ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY 5761 E. Colorado St. Long Beach, CA 90814 NON-PROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID LONG BEACH, CA PERMIT NO. 344 Worship Services Regular Schedule Orthros 8:45 AM Divine Liturgy 10:00 AM NOTE: Sunday Divine Liturgy starts at 10:00AM year-round. See enclosed calendar for dates and times of other ser- vices this month. THE PANAGIA Assumption Of the Blessed Virgin Mary Greek Orthodox Church Long Beach, CA DECEMBER 2016

NON-PROFIT ORG ASSUMPTION OF THE THE PANAGIA · Athena Mantas - Treasurer Board members ... better way than giving to others who need our help. ... A special thank you to Olivia Varonos

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5761 E. Colorado St.

Long Beach, CA 90814





Worship Services

Regular Schedule

Orthros 8:45 AM Divine Liturgy 10:00 AM

NOTE: Sunday Divine Liturgy starts at 10:00AM year-round.

See enclosed calendar for dates and times of other ser-vices this month.


Assumption Of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Greek Orthodox Church

Long Beach, CA


Page 2

PARISH COUNCIL MEMBERS Jimmy Eleopoulos - President Nick Monios - Vice President

Savvas Roubanis - Recording Secretary Sam Platis - Corresponding Secretary

Athena Mantas - Treasurer Board members

George Demos, Chris Dolas, Angelo Karapoulios, George Karidakis, Max Lofton, Tasos Papas,

Jerry Polychrones, George Stavros,

AHEPA Tasos Papas - President


Zoe Falley - Administrator

Bulletin Coordinator Voula Michail - Kitsios


Jerry McMillan - Director Costa Kourtis - Advisor

Church School

Daughters of Penelope

Sofie Batshoun

Family Night Sam Platis


Eleni Dalkos & Christina Gillotti - Advisors

Greek Cultural Arts and Dance Patty Ladas - President

Dina Lioulias - Vice President

Greek School Tasia Triantos - Principal Dina Triantos - President

Hope/Joy/VBS Maria Georgakopoulos - Advisor

Panagia’s Little Lambs Elizabeth Syrengelas

PHILOPTOCHOS Karen Fic - President

Mary Lofton - 1st Vice President Lia Kakaris - Secretary

Sophie Batshoun - Corres. Secretary Kathy Bastas - Treasurer Bobbie Soupos - Advisor.

Senior Christians Nick Monios - President

Stewardship Ministry Kathy Bastas (Chair) Max & Mary Lofton,

Trisagio Ministry Max & Mary Lofton,

Vickie Hennig, Yiota Beckas

Web Site David Derks

Welcome Ministry Kathy Bastas (Chair),

Camille Dolas, Kay Platis,

Young Adults [email protected]

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Greek Orthodox Church 5761 East Colorado Street, Long Beach, CA 90814-1954

Phone (562) 494-8929 - Fax (562) 985-1379 Email – [email protected]

Rev. Fr. Christos Kanakis, Proistamenos

[email protected]

Voula Michail-Kitsios, Executive Admin. Assistant Jorge Rivera, Custodian

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As we prepare our hearts and our homes for the birth of the Christ Child we are reminded that there is no better way than giving to others who need our help. Philoptochos would like to thank all those who participated in our Annual Thanksgiving food drive. Without your generosity we would not be able to supply FOR THE CHILD and TRINITY HOMES and others in need in our Long Beach Community with Thanksgiving dinners. A special thank you to Olivia Varonos and the Sunday School children for decorating the bags to put all the canned food items. Our community has been doing this for 17 years and it is a true joy to see those who were small children, eagerly collecting food for Thanksgiving now passing their lesson of giving, to their Sunday School students. Our community is truly blessed. Thank you Kathy Bastas for your continued work with these agencies and our community and for always making sure we do our best to make sure others are taken care of. There is something a little different in the Narthex this year. There are two trees! Our traditional tree with names for gifts for the children of TRINTIY HOMES and this year we are introducing a Senior Tree. The senior tree is just to let those who are not able to live at home on their own or not able to come to church that they are not forgotten. Their gifts will be taken to them when Philoptochos does visitations during the holiday season. Please be sure to stop by and pick an item from either or both trees. Please join in the fun on December 8

th. Philoptochos will once again host the annual TRINITY HOME’S

CHRISTMAS PARTY. Along with the help of GOYA, there will be crafts, cookie decorating, food and a visit from no other than Santa himself. Remember Thursday 6:00 – 8:30 pm! If you have any questions, please contact Matoula or Sofie Batshoun @ 714-705-9314. LIGHT THE PATH will take place on Saturday December 10th at the BETTY RECKAS CULTURAL CEN-TER. Please join us and welcome the beautiful holiday season listening to inspired messages from our seminarians, enjoying a fantastic lunch and joining in the fellowship with others from our Metropolis. If you have not received your invitation yet, please stop by the Philoptochos table and mail in your reservation. It is a memorable way to start the holiday season.

Invitations for our annual Philoptochos Christmas Luncheon on Sunday, December 11th immediately after

Divine Liturgy have been mailed to all Philoptochos members. Please be sure to make your reservations in advance. Seating is limited. The price is $30 for adults and $13 for children under 12. Additional invita-tions are available at the Philoptochos table. For more information please contact Kathy Bastas at knbastas@aolcom , Karen Fic 562-416-5565 or Bobbie Soupos 714-307-1488. DATES TO REMEMBER 2017:

January 22, 2017 Cutting of the Vasilopita January 29, 2017 Feeding Children Everywhere

March 12, 2017 Philoptochos Membership Tea

May you have the GIFT OF FAITH, the BLESSING OF HOPE and the PEACE OF HIS LOVE always!

Here’s wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a New Year filled with peace and love!

Your Sister in Christ,

Karen Fic, President

Greek Column by Voula Michail

Page 12

Μήνες του Χειμώνα


Ο τελευταίος μήνας του έτους, ο πρώτος του χειμώνα, ο δέκατος του παλιού ρωμαϊκού ημερολογίου από όπου πήρε και το όνομά του. Decem στα λατινικά είναι το δέκα. Είναι ένας μήνας γεμάτος από γιορτές, του Αγίου Νικολάου, του Αγίου Σάββα, της Αγίας Βαρβάρας, του Αγίου Σπυρίδωνα, του Αγίου Ελευθερίου και άλλες με μεγαλύτερη την γιορτή της γέννησης του Χριστού, τα Χριστούγεννα στις 25 του μήνα. Τον λένε και Χιονιά, Ασπρομηνά, Χριστουγεννιάτη, Χριστιανάρη, Δεκέμπρη, Άι-Νικολιάτη. Είναι ο μήνας με τις λιγότερες ώρες φωτός στο βόρειο ημισφαίριο και τις περισσότερες ώρες φωτός στο νότιο ημισφαίριο μια και ο ήλιος έχει τώρα τη μεγαλύτερη απόκλιση νότια του Ισημερινού. Στις 22 του μηνός είναι το χειμερινό ηλιοστάσιο οπότε η απόκλιση του ήλιου νότια του Ισημερινού αρχίζει να λιγοστεύει και έτσι αρχίζει να μεγαλώνει η ημέρα και να μικραίνει η νύχτα. Κατά την παράδοση στις 25 του μήνα ξεχύνονται οι καλλικάντζαροι στον επάνω κόσμο και παραμένουν μέχρι τα Φώτα οπότε εξαφανίζονται με τον αγιασμό των υδάτων. Είναι δαιμόνια τα οποία βγαίνουν από τη γη αυτό το δωδεκαήμερο που τα νερά είναι αβάπτιστα για να πειράξουν τους ανθρώπους. Φοβούνται τις φωτιές και τα κουδούνια, γι αυτό σε πολλές περιοχές της Ελλάδας ανάβουν φωτιές και τραγουδάνε χτυπώντας κουδούνια. ΙΑΝΟΥΑΡΙΟΣ: O πρώτος μήνας του χρόνου πήρε το όνομά του από τον θεό των Ρωμαίων, τον Ιανό (Janus). Ο Ιανός ήταν θεός με δύο πρόσωπα, τα οποία κοίταζαν σε αντίθετες κατευθύνσεις, γι αυτό τον αποκαλούσαν και...Janus bifrons δηλαδή διπρόσωπο Ιανό. Τα δυο του πρόσωπα συμβόλιζαν την αρχή και το τέλος, τη νιότη και το γήρας, την είσοδο και την έξοδο. Γι' αυτό και του αφιέρωσαν τον Ιανουάριο που σαν πρώτος μήνας του χρόνου, κοίταζε προς τον προηγούμενο χρόνο και προς τον επόμενο. ΦΕΒΡΟΥΑΡΙΟΣ Το όνομά του προέρχεται από το λατινικό ρήμα februare που σημαίνει καθαρίζω, εξαγνίζω. Ήταν αφιερωμένος στο θεό του Άδη Φέβρουο και στους νεκρούς γι αυτό και στη διάρκεια του οι Ρωμαίοι διοργάνωναν τελετές καθαρμών και εξαγνισμών. Με το παλαιότερο ρωμαϊκό ημερολόγιο ήταν ο τελευταίος μήνας του χρόνου και οι άνθρωποι έπρεπε να μπουν στον καινούργιο χρόνο καθαροί και αμόλυντοι. Με την καθιέρωση του Ιουλιανού ημερολογίου το 46 π.Χ. περιορίστηκαν οι ημέρες του από 30 σε 29 και την εποχή του

αυτοκράτορα Αύγουστου του αφαιρέθηκε άλλη μια μέρα η οποία προστέθηκε στον Αύγουστο και έτσι έχει 28 ημέρες, και 29 κάθε τέσσερα χρόνια, οπότε το έτος αντί 365 ημέρες έχει 366 και ονομάζεται δίσεκτο από το bis sextus (δις έκτη) δηλαδή δύο φορές η 24η του μήνα που ήταν η έκτη μέρα πριν από τις Καλένδες του Μαρτίου. Εμείς, τον λέμε Φλεβάρη επειδή τότε ανοίγουν οι φλέβες της γης, δηλαδή αναβρύουν πολλά νερά, τον λέμε και Κουτσοφλέβαρο, επειδή έχει λιγότερες μέρες.

Page 11

Panagia’s Stewardship Family cont. Epiphany Celebration

“Our 65th Year”

Assumption Greek Orthodox Church of Long Beach

5761 E. Colorado Street Long Beach, CA 90814

Liturgy & Glendi Sunday, January 15, 2017

Hosted by the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Greek Orthodox Church

8:45 AM - Orthros 10:00 AM - Hierarchical

Divine Liturgy Carpool 11:30AM

12:00 Noon Service of the Cross

& Diving for the Holy Cross*

Following the Blessings of the Waters ‘GLENDI’

Teodosiadis Romilo & Melpomeni

Terzis Con/nos & Suzanna

Thermos Jerry & Elli

Thibault Irene

Ticknor Chris & Crystal

Toulios Spyros & Eleni

Toumasis Gerasimos & Kyriaky

Triantos Dina

Triantos Tasia

Trigonis Tula

Tsakoumakis Stan & Debora

Tsalikis Maria

Tsamous Peter & Helen

Tsimerekis Anna

Vackrinos Catherine

Vagelatos John

Valaskantjis Nikiforos & Georgia

Varonos Olivia

Varzak Darlene

Vasilomanolakis Dr. Mike & Niki

Vasilomanolakis Francine

Vassiliades John

Vlachos Dino & Helen

Vlachos Michael & Jessa

Vlahakis Kathy

Vlahakis mary

Vorris Thanos & Niki

Watkins Evangelia

Wyatt Richard & Stefanie

Xeros Nicholas & Anna

Zambos Angie

Zambos John

Zamvakellis Nick & Alison

Zarifes Angie

Zoolakis Anthony & Kari

Zoumberakis John

Zoumberakis Stelio & Stacy

Page 5

Page 6 Page 11

Karahalios Carole

Karahalios George & Angie

Karantonis Evangelos & Ellia

Karapoulios Evangelos & Eleni

Karapoulios Tia

Karatzis Spiro & Julie

Karidakis George & Diane

Karidakis Jim

Karidakis Nicholas

Karmiris Christopher & Christina

Karthas Nicholas

Kastanas Bill & Paris

Kiousis Spiro & Katerina

Kitsios Kostas & Voula

Konstantinidis Byron & Kaite

Kontes Nick & Christina

Kontokanis Dimitris & Maria

Kootsikas Coula

Kopp Kyle & Gina

Korakis Michael

Koromelas John & Tina

Kostallas Tony & Cathy

Kotsakis Helen & Jane

Koulos Peter & Emily

Kountakis Evgenia

Kourassis Nick

Kouris Gregory & Patricia

Kourtis Costa & Cecilia

Kral Michael & Lisa

Krantz Robert & Tricia

Kyriakos Spiros & Lainie

Ladas Amelia

Ladas Charlie & Patty

Lafkas Pete & Ada

Lambert John & Vasiliki

Lambrakis Catherine

Lambros Mary

Liakos Nicole

Liakos Stephanie

Liakos Thomas & Emily

Liarakos George & Dezi

Liarakos John & Tesi

Liarakos Voula

Lilis Tina

Lofton Max & Mary

Loizides George & Rodou

Lovejoy Jeremy & Nectaria

Makas Diane & Natalie

Mangoutas John & Roula

Manolas Lopez Georgia

Manos Denise

Manos Dr. Andrew & Pam

Mantas Athena

Mantikas Nick & Katherine

Marentis Victoria

Marinow Atanas

Markouizos George & Roula

Markouizos Karolos & Georgia

Markouizos Markella

Markouizos Nektarios & Lisa

Matty David & Barbara

Matty Thelxe

McMillan James & Angela

Medenas Ted & Fotoula

Mentas Ann

Mentas James & Patricia

Mentzelos George & Christina

Michel David & Vasiliki

Michel Erik & Jennifer

Milonas Dina

Missios Demetrios & Nelly

Mitchell Peter

Monios Nick & Linda

Montalbano Paul & Maria

Moreno Russ & Stephanie

Morgan Valerie

Nakai Keiichi & Saki

Nanopoulos Chris & Panayota

Nicolaou Alexander & Reese

Palencia Emerson

Papacalos George & Lucia

Papachristou Theodora

Papadakis Christina

Papadakis Lillian & Andrianna

Papadakis Michael & Janel

Papadopoulos Evangelos & Loraine

Papakoulos Angie

Papas Maria

Papas Tasos & Georgia

Pappagelis Christina

Pappas Dino & Catherine

Pappas Mark & Shari

Pappas Victor & Christina

Parlapanides Charles & Elenie

Patsios Spiro & Melva

Paulos Mary

Paulos Nicholas

Paulos Todd & Cindy

Pelonis Petros & Agatha

Philips Mark & Crystal

Photakis Nicholas & Lorraine

Platis Jim & Kay

Platis Sam & Laura

Politis Spiros & Assal

Polychrones Jerry & Marianna

Polychrones Speros & Dora

Poulis John

Ragias Pete & Maria

Raptis Maria

Reed Richard & Kyriaki

Rembuskos Pnayiotis & Valerie

Richards Dean & Dorothea

Roubanis Savvas & Jody

Roumeliotis George & Pamela

Rous William & Tianna

Russos Asimina

Russos Eammanuel

Salsman Mel & Andria

Santamarina Jose & Ronnee

Savostianov Alexander & Anna

Schwartz Richard & Nicole

Seger Clay & Susan

Sehremelis Andy & Leslie

Sehremelis Athena

Sharkoff Dr. Donald & Anna

Sharkoff Dr. James & Katherine

Shweiiri Gabriel & Nicole

Shweiri Cathy & George

Silva Robert & Nicolette

Simitian Richard & Anna

Siouris Chris & Yota

Sirigos George & Eliodora

Skourtas Tony & Angelique

Smyrniotis Chris & Mary

Sotiriou Dimitri & Christina

Sotiriou Elias

Sotiriou Panagiotis & Vasiliki

Soultanakis Trudith

Soupos Tom & Bobbie

Spiropoulos James & Marina

Spiropoulos Troy & Gina

Spirtos Dimitri & Judith

Spyrs Jimmy & Britteny

Stapakis Olympia

Stathis Robert & Josefa

Stavros Andy & Amber

Stavros Bill & Maria

Stavros George & Donna

Stavros Louis & Mary

Stavros Peter

Stavros Theodoros & Olga

Stavros Tom

Stavroudis Toula

Stevenson Gus & Leona

Sullos James & Vickie

Syrengelas Andreas & Evdoxia

Syrengelas Andreas & Niky

Syrengelas George & Athanasia

Syrengelas Kon/nos & Dora

Syrengelas Michael & Elizabeth

Syrengelas Soteria

Syrengelas Toula

Syrengelas Vasilios & Maria

Talaganis Ernest

Talaganis John & Kathleen

Talaganis Nick & Amy

Tavlarides Angelo & Mary

Tavlarides Matthew & Whitney

Page 10

Panagia’s Stewardship Family as of November 15, 2016

Ala Elisara

Ala Falanai & Lisa

Ala George

Alex Helen

Alexiou Demi

Alexopoulos Andrew

Alexopoulos Christine

Alexopoulos Dimitrios & Maria

Alexopoulos Elias

Alvertos Yianni & Georgia

Amarantos Harriet

Andrade Theoni & Everaldo

Andrews Paul

Andrikos Ioannis & Argyro

Andros Nick

Apostle Helen

Argeris John & Vasiliki

Argyros Dionisios & Irene

Argyros Phillip & Amy

Arkoumanis Stergios & Trisha

Armstrong Randy & Janet

Ashley James & Stella

Awad John & Litsa

Bacol Penny

Bacol Pete & Rea

Bacol Sina

Bahos Kanella

Balas Louie & Toula

Bastas Nikolaos & Kathy

Bateh Eric & Nancy

Batsaras Ilias & Yota

Batshoun Christina

Batshoun Emil & Matoula

Batshoun Sofie

Beckas Yiota

Berovinos Antonios & Bonnie

Berovinos Michael & Kimberly

Bisbikis Dimitra & Argyroula

Boosalis Aphrodite

Boosalis Koumis

Bouras Peter

Boutsikakis Harry

Boyce Maria

Bratkic Jure & Demetra

Breres Zenobia

Brilliakis Gus & Nicki

Brooks Harriet

Bussa Tom & Maria

Cardenas Roberto & Alexia

Castritis Demetrios

Chelekis Louis & Vicki

Chenes Charles

Chioles Jim & Effie

Chioles Tom & Rosie

Chizhov Svetlana

Choullis Manolis & Sotiria

Chrysanthis Alexandra

Coats Marilyne

Colazas Xenophon & Mila

Colikas Michael

Condaras Nicholas & Katerina

Confrey John & Katina

Contos Angeliki

Contos Vasilis & Voula

Cook Jeff & Susan

Cornwell Caryle & Demetra

Coroneus John & Xanthipe

Coster Steve & Tonya

Cottgias Manuel

Critides Anastasios & Shawnee

Cyprus Brandon

Cyprus Brett & Jane

Cyprus Kayla

Dalkos Chris & Roula

Dalkos John & Stavroula

Demopulos Michael & Patricia

Demos Christa

Demos Eleni

Demos George & Vickie

Demos Joanna

Deneff Alkisti

Deneff Peter & Diane

Deralas Dean

Desalernos Stephen & Julia

Desalvernos Stephen & Stephanie

Diamond Eleni

Dimas Michael & Maria

Dimitriou Kon/nos & Cynthia

Dimou Nick

Dogris Alex & Peggy

Dolas Chris

Dolas James & Angela

Dolas Jim & Camille

Dolas John & Theodora

Dolas Peter

Donlou Gordon & Maria

Edwards Nickolas & Pamela

Eleopoulos Gus & Robin

Eleopoulos Jimmy & Leigh

Etchepare Anna

Exacoustos Stella

Falley Zoe

Fattaleh Raja

Fenn Brad & Anna

Fic Karen

Fillippis George & Christina

Flynn Matthew

Fourtounis Pete

Foutris John & Marie

Foutris Nicholas

Francis Timotheus & Georgi

Frousakis Gus & Vicky

Futris William & Mary

Gabriel Sam & Kathy

Galanis Jerry & Marian

Georgakopoulos Mike & Maria

Georgedes Ekaterini

Georges Louie & penny

Georgiadou Vickie

Georgoulis George & Anna

Ghatikar Rachel

Ghilarducci Walt & Laura

Giannakopoulos Harry & Sia

Giannoulis Anastasia

Gioulatos Athanasios & Joanne

Gossen Ryan & Jennifer

Gurrola Raymond & Mary

Gutierrez Ivan & Esther

Hadjimarkos Nicholas & Stemma

Haftoglou Dimitris & Maria

Hallock Rod & Shirley

Hanches Fotini

Hanson Chris & Dusty

Hanson Richard

Hardaway Herman & Pamela

Haririan Alka

Hatziris Anna & Frangoulis

Hennig Vickie

Hernandez Richard & Matilda

Herron Craig & Diana

Hoatua Patuarai & Evi

Hourigan John

Hourigan Joseph & Nickie

Hourigan Sophia

Jordanides Dr. Dennis & Giselle

Jordanides Timothy & Ria

Jovicic Goran & Alexandria

Kades Clio

Kades Kelly

Kakaris Telis & Lia

Kallins George & Bettina

Kallins James & Virginia

Kaltcheva Vili

Kammos Tommy & Christina

Kanakis Fr. Christos & Pres. Jessica

Kanakis Peter & Evangelia Page 7

Veterans Ladies Christmas Party The Philoptochos will once again be hosting their annual Christmas Party for our Female Veterans. In the past we hosted them at our Betty Reckas Center. This year we will be hosting at the Vets Hos-pital. The Hospital is located at 7th and Bell-flower. WE invite all who would like to join us to please do so. These lady Vets are pretty special ladies. Come meet them and join in our holiday fun. If you would like to attend please RSVP to Voula by December 2nd (at the office) and let her know. We will need a head count. Thank you and hope to see you there.

Bobbie Soupos.


Little Lambs Panagia's Little Lambs is off to a fantastic start. We

have celebrated so many weeks with songs, games

and crafts. We enjoyed our first outing to the pump-

kin patch and had a successful Trunk or Treat. The

kids all dressed up and loved going from car to car

getting bags filled with treats. Thank you to all the

parents who participated and took the time to decorate

your cars. We also planned an exciting day at the

park where the children were able to run and spend

more quality time together.

This month we have more fun activities

planned. Please join us with your little ones every

Wednesday 10:30-11:30. Watching our Panagia's

Little Lambs ministry grow is a blessing. Not only

do the children love to play together but parents get to

chat and share ideas! Thank you to all who participate

and make this ministry an important part of their


We hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and

joyous New Year. May God continue to bless us all,

especially our children.

Love, Elizabeth Syrengelas

Greek School Congratulations to our Student of the Month,

Nikolas Mor (Level 2) Our Christmas Party will be on Dec. 14th,



Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!

Many new and exciting things happening

with Greek School, Follow us on Facebook

(Assumption Greek School).


11/20/16 Vasilios Gioulatos Proud Parents: Athanasios & Joanne Gioulatos Nona/Sponsor: Helen Andrew Congratulations!

WITH SYMPATHY To Sam and Kathy Gabriel of the loss of her father Anthony Belli on 11/2/16. May his memory be eternal.

December’s Prosforo Is donated by Mina Russos. Thank you. If you

would like to donate the Prosforo please call the office.

BOOKSTORE Please stop by and check out our book collection, gift items, icons, children's books, bibles and a va-riety of greeting & festal cards both in Greek & English. We are scheduled to be open on Sundays Dec. 4th, 11th & 18th. There is a limited supply of Christmas gifts available and some are one of a kind. So don't miss out and come and see all the wonderful things for your holiday gift giving.

Page 8

In the year of the Lord - December 2016

Events are subject to change without notice; please refer to weekly bulletin for current schedule info

S un da y M on da y Tu es da y W edn es da y Thu rsda y F r ida y S at u rda y 1


Futsal Game 6pm - 7 pm


4 I’ Λουκά (Βαρβάρας μεγαλ.)

10th Sunday of Luke Barbara the Great Martyr

Orthros 8:45 am Divine Liturgy 10:00 am

Parish Elections

5 Vespers 7:00 pm

St. Nicholas in Northridge

6 Νικολάου Μύρων.

Nicholas the Wonderworker

Orthros 9:30 am

Divine Liturgy 10:00 am

7 Panagia’s Little Lambs

10:30 - 11:30 am

Adult Orthodoxy class & Bible Study 6pm - 7pm

Greek School 5:30 pm-7pm


Trinity Foster Home Christmas party 4pm - 8p


Futsal Game 6pm - 7 pm


Philoptochos: Light the Path


IA’ Λουκά 11th Sunday of Luke

Orthros 8:45 am Divine Liturgy 10:00 am

Philoptochos Christmas Party




Panagia’s Little Lambs 10:30 - 11:30 am

Greek School Christmas Party

5:30 pm - 7:00 pm


Philoptochos Luncheon with the Military Ladies at

Veteran’s Hospital 11:30 pm


Futsal Game 6pm - 7 pm


18 Προ της Χριστού Γεννήσεως.

Sunday before Nativity Orthros 8:45 am

Divine Liturgy 10:00 am

Sunday School Christmas Pageant



Senior Christians Christmas Potluck

11:30 am

P. C. Meeting 7 pm

21 Panagia’s Little Lambs

10:30 - 11:30 am

Adult Orthodoxy class & Bible Study 6pm - 7pm

No Greek School



24 Παραμονή Χριστουγέννων

Christmas Eve Nativity Liturgy 9:30 am

(Holy Communion)


Holy Nativity Orthros 8:45 am

Divine Liturgy 10:00 am


Office closed For Christmas

27 28 Panagia’s Little Lambs

10:30 - 11:30 am

No Greek School


30 31 Greek Dance

New Year’s Eve Dinner/Glendi

7:00 pm

Page 9

In the year of the Lord - December 2016

Events are subject to change without notice; please refer to weekly bulletin for current schedule info

S un da y M on da y Tu es da y W edn es da y Thu rsda y F r ida y S at u rda y 1


Futsal Game 6pm - 7 pm


4 I’ Λουκά (Βαρβάρας μεγαλ.)

10th Sunday of Luke Barbara the Great Martyr

Orthros 8:45 am Divine Liturgy 10:00 am

Parish Elections

5 Vespers 7:00 pm

St. Nicholas in Northridge

6 Νικολάου Μύρων.

Nicholas the Wonderworker

Orthros 9:30 am

Divine Liturgy 10:00 am

7 Panagia’s Little Lambs

10:30 - 11:30 am

Adult Orthodoxy class & Bible Study 6pm - 7pm

Greek School 5:30 pm-7pm


Trinity Foster Home Christmas party 4pm - 8p


Futsal Game 6pm - 7 pm


Philoptochos: Light the Path


IA’ Λουκά 11th Sunday of Luke

Orthros 8:45 am Divine Liturgy 10:00 am

Philoptochos Christmas Party




Panagia’s Little Lambs 10:30 - 11:30 am

Greek School Christmas Party

5:30 pm - 7:00 pm


Philoptochos Luncheon with the Military Ladies at

Veteran’s Hospital 11:30 pm


Futsal Game 6pm - 7 pm


18 Προ της Χριστού Γεννήσεως.

Sunday before Nativity Orthros 8:45 am

Divine Liturgy 10:00 am

Sunday School Christmas Pageant



Senior Christians Christmas Potluck

11:30 am

P. C. Meeting 7 pm

21 Panagia’s Little Lambs

10:30 - 11:30 am

Adult Orthodoxy class & Bible Study 6pm - 7pm

No Greek School



24 Παραμονή Χριστουγέννων

Christmas Eve Nativity Liturgy 9:30 am

(Holy Communion)


Holy Nativity Orthros 8:45 am

Divine Liturgy 10:00 am


Office closed For Christmas

27 28 Panagia’s Little Lambs

10:30 - 11:30 am

No Greek School


30 31 Greek Dance

New Year’s Eve Dinner/Glendi

7:00 pm