May 22, 2012 Volume 5 Edition 33 A FREE Weekly Community Newspaper a new perspective WIC INTERNET 519.426.0068 131 Queensway West Simcoe Fresh Delicious Relaxed Try Our Family Specials! www.strandtheatre.ca 55 Robinson St., Simcoe 519-426-2736 Now Showing Fri. May 18 th to Thurs. May 24 th TICKETS4 $ 7/ADULT, $ 6/CHILD, TUESDAY EVENING $ 5 T HE AVENGERS - PG FRI & SAT EVENING : 6:45 PM & 9:30 PM SAT - MON MATINEE: 1:45 PM SUN - THURS: 6:45 PM DARK SHADOWS - 14A FRI & SAT EVENING 7:00 PM & 9:20 PM SAT - MON MATINEE: 2:00 PM SUN - THURS: 7:00 PM Erie Beach Hotel Norfolk Hub r adio at norfolkhub.ca +RPH 2[\JHQ &3$3 7KHUDS\ )XOO 5DQJH RI 0DVNV $FFHVVRULHV 6HUYLFLQJ $OO &3$3 0DFKLQHV /LIH /RQJ &OLQLFDO 6XSSRUW +RXUV WR 0RQGD\ )ULGD\ 6DWXUGD\ %\ $SSRLQWPHQW $GGUHVV .HQW 6WUHHW 1RUWK 8QLW 6LPFRH 2QWDULR 1< 6 /\QGVH\ 5RVV 557 %6F 2ZQHU 2SHUDWRU 5+6 6HUYLFHV &DOO XV IRU D )5(( &3$3 PDLQWHQDQFH FKHFN (519)426.1113 (855)230.0202 Volkswagen Authorized Sales Service Parts Accessories Collision 370 Queensway West, Simcoe Ontario N3Y 2N2 PH 519.426.6150 fX 519.428.4283 tf 1.800.265.2812 Check us out on facebook * 48 mos lease 20,000 km per year $ 21,00 plus tax down $ 2,742 due at signing. 2012 jetta trendline plus manual with cold weather pkg and fog lights oac. l ease a J etta $ 198 / moNtH * +tax 519.428.4607 HOURS: MON - SAT 8AM-8PM CLOSED SUNDAYS 814 COCKSHUTT ROAD, SIMCOE, ONE KILOMETRE SOUTH OF RENTON www.eising.ca MAY SPECIALS! All Specials are valid until May 29, 2012. Seed Geraniums NOW REG $ 2 49 Dappled Willow $ 9 99 NOW REG $ 19 99 2 gallon $ 1 49 OR $ 15 12 FOR ( $ 1 25 EACH ) Perennial Centaurea Check out our new “Black Sprite” 30 % OFF Carnations Super Trooper REG $ 4 99 $ 3 99 OR $ 10 3 FOR NOW TWO S PECTACULAR I NTRODUCTIONS! T HE CIDER KEG 1231 HWY 24 S. AT VITTORIA 519-428-0882 www.ciderkeg.com Blush Twist the first product from our Vineyard Reserve Line. Plus, the fresh local strawberries you love are ready! Results are in! Over $4 million was raised in Ontario for the MS Society! Photo by CindyPichette.com

Norfolk Hub May 22, 2012

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Page 1: Norfolk Hub May 22, 2012

May 22, 2012 Volume 5 Edition 33 A FREE Weekly Community Newspapera new perspective


519.426.0068 • 131 Queensway West Simcoe

Fresh • Delicious • Relaxed

Try Our Family Specials!

w w w.st randtheat re .ca55 Robinson S t . , S imcoe


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Volkswagen Authorized Sales Service Parts Accessories Collision

370 Queensway West, Simcoe Ontario N3Y 2N2PH 519.426.6150 fX 519.428.4283 tf 1.800.265.2812

Check us out on facebook *48 mos lease 20,000 km per year $21,00 plus tax down $2,742 due at signing. 2012 jetta trendline plus manual with cold weather pkg and fog lights oac.

lease a Jetta $198/moNtH*+tax


Mon - sat 8aM-8pM CLosED sunDaYs814 CoCksHutt roaD, siMCoE, onE kiLoMEtrE

soutH of rEnton


May SpecialS!

All Specials are valid until May 29, 2012.

Seed Geraniums

NOWReg $249

Dappled Willow


Reg $1999

2 gallon



$1512 fOR

($125 each)

perennial centaurea

Check outour new

“Black Sprite”


carnations Super Trooper

Reg $499



$103 fOR


Two SpecTacular InTroducTIonS! The Cider Keg1231 hwy 24 S. aT ViTToria


Blush Twist the first product from our Vineyard Reserve Line.Plus, the fresh local strawberries you love are ready!

Results are in! Over $4 million was raised in Ontario for the MS Society! Photo by CindyPichette.com

Page 2: Norfolk Hub May 22, 2012

NORFOLK HUB, May 22, 2012 page 2

➤ For the month of May, Simcoe Zellers store Queensway East will be accepting Donations for Cystic Fibrosis on behalf of the Kinsmen.

➤ The Port Dover Legion Ladies Bus Trip will be held on May 23. Lunch at the Mandarin Restaurant, then we will be seeing a Matinee Performance of The Geritol Follies. The bus will pick up in Delhi, Simcoe, Port Dover, Hagersville and Caledonia. Tickets are $84. Please contact Linda Soles, 519-583-2628 or Mae Anderson, 519-426-9451.

➤ Simcoe-Norfolk Unit, MS Society of Canada Educational Speaker and AGM Wednesday, May 23, 6:30pm. Caregiver Wellness Center, Hazel Place (Davis St. and Norfolk St. by Burtols). Guest Speaker: Nadia Pestrak, Manager, Program Evaluation, National Client Services MS Society Of Canada, Ont. Division. Topic: Client Services In Ontario, CCSVI Update, Renewal Process. Refreshments. AGM to

Follow - Financial Statements, Chairs Report, Committee Reports, Elections to Board. We look forward to seeing you there. Please call with questions or for a ride.

➤ May 1st till 25th - Free electronics drop off at Kinsmen Gary Haviland’s Auto Repair - Location 657 Concession # 14, East of the Blue Line. Final day for electronics drop off is Saturday May 26th at the parking lot on Windham Street, across from splash pad in Simcoe from 9am till 4pm.

➤ Free Concert Series 2012 continues at Waterford United Church. On Friday, May 25th at 7:30pm the organ students of John Boon will perform. All are welcome. Refreshments served following the concert.

➤ PLANT SALE: NORFOLK COUNTY MASTER GARDENERS, Saturday May 26 8am to noon.1141 Blueline Road (South of Hwy # 3) come early for the best selections [email protected]

➤ Plant Sale Sponsored by Norfolk County Master Gardeners, Saturday May 26, 8am to 12pm 1141 Blueline Road (Just South of Hwy #

3) Great Plants, Great Buys! Come Early For the Best Selection. [email protected]

➤ The St. Cecilia’s Catholic Women’s League SPRING BAZAAR is on Saturday May 26th, St. Cecilia’s Church Hall, 17 Lynn Park Ave., Port Dover, starting at 10am. Admission is free. Hand-made crafts, white elephant table, book table, baked goods, coffee/tea & treats, plants - indoor, perennial, succulent; and penny table - winning tickets drawn at 2pm. Don’t be late. Please come and join us. Proceeds help various projects in the community.

➤ YARD SALE - At St. James United Church, Colborne St. S. Simcoe, Sat. May 26 8am - 1pm. Furniture, TV, snow blower, and more... coffee available.

➤ Bloomsburg Public School parent group is hosting the Bloomsburg Bulldog Blast Fun Fair on Saturday June 2 from 10am to 2pm, at Bloomsburg Public School. There will be an obstacle course, Dog show, BBQ, Games, Silent Auction and More!

Norfolk HubBox 189, Simcoe N3y 3N0

phone: 519-428-1777publishers:

Dave & Monica [email protected]

Any reproduction of this publication without permission is prohibited. Opinions and comments within this publication are those of the writers and not necessarily that of the Norfolk Hub.


P roud Sponsor o f . . . Coming Events !

Continued on page 11

Dover apothecary“A Different Kind of Drugstore”


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Debra Mather of Scotiabank, Simcoe (left) with Amy Reece of the Norfolk Youth & Children Association (NYCA). The NYCA would

like to thank Scotiabank, Simcoe for their wonderful donation and Debra for participating in the NYCA’s 24 Hour Zip-Raiser!

Page 3: Norfolk Hub May 22, 2012

NORFOLK HUB, May 22, 2012 page 3

By Dave ScottFor the life of me, I cannot remember… a Victoria Day weekend where the weather was this nice… I mean, Sunday was what… 28°C…

the lake was absolutely beautiful… it was great to see so many folks out and about enjoying themselves.

I checked with Environment Canada and found a few interesting facts.

In 2009 we had a high of 26.6°C, in 2002 it was a balmy -2.7°C and in 2001 we had 18.4mm of rain.

A quick check of the Old Farmer Almanac says that this summer will be cool and drier than normal

with the hottest being in early June and mid July for Southern Ontario.

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves let’s just enjoy what we have right now… so what are you waiting for? Get out side!

Spectacular Victoria Day WeekenD!

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Left to right: Jim Vynckier, Grand Knight, Kelly Isfan, NGH CEO, George Lubrick, Knights Financial Secretary.

The Simcoe Knights of Columbus, Martyrs Council 4502 are the latest community group to support the Norfolk General Hospital operating room revitalization project with a $500 donation to the NGH Foundation.

“This isn’t everyday equipment that you can pick up at the hardware store,” said Jim Vynckier, Grand

Knight, who shares the clubs interest in supporting local health care. “We’ll all need this hospital at some point in our lives.”

Jim Vynckier and George Lubrick, Simcoe Knights, financial secretary, personally delivered their donation to NGH and brought warm greetings on behalf of their club to Kelly Isfan, NGH CEO. They expressed gratitude

to all the health care professionals at NGH.

“We appreciate the fundraising efforts of the Simcoe Knights of Columbus and thank them for helping us equip our surgical team with the tools they need,” said Isfan.

Proceeds raised by the Simcoe Knights are generated through

Monday Night Bingo’s which are held the second, third and fourth Monday’s of the month at the Royal Canadian Legion in Simcoe.

To learn more about the ‘Lend a Hand Campaign’ and the Operating Room Revitalization project. Please visit www.ngh.on.ca. Donations can be made online.

Simcoe knightS Support hoSpital or reVitalization

Page 4: Norfolk Hub May 22, 2012

NORFOLK HUB, May 22, 2012 page 4

Big SplaSh Of The Week!

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Proud Sponsors of the NYCA

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In the evening before bed, I go to great lengths to make sure my back is situated in the best possible position for a good night’s rest…

Every morning I get up… I climb the stairs… put the coffee on… sitting down at the computer, I make sure not to spill my freshly poured coffee all over the keyboard… I kind of angle my body in an awkward position so as not to knock it over… I repeat this process nearly every morning…

In a matter of minutes of sitting in front of the screen, I have undone all the good that I tried to do the night before… so what is the solution? Perhaps just moving the coffee and pulling over the fitness ball to sit on, would go a long way to correcting that early morning (very poor) posture…

Did you know that May is Posture Awareness Month? Well, in the USA, but as Canadians, we need to remember too… Dr. Dan Wilhelmus and his business partner, Dr. Angela Van De Walle, of the Family Chiropractic, located at 100 Colborne Street North in Simcoe, are two very busy Chiropractors. They took the time last week to chat with me over lunch, about posture… how they can come to your place of business and talk about solutions for better, all around health in your employees. For example, Dr. Dan and Dr. Angela explained how many of the patients they see have issues, that in most cases relate back to some form of problem with posture.

A few years back, Dr. Dan took up the cause and provided some of our local school classrooms with exercise balls… the premise was and is, that the

children sit on the balls at their desk… the balls automatically put the child’s posture in the proper position… hmm, no metal chairs… great idea Dan!

Today, Dr. Dan and Dr. Angela want to take it to another level. They want to provide workplace assessments for companies… to help folks, perhaps at a desk job, to correct any posture issues. This will make for a work setting that is much healthier, physically… which leads to happier employees and a stronger work environment.

Let’s just use the exercise ball as an example… let’s say you use the ball to sit on while working at your desk… balance stabilizing muscles become active to keep you from falling off the ball… as your body accommodates to balance itself on the ball, your abdominal and other core muscles engage, forcing better posture… a strong core is the very essence to building a strong body… so think about it, literally, sitting properly on an exercise ball while you work helps you build your core muscles… crazy… eh!

Dr. Dan and Dr. Angela understand all aspects of work related problems with your body’s bones and muscles. It is their hope to better educate the public on taking preventive measures, to keep folks healthy and strong…

This kind of approach, when it catches on, may just cost these two some business… but it speaks

volumes on the kind of pros Dr. Dan and Dr. Angela are… they just want to assist you to be healthy, happy folks enjoying a better quality of life.

Give Dr. Dan Wilhelmus or Dr. Angela Van De Walle a call at (519) 428-5636 or check out their website www.reliefandwellness.com. Why not make work a little easier!

Quick fact… did you know that along with Dr. Dan and Dr. Angela, Family Chiropractic also has Dr. Dwayne Willaert and Dr. Ashley Duesling to help with your chiropractic needs? There are also four Registered Massage Therapists, and a Nutritional Consultant on staff!

poStureBy Dave Scott

Dr. Dan Wilhelmus Dr. Angela Van De Walle

Page 5: Norfolk Hub May 22, 2012

NORFOLK HUB, May 22, 2012 page 5

runner’s’ den • 361 main street, port dover 519.583.3100 • www.northshorerunners.com

Runner’s’ denIt’s Who We Are

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aThleTe’S prOfile

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519.426.8084F ra n k C ru z

aThleTe Name Frank Cruz

hOmeTOWN SimcoeSpOrTS played Swimming and BaseballyearS iNvOlved Swimming (7 years),

Baseball (12 Years)aWardS received 2 Swimming Trophies,

1 Baseball MedalBiggeST iNflueNce

iN Special OlympicS

My Mother-In-Law,Jane Person

WOrk Norfolk Power Wash, Yard Work at the Hospital

iNTereSTS & hOBBieS Play Station, Chatting on Computer, Vehicles

my herO My brother, Nuno CruzThree Team maTeS Ed, Ashley and My Wife, Arlet



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By Dave ScottOur local Law Enforcement along with our local Special Olympic Athletes participated in the annual Special Olympic Torch Run last Wednesday… the Torch Run began at Sprucedale and ended at McDonald’s in Simcoe.

As the group gathered… Kim Deelen explained some of the rich history of the Special Olympics and the Torch Run.

In 1986 there were 3,420 Athletes registered with Special Olympics in Ontario… the following year, saw an increase to 4,573 and the first Law Enforcement Torch Run took place, which raised $100,000 for Special Olympics.

In 2011 Special Olympics Ontario consisted of 17,646 athletes and approximately $1,465,000 was raised.

The Vision is for the Ontario Law

Enforcement Torch Run Events to become the fundraising arm of the Special Olympics Ontario, thus allowing staff and volunteers to focus primarily on the athletes.

Special thanks to Constable Angela Ferguson who helped with organizing this year’s 25th Anniversary of the Law Enforcement Torch Run and the other 26 members connected with Law Enforcement as well as the 26 athletes who participated in the run.

This year the Provincial games will be held in Kingston from May 31st to June 3rd. Our area will be sending nine athletes to the games. In swimming, they are: Aimee Buckborough, Aleigha Garrard, Kristy Long, and Laura Waite. In ten-pin bowling we have Junior Chiasson. In five-pin bowling they are: Susan Burke, Justin Hayward, Jason Gordy, and Stephen Parkes.

Good luck to all our Athletes!

Special olympicS

Inspector Horvat (left) carrying the torch with Jason Gordy at this year’s 25th Annual Law Enforcement Torch Run.

Norfolk Hub radio atnorfolkhub.ca

Page 6: Norfolk Hub May 22, 2012

NORFOLK HUB, May 22, 2012 page 6

“Community-Minded Brokers Minding the Community”McKiee & Farrar

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Tri-Countywww. tricountyins.ca 519-443-8645

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Gairwww.mckieefarrar.com 519-426-4773

28 Colborne Street N., Simcoe, ON N3Y 3T9

As we mentioned, how can a 14-year old be so determined to help others?? At McKiee & Farrar, Gair and Tri-County Insurance, we

really admire the spirit of helping others. Annaleise has begun her open lake swim training... the water may be cold, but her will to help others at Camp Trillium is strong. To date, over $10,000 has been raised! Have you donated yet?

More next week… Stay tuned!We Believe in Annaleise

Annaleise Carr… The Journey Continues

By Claire SenkoThis coming weekend brings the fourth (already! Where has the time gone?) act in the 2012 concert series to the Waterford Old Town Hall; singer-songwriter Ariana Gillis and her band are set to appear on the luckiest little stage in Norfolk Saturday May 26, right where Sarah Slean played to a packed house about a month ago, and where New Country Rehab's going to wrap the series with one last show in another month.

The timing could not be better. There’s been a recent (and well-deserved) flurry of recognition around this stunning young CFMA (Canadian Folk Music Award) winner, and I think it's because Ariana Gillis hits every target any folk / rock / roots connoisseur / aficionado / junkie might dare hold up; her music pulsates with a unique, delicious (nearly indulgent!) listenability (Mmm, what a band!)

and her lyrical stories reach up from extraordinary depths offering strange and powerful glimpses into a talent pure and precocious, wise and wonderful. I can't help imagining that she's got a mine somewhere... a place, deep down, where unpolished truths, raw impressions, and cold, hard instincts are unearthed and then pounded into poetic, musical currency… handle-able, spendable, collectable, valuable.

If you don’t believe me, I'm not one bit offended (We've only just met!), however, do listen to what others are saying: Critic David Marsh of Rolling Stone and Creem Magazine fame writes "Ariana Gillis is the best new emerging artist anywhere, PERIOD." Bernie Taupin, Elton John's long-time collaborator & lyricist says, similarly, "I’m staggered by how good she is. There is not much that impresses me these days but... I can honestly say she’s the single most exciting thing I’ve heard in a very long time.”

If I still haven't convinced you, allow me turn you on to a new, exciting music blog in which Ariana

has recently been presented so beautifully, I'm almost certain you’ll want to buy her latest album before you've finished reading the piece. Hop online and head over to www.beamsandstruts.com. Search Ariana Gillis, found in the latest Saturday Night Jukebox article. If you make this effort, I assure you, you won’t be disappointed. And if you're a reader and lover of words well written, you'll thank me for hooking you not only on Ariana, but on this heart-fed, intelligent, and thoroughly satisfying music blog.

As for the concert, I hope to see you there! If you come, be sure and say hello. You'll know me right away -- I'll be the girl with the biggest music-happy smile you've ever seen. And if you think I'm just being cutesy, you really ought to try me. This series is more kinds of happy than I know how to process. I have miles and miles of smiles for all the music making that's been happening at the Old Town Hall!

Till soon, yours in finding and celebrating beauty in all the right places at all the right times, Claire

Opening for Ariana Gillis at the Waterford Old Town Hall on Saturday May 26th is Norfolk’s own talented and popular folk/bluegrass duo, the Schotts. Tickets are $25 (students- 2 tickets for the price of 1) and can be purchased at the door, or in advance by calling (519) 443-0113. This event is licensed.

Smiling out louD

Ariana Gillis

Page 7: Norfolk Hub May 22, 2012

NORFOLK HUB, May 22, 2012 page 7

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Page 8: Norfolk Hub May 22, 2012

NORFOLK HUB, May 22, 2012 page 8

Left to right: Madaline Wilson, Lynedoch; Marie Dickens, Langton; Joan Johnstone, Vittoria hold a teddy bear and lap robe that were donated at the Norfolk Women's Institute District annual meeting May 8 and donated to various local nursing homes and agencies. Most were made by members in the past year.

Accepting the above were (left to right): Haley Wilson, Women's Services; Vicky Florio, Norfolk Hospital Nursing Home; Hannah Lawrence, Norview Lodge; Brenda Hunt, Children's Aid; Alma Codling, Caressent Care; Renee from Victim's Services and Sue Helka from Dover Cliffs. These were also donated to the Delhi Long Term Care and H/N Community Support. Each received a large bag to take back to their facility to distribute.

Live professional theatre returns to Port Dover May 22 when Lighthouse Festival Theatre audience favourite Leisa Way takes the stage as country music’s biggest starlet in Rhinestone Cowgirl: a Tribute to Dolly Parton. Way’s concert covers Parton’s entire career through song and heartfelt stories that present a full recollection of her five decades in the spotlight and 25 number one hits.

Some of the personal milestones and career highlights covered in the show include Parton’s impoverished childhood, her big break on the Porter Wagoner Show, her emergence as a well-respected songwriter, her movie career, and philanthropy. The main focus though will be the live performance of Parton’s hits,

including I Will Always Love You, Islands in the Stream, Coat of Many Colours, 9 to 5, and many more.

Way will be accompanied by a band of some of Canada’s finest musicians including Aaron Solomon, who last appeared on the Lighthouse stage as Johnny Cash in the 2010 production of Johnny and June. The band is rounded out by pianist Bruce Ley, who once played for Dolly Parton herself when she appeared on the Tommy Hunter Show; Sylvia Tyson bass player Randall Kempf; Holly Cole guitarist Kim Ratcliffe; and drummer Dave Wilson, who also writes the short musical numbers that welcome guests on the Ellen DeGeneres Show.

The band incorporates 16 different

stringed instruments into the performance, ensuring that the quality of the musicianship is as impressive as the vocal performance.

Way says that a true affection for Parton and her career is what led her to arranging the show. “I’m a fan first and foremost,” Way explained. “I didn’t want to make this a caricature of Dolly; this is a very respectful, loving tribute that focuses on her amazing performances and song writing genius.”

Rhinestone Cowgirl: a Tribute to Dolly Parton is on-stage at Lighthouse Festival Theatre from May 22-June 16. Tickets are available online at www.lighthousetheatre.com or by phoning the box office at (519) 583-2221.

lighthouSe FeStiVal theatre kickS oFF 2012 SeaSon With rhineStone coWgirl: a tribute to Dolly parton

graDe one hoSpital

tourAn Annual May TraditionAs part of the Rites of Spring for Norfolk General Hospital, volunteers and staff welcome approximately 600, grade one students from 20 elementary schools within Norfolk County. Children are invited to be a part of a 60-minute educational tour which introduces them to our warm and friendly hospital. This ritual has been going on for over fifty years!

The tours take place almost every afternoon in May and are led by trained volunteer guides who look forward to this very special time every year. “I often think that I have heard all of the possible questions from this amazing group of children, however, each year, new and better informed questions come along.”

The tour opens with a fun little ditty called the “Boogie Woogie Washer Woman song”, in which Infection Control staff and volunteer guides encourage the children to sing and dance their way through a presentation to reinforce the importance of hand-washing and the use of hand sanitizers.

Curious six and seven even year old learners with their teachers and parent chaperones, visit five departments within the hospital. A number of the parent volunteers remember their tours and recall the significant impact the experience had on them.

Visiting five fully operational department’s means that children are given an insightful look at the normal daily activities of the hospital such as patients being brought into the hospital by para-medics, food and laundry carts moving through the halls and patients and visitors constantly on the move.

Volunteer guides skillfully maneuver groups of children through diagnostic imaging where they view actual x-rays and get to meet Mr. Bones, a well-preserved skeleton. “Where did Mr. Bones’ skin go?” is one of the best questions. If there is a newborn in the hospital the day of the tour, children will get an opportunity to meet the new baby from a safe distance and learn all about the obstetrics. This visit often sparks some interesting questions!

The visit through surgical day care is specifically aimed at reassuring children of the safe and friendly environment within the hospital. In-patient physiotherapy allows children to observe patients regaining their strength after an injury or surgery. Nutrition information and a tour of the huge kitchen give children a greater sense of the enormity of the food preparation and the need for healthy and nutritious foods for both patients and staff.

Grade ones complete their tour with a tasty snack in the cafeteria and thank their volunteer tour guides for showing them our local community hospital. It’s a great learning experience for area children and the perfect way to introduce children to a hospital through a positive experience. Thank you to all the staff that is so welcoming to students entering their units and thank you to the many volunteers who lend their time to this annual event. This is an adventure our grade one visitors will remember for years to come.

Page 9: Norfolk Hub May 22, 2012

NORFOLK HUB, May 22, 2012 page 9

By MARG WERDENToday (May 22) is the International Day of Biodiversity and tomorrow (May 23) is World Turtle Day, both of which give us a chance to think about the environment around us.

International Day of Biodiversity“Biodiversity” refers to the variety of living things in the world or in a particular area. The higher the level of biodiversity, the healthier the habitat is and will continue to be. Without a high degree of biodiversity we and our entire world will suffer.

According to the Convention on Biological Diversity, approximately 13.5 million species of plants and animals have been identified on earth. However, scientists estimate there may be as many as three to 100 million more species sharing the planet with us that have yet to be discovered.

Although I have to wonder about the usefulness of some species (for example, those nasty ticks!), they create the web of life, or the link between all organisms, that keeps us and the earth healthy. Unfortunately, human population growth and the level of our consumption of natural resources are causing huge losses of biodiversity. Destroying habitats for housing and other development, illegal trade in wildlife and unsustainable use of nature resources are just some of the factors affecting plant and animal populations. As our planet’s biodiversity declines, our fresh water and food production also decrease, painting a future of shortages for millions of people.

How quickly are we heading for disaster? Consider these facts:

• Humans have changed the earth’s ecosystems more rapidly and extensively in the past 50 years than in any other period of human history.

• We are currently using 25 per cent more natural resources than the planet can sustain.

• In 2009, humanity used 40 per cent more resources than nature can regenerate in a year.

The Norfolk Field Naturalists are hosting a BioBlitz, a survey of all living species in a designated area on June 2 (Raindate: June 3) at the St. Williams Conservation Reserve (www.swcr.ca). The Reserve is a 1,035-hectare area of Crown land located in the heart of Norfolk County, which is comprised of two separate locations – the Nursery (Zavitz) Tract and the Turkey Point (White) Tract.

One of the largest blocks of forest in the Carolinian Life Zone of Southern Ontario, the St. Williams Conservation Reserve is recognized regionally, provincially and nationally as being important to the conservation of biological diversity and natural heritage. Its diverse array of habitats, including forests, oak savannah, sand dunes, ravines, wetlands, and streams, are home to over 750 species of plants, over 100 species of breeding birds, 25 species of amphibians and reptiles, 39 mammals, and hundreds of insect species. Twenty-three species at risk have been recorded over the years.

Bio-Blitz participants will have a choice of joining one of several groups who will spend several hours hiking the trails while identifying as many plants, butterflies, birds or herpetofauna (amphibians and reptiles) as possible. Pre-registration is required by signing up at this link: http://www.doodle.com/db6ssfvf7zpvp4yy. Simply write your name in the box on the left side and check which of the “blitzes” you’d like to attend. If you wish to attend the BBQ only, please go to the very last check box.

This is a great opportunity to learn about our local biodiversity and to enjoy the beauty of Norfolk’s nature. Questions about the event can be directed to Bernie Solymár at 519-426-7124 or e-mail at

[email protected].

World Turtle DayIt is with a great deal of sadness that I have to report that the Ontario Minster of Natural Resources, Michael Gravelle, has ignored a petition signed by more than 11,000 people asking that the hunting of endangered Snapping Turtles be stopped. This ban is not only for the health of the turtle population, but also for the health of anyone eating this species; many Snapping Turtles have concentrations of PCBs in them that are unsafe for human consumption.

Although the Snapping Turtle is listed on the federal and provincial endangered species list, the Ministry of Natural Resources has ignored this and continues to permit the hunting of up to two turtles a day. Instead, the Ministry

has recommended that reporting of the number of turtles killed be mandatory; as if anyone who takes more than the legal limit of two per day is likely to admit to it! With cutbacks in government workers, there is little likelihood that anyone surpassing this limit will ever be caught.

Norfolk Nature NotesSponsored by

Acorus Restoration

norFolk nature


Today is International Biodiversity Day and gives us a chance to think about the variety of species of plants and animals in the world and their interdependence on each other.

Page 10: Norfolk Hub May 22, 2012

NORFOLK HUB, May 22, 2012 page 10

Curbside collection of large household itemsNorfolk County’s Environmental Services Division has revamped the County’s program for collecting of large household items such as stoves, dishwashers, couches and chairs to make the system more efficient.

“We’re moving to a large household items collection system which was formerly known as bulky item pickup program. The big news is that starting in late May and into June, we will be giving households

who receive regular curbside garbage collection, the chance to dispose of large household items,” said Eric D’Hondt, Manager of Public Works and Environmental Services Department.

The new Furniture and Appliance Pickup program is set to launch on Tuesday May 29 and move across the County over a four week period.

“The Furniture and Appliance Pickup program is simple to understand,” D’Hondt said. “Households, not agricultural,

business or industry, can set out large household items for collection. Small and loose items will not be collected and should be bagged for the regular garbage. The large items do not include material generated from renovation, construction or demolition but items that would normally be generated from residential living. Any construction materials are not part of this program must be taken to the local transfer station for disposal. Unacceptable items will be left behind.”

D’Hondt explained that the

Furniture and Appliance Pickup program, “is described in detail in a new flyer available on line or at your local library.”

The County has contracted Norfolk Disposal Services of Waterford to conduct the curbside collection. “It will take a four week period to cover the entire County,” D’Hondt said, “so people should check the collection schedule to see which day will be their Furniture and Appliance pickup day. The collection will be on your regular garbage collection day during the designated week.”


Starts the week of May 29th!!ACCEPTABLE Household Items:

(No items exceeding ten feet in length)



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“Working together with our community to provide quality services”


Pickup2012 Furniture and Appliance



Zone Also Known As:On Your Regular Collection Day of

the Week of:

A Former Town of Simcoe or Ward 5 May 29 to June 1

B Former City of Nanticoke or Wards 6 & 7 June 4 to June 8

C Former Township of Delhi or Wards 3 & 4 plus part of Ward 1 east of County Rd. 16 June 11 to June 15

D Former Township of Norfolk or Ward 2 plus part of Ward 1 west of County Rd. 16 June 18 to June 22

norFolk Set to introDuce Furniture anD appliance pickup thiS may anD June

Internal staff digest places third across Canadian hospitalsThe Health Care Public Relations Association of Canada (HCPRA) has named Norfolk General Hospital Happenings amongst the best internal hospital newsletters in the country. At this year’s National HCPRA conference held April 29-May 2, in Calgary, Alberta, Hospital Happenings was awarded third place in the Internal Newsletter category. The Pulse –Montreal Jewish General Hospital in Quebec was selected second place with top honours going to Covenant Health in Edmonton, Alberta for their newsletter Our Compass.

“I was really overwhelmed when I received the good news just a few days prior to the national conference,” said Jason Harnett, communications development officer and editor of Hospital Happenings. “To be amongst the best in the country is a real accomplishment for NGH and a testament to the work we do. We’re a small hospital with minimal resources. To receive this recognition feels great,” said Harnett.

Hospital Happenings was judged on a number of criteria including; statement of purpose, target audience, strategy, key messaging, human and financial resources, measurement of results and communication objectives and goals. Judges commended Happenings for its content value, clinical information, photos, attractiveness and easy to read layout. HCPRA judges were also impressed by the excellent focus on a wide range of people, effectiveness on a very modest budget, ability to provide a good sense of facility and prominence of the CEO.

Hospital Happenings is a monthly publication which began in 2008. The internal publication is distributed to staff, volunteers and physicians electronically and in print. The purpose of the newsletter is to serve as a central source for internal communication and connect NGH, The Norfolk Hospital Nursing Home, the NGH Foundation and the Volunteer Association with valuable internal information, news, announcements, initiatives and positive outcomes.

hoSpital happeningS neWSletter ScoreS national recognition

Jason Harnett, NGH communications development officer and editor of Hospital Happenings newsletter with Judy Brown, HCPRA president and Director of Communications & patient relations at Queensway Carleton Hospital in Ottawa.

Page 11: Norfolk Hub May 22, 2012

NORFOLK HUB, May 22, 2012 page 11

AgricultureAthabascaBatocheBeefCanolaCypress HillsElevatorFarmsFirst NationFlaxGrainGrasslandsMedicareMétisMiningMoose Jaw

NDPNorth BattlefordOatsOilPotashPrairiePrince AlbertRailwayRed LilyReginaRuralSaskatoonSwift CurrentUraniumWheatYorktonSolution: Land of Living Skies


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➤ Sunday Brunch at Marburg Community Hall, 1345 Lynn Valley Rd.,R.R. #1, Port Dover on June 3, from 10am to 1:30pm. Adults $7, children under 12 $5. Come & enjoy!

➤ The Simcoe and District Horticultural Society A Unique Opportunity as We Explore The Botanical ‘Whistling Gardens’ A Showcase of Musical Fountains and Thousands of Plants including the Largest Collection of Conifers in Canada. Guiding us on Tour will be Proprietor/Horticulturalist, Darren Heimbecker. Date: June 13 at 6pm. Admission Fee: $10 paid on Location. Location: Townsend 698 Concession Rd.#3, 3 kilometres East of Wilsonville OR Townsend 698 Concession Rd.#3, 4 kilometres West of Cockshutt Rd.519-443-8025| www.gardenontario.org/site.php/simcoe. NOTE: There will be no meeting at the Junior Farmer’s Building on this Evening.

➤ Memorial Church in Port Ryerse are hosting their Annual Silent Auction on June 8th from 7 to 9:30pm. Proceeds benefit church ministry in our local community as well as in Third World Countries. Join us as we bid on some great items... take home some treasures! Light refreshments and lots of FUN! Call Leona Milne @ (519) 428-4633 to make a donation or for more information.

➤ The Vittoria Women’s Institute will be hosting its annual Plant, Book and Bake Sale on June 16, from 8am until 1pm at the Vittoria Town Hall. Part of the Vittoria wide Yard Sale.

➤ Come out for a fun night of BINGO happening at the Waterford Legion on Monday Nights until the end of June. It happens at the Waterford Legion from 7pm to 9pm with cash prizes available. Come and enjoy! All are welcome.

➤ Canadian Mental Health Association now offering a support and education program for adult family members who support a relative with a mental illness. Meetings held on the 1st Tuesday of every month, from 7 - 8:30pm. Meetings will be held at 395 Queensway West, Simcoe. For info contact Joanne Cleland, 519-428-2380 or [email protected].

Coming EventsContinued from page 2

Page 12: Norfolk Hub May 22, 2012

NORFOLK HUB, May 22, 2012 page 12

Leon's Charities Events!


24 NORFOLK ST.519.426.0270

By Dave ScottWhen a kid puts their mind to doing something positive… there really is no stopping them!

Kids see what can be done… they see possibilities… not obstacles.

Fifteen year old Dallas Dalby of Delhi, is one of those kids… Dallas decided he wanted to put on a 3 pitch tournament… for kids… to help kids… get to camp… the Tim Hortons Camp.

Dallas has volunteered and helped out in other years at Tim Hortons Camp Day, but like I said

earlier, he wanted to do more.

The premise is a simple one… any child, boy or girl, can come out to the ball park in Vittoria on Saturday, May 26th at 8am to register (cost is $20) and that includes a hat, and t-shirt… as well as a fun day of 3 pitch ball (using a mush ball). This is great for kids who may have never tried ball, to get out and see what it is all about.

Teams will be spilt up evenly with all the proceeds from the day going to the Tim Hortons Camp Day fund.

To Dallas, ‘Great idea… a fun day of ball… while helping other kids… and growing the sport… awesome!’

For more information call (519) 582-4051.

play ball!

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