GalMUN Newsletter Issue no. 3/ April 2015 http:// www.galmunconference.ro ~ 1 ~ Everything ends… As this conference is coming to an end, we truly hope that you had a worthwhile experience during these three days. If this was your first MUN, we keep our fingers crossed that it would not be your last and if it was not your first MUN, we hope that some improvements were seen and you will keep coming back for more”. We trust you had made the right decisions as they will affect how future events and conflicts will be dealt with. Last but not least, we thank our MUN directors who have been thoroughly devoted to this year’s conference, Ms. Georgeta Voicila and Ms. Anca Manea, the successors of Ms. Ioana Albu. Nonetheless, we also thank the Secretary General, Miss Magda Simona Tînjală, and the Deputy Secretary General, Silvia Andreea Taftă, for putting so much of their time and patience in the organization of GalMUN 2015. On top of this, we thank the chairs, the organizational team, the messengers, the photographers, the sponsors, the school representatives and, most importantly, our fellow delegates, who seemed to be hand-picked devoted, ambitious, courageous, creative, serious..., for making this conference possible. We declare this year’s conference closed and we are looking forward to seeing you the following edition of GalMUN!


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GalMUN Newsletter Issue no. 3/ April 2015

http:// www.galmunconference.ro

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Everything ends…

As this conference is coming to an end, we truly hope that you had a worthwhile experience

during these three days.

If this was your first MUN, we keep our fingers crossed that it would not be your last and if it

was not your first MUN, we hope that some improvements were seen and you will ”keep

coming back for more”. We trust you had made the right decisions as they will affect how

future events and conflicts will be dealt with.

Last but not least, we thank our MUN directors who have been thoroughly devoted to this

year’s conference, Ms. Georgeta Voicila and Ms. Anca Manea, the successors of Ms. Ioana

Albu. Nonetheless, we also thank the Secretary General, Miss Magda Simona Tînjală, and the

Deputy Secretary General, Silvia Andreea Taftă, for putting so much of their time and

patience in the organization of GalMUN 2015. On top of this, we thank the chairs, the

organizational team, the messengers, the photographers, the sponsors, the school

representatives and, most importantly, our fellow delegates, who seemed to be hand-picked –

devoted, ambitious, courageous, creative, serious...–, for making this conference possible.

We declare this year’s conference closed and we are looking forward to seeing you the

following edition of GalMUN!

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The 12th

edition of the

GalMUN Conference, hosted



“Better poor and free than slave and sorry”

A serum that removes the cognitive functions has been

identified in a Swiss lab in Cerne. What will this serum

be used for? Is it safe to allow countries to possess such

weapons? How does this affect people’s freedom?

Wow, it seems like the chairs of the Crisis committee

gave the delegates some food for thought! But, as

expected, they managed to deal with it fast. The delegates

showed their open-mindedness and did not completely

reject the idea of using such a serum. After some minutes

of unmoderated caucus, they created a set of regulations

for the usage of the serum. „Taking into consideration the

noble aim of the serum, Switzerland expresses its hope

that the other countries will not perceive it as a weapon,

but instead as a medical product and an alternative to the

anti-depressants which have a negative impact on the


One can see that there is a majority of girls in the

committee, as no wars were declared during the sessions.

The solution found to this crisis in ECOSOC cannot be

compared with the solutions found in the Crisis

committee, for instance, where the main ideas revolved

around bombing and killing (destroying, to quote UK).

Last but not least, we will surely remember the chairs’

dances with the rake and the broom as the most exquisite

dance ever. See you all next year!

Environment Committee

“ᴑ (Finite) Earth cannot satisfy ∞ (infinite) needs with a simple twist”

“Finite Earth” had been debated thoroughly before the

realization of the final resolution. Immigration,

sustainable agriculture, populating other planets and all

types of pollution were analyzed and considered as major

factors in the next steps towards a more ecofriendly-

society. The chairs constantly reminded the delegates

that the clock was ticking and humanity is not-so-slowly-

anymore going towards destruction. They were warned

that if they would not finish the draft resolution yesterday

– in due time – they would have to eat it – literally.

Today, I witnessed the finalization of the resolution and I

am glad to say that some of their solutions are exactly

what this planet needs – proposals such as the gradual

orientation towards the colonization of other planets or

encouragements far adoption . The delegate of France

touched a blind spot by admitting that “We have an

economy that tells us that it is cheaper to destroy Earth in

real time rather than renew, restore, and sustain it. You

can print money to bail out a bank, but you cannot print

life to bail out a planet”. They managed to surpass my

expectations and were definitely as courageous and

creative as they could be.

The committee’s delegates and chairs learnt in these few

days how to work as a team, how to solve problems and

how to have fun. Their team building game –in which

they all had to simulate inventions – was creative and

well organized. Microwaves, tanks, coffee-grinders,

meat-mincers and casino-fooling-machines were all on

their guess-list.

To conclude, we all congratulate you and your chairs and

clapping is in order!

MUN Directors

Ms. Anca Manea

Ms. Georgeta Voicilă

Secretary General

Miss Magda-Simona Tînjală

Deputy Secretary General

Miss Silvia-Andreea Taftă

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International Court of Justice Committee

“Humanity solves what justice cannot”

The second day of conference was the one when the attorneys backed up their cases with the witnesses’

testimonies and evidence that consisted of both photos and videos.

After a heated argument between the two sides, it seemed there was still a long way to go until we could find out

what the answer to this question was: What country is more at fault for the many lives lost?

The Attorneys of Defense protected the interests of Serbia with devotion, but at some point they contradicted

themselves. The Attorneys of Accusation had not missed the opportunity and pointed out the flaws, reducing the

other side’s credibility and gaining ground for themselves.

What would the outcome of this debate be, what conclusions would the judges reach and what country would be

accused of genocide? We had been waiting for the final decision for a long time and the witnesses coming

forward and presenting their dramatic cases for more information were critical to the proceeding of the case and

our personal opinions on the final outcome.

Four witnesses were brought before the judges: two from each side. The defense came forward with a widow

and a concentration camp survivor and the accusation also brought a woman whose husband had been killed and

a Chief Master a of the Air Force, whose testimony was the only one that passed the judges’ decision.

On the one hand, the Attorneys of Accusations brought forward valid questions, attacking where they had to

point out the flaws in the witnesses’ of defense testimonies. On the other hand, the judges were inquisitive of the

accusation’s witnesses.

For as long as the Attorneys of Defense insisted on the Ustaše movement and how it affected the Serbian

population on Croatian territory, we wondered whether these survivors who suffered atrocities in the

concentration camps were the rebels that later attacked Croatia.

When it came to present the evidence, the Attorneys of Accusation were shown for a second time the photos of

the barbarity committed against Serbians in the concentration camps during the WW2, there were some doubts

on the credibility of these pieces of evidence, as it follows:

Attorney of Defense: “Here a Serbian prisoner is going to have his head cut off!”

Attorney of Accusation: “That seems like a park. How do you know that those people weren’t playing truth or

dare in fact?”

Attorney of Defense: “Here prisoners are drowned by the Ustaše members”

Judge: “Oh, c’mon, nobody has to be an expert to recognize baptizing!”

Attorney of Defense: “They are surely dead, how can anybody sleep with blood on their face?”

Attorney of Accusation: “It may be a tattoo, not necessarily blood…”

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“The fate of death penalty hangs by a thread, and the scissors are in your hands”

Yesterday’s crisis was about an ISIS member who killed four people and in one case even taped the

murder and sent it to the local authorities. Their solution was somehow too nice for someone who

committed such crimes. They decided not to torture him in any way and to give him the chance to

be heard. He is now to be imprisoned for life in a secret location.

Taking into consideration the kindness of the chairs and the delegates of HR, they might also

entertain him by visiting him and singing a rap version of Mihai Eminescu’s poetry while dancing

with the rake to him. We must mention that the Russian delegate managed to impress us with his

rapping skills (sorry Honorable Chair Roxana).

All in all, this year’s UNHRC was amongst the most focused and ”professional” committees. We

must thank the honorable delegates of Panic and Hunger for not interfering with the development

of this committee!

Security Council

“Allahu Akbar – it means what you choose to believe it means”

Being the smallest committee in our conference, the Security

Council dealt with the challenging ISIS. The resolution that

passed took into consideration the problem from all points of

view - religious, political, military, social - and proposed

solutions such as telecommunication should be banned and

stopped by launching a satellite in space, the complete

elimination of commerce with ISIS or the extraction of

civilians from the affected areas as to rehabilitate the war

zone. They did everything in their power to reach territorial

stability. Not to forget that they solved the crisis before time

was called.

Socially speaking, after yesterday’s hectic day, the

SabiMUN2015 revolutionized this year’s conference by taking

the delegates of the Security Council to McDonald’s to show

them how next year’s GalMUN would look like. They enjoyed

their Happy Meals with the next Secretary General (aka

Roland McDonald). When they arrived, they ordered their

food, then they sat at the table looking confused at the

windows, wondering when the food would be the delivered.

To finalize, we must mention that it has been voted in the

Security Council that this committee has the most beautiful

male and female delegates. See you next year!


“Surprise the Crisis! Do not let it surprise you”

As we all expected, the delegates did not abstain from

bombing each other. Chaos reigned and Honorable Chair

Marina Hercka decided to take a break from trying to stop

the maniacs from killing the world (destroying, sorry UK)

and preferred to be zen for a few minutes outside the

committee borders.

Honorable Chair Rares was really happy when somebody

touched his ”Tralala/Ding Ding Dong” (gavel, you nasty

pervert). He even started dancing around the room while

singing (the whole scene has been taped). This Dr.

Doofenshmirtz can not be cured in any way because all him

and his delegates want is to destroy the world. Last but not

least, we contacted Joss Whedon (director of ”The

Avengers”) and he agreed to make his next movie about the

unstoppable Crisis committee. We reckon Thor’s hammer is

not a par on Chair’s Rares Tralala.

The Crisis have been resolved and the Crisis Committee can

be voted anytime the happiest and loudest of them all!

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U.K.: "I just consider this case to be a more

reliable way of ending this."

Italy : “Since the delegate of USA is not in the

room, let’s bomb him.” USA is dead. (again)

Chair Purdea: “Don’t put your finger inside


Chiar Marina : “Let me do whatever I want

with my finger”

U.S.A.: “I put my finger in instead of you.”

Yesterday’s topic : “Let’s bomb Germany”

Iraq: “Remember what happened last night?”

Chair: “We are not interested in your personal


Iraq : “It was something about my clothes.”

Environment Committee

China: "Can someone turn on the light?

Because this delegate is kinda blind and is

unable to see U.K.'s beautiful face."

Honorable Chair Ovidiu Manea got chicken

pox and he was unable to come to today’s

session. We want to send him our regards and

hope he will get well soon!


On the verge of crying:

Chair 1: “This is not a real case!”

Chair 2: “It is!”

Chair 1: “But we are at GalMUN!!”

Judge: “There are just some bones. There is no


Chair: “Please use flesh. Meat is the one you


Judge to Chair: “When I look at her, the song

<<Black Widow>> comes to mind.”

The accusation was anxious to take as many

breaks as possible (the longer, the better) and,

if the breaks were not enough, they eager to

paint the town red.

Judge: “I know for sure that Ustaše wasn’t

controlled by Nazis”

Attorney of accusation: “How can you know

for sure?”

Judge: “I read on Wikipedia.”


We could not gather any gossip here, but they

have lots of beautiful girls.


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The Team behind the

GalMUN Newsletter:

Head of PRESS(ure)

Irina Mateescu


Andrada Ciorici

Ioana Morcov

Ana Maria Oprea

Florin Adrian Popa

Layout Editor

Irina Mateescu

Security Council

The three tenors from the Security Council:

Germany, Syria, France were born "between

the Carpathian Mountains".

The sleeping beauties are definitely Turkey

and the Netherlands who almost fell asleep

during the debate session.

Security: "It's hammer time!"

Chair: “Iraq is certain that the phrase <<This

delegate believe>> is correct.”

Turkey: “The delegate of Turkey would like to

express his opinion” (she's a girl). Conclusion:

ISIS indeed plays with people's minds

Russia: “People cannot just go backpacking in

Serbia when they are being attacked by an

atomic bomb?”

Mac works on Windows too.


Chair Adelina Halchin: ”My name starts with

<<HA>> because I’m funny.”

China: “Is the delegate saying that we should

kill them on the spot.”

Russia: “Yes!”

“Osoasa” is NOT in the Human Right Council,

but there are rumors she is one the chairs of


That male press-member of the HR has quite a

low IQ.

One of the delegates of HR broke her phone

display with the gavel.

There is no sign of Byta in the HR Council. Is

she part of the organization team??? Who


Chair: “They will feel nothing, only the death”

Cuba: “Russia does not joke, Russia declares


Cuba: “No one is flawless, except for
