No. 20/2010 INFOSYLVA is an information service of news clippings provided by the FAO Forestry Information Centre with news on forestry in English, French and Spanish. INFOSYLVA est un service d'information à partir de coupures de presse, mis à disposition par le Centre d'Information sur les Forêts de la FAO et qui fait le point de l'actualité dans ce secteur, en anglais, français et espagnol. INFOSYLVA es el servicio de información de recortes de prensa suministrado por el Centro de Informacion Forestal de la FAO con noticias sobre las actividades forestales, en inglés, francés y español. Forthcoming FAO events November Forest Industries Investment and Financing Forum Buenos Aires, Argentina – 16-17 November 2010 March 2011 Symposium on Ecosystem and Landscape-Level Approaches to Sustainability Burgos, Spain – 22-24 March 2011 May 2011 ANZIF 2011 Conference "Pacific Forestry – Growing a Forestry Future" Sky City, Auckland, New Zealand - 02-05 May 2011 Planted Teak Forests: a Globally Emerging Forest Resource Guanacaste, Costa Rica - 02-06 May 2011

No. 20/2010 · No. 20/2010 . INFOSYLVA is an information service of news clippings provided by the FAO Forestry Information Centre with news on forestry in English, French and Spanish

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Page 1: No. 20/2010 · No. 20/2010 . INFOSYLVA is an information service of news clippings provided by the FAO Forestry Information Centre with news on forestry in English, French and Spanish

No. 20/2010

INFOSYLVA is an information service of news clippings provided by the FAO Forestry Information Centre with news on forestry in English, French and Spanish.

INFOSYLVA est un service d'information à partir de coupures de presse, mis à disposition par le Centre

d'Information sur les Forêts de la FAO et qui fait le point de l'actualité dans ce secteur, en anglais, français et espagnol.

INFOSYLVA es el servicio de información de recortes de prensa suministrado por el Centro de

Informacion Forestal de la FAO con noticias sobre las actividades forestales, en inglés, francés y español.

Forthcoming FAO events November Forest Industries Investment and Financing Forum Buenos Aires, Argentina – 16-17 November 2010 March 2011 Symposium on Ecosystem and Landscape-Level Approaches to Sustainability Burgos, Spain – 22-24 March 2011 May 2011 ANZIF 2011 Conference "Pacific Forestry – Growing a Forestry Future" Sky City, Auckland, New Zealand - 02-05 May 2011 Planted Teak Forests: a Globally Emerging Forest Resource Guanacaste, Costa Rica - 02-06 May 2011

Page 2: No. 20/2010 · No. 20/2010 . INFOSYLVA is an information service of news clippings provided by the FAO Forestry Information Centre with news on forestry in English, French and Spanish

Other forest-related events November VI International Conference on Forest Fire Research Coimbra, Portugal - 15-18 November 2010 First Serbia Forestry Congress Belgrade, Serbia – 11–13 November 2010 December Forest Day 4 Cancun, Mexico – 5 December 2010 New publication from FAO Developing effective forest policy - A guide Just published, this guide aims to support countries in planning and conducting forest policy development processes. Based on a review of practical experiences, it outlines the rationale and purpose of a national forest policy and the different elements of the forest policy development process. This publication will help senior officials in government administrations and other stakeholder representatives, including civil society organizations and the private sector, in developing or revising national forest policy. Through this publication and related capacity-building support, FAO hopes to contribute to the development of forest policies that, based on emerging trends and broad agreement among stakeholders, can affirm and enhance the value and sustainable contributions of forests to society. Elaboración de una política forestal eficaz - Una guía La presente publicación, Elaboración de una política forestal eficaz, tiene el propósito de difundir algunas de las principales lecciones extraídas de dichas experiencias y prestar apoyo a los países en la planificación y ejecución del proceso de elaboración de la política forestal. Sobre la base de un examen de las experiencias prácticas, esta obra describe el entramado lógico y el propósito de una política forestal nacional, así como las experiencias relacionadas con los diversos elementos que normalmente forman parte del proceso de elaboración de una política forestal. Las nociones que se ofrecen permitirán a los oficiales superiores de gobierno y a los representantes de otras partes interesadas, especialmente las organizaciones de la sociedad civil y el sector privado, elaborar o revisar sus propias políticas forestales nacionales. Con esta publicación y las actividades relacionadas en materia de creación de capacidad, la FAO espera contribuir a la elaboración de políticas forestales que, al prever las tendencias emergentes, permitan reafirmar y potenciar el valor y las contribuciones sostenibles de los bosques para la sociedad, basándose en un amplio acuerdo entre las partes interesadas. Élaborer une politique forestière efficace - Guide Ce guide se propose d’aider les pays à planifier et mettre en oeuvre des processus d’élaboration de politiques forestières. Fondé sur un examen d’expériences pratiques, il présente la justification et l’objet d’une politique forestière nationale et les divers éléments qui le composent. Ce guide aidera les cadres supérieurs de la fonction publique et les représentants d’autres parties prenantes, y compris les organisations de la société civile et le secteur privé, à élaborer ou réviser les politiques forestières nationales. Grâce à cette publication et à son soutien à la création de capacités, la FAO espère contribuer à l’élaboration de politiques forestières qui, sur la base des tendances émergentes et d’une

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large entente entre les parties prenantes, puisse affirmer et renforcer la valeur et les contributions durables que les forêts offrent à la société. Moving forward One of the strategic goals of FAO is the sustainable management of the world’s forests and trees. FAO Forestry works to balance social, economic and environmental objectives so that present generations can reap the benefits of the Earth’s forest resources while preserving them to meet the needs of future generations. A new publication “Moving forward” highlights some of the activities carried out by FAO in this respect during the last biennium. Unasylva 236: Bosques, personas y vida silvestre Unasylva celebra el año 2010, Año Internacional de la Diversidad Biológica realizando un examen de las estrategias para una eficaz cohabitación entre los bosques, las personas y la vida silvestre. Este número aborda los desafíos que plantea, en el ambiente forestal, el equilibrio entre la conservación y el uso de la biodiversidad vegetal y animal, en particular cuando están en juego los medios de vida de las personas o la supervivencia de las especies. Unasylva 236: Forests, people and wildlife FAO's international journal of forestry, Unasylva, celebrates 2010, the International Year of Biodiversity, by examining strategies for the successful cohabitation of forests, people and wildlife. This issue addresses the challenges of balancing conservation and use of plant and animal biodiversity in forest settings, particularly where people's livelihoods or species survival are at stake. Also published in French and Spanish. Unasylva 236: Forêts, société et faune sauvage Unasylva célèbre l’Année internationale de la biodiversité, 2010, en examinant les stratégies qui permettent la cohabitation harmonieuse des forêts, de la société, et de la faune sauvage. Le présent numéro analyse les défis que présente l’établissement d’un équilibre entre la conservation et l’utilisation de la biodiversité végétale et animale dans un milieu forestier, notamment lorsque les moyens d’existence des populations tributaires de la forêt et la survie des espèces sont en jeu. What woodfuels can do to mitigate climate change Most climate change strategies emphasize reducing greenhouse gas emissions by reducing energy use and switching to energy sources that are less carbon intensive than fossil fuels. This new publication explores the scope, potential and implications for using woodfuels to replace fossil fuels and thereby contribute to climate change mitigation. The publication will be of interest to specialists and policy-makers in forestry, climate change and renewable energy, as well as to forest managers, students and general audiences interested in learning more about the role of forests in energy production and the resulting mitigation potential.

FAO in the news Aumentan enfermedades en ecosistemas forestales Las tasas de emisiones de carbono por deforestación y degradación y los incendios forestales han disminuido, pero las enfermedades y plagas en los ecosistemas forestales aumentan.

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Bosques ocupan centro de debate en reunión ONU por medioambiente Los delegados de una reunión mundial de la ONU se aproximaron el martes a acordar la asignación de unos 4.000 millones de dólares para ayudar a los países en desarrollo a proteger sus bosques tropicales, mientras los estudios subrayan las amenazas al medioambiente. Burgos acogerá en 2011 actos del Año Mundial del Bosque de Naciones Unidas La ciudad de Burgos acogerá a finales de marzo de 2011 dos congresos "del más alto nivel internacional" sobre medio ambiente, dentro de los actos previstos por Naciones Unidas con motivo del Año Mundial del Bosque. Bushmeat - ending the monkey business Many westerners would view the idea of eating monkeys with deep distaste. But for people raised on bushmeat, in Africa and elsewhere, the equation is different. Conservation debate: a question of growth The refusal of the Indonesian government to allow Rainbow Warrior, dubbed by some as Greenpeace’s environmental warship, to dock in Indonesia recently, reveals a growing impatience in Southeast Asia toward the attitudes and methods of Western environmentalists. Forestry gets spotlight at UN biodiversity talks Saving forests is topping the agenda of a UN summit on biodiversity in Japan. As the meeting enters its final days, there are growing fears that the talks could bog down amid acrimony between poor and rich countries. La ONU quiere que comamos insectos La FAO impulsa un programa para extender la producción industrial de insectos como nueva fuente de alimento.

Press review/ Revue de presse/ Informe de prensa: 16 – 31 October 2010 Africa L’Afrique s’associe à l’UE pour combattre le commerce illégal du bois La République démocratique du Congo (RDC) qui abrite la deuxième plus grande forêt tropicale au monde, vient d’entamer avec l’UE, à l’instar d’autres pays africains comme le Ghana, le Cameroun, le Congo-Brazzaville, le Libéria et le Gabon, des négociations en vue de conclure un accord pour lutter contre les exportations de bois issu d’abattages illégaux. When the water ends: Africa's climate conflicts For thousands of years, nomadic herdsmen have roamed the harsh, semi-arid lowlands that stretch across 80 percent of Kenya and 60 percent of Ethiopia. Descendants of the oldest tribal societies in the

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world, they survive thanks to the animals they raise and the crops they grow, their travels determined by the search for water and grazing lands. Argentina Desde 2015 estará prohibido el uso industrial de leña de monte Fue aprobada una ley que busca sustituir el material proveniente de montes nativos por madera de bosques implantados y residuos biomásicos de la industria forestal. Habra programas de apoyo para reconvertir secaderos de yerba y té. El fondo para bosques sigue generando polémica La morosidad de la Nación en el reparto a las provincias de los recursos presupuestados para este año para conservar los bosques nativos, y la ausencia de ese fondo en el presupuesto 2011 siguen generando polémica. Mientras desde el Gobierno de la Provincia aseguran que se realizan gestiones para destrabar ese dinero, un funcionario nacional relativizó la posibilidad de enviarlo a las provincias en el corto plazo. La deforestación tucumana en Youtube Un video realizado por alumnos de la Escuela Normal Juan Bautista Alberdi sobre la problemática en San Javier puede verse en el portal. Armenia Taking action against deforestation Armenia is a country with many mountains, rivers, valleys, streams, forests and lakes, but many of its trees have been destroyed by deforestation (the over-cutting down of trees in a forest). According to the 2002 Report on Millennium Development Goals for Armenia, at the turn of the 19th century, 25 percent of Armenia’s territory was covered in forest. Today, satellite data shows that Armenia’s forest cover is at seven or eight percent. Australia Cane toads are evolving into super-invaders Scientists have demonstrated a "runaway evolutionary effect" that is speeding up Australia's cane toad invasion. Bangladesh Agri scientists for mass adoption of AWD technology to enhance rice production Renowned agri-scientists have urged for mass adoption of Alternate Drying and Wetting (AWD) irrigation technology during upcoming Boro season to enhance rice production by saving enormous underground waters. They said that mass adoption of AWD would reduce lifting of underground waters by 30 percent during Boro farming to retard desertification, reduce arsenic contamination and contribute ensuring food security amid degrading climates. Belgium La Belgique débloque 10 millions d'euros contre la déforestation (Belga) La Belgique débloquera 10 millions d'euros en faveur de la lutte contre la déforestation, a annoncé la ministre flamande de l'environnement, Joke Schauvliege, en marge de la conférence internationale de Nagoya sur la biodiversité, où, dans le cadre de la présidence belge, elle représente l'Union européenne.

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Brazil Amazon drought leaves Brazil's Rio Negro dry Important Amazon tributary has fallen to its lowest level in a century following a fierce drought in the region. Brasil espera resultados modestos en cumbre sobre clima Brasil anticipó el martes que la conferencia mundial sobre cambio climático que se celebrará en Cancún tendrá resultados modestos por la falta de compromiso de los países industrializados. Brasil reduce sus emisiones contaminantes cerca de la meta para 2020 Brasil redujo un 34% sus emisiones de gas carbono en los últimos cinco años y se acercó a su meta comprometida para 2020, aunque ahora el gran desafío es controlar su industria, informó el gobierno, a un mes de la conferencia del Clima de la ONU de Cancún (México). Brazil plans a price on oil to accelerate climate efforts Brazil expects to see its lowest rates of illegal deforestation since 1988 by the end of this year. Minister of Environment Izabella Teixeira said the government will reduce the annual chopping and burning of the Amazon rainforest to between 4,000 and 5,000 square kilometers. Brazil to meet deforestation reduction goals 4 years earlier: president Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said that Brazil would fulfill its deforestation reduction commitment four years earlier than expected. Brazil's Amazon region suffers severe drought A severe drought has pushed river levels in Brazil's Amazon region to record lows, leaving isolated communities dependent on emergency aid and thousands of boats stranded on parched riverbeds. Drought brings Amazon tributary to lowest level in a century Meteorologists and activists divided on causes of drought with some pointing to climate change as a factor. El nuevo código forestal, el olvidado en las elecciones brasileñas El proyecto en discusión en el Congreso para reformar el Código Forestal, que ha suscitado acalorados enfrentamientos entre ambientalistas y hacendados en Brasil, ha sido un tema ausente en la campaña de los dos candidatos que aspiran a la presidencia en las elecciones del 31 de octubre. Le Brésil, nouvelle puissance face à ses défis Esclavage, déforestation, spéculation immobilière. En dépit de performances économiques flatteuses,le Brésil, qui élira un(e) président(e), le 31 octobre, reste un pays émergent. Canada Will historic deal to protect Canada's mighty boreal forest work? The unprecedented Canadian Boreal Forest Agreement will, if all goes to plan, preserve vast swathes of the country's pristine wilderness. But as environmentalists and the logging industry begin to roll the initiative out, there are claims that not everything is as it should be.

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China China unveils ambitious plan to protect wildlife at UN talks Foreign supporters say the move will put the country at the forefront of global efforts to reverse habitat and species decline. La Chine instaure une fondation pour protéger sa plus grande forêt tropicale La Fondation de forêt tropicale de Xishuangbanna a réuni plus de 5 millions de yuans (752 000 dollars) du gouvernement, de sociétés et du grand public, a indiqué le directeur général de la fondation, Xiong Yunxiang. Colombia Hay conciencia pero faltan acciones verdes A la gente en Medellín le preocupa el medio ambiente y cada vez más implementan procesos que buscan garantizar un desarrollo sostenible. Entre las medidas urgentes a tomar destacan frenar la deforestación. Recuperación forestal del país costará $19 billones: Bessudo La presencia de minería ilegal y la deforestación, son dos temas claves que están en la mesa de la Alta Comisionada para la Biodiversidad, Sandra Bessudo. Reserva natural a cargo de los Awa La 3.300 hectárea que hacen parte de la reserva natural La Planada, ubicada en la vereda San Isidro en el municipio de Ricaurte, Nariño fueron entregadas al pueblo indígena Awa compuesto por los resguardos de Pialapí y Pueblo Viejo para su cuidad y conservación. Ecuador Mache Chindul, una exuberante reserva tropical amenazada Entre la cordillera de los Andes y el océano Pacífico está la Reserva Ecológica Mache Chindul (Remach), ocupando una pequeña parte de territorio manabita y una amplia porción, el 90%, de tierras esmeraldeñas. En este territorio ecuatoriano está una de las zonas con más biodiversidad y endemismo de plantas vasculares (retienen agua y minerales) del mundo. 'Terminaremos con 620 mil hectáreas portegidas' Desde hace dos años y con un presupuesto casi siempre limitado, funciona la iniciativa Socio Bosque. Su director, Max Lascano Vaca, habla de un crecimiento del 200% en dos años, un récord para una institución pública. France 100 000 plants pour sauver la forêt de la Grande-Chaloupe Pas moins de 100 000 végétaux vont être replantés au cœur de la forêt semi-sèche, menacée de disparition. Un ambitieux projet de restauration confié aux Pépinières du théâtre, sous la direction du Parc national. L'ONF veut envoyer du bois Le président du conseil d'administration de l'Office national des forêts, Hervé Gaymard, veut «mobiliser davantage de bois en forêt»...

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Gabon "J'ai marché sur la Terre" : voyages au coeur de la forêt gabonaise D'entre les arbres touffus de la rive surgissent les têtes attentives, un rien patibulaires, de gorilles aux yeux ronds. Plus loin, en descendant le fleuve, on rencontre une famille d'éléphants venus s'abreuver. À longer les berges de plus près - à condition de n'être pas dévoré par les moustiques -, on aura la chance de croiser une colonie de fourmis électriques, un python ou deux. Guatemala El Mirador en peligro Las ruinas de “la cuna de la civilización maya” están en peligro de destrucción por saqueo, señala un reciente reporte del Fondo del Patrimonio Mundial. Guinea-Bissau Horrific bush-meat trade stalks Guinea-Bissau In a remarkable and harrowing dispatch from Guinea-Bissau, Dawn Starin reports how logging, mining and agriculture are opening up the country's once intact forests to the ravages of the growing bush-meat trade, threatening some of the country's most enigmatic monkey species. Honduras Lago de Yojoa y su fauna a punto de desaparecer Las diversas especies de aves, flora y fauna, del Lago de Yojoa también se ven amenazadas con desaparecer, si no se le pone un alto a la contaminación y eliminación del lirio acuático. Esta región cuenta con un maravilloso bosque latifoliado y bosques húmedos submontanos de los ecosistemas bosque tropical, que guardan la mayor biodiversidad de la zona, que con la deforestación se puede convertir en desierto. India Ancient bugs found in 50-million-year-old Indian amber More than 700 new species of ancient insect have been discovered in 50-million-year-old amber. Avispas y hormigas de hace 50 millones de años Hormigas, avispas, abejas y hasta mantis religiosas quedaron atrapados en la resina que resbalaba por el tronco de los árboles hace 50 millones de años. Con el tiempo, se convirtió en ámbar de una claridad asombrosa, que permaneció oculto en un yacimiento al oeste de la India hasta ser descubierto por un equipo de investigadores que han revelado sus secretos al mundo. Do not allow mining in dense forests, say greens Miners have been getting away with murder-neither refilling these toxic craters nor afforesting dead mining sites as prescribed under the law-and according to environmentalists, this is one of the reasons why leases for mining in dense green zones, such as the Western Ghats, should not given the nod. India set to be first country to publish 'natural wealth' accounts Accounts of the nation's 'natural capital' meets key demand of the UN study of The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB). La India declara al elefante "patrimonio nacional" El elefante fue declarado por la India "patrimonio nacional", con vistas a poner en marcha nuevas medidas de protección para la especie, según informó el ministerio de Medioambiente.

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Mining unabated in Aravallis despite SC order The Aravalli hills in Rajasthan is crumbling to the pressure of illegal mining despite a Supreme Court order earlier this year putting a blanket ban on any kind of mining activity in the hills. If the present activities continue in the region, the oldest mountain range in the country may vanish after a few years, say sources. Posco project: Steel Minister asks Ramesh to be ‘pragmatic’ Peeved at the appointment of “activists” in the forest panel for clearing Rs 54,000 crore steel project of Posco, Steel Minsiter Virbhadra Singh advised Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh to be “pragmatic.” Un gisement d’ambre raconte l’histoire de la Terre il y a 50 millions d’années La découverte en Inde de dépôts ambrifères vieux de 50 millions d'années et contenant des centaines d'insectes comme des abeilles remettent en question l'hypothèse selon laquelle le sous-continent était alors séparé de l'Asie. Indonesia Businesses warm to Indonesia's moratorium on forest clearing The Indonesian government is imposing a moratorium on forest clearing in return for $1 billion grant from Norway to fund projects to curtail deforestation and land degradation. Environmental groups and some businesses welcome the freeze. Cargill mulls scheme aimed at saving Indonesia forests Agribusiness giant Cargill Inc may well become the first major palm oil buyer to invest in a carbon credit scheme that rewards nations like Indonesia for preserving forests. Greenpeace: palm-oil campaign not effort at sabotage International environmental group Greenpeace is denying accusations that it is waging a foreign-funded campaign aimed at sabotaging the palm oil industry in Indonesia. Residents return to protected forests for illegal farming Two months after being evicted from areas around Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park (TNBBS), hundreds of people have returned to the protected area to continue clearing forestland for farming. The intruders, who mostly entered from Pesanguan village in Lampung province, were erecting makeshift huts inside the park to cultivate coffee, cacao, rice fields and other crops. Solid ground needed for UN forest fix to take root Experts are at odds over whether Indonesia is prepared to implement United Nations-mandated forest protection projects to reduce carbon emissions. The nation is one of nine pilot countries supported by the UN Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD), which provides funds for saving forests. Kenya Placing a value on Kenya's largest forest They fall as mere raindrops but quickly transform into cogs in a billion-dollar machine crucial to the future of a nation's economy. That's the startling conclusion of new research into the economic value of the preserving Kenya's Mau Forest, the country's largest.

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Madagascar Advierten sobre la tala ilegal de bosques en Madagascar Grupos defensores del medio ambiente advirtieron que los parques nacionales de Madagascar están siendo devastados por la tala ilegal de árboles. Million-dollar beds fuel Madagascar timber crisis Soaring demand in China and political unrest in Madagascar are fuelling illegal logging for hardwoods in the African nation, a report concludes. Malaysia Planters need to do more checks to prevent forest fire and haze The recurring forest fire in the oil palm concession area of Sumatra causing massive haze and air pollution has certainly added another issue to Western environmental NGOs. Mali In this remote town in Mali, climate change takes on a sinister reality The debate around Africa and aid will shift from charity and post-imperial responsibility to seeking environmental justice. Mali's big challenge is finding funds for small schemes Villagers in Dandoli are finding ways to adapt their crops because of climate change – but they can't do it alone. Why Mali is missing its old way of life Madeleine Bunting is in Mali to find out about the impact of climate change on some of the most remote areas in the world. In the first of her reports, she finds that everyone wants to talk about the encroaching desert. Mexico Al rescate del bosque con tecnología de punta Productores silvícolas empiezan hace uso de las innovaciones de la ciencia y tecnología, motivando a la mayoría de los técnicos dejar los métodos rústicos, porque a estas alturas de la economía globalizada se requiere cambio de mentalidad para entrar de lleno a la revolución forestal. Deforestación pone en riesgo sustentabilidad del Sistema Cutzamala La deforestación ha puesto en riesgo la sustentabilidad de la cuenca del Sistema Cutzamala y ha provocado que los niveles de captación del vital líquido disminuyan, reconoció la Comisión Nacional del Agua (Conagua). Depredación acaba con La Malinche En la ladera Sur del volcán La Malinche, la depredación del bosque se extiende hacia cualquier lugar donde se fije la mirada. Por doquier hay huellas de la rapiña, como los tocones de encinos, pinos y oyameles que se cuentan por decenas, además de cortezas de árbol y ramas que, para los talamontes, no tienen ningún valor comercial. Diputada advierte problemas por deforestación La presidenta de la Comisión de Medio Ambiente, Ninfa Salinas, indica que el cambio climático y la devastación de los bosques agrandan las catástrofes naturales.

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El 60% de los serranos vive en la marginación Viven asentados en una inmensa riqueza de la Sierra Madre Occidental, pero el 60 por ciento de sus habitantes vive en la extrema pobreza. Aun cuando hay generación de empleo con el aprovechamiento forestal, las familias no tienen los recursos suficientes para gozar de los servicios básicos. La maldición de La Malinche Ni el ser una Área Protegida Decretada por el gobierno federal ha impedido la degradación de la zona, a lo cual investigadores atribuyen que se haya generado un aumento en la temperatura promedio y la liberación a la atmósfera de 270 mil toneladas de dióxido de carbono entre 1986 y 2002. “México debe poner ejemplo al mundo” El esfuerzo de negociación del gobierno de México para alcanzar acuerdos en la cumbre sobre el cambio climático COP16, en la que se invertirán más de 800 millones de pesos, no se refleja en su política ambiental interna; no puede ser “candil de la calle y oscuridad en casa”, debe poner el ejemplo y asumir compromisos en materia de deforestación y energías renovables. México es quinto en deforestar Desde hace años, ambientalistas e investigadores han comprobado la relación que existe entre la deforestación de los bosques y el cambio climático. Ambos fenómenos están concatenados con la liberación de dióxido de carbono (gas de efecto invernadero) que se genera con la tala de árboles. Prevén extinción de selva y bosques El 35 % de las selvas mexicanas y el 18 % de los bosques templados desaparecerán para mediados de este siglo, advirtió Leticia Gómez Mendoza, investigadora del Colegio de Geografía de la UNAM. Van contra la deforestación y degradación de los suelos Las principales problemáticas que enfrentan los ecosistemas son la deforestación y la degradación; por lo anterior, se realizan trabajos de protección, conservación y restauración de suelos en cinco mil 660 hectáreas en el estado. Myanmar New monkey found in Myanmar near China dam project A new type of snub-nosed monkey has been found in a remote forested region of northern Myanmar which is under threat from logging and a Chinese dam project, scientists said. New monkey puzzles scientists: why does it sneeze in the rain? A new species of monkey has been found in northern Myanmar, puzzling scientists because of a snub nose that means they are often heard “sneezing in the rain”. Nigeria FG proposes master plan on domestic use of gas The Federal government is proposing a master plan to make gas readily available to Nigerians, a Senior Official of the Ministry of Environment has said. The official, Dr. Peter Tarfa, an assistant director in the ministry, explained that the master plan was a strategy to conserve the nation’s forest and make gas available for domestic use.

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Pakistan Policy on climate change being finalised: Zardari President Asif Ali Zardari said that national policy on climate change based on incentives driven initiatives to increase afforestation and contain the adverse impact of climate change in Pakistan is in final stage of its preparation. Papua New Guinea Greenpeace critical of Papua New Guinea graft, "carbon cowboys" Rainforest-clad Papua New Guinea is not ready for international funding for U.N.-backed forest carbon credits to stem deforestation, said Greenpeace, citing corruption, "carbon cowboys" and lack of political leadership. Papua New Guinea criticised on forest funds call Papua New Guinea (PNG) “is in no fit state” to receive international funds under a global deal to stop deforestation and mitigate climate change because of continued logging and corruption, according to a new report by Greenpeace Asia-Pacific. Papua New Guinea receives 'Golden Chainsaw' from Greenpeace Greenpeace has presented the Papua New Guinea government with a "Golden Chainsaw" for being greedy rather than green when it comes to tackling climate change. Paraguay Conservar la zona del Pantanal paraguayo y percibir dinero por ello Una de las riquezas naturales más bellas e importantes del país es el Pantanal paraguayo, en la cabecera del Chaco, río Paraguay, límite con Brasil y Bolivia. A iniciativa de Guyra Paraguay, hay un plan para lograr financiamiento que ayude a proteger un sector del sistema de humedales, en el marco del mercado de carbono, vinculado con el cambio climático. Falta una sinergia entre autoridades Las principales autoridades ambientales se reunieron con representantes de la campaña “A todo pulmón” para dialogar sobre el problema de la deforestación en nuestro país y sobre los motivos de la inacción de las autoridades ante algunos delitos ambientales. If we are to save the Chaco forest, we need more funding The trust I lead is striving to help local conservationists protect this unique habitat. Paraguay hopes to shield tribe from outside world Paraguay's government is in talks to buy privately owned land as it races to protect an isolated tribe from the advance of cattle ranching, which could force the Indians to abandon their forest home. Paraguayan Mennonites hit back at criticism of environmental record How did this Christian sect go from Biblical exhortations for stewardship of the Earth to outright exploitation and dominion? Peru Allpahuayo-Mishana: paseo nocturno por el paraíso animal Ubicada cerca de Iquitos, la reserva Allpahuayo-Mishana alberga a decenas de reptiles, aves y mamíferos. Aunque se los puede observar de día, durante la noche ofrecen un espectáculo único.

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Ministerio del Ambiente declaró zona reservada parte del Bosque de Zárate El lugar es uno de los pocos espacios naturales que sobreviven en el centro del país y está compuesto por una diversidad de pisos ecológicos que sustentan una comunidad de especies vegetales únicas. Russian Federation 200 écologistes défilent à St-Petersbourg Quelque 200 personnes se sont rassemblées dans le centre de Saint-Petersbourg, dans le nord-ouest de la Russie, pour dénoncer plusieurs projets du gouvernement qui présentent, selon les manifestants, une menace pour l'environnement. Russian bears treat graveyards as 'giant refrigerators' A shortage of bears' traditional food near the Arctic Circle has forced the animals to eat human corpses, say locals. Russian tiger summit offers 'last chance' to save species in the wild Last 13 countries with wild tigers to meet in St Petersburg, as deforestation and poaching push animal to extinction. Save the tiger and make a killing, UN tells the world Biodiversity report hopes to persuade nations that protecting species is a money-spinner. South Africa Rhino horn GPS used to deter poachers Five rhinos in South Africa's North West province have been fitted with a Global Positioning System (GPS) device to help protect them from poachers. Spain Barcelona lidera el mapa de las calderas de biomasa en España Catalunya se halla a la cabeza con 253 instalaciones de las casi 1.900 totales. Los calentadores alimentados con madera reducen la factura energética. Bosque, bienes públicos y bienes privados ¿Pueden ponerse impedimentos al libre acceso y recolección de setas en un bosque perteneciente a una explotación agroforestal? Probablemente la mayoría contestará que no. En Catalunya el bosque siempre ha tenido acceso libre, y se trataría pues, al parecer, de un derecho adquirido. El Cluster del Papel dice que consumir este material no implica deforestación "Consumir papel no implica deforestación y aporta importantes beneficios sociales y medioambientales" según el Cluster del Papel de Euskadi, cuyo presidente, Iñaki Ugarte, pronunciará una charla en San Sebastián en la que sostendrá que su consumo no es "un peligro para los bosques". El sector forestal pide un carnet de 'boletaire' para proteger el bosque El Govern dice que no puede establecer tasas sobre una actividad que se desarrolla en terrenos privados. Propietarios y técnicos exigen regulaciones mientras los excursionistas rechazan poner puertas al monte.

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Esta deforestación es parecida a la que secó árboles hace 20 años y afecta a todo el norte de la Península El problema de los alisos no es nuevo. El Servicio de Protección contra Agentes Nocivos, del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, lo conoce desde hace años. En 1990 ya hubo un fenómeno parecido y en el 2009 fue grave en Asturias, más en sus alisedas de monte que en las ribereñas. Iberian lynx: Radical moves for world's rarest cat It appears out of nowhere, stealthily slinking into view and well camouflaged against the dry Mediterranean backdrop. IU declara la guerra a los eucaliptos La coalición presenta una alegación al plan urbano en la que pide prohibir nuevas plantaciones de esta especie “devastadora” de los terrenos. Medio Ambiente acerca los bosques baleares a los estudiantes de primaria La Conselleria de Medio Ambiente y Movilidad ha editado 10.000 ejemplares del libro "Conoce los bosques de las Baleares", una publicación dirigida a estudiantes de primaria para ayudarles a descubrir los sistemas forestales de Baleares. ONGs piden que Zapatero apoye Yasuni-ITT en el Marco de Asociación España-Ecuador Más de un centenar de organizaciones sociales y ecologistas han pedido en una carta que el presidente del Gobierno, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, apoye la iniciativa ecuatoriana "Yasuni-ITT", cuyo objetivo es mantener el petróleo bajo la selva amazónica a cambio de ayudas en proyectos sociales y energías renovables. 'Rovellons' de pago Castilla y León exige una licencia para los recolectores de setas en 140.000 hectáreas forestales reguladas. Aficionados catalanes acuden a Soria a llenar sus cestos. Salen como setas Las últimas lluvias impulsan la temporada 'boletaire', que está en su apogeo. La abundancia en Girona y Barcelona contrasta con la escasez en el Pirineo de Lleida. Uso y abuso de los bosques catalanes Después de largas décadas de sufrir un cierto desdén por parte de las clases urbanas, el entorno rural ejerce un creciente atractivo para muchos catalanes. El estrés de la vida moderna en las ciudades y la mejora de las comunicaciones por carretera han hecho que, en los últimos años, una parte importante de ciudadanos cambien regularmente el cemento por el verde. Uganda Uganda's first Batwa pygmy graduate Twenty-two-year-old Alice Nyamihanda is the pride of her community of former Batwa pygmy forest-dwellers in Uganda.

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United Kingdom A magnificent forest. But the Government may wield the axe The first of the oak leaves were turning golden in Alice Holt forest yesterday. Walking amongst them, on the most beautiful day of the autumn, it was not hard to see the problem with the Government's plan for a massive forest sell-off: a forest is much more than trees. Bees help keep Newcastle at top of green city table North-east city the victor in league table of sustainability for second year running, with Leicester second. Dead or alive? The Emperor becomes an Exmoor legend There was outrage when Britain's biggest (or perhaps not) wild animal was said to have been shot. Defra to consult over selling Forestry land in England The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs has told MPs it plans to hold a consultation on selling parts of Forestry Commission land in England. El Gobierno británico proyecta vender parte de la masa forestal del país El Gobierno británico proyecta vender algunos de los bosques del Reino Unido actualmente propiedad del Estado como parte de su programa del sector público destinado a atajar el enorme déficit del país. El Gobierno británico vende sus bosques Se deshará de la mitad de las 748.000 hectáreas de sus bosques. Permitirá la expansión de las aldeas de vacaciones y los campos de golf. Ensure what you buy doesn't harm the lives of others Reluctant to chop down any more of our own precious trees, we solve the problem by chopping down other people's. Forests sell-off plan by government is 'asset-stripping our natural heritage' 'If this means vast swathes of valuable forest being sold to developers, it will be an unforgiveable act'. Giant red stag Exmoor Emperor shot dead West Country deer experts condemn shooting of 9ft red stag thought to have been Britain's largest wild animal. Otters back from the brink of extinction in England The otter has made a remarkable comeback from the brink of extinction, the Environment Agency has said. River clean-up brings otters back from brink of extinction Environment Agency survey finds more than 1,500 rivers with signs of otter presence - a ten-fold increase on thirty years ago. Se vende el bosque de Robin Hood El Gobierno británico planea privatizar la mitad de los bosques estatales por la crisis. Stalking deer is thrilling, killing them is important

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There are more deer in Britain than at any time in the last 1,000 years; the only humane way to manage them is to shoot them. The great forest sell-off The government's plan to put half of England's state-owned forests up for sale might raise billions, but what will we lose? The joys of urban beekeeping Bees allow you to reconnect with nature, as well as producing delicious honey. And all in the city centre. UK government confirms forest sell-off plans Defra says proposed sale of Forestry Commission land would create opportunities for private sector and civil society. Wild mushroom foraging is damaging forests, warn nature groups Wild mushroom foraging for commercial gain damaging local ecology, say RSPB, National Trust and Forestry Commission. United States of America A howling success: encounters with Yellowstone's wolves Joining wolf experts in Yellowstone national park, allows for close encounters with the much-loved but maddening creatures. California city withheld data on fires, report says San Marcos city officials kept secret a color-coded map showing the risk of wildfire danger to various neighborhoods for fear insurance companies would use the information to justify raising rates or dropping policies, according to a newspaper report. For sustainable wood, a new and unloved standard Members of the U.S. Green Building Council vote on new rules for awarding sustainability credits to wood products. For some, the proposed standards are too weak, and to others, too burdensome. Killer of Aspen slows, but worries about a beloved tree remain Tree lovers and scientists felt the impact of the die-off in the West, but sudden aspen decline appears to have stabilized. Rainforests in hands of Prop. 23 voters When you vote on Nov. 2, remember that Peru is planning to save all of its rain forest. That's what I found out recently in the country's capital, Lima. U.S. forests offsetting 11 percent of industrial GHG emissions The USDA Forest Service today released new estimates of the total carbon storage of U.S. forests, highlighting the important role America's forests play in the fight against climate change. Viet Nam Beach conservation effort succeeds Co Chien Islet's Ngang Beach in the Cuu Long (Mekong) Delta Province of Tra Vinh has been recognised for its successes restoring local biodiversity and ecosystems. A recent report in Sai Gon Giai Phong

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(Liberated Sai Gon) newspaper highlighted the success of afforestation work and other projects to ensure Co Chien adapts to climate change. Phu Tho starts planting new forest Work on planting a new forest was launched in Phu Tho Province by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Asia-Pacific Network for Sustainable Forest Management and Rehabilitation (APFNet). Yemen In Yemen, water grows scarcer Increasingly sharp water shortages could cost Yemen 750,000 jobs and slash incomes by as much as 25 percent over the next decade, warns a new report on Yemen, an increasingly troubled Middle Eastern nation. World Are accountants the last hope for the world's ecosystems? Biodiversity attracts as many money men as nature lovers at Nagoya summit as 'environment services' begin to be assessed. Backyard tigers Would you keep a tiger as a pet? A puppy-sized tiger cub can be bought in the United States for as little as $200, and there are probably about 5,000 such backyard tigers across the country, about the same number of privately owned tigers in China, according to World Wildlife Fund. Bald parrots and turnip-tailed geckos among new Amazon species More than 1,200 species have been discovered in the Amazon over the past 10 years, according to the WWF. The report Amazon Alive! counts 637 new plants, 257 fish, 216 amphibians, 55 reptiles, 16 bird and 39 mammal discoveries since 1999, making the South American rainforest one of the most diverse regions on Earth. Banking on innovation for green shoots Maybe you thought it was all about the science of losing species and ecosystems, and the ethics of doing something about it. But as the final phase of this meeting is making clear, it's largely about money. Biodiversity summit must tackle destructive impacts of food production Nagoya delegates need to plan how the world achieves food security, before ecosystems reach critical tipping points. Borneo's majestic rainforest is being killed by the timber mafia Felling trees to meet British demand for garden furniture is devastating villages, livelihoods and food supplies, and threatening endangered species. Bosques tropicales, tal vez un sueño Los humanos debemos tan siquiera frenar el ritmo de la deforestación mundial para salvar nuestra propia especie y la vida en el planeta. Pero esa verdad de Perogrullo lamentablemente sigue sin surtir el efecto deseado, al menos con la urgencia que se necesita. Estadísticas señalan que cada año en el planeta se pierden por obra y gracia de la voracidad del hombre 13 millones de hectáreas de bosques primarios, sobre todo en África, Asia y América Latina.

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Cancun could start `concrete actions' on climate, senior EU official says Negotiators may be able to agree on ways to adapt to climate change, transfer technologies and slow deforestation when they meet next month in Cancun, Mexico, a senior European Union official said. Ces multinationales européennes qui pillent les ressources des pays du Sud “Toutes les cinq secondes, c’est l’équivalent du poids d’une Tour Eiffel de ressources naturelles qui est prélevé des écosystèmes et des mines.” Cities under pressure to balance trees and skyscrapers The fight against the destruction of nature can start in cities, even as urban centers around the world face the challenge of accommodating more people, skyscrapers and transport systems. Conservation debate: a question of credibility As professional scientists employed by leading academic and research institutions, we are writing to alert the general public about some of the claims and practices being used by the World Growth Institute and International Trade Strategies, and their affiliated leadership. Decade of discovery A snapshot of more than 1,000 new species discovered in the Amazon over the past decade. Deforestation dominates at U.N. biodiversity meeting in Japan Delegates from 69 countries met in Nagoya, central Japan, on the sidelines of the ongoing U.N. biodiversity talks to discuss ways to help developing nations tackle issues of deforestation in a bid to counter greenhouse gas emissions. Drought could hit world's populous areas: study Some of the world's most populous areas -- southern Europe, northern Africa, the western U.S. and much of Latin America -- could face severe, even unprecedented drought by 2100, researchers said. El agua empozada en las ramas de los árboles emiten metano Los pequeños "charcos" que se forman en las ramas de los árboles de los bosques tropicales se convierten en "micropantanos" emisores de metano, según una investigación de la universidad Georg-August, en Alemania, que publica la revista "Nature geoscience", dijo Efe. El aumento de los incendios amenaza a los ecosistemas del Mediterráneo El aumento de incendios forestales en la cuenca del Mediterráneo podría estar minando la resistencia de sus ecosistemas. Y los incendios forestales no sólo arrasan los bosques de forma inmediata sino que sus efectos se prolongan durante mucho tiempo, incluso cuando aparentemente se están recuperando. Elephant ecological engineering 'benefits amphibians' Areas heavily damaged by elephants are home to more species of amphibians and reptiles than areas where the beasts are excluded, a study has suggested. FAPAS da por extinguida la población de osos autóctonos de los Pirineos El Fondo para la Protección de los Animales Salvajes (FAPAS) ha anunciado hoy que da por extinguida la población de osos autóctonos del Pirineo y ha apuntado directamente a los sucesivos gobiernos españoles y franceses como "los causantes" de la desaparición de esta especie.

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Fifth of vertebrates face extinction: study About a fifth of the world's vertebrates are threatened with extinction, a major review has found, highlighting the plight of nature that is the focus of global environment talks underway in Japan. Forestry takes centre-stage at U.N. talks on nature Delegates at a global U.N. meeting to preserve natural resources moved closer to agreeing ways to set aside about $4 billion to help developing nations save tropical forests, as studies highlighted the plight of nature. Good news on biodiversity, thanks to local pragmatism 'All this good stuff,' however, has little to do with the Rio Earth Summit convention of 1992. Green machine: trees may spell trouble for wind power Could a greener world be bad news for green energy? Wind speeds are falling across much of the northern hemisphere, and this could mean less electricity is available from wind turbines. An increase in the amount of vegetation may be to blame Haze highlights weak ASEAN cooperation: analysts Just a week after Southeast Asia hailed "substantive progress" against cross-border air pollution, Singapore and parts of Malaysia are again being blanketed by smog from forest fires in Indonesia. La deforestación causa de 17% del avance de los GEI Con los patrones actuales de consumo, empleamos los recursos naturales de un planeta y medio al año para abastecernos, de acuerdo con Anke Schulmeister, oficial senior de la sección política forestal de la oficina europea de la WWF. La degradación de suelos y deforestación representan 17% de las emisiones antropogénicas de Gases Efecto Invernadero (GEI). Lack of forest definition ‘major obstacle’ in fight to protect rainforests In the second in our series examining REDD we report how ambiguous forest definitions are putting the future success of forest protection schemes in doubt and allowing logging companies to destroy biodiverse habitats. L'Amazonie, une richesse naturelle à préserver Le WWF présente à Nagoya, dans le cadre de la conférence internationale sur la biodiversité, un rapport selon lequel une nouvelle espèce est découverte en moyenne tous les trois jours en Amazonie. Entre 1999 et 2009, plus de 1.200 nouvelles espèces ont été identifiées dans cette région du monde, selon le rapport "L'Amazonie vivante": 637 plantes, 257 poissons, 216 amphibiens, 55 reptiles, 16 oiseaux et 39 mammifères. Leading scientists accuse thinktanks of being logging lobbyists Open letter accuses two 'independent' groups of distorting facts and having close associations with multinational logging corporations. Les divisions persistent à la conférence sur la biodiversité Les négociations internationales en cours à Nagoya pour la préservation de la biodiversité se heurtent aux mêmes obstacles que la lutte contre le changement climatique, avec une opposition entre pays riches et émergents sur la répartition des efforts.

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Les espèces envahissantes menacent les écosystèmes Le changement climatique devrait entraîner une multiplication des espèces animales et végétales envahissantes, véritables menaces pour les forêts, la pêche et les récoltes, rapporte le Programme mondial sur les espèces envahissantes (GISP). Lessons from the palm oil showdown Study on Greenpeace's campaign against Sinar Mas highlights importance of social media and engagement with parties on both sides of the fence. Los elefantes son los ingenieros de la naturaleza Los reptiles y los anfibios abundan allí donde los elefantes pisan y arrancan árboles; encuentran refugio e insectos. Massive corruption undermines forest protection plan The UN's forest protection plan hasn't even started yet but already we are seeing massive fraud, bribery and backdoor deals across the world. Ministers advocate conservation of forests to curb climate change Ministers from dozens of countries reaffirmed their commitment to a partnership to create a mechanism for reducing greenhouse gas emissions caused by deforestation and forest degradation to curb climate change. More species slide to extinction One fifth of animal and plant species are under the threat of extinction, a global conservation study has warned. More than 1,200 new species found in the Amazon in past decade WWF report says a new species was discovered every three days from 1999-2009, from bald parrots to translucent frogs. Nagoya has to do better In 1992, delegates from 193 countries, meeting in Rio de Janeiro, agreed to a treaty intended to protect biodiversity. The world has since fallen far short of those commitments. As those countries meet in Nagoya, Japan, this week and next, they need to acknowledge what went wrong and come up with better strategies. Nature talks heading for success, delegates say UN talks on a new deal aimed at protecting nature and equitably sharing in its benefits seem to be on course for a positive conclusion. Nature's gift: The economic benefits of preserving the natural world Slowing down the destruction of the Earth's natural resources is essential if the global economy, and the businesses that drive it, are to prosper long term. Norway says more aid needed to save Indonesian forest Indonesia could match Brazil's success in slowing deforestation but needs far more aid from rich nations such as the United States, Japan and the European Union, Norway's environment minister said.

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One-fifth of world's back-boned animals face extinction, study warns One species of vertebrate is added to the endangered list each week, IUCN report warns at biodiversity summit. Plant diversity: the key to life on Earth Plants are a biological resource more valuable than all the money in all of our banks – let's work towards protecting them. Plants clean air pollution better than expected Plants, especially some trees under stress, are even better than expected at scrubbing certain chemical pollutants out of the air, researchers reported. Putting a value on nature to preserve its riches Putting a value on nature and the services it provides is crucial to protect the world's forests, oceans, reefs and rivers from destruction, a major United Nations-backed report said. Roundwood timber framing: the greener way to build Using our native softwoods and 'in the round' construction, this innovative technique results in beautiful buildings with high environmental credentials. Science struggling to track destruction of nature Scientists are struggling to get a full picture of the variety of wildlife species around the globe as climate change, human exploitation and pollution threaten "mass extinctions". Scientists question think tanks' motives A dozen scientists are raising concerns about a pair of environmental and trade policy think tanks that they claim are twisting facts about tropical deforestation in order to promote an agenda of oil palm development in places like Indonesia and Malaysia. Survival of Europe's fittest The wild boar population in France and across Europe is soaring, despite the best efforts of hunters. Systems thinker Earlier this year, the Buckminster Fuller Institute gave its annual award to the Africa Centre for Holistic Management, an organization dedicated to stopping the spread of deserts worldwide. The least of God's creatures has value Global discussions on biodiversity are all very well, but most good conservation is done locally. Tokio quiere cooperar con países que comparten bosques de Amazonia El Gobierno de Japón tiene interés en trabajar con los países que comparten los bosques de la Amazonía para mitigar los efectos del cambio climático, dijo un alto funcionario nipón. UN climate negotiations sputter amid structural problems It seems a familiar story, these days: while heat waves break historical records and we suffer more of the floods, hurricanes and droughts that experts warn will only increase with climate change, the United Nations climate negotiations come and go with few expectations and even fewer constructive outcomes.

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UN deal struck to 'save ecosystems' Almost 200 countries sign up to key targets on pollution, forest and reef protection, and creating conservation areas. U.N. meeting to protect nature split on targets Environment ministers from around the world tried to wrap up a U.N. meeting to preserve nature but remained split on targets to fight losses in animal and plant species that support livelihoods and economies. U.N. study highlights price of nature to mankind Governments and businesses need an overhaul of policies and strategies to respond to the rapid loss of nature's riches, worth trillions of dollars but long taken for granted, a U.N.-backed study said. UN turns to wiki power for wildlife conservation The UN Environment Programme is turning to the wiki-world in an attempt to improve protection of the natural one. Ven necesario cambiar economía mundial para salvar la biodiversidad La idea es darle valor a bosques, corales y otros elementos naturales para reparar y conservar estos recursos y hacer inversiones a largo plazo, según un informe apoyado por la ONU. Walmart and General Mills bullish on sustainable palm oil Your morning bowl of cereal is about to get more environmentally friendly -- that is, as long as you eat Cheerios, Trix or another General Mills brand. What many consumers don't know is that food producers, through their heavy use of palm oil, are a major driver of rainforest deforestation in Southeast Asia. Why winds are slowing Afforestation and climate change are blamed for stilling surface winds in the Northern Hemisphere. Winds slowing around the world, study suggests Around the world, surface winds are slowing down, a new study says. Strangely enough, the alleged culprits aren't new buildings but new trees. The easing breezes—if also detected higher up—could affect movements of air pollution but may not necessarily give the wind power industry a case of the doldrums, experts say. World Bank launches scheme to green government accounts The World Bank launched a program to help nations put a value on nature just like GDP in a bid to stop the destruction of forests, wetlands and reefs that underpin businesses and economies. World needs urgent action to stop species loss: U.N The world cannot afford to allow nature's riches to disappear, the United Nations said at the start of a major meeting to combat losses in animal and plant species that underpin livelihoods and economies. Zoos urged to educate more to slow extinctions Zoos and aquariums should do more to educate visitors about ways to slow extinctions and build on successes in breeding rare species from monkeys to toads, the head of the world's zookeepers said.

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