C4KH campaigners pictured outside the Dail last week. Tel: 01 8621611. www.dublinpeople.com Vol.20. No.26 29 June - 5 July ‘16 WeST Reaching 340,000 ReadeRs Weekly acRoss 3 titles * * target group index 2014 Weekly neWsPaPeRs dublin’s 1 n o . Listen to us! Jack Gleeson c aMPaigneRs calling for the new national children’s hospital to be built at connolly hospital have handed the government a petition of over 60,000 signatures calling for the decision to build at st James’s to be reviewed. The petition was presented last week by a large group of families and sick children from the Connolly for Kids Hospital (C4KH) campaign group who are also demanding a meeting with Taoiseach Enda Kenny. An Bord Pleanála granted planning permission for the new children’s hospital project at the St James’s Hospital site earlier this year but C4KH isn’t giving up. The campaigners are demanding an Oireachtas hearing to review the location before building begins at St James’s later this year, and their call is being backed by some leading healthcare experts. continued on page 2 Contact Enda WWW.7DAYAUTO.IE 087 829 2727 CARS TO ORDER MON-FRI: 8.30am-6pm SAT: 9am-3pm SUN: 12am-3pm or John 087 267 1715 DAMASTOWN RD, DUBLIN 15 OPEN 7 DAYS Check our range of quality USED VEHICLES! SUNDAYS OPEN Be inspired by our new Garden displays Opening Hours; Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5.00pm Saturdays 10.00am to 3.00pm Closed Bank Holiday Saturdays & Mondays • www.outHaus.ie • 01 8441200 Unit 26 Airways Industrial Estate, Santry, Dublin 17 Dublin Orthodontists we Care about your child’s smile Other services available in the College Gate clinic Doctor/Dentist/Physiotherapist. � Payment Plans to suit your budget � Typical payment €150 per month � Tax back through a Med 2 worth €660 � Free assessments for braces (age 9-23yrs only)

Northside People (West) June 29th 2016

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Page 1: Northside People (West) June 29th 2016

C4KH campaigners pictured outside the Dail last week.▪

Tel: 01 8621611. www.dublinpeople.com Vol.20. No.26 29 June - 5 July ‘16 WeST

Reaching 340,000 ReadeRs Weekly acRoss 3 titles** target

group index 2014Weekly neWsPaPeRsdublin’s 1no.

Listen to us!Jack Gleeson

caMPaigneRs calling for the new national children’s hospital to be built at connolly

hospital have handed the government a petition of over 60,000 signatures calling for the decision to build at st James’s to be reviewed.

The petition was presented last week by a large group of families and sick children from the Connolly for Kids Hospital (C4KH) campaign group who are also demanding a meeting with Taoiseach Enda Kenny.

An Bord Pleanála granted planning permission for the new children’s hospital project at the St James’s Hospital site earlier this year but C4KH isn’t giving up.

The campaigners are demanding an Oireachtas hearing to review the location before building begins at St James’s later this year, and their call is being backed by some leading healthcare experts.

continued on page 2

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Dublin Orthodontistswe Care about your child’s smile

Other services available in the College Gate clinic Doctor/Dentist/Physiotherapist.

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Page 2: Northside People (West) June 29th 2016

� 29 Jun 2016 • northside PeoPle West

Continued from page 1

“The Government’s stated reason for choosing the St James’s site is that the clinical outcomes for the children will be better if the children’s hospital is co-located with the adult St James’s Hospital,” said children’s cancer specialist, Dr Fin Breatnach.

“There is not a scintilla of scientific evidence to support this claim.

“The one co-location that will result in lives being saved; that of the children’s hospital with a maternity Hospital, is being jeopardised by the Govern-ment’s blind perseverance with this deeply flawed site.”

Dr Breatnach said campaign-ers believe the likelihood of a maternity hospital ever being built on the “constricted site” at St James’s was “extremely unlikely”.

And he also warned that the lives of children could be lost if it wasn’t.

“Every year babies with severe congenital heart disease and other potentially curable conditions such as congeni-tal diaphragmatic hernia die principally because of the need for ambulance transfer,” he explained.

“If a co-located maternity hospital is not built, then it is

inevitable that babies will con-tinue to die each year during the planned, 100 year lifespan of the children’s hospital.”

Connolly for Kids says the Dublin 15 hospital site is a bet-ter choice as its 145 acres al-lows plenty of space for future expansion. They also argue that not only does the site provide easier access from all over Ireland and extensive parking space, but it would be faster and cheaper to build on it too.

The campaign now has the support of a number of county councils and a recent Red-C poll of 1,000 people found only 20 per cent in favour of the St James’s site.

“In the face of the wide-scale public opposition to the building of this hospital at St James’s, the people must be listened to by their representa-tives in the Dáil and Seanad,” a spokesperson for the campaign said.

“What they appear to be saying is that the Government made the wrong decision in choosing the St James’s site. Despite this, no public debate has ever taken place in the na-tional parliament on the issue.

“Too much has happened behind closed doors. A public presentation of facts is re-quired.”

Orthopaedic surgeon and

Connolly Hospital. PHOTO: DARREN KINSELLA▪

founder of the Blackrock Clinic, Jimmy Sheehan, is also backing the campaign. He says building at Connolly will save a minimum of €200 million of taxpayers’ money.

“All admit that in this day and age that the costs of healthcare are unsustainable,” he said.

“With rapid planning, construction and commission-ing the children’s hospital can be delivered at Connolly in a three-year period. This will be ahead of the current pro-gramme for St James by about a year.”

Last week supporters of the St James’s site issued a joint statement explaining why they believed the Southside location was the right choice for the children’s hospital.

“Sharing a campus with St James’s will deliver better clinical outcomes and improved survival rates for the sickest children and young people,” the statement read.

“There are many reasons why St James’s is the right location, but the primary one is that it has the greatest number of clinical specialties that will

best support our teams in the delivery of better services and clinical outcomes for our sick-est children and young people.

“This critical level of clinical support is not available at Con-nolly Hospital.”

The statement was issued by: the Children’s Hospital Group; the National Paediatric Hospital Development Board; Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin; Temple Street Children’s Uni-versity Hospital; the National Children’s Hospital, Tallaght; and St James’s Hospital.

Former Minister for Health, Senator James Reilly, also de-fended the decision to build at St James’s, which he said was taken on the advice of “a panel of national and international people”.

Speaking on the Sean Moncrieff show on Newstalk he argued that St James’s was bet-ter equipped to treat as many children with rare conditions as possible within Ireland itself, which was the project’s goal.

Construction work for the first phase of the project is scheduled to commence at the St James’s site in a matter of weeks.

Listen to us!Blaze damage to cost thousandsJack Gleeson

DAMAGE to a playground in Griffith Park that was recently set ablaze by vandals is expect-ed to cost several thousand euro to repair.

The park, situated on the Tolka River between Glasnevin and Drumcondra, was set alight on Thursday, June 16. Damage could have been more extensive but for the quick arrival of Dublin Fire Brigade who arrived on the scene within minutes of being alerted by local residents.

Councillor Noeleen Reilly (SF) praised the fire brigade and said the damage done was totally un-acceptable.

“Dublin City Council informed me that the costs of repairs in Griffith Park playground will be anywhere from €15,000 to €20,000,” she added.

“This is such a waste of taxpay-ers’ money. The playground had to be closed at the weekend for safety reasons and will be for the foreseeable future.”

Cllr Reilly said anti-social be-haviour had been increasing in local parks over the last number of weeks with wheelie bins con-

Park equipment was extensively damaged in the blaze.

sistently being robed from lo-cal homes, brought into the park and set alight.

“There have been a number of different attacks on play-grounds in parks all over Dub-lin North West in recent times,” she continued.

“The fact of the matter is that there is not enough secu-rity in the parks. If someone wants to get into the park to cause trouble they will, but there is no one there to move them on.”

Cllr Reilly is calling for an increase in the number of park wardens and will be raising the issue at the next Dublin North West Joint Policing meeting.

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Page 3: Northside People (West) June 29th 2016


Students strugglingto surviveJack O’Toole

LOCAL students are cutting back on food and going with-out heat during winter to make ends meet according to new survey published earlier this month.

The survey by the Union of Stu-dents in Ireland (USI) found that more than a third (38.7 per cent) of students go hungry to stay in college while 34.2 per cent go without heat so they can afford registration fees and their rent.

Cáit Ní Cheallacháin, a second year student at DCU living on Col-lins Avenue, Whitehall, said she has to make sacrifices in order to complete her degree.

“I pay €440 rent a month, and then on top of that there could be €60 for heat and €40 for gas,” she told Northside People.

“I’m also paying a loan for my fees and then I have to pay travel for getting into work as well.

“I had to cut back on food, electricity and heating and when I wasn’t getting many hours in January, I had to go without heat-ing for three weeks.”

Ní Cheallacháin’s experience ties in with the USI survey that reveals 58.1 per cent of students in Ireland miss meals to stay in college.

Stundent union President, Kev-in O’Donoghue, admitted he was ‘shocked’ by the survey’s results as the findings were worse than the student union anticipated.

However, DCU Student Union Welfare Officer, Domnhail Harkin, told Northside People that food

Students are struggling to make ends meet, according to the USI survey. PIC POSED▪

is just one of the areas that stu-dents are having to cut back in.

“I’m not surprised at all,” he said. “Living in Dublin now is very expensive and we see rent prices going through the roof. Just the day-to-day stuff you hear from students is crazy.

“I find that students are strug-gling, they’re doing their best, but our students are paying €500 per month minimum [on rent], €550 or €600 in some places, so it’s a real struggle.

“Because rent is so expensive students are cutting back every-where they can, and one of the things they have to cut back on is food, which is crazy.”

Harkin said that the biggest expenses faced by Dublin stu-dents is paying the registration fee and rent, which on average costs about €5,925 for the aca-demic year according to DIT’s

Campus Life service.The service claims that rent for

students in Dublin can vary from less than €348 per month for a shared room and up to €1,089 or more for a one bedroom unit.

The guide also claims that ex-penses such as food, travel, utili-ties, books, clothes/medical, mo-bile and social can cost as much as €5,076 for the year, bringing the grand total up to €11,000 a year when rent and registration fees are included.

The USI has called for in-creased State funding into third level education and for corpora-tions who are benefitting from Irish graduates to re-invest into the higher education system.

The union has also asked the Department of Public Expen-diture and Reform not to raise registration fees as it would only make matters worse.

Becauserent is so expensive

students are cutting back everywhere they can, and one of the things they have to cut back on is food, which is crazy





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Page 4: Northside People (West) June 29th 2016

� 29 Jun 2016 • northside PeoPle West

WHY do today what you can put off till tomorrow… or next year, even.

Just weeks into the new minority Gov-ernment’s reign and we are starting to get a picture of what this so-called ‘new politics’ means. It seems to be a case that every single unpopular measure will be kicked down the road until such a time that we have a couple of budgets under our belts.

Finance Minister Michael Noonan al-luded to this last week when he admit-

ted he didn’t know how long the current minority arrangement would last. The plan, at least, is that Fianna Fáil will be on board for three budgets before the situation is reviewed. That is, of course, if banana skins can be avoided in the interim.

Early last week, it was looking like the Government had found its new Irish Water in the form of the pay-by-weight bin charges controversy. But Fine Gael, still smarting from the water charges debacle, were anxious to kick this one to touch. So they did exactly what they did with water bills – put the decision off for another time.

To be fair, Housing Minister Simon Coveney was caught between a rock and a hard place as this new bin pay-ment system had been coming down the tracks for some time. For most house-holders, it was simply a fear of the un-known. Would we be rewarded with reduced bills for managing our waste more sensibly? The truth is, none of us really know.

Now that we’ve been given a one-year stay of execution, the Government and waste management companies can properly engage with the public on what the changeover will mean for us. We can expect to be love bombed with glossy information packs and slick radio and TV advertising campaigns between now

and then.The Government will be hoping that

last week’s decision (if it can even be called that) will take the heat out of the situation. But if a week is a long time in politics, then a year is an eternity.

Instead of allaying concerns about bin

charges, Fine Gael may have unwittingly given its opponents time to mobilise. This could result in the political night-mare scenario of public protests and campaigns of civil disobedience.

And in the event of mass non-pay-ment, will this result in a public health

hazard with rubbish piling up on our streets and increased illegal dumping?

Rather than diffuse the controversy, I can’t escape the feeling that the Govern-ment has simply taken the pin out of the grenade.

[email protected]

Comment: Tony McCullagh, Dublin People group editor

opinion >>

Are bin charges the new irish Water?

Will the issue of bin charges blow up in the Government’s face? FILE PHOTO▪

Page 5: Northside People (West) June 29th 2016

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Page 6: Northside People (West) June 29th 2016

� 29 Jun 2016 • northside PeoPle West

Pictured at the Dochas Centre gym (l-r) are Governor Mary O’Connor, Chris Brien of Bohemian Foundation, fitness trainer, Sarah Farrell and Dublin Lord Mayor, Criona Ni Dhalaigh.▪

Dóchas is fit for purpose say inmates

“There was a family meeting and they nearly threw me out,” she laughed.

“I think the work the Founda-tion does in outreaching in the community is absolutely fantas-tic, and the fitness course is a great example of this.

“There’s a huge emphasis on healthy living and people need to be encouraged to keep fit.

“Prison is a punishment but it’s also supposed to be a form or rehabilitation. You can’t just put

people in, lock them away and expect them to come out as bet-ter citizens.”

And the prisoners themselves are also delighted with the fit-ness training provided by Dean and Sarah.

“I’m really happy with it,” one told us. “I’m doing a diploma is gym instruction and I spend 14 hours a week in the gym. Sarah brings in new exercises, new workouts and new ideas to us. She’s full of energy and she

opened my eyes for me.”Another long-term prisoner

said the classes were as much about positive mental health as they were about body fitness.

“I love fitness and I’m always in the gym anyway but it’s great to come over and learn some-thing new,” she said.

“Sarah has great motivation and she’ll get you going and she’s easy to talk to. She’s interested, and I think you need a teacher to be interested.”

Jack Gleeson

INMATES at the Dóchas Centre on North Circular Road have been presented with certifi-cates by Dublin Lord Mayor, Críona Ní Dhálaigh, for com-pleting a gruelling fitness course.

The course was brought into the centre by the Bohemian Foundation and run by Northside fitness experts and Bohs fans, Dean Merton and Sarah Farrell.

Personal trainer and strength coach Dean was introduced to prison staff by Bohemian Foun-dation President, Tommy Hynes, who has organised soccer train-ing for Mountjoy prisoners.

Dean then roped in Sarah, who

was working with him as an intern at Bodynamics gym in Santry, to help run the course at Dóchas

“Dean invited me to take part in a Walking Football event in Ballymun organised by the Foun-dation and he asked me would I be interested,” she said.

Sarah, who has an interest in criminology, says she didn’t hesi-tate to work with the female in-mates at Dóchas.

“I wasn’t apprehensive at all. I think everybody deserves a chance to better themselves and if I can help with all in that, I’m more than happy.

“The inmates have been so welcoming. They’ve been just fantastic. They’re really motivat-ed to get in there and really enjoy themselves working out.”

Dean says the women in Dó-chas were easy to work with be-cause they’re so friendly and are already big into training at the prison gym, which has some cut-ting-edge fitness equipment.

“They’re starting off at a very high standard and they already love to train,” he says.

“I think what we’re doing is teaching them to use the facili-ties to their fullest potential.”

Last month Dublin Lord Mayor, Críona Ní Dhálaigh, presented the inmates with certificates for completing the Bohemian Foun-dation course.

The Mayor admits her siblings are fans of Shamrock Rovers, but she’s no problem supporting the work done by their Dublin rivals, Bohs, through the Foundation

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Page 7: Northside People (West) June 29th 2016
Page 8: Northside People (West) June 29th 2016

� 29 Jun 2016 • northside PeoPle West

Whitehall hurling star is excelling in a Dublin jerseyDaniel O’Connor

WHITEHALL Colmcille’s Eoghan O’Donnell has quickly become one of Dublin’s most promis-ing hurlers thanks to his per-formances over the last few months.

Originally joining the senior hurling panel before he had even left school, the 20-year old made his senior championship debut against Wexford last month.

O’Donnell has been involved in inter-county hurling for most of his playing career, but insists that some of his successes have definitely surprised him.

Speaking to the Northside Peo-ple, O’Donnell explains how his call-up to the Minor squad came at a shock, having been a fringe player on development squads for most of his underage career.

“It wasn’t something I was ex-pecting. You never really expect to see yourself playing in a Dublin jersey, especially at such a high

level,” O’Donnell says.Despite impressive perfor-

mances, he failed to leave the Minor squad with an All-Ireland medal after Dublin were beaten in a replay by Tipperary in the final, something which he insists “as long I’m playing, I’ll will re-gret not winning that day”.

He would soon bounce back by being called up to the Dublin se-niors in 2014. Only 18-years-old at the time, O’Donnell claims it was like nothing he had experi-enced before.

“It was a mad experience walk-ing into the dressing room and sitting beside your heroes,” he says.

“I was watching Liam Rushe and Conal Keaney play in these big games and then all of a sud-den you’re there beside them.

“The intensity of training, the pace, the physicality: it was an absolute shock to the system. It took me nearly a year to earn my stripes in the team and establish myself.”

Fast forward two years, O’Donnell started the majority of Dublin league games this year, has played in both championship games and is also a leading figure in Dublin’s Under 21 panel.

When not representing his county, O’Donnell relishes the op-portunity to play for his club.

As the first player from White-hall Colmcille’s to play for the Dublin senior hurling team since the 1980s, the pride he takes in representing his parish is clearly seen, especially when he claims the highlight of his whole career so far was winning an Under 16 ‘A’ Shield Club Final.

“To win like that with your mates when we were huge under-dogs, it was such a huge moment in my life and I’ll never forget it as long as I live,” O’Donnell says.

“Whitehall is such a close-knit community. One of the big-gest appeals of playing for your county for me is being able to represent your friends and team-mates from your club.” After de-

Eoghan O’Donnell in action for Dublin against Kilkenny.▪

feat to Kilkenny in the Leinster Championship semi-final, Dublin will now take on Cork in the All-Ireland qualifiers this Saturday, July 2.

While his personal goal may

be to retain his starting position in the team throughout the year, O’Donnell says he will keep his focus on the team effort and the challenge they face against the Rebels.

“We’ve identified the issues from the last game, but we won’t take Cork for granted at all. We’ll take this game like we take ev-ery other and prepare for a huge battle,” he adds.

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Page 9: Northside People (West) June 29th 2016


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Page 10: Northside People (West) June 29th 2016


Runway consultation process underwayPat O’Rourke

LOCAL residents and communities are being given the opportunity to view

Dublin Airport’s new runway plans at fi rst-hand at public information events.

The Dublin Airport Authority (daa) has already hosted an event last weekend in Swords and there’s another one taking place in Malahide on July 1-2.

The 3,110m North Runway was granted planning permission in 2007 and will be located within existing daa lands.

However, there is concern in some communities about how the new runway might impact on local residents.

Dublin Airport Authority spokeswoman Siobhan O’Donnell said that given the strategic importance of this project to the country and in particular to Fingal, the daa would like to share information about its plans with all interested parties, “most especially our neighbours in the community with whom we

continue to work closely”.“A team from daa, together

with external experts, will be available to share information in relation to the North Runway and to answer any questions that attendees may have,” said Ms O’Donnell.

It’s expected that the North Runway will see the creation of 31,200 new jobs over the next 20 years.

It should also contribute an extra €2.2 billion to the Irish economy.

The daa said the development of the runway will allow the airport to grow in the future for the benefi t of the Irish economy by supporting additional trade, tourism and foreign direct investment in Ireland.

The North Runway is also a highly signifi cant strategic project for the Fingal area, which has been a major benefi ciary of the increasing economic activity at Dublin Airport.

In 2015, over 25 million passengers used Dublin Airport, the highest number in its history.

The airport currently supports approximately 97,000

The daa said the development of the runway will allow the airport to grow for the benefi t

of the Irish economy by supporting additional trade, tourism and foreign direct investment in Ireland.

jobs, one-quarter of which is held by Fingal residents.

The daa has said previously that two of the existing runway planning conditions impact the airport’s ability to accommodate future demand at key operational times.

This would mean that the airport would have less

capacity with two runways during these key periods than it currently has with one.

The daa said it intends to enter a process to address these two “onerous conditions” and to retain the operating fl exibility that currently exists at Dublin Airport.

As part of this process,

the daa will be preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and is inviting members of the public to identify matters that they would like it to take into consideration when developing this EIS.

The EIS will be the focus of a further public engagement

process, which is likely to take place in the autumn.

•The next public consultation events will take place at the Grand Hotel, Malahide on Friday July 1 from 1pm to 8pm, and on Saturday, July 2 from 10am to 6pm. For more infor-mation visit northrunway.ie.


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Page 11: Northside People (West) June 29th 2016


Cillian Manning f(11) pictured with Orla Morris Toolen and Phil Smyth from Swipe TV, and Andy Miller from Folens.▪

Orla Docherty pictured with Orla Morris Toolen and Phil Smyth from Swipe TV at the awards ceremony.▪

Northsiders succeed with their Coolest Projects

TWO Northside young-sters took home winners prizes from the recent CoderDojo

Coolest Projects Awards at the RDS, Dublin.

Cillian Manning (11) from the Navan road and 16-year-old Orla Docherty who attends CoderDojo DCU were just two of over 800 young innovators who took part in the awards, which attracted an estimated 10,000 visitors.

Cillian was awarded the spe-cial education prize from Folens for his puzzle-solving game, Rock Paper Sensei, while Orla was awarded top prize in the mobile category for her iPhone app Key Tracker, which uses Bluetooth to find people’s keys.

Other projects that wowed the judges on the day included a mobile flood warning system, a robotic dog feeding app and a mobile phone for developing countries that doesn’t require a network.

“It was fantastic to see 100 entries from outside Ireland at Coolest Projects. We now have 1,020 dojos in 63 countries and

reach 35,000 children a week,“ said Coolest Projects co-founder Noel King.

“Coolest Projects provides the bridge from learning coding skills at local CoderDojos to innovating and creating future employment. We are the piece in the middle which makes the connection.

“These digital skills are vital if Europe is to address the coding skills shortage which has led

to 500,000 open job postings across the region in 2016.”

This year also saw the intro-duction of Launch’d – an event over four stages featuring 50 top international speakers as well as 100 of Ireland’s top tech start-up companies.

Launch’d is aimed at inspiring and supporting the next gen-eration of technology entre-preneurs and was an essential platform for the Coolest Projects kids, tech professionals and anyone considering a career in coding.

Among the speakers was Seattle-based Dubliner Aidan Hughes – the developer of the world’s most popular calcula-tors, with more than 70 million combined downloads and 11 million monthly users.

Michael Hunger, caretaker of the Neo4J community, talked about how his organisation helped to unravel the Panama Papers.

Coolest Projects is supported by Intel, Microsoft, Aol, Openet, Bank of Ireland, Folens, Syman-tec, Virgin Media, RTE, Deloitte Digital, Salesforce, Dublin City Council and Accenture.

Coolest Projectsprovides

the bridge from learning coding skills at local CoderDojos to innovating and creating future employment. We are the piece in the middle which makes the connection

Page 12: Northside People (West) June 29th 2016

12 29 Jun 2016 • northside PeoPle West

WHEN planning and booking your holidays, it’s important to ar-range care for your dog

at the same time if he is not going with you.

If you are lucky enough to have a friend or relative who can look after your dog while you are away, make sure to ask them well in advance and have a back up plan, should they sud-denly become unavailable.

There are now pet sitting services available online, which allow your dog to be cared for in a dog sitter’s home, should you think he might become overwhelmed in or not enjoy a kennel environment.

If you are thinking of booking your dog into boarding kennels, ask around for recommendations via your local veterinary practice and amongst your dog owning friends and family.

Arrange to call out to the kennels and have a look around so you can es-

tablish if your dog will enjoy his time there. Most, if not all, boarding kennel owners will be happy to accommodate this request.

If you are planning on boarding your dog for a week or more, perhaps book him in for a single night or week-end in advance of your holiday to see how he gets on.

Make sure your dog’s vaccinations, including his kennel cough vaccina-tion, are up to date and you are in possession of his vaccination card, as you will need to show this upon arrival at most if not all boarding kennels.

HErE arE somE tips to makE sEp-aratioN from your dog morEbEarablE for you botH:

• Fit him with an Adaptil Collar the day before you are due to go away. These dog-appeasing pheromone collars are proven to reassure and comfort dogs and are usually available via your local veterinary practice.

• Bring your dog’s food, bed, water and food bowls and an item of cloth-ing from his favourite family member (that you don’t mind parting with) so


Give a Dog a Home Today!Phone us on 01 8791000


of the

Dogs Trust is based in Finglas, just off Exit 5 on the M50. Map and directions can be found on their website at www.dogstrust.ie. You can also pop up for a visit. Dogs Trust is open six days a week from 12-4pm. The centre is closed all day Tuesday. You can also find Dogs Trust on Facebook at www.facebook.com/dogstrustireland or Twitter @DogsTrust_IE

the dublin people Newspaper group has teamed up with dogs trust to help find homes for lost and abandoned dogs. our dog of the Week looking for his #specialsomeoneis tyson, a stunning two-year-old male staffie cross. He is a very intelligent boy who loves learning new tricks, he is also quite agile so will need a home with a very secure garden area!

Tyson would be best suited to an active family who will enjoy putting his clever mind to good use.

If you can be Tyson’s #SpecialSomeone contact Dogs Trust on 01-8791000.

dogs trust CaNiNE ColumN

Booking your dog’s summer holiday

Not all doggies are lucky enough to go on holidays, like these two cheeky chaps.▪

he still has familiar objects with him to help him feel more settled.

• If your dog is on any medica-tion, explain to the person or people minding him, when and how it is to be administered. It may be an idea to

draw up a schedule with tick boxes to ensure he doesn’t miss any doses. Ensure the kennels or person minding your dog has your vet’s details should they need to contact them or should your dog require treatment; hopefully this will not be the case.

• Ask the person or people minding your dog to send you daily updates or photographs via text or email to put your mind at ease so you can enjoy your holiday and see that he is enjoy-ing his!

pets No.1for all dubliN



Ask the Experts with Stephanie

Omni Centre, Santry: 01 8429401

Location - Place your aquarium in an area where the light and temperature will not be a�ected by external sources like a window or radiator. Make sure you place the aquarium on an appropriate stand to hold the weight.

The Aquarium - wash out your tank with clear water, no detergent should be used as this could a�ect the �sh. Also wash the gravel and any decorations before putting them into the tank.

Equipment - hook up your �lter and top up the water to just under the hood lip. It is always a good idea to add some water condition-er to remove chlorine and �uoride. Place the lid and lights onto the aquarium and make sure all power cords are free from water. Plug all equipment in and observe to see if

everything is working properly.

Cycle - you must wait until your aquarium has cycled before adding �sh. The term cycling is applied to the process which takes place as a new aquarium matures. This refers to the build up of good bacteria, which breaks down waste.

Adding Fish - start your aquarium by adding some hardy �sh like zebra danios or cherry barbs. Leave these �sh for a week before adding slowly to your collection as this gives the �ltration system the time needed to take on the increased biologi-cal load.

Setting Up An Aquarium

Visit www.petworlddirect.ie for more training tips and advice

Page 13: Northside People (West) June 29th 2016


Cabra woman shows games spiritCABRA woman, Caroline Fitz-patrick, was shocked but de-lighted after winning a Spirit of the Games award at the Go for Life Games held in DCU ear-lier this month on June 11.

Now in its fifth year, the Go for Life Games is one of the biggest leisure sport events for older people in Ireland. Run by Age & Opportunity with support from Sport Ireland, the 2016 Games brought together over 300 play-ers from across Ireland, its larg-est gathering yet.

The Spirit of the Games awards go to teams or individu-als who encourage a spirit of fair play and solidarity during the fi-nal. Caroline’s constant encour-agement and good humour on the day singled her out for the special award.

“I’m mortified; I never win anything,” an obviously shocked Caroline said when she heard she’d won.

“We had great fun, we really did. We were getting on great with the people playing against us. We weren’t really even think-ing of points at all, just more the fun aspect of it.”

And when asked if her team would be back to fight another

day, she added: “I feel wrecked now, I have to say, but hopefully we’ll be back.”

All of the teams, made up from Active Retirement groups, social clubs, Men’s Sheds, sports clubs and friendship groups, have been supported by their lo-cal sports partnerships.

They have been practicing, competing and coming through heats in their counties in order to compete in the finals.

The games themselves are de-vised specifically for Go for Life. ‘Lobbers’ is a target game adapt-ed from petanque and boules while ‘Scidils’ is a two-sided ad-aptation of ten pin bowling but using two skittles.

‘Flisk’ is adapted from boccia and horseshoe pitching. These games, with clear rules and scor-ing systems, can be played and practiced by everyone, no mat-

Caroline Fitzpatrick (right) with Sue Guildea from Age & Opportunity at the Go for Life Games. PHOTO: TOMMY CLANCY▪

ter what level of sporting abil-ity and are great for developing balance, flexibility and concen-tration.

Mary Harkin, Sport & Physical Activity Manager in Age & Op-portunity, was full of praise for the contestants.

“It’s at events like this that you can see how ‘getting older’ has changed in Ireland,” she said.

“People are getting more ac-tive as they age, are interested in their health and are more than happy to try something new.

“Every year, the laughter, ban-ter and social interaction that the Games generates just keeps getting bigger and bigger.

“It is the mix of regular activ-ity, socialising and a little com-petition that makes the Games

such a success. Go for Life is keeping people happier and healthier as they age and that’s good news for everyone.”

To find out more about Go for Life in Dublin, contact Catherine Flood on 087-9449601 or Age & Opportunity on 01-8057733 or visit ageandopportunity.ie.

It’s at events like this that you can see

how ‘getting older’ has changed in Ireland

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Page 14: Northside People (West) June 29th 2016

14 29 Jun 2016 • northside PeoPle West



drawing passions. I would also love to create a landmark image in a prominent place or places

in Ireland as a permanent re-minder of the power of pictures to incite the imagination.”

AUTHOR and illustrator PJ Lynch has been announced as the fourth Laureate na nÓg, Ireland’s laureate for chil-dren’s literature, at a special event at the Arts Council’s of-fices in Merrion Square.

The announcement was made by President Michael D Higgins.

An initiative of the Arts Coun-cil, the role is supported by the Arts Council of Northern Ireland, the Department of Children and Youth Affairs, Children’s Books Ireland and Poetry Ireland. The honour was established to en-gage young people with high quality children’s literature and to underline the importance of children’s literature in our cul-tural and imaginative lives.

PJ Lynch was born in Belfast and became interested in art at an early age. He has worked as a children’s picture book il-lustrator since leaving Brigh-ton College of Art in England in 1984 and has illustrated over 20 books, including modern edi-tions of classics such as Charles Dickens’ ‘A Christmas Carol’ and ‘The Snow Queen’ by Hans Chris-

tian Andersen. PJ has been awarded the

Christopher Medal three times and he also won the prestigious Kate Greenaway Medal on two occasions.

Lynch’s first illustrated book was ‘A Bag of Moonshine’ by Alan Garner, a collection of folk-lore tales from England and Wales, which was published in 1986 and won the Mother Goose Award, given to the most excit-ing newcomer to British chil-dren’s book illustration.

Since then, folklore - tradi-tional stories, legends and fai-rytales - have been a recurring subject in his work.

Speaking about his appoint-ment as Laureate na nÓg, PJ Lynch said: “Being named the new laureate is one of the proudest moments of my career. I want to explore the magic that happens when words and pic-tures come together. My theme as Laureate na nÓg will be ‘The Big Picture’.

“I plan to do a regular podcast involving live drawing or dem-onstrating techniques and I’ll invite guests to talk about their

Bring this book on holiday this summer

ALI Devlin never had any doubts when she glided up the aisle to marry

her childhood sweet-heart, Colin Devlin.

But two beautiful children and 12 years can change all that. Ali can no longer relate to the man she fell in love with. He is there every day, a committed father, but in her eyes, a failing husband. A civil word is hard to find and the vows she readily took are becoming more and more difficult to fulfil.

About the AuthorCaroline Grace-Cassidy is an Irish writer and actress. She trained as an actress at the Gaiety School of Act-ing before landing her first role as Mary Mull on BAFTA award-winning children’s programme ‘Custer’s Last Stand Up’.

She then went on to appear in various productions for BBC, RTE, TG4 and TV3, alongside a variety of feature films.

Turning to full-time writing in 2011, Cassidy has published four novels. In 2012 she was a founding member of an all-fe-male TV production company, for which she has written, pro-duced and directed five short films. Her first feature film script is completed and in development.

Cassidy is a contribu-tor for Woman’s Way, UMagazine, Irish Country Magazine and has been a regular panellist for the Midday show on TV3 since 2012.

Caroline Grace-Cassidy▪



male TV production company, for which she has written, pro-duced and directed five short films. Her first feature film

Caroline Grace-Cassidy

How to feature on this page...

send a synopsis of your book, a short biog, a scan of the cover and author (both must be jpegs) to [email protected]

PJ Lynch declared new Laureate na nÓg

Author and illustrator PJ Lynch▪

Bookof THE


When she decides to go back to work after being a stay at home

mother for years, things in the marriage go from bad to worse.

Reigniting her passion for the arts, Ali finds her

dream job at the City Arts Centre. And despite Colin’s

protests that she is neglecting her family and her perpetual

guilt as a working mother, she stays in the job.

And when she meets artist-in-residence Owen O’ Neill, she can’t help but compare him to Colin. He is everything her husband isn’t anymore: attentive, funny, respectful, caring, charming and undeniably sexy.

There is chemistry but Ali isn’t the type of woman to have an affair – or is she? Unsure of everything in her life, a work trip to Amsterdam brings it all to a head.

Life can spiral on a moment with the realisation of what is truly important in our lives. As events dramatically and unexpectedly unfold in front of her, Ali realises what were the only important things all along. Now it’s time to stand on her own two feet, whatever the consequences.

Page 15: Northside People (West) June 29th 2016

FinglasFocus on

Finglas set for festival fever

Jack O’Toole

THE Finglas Festival is back again this weekend and the good news is that it’s bigger and better than

last year’s successful event with even more attractions, shows and competitions.

This year’s festival will be held in The Drogheda Mall Car Park and Poppintree Mall in Finglas Village from July 1-3, and while there’s loads happening around the village, the crown jewel of the festivities is undoubtedly the Mrs Brown themed ‘Agnes Fest’.

Last year people from all over the Ireland flocked to Finglas to take part in a Mrs Brown lookalike world record attempt and the competition earned rave reviews and national media coverage.

This year festival organiser, Sean Mooney, is hoping that Agnes Fest will attract even more attention and laughs to the Northside suburb that’s home to Mrs Brown.

“Last year we basically went for the world record for the most Agnes Browns in one place,” Mooney told Northside People.

“The Guinness World Record People were saying he wasn’t iconic enough and that he has too many changes of costume, so this year rather than

having a world record, we’re just having the Agnes Fest, similar to the Fr Ted Fest [in Inishmore].

“In other words, you can dress as any character from the show, but most people will come down as Agnes or Granddad.

“Believe it or not, we had people from all over the country for the lookalike event last year. The guy who actually won it was an Irishman who was living in Croatia for the last eight or nine years and we didn’t even know that until he got on stage and won.”

Mooney says last year’s festival was organised because locals felt the village had become somewhat of a ‘ghosttown’ in recent years and they wanted to hold a celebration in the traditional heart of Finglas.

The lifelong Finglas native and fellow organisers are determined to raise the profile of the village and believe this year’s festival can help put Finglas back on the map again.

“We decided to give it a go to raise the profile of the village because it had gone down big time, and the festival historically always brought it back to life again,” Mooney explained.

“It gave it that injection of life again with people and local traders involved. That was the main reason we decided to give it a crack and it was a huge success.”

See festival highlights on page 20▪

There’ll be more Mrs Browns than you can

shake a fecking stick at in Finglas this weekend

Northside PeoPle West • 29 JuNe 2016 • FoCus oN FiNglas 15


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Page 16: Northside People (West) June 29th 2016

16 FOCUS ON FiNglaS • 29 JUNe 2016 • NOrthSide PeOPle WeSt

Finglas in the rare auld timesDID you grow up in Finglas? Here

are 21 things you might recall from your childhood.

1. Your Ma did the shopping in H Williams or 3 Guys.

2. You made your confo in the Tin Church.

3. You went to the Spanish Hall disco.

4. You tormented the milkman and breadman by ‘scutting’ on the back of their trucks.

5. You had at least one relative who worked at Merville Dairies – or Premier Dairies as it later became.

6. You fished for pinkeens by the Tolka as a kid.

7. And drank flagons of cider there as a teen-ager.

8. You got groceries on ‘tick’ from a van shop.

9. A day out in the countryside was a cycle up to Ashbourne.

10. You remember Floppy the dog who lived on the grassy hill at the corner of Finglas Road and the Tolka Valley Road.

11. You were told if you ran around the Church

of Annunciation 10 times you’d see somebody fall off the cross.

12. You were nobody without a pair of elephant flares and a tank top.

13. You swam in the ‘Silver Spoon’ or Tolka dur-ing the summer.

14. You bought sweets from Foxy’s van.

15. You frequented the disco bar in the Drake but your parents preferred the Drake Cabaret with chicken and chips included in the entry fee.

16. You bought a pound tray in Hoi Wun... for a pound.

17. You would go to Bray, Skerries or Rush withthe summer project.

18. You went in to town on the 40, 40A or 40C, and waited hours on the 17A if you wanted to go to Ballymun or Blanch.

19. You remember when Dunsink was a dump and not an observatory.

20. You sometimes woke up and found a horse in the garden.

21. You tied a rope to a lamppost to make a swing. The 40A on its way to Cappagh Road▪

Finglas Village▪

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Northside PeoPle West • 29 JuNe 2016 • FoCus oN FiNglas 17

Floppy the dog was a Finglas legend. ▪

The Drake Inn▪Typical van shop in Finglas▪

Merville Dairy▪

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Page 18: Northside People (West) June 29th 2016

18 FOCUS ON FiNglaS • 29 JUNe 2016 • NOrthSide PeOPle WeSt

Movie message from local youth groupYOUNGSTERS from

the Finglas Youth Resource Centre are hoping the local

community will lend them their support by voting for a short movie they’ve made for the Irish Cancer Society.

The local girls have entered ‘Don’t Start’ in the junior category of the society’s X-HALE Youth Awards and it’s up for public vote on YouTube until June 29.

The entry with the most views

will win the Online Award as well as a ‘Go Pro’ camera for their group.

The Finglas group is calling on all Northsiders to support their entry as they compete for the awards, which will also be judged by an independent judging panel.

X-HALE is an initiative that aims to empower young people to tackle smoking in their local communities and to raise awareness about the dangers of smoking among their own peer groups.

The Youth Awards national showcase event that takes place in the Light House Cinema in July will be the finale of months of hard work by youth groups nationwide in preparing short films and projects to encourage young people to be smoke free.

“We are so proud of everything that the young people from Dublin have achieved,” said Sarah Chadwick, Cancer Prevention Officer at the Irish Cancer Society.

“They have educated themselves about smoking,

Congratulations to Gaelscoil Uí Earcáin from Finglas who finished runner up in their first year participating in Dublin’s Division 5 of the FAI schools competition. They were beaten by Scoil Mhuire in the Final. Pictured are: (back): Brandon, Eoghain, Adam, Jamie, Jack, Nathan, Tadhg G (front): Korey, Tadhg H, Caelum, Evan B, Darragh, Lucas, Evan Ó


learned new skills and worked together to create a piece of work that will inform and inspire other young people across Ireland and beyond.

“They are leading the way in the movement towards

a tobacco free society and improving the health of their local communities.

“We commend their commitment to establishing Ireland’s first smoke free generation. We are asking the

public to get behind their local group or favourite entry by watching and sharing the X-HALE 2016 playlist.”

For further information on X-HALE and to watch the entries visit www.cancer.ie/xhale2016.

Dublin North WestArea Partnership

For more information and to book your place please see our website www.dnwap.ie or call Paul Hennelly on 01 8361666.

Thinking of starting your own business in 2016 ? Our Start Your Own Business Course provides all the information you need to set up and run your own small business. Whether you are currently unemployed or about to leave employment and are considering self employment this is the course for you.

This course runs in our Finglas office in Rosehill House, Finglas, on one evening a week for six weeks commencing at 6.00pm. Places are limited so book early. Probably the best start up business course in Dublin.

Start Your Own Business Course

Are you thinking about self employment as an option in 2016 ? Do you want to find out about valuable supports that can help you move from unemployment to self employment ? If so then you should attend one of our 1 hour information workshops where you can find out about supports and funding for those considering self employment.

To book your place at our next workshop please phone 01 8361666 and ask to book a place at an enterprise information workshop. It’s free and there is no obligation to proceed until you are ready.

There has never been a better time to consider self employment.

Enterprise Information Workshops

Dublin North WestArea Partnership

For further information please contact Tracey/Therese on 01 8361666 to book an appointment to register and receive an application form. Application forms are also available to

download from our website www.dnwap.ieThe closing date is the 26th August 2016.

Hardship Fund Initiative 2016

Educational Supports are available to help you participate and progress your education.

Dublin North West Area Partnership (DNWAP) is offering social welfare dependent/low income families from the DNWAP area (Finglas, Cabra,

Ballymun, Santry, Whitehall, Drumcondra, Phibsboro, Ashtown/Navan Road, Phoenix Park) supports to participate in full time further education including

books, printing costs and travel costs.

Eligibility CriteriaMature students 21 and over participating at QQI Level 5-8 in recognised state collegesDirect progress for students from Leaving Certificate to QQI Level 5-8 course

Application ProcessStage 1 – Register with Dublin North West Area PartnershipStage 2 – Complete an application form

Page 19: Northside People (West) June 29th 2016

Northside PeoPle West • 29 JuNe 2016 • FoCus oN FiNglas 19

Pictured are Saoirse Nic Chonchoille, Krystal Seoighe and Ella Ni Neachtain from Gaelscoil Ui Earcain in Finglas with Alan Silver, schools and community co-ordinator with Dublin Bus.▪

Prize winning pupilsPUPILS from Gaelscoil Ui Earcain, Finglas, did their school proud in the 2016 Dub-lin Bus Children’s Art Competi-tion Awards,

The art competition was part of an overall campaign by Dub-lin Bus to promote the concept of respecting public transport amongst school children.

Each year Dublin Bus School co-ordinators visit schools, based within individual catchment ar-eas, relaying the message to young people on how to use and respect public transport in their community.

Since its inception, the annual

Children’s Art Competition has gone from strength to strength and this year Gaelscoil Ui Earcain were one of 26 primary schools across the Greater Dublin area that entered the awards.

The theme for this year’s com-petition was ‘What I like about my local bus driver’.

Speaking at the recent awards ceremony, Clíodhna Ní Fhátharta, Media and Communications Man-ager, Dublin Bus, said: “Dublin Bus serves the local community and we are fully committed to our passengers including the passengers of tomorrow.

“The annual art competition helps these children to learn the

benefits of public transport in their area while developing their artistic skills and most of all hav-ing fun.”

The students from Gaelscoil Ui Earcain received prizes at the ceremony.

A selection of the winning en-tries will be published in a 2017 Dublin Bus calendar, at the end of the year, which is distrib-uted amongst the participating schools, Dublin Bus employees and elected representatives in the Greater Dublin Area.

Copies will also be available to the public from the Dublin Bus Headquarters in O’Connell Street.

Dublin footballer Ciaran Kilkenny and hurler Cian Boland met Kyron Walsh (5) from Finglas West, in Temple Street Children’s University Hospital earller this month when the Dubs stars delivered 100 Dublin jerseys on behalf of Dublin sponsors AIG Insurance to some of their biggest fans. PHOTO: STEPHEN McCARTHY/SPORTSFILE


Fanagans Funeral Directors are one of Ireland’s longest established Funeral Directors and have been providing excellence in funeral care for almost 200 years. We have served the Finglas community for over 35 years and are located on Church Street, Finglas, Dublin 11. Few, if any, can ever be adequately prepared for the emotional stress which arises on the death of a family member. It is precisely at this time, that you need the services of professionals who can discreetly handle all the necessary funeral arrangements with compassion, dignity and exceptional attention to detail. We spoke to Gillian Cashell and Con O’Halloran of Fanagans Finglas about what they can offer families at the very sad time of bereavement.

Gillian and Con have both lived and worked in Finglas all their lives and have a great familiarity with the community. Every day, they witness a real sense of community spirt, friendship, and companionship. They believe the people of Finglas always support each other particularly during the most difficult times of their lives such as when bereavement occurs.They say that when it comes to

planning the final journey of a loved one,the most important service a Funeral Director can offer families is to ease the burden of stress and handle all the necessary funeral arrangements with compassion, dignity, and exceptional attention to detail. Fanagans will always go that extra mile in everything that they do including all the small things that can make a big difference. For example, if the family wishes to drive past the local family home on the way to the service, they will accommodate this.

They also assist families of many religious faiths and understand the customs, traditions and ethnic practices associated with all types of funerals. Some families prefer to have a non-religious, civil or humanist funeral and Fanagans have the expertise to facilitate these individual requests.They will always present families with choices when arranging a funeral and organise each funeral unique to the family wishes and those of the deceased. At all stages they will explain the range of different options available so that families can make decisions depending on their preferences and individual budgets.

Fanagans Funeral Directors Finglas Serving the Community for over 35 years

When your Thoughts Are With Them,Ours Are With You

Fanagans Finglas have a recently launched a range of very competitive funeral cost options which can include many complimentary items and services such as a free limousine, floral sheaf, precious memories box and condolence book. They will also place the death notice on www.rip.ie free of charge and supply the family with service sheets and memorial cards of their choice without any charge. Aside from these complimentary items and services, families will have a range of cost options when choosing a coffin. Gillian and Con can explain all the details of their Lavender, Fuchsia and Orchid funerals should you wish to contact them.

“On behalf of our entire family, we would like to thank you and the entire team in Fanagans most sincerely for the sensitive, dignified, professional and personal way which Mam’s funeral was arranged. Every person we met from Fanagans was fantastic and we were treated with kindness and compassion throughout. We couldn’t have asked for better for our Mam” -Daughter of deceased.

If you would like to discuss any aspect of funeral arrangements you will be guided at all stages in a compassionate and sensitive manner by Fangans Finglas professional team of Gillian Cashell and Con O’Halloran. They would be delighted to assist you.

Visit Fanagans Funeral Directors, Church Street, Finglas, Dublin 11

Call 01 8345655This is a 24 hour service and every call is answered personally.

Off street parking available.

[email protected]


Jody Fanagan, MD, Gillian Cashell and Con O’Halloran

Page 20: Northside People (West) June 29th 2016

20 FOCUS ON FiNglaS • 29 JUNe 2016 • NOrthSide PeOPle WeSt

Finglas Festival highlights

FINGLAS is set for a feast of fun this weekend with plenty to do for adults and kids from July 1-3. Here’s a rundown on some of the

main events over the three days.

The main festival office is on the main junction of Seamus Ennis Road and most of the events will be taking place on Drogheda Mall and Poppintree Mall.

FrIdAy, JuLy 1

• The festival kicks off quietly with a coffee

morning in the Finglas AIB branch at 10am.

• There’s an historical walking tour at 11am

after the coffee morning.

• There will be an open day at Finglas Fire

Brigade station from 11.15am-1pm.

• Festival office: Irish National Organisation

of the Unemployed Art Exhibit

• Drogheda Mall: Free breast check from

Marie Keating Unit all day.

• Drogheda Mall: 98fm Thunder Cars

• Drogheda Mall: Citizens’

Information stand

SAturdAy, JuLy 2

• On stage: 12.30pm Garda band

• On stage: 1pm John Hopper

• On stage: 1.30pm Ricky Young

• On stage: 2pm Youth Band

• On stage: 2.30pm Ray Elvis

• On stage: 3pm Magician

• On stage: 3.30pm Callum Carroll

• On stage: 4pm Laura O’Connor

• On stage: 4.30pm Fintan & Michael

• Motorcycle display

• Fun House

• Miss Finglas

• Kiddies’ Rides

• Strike Force

SuNdAy, JuLy 3

• Agnes Fest

• On stage: 12.30pm Fintan & Michael

• On stage: 1pm Anthony Walker

• On stage: 1.30pm Magician

• On stage: 2pm Sons of Roisin

• On stage: 2.30pm Gerry Meates

• On stage: 3pm Tommy Carey

• On stage: 3.30pm Tony Jones

• On stage: 4pm Sandie Jones

• On stage: 4.30pm Aonghus McAnally

• Ballads with Toddy O’Riordan’s 8pm

• Fun House

• Kiddies’ Rides

• Bouncy castles

• 1916/1922 Military Display

Page 21: Northside People (West) June 29th 2016


Teachers lift the lid on their pupils’ end-of-term giftsSOAP sets, dead plants, a light up fairy statue and a turkey baster! These are just some of the answers given by teach-ers in Ireland when asked what gifts that they’d been given by parents at the end of the school year.

The answers appeared in two surveys carried out by Aldi to mark the launch of the German retailer’s ‘Thank You Teacher’ flowers, which went on sale last Thursday (June 23).

The surveys - one for parents and one for teachers – were cre-ated to find out what gifts teach-ers give and receive at the end of the school year, and there’s some hilarious results!

While some teachers exercised caution and said that “there is no such thing as a bad gift” many de-cided to let loose with a list of odd presents they’ve received from parents in the past.

These include a school bus or-nament, an egg cup, plastic flow-ers, fridge magnets, deodorant, half-used toiletries, out of date sweets, a resealed tin of biscuits, and a previously worn gold se-quin boob tube top.

A total of 65 per cent of teach-ers then admitted to re-gifting the presents from parents and giving them to someone else.

Over 90 per cent of parents said they always give their child’s teacher a gift at the end of the school year, but only 24 per cent of teachers surveyed said they expect gifts on the last day.

Most parents admitted not wanting to break the bank when purchasing a gift, with 87 per cent saying they would not spend more than €20 on a gift if they were to buy one, and 32 per cent say they have previously given their child’s teacher some-thing that they already had lying around the house that they didn’t want anymore.

When asked to name what the ideal gift from a parent at the end of the school year would be, the majority of teachers surveyed said that it is always helpful when the parents in the class club to-gether and purchase a gift vouch-er for them.

However, only 39 per cent of parents said that they had previ-ously given their child’s teacher money or a gift card.

The surveys were carried out across 1,000 parents and teach-

Students Evan Leonard (9), Brooke Long (8) and Savannah Kane (9) from St Audoen’s pictured with teacher Frances Fleming launching Aldi’s Thank You Teacher flowers. PHOTO: SASKO LAZAROV / PHOTOCALL IRELAND

ers working in Ireland via a Sur-veyMonkey survey commissioned by Aldi and communicated on Aldi Ireland’s Facebook and Twit-

ter accounts.Aldi’s ‘Thank You Teacher’ flow-

ers are on sale for €3.99 a bunch in Aldi stores.

educationNo.1FOR ALL DUBLIN


Double milestone for Dublin AirportDUBLIN Airport’s support and involvement with local schools achieved a notable double milestone recently with two significant celebrations.

The airport marked 20 years of participation in the Junior Achievement programme while also marking 10 years of partner-ship with St Finian’s Community College as part of the Business in the Community Initiative.

Over the past school year, vol-unteers from the airport have once again been working with students in primary and second-ary schools across the north Dub-lin area.

The aim of the two volunteer programmes is to bridge the gap between school life and the work-ing world while offering students the chance to learn about differ-ent industries and careers.

Both programmes emphasise interview techniques and CV writ-ing skills for older students while younger classes participate in fun and engaging lessons that stress the value of gaining an education and staying in school.

Speaking about the relation-ship between Dublin Airport and St Finian’s, Aisling Fleming of Business in the Community

said the partnership is one of he organisation’s strongest with students consistently show-ing a high level of engagement thanks primarily to the friendly and accommodating staff at the airport.

Damien Henehan, of Ju-nior Achievement Ireland, also praised the airport volunteers who have made a real and lasting difference to countless students in in local communities over the last two decades.

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Page 22: Northside People (West) June 29th 2016

22 29 Jun 2016 • northside PeoPle West

free films at ifitHis saturday, July 2, the irish film institute(ifi) will throw open its doors in temple Bar for a day of free films, including exclusive previews, old favourites, cult classics and archive films.they will also be offering ifi membershipdiscounts, competitions and a chance to glimpse behind the scenes at the ifi with projection booth tours and talks from the ifiirish film archive staff.

A new ticket system will be in place where film tickets will become available an hour before each scheduled screening.

To keep energy levels up, the IFI will host a BBQ from 4pm and will offer discounts on tea and coffee throughout the day.

For more information visit www.ifi.ie/openday

Once mOre, frOm tHe tOpBoulevard theatre company is a non-profit professional theatre company founded with the purpose of producing high quality productions and creating work for professional actors in ireland.

They had great success with their first outing, ‘Once More, From The Top’ in the National Concert Hall, playing to a packed house. Due to phenomenal demand they are returning to the John Field Room at the NCH on Thursday, July 7 at 8pm.

‘Once More, From The Top’ is a story of love, loss and heartbreak.

For tickets, visit nch.ie/online/Once-More-From-The-Top-07Jul16

Also, for more information, visit www.facebook.com/BoulevardTheatreCompany

park runsif you’re feeling energetic on saturday mornings and want to get your weekend off to a good start, why not take part in the parkruns.all walkers and runners are welcome to participate in a weekly, timed, 5k walk/run that takes place every saturday at 9.30am, and the

best part is that it’s completely free. Bring the family, bring the dog, bring the buggy

– everyone is welcome. This is a community-based, volunteer-led initiative and is a great way to meet people and keep fit. the venues include st anne’s park, raheny, father collins park, Donaghmede, ardgillan castle, malahide castle and newbridge House, Donabate. for further details and to register, visit www.parkrun.ie

DuBlin castle exHiBitiOnAn exhibition focusing on the role that Dublin

Castle played leading up to, during and after the Easter Rising is open now until September 21. The exhibition is open can be seen during self-guided tours of the castle.

luncHtime cOncertsthe Wood Quay summer sessions are a series

of free lunchtime concerts that are taking place in the civic Offices amphitheatre each thursday in July. the aim of the sessions is to promote and support home grown musical talent. last year’s sessions featured the very best of established and up and coming irish bands. this year the event will feature

performers from across a wide range of musical genres including Jazz, trad, folk and more. admission is free so grab your lunch, bring your friends and pop along.

marigOlD festivalFormer RTE Presenter, Theresa Lowe, will official-

ly open the Marigold Festival in St Anthony’s Centre, Clontarf Road, on Friday, July 1, from 10.30am to 4pm. Entry is free and includes a free raffle for two nights in Bloomfield House Hotel.

it promises to be a great day of music, dancing, sporting activities and talks. Highlight of the day is a most stylish senior competition. picnics and lunches will be catered for at moderate prices. this important event for members and friends of active retirement

ireland is supported by Home instead seniorcare and is open to the public. all welcome.

inspirefest family fringe

Inspirefest Family Fringe brings together the leading Irish STEAM community groups; CoderDojo, Girls Hack Ireland, GameCraft, TOG, Hardie Kids, Coding Grace, TCD Walton Club, Physics Buskers and Dublin Maker.

the groups will be offering a whole range of activities at merrion square park, on saturday, July 2 from 10am. admission to the familyfringe is free with any materials and equipment provided. it’s recommended to register for workshops but there will be spaces for drop-ins on the day. Other events are taking place at the park during the evenings on thursday, June 30 and friday, July 1. see inspirefest.com/fringe for details.

finglas festivalYou might have to rub your eyes to check you

believe what you see if you’re in Finglas on July 3 because there’ll be loads of Mrs Brown lookalikes milling around the village. It’s all part of Agnes Fest, which is part of the Finglas Festival taking place from July 1-3. Last year’s festival was a re-sounding success and this year’s event will be twice the size. Over 30 events will be staged by the local community so expect lots of music, fun and plenty of Mrs Browns! See www.finglasfestival.com for full details.

reBelliOn Walking tOurthe 1916 rebellion Walking tour is one of Dublin’s longest running rising tours, and with good reason. guide, historian and author

lorcan collins is a witty, knowledgeable and an entertaining host. the tours run at 11.30am monday to saturday from the international Bar on Wicklow street and take about two hours at an easy pace. sunday tours begin at 1pm. thecost is €12, but if you want to learn more about 1916 this is the best way to do it.

classic & vintage mOtOr sHOWThe 2016 Irish Classic & Vintage Motor Show takes

place on Sunday, July 3, on the grounds of Terenure College. The motor show has grown over the past 25 years to become the country’s largest classic and vintage motor event. More than 1,300 classic and vintage cars will be displayed at this year’s show, from veteran 1890’s vehicles and exotic sports cars to a range of Irish 1920’s army vehicles, including the ‘Sliabh na mBan’ which featured in General Mi-chael Collins’ convoy that was ambushed in 1922 at Béal na mBláth in West Cork. Full details online from www.irishjagclub.ie.

HAPPENINGS no.1fOr all DuBlin


a feW tHings WOrtH cHecking Out tHis Week

Crossword AnswersJune 29


Across: 1 Second mate; 7 Again; 8 Cheered; 10 Corseted; 11 Visa; 13Medusa; 15 Patent; 17 Kick; 18 Pastiche; 21 Raiders; 22 Sonic; 23Testaments.

Down: 1 Stair; 2 Converse; 3 Nuclei; 4 Meet; 5 Turbine; 6 Watchmaker; 9Do a stretch; 12 Partisan; 14 Decline; 16 Balsam; 19 Cones; 20 Neat.


Across: 1 Dissection; 7 Hover; 8 Skipper; 10 Endanger; 11 Pelf; 13Mocked; 15 Lesson; 17 Tomb; 18 Platform; 21 Collier; 22 Swoon; 23 Excellence.

Down: 1 Dived; 2 Sprinter; 3 Easter; 4 Thin; 5 Oppress; 6 Phlegmatic; 9Refinement; 12 Jettison; 14 Complex; 16 Floral; 19 Ozone; 20 Pine.


visit www.parkrun.ie

park runspark runsp

very best of established and up and coming irish bands.


ly open the Marigold Festival in St Anthony’s Centre, Clontarf Road, on Friday, July 1, from 10.30am to 4pm. Entry is free and includes a free raffle for two nights in Bloomfield House Hotel.

Page 23: Northside People (West) June 29th 2016


Motoring into summerMotoring into summerMotoring into summerMotoring into summerMotoring into summerMotoring into summerMotoring into summerMotoring into summerMotoring into summerMotoring into summerMotoring into summerMotoring into summerMotoring into summerMotoring into summerInside this summer’s motoring special:

Peugeot 2008 SuV arrIVeSIn tIme for July 162 reg

DealerS focuS on uSeD car market

ford tastes the premium pie with the Vignale

Page 24: Northside People (West) June 29th 2016

24 29 Jun 2016 • northside PeoPle West

Peugeot 2008 SUV arrives

The new Peugeot 2008 SUV is available to test drive at all Peugeot dealerships now.▪




The latest Peugeot 2008 has been restyled and features en-hanced specifications. A more as-sertive and appealing SUV design is delivered thanks to a new vertical front grille.

New wheel arch extensions and scuff plates are standard from Al-lure level three versions. Access, Active and Allure levels are now complemented by the new sporty GT Line level four version, which has Grip Control as standard. Re-tail prices start from €19,400 plus delivery related charges for the Access 1.2 PureTech petrol 82bhp model, rising to €27,280 plus de-livery for the GT Line 1.6 BlueHDi diesel 120bhp STT model. The new Peugeot 2008 SUV is available to test drive at all Peugeot dealerships now.

Access level one models, from €19,400 plus delivery, maintain their high level of existing specifica-tions to include six airbags, air con-

ditioning, Bluetooth, 2 x 12V sock-ets, LED daytime running lights, LED 3D claw rear lights, aviation style handbrake, front electric win-dows, cruise control + speed limiter, spare wheel, roof bars, tyre under-inflation detection and height ad-justable driver’s seat.

All models benefit from Peuge-ot’s unique i-Cockpit interior com-bining a compact steering wheel with an innovative driving position and head up instrument panel.

Active level two models, from €20,455 plus delivery, gain the fol-lowing over level one: automatic dual zone air conditioning, a 7” touch screen, automatic headlights, automatic windscreen wipers, elec-trochrome rear view mirrors, front fog lights, 16” alloy wheels, front and rear electric windows, leather steering wheel, rear parking sen-sors and electrically folding door mirrors. The new model introduces a rear privacy glass on Active mod-

THE new Peugeot 2008 Compact SUV is entering Irish showrooms this month, just in time for the July 162-registration plate.

els.The Allure version, from €22,400

plus delivery, sees the addition of a cielo panoramic roof with ambi-ent lighting, chrome door mirrors, one-touch electric front and rear windows, chrome side window weatherstrips, height adjustable passenger seat, cornering assist fog lights and Mistral Oxford Black pre-

mium half leatherette trim.The new Peugeot Allure model

further offers a rear view parking camera, front and rear scuff plates, wheel arch and body sill extensions and specific Allure 16” Aquila alloy wheels as standard. MirrorScreen introduces MirrorLink and Apple Car Play to the 2008 Allure model for increased connectivity.

The new GT Line version, from €24,835 plus delivery, adds Grip Control, 17” alloys, satellite navi-gation, dark-tinted side windows/ rear screen and aluminium sports pedals. Adopting the GT Line styl-ing signature, already introduced on 208, 308 and 508 models, it fea-tures GT Line front and rear badges, gloss black roof bars, a body col-oured spoiler with gloss black trim, black door mirror shells and GT Line grille.

Inside, red stitching, a flat bot-tomed sports steering wheel with red stitching, seat belts with red border and black mats with red stitching complete the sporty look.

Grip Control, patented by the PSA Group and now standard on the new 2008 GT Line, broadens the scope of the 2008 thanks to an adapted traction system in low grip conditions. Grip Control optimises traction according to the terrain by acting on the front wheels. The system works hand-in-hand with a generous 16cm ground clearance and combined with All-Season

Goodyear Vector tyres, it has genu-ine versatility in all weather condi-tions and in snow, mud or sand.

New colour options include Ul-timate Red, first seen on the new Peugeot 308 GTi and Emerald Crystal. Active City Brake and Park Assist are also now available as op-tions. The 1.2 litre PureTech petrol (82bhp, 110bhp, 130bhp) and 1.6 li-tre BlueHDi diesel (75bhp, 100bhp, 120bhp) engines on offer are highly efficient with four Best-in-Class en-gines.

The PureTech petrol engine has just won an International Engine of the Year 2016 award for its cat-egory for the second year running. Equipped with a wide choice of manual, ecomatique and now for the first time, a 6-speed automatic gearbox, all power trains boast consumption of under 4.9 litres / 100km, with CO2 emissions ranging from 90g to 114g/km.

The new Peugeot 2008 SUV is on offer for the new 162 plate with 3.9 per cent APR PCP low cost finance plus €3,000 scrappage.

Bill Sheehan & SonsTempleogue Road, Terenure Dublin 6

Phone 01- 4970123 | www.billsheehanandsons.com

from €32,400 from €25,400

from €12,995 from €19,445 from €51,950

Page 25: Northside People (West) June 29th 2016



Dealers focus on shifting used cars

“While many manufacturers have started their 162 campaign offer-ings early, the industry is still open for business on new as well as used cars in the remaining weeks of the 161 period so consumers can take advantage of attractive deals still to be had in June.

“As always, our advice is to get out there and shop around.”

SIMI director general Alan Nolan was speaking after official statistics released by the society recently show that new car registrations for the month of May were down six per cent (6,532) compared to May 2015 (6,919), while total new car sales are up 23 per cent (99,740) on the same period last year (80,889).

Light Commercial Vehicles (LCV) are currently up eight per cent (1,839) on May 2015 (1,705) and year to date are up 27 per cent (17,561) overall.

Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) regis-trations are also up 38 per cent for the month of May 2016 (307) com-pared to the same month last year (222), and are up 53 per cent year to date.

Mr Nolan said: “After three years

of sustained growth year on year, the industry took a pause for breath in May this year.

“The new shape of seasonality in the Industry is settling in with the sector now beginning to turn its focus on the 162 period for new car sales.

“Since the introduction of the dual registration plate system, the percentage of new car registrations occurring in the second half of the year has been increasing year on year from 14 per cent in 2011 to 34 per cent last year.

“This new shape to the year does give dealers a better opportunity to focus on used car sales at this stage in the year to help clear the decks in anticipation of the next key sales period for new cars.

CAR dealers have been offered a better opportunity to focus on used car sales at this stage in the year to help clear the decks in anticipation of the next key sales period for new cars, the head of the Society of the Irish Motor Industry (SIMI) has said.

SIMI director general Alan Nolan▪

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Page 26: Northside People (West) June 29th 2016

Michael Barrable Motors HyundaiAirside Motor Park, Swords,Co. Dublin. 01-8833300 www.mbmotors.ie

Page 27: Northside People (West) June 29th 2016

Michael Barrable Motors HyundaiAirside Motor Park, Swords,Co. Dublin. 01-8833300 www.mbmotors.ie

Page 28: Northside People (West) June 29th 2016

28 29 Jun 2016 • northside PeoPle West

Ford tastes the premium pie with the Vignale brandSeán Creedon

FORD has introduced a new word to the motoring vocabu-lary, Vignale.

Italian Afredo Vignale estab-lished a coach building company in Turin in 1948 and that com-pany was eventually sold to Ford in 1973, but they didn’t use the name until now.

Ford are using Vignale to describe premium versions of their cars. Last week I drove the Mondeo Vignale and in the com-ing years we will see Vignale ver-sions of the S-Max and Kuga and maybe a few more models from Ford.

It has been suggested that Ford want to grab a piece of the ‘pre-mium pie’ from the likes of Audi,

BMW and Mercedes. But all that luxury comes at a hefty price, with prices starting at €43,900. With a few extras thrown in, the price of my automatic 2.0 litre diesel test model climbed to 50k.

Vignale is to Ford’s premium offering what RS is to its per-formance cars. I drove a brown coloured version which attracted compliments from almost all of the people I spoke to. It’s impos-sible to please everybody, but nearly all thought that the brown looked the part. The official col-our was Vignale Nocciola and it got some envious glances, not from boy racers this time, but from mature adults.

We had to wait a long time for the new Mondeo to come to Irish garages. The closure of a Ford manufacturing plant in Belgium

The arrival of the Vignale version of the Mondeo has definitely put Ford ahead again.▪



and a switch to Spain meant we had to wait over a year for the new car. It was worth the wait, but some people felt that the new VW Passat, which arrived around the same time, was even

more stylish. However, the ar-rival of the Vignale version of the Mondeo has definitely put Ford ahead again.

Externally the main change from the regular Mondeo is the

honeycomb grille that will be part of the Vignale signature. There is also a lot more chrome around the fog lights and at the back.

Inside there is a lot of leather on the seats and dash area. Back seat travellers can leave down an arm-rest with cup holders. My back passengers told me that it was a very relaxing car to travel in. Maybe it had something to do with the inflatable seat belts, which cost an extra €200. On the road the Vignale is just a lit-tle smoother than the regular Mondeo. I suppose the fact that it was automatic added to the luxurious feel.

I always feel very comfort-able in a Ford, no matter which car it is. The dials on the dash are user friendly and so easy to

operate. However, I wasn’t mad about the electronic handbrake, which didn’t release automati-cally when I attempted to drive off. And yes, I did have the seat belt fastened!

It’s luxurious, but you pay a lot of money for that extra comfort with prices starting at almost €44,000. You could buy two of Ford’s popular Focus cars for that money. Still it’s classy to look at and to travel in. I had lots of extras like cruise control and plenty of parking sensors.

I got a puncture and the spare looked like a full-size, but when I went to get it repaired the helpful young man in Thorntons in Blue-bell he said that it was a 15-inch spare not a full-size 18-inch. Still, an almost full-size spare wheel for only €35 is good value.



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Page 29: Northside People (West) June 29th 2016


House & HomeREACHING



A world of colour from EZ Living FurnitureSELECTING a colour palette for your home can be one of the most daunting design tasks you take on for your home.

Whether you’re getting ready to paint your first home, or re-vamping your current decor, one of the most important elements of your design is choosing the right colours.

Think about the overall look you want to achieve for each room before you begin, and take inspiration from magazines, blogs, Pinterest, fashion and

Colour swatch cards can be deceptive, so paint your own swatches onto a piece of card and hold against the wall.

nature, and then collate your fa-vourite looks into a mood board.

Start with one room at a time, and resist the temptation to se-lect a paint colour first.

It might seem like the obvious first step but paint is one of the least expensive items you will use for your home design, and it can easily be changed!

Start your colour search with room elements such as a piece of furniture, wall art or a textile, which may inspire your colour palette.

Bring home some paint sam-

ples from your colour selec-tion. Colour swatch cards can be deceptive, so paint your own swatches onto a piece of card and hold against the wall.

Look at them at different times of the day so you can see how the colour is affected by the light at different times of the day.

If you don’t want to commit to a bold wall colour, choose a more neutral shade for the walls and add brighter and bolder col-ours in the furnishings or acces-sories.

It’s a fantastic way to update your interior design without get-ting the paintbrush out.

Bear your colour palette in mind and choose textiles such as curtains, cushions and rugs in complementary shades; add a pop of colour in the form of wall art and create extra light with large mirrors and beautiful lanterns.

EZ Living Furniture has a wide range of beautiful furniture and accessories to help you bring a world of colour to your home. Their Summer Dining event is

currently running with incredible offers on the entire dining range

in stores nationwide and online at www.ezlivingfurniture.ie

Once loved furniture in goodcondition removed for FREE

T&C’s apply

Page 30: Northside People (West) June 29th 2016

30 29 Jun 2016 • northside PeoPle West

Things began to change dra-matically though when Pat’s fam-ily was introduced to Slimming World by a close family friend who had initially persuaded Joanne, Pat’s wife, to join a local group.

When Joanne came back from her first group that day armed with the Slimming World food optimising plan telling Pat that he could eat freely foods like potatoes, rice and pasta, he was skeptical.

“To be perfectly honest I found it hard to believe that you could eat so much food and still lose weight,” he says.

However, he had little choice but to try it as suddenly all meals at home were being prepared to this new approach. He was over the moon when he lost four pounds the first week.

Pat then decided to join his lo-cal group. Going to group was one of the best things he ever did.

“I felt welcomed straight away by Ali the consultant and all the other members and each week

I left feeling so motivated,” he says.

“The support learning and sharing in group with my new

Pulse check campaign launched

Cardiologist at the Mater Private, said the research shows that peo-ple are unsure how to check their pulse.

“It is very straight forward,” he said. “First, face the palm of either hand upwards. Second, place the index and middle finger of your other hand on the wrist; third, count the number of beats for 30 seconds and double it. This is your pulse rate.”

Anne Doyle, campaign ambas-sador, said: “Routine has always been part of my life going back to my days as a national broad-caster.

“Now checking my pulse is part of my daily routine. It only takes 30 seconds each morning and it leaves me feeling reassured for the rest of the day.”

The Mater Private National Ar-rhythmia Service commissioned the research, which was carried out by Empathy Research among 1,003 Irish adults, aged over 18, during November 2015.

The research is part of Pulse Check, a campaign that was of-ficially launched by former RTÉ newsreader Anne Doyle. It aims to encourage those aged 60 and over to incorporate a simple pulse check into their morning routine.

Checking your pulse takes just 30 seconds of your day and the campaign recommends adopting it as part of your morning routine.

A normal pulse is 60-100 beats per minute in a regular rhythm. If your pulse is fast and racing, slow,

irregular, consistently above 120 beats per minute or consistently below 40 beats per minute you should visit a healthcare profes-sional.

Dr John Keaney, Consultant

NEW Irish research shows that one in three people are not sure how to check their pulse properly.

Anne Doyle at the launch of the new Pulse Check campaign. PHOTO: SHANE O’NEILL PHOTOGRAPHY ▪




Sometimes you win by losingSTANDING on the scales weighing in at 17 stone and wearing 40-inch trousers, Pat Forde said enough is enough.

Fast forward to the present and the change in Pat is remark-able. After losing over five stone he is a shadow of his former self.

Recalling that day on the scales, a much slimmer and fitter Pat says: “I couldn’t believe it. I hadn’t noticed my weight creep up over the years but to see the scales hit 17 stone was a very so-bering experience.”

Pat’s weight loss journey

started with traditional dieting and was initially quite success-ful. However, the birth of his son three years ago unfortunately saw the lost weight creep back on over the course of six months.

It got too easy to ring for a takeaway in between all the chores a new baby brings.

“I was frustrated and sad and wondered would I ever be slim again,” he recalls.

BEFORE AND AFTER: Pat Forde has transformed his life.▪

friends really inspired me.” Pat also began the Couch to

5k programme and although a bit embarrassed that it was a

struggle to run the one minute at a time that first day, he also felt proud to be making first steps.

Without ever feeling hungry and still enjoying real food family favourites such as chicken curry and burger and chips, Pat’s fit-ness levels continued to rise and he proudly completed the Dublin Marathon.

That initial struggle to run one minute is long gone thanks to his weight loss.

“But I’ll always remember how it felt,” he adds. With his new confidence and love for both food and life, Pat has decided to em-bark on a new journey.

Recently returning from the Slimming World Academy where he trained as a consultant, Pat will be relaunching the Stoneybatter group which meets every Tuesday at Stanhope Girls’ Secondary School, Manor Street at 5.30pm and 7.30pm. Call Pat on 085-1354423 for further details.



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Then Let Stephen Travers, Advanced Hypnotherapy Help You!Stephen has successfully helped thousands of people from all walks of life to quickly stop smoking, lose weight, overcome anxiety, panic attacks, fears, trauma and phobia’s and to boost their confidence and self belief. He uses leading edge psychological techniques to achieve the results you want!He personally works with the world’s leading experts in the fields of personal development, hypnotherapy and neuroscience, such as Paul McKenna & Doctor Ronald Ruden. Stephen has two full time private practices in Dublin.

Here’s some of the many Success Stories from previous clients:Before I came to Stephen I was smoking thirty cigarettes per day and had been a smoker for over thirty years. The session went absolutely brilliant. I never thought I was going to get off the cigarettes, but I know now that I will never go back on them. I had no side effects or withdrawals and I am feeling wonderful.Nora Marun,Tallaght, Dublin 24

Since doing the Think Yourself Thin Program I shifted over 5 stone of weight and I have kept it off. This program is easy and effective to implement.I would highly recommend it, as the results speak for themselves. Rose Higgins - Wicklow

Before I seen Stephen I was like a ticking time bomb full of anger, anxiety, stress and resentment about the past. After only one session I felt like a weight had been literally lifted off me. My confidence levels have soared and I feel like I can move forward with my relationships, work and life again in positive ways. Peter Lynch, Ballbriggan

Advanced Hypnotherapy

Do you have an issue that you have been trying to resolve for a long time and nothing

so far has given tangible, lasting results?Practical help to overcome your issues

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Penelope Toniaccini Clinical Hypno - Psychotherapist MICHP, PSYCH-K, NLP, RQI • Tel: 085 7850828

Email: [email protected] • www.doorwaytofreedom.org

Contact me for free explanatory brochure/free introductory session

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32 29 Jun 2016 • northside PeoPle West

employment/business REACHING 340,000 READERS


First impressions - you only get the chance to make oneCormac Spencer

THE problem with first impres-

A CV, like a good handshake, can say a lot about a person.▪

sions, they say, is that you only get to make one. Most people know this of course, which is

why it never fails to surprise me that day after day I get CVs into my inbox that have not been given the due care required to make a positive im-pact and successfully navigate this important first hurdle in a job application.

There are a growing number of work opportunities available to peo-ple across the county and country. However, people must be prepared in order to maximise their chances of realising those opportunities. Hav-ing a well put together, coherent and persuasive CV is an essential part of that preparation.

US studies have shown that re-cruiters spend on average six sec-onds on a CV before they decide whether to keep reading or not.

I can’t say I discard someone that quickly, but any employer will won-der why they should spend their time on someone who can’t be bothered spending an hour or so putting to-gether a decent CV.

A CV, like a good handshake, can say a lot about a person. If a candi-date isn’t taking the time to create a carefully thought out CV, then they are doing themselves a disservice and running the risk they will end up in the trash folder.

Below I outline three steps im-portant to a good CV. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but can be considered ‘CV 101’. These steps will allow you to get past the employer’s first glance and put you in serious

contention for the job you are ap-plying for.

NO SPELLING MISTAKES: All pro-grammes have a spell check option. It is not an option to fail to make use of it. Some recruiters and employers will refuse to respond to CVs with spelling mistakes as it shows a com-plete lack of attention on the part of the applicant. Don’t be discounted by failing to click a button.

BE RELEVANT: Your CV should be concise and should clearly em-

phasise the experience that makes you suitable for the particular job you are applying for. Don’t just write down everything you have done, but succinctly lay out the areas of expe-rience that are a match for each job.

STAND OUT: Don’t just list the duties you performed in previous employments - outline your achieve-ments. Your CV should portray a candidate who sought and gained experience and who made a seri-ous contribution. Years of service

is not enough to convince employ-ers of your suitability. Many people, who have been working for decades, simply turn up and switch off, hiding in the long grass and never doing more than is required (and some-times less!). Use your CV to outline projects taken on, sales targets exceeded or filing systems modern-ised. No one will thank you for being modest and employers will appreci-ate a candidate who can take on new challenges and succeed.

There is no excuse for not having a good CV. There are ample online re-sources available to assist and most recruiters will work with you to en-sure your CV is up to scratch.

An employer’s time is limited, so make sure your CV gives them food for thought and not cause for con-cern. Don’t waste your opportunity to make a good first impression.

*Cormac Spencer is a Recruitment Consultant/Director at Link Person-nel Services. Visit www.linkperson-nel.ie or call 01-8456312.

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Kare Plan LTD are now recruiting caring and committed CARE STAFF to work with people in the community. Suitable applicants must have Fetac level 5 or

equivalent training in health care and access to their own transport. Full and part time positions are available in the following areas

Dublin North, Dublin South, Wicklow, Kildare, Meath, Laois, Offaly, Longford and Louth areas.

To apply please email your CV to: [email protected]



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Leinster Region. QuantitySurveyor’s, Contracts

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Caretakerrequired for the school year beginning 2016/17. We are looking for a reliable hard working person who

takes pride in their work. You will need to be able to use your own initiative and have good DIY Skills.

Full time position ( flexibility required).Strict compliance with school Child Protection Policy - the position is subject to Garda Vetting.


Cleanerrequired for the school year beginning 2016/17.

We are looking for a well organised, reliable person to join our Cleaning Team.

Part time position– afternoons ( flexibility required).Strict compliance with school Child Protection Policy - the position is subject to Garda Vetting

For both positions please send applications with cover letter and C.V. by email only to:

[email protected] date for both positions is

Wednesday 13th July 2016 at 5.30pmNo applications will be accepted directly to the

school. Canvassing will disqualify. St Francis Xavier JNS is an equal opportunities employer.

Further details available on www.sfxns.ie/juniorschool

Harcourt DevelopmentsSite Administrator - CityWest

We are currently hiring a site admin for immediate start.Must be eligible to work full time in Ireland

Must have previous experience in Construction Administration

The role will require a good knowledge of Microsoft.

For a full role description and details email: [email protected]

Page 33: Northside People (West) June 29th 2016

-General Building and Shop Fitting Contractors–UNIT 3B, SANTRY AVENUE INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, SANTRY AVENUE, DUBLIN 9.

Telephone: +353 1 846 7700 • Fax: +353 1 846 7777 • Website: www.precisionconstruction.ieGeneral E-mail: [email protected]

Precision Construction Limited design, construct and fit-out buildings to the highest standards that are technologically advanced through innova-tion, research and development which we endeavour to reflect our skills and efforts first time and ensure premium quality to total customer satis-faction through our professional customer care. PCL is dedicated to becoming Ireland’s leading building and shop fitting Company and we pride ourselves on the delivery of environmentally friendly with reduced embodied carbon building processes, high quality, snag free buildings within budget and programme to the Manufacturing, Commercial, Schools, Retail, Health Care and Financial Sectors. PCL have an excellent opportunity to grow our team with the following positions available:

SITE MANAGERS The ideal candidates would have a minimum 10 years’ experience in construction and fit out works and have the capability of working within tight programmes but achieving high quality finishes. The sites would be based in the greater Dublin Area. Safe pass accreditation and a full driver’s licence are essential. Salary: Negotiable + Fringe Benefits

JUNIOR QUANTITY SURVEYORSThe ideal candidates would be a qualified Surveyor who has experience in site re-measurement from construction to completion including fitting-out stage. The appointment would be based at Head office and various sites in the greater Dublin area. He/she must be commercially aware, a good team player with excellent interpersonal skills and ability to work efficiently to meet tight deadlines. Safe pass accreditation and a full driver’s licence are essential. Salary: Negotiable + Fringe Benefits

AUTOCAD TECHNICIAN The ideal candidate would be a qualified technician who has experience in managing and recording, and maintaining all contract drawings to a professional level in Head Office and on Site which includes: Keeping all Design Standards up to date, Preparation of Pre-Planning Drawings, Phasing Drawings. Attending Design Team / Site Meetings etc.Salary: Negotiable + Fringe Benefits

ACCOUNTS /COSTING CLERKAn opportunity has arisen for an Accounts / Costing Clerk to join our team. The ideal candidate would be a qualified accounts technician, computer literate to include full knowledge of Microsoft Works including word, excel, outlook and accounting packages and capable of working within a team and tight deadlines. Salary: is Negotiable and Fringe Benefits

CV’s should be forwarded in the strictest of confidence by post or email to:Contact Details:

Mrs. Alison Reid, Human Resources Manager, Precision Construction Limited, Unit 3B, Santry Avenue Industrial Estate, Santry Avenue, Dublin 9.

Email: [email protected] Precision Construction Limited is an Equal Opportunities Employer

Page 34: Northside People (West) June 29th 2016

34 29 Jun 2016 • northside PeoPle West

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Page 36: Northside People (West) June 29th 2016

36 29 Jun 2016 • northside PeoPle West

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Page 37: Northside People (West) June 29th 2016


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The Dublin People Group ofNewspapers reserves theright to decline, omit, suspendor alter any advertisement inany of its publications or toterminate any contract andwill not be held responsiblefor any loss caused thereby.No liability is accepted for anyloss caused thereby. Noliability is accepted for anyloss or damage caused by anerror in the printing of anyadvertisement. No liability isaccepted for any loss ordamage alleged to arisethrough delay in forwardingcopy.

Private aDSPrayersDear sacred Heart of Jesus, in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask for a very special one (mention). Take it, dear Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then, in his merciful eyes it will become your prayer not mine. amen. say this for 3 days, promise publication, and the favour will be granted. Never known to fail.DM

Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask for a very special one (mention). Take it, dear Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then, in his merciful eyes it will become your prayer not mine. amen. say this for 3 days, promise publication, and the favour will be granted. Never known to fail. JC

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38 29 Jun 2016 • northside PeoPle West

Planning & Public noticesPLANNING DUBLIN

Dublin City CouncilI, Mr. Darren Dunne, amapplying for planningpermission to convert theexisting attic area to a newoffice/storage area and toinclude a new dormer windowto the existing roof at the rearof the existing two-storeymid-terraced dwelling and toinclude ancillary works at 128Larkhill Road, Whitehall,Dublin 9. The planningapplication may be inspected,or purchased at a fee notexceeding the reasonablecost of making a copy, at theoffices of Dublin City Councilduring its public openinghours and a submission orobservation in relation to theapplication may be made tothe authority in writing onpayment of the prescribed feewithin the period of 5 weeksbeginning on the date ofreceipt by the authority of theapplication.


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Page 39: Northside People (West) June 29th 2016


DUAL CrossworD

sUDokU worDseArCheAsy MeDiUM hArD

Find the words hidden in the puzzle below

ANSWER (????????): ???????

ANswers JUNe 22eAsy




370,000 reADersweekLy


Across1. Ship’s officer the divorcee married? (6,4)7. Encore in France once more (5)8. Heartened when loudly commend-ed (7)10. Stayed, although escorted out of place (8)11. Permit is required in Virginia (4)13. Horribly amused by the petrifying type (6)15. Sort of medicine providing protec-tion for the originator (6)17. Recoil from what punters do (4)18. As a literary pot-pourri, it’s cheap (8)21. The cavalry surrounding a group of attackers (7)22. Kind of boom in which coins be-come involved (5)23. Affirmations meant to be modified in trials (10)

DOWN1. The sort of case used for the flight (5)2. The opposite to what talkers do! (8)3. Atomic pieces disintegrate in clue (6)4. Come across a rhyme for 20 (4)5. Revolutionary means of getting power (7)6. His products may be near at hand for the present time (10)9. Indulge in some physical exercise, as the convict will! (2,1,7)12. A kind of halberd for the resistance fighter (8)14. Refuse to go through the cases (7)16. Busy Lizzie, the healing agent (6)19. Weather signals provided by an in-dividual in the Civil Service (5)20. Cattle undiminished in strength (4)


ACross1. Experimental cut (10)7. Hang in the air (5)8. Captain (7)10. Imperil (8)11. Wealth (4)13. Scoffed (6)15. Example (6)17. Vault (4)18. Dais (8)21. Miner (7)22. Faint (5)23. Great merit (10)

DowN1. Plunged (5)2. Runner (8)3. Religious festival (6)4. Slender (4)5. Weigh down (7)6. Unemotional (10)9. Cultivation (10)12. Throw overboard (8)14. Intricate (7)16. Flowery (6)19. Sea-air (5)20. Long (4)



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