Achtung kids! Germans write children’s book featuring Bono and the U2 boys Tel: 01 8621611. www.dublinpeople.com Vol.19. No.48 2 Dec - 8 Dec ‘15 WeST Reaching 340,000 ReadeRs Weekly acRoss 3 titles * * target group index 2015 Weekly neWsPaPeRs dublin’s 1 n o . Poppintree protest could delay local modular homes Jack Gleeson a nuMbeR of protesters blocked the entrance to the site where 22 modular homes for homeless families are being built in Poppintree, ballymun, last week, just hours after builders began work. The protest, which prevented vehicles entering the site, was organised by members of a Co- Op set up in 2002 who had paid deposits of €5,000 for homes earmarked for the land. The CTSL Co-Op, which originally planned to establish an Irish speaking community on the site, had obtained planning permission for 40 homes as far back as 2007. Members wanted to create their own neighbourhood and even helped design the three bedroom homes for the project but they ran into red tape when it came to drawing down finance. The Co-Op project stagnated but progress began again when it was taken over last year by O’Cualann Co-Housing Alliance. However, October’s announcement that modular homes were to be built on the site put another question mark over the project. O’Cualann Co-Housing Alliance believes the homes will go ahead following discussions with Dublin City Council officials. However, new planning permission will have to be obtained and the CTSL Co-Op says more than half its members have now had enough and want their €5,000 deposits back. “We’ve been waiting for 12 years and have no faith now that our homes will ever be built,” said protester Suzanne Dobbyn. continued on page 7 U3: Andre and Melanie Thyret with their book at the U2 exhibiton in the Little Museum of Dublin. PHOTO: DARREN KINSELLA. See story on page 2 NEW Weekend Course Starts

Northside People (West) December 2nd 2015

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Page 1: Northside People (West) December 2nd 2015

Achtung kids!Germans write children’s book featuring Bono and the U2 boys

Tel: 01 8621611. www.dublinpeople.com Vol.19. No.48 2 Dec - 8 Dec ‘15 WeST

Reaching 340,000 ReadeRs Weekly acRoss 3 titles** target

group index 2015Weekly neWsPaPeRsdublin’s 1no.

Poppintree protest could delay local modular homesJack Gleeson

a nuMbeR of protesters blocked the entrance to the site where 22 modular homes for homeless families are being built in Poppintree, ballymun, last week, just hours after builders began work.

The protest, which prevented vehicles entering the site, was organised by members of a Co-Op set up in 2002 who had paid deposits of €5,000 for homes earmarked for the land.

The CTSL Co-Op, which originally planned to establish an Irish speaking community on the site, had obtained planning permission for 40 homes as far back as 2007.

Members wanted to create their own neighbourhood and even helped design the three bedroom homes for the project

but they ran into red tape when it came to drawing down finance.

The Co-Op project stagnated but progress began again when it was taken over last year by O’Cualann Co-Housing Alliance. However, October’s announcement that modular homes were to be built on the site put another question mark over the project.

O’Cualann Co-Housing Alliance believes the homes will go ahead following discussions with Dublin City Council officials. However, new planning permission will have to be obtained and the CTSL Co-Op says more than half its members have now had enough and want their €5,000 deposits back.

“We’ve been waiting for 12 years and have no faith now that our homes will ever be built,” said protester Suzanne Dobbyn.

continued on page 7

U3: Andre and Melanie Thyret with their book at the U2 exhibiton in the Little Museum of Dublin. PHOTO: DARREN KINSELLA.

See story on page 2



Weekend Course Starts

Page 2: Northside People (West) December 2nd 2015

� 02 Dec 2015 • NorthsiDe PeoPle West

Achtung kids!

children’s books and traditional fairy tales featured violence and abuse.

They decided to produce their own for daughters Mavie and Leni, and instead of writing about wicked stepmothers, big bad wolves or kidnapped children they wrote a tale of innocence.

“We decided it would be a simple and positive story, just for them,” says Melanie.

Initially, the couple wanted to share the book with friends so Andre decided to base the char-acters on Bono, Adam, The Edge and Larry as many of their pals are U2 fans.

“Then I thought we might at-tract a lot of people of our age because lots of the fans are the same age as us and many of them are parents now,” he said.

Deciding what charity would benefit from the book was easy. Red is close to the heart of U2 but even though they aren’t profiting from sales, Andre and Melanie were worried about what the fans would think.

“We were very scared when we finalised the book,” Andre ad-mits. “The U2 fan base is very big and they are very loyal but they are also very critical.”

However, they had nothing to worry about. ‘Cedarwood’ has been well received and while they’ve heard nothing official from the band Red and One (the U2 backed anti poverty cam-paign) are happy with the book.

“We’ve had no negative feed-back at all,” says Andre. “It’s been great.

“We’ve seen pictures of U2 signing our books and posters. It’s funny to see.”

The hardback version of ‘Ce-darwood’ is in both English and Irish and costs €25. A pa-perback English only version is available for €5 and a set of five postcards featuring illustra-tions from the book also costs €5. All are available online at www.cedarwood-book.com

IT WAS a beautiful day for two German U2 fans in Dublin last week when they introduced their new

children’s book featuring Bono as the main character to the band’s fans.

Andre and Melanie Thyret have followed the famous Northside foursome for decades so when they began writing a book for their two daughters they decid-ed the U2 lads would be perfect characters.

The end result is ‘Cedarwood’, a wonderfully simple tale for children that will resonate with anybody who loves U2, and es-pecially with Northsiders as the story begins in the Finglas estate where Bono grew up.

Written in Irish and English, it features cartoon illustrations of Bono, The Edge, Adam and Larry around Dublin at the Phoenix Park, Grand Canal Docks and the Poolbeg Chimneys.

It’s not an official U2 publica-tion but all proceeds from sales go to RED, the AIDS charity co-founded by Bono.

The couple were in Dublin last week to see the band perform the Dublin leg of their iNNOCENCE + eXPERIENCE tour and to promote their book at the Little Museum of Dublin.

Andre (41) first became ob-sessed with U2 after hearing about the band’s 1989 New Year’s Eve concert at the Point Depot.

“It was broadcast all over Eu-rope and my friends and I taped it and we were listening to it every day,” he says. “It was fantastic.”

Melanie (40) was introduced to the band by her older brother who constantly played ‘With or Without You’ when it was re-leased. She became hooked by ‘Achtung Baby’ but admits her husband is the bigger fan.

That was a point illustrated when they visited Cedarwood Road last week to see the house

Bono grew up in and were invited in by its current owners, the Ryan family.

“Mrs Ryan asked me did I want to go upstairs to see Bono’s old bedroom but I said it was OK.

“I think it’s just a room with a bed but Andre went up and was sitting there with tears in his eyes,” she laughed.

Andre has seen his musical heroes 25 times, the first in Dort-mund during the early ‘90s and one of the best in Los Angeles in 1997 when he got to meet the band.

U2 has provided the soundtrack to his life and one album in par-ticular has had a profound ef-fect.

“It might sound silly or a bit strange but I think ‘Achtung Baby’ really influenced my cre-ativity and made me a different person,” he says.

Like many parents, Andre and Melanie read a lot to their daugh-ters but they noticed a lot of

Andre and Melanie with their book at the Little Museum of Dublin

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Page 3: Northside People (West) December 2nd 2015


Vedran Kohut with his beloved dog, Evelyn▪

Fund set up for tragic Croattrain from Galway to Dublin.

His story was featured in the Limerick Post where he was re-ported to be “emotionally ex-hausted” by his journey.

The paper had covered his sto-ry before and last week ran a spe-cial two-page tribute to Vedran.

Vedran Kohut died after an accident involving a truck on Oc-tober 18 at the Blanchardstown junction.

The 37-year-old had travelled through much of Europe over the past three years with his beloved dog, Evelyn.

Jack Gleeson

FRIENDS of a Croatian man who died in an accident on the M50 last month have set up an online fund to send his remains back to his native homeland.

Vedran wrote a blog about his journey and slept on the street, even if it was raining or snowing.

The fundraising campaign was set up by friends in Ireland on gofundme.com/uxb946ec.

“He ended up in Ireland where he met a lot of friends,” the cam-

paign page reads. “All the obsta-cles that he came across didn’t stop him, he just kept going.”

The campaign page says Ve-dran’s family’s wish is for him to be cremated in Dublin and his ashes sent home.

“We are all coming together to

fulfill his family’s wishes and get him home.”

Gardaí in Blanchardstown are appealing for witnesses to the accident on October 18 and can be contacted on 01-6667000, the Garda Confidential Line on 1800 666 111 or any Garda station.

The Croat begantravelling

around Europe in 2013 as part of a campaignto raise awareness

The Croat began travelling around Europe in 2013 as part of a campaign to raise awareness of homelessness. He set off with Evelyn and just €5 and initially raised money by selling wallets hand-made from recycled mate-rials.

In Ireland he spent a Christmas Day sleeping on the streets of Dublin and earlier this year was sleeping out on the banks of the Shannon.

He slept in 29 cities across Eu-rope during his journey and spent time in France, Switzerland, Ger-many, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Slovenia, Italy and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Earlier this year, Vedran had his passport, documents and a laptop stolen while travelling by

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ROADS ACT 1993, SECTION 73 (1)

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Notice is hereby given that Dublin City Council proposes to consider the extinguishment of these Rights of Way of the Public at the above location.

The right of way to be extinguished is indicated on a map, which may be inspected at the Cabra Area Office, 97 Cabra Road, Dublin 7 during normal opening hours until Friday 8th January 2016.

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It should be noted that persons making such representations or objections may make a request, in writing, to state their case at an oral hearing conducted by a person appointed by the Local Authority for that purpose.


Page 4: Northside People (West) December 2nd 2015

� 02 Dec 2015 • NorthsiDe PeoPle West

AS DUBLIN city centre was still smouldering in the after-math of the seismic events of Easter Week, 1916, I very

much doubt that the leaders of the rebellion dwelled too much on what their personal legacies would be after they were held by British forces and led to their execution.

Little did the rebels know then that 100 years after making the ultimate sacrifice for the cause of Irish freedom, they would have modular housing units named in their honour.

I must confess that I felt my toes curl

with embarrassment when I learned one of the chosen sites in Poppintree, Bally-mun, had been named Baile na Laochra – or Town of the Heroes.

Apart from the naff name, I have mixed feelings about the modular hous-ing plan, which will also see units devel-oped in Coolock, Finglas, Drimnagh and Ballyfermot. Strangely enough, there are none so far announced for any of the more salubrious parts of the city.

But cynicism aside, any effort to tackle the issue of homelessness has to be seen as a positive development. The tender, design and build process has been fast-tracked under an Accelerated Restricted Procedure (ARP) and the first modular homes will be ready for occupation by December 21.

Dublin City Council says this is in recognition of the urgency of the family homelessness situation in the Dublin region. The first stage consists of two-storey, three-bedroom homes and the cost of providing the 22 units will be €4.2m. While the expenditure is similar to building more conventional homes, emphasis has been placed on the com-paratively speedy rate of construction for modular units. We are assured that these homes will be completed to the highest standards and will fully comply with new Building Control Regulations.

The use of modular homes is being portrayed as an effective way to address homelessness in Dublin, specifically for families currently living in hotels.

In the week October 19-25, there were 677 families in all forms of emergency accommodation, including 1,425 child dependents. Of these families, 216 (including 450 child dependents) were in emergency homeless accommodation and 461 families, with 975 child depend-ents, were in hotels.

Dublin City Council plans to deliver a further 131 modular homes during 2016

on the other earmarked sites.While the provision of modular

housing was initially seen as a tem-porary solution to the homelessness crisis, there have been suggestions that families could end up living in them on a more permanent basis. This is due to the fact that two-storey units are being constructed and the build will be of very high quality. In fact, they will be far superior to some of the overpriced dog boxes that were constructed by cowboy builders during the Celtic Tiger era.

Whether this turns out to be a work-

able solution to the problem remains to be seen. But one thing is for certain: there is nothing heroic about this be-lated response to a crisis that has been allowed to escalate beyond control by successive governments.

Our political establishment has been blindsided by greedy developers, reckless bankers and unscrupulous landlords, creating a new generation of homeless communities.

I strongly suspect it’s not the type of Irish Republic envisaged by the 1916 Rising rebels.

Modular homes are a belated response to the homelessness crisis.▪

Nothing heroic about response to homelessnessopinion >>

Comment: Tony McCullagh, Dublin People group editor

Page 5: Northside People (West) December 2nd 2015


Super services at St Brigid’s Shopping Centre, Blanchardstown Village

THERE’S a host of super services available to locals at St Brigid’s Shopping

Centre, just off Main Street in Blanchardstown Village.

Set in a convenient location in the heart of the area, the outlets at St Brigid’s are a shining example of local business at its best, with friendly faces delivering quality service at unbeatable prices.

Businesses like Fitness Factor, built from the passion of two local sport enthusiasts who wanted to make a difference and share their knowledge of sports nutrition supplements and provide them at affordable prices.

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Page 6: Northside People (West) December 2nd 2015

� 02 Dec 2015 • NorthsiDe PeoPle West

Two Northside groups are the pride of Ireland

greatly assisted the Berkeley Road, Phibsborough and Glasnevin areas in bringing about major local im-provements both in the community and environmentally.

“These improvements will con-siderably help the local 2016 cele-brations to join in with the O’Connell Street and Glasnevin Cemeteries National Events,” he added.

Clareville Centre in Glasnevin took the winning prize in the cities competition under the Age Friendly Community Initiative category.

The judges said the Northside centre had captured their hearts and minds and described those involved in the community as “an excellent caring group of highly committed people from all walks of life”.

“It demonstrated what the judg-es believe is a model of best prac-tice in caring for the elderly in their own place,” a spokesperson for the judges said.

“Here was attention to all as-pects of the older person’s needs in a dignified and high quality loca-tion. The emphasis on detail and the provision of real opportunities

for care staff to develop their skills make this project special.”

Blessington Street Basin Commu-nity took runner-up place in the Cit-ies Competition under the category for neighbourhoods with between 1,000 and 2,000 people.

Pride of Place Liaison Officer, Bernie Lillis, congratulated the two local groups on their success.

“These awards are about ac-knowledging in a meaningful way the work and dedication the vol-unteers put in over the years,” she said.

“I’m delighted the two groups are taking home prizes that are so well deserved.”

Community Development Officer, Niall Byrnes, who has worked with the groups, said Pride of Place has

TWO Northside groups picked up top awards at this year’s nation-al Pride Of Place Gala Awards Ceremony that took place last week in Ennis, Co Clare.

The Clareville Centre group were winners in the Age Friendly Community Initiative category▪

The Blessington Street Basin group were runners-up in the category for neighbourhoods with between 1,000 and 2,000 people▪

Longer Luas trams on the wayTHE Dublin Chamber of Com-merce has welcomed last week’s announcement of new, longer Luas trams for the Green Line.

The new trams will be the same type currently used on the Green line but with two extra modules (carriages) meaning an extra 60 passengers can hop on board.

The additional trams will cost €36.5 million and are expected to be delivered ahead of the Green Line extension coming into opera-tion at the end of 2017.

Dublin Chamber said that max-imising the potential of exist-ing infrastructure will provide a short-term fix while waiting for major transport projects, such as Dart Underground and Metro North, to come on stream.

“The number of people com-ing into Dublin city centre is in-creasing all the time,” said Dublin Chamber CEO Gina Quin.

“As the economy continues to grow, the pressure on our trans-port network will increase.

“It is vital that we make our existing infrastructure sweat as much possible.”

Theseawards are about

acknowledging in a meaningful way the work and dedication the volunteers put in over the years

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Page 7: Northside People (West) December 2nd 2015


Continued from page 1

“I’ve no problem with modular homes. Everybody needs somewhere to live and the protest is not about modular homes. It’s about how the Co-Op members have been messed around for so long. We’ve had years of broken promises and don’t believe anything the council is telling us now.”

CTSL Co-Op spokesperson Deirdre Ní Tháilliúir called on housing groups, activists and local residents to stand with them in the protest.

“We are fighting against a great and shambolic injustice that has been thrown onto a group of families who had worked alongside Dublin City Council to build 40 Co-Op homes,” she said.

“Families have been left out of pocket, have no alternative sites and, to make it all worse, they were never informed of any of the plans going on behind the scenes.

“Forty social houses should

have been built on this land, not 22 sheds for a general election stunt at great cost and insult to families and human beings in general.”

Despite the protest, Hugh Brennan of O’Cualann Co-Housing Alliance said that following discussions with Dublin City Council officials, he believes the project will go ahead and new planning permission could be obtained by April.

“The new application won’t be fast-tracked but no objections are expected,” he added.

Dublin City Council, who had hoped to have the modular homes occupied by Decebmer 21, said if the protest continued 22 homeless families would remain in hotel accommodation over Christmas and into early 2016.

The Peter McVerry Trust called on all parties involved in the site dispute to engage in dialogue to avoid jeopardising the provision of the modular homes.

“People know that we are in the middle of an acute housing

emergency,” a spokesperson said.“We understand that people

and communities have genuine and sincere concerns. We would urge the all parties involved in the dispute in Ballymun to engage in constructive dialogue to resolve any issues.

“This process can take place alongside the construction process which will keep the project on time and deliver these homes as quickly as possible.

“The bottom line is that the 22 families need homes before Christmas.”

Dublin Lord Mayor, Críona Ní Dhálaigh, echoed the trust’s call.

“I respect everybody’s right to peacefully protest,” she said. I would ask these protestors to allow the work to commence.”

The modular homes will be two-storey, three-bedroom homes and will cost an estimated €4.2 million. The estate will be called Baile na Laochra (Town of Heroes) after the 1916 rebels.

[email protected]

Poppintree protest could delay local modular homes

Suzanne Dobbyn pictured at last week’s protest

Join us for festive fun on Thursday 3rd December for the Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony.

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Page 8: Northside People (West) December 2nd 2015

� 02 Dec 2015 • NorthsiDe PeoPle West

More new social homes are confirmed for Drumcondra

Tenants of the organisation buy shares in local co-operatives and can exercise a say over the management and development of their own communities.

Speaking at the opening of Calderwood Court Co-opera-tive Housing Ireland CEO, Kieron Brennan said: “Our strategy is to respond to the national housing crisis by growing, particularly in urban areas of high demand.

“These two new developments in Drumcondra will make a real contribution to meeting housing need in this area.”

Minister Kelly said the Gov-ernment’s Social Housing Strat-egy was commited to delivering 35,000 new homes for social housing over the period to 2020.

“Having seen the quality of houses provided here in Calder-wood Court, I’m delighted that approved housing bodies such as Co-operative Housing Ireland will play a key role in meeting that target.”

NAMA Chief Executive, Brendan McDonagh said it had made 6,575

The homes will be developed at a cost of €10.5 million and man-aged by Co-operative Housing Ireland.

Construction is due to com-mence in the first half of 2016 with the first occupants taking up residency in 2017.

The development will combine a mix of one, two and three bed-room apartments in landscaped gardens overlooking the river Tolka.

They will be provided to 39 lo-cal families currently on Dublin City Council’s housing list under a long term lease arrangement.

The Department of Environ-ment will provide 30 per cent of funding through the Capital Advance Leasing Facility (CALF) with the remaining 70 per cent privately financed.

Minister for the Environment, Communities and Local Govern-

ment, Alan Kelly, announced the details at the opening of 13 new homes at Calderwood Court; an-other co-operative housing de-velopment in Drumcondra being provided under a partnership ar-rangement with NAMA.

Calderwood Court is a mix of apartments and duplexes of one and two bedrooms.

The homes are built around a shared courtyard and benefit from close proximity to local fa-cilities including schools and parks. Calderwood is the latest in a series of partnerships between Co-operative Housing Ireland and NAMA that has already delivered 80 homes in Cork, Waterford, Wexford and Dublin.

Co-operative Housing Ireland is the new name for NABCO, the national organisation for co-op-erative housing in Ireland since 1973.

Jack Gleeson

HOMES for 39 families are to be provided on a vacant site in Rich-mond Road, Drumcondra, it was confirmed last week.

Residents of Calderwood Court, Christine and Michael McMahon, in their new home. PHOTO: COLM MAHADY / FENNELLS▪

residential properties available for social housing nationally since 2011.

“Calderwood Court is another

good example of all the key play-ers working together and I would like to commend all those in-volved,” he added.

NAMA provided over €600,000 in funding to finish off and fit-out the 13 apartments and duplexes in Calderwood Court.

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Page 9: Northside People (West) December 2nd 2015


New RESPECT shop opensDUBLIN GAA star Diarmuid Connolly brought the Sam Maguire to the recent official opening of the new RESPECT charity shop at Park Shopping Centre, Prussia Street, Dublin 7.

The team at RESPECT is thank-ing all those who assisted in the planning and refurbishment of the new store, especially the vol-unteers who give generously of their time manning the shop on

a daily basis. The shop accepts ladies, gents

and children’s clothing as well as toys, books and non-electrical homewares. Retailers are also welcome to donate old or end-

of-line stock. All funds from the RESPECT Shop go towards help-ing people with intellectual dis-ability in the care of the Daugh-ters of Charity Disability Support Service. As part of their Christ-mas campaign, RESPECT will be selling gift voucher donations, available in the shop or online at www.respect.ie.

Pictured with Dublin footballer Diarmuid Connolly were Bernard and Andrew Smyth holding the Sam Maguire Cup at the official opening of the RESPECT shop▪

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Page 10: Northside People (West) December 2nd 2015

10 02 Dec 2015 • NorthsiDe PeoPle West

entertainment No.1FOR ALL DUBLIN


Celeb Spy Xtrawith Rebecca Lee

I was delighted to see Dubliner Baz Ashmowy and his Mammy Nancy scoop the International Emmy for Best Non-Scripted Entertainment.

The 40-year-old was delighted to win the award for his show ‘50 Ways to Kill Your Mammy’.

It’s just finished its fourth series and sees Baz make his mum Nancy attempt death-defying tasks.

Well done guys!

One Direction say they hope to use some of their time off to go travelling.

They’ve been sharing their plans on Jimmy Kimmel Live! in America.

Niall Horan says that although they’ve toured everywhere, they haven’t really experienced the world. He also said that while life is great, he’s always driven past landmarks and never got the chance to see them properly. One of the downsides of fame, eh?

Star Wars fans are celebrating reports Disney are apparently planning to release a new film every year for the foreseeable future.

‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ is out next month, but Disney are said to be following it up in 2016 with ‘Rogue One: A Star Wars Story’.

It’s expected to be the first in a so-called anthology series of spin-off films.

Louis Walsh has revealed he was going to take part in ‘I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here! ‘

However, the former X Factor judge was talked out of going into the jungle by Simon Cowell, who said it wouldn’t be good for his credibility.

But Louis has said he’s left the door open and that he could take part next year instead. I’d pay to see Simon in the jungle.

That’s it from me. Until next week


in association with

And finally, Rihanna is coming to Dublin again.The superstar is due to play the Aviva Stadium on June 21.

DUE to phenomenal demand Gavin James has added a third date at the Olympia

Theatre, on Saturday, January 23.

A limited amount of tickets are available for his shows on Janu-ary 21 and 22.

Gavin James has spent the summer supporting Sam Smith around America, before open-ing for two Ed Sheeran Croke Park shows in Dublin in front of 164,000 people and Taylor Swift in Hyde Park.

A European and American headline tour kicks off next week featuring London’s Scala on December 8 and a four-night sold-out return run at Dublin’s Whelan’s from December 21-23.

He is busy touring his album ‘Bitter Pill’ that was produced

by Fraser T Smith (Adele/Lily Allen/Britney Spears) and Cam-eron Blackwood (Florence & the Machine).

‘Bitter Pill’ was recorded in LA and London and features the massive hits ‘Say Hello’, ‘The Book of Love’, ‘For You’ and the current single ‘Bitter Pill’.

Gavin James was born in Ash-ington, a suburb on the Northside of Dublin. For the 23-year-old son of a postman, music was argu-ably in his blood.

His great grandparents were both famous Irish opera sing-ers and had their own albums released in the early 1900s (they had to turn down an invitation to perform in London owing to their families, and the political condi-tions of the time).

Having started out playing Jimi Hendrix covers in the garden shed, Gavin then drew the short

straw when he was chosen as the singer of his teenage band, and learnt his subsequent solo craft the hard way. Inspired by local heroes like Damien Rice and classic, grafting Soul artists such as Sam Cooke, he would play Dublin’s pubs virtually seven nights a week during college, in marathon three-hour shows.

Growing in confidence, Gavin James’ own material then began to draw an impassioned follow-ing: his first ever single won Ireland’s answer to the Mercury (the Choice Prize for ‘Song Of The Year’), stayed on the charts for over six months and culminated with 2014’s number 1-charting, ‘Live at Whelans’ album.

This was a venue he used to sneak inside when underage, but returned to as a rapturously-re-ceived headliner. That night, he happened to perform an impul-

sive cover of The Magnetic Fields’ ‘The Book Of Love’, accelerating Gavin’s word-of-mouth success story (the track has since become a platinum-selling hit around Eu-rope, with upwards of six million plays on Spotify.

With his first piece of recorded material – ‘For You’ – reaching number 1 in Ireland and going top 10 on iTunes in the US, Canada and Holland, Gavin James has inched closer to the spotlight with an appearance on ‘The Late Late Show With James Corden’. Continuing with ‘22’, lifted from sessions from his debut album, Gavin James looks poised to become the next great voice to shine a light back on the Dublin suburbs and beyond.

Gavin is the only artist to sell out Dublin’s Olympia Theatre and Amsterdam’s Paradiso without having released an album.

extra Dublindate for Gavin James

Gavin James▪

Panto fun to help hospital childrenDUBLIN’S panto goers have the chance to help raise up to €10,000 to aid sick children at Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital Crumlin by buying tickets for a special performance of The Helix Pantomime ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’.

The panto runs until Janu-ary 10 but the performance on Thursday, December 10 is dedicated to helping the young patients at Ireland’s largest paediatric hospital.

“We are absolutely delighted that not only are The Helix giving our sick children and their fami-lies the chance to see the best panto in the country, but have dedicated the sales of a special show to our hospital,” said Crumlin’s fundraising manager Rachel Daly.

“The Panto performance on December 10 will help us in sustaining the great level of care at Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital plus support groundbreaking paediatric medical research through the National Children’s Research Centre.”

A group of 20 young Crumlin patients and their families set the panto fundraising ball rolling at a special Santa’s day in The Helix Theatre.

“Everyone had a wonder-ful time, Santa read Christmas stories, the Panto cast made us all laugh and then we all enjoyed viewing the movie The Polar Express, it was a thoroughly enjoyable day,” said Rachel.

“Now we are asking people to help the hospital by buying tickets for Jack and the Beanstalk on December 10; a sell out

performance would help us raise €10,000.”

Crumlin staff and parents are asking the public to show their support for the hospital by

buying tickets for the show on December 10, which are priced €26 for adults, €22 for children and family tickets are also avail-able from €74.

Pictured are Crumlin Hospital parents Carol Long and Natalie Long with tot Zoe Lonergan and the panto cast including star Niall Sheehy as Jack, Orla Jennings as Jill, Liam Butler as Dame Lola and Eoin Cannon as dastardly Professor Plonceur.

Page 11: Northside People (West) December 2nd 2015


DCU live telethon on air this Friday

to give back to the charity while raising awareness for my peers at the same time,” she said.

“Jigsaw is such an amazing facility to have for young people suffering from mental illnesses around the country and it’s amaz-ing to be raising so much aware-ness for them.

“There’s such a stigma sur-rounding mental illness in Ireland and I finally think it’s time we did something to make a difference.”

Emma, who attended St Do-minic’s College, Cabra, Brian who attended Ardscoil La Salle, Clare-hall, and Jordan who attended Gaelcholáiste Reachrann in Rush will assist with the production of shows throughout the 24 hour broadcast.

Viewers can look forward to remakes of popular television favourites such as ‘The Late Late Toy Show’ and ‘Never Mind The Buzzcocks’ as well as eclectic original shows proposed by DCU students.

Emma Kavanagh, Brian Dillon and Jordan Kavanagh from Dub-lin City University will be raising vital funds in aid of mental health charity, Jigsaw, during the broad-cast.

The trio are active members of Dublin City University Media Production Society (MPS). Jordan is backstage producer and Emma is chairperson of the societywho are running the DCUtv and Bank of Ireland 24 Hour Broad-cast.

Emma explained why she and the whole society are so excited about the venture.

“This is the first year we’re sup-porting a mental health charity,” she said.

“DCU’s getting behind the cause because I think everyone knows someone who has been af-fected by poor mental health.”

THREE Northside students are taking part in a 24-hour live TV marathon this weekend to help tackle the stigma surrounding mental illness.

City Council denies busking is in danger

A large banner making the claim was displayed recently in the city centre but the council says its position on street per-formance has not changed.

Bye-laws covering street per-formers were introduced earlier this year and a review carried out in October found they were working “reasonably well”. How-ever, the council is considering a number of amendments to ad-dress what it describes as “cer-tain weaknesses and omissions” in the legislation.

“We are committed to encour-aging and preserving street per-formance,” a council spokesper-son said. “The proposed changes reflect issues that have arisen during the last six months and we are confident that they will strengthen the bye-laws further without introducing over-regula-tion.”

Full details of a public consul-tation process on the proposed amendments to the bye-laws will be published after a council meeting on December 7.

DUBLIN City Council has denied claims that it’s proposing to ban busking in the capital’s main streets.The broadcast, which is being

run for the sixth consecutive year this Christmas, also features two flagship programmes, including ‘The Apprentice’, which involves students going up against each other to win.

Last year’s broadcast raised over €5,000 for charity and it’s hoped to match that total again this year for Jigsaw.

The DCUtv Bank of Ireland 24 hour broadcast starts at 9pm on Friday and donations can be made at justgiving.com/dcutv. Viewers can get involved on social media using the hashtag #DCUtv24.

The charity was chosen on the suggestion of Sarah McLaughlin, a second year communications student in DCU who holds Jigsaw very close to her heart.

Sarah is also an active member of MPS and she explained how delighted she is for the charity to be chosen.

“It was a great support for me when I needed it and I wanted

Jordan Kavanagh and Emma Kavanagh prepare for the broadcast.

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Page 12: Northside People (West) December 2nd 2015

12 02 Dec 2015 • NorthsiDe PeoPle West





LIFFEY Valley is officially home to the best pet store in Ireland after Maxi Zoo was named as ‘Pet Store of the Year’ at the prestigious Retail Excellence Ireland Awards.

The award is a huge achieve-ment for the staff at the Maxi Zoo

store at Retail Park Liffey Valley who were recognised for leading the way in providing customers with a first class shopping expe-rience.

Judges from Retail Excellence Ireland visited the local Maxi Zoo store to assess the shopping ex-perience it provides for custom-

ers.“The award was presented to

Maxi Zoo after the judging panel assessed the high standard of customer service that we con-sistently deliver to customers across all of our 17 stores nation-wide,” said Alice Cross, executive director of Maxi Zoo Ireland.

“Maxi Zoo prides itself on pro-viding pet parents with expert advice and the best possible environment to shop for their pets.”

She added: “The award is a credit to our dedicated staff and loyal customers. We are thrilled with our success.”

The Maxi Zoo team pictured with their award▪

Top award for Maxi Zoo

The importance of wormingCorina Fitzsimons

ALL dogs will have worms at some point in their lives, with puppies being most at risk.

An untreated worm infesta-tion can lead to a loss of condi-tion in the adult dog and quite serious illness in puppies, as well as putting human health at risk (however small this risk may be).

As a responsible dog owner, it is important for you to worm your dog regularly.

Dogs with worms may not show signs of illness, except when the worms are present in large volumes.

Puppies are most at risk from worm infections. Worms are passed from the mother before birth, and after through her milk.

Infestation may cause weight loss, vomiting, diarrhoea, a swollen abdomen and, in ex-treme circumstances, death. Puppies should be wormed from two to three weeks of age at two weekly intervals until they are 12-weeks-old, then every month until they are six months.

Worming should continue at least three times a year with a recommended veterinary preparation for the rest of the dog’s life.

Pregnant bitches should be wormed at the time of mating and again when the puppies are one-week-old.

Most worms will live in the intestine and feed on partly di-gested food.

The two main types of worms are Tapeworms (Dipylidium species) and Roundworms (Tox-ocara canis).

Tapeworms can appear like white grains of rice, which are joined together to form a tape and are most commonly found in adult dogs. They spread through an intermediate host (usually the flea).

Roundworms can appear like elastic bands, up to several inches in length and are the most commonly seen worms, particularly in puppies. They spread through the environ-ment (infected faeces, soil and sand etc.).

Both types of worms are easy to eliminate and suitable prep-arations are available through your local veterinary practice.

Remember, if your dog has tapeworm you must also treat him for fleas.

As a responsible dog owner, you should always carry a poop-scoop or plastic bag with you to clean up after your dog.

Children and adults should also wash their hands with soap and warm water after coming into contact with sand or soil and any faeces in your garden should be disposed of as soon as possible.

Dogs Trust recommends reg-ular worming as this will help to minimise the amount of egg contamination in the environ-ment and, of course, keep your dog happier and healthier.


Give a Dog a Home Today!Phone us on 01 8791000


of the

Dogs Trust is based in Finglas, just off Exit 5 on the M50. Map and directions can be found on their website at www.dogstrust.ie. You can also pop up for a visit. Dogs Trust is open six days a week from 12-4pm. The centre is closed all day Tuesday. You can also find Dogs Trust on Facebook at www.facebook.com/dogstrustireland or Twitter @DogsTrust_IE

Dublin People Newspaper Group has teamed up with Dogs Trust to help find homes lost and abandoned dogs.

Our Dog of the Week is Whiskey, a two-year-old female Terrier cross. She arrived to Dogs Trust with her beautiful litter who have all since found their forever homes and now it’s Whiskey’s turn. She can be a little shy at first but when you get to know her she’ll want nothing more than love and cuddles from her new family. She likes other dogs but it isn’t necessary that she has to live with another four-legged pal.

Whiskey can live with older children and would need someone in her family to be home for most of the day.

If you think you can offer Whiskey a loving home, contact Dogs Trust on 01-8791000.


Dog foods “Nutts” For Sale

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Phone Shay on 0877524799 for more info

Page 13: Northside People (West) December 2nd 2015


Dodgy batch of hoverboards confiscated at Dubln Port

concerns that resulted in their importation being suspended.

The Commission said it was aware of unsafe Hoverboards across Europe and initiated an in-vestigation into their safety.

“Our collaboration with col-leagues in Customs has meant that these potentially unsafe products were not sold to con-sumers in Ireland,” said Commis-sion Chairperson Isolde Goggin.

The hoverboards were Smart Balance Wheels that are actu-ally just two wheels propelled by an electric motor and steered by careful balancing.

However, the Competition and

Consumer Protection Commission didn’t think last week’s consign-ment was much fun at all.

Commission staff examined a sample of the products and iden-tified a number of serious safety

Jack Gleeson

IT WAS back to where they came from rather than back to the fu-ture for a consignment of 1,400 hoverboards that landed at Dub-lin Port last week.

One of the Smart Balance Wheel sets.▪

Blanchardstown Brass Band will be performing at Draíocht on December 8▪

Draìocht music treat

The Dublin Male Voice Choir and the Blanchardstown Brass Band will be belting out popular classics and music from theatre and movies on Tuesday, Decem-ber 8. Tickets cost €12 and all the

money will be donated to Cool-mine Therapeutic Community to fund services for 1,200 people overcoming addiction.

Dublin Mail Voice Choir was founded by the late Peter McBr-

TWO of Dublin’s top musical groups are coming together at Draío-cht in Blanchardstown next week to lift the roof with music and song and raise much needed funds for Coolmine Therapeutic Community.

“Following examination, the Commission was concerned that consumers may be at risk should

the AC adapter charger or the battery pack overheat and poten-tially cause a fire.

“Our investigation is ongoing but at this point we are aware that similar products are on sale here and we are investigating to determine whether these prod-ucts meet the relevant Irish and EU safety standards.”

The Commission is urging con-sumers wanting to buy a hov-

erboard to make sure they are genuine and properly branded with the CE mark.

“We would also remind busi-nesses that by law they are re-quired to ensure that the products they sell conform to EU and Irish standards,” Goggin continued.

“Retailers and wholesalers should source products from reputable manufacturers and im-porters.”

ien, the internationally acclaimed Irish baritone, in 2006.

Blanchardstown Brass Band has been performing for an amazing 186 years and John Har-ford, the band’s secretary, said members were looking forward to providing the audience with a memorable concert. Tickets are available from www.draiocht.ie or by calling 01-8852622.

Page 14: Northside People (West) December 2nd 2015

14 02 Dec 2015 • NorthsiDe PeoPle West




Feel like a king at lough eske CastleTony McCullagh

IMAGINE being trapped in a 17th century castle for the weekend, unable to venture outdoors due

to torrential downpours and howling gales. Sounds good to me.

Ireland may not be blessed with predictable weather, but when you have the pleasure of experiencing the five star hospitality on offer at hotels such as Lough Eske Castle, located just outside Donegal Town, you start to understand our international appeal as a tourist destination.

As you enter the grounds of the 43-acre estate and proceed through the sparsely lit, tree-lined driveway, you get an other worldly feeling; a sense that you are leaving your normal life behind you - temporarily at least. The majestic Lough Eske Castle suddenly looms before you, instantly transporting you back to a bygone era.

Lough Eske Castle was painstakingly restored by its present owners eight years ago, although it had previously operated as a hotel in the 1930s before it was partially destroyed in a fire. It was in a complete state of dereliction, with trees sprouting from inside the castle walls and bulging roots threatening to topple what remained of the structure.

The two year restoration of

Lough Eske was one of the most ambitious projects of its kind ever undertaken in Donegal and represented a significant financial investment in the region.

Lough Eske Castle is now the jewel in the crown of the tourism sector in the north west; its faithfully recreated interiors offering an authentic Edwardian country estate experience while affording its guests the ultimate in modern luxury.

Lough Eske Castle, which is part of the Solís Hotels & Resorts group, is home to 96 spacious guestrooms, a spa and swimming pool, a restaurant and two bars.

Our bedroom was everything you’d expect of a five star hotel, split into two sections: one to sleep in and a separate living area. It felt like the ultimate indulgence. The bathroom, frankly, was larger than some hotel rooms I’ve had the misfortune to sleep in over the years, at home and abroad.

Our first night’s dining experience was in the exquisite Cedars Restaurant where our charming host, Johnny, talked us through the extensive menu. He helpfully advised that the restaurant was renowned for its meat dishes, nudging us in the direction of the lamb. Tempting as it sounded, I went for the fillet of beef which didn’t disappoint, while my wife deliberated over the myriad of seafood options.

Throughout our meal we

were looked after by Genute who epitomises everything that is good about the professional yet personal level of service at Lough Eske. In fact, our enduring memories of the hotel will not just be of opulent surroundings, fine dining and pampering, but also the warmth and genuine friendliness of the staff.

Each and every one of them was a credit to the hotel and seemed particularly proud of their place of work, as if they all had an emotional investment in Lough Eske Castle.

We struggled to keep room for dessert and a cheese plate, before retiring to the Gallery Bar for a nightcap; the atmosphere enhanced by live music and some cocktails.

We awoke the following morning to the sound of the storm still raging outside. After enjoying a sumptuous breakfast in the restaurant, we made our way across the garden courtyard to the acclaimed Solís Spa.

The hotel recently announced a new partnership with luxury beauty expert Anne Semonin, adding another dimension to their growing spa product portfolio. Here, my wife enjoyed a satisfying back massage while I took some time out in the relaxation area, followed by a swim in the pool and visit to the steam room in the thermal suite. We ended our leisurely spa session with an invigorating soak in the jet bath.

We briefly braved the elements to explore the wooded trails of the estate, trekking down to the soggy banks of stunning Lough Eske itself, before retreating to the comfort of an open log fire and pre-dinner drink in the Lobby Lounge. That evening we ate in the Gallery Bar, with the quality of food on a par with the previous night’s experience, albeit in a more casual setting.

Breakfast the next morning was served in the living area of our room and we savoured every moment of such a rare treat before saying our goodbyes and reluctantly hitting the road to Dublin.

It’s not everyday that you get to enjoy five star treatment. But if you’re looking for a break that combines top quality service with a traditional, luxurious setting, Lough Eske Castle in Donegal certainly ticks all the boxes.

As for the Irish weather - sometimes there’s a good excuse to stay indoors.

Visit www.solishotels.com/lougheskecastle or email [email protected] or phone 074-9725100.

A fairytale Christmas at Lough Eske Castle

Lough Eske Castle in Donegal has some incredible festive packages available for all the family.

From mouthwatering gingerbread house displays to festive feasts, this Christmas will be one to remember if you book a special package at Donegal’s only five star hotel.

Lough Eske Castle’s Christmas package is perfect for those looking for an idyllic seasonal getaway with all the trimmings.

From just €699 per person (€150 per child), Christmas time at the castle will include:

•Three nights’ luxury accommodation with daily full Irish breakfast.

•Christmas Eve three-course table d’hôte dinner in Cedars Restaurant.

•Three-course festive dinner at the hotel’s Gallery Bar on alternative evening.

•Mulled wine and mince pies on Christmas Eve in main foyer of castle.

•Glass of sparkling wine for Christmas Day lunch.

•Christmas Day buffet lunch served in the impressive hotel ballroom.•Christmas night buffet supper served in the

Gallery Bar.•St Stephen’s day outdoor activities in hotel

grounds.•Christmas carol singing and live music entertainment in the

hotel’s Gallery Bar.

The seasonal gingerbread house at Lough Eske Castle▪

As a special gift to Christmas guests, the

castle is offering a complimentary night on December 23rd to any-

one staying on the 24th, 25th and 26th (based on

two adults sharing)

Have you ever dreamed of spending Christmas in a castle?

Page 15: Northside People (West) December 2nd 2015


Get your skates on!

MALAHIDE on Ice is open every day until January 3 at the Christ-mas Kingdom.

Widely anticipated to be the most exciting winter attraction in Dublin, the Christmas Kingdom features Malahide on Ice with 2,200 square foot of real ice to skate on.

The total weight of the ice is seven tonnes which is frozen lair upon lair over five kilometres of ice tubing like an enormous freezer element.

It will be the most exciting Christmas event ever staged in Malahide bringing the magic of Christmas and a winter wonderland for the festive season.

Ride the Polar Express, skate on a real ice rink, stroll through the quaint Dickens St and the charming Christmas Markets, Meet Rudolf and some real reindeer, cheeky Bubbles the elf, Santa and Mrs Claus, post

a letter from the Polar Post Office, tour through the tunnel of lights and Christmas Tree Avenue and finish in a flurry of snow. Malahide on Ice at the Christmas Kingdom will proudly take its place amongst famous capital city ice rinks around the world like Rockefeller in New York, Somerset House in London and Red Square in Moscow.

Smash hit TV shows like Dancing on Ice have made ice skating more popular than ever and has brought a whole new audience to ice skating.

Sip a hot chocolate at the rink side café, join a ‘learn to play’ Ice hockey session or soak up the atmosphere as adults become children and children have an unforgettable winter treat.

The Ice rink at the Christmas Kingdom is open every day until January 3.

The Santa Experience and Markets are open every

weekend and every day from December 18 until 23. Visit www.ChristmasKingdom.ie

Malahide on Ice at the Christmas Kingdom on the Village Green is open from 4pm to 9pm midweek from November 27 and from 11am until 10pm at weekends and the school holidays until January 3 2016 except for Christmas Day and St Stephen’s day.

Tickets are €12 for children and €14 for adults or €45 for two adults and two adults. Special offers are available for the Santa Experience and Skating at the Christmas Kingdom from €22.

Tickets are available from the box office onsite or from www.christmaskingdom.ie or www.malahideonice.com

Follow Christmas Kingdom on Facebook for special offers and competitions.

▪SNOW QUEEN: Rosanna Davison at the Christmas Kingdom


It will be the most exciting Christmas

event ever staged in Malahide, bringing the magic of Christmas and a winter wonder-land for the festive season. Ride the Polar Express, skate on a real ice rink, stroll through the quaint Dickens St and the charming Christmas Markets, meet Rudolf and some real reindeer, cheeky Bubbles the elf and Santa

Malahide is the place to be for a Christmas Kingdom winter treat this festive season

Page 16: Northside People (West) December 2nd 2015

16 02 Dec 2015 • NorthsiDe PeoPle West


By Edel Cox of The Beauty Dial (www.thebeautydial.ie)

Following the launch of its debut A/W collection earlier this year, which included a €15 leather look jacket, Lidl has unveiled its latest offering from the Esmara fashion range. The new range just landed in stores this week and includes a selection of trend-inspired pieces and versatile accessories at unbeatable value, just in time

for the festive season. With prices ranging from €4.99 to €19.99, savvy shoppers will be able to pick up a full outfit (including top, jeggings, poncho and boots) for less than €50. Dominated by rich colours like Bordeaux red, olive green and grungey greys and blacks, the focus of the range is on functional staples, plush fabrics and elegant layering to help beat the chill in style this festive season. Savvy shoppers can

look forward to chunky knitted dresses in colours like cream and burgundy, €12.99, edgy leather look jeggings, €6.99, available

in black and burgundy, as well as cosy kimono cardigans, €12.99, in colours like grey marl and red Aztec print. The range also includes designer-inspired ponchos,

€19.99, in a variety of styles and colours, and party-worthy, textured dresses in khaki, cream and black, €12.99, ideal for the festive season ahead. Other top picks from the range include versatile accessories like ankle boots, €17.99, and chic leather gloves, €11.99 – the perfect stocking filler this Christmas.

Carousel is a vintage-inspired

independent store located in the heart

of Dublin since 2001. The Carousel

Woman is passionate, not only about

fashion and style, but she is also

inspired by music, books, film and art.

The instantly identifiable Carousel

style mixes a blend of feminine,

romantic prints with effortless,

wearable fashion. Carousel’s style

is for a walk in the park on a lazy

Sunday afternoon to a night out with

the girls and everywhere in-between.

This 1960’s Twiggy Dress €59, inspired

by Amy Huberman, plus lots of other

tea dresses and nostalgia inspired

pieces are available from www.

ilovecarousel.com and their Dublin

stores (Exchequer Street or Stephen’s

Green Shopping Centre). Carousel also

offer international shipping plus free

delivery and returns to customers in


Leading French dermocosmetic brand, Bioderma, has launched the Bioderma

Christmas Pouch, the perfect giftset and stocking filler for sensitive skin.

Bioderma Christmas Pouch is available from selected independent pharmacies

nationwide for November and December. The pouch contains one Sensibio H20

Micellar Water 100ml, the world’s first 3-in-1 cleansing water which combines

exceptional cleansing for face and eyes with the power to remove even waterproof

make-up, leaving skin perfectly cleansed, soothed and refreshed. Includes 1 x

Sensibio AR BB Cream - full size - this anti-redness skin-perfecting care with

SPF 30 is a multi-action new generation treatment for sensitive and reactive

skin prone to rosacea; 1 x Atoderm Shower Gel 100ml, which is a daily soap-free

foaming cleanser, cleanses and softens dry sensitive skin and 1 x Atoderm Cream

15ml that is designed for dry

skin. The formula helps the

skin to retain moisture by

binding water in layers

and so preventing it from

evaporating. Its creamy

texture penetrates

instantly and won’t

leave the skin


Christmas party season is fast approaching and Make Up Gallery, which is exclusive to Dealz, has everything you need to stock up for the winter season, with on trend winter shades for a picture perfect look this festive season. Featured in Vogue magazine, this stunning range includes all of your winter make-up bag essentials from foundation and concealer to colourful eye make-up and nail varnishes for a picture perfect look. The season’s nail colours in deep hues and vibrant sparkles will be sure to add a touch of glamour to your winter party look and are all priced at just €1.49.



Page 17: Northside People (West) December 2nd 2015


Dazzling night at Blanchardstown Centre delights

Over 100 stores offered customers exclusive discounts including Dunnes Stores, Superdry, River Island, H&M, BT2 and many more stores at the centre.

GAA stars Bernard and Alan Brogan, assisted by Michael Darragh MacAuley, switched on the Blanchardstown Centre Christmas Lights and launched the centre’s annual Giving Tree Appeal in aid of St Vincent de Paul.

Other guests on the night were Ray Shah, Hallelujah Gospel Choir, Starkids, Declan Greene, Blanchardstown Brass Band, Finglas Concert Band and, of course, Santa himself.

It’s estimated that Irish shoppers spent €100 million

(or €4 million an hour) on Black Friday, up by around a third on

THOUSANDS of shoppers took advantage of some early Black Friday offers at the Blanchardstown Centre’s Dazzling Discount Night last Thursday (November 26).

Bernard Brogan chats with fans during Dazzling Discount Night at the Blanchardstown Centre. PHOTO: PAUL SHERWOOD▪

last year. The biggest shopping day of

the year in the United States has, in recent years, become a phenomenon in Ireland as well.



To win a family ticket for 4 please answer the following question and send your answer and details to: Gaiety Panto competition, Dublin People,

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Page 18: Northside People (West) December 2nd 2015

18 02 Dec 2015 • NorthsiDe PeoPle West




new dealer appointments for Seat network in Dublin

Bradys Dublin, located on the Old Navan Road in Castleknock has been operating in Dublin since 1973.

They previously had the Volkswagen franchise for many years with Mercedes-Benz their other franchise offering sales, fi-nance and service.

A family owned independent dealership, Bradys Dublin employ a total of 23 staff who in turn of-fer the highest level of customer service in all areas.

A trusted name within the mo-tor industry, Bradys Dublin are very much aware that customers are looking for reliability, style, value and competitive finance rates, which are all accustomed with the Seat range.

Bradys plan to further invest to match the current growth within the motor industry as the Seat brand ramps up for the arrival of its first SUV in 2016.

Commenting on the appoint-ment, Enda Conefrey, dealer prin-cipal at Brady’s Dublin said: “We are delighted to have the oppor-tunity to join the Seat dealer net-work. We look forward to working with the team and showcasing the Seat range to our customers.

“Seat offers great quality, style and efficiency and we know it will be a hit with our customers.”

Meanwhile, Canavan Seat lo-cated on East Wall Road, Dublin 3 has also joined the network.

Canavan Seat is a long es-tablished respected dealership,

TWO renowned Dublin dealers, Bradys Dublin and Canavan Seat, have joined the dealer network to strengthen Seat’s position in the capital.

Pictured is Niall Phillips, Brand Director of Seat Ireland with Damien Smyth of Canavan Seat.▪

fers currently available across the all new 161 Seat range.

Both Bradys Dublin and Ca-navan Seat have shown over the years that they understand ex-actly what their customers are looking for.

“This includes excellent serv-ice, high quality products and great value for money and this is really important to us at Seat”

The full 2016 range is now available to test drive and order at Bradys Dublin and Canavan Seat.

To book your test drive at Bradys Dublin, visit www.bradys-dublin.ie or to book your test drive at Canavan Seat log onto www.canavanseat.ie

Seat is the only company with the full-range capacity to design, develop, manufacture and mar-ket cars in Spain.

A member of the Volkswagen

Group, the multinational has its headquarters in Martorell (Barce-lona), and is present in 75 coun-tries.

Seat Group employs more than 14,000 professionals at its three production centres – Barcelona, El Prat de Llobregat and Martorell, where it manufactures the highly successful Ibiza and Leon.

The multinational has a Tech-nical Centre, which celebrates its 40th anniversary in 2015.

This ‘knowledge hub’, bring-ing together close to 1,000 engi-neers, aims to be the driving force behind innovation for the number one industrial investor in R&D in Spain.

In line with its declared com-mitment to environmental pro-tection, Seat undertakes and bases its activity on sustainabil-ity, namely reduction of CO2 emis-sions and energy efficiency.

which was founded by the late Tom Canavan in 1988.

Now under the management of the Brightstone Group, with a number of other dealerships in the Dublin area, Canavan Seat is well located to serve the areas around the city centre and north city area.

This is further investment in

the Seat brand in Dublin which will help grow its share of the new car market over the coming years.

Damien Smyth of Canavan Seat added: “We are thrilled to join the Seat dealer network especially in the middle of such an exciting period for the brand with brilliant finance offers available and new

Page 19: Northside People (West) December 2nd 2015




The Ford Mondeo takes Continental Irish Car of the Year title for 2016

environment.”Awards were made in six cat-

egories, reflecting the diversified nature of today’s car market in Ireland.

Continental Irish Small Car of the Year: Opel Corsa

Continental Irish Compact Fam-ily Car of the Year: Honda HR-VContinental Irish Medium Car of the Year: Ford Mondeo

Continental Irish Large Car of the Year: Kia Sorento

Continental Irish Executive Car of the Year: Volvo XC90

Continental Irish Performance Car of the Year: Audi TT.

Mondeo succeeds last year’s winner, the Nissan Qashqai.

The announcement of the 39th Irish Car of the Year Award was made at an awards ceremony in Dublin attended by leading fig-ures from the motor industry.

The overall results, with weight-ed scores, were as follows:1. Ford Mondeo 148 points2. Volvo XC90 147 points3. Mercedes Benz GLE 144 points3. Kia Sorento 144 points4. Skoda Superb 140 points

The Irish Motoring Writers’ As-sociation judges awarded points on the basis of criteria ranging from design, comfort, safety,

economy, handling and perform-ance as well as driver satisfaction, value for money and technical in-novation, with a maximum of 20 points under each heading.

John Galvin, Chairman of the Irish Motoring Writers’ Associa-tion, commented: “The Irish mo-toring writers have selected an exciting model.

“No doubt the 2016 Irish Car of the Year accolade will provide a huge boost to the popularity of the Ford Mondeo in the Irish mar-ket, particularly in the context of the current competitive economic

THE Ford Mondeo has been voted Continental Irish Car of the Year 2016 by the Irish Motoring Writers’ Association.

To mark the 50th anniversary of her victory in The Tulip Rally in 1965, Rosemary Smith announced the winning car in the 2016 Continental Irish Car of the Year Awards. She is pictured with the winning car, the Ford Mondeo, along with Irish Motoring Writers’ Association Chairman, John Galvin.

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Page 20: Northside People (West) December 2nd 2015

20 02 Dec 2015 • NorthsiDe PeoPle West

House & HomeREACHING



Italian flair at EZ LivingCHECK out some of the eye-catching, funky new furniture that’s just arrived at EZ Living Furniture & Interiors at the Boulevard in Sandyford.

It’s from O&G, a contemporary Italian interiors brand famous for its array of modern furniture that features innovative design con-cept and showcases the very best of Italian style and high quality.

Store owner Gavin White is de-lighted to be launching such an iconic brand in the store.

“The O&G design concept show-cases the best quality in its own unique style,” he said. “The com-bination of the wood and metal mesh used in the furnishing is the perfect combination of traditional and contemporary flair.”

O&G’s extensive range of prod-ucts and finishes gives design lov-ers a great opportunity to create

bespoke pieces of furniture. EZ Living Furniture & Interiors have all products in stock so they can be delivered in the nick of time for Christmas.

To complement the new range of home furniture, a wide selec-tion of homeware and house ac-cessories are available in store to help put the finishing touches to any room décor.

The Christmas Corner has also arrived at EZ Living with an ex-

tensive range of festive acces-sories allowing you to discover beautiful ways to dress the home for Christmas, from glimmering lights, luxury ornaments, magical figurines and decorative cush-ions.

For more information call in store to EZ Living Furniture & Interiors, The Boulevard, Rock-brook, Carmanhall Road, Dublin 18. Like the store’s Facebook page for news and special offers.

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Page 21: Northside People (West) December 2nd 2015


Pharmacists claim awards at ceremony DUBLIN’S most outstanding pharmacists swept the boards at this year’s annual Helix Health Pharmacist Awards.

Seven of the 10 awards were bestowed on pharmacists work-ing in the capital.

Michelle Kirrane, a hospital pharmacist at Temple Street Chil-dren’s University Hospital won the Pharmacist of the Year title for her “unwavering enthusiasm, through clinical activity, CPD, research and innovation to ensure the best out-comes for her little patients”.

Ms Kirrane also received the Excellence in Hospital Pharmacy Award.

Two pharmacists from St John of God’s Hospital were also rec-ognised at the awards with Aoife

Carolan being named Young Phar-macist of the Year and Caroline Hynes receiving the Practice-based Research Award.

John Michael Morris, from the Health Products Regulatory Au-thority, was awarded the Profes-sional Excellence Award and Ciara McManamly, from Tallaght Hospi-tal, was awarded the Pharmacist-led Team Award.

The coveted Lifetime Achieve-ment Award was bestowed on former Balbriggan pharmacist, Vin Cronin, for his contribution to the sector throughout his career.

Pharmacists in the community

and industry sectors also received recognition for their contribution to the Irish pharmacy sector.

Helix Health Pharmacist Awards Committee member, Fin-tan Moore, described the event as a great success.

“The awards serve as a great opportunity to honour some of the truly outstanding pharmacists working across the length and breadth of the country,” said Mr Moore.

The awards, which took place at the Mansion House last month, were Mc’d by broadcaster Pat Kenny.

Pat Kenny, MC at the Helix Health Pharmacist Awards; Rory O’Donnell, President of the Pharmacy Benevolent Fund; Michelle Kirrane, Temple Street Children’s University Hospital who received the Excellence in Hospital Pharmacy Award sponsored by Sanofi; Ingrid Walsh from Sanofi; and Jennifer Hughes, Director of Marketing Helix Health/Clanwilliam Group, pictured at the ceremony.

Temple Street patients collect cheque from fundraiserSEVERAL patients from Temple Street Children’s Hospital were special guests of honour, as Vision Express celebrated the fund-raising efforts of its team and customers, in a particularly magi-cal way.

Having recently launched the exclusive Disney Princess range of children’s glasses, Vision Express Blanchardstown invited its Temple Street guests to join them for a magical Disney themed evening of fun and laughter.

During the event, the children were presented with a giant cheque for €14,000 to celebrate the fund-raising efforts of the seven stores across the Republic of Ireland.

Dublin locals Arshia Bhatia (6) and Meibh McCluskey (7), and Meath residents Anatasia Radiono-va (5), Caoimhe O’Dowd (6), Amy Gillick (7) and Emily Casey (7) joined the Vision Express Blanchardstown team, along with their parents and siblings, at the celebratory event. Each of the children received a new pair of Disney or Iron Man glasses, as well as a Disney themed goodie bag and a variety of prizes from the

The Temple Street patients pictured with their parents and staff of Vision Express at the cheque presentation. ▪



games and competitions through-out the evening.

The €14,000 raised was a re-sult of in-store activities including fancy dress days, quizzes, raffles, bake sales and customer dona-tions for glasses repairs through-out the year.

The charity drive brought to-gether more than 100 Vision Ex-press employees from across the Ireland stores, to raise money to help support the Temple Street Children’s Hospital Foundation, to purchase a new Open Field Auto Refractor for the eye examination of children.

Temple Street Foundation chief executive Denise Fitzgerald said: “We are extremely grateful for the ongoing support we receive from Vision Express.

“The money raised will make a huge difference to the patients and families at Temple Street Chil-dren’s Hospital.

“The design of this new equip-ment is very child-friendly and will allow us to give easy and stress-free eye exams to our younger patients.

“A massive thank you to Vision Express and its customer support for this donation.”


Stephen Travers: Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapy – for fAst lAsting positive results! STephen Travers personally works and trains with the world’s leading experts in the fields of personal development, hypnotherapy and neuroscience, such as Doctor Ronald Ruden and paul McKenna. During the last decade Stephen has successfully treated thousands of people for quit smoking, weight loss, anxiety, panic attacks, trauma, phobias, confidence, public speaking and various other psychological and emotional issues. he also provides consulting and coaching services to optimize people’s performance in personal and professional development areas, such as sports, relationships and business. Stephen has two full time successful private practices in Dublin 4 and Dublin 7.

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Page 22: Northside People (West) December 2nd 2015

22 02 Dec 2015 • NorthsiDe PeoPle West

ANNE Heffernan lives in Dublin with her sister where she struggles to make ends meet as a result of the recession.

She has two grown up children; one lives in Australia and the other in Dublin city. She has worked in the public and private sector and as a freelance jour-nalist/copy-writer and editorfor the past 30 years and would love to travel in her spare time. Some of herlife’s ambitions are to speak French fluently; to become a travel writer and to experi-ence living in many different cultures. This is her first book.

‘Our Boomtime Rats – Who do they think they are?’

ANNE Heffernan’s memoir, ‘Our Boomtime Rats – Who do they think they are?’ is a personal,

true-life and untold story of Ireland’s citizens in crisis as a result of the recession.

She berates the banks, the Government, the public service, trade unions and other entities and tells the story from her own personal standpoint, one she believes speaks for the ordinary people, and most especially those on the lower rungs of the societal ladder, to give them a voice.

It speaks out about the injustice felt by so many ordinary people, whilst

others creamed off so much taxpay-ers’ money during the good times and continue to enjoy outrageous perks even after their dismissal or

resignation from office, in the form of golden handshakes.

It is aimed at the ordinary people of Ireland and sets out to give a human voice to the stark reality for so many people; those who have worked hard all their lives and have had everything (which wasn’t much, in the first place) taken from them.

Meanwhile, those who have displayed

outright irresponsibility and who ne-glected to heed economic warnings,

have lost nothing in comparison.It tells the story of an hon-

est, hard-working woman, who did her utmost to provide for herself and her two children over a lifetime, without relying on

any State hand-outs, who saved for a rainy day and

aimed to set aside a pension for her retirement.

Basically, she is someone who aimed to be a good, all-round citizen, wise and astute, who took advice from those who claimed to be in the know about finance and economics. She risked her life-sav-ings to provide a job/income for herself into the future and also hoped to create numerous jobs for others.

While the book speaks of the author’s anger, it also outlines the need to move forward.

It offers hope for the future and a way forward for those who have given up or are in despair as a consequence of the recession. It explains that we won’t get the answers we want by continuing to do what we have done for the past decade or so but by getting back to the basics of life and realising we came into this world without anything and we will go out from this world without anything.

Anne outlines how important she believes it is to stay in touch with reality and seek truth, justice and peace in our everyday lives. She expresses the need for us to live with these traits up-permost in our minds as we live out our daily lives so that our families, communities, neighbour-hoods – our society, is built on solid integrity and attributes we are proud of and are happy to share with our wider world.



About the Author



freelance jour--

travel in her

them a voice.It speaks out about the injustice felt

by so many ordinary people, whilst

resignation from office, in the form of golden handshakes.

It is aimed at the ordinary people of

New book recalls horrific ordealLIBERTIES Press has published ‘A Violation Against Women: What Happened to Me at Our Lady of Lourdes’ by Kathleen Ward.

In 1995, Kathleen Ward endured a deeply flawed duty of care from Dr Michael Neary and Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda. In this powerful memoir, Kathleen relates her story with honesty and sincerity.

At the hands of Dr Michael Neary, Kathleen underwent an unplanned and unnecessary hysterectomy. For Kathleen, what followed was a dark period filled with debilitating panic attacks and an internal state of paralysis. However, Kathleen’s account is ultimately one of personal healing and of how she successfully rebuilt her life following the procedure.

Kathleen was a pioneer in the establishment of a multi-disciplinary clinic in Co Monaghan and is now in her thirty-first year of practice. She famously treated Tyrone Gaelic footballer Ryan Mellon, who, after a lengthy illness, helped Tyrone win their second All-Ireland Senior Football

Championship in 2005.With her holistic approach,

Kathleen achieved what all other doctors and specialists could not.

‘A Violation Against Women’ is dedicated to those who have suffered similar experiences and may remain isolated in silence. It is written to highlight how one’s mental health can be destroyed by unimaginable actions and inappropriate treatment by others, including those in the medical profession. Finally, this book is about seeking personal closure following the trauma endured as a result of the reckless and negligent behaviour of Dr Michael Neary, and the system that prevailed in that era.

With her holistic approach,

Kathleen achieved what all other doctors and specialists could not.

Page 23: Northside People (West) December 2nd 2015


The working from home argument

shows that some of the biggest companies in the world are com-ing around to this argument.

There are jobs for sales direc-tors, content writers and custom-er support agents available now.

However, this is a drop in the ocean of available jobs. So, if working from home is beneficial all round, why aren’t opportuni-ties more prevalent?

The technology that allows this option to be viable is still quite new, so that is definitely a factor. However, there is more to it.

A lot of managers don’t think they will get the same level of commitment or motivation from their employees as they would if they are directly supervis-ing them (images of employees watching daytime TV and glanc-ing at their computers from time to time give managers cold feet).

However, if targets are set properly, then direct supervision shouldn’t be necessary.

The fact is that some people can’t motivate themselves prop-erly unless they are in a work en-

Cormac Spencer

THERE is an old TV advert for an airline with a plot that runs as follows: two companies are pitching for business with an international client.

While one unsuccessfully fid-dles with his internet connection and teleconferencing system to speak with his client, the other (having taken a flight with the airline in question) walks into the client’s office, shakes his hand and seals the deal.

The message? Business is bet-ter done in person. If memory serves, that ad is about 15-years-old, so the question is: with ad-vances in technology, does the point still ring true?

Bringing the argument further, do companies need to accom-modate their staff as they have been doing for 100 years in of-fice buildings, or is there some merit to allowing staff to work from home, some if not all of the time?

employmenT/businessNo.1FOR ALL DUBLIN


The benefits of allowing people to work from home should not be ignored. PIC POSED ▪

Home care business plans to hire more staffAS the ageing population grows, a local senior care com-pany is gearing up to meet the expected need for services.

Home Instead Senior Care, Leop-ardstown, is now recruiting and anticipates adding 150 profes-sional caregivers to its staff cov-ering south county Dublin over the next six months to meet with demand.

The most recent population projections from the Central Sta-tistics Office (CSO) showed 2011 levels of 532,000 seniors could reach 860,700 by 2026, and in-crease by a further 470,000 by 2046.

David Healy, owner and man-aging director of Home Instead Senior Care, Leopardstown, said: “Whether an older person just needs some help running errands and doing some light housekeep-ing and meal preparation, or they need round-the-clock care, hav-ing a professional caregiver can make a huge difference in the life of an older person and their fam-ily members.

“The type of person who typi-cally excels in this industry is compassionate, caring and de-pendable and enjoys helping oth-

ers. “Those are the main require-

ments for the job. Beyond that, they could be someone with life experience who would like to return to work or someone who just wants to give back. It’s really a broad range of ages and back-grounds.”

The home care jobs that are available are both part-time and full time.

Newly hired individuals par-ticipate in the Home Instead caregiver training programme to equip them with all the knowl-edge and in turn confidence they need to get started.

Patricia O’Sullivan, who has been a Home Instead caregiver for six years, said one of the things she likes about her job is being able to help others.

“I can truly say I have got more from my role as a caregiver than I have given,” she said.

“It is a privilege to help all those I have been caring for. I love my work and if I can go to bed at night knowing that I have made a difference, I rest well.

“I’m a firm believer that what we do for ourselves dies with us, what we do for others remains and is immortal.”

Home Instead Senior Care, Leopardstown, is now recruiting staff.▪

The benefits to the employee of working from home are obvi-ous.

Employees who work at home save time and money associated with commuting, are under less stress, and have more time with family.

Employers benefit too by hav-ing happier employees, reduced costs due to lower city centre rental outlays.

Wage bills can also be reduced as employees accept lower sala-ries as a result of the cuts they can make to work related ex-penditure (commuting and child-care).

Furthermore, with geography no longer an issue, companies can theoretically cast their net globally for the skills they need to succeed.

Society gains too, benefiting from reduced transport emis-sions, less congestion, and less crowded cities as employees no longer need to fight for city pads close to work.

A quick internet search of jobs

vironment. Others find that they like to delineate work from home space.

Another reason is simply that the creativity and free exchange of ideas that happens when peo-ple are in close proximity is still difficult to replicate over confer-encing software.

There are whole swathes of jobs that can never be done from home – think of your pilot flying the plane from his couch! My opinion is that many jobs benefit from people being in close quar-ters, and a lot of deals are better done face-to-face.

However, the benefits of allow-ing people to work from home should not be ignored, and I believe that as technology con-tinues to improve there will be many more such opportunities available.

•Cormac Spencer is a Re-cruitment Consultant/ Direc-tor at Link Personnel Services. Visit www.linkpersonnel.ie or call 01-8456312.

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24 02 Dec 2015 • NorthsiDe PeoPle West


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Page 27: Northside People (West) December 2nd 2015


Remembering Howth’s hotels

in the grounds of Howth Castle and home to a great pitch and putt course, offered spectacu-lar views over the harbour and beyond. It wasn’t on my regular list of venues when it came to go-ing for a pint, probably because of the long, uphill walk involved and, of course, the risk of not be-ing served by the barman - far

too strenuous a trek only to be refused a drink!

Don’t get me wrong: Howth is still a great place to visit and re-mains a thriving jewel in Dublin’s

crown. But for me and others of my generation, it can’t hold a candle to the glory days when Howth’s hotels offered ordinary people a rare taste of opulence.

This article originally appeared on www.dublinpeoplecom. For readers’ comments, you should also check out the Dublin People Facebook page.

Having grown up in Baldoyle in the 1970s and ‘80s, I’ve always had an affinity with Howth, which was the posher playground of our childhood and the hunting ground of our teenage years.

My first ever job was in the St Lawrence Hotel, where I worked every weekend as a hall porter and later as a (short-lived) train-ee chef.

It was tough work at the best of times but provided me with enough pocket money to keep my parents happy. It also convinced me that I definitely didn’t want to be a chef! On Thursday nights, I would fill in for the regular car park attendant, Noddy, for the princely sum of £1.50 per hour. The tips were good, though, and it was well worth the 2am cycle home to Baldoyle.

The St Lawrence Hotel is sadly no more and gone with it are the memories of Saints nightclub, later Goodtime Charlie’s. This was the hotel where the all-you-can-eat carvery earned legend-ary status in an era when dining out was a somewhat exotic expe-rience.

Gone too is the Baily Court Hotel in the centre of the village. I have a very vivid memory of queuing outside its function room for over an hour to see In Tua Nua in their heyday, only to be turned away by the gorilla on the door. Even the fake ID didn’t cut it.

My luck had improved by the time I graduated from Pobals-coil Neasain in 1987 and the Baily Court was the venue for our school graduation night.

I recall that this popular spot was originally called the Royal Hotel and was owned by the sing-er Joe Cuddy.

The closure of the Baily Court was another major blow to the life of Howth village when it ceased trading but I still cherish my memories of the good times I had there with friends and family over the years.

It was also home to a great carvery, giving the Lawrence Ho-tel a run for its money.

At the beginning of the cliff walk at the opposite end of the peninsula, the red bricked Sut-ton Castle Hotel offered majestic views across Dublin Bay to the other side of the city.

I attended some incred-ible functions here, ranging from fundraising nights to 21st birth-day parties and weddings. It was one of the nicest places in Dublin to enjoy a quiet Sunday pint and is perhaps the most missed of all the great hotels of the Howth peninsula.

At the entrance to Howth Vil-lage, just across the railway level crossing, was the Howth Lodge Hotel. Overlooking Ireland’s Eye, this was another popular venue for weddings and functions. Strangely, though, my most vivid memory of of this hotel is having to attend a Fine Gael selection convention there in the early 1990s.

Located close to U2 drummer Larry Mullen’s pad, the Howth Lodge Hotel was another great loss to the local landscape.

The Deer Park Hotel, located

I VISITED Howth recently and was struck by how much commer-cial life on the peninsula had changed.

Tony McCullagh takes a nostalgic look back at some of the peninsula’s most fondly remembered hotels ...all sadly gone but not forgotten

The Baily Court Hotel▪

Sutton Castle▪ Howth Lodge Hotel▪

The St Lawrence Hotel▪

At the entranceto Howth

Village, just across the railway level crossing, was the Howth Lodge Hotel. Overlooking Ireland’s Eye, this was another popular venue for weddings and functions.

Page 28: Northside People (West) December 2nd 2015

28 02 Dec 2015 • NorthsiDe PeoPle West

Planning & notices Place your Planning Notice via our website www.dublinpeople.com or call 862 1611


Dublin City CouncilPlanning permission soughtby Nicole Kehoe and JasonMcKenna for construction of asingle/double storey pitchedroof extension to the rear/sideof 414 Carnlough Road,Cabra, Dublin 7, and foradditional ground and firstfloor windows to the side ofthe existing house and for anew driveway, vehicleentrance and kerb dishing atfront of house and allassociated works. Theplanning application may beinspected, or purchased at afee not exceeding thereasonable cost of making acopy, at the offices of DublinCity Council during its publicopening hours and asubmission or observation inrelation to the application maybe made to the authority inwriting on payment of theprescribed fee within theperiod of 5 weeks beginningon the date of receipt by theauthority of the application.


Dublin City CouncilWe, Viewhampton Limited,intend to apply for planningpermission on the side/reargarden of 491 Collins Avenue(junction with Iveragh Road)Whitehall, Dublin 9 for (1) theconstruction of 1 No. 4bedroom 2 storey detachedhouse; (2) construction of anew 1.8m high boundary wallalong the North/Westboundary with 491 CollinsAvenue to the side & rear; (3)new vehicular & pedestrianentrance/exit gates offIveragh Road. The planningapplication may be inspected,or purchased at a fee notexceeding the reasonablecost of making a copy, at theoffices of Dublin City Councilduring its public openinghours and a submission orobservation in relation to theapplication may be made tothe authority in writing onpayment of the prescribed feewithin the period of 5 weeksbeginning on the date ofreceipt by the authority of theapplication.


Dublin City CouncilI, Marie Louise Queally, of491 Collins Avenue, (junctionwith Iveragh Road), Whitehall,Dublin 9, intend to apply forplanning permission for (1)the demolition of the existingsingle storey garage at side;(2) partial demolition ofexisting single storeyextension (side & rear); (3)the construction of a newsingle storey extension (side& rear); (4) modifications tothe existing vehicular accessgates off Iveragh Road, all at491 Collins Avenue (junctionwith Iveragh Road) Whitehall,Dublin 9. The planningapplication may be inspected,or purchased at a fee notexceeding the reasonablecost of making a copy, at theoffices of Dublin City Councilduring its public openinghours and a submission orobservation in relation to theapplication may be made tothe authority in writing onpayment of the prescribed feewithin the period of 5 weeksbeginning on the date ofreceipt by the authority of theapplication.

Legal NoticeI, Paul Finlay, representing Finbam Leisure Ltd, T/A Bambury Bookmakers, Main Street, Ashbourne, Co. Meath am applying for Cerificate of Personal Fitness to the Supt Garda

Siochana, Ashbourne, Co. Meath.


Fingal County CouncilThe Daughters of CharityService Intends to Apply forRetention Permission forRetention of aninterconnecting door betweenNo’s 7 & 8 Coolmine Court,Clonsilla Road, Dublin 15.The Planning Application maybe inspected or purchased ata fee not exceeding thereasonable cost of making acopy at the offices of thePlanning Authority during itspublic opening hours and asubmission or observationmay be made to the PlanningAuthority in writing onpayment of the prescribed feewithin the period of 5 weeksbeginning on the date ofreceipt by the authority of theapplication.

Private aDS

PrayersDear sacred Heart of Jesus in the past I Have asked you for many favours. This time I ask this special one (mention). Take it Dear sacred Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your prayer not mine amen. say this prayer for 3 days promise publication and favour will be granted. Never known to fail . Cr

Dear sacred Heart of Jesus in the past I Have asked you for many favours. This time I ask this special one (mention). Take it Dear sacred Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your prayer not mine amen. say this prayer for 3 days promise publication and favour will be granted. Never known to fail. PW

Dear sacred Heart of Jesus in the past I Have asked you for many favours. This time I ask this special one (mention). Take it Dear sacred Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your prayer not mine amen. say this prayer for 3 days promise publication and favour will be granted. Never known to fail. aD

Dear sacred Heart of Jesus in the past I Have asked you for many favours. This time I ask this special one (mention). Take it Dear sacred Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your prayer not mine amen. say this prayer for 3 days promise publication and favour will be granted. Never known to fail. rJa

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Page 29: Northside People (West) December 2nd 2015


HappeningsNo.1FOR ALL DUBLIN




The Santa Experience is back at Croke Park after a successful debut last year. It includes a trip to the elves dressing rooms, Santa’s Grotto and a sneak peek pitch side!

The experience also features a visit to the Santa workshop, a present for every child and admission to the GAA Museum, where there’s two floors of interactive exhibits.

It runs on weekends up to Christmas, on Fridays from 3.30-7pm and Saturdays and Sundays from 10.30am-5.30pm. It costs €13 for children aged over two (€6 toddlers, infants are free) and €8 for adults.


Folk fans are in for a treat at 8pm in Axis Bal-lymun this Friday (December 4) when Chris Kavanagh remembers the late great Irish balladeers. Kavanagh was raised on Irish folk and is well known as lead singer of successful tribute band ‘The Legend Of Luke Kelly’ and has played with the Dubliners.

He’ll be belting out classics from Percy French, John McCormack, The Clancys, The Dubliners and Pecker Dunn to name but a few. Tickets cost €18/€15. Call 01-8332100 or visit www.axis-ballymun.ie


What would you do if one year winter decided to stay and moved into your house? There’d be icicles in the kitchen and snow all over the beds all year around!

Well that’s what happens in this snowy spectacular family show by Lyngo Theatre that’s taking place at Axis Ballymun on Saturday, December 5 at 2.30pm. Tickets cost €7/€5 from Axis. Call 01-8332100 or visit www.axis-ballymun.ie


There’s a lot happening this weekend as Christmas comes to Farmleigh in Phoenix Park. There’s Christmas food and craft markets from 10am-5pm on Saturday and Sunday and puppet shows both days at 12 noon in the Cowshed Theatre.

There’s also story telling for kids at 12.45pm as well as Christmas carol singing and festive barbershop melodies.


Celebrate a Gospel Christmas in the wonder-ful setting of The Church of the Assumption, Castle Street, Dalkey, on Saturday, December 5 at 7.30pm when Karen Underwood and her Band perform for one night only with the Dis-covery Gospel Choir for an evening of gospel songs, hymns and Christmas favourites.

This is a ticketed event run by Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council but booking in advance is essential. Further details

available on the council’s event website: http://events.dlrcoco.ie/


A re-imagining of the original heart-warming story set in our very own Dublin city, this fa-miliar festive story by Philip Van Doren Stern

tells the tale of a good man driven to the brink of suicide on Christ-mas Eve, when a guardian angel approaches and shows him a world without his existence.

Gary Duggan’s contemporary style brings the action for this adaptation of ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ to the

Summit Inn in Howth. Starring Stephen Kelly and Gerard Byrne it plays until December 19, from Monday to Saturday at 1pm in Bewley’s Cafe Theatre.


It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas at the Powerscourt Townhouse Centre.

At 12 noon on Saturday, December 5, the centre is welcoming back Dublin City’s most authentic Father Christmas who’ll be arriving to the joyful melodies of the Lazus Children’s Choir.

Filled with 18th century charm, Father Christmas’s workshop and grotto is a must see for all the family. Entry is €12 and includes a photo with Father Christmas and a unique gift, plus a donation to the Simon Community is given.


The Clayton Hotel Dublin Airport has invited St Francis Hospice and Golden years to take part in a fundraising event to be held at the hotel on Wednesday, December 9 from 4.30pm to 9pm.

All proceeds from the day will be divided equally between St Francis Hospice and Golden Years which is a senior citizens’ facility based at the Darndale Belcamp Village Centre.

There will be lots of entertainment, a raffle and finger food. The event will be followed by a Christmas Party Night from 9pm-12 with live band

and food. Tickets cost €10 each and are available from

Golden Years, contact 01-8771600. There will be a free bus service running to and from the Village Centre to the event.


A group of dedicated volunteers have put together a charity fundraiser in aid of the people of Syria.

A Gala concert featuring Humanitarian Orchestra, Opera, Fingal Youth Choir, Ballet will take place on Thursday, December 3 at 8pm in Christchurch Cathedral.

The venue will be ticketed and proceeds go to designated charity, Médecins Sans Frontières

(MSF).MSF is currently providing psychological support

and valuable medical treatment on the ground to Syrian families.

Tickets are available at Eventbrite.ie, Ticketmaster.ie or phone 087-4314450.

Also, visit www.syrianappeal.com for more information.


Grab your friends and family and bring them along to the Coast Road Christmas Fair at St Anthony’s Hall, Clontarf Road

on December 6.The event takes place from 11am–4pm and

admission is free. The fair will feature almost 40 stalls, kids’

entertainment, yummy festive food and lots of Christmassy tunes.

The venue is situated on Clontarf Road, close to the post office and directly in front of St Anthony’s Church.

There are parking facilities across the road from the hall.

For more information contact Grainne at [email protected] or visit the Facebook page www.facebook.com/coastroadmarket.

Page 30: Northside People (West) December 2nd 2015

30 02 Dec 2015 • NorthsiDe PeoPle West

Email: [email protected]

By Robin Blackmore

Across 1. To approach and speak to boldly or aggressively. (6)5. Division of a group into oppos-ing factions. (6)10. Requests attendance. (7)11. Satchmo is the organ of diges-tion. (7)12. Official Ireland. (4)13. Gases ejected as waste prod-ucts. (5)15. The width of a human hand from thumb tip to small finger tip. (4)17. Hearing aid. (3)19. Silvery soft element found in sea water. (6)21. The second smallest conti-nent. (6)22. Formal religious speeches. (7)23. Made an effort to locate something. (6)25. Set off, leave, go away. (6)28. Very strange and uneven. (3)30. Young male who behaves in a rude and offensive way. (4)31. Drama set to music. (5)32. Person entitled to inherit. (4)35. Warn strongly, as a Garda might. (7)36. Things considered pleasant and desirable. (7)37. Loose long overcoat and province. (6)38. Constitutional monarchy, capital Oslo. (6)

Down 2. Type of wagon favoured by 19th century American settlers. (7)3. You may have sown wild ones when young. (4)4. Very thin paper. (6)5. Title given to a nun. (6)6. Head covering for Robin. (4)7. Cleansing agent for hair. (7)8. Underwater workers. (6)9. Get into a different set of clothes. (6)14. Not of natural origin, pre-pared artificially. (3-4)16. Japanese rice and raw fish wrapped in seaweed. (5)18. Users hide deceptive manoeu-vres. (5)20. Came together socially. (3)21. The final part or section. (3)23. Pick out or choose. (6)24. Not common or ordinary. (7)26. Land of the free, home of the brave? (7)27. Common songbird. (6)28. It’s handy for cans. (6)29. Mythological fire-breathing monster. (6)33. Restrict your food intake. (4)34. Division of the day. (4)

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Page 31: Northside People (West) December 2nd 2015


Photo and caption from ‘Images of Ireland’, North Dublin, by Derek Stanley. Published by Gill & Macmillan/The History Press▪

A class from St. Assam’s School Raheny, making their Confirmation in 1955.

From the Archives

We take a look back at extracts from old newspapers to see what was in the news this

month from years gone by

Freeman’s Journal 21st December 1916▪

Photo and caption from ‘Images of Ireland’, Central Dublin, by Derek Stanley. Published by Gill & Macmillan/The History Press▪

Freeman’s Journal 16th December 1837▪

Nursing and medical staff of Dublin Castle Red Cross Hospital, c. 1916. During the First World War, the Drawing Room and other rooms in the Castle were used as a Red Cross military hospital for wounded troops, including Irishmen fighting for the British Army. In the week of the Easter Rising, the hospital worked at full stretch, treating 118 wounded soldiers, 34 rebels, 20 civilians and two policemen, with 36 deaths.

Freeman’s Journal 10th December 1821▪

Freeman’s Journal 27th December 1828▪

Irish Independent 2nd December 1927▪

Page 32: Northside People (West) December 2nd 2015