^=i£)€%Wi4} Notre Dame, Indiana DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC INFORMATION James E. Murphy, Director - CE 4-9011, Ext. 401 or 402 For release in AM's, Sunday, October 7th: 62/49 Notre Dame# Ind.# Oct. 6 — Twenty-five Catholic and Protestant scholars, most of them theologians, w ill convene at the University of Notre Dame Thursday (Oct. 11th) for a three-day colloquium on "The Concept of the Church as the Body of C hrist." The Notre Dame Colloquium., whose members represent a spectrum of theological positions, w ill coincide with the opening of the Second Vatican Council. In the same ecumenical sp irit, the campus sessions w ill enable Christians of differing creeds and communions to sit down together to explore their respective beliefs and convictions with one another. Sponsored by the Notre Dame theology department and held with the permission and encouragement of ecclesiastical superiors, the colloquium is the second of its kind to be held at the University. A similar Catholic- Protestant dialogue on "The Theological Notion of Authority" took place in October, 1961 , but was not publicized at that time. Principal speakers at this year’s Colloquium, which is open to members only, w ill be Dr. K rister Stendahl, John H. Mori son. Professor of New Testament Studies at the Harvard University Divinity School; Rev. Barnabas Ahern, C.P., of the Fassionist Fathers* Seminary, Louisville, Ky.; Rev, Walter Burghardt, S. J ., editor of THEOLOGICAL STUDIES; Dr. Wilhelm Pauck, professor of church history at Union Theological Seminary, New York City; Dr. Franklin H. Lit te ll, of the Federated Theological Faculty at the University of Chicago; and Rev. Bernard Cooke, S. J ., chairman of the theology department at Marquette University. more

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=̂i£)€%Wi4} Notre Dame, Indiana

DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC INFORMATION James E. Murphy, Director - CE 4-9011, Ext. 401 or 402

For re lea se in AM's, Sunday, October 7 th : 62/49

N otre Dame# Ind.# Oct. 6 — Twenty-five C atho lic and P ro te s ta n t

sch o lars, most o f them theo log ians, w ill convene a t th e U n iversity o f Notre

Dame Thursday (O ct. 11 th) fo r a th ree-d ay colloquium on "The Concept o f the

Church as th e Body o f C h r is t ."

The Notre Dame Colloquium., whose members rep resen t a spectrum o f

th eo lo g ica l p o s itio n s , w il l coincide w ith th e opening o f th e Second V atican

Council. In th e same ecumenical s p i r i t , th e campus sessio n s w ill enable

C hristians o f d if fe r in g creeds and communions to s i t down to g e th er to explore

th e i r re sp ec tiv e b e lie f s and convictions w ith one ano ther.

Sponsored by th e Notre Dame theology department and held w ith th e

perm ission and encouragement o f e c c le s ia s t ic a l su p e rio rs , th e colloquium i s

th e second o f i t s k ind to be held a t th e U n iv ersity . A s im ila r C atho lic-

P ro te s tan t d ialogue on "The T heological Notion o f A uthority" took p lace in

October, 1961, bu t was no t p u b lic ized a t th a t tim e.

P rin c ip a l speakers a t th is y ea r’s Colloquium, which i s open to

members only, w ill be Dr. K ris te r S tendahl, John H. Mori son. P ro fesso r of New

Testament S tudies a t th e Harvard U n iv ersity D iv in ity School; Rev. Barnabas

Ahern, C .P ., o f th e F a ss io n is t Fathers* Seminary, L o u isv ille , Ky.; Rev,

W alter B urghardt, S. J . , e d ito r o f THEOLOGICAL STUDIES; Dr. Wilhelm Pauck,

p ro fesso r o f church h is to ry a t Union T heological Seminary, New York C ity ;

Dr. F ranklin H. L it t e l l , o f the Federated Theological F acu lty a t th e

U niversity o f Chicago; and Rev. Bernard Cooke, S. J . , chairman o f th e

theology departm ent a t M arquette U n iv ersity .


Page 2: Notre Dame Press Releases - University of Notre Dame

Metre Dame Colloquium .. .2

A ll sessions o f the Notre Dame Colloquium xd.31 he held a t The

M orris Inn a t th e entrance to th e campus. I t w il l open w ith an inform al

recep tio n fo r members Thursday (Oct* 11th) a t 8 p.m . At th e f i r s t form al

sessio n F riday (O ct. 12th) a t 10 a.m ., Dr. S tendahl and F ather Ahem w ill

p resen t papers on "The S c rip tu ra l Concept of th e Body of C h ris t."

F ather Burghardt and Dr. Pauck have prepared papers on "The

H is to r ic a l Development of the Concept o f th e Body o f C hrist" fo r th e second

colloquium sessio n beginning a t 3 p.m.

"The Concept of th e Body o f C h rist in Contemporary Thought" w ill

he th e su b jec t o f th e th ird session Saturday (Oct . 13th) a t 10 a.m. w ith

Dr. I i t t e l l and F ather Cooke p resen ting papers. AH members o f the Colloquium

w ill jo in in d iscussing th e form al papers a t each sessio n .

Rev. Robert p e lto n , C .S .C ., head o f th e Notre Dame theology

departm ent, w il l p resid e a t a f in a l Colloquium sessio n Saturday a t 2:30 p.m .

To exp lain th e purpose o f th e campus th eo lo g ica l d ialogue he quoted from

th e o f f ic ia l record o f th e Colloquium’s o rig in a l p lanning session :

"The f i r s t purpose o f th e Notre Dame Colloquium i s th a t C h ris tian s

o f d if fe r in g creeds and communions, C atholic and P ro te s ta n t, might s i t down

to g e th e r to explore th e ir resp ec tiv e b e lie fs and convictions with one ano ther.

Disagreements and cleavages a re not to be winked a t o r s e t a sid e ; indeed,

i t i s th is d is p a r ity o f views which can spark ire n ic d iscussion . For the

Colloquium does not aim a t any conclusions or fo rm ularies o r compromise.

That a l l who fo llow C h rist might someday be brought in to one fellow ship i s ,

o f course, th e p rayer and hope of us a l l . But th e b e s t approach to such a

goal fo r th e p resen t would not co n sist in any piecem eal, s u p e rf ic ia l, i l lu s o ry

agreem ents; what i s ca lle d fo r i s a deeper and more considered understanding

each o f th e o th e r.


Page 3: Notre Dame Press Releases - University of Notre Dame

, Notre Dame C olloquium ...3

"Too long have C atholics and P ro te s tan ts r e l ie d upon th ir d and

fourth-hand accounts of what th e i r fe llo w -C h ristian s b e liev e , to o long have

■we en te rta in ed th e fa ls e and deceptive c a ric a tu re . Jo ined about one ta b le

a t Notre Dame, in candid colloquy about th eo lo g ic a l to p ic s and o th er

considerations o f socio logy, s c r ip tu re , h is to ry , e tc . , which impinge tpon

d o c trin e , dedicated C h ris tian sch o lars w ill p r o f i t by acquaintance and

knowledge, and give common w itness to the contemporary world o f th e i r

C h ris tian f a i th — a l l in p u rsu it o f God’s good p leasu re ."

In add ition to th e speakers, F ather F elton l i s t e d th e follow ing

as members o f th e N otre Dame Colloquium:

Paul G. B arker, reg io n a l d ire c to r o f th e N ational Conference o f C h ristian s and Jews, South Bend, In d . ; Dr. D aniel C allahan, a sso c ia te e d ito r o f COMMONWEAL; Dr. Wilmer A. Cooper, dean o f th e School o f R elig ion a t Earlhem C ollege, Richmond, In d .; Rev. Charles Corcoran. C .S .C ., p ro fesso r o f theology a t Holy Cross C ollege, Washington, D. C ., and a consu ltan t to th e Congregation o f R eligious fo r th e Second V atican Council; and R t. Rev. John P. C raine, E piscopalian Bishop o f In d ian ap o lis,

Rev. John Dunne, C .S .C ., a s s is ta n t p ro fesso r o f theology a t Notre Dame; Rev. Mark Egan, 0 . P . , d ire c to r o f th e Graduate School o f Theology a t S t. Mary’s C ollege, Notre Dame, In d .; Dr. Harold E. H il l , a sso c ia te p ro fesso r o f Old Testament Language and L ite ra tu re a t th e Indiana School o f R eligion;Rev. Joseph H untley, d ire c to r o f educational a c t iv i t ie s a t the Seamans Church I n s t i tu te , New York C ity ; and Rev. Robert Lechner, C. PP. S. , p ro fesso r o f philosophy a t S t. Charles Seminary, Caxthagena, Ohio.

Dr. John MacKay, r e t i r e d p re s id e n t o f P rinceton Theological Seminary; Dr. M artin E. Marty, asso c ia te e d ito r of THE CHRISTIAN CENTURY; S is te r Mary Id a , B. V. M. , p resid en t of Mundelein C ollege, Chicago, 111.; Dr. George S huster, form er Hunter College p resid en t and a s s is ta n t to the p resid en t o f Notre Dame;D r. John E. Smith, chairman o f th e philosophy department a t Yale U niversity ;Dr. Leonard Sw idler, o f th e Duquesne U n iv ersity fac u lty ; Rev. George H. Tavard, A. A. , chairman o f th e department o f theology a t Mt. Mercy C ollege, P ittsb u rg h , P a .; and Miss Donna Myers, o f The G ra il S ta f f , P h ilad e lp h ia , P a ., Colloquium se c re ta ry .


EDITORS: I t has been agreed th a t th e form al Colloquium sessions w il l not be open to th e p re ss . However, newsmen may in terv iew p a rtic ip a n ts in d iv id u a lly

Page 4: Notre Dame Press Releases - University of Notre Dame

fAt €€ dJCbWW} Notre Dame, Indiana

DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC INFORMATION James E. Murphy, Director - CE 4-9011, Ext 401 or 402

b * . /5 oFor release In PM's, Monday, October 8th:

Notre Dame, Ind., Oct. 8 — The appointment of two advisors to the schools of business administration and law at the University of Notre Dame was announced today by Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., University president.

Judd Leighton, vice chairman of the board of directors of the First Bank and Trust Company, South Bend, was named to the Advisory Council for the College of Business Administration. Patrick F. Crowley, of the Chicago law firm of Crowley, Sprecher, Barrett and Karaba, will serve on the Notre Dame Law School Advisory Council. Both groups hold faU and spring meetings on the campus.

Associated with banking for thirty years, Leighton was named a vice president and trust officer of the First Bank in 1948, senior vice president in 1953 and vice Chairman of its board of directors last April. He is a director of the Associates Investment Co., the Sibley Machine and Foundry Co., General Building Materials, Inc., and several insurance firms. Leighton also serves as an officer or director of a number of civic, cultural and philanthropic organizations. He is a Northwestern University law graduate.

Crowley was graduated from Notre Dame in 1933 and from the Loyola University Law School in 1937* Aside from his law practice, he is perhaps best known as a national leader of the Christian Family Movement since its inception in 194-9. The late Pope Pius XII awarded Mr. and Mrs. Crowley the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice Medal for their leadership in the field of Catholic Action. Crowley is president of the Catholic Council on Working Life and a board member of the Marillac Social Center, St. Francis Hospital (Evanston),Catholic Scholarship for Negroes and the Calvert Foundation of the University of Chicago.


Page 5: Notre Dame Press Releases - University of Notre Dame

DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC INFORMATION James E. Murphy, Director - CE 4-9011, Ext. 401 or 402

L x l5 (

For release in AM's, Wednesday, October 10th:

Notre Dame, In d ., Oct. 9 — The impact of ra c ia l prejudice,

in terrelig ious tensions, alcoholism and narcotic addiction on American l i f e

is explored in Social Problems; A Situational-Value Approach (Prentiee-H all),

a new college tex t by Prof. John J . Kane, head of the University of Notre

Dame's department of sociology.

Just as the medical student cannot neglect the f ie ld of pathology,

a knowledge of these and other social problems is essen tia l to a f u l l under­

standing of aU aspects and functions of society , Dr. Kane w rites. Most

Americans know about overt social problems from the newspapers, radio and

telev ision , Kane observes, but they have " l i t t l e insight in to the complexity

and depth of the causal factors."

Kane's book includes chapters on two topics not usually trea ted in

social problems tex ts: the aging and the aged, and the American Catholic

minority. There are also chapters on "The Negro in America" and "The Jews

as a Minority Group."

Professor Kane devotes major portions of his new book to the

population explosion, mental health, juvenile delinquency and crime, and the

social institu tions of the family, religion and education.

A member of the Notre Dame faculty since 1948, Dr. Kane became head

of the sociology department in 1953* He is a former president of the American

Catholic Sociology Society. His e a rlie r books include Marriage and the Family;

and Catholic-Protestant Conflicts in America.

Page 6: Notre Dame Press Releases - University of Notre Dame

DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC INFORMATIONJames E, Murphy, Director - CE 4*9011, Ext. 401 or 402

For re le a se in PM's, Monday, October 22nd; Kp/so

Notre Dame, In d ., Oct. 22 - - Supreme Court J u s tic e Byron R. White

and two o th e r fe d e ra l judges w il l p resid e a t th e f in a l round o f the Notre Dame

law S choo l's 13th annual Moot Court Competition h ere Saturday (O ct, 27th) a t

7:45 p .m ., according to an announcement by Dean Joseph O'Meara.

Sharing th e "bench w ith J u s tic e White w ill he Judge R ichard T. Rives

o f th e U. S. Court o f Appeals fo r th e F if th C irc u it, New O rleans, l a . , and

Judge George N. Reamer of th e U. S . D is tr ic t Court fo r the Northern D is tr ic t

o f Ind iana a t Hammond.

Four se n io r law studen ts w il l p resen t w ritte n b r ie fs and o ra l arguments

to th e ju r is ts during th e event which w il l be held in th e Engineering

Auditorium* They a re Thomas E. Brannigan, 5321 S. May S t . , Chicago, 111.;

James le k in , 3801 Adams Ave., Des Moines, l a . ; P a tr ic k G, C ullen , 1626 Kirkwood

Road, B altim ore, Md.; and Robert J . Noe, 1233 17th S tre e t , Rock Is lan d , 111 .

In the h y p o th e tica l case, Brannigan and le k in w il l rep resen t a Connecti­

cu t p h y sis ian and an o f f ic ia l o f a Planned Parenthood Center who were a rre s te d

fo r counseling m arried women in th e use o f con tracep tives. Both were found

g u ilty by th e C irc u it, A ppellate and Supreme Courts in th e s ta te . In an appeal

to th e Supreme Court of th e United S ta te s , they contend th a t th e Connecticut

s ta tu te s v io la te th e F ir s t and Fourteenth Amendments to the C o n stitu tio n . C ullen

and Noe a re counsel fo r th e S ta te o f Connecticut in th e hypo thetical ac tio n .

The two winning law students w ill rep resen t Notre Dame in the N ational

Moot Court Com petition, They w ill receiv e the D ean's Award, e s tab lish ed by

former law dean Clarence Manion, as w ell as cash p riz e s provided by Mr, A. Harold

Weber, South Bend, In d ., a member o f th e Notre Dame Law School Advisory Council.


Page 7: Notre Dame Press Releases - University of Notre Dame

ojj* Not re Dame, Indiana

DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC INFORMATION James E. Murphy, Director - CE 4-9011, E xt 401 or 402


For release in AM's, Thursday, October 25th: 62/53

Notre Dame, Ind., Oct. 24 — The entire manuscript collection of the famed Ambrosian Library in Milan is now being microfilmed for use by scholars at the new Notre Dame Memorial Library.

Rev. A. L. Gabriel, 0. Praem., director of the University*s Mediaeval Institute, completed arrangements for the mammoth microfilming project during the summer, and some of the microfilmed material has already arrived at Notre Dame.

The Ambrosian Library, founded in 1609 by Cardinal Frederico Borromeo, is celebrated for its collection of approximately 30/000 classical, mediaeval and Renaissance manuscripts. Some of the documents date from the third and fourth centuries A. D.

Assisting Professor Gabriel in launching the Notre Dame microfilm project were Monsignor Moneta Caglio, president of the library's College of Administrators;Msgr. Carlo Castiglioni, prefect; and Msgr. Angelo Pared!, senior doctor of the Biblioteca Ambroslana.

The first material to be microfilmed, Prof, Gabriel said, was the thirty-three volumes of the Inventario Ceruti, a handwritten catalog describing the rich manuscript material of the library. This key to the collection is now at Notre Dame. Microfilms of many ninth and tenth century manuscripts have also been received here, he said, and the copying process continues at Milan.

According to Prof. Gabriel, the Ambrosian documents "have great significance for the study of classical, mediaeval, and Renaissance culture and civilization, paleography and art." They will be available to scholars in the thirteen story Notre Dame Memorial Library scheduled for completion next fall.

Page 8: Notre Dame Press Releases - University of Notre Dame

o N o t r e Dame, Indiana

DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC INFORMATIONJames E. Murphy, Director - CE 4-9011, Ext 401 or 402

(o'i/s¥For release in AM's, Tuesday, October 23rd:

Notre Dame, In d ., Oct. 22 — Twenty paintings from the University of

Notre Dame gallery w ill be seen in museums throughout the country during the

coming year in an exhibition circulated by the American Federation of A rts,

According to Rev. Anthony Lauck, C.S.C., gallery d irector and head

of the U niversity’s a r t department, the Notre Dame show w ill consist largely

of 17th and l8 th century works including p o rtra its , landscapes and B iblical


A rtists represented include De la i r esse, Muller and van Honthorst of

Holland; Boucher, Lorrain and N attier of France; Blanch!, Garzi and M aratti of

Ita ly ; and the English pain ters le ly and Romney.

E ntitled "A University Collects; Notre Dame", the exhibition has

already been scheduled a t several in stitu tio n s including the Andrew Dickson White

Museum of Art a t Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y.; the Tennessee Fine Arts

Center, Nashville; the C ity o f Long Beach (C a lif.) Museum of Art; and the

Allentown (Fa.) Art Museum.

Currently and through Oct. 28th, the Notre Dame gallery is featuring

sculpture, drawings and p rin ts by David Hayes, a 1953 Notre Dame fine arts

graduate. Hayes, whose recent work has been in forged metals, is now studying

in Europe on Fulbright and Guggenheim grants.

"Modern Mexican Painters',' an exhibition featuring works by Orozco,

Ribera and other contemporary a r t is ts , has been scheduled fo r Nov. k-25 in the

Notre Dame gallery . The Mexican a r t w ill be on loan from the Lester Wolfe

Collection in New York.

Featured concurrently with both the Hayes and Mexican shows are Ita lian

Renaissance paintings from the Kress Study Collection. Gallery hours are 1 to

5 p.m. daily .end

Page 9: Notre Dame Press Releases - University of Notre Dame


62/49 10/6/62 lotre Dame Theology Colloquium62/50 IO/8/62 Judd Leighton and Patrick Crowley - Advisory Counfcil62/5I 10/9/62 Prof. John J. Kane's hook, Social Problems: A

Situational-Value Approaeh62/52 10/22/62 HD's 13th annual Moot Court Competition62/53 10/24/62 Amhrosion Library Microfilm62/54 10/22/62 "Modem Mexican Painters'1 at University Gallery