGES: Please consult the pastor 6 months in advance. QUINCEAÑERAS: Please call the Pastoral Center 6 months in advance. BAPTISMS: Call the YFM office to make an appointment at 896-4233. PASTORAL TEAM CLERGY Reverend David R. Wagner Pastor Deacon Alfredo (Jimmy) Bill, Jr. Hispanic Ministry Deacon Charles Domingues Deacon Raul Gutierrez Deacon Harold (Sonny) Kaufhold Deacon Juan Martinez PASTORAL CENTER Dwayne Mosser Business Manager Eva Bill Parish Secretary Tracy Gourley Financial Associate LITURGY AND MUSIC Dorothy Cass Director of Liturgy/Music Ministries Marta Mata Liturgy Secretary OFFICE OF FAITH FORMATION Coord. Families & Children Alma Cruz-Gonzales Coord. Families & Children/Hispanic Ministry Denise Jenschke Coord. Cathechesis of the Good Shepherd & First Eucharist Prep. Wyatt Wentrcek Coord. of Youth Ministry Nelda Bill Secretary/Baptism Coordinator CATHOLIC SCHOOL OFFICE Marlin Marcum Principal Irene Alcorta Secretary Michelle Coldwell Registrar Debbie Mossman Bookkeeper MAINTENANCE Mark Ince Superintendent July 9, 2017

NOTRE DAME CATHOLIC CHURCH vision of Notre Dame Catholic Church is to glorify God by being a ... Deacon Alfredo (Jimmy) Bill, ... death will give life to your

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The vision of Notre Dame Catholic Church is to glorify God by being a faithful, inclusive community who, in the name of Jesus Christ, enables all to grow in their relationship with God and with one another through witness, worship and service.


CATHOLIC CHURCH (Corner of Water & Washington Street)

Kerrville, TX. 78028 Pastoral Center: 909 Main Street Office Hours: 8:00am-5:00pm (Closed between 12N-1:00pm)

Phone:(830)257-5961 Fax:(830)895-9771 Website: www.notredamechurch.cc

Social Center:(830)257-1929 Faith Formation: (830)896-4233

School: (830)257-6707


SATURDAY VIGIL: 5:00 pm SUNDAY: 7:45 am, 9:15 am (Spanish), 11:00 am, 5:00 pm WEEKDAYS: Please refer to the inside of the bulletin for the Mass times RITE OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday – 3:30 - 4:45 pm MARRIAGES: Please consult the pastor 6 months in advance. QUINCEAÑERAS: Please call the Pastoral Center 6 months in advance. BAPTISMS: Call the YFM office to make an appointment at 896-4233.

PASTORAL TEAM CLERGY Reverend David R. Wagner Pastor Deacon Alfredo (Jimmy) Bill, Jr. Hispanic Ministry Deacon Charles Domingues Deacon Raul Gutierrez Deacon Harold (Sonny) Kaufhold Deacon Juan Martinez PASTORAL CENTER Dwayne Mosser Business Manager Eva Bill Parish Secretary Tracy Gourley Financial Associate LITURGY AND MUSIC Dorothy Cass Director of Liturgy/Music Ministries Marta Mata Liturgy Secretary OFFICE OF FAITH FORMATION Coord. Families & Children Alma Cruz-Gonzales Coord. Families & Children/Hispanic Ministry Denise Jenschke Coord. Cathechesis of the Good Shepherd & First Eucharist Prep. Wyatt Wentrcek Coord. of Youth Ministry Nelda Bill Secretary/Baptism Coordinator CATHOLIC SCHOOL OFFICE Marlin Marcum Principal Irene Alcorta Secretary Michelle Coldwell Registrar Debbie Mossman Bookkeeper MAINTENANCE Mark Ince Superintendent

July 9, 2017

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

July 9, 2017


Monday: Gn 28:10-22a; Ps 91:1-4, 14-15ab; Mt 9:18-26 Tuesday: Gn 32:23-33; Ps 17:1b, 2-3, 6-7ab, 8b, 15; Mt 9:32-38 Wednesday: Gn 41:55-57; 42:5-7a, 17-24a; Ps 33:2-3, 10-11, 18-19; Mt 10:1-7 Thursday: Gn 44:18-21, 23b-29; 45:1-5; Ps 105:16-21; Mt 10:7-15 Friday: Gn 46:1-7, 28-30; Ps 37:3-4, 18- 19, 27-28, 39-40; Mt 10:16-23 Saturday: Gn 49:29-32; 50:15-26a; Ps 105:1- 4, 6-7; Mt 10:24-33 Sunday: Is 55:10-11; Ps 65:10-14; Rom 8:18-23; Mt 13:1-23 [1-9]


First Reading — Rejoice heartily, O Jerusalem! For see, your savior comes (Zechariah 9:9-10).

Psalm — I will praise your name for ever, my king and my God (Psalm 145).

Second Reading — The one who raised Christ from death will give life to your mortal bodies also (Romans 8:9, 11-13).

Gospel — Come, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:25-30).


Sunday: Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Tuesday: St. Benedict

Thursday: St. Henry

Friday: St. Kateri Tekakwitha

Saturday: St. Bonaventure

Not Peace But a Sword – Part 2

Jesus says He brings not peace but a sword because the eternal destiny of the soul of each and every individual is at stake. And Jesus will not compromise on that. Loving Him, loving God must hold the primary place in our hearts. Our love for God must come first before everything else, even our parents, brothers, sisters, wives, husbands, children, and friends.

What Jesus is saying here is that choosing this absolutely necessary thing, putting Him above all else and all other relationships, will cost us. It could very well bring division in our lives and even in our own homes. It may well come about that we are faced with a choice between Jesus and someone else. But our eternal salvation depends upon our putting him first. That may be a hard truth, but it’s the truth nonetheless. And Jesus will not compromise that – our eternal salvation – for the sake of having a peaceful time here on earth.

Jesus isn’t saying that we are to love only him, and no one else. Of course He wants us to love our parents, and children and all our family members, and friends and others.

And He isn’t saying anything here that He hasn’t either said or indicated before. Recall his summarization of the Law: Thou shalt love the Lord your God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. The second is like unto it: Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. And by neighbor He means literally anyone and everyone else.

This follows from the Ten Commandments. The first is that we shall have no other “gods” than God Himself. That is, no other person, place or thing, is to have the place in our lives that belongs to God only, namely first place. The second commands us not to worship any graven image. Third is not taking God’s name in vain. Fourth is the keeping Holy of the Sabbath day. Honoring father and mother comes in fifth. It’s still a commandment. But there’s a hierarchy there. God comes first. Eternity depends on it. Jesus will not let that slide simply in order to have peace. If it means that anyone of His beloved should lose their eternal lives, Jesus would rather have division and strife than peace. There is no way He would have peace if it meant that we would be lost because of it.

History and experience bear this out. You can see the truth of what Jesus is saying. The world is divided over him. People in the 60s were divided over who Jesus is and what He is about. We’re still divided over him today.

Jesus doesn’t mean that His purpose in coming into the world is to bring strife and division. He means that His uncompromising proclamation of the truth of the Gospel, and our unyielding belief in Him will cost us. It will cost us some relationships with family and friends that may have been peaceful. But because it is absolutely necessary for our salvation that we put Him first, He would rather have us lose that peace in our lives on earth, than to lose our lives in heaven.

Only God could make such a statement as this. Only God could rightfully make the claim that He deserves to come first with us. But He knows what He’s talking about. He knows how important this is, how much is at stake. He put our salvation above his own personal peace. Look what His going to the Cross for us cost Him. There was no other way. And there is no other way for us apart from putting Him first and loving Him with all we’ve got, above all else, and then loving others as ourselves. Amen.

In Jesus,In Jesus,In Jesus,In Jesus,

Fr. DavidFr. DavidFr. DavidFr. David

Decimocuarto Domingo

del Tiempo Ordinario

9 de julio de 2017


Lunes: Gn 28:10-22a; Sal 91 (90):1-4, 14- 15ab; Mt 9:18-26 Martes: Gn 32:23-33; Sal 17 (16):1b, 2-3, 6- 7ab, 8b, 15; Mt 9:32-38 Miércoles: Gn 41:55-57; 42:5-7a, 17-24a; Sal 33 (32):2-3, 10-11, 18-19; Mt 10:1-7 Jueves: Gn 44:18-21, 23b-29; 45:1-5; Sal 105 (104):16-21; Mt 10:7-15 Viernes: Gn 46:1-7, 28-30; Sal 37 (36):3-4, 18-19, 27-28, 39-40; Mt 10:16-23 Sábado: Gn 49:29-32; 50:15-26a; Sal 105 (104):1-4, 6-7; Mt 10:24-33 Domingo: Is 55:10-11; Sal 65 (64):10-14; Rom 8:18-23; Mt 13:1-23 [1-9]


Primera lectura — Nuestro Salvador es un pacificador que reina hasta los confines de la tierra (Zacarías 9:9-10).

Salmo — Siempre bendeciré tu nombre, mi rey y mi Dios (Salmo 145 [144]).

Segunda lectura — Si por el Espíritu matan las obras de la carne, vivirán en el Espíritu de Dios (Romanos 8: 9, 11-13).

Evangelio — Vengan a mí los que se sientan cargados y agobiados, porque yo los aliviaré (Mateo 11:25-30).


Domingo: Decimocuarto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

Martes: San Benito

Jueves: San Enrique

Viernes: Santa Kateri Tekakwitha

Sábado: San Buenaventura

No Paz sino Espada – 2ª Parte Jesús nos dice que Él no trae paz, sino espada porque está en juego el destino eterno del alma de cada individuo. Y Jesús no pondrá en riesgo esto. Amarle, amar a Dios debe mantener el primer lugar en nuestros corazones. Nuestro amor a Dios debe surgir primero antes que todo, incluso de nuestros padres, hermanos, hermanas, esposa, esposo, hijos y amigos. Lo que Jesús está diciéndonos aquí es, que elegir esto es absolutamente necesario, que poniéndolo por encima de todo y de todas las demás relaciones, nos costará. Podría traer división en nuestra vida e incluso en nuestros propios hogares. Puede ocurrir que nos enfrentemos con una elección entre Jesús y alguien más. Pero nuestra salvación eterna depende de que lo pongamos a Él primero. Eso puede ser una dura realidad, sin embargo es la verdad. Y Jesús no pondrá en peligro esto - nuestra salvación eterna - por tener un momento de paz aquí en la tierra. Jesús no nos está diciendo que debemos amarlo sólo a Él, ni a nadie más. Por supuesto, Él quiere que amemos a nuestros padres, a nuestros hijos y a todos los miembros de nuestra familia, amigos y demás. Y Él no está diciendo nada que no haya dicho o indicado antes. Recordemos su resumen de la Ley: Amarás al Señor tu Dios con todo tu corazón, con toda tu alma y con toda tu mente. Este es el primer y gran mandamiento. El segundo es semejante a éste: Amarás a tu prójimo como a ti mismo. Y prójimo significa, literalmente, cualquiera y todos los demás. Esto se deduce de los Diez Mandamientos. El primero es que no tengamos otros "dioses" que Dios mismo. Es decir, ninguna otra persona, lugar o cosa, debe tener el lugar en nuestras vidas que pertenece a Dios solamente, es decir, el primer lugar. El segundo nos manda no adorar ninguna imagen esculpida. El tercero no tomar el nombre de Dios en vano. El cuarto guardar Santo el día de reposo. Honrar a tu padre y madre viene en quinto lugar. Todavía es un mandamiento. Pero hay una jerarquía allí. Dios es el primero. Nuestra eternidad depende de ello. Jesús no dejará que se deslice simplemente por un momento de paz. Si esto significa que cualquiera de sus amados perdería su vida eterna, Jesús preferiría tener división y luchar por la paz. No hay manera de que Él tenga paz si esto significa que estaríamos perdidos por eso. La historia y la experiencia lo confirman. Puedes ver la verdad de lo que Jesús está diciendo. El mundo está dividido sobre Él. La gente en los años 60 estaba dividida sobre quién es Jesús. Todavía estamos divididos por Él. Jesús no quiere decir que Su propósito al venir al mundo sea traer contienda y división. Él quiere decir que su promesa inflexible de la verdad del Evangelio y nuestra inquebrantable creencia en Él nos costará. Nos costará algunas relaciones con la familia y los amigos que pueden haber sido pacíficas. Pero, porque es absolutamente necesario para nuestra salvación, que lo pongamos en primer lugar, Él preferiría que perdamos esa paz en nuestra vida en la tierra, que perder nuestra vida en el cielo. Sólo Dios podía hacer una declaración como ésta. Sólo Dios pudo legitimar la afirmación de que Él merece tener el primer en nosotros. Pero Él sabe de lo que está hablando. Sabe cuán importante es esto, cuánto está en juego. Puso nuestra salvación por encima de su propia paz personal. Meditemos en lo que le costó a Jesús ir a la Cruz por nosotros. No había otra manera. Y no hay otro camino para nosotros aparte de ponerlo primero y amarlo con todo lo que tenemos,

sobre todo, y luego amar a los demás como a nosotros mismos. Amén.

En Jesús,En Jesús,En Jesús,En Jesús,

Fr. DavidFr. DavidFr. DavidFr. David

Sunday, July 9, 2017 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Zec 9:9-10, Rom 8:9, 11-13, Mt 11:25-30(100) 7:45am †Lorenzo Lopez By Lisa Calderon 9:15am †Juana Banda By Familia Prado 11:00am In Honor of Julian Rios By Eva Bill 5:00 pm People of the Parish Monday, July 10, 2017 Gn 28:10-22a, Mt 9:18-26(383) 7:00 am Special Intention By Jocelyn Soriano Tuesday, July 11, 2017 Gn 32:23-33, Mt 9:32-38(384) 12:00 pm †Tom Fowler By Mark & Red Anderson Wednesday, July 12, 2017 Gn 41:55-57, 42:5-7a, 17-24a, Mt 10:1-7(385) 12:00 pm In Thanksgiving for Dianne Albrecht By Margot Elizabeth Krause Thursday, July 13, 2017 Gn 44:18-21, 23b-29; 45:1-5, Mt 10:7-15(386) 12:00 pm Communion Service Friday, July 14, 2017 Gn 46:1-7, 28-30, Mt 10:16-23(387) 8:05 am In Thanksgiving for Fernando Gutierrez By Wyatt Krause Saturday, July 15, 2017 Saint Bonaventure, Bishop and Doctor of the Church Is 55:10-11, Rom 8:18-23, Mt 13:1-23 or 13:1-9(103) 5:00 pm †Lorenzo Lopez By Katrina Dry Sunday, July 16, 2017 Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Is 55:10-11, Rom 8:18-23, Mt 13:1-23 or 13:1-9(103) 7:45 am People of the Parish 9:15 am Special Intention for Familia Sarabia-Dominguez By Delfina Sarabia 11:00 am †James Schwing By Carl & Mary Ellen Schwing 5:00 pm †Johnny Wells By Son

Liturgy of the Hours: Week II

Monday, July 10, 2017 A New Song-5:30pm-Kemper Hall RM 209 Cursillos-7:00pm-Social Center Boy Scouts-7:00pm-Gymnasium Tuesday, July 11, 2017 Lector Practice (Spanish)-5:30pm-Church Lector Practice (English)-6:00pm-Church Pastoral Hispano-7:00pm-Library Spanish Choir Practice-7:00pm-Church Choir Practice-7:00pm-Church Wednesday, July 12, 2017 Ingles Tambíen-5:00pm-Kemper Hall RM 209 Evening Prayer-6:00pm-Church M.O.S.T.-7:00pm-Kemper Hall RM 205 Ministerio Santa Cecilia-7:00pm-Gym Thursday, July 13, 2017 Baptism Class (English)-6:00pm-Kemper Hall RM 204 Baptism Class (Spanish)-6:00pm-Kemper Hall RM 205 M.O.S.T.-7:00pm-Social Center Santa Cruz-7:00pm-Gym Parking Lot Friday, July 14, 2017 Hour of Mercy-3:00pm-Church Saturday, July 15, 2017 Repose the Blessed Sacrament-11:30am-Church Sunday, July 16, 2017

The Sanctuary Lamp will burn this week in memory

of James Schwing

By Carl & Mary Ellen Schwing

The Second Collection on

July 15 & 16, 2017

will be for St. Vincent de Paul

Thank you for your generosity!

Altar Servers

Saturday, July 15, 2017—5:00pm Ginny Saip Gail Stauder Sunday, July 16, 2017 —7:45am

Gwen Kelly Judy Killian Sunday, July 16, 2017—9:15am Christian Ramirez Samuel Gutierrez Sunday, July 16, 2017—11:00am Christina Delgado Marge Carseth Sunday, July 16, 2017—5:00pm

Lisa Tinley Sam Pankratz


Saturday, July 15, 2017-5:00pm

Team B DM: Susie Fenner Sunday, July 16, 2017-7:45am

Team B

DM: Jacqui Magenheimer

Sunday, July 16, 2017-9:15am

Team B

DM: John Martinez

Sunday, July 16, 2017-11:00am

Team C


Sunday, July 16, 2017-5:00pm

Team LC


DM-Designated Minister

Extraordinary Ministers

Saturday, July 15, 2017—5:00pm

Team A Sunday, July 16, 2017—7:45am

Team A

Sunday, July 16, 2017—9:15am

Team A Sunday, July 16, 2017—11:00am

Team B


Bread Bakers


Saturday, July 15, 2017 - 5:00pm Crucifer-Christian Ramirez Candle Bearer– Demetrios Lambdin Candle Bearer–Natalie Wagner Sunday, July 16, 2017—7:45am Crucifer-Caleb Clayton Candle Bearer-Jordan Clayton Candle Bearer-Emma Clayton Sunday, July 16, 2017—9:15am Crucifer–Claudia Rodriguez Candle Bearer-Astrid Lira Candle Bearer–Vanessa Garcia Sunday, July 16, 2017—11:00am Crucifer– Ruben Nombrano Candle Bearer– Wyatt Krause Candle Bearer–Anthony Jones Sunday, July 16, 2017—5:00pm Crucifer– Rebekah Stracke Candle Bearer-Jake Pankratz Candle Bearer-

Rosemary Marker, Debra Maas, John Rags-dale, Katie McCarty, Manuel Sanchez, Javier Lopez Uriegas, Emilio Roman, Carol Staple-ton, Lila Neuman, Gary Fourney, Marcelino Vega, Sylvia Saldana, Yvonne Guidry, Mario Reyes, Mauricio Reyes, Florence Hall, Mike

Hozman, Manuel Castro, Margie Tremper, Ramon Lemos, Andrew Hart, Jose Luis Sanchez, Valerie Manns, Raymond Nunez, Jimmy Fealey, Monica Garcia, Dan Grant, Dolores Garza, Justin Salcedo, Rosario Villarreal, Maria de Jesus Garcia, Herminia Villanueva, Annie Stone, David Klose, Maria Garza, Antonio Pruneda, Carol Barker, Julia Cuevas, Benita Segura, Bernice Gross, William Etchison, Fay Stafford, Maria Splaine, Mary Ann Sanchez, Butch Connally, Pete F. Vargas, Hector Garza, Minnie Waddell, Carol Ann Rubright, Linda Nunez, Olan Mahlmann, Anna Borkowski, Rudy Garcia, Janet Jillson, Rosie Garcia, Anthony Garcia, Ofelia Canales, Jose Mario Guzman, Martin Garcia, Gilbert Gauna Sr., Larry Fagarason, Clint Boulette, Ruben & Herminia Osorio, Michael J. LaFleur, Maria Galvan, Mary Ellen Wheeler, Henrietta Fadai, Sylvia Leyva, Charlie & Judi Kunz, Michael Boudreaux, Linda Vollmar, Virgil Woods, Bill Williams, Tony Perez, Ed-wina Walker, Bill Warner, Clark Klein, Barbara Barecky, Velia Clack, Lou Camarillo, Irma Aguirre, Jim Trauth, Ellie Mombel-la, Ellen Kenalty, Abe Gutierrez, Lavinia Delgadillo, Carolyn Vierus, Scott Van Klavern, Joe A. Meurer, Betty & Charles Weichart, Jim Stacy, Helen Starkey, Ricardo Villagomez, Edgar Dominguez, Mary Jane Flores, Eloida Garcia, Bubba Kunz, Dianne Albrecht, Lou Smith, Angelo Messina, Ray Giovannini, Ray Courtney, Tom Miller, Agnes Williams, Phillip Reinhard, Daniel Arriaga, Mary Ayala, D.J. Sholund, Alex Galvan, Rose Adami, Barbara Miciotto, Miriam Gutierrez, Deacon Charles Domingues, Ann Edwards & Reilma Montgomery.

Pope Francis calls the church to be permanently in mission. He calls for everyone to be a missionary. We can participate in the mission through prayer.

The lines for the opportunity to see a rock star are indelibly long. The Star of all Stars, Jesus, humbles Himself to share a personal one on one hour, and only a few “wise virgins” fill up their lamps with this wondrous love freely given by Christ. How will He be able to recognize us at the end of our earthly exile if we become as the “foolish virgins’ who are too busy to show love and adoration for this awesome gift that is our Mighty Lord Jesus?

This hour is a great and unrepeated opportunity for a young parent or grandparent to teach their tender lambs our faith and reverence to our most humble Majesty, The Good Shepherd Jesus. Please join us in just one hour of adoration a week out of nearly 124 weekly hours to choose from. An adorer is needed for: Wednesday 7:00 a.m.—8:00 a.m. Wednesday 8:00 a.m.—9:00 a.m. Wednesday 3:00 a.m.—4:00 a.m. Thursday 2:00 a.m.—3:00 a.m.

If you are able to help with this time, please call Veronica Fabro at (830)377-9117. El Papa Francisco llama a la iglesia para que esté en mission permanentemente. Nos llama a todos a ser misioneros. Podemos participar en la misión por medio de la oración.

Las colas para tener la oportunidad de ver a una estrella del rock están increíblemente largas. La Estrella de todas las Estrellas, Jesús, se humilla para compartir una hora de tiempo personal, y sólo unas cuantas “virgenes sabias” llenan sus lámparas con el amor maravilloso regalado por Cristo. Cómo podrá reconocernos al final de nuestra exilio terrestre si nos convertimos en “virgenes tontas” que están demasiado ocupadas para demastrar nuestro amor y adoración para este impresionante don que es nuestro Poderoso Señor Jesús.

Esta hora es una gran oportunidad que no se repetirá para que un padre o abuelo enséne a sus delicados (tiernos) corderos nuestra fe y reverencia hacia nuestra humildísima Majestad, El Buen Pastor Jesús. Por favor únanse en sólo una hora de adoración a la semana de las 124 horas semanales a escoger. Tambíen es necesario un adorador los:

miercoles 7:00 a.m.—8:00 a.m. miercoles 8:00 a.m.—9:00 a.m. miercoles 3:00 a.m.—4:00 a.m. jueves 2:00 a.m.—3:00 a.m.

Si usted puede acompañar a Jesús este momento, por favor llame a Veronica Fabro al (830)377-9117.

Please welcome Father Ron Mrozinski who will speak at all the Masses on behalf of Cross Catholic Outreach which was founded to create a meaningful link between parishes in America and the priests and nuns working in the Church overseas in the Caribbean, Africa, Asia, Central and South America. Please be generous in your response to Father’s appeal. Brochures will be provided if you wish to support this worthy Catholic ministry.

Por favor, dénle la bienvenida al Padre Ron Mrozinski quien hablará en todas las misas de este fin de semana en nombre de Cruz Católica de Capacitacíon. Esta organización fué fundada para crear un vínculo significativo entre parroquias en América y los sacerdotes y religiosas que trabajan en la Iglesia en ultramar en el Caribe, Africa, Asia, America Central y sud-América. Por favor sean generosos en su repuesta a la petición del Padre. Si desean apoyar a este meritorio ministerio católico, habrá folletos explicatorios disponibles.

If you feel called to prepare the Lord's table, the sacristan ministry is in needed of a sacristan to prepare the Sunday 5:00 pm mass. Please call Melanie Krause at (830)777-4718.

DAILY MASS TIME CHANGES Beginning Monday, July 17th, the daily Mass and Communion Service times will change as follows: Mondays – Communion Service – 12 noon, followed by exposition of the Blessed

Sacrament in the chapelYadoration begins

Tuesdays – Mass – 7:00 a.m.

Wednesdays and Thursdays – Mass – 12 noon

Fridays – Mass – 8:00 a.m.

First Saturdays – Mass 8:00 a.m.

CAMBIO DE HORARIO EN LAS MISAS DIARIAS Empezando el lunes, 17 de julio, las Misas diarias y servicios de comunión cambiarán como sigue:

Lunes—servicio de comunión—12 noon, seguido de exposición del santísimo Sacramento en la capilla...empieza la adoración.

Martes—misa a las 7:00 a.m.

Miércoles y Jueves—Misa a las 12 mediodía

Viernes—Misa a las 8:00 a.m.

Primeros Sábados—Misa a las 8:00 a.m.

Registration is now open for online for Assembly 2017, taking place on Saturday, November 4, on the campus of St. Mary’s University. Keynote Speakers will be Bishop Robert Reed, Sherry Anne Weddell and Fr. Pedro Nuñez. Register for Assembly 2017 by visiting the Archdiocese website at www.assemblysa.org or call (210)734-1911.

Están abiertas las inscripciones en línea para la Asamblea 2017, que se llevará a cabo el sábado, 4 de noviembre, en las instalaciones de la St. Mary’s University. Los ponentes principales son el Obispo Robert Reed, Sherry Anne Weddell, P. Allan Figuero-Deck, P. Guillermo Campusano y P. Pedro Núñez. Regístrate para la Asamblea 2017 visitando el sitio web de la Arquidiócesis en www.assemblysa.org o llamando al (210)734-1911.

Our Lady of the Hills is looking for a full time Spanish/English teacher- grades 9-12. If interested, please e-mail [email protected]. ils.org

Please pray for those who have died, and have gone to their eternal rest with the Lord, especially for Betty Bell & Harold (Sam) Barker. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

Covenant of Love Marriage Ministry

Don’t miss our next DATE NIGHT!

August 4, 2017 @ 6:30 p.m.


Notre Dame Social Center

Registra�on cards and brochures

are in the narthex or sign up at

the notredamechurch.cc web site.

Ques�ons? Contact Red and Mark

Anderson @ 830-895-3295

Deadline for reserva�ons-July 31,, 2017

BooksToBorrow from the Notre Dame Parish Library are available in the narthex of the church, near the bell tower door. Last week we featured a spiritual classic written by a Spanish priest titled The Sinner's Guide. This week we are featuring another spiritual classic written by a contemporary of Venerable Louis of Grenada. Dark Night of the Soul was written by St. John of the Cross, who became a Carmelite monk in 1563 and heavily influenced the Spanish mysticism of that era. In the book, this great Doctor of the Church addresses many subjects, among them pride, avarice, envy, and other human imperfections. Both in his writing and in his life he demonstrated his ardent love for God. He wrote his poem Dark Night of the Soul while he was in prison in Toledo. The book is an exposition of the eight stanzas of that poem. The chapters are short, averaging from one to three pages, which makes it nice to be able to really contemplate each meditation before delving deeper into the next. This is definitely a book you will want to spend time with. From the introduction: These treatises are a wonderful illustration of the theological truth that grace, far from destroying nature, ennobles and dignifies it, and of the agreement always found between the natural and the supernatural –between the principles of sound reason and the sublime manifestations of Divine grace. If you are ready to do some serious soul searching, this is the book for you. Strap yourself in; it's a wild ride!

Vinnie's on Broadway NOTES FROM THE HEART

The volunteers at The Society of St. Vincent de Paul on Broadway would like to share with you our work that your donations and thrift shop support make possible while keeping confidential the identities of our brothers and sisters in need.

COME HOME Another blue metal Food Pantry cart disappeared Wednesday, June 28. If you see this cart, please call 832-515-5954.

NEIGHBOR HELPING NEIGHBOR. Sometimes those who come to us for help, aid each other. A teen came determined to pick up for Grandma a mattress and box spring that we gave her through the financial aid office. He bent the mattress enough to get it into the back of the SUV. Then laboriously tied the box springs onto the roof. He left creeping along. He had 11 miles to go. No one saw a lost load, so hopefully, it reached its new home. A senior couple arrived holding hands, very sweet especially when one was supported by a walker, and love. Recently, an indigent spent the afternoon in our thrift store silently reading the Bible.

MICHELON GIRL Just as we were closing the door one Wednesday night, a bloated young one wearing sunglasses over a sunburnt face came in. The waddling figure had on every piece of clothing she owned, plus some bundles underneath. She wanted a bus ticket to the mid-west and a motel room. We gave her some towards the bus ticket, hopefully all, but refused the motel room. She didn't seem overly concerned. The volunteer in financial aid that night handed her a twenty from his wallet. There is a 24-hr fast food in town that permit people to stay all night if they are docile and nursing a cup of coffee.

PRAYERS We have a prayer basket in reception that sometimes gets written prayers. A number of volunteers spend an hour each week before the Blessed Sacrament and pray for those we serve. Here are some to share to increase the number praying. --Lost, no money. Need car. Need major praying. --Hello God. I'm asking to let me live longer. Make this cancer go away and stay gone. --Please pray for my husband, is sick. He is dying. Pray for me and all my family. --Thank you Lord for people that help and I need more help.


July 1-2, 2017

CHURCH Envelopes/Checks $ 17,384.25 Currency/Coin 2,178.09 Capital Improvement 304.00

TOTAL $ 19,866.34 Holy Family Mission (2nd collection) $ 6,160.33 St. Vincent de Paul 20.00 TOTAL $ 6,180.33 SCHOOL School Support Envelopes $ 272.00 Guardian Angel $ 110.00 TOTAL $ 382.00


Bass Pro Shop 9% Bath & Body Works 13%

Walmart 2.5% Cabela’s- 11% GAP/Old Navy 20% Payless Shoes 13% The school office will be open from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM Monday thru Thursday during the summer months so you can continue to purchase your Cash Cards to support the school.

Eating Out? Shopping for that vacation? Going Fishing? Getting Ready for Camp? Buying school clothes or school supplies?

Don’t forget to get your Cash Cards!

Knights of Columbus Father Kemper Council 6409

Opportunities to get involved at Notre Dame

Catholic Church. The Father Kemper Council

#6409, Knights of Columbus, is a group of men who

through acts of faith, charity, and fraternity strive to

become better men, husbands, and fathers and to

support Notre Dame Catholic Church. All Catholic men

age 18 or older, married or single, are encouraged to

join the Kemper Council. To join the Knights of

Columbus, simply call Stuart Walker, Membership

Chairman at 830-998-2698 or Grand Knight Fernando

Gutierrez at 830-343-9200.


Matriculación para el próximo año Catequético

Todo niño/a debe matricularse. No se espere

hasta el ul�mo momento. Venga a la oficina de

YFM para registrarse.

¡También se pueden registrar en línea!


830 896-4233


1 Niño $25

2 Niños $40

3 + Niños $60

Register Now for the 2017-2018 Catechetical Year

PLEASE do not wait until the last minute, come by the YFM office to register.

You can also register on-line:


830 896-4233

Fees are as follows:

1 child $25

2 children $40

3 or more children $60

Register Now ForRegister Now ForRegister Now ForRegister Now For the 2017-2018 Sacramental Preparation Sessions

Sacraments Overview:

Preparation for the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist takes place on many levels. In the home the children are first nurtured, educated and introduced to the traditions of the family and the faith community. In their religion class and through special workshops and retreats they will strengthen their faith as they come to know Jesus’ love more deeply. Requirements to begin preparation: 1. Must be the desire of the child to receive the sacrament. 2. Must be enrolled in a 2nd grade or higher religion class through Notre Dame School or Faith Formation with the parish. 3. Parents must complete an interview with Sacrament Coordinator Denise Jenschke . (This includes parents of Notre Dame School students). 4. Must bring copy of Baptismal certificate to interview. 5. Parents are highly encouraged to take their children to celebrate Sunday Mass. How can they desire to receive Jesus if

they do not know Him?

Please call at Denise 896-4233 x 294 to make a appointment

Matricule a su hijo/a para el Programa de Preparación Sacramental

Sesión del 2017-2018

Preparación para los Sacramentos de la Reconciliación y la Eucaristía se lleva a cabo a muchos niveles. En el hogar, los niños son introducidos a las tradiciones de la familia y la comunidad de fe a través de sus padres. Las sesiones de formación en la fe, al igual que los talleres especiales y retiros, fortalecen aun mas su fe. Así es como ellos llegan a conocer el amor de Jesús más profundamente.

Requisitos para iniciar la preparación: 1. Debe ser el deseo del niño recibir el sacramento. 2. Debe de estar de 2° grado en adelante en una clase de religión, ya sea en la Escuela Notre Dame o la Formación de la

Fe, en la parroquia. 3. Los padres deben completar una entrevista con Alma, si necesita la entrevista en español. (Esto incluye a padres de

estudiantes de la Escuela de Notre Dame). 4. Tiene que traer una copia del certificado de Bautizo a la entrevista. 5. Le sugerimos fuertemente que lleve a su hijo/a a la celebración de la misa los domingos. ¿Como van a querer recibir a

Jesús si no lo conocen?

Por favor, llame a Alma o Nelda al 896-4233 x 232.