Noah and his Son’s Descendants SONS OF JAPHETH His name means 'Enlargement, or extension'. This was true of him for his posterity spread all over the earth. He had 14 descendants, 7 sons and 7 grandsons. 1) Gomer-means 'completion' [ Gen 10:2-3; 1st Chro 1:5-6 ] : the progenitor of the ancient Galatians and Phrygians, from which came the natives of northern Europe known better as the Gauls and Celts, and in later times as the Germans, French, Welsh, Irish, Britons and various other Anglo-saxon races. These all came from the 3 sons of Gomer- Ashkenaz, Riphath and Torgarmah. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gomer Gomer's descendants[edit] Three sons of Gomer are mentioned in Genesis 10, namely Ashkenaz Riphath (spelled Diphath in I Chronicles) Togarmah Children of Ashkenaz was originally identified with the Scythians (Assyrian Ishkuza), then after the 11th century, with Germany. [13][14] It has been conjectured that the term in the original Hebrew was Ashkuz, but that it became Ashkenaz when the Hebrew letter waw was

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Page 1: Noah and his Son’s Descendants - Watchmen Ministry Study/Noah... · Noah and his Son’s Descendants SONS OF JAPHETH His name means 'Enlargement, or extension'. This was true of

Noah and his Son’s Descendants

SONS OF JAPHETH His name means 'Enlargement, or extension'. This was true of him for his posterity spread all over the earth. He had 14 descendants, 7 sons and 7 grandsons.

1) Gomer-means 'completion' [ Gen 10:2-3; 1st Chro 1:5-6 ] : the progenitor of the ancient Galatians and Phrygians, from which came the natives of northern Europe known better as the Gauls and Celts, and in later times as the Germans, French, Welsh, Ir ish, Britons and various other Anglo-saxon races. These all came from the 3 sons of Gomer- Ashkenaz, Riphath and Torgarmah.


Gomer's descendants[edit]

Three sons of Gomer are mentioned in Genesis 10, namely

Ashkenaz Riphath (spelled Diphath in I Chronicles) Togarmah

Children of Ashkenaz was originally identified with the Scythians (Assyrian Ishkuza), then after the 11th century, with Germany.[13][14]

It has been conjectured that the term in the original Hebrew was Ashkuz, but that it became Ashkenaz when the Hebrew letter waw was

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accidentally miscopied as the similar-looking letter nun at some early stage of the transmission.[citation needed] Irish Genealogy traces itself

to Ibath, son of Gomer (thought to be a form of Riphath).[citation needed]

Ancient Armenian and Georgian chronicles lists Togarmah as the ancestor of both people who originally inhabited the land between

two Black and Caspian Seas and between two inaccessible mountains, Mount Elbrus and Mount Ararat respectively.[15][16]

According to Khazar records, Togarmah is regarded as the ancestor of the Turkic-speaking peoples.[17]

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2) Magog-means 'increase' [10:2; 1 Chro 1:5] : He is the progenitor of the Scythians and Tartars. Whose descendants predominated modern Russia [ Ezek 38:2; 39:6 ; Rev 20:8]. Magog was also a general name of the country north of the Caucasus mountains which are between the Black and Caspian seas.

Gates of Alexander From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search

The Darial Gorge before 1906.

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Dhul-Qarnayn with the help of some jinn, building the Iron Wall to keep the barbarian Gog and Magog from civilized peoples. (16th century Persian miniature).

The Gates of Alexander was a legendary barrier supposedly built by Alexander the Great in the Caucasus to keep the uncivilized

barbarians of the north (typically associated with Gog and Magog) from invading the land to the south. The gates were a popular

subject in medieval travel literature, starting with the Alexander Romance in a version from perhaps the 6th century. The wall has been

frequently identified with the Caspian Gates of Derbent, Russia (see below) and with the Pass of Dariel or Darial.

An alternative theory links it to the so-called "Alexander's Wall" (the Great Wall of Gorgan) on the south-eastern shore of the Caspian

Sea, 180 km of which is still preserved today, albeit in a very poor state of repair.[1]

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In reality, both structures were built by Persian monarchs. Derbent (in Persian ند Darband, meaning "closed gates"), wasدرب

established in the end of the 5th or the beginning of the 6th century, when the city was refounded by Kavadh I of the Sassanid dynasty

of Persia. The Great Wall of Gorgan was built during the Parthian dynasty simultaneously with the construction of the Great Wall of

China and it was restored during the Sassanid era (3-7th century)[2]

3) Madai-means 'middle' [ 10:2; 1 Chro 1:5] : He is the progenitor of the ancient Medes, Persians, and perhaps the Hindoos. 4) Javan -means 'supple or much'[10:2-4; 1 Chro 1:5-7 ] He is the progenitor of the Greeks, Italians, Spaniards, Portuguese and other nations through Elishah, Tarshish and Dodanim.. [Isa 66:19; Ezek 27:13, 19] Kittim is identified with Cyprus and Mediterranea n coasts. [Num 24:24; Isa 23:1; Jer 2:10, Ezek 27:6; Dan 11:30]. http://www.ccg.org/weblibs/study-papers/p046e.html The early philologist/archaeologist V. Gordon Childe claimed that civilisation spread to the Greek islands and Crete before mainland Greece. In his 1957 book, The Dawn of European Civilisation (London, p. 66), Childe added further that: “If a migration from Asia Minor be assumed, it will be necessary to postulate several streams with different starting points …”. From archaeological and historical evidence, it is apparent that there were at least three major routes used for migrations out of Anatolia and into Greece: directly across the narrow straits at the Bosphorus and Dardanelles and then overland via Thrace and Macedonia; by the 160-mile (260-km) sea-road from north-west Anatolia via the islands in the Thracian Sea; out of the south-western corner of Anatolia, using the arc of islands as stepping-stones from Rhodes to the mainland of Greece.

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6) Meshech-means 'drawing out' [10:2 ;1 Chro 1:5]: the progenitor of the Muscovite tribes that now inhabit Russia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meshech

Meshech is named with Tubal (and Rosh, in certain translations) as principalities of "Gog, prince of Magog" in Ezekiel 38:2 and 39:1,

and is considered a Japhetite tribe, identified by Flavius Josephus with the Cappadocian "Mosocheni" (Mushki, also associated with

Phrygians or Bryges) and their capital Mazaca. In Hippolytus of Rome's chronicle (234 AD), the "Illyrians" were identified as

Meshech's offspring. In addition, Georgians have traditions that they, and other Caucasus people as well as Armenians, share descent

from Meshech (Georgian: Meskheti), Tubal, and Togarmah.

In 1498 Annio da Viterbo published fragments known as Pseudo-Berossus, now considered a forgery, claiming that Babylonian

records had shown a son of Japheth called Samothes had begun settling what later became Gaul in the 13th year of Nimrod. Later

historians such as Raphael Holinshed (1577) identified Samothes as Meshech, and asserted that he first ruled also in Britain.

Beginning from the 16th century, some European scholars proposed the idea that the Muscovites had stemmed from Meshech. Sir

Walter Ralegh (c. 1616) attributes this opinion to Philipp Melanchthon (1497–1560) and to Benito Arias Montano (1571), and it was

also followed later by Jonathan Edwards (1703–1758). Moreover, according to a legend first appearing in the Kievan Synopsis

(1674),[2] Moscow (Moskva) was founded by King Mosokh son of Japheth (i.e. Meshech), and was named for him and his wife, Kva.

In this legend, they are also said to have had a son, Ya, and daughter, Vuza, who gave their names to the nearby Yauza river.[3]

7) Tiras-means 'desire of parents' [10:2; 1 Chro 1:5]: The progenitor of the Thracians and perhaps the Estrucans who migrated to Italy.

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SONS OF HAM [Gen 10:6]

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His name means 'warm'. The father of Africans.

1) Cush-means 'black' [ v6-12; 1 Chro 1:8-10; Isa 11:11]: the progenitor of various Ethiopian tribes that settled south of Egypt and also overan Arabia, Babylonia and India.

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Josephus gives an account of the nation of Cush, son of Ham and grandson of Noah: "For of the four sons of Ham, time has not at all

hurt the name of Cush; for the Ethiopians, over whom he reigned, are even at this day, both by themselves and by all men in Asia,

called Cushites." (Antiquities of the Jews 1.6).

During the 5th century AD, Syrian writers described the Himyarites of South Arabia as Cushaeans and Ethiopians.[1]

The Persian historian Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari (c. 915) recounts a tradition that the wife of Cush was named Qarnabil, daughter

of Batawil, son of Tiras, and that she bore him the "Abyssinians, Sindis and Indians".[2]

The Cushitic-speaking peoples today comprise the Agaw, Oromo, Somali, Afar, and several other tribes, and were considered

offspring of Cush in Masudi's Meadows of Gold from 947 AD.[3] The Beja people, who also speak a Cushitic language, have specific

genealogical traditions of descent from Cush.[4][5]

Explorer James Bruce, who visited the Ethiopian Highlands c. 1770, wrote of "a tradition among the Abyssinians, which they say they

have had since time immemorial", that in the days after the Deluge, Cush, the son of Ham, traveled with his family up the Nile until

they reached the Atbara plain, then still uninhabited, from where they could see the Ethiopian table-land. There they ascended and

built Axum, and sometime later returned to the lowland, building Meroe. He also states that European scholars of his own day had

summarily rejected this account on grounds of their established theory, that Cush must have arrived in Africa via Arabia and the Bab

el Mandab, a strait located between Yemen on the Arabian Peninsula, and Djibouti and Eritrea on the Horn of Africa.[6] Further, the

great obelisk of Axum was said to have been erected by Cush in order to mark his allotted territory, and his son Ityopp'is was said to

have been buried there, according to the Book of Aksum, which Bruce asserts was revered throughout Abyssinia equally with the

Kebre Negest.

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Hebrew scholar David M. Goldenberg has suggested that the Hebrew name is derived from Kash, the Egyptian name of Lower Nubia

and later of the Nubian kingdom at Napata ,

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known as the Kingdom of Kush.[7] The form Kush appears in Egyptian records as

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early as the reign of Mentuhotep II (21st century BC), in an inscription detailing his campaigns against

the Nubian region.[8] At the time of the compilation of the Hebrew Bible, and throughout classical antiquity, the Nubian kingdom was

centered at Meroe in the modern-day nation of Sudan.[9]

Scholars like Johann Michaelis and Rosenmuller have pointed out that the name Cush was applied to tracts of country on both sides of

the Red Sea, in the Arabian Peninsula (Yemen) and Northeast Africa

2) Mizraim-means 'fortresses' [v13-14; 1 Chro 1:8-11]: the progenitor of various Egyptian tribes. Mizraim means 'double or fortresses'. Tribes of double Egypt (lower and upper Egypt) called the land of Ham came from him [Psa 78:51; 105:23-27; 106:22]. The Philistines also came from Mizraim[v14].

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1. 1. 1.

3) Phut-means 'brow' [v 6; Ezek 27:10]: the progenitor of the Libyans and other tribes in northern Africa [Ezek 27:10; 30:5; 38:5; Jer 46:9; Nahum 3:9].

4) Canaan-means 'lowland' [v 6,15-19; 9:18-27; 1 Chro 1:8-13]: the progenitor of peoples that settled mainly in Palestine, Arabia, Tyre, Sidon

and other parts of the land promised to Abraham.

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SONS OF SHEM [10:22] His name means 'name'. Through him the Messianic line was produced, mainly from Arphaxad 1) Elam-means 'high' [v 22; 1 Chro 1:17]: the progenitor of the Elamites who settled near the Persian Gulf [14:1,9; Isa 11:11; 21:2: 22:6; Jer 25:25; 49:34-39; Ezek 32:24; Dan 8:2].

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2) Asshur-means 'level plain' [v 11, 22; 1 Chro 1:17]: the progenitors of the Assyrians [Num 24:22-24; Ezek 27:23; 32:22; Hos 14:3].

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Assyrians with Hebrew slaves 3) Arphaxad-means 'one that releases' [v 22]: the progenitor of the Israelites, Arabians, Edomites, Moabites, Ammonites, Ishmaelites, Midianites, and other tribes of Asia [ 11:10-32; 17:20; 25:1-18; 36:1-43].

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4) Lud-means 'bending' [v 22]: the progenitor of the Lydians of Asia Minor and the Ludim of Chaldea and Persia. 5) Aram-means 'high' [v 22]: the progenitor of Aramaeans, later called Syrians.

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This all shows clearly that God planned and purposed the origination of seperate races of various colors and distinct types after the flood. He further achieved this by scattering them with the division of the earth into islands and continents but only after the event at the Tower of Babel had taken place.

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