No. 09/2011 - fao.org · No. 09/2011 . INFOSYLVA is an information service of news clippings provided by the FAO Forestry Information Centre with news on forestry in English,

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No. 09/2011

INFOSYLVA is an information service of news clippings provided by the FAO Forestry Information Centre with news on forestry in English, French and Spanish.

INFOSYLVA est un service d'information à partir de coupures de presse, mis à disposition par le Centre

d'Information sur les Forêts de la FAO et qui fait le point de l'actualité dans ce secteur, en anglais, français et espagnol.

INFOSYLVA es el servicio de información de recortes de prensa suministrado por el Centro de

Informacion Forestal de la FAO con noticias sobre las actividades forestales, en inglés, francés y español.

Forthcoming FAO events May 52nd session of the Advisory Commitee on Paper and Wood Products (ACPWP) Montebello, Canada - 23-25 May 2011 Developing Guidelines for Decision and Policy Makers: Trees and Forests for Healthy Cities Glasgow, Scotland - 30-31 May 2011 June VII Congreso Forestal Centroamericano - "El Bosque sin Frontera para Todos y por el bien Común" Managua, Nicaragua - 29 June-01 July 2011 August Second Regional Forum for People and Forests Bangkok, Thailand - 08–09 August 2011 October Planted Teak Forests: a Globally Emerging Forest Resource Guanacaste, Costa Rica - 31 October – 5 November 2011 Rediscovering wood: the key to a sustainable future - International Conference on the Art and Joy of Wood Bangalore, India - 19-22 October 2011 November Second Asia-Pacific Forestry Week: New Challenges – New Opportunities Beijing, China - 7-11 November 2011

Other forest-related events June Poverty Environment Network (PEN) Conference - Counting on the Environment: The Contribution of Forests to Rural Livelihoods The Royal Society, London, United Kingdom - 15 June 2011 Poverty Environment Network (PEN) Science Workshop - Exploring the Forest-Poverty Link: New Research Findings University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom - 13-14 June 2011 Public Conference - Short Rotation Forestry and Agroforestry: An Exchange of Experience Between CDM Countries and Europe Barolo, Torino, Italy - 20-22 June 2011 Simposio Internacional Gestión Forestal Recurso Micológico/Silvicultural Management for Forests Producers Edible Mushrooms Valladolid, Spain - 09-11 June 2011 July 10th Proforest Summer Training Programme Oxford, United Kingdom - 18-22 July 2011 FITECMA 2011 - Feria Internacional de Madera & Tecnología Buenos Aires, Argentina - 05-09 July 2011 Forêts et foresterie: mutations et décloisonnements Martinique, France - 06-08 July 2011 Proforest summer training programme 2011 Oxford, United Kingdom – 18-22 July 2011 August CCIKS 2011 – International Student Conference: Climate Change and Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS) Johannesburg, South Africa - 15-17 August 2011 September Forest Pedagogic and Environmental Education - The PAWS-MED experience Sabaudia, National Park of Circeo, Italy - 15-16 September 2011 Who Will Own the Forest? 7 World Forestry Center, Portland, Oregon, United States of America - 19-21 September 2011 November 2011 IUFRO Forest Protection Joint Meeting ‘Pathogens, insects and their associations affecting forestry worldwide’ Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay - 08-11 November 2011

25th International Congress for Conservation Biology (ICCB 2011) Christchurch, New Zealand - 28 November - 02 December 2011 IUFRO International Conference - Research Priorities in Tropical Silvicuture: Towards New paradigms? Montpellier, France - 15-18 November 2011

FAO Forestry vacancies Director, Forestry Assessment, Management and Conservation Division (FOM) Fire management expert - Tanzania

FAO Forestry survey Climate change survey for forest managers FAO, in collaboration with forest management, climate change experts and relevant stakeholders, is developing guidelines to assist forest managers to effectively respond to climate change challenges and opportunities. These guidelines will include actions related to both climate change adaptation and mitigation and will be relevant to all types of forests, all management objectives and all types of managers. More information on this effort may be found here FAO Forests and Climate Change Programme or requested at [email protected]. To facilitate the development of the guidelines, we are conducting a survey for forest managers (The survey in English). We are inviting you to provide your views and perceptions on factors that limit the ability of forest managers to prepare for and respond to climate change. Una encuesta sobre cambio climático para las autoridades forestales La FAO, en colaboración con expertos en ordenación forestal y en cambio climático y con las partes interesadas pertinentes, está elaborando directrices para ayudar a las autoridades forestales a responder con eficacia a los desafíos y oportunidades que plantea el cambio climático. Estas directrices comprenderán medidas de adaptación y mitigación ante el cambio climático, y serán adecuadas para todo tipo de bosques, todos los objetivos de gestión y a todos los responsables de la gestión forestal. En el siguiente enlace se presenta más información sobre esta actividad: Programa de la FAO sobre los bosques y el cambio climático o podéis escribir a [email protected]. Con el fin de facilitar la elaboración de las directrices, estamos haciendo una encuesta a las autoridades forestales (La encuesta en español). Los invitamos a compartir puntos de vista y opiniones sobre los factores que limitan la capacidad de los responsables de la gestión forestal para prepararse al cambio climático y responder a sus desafíos. Une enquête sur le changement climatique pour les gestionnaires forestiers La FAO, en collaboration avec des experts en matière de gestion des forêts et du changement climatique et les parties prenantes concernées, est en train de développer des directives pour aider les gestionnaires des forêts à répondre efficacement aux défis du changement climatique et à ses opportunités. Ces directives comprendront des actions liées à l'adaptation et à l'atténuation du changement climatique et seront adaptées à tous les types de forêts, tous les objectifs de gestion et tous les types de gestionnaires. Pour plus d'informations sur cet effort, vous pouvez consulter le site Programme de la FAO sur les forêts et le changement climatique ou vous pouvez écrire à [email protected]. Pour faciliter l'élaboration de ces directives, nous réalisons une

enquête au près des gestionnaires forestiers (L'enquête en française). Nous vous invitons à donner votre opinion et vos perceptions sur les facteurs qui limitent la capacité des gestionnaires forestiers à se préparer et répondre au changement climatique.

FAO in the news Forest fires contributing to climate change Rising temperatures have led to more forest fires across the world, which in turn contribute to climate change, warns a report by the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO). Growing number of mega-fires may contribute to global warming FAO calls for wildfire emissions monitoring and comprehensive fire management strategies. Icraf starts trees gene bank project in Nairobi A project to document genetic properties of more than 3,000 forest trees across the continent has started in Nairobi. The move comes amid revelations that trees with medicinal value have been lost through rampant deforestation while others are being exploited by Western drug manufacturers without royalties. "In Africa, we expect to cover more than 3,000 species," said Ramni Jamnadass, the project leader at the Gigiri-based World Agroforestry Centre. Incendios forestales aceleran el calentamiento global, dicen La proliferación de grandes incendios forestales en los últimos años puede acelerar el calentamiento global, según la organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO). La FAO cree que los incendios forestales aceleran el calentamiento global La proliferación de grandes incendios forestales en los últimos años puede acelerar el calentamiento global, según la organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO). La proliferación de enormes incendios forestales puede contribuir al calentamiento del planeta La FAO pide que se supervisen las emisiones de los incendios forestales y se estudien estrategias integrales para combatirlos. Les méga-incendies pourraient contribuer au réchauffement de la planète La FAO préconise un suivi des émissions liées aux feux de forêt et des stratégies intégrées de gestion des incendies. Megafires - a vicious climate circle? The term "megafire" sounds a bit serious... and so it is. Even more serious is the idea - raised in a report compiled for a UN meeting this week - that megafires are becoming more frequent. Still more alarming is the notion that these magafires are somehow quantitatively different from their smaller and more common cousins. Mega-fires pose threat to environment, economy Experts gathered in Sun City, South Africa, to discuss wildfires. But a new report also focused on a growing phenomenon called mega-fires. The report describes mega-fires as “extraordinary conflagrations unprecedented in the modern era for their deep and long-lasting social, economic and environmental impact. They’re ignited with the help of climate change and may contribute to it as well.

Megaincendios aceleran calentamiento global: FAO Al presentar un informe en la Quinta Conferencia Internacional sobre Incendios Forestales, en Sun City, Sudáfrica, la Organización de Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO) llamó a los países a que apliquen estrategias integrales de gestión de incendios. Revela FAO circulo vicioso entre megaincendios y cambio climático El aumento de la temperatura global contribuye al desarrollo de grandes incendios forestales, los que a su vez contribuyen al cambio climático, alertó un informe de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO).

Press review/ Revue de presse/ Informe de prensa: 01 – 15 May 2011 International Year of Forests Arthus-Bertrand expose des forêts au bord du lac L’exposition photo "Des forêts et des hommes" ornera le quai Wilson du 14 mai au 8 juin. Celebrarán jaliscienses el Año Internacional de los Bosques Alrededor de 250 mil personas participarán en los 173 eventos agendados en Jalisco para celebrar el Año Internacional de los Bosques, informó la Comisión Nacional Forestal (Conafor). Celebrating forests in art An iguana commanded the attention of several people at a time at the opening of Celebrating Forests for People at the Trinidad Art Society, Federation Park. The exhibit, running until May 21, is in support of the United Nations' International Year of Forests and features more than 100 works, paintings and sculptures, from a number of artists. En el año internacional de los bosques, el SECF concurso universitario En el Año internacional de los Bosques (2011), la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales (SECF) ha puesto en marcha la I edición del concurso "Explica y Divulga", con el objeto de promover el conocimiento de los montes y su aprovechamiento sostenible. Forestry leader honoured by UN in Canada for boreal agreement Canada’s top logger is to be honoured for saving trees by the United Nations Association in Canada at a gala dinner Wednesday night in Vancouver. Guatemala gets a green card It’s rare that a developing country receives praise for its environmental achievements. Economic progression is more heavily weighted than ecological conservation, and Guatemala’s priorities are no different. Its vulnerable ecosystems, and the government that abuses them, often receive much criticism: 95 per cent of the country’s water supply is polluted and 70 per cent of its mangrove forests have vanished, meaning the exotic nation’s anything but eco-friendly.

Hervé Houin (directeur régional de l’ONF): "Valorisation et préservation peuvent se conjuguer" La forêt réunionnaise sera confrontée aux changements climatiques qui s’annoncent. Les gestionnaires doivent l’intégrer en conservant un capital génétique le plus large possible des espèces endémiques et indigènes afin de préserver la biodiversité qui caractérise l’île. La forêt s'affiche En première mondiale sur le quai Wilson, à Genève, Des Forêts et des Hommes se présente comme une ode et un cri d’alarme. Florilège. La forêt Valaisanne livre ses secrets au public Les professionnels valaisans organisent une visite de leur royaume. L'occasion de comprendre un monde proche mais souvent ignoré. Places à prendre dans le "train du plaisir" Année internationale de la forêt oblige, l'Office national des forêts (ONF) s'ouvre au public à l'occasion de la Fête de la nature, cinquième du nom. Une ouverture limitée toutefois, ciblée et haut de gamme: quatre rendez-vous en tout et pour tout, sur le thème de "l'insolite". Star gazing in the wild Commemorating the international forest year were 30 students from schools in and around Panaji that were selected for an Astro Jungle Safari. The event which was organized by the Association of Friends of Astronomy (AFA) was held at the Bondla Wildlife Sanctuary. ZCWD “greens” buffer zone of the watershed On April 27 this year, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources launched the “National Year of Forests” to support the National Greening Program of the government and the United Nation’s Declaration of 2011 as the International Year of Forests. The goal to plant 1.5 billion seedlings from 2011 to 2016 is a must-do program of the government to grow back the lost forest cover. Africa Anti-malarial herbs on verge of extinct As Arusha continues to lure the world into Loliondo for a famous herbal cure, recent study conducted in Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda has revealed that other plants with antimalarial qualities are about to become extinct in the region. Asian palm oil companies on African safari Southeast Asian palm oil firms are turning to Africa as land runs out back home and world demand for cheap cooking oil soars, but the continent’s harsh weather, high costs and land disputes could derail their plans. Algeria Protéger la forêt de l’informel Un espace qui gagnerait à être mieux protégé pour assurer la quiétude des visiteurs.La forêt de Bouchaoui est une destination prisée pour les familles algéroises en quête de détente en plein air.

Argentina La oposición analiza la cartografía de Chubut para defender los bosques nativos El bloque de la Unión Cívica Radical requirió ampliación de documentación cartográfica a la Dirección General de Bosques y Parques de la Provincia vinculada con el estado de los bosques nativos en Chubut y anticipó que profundizará la búsqueda de antecedentes para sostener la obligación constitucional de preservar esos recursos naturales. La UCR denunció el pastoreo ilegal en los bosques nativos En el marco del debate parlamentario sobre el manejo de los bosques nativos, el bloque de diputados provinciales de la Unión Cívica Radical denunció que se “engordan vacas” de Río Negro con los bosques nativos de Chubut. La UCR insiste en “no desvirtuar” el debate de tierras con bosques nativos El cuestionado decreto 268/11 que otorgaba a los municipios el manejo de tierras públicas con bosque nativo, finalmente suspendido desde el Gobierno provincial por 60 días para ser debatido en el ámbito parlamentario, fue objeto nuevamente de tratamiento en la Legislatura por iniciativa del bloque de diputados de la Unión Cívica Radical. Más protección para el bosque nativo Un grupo de biólogos y especialistas en recursos forestales trabaja desde ya hace varios días para formular un mapa de protección del bosque nativo que sea superador del propuesto por el municipio, con el fin de presentarlo ante el gobierno provincial. Parece que fomentan los incendios de bosques para quedarse con los subsidios El intendente de El Hoyo, Mario Breide, oficializó un tema inquietante que muchos vienen mencionando en estricto off. Dijo que aparentemente “se fomentan los incendios de campos y bosques”, sugiriendo que en la mayoría de los casos es para “cobrar los subsidios”. En ese contexto recordó que de los cinco millones de pesos destinados al último incendio, 500 mil fueron para El Hoyo y 500 mil para Lago Puelo, pero “nada se sabe de los otros cuatro millones”. Australia Koalas threatened by climate change Climate change is likely to push koalas into populated areas where they'll be vulnerable to habitat loss, dog attacks and vehicle collisions, a Senate inquiry has been told. Belgium Feux de forêt: quelques reprises de feu maîtrisées Les unités de la Protection civile ont été appelées à intervenir en soutien des service incendie pour lutter contre des feux importants dans les Hautes Fagnes ainsi que dans les provinces du Limbourg et du Brabant flamand, a indiqué dimanche la Protection civile, évoquant un week-end "particulièrement animé pour les unités opérationnelles de la Protection civile". Lutgen veut un renfort de la surveillance des forêts Le ministre wallon en charge de la forêt et de la nature, Benoît Lutgen (cdH), a demandé aux équipes du Département Nature et Forêt (DNF) et à l'Unité Anti-Braconnage (UAB) de renforcer, notamment ce week-end, leurs équipes sur le terrain pour prévenir tout incendie en cette période de sécheresse.

Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Manejo forestal El programa Forestal Baba Carapa está capacitando a 22 organizaciones comunitarias de Ixiamas, Porvenir y Guarayos en la producción y comercialización de madera. Además de generar fuentes de empleo, la reproducción de este emprendimiento en otras regiones del país constituye una muy buena opción para la conservación de nuestros bosques. Naciones Unidas critica destrucción de bosques en Bolivia y pide políticas concretas La ONU expresó su preocupación porque en Bolivia cada año se destruyen 300.000 hectáreas de bosque y pidió al Gobierno del presidente Evo Morales, que suele presentarse como líder ecologista, que "aterrice" y adopte acciones concretas contra el cambio climático. Brazil Brasil vota una ley que favorece la deforestación Diputados vinculados a la industria agropecuaria defienden una ley que reduce las áreas protegidas. Brazil Congress again delays vote on key forest law Brazil's Chamber of Deputies has again postponed a vote on controversial changes that would ease a key law on forest protection. Brazil debates easing curbs on developing Amazon forest Brazil’s Congress fiercely debated changing a cornerstone environmental law, a move conservationists warned could roll back one of the most effective pieces of legislation protecting forests and biodiversity in Brazil and undermine the country’s efforts to slow greenhouse gas emissions. Skin-deep gains for Amazon tribe In a remote Amazon village a full day by canoe from the nearest road in western Brazil, Yawanawá Indians in grass skirts gather around a pile of urukum, a spiky fruit they use to make body paint, and pose for two photographers from the U.S. beauty firm Aveda. Una ley pone en juego el equilibrio entre bosques y agricultura de Brasil Una polémica reforma de la ley de bosques que puede ser votada esta semana en el Parlamento brasileño pone en juego el futuro equilibrio entre las magníficas selvas de Brasil y su gigante industria agropecuaria. Cambodia Monks fight to get Cambodian forests on the carbon market For years, the guardians of Sorng Rukavorn forest have drifted through the muted greens and grays of the underbrush in their saffron robes. In the far north of Cambodia, the monks live in what should be peaceful isolation, but all too often they have had to fend off incursions on this land. Canada Canada's Quebec province opens up north for mining A large area of northern Canada is to be opened up to mining, energy and forestry projects.

China China launches large grassland protection subsidy program The Chinese government has announced to implement a subsidy and reward program for the country's herdsmen over the coming years in order to reverse and prevent damage that has been done to China's grasslands because of climate change and overgrazing. Kwon steps up fight against desert expansion in China For Kwon Byong-hyon, former South Korean ambassador to China, almost everything should be considered in terms of the long-term health of the earth. “What do you think the earth has done for you so far?” Kwon asked in an interview. “And what, if anything, have you done for the earth in return?” Xinjiang invests heavily to halt desertification in Tarim Basin The Xinjiang division of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) disclosed that it will invest 1.8 billion RMB in sand prevention and control projects around the Tarim Basin in Xinjiang, in order to better resist sandstorm damage, contain desertification as well as to improve the quality and coverage of natural vegetation. Dominican Republic Deforestan lomas cerca del Parque Los Haitises Ante la mirada indiferente de las autoridades forestales, las principales lomas que rodean el Parque Nacional Los Haitises desde hace varias semanas son devastatadas con la encomienda de iniciar la siembra de frutos de ciclo corto. Los aserradores mermaron los bosques durante la Era de Trujillo Avaricia del Jefe. Desde que descubrió el valor de los bosques, Trujillo se convirtió en industrial de la madera. En 1939 habían 12 millones de tareas de bosques de pinos y en el 1967 apenas eran 3.5 millones de tareas. MA reconoce incremento deforestación en el Suroeste El director provincial del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales con sede en esta ciudad, admitió el incremento de la deforestación en poblaciones del Suroeste para la elaboración de carbón vegetal. Residentes de Paraíso denuncian haitianos deforestan sus montañas; piden intervención de MA Munícipes de Paraíso denunciaron ante las autoridades que haitianos que residen en esta zona están deforestando las áreas montañosas de ese municipio, por lo que piden la intervención del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente en esta ciudad. Ecuador Chevron, Ecuadoreans spar over halted damage award Lawyers for Ecuadorean villagers who sued Chevron Corp over pollution in the Amazon rain forest asked an appeals panel to modify a court order that halted enforcement of an $8.6 billion award against the oil company. Court relaxes order against Ecuadorean plaintiffs A federal appeals court agreed Thursday to hear arguments challenging the authority of U.S. courts to stop collection of an $18 billion Ecuadorean judgment against Chevron Inc. well before a trial later this year that could result in a permanent ban on collection of the award.

INIAP mantiene proyecto forestal en Napo El Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (Iniap), através de su Programa de Forestería, trabaja en varios cantones y parroquias de la provincia del Napo en la reducción de la deforestación, la disminución de la degradación de la tierra, la conservación del agua y la conservación de los recursos genéticos, agrícolas y forestales. France "Il n'y aura pas de remise en cause du régime forestier" L'ONF est l'héritière d'une grande tradition de gestion durable des forêts publiques. Le changement climatique fait peser de lourdes menaces sur les forêts françaises et nécessite des actions nouvelles importantes pour s'y adapter; l'ONF en aura-t-il les moyens? la nation et l'état sauront-ils les lui fournir à temps? La Réunion, l’île verte A la Réunion, plus de 35% de sa surface est encore couverte par des forêts ou des formations végétales primaires. En comparaison, on en compte moins de 2% à Maurice, pratiquement aucune à Rodrigues. A Madagascar, les forêts primaires encore présentes diminuent de façon très alarmante du fait de la déforestation. L'homme de la forêt Francis Hallé continue à explorer les forêts tropicales avec son radeau des cimes. Il en parle aujourd'hui à Bordeaux. Un préfet en forêt Le vent est chaud, la terre est sèche. Autant dire que les risques d'incendie sont actuellement bien présents dans le massif forestier aquitain. Ghana Ghana fights deforestation The activities of illegal chainsaw operators, bad agricultural practices and bush burning are eroding Ghana's forest cover but the country is adopting various measures to save its forest. Minister arrests chainsaw operators deep in the forest A team of officers from the Forestry Commission, Military, Media and Community Forest watch groups, led by Minister of Lands and Natural Resources, Hon. Mike Hammah, paid a surprise visit to the Tano-Offin Forest Reserve in the Nkawie District, and arrested four chain saw operators, who were decimating the forest reserve, according to information available to The Chronicle. Protecting our forests It is alarming. Ghana's forest cover is virtually gone. At independence, this nation had 8.2 million hectares of tropical rain forest. Now we may not have one million of this left. We have lost more than 90 percent of our forest cover in half a century of self-government. Guatemala Unos 613 incendios en Guatemala han consumido 2.793 hectáreas de bosques Las autoridades de protección civil han registrado un total de 613 incendios forestales que han destruido casi de 2.800 hectáreas de bosques en Guatemala desde noviembre pasado, informó una fuente gubernamental.

Honduras La leyenda de la mica En Honduras hay muchas clases de reptiles, o mejor dicho hubo. La deforestación de los bosques por parte de los madereros sin control; los incendios forestales; la agricultura de roza y quema; la ignorancia y el machete desenvainado de los campesinos, han hecho que hasta las culebras estén en vías de extinción. Un detenido por talar bosque en El Merendón La Fiscalía Especial de Protección al Medio Ambiente sigue presentando acusaciones en contra de personas que atentan contra los recursos naturales de la montaña de El Merendón. India CIL's poor record leads to stranded projects: Ramesh Even as state-owned Coal India Ltd (CIL) blames the Union environment ministry for its dismal production performance, environment minister Jairam Ramesh said the Maharatna enterprise had a poor record. Ramesh accused the company of a “poor track record”, noting it as the reason for stranded projects rather than environment issues, even as other ministers continued their attack on Ramesh for kicking-off the row. Gardening a forest My search for people working on Tropical Dry Evergreen Forests (TDEF) led me to the Auroville Botanical Garden. Started 10 years ago by Walter Gastmans, Auronevi Pingel and Paul Blanchflower, it is a 50-acre, man-made forest comprising 250 species and growing. Govt seeks UN funds to reduce carbon footprints In order to lock climate changing carbon dioxide in the growing forests, the government has asked the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change to provide a substantial part of the Rs 90 billion needed every year for 10 years. Illegal felling, fires denuding state forests The number of trees in forests in the state is fast depleting, particularly in the Nallamalla forest range, Khammam agency area and Andhra-Orissa border (AOB) due to rampant felling and forest fires. Jungle book The bamboos are back in Mudumalai national park and wildlife sanctuary in the Nilgiris. But to see the wildlife that thrives in bamboo groves, you have to head to Top Slip near Pollachi, says S Kondas, former bureaucrat and author. Massive afforestation drive to begin in Chennai If the state forest department is successful, Chennai may well become a green gotham. Instead of monster buildings, tall trees will block sunlight in more streets, and provide shade to residents beaten down by the scorching heat. Naveen Patnaik stresses on afforestation in Orissa Stressing on afforestation, Orissa chief minister Naveen Patnaik asked divisional forest officers (DFO) to ensure that ten times the number of trees felled for different projects were planted.

Tree transplantation is a huge farce and has never succeeded The state government's apathetic stand towards the illegal felling of trees only highlights its short-sightedness , say activists and environmentalists who are fighting a losing battle trying to protect the city's green cover. Indonesia Appel du WWF à protéger des tigres rares filmés en Indonésie Le Fonds mondial pour la nature (WWF) a lancé un appel urgent à la protection d'une forêt équatoriale d'Indonésie menacée par un projet de plantation, où des caméras ont réussi à filmer des tigres de Sumatra menacés d'extinction. Descubren un santuario de tigres en una selva de Indonesia La organización ecologista WWF, famosa por su defensa y protección de los animales, ha conseguido grabar un vídeo en el que se observa a varios ejemplares de tigres de Sumatra en la selva de Buket Tigapuluh, en Indonesia. EU and Indonesia sign deal on illegal timber Indonesia and the European Union have finalised an agreement aimed at ending the trade in illegally-sourced wood. Footage highlights threat to Sumatran tigers Wildlife group calls for action to protect tigers after capturing video of endangered species in threatened areas. Indonesia dice que no autorizará explotación de selvas donde habiten tigres Las autoridades de Indonesia indicaron que no autorizarán la explotación de bosques en los que habiten ejemplares del tigre de Sumatra, en peligro de extinción, informó la prensa local que cita fuentes oficiales. Indonesia, EU sign pact on sustainable timber Indonesia and the European Union signed an agreement to fight against the trade in illegal timber, one of the drivers of deforestation and a major source of greenhouse gases. Indonesia to set-up green palm body in May - govt Indonesia will form a body to manage, monitor and clarify its mandatory green palm oil industry scheme, an agriculture ministry official said. La UE e Indonesia firman un acuerdo para combatir la tala ilegal La Unión Europea (UE) e Indonesia firmaron un acuerdo para perseguir la tala y la exportación ilegal de madera del país asiático y convertir la industria maderera indonesia en un negocio sostenible. Local communities oblivious to govt’s plans for their forests Local residents of Pulang Pisau village in Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan, exhibited their hand-made products of woven bamboo and traditional medicines at the local subdistrict office. Housewives sat on the office floor to stitch the dried bamboo, while others explained to visitors the benefits of the traditional medicines.

Logging off An agreement signed this week by Indonesia and the European Union offers hope that Indonesia may begin to put its woeful mismanagement of its forests behind it. For environmental campaigners it is evidence of how the rich world can exert a benign influence on the developing countries that provide its resources. Our learning curve to survive is steep While the world seems unable to reach a binding multilateral agreement on fighting climate change, emerging evidence from Indonesia suggests the country faces a mammoth task in adapting to its impacts. Tiger cub video triggers WWF forest protection call Conservation group WWF urged timber firms to drop plans to clear Indonesian forest areas where infra-red cameras have captured footage of rare Sumatran tigers and their cubs. Tiger find prompts WWF pressure against planned logging The conservation charity, WWF, has recorded images of 12 rare Sumatran tigers, including a mother playing with cubs, in an Indonesian forest. Tigres de papel. WWF apela a las papeleras para salvar a los tigres en Indonesia El Fondo Mundial para la Naturaleza (WWF) pidió a las empresas papeleras que frenen la deforestación en una reserva natural de la isla indonesia de Sumatra para salvar a 12 tigres en peligro de extinción. Timber trade transformation in Asia In September 2001, Indonesia welcomed countries from across the region to the Forest Law Enforcement and Governance East Asia Ministerial Meeting (Asia FLEG) and openly acknowledged for the first time that illegal logging was a significant problem that demanded focused attention. Una vida en la selva dedicada al orangután La selva de la isla de Borneo es desde hace cuatro décadas el hogar de Biruté Galdikas y de la población de orangutanes que cada año mengua pese a su titánica lucha para proteger a estos primates de la extinción. Wild tiger cubs front campaign against deforestation To anyone else, it's just a bit of dead foliage, but for the playful tiger cubs in this footage a dry old leaf proves a whole lot of fun. Sumatran Tigers are critically endangered, with only 400 thought to remain in the wild, so getting footage of three cubs in such a relatively short period of time is unusual. WWF takes images of rare tigers in logging forest The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) has recorded images of 12 endangered Sumatran tigers, including a mother playing with cubs, in an Indonesian forest that it said is about to be cleared by loggers. Ireland Chances aplenty for wood owners to test machines as aids to thinning During the 1990s, a surge in tree planting took place as Irish farmers realised the advantages presented by the improved afforestation schemes. Thousands of hectares were planted throughout Ireland and much of this area is now ready for thinning.

Kenya Groups reject plan for bypass through park A proposed bypass intended to decongest Nakuru town is causing outrage after it emerged that it will cut across Lake Nakuru National Park. Kenya turns sugarcane waste into paper to preserve forests Kenyan companies are starting to produce paper from sugarcane waste in a move environmentalists hope will reduce illegal logging, reverse deforestation and help slow the effects of climate change. Kenya's construction boom hurting unique game park A construction boom risks destroying a game park on the Kenyan capital's edge, where lions hunt in the shadows of skyscrapers, a wildlife official said. Plan to restore Mwala river Four government agencies have embarked on an tree-planting campaign to restore the degraded the banks of Thwake River which streams through Mwala and Kathiani districts. Wildlife society aids in Mau reafforestation The interim coordinating secretariat for the restoration of Mau forest complex has launched a new partnership with the African Wildlife Society for the conservation of a 19,000 hectare block. Liberia Liberia and EU sign deal to end 'logs of war' Liberia and the European Union have signed a deal to prevent illegal timber exports and kickstart the country's forestry industry. But is it "green" enough? Liberia hopes to revive greener logging industry Forested nations used to fear tough rules on logging would hurt their valuable timber industries, but for Liberia they could be a way of reviving its sector - by giving it privileged access to European markets. Usaid assures support to forest sector The Mission Director of USAID-Liberia, Patricia Rader, and a team of USAID officials paid a one day courtesy visit to Nimba, where she was officially introduced as the new head of USAID in Liberia to the local authority of Nimba and leaders of communities where the USAID-supported Land Rights and Community Forestry Program (LRCFP) is piloting Community Forestry (CF). Malaysia Haze from Indonesia fires blankets parts of Malaysia Haze caused by fires burning in Indonesia blanketed parts of Malaysia, sending air pollution at its largest port up to unhealthy levels. IOI gets extended timeline IOI Corp Bhd has been given an extension to May 25 by the Roundtable On Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) Grievance Panel to respond to the land disputes and illegal deforestation allegations by Migros, Friends of the Earth and Grassroots as well as the local community of Long Teran Kanan in Sarawak.

Mexico Comunidad indígena mexicana cierra su acceso para evitar al crimen organizado Una pequeña ciudad indígena del sur de México cortó los accesos por carretera para evitar la llegada de talamontes clandestinos protegidos por comandos de sicarios armados, reveló a Efe una fuente cercana a la situación. Conservación de la Selva Lacandona, con el trabajo de sus pobladores originales En enero de 2011, la cámara local de diputados en Chiapas, en torno a una exposición de motivos de parte del gobierno del estado, inició un fondo semilla de casi 50 millones de pesos, dinero proveniente del pago de la tenencia automotriz en el estado, con el fin de comenzar un proceso de Reducción de Emisiones por Deforestación y Degradación Evitada plus (REDD+), con una amplia participación de los sectores beneficiados y una base de gobernanza construida con las comunidades Lacandonas Mayas, Tzeltales y Choles, habitantes de la zona denominada Bienes Comunales Selva Lacandona. Consume incendio unas 8 mil hectáreas de bosque en el norte de Sonora La zona de la sierra alta en los municipios de Nogales, Imuris y Cananea, es la más afectada por los incendios forestales, los cuales son combatidos por personal adscrito a la comisión Nacional Forestal y elementos del Ejército, así como voluntarios. Diputado exige que el Ejército proteja bosques de taladores El diputado federal perredista Martín García Avilés urgió la presencia del Ejército mexicano para proteger los bosques del municipio de Cherán, enclavado en el corazón de la Meseta Purépecha, donde desde el pasado 15 de abril se vive un ambiente de tensión luego de que presuntos talamontes dieron muerte a dos indígenas y amagan con seguir arrasando la zona arbolada. Extinguen incendios en norte de México dos meses después de haberse desatado Los incendios forestales que consumieron durante dos meses cientos de hectáreas en el norteño estado mexicano de Coahuila fueron extinguidos al ciento por ciento, informó la Comisión Nacional Forestal (Conafor). "La conservación de las fuentes de agua es una obligación ciudadana" Amorita Ivonne Salas-Westphal, Coordinadora del Comité Técnico Agenda Verde del Consejo Consultivo Nacional para el Desarrollo Sustentable, señala que el rescate y conservación de las principales fuentes de agua merece ser ya una obligación ciudadana para el futuro de la región. Mexique: une communauté indienne s'organise contre des abattages illégaux d'arbres La tension est palpable dans les rues de Cheran, un bourg situé dans les montagnes de l'Etat du Michoacan, à l'ouest de Mexico, où les Indiens Purepechas se sont déclarés en "état de siège" contre des groupes criminels qui se livrent à des abattages illégaux d'arbres. Por descuido, 98% de incendios forestales Las principales causas son: dejar fogatas o colillas sin apagar y usar fuegos artificiales sin control. ProÁrbol destina 52.6 millones a restaurar bosques de Jalisco Se trata de 30 mil hectáreas dañadas por incendios, sobrepastoreo, erosión y cambios de uso de suelo, entre otras causas.

Pueblos purépechas, en defensa de sus bosques La invasión de grupos criminales obliga a habitantes de Michoacán a "alzarse en armas". ‘Recursos para los bosques no deben ser a través del Fonden’ en Coahuila Para evitar en gran medida que se presenten incendios forestales y que se facilite el ataque inmediato con todas las herramientas a la mano cuando se presenten dichas conflagraciones, el Gobierno Federal debe destinar recursos presupuestalmente, y no sólo a través del Fondo Nacional para Desastres Naturales cuando ya están ardiendo los bosques. Se invertirán dos millones setecientos mil pesos para reforestar Culiacán Un apoyo histórico de dos millones setecientos mil pesos se consiguieron de parte del gobierno federal para los campesinos culiacanenses, que iniciaron con un curso de capacitación por parte de personal de la Comisión Nacional Forestal y el programa "Proárbol 2011", dijo Roberto Moreno León, Subdirector Municipal de Medio Ambiente. Severamente dañadas más de 3 mil 500 hectáreas de bosque en Chilchota por la tala clandestina Las acciones y programas instrumentados por el gobierno del estado en los últimos 10 años no han sido sino una mera pantalla que de poco o nada ha servido para resolver el problema de fondo, por lo que la tala clandestina en los bosque de la parte alta del municipio sigue imparable y se han devastado ya más de 3 mil 500 hectáreas en la parte alta del municipio, denunciaron comuneros de la localidad. Mongolia Vast Mongolian shantytown now home to quarter of country's population More than 700,000 people, many of them ex-herders and their families, now crowd the gers sprawling north of Ulan Bator. Morocco 'Cedar mafia' threatens Morocco's cherished wood Revered as the "king of the forest" in Morocco, the native cedar tree is under increasing threat from illegal logging - a crime which also threatens the country's main water reserve. Nepal El rinoceronte aumenta en número pero sigue en peligro de extinción en Nepal La caza y el desarrollo de flora exógena amenazan a los últimos rinocerontes en Nepal, donde la especie sigue en peligro de extinción pese a que el fin de la guerra civil ha traído una recuperación de su población en los últimos años. Timber import spirals‚ thanks to yearlong ban With no initiative to lift the ban on timber trade imposed by the Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation a year ago, timber import has gone up. The ban came into effect after the ministry came under fire for failure to curb rampant deforestation. Since then, timber trade in the country has virtually died. New Zealand Emissions trading scheme: risks and opportunities The emissions-trading scheme presents farmers and other landowners with challenges and opportunities to maximise returns per hectare.

Nicaragua Incendios carbonizan bosques segovianos Uno de los focos se propagó desde finca del diputado liberal Carlos Gadea, denunció el productor Alcides Centeno en radio local. En apenas dos horas, sus 15 hectáreas desaparecieron, según él, porque no hay práctica de hacer las rondas. Niger Drought, food insecurity and desertification blight Niger In the first of a new series of photo-stories documenting the growing global crisis over water resources, Matilde Gattoni reports from Niger and finds a country struggling to quench its increasing thirst. Paraguay Imparable rollotráfico en Dpto. de San Pedro El rollotráfico y, por ende, la masiva deforestación continúan imparables en el departamento de San Pedro. El negociado “florece” ante la nula intervención o la complicidad de los funcionarios estatales, especialmente de la Secretaría del Ambiente (Seam) y del Instituto Forestal Nacional (Infona), instituciones responsables de evitar que ocurran los atentados contra los recursos naturales. Peru Comunidades protectoras del bosque seco Transmitir conocimientos y capacitación técnica a 23 localidades del bosque seco de la región Piura, para que mejoren su calidad de vida y se conviertan en protectoras de los recursos naturales donde trabajan, es el objetivo del programa que lleva adelante el Gobierno Regional. San Martín: siembran plantas que recuperan suelos dañados por deforestación El piñón blanco soporta condiciones extremas de clima, y podría ayudar a combatir efectos del calentamiento global. Russian Federation Arden unas 11 mil hectáreas de bosques en Rusia Al menos 11 mil 212 hectáreas de bosques arden en la Siberia rusa, donde se registraron 279 focos de incendios, a causa de altas temperaturas, indicó el ministerio de Situaciones de Emergencia (MCHS). Greenpeace warns Russia of catastrophic wildfires Russia could again choke in catastrophic wildfires this summer because the authorities are reacting too slowly to the growing threat, environmental campaigners Greenpeace warned. Russie/nucléaire: incendie maîtrisé Les autorités russes ont annoncé avoir maîtrisé un incendie de forêt dans une zone contaminée près du principal centre russe de retraitement et de stockage de déchets nucléaires Maïak, dans l'Oural, affirmant que les feux ne posaient "plus de problèmes". Spain CCOO liga el cambio climático con los incendios El sindicato pide cuidar los bosques para reducir las emisiones de CO2.Defiende la gestión pública de la prevención como la más barata y eficaz.

Desarrollan un nuevo software para mejorar el mantenimiento y la gestión de bosques Un equipo de investigadores del Grupo de Cartografía Geoambiental y Teledetección de la Universitat Politècnica de València ha desarrollado un nuevo software que contribuye a mejorar el mantenimiento y la gestión de nuestros bosques ya que permite generar mapas de las zonas forestales estudiadas con información sobre su volumen maderable, biomasa o la altura de sus árboles, entre otras variables. Desarrollan un programa que genera mapas sobre la evolución de los bosques Investigadores de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV) han desarrollado un software que permite generar mapas con los que se mejora el conocimiento de la evolución de los bosques, cómo cambia su estructura y características y su potencial de absorción de CO2. El lince boreal puede volver a poblar el Pirineo tras el oso y el lobo Tras la reintroducción del oso en el Pirineo y el regreso del lobo a Cataluña, algunos naturalistas se muestran partidarios de poder recuperar en los hábitats pirenaicos al lince boreal, una especie que se extinguió en estas montañas a principios del siglo XX, principalmente por la persecución humana. La biomasa forestal podría abastecer a todos los centros públicos de CLM El presidente de FSC España (Consejo de Administración Forestal), Félix Romero, ha asegurado en Toledo que la energía derivada de los residuos de los bosques, la biomasa forestal, podría abastecer a todos los centros públicos de Castilla-La Mancha "reduciendo así la dependencia energética". La caza, una buena forma de mejorar el estado de montes incendiados Investigadores del equipo de Biología de la Conservación de la Universidad de Barcelona (UB) han planteado, como vía para mejorar la gestión forestal tras un incendio, la retirada de los ramajes quemados, que ayudaría a fomentar de forma sostenible la caza de especies como el conejo o la perdiz. Los ratones de campo, claves en la recuperación de los bosques Transportan frutos a grandes distancias que, olvidados, permiten regenerar la masa forestal. Un centenar de operarios peinan cada día el monte contra el fuego El desbrozo y la conservación de pistas de la Corona Forestal centran las labores de prevención de incendios previas al verano. Un software que genera mapas sobre la evolución de los bosques Investigadores de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV) han desarrollado un software que permite generar mapas con los que se mejora el conocimiento de la evolución de los bosques, cómo cambia su estructura y características y su potencial de absorción de CO2. Switzerland Après l'incendie de forêt, la pluie attendue est redoutée à Viège La pluie annoncée dans les prochains jours est attendue en Valais, surtout à Viège qui a connu un important incendie de forêt le 26 avril dernier. Paradoxalement la pluie est aussi source de crainte et la zone incendiée est particulièrement surveillée. Berne veut faciliter les défrichements En réponse à un projet d'une commission du Conseil des Etats, le Conseil fédéral estime que l'assouplissement de la politique forestière en matière de surface n'est qu'un premier pas.

Uganda Bunyoro, NFA fight over forest Bunyoro Kitara kingdom and the National Forestry Authority (NFA) are locked in a row over the ownership of Masindi Forest. Each of the two institutions is claiming ownership of a forest which covers over 30 acres of land in Masindi Municipality. NFA to evict 11,000 from Amuru land The National Forestry Authority is pushing to evict more than 11,000 residents of Tedi village, Pabbo Sub-county in Amuru District, claiming the land belongs to the forestry body and that the residents are encroachers. United Kingdom British parakeet boom is a mystery, and a mess The evening started peacefully enough at Long Lane Recreation Park in the western suburbs of London, disturbed only by the occasional rumble of a distant jet landing at Heathrow Airport. But just before sunset, five bright green missiles streaked through the air toward a row of poplars at the park’s edge. England wildfires threaten rare birds Conservationists warn blazes may have affected some of the UK's most threatened ground-nesting birds such as the twite. Forest fires: Britain bursts into flames As these damp islands swelter in temperatures that have outstripped the Sahara, cookouts have been one of the causes of the wildfires. Government accused of u-turn on ban on wild animals in circuses The Government has been accused of doing a u-turn on banning wild animals from circuses, despite public demands to end the use of performing elephants. Many orchards in neglected state, aerial study finds Nearly half of England's traditional orchards are in a neglected condition, a study of aerial photographs suggests. Oak before ash: in for a splash? Ever heard the old rhyme "If the oak before the ash, then we'll only have a splash, if the ash before the oak, then we'll surely have a soak"? If it's to be believed we could be in for a pretty dry summer. Rain to aid heathland wildfires fight Much-needed rain could aid firefighters continuing to battle heathland fires which have been burning across the UK, forecasters said. 'Success' in South Georgia rat eradication Conservationists say they are pleased with early efforts to kill rats on South Georgia, in what is the biggest rodent eradication campaign in history. The fight for our forests isn't won The coalition has retreated on a sale but much of British woodland is in effect private. We need to restore public access.

The Future of England's Forests: How we got lost in the woods After plans to sell off England's forests were dramatically shelved, The Independent launched a prize for the best writing on their future. Here, Michael McCarthy introduces the winning article. UK animal feed helping to destroy Asian rainforest, study shows More than a tenth of the world's palm kernel meal, a by-product of palm oil, is fed to British pets and livestock. UK weather: very warm and very wet, say forecasters Warm temperatures and thunderstorms forecast for weekend offer huge relief for UK firefighters tackling hundreds of wildfires. Why kill Scottish birds of prey? The sight of a golden eagle soaring above Scotland's mountains can be the highlight of a day out in the Highlands. Wildfires 'a threat' to ecology and soil quality Wildfires which have been burning across parts of Scotland will have an impact on ecology and soil quality, according to scientists. United Republic Tanzania Plant tree, Finnish expert tells nation Tanzania green revolution initiative, dubbed as Kilimo Kwanza, will make meaningful gains if it takes on board tree-planting inventiveness, an expert has said. Utility price hikes push demand for wood in Tanzania Soaring gas and electricity prices in Tanzania are forcing more and more people to return to the use of charcoal and wood for heating and cooking, threatening the country’s forests and contributing to climate change. Woman who dared cross herders to save swamps A Land cruiser bulldozes its ways through a potholed road. Paddy and maize plantations appear as the four-wheel drive finds its way into a thick forest before coming to a sudden halt at the 4,060-square-km Ihefu conservation area. United States of America A boon to birds: public preserves Publicly owned land, ocean and marshes provide habitats for at least half of the American populations of 300 bird species, the Department of Interior reports. A coast-to-coast guide to endangered species The whoosh of a surfacing orca and the glower of a mother grizzly still have the power to raise goose bumps; a soaring California condor can yet astonish. But chances to admire many of our wildlife neighbors are becoming increasingly uncommon.

Brisk sales of permits for planned Idaho wolf hunts Permits for planned wolf hunts sold briskly in Idaho, as most wolves in the Northern Rockies were officially removed from the endangered species list and conservationists sued over the unprecedented removal of protection by Congress. Deal aims to cut endangered species red tape Animals and plants that may deserve protection under the Endangered Species Act moved closer to getting help under a legal settlement plan announced by the government and environmentalists. Do girl scout cookies harm the environment? Renegade scouts fight against palm oil ingredient Girl Scout cookie lovers, beware. Because of palm oil, a key ingredient, those delicious and addictive treats may not be as innocent as they seem. Not only is the ingredient linked to child labor in Indonesia, but it also allegedly contributes to rainforest deforestation. But now two renegade girl scouts are lobbying the Girl Scouts of America to remove the ingredient from the cookies. Feds announce reviews for 251 imperiled species The Obama administration announced a deal with environmentalists to work through a backlog of more than 250 imperiled animals and plants and decide which merit greater protections. Feds drop Bush era endangered species policy The Obama administration will no longer consider state boundaries when determining endangered species protections, a decision that could mean more protection for endangered species over wider areas, officials said. Gray wolves go back to state control The Obama administration moved to lift Endangered Species Act protections for 5,500 gray wolves in the Northern Rockies and Great Lakes, drawing the line on the predators' rapid expansion over the last two decades. Hear that buzzing? 13-year cicadas are back in U.S. South Traveling through a rural part of the U.S. state of Georgia recently, Charles Seabrook heard a high-pitched whirring so loud he thought the engine of his pickup truck was overheating. Hogs can’t fly, but a Texas Bill allows their hunters to When State Representative Sid Miller introduced a bill last legislative session to allow licensed hunters to shoot feral hogs from helicopters, Texas lawmakers jokingly passed out “pork chopper” buttons. They’re not laughing anymore. How sending a letter can help save wildlife Looking for little ways to help endangered species? The United States Postal Service announced a postage-size way to contribute. Mail a letter, save a tiger? If the world gets saved one small act at a time, the U.S. Postal Service and the Wildlife Conservation Society may be onto something. They’ve just unveiled a new stamp that aims to make protection of endangered species as easy as mailing a letter.

Montana tribes ready for historic return of buffalo For the first time in nearly 140 years, the Indian tribes of northeastern Montana are preparing for the return of wild buffalo that are descended from herds that once thundered across the vast American West. Record wildlife die-offs reported in Northern Rockies A record number of big-game animals perished this winter in parts of Montana, Idaho and Wyoming from a harsh season of unusually heavy snows and sustained cold in the Northern Rockies, state wildlife managers say. U.S., Alaska disagree on proposed tongass roadless exemptions The Obama administration and Alaska are at loggerheads over which mining, hydroelectric and timber projects should be allowed after roadless protections return to the nation's largest national forest. US government ends federal protection for the grey wolf Rocky Mountain states prepare to allow hunting of wolves for the first time since 2009. U.S. reaches a settlement on decisions about endangered species The Interior Department, facing an avalanche of petitions and lawsuits over proposed endangered species designations, said Tuesday that it had negotiated a settlement under which it will make decisions on 251 species over the next six years. White-nose syndrome: Bats hit by killer disease The descent into the abandoned mine is treacherous. The loose rocks, caked in mud, ice and guano, slip and slide under your feet. At some points the entrance is so tight, the only option is to crawl through the dirt, flat on your belly. Wild pig explosion may spread disease to humans An explosion of wild pigs in the U.S. could be exposing people to dangerous parasites, a new study says. Wolves back in hunters' sights after US government removes their protection Permits for wolf hunts are selling briskly in the US state of Idaho, after most wolves in the Northern Rockies were officially struck from the endangered species list in an unprecedented removal of protection by Congress. Wolves to lose U.S. federal protection on Thursday Federal protections for some 1,200 gray wolves in Montana and Idaho officially end on Thursday under unprecedented legislation passed by Congress last month removing them from the endangered species list. Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Venezuela continúa siendo un paraíso para observar aves Pese a los peligros que corren las aves en el territorio nacional, Marietta Hernández, directiva de la organización conservacionista de aves Audubon, considera que Venezuela y Caracas son "un paraíso" para la observación de estos animales por su abundancia.

World Bosques tropicales surgieron hace 65 millones de años Los primeros bosques tropicales aparecieron hace 65 millones de años cuando las plantas florales desarrollaron un sistema hidráulico que aumentó su producción fotosintética, según una investigación difundida el martes basada en el análisis de fósiles de plantas. Chick sex swayed by farm grazing Grazing by farm animals can skew the sex ratio of bird chicks, a UK research team has found - potentially affecting the species' prospects. Drug ban helps vulture recovery A ban on the veterinary use of a painkiller in South Asia appears to be preventing vultures from being poisoned there, say researchers. Fondo mundial donará $184 millones para bosques de Latinoamérica El Fondo Mundial para el Medio Ambiente confirmó que asistirá con 184,5 millones de dólares para el desarrollo de proyectos ambientales en Centroamérica, México y Venezuela, de 2010 al 2014. Forests may spur financial rewards, curb climate change, UN says The world’s forests may spur financial rewards and risk management opportunities as a way to curb climate change, according to the United Nations. Tropical forests are disappearing at a rate of about 13 million hectares (32 million acres) each year, or an area the size of Greece, which is equivalent to the release of six billion metric tons of carbon dioxide into the air, according to a UN Environment Program report published today. Gardons les forêts vivantes Les arbres sont omniprésents dans notre vie. Nous avons tous un jour escaladé les branches noueuses d'un cerisier pour nous délecter de ses fruits ou construit une cabane de fortune dans un vieux tilleul tortueux. Au delà de ces délicieux souvenirs d'enfance, nous partageons avec les arbres une longue histoire commune. Guyana/Norway forest pact impresses new Swiss Ambassador – climate change on agenda of new French, Swedish Ambassadors The Guyana/Norway forest agreement has been hailed by new Ambassador of Switzerland to Guyana, Markus-Alexander Antonietti, as a model to be emulated by the rest of the world. Halting species loss has economic benefits, says EU Preserving biodiversity will cost less than trying to repair the damage once plants and animals are lost, environment chief says. Halting species loss has economic benefits, says EU The European Union should halt the rapid extinction of plant and animal species by 2020 because it will cost less than trying to repair the damage once it is done, Europe's environment chief said. La explotación forestal, entre los sectores más corruptos La explotación forestal se encuentra entre los sectores "más corruptos del mundo" y es particularmente proclive a la tala ilegal, según el Informe Global sobre Corrupción 2010 de Transparency International (TI), centrado en esta ocasión en el cambio climático.

Los primeros bosques tropicales aparecieron hace 65 millones de años Los primeros bosques tropicales aparecieron hace 65 millones de años cuando las plantas florales desarrollaron un sistema hidráulico que aumentó su producción fotosintética, según una investigación basada en el análisis de fósiles de plantas. Money in trees: The poor end of forest protection Some of the world's most important forests may emerge from this week in a more secure state than they were before. Others may end it worse off. The loneliest plant in the world One day in 1895, while walking through the Ngoya Forest in Zululand, southern Africa, a botanist with the oh so suitable name of John Medley Wood caught sight of a tree. It sat on a steep slope at the edge of the woods and looked different from the other trees, with its thick multiple trunks and what seemed like a splay of palm fronds on top. The mobile phone app that can identify a tree by its leaf Leafsnap uses face-recognition software to identify a species of tree. Can it create a new generation of conservationists? Threat to bears from illegal bile trade unabated: report Poaching and illegal trade of bears, whose bile is used in traditional medicine and folk remedies, remains robust across Asia, putting wild bear populations under unrelenting pressure, according to a report by a wildlife trade monitoring network. Tiddle's law: should we restrict cat ownership to preserve wildlife? Here’s a question for all you cat lovers. Should there be a limit on the number of cats you are allowed to keep? Say, maybe, just the one per household – a Cat Cap if you like, or a Single Puss Policy? ¿Tienen América Latina y Europa un concepto muy distinto de la Naturaleza? Los habitantes de América Latina y Europa han tenido una relación muy diferente con el medio ambiente a lo largo de la historia, asegura el naturalista Miguel Herrero Uceda. Trees may grow 500 km further north by 2100 Trees in the Arctic region may grow 500 km (300 miles) further north by 2100 as climate change greens the barren tundra and causes sweeping change to wildlife, a leading expert said. Why does the IPCC want us to cut down trees? The U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) came out with an early summary of a new report projecting the future of renewable energy. As with many international studies of the sort, readers were free to use parts of the results towards whichever conclusion they'd already reached on alternative power and climate change.

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