D-12 DWADASAMSA OR SURYAMSA Notes prepared for students of Bhavan’s Jyotisha Bharati, Mumbai, by Prof. Anthony Writer 1 D-12 DWADASAMSA Dwadasamsa which is also known as Suryamsa, is one twelfth division of the sign. Each amsa is therefore 2°30´ in span. Counting always starts from that sign and proceeds regularly regardless of the type of the sign. D/12 chart incates: - Happiness of the native from his parents - Comforts and longevity of the parents - Social and financial status of the father - Benefits received by the native from his paternal side The 12 dwadasamsas of each rasi have been assigned to 4 deities as follows. This is an unique method to strengthen the planet on different division by worshipping the deity indicated. By doing so the malefic effects of the planet, either during the dasha period or transit. D/12 divisions Their deities Results obtained by worshipping the deity 1, 5, 9 Ganesh Ganesh is known as the Leader of the masses. The common man invokes his name by saying गणेशाय नमः during times of crises, commencement of any work, etc. and thereby seek his blessings. 2, 6, 10 Ashwini Kumar The Ashvins are mentioned 376 times in the Rigveda, with 57 hymns specifically dedicated to them. Their expertise and blessings are invoked by doctors, surgeons, physicians, etc. for restoration of health and miraculous cures. 3, 7, 11 Yama Yama Gayathri Mantra “Om Surya puthraya Vidhmahe Maha Kalaya Dheemahe Thanno Yama Prachodayath” is chanted for power of endurance, discipline, responsibility, restraint, moral values, impartiality, justice and equality so that one is saved from hell fire. 4, 8, 11 Ahi or Serpent As our sages have associated the serprent with Sheshnag, who has provided an eternal resting place to Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi, one invokes his name because he denotes love fr solitude, cleanliness, power of endurance and satisfaction. - If D-12 Ascendant lord is a strong benefic planet, occupies the lagna, 2 nd , 5 th 9 th or 11 th houses, the native is rich, prosperous, gets paterial affection and property, gets higher education, enjoys father’s status and profits. - If D-12 Ascendant is occupied by malefic and the ascendant lord is afflicted by bad positions and malefic aspects, the native may not get love and support of parents. - Like the D-9 chart, the D-12 chart is also considered as extension of natal chart and is subject to house wise analysis.

Notes prepared for students of Bhavan’s Jyotisha Bharati ... · Notes prepared for students of Bhavan’s Jyotisha Bharati, Mumbai, by Prof. Anthony Writer 5 D-1 Chart - Lagna Lord,

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    Notes prepared for students of Bhavan’s Jyotisha Bharati, Mumbai, by Prof. Anthony Writer



    Dwadasamsa which is also known as Suryamsa, is one twelfth division of the sign. Each amsa is therefore 2°30´ in span. Counting always starts from that sign and proceeds regularly regardless of the type of the sign. D/12 chart incates:

    - Happiness of the native from his parents - Comforts and longevity of the parents - Social and financial status of the father - Benefits received by the native from his paternal side

    The 12 dwadasamsas of each rasi have been assigned to 4 deities as follows. This is an unique method to strengthen the planet on different division by worshipping the deity indicated. By doing so the malefic effects of the planet, either during the dasha period or transit. D/12 divisions

    Their deities Results obtained by worshipping the deity

    1, 5, 9 Ganesh Ganesh is known as the Leader of the masses. The common man invokes his name by saying ॐ �ी गणेशाय नमः during times of crises, commencement of any work, etc. and thereby seek his blessings.

    2, 6, 10 Ashwini Kumar The Ashvins are mentioned 376 times in the Rigveda, with 57 hymns specifically dedicated to them. Their expertise and blessings are invoked by doctors, surgeons, physicians, etc. for restoration of health and miraculous cures.

    3, 7, 11 Yama Yama Gayathri Mantra “Om Surya puthraya Vidhmahe Maha Kalaya Dheemahe Thanno Yama Prachodayath” is chanted for power of endurance, discipline, responsibility, restraint, moral values, impartiality, justice and equality so that one is saved from hell fire.

    4, 8, 11 Ahi or Serpent As our sages have associated the serprent with Sheshnag, who has provided an eternal resting place to Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi, one invokes his name because he denotes love fr solitude, cleanliness, power of endurance and satisfaction.

    - If D-12 Ascendant lord is a strong benefic planet, occupies the lagna, 2nd, 5th 9th or 11th houses, the native is rich, prosperous, gets paterial affection and property, gets higher education, enjoys father’s status and profits.

    - If D-12 Ascendant is occupied by malefic and the ascendant lord is afflicted by bad positions and malefic aspects, the native may not get love and support of parents.

    - Like the D-9 chart, the D-12 chart is also considered as extension of natal chart and is subject to house wise analysis.


    Notes prepared for students of Bhavan’s Jyotisha Bharati, Mumbai, by Prof. Anthony Writer


    House wise indications of a dwadasamsa chart House implications 1 Relations with parents and grand parents and the influence of the family. 2 Sanskar of the family, wealth, social status of parents, and the support from parents 3 Efforts of the parents 4 Happiness of the family, longevity of the father 5 It is 9th from 9th, denoting grand parents, relation of 5th house with 4th and 9th houses

    and Sun and Moon indicates the relationship of the native with parents. 6 Debts inherited by native from parents. Profession of father. Diseases of the parents

    passed on to the native and the capacity to fight it. 7 Spouse of the native. Partners to promote the lineage of the family. 8 Inheritance got from the parents. 9 The dharma and religious practices of the family. Native’s bhagya through father. 10 The karmas performed by parents for their parents and fore-fathers. Maraka house

    for father and mother. 11 The gains of parents and elders shared by the native. 12 This house is 4th from 9th and 9th from 4th (maternal grand parents) Sun is the karaka for father and Moon is the karaka for mother


    Notes prepared for students of Bhavan’s Jyotisha Bharati, Mumbai, by Prof. Anthony Writer


    Case studies for Dwadasamsa

    CASE STUDY 1 Sex Male Date of Birth 4 : 10 : 1972 Time of Birth 12 : 45 : 0 Day of Birth Wednesday Ishtkaal 015-38-04 Place of Birth Mumbai Country Time Zone 5.5 Latitude 19 : 4 : N Longitude 72 : 52 : E

    Tithi TRAYODASI Hindu Week Day Wednesday Paksha KRISHNA Yoga SUBHA Karan GAR Sunrise 06.29.46 Sunset 18.24.45 Day Duration 11.54.58

    Vimshottari Dasha Balance Of Dasha : KETU 0 Y 3 M 16 D Ke 20/1/1973 Ve 20/1/1993 Su 20/1/1999 Mo 20/1/2009 Ma 20/1/2016 Ra 20/1/2034 Ju 20/1/2050 Sa 20/1/2069 Me 20/1/2086

    Planets C R Rashi Longitude Nakshatra Pada Relation Asc Sagittarius 12-08-13 Mula 4 Sun D Virgo 17-41-23 Hasta 3 Neutral Moon D Leo 12-46-18 Magha 4 Friendly Mars C D Virgo 08-41-03 Uttaraphal 4 Enemy Merc D Virgo 28-22-36 Chitra 2 Exalted Jupt D Sagittarius 07-26-24 Mula 3 Own Venu D Leo 05-19-32 Magha 2 Enemy Satn R Taurus 27-07-26 Mrigasira 2 Friendly Rahu R Sagittarius 28-27-57 Uttarashadha 1 Ketu R Gemini 28-27-57 Punarvasu 3 Uran D Virgo 24-42-30 Chitra 1 Nept D Scorpion 09-40-35 Anuradha 2 Plut D Virgo 08-46-36 Uttaraphal 4


    Notes prepared for students of Bhavan’s Jyotisha Bharati, Mumbai, by Prof. Anthony Writer



    Notes prepared for students of Bhavan’s Jyotisha Bharati, Mumbai, by Prof. Anthony Writer


    D-1 Chart

    - Lagna Lord, Jupiter, is in the ascendant, aspecting the 9th house tenanted by Moon and Venus.

    - Lord of 9th, the Sun, is in Karmasthan, i.e., the lord of trikona (baghya) is in a Kendra, having stana bala.

    - Venus, lord of 11th is in 9th, i.e., 1th from 11th along with Moon, and aspected by Jupiter. - Both the karakas of father and mother are well placed. - Mars, lord of 5th ( a trikona) is in the 10th (a Kendra) and has sthana bala.

    D/9 Chart

    - Lagna lord, Moon is in the ascendant and swagrahi. - Mars, yoga karak for Cancer lagna, is in a trikona from ascendant. - Venus, lord of 4th and 11th is in 11th and swagrahi. - Mercury. Lord of 3 rd and 12th is in the 3rd house, swagrahi and exalted and own

    moolatrikona. D-12 chart

    - Mars, lord of lagna and 8th house is in the 9th, trikona from lagna, along with Moon, lord of 4th, a Kendra.

    - Mars aspects Sun and Saturn in the 12th house. 12th house is 4th from 9th. This house is 4th from 9th and 9th from 4th (maternal grand parents).

    - Venus lord of 2nd and 7th is in the 7th, swagrahi, aspected by Jupiter from the 11th. He will have partners to promote the lineage of the family.

    - The lord of 11th, Saturn and the lord of 12th, Jupiter, are having mutual reception, assuring that the gains of parents and elders shared by the native by way of expenses for development, investments in property, etc.

    The native’s bhagya is through the father, as the Sun is having sthana bala along with Mars in the 10th house in the natal chart. Mars, lord of lagna and 8th in the D-12 chart is in a trikona, aspecting the Sun (lord of 5th) and Saturn lord of karma and labha, forming a parivarthan yoga with Jupiter, lord of baghya. The lineage of the family is assured by Venus, the lord of 2nd and 7th, well-aspected by Jupiter, the lord of bagya and pitra.


    Notes prepared for students of Bhavan’s Jyotisha Bharati, Mumbai, by Prof. Anthony Writer




    Notes prepared for students of Bhavan’s Jyotisha Bharati, Mumbai, by Prof. Anthony Writer



    Notes prepared for students of Bhavan’s Jyotisha Bharati, Mumbai, by Prof. Anthony Writer


    D-1 Chart

    - Lord of Ascendant, Mars, is exalted in karmastahan, forming a Shukra Mangal Yoga. Such a combination also forms a dhana yoga.

    - Lord of Karma and labha, Saturn is in bhagya sthana, well-aspected by its dispositor, Jupiter.

    - Sun, lord of 5th, purva punya, is in the 11th with Mercury, well aspected by Jupiter, the lord of bhagya and Saturn, the lord of karma and labha, tenanting bhagya sthana.

    - Exalted mars, aspects the ascendant and a swagrahi Moon in the 4th house. - The luminaries, karakas of parents are well-placed.

    D-9 Chart

    - A virgottama Saturn, who is on a pushkar navamsa, is conjoined its dispositor, Jupiter, and aspects the D-9 lagna lord and Mars in the 6th house.

    - Venus, on Pushkar navamsa, is exalted in the 7th house, who is lord of 2nd and 9th D-12 chart:

    - There is a mutual reception between lord of ascendant Mars and lord of 4th Saturn, both are karakas of property.

    - Sun, lord of 10th is in the lagna - Moon, lord of bhagya is aspected by Saturn and Mercury - Jupiter is in karmasthan, aspect Venus in the 6th house, assuring him of his father’s

    business, of which he is already a partner. - Mercury, lord of 8 th and 11th in bhagya sthana, aspects Moon, the lord of bhagya. This

    Moon in the 3rd house, aspected by the significator of communication, assures him success in his internet marketing business.


    Notes prepared for students of Bhavan’s Jyotisha Bharati, Mumbai, by Prof. Anthony Writer


    Case No. 3


    Notes prepared for students of Bhavan’s Jyotisha Bharati, Mumbai, by Prof. Anthony Writer



    Notes prepared for students of Bhavan’s Jyotisha Bharati, Mumbai, by Prof. Anthony Writer


    Interpretation of case no.4 Natal (D/1) Chart

    - Mutual reception (parivartan yoga) between Ascendat Lord (Moon) and 7th aand 8th Lord (Saturn).

    - Mutual reception between 2nd (Sun)and 5th and 10th lord (Mars). - Mutual reception between 6th and 9th lord (Jupiter) and 11th lord (Venus). - Jupiter aspects the Sun and the Moon (both luminaries) from 11 house. - Mahabahgyashali yoga: A female having lagna and lagna lord (Moon) in even house with

    night birth. D/9 Chart

    - Aspects of good fortune: a) Jupiter, lord of lagna and karmasthan aspects 9 house and 11th house b) Mars, lord of 9th and 2nd, aspects 9th house and lord of 5th house

    - Saturn, lord of 11th is in 11th house aspecting 5th house and he is the dispositor of Moon, lord of 5th house.

    - Saturn also aspects the D/9 lagna and Mercury and Venus in the 8th house. - Saturn is the dispositor of Moon, both in the D-1 and D-9 charts.

    D/12 Chart

    - Saturn, the lord of dharma adipathi and karma adipathi, if placed in the labhasthan, being yoga karak for D/12 lagna, Taurus.

    - Venus, lord of Ascendant has thana bal and aspects Mars in the 10th also having stahana bala.

    - Saturn is associated with the Moon in D-12 chart. Final analysis

    - As the 9th and 10th lord Saturn of D-12 is in the 11th house, it shows that the native’s bhagya is through the father.

    - Jupiter is the lord of the 8th house, placed in the 6th, 11th from 8th. Sun, the lord of 4th, is placed in the 8th house, aspected by Saturn from the 11th house, lord of the 9th and 10th houses, showing inheritance got from the parents.

    Sources and reference: Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra Saravali Secrets of Varga by Krishna Kumar Comprehensive Predictions by Divisional Charts by VP Goel http://www.barbarapijan.com/bpa/Varga/D12_Dwadashamsha.htm