No Matter

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Presentation on the vibrational nature of what appears to our senses to be 'solid' matter, and the implications for human consciousness and ascension in 2012

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No MatterNo MatterDispelling the

IllusionDispelling the


© We Are Not Alone, 2009

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One of the greatest difficulties faced by people who are seeking to raise their consciousness in tune with the Galactic Convergence is how to break out of the rationalist and materialist thinking which has conditioned us through all our lives.

It is extremely hard to think of our whole material world as an illusion.

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You can say that again. Surely the

mice are real?

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The mice are experienced as real, there’s no argument about that. The issue is whether those mice are made up of solid, ‘drop it on your foot’, matter or whether everything we experience is akin to the objects we sense and touch in a modern, interactive, video conference – seen on the viewer and felt in the space, but not really in the room at all.

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There are already VR rooms which are used to simulate business meetings in which you can 'shake hands' with someone else who seems to be coming towards you and greeting you, yet you might be in Sydney while they are in Dublin. In this case what time is it? (Dublin or Sydney time?) Where are you really? (Dublin or Sydney?)

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Our senses can be tricked by technology, why not by nature?

Our senses can be tricked by technology, why not by nature?

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As it turns out, our senses do trick us into believing that the matter we experience in our world is solid and tangible. Science now knows, unequivocally, that nothing is actually solid – everything, including you and I, consists of nothing more than an aggregation of points of vibrational energy which flicker in and out of existence. Period.

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It is easy for me to assert this, but how do you reach a point where you can understand and believe my assertion about matter?

I hope the following frames, which are extracted from a far longer document I wrote, will help people in this regard. Proofs of what is stated here are elsewhere. This is a summary of my understanding.

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There are hardly any formulas or mathematical explanations here. The document has a lot of simple, if not intuitive, ideas strung together in what is, hopefully, a coherent outline of the ephemeral, and illusory nature of matter.

I don’t suggest that it’s complete or perfect, but I hope it is helpful.

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Q1 But if matter is built from vibrations where does the energy to maintain it come from?

A1 The energy to power our three-dimensional world comes from a background energy field in four-dimensional space - which occupies the same space as our world, while also extending beyond it.

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This field of energy has been variously called the 'aether' (Greek for 'shine'), 'prana' or 'Akasha' (in Vedic teaching), and 'chi' or 'ki' (in the Orient).

The German chemist and prime numbers researcher, Dr Peter Plichta has shown that two forms of space exist conjointly. We perceive 3D space while, at the same time, being enveloped and permeated by unseen 4D space.

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“One does not have to consume fuel in order to obtain energy!

[The]..vacuum itself is the greatest energetic source in the universe,

with more energy in a cubic centimetre of space than the Earth

consumes in a million years.”

....... Tom Bearden, 2007

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Nobel Laureate Richard Feynman and one of Einstein’s protégés, John Wheeler, calculated that there is more than enough energy in the volume of a coffee cup to evaporate all the worlds’ oceans.

We fail to easily recognize this immense energy source as it is analogous to trying to weigh a beaker of water underneath the ocean.

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Q2 And how are material structures shaped and maintained if they really are a seething mass of vibrations?

A2 The 'material' world we perceive, together with our biochemical bodies, is built from recursive wave interference patterns. Points of 'matter' arise from and are sustained by the all-pervasive ether.

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Numbers and (Sacred) geometries combine to produce form and function in 3D space.

This truth is simple and elegant, but at the same time it is difficult to grasp because it involves an energy field that is beyond the reach of our five senses – but not our thoughts and imagination.

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Because much of the knowledge about the manifestation of matter as patterns or 'ripples' in a stationary and unsensed field of energy is highly counter-intuitive this explanation first attempts a coherent summary or outline. In the space remaining it then presents a variety information and insights from a range of sources – often as quotes.

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This approach seems necessary due to the current lack of a 'whole' explanation of this subject, either from an individual or from a group of modern researchers. A number of people, such as Ray Tomes, Daniel Winter, Bruce Cathie, and Peter Plichta, not to mention Albert Einstein, have described key aspects of manifestation but not ALL of it.

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An Outline of MatterTo understand matter one must first understand - as science now does - that all there is exists as a unified field of vibrations. Matter, as such, doesn't exist. What do exist are patterns or shapes formed in the medium of the ether and perceived by our 5 senses in three-dimensional space.

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• Infinite, four-dimensional, space – the realm of the ether – can be described as numerical or thought space. Our link to this space is via our imagination. There is no physical sensing.

• All the matter we perceive in 3D space is built from the chemical elements – whether it be 'alive' or 'dead'.

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• A template for the elements is formed by numbers in 4D space and ordered by the primes, which act much like the frets on a guitar to establish pure harmonics of the primal tone 'Aum'.

Unlike things in our world the template of creation is without error and eternal.

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• There is no structure in 4D space, only thoughts and numbers – which are thought forms themselves.

In this sense the ether is pre-geometric.

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• The 3D space in which we perceive matter is, on the other hand, geometric. Patterns of matter are given frequency in 4D space and shape and form in 3D (geometric) space.

An orderly array of spherical standing waves is projected in 3D space, and matter 'materialises' from within it.

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• The ether is thought space – a mind. It is formless, static, and frictionless, but all the while vibrating at an unimaginable rate. Electrons (which are not necessarily what we’ve all been taught they are) divide their existence between the ether and 3D space, winking in and out of our perceived world.

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• There are only thoughts and numbers, which are thought-forms, in infinite 4D space. There is an information domain associated with each celestial body, star, planet, etc. This is where all truth in relation to such bodies is kept. Vogt and Sultan, in their book Reality Revealed, cover this informational nature of stars and planets.

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Vogt and Sultan use an analogy of a magnetic tape and head to describe the process of information retrieval. Science now suspects, however, that the actual mechanism involves toroidal energy patterns which store data in an infinite, hologram.

In the frictionless medium of the ether toroidal wave patterns persist forever. Truth is never lost.

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The ‘tape & head’ model.

Note that all information is stored externally to the life forms or planets it applies to – on a ‘tape’.

The ‘head’ reads the information at light speed.

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Vogt and Sultan’s model is helpful in positing external data storage, but it’s electromechanical analogy is wrong. They acknowledge this in their book, but had no better model when they wrote Reality Revealed.

The medium of data storage is actually the vibrating, nonmaterial ether. Rather than a tape a MIND stores all the information there.

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Behind the illusion of matter the universe is mental.

The data – all truth about everything in our own and other worlds – is stored in a thought field. We may call this the Field of Consciousness, The Akashic Record, or whatever.

All such Fields are external. Truth is not stored in our brains but in our minds, which are external to us.

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We might think of the Field (of Consciousness) as being within infinite 4D space, but associated with a particular celestial body, such as Earth.

In this sense the Field is a bridge between 3D and 4D space. It has some structure and is not entirely formless, as infinite 4D space is. The Field is a hologram and has toroidal waveforms that hold data.

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As a 3D space object, like Earth or our Sun, moves through the ether its associated fields of true information move with it. The Field of Consciousness is thus a spiral energy pattern within nonmaterial space which, nevertheless, has vibrational geometries such as spherical standing waves and toroidal energy/data forms.

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Some scientists now believe the Field to be a hologram, with the fractal properties that this implies. It is as if, after a whole library is destroyed and only a single page from one book survives, the whole library can then be recreated from that fragment of the overall data.This would be an unusual library, but it seems that’s how the Field of Consciousness is.

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Fractality which enables the infinite compressibility of data, at smaller and smaller scales, is the basis of a hologram. It is now known that, in nature, the Golden Mean ratio, or Phi: 1. 6180339, is essential to the property of infinite compressibility.

Phi affords waves of energy (light) a perfect spin path in and out of a torus. More of this later.

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Curiously, from my own small experiments as well as the work of various researchers in psychic warfare, only truth turns out to be fractal and able to compress into the Field of Consciousness. Non-true thoughts, whether expressed verbally or by any other means, simply don’t end up being stored there. Both the U.S. and Russians found this during the Cold War.

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• There is no energy in matter. How can there be when it is merely a pattern? All the energy is in 4D space. The widely stated principle of the atomic bomb is a lie. The explosive energy doesn't come from 'splitting' atoms.

Bruce Cathie proved this and was then able to predict the times of French atomic tests in the Pacific.

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• 3D space and matter are not static but move through the ether in a cyclical and circular path. As matter travels in this way a spiralling motion is imparted to its patterns at the level of the electrons winking in and out of the world we detect with our senses.

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• Waves, which are 'everything‘ there is, thus trace out spiral paths in space.

When two spirals form a torus or doughnut they can form a pattern which is infinitely persistent in a frictionless medium such as the ether.

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The toroidal wave underpins all matter. It is also how we take our thoughts through


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Toroidal patterns only persist if they consist of information which is 'shareable' on every scale. To be shareable means an ability to nest recursively and non-destructively according to the Golden Mean ratio, 1. 61803...

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In 3D space certain geometries act to produce and share symmetries. The five Platonic solids, the tetrahedron, hexahedron (cube), dodecahedron, octahedron, and icosahedron are responsible for the shaping of patterns which we can sense in our world as matter.

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• 'Sacred Geometry' is about symmetries that enable vibrations to take on geometrical patterns and forms in 3D space.All the Platonic Solids can nest within each other and each platonic solid, when rotated in all possible angular directions about its centre, will form two spheres, one inscribed within its faces and one circumscribed by its vertices.

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•The Platonic solids are perfect shaping guides for the FIVE natural frequency modes for spherical Electro Magnetic standing waves which occur in 3D space.

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Rotational symmetry stores inertia and charge. The Golden Mean affords waves of energy – light – a perfect spin path into and out of the torus.

Think of the spiral form of a Nautilus shell, a wave of energy can bounce from one point to the next with a constant angle.

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• The equiangular spin path of waves in an inward-flowing vortex – think of water spiralling down a plughole – both compresses and accelerates a wave of energy.

This wave implosion is what causes the ‘force’ we call gravity.

• Mass is what we measure when waves of energy cross and store spin like a gyroscope.

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• When wave patterns become recursive – adding and multiplying back to themselves without doing so destructively - they can interfere infinitely without loss of inertia, spin, or information.

Each wave front interferes with the next only in the ratio 0.618033983... producing interference patterns that nest infinitely.

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• A fractal pattern is one where the patterns within are self-similar to the patterns without – as in a set of Russian dolls. Recursion depends on fractality and all living matter is fractal. Spiral waves, fractal patterns, implosion and infinite nesting are the essence of Life.

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All life is fractal. Anything which is non-fractal is lifeless.

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Phi, the Golden Mean, is the only ratio known to have the non-destructive property of automatically generating the next higher in the series when its powers are added together.

Phi^0=1, Phi^1=1.6180339, Phi^2=2.6180339, Phi^3=4.2360672, Phi^4=6.8541004.

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• The Phi sequence is obtained by both addition (of two prior terms to obtain the next in the series) and also by multiplication (of each prior term by Phi; 1. 6180339 to obtain the next).

This unique mathematical property enables Phi to naturally nest waves recursively and non-destructively.

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• When any two waves meet at a point they react predictably and produce other waves which have lengths that are additions and multiples of the parent waves – termed heterodyning. These vibrations are either muddied by interference and unable to be passed on intact or they are pure and shareable.

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• A Golden Mean spiral is able to compress waves in a perfectly nested and shareable fashion. Information is thus preserved as it is transported from 3D to 4D space.

• Light speed in 3D space is 3 x 1010 centimetres per second (beyond the earth's atmosphere) and cannot be exceeded there.

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• However light speed in 4D, unsensed, space is infinite. It has been reliably measured, by Kozyrev (a Russian astrophysicist) and many others, at over a billion times the above speed of light.

Clearly, light can and does travel at superluminal speeds through the ether.

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• Wave implosion and infinite compression enable shareable data to cross from 3D to 4D space, and exceed light speed.

According to Daniel Winter, this is how we take memories, experiences, and knowledge, through death.

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This is the key to the ascension process, it is how we take our memories, knowledge, and love, through death. We are immortal because of the ability of our thoughts to nest, implode, and persist infinitely in 4D space.Matter is an illusion, mere patterns in a medium, but you and I are not. We are more real than we can even imagine.

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• Modern science has been gradually rediscovering these and other facts. The Ancients knew the secrets of matter tens of thousands of years ago. The ideas and understandings of science are only now converging with the knowledge they possessed.

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• In the Timaeus Plato (428 – 327 BC) relates each of the Perfect Solids to the four elements of earth, air, fire, and water, with the fifth being the life force Prana, which is represented by the dodecahedron.

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• Modern cosmology includes a theory, by Luminet (published in Nature, 2003) that describes the known universe as a dodecahedral lattice, and thus provides a clear example of the way physics and metaphysics are coming together.

Luminet is describing the geometric framework of 3D space, not pre-geometric thought space.

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• Evidence from NASA's Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) now suggests that our material universe has an edge and is not infinite as had once been believed. This should not surprise us as Plichta et al have shown that 3D space has to be finite, while the 4D ether is infinite.

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• So we seem, in the new/old cosmology, to have a finite material lattice of a specific geometrical nature moving in a cyclical and spiralling path through an infinite and static non-material background which we cannot sense directly but only reach through our thoughts and imagination.

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• Vibrations, which are harmonics of the primal tone 'Aum', are generated in the non-material background and shaped into fundamental shapes in material space by the geometries of the 'perfect' (Platonic) solids.

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• Modern 'string theory' correctly identified the basis of matter as two-dimensional sine waves but, for some time, it failed to identify the role of the tetrahedron in shaping such 2D vibrations into 3D forms within a pattern of spherical standing waves. This is now changing, and more and more people are grasping and accepting the role of geometrics in the manifestation of matter.

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“The secret of 'Sacred Geometry' is not about geometry per se, it's about vibrations that take on

geometrical patterns!”

........ Jan Wicherink

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• Understanding the spherical standing waves model of the atom necessitates abandoning the conventional model of electrons orbiting a dense nucleus. Nobody has ever seen an electron 'orbiting' and nobody ever will. What happens is that a geometric pattern keeps the nodes of the spherical standing waves fixed, they are unable to orbit or clash with one another.

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• There are just five natural frequency modes for a spherical wave and each of these frequencies gives rise to a Platonic pattern. The six edges of a tetrahedron, for example, form six 3D projections, or nodes, on the surface of a sphere. The vertices, where waves join, define an elementary 'particle'.

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• Two interlaced and counter rotating tetrahedrons contain at their centre a dodecahedron which is the geometric form of the nucleus of the atom.

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• The star tetrahedron in its 2D depiction is known as the Star of David and in its 3D form it is the metaphysical Merkaba.

In ancient Egyptian Mer = rotating fields of light, Ka = spirit, and Ba = soul.

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The Merkaba

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The work of Hans Jenny (1904 -1972) in recording vibrational patterns in spherical liquids clearly shows the Platonic forms, (here a star tetrahedron) the nodes of standing waves and the points of 'matter' arising there.

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• Jenny didn't draw the conclusion that matter is manifested at the nodes of spherical standing waves but he did clearly demonstrate the natural emergence of the shapes of the Platonic solids within vibrating substances.

• This phenomenon happens at all scales, from the nucleus of the atom, through the core of our Earth, to the centre of our galaxy.

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• Also, one should not forget that matter is formed from vibrational ENERGY. It is easy to get absorbed by the processes of manifestation and overlook the enormous numbers involved in the direct conversion of what we term 'mass' into energy.

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Leonard G. Cramp calculates that when 1 gram of mass is completely converted into energy 25 million kilowatts is available for 1 hour. This prodigious energy doesn't come from the points of 'matter' but from the spherical standing waves themselves.

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Spare me the thought. Why aren’t we using this energy instead of coal?

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In ancienttimes theGreat Pyramidtapped intothe Earth’senergy field.

Nikola Teslaalso achieved this in the late 1800s. His knowledge was classifiedand weaponised Thus coal is still king.

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In 1945 the citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the first people in modern times to suffer the devastation wrought by atomic weapons that exploited a massive release of energy from the ether. Years later, having studied the Earth Energy Grid, Bruce Cathie found that he could accurately predict when the French were able to similarly release energy in atomic tests in the Pacific.

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In order to produce an atomic explosion at Mururoa Atoll the French scientists had to wait until the sun was at the required angle at the test position for matter to be “slipped apart like a wire puzzle”, as Cathie put it. Unless the geographic position, timing and geometric alignments were correct no amount of explosive compression of atoms would release any energy whatsoever.

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• Nikola Tesla, who used very powerful generators and electromagnetic fields in his experiments, had much earlier (in the 1800s) reported that he could destroy atoms without danger, as no energy is released in this procedure.

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• The aerospace engineer and rocket scientist, Leonard G. Cramp, uses an analogy to describe the relationship between the ether and an atom of matter.

"An atom could in some ways be compared with a ripple caused by a

stick in a smoothly flowing stream of water. It remains the same in

appearance, yet it is formed from a constantly changing medium."

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The ripples caused by a stick form a persistent pattern in the stream, but are they wet? Obviously it is the medium - the water - that is wet, not the ripples themselves which are only patterns in the medium. Yet, the ripples are tangible.

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The ripples caused by a stick in flowing water can be observed and photographed. They can be changed by repositioning the stick, but they are not wet. Ripples exist in the medium of the water, and it is the medium that has the property of wetness.

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Matter is manifested in a medium just as ripples are manifested in the water of a stream. Similarly, it is the medium, and the forces in it and the rules that govern them, that determine the form and substance of matter.

That medium is the ether. There IS nothing else.

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"We are all quantum fluctuations.

That's the origin of all of us and of everything in the


...... Dr. John Bahcall from the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton

(where Einstein worked)

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There are several truths to be grasped before one can fully understand the way in which vibrations, numbers, and geometries give form and substance to objects in our 3D space. One of these is that although the ether is always in a state of high vibration it does not travel along a path but is stationary - filling as it does an infinite space without bounds.

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Matter, on the other hand, does travel through space at all levels - from the atom to spiral galaxies and beyond. Everything we perceive as matter follows a cyclical path through the ether.

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Even though the ether is a non-material space that can't be physically touched from within 3D space there are a myriad of junction points between it and the world of matter. At these points waves of energy pulse in and out of existence, and as matter travels in a circular path to complete each cycle a spiralling motion is imparted to it by this ephemeral 'contact'.

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Recall that in order to cause an 'atomic' explosion the French had to achieve a particular angular alignment with the sun.

Angles are properties of geometric constructions and it is now known by science – though not widely reported – that the platonic solids give form to spiral energy flows and thus shape, and unshape, matter!

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The five Platonic solids are the only ones we know of having multiple sides all of the same shape and size. As a consequence they are capable of nesting within each other on all scales. They do this within spherical standing waves and these 'bubbles' in 3D space form the templates for the chemical elements, molecules, and so on, through to planets and spiral galaxies.

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The tetrahedron is the shape with most symmetries, seven of them, and its angular properties are vital in the manifestation of the elements.

It nests within the other Platonic solids or interlaces with its own form to make a star tetrahedron.

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The next image shows a standingwave formed by two waves – one emanating from the centre and the other travelling inwards towards that point. Where the waves meet they form a composite waveform which 'stands' in the space they occupy.

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Now imagine that the space is not 2D but 3D and you will be closer to understanding how matter is manifested in our observed (3D) world – everything is FORMED within spherical standing waves!

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• Because the observable world of 3D space is travelling through the stationary 4D ether the waves which comprise matter are spiralling rather than linear. Additionally, there are two spirals for each 'point' of matter, one in 3D space which manifests as substance and another in 4D space which supplies the energy needed to sustain it.

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The atomic 'particles' are manifested in this way, and increasingly complex atoms then manifest as the chemical elements. Dr Peter Plichta has conclusively shown that numbers, specifically the primes, define the formation of the chemical elements.

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While it is drawn as a flat, two-dimensional, structure the form of the PNC is spherical or, more accurately, toroidal. Two spiral waves, one in 3D physical space and the other in 4D numerical space, entwine to form a torus.

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The sequence of chemical elements maps to the surface of the torus and the prime numbers act much like the frets on a guitar to define the intervals of a scale of manifestation which follows a natural logarithmic spiral – based on Euler's number ( e = 2.718 ...)

This is easier to say than visualise, but reflection should make it easier to grasp.

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I wasn’t taught any of this stuff. When did it become known?

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Plichta’s book, God’s Secret Formula, was published in English in 1986. However, his work is still not widely recognised because it necessitates a complete rewriting of all the textbooks on chemistry, physics, and mathematics.

Few academics argue against Plichta’s findings, they just ignore them.

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The PNC has 24 rays that radiate from the notional centre of the structure, which is really the frontier between the whole numbers and the reciprocal numbers. The latter sequence starts with 1/1, 1/2. 1/3, 1/4, 1/5 .... and never ends. The reciprocal sequence approaches zero, but never reaches it.

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So, on the outer 'edge' of the PNC there are increasingly large whole numbers that grow towards infinity, and in the centre of the PNC is a space in which the reciprocal numbers diminish towards zero. The PNC has no outer 'edge', nor does it have a tangible 'centre'. At the outer boundary is endlessness and at the inner boundary is nothingness.

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As far as our material world is concerned there is a boundary that defines the edge of a PNC torus, it occurs where the stability of the increasingly heavy chemical elements breaks down.

Plichta has described why only 81 of the series of elements up to atomic number 83 fit within the boundary.

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Dr Plichta’s proofs, in German, are not included here but his major breakthrough is simply that the infinite sequence of natural numbers, including the primes, provide the order for the manifestation of matter in 3D space.

This is truly one of the greatest discoveries in the history of modern science.

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Thanks to Plichta's work and that of the mathematician Michael Felton, we now know that not only are the natural numbers and their reciprocals (1 and 1/1, 2 and ½, .. ) real entities rather than human inventions but they exist in four-dimensional (numeric space) – otherwise known as the ether – as well as in the more familiar 3D space we inhabit.

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“We finally began to understand that three-dimensional, gas-filled space is a reciprocal numerical

space. It must be ordered by reciprocal prime numbers and be a

geometric realisation of the reversal of four-dimensional,

empty, infinite space as ordered by prime numbers in the Prime

Number Cross.”

.......... Peter Plichta

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When his publisher first read the manuscript of Plichta’s book he asked, “Are you telling me that God is back?” Peter Plichta replied in the affirmative.

Before Plichta, atheistic theorists could attribute matter to chance and probabilities. Now we know that it is a thought-based creation – the product of a nonmaterial MIND. That changes everything!

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Once people begin to feel that matter is not the result of some chance aggregations and reactions of chemicals in some star, billions of years ago, their whole perspective on existence changes.

Once people start to suspect that there is a design, and a designer, behind the processes of creation and evolution society will change.

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One individual who ‘got it’ as a direct result of working with the Field is the former Remote Viewing (RV) specialist, Russell Targ. He worked for 30 years in a top-secret project that spied on the Russians, and others, using nothing but the natural power of the human mind.

Targ wrote a book about it, titled Do you See What I See?

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A trained RV operative can sit in a room on one side of the world and sketch places and note down events, such as the bugging of embassies, happening (or about to happen) far away on the other side.

This is strange but true. The CIA maintained a substantially funded program of Remote Viewing for some 30 years. They wouldn’t have done so if RV didn’t work.

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“I am legally blind and always have been. … I learned from thirty years

of ESP experimentation and meditation that it is no more difficult to see psychically

across the planet than it is to see across the room.”

…… Russell Targ

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“The world around us may look finite, but thirty years of research into psychic abilities and verified

out-of-body experiences have convinced me that our awareness

in limitless in space and time – and therefore we are limitless.”

…… Russell Targ

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Russell Targ is one of many in the RV project who sensed and felt the Consciousness Field working, and so became a believer.

Professor Jessica Utts, who is head of Statistics at UC Davis, and has also worked at Standford and the University of Edinburgh, was hired as an independent assessor of 20 years of the work Targ was involved in. Now she also believes.

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The probability of the results of 966 RV studies performed by the project in which Targ worked occurring by chance was a miniscule 0.000000000043

Utts compared this result to a meta-analysis of aspirin treatment for heart disease, where the probability of the result being chance was 0.0003

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“The evidence [for Remote Viewing] is much stronger [than aspirin preventing heart attacks] and yet we have people taking

aspirin every day to try to prevent heart attacks. People aren’t willing to either look at this evidence or aren’t willing to believe it when

they see it.”

…… Professor Jessica Utts

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In the West, there is a reluctance to accept hard experimental evidence of psychic phenomena. This is a cultural issue as much as anything else. If one took Professor Utts’ results to a country like Bhutan or Tibet, or to the Upper Amazon where shamanism still flourishes, it is likely that the acceptance of RV and the Field of Consciousness would be far greater there.

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It is vital, however, that people become aware of the truth about the thought-based nature of matter.

It was hard for our forebears to accept that the Earth moves, and that we go around the Sun rather than it around us. But now we need to accept matter for what it really is – just patterns of vibrations, but formed by a Greater Mind.

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Western science tends to regard consciousness as awareness – a human is more aware of themselves, say, than a fruit fly.

My definition of consciousness is ‘Awareness of the Divine’.

The importance of knowing the truth about matter is that it opens the way to the latter awareness.

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Other presentations in this series describe the fractal cycle of time which will end in 2012 (see About Time). Researchers who study this coming event and past cycles suggest that there won’t be much warning for most people.

Only in the last 4 minutes of the cycle will it become apparent that there is a HUGE PROBLEM.

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Four minutes will not be sufficient to prepare for what happens. It will be too late then to realise that all the blaming of earth changes on human activities was a deliberate, coordinated, deception on the part of governments. People need to have more time than 4 minutes to think, change their worldview, and plan their ascension.

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So if you now understand something of the real nature of matter, and the obviously divine plan behind its manifestation, you might be able to be of real service to others by way of helping them to break out of the scepticism with which new ideas are viewed in our culture. and be more prepared for what is ahead for our species beginning in 2012.

Page 121: No Matter

The End

Think on it all and remember

We are not alone

Lothar Viridis