His satellite, named Adam Ireland, is due to be launched into space sometime between now and A registered newspaper at the G.P.O. We deliver We Deliver The ONLY Local Newspaper with the ISO 9001:2008 Quality Certification Your Quality Local Newspaper The Biggest Circulation Of ANY North County Newspaper 2019. The competi- tion was organised by the European Commission to coin- cide with the creation of the EU’s ‘Galileo’ satellite navigation system. Adam’s satellite is one of the 30 being put into orbit, as part of the Galileo Satellite Programme. Galileo is a European replace- ment for the existing GPS satellite posi- tioning system and will see a network of quality of the work produced that she decided to enter the class for the Astronomy Ireland Art competition. The winning child would have a satellite called after them and Ms Somers thought that this would tie in very well with what they were studying and there was jubilation when Adam won,” she said. “This is a great achievement for the school to win such a prestigious prize and special thanks is due to Ms Somers for her interest, dedication and foresight. It’s a great example of bringing interest and excitement to class- room learning,” she concluded. By Patrick Finnegan A Swords schoolboy is set to have his names literally in lights, when he won a European competition to have a satellite named after him. Adam Vaughan, a 10 year student at St Cronan’s Senior National School in Brackenstown, has just won the Irish leg of the European Galileo drawing contest, defeating 176 other entries from across the country. Barretstown Is DAA Charity Of The Year Barretstown has been chosen as the Dublin Airport Authority’s Charity of the Year for 2012. Staff from Dublin, Cork and Shannon airports all cast a vote to choose a charity to fundraise for each year. Last year the 3T’s - Turning the tide of Suicide was the chosen charity and a cheque for the grand total raised will be presented in February. Barretstown is a charity dedicated to rebuilding the lives of those affected by childhood cancer, through a specially-designed camp that provides therapeutic recreation programmes for the chil- dren and their families. All of the children and fami- lies who visit Barretstown do so free of charge, with accommodation, food, medical assistance and airfares provided at no cost. Barretstown depends on the donations and fundraising efforts of individuals, groups and corporate supporters such as the DAA. The DAA Charity Committee and Staff are now hard at work planning many fundraising events for the coming year including a Sky Dive and White Collar Boxing Night. 24th January 2012 Volume 19, Issue 02 Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. • Tel: 8•400•200 • email: [email protected]Gala Healthcare Awards Ceremony NCHE is based at Broadmeadow Hall, Applewood in Swords. Established in 2009 and led by Helena Moore, it is a Fetac accredited facility providing a wide range of Health Care Education Programmes. NCHE chose Swords and the North County initially because of the young and highly educated population. On the other hand, the demands for elderly nursing care are going to increase dramatically over the coming years as a result of our ageing population, thereby giving great career opportuni- ties in the fields of Nursing Home and private care. NCHE were delighted that Ambassador Paramente, the Lesotho Ambassador to Ireland attended the awards ceremony. The Lesotho Government, through Ambassador Paramente has been in discus- sions with NCHE to provide ‘Train the Trainer’ programmes in Leostho and to develop courses to up skill and develop competency based training modules for the nursing profes- sion in Leostho. Ambassador Paramente was head of the Lesotho Teacher Training College and is very aware of the great advantages and the importance of training in providing an escape from extreme poverty in Africa and to offer career pathways, social achievements and life style change. Fran Whelan, Director of NCHE is also a Director of Action Ireland Trust, who are also working closely with Ambassador Paramente and Portmarnock Community School who, together with 30 transition year students and 30 adult volunteers travel on the February 10th to Lesotho to work on projects in education, health and training programmes and the renovation of a nurse training college and Roma hospital. satellites put into orbit for an expected 30 years. Children in all of the 27 EU countries were invited to enter the competition based on the theme, “Space and Aeronautics”. Adam’s entry, The Solar System , captured the Irish prize and he will now have a very personal interest in at least one of the satellites. Adam was absolutely thrilled with his achieve- ment when he told the County Leader : “I’m really excited with all the atten- tion. Hopefully when I’m old, I’ll look at the sky and be able to see my satellite. My friends are all delighted for me and my mam and dad are “over the moon” about it,” he said. School principal, Loreto Desmond was thrilled with Adam’s achievement, when she spoke to the County Leader: “The 4th class students were studying planets as part of their geography class. Teacher, Ms Somers was very impressed with the Sky Is The Limit For Swords Boy! T he National College of Health Care Education (NCHE) held it’s first awards ceremony at the Clarion Hotel, Dublin Airport last week. The ceremony saw trainees from the local area, being presented with certificates of achievement. Nursing home students from Tara Winthrop Private Clinic, FIngal House and Kilbrew Recuperation and Nursing Care Ltd. were amongst the recipients of 54 awards. Pictured at the NCHE Awards ceremony at the Clarion Hotel, Dublin Airport last week are, Ambassador Paramente from Lesotho, Helena Moore (Director of Nursing, Kilbrew Nursing Home), Fran Whelan (Managing Director, Kilbrew Nursing Home), Siobhan Moore (President Fingal Dublin Chamber) and Tony Lambert (CEO Fingal Dublin Chamber). Pictured is award winner, Adam Vaughan, aged 10 from St Cronan's Senior National School in Brackenstown, with his teacher, Ms Somers.

North County Leader 24th January 2012

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North County Leader 24th January 2012

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Page 1: North County Leader 24th January 2012

His satellite, namedAdam Ireland, is dueto be launched intos p a c e s o m e t i m eb e t w e e n n o w a n d

A registered newspaper at the G.P.O.

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ONLY LocalNewspaperwith theISO9001:2008 Quality Certification

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2019. The competi-tion was organisedb y t h e E u r o p e a n

Commission to coin-c i d e w i t h t h ecreation of the EU’s‘ G a l i l e o ’ s a t e l l i t enavigation system.

Adam’s satel l i te isone of the 30 beingp u t i n t o o r b i t , a spart of the Gal i leoSatellite Programme.G a l i l e o i s aE u r o p e a n r e p l a c e -ment for the existingGPS satel l i te posi-tioning system andwill see a network of

quality of the workproduced that shedecided to enter thec l a s s f o r t h eAstronomy I re landArt competition. Thewinning child wouldh a v e a s a t e l l i t ec a l l e d a f t e r t h e ma n d M s S o m e r st h o u g h t t h a t t h i sw o u l d t i e i n v e r ywell with what theywere studying andthere was jubilationw h e n A d a m w o n , ”she said.“ T h i s i s a g r e a tachievement for theschool to win such aprestigious prize andspecial thanks is dueto Ms Somers for herinterest, dedicationand foresight. It’s ag r e a t e x a m p l e o fbringing interest andexcitement to class-room learning,” sheconcluded.

By Patrick Finnegan

A Swords schoolboy is set to have his names literally in lights,when he won a European competition to have a satellitenamed after him. Adam Vaughan, a 10 year student at St

Cronan’s Senior National School in Brackenstown, has just won theIrish leg of the European Galileo drawing contest, defeating 176other entries from across the country.

Barretstown Is DAA Charity Of The YearBarretstown has been chosen as the Dublin AirportAuthority’s Charity of the Year for 2012. Staff fromDublin, Cork and Shannon airports all cast a voteto choose a charity to fundraise for each year. Lastyear the 3T’s - Turning the tide of Suicide was thechosen charity and a cheque for the grand totalraised will be presented in February. Barretstown is a charity dedicated to rebuildingthe lives of those affected by childhood cancer,through a specially-designed camp that providestherapeutic recreation programmes for the chil-dren and their families. All of the children and fami-lies who visit Barretstown do so free of charge,with accommodation, food, medical assistanceand airfares provided at no cost. Barretstowndepends on the donations and fundraising effortsof individuals, groups and corporate supporterssuch as the DAA. The DAA Charity Committee and Staff are now hardat work planning many fundraising events for thecoming year including a Sky Dive and White CollarBoxing Night.

24th January 2012 • Volume 19, Issue 02 • Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. • Tel: 8•400•200 • email: [email protected]

Gala HealthcareAwards Ceremony

NCHE is based at BroadmeadowHall , Applewood in Swords.Established in 2009 and led byHelena Moore, i t is a Fetacaccredited facility providing awide range of Health CareEducation Programmes.NCHE chose Swords and theNorth County initially becauseof the young and highlyeducated population. On theother hand, the demands forelderly nursing care are goingto increase dramatically overthe coming years as a result ofour ageing population, therebygiving great career opportuni-t ies in the f ields of NursingHome and private care.NCHE were del ighted thatAmbassador Paramente, theLesotho Ambassador to Irelandattended the awards ceremony.The Lesotho Government,through AmbassadorParamente has been in discus-sions with NCHE to provide‘Train the Trainer’ programmesin Leostho and to develop

courses to up skill and developcompetency based trainingmodules for the nursing profes-sion in Leostho.Ambassador Paramente washead of the Lesotho TeacherTraining College and is veryaware of the great advantagesand the importance of trainingin providing an escape fromextreme poverty in Africa and tooffer career pathways, socialachievements and l i fe stylechange.Fran Whelan, Director of NCHEis also a Director of Act ionIreland Trust, who are alsoworking closely withAmbassador Paramente andPortmarnock Community Schoolwho, together with 30 transitionyear students and 30 adultvolunteers travel on theFebruary 10th to Lesotho towork on projects in education,health and training programmesand the renovation of a nursetraining col lege and Romahospital.

s a t e l l i t e s p u t i n t oorbit for an expected30 years.Children in all of the27 EU countries wereinvited to enter thecompeti t ion basedo n t h e t h e m e ,“ S p a c e a n dA e r o n a u t i c s ” .A d a m ’ s e n t r y , T h eS o l a r S y s t e m ,c a p t u r e d t h e I r i s hp r i z e a n d h e w i l ln o w h a v e a v e r ypersonal interest inat least one of thesatellites.A d a m w a sabsolutely thr i l ledw i t h h i s a c h i e v e -ment when he toldthe County Leader:“I ’m real ly excitedwith a l l the at ten-tion. Hopefully whenI’m old, I ’ l l look atthe sky and be ableto see my satellite.M y f r i e n d s a r e a l ldelighted for me andmy mam and dad are“ o v e r t h e m o o n ”about it,” he said.S c h o o l p r i n c i p a l ,Loreto Desmond wasthrilled with Adam’sachievement, whens h e s p o k e t o t h eCounty Leader: “The4th c lass studentsw e r e s t u d y i n gp l a n e t s a s p a r t o ft h e i r g e o g r a p h yclass. Teacher, MsS o m e r s w a s v e r yimpressed with the

Sky Is TheLimit ForSwords Boy!

T he National College of Health Care Education (NCHE) held it’s first awardsceremony at the Clarion Hotel, Dublin Airport last week. The ceremony sawtrainees from the local area, being presented with certificates of achievement.

Nursing home students from Tara Winthrop Private Clinic, FIngal House and KilbrewRecuperation and Nursing Care Ltd. were amongst the recipients of 54 awards.

Pictured at the NCHE Awards ceremony at the Clarion Hotel, Dublin Airport last week are,Ambassador Paramente from Lesotho, Helena Moore (Director of Nursing, KilbrewNursing Home), Fran Whelan (Managing Director, Kilbrew Nursing Home), Siobhan Moore(President Fingal Dublin Chamber) and Tony Lambert (CEO Fingal Dublin Chamber).

Pictured is award winner, Adam Vaughan, aged 10 from St Cronan's Senior National School in Brackenstown, with histeacher, Ms Somers.

Page 2: North County Leader 24th January 2012

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02 24.01.2012North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

AdvertisingTel: 01 8400 [email protected]


North County LeaderLeader House,North Street, SwordsTel: 8 400 200

Contact Us: Advertising ...............................Marian CharlesKristina BeljakovaJason Brennan

Editorial ....................................Patrick FinneganJennifer McShane

Printers.....................................MCP - NavanPublished by ............................Seel Publishing Ltd.



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Jamóige Launched In SwordsJamóige, ScoutingIreland’s jamboree forbeaver andcub scouts,was off i -c i a l l ylaunched atthe CountyC o u n c i loff ices onS u n d a y ,15th Januarylast. Heldevery threeyears on theJune BankH o l i d a yw e e k e n d ,this year’sevent wil lbe held in ArdgillanCastle. I t is the largestscouting event inIreland and over 4,000

scouts are expected.Over the weekend

there will be plenty ofcamps and activitiesthemed aroundGulliver’s Travels.The closing date for

bookings is 31stJanuary 2012. Those interestedshould [email protected]. It

promises to be afantastic weekend andif the weather is halfas good as 2009 it willbe a real scorcher.

Pictured at the official lauch of Jamóige at County Hall in Swords onSunday, 15th January last are County Mayor Cllr Gerry McGuire andChief Scout for Ireland, Michael-John Shinnick, along with local scouts,Aoife Burke, Alice Coady, DJ Riley, Jessica Kelleher, Abigail O' Melia,Andrew O' Melia and Adam Tucker. Pic: PK

MaritimeMuseum InBalbrigganTo coincide with the centenary of thesinking of the Titanic, BalbrigganMaritime Museum have come up anunique initiative to mark the occasion.The Maritime Museum will open its firstever ‘Pop Up’ exhibition for one dayonly, on Thursday, February 9th in theBracken Court Hotel. Balbriggan has arich Maritime history and visitors will beable to get a front row glimpse into thisthanks to the exhibition.Schools and the community in generalwill have the opportunity to view aspecial showcase of artefacts neverseen in public before. The objective ofthe day is also to win support for a

permanent location to have a viableMaritime Museum. This museum will bea not for profit tourism and heritageamenity serving the coastal communi-ties of Balbriggan, Skerries and thewider North County area. TrevorSargent, Chairman of the BalbrigganMaritime Museum, spoke to the CountyLeader about the exhibition: “There is ahuge amount of tourism potential forBalbriggan as a coastal town and wewant the museum to emphasise this tonon-residents and residents of thearea.” The exhibition will also show thehistory of the Balbriggan harbour andthe lighthouse. The working history ofthe harbour, which continues to thisday, will also be on display with adisplay of fishing nets and a trawlermodel. There will be all this plus muchmuch more. This exhibition is sure togenerate great excitement and interestlocally.

Malahide Lions Spread Sunshine For CharityTable Quiz in aid of theChildren’s SunshineHome / Laura LynnHouse and other LionsCharitable causes.The Lions will host aTable Quiz in support ofThe Children’s SunshineHome which supportschildren with lifelimiting conditions andtheir families byproviding high qualitytransitional care, homesupport, respite, crisisand end-of-life care. TheChildren’s SunshineHome services are avail-able to children withhigh medical andnursing needs frombirth to 18. Their Vision:“All children who needus, can access us.” TheQuiz will take place inThe Grand Hotel,Malahide on Thursday9th February starting at7.30pm. The Entry Fee is€32 for a table of four.All support is greatlyappriciated for thisworthwhile charity. The Lions are also

involved with the LivingWell with ArthritisProgramme. The LivingWell with ArthritisProgramme is aprogramme of non-medical interventions,designed to comple-ment the medical treat-ment of arthritis withsimple but effectivetechniques. This courseis coming to Malahidewith the financial assis-tance of Malahide LionsClub. The programmestarts from the 14th ofFebuary at the Grandhotel in Malahide.

Malahide Lions Clubcontinue their great runof charity events with a

Page 3: North County Leader 24th January 2012

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03North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper24.01.2012

M o v i e s @ S w o r d sannounce the launchof their new SpecialNeeds Screeningswhich are sure toprovide an all inclusivecinema going experi-ence for all.

Exciting New Initiative ByMovies@Swords

A unique prize-giving ceremony tookplace at Donabate Community College onJanuary 17th last, when six transitionyear students received their certificationupon completion of the Sage@Schoolprogramme. See page 10 >

After a period of over 40 years andmuch deliberation, Malahide CreditUnion has moved from Railway Avenueto new premises on Main Street, ando f f i c i a l l y o p e n e d f o r b u s i n e s s o nWednesday 18th January last.

Malahide Credit Union OpensNew Premises

See page 6>

Three secondary schools in Balbrigganhave come up triumphs in this year'sYoung Scientist Awards.

Balbriggan Schools Excel InScientist Awards

See report on page 10 >

Inside the issue






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Popular Malahide Principal RetiresOn January 15th last, “TheQuiet Man”, as he hasbeen dubbed by parents,pupils and colleagues,hung up his boots, gaveback the chalk andheaded away into thesunset. Former principal

at St. Oliver PlunkettSchool, Malahide, TonyHealy decided to takeearly retirement from hispost, to begin a newchapter in an illustriouscareer after 40 years

service to the children ofthe school. He wasinvolvement in manyareas of public life,including The Parish,Credit Union, MalahideTidy Towns, MSRA, St.Sylvester’s GAA club, aswell as every facet of lifein the school includingfive Green Flags,numerous sports achieve-ments and having one ofthe top academic schoolsin the country. He was agreat believer in opendoor policy always tellingparents “don’t talk aboutus, talk to us” and “don’tread our policies, come inand see for yourself”. Hebelieved that educationshould use the holistic

approach and that allchildren from the commu-nity should be in schooltogether regardless ofreligious belief, ethnicity,colour orability/disability andwelcomed many SENchildren who hadbeen refused byother schools.Tony, a native ofBallycumber, CoOffaly regrets havingto leave his belovedjob. He told the CountyLeader, “This has beena fantastic place to workand the last 40 yearshave been the fastestever. I’ll be in and out ofthe school on a regularbasis. I’m just worriedabout the next 40 years,”he joked. We wish himwell in his retirement.

By Patrick FinneganClosure Of SwordsLaundry A Real BlowThere was some very disappointingnews for Swords last week with theannouncement that Jacksons DryCleaning and Laundry Company hasceased trading. The company, whichis located on Main Street, appeared tobe a busy outlet,which provided avery useful servicefor the people ofSwords since 2009,employing threepeople.It is believed thathigh rent was theprincipal reason forthe closure. Staffmembers weregiven a half hournotice about theshock closure anddevastated staffmembers told theCounty Leader:“This is a real shock to us at a timewhen jobs are so difficult come by.This news will have a knock-on effectin the town. Even though there wereonly three of us, we supported localshops and services. For example, wewent to Centra for our lunch and ourstationery and hardware require-

ments were provided by localsuppliers.”This news is a real blow to the moraleof the town and comes hot on theheels of the great news that Swordshad performed exceptionally well in

the IBAL Litter League and seemed tobe turning the corner. The MainStreet, which is the showcase of thetown, has been hit with shops andbusinesses closing down and thesight of another boarded up shop onMain Street is something that thetown could well do without.

Jacksons Dry Cleaning and Laundry Company on Main Street inSwords, which ceased trading on Wednesday, 18th January last.

Concert In Balrothery Tom Russell will be in Concert at The Heritage Centre Balrothery on Sunday 29thJanuary. Tickets cost €22 with concessions at €20 and bookings can be made on087 7618282 and tickets are on sale at the Balrothery Inn beside the venue. Itpromises to be a fantastic concert so come along and enjoy the show.

Tony Healy

BallyboughalSeeks CommunityGames ExpansionThe Community Games move-ment in Bal lyboughal islooking to expand its participa-tion in the event this year andadd new competitions in itsrepertoire. Last year the localCommunity Games groupsuccessfully participated in theDublin heats in Basketball ,Swimming and Athletics andnow hopes to add Art andCycling to the mix.Currently a new committee is

being set up to help with theadministrat ion of the club,organising training and over-seeing the competitive events. Also in other athletics news inthe area, Bal lyboughalAthletics Club is about to startits first full year in existenceafter being set in September2011. There has been a hugeresponse from children in thearea, with almost 70 membersregistered for the first term oftraining at the club. There arenine coaches currently who areall willing volunteers from thearea. The club is open to allchildren aged 5-12 years old.

Museum BuysLego DeathCampA model of a Naziconcentration campcreated entirely fromLego has been sold toa Polish museum for£55,000. The deathcamp was created in1996 using bricksdonated by Lego, wholater denied they knewwhat the project wasabout. Now curators atthe Warsaw Museumhave bought thedisplay from a privatecollector in Norway.

POLANDWacky World

Set Dancing In LuskSet dancing classesorganised by LuskI.C.A have resumedand now take place onTuesdays at 9.15pm inthe scout den. A fee of€5 for members and€6 for non-members ispayable each night.

These classes provedto be very popular andgreat craic last term.The group is lookingforward to another fun filled course socome along and join inthe fun!

Donabate Students MakeThe Grade

See page 15 >

Page 4: North County Leader 24th January 2012

04 24.01.2012North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

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Pics: Peter Kearney

Call Us Now On: 8•400•200Having a party?...

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Bob Nolan's 40th birthday party was held in the Harp Barin Swords. Bob is pictured here with Denise Nolan. PK

Amanda Clarke held her 21st birthday party at the Old Boro inSwords recently. Pictured are: Dean Elston, Jessica Kelly, AmandaClarke, Craig O'Brien and Stephen McDonnell. PK

Sinead Hennessy (2nd from left) held her 30th birthday party in theHarp Bar in Swords recently. Pictured at the party are: StephenHennessy, birthday girl, Sinead, Raymond Hennessy, Richie Murphy,

Niamh Grogan and Ronan Grogan. PK

Nicola Carrick is leaving to work in Dubai shortly. To mark the occasion, a party was held inthe Old Boro, Swords. Pictured are: Sarah McAviney, Dearbhla McCumiskey, Paula O'Reilly,

Nicola Carrick, Aileen Zamboglou, Hamdi Gasmi and Alexus Zamboglou. PK

Friends, Stephen Mulhall, Lauren Howley, GráinneKane and Dara Wogan are pictured having a nightout at Schroeder's in Lusk recently. PK

Laura Hennessy and Jessica Williamsonare pictured having a night out at the HarpBar in Swords recently. PK

It was Couples Night Out recently atthe Waterside Hotel in Donabate.Pictured enjoying the night are

Debra O'Reilly and Khanya Mabija. PK

Benji Newcomen's 50th birthday party was celebrated at theHarbour Bar in Rush. Pictured at the party are: Maureen Bollard,Benji Newcomen, Doreen Gorman and Yvonne Butterly. PK

Pictured enjoying a night out atOllies in Skerries are Paul Shanley,Naomi Ryan and Gary O' Rourke. PK

Tara Healy (on right) celebratred her birthdayat the Old Schoolhouse in Swords. She ispictured here with Marie Kennedy. PK

Page 5: North County Leader 24th January 2012

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Balbriggan group ‘Remember Us’ had avery successful year in 2011 and arelooking ahead this year to being just assuccessful. Firstly, the group would liketo express their sincere gratitude to allthe people, organisations and busi-nesses in the north county whosupported their various fundraisingevents and those who made donationslast year. it was greatly appreciated byall involved, especially by the memberswho benefited greatly by the activities

that were organised by the money raised.The group are organising a number ofupcoming events and fundraisers for thecoming year including: a trip to the TLT inDrogheda to see Beauty and the Beast, afamily respite break to the CarltonMilrace Hotel and up coming activities forFebruary will include , fit for fun, musicworkshops, cookery and much more. thefirst fundraising event will be a sale of

work and cake sale and it will take placeon Saturday 11th February in St. Teresa'sSchool. 1pm to 5pm. they would beextremely grateful of your support.Remember Us is a local based commu-nity group providing an integrated socialoutlet for young people/adults withspecial needs, their families and friends.They take in members aged four andupwards. the club caters for membersfrom the north county and surroundingareas.

Balbriggan Group Looks Ahead To 2012 St Colmcille's Girls'National School inSwords held anOpen Day forparents of prospec-tive pupils onWednesday, 18thJanuary last.Pictured at the OpenDay are L-R, teacherMiriam Cody, AnnLouise Keogh andher daughter Isobel,Sylvia Kazlas andher daughter Medaand KatrinMcKernan.

Malahide Garda Station will be downgraded injust over six weeks time. From March, thestation will be closed from 10pm to 6am. Localsenator, Darragh O’Brien (FF) has said he isextremely disappointed by the lack of responsefrom Fine Gael and Labour Oireachtas membersin Dublin North to the announcement.O’Brien said: “Thesilence from Fine Gaeland Labour on thisissue is extraordinary.The Government hasdecided that MalahideGarda Station will beclosed from 10pm to6am from March. Ontop of that, the non-emergency phonelines wil l actuallydivert to CoolockGarda station duringthese hours so peoplesimply won’t be able to contact Malahidegardai. It means that 50,000 people in theHowth-Malahide local electoral area will bewithout a full-time Garda station for the firsttime. “This is a major shock to the community.I raised this issue on the number of occasionswhen concerns were being voiced locally butthe Government refused to give any assuranceto residents of Malahide, Portmarnock andKinsealy and proceeded with the cut.“As a public representative, the only thing Iwas involved in helping close was theHeadshop in Malahide. The community-ledcampaign in that regard ensured this cameabout and demonstrates that a communitycampaign in Malahide, Kinsealy andPortmarnock can be successful in reversing thisdowngrade. “I wil l continue to campaignagainst this major cut to community services.Hundreds of people have already contacted myoffice to voice their concern and I will bemeeting with community groups and represen-tatives in the campaign against the down-grading of Malahide Garda Station,” heconcluded.

Anger At DowngradingOf Malahide GardaStation

Senator Darragh O’Brien

By Jennifer McShane

Page 6: North County Leader 24th January 2012

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Malahide Credit Union Opens New PremisesAfter a period of over40 years and muchd e l i b e r a t i o n ,Malahide CreditUnion has movedfrom Railway Avenueto new premises onMain Street, and offi-cially opened for busi-ness on Wednesday18th January last.Over the years,Malahide CreditUnion has played anintegral part inserving its membersand the community atlarge. In moving toMain Street , theCredit Union will now

operate from one ofthe key buildings inthe heart of MalahideVillage.The Credit Union’sprofessional staf f ,who work tirelessly toprovide services andproducts to members,is comprised ofManager, Viv ienneKeavey, Lucia Kane,Kathleen Jennings,Ai leen Lawlor ,Caroline McDonnelland Helen Daffy.Speaking to theCounty L e a d e r ,M a n a g e r V i v i e n n eK e a v e y s a i d : “ W ea r e n o w i n a t i m ewhen every commu-nity needs a strongCredit Union to help

t h e m t h r o u g h t h er e c e s s i o n a n d w ef i r m l y b e l i e v e t h a tthis move will play ak e y r o l e i nsupporting this. Ourv i e w i s t h a t t ocontinue the successwe have enjoyed inthe past, we need tobuild on it togetherf o r o u r f u t u r e . W ehave the significantbenefit of being parto f a s t r o n g C r e d i tU n i o n m o v e m e n t .The investment in ourn e w p r e m i s e s h a spositioned us well tod e a l w i t h t h eo n g o i n g e c o n o m i cs i t u a t i o n a n d t h ei n c r e a s i n g c h a l -lenges of members’n e e d s . W e l o o kforward to welcomingmore people throughour new doors overthe coming months.”

Malahide Credit Union opened its doors to a new premises on Main Street, Malahide onWednesday, 18th January. The official opening was performed by County Mayor, GerryMcGuire in the presence of a very harmonious Barber shop quartet, who entertainedeveryone in fine style. Pictured at the opening are, manager Vivienne Keavey, MaryMcGrath, who was the first customer at the new premises, County Mayor, Gerry McGuireand staff member Lucia Kane.

Balbriggan SchoolHolds Internet SafetyWorkshops Balbriggan Educate Together will hold a seriesof internet workshops for parents on the 7thFebruary at 7:30pm. The workshops, hosted byNational Parents Council, will help parents getWebwise for Safer Internet Day which takesplace on Febuary 7th.As part of Safer Internet Day, which is globalinitiative to promote a safer Internet for allusers, especially young people, the NationalParents Council (NPC) Primary will deliverinternet safety workshops for local parents atthe Balbriggan Educate Together School.The workshops focus on strategies forimproving communication between parentsand children and negotiating boundaries totheir internet use. Parents will get to speak toyoung people about how they use the internet,why it is attractive to them and get an insightinto children’s main worries when online, suchas cyber bullying. Parents will be introducedto strategies to help their children be respon-sible, effective and safer internet users.

Charity FashionShow In MalahideThere will be a charityfashion show in theGrand Hotel in Malahideon January 26th. Theevent is to raise funds for

the Marc Owens MedicalFund. Marc is an 18 yearold who was diagnosed inSeptember 2010 with arare and aggressive stage

IV soft tissue sarcoma. Hewent to a clinic inHouston, Texas, the onlyclinic in the world thatcould treat this rare formof cancer. He is now backin Dublin, but will have toreturn to Houston in thefuture to monitor hiscondition.Marty Whelan has kindlyagreed to host theevening. A charity auctionis also planned , whichincludes many greatitems ranging from athree night stay in NewYork with flights andtickets paid for, twotickets to Westlife’sfarewell concert at CrokePark and much more. Araffle will conclude theevening. It is hoped as manypeople as possible willattend to help raisemoney for a truly greatcause. Tickets can bebought at the door andcost €20. Please comealong and support thiswonderful cause.

New Hollywood Lakes Golf Club captains, Mick Brewand Mary Courtney in their respective Munster andLeinster jerseys at the themed Captains Day at the club.

Maccullin Skelly, a 2nd year student at Fingal Community College, Swords was highlycommended for his project "Clash of the Ash" at this year’s BT young Scientist compe-tition. His project featured in the Junior Technology Individual Section. He testedvarious hurleys and sliotars from around the country to see which gave the best perfor-mance and designed a hurley based on his findings. Maccullin is pictured with with MrsMcGrath, Principal and Ms Scanlon, Science teacher.

Volunteers NeededThe Remember Us group, based in Balbrigganare urgently looking for volunteers to assist attheir various club nights. If you have a fewhours a weeks to spare and would like to volun-teer please contact Nora at 0860457003. Allsupport is greatly appreciated.

Stamullen MarketStamullen Indoor Market and Car Boot Saletakes place every Sunday from 11am – 6pm. It isin aid of ‘A Seed of Advancement’ and is situatedon right, 500m past the national school and theGAA club. The cost is 10 euro for a table, indooror outdoor. To book a table, phone 087 2954060

Hollywood LakesCaptains Drive In

Hollywood Lakes Golf Club held it’s CaptainsDay 2012 on Sunday 15th January last. Thetwo captains, Mick Brew and Mary Courtneycertainly entered into the spirit of the event.The theme chosen was rugby based, with theCaptain and Lady Captain donning Munsterand Leinster jerseys respectively. The daywas very wel l and enthusiast ical lysupported, with a scramble competition formembers before the main Drive In event.Hol lywood Lakes cont inues to go f romstrength to strength with severalmajor marketing initiatives running, promo-tions and competit ions for visitors andmembers alike. With two very motivated anddynamic Captains in Mick and Mary, 2012looks like being another great year in theclub’s 20 year history.

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AQUARIUS Jan 20 - Feb 18This is your week. Everyone seems to love you,offers abound and you’re feeling more opti-mistic than you have for ages. However, certainissues will have to be addressed involving olvedones or associates.

PISCES Feb 19 - Mar 20Being something of a daydreamer, you’reseldom short of ideas. But what is ushered inthis week will be so abrupt and intense thatyou’re at a loss about what to do. Have no fear,all will become clearer with time.

ARIES Mar 21 - Apr 20You’ve decided how you’ll respond to recentexciting ideas or offers. Others, however, areuncertain. Consequently, while you’re ready totake action, the week will be spent in winningthem over to your ideas.

TAURUS Apr 21 - May 20Accept the fact that nearly every day of thisweek brings surprise developments, both withcolleagues and loved ones. You will have to bewide awake to deal with all, but by keeping yourpriorities in tact will help.

Gemini May 21 - Jun 20Surviving this week’s dilemmas requires you toremain open-minded about alternatives. Othersmay insist on commitments, but circumstancesand others’ priorities change frequently - and beat completely different odds.

Cancer Jun 21 - Jul 22An opportunity for change. By the week’s close,both you and those around you realise thatmuch of what you’ve viewed as reassuring, wasreally keeping you from exploring certainthrilling, if intimidating, offers.

Leo Jul 23 - Aug 23You’d like to settle certain differences peaceably- but that’s unlikely. In fact, everyone has some-thing to say - and mostly it’s about having theirown way. What you can do is keep your cool forthe present - until later.

Virgo Aug 24 - Sep 22Nobody is more thorough about details thanyou, which means you’re rarely caught out byevents. But there’s no way you could have fore-seen this week’s developments - which couldbring overwhelming changes.

Libra Sep 23 - Oct 22You’re already under pressure from others tomake decisions. However, these don’t neces-sarily serve your best interests. The time mightjust be right for a fresh approach - that wouldappear to satisfy all concerned.

Scorpio Oct 23 - Nov 22Golden opportunities aren’t always initiallyrecognisable for what they are. This is well-illus-trated by your reaction to this week’s excep-tional events. So much so, that you’re unsure ofwhat is wise and what is not.

Sagittarius Nov 23 - Dec 21Certain individuals are anxious either to shirktheir responsibilities or blame you. However,confronting them just now might not be wise.The emphasis is on strategy, and it might bebetter to await another day.

Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 19You’ve been examining various elements of yourlife, considering whether any attitudes or beliefsare holding you back. Now you find what theyare. However difficult, talking them over withsomeone close will help.





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Skerries Community College will be enrolling forpeople to avail of their Adult Education courses on the24th and 26th of January. They offer a wide range tosuit everyone, from language courses for beginnersand improvers to computer, hobby and even leisurecourses. So, whether you are looking to brush up onyour Irish, learn a new language, like French orSpanish, start a new career, look no further. They alsooffer classes in Hairdressing, Make Up and evenInterior Design. So, if you are looking to find a newhobby, Skerries Community College offers it all.Classes start on the 30th January and 1st of February.Enrolment is available online at www.codubvec.ie andfollow the link to night classes or come along on the24th and 31st January between 7.00pm and 9pm. Forfurther information, call 018490011.

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ChristianLiterature Eveningin BalbrigganA Christian literature and outreachevening will be held in Cairde at Old St.George’s National School, Balbrigganon Monday 30th January next. You arewelcome to drop in anytime between7.30pm – 9.30pm. and meet ElizabethBurke, author of three Christian books:“A Biblical Journey through the Irish

Year;” “Singing on the Journey Home”and children’s book: “God Made you,God Loves You, God Saves You.” As well as the author’s full colour books(signed on request), there will be freeliterature, information, calendars, hand-crafted bookmarks in many languagesand second-hand Christian books, inaddition to children’s colouring booksand markers. This non-denominationalevent, if successful, will be repeated by others in the months to come. Free light refreshment available to allwho drop in.

The Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) celebrated 30 years in Ireland with a ceremony at CountyChambers in Swords on Thursday, 19th January last. The Ireland branch of IOSH was founded in 1982 with a handful ofmembers, which has grown to over 1,700 members today. Members are affiliated to their local district and join thespecialist sections relevant to their workplace. Pictured at the ceremony are L-R: Tom Oxberry (Health and SafetyAdviser, Fingal), Martin O'Halloran (Chief Executive HSA), Declan Gibney (Chairperson IOSH Ireland), Siobhan Moore(President Fingal Dublin Chamber), County Mayor Gerry McGuire, David O'Connor (County Manager) and Tony Lambert(CEO Fingal Dublin Chamber).

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It was another successful year for Skerries Community Collegeat this year’s BT Young Scientist Awards. Transition Yearstudent, Eamon Deanney McCarthy won second place in hiscategory for his Biometrics project. Eamon has participated inthe competition two years previously with his projects like‘The Biggest Prime Number Ever.’ Eamon was “thrilled withthe win” and will no doubt do just as well in future competi-tions. A number of other students also participated in thecompetition. Tom McDonald entered with his project ShiftingSands on Skerries Beach which generated great publicinterest. Gráinne Jones and Megan Doyle carried out an inter-esting experiment involving upscaling seaweed to manufac-turing level and finally, Caragh O’Hanlon and Claire O'Briensubmitted their project entitled ‘Enhancement of AthleticsPerformance using Music.” A big congratulations are due forall the students in Skerries Community College who success-fully participated in the competition.

‘Scientist’ Triumph For Skerries School

Loreto Girls' School inRiver Valley, Swords isstill waiting for an exten-sion to be built, despitehaving originally appliedfor one in 2003. Theschool gets more andmore applicants each yearand, as a result of the lackof space, has to turn manyaway as they just haven’tgot the space.Speaking to the CountyLeader, Deputy Principal,Michael Behan says thatthe school is at the top ofthe list, but has yet tohear of any developmenton the issue: “It’s just ashame that we are stillwaiting as the issue isn’tover crowding as such, it’smore the fact that wehave to turn students

away.” This means thatthis will create difficultiesfor students who willhave to travel outsidetheir locality to attend

school. “It’s not some-thing we like having todo, especially if it meansstudents from the area

are refused entry. We’rejust hoping to get theextension in the nearfuture. The times we arein means that things likethis invariably getdelayed, but I know that

other schools in the areahave been successful ingetting extensions.Hopefully, we’re next asit's something we reallyneed,” he concluded.

Swords School Has To Turn Students Away

By Jennifer McShane

Vice principal of LoretoGirls' school in RiverValley, Michael Behan.

Pictured here is Eamon HennellyMcCarthy from Skerries CommunityCollege. He won 2nd prize in his cate-gory for his Biometrics projects at therecent BT Young Scientist awards.

Portmarnock Prepares For New MusicalPortmarnock Musical andDramatic Society recentlystarted rehearsals fortheir next production ‘Meand My Girl’ which will bestaged in April. The play will be staged inPortmarnock CommunitySchool from April 10th to14th and it promises to be

Thursday. PortmarnockMusical and DramaticSociety has been up andrunning since 1986 andEaster 1987 saw thestaging of the firstmusical production ‘HMSPinafore’ in theCommunity School. It hasresulted in the discoveryof an array of talent in thearea which will no doubtcontinue well into thefuture.

another great productionfrom the talented group.New members are alwayswelcome so whether youwant to be on stage, getinvolved in set decoration,costumes or just generallyhelp out why not comealong and join in the funon any Tuesday and

Pictured here are group runners-up from Loreto Secondary School in Balbriggan in YoungScientist 2012: Mr.Fynes Principal, Students Lily Mae Hand, Niamh Kavanagh, AideenMcNally and their teacher Ms. McNally

Pictured here is Eric kameni a sixth year LCVP studentwith two student participents as he hosts the recent 'TakeMe Out' event in Fingal Community College.

Page 10: North County Leader 24th January 2012

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Balbriggan Schools Excel In Scientist Awards

Frank McLoughlin andRuaidhri Kennedy, twofirst year students fromArdgillan CommunityCollege, participated inBT Young Scientist witht h e i rproject -'To inves-tigate theeffective-ness ofhomemadedetergentsto manu-f a c t u r e ddetergentsand hencereduce ourcarbon foot-print'. Theydiscoveredfrom theirproject thath o m e m a d edetergents containinglemon juice andvinegar were betterand more effective atcleaning oil andlimescale than three ofthe leading commer-cially manufacturedcleaning products onthe Irish market. At thefinal on Friday 13th

January last, the boyswere highlycommended for theirproject. Projects from

Balbriggan CommunityCollege also took partin this year's competi-tion. Seven studentswere involved and theyentered a range ofdifferent projects,which they hopedwould catch the eye of

the judging panel. Firstyears, Pauline

Sobierjska, DammyOlaniyi and PelumiDaramola's project wasentitled, 'How you gripa pen dictates your gripon life.' The projecttook an exciting look athow handwriting, andthe grip you have on apen, can dictate certain

characteristics. Thestudents worked withover 100 students and

a n a l y s e d

their handwriting anddocumented theresults. Second years,Deola Shomoye andHazel McAleer'sproject, 'Does Genderaffect colour prefer-ence?, saw them collateand analyse datarelating to the colourpreferences of studentsin the school. LoretoBalbriggan was wellrepresented on the daywith two of the entriesscooping highlycoveted prizes in their

respective categories.Fifth years, DeirdreHarford and ColleenKelly won the grouprunner-up prize in thesenior section ofBiological andEcological Sciencescategory. The projectwas entitled ‘A Searchfor Genes Associated

with DroughtResistance inthe Potato.’ Bothagreed it had“been a pleasureto work on theproject.” Alsounder the glare ofthe media spot-light werespeedgun-wieldingTransition Yearstudents Lily-Mai

H a n d ,A i d e e nM c N a l l yand NiamhKavanagh.The girlsexpressedthe “uttershock and

complete surprise”they felt when it wasunveiled that theycame intermediategroup runner-up in theBiological andEcological Sciencescategory for theirproject ‘Doesaugmented feedbackresult in motorlearning.’ Well done toall participants whomade their schoolsextremely proud on theday.

They have becomecertified users of SageInstant Accountssystem. The newschool is the first tohave sat the exam inthe 2011/12 academicyear, with two of thestudents receiving topmarks.This unique initiativegives transition yearstudents an opportu-nity to prepare themfor the world of ofwork with a practicalway of learning busi-ness skil ls. The

programme fostersentrepreneurship andincreases employa-bil ity. WesleighO’Hagan is a Businessteacher at the schooland she completed aone day reachertraining course withSage. She told theCounty Leader: “As aChartered Accountant,I know first-hand theimportance ofchanging students’perceptions ofaccounting from justbeing laborious book

keeping to that of ahighly computerisedcareer. The studentshave learned a newskill and have earneda recognised qualifi-cation,” sheexplained.The students alsofound the coursebeneficial and GavinO’Reil ly, who wasquick to see thepotential of thecourse said: “Withthis Sage accredita-t ion I can get workexperience in anaccounting firm and Ifeel confident that Iwil l be able to useother accountingsystems.”

Pictured here is Aideen McNally , Lily-MaiHand and Niamh Kavanagh from LoretoSecondary School in Balbriggan who were2nd in the Biological and EcologicalIntermediate Group category for their project"Does augmented feedback result in motorskills learning?"at the BT Young Scientist &Technology Exhibition 2012.

Three secondary schools in Balbrigganhave come up trumps in this year's YoungScientist Awards. Ardgillan College,

Balbriggan Community College and LoretoBalbriggan all submitted various top qualityprojects to the competition.

Aunique prize-giving ceremony tookplace at Donabate Community Collegeon January 17th last, when six transition

year students received their certification uponcompletion of the Sage@School programme.

By Jennifer McShane

Pictured here are Frank McLoughlin and Ruaidhri Kennedyfrom Ardgillan Community College showing their project 'toinvestigate the effectiveness of homemade detergents tomanufactured detergents and hence reduce our carbon foot-print' to Peter Morris and Conall McDevitt, MLA at the 48thBT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition 2012.

The Agri Aware Green Dragon Secondary SchoolInnovation Challenge is back to once again entice ouryoung innovators around the North County to developand implement original and ground breaking ideas forthe Agriculture, Food, Environment and Health andSafety sectors. North County Students are encouraged to developtheir concept for a new product or service within thesefour sectors. The ultimate goal is to impress the GreenDragon panel and take the students’ idea to themarketplace. A total of 25 finalists will battle it out atthe National Final in March for the highly covetedprize of a development fund of €7,000, in addition to anumber of runners up prizes for students, teachersand their schools. Speaking on the importance of the Green DragonInnovation Challenge, Agri Aware Chairman BernardDonohue told the County Leader: “Students are full oftalent and potential. This provides them with anopportunity to realise this in a fun, innovative waywhile giving them valuable life experience and skillsthey can take with them and build on wherever theygo in life.”

Secondary SchoolInnovation Challenge

Donabate Students Make The Grade

Dublin GAA star, Alan Brogan was in JC's in Swords justbefore Christmas to promote the new Dublin PlayersCalendar. Alan is pictured here with avid Dubs supporterand popular staff member, David 'Daisy' Walsh.

Six transition year students from Donabate Community College were presented withawards upon completion of the Sage@School programme. Pictured from left are: WesleighO'Hagan (Business teacher), Roksana Nowich, Andrew Ennis, Gavin O'Reilly, OdhranKealy, Tommi Oseini, Aaron Canty, Olive Laffoy (principal) and Tom Clancy (Sage).

Page 11: North County Leader 24th January 2012

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11North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper24.01.2012

North County Livingby Caroline Heffernan

From Making Pints To Making Peace

Brendan Butler, Chairperson of Malahide Justice andPeace Group and retired vice principal of LoretoConvent, Swords, has long been an advocate ofjustice and peace, locally, nationally and internation-ally. He was instrumental in the establishment of theJustice and Peace Group in Malahide in November2008 in conjunction with Fr. Gerry Tanham and Fr.Paul Thornton, priests in the combined parishes of St.Sylvester's and Yellow Walls, at the time.The aim of the Justice and Peace Group is to 'recog-nise the existence of injustice and have the vision andthe courage to respond.' “Justice is indivisible,”Brendan states. “You can't say you're for justice'here' without being for justice 'there'.” I ask him if he recalls when he first felt the importanceof justice and fairness. “Maybe it was honed when Iworked at the Guinness Brewery,” he laughs. “I grewup in Kilmainham and began working for Guinnesswhen I was 14. I didn't want to leave school, but mymother said I couldn't turn down a job in Guinness. Itwas well paid with many employee benefits, but therewas a terrible chasm between the English educatedbrewers who came over and the rest of us,” Brendan explains. “I remember one particular daywhen a young lad called Alan spat on the cobble-stones in the yard. There was uproar. He was orderedby the head brewer to find the stone he spat on andwash it with carbolic acid. Wewere all looking out the windowand I remember feeling it was sounjust and humiliating for Alan.”Since the establishment of theJustice and Peace Group, one oftheir significant local achieve-ments was the closure of the'head shop' in Malahide in 2010.“We spearheaded that campaignby picketing the shop on a regularbasis,” he says. The closure waswarmly welcomed by localparentsBrendan believes strongly in thevalue of education and the Justice and Peace Group'sinvolvement with the New Life Centre in the neigh-bouring parish of Darndale reflects this. I had sixJunior Cert students last year and taught English andHistory,” he explains. “The whole purpose of thirdyear in the New Life Centre, is to get students throughthe Junior Cert in the hope they will move on toLeaving Cert when they are less likely to drop out ofthe education system.”Brendan's life as a teacher began when he leftGuinness at the age of 22 having completed a degreein Sociology. “I taught English, History and Religion inLoreto Convent, North Great George’s Street before itsmove to River Valley in 1984,” he explains. Close tothe school was the Adult Education Institute inMountjoy Square. With its ethos of providing secondchance education to adults, Brendan soon beganteaching Business Ethics and Sociology at night. “Itaught every Thursday night for years and enjoyed itno end. I first met Fr. Gerry there and he was terrific.We'd a priest from South America who taughtLiberation Theology and how the gospel could bereflected in our community. Perceived as having the

potential to be revolutionary, Archbishop DesmondConnell closed us down. He closed the whole place,”Brendan exclaims, still incredulous at this drasticdecision that he believes may have been directedfrom Rome.Through the Justice and Peace group, Brendan haslobbied for the use of Fair Trade products which haslocal, national and international benefits.“Malahide is a Fair Trade Parish and we use FairTrade tea, coffee and biscuits at every event weorganise. We visited every restaurant in the villageadvocating the use of Fair Trade products and weredelighted that most of them already were. FionaDroney, a member of the group and a teacher inPope John Paul II N.S. has done fantastic workteaching the children at school the value ofsupporting fair trade products and they in turn haveeducated their parents,” says Brendan .Brendan can trace his own personal engagementwith injustices throughout the wider world back to1976. “I have a brother-in-law who worked in ElSalvador at the time and through him I learnt thatbasic human rights in the country were dreadful. Icontacted Trocaire, Amnesty and Pax Christie and in1979 we formed the Irish El Salvador SupportCommittee. When Archbishop Romero of ElSalvador was murdered in 1980, we organised a

protest outside the U.S. Embassyin Northumberland Road and3,000 people took part. We mayhave had some impact,” Brendancomments modestly, “as it wasthe only time at the UnitedNations that the IrishGovernment voted against theUnited States.”A practising Catholic, heconcludes that “if there is injus-tice in the church you must speakout about that too.” To this endBrendan recently joined a groupcalled 'We are Church.' It was

established in Austria in 1995 by a radical group ofCatholics and has since spread across Europe andthe United States. 'We are Church' believe inagitating for reform of the Catholic Church fromwithin. As Brendan points out the 'ordinary'members of the Church are what make it. Asspokesperson for 'We are Church' in IrelandBrendan is liaising with the Association of CatholicPriests in achieving the aims of the group whichinclude democracy for all members, the removal ofcompulsory celibacy and the ordination of women.Brendan's energy and enthusiasm for what hebelieves is boundless. His engagement with theworld around him locally, nationally and interna-tionally has led to him being an active advocate inthe search of justice and peace. His regular lettersin a personal capacity to national newspapers andhis appearance on national television ensure hismessage is heard. Anyone interested in joining the Justice and PeaceGroup can contact Brendan at 086 4054984 andthey are particularly keen to hear from youngerpeople in the area.




Brendan Butler


His engagement with the world around him locally, nationally and internationally

has led to him being an active advocate in the search of justice and peace.

“Perceived ashaving the potentialto be revolutionary,

ArchbishopDesmond Connellclosed us down.

He closed the whole place”

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12 24.01.2012North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

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As we are at lastcoming up to theSpring season, nowis the time to startthinking aboutadding some fresh-ness and vibrancy toour homes. This canbe done in a verycheap and effectiveway, just by makingsmall changesaround our homes.When we make ourhomes feel fresh andpositive, hopeful andrefreshed, we feelthat way, too and wedon’t need a lot oftime or money to doit. Follow our tipsbelow to ensure yourhome is revitalisedfor the upcomingSpring.

Move Things Around

Spring is all aboutchanging yourperspective andinviting the hope ofpositive new life in.How to do that inyour home? Just tryrearranging one or

some object such asa shell, a cup offlowers are all waysof giving positiveenergy to our plansand projects.

Do A Little Dusting

Just because we maynot have time for amajor springcleaning, thatdoesn’t mean ourhomes couldn’t use alittle clear out. Trythe Just One Stepapproach: everyday,pick up just onething that you know

you’ll never useagain and donate it,give it away, or put itin a storage area forlater.

Clarify the View

Windows are theeyes of ourh o m e s ,a n db y

the end of winter,they can be prettygrungy inside. It cantake less than fiveminutes to wash theinside of a window:just mix up a batch ofthis vinegar basedWindow Cleaning

two pieces of furni-ture or changing theplacement of a rug orpainting. Shake upyour old patterns andhabits by changingthe traffic flow in aroom, or encourageseeing things differ-ently by switchingthe positions ofpictures or otheraccents that havealways been in oneplace.

Choose ACentrepiece

Give some thought towhat you want tobloom and grow inyour l ife thisgrowing seasonand begin toimagine it. Cut outpictures thatexpress what youhope to create ordo and make asmall collage.Then make aspecial place tohonour it. Thisdoesn’t need tobe elaborate: ashelf with space for ascented candle and

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Formula and spritz iton. Wipe off with asoft lint-free cloth andfinish drying with oldnewspapers for astreak-free, fresh newoutlook for yourhome.

Air it Out

It may not be warmenough where youlive to start openingwindows, but you canclose off one room ata time (so you don’twaste energy) andopen a window for afew minutes torelease stale winterair and invite fresh-ness in. Nothingsmells as sweet asfresh air.

Lighten Up

Explore some ways toallow more light toenter your home.Ideally, springwindows are lightlydressed in filmylayers or bare to let inas much of thecheering light aspossible. But if it’s

still too cold to putaway the heavydrapes, considerusing mirrors orsmall, pretty lamps toadd illumination.

Freshen Your Things

Periodically fluffingsmall cushions andthrowing rugs in thedrier is a good idea: ithelps to get rid ofdust. And when youhave a sunny day, youcan place itemsoutdoors to soak upsun and fresh air. Youwill smell the differ-ence when you bringthem back inside!

Bring Blossoms In

A bright batch offlowers will add aninstant spring feelingto your home and addcolour to your roomtoo. Keep them moistand watch themflower, then plantthem outdoors oncethe weather has trulywarmed. Many bulbs,for example, willbloom again the

following year. This isthe perfect time tobring cheery, vitalflowering bulbs andother juicy livinggreens into ourhomes. Even a bunchof leeks or parsley setinto a pretty vase orjug can bring a senseof vitality to a room.

Think Colourfully

Winter colours tend tobe dark, heavy, andmore saturated, whilespring colours have arefreshing lightnessand invigoratingfreshness. There aremany inexpensiveways to bring airypastel colours intoyour home: it justtakes a little imagina-tion. A robin’s egg-coloured plate, abuttercup yellow toss-pillow, or a vibrantyellow-green scatterrug can all brightenup your space and

give it some spring-like energy. If youdon’t want to breakthe bank buying news p r i n g - c o l o u r e daccessories, searchyour local thrift storefor bargains: they areoften filled with greatand inexpensive trea-sures.

Use Spring Imagery

Most of us associatebirds, nests, and eggswith spring, and it isgreat fun to fill ourhomes with remindersof these lively icons:you can find somegreat realistic looking,inexpensive birdnests at craft stores tofill with egg shapedcandies, soaps, orstones. And if youdon’t already have abird feeder outsideyour window,consider making orpurchasing one intime to host the

scores of birdsreturning to yourarea. Watching birds

at the feeder is aguaranteed heart-lifter.

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14 24.01.2012North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

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with Peter Kearney

County Clubbers Is Now Online @www.northcountyleader.ie

David Donnery, Kevin Dardis,Rachel Sheridan & Glen Brazil

Carla Shelley &Ciara Murphy

Nicole Woods &Laura Watkins

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First visit of the year to The Wright

Venue in Swords and everybody was in

great form. The club was

packed and the DJ had

everybody up dancing til

the small hours. Can’t

wait to be back for more

great music and great

people throughout the

year.Jay Foran & Chris Amour

Page 15: North County Leader 24th January 2012

15North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper24.01.2012

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Exciting NewInitiative ByMovies@SwordsMovies@Swords are delighted to announce thelaunch of their new screenings available tocustomers. Their new Special Needs Screeningsare a great development and are sure to providean all inclusive cinema going experience for all.Janice Lawlor, Manager of Movies@Swords toldthe County Leader: “These screenings allow ourcustomers to benefit from subtle alterations tothe cinema environment and to attend newlyreleased films with friends and family. Films arescreened with the lights turned up, the volumeturned down and with the trailers and advertsremoved. People can feel free to move aroundthe cinema or make any noise.”“Similarly, with Subtitled Screening, there willbe two screenings per week in Movies@ Swords.

These screenings allowour customer to followthe dialogue who maybe deaf or hard ofh e a r i n g . ”Movies@Swords havebeen very proactive inbringing diversity tothe cinema goingpublic. Their innovativescreening of l iveconcerts has beenparticularly successfuland popular, and thislatest initiative is set to

bring a whole new cinematic experience topeople who were not previously in a position toenjoy such pleasure.The next scheduled subtitled screenings inMovies@Swords is W.E on Tuesday, 24thJanuary at 3:00pm and J. Edgar on Wednesday,25th January at 8:20pmThe next Special Needs Screenings is The Sitteron Wednesday, 25th January at 10:45am.

Janice Lawlor, Movies @ Swords.

Eamon Hennessy is pictured driving in as the new Men'sCaptain at Corrstown Golf Club on Saturday, 14th January last.

Charity Darts Fundraiser In MalahideA C h a r i t y D a r t sFundraiser is takingp l a c e i n S t .Sylvester’s GAA Clubi n M a l a h i d e o nJ a n u a r y 2 8 t h a t8 . 3 0 p m t o r a i s efunds in aid of LauraLynn House and St.J o h n ’ s O n c o l o g yWard Crumlin. T i c k e t s a r e € 1 0 .There will be a banda n d D J p l a y i n g o nthe night and there’sa raffle with lots ofgreat prizes on offer.O r g a n i s e r s K a t i eD o y l e , K e i t h a n dT r a c e y D u n n e a n d

W e s G r e e n w o u l dlike to extend theirsincere thanks to allthe local businessesw h o h a v e k i n d l ydonated the prizesfor the evening. A n y o n e w a n t i n gmore information orwould like to donatesomething as a raffleo r s p o t p r i z e o rm a k e a d o n a t i o np l e a s e c o n t a c t0877550992. Anyoneinterested is moret h a n w e l c o m e t ocome along on then i g h t a n d s u p p o r tthese great causes.

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16 24.01.2012North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

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Now that ourevenings arebecoming a l ittlelonger and brighter,it’s a sure sign thatSpring is well andtruly on the way. Thismakes it an ideal timeof year for those ofyou who are planninga spring wedding.Your wedding is oneof the most excitingdays of your l i fewhich can also bevery stressful thanksto the 101 details thatneeds to be organ-ised. Follow some oftips below to ensureyou have a Springwedding to rememberand a stress free day.

The WeddingInvitations

One of the first steps insetting the mood for aspring wedding issending out springthemed wedding invi-tations. Typically,wedding invitationswith a spring influencehave spring flowers orspring scenery onthem. Many newly-weds are opting tosend pocket invitationsthese days. There are aton of differentwedding invitationswith beautiful flowerson them and the NorthCounty has an array ofshops that will be ableto make you pick theperfect invites.Alternatively, somecouples might chooseto get the less expen-sive, more affordablewedding invitations.This way, they canhave more money tospend on the springwedding decorations!

The Wedding Dress

Part of the reasonwhy spring weddingsare so popular isbecause of thewonderful weather!Of course thisdepends on whereyou live, but gener-ally speaking, springweather is verypleasant and fresh.Because the tempera-tures are typically nottoo hot and not toocold, there are a lot ofoptions for thewedding dress. It isbest to choose a moreversatile dress thatcan suit you in bothwarm and coldweather. (Maybe tryto find a dress that islight but that can bepaired with a wrap.)Spring weddings alsoallow room for addingan elegant touch ofcolour to the weddingdress. Today, manybrides choose to havea sash or embroideryof a different colouron their dresses.There are certainlyquite a few uniqueand styl ish springcolours to choosefrom. The NorthCounty has an choiceof stunning dressesfor you to choosefrom.

Wedding Party And Guest Attire

Today's weddings arebecoming more andmore colourful. Youare free to let yourimagination run wildand pick some brightand cheerful coloursfor your bridesmaid

and/or guest outfits.One could come upwith a unique colourpattern for both thebridesmaids and thegroomsmen. Guestscould also come upwith creative, tastefuloutfits perfect for thatspring wedding.

Blooming Flowers

You can save a lot ofmoney on yourwedding bypurchasing in seasonflowers. In fact, youcan save even moremoney if you canmanage to work out a

deal to use thechurch's flowers (ifgetting married in achurch). Typicallychurches have lots offlowers for specialSunday services suchas Easter Sunday.Many shops here inthe North County willgive you a specialdeal on your floralarrangements andhave a great andvaried selection too.

Spring WeddingDecorations

Just l ike wi thwedding favours ,

there are a numberof spr ing weddingdecorat ions outthere. Try purchasingdecorations that arepastel blue, pink orlavender. You couldalso put seasonalflowers up as centre-pieces at the recep-tion tables. Insteadof having weddingguests throw rice orbird seed, you couldhave them throwrose petals. When itcomes to having aspr ing themedwedding, you areonly limited by yourimagination!

Menu Ideas

The icing on the cakefor a spring themedwedding could beyour menu. Tryserving fresh youngvegetables such assugar snap peas,baby carrots, babyasparagus or pota-toes. You could evenserve f resh carrotcake, yummy! Freshfruits would also bequite fest ive .Consider serv ings t r a w b e r r i e s ,mangoes, apricots orpomegranates.Get out there andhave a unique,spr ing weddingusing some of theseideas! Remember,you are only limitedby your imagination,so think of creativeways to make yourwedding special anddi f ferent f rom therest! Have a springwedding!



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Last Weeks published deathsfrom the North County

HARFORD (SeatownVillas, Swords)In his 99th year, Peter,beloved husband ofMuriel and father ofthe late Kevin; sadlymissed by his sonsVIncent, Derek andBernard, daughtersMuriel (Florence),Nora, Gertie, Linda,Violet and Dolores,sons-in-law, daugh-ters-in-law, grandchil-dren, nieces,nephews, relativesand friends.

O’BRIEN (Skerriesand late of MilltownRoad)Seán, father of thelate Orláith; sadlymissed by his family,wife Mary, daughterSinéad, sister Vera,brothers-in-law,sisters-in-law, nieces,nephews, relativesand friends.

BYRNE (Malahide)Julia (Sheila); deeplyregretted by herloving brotherMichael, sistersELizabeth (Bessie),Maureen, Joan andKathleen, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law,her dear friend Maura,nephews, nieces,grandnephews, grand-nieces, relatives,friends and neighbours.

O’BRIEN (LispoppleCross, Swords)John (Johnnie), belovedhusband of Joan(Mulvaney) and dearfather of Declan andloving dad of CarmelFortune; sadly missedby his loving family,daughter-in-law Trudy,son-in-law Jim, grand-children Kiera, Niamh,Lorcan, Aisling andNiamh, great-grandsonCiaran, brothers,sisters, brothers-in-law,sisters-in-law, nieces,nephews, relatives andfriends.

McDONOUGH(Skerries, Co. Dublin)Noel, husband of thelate Mary; sadly missedby his loving family,sons Laurence andLiam, daughters Marie,Frances and Noeleen,brother Joe, sisterAnna, sons-in-law,daughter-in-law, grand-children, nieces,nephews, relatives andfriends.

HANNON(Clinstown, Stamullen,Co. Meath)Mary; deeply regrettedby her loving niecesAnita, Dee, Brenda andImelda, nephew Brian,grandnephews, grand-nieces, neighbours,relatives and friends


Late of 27 Curran Park4th Anniversary occurs 22nd January

There is a star in heavenThat shines so very bright

It’s our mother LaurieSending down her guiding light.

We had a mother in a millionThat we never would deny

It broke our hearts the day she leftWe did not want to say goodbye.

We are so proud to call you motherWe know we have been blessedTo have a mam like you were

To us you’ll always be the “best”.So Father up in heaven above

Hold this wonderful mam we loveEnfold her in your loving care

Until we can all be with her there.

Love & miss you always until we meet againYour sons & daughters, grand-children

great-grand-children & all who love you.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked you formany favours. This time, I ask you for a very specialone. Take it Dear Heart of Jesus and place it within

your broken heart, where your father sees it. Then inhis merciful eyes it will become your favour and not

mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no

matter how impossible. Never known to fail.P O’B

Miracle Prayer

North CountyClassifiedsMARSHALL 100 MGseries FSX Amplifier,includes channel selectfoot switch, great condi-tion, never gigged,€220 ono. Ph: 086 0723432BLACK DIAMOND 40”flat screen colour tv,good condition, allstations can be seenworking. €195 Ph: 0876315215SONY 26” colour tv onSony stand, remotecontrol, perfect condi-tion, can be seenworking. €95 Ph: 0876315215GARAGE SALE; Sat 29thJanuary, 1.00pm-5.oopm, 8 Knocksedan

Wood, Swords. Familyrelocating to Australia.Selling loads of toys,baby accessories andmuch much morePh: 087 75775930BRAND NEW Tiny lovecot mobile for sale. Stillin box, €20Ph: 087 6373940BRAND NEW Avent babybottle warmer, still inbox €15, Avent express

steam steriliser excel-lent condition, €25Ph: 087 6373940

VERY WELL LookedAfter MG TF 03 For Sale.Soft Top in perfectcondition. Back Windowas new, was alwaysfolded when roof putdown. Only 38K miles 4

new tyres. Engine is inperfect condition. Must Be Seen.Check Donedeal.ie formore details or call on086 0477 322 OPEL COMBI van, 2002,in good condition insideand out, 65k miles, firstto see will buy. €1,875 onoPh: 0876315215

For Sale


1. Email your advertisement to us at [email protected]

2. Fax your advertisement to us at (01) 8400 5503. Just pop into our office on North Street, Swords

with your advertisement.4. Log onto www.northcountyleader.ie

4 ways to place your FREE private Classified

iPad SurvivesBeing DroppedFrom SpaceAn amazing videoshows an iPad beingdropped to Earth fromthe edge of space -and apparentlysurviving intact.Thejaw-dropping clip wascreated by G-Form, aUS firm which makesprotective cases forthe Apple product.The2m 20s clip sees thetablet attached to ahigh-altitude weatherballoon which carriedit 100,000ft up.

USAWacky World

Free YogaFor CarersThe Carers Associationinvites you to join thefree yoga classes forfamily carers InBalbriggan Library onFriday mornings,starting on 27thJanuary 2012. Theseclasses are suitable forbeginners or interme-diate level. For moredetails call The Carers Association at 01 8119555

BallyboughalPitch AndPutt ResultsThis week’s pairswinners were TommyMcCann and AnnMcDonnell with a Net40 Runners up wereAnthony Parkinsonand Mary Terry, alsoon Net 40. Nearest thepin on the 3rd wasRonnie Delaney. Theclub wishes to remindall members that 2012memberships nowavailable and shouldbe paid as soon aspossible. Call 085-1743748 for moredetails.

Designer Sales In MalahideDue to popular demand, Vincent’s CharityShop in Malahide wi l l be having morefrequent Designer Sales during 2012. Thenext one will take place on Saturday 4th ofFebruary from 12 noon. So make sure tosupport this very worthwhile charity, andmaybe pick up a bargain at the same time.

Swords Writing Group Are you interested in writing prose, poetry ormemoirs? A group of like-minded people meetson alternative Wednesdays in Swords at Fingallians GAA Club. New members are always welcome. Contact Fiona at:[email protected].

Page 18: North County Leader 24th January 2012

18 24.01.2012North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

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An Equal Opportunities Employer

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We will offer successful candidates a competitive salary and bonus structure, induction and on-going training, a FUN environment and most importantly


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If you think you measure up, send your CV to: No. 1 becausewe listen!

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email CV to [email protected]

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Closing date for receipt of applications: 3rd February 2012Please note: interviews for selected candidates will be held inDublin. Ph: 064-7751751 for an application form or email CVto [email protected]

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Attendant Required For service station in Rush Area.

All Applicants must speakfluent English

Email C.V’s to [email protected]

Swords Tax ServicesLocal Qualified Tax ConsultantOver 20 years experience*Income Tax Returns/ Consultancy*Capital Gains Tax issues*VAT returns and advices*Pension issues*Reasonable ratesPhone: 087 9944923

Fingal County CouncilApplication for Full Planning Permission forconversion of attic to non-habitable storagespace with consequential alterations to existinghip roof to accommodate attic stairs at 35, ThePriory, Donabate, Co. Dublin.Signed Geraldine & Vincent OliverThis application may be inspected/purchased ata fee not exceeding the reasonable cost ofmaking a copy between 9.30am-3.30pm,Monday-Friday, at the offices of Fingal Co. Co.,County Hall, Main St., Swords, Co. Dublin. Asubmission or observation in relation to theapplication may be made in writing on paymentof the prescribed fee within the period of 5weeks beginning on the date of receipt by FingalCo.Co. of the application.

Fingal County CouncilAlexander & Christine Smart seek permissionfor development at Unit 1 on the ground floor ofBlock 2, Ballisk Court, Donabate, Co. Dublin.The permission being sought is for a change ofuse of a ground floor office unit from permittedcommercial use into retail use, in accordancewith the definition of Class 1, Part 4 of Schedule2 of the Planning and Development Regulations2001-2011. This application also proposes theerection of non-illuminated signage on theeastern elevation of Block 2, Ballisk Court. ThePlanning Application may be inspected orpurchased at a fee not exceeding the reason-able cost of making a copy at the offices of thePlanning Authority during the public openinghours of 9.30 - 16.30 Monday – Friday at FingalCounty Council, Fingal County Hall, Main Street,Swords, Fingal, Co. Dublin. A submission orobservation in relation to the Application maybe made in writing to the Planning Authority onpayment of a fee of €20, within the period of 5weeks, beginning on the date of receipt byFingal County Council of the Application, andsuch submissions or observations will beconsidered by the Planning Authority in makinga decision on the application. The PlanningAuthority may grant permission subject to orwithout conditions, or may refuse to grantpermission.

Fingal County CouncilPlanning Permission is requested for New Two-Bedroom Townhouse with vehicular access toexisting roadway and all associated siteworks.At:- Rear of No.89, Drogheda Street, Balbriggan,

Co. Dublin.. Signed:- Eoin GrimesThis planning application may be inspected orpurchased at a fee not exceeding the reason-able cost of making a copy, at the offices ofFingal County Council, County Hall, Main Street,Swords, Co. Dublin between the hours of9.30am – 15.30pm Monday-Friday. A submissionor observation in relation to the application maybe made in writing to Fingal County Council onpayment of a fee of €20 within the period offive weeks beginning on the date of receipt ofthe application by Fingal County Council.

Fingal County CouncilPlanning Permission is requested for New Two-Bedroom Townhouse with vehicular access toexisting roadway and all associated siteworks.At:- Rear of No.81, Drogheda Street, Balbriggan,Co. Dublin.. Signed:- Hugh CumiskyThis planning application may be inspected orpurchased at a fee not exceeding the reason-able cost of making a copy, at the offices ofFingal County Council, County Hall, Main Street,Swords, Co. Dublin between the hours of9.30am – 15.30pm Monday-Friday. A submissionor observation in relation to the application maybe made in writing to Fingal County Council onpayment of a fee of €20 within the period offive weeks beginning on the date of receipt ofthe application by Fingal County Council.

Fingal County CouncilI, Sharon Caffrey Intend to apply for PlanningPermission for A. single storey self containedmobile home B. all associated site works to rear of No. 4Killalane, Skerries, Co Dublin. The planning application may be inspected orpurchased at a fee not exceeding the reason-able cost of making a copy,at the offices ofFingal County Council, Fingal County Hall, MainStreet, Swords, Fingal, Co. Dublin. during itspublic opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to theapplication may be made in writing to the plan-ning authority on payment of a perscribed fee(20 euro) within a period of 5 weeks beginningon the date of reciept by the authority of theapplication and such submissions or observa-tions will be considered by the planningauthority in making a decision on the applica-tion. The planning authority may grant permis-sion subject to or without conditions, or mayrefuse to grant permission.

Attention Home Owners, Architects & Builders

Fingal County Council Planning Application Adverts are

FREENorth County Leader, Your No.1 Local Newspaper

are happy to announce that we are now accepting Planning Application Adverts for the following areas: Balbriggan, Balrothery, Skerries, Lusk, Rush,

Loughshinny, Ballyboughal, Naul, Portrane, Donabate,Swords, Kinsealy, Malahide and Portmarnock

Adverts must be supplied by email [email protected] by visiting:www.northcountyleader.ieyou can also post your advert on a disk toNorth County Leader, Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin

[email protected]@northcountyleader.iePlease submit your planning notices to:

before 5.30pm every Thursday, in order for the application toappear in the following issue of North County Leader.A receipt will be issued when your planning notice is received.Please retain this receipt as proof of submission.


Tuesday,24th JanuaryDEADLINE FOR PLANNING : 20TH JAN

Home Instead Senior Care is actively seekingcaring individuals with a mature outlook to provide non medical care and companionship tothe elderly in their homes.

From a few hours a day to 24/7 live-in care, wecan provide help and assistance with allaspects of the Activities of Daily Living, sevendays per week.

Candidates will have experience or training inthe field of senior care. FETAC 5 major award anadvantage, Own transport also an advantage.

If you feel you are a suitable candidate, pleaseemail your C.V. with a brief cover letter to:

[email protected]

Squirrel FallsFor ToyDinosaurA photographer useda tasty snack as abribe to get a shot ofa squirrel seeminglysnogging a toydinosaur. Elliott CNathan, fromColorado, placed aseed in the dinosaur'smouth to attract thebushy-tailed Romeo."His hunger just gotthe best of him and hewent in for the kiss."

USAWacky World

Page 19: North County Leader 24th January 2012

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19North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper24.01.2012


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