NKJV TakeNote Bible

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Tired of carrying multiple resources and journals when studying the Bible? The all-in-one NKJV TakeNote Bible satisfies many needs in personal study. Each TakeNote Bible has wide, lined margins to record sermon insights, personal observations, and other notes of importance. An interior storage pocket is perfect for holding church bulletins and other materials. More than 60,000 center-column references, translation and textual footnotes, in-text subject headings, a modest concordance, and four-color maps are included as scriptural resources for more in-depth study. Available in the trusted New King James Version®, the TakeNote Bible is a valuable investment for personal study or as an ideal gift for students, new Christians, or anyone wanting to enrich personal study and connect with God’s Word. (Pen not included.)

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TheHoly Bible

containing the Old and New Testaments

REFERENCE EDITIONcenter-column references, translation notes,

significant textual variants, concordance, and maps

Words of Christ in Red

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The Holy Bible, New King James Version®

© 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.

Published by Thomas Nelson in Nashville, TN. Thomas Nelson is a trademark ofThomas Nelson, Inc.

The text of the New King James Version® (NKJV) may be quoted or reprintedwithout prior written permission with the following qualifications:

(1) up to and including 1,000 verses may be quoted in printed form as long asthe verses quoted amount to less than 50% of a complete book of the Bibleand make up less than 50% of the total work in which they are quoted;

(2) all NKJV quotations must conform accurately to the NKJV text.

Any use of the NKJV text must include a proper acknowledgement as follows:Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 byThomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

However, when quotations from the NKJV text are used in church bulletins,orders of service, Sunday School lessons, church newsletters, and similar worksin the course of religious instruction or services at a place of worship or otherreligious assembly, the following notice may be used at the end of eachquotation: NKJV.

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PurposeIn the preface to the 1611 edition, the

translators of the Authorized Version,known popularly as the King James Bible,state that it was not their purpose “tomake a new translation . . . but to make agood one better.” Indebted to the earlierwork of William Tyndale and others, theysaw their best contribution to consist inrevising and enhancing the excellence ofthe English versions which had sprungfrom the Reformation of the sixteenthcentury. In harmony with the purpose ofthe King James scholars, the translatorsand editors of the present work have notpursued a goal of innovation. They haveperceived the Holy Bible, New KingJames Version, as a continuation of thelabors of the earlier translators, thus un-locking for today’s readers the spiritualtreasures found especially in the Autho-rized Version of the Holy Scriptures.

A Living LegacyFor nearly four hundred years, and

throughout several revisions of its Englishform, the King James Bible has been deeplyrevered among the English-speaking peo-ples of the world. The precision of transla-tion for which it is historically renowned,and its majesty of style, have enabled thatmonumental version of the word of Godto become the mainspring of the religion,language, and legal foundations of ourcivilization.

Although the Elizabethan period andour own era share in zeal for technical ad-vance, the former period was more ag-gressively devoted to classical learning.Along with this awakened concern for theclassics came a flourishing companion in-terest in the Scriptures, an interest thatwas enlivened by the conviction that themanuscripts were providentially handeddown and were a trustworthy record ofthe inspired Word of God. The King Jamestranslators were committed to producingan English Bible that would be a precisetranslation, and by no means a para-phrase or a broadly approximate render-ing. On the one hand, the scholars werealmost as familiar with the original lan-guages of the Bible as with their nativeEnglish. On the other hand, their rever-ence for the divine Author and His Wordassured a translation of the Scriptures inwhich only a principle of utmost accuracycould be accepted.

In 1786 Catholic scholar AlexanderGeddes said of the King James Bible, “Ifaccuracy and strictest attention to the let-ter of the text be supposed to constitute anexcellent version, this is of all versions themost excellent.” George Bernard Shawbecame a literary legend in our centurybecause of his severe and often humorouscriticisms of our most cherished values.Surprisingly, however, Shaw pays the fol-lowing tribute to the scholars commis-sioned by King James: “The translationwas extraordinarily well done because tothe translators what they were translatingwas not merely a curious collection of an-cient books written by different authors indifferent stages of culture, but the Word ofGod divinely revealed through His chosenand expressly inspired scribes. In thisconviction they carried out their workwith boundless reverence and care andachieved a beautifully artistic result.” His-tory agrees with these estimates. There-fore, while seeking to unveil the excellentform of the traditional English Bible, spe-cial care has also been taken in the pres-ent edition to preserve the work of preci-

sion which is the legacy of the 1611translators.

Complete Equivalence in TranslationWhere new translation has been neces-

sary in the New King James Version, themost complete representation of the orig-inal has been rendered by considering thehistory of usage and etymology of wordsin their contexts. This principle of com-plete equivalence seeks to preserve all ofthe information in the text, while present-ing it in good literary form. Dynamicequivalence, a recent procedure in Bibletranslation, commonly results in para-phrasing where a more literal rendering isneeded to reflect a specific and vitalsense. For example, complete equivalencetruly renders the original text in expres-sions such as “lifted her voice and wept”(Gen. 21:16); “I gave you cleanness ofteeth” (Amos 4:6); “Jesus met them, say-ing, ‘Rejoice!’” (Matt. 28:9); and “Woman,what does your concern have to do withMe?” (John 2:4). Complete equivalencetranslates fully, in order to provide anEnglish text that is both accurate andreadable.

In keeping with the principle of com-plete equivalence, it is the policy to trans-late interjections which are commonlyomitted in modern language renderings

Preface to the New King James Version®

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PREFACE TO THE NKJV ivof the Bible. As an example, the interjec-tion behold, in the older King James edi-tions, continues to have a place in Englishusage, especially in dramatically callingattention to a spectacular scene, or anevent of profound importance such as theImmanuel prophecy of Isaiah 7:14. Conse-quently, behold is retained for these occa-sions in the present edition. However, theHebrew and Greek originals for this wordcan be translated variously, depending onthe circumstances in the passage. There-fore, in addition to behold, words such asindeed, look, see, and surely are also ren-dered to convey the appropriate sensesuggested by the context in each case.

In faithfulness to God and to our read-ers, it was deemed appropriate that allparticipating scholars sign a statement af-firming their belief in the verbal and ple-nary inspiration of Scripture, and in theinerrancy of the original autographs.

Devotional QualityThe King James scholars readily appre-

ciated the intrinsic beauty of divine reve-lation. They accordingly disciplined theirtalents to render well-chosen Englishwords of their time, as well as a graceful,often musical arrangement of language,which has stirred the hearts of Biblereaders through the years. The transla-tors, the committees, and the editors ofthe present edition, while sensitive to thelate-twentieth-century English idiom, andwhile adhering faithfully to the Hebrew,Aramaic, and Greek texts, have sought tomaintain those lyrical and devotionalqualities that are so highly regarded inthe Authorized Version. This devotionalquality is especially apparent in the poeticand prophetic books, although even therelatively plain style of the Gospels andEpistles cannot strictly be likened, assometimes suggested, to modern newspa-per style. The Koine Greek of the NewTestament is influenced by the Hebrewbackground of the writers, for whom eventhe gospel narratives were not merely flatutterance, but often song in various de-grees of rhythm.

The StyleStudents of the Bible applaud the time-

less devotional character of our historicBible.Yet it is also universally understoodthat our language, like all living lan-guages, has undergone profound changesince 1611. Subsequent revisions of theKing James Bible have sought to keepabreast of changes in English speech. Thepresent work is a further step toward thisobjective. Where obsolescence and otherreading difficulties exist, present-day vo-cabulary, punctuation, and grammar havebeen carefully integrated. Words repre-senting ancient objects, such as chariot

and phylactery, have no modern substi-tutes and are therefore retained.

A special feature of the New KingJames Version is its conformity to thethought flow of the 1611 Bible. The readerdiscovers that the sequence and selectionof words, phrases, and clauses of the newedition, while much clearer, are so close tothe traditional that there is remarkableease in listening to the reading of eitheredition while following with the other.

In the discipline of translating biblicaland other ancient languages, a standardmethod of transliteration, that is, the En-glish spelling of untranslated words, suchas names of persons and places, has neverbeen commonly adopted. In keeping withthe design of the present work, the KingJames spelling of untranslated words is re-tained, although made uniform through-out. For example, instead of the spellingsIsaiah and Elijah in the Old Testament,and Esaias and Elias in the New Testa-ment, Isaiah and Elijah now appear in bothTestaments.

King James doctrinal and theologicalterms, for example, propitiation, justifica-

tion, and sanctification, are generally fa-miliar to English-speaking peoples. Suchterms have been retained except wherethe original language indicates need for amore precise translation.

Readers of the Authorized Version willimmediately be struck by the absence ofseveral pronouns: thee, thou, and ye arereplaced by the simple you, while your

and yours are substituted for thy andthine as applicable. Thee, thou, thy, andthine were once forms of address to ex-press a special relationship to human aswell as divine persons. These pronounsare no longer part of our language. How-ever, reverence for God in the presentwork is preserved by capitalizing pro-nouns, including You, Your, and Yours,

which refer to Him. Additionally, capital-ization of these pronouns benefits thereader by clearly distinguishing divineand human persons referred to in a pas-sage. Without such capitalization the dis-tinction is often obscure, because the an-tecedent of a pronoun is not always clearin the English translation.

In addition to the pronoun usages of theseventeenth century, the -eth and -est

verb endings, so familiar in the earlierKing James editions, are now obsolete.Unless a speaker is schooled in these verbendings, there is common difficulty in se-lecting the correct form to be used with agiven subject of the verb in vocal prayer.That is, should we use love, loveth, orlovest? do, doeth, doest, or dost? have,

hath, or hast? Because these forms areobsolete, contemporary English usage hasbeen substituted for the previous verbendings.

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v PREFACE TO THE NKJVIn older editions of the King James Ver-

sion, the frequency of the connective and

far exceeded the limits of present Englishusage. Also, biblical linguists agree thatthe Hebrew and Greek original words forthis conjunction may commonly be trans-lated otherwise, depending on the imme-diate context. Therefore, instead of and,

alternatives such as also, but, however,

now, so, then, and thus are accordinglyrendered in the present edition, when theoriginal language permits.

The real character of the AuthorizedVersion does not reside in its archaic pro-nouns or verbs or other grammaticalforms of the seventeenth century, butrather in the care taken by its scholars toimpart the letter and spirit of the originaltext in a majestic and reverent style.

The FormatThe format of the New King James Ver-

sion is designed to enhance the vividnessand devotional quality of the Holy Scrip-tures:

—Subject headings assist the reader toidentify topics and transitions in thebiblical content.

—Words or phrases in italics indicate ex-pressions in the original languagewhich require clarification by addi-tional English words, as also donethroughout the history of the KingJames Bible.

—Oblique type in the New Testament in-dicates a quotation from the Old Testa-ment.

—Verse numbers in bold type indicate thebeginning of a paragraph.

—Poetry is structured as contemporaryverse to reflect the poetic form andbeauty of the passage in the originallanguage.

—The covenant name of God was usuallytranslated from the Hebrew as LORD orGOD (using capital letters as shown) inthe King James Old Testament. This tra-dition is maintained. In the present edi-tion the name is so capitalized when-ever the covenant name is quoted in theNew Testament from a passage in theOld Testament.

The Old Testament TextThe Hebrew Bible has come down to us

through the scrupulous care of ancientscribes who copied the original text insuccessive generations. By the sixth cen-tury A.D. the scribes were succeeded by agroup known as the Masoretes, who con-tinued to preserve the sacred Scripturesfor another five hundred years in a formknown as the Masoretic Text. Babylonia,Palestine, and Tiberias were the main cen-ters of Masoretic activity; but by the tenthcentury A.D. the Masoretes of Tiberias, led

by the family of ben Asher, gained the as-cendancy. Through subsequent editions,the ben Asher text became in the twelfthcentury the only recognized form of theHebrew Scriptures.

Daniel Bomberg printed the first Rab-binic Bible in 1516–17; that work was fol-lowed in 1524–25 by a second edition pre-pared by Jacob ben Chayyim and alsopublished by Bomberg. The text of benChayyim was adopted in most subsequentHebrew Bibles, including those used bythe King James translators. The benChayyim text was also used for the firsttwo editions of Rudolph Kittel’s Biblia He-

braica of 1906 and 1912. In 1937 PaulKahle published a third edition of Biblia

Hebraica. This edition was based on theoldest dated manuscript of the ben Ashertext, the Leningrad Manuscript B19a (A.D.1008), which Kahle regarded as superiorto that used by ben Chayyim.

For the New King James Version thetext used was the 1967/1977 Stuttgart edi-tion of the Biblia Hebraica, with frequentcomparisons being made with theBomberg edition of 1524–25. The Septu-agint (Greek) Version of the Old Testa-ment and the Latin Vulgate also were con-sulted. In addition to referring to a varietyof ancient versions of the Hebrew Scrip-tures, the New King James Version drawson the resources of relevant manuscriptsfrom the Dead Sea caves. In the fewplaces where the Hebrew was so obscurethat the 1611 King James was compelledto follow one of the versions, but whereinformation is now available to resolvethe problems, the New King James Ver-sion follows the Hebrew text. Significantvariations are recorded in the center ref-erence column.

The New Testament TextThere is more manuscript support for

the New Testament than for any otherbody of ancient literature. Over five thou-sand Greek, eight thousand Latin, andmany more manuscripts in other lan-guages attest the integrity of the New Tes-tament. There is only one basic New Tes-tament used by Protestants, RomanCatholics, and Orthodox, by conserva-tives and liberals. Minor variations inhand copying have appeared through thecenturies, before mechanical printing be-gan about A.D. 1450.

Some variations exist in the spelling ofGreek words, in word order, and in similardetails. These ordinarily do not show upin translation and do not affect the senseof the text in any way.

Other manuscript differences such asomission or inclusion of a word or aclause, and two paragraphs in theGospels, should not overshadow the over-whelming degree of agreement which

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PREFACE TO THE NKJV viexists among the ancient records. Biblereaders may be assured that the most im-portant differences in English New Testa-ments of today are due, not to manuscriptdivergence, but to the way in which trans-lators view the task of translation: Howliterally should the text be rendered? Howdoes the translator view the matter of bib-lical inspiration? Does the translatoradopt a paraphrase when a literal render-ing would be quite clear and more to thepoint? The New King James Version fol-lows the historic precedent of the Autho-rized Version in maintaining a literal ap-proach to translation, except where theidiom of the original language cannot betranslated directly into our tongue.

The King James New Testament wasbased on the traditional text of the Greek-speaking churches, first published in1516, and later called the Textus Receptusor Received Text. Although based on therelatively few available manuscripts,these were representative of many morewhich existed at the time but only becameknown later. In the late nineteenth cen-tury, B. Westcott and F. Hort taught thatthis text had been officially edited by thefourth-century church, but a total lack ofhistorical evidence for this event hasforced a revision of the theory. It is nowwidely held that the Byzantine Text thatlargely supports the Textus Receptus hasas much right as the Alexandrian or anyother tradition to be weighed in determin-ing the text of the New Testament.

Since the 1880s most contemporarytranslations of the New Testament haverelied upon a relatively few manuscriptsdiscovered chiefly in the late nineteenthand early twentieth centuries. Such trans-lations depend primarily on two manu-scripts, Codex Vaticanus and CodexSinaiticus, because of their greater age.The Greek text obtained by using thesesources and the related papyri (our mostancient manuscripts) is known as theAlexandrian Text. However, some schol-ars have grounds for doubting the faith-fulness of Vaticanus and Sinaiticus, sincethey often disagree with one another, andSinaiticus exhibits excessive omission.

A third viewpoint of New Testamentscholarship holds that the best text isbased on the consensus of the majority ofexisting Greek manuscripts. This text iscalled the Majority Text. Most of thesemanuscripts are in substantial agreement.Even though many are late, and none isearlier than the fifth century, usually theirreadings are verified by papyri, ancientversions, quotations from the earlychurch fathers, or a combination of these.The Majority Text is similar to the TextusReceptus, but it corrects those readingswhich have little or no support in theGreek manuscript tradition.

Today, scholars agree that the science ofNew Testament textual criticism is in astate of flux. Very few scholars still favorthe Textus Receptus as such, and then of-ten for its historical prestige as the text ofLuther, Calvin, Tyndale, and the KingJames Version. For about a century mosthave followed a Critical Text (so called be-cause it is edited according to specificprinciples of textual criticism) which de-pends heavily upon the Alexandrian typeof text. More recently many have aban-doned this Critical Text (which is quitesimilar to the one edited by Westcott andHort) for one that is more eclectic. Finally,a small but growing number of scholarsprefer the Majority Text, which is close tothe traditional text except in the Revela-tion.

In light of these facts, and also becausethe New King James Version is the fifth re-vision of a historic document translatedfrom specific Greek texts, the editors de-cided to retain the traditional text in thebody of the New Testament and to indi-cate major Critical and Majority Text vari-ant readings in the center reference col-umn. Although these variations are dulyindicated in the center-column notes ofthe present edition, it is most important toemphasize that fully eighty-five percentof the New Testament text is the same inthe Textus Receptus, the AlexandrianText, and the Majority Text.

Center-Column NotesSignificant explanatory notes, alternate

translations, and cross-references, as wellas New Testament citations of Old Testa-ment passages, are supplied in the centerreference column.

Important textual variants in the OldTestament are identified in a standardform.

The textual notes in the present editionof the New Testament make no evaluationof readings, but do clearly indicate themanuscript sources of readings. They ob-jectively present the facts without suchtendentious remarks as “the best manu-scripts omit” or “the most reliable manu-scripts read.” Such notes are value judg-ments that differ according to varyingviewpoints on the text. By giving a clearlydefined set of variants the New KingJames Version benefits readers of all tex-tual persuasions.

Where significant variations occur inthe New Testament Greek manuscripts,textual notes are classified as follows:

NU-TextThese variations from the traditionaltext generally represent the Alexan-drian or Egyptian type of text de-scribed previously in “The New Testa-

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vii PREFACE TO THE NKJVment Text.” They are found in theCritical Text published in the twenty-seventh edition of the Nestle-AlandGreek New Testament (N) and in theUnited Bible Societies’ fourth edition(U), hence the acronym, “NU-Text.”

M-TextThis symbol indicates points of varia-tion in the Majority Text from the tra-ditional text, as also previously dis-cussed in “The New Testament Text.”It should be noted that M stands forwhatever reading is printed in the

published Greek New Testament Ac-

cording to the Majority Text, whethersupported by overwhelming, strong,or only a divided majority textual tra-dition.

The textual notes reflect the scholarshipof the past 150 years and will assist thereader to observe the variations betweenthe different manuscript traditions of theNew Testament. Such information is gen-erally not available in English transla-tions of the New Testament.

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A SUPERIOR NUMERAL indi-cates an equivalent translation,alternate translation, literaltranslation, language note, ex-planatory note, or textual note.

An ALTERNATE TRANSLATIONis different in meaning from thewords in the text, but is justifiedby the original languages. Thatis, the translators could haveunderstood the original word orphrase this way, although theyfelt their choice was more ap-propriate.

SQUARE BRACKETS around across-reference mark it as aconceptual cross-reference,which identifies a passage sim-ilar in concept to the refer-enced passage in the text.

An EXPLANATORY NOTE ex-plains the word or phrase in thetext. Words set in roman type intranslation notes are explana-tory only and are not translatedfrom the original languages.

A SUPERIOR LETTER (usuallypreceding the referenced wordor phrase in the text as spacepermits) indicates a cross-refer-ence.

JOURNALING LINES allow aspecial area to record your per-sonal notes, thoughts, cross ref-erences or even a safe place toTakeNote of prayers and God’sanswers.

How to Use This Reference Bible


PAUL, acalled to be an apostle ofJesus Christ bthrough the will of

God, and cSosthenes our brother,

2 To the church of God which is atCorinth, to those who aare 1sancti-fied in Christ Jesus, bcalled to besaints, with all who in every placecall on the name of Jesus Christ courLord, dboth theirs and ours:

3 aGrace to you and peace fromGod our Father and the Lord JesusChrist.

Spiritual Gifts at Corinth

4 aI thank my God always con-cerning you for the grace of Godwhich was given to you by ChristJesus,5 that you were enriched in every-thing by Him ain all 1utterance andall knowledge,6 even as athe testimony of Christwas confirmed 1in you,7 so that you come short in nogift, eagerly awaiting for the revela-tion of our Lord Jesus Christ,8 awho will also confirm you tothe end, bthat you may be blamelessin the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.9 aGod is faithful, by whom youwere called into bthe fellowship ofHis Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Sectarianism Is Sin

10 Now I plead with you, brethren,by the name of our Lord JesusChrist, athat you all 1speak the samething, and that there be no 2divi-sions among you, but that you beperfectly joined together in the samemind and in the same judgment.11 For it has been declared to meconcerning you, my brethren, bythose of Chloe’s household, thatthere are 1contentions among you.12 Now I say this, that aeach of yousays, “I am of Paul,” or “I am ofbApollos,” or “I am of cCephas,” or “Iam of Christ.”13 aIs Christ divided? Was Paul cru-cified for you? Or were you baptizedin the name of Paul?14 I thank God that I baptized anoneof you except bCrispus and cGaius,15 lest anyone should say that Ihad baptized in my own name.16 Yes, I also baptized the house-hold of aStephanas. Besides, I do notknow whether I baptized any other.17 For Christ did not send me tobaptize, but to preach the gospel,

CHAPTER 11 aRom. 1:1 b2 Cor. 1:1cActs 18:172 a[Acts 15:9]bRom. 1:7 c[1 Cor. 8:6]d[Rom. 3:22]1set apart

3 aRom. 1:74 aRom. 1:85 a[1 Cor. 12:8]1speech

6 a2 Tim. 1:81Or among

7 aPhil. 3:208 a1 Thess.3:13; 5:23bCol. 1:22; 2:79 aIs. 49:7b[John 15:4]10 a2 Cor.13:11 1Have auniform testi-mony2schisms ordissensions

11 1quarrels

12 a1 Cor. 3:4bActs 18:24cJohn 1:42

13 a2 Cor. 11:4

14 aJohn 4:2bActs 18:8cRom. 16:23

16 a1 Cor.16:15, 17

17 a[1 Cor. 2:1,4, 13]

18 a1 Cor. 2:14b2 Cor. 2:15c[1 Cor. 15:2]dRom. 1:161Lit. word

19 aIs. 29:14

20 aIs. 19:12;33:18 bJob12:171debater

21 aDan. 2:20

22 aMatt. 12:38

23 aLuke 2:34b[1 Cor. 2:14]1Gr. skan-

dalon, offense2NU Gentiles

24 a[Rom. 1:4]bCol. 2:3

26 aJohn 7:481consider2well-born

27 aMatt. 11:25

28 1insignifi-

cant or lowly

30 a[2 Cor.5:21]

31 aJer. 9:23,24

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A BOLD-FACE NUMERAL in thecenter column indicates the verseto which an entry applies.

A LITERAL TRANSLATION givesthe literal meaning of the word orphrase.

A LANGUAGE NOTE gives the He-brew, Greek, or Aramaic word orphrase that underlies the Englishtranslation.

An EQUIVALENT TRANSLATION issimilar in meaning to the transla-tion in the text. It helps you un-derstand the text by showing youa synonym.

A TEXTUAL NOTE points out oneor more significant textual vari-ants. The sources of the variantreadings are identified by abbre-viations listed on page xii. (Seealso Preface, “Center-ColumnNotes.”)

anot with wisdom of words, lest thecross of Christ should be made of noeffect.

Christ the Power and Wisdom ofGod

18 For the 1message of the cross isafoolishness to bthose who are per-ishing, but to us cwho are beingsaved it is the dpower of God.19 For it is written:

a“I will destroy the wisdom of thewise,

And bring to nothing theunderstanding of theprudent.”

20 aWhere is the wise? Where is thescribe? Where is the 1disputer of thisage? bHas not God made foolish thewisdom of this world?21 For since, in the awisdom of God,the world through wisdom did notknow God, it pleased God throughthe foolishness of the messagepreached to save those who believe.22 For aJews request a sign, andGreeks seek after wisdom;23 but we preach Christ crucified,ato the Jews a 1stumbling block andto the 2Greeks bfoolishness,24 but to those who are called, bothJews and Greeks, Christ athe powerof God and bthe wisdom of God.25 Because the foolishness of Godis wiser than men, and the weak-ness of God is stronger than men.

Glory Only in the Lord

26 For 1you see your calling,brethren, athat not many wise ac-cording to the flesh, not manymighty, not many 2noble, are called.27 But aGod has chosen the foolishthings of the world to put to shamethe wise, and God has chosen theweak things of the world to put toshame the things which are mighty;28 and the 1base things of theworld and the things which aredespised God has chosen, and thethings which are not, to bring tonothing the things that are,29 that no flesh should glory in Hispresence.30 But of Him you are in ChristJesus, who became for us wisdomfrom God—and arighteousness andsanctification and redemption—31 that, as it is written, a“He whoglories, let him glory in the LORD.”

Christ Crucified

2 And I, brethren, when I came to you, did not come with excel-

lence of speech or of wisdom de-claring to you the 1testimony ofGod.2 For I determined not to knowanything among you aexcept JesusChrist and Him crucified.3 aI was with you bin weakness, infear, and in much trembling.

CHAPTER 11 aRom. 1:1 b2 Cor. 1:1cActs 18:172 a[Acts 15:9]bRom. 1:7 c[1 Cor. 8:6]d[Rom. 3:22]1set apart

3 aRom. 1:74 aRom. 1:85 a[1 Cor. 12:8]1speech

6 a2 Tim. 1:81Or among

7 aPhil. 3:208 a1 Thess.3:13; 5:23bCol. 1:22; 2:79 aIs. 49:7b[John 15:4]10 a2 Cor.13:11 1Have auniform testi-mony2schisms ordissensions

11 1quarrels

12 a1 Cor. 3:4bActs 18:24cJohn 1:42

13 a2 Cor. 11:4

14 aJohn 4:2bActs 18:8cRom. 16:23

16 a1 Cor.16:15, 17

17 a[1 Cor. 2:1,4, 13]

18 a1 Cor. 2:14b2 Cor. 2:15c[1 Cor. 15:2]dRom. 1:161Lit. word

19 aIs. 29:14

20 aIs. 19:12;33:18 bJob12:171debater

21 aDan. 2:20

22 aMatt. 12:38

23 aLuke 2:34b[1 Cor. 2:14]1Gr. skan-

dalon, offense2NU Gentiles

24 a[Rom. 1:4]bCol. 2:3

26 aJohn 7:481consider2well-born

27 aMatt. 11:25

28 1insignifi-

cant or lowly

30 a[2 Cor.5:21]

31 aJer. 9:23,24


1 1NU mys-


2 aGal. 6:14

3 aActs 18:1b[2 Cor. 4:7]

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HOW TO USE xOBLIQUE TYPE in the New Testa-ment indicates a quotation fromthe Old Testament. The sourcesof the quotations are found incross-references.

ITALIC TYPE in the text indicateswords that the original texts donot contain but which English re-quires for clarity.

A BOLD-FACE VERSE NUMERALin the text indicates a paragraphbreak. When a new paragraphbegins within a verse, the newparagraph is indented (see, forexample, Nehemiah 13:22).

QUOTATION MARKS in the textfollow modern English usage. Foreasier reading, only the marksdenoting the most recentlyopened quotation are repeated ina new paragraph.

SUBJECT HEADINGS have beenadded to help you follow the flowof thought in the biblical mate-rial.

PERSONAL PRONOUNS and cer-tain nouns are capitalized whenthey refer to Deity.

POETRY is structured as contem-porary verse to reflect the poeticform and beauty of the originallanguage.

The COVENANT NAME OF GOD inthe Old Testament, representedby the Hebrew consonantsYHWH, is translated “LORD” or“GOD” (using capital letters asshown), as it has been through-out the history of the King JamesBible. In this edition the capital-ized form is also used wheneverthe covenant name is quoted inthe New Testament from a pas-sage in the Old Testament.

30 “For in the resurrection they nei-ther marry nor are given inmarriage, but aare like angels 1ofGod in heaven.31 “But concerning the resurrectionof the dead, have you not read whatwas spoken to you by God, saying,32 a‘I am the God of Abraham, theGod of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’ ?God is not the God of the dead, but ofthe living.”33 And when the multitudes heardthis, athey were astonished at Histeaching.

The Scribes: Which Is the FirstCommandment of All?

34 aBut when the Pharisees heardthat He had silenced the Sadducees,they gathered together.35 Then one of them, aa lawyer,asked Him a question, testing Him,and saying,36 “Teacher, which is the greatcommandment in the law?”37 Jesus said to him, a“‘You shalllove the Lord your God with all yourheart, with all your soul, and with allyour mind.’38 “This is the first and great com-mandment.39 “And the second is like it: a‘Youshall love your neighbor as yourself.’40 a“On these two commandmentshang all the Law and the Prophets.”

Jesus: How Can David Call HisDescendant Lord?

41 aWhile the Pharisees were gath-ered together, Jesus asked them,42 saying, “What do you thinkabout the Christ? Whose Son is He?”They said to Him, “The aSon ofDavid.”43 He said to them, “How then doesDavid in the Spirit call Him ‘Lord,’saying:

44 ‘Thea LORD said to my Lord,“Sit at My right hand,Till I make Your enemies Your

footstool” ’ ?

45 “If David then calls Him ‘Lord,’how is He his Son?”46 aAnd no one was able to answerHim a word, bnor from that day ondid anyone dare question Him any-more.

Woe to the Scribes and Pharisees

23 Then Jesus spoke to the mul-titudes and to His disciples,

2 saying: a“The scribes and thePharisees sit in Moses’ seat.3 “Therefore whatever they tellyou 1to observe, that observe anddo, but do not do according to theirworks; for athey say, and do not do.4 a“For they bind heavy burdens,hard to bear, and lay them on men’sshoulders; but they themselves will

30 a[1 John3:2] 1NUomits of God

32 aGen. 17:7;26:24; 28:21;Ex. 3:6, 15;Mark 12:26;Luke 20:37;Acts 7:32;[Heb. 11:16]

33 aMatt. 7:28

34 aMark12:28–31;Luke 10:25–37

35 aLuke 7:30;10:25; 11:45,46, 52; 14:3;Titus 3:13

37 aDeut. 6:5;10:12; 30:6

39 aLev. 19:18;Matt. 19:19;Mark 12:31;Luke 10:27;[Rom. 13:9;Gal. 5:14;James 2:8]

40 a[Matt. 7:12;Rom. 13:10;1 Tim. 1:5]

41 aLuke20:41–44

42 aMatt. 1:1;21:9

44 aPs. 110:1;Acts 2:32–35;Eph. 1:19–23

46 aLuke 14:6bMark 12:34


2 aNeh. 8:4, 8

3 a[Rom. 2:19]1NU omits to


4 aLuke 11:46

5 a[Matt.6:1–6, 16–18]

6 aLuke 11:43;20:46 1Orplace of honor

8 a[James 3:1]1Leader 2NUomits the


9 a[Mal. 1:6]

11 aMatt.20:26, 27

12 aLuke14:11; 18:141put down2lifted up

13 aLuke 11:52

14 aMark12:40 1NUomits v. 14.

15 1Gr.Gehenna

16 aMatt.15:14; 23:24b[Matt. 5:33,34]

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Table of Contents

Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .iiiHow to Use This Reference Bible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .viii Special Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .xii

The Old TestamentGenesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1Exodus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47Leviticus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .115Deuteronomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .156Joshua . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .190Judges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .213Ruth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2361 Samuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2402 Samuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2691 Kings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2952 Kings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3241 Chronicles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3522 Chronicles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .379Ezra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .410Nehemiah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .420Esther . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .435Job . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .442Psalms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .472Proverbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .554

Ecclesiastes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .583Song of Solomon . . . . . . . . . . . .591Isaiah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .597Jeremiah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .659Lamentations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .719Ezekiel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .726Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .775Hosea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .790Joel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .799Amos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .803Obadiah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .811Jonah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .812Micah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .814Nahum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .820Habakkuk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .823Zephaniah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .826Haggai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .829Zechariah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .831Malachi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .840

The New TestamentMatthew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .847Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .878Luke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .898John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .932Acts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .957Romans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9891 Corinthians . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10022 Corinthians . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1014Galatians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1023Ephesians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1027Philippians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1032Colossians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10351 Thessalonians . . . . . . . . . . . .10382 Thessalonians . . . . . . . . . . . .1041

1 Timothy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10432 Timothy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1047Titus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1049Philemon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1051Hebrews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1052James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10621 Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10662 Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10701 John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10722 John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10763 John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1077Jude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1078Revelation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1080

Concordance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1097Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .After Concordance

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Special Abbreviations

Arab. ArabicAram. AramaicBg. the 1524–25 edition of the He-

brew Old Testament pub-lished by Daniel Bomberg(see Preface, “The Old Testa-ment Text”)

cf. compare ch., chs. chapter, chaptersDSS Dead Sea Scrollsfem. femininef., ff. following verse, following

versesGr. GreekHeb. Hebrewi.e. that isKt. Kethib (literally, in Aramaic,

“written”)—the written wordsof the Hebrew Old Testamentpreserved by the Masoretes(see “Qr.”)

Lat. Latinlit. literallyLXX Septuagint—an ancient trans-

lation of the Old Testamentinto Greek

M Majority Text (see Preface,“The New Testament Text”)

ms., mss. manuscript, manuscriptsmasc. masculineMT Masoretic Text—the tradi-

tional Hebrew Old Testament(see Preface, “The Old Testa-ment Text”)

NU the most prominent modernCritical Text of the GreekNew Testament, published inthe twenty-sixth edition ofthe Nestle-Aland Greek NewTestament and in the thirdedition of the United BibleSocieties’ Greek New Testa-ment (see Preface, “The NewTestament Text”)

pl. plural Qr. Qere (literally, in Aramaic,

“read”)—certain words readaloud, differing from thewritten words, in the Ma-soretic tradition of the He-brew Old Testament (see“Kt.”)

Sam. Samaritan Pentateuch—avariant Hebrew edition of thebooks of Moses, used by theSamaritan community

sing. singularSyr. SyriacTg. Targum—an Aramaic para-

phrase of the Old TestamentTR Textus Receptus or Received

Text (see Preface, “The NewTestament Text”)

v., vv. verse, versesvss. Versions—ancient transla-

tions of the BibleVg. Vulgate—an ancient transla-

tion of the Bible into Latin,translated and edited byJerome

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LUKE 24:34 932and returned to Jerusalem, andfound the eleven and those whowere with them gathered together,34 saying, “The Lord is risen indeed, and ahas appeared to Si-mon!”35 And they told about the thingsthat had happened on the road, andhow He was 1known to them in thebreaking of bread.

Jesus Appears to His Disciples

36 aNow as they said these things,Jesus Himself stood in the midst ofthem, and said to them, “Peace toyou.”37 But they were terrified andfrightened, and supposed they hadseen aa spirit.38 And He said to them, “Why areyou troubled? And why do doubtsarise in your hearts?39 “Behold My hands and My feet,that it is I Myself. aHandle Me andsee, for a bspirit does not have fleshand bones as you see I have.”40 1When He had said this, Heshowed them His hands and Hisfeet.41 But while they still did notbelieve afor joy, and marveled, Hesaid to them, b“Have you any foodhere?”42 So they gave Him a piece of abroiled fish 1and some honeycomb.43 aAnd He took it and ate in theirpresence.

The Scriptures Opened

44 Then He said to them, a“Theseare the words which I spoke to youwhile I was still with you, that all

things must be fulfilled which werewritten in the Law of Moses and theProphets and the Psalms concern-ing Me.”45 And aHe opened their under-standing, that they might compre-hend the Scriptures.46 Then He said to them, a“Thus itis written, 1and thus it was neces-sary for the Christ to suffer and torise from the dead the third day,47 “and that repentance and are-mission of sins should be preachedin His name bto all nations, begin-ning at Jerusalem.48 “And ayou are witnesses of thesethings.49 a“Behold, I send the Promise ofMy Father upon you; but tarry in thecity 1of Jerusalem until you areendued with power from on high.”

The Ascension

50 And He led them out aas far asBethany, and He lifted up His handsand blessed them.51 aNow it came to pass, while Heblessed them, that He was partedfrom them and carried up intoheaven.52 aAnd they worshiped Him, andreturned to Jerusalem with greatjoy,53 and were continually ain thetemple 1praising and blessing God.2Amen.

49 aJoel 2:28 1NU omits of Jerusalem

50 aActs 1:12 51 aPs. 68:18; Mark 16:1952 aMatt. 28:9 53 aActs 2:46 1NU omitspraising and 2NU omits Amen.

34 a1 Cor. 15:5

35 1recognized

36 aMark16:14

37 aMark 6:49

39 aJohn20:20, 27b[1 Cor. 15:50]

40 1Someprinted NewTestamentsomit v. 40. Itis found innearly all Gr.mss.

41 aGen. 45:26bJohn 21:5

42 1NU omitsand some


43 aActs10:39–41

44 aMatt.16:21; 17:22;20:18

45 aActs 16:14

46 aActs 17:31NU that the

Christ should

suffer and rise

47 aActs 5:31;10:43; 13:38;26:18 b[Jer.31:34]

48 a[Acts 1:8]

The Gospel According to


JUST as a coin has two sides, both valid, so Jesus Christ has two natures, bothvalid. Luke presents Christ in His humanity as the Son of Man; John portrays

Him in His deity as the Son of God. John’s purpose is crystal clear: to set forthChrist in His deity in order to spark believing faith in his readers. John’s gospel istopical, not primarily chronological, and it revolves around seven miracles andseven “I am” statements of Christ.

Following an extended eyewitness description of the Upper Room meal and dis-course, John records events leading up to the Resurrection, the final climacticproof that Jesus is who He claims to be—the Son of God.

The title of the Fourth Gospel follows the same format as the titles of the syn-optic Gospels: Kata Ioannen, “According to John.” As with the others, the word“Gospel” was added later. Ioannes is derived from the Hebrew name Johanan,“Yahweh Has Been Gracious.”

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933 JOHN 1:40The Eternal Word

IN the beginning awas the Word,and the bWord was cwith God, and

the Word was dGod.2 aHe was in the beginning withGod.3 aAll things were made throughHim, and without Him nothing wasmade that was made.4 aIn Him was life, and bthe lifewas the light of men.5 And athe light shines in thedarkness, and the darkness did not1comprehend it.

John’s Witness: The True Light

6 There was a aman sent fromGod, whose name was John.7 This man came for a awitness, tobear witness of the Light, that allthrough him might bbelieve.8 He was not that Light, but wassent to bear witness of that aLight.9 aThat1 was the true Light whichgives light to every man coming intothe world.10 He was in the world, and theworld was made through Him, andathe world did not know Him.11 aHe came to His 1own, and His2own did not receive Him.12 But aas many as received Him,to them He gave the 1right to be-come children of God, to those whobelieve in His name:13 awho were born, not of blood,nor of the will of the flesh, nor of thewill of man, but of God.

The Word Becomes Flesh

14 aAnd the Word bbecame cfleshand dwelt among us, and dwe beheldHis glory, the glory as of the onlybegotten of the Father, efull of graceand truth.15 aJohn bore witness of Him andcried out, saying, “This was He ofwhom I said, b‘He who comes afterme 1is preferred before me, cfor Hewas before me.’ ”16 1And of His afullness we have allreceived, and grace for grace.17 For athe law was given throughMoses, but bgrace and ctruth camethrough Jesus Christ.18 aNo one has seen God at anytime. bThe only begotten 1Son, whois in the bosom of the Father, He hasdeclared Him.

A Voice in the Wilderness

19 Now this is athe testimony ofJohn, when the Jews sent priestsand Levites from Jerusalem to askhim, “Who are you?”20 aHe confessed, and did not deny,but confessed, “I am not the Christ.”21 And they asked him, “Whatthen? Are you Elijah?” He said, “Iam not.” “Are you athe Prophet?”And he answered, “No.”22 Then they said to him, “Who are

you, that we may give an answer tothose who sent us? What do you sayabout yourself?”23 He said: a“I am

b‘The voice of one crying in thewilderness:

“Make straight the way of theLORD,” ’

as the prophet Isaiah said.”24 Now those who were sent werefrom the Pharisees.25 And they asked him, saying,“Why then do you baptize if you arenot the Christ, nor Elijah, nor theProphet?”26 John answered them, saying, a“Ibaptize with water, bbut there standsOne among you whom you do notknow.27 a“It is He who, coming after me,1is preferred before me, whose san-dal strap I am not worthy to loose.”28 These things were done ain1Bethabara beyond the Jordan,where John was baptizing.

The Lamb of God

29 The next day John saw Jesuscoming toward him, and said, “Be-hold! aThe Lamb of God bwho takesaway the sin of the world!30 “This is He of whom I said,‘After me comes a Man who 1is pre-ferred before me, for He was beforeme.’31 “I did not know Him; but that Heshould be revealed to Israel, athere-fore I came baptizing with water.”32 aAnd John bore witness, say-ing, “I saw the Spirit descendingfrom heaven like a dove, and Heremained upon Him.33 “I did not know Him, but Hewho sent me to baptize with watersaid to me, ‘Upon whom you seethe Spirit descending, and remain-ing on Him, athis is He who bap-tizes with the Holy Spirit.’34 “And I have seen and testifiedthat this is the aSon of God.”

The First Disciples

35 Again, the next day, John stoodwith two of his disciples.36 And looking at Jesus as Hewalked, he said, a“Behold the Lambof God!”37 The two disciples heard himspeak, and they afollowed Jesus.38 Then Jesus turned, and seeingthem following, said to them, “Whatdo you seek?” They said to Him,“Rabbi” (which is to say, whentranslated, Teacher), “where are Youstaying?”39 He said to them, “Come andsee.” They came and saw where Hewas staying, and remained withHim that day (now it was about thetenth hour).40 One of the two who heard John

CHAPTER 11 a1 John 1:1bRev. 19:13c[John 17:5]d[1 John 5:20]2 aGen. 1:13 a[Col. 1:16,17]4 a[1 John5:11] bJohn8:12; 9:5;12:465 a[John 3:19]1Or overcome

6 aMatt.3:1–177 aJohn3:25–36;5:33–35b[John 3:16]8 aIs. 9:2; 49:69 aIs. 49:6 1OrThat was the

true Light

which, com-

ing into the

world, gives

light to every


10 aHeb. 1:211 a[Is. 53:3;Luke 19:14]1His ownthings or do-main 2Hisown people12 aGal. 3:261authority

13 a[1 Pet.1:23]14 aRev. 19:13bGal. 4:4cHeb. 2:11 dIs. 40:5e[John 8:32;14:6; 18:37]15 aJohn 3:32b[Matt. 3:11]c[Col. 1:17]1ranks higher

than I

16 a[Col. 1:19;2:9] 1NU For

17 a[Ex. 20:1]b[Rom. 5:21;6:14] c[John8:32; 14:6;18:37]18 aEx. 33:20b1 John 4:91NU God

19 aJohn 5:3320 aLuke 3:1521 aDeut.18:15, 1823 aMatt. 3:3bIs. 40:326 aMatt. 3:11bMal. 3:127 aActs 19:41ranks higher

than I

28 aJudg. 7:241NU, MBethany

29 aRev. 5:6–14b[1 Pet. 2:24]30 1ranks

higher than I

31 aMatt. 3:632 aMark 1:1033 aIs. 42:1;61:1; Matt.3:1134 aJohn 11:2736 aJohn 1:2937 aMatt. 4:20,22

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JOHN 1:41 934speak, and followed Him, was aAn-drew, Simon Peter’s brother.41 He first found his own brotherSimon, and said to him, “We havefound the 1Messiah” (which is trans-lated, the Christ).42 And he brought him to Jesus.Now when Jesus looked at him, Hesaid, “You are Simon the son of1Jonah. aYou shall be called Cephas”(which is translated, 2A Stone).

Philip and Nathanael

43 The following day Jesus wantedto go to Galilee, and He foundaPhilip and said to him, “Follow Me.”44 Now aPhilip was from Beth-saida, the city of Andrew and Peter.45 Philip found aNathanael andsaid to him, “We have found Him ofwhom bMoses in the law, and alsothe cprophets, wrote—Jesus dof Naz-areth, the eson of Joseph.”46 And Nathanael said to him,a“Can anything good come out ofNazareth?” Philip said to him,“Come and see.”47 Jesus saw Nathanael comingtoward Him, and said of him, “Be-hold, aan Israelite indeed, in whomis no deceit!”48 Nathanael said to Him, “How doYou know me?” Jesus answered andsaid to him, “Before Philip calledyou, when you were under the figtree, I saw you.”49 Nathanael answered and said toHim, “Rabbi, aYou are the Son ofGod! You are bthe King of Israel!”50 Jesus answered and said to him,“Because I said to you, ‘I saw youunder the fig tree,’ do you believe?You will see greater things thanthese.”51 And He said to him, “Mostassuredly, I say to you, ahereafter1

you shall see heaven open, and theangels of God ascending and des-cending upon the Son of Man.”

Water Turned to Wine

2 On the third day there was a awedding in bCana of Galilee,

and the cmother of Jesus was there.2 Now both Jesus and His disci-ples were invited to the wedding.3 And when they ran out of wine,the mother of Jesus said to Him,“They have no wine.”4 Jesus said to her, a“Woman,bwhat does your concern have to dowith Me? cMy hour has not yetcome.”5 His mother said to the servants,“Whatever He says to you, do it.”6 Now there were set there sixwaterpots of stone, aaccording tothe manner of purification of theJews, containing twenty or thirtygallons apiece.7 Jesus said to them, “Fill thewaterpots with water.” And theyfilled them up to the brim.

8 And He said to them, “Drawsome out now, and take it to the mas-ter of the feast.” And they took it.9 When the master of the feast hadtasted athe water that was madewine, and did not know where itcame from (but the servants who haddrawn the water knew), the masterof the feast called the bridegroom.10 And he said to him, “Every manat the beginning sets out the goodwine, and when the guests havewell drunk, then the inferior. Youhave kept the good wine until now!”11 This abeginning of signs Jesusdid in Cana of Galilee, band 1mani-fested His glory; and His disciplesbelieved in Him.12 After this He went down to aCa-pernaum, He, His mother, bHis br-others, and His disciples; and theydid not stay there many days.

Jesus Cleanses the Temple

13 aNow the Passover of the Jewswas at hand, and Jesus went up toJerusalem.14 aAnd He found in the templethose who sold oxen and sheep anddoves, and the money changers1doing business.15 When He had made a whip ofcords, He drove them all out of thetemple, with the sheep and theoxen, and poured out the changers’money and overturned the tables.16 And He said to those who solddoves, “Take these things away! Donot make aMy Father’s house ahouse of merchandise!”17 Then His disciples rememberedthat it was written, a“Zeal for Yourhouse 1has eaten Me up.”18 So the Jews answered and saidto Him, a“What sign do You show tous, since You do these things?”19 Jesus answered and said tothem, a“Destroy this temple, and inthree days I will raise it up.”20 Then the Jews said, “It hastaken forty-six years to build thistemple, and will You raise it up inthree days?”21 But He was speaking aof thetemple of His body.22 Therefore, when He had risenfrom the dead, aHis disciples remem-bered that He had said this 1to them;and they believed the Scripture andthe word which Jesus had said.

The Discerner of Hearts

23 Now when He was in Jerusalemat the Passover, during the feast,many believed in His name whenthey saw the asigns which He did.24 But Jesus did not commit Him-self to them, because He aknew allmen,25 and had no need that anyoneshould testify of man, for aHe knewwhat was in man.

40 aMatt. 4:18

41 1Lit.Anointed One

42 aMatt. 16:181NU John 2Gr.Petros, usu-ally trans-lated Peter

43 aJohn 6:5;12:21, 22;14:8, 9

44 aJohn 12:21

45 aJohn 21:2bLuke 24:27c[Zech. 6:12]d[Matt. 2:23]eLuke 3:23

46 aJohn 7:41,42, 52

47 aPs. 32:2;73:1

49 aMatt. 14:33bMatt. 21:5

51 aGen. 28:121NU omitshereafter


1 a[Heb. 13:4]bJohn 4:46cJohn 19:25

4 aJohn 19:26b2 Sam. 16:10cJohn 7:6, 8,30; 8:20

6 a[Mark 7:3]

9 aJohn 4:46

11 aJohn 4:54b[John 1:14]1revealed

12 aMatt. 4:13bMatt. 12:46;13:55

13 aDeut.16:1–6

14 aMal. 3:1;Mark 11:15,17 1Lit. sitting

16 aLuke 2:49

17 aPs. 69:91NU, M will


18 aMatt. 12:38

19 aMatt.26:61; 27:40

21 a[1 Cor.3:16; 6:19]

22 aLuke 24:81NU, M omitto them

23 a[Acts 2:22]

24 aRev. 2:23

25 aMatt. 9:4

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935 JOHN 4:3The New Birth

3 There was a man of the Phar-isees named Nicodemus, a ruler

of the Jews.2 aThis man came to Jesus by nightand said to Him, “Rabbi, we knowthat You are a teacher come fromGod; for bno one can do these signsthat You do unless cGod is with him.”3 Jesus answered and said to him,“Most assuredly, I say to you, aun-less one is born 1again, he cannotsee the kingdom of God.”4 Nicodemus said to Him, “Howcan a man be born when he is old?Can he enter a second time into hismother’s womb and be born?”5 Jesus answered, “Most as-suredly, I say to you, aunless one isborn of water and the Spirit, he can-not enter the kingdom of God.6 “That which is born of the fleshis aflesh, and that which is born ofthe Spirit is spirit.7 “Do not marvel that I said toyou, ‘You must be born again.’8 a“The wind blows where itwishes, and you hear the sound of it,but cannot tell where it comes fromand where it goes. So is everyonewho is born of the Spirit.”9 Nicodemus answered and saidto Him, a“How can these things be?”10 Jesus answered and said to him,“Are you the teacher of Israel, anddo not know these things?11 a“Most assuredly, I say to you,We speak what We know and testifywhat We have seen, and byou do notreceive Our witness.12 “If I have told you earthly thingsand you do not believe, how will youbelieve if I tell you heavenly things?13 a“No one has ascended to heavenbut He who came down from heaven,that is, the Son of Man 1who is inheaven.14 a“And as Moses lifted up the ser-pent in the wilderness, even sobmust the Son of Man be lifted up,15 “that whoever abelieves in Himshould 1not perish but bhave eternallife.16 a“For God so loved the worldthat He gave His only begottenbSon, that whoever believes in Himshould not perish but have everlast-ing life.17 a“For God did not send His Soninto the world to condemn theworld, but that the world throughHim might be saved.18 a“He who believes in Him is notcondemned; but he who does notbelieve is condemned already, be-cause he has not believed in thename of the only begotten Son ofGod.19 “And this is the condemnation,athat the light has come into theworld, and men loved darknessrather than light, because theirdeeds were evil.

20 “For aeveryone practicing evilhates the light and does not come tothe light, lest his deeds should beexposed.21 “But he who does the truthcomes to the light, that his deedsmay be clearly seen, that they havebeen adone in God.”

John the Baptist Exalts Christ

22 After these things Jesus and Hisdisciples came into the land ofJudea, and there He remained withthem aand baptized.23 Now John also was baptizing inAenon near aSalim, because therewas much water there. bAnd theycame and were baptized.24 For aJohn had not yet beenthrown into prison.25 Then there arose a dispute be-tween some of John’s disciples andthe Jews about purification.26 And they came to John and saidto him, “Rabbi, He who was with youbeyond the Jordan, ato whom youhave testified—behold, He is baptiz-ing, and all bare coming to Him!”27 John answered and said, a“Aman can receive nothing unless ithas been given to him from heaven.28 “You yourselves bear me wit-ness, that I said, a‘I am not theChrist,’ but, b‘I have been sent beforeHim.’29 a“He who has the bride is thebridegroom; but bthe friend of thebridegroom, who stands and hearshim, rejoices greatly because of thebridegroom’s voice. Therefore thisjoy of mine is fulfilled.30 a“He must increase, but I mustdecrease.31 a“He who comes from above bisabove all; che who is of the earth isearthly and speaks of the earth. dHewho comes from heaven is above all.32 “And awhat He has seen andheard, that He testifies; and no onereceives His testimony.33 “He who has received His testi-mony ahas certified that God is true.34 a“For He whom God has sentspeaks the words of God, for Goddoes not give the Spirit bby measure.35 a“The Father loves the Son, andhas given all things into His hand.36 a“He who believes in the Sonhas everlasting life; and he whodoes not believe the Son shall notsee life, but the bwrath of Godabides on him.”

A Samaritan Woman Meets HerMessiah

4 Therefore, when the Lord knew that the Pharisees had heard

that Jesus made and abaptized moredisciples than John2 (though Jesus Himself did notbaptize, but His disciples),3 He left Judea and departedagain to Galilee.

CHAPTER 32 aJohn 7:50;19:39 bJohn9:16, 33 c[Acts10:38]3 a[1 Pet. 1:23]1Or from


5 a[Acts 2:38]6 a1 Cor. 15:508 aEccl. 11:59 aJohn 6:52,6011 a[Matt.11:27] bJohn3:32; 8:1413 aEph. 4:91NU omitswho is in


14 aNum. 21:9bJohn 8:28;12:34; 19:1815 aJohn 6:47bJohn 3:361NU omitsnot perish but

16 aRom. 5:8b[Is. 9:6]17 aLuke 9:5618 aJohn 5:24;6:40, 47; 20:3119 a[John 1:4,9–11]20 aEph. 5:11,1321 a1 Cor.15:1022 aJohn 4:1, 223 a1 Sam. 9:4bMatt. 3:5, 624 aMatt. 4:12;14:326 aJohn 1:7,15, 27, 34bMark 2:2;3:10; 5:2427 a1 Cor. 3:5,6; 4:728 aJohn1:19–27 bMal.3:129 a[2 Cor.11:2] bSong5:130 a[Is. 9:7]31 aJohn 3:13;8:23 bMatt.28:18 c1 Cor.15:47 dJohn6:3332 aJohn 3:11;15:1533 a1 John5:1034 aDeut.18:18; John7:16 bJohn1:1635 a[Heb. 2:8]36 aJohn 3:16,17; 6:47bRom. 1:18

CHAPTER 41 aJohn 3:22,26

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JOHN 4:4 9364 But He needed to go throughSamaria.5 So He came to a city of Samariawhich is called Sychar, near the plotof ground that aJacob bgave to hisson Joseph.6 Now Jacob’s well was there.Jesus therefore, being wearied fromHis journey, sat thus by the well. Itwas about the sixth hour.7 A woman of Samaria came todraw water. Jesus said to her, “GiveMe a drink.”8 For His disciples had gone awayinto the city to buy food.9 Then the woman of Samariasaid to Him, “How is it that You,being a Jew, ask a drink from me, aSamaritan woman?” For aJews haveno dealings with bSamaritans.10 Jesus answered and said to her,“If you knew the agift of God, andwho it is who says to you, ‘Give Mea drink,’ you would have asked Him,and He would have given you bliv-ing water.”11 The woman said to Him, “Sir,You have nothing to draw with, andthe well is deep. Where then do Youget that living water?12 “Are You greater than our fatherJacob, who gave us the well, anddrank from it himself, as well as hissons and his livestock?”13 Jesus answered and said to her,“Whoever drinks of this water willthirst again,14 “but awhoever drinks of thewater that I shall give him will neverthirst. But the water that I shall givehim bwill become in him a fountainof water springing up into everlast-ing life.”15 aThe woman said to Him, “Sir,give me this water, that I may notthirst, nor come here to draw.”16 Jesus said to her, “Go, call yourhusband, and come here.”17 The woman answered and said,“I have no husband.” Jesus said toher, “You have well said, ‘I have nohusband,’18 “for you have had five hus-bands, and the one whom you nowhave is not your husband; in thatyou spoke truly.”19 The woman said to Him, “Sir, aIperceive that You are a prophet.20 “Our fathers worshiped on athismountain, and you Jews say that inbJerusalem is the place where oneought to worship.”21 Jesus said to her, “Woman, be-lieve Me, the hour is coming awhenyou will neither on this mountain,nor in Jerusalem, worship the Fa-ther.22 “You worship awhat you do notknow; we know what we worship,for bsalvation is of the Jews.23 “But the hour is coming, andnow is, when the true worshiperswill aworship the Father in bspirit

cand truth; for the Father is seekingsuch to worship Him.24 a“God is Spirit, and those whoworship Him must worship in spiritand truth.”25 The woman said to Him, “Iknow that Messiah ais coming”(who is called Christ). “When Hecomes, bHe will tell us all things.”26 Jesus said to her, a“I who speakto you am He.”

The Whitened Harvest

27 And at this point His disciplescame, and they marveled that Hetalked with a woman; yet no onesaid, “What do You seek?” or, “Whyare You talking with her?”28 The woman then left her water-pot, went her way into the city, andsaid to the men,29 “Come, see a Man awho told meall things that I ever did. Could thisbe the Christ?”30 Then they went out of the cityand came to Him.31 In the meantime His disciplesurged Him, saying, “Rabbi, eat.”32 But He said to them, “I have foodto eat of which you do not know.”33 Therefore the disciples said toone another, “Has anyone broughtHim anything to eat?”34 Jesus said to them, a“My food isto do the will of Him who sent Me,and to bfinish His work.35 “Do you not say, ‘There are stillfour months and then comes atheharvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift upyour eyes and look at the fields, bforthey are already white for harvest!36 a“And he who reaps receiveswages, and gathers fruit for eternallife, that bboth he who sows and hewho reaps may rejoice together.37 “For in this the saying is true:a‘One sows and another reaps.’38 “I sent you to reap that for whichyou have not labored; aothers havelabored, and you have entered intotheir labors.”

The Savior of the World

39 And many of the Samaritans ofthat city believed in Him abecause ofthe word of the woman who testi-fied, “He told me all that I ever did.”40 So when the Samaritans hadcome to Him, they urged Him to staywith them; and He stayed there twodays.41 And many more believed be-cause of His own aword.42 Then they said to the woman,“Now we believe, not because ofwhat you said, for awe ourselveshave heard Him and we know thatthis is indeed 1the Christ, the Saviorof the world.”

Welcome at Galilee

43 Now after the two days Hedeparted from there and went toGalilee.

5 aGen. 33:19;Josh. 24:32bGen. 48:22;Josh. 4:12

9 aActs 10:28b2 Kin. 17:24;Matt. 10:5, 6;Luke 9:52;10:33; 17:16;John 8:48

10 a[Rom.5:15] bIs. 12:3;44:3; Jer. 2:13;Zech. 13:1;14:8; John7:38

14 a[John 6:35,58] bJohn7:37, 38

15 aJohn 6:34,35; 17:2, 3;[Rom. 6:23;1 John 5:20]

19 aMatt.21:11; Luke7:16, 39;24:19; John6:14; 7:40;9:17

20 aGen.12:6–8; 33:18,20; Judg. 9:7bDeut. 12:5,11; 1 Kin. 9:3;2 Chr. 7:12;Ps. 122:1–9

21 a[Mal. 1:11];1 Tim. 2:8

22 a[2 Kin.17:28–41] b[Is.2:3; Luke24:47; Rom.3:1; 9:4, 5]

23 aMatt.18:20; [Heb.13:10–14]bPhil. 3:3c[John 1:17]

24 a2 Cor. 3:17

25 aDeut. 18:15bJohn 4:29, 39

26 aDan. 9:25;Matt. 26:63,64; Mark14:61, 62

29 aJohn 4:25

34 aPs. 40:7, 8;Heb. 10:9 bJob23:12; [John6:38; 17:4;19:30]

35 aGen. 8:22bMatt. 9:37;Luke 10:2

36 aDan. 12:3;Rom. 6:22b1 Thess. 2:19

37 a1 Cor.3:5–9

38 aJer. 44:4;[1 Pet. 1:12]

39 aJohn 4:29

41 aLuke 4:32;[John 6:63]

42 aJohn 17:8;1 John 4:141NU omits the


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937 JOHN 5:2444 For aJesus Himself testified thata prophet has no honor in his owncountry.45 So when He came to Galilee, theGalileans received Him, ahavingseen all the things He did in Jerusa-lem at the feast; bfor they also hadgone to the feast.

A Nobleman’s Son Healed

46 So Jesus came again to Cana ofGalilee awhere He had made thewater wine. And there was a certain1nobleman whose son was sick atCapernaum.47 When he heard that Jesus hadcome out of Judea into Galilee, hewent to Him and implored Him tocome down and heal his son, for hewas at the point of death.48 Then Jesus said to him, a“Unlessyou people see signs and wonders,you will by no means believe.”49 The nobleman said to Him, “Sir,come down before my child dies!”50 Jesus said to him, “Go your way;your son lives.” So the man believedthe word that Jesus spoke to him,and he went his way.51 And as he was now going down,his servants met him and told him,saying, “Your son lives!”52 Then he inquired of them thehour when he got better. And theysaid to him, “Yesterday at the sev-enth hour the fever left him.”53 So the father knew that it was atthe same hour in which Jesus saidto him, “Your son lives.” And hehimself believed, and his wholehousehold.54 This again is the second signJesus did when He had come out ofJudea into Galilee.

A Man Healed at the Pool ofBethesda

5 After athis there was a feast of the Jews, and Jesus bwent up to

Jerusalem.2 Now there is in Jerusalem abythe Sheep Gate a pool, which iscalled in Hebrew, 1Bethesda, havingfive porches.3 In these lay a great multitude ofsick people, blind, lame, 1paralyzed,2waiting for the moving of the water.4 For an angel went down at a cer-tain time into the pool and stirredup the water; then whoever steppedin first, after the stirring of thewater, was made well of whateverdisease he had.5 Now a certain man was therewho had an infirmity thirty-eightyears.6 When Jesus saw him lyingthere, and knew that he already hadbeen in that condition a long time,He said to him, “Do you want to bemade well?”7 The sick man answered Him,“Sir, I have no man to put me into

the pool when the water is stirredup; but while I am coming, anothersteps down before me.”8 Jesus said to him, a“Rise, takeup your bed and walk.”9 And immediately the man wasmade well, took up his bed, andwalked. And athat day was the Sab-bath.10 The Jews therefore said to himwho was cured, “It is the Sabbath;ait is not lawful for you to carry yourbed.”11 He answered them, “He whomade me well said to me, ‘Take upyour bed and walk.’ ”12 Then they asked him, “Who isthe Man who said to you, ‘Take upyour bed and walk’?”13 But the one who was ahealed didnot know who it was, for Jesus hadwithdrawn, a multitude being inthat place.14 Afterward Jesus found him inthe temple, and said to him, “See,you have been made well. aSin nomore, lest a worse thing come uponyou.”15 The man departed and told theJews that it was Jesus who hadmade him well.

Honor the Father and the Son

16 For this reason the Jews aperse-cuted Jesus, 1and sought to kill Him,because He had done these thingson the Sabbath.17 But Jesus answered them, a“MyFather has been working until now,and I have been working.”18 Therefore the Jews asought allthe more to kill Him, because He notonly broke the Sabbath, but alsosaid that God was His Father, bmak-ing Himself equal with God.19 Then Jesus answered and saidto them, “Most assuredly, I say toyou, athe Son can do nothing ofHimself, but what He sees theFather do; for whatever He does, theSon also does in like manner.20 “For athe Father loves the Son,and bshows Him all things that HeHimself does; and He will show Himgreater works than these, that youmay marvel.21 “For as the Father raises thedead and gives life to them, aeven sothe Son gives life to whom He will.22 “For the Father judges no one,but ahas committed all judgment tothe Son,23 “that all should honor the Sonjust as they honor the Father. aHewho does not honor the Son doesnot honor the Father who sent Him.

Life and Judgment Are Through theSon

24 “Most assuredly, I say to you, ahewho hears My word and believes inHim who sent Me has everlastinglife, and shall not come into

44 aMatt. 13:57

45 aJohn 2:13,23; 3:2 bDeut.16:16

46 aJohn 2:1,11 1royal offi-


48 a1 Cor. 1:22


1 aDeut. 16:16bJohn 2:13

2 aNeh. 3:1,32; 12:39 1NUBethzatha

3 1withered2NU omits therest of v. 3and all of v. 4.

8 aLuke 5:24

9 aJohn 9:14

10 aJer. 17:21,22

13 aLuke13:14; 22:51

14 aJohn 8:11

16 aJohn 8:37;10:39 1NUomits and

sought to kill


17 a[John 9:4;17:4]

18 aJohn 7:1,19 bJohn10:30

19 aJohn 5:30;6:38; 8:28;12:49; 14:10

20 aMatt. 3:17b[Matt. 11:27]

21 a[John11:25]

22 a[Acts17:31]

23 a1 John2:23

24 aJohn 3:16,18; 6:47

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JOHN 5:25 938judgment, bbut has passed fromdeath into life.25 “Most assuredly, I say to you,the hour is coming, and now is,when athe dead will hear the voiceof the Son of God; and those whohear will live.26 “For aas the Father has life inHimself, so He has granted the Sonto have blife in Himself,27 “and ahas given Him authorityto execute judgment also, bbecauseHe is the Son of Man.28 “Do not marvel at this; for thehour is coming in which all who arein the graves will ahear His voice29 a“and come forth—bthose whohave done good, to the resurrectionof life, and those who have doneevil, to the resurrection of condem-nation.30 a“I can of Myself do nothing. As Ihear, I judge; and My judgment isrighteous, because bI do not seek Myown will but the will of the Fatherwho sent Me.

The Fourfold Witness

31 a“If I bear witness of Myself, Mywitness is not 1true.32 a“There is another who bearswitness of Me, and I know that thewitness which He witnesses of Me istrue.33 “You have sent to John, aand hehas borne witness to the truth.34 “Yet I do not receive testimonyfrom man, but I say these things thatyou may be saved.35 “He was the burning and ashin-ing lamp, and byou were willing fora time to rejoice in his light.36 “But aI have a greater witnessthan John’s; for bthe works which theFather has given Me to finish—thevery cworks that I do—bear witnessof Me, that the Father has sent Me.37 “And the Father Himself, whosent Me, ahas testified of Me. Youhave neither heard His voice at anytime, bnor seen His form.38 “But you do not have His wordabiding in you, because whom Hesent, Him you do not believe.39 a“You search the Scriptures, forin them you think you have eternallife; and bthese are they which tes-tify of Me.40 a“But you are not willing tocome to Me that you may have life.41 a“I do not receive honor frommen.42 “But I know you, that you do nothave the love of God in you.43 “I have come in My Father’sname, and you do not receive Me; ifanother comes in his own name,him you will receive.44 a“How can you believe, who re-ceive honor from one another, anddo not seek bthe honor that comesfrom the only God?45 “Do not think that I shall accuse

you to the Father; athere is one whoaccuses you—Moses, in whom youtrust.46 “For if you believed Moses, youwould believe Me; afor he wroteabout Me.47 “But if you ado not believe hiswritings, how will you believe Mywords?”

Feeding the Five Thousand

6 After athese things Jesus went over the Sea of Galilee, which is

the Sea of bTiberias.2 Then a great multitude followedHim, because they saw His signswhich He performed on those whowere adiseased.13 And Jesus went up on themountain, and there He sat with Hisdisciples.4 aNow the Passover, a feast of theJews, was near.5 aThen Jesus lifted up His eyes,and seeing a great multitude com-ing toward Him, He said to bPhilip,“Where shall we buy bread, thatthese may eat?”6 But this He said to test him, forHe Himself knew what He would do.7 Philip answered Him, a“Twohundred denarii worth of bread isnot sufficient for them, that everyone of them may have a little.”8 One of His disciples, aAndrew,Simon Peter’s brother, said to Him,9 “There is a lad here who has fivebarley loaves and two small fish,abut what are they among so many?”10 Then Jesus said, “Make the peo-ple sit down.” Now there was muchgrass in the place. So the men satdown, in number about five thou-sand.11 And Jesus took the loaves, andwhen He had given thanks He dis-tributed them 1to the disciples, andthe disciples to those sitting down;and likewise of the fish, as much asthey wanted.12 So when they were filled, Hesaid to His disciples, “Gather up thefragments that remain, so that noth-ing is lost.”13 Therefore they gathered themup, and filled twelve baskets withthe fragments of the five barleyloaves which were left over by thosewho had eaten.14 Then those men, when they hadseen the sign that Jesus did, said,“This is truly athe Prophet who is tocome into the world.”

Jesus Walks on the Sea

15 Therefore when Jesus perceivedthat they were about to come andtake Him by force to make Himaking, He departed again to themountain by Himself alone.16 aNow when evening came, Hisdisciples went down to the sea,17 got into the boat, and went over

24 b[1 John3:14]

25 a[Col. 2:13]

26 aPs. 36:9 b1 Cor. 15:45

27 a[Acts10:42; 17:31]bDan. 7:13

28 a[1 Thess.4:15–17]

29 aIs. 26:19bDan. 12:2

30 aJohn 5:19bMatt. 26:39

31 aJohn 8:141valid as testi-mony

32 a[Matt.3:17]

33 a[John 1:15,19, 27, 32]

35 a2 Pet. 1:19bMark 6:20

36 a1 John 5:9bJohn 3:2;10:25; 17:4cJohn 9:16;10:38

37 aMatt. 3:17b1 John 4:12

39 aIs. 8:20;34:16 bLuke24:27

40 a[John 1:11;3:19]

41 a1 Thess.2:6

44 aJohn 12:43b[Rom. 2:29]

45 aRom. 2:12

46 aDeut.18:15, 18

47 aLuke16:29, 31


1 aMark 6:32bJohn 6:23;21:1

2 aMatt. 4:23;8:16; 9:35;14:36; 15:30;19:2 1sick

4 aDeut. 16:1

5 aMatt. 14:14bJohn 1:43

7 aNum. 11:21,22

8 aJohn 1:40

9 a2 Kin. 4:43

11 1NU omitsto the disci-

ples, and the


14 aGen. 49:10

15 a[John18:36]

16 aMatt. 14:23

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939 JOHN 6:54the sea toward Capernaum. And itwas already dark, and Jesus had notcome to them.18 Then the sea arose because agreat wind was blowing.19 So when they had rowed about1three or four miles, they saw Jesuswalking on the sea and drawingnear the boat; and they were aafraid.20 But He said to them, a“It is I; donot be afraid.”21 Then they willingly receivedHim into the boat, and immediatelythe boat was at the land where theywere going.

The Bread from Heaven

22 On the following day, when thepeople who were standing on theother side of the sea saw that therewas no other boat there, except 1thatone 2which His disciples had entered,and that Jesus had not entered theboat with His disciples, but His disci-ples had gone away alone—23 however, other boats came fromTiberias, near the place where theyate bread after the Lord had giventhanks—24 when the people therefore sawthat Jesus was not there, nor Hisdisciples, they also got into boatsand came to Capernaum, aseekingJesus.25 And when they found Him on theother side of the sea, they said to Him,“Rabbi, when did You come here?”26 Jesus answered them and said,“Most assuredly, I say to you, youseek Me, not because you saw thesigns, but because you ate of theloaves and were filled.27 a“Do not labor for the food whichperishes, but bfor the food whichendures to everlasting life, which theSon of Man will give you, cbecauseGod the Father has set His seal onHim.”28 Then they said to Him, “Whatshall we do, that we may work theworks of God?”29 Jesus answered and said tothem, a“This is the work of God, thatyou believe in Him whom He sent.”30 Therefore they said to Him,a“What sign will You perform then,that we may see it and believe You?What work will You do?31 a“Our fathers ate the manna inthe desert; as it is written, b‘He gavethem bread from heaven to eat.’ ”32 Then Jesus said to them, “Mostassuredly, I say to you, Moses didnot give you the bread from heaven,but aMy Father gives you the truebread from heaven.33 “For the bread of God is He whocomes down from heaven and giveslife to the world.”34 aThen they said to Him, “Lord,give us this bread always.”35 And Jesus said to them, a“I amthe bread of life. bHe who comes to

Me shall never hunger, and he whobelieves in Me shall never cthirst.36 a“But I said to you that you haveseen Me and yet bdo not believe.37 a“All that the Father gives Me willcome to Me, and bthe one who comesto Me I will 1by no means cast out.38 “For I have come down fromheaven, anot to do My own will, bbutthe will of Him who sent Me.39 “This is the will of the Fatherwho sent Me, athat of all He hasgiven Me I should lose nothing, butshould raise it up at the last day.40 “And this is the will of Him whosent Me, athat everyone who seesthe Son and believes in Him mayhave everlasting life; and I will raisehim up at the last day.”

Rejected by His Own

41 The Jews then 1complainedabout Him, because He said, “I amthe bread which came down fromheaven.”42 And they said, a“Is not this Je-sus, the son of Joseph, whose fatherand mother we know? How is itthen that He says, ‘I have comedown from heaven’?”43 Jesus therefore answered andsaid to them, 1“Do not murmuramong yourselves.44 a“No one can come to Me unlessthe Father who sent Me bdraws him;and I will raise him up at the lastday.45 “It is written in the prophets,a‘And they shall all be taught byGod.’ bTherefore everyone who 1hasheard and learned from the Fathercomes to Me.46 a“Not that anyone has seen theFather, bexcept He who is from God;He has seen the Father.47 “Most assuredly, I say to you,ahe who believes 1in Me has ever-lasting life.48 a“I am the bread of life.49 a“Your fathers ate the manna inthe wilderness, and are dead.50 a“This is the bread which comesdown from heaven, that one may eatof it and not die.51 “I am the living bread awhichcame down from heaven. If anyoneeats of this bread, he will live for-ever; and bthe bread that I shall giveis My flesh, which I shall give forthe life of the world.”52 The Jews therefore aquarreledamong themselves, saying, “Howcan this Man give us His flesh toeat?”53 Then Jesus said to them, “Mostassuredly, I say to you, unless ayoueat the flesh of the Son of Man anddrink His blood, you have no life inyou.54 a“Whoever eats My flesh anddrinks My blood has eternal life,and I will raise him up at the lastday.

19 aMatt. 17:61Lit. 25 or 30


20 aIs. 43:1, 2

22 1NU omitsthat 2NUomits which

His disciples

had entered

24 aLuke 4:42

27 aMatt. 6:19bJohn 4:14cActs 2:22

29 a[1 John3:23]

30 aMatt.12:38; 16:1

31 aEx. 16:15bEx. 16:4, 15;Neh. 9:15; Ps.78:24

32 aJohn 3:13,16

34 aJohn 4:15

35 aJohn 6:48,58 bJohn 4:14; 7:37 cIs. 55:1, 2

36 aJohn 6:26,64; 15:24bJohn 10:26

37 aJohn 6:45b2 Tim. 2:191certainly not

38 aMatt. 26:39bJohn 4:34

39 aJohn10:28; 17:12;18:9

40 aJohn 3:15,16; 4:14; 6:27,47, 54

41 1grumbled

42 aMatt. 13:55

43 1Stop


44 aSong 1:4b[Phil. 1:29;2:12, 13]

45 aIs. 54:13bJohn 6:37 1M hears and

has learned

46 aJohn 1:18bMatt. 11:27

47 a[John 3:16,18] 1NU omitsin Me

48 aJohn 6:33,35

49 aJohn 6:31,58

50 aJohn 6:51,58

51 aJohn 3:13bHeb. 10:5

52 aJohn 7:43;9:16; 10:19

53 aMatt. 26:26

54 aJohn 4:14;6:27, 40

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JOHN 6:55 94055 “For My flesh is 1food indeed,and My blood is 2drink indeed.56 “He who eats My flesh anddrinks My blood aabides in Me, andI in him.57 “As the living Father sent Me,and I live because of the Father, sohe who feeds on Me will livebecause of Me.58 a“This is the bread which camedown from heaven—not bas yourfathers ate the manna, and are dead.He who eats this bread will live for-ever.”59 These things He said in the syn-agogue as He taught in Capernaum.

Many Disciples Turn Away

60 aTherefore many of His disci-ples, when they heard this, said,“This is a 1hard saying; who can un-derstand it?”61 When Jesus knew in Himselfthat His disciples 1complainedabout this, He said to them, “Doesthis 2offend you?62 a“What then if you should see theSon of Man ascend where He wasbefore?63 a“It is the Spirit who gives life;the bflesh profits nothing. Thecwords that I speak to you are spirit,and they are life.64 “But athere are some of you whodo not believe.” For bJesus knewfrom the beginning who they werewho did not believe, and who wouldbetray Him.65 And He said, “Therefore aI havesaid to you that no one can come toMe unless it has been granted to himby My Father.”66 aFrom that time many of His dis-ciples went 1back and walked withHim no more.67 Then Jesus said to the twelve,“Do you also want to go away?”68 But Simon Peter answered Him,“Lord, to whom shall we go? Youhave athe words of eternal life.69 a“Also we have come to believeand know that You are the 1Christ,the Son of the living God.”70 Jesus answered them, a“Did Inot choose you, the twelve, band oneof you is a devil?”71 He spoke of aJudas Iscariot, theson of Simon, for it was he whowould bbetray Him, being one of thetwelve.

Jesus’ Brothers Disbelieve

7 After these things Jesus walked in Galilee; for He did not want

to walk in Judea, abecause the 1Jewssought to kill Him.2 aNow the Jews’ Feast of Taber-nacles was at hand.3 aHis brothers therefore said toHim, “Depart from here and go intoJudea, that Your disciples also maysee the works that You are doing.

4 “For no one does anything insecret while he himself seeks to beknown openly. If You do thesethings, show Yourself to the world.”5 For aeven His bbrothers did notbelieve in Him.6 Then Jesus said to them, a“Mytime has not yet come, but your timeis always ready.7 a“The world cannot hate you,but it hates Me bbecause I testify ofit that its works are evil.8 “You go up to this feast. I am not1yet going up to this feast, afor Mytime has not yet fully come.”9 When He had said these thingsto them, He remained in Galilee.

The Heavenly Scholar

10 But when His brothers had goneup, then He also went up to thefeast, not openly, but as it were insecret.11 Then athe Jews sought Him atthe feast, and said, “Where is He?”12 And athere was much complain-ing among the people concerningHim. bSome said, “He is good”; oth-ers said, “No, on the contrary, Hedeceives the people.”13 However, no one spoke openlyof Him afor fear of the Jews.14 Now about the middle of thefeast Jesus went up into the templeand ataught.15 aAnd the Jews marveled, saying,“How does this Man know letters,having never studied?”16 1Jesus answered them and said,a“My doctrine is not Mine, but Hiswho sent Me.17 a“If anyone wills to do His will,he shall know concerning the doc-trine, whether it is from God orwhether I speak on My own author-ity.18 a“He who speaks from himselfseeks his own glory; but He whobseeks the glory of the One who sentHim is true, and cno unrighteous-ness is in Him.19 a“Did not Moses give you thelaw, yet none of you keeps the law?bWhy do you seek to kill Me?”20 The people answered and said,a“You have a demon. Who is seekingto kill You?”21 Jesus answered and said tothem, “I did one work, and you allmarvel.22 a“Moses therefore gave you cir-cumcision (not that it is from Moses,bbut from the fathers), and you cir-cumcise a man on the Sabbath.23 “If a man receives circumcisionon the Sabbath, so that the law ofMoses should not be broken, areyou angry with Me because aI madea man completely well on the Sab-bath?24 a“Do not judge according toappearance, but judge with right-eous judgment.”

55 1NU true

food 2NU true


56 a[1 John3:24; 4:15, 16]58 aJohn6:49–51 bEx.16:14–3560 aJohn 6:661difficult

61 1grumbled2make you


62 aActs 1:9;2:32, 3363 a2 Cor. 3:6bJohn 3:6c[John 6:68;14:24]64 aJohn 6:36bJohn 2:24,25; 13:1165 aJohn 6:37,44, 4566 aLuke 9:621Or away; lit.to the back

68 aActs 5:2069 aLuke 9:201NU Holy One

of God.

70 aLuke 6:13b[John 13:27]71 aJohn 12:4;13:2, 26 bMatt.26:14–16

CHAPTER 71 aJohn 5:18;7:19, 25; 8:37,40 1The rulingauthorities2 aLev. 23:343 aMatt. 12:465 aPs. 69:8;Mic. 7:6bMark 3:216 aJohn 2:4;8:207 a[John15:19] bJohn3:198 aJohn 8:201NU omits yet

11 aJohn 11:5612 aJohn 9:16;10:19 bLuke7:1613 a[John 9:22;12:42; 19:38]14 aPs. 22:22;Mark 6:3415 aMatt. 13:5416 aJohn 3:111NU, M So Je-


17 aJohn 3:21;8:4318 aJohn 5:41bJohn 8:50c[2 Cor. 5:21]19 aDeut. 33:4bMatt. 12:1420 aJohn 8:48,5222 aLev. 12:3bGen. 17:9–1423 aJohn 5:8,9, 1624 aProv. 24:23

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941 JOHN 8:9Could This Be the Christ?

25 Now some of them from Jeru-salem said, “Is this not He whomthey seek to akill?26 “But look! He speaks boldly, andthey say nothing to Him. aDo therulers know indeed that this is 1trulythe Christ?27 a“However, we know where thisMan is from; but when the Christcomes, no one knows where He isfrom.”28 Then Jesus cried out, as Hetaught in the temple, saying, a“Youboth know Me, and you know whereI am from; and bI have not come ofMyself, but He who sent Me cis true,dwhom you do not know.29 1“But aI know Him, for I am fromHim, and He sent Me.”30 Therefore athey sought to takeHim; but bno one laid a hand on Him,because His hour had not yet come.31 And amany of the peoplebelieved in Him, and said, “Whenthe Christ comes, will He do moresigns than these which this Man hasdone?”

Jesus and the Religious Leaders

32 The Pharisees heard the crowdmurmuring these things concerningHim, and the Pharisees and the chiefpriests sent officers to take Him.33 Then Jesus said 1to them, a“Ishall be with you a little whilelonger, and then I bgo to Him whosent Me.34 “You awill seek Me and not findMe, and where I am you bcannotcome.”35 Then the Jews said amongthemselves, “Where does He intendto go that we shall not find Him?Does He intend to go to athe Disper-sion among the Greeks and teachthe Greeks?36 “What is this thing that He said,‘You will seek Me and not find Me,and where I am you cannot come’?”

The Promise of the Holy Spirit

37 aOn the last day, that great dayof the feast, Jesus stood and criedout, saying, b“If anyone thirsts, lethim come to Me and drink.38 a“He who believes in Me, as theScripture has said, bout of his heartwill flow rivers of living water.”39 aBut this He spoke concerningthe Spirit, whom those 1believing inHim would receive; for the 2HolySpirit was not yet given, becauseJesus was not yet bglorified.

Who Is He?

40 Therefore 1many from thecrowd, when they heard this saying,said, “Truly this is athe Prophet.”41 Others said, “This is atheChrist.” But some said, “Will theChrist come out of Galilee?

42 a“Has not the Scripture said thatthe Christ comes from the seed ofDavid and from the town of Bethle-hem, bwhere David was?”43 So athere was a division amongthe people because of Him.44 Now asome of them wanted totake Him, but no one laid hands onHim.

Rejected by the Authorities

45 Then the officers came to thechief priests and Pharisees, whosaid to them, “Why have you notbrought Him?”46 The officers answered, a“Noman ever spoke like this Man!”47 Then the Pharisees answeredthem, “Are you also deceived?48 “Have any of the rulers or thePharisees believed in Him?49 “But this crowd that does notknow the law is accursed.”50 Nicodemus a(he who came to1Jesus 2by night, being one of them)said to them,51 a“Does our law judge a man be-fore it hears him and knows what heis doing?”52 They answered and said to him,“Are you also from Galilee? Searchand look, for ano prophet 1hasarisen out of Galilee.”

An Adulteress Faces the Light ofthe World

53 1And everyone went to his ownhouse.

8 But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives.

2 Now 1early in the morning Hecame again into the temple, and allthe people came to Him; and He satdown and ataught them.3 Then the scribes and Phariseesbrought to Him a woman caught inadultery. And when they had set herin the midst,4 they said to Him, “Teacher, 1thiswoman was caught in aadultery, inthe very act.5 a“Now 1Moses, in the law, com-manded us 2that such should bestoned. But what do You 3say?”6 This they said, testing Him, thatthey amight have something ofwhich to accuse Him. But Jesusstooped down and wrote on theground with His finger, 1as thoughHe did not hear.7 So when they continued askingHim, He 1raised Himself up and saidto them, a“He who is without sinamong you, let him throw a stone ather first.”8 And again He stooped downand wrote on the ground.9 Then those who heard it, abeing1

convicted by their conscience, went

7 aDeut. 17:7 1M He looked up 9 aRom. 2:221NU, M omit being convicted by their con-


25 aMatt.21:38; 26:426 aJohn 7:481NU omitstruly

27 aLuke 4:2228 aJohn 8:14bJohn 5:43cRom. 3:4dJohn 1:18;8:5529 aMatt. 11:271NU, M omitBut

30 aMark11:18 bJohn7:32, 44; 8:20;10:3931 aMatt. 12:2333 aJohn 13:33b[1 Pet. 3:22]1NU, M omitto them

34 aHos. 5:6b[Matt. 5:20]35 aJames 1:137 aLev. 23:36b[Is. 55:1]38 aDeut. 8:15 bIs. 12:3;43:20; 44:3;55:139 aIs. 44:3bJohn 12:16;13:31; 17:51NU who be-

lieved 2NUomits Holy

40 aDeut.18:15, 18 1NUsome

41 aJohn 4:42;6:6942 aMic. 5:2 b1 Sam.16:1, 443 aJohn 7:1244 aJohn 7:3046 aLuke 4:2250 aJohn 3:1, 2;19:39 1Lit. Him2NU before

51 aDeut. 1:16,17; 19:1552 a[Is. 9:1, 2]1NU is to rise

53 1NU brack-ets 7:53through 8:11as not in theoriginal text.They are pres-ent in over 900mss. of John.

CHAPTER 82 aJohn 8:20;18:20 1M very


4 aEx. 20:14 1Mwe found this


5 aLev. 20:101M in our law

Moses com-

manded 2NU,M to stone

such 3M addsabout her

6 aMatt. 22:151NU, M omitas though He

did not hear

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JOHN 8:10 942out one by one, beginning with theoldest even to the last. And Jesuswas left alone, and the womanstanding in the midst.10 When Jesus had raised Himselfup 1and saw no one but the woman,He said to her, “Woman, where arethose accusers 2of yours? Has noone condemned you?”11 She said, “No one, Lord.” AndJesus said to her, a“Neither do I con-demn you; go 1and bsin no more.”12 Then Jesus spoke to them again,saying, a“I am the light of the world.He who bfollows Me shall not walk indarkness, but have the light of life.”

Jesus Defends His Self-Witness

13 The Pharisees therefore said toHim, a“You bear witness of Yourself;Your witness is not 1true.”14 Jesus answered and said to them,“Even if I bear witness of Myself, Mywitness is true, for I know where Icame from and where I am going; butayou do not know where I come fromand where I am going.15 a“You judge according to theflesh; bI judge no one.16 “And yet if I do judge, My judg-ment is true; for aI am not alone, butI am with the Father who sent Me.17 a“It is also written in your lawthat the testimony of two men istrue.18 “I am One who bears witness ofMyself, and athe Father who sent Mebears witness of Me.”19 Then they said to Him, “Whereis Your Father?” Jesus answered,a“You know neither Me nor MyFather. bIf you had known Me, youwould have known My Father also.”20 These words Jesus spoke in athetreasury, as He taught in the temple;and bno one laid hands on Him, forcHis hour had not yet come.

Jesus Predicts His Departure

21 Then Jesus said to them again,“I am going away, and ayou will seekMe, and bwill die in your sin. WhereI go you cannot come.”22 So the Jews said, “Will He killHimself, because He says, ‘Where Igo you cannot come’?”23 And He said to them, a“You arefrom beneath; I am from above.bYou are of this world; I am not ofthis world.24 a“Therefore I said to you thatyou will die in your sins; bfor if youdo not believe that I am He, you willdie in your sins.”25 Then they said to Him, “Whoare You?” And Jesus said to them,“Just what I ahave been saying toyou from the beginning.26 “I have many things to say andto judge concerning you, but aHewho sent Me is true; and bI speak tothe world those things which Iheard from Him.”

27 They did not understand that Hespoke to them of the Father.28 Then Jesus said to them, “Whenyou alift1 up the Son of Man, bthenyou will know that I am He, andcthat I do nothing of Myself; but dasMy Father taught Me, I speak thesethings.29 “And aHe who sent Me is withMe. bThe Father has not left Mealone, cfor I always do those thingsthat please Him.”30 As He spoke these words, amanybelieved in Him.

The Truth Shall Make You Free

31 Then Jesus said to those Jewswho believed Him, “If you aabide inMy word, you are My disciples in-deed.32 “And you shall know the atruth,and bthe truth shall make you free.”33 They answered Him, a“We areAbraham’s descendants, and havenever been in bondage to anyone.How canYou say, ‘You will be madefree’?”34 Jesus answered them, “Mostassuredly, I say to you, awhoevercommits sin is a slave of sin.35 “And aa slave does not abide inthe house forever, but a son abidesforever.36 a“Therefore if the Son makesyou free, you shall be free indeed.

Abraham’s Seed and Satan’s

37 “I know that you are Abraham’sdescendants, but ayou seek to killMe, because My word has no placein you.38 a“I speak what I have seen withMy Father, and you do what youhave 1seen with your father.”39 They answered and said to Him,a“Abraham is our father.” Jesus saidto them, b“If you were Abraham’schildren, you would do the works ofAbraham.40 a“But now you seek to kill Me, aMan who has told you the truthbwhich I heard from God. Abrahamdid not do this.41 “You do the deeds of yourfather.” Then they said to Him, “Wewere not born of fornication; awehave one Father—God.”42 Jesus said to them, a“If Godwere your Father, you would loveMe, for bI proceeded forth and camefrom God; cnor have I come ofMyself, but He sent Me.43 a“Why do you not understandMy speech? Because you are notable to listen to My word.44 a“You are of your father thedevil, and the bdesires of your fatheryou want to cdo. He was a murdererfrom the beginning, and ddoes notstand in the truth, because there isno truth in him. When he speaks alie, he speaks from his own re-

10 1NU omitsand saw no

one but the

woman; M He

saw her and

said, 2NU, Momit of yours

11 a[John 3:17]b[John 5:14]1NU, M addfrom now on

12 aJohn 1:4;9:5; 12:35 b1 Thess. 5:513 aJohn 5:311valid as testi-mony14 aJohn 7:28;9:2915 aJohn 7:24b[John 3:17;12:47; 18:36]16 aJohn 16:3217 aDeut. 17:6;19:1518 aJohn 5:3719 aJohn 16:3bJohn 14:720 aMark 12:41,43 bJohn 2:4;7:30 cJohn 7:821 aJohn 7:34;13:33 bJohn8:2423 aJohn 3:31b1 John 4:524 aJohn 8:21b[Mark 16:16]25 aJohn 4:2626 aJohn 7:28bJohn 3:32;15:1528 aJohn 3:14;12:32; 19:18b[Rom. 1:4]cJohn 5:19, 30dJohn 3:111Crucify29 aJohn 14:10bJohn 8:16;16:32 cJohn4:34; 5:30;6:3830 aJohn 7:31;10:42; 11:4531 a[John14:15, 23]32 a[John 1:14,17; 14:6]b[Rom. 6:14,18, 22]33 a[Matt. 3:9]34 a2 Pet. 2:1935 aGal. 4:3036 aGal. 5:137 aJohn 7:1938 a[John 3:32;5:19, 30;14:10, 24] 1NUheard from

39 aMatt. 3:9b[Rom. 2:28]40 aJohn 8:37bJohn 8:2641 aIs. 63:1642 a1 John 5:1bJohn 16:27;17:8, 25 cGal.4:443 a[John 7:17]44 aMatt. 13:38b1 John 2:16,17 c[1 John3:8–10, 15]d[Jude 6]

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943 JOHN 9:24sources, for he is a liar and thefather of it.45 “But because I tell the truth, youdo not believe Me.46 “Which of you convicts Me ofsin? And if I tell the truth, why doyou not believe Me?47 a“He who is of God hears God’swords; therefore you do not hear,because you are not of God.”

Before Abraham Was, I AM

48 Then the Jews answered andsaid to Him, “Do we not say rightlythat You are a Samaritan and ahavea demon?”49 Jesus answered, “I do not have ademon; but I honor My Father, andayou dishonor Me.50 “And aI do not seek My ownglory; there is One who seeks andjudges.51 “Most assuredly, I say to you, aifanyone keeps My word he shallnever see death.”52 Then the Jews said to Him, “Nowwe know that You ahave a demon!bAbraham is dead, and the prophets;and You say, ‘If anyone keeps Myword he shall never taste death.’53 “Are You greater than our fatherAbraham, who is dead? And theprophets are dead. aWho do Youmake Yourself out to be?”54 Jesus answered, a“If I honorMyself, My honor is nothing. bIt isMy Father who honors Me, of whomyou say that He is 1your God.55 “Yet ayou have not known Him,but I know Him. And if I say, ‘I donot know Him,’ I shall be a liar likeyou; but I do know Him and bkeepHis word.56 “Your father Abraham arejoicedto see My day, band he saw it andwas glad.”57 Then the Jews said to Him, “Youare not yet fifty years old, and haveYou seen Abraham?”58 Jesus said to them, “Most as-suredly, I say to you, abefore Abra-ham was, bI AM.”59 Then athey took up stones tothrow at Him; but Jesus hid Himselfand went out of the temple, bgoing1

through the midst of them, and sopassed by.

A Man Born Blind Receives Sight

9 Now as Jesus passed by, He saw a man who was blind from birth.

2 And His disciples asked Him,saying, “Rabbi, awho sinned, thisman or his parents, that he was bornblind?”3 Jesus answered, “Neither thisman nor his parents sinned, abutthat the works of God should berevealed in him.4 a“I1 must work the works of Himwho sent Me while it is bday; thenight is coming when no one canwork.

5 “As long as I am in the world, aIam the light of the world.”6 When He had said these things,aHe spat on the ground and madeclay with the saliva; and He anointedthe eyes of the blind man with theclay.7 And He said to him, “Go, washain the pool of Siloam” (which istranslated, Sent). So bhe went andwashed, and came back seeing.8 Therefore the neighbors andthose who previously had seen thathe was 1blind said, “Is not this hewho sat and begged?”9 Some said, “This is he.” Otherssaid, 1“He is like him.” He said, “I amhe.”10 Therefore they said to him,“How were your eyes opened?”11 He answered and said, a“A Mancalled Jesus made clay and anointedmy eyes and said to me, ‘Go to 1thepool of Siloam and wash.’ So I wentand washed, and I received sight.”12 Then they said to him, “Where isHe?” He said, “I do not know.”

The Pharisees Excommunicate theHealed Man

13 They brought him who formerlywas blind to the Pharisees.14 Now it was a Sabbath when Jesusmade the clay and opened his eyes.15 Then the Pharisees also askedhim again how he had received hissight. He said to them, “He put clayon my eyes, and I washed, and I see.”16 Therefore some of the Phariseessaid, “This Man is not from God,because He does not 1keep the Sab-bath.” Others said, a“How can a manwho is a sinner do such signs?” Andbthere was a division among them.17 They said to the blind managain, “What do you say about Himbecause He opened your eyes?” Hesaid, a“He is a prophet.”18 But the Jews did not believe con-cerning him, that he had been blindand received his sight, until theycalled the parents of him who hadreceived his sight.19 And they asked them, saying, “Isthis your son, who you say was bornblind? How then does he now see?”20 His parents answered them andsaid, “We know that this is our son,and that he was born blind;21 “but by what means he now seeswe do not know, or who opened hiseyes we do not know. He is of age;ask him. He will speak for himself.”22 His parents said these thingsbecause athey feared the Jews, forthe Jews had agreed already that ifanyone confessed that He wasChrist, he bwould be put out of thesynagogue.23 Therefore his parents said, “Heis of age; ask him.”24 So they again called the manwho was blind, and said to him,

47 aLuke 8:15;John 10:26;1 John 4:648 aJohn 7:20;10:2049 aJohn 5:4150 aJohn 5:41;7:18; [Phil.2:6–8]51 aJohn 5:24;11:2652 aJohn 7:20;10:20 bZech.1:5; Heb.11:1353 aJohn 10:33;19:754 aJohn 5:31,32 bJohn 5:41;Acts 3:131NU, M our

55 aJohn 7:28,29 b[John15:10]56 aLuke 10:24bMatt. 13:17;Heb. 11:1358 aMic. 5:2;John 17:5;Heb. 7:3; Rev.22:13 bEx.3:14; Is. 43:13;John 17:5, 24;Col. 1:17; Rev.1:859 aJohn 10:31;11:8 bLuke4:30; John10:39 1NUomits the restof v. 59.


2 aLuke 13:2;John 9:34;Acts 28:43 aJohn 11:44 a[John 4:34;5:19, 36; 17:4]bJohn 11:9,10; 12:35; Gal.6:10 1NU We

5 a[John 1:5, 9;3:19; 8:12;12:35, 46]6 aMark 7:33;8:237 aNeh. 3:15;Is. 8:6; Luke13:4; John9:11 b2 Kin.5:148 1NU a beg-


9 1NU “No,

but he is like


11 aJohn 9:6, 71NU omits the

pool of

16 aJohn 3:2;9:33 bJohn7:12, 43; 10:191observe

17 a[John 4:19;6:14]22 aJohn 7:13;12:42; 19:38;Acts 5:13bJohn 16:2

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JOHN 9:25 944a“Give God the glory! bWe know thatthis Man is a sinner.”25 He answered and said,“Whether He is a sinner or not I donot know. One thing I know: thatthough I was blind, now I see.”26 Then they said to him again,“What did He do to you? How didHe open your eyes?”27 He answered them, “I told youalready, and you did not listen. Whydo you want to hear it again? Do youalso want to become His disciples?”28 Then they reviled him and said,“You are His disciple, but we areMoses’ disciples.29 “We know that God aspoke tobMoses; as for this fellow, cwe do notknow where He is from.”30 The man answered and said tothem, a“Why, this is a marvelousthing, that you do not know where Heis from; yet He has opened my eyes!31 “Now we know that aGod doesnot hear sinners; but if anyone is aworshiper of God and does His will,He hears him.32 “Since the world began it hasbeen unheard of that anyoneopened the eyes of one who wasborn blind.33 a“If this Man were not fromGod, He could do nothing.”34 They answered and said to him,a“You were completely born in sins,and are you teaching us?” And they1cast him out.

True Vision and True Blindness

35 Jesus heard that they had casthim out; and when He had afoundhim, He said to him, “Do you bbe-lieve in cthe Son of 1God?”36 He answered and said, “Who isHe, Lord, that I may believe inHim?”37 And Jesus said to him, “Youhave both seen Him and ait is Hewho is talking with you.”38 Then he said, “Lord, I believe!”And he aworshiped Him.39 And Jesus said, a“For judgment Ihave come into this world, bthatthose who do not see may see, andthat those who see may be madeblind.”40 Then some of the Pharisees whowere with Him heard these words,aand said to Him, “Are we blindalso?”41 Jesus said to them, a“If you wereblind, you would have no sin; butnow you say, ‘We see.’ Thereforeyour sin remains.

Jesus the True Shepherd

10 “Most assuredly, I say to you,he who does not enter the

sheepfold by the door, but climbs upsome other way, the same is a thiefand a robber.2 “But he who enters by the dooris the shepherd of the sheep.

3 “To him the doorkeeper opens,and the sheep hear his voice; and hecalls his own sheep by aname andleads them out.4 “And when he brings out hisown sheep, he goes before them;and the sheep follow him, for theyknow his voice.5 “Yet they will by no means fol-low a astranger, but will flee fromhim, for they do not know the voiceof strangers.”6 Jesus used this illustration, butthey did not understand the thingswhich He spoke to them.

Jesus the Good Shepherd

7 Then Jesus said to them again,“Most assuredly, I say to you, I amthe door of the sheep.8 “All who ever came 1before Meare thieves and robbers, but thesheep did not hear them.9 a“I am the door. If anyone entersby Me, he will be saved, and will goin and out and find pasture.10 “The thief does not come exceptto steal, and to kill, and to destroy. Ihave come that they may have life,and that they may have it moreabundantly.11 a“I am the good shepherd. Thegood shepherd gives His life for thesheep.12 “But a 1hireling, he who is notthe shepherd, one who does not ownthe sheep, sees the wolf coming andaleaves the sheep and flees; and thewolf catches the sheep and scattersthem.13 “The hireling flees because he isa hireling and does not care aboutthe sheep.14 “I am the good shepherd; and aIknow My sheep, and bam known byMy own.15 a“As the Father knows Me, evenso I know the Father; band I laydown My life for the sheep.16 “And aother sheep I have whichare not of this fold; them also I mustbring, and they will hear My voice;band there will be one flock and oneshepherd.17 “Therefore My Father aloves Me,bbecause I lay down My life that Imay take it again.18 “No one takes it from Me, but Ilay it down of Myself. I ahave powerto lay it down, and I have power totake it again. bThis command I havereceived from My Father.”19 Therefore athere was a divisionagain among the Jews because ofthese sayings.20 And many of them said, a“Hehas a demon and is 1mad. Why doyou listen to Him?”21 Others said, “These are not thewords of one who has a demon.aCan a demon bopen the eyes of theblind?”

24 aJosh. 7:19bJohn 9:16

29 aNum.12:6–8 b[John5:45–47] cJohn7:27, 28; 8:14

30 aJohn 3:10

31 aZech. 7:13

33 aJohn 3:2;9:16

34 aJohn 9:21Excommuni-cated him

35 aJohn 5:14bJohn 1:7;16:31 cMatt.14:33; 16:161NU Man

37 aJohn 4:26

38 aMatt. 8:2

39 a[John 3:17;5:22, 27;12:47] bMatt.13:13; 15:14

40 a[Rom.2:19]

41 aJohn15:22, 24


3 aJohn 20:16

5 a[2 Cor.11:13–15]

8 1M omits be-

fore Me

9 a[Eph. 2:18]

11 aIs. 40:11

12 aZech.11:16, 171hired man

14 a2 Tim. 2:19b2 Tim. 1:12

15 aMatt. 11:27b[John 15:13;19:30]

16 aIs. 42:6;56:8 bEph.2:13–18

17 aJohn 5:20b[Heb. 2:9]

18 a[John 2:19;5:26] b[John6:38; 14:31;17:4; Acts2:24, 32]

19 aJohn 7:43;9:16

20 aJohn 7:201insane

21 a[Ex. 4:11]bJohn 9:6, 7,32, 33

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945 JOHN 11:24The Shepherd Knows His Sheep

22 Now it was the Feast of Dedica-tion in Jerusalem, and it was winter.23 And Jesus walked in the temple,ain Solomon’s porch.24 Then the Jews surrounded Himand said to Him, “How long do Youkeep us in 1doubt? If You are theChrist, tell us plainly.”25 Jesus answered them, “I toldyou, and you do not believe. aTheworks that I do in My Father’sname, they bbear witness of Me.26 “But ayou do not believe, be-cause you are not of My sheep, 1as Isaid to you.27 a“My sheep hear My voice, and Iknow them, and they follow Me.28 “And I give them eternal life, andthey shall never perish; neither shallanyone snatch them out of My hand.29 a“My Father, bwho has giventhem to Me, is greater than all; andno one is able to snatch them out ofMy Father’s hand.30 a“I and My Father are one.”

Renewed Efforts to Stone Jesus

31 Then athe Jews took up stonesagain to stone Him.32 Jesus answered them, “Manygood works I have shown you fromMy Father. For which of those worksdo you stone Me?”33 The Jews answered Him, say-ing, “For a good work we do notstone You, but for ablasphemy, andbecause You, being a Man, bmakeYourself God.”34 Jesus answered them, “Is it notwritten in your law, a‘I said,“You aregods” ’?35 “If He called them gods, atowhom the word of God came (andthe Scripture bcannot be broken),36 “do you say of Him awhom theFather sanctified and bsent into theworld, ‘You are blaspheming,’ cbe-cause I said, ‘I am dthe Son of God’?37 a“If I do not do the works of MyFather, do not believe Me;38 “but if I do, though you do notbelieve Me, abelieve the works, thatyou may know and 1believe bthat theFather is in Me, and I in Him.”39 aTherefore they sought again toseize Him, but He escaped out oftheir hand.

The Believers Beyond Jordan

40 And He went away again be-yond the Jordan to the place awhereJohn was baptizing at first, andthere He stayed.41 Then many came to Him andsaid, “John performed no sign, abutall the things that John spoke aboutthis Man were true.”42 And many believed in Him there.

The Death of Lazarus

11 Now a certain man was sick,Lazarus of Bethany, the

town of aMary and her sister Martha.2 aIt was that Mary who anointedthe Lord with fragrant oil and wipedHis feet with her hair, whosebrother Lazarus was sick.3 Therefore the sisters sent toHim, saying, “Lord, behold, hewhom You love is sick.”4 When Jesus heard that, He said,“This sickness is not unto death, butfor the glory of God, that the Son ofGod may be glorified through it.”5 Now Jesus loved Martha andher sister and Lazarus.6 So, when He heard that he wassick, aHe stayed two more days inthe place where He was.7 Then after this He said to thedisciples, “Let us go to Judea again.”8 The disciples said to Him, “Rabbi,lately the Jews sought to astone You,and are You going there again?”9 Jesus answered, “Are there nottwelve hours in the day? aIf anyonewalks in the day, he does not stum-ble, because he sees the blight of thisworld.10 “But aif one walks in the night,he stumbles, because the light is notin him.”11 These things He said, and afterthat He said to them, “Our friendLazarus asleeps, but I go that I maywake him up.”12 Then His disciples said, “Lord, ifhe sleeps he will get well.”13 However, Jesus spoke of hisdeath, but they thought that He wasspeaking about taking rest in sleep.14 Then Jesus said to them plainly,“Lazarus is dead.15 “And I am glad for your sakesthat I was not there, that you maybelieve. Nevertheless let us go tohim.”16 Then aThomas, who is called theTwin, said to his fellow disciples,“Let us also go, that we may die withHim.”

I Am the Resurrection and the Life

17 So when Jesus came, He foundthat he had already been in thetomb four days.18 Now Bethany was near Jeru-salem, about 1two miles away.19 And many of the Jews hadjoined the women around Marthaand Mary, to comfort them concern-ing their brother.20 Then Martha, as soon as sheheard that Jesus was coming, wentand met Him, but Mary was sittingin the house.21 Now Martha said to Jesus,“Lord, if You had been here, mybrother would not have died.22 “But even now I know thatawhatever You ask of God, God willgive You.”23 Jesus said to her, “Your brotherwill rise again.”24 Martha said to Him, a“I know

23 aActs 3:11;5:12

24 1Suspense

25 aJohn 5:36;10:38 bMatt.11:4

26 a[John 8:47]1NU omits as

I said to you

27 aJohn 10:4,14

29 aJohn 14:28b[John 17:2, 6,12, 24]

30 aJohn17:11, 21–24

31 aJohn 8:59

33 aMatt. 9:3bJohn 5:18

34 aPs. 82:6

35 aMatt. 5:17,18 b1 Pet. 1:25

36 aJohn 6:27bJohn 3:17cJohn 5:17, 18dLuke 1:35

37 aJohn10:25; 15:24

38 aJohn 5:36bJohn 14:10,11 1NU under-


39 aJohn 7:30,44

40 aJohn 1:28

41 a[John 1:29,36; 3:28–36;5:33]


1 aLuke 10:38,39

2 aMatt. 26:7

6 aJohn 10:40

8 aJohn 8:59;10:31

9 aJohn 9:4;12:35 bIs. 9:2

10 aJohn 12:35

11 aMatt. 9:24

16 aJohn 14:5;20:26–28

18 1Lit. 15 sta-


22 a[John 9:31;11:41]

24 a[John 5:29]

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JOHN 11:25 946that he will rise again in the resur-rection at the last day.”25 Jesus said to her, “I am athe res-urrection and the life. bHe whobelieves in Me, though he may cdie,he shall live.26 “And whoever lives and believesin Me shall never die. Do you be-lieve this?”27 She said to Him, “Yes, Lord, aIbelieve that You are the Christ, theSon of God, who is to come into theworld.”

Jesus and Death, the Last Enemy

28 And when she had said thesethings, she went her way and se-cretly called Mary her sister, saying,“The Teacher has come and is call-ing for you.”29 As soon as she heard that, shearose quickly and came to Him.30 Now Jesus had not yet comeinto the town, but 1was in the placewhere Martha met Him.31 aThen the Jews who were withher in the house, and comfortingher, when they saw that Mary roseup quickly and went out, followedher, 1saying, “She is going to thetomb to weep there.”32 Then, when Mary came whereJesus was, and saw Him, she afelldown at His feet, saying to Him,b“Lord, if You had been here, mybrother would not have died.”33 Therefore, when Jesus saw herweeping, and the Jews who camewith her weeping, He groaned in thespirit and was troubled.34 And He said, “Where have youlaid him?” They said to Him, “Lord,come and see.”35 aJesus wept.36 Then the Jews said, “See howHe loved him!”37 And some of them said, “Couldnot this Man, awho opened the eyes ofthe blind, also have kept this manfrom dying?”

Lazarus Raised from the Dead

38 Then Jesus, again groaning inHimself, came to the tomb. It was acave, and a astone lay against it.39 Jesus said, “Take away thestone.” Martha, the sister of himwho was dead, said to Him, “Lord,by this time there is a stench, for hehas been dead four days.”40 Jesus said to her, “Did I not sayto you that if you would believe youwould asee the glory of God?”41 Then they took away the stone1from the place where the dead manwas lying. And Jesus lifted up Hiseyes and said, “Father, I thank Youthat You have heard Me.42 “And I know that You alwayshear Me, but abecause of the peoplewho are standing by I said this, thatthey may believe that You sent Me.”43 Now when He had said these

things, He cried with a loud voice,“Lazarus, come forth!”44 And he who had died came outbound hand and foot with agrave-clothes, and bhis face was wrappedwith a cloth. Jesus said to them,“Loose him, and let him go.”

The Plot to Kill Jesus

45 Then many of the Jews who hadcome to Mary, aand had seen thethings Jesus did, believed in Him.46 But some of them went away tothe Pharisees and atold them thethings Jesus did.47 aThen the chief priests and thePharisees gathered a council andsaid, b“What shall we do? For thisMan works many signs.48 “If we let Him alone like this,everyone will believe in Him, andthe Romans will come and takeaway both our place and nation.”49 And one of them, aCaiaphas,being high priest that year, said tothem, “You know nothing at all,50 a“nor do you consider that it isexpedient for 1us that one manshould die for the people, and notthat the whole nation should perish.”51 Now this he did not say on hisown authority; but being high priestthat year he prophesied that Jesuswould die for the nation,52 and anot for that nation only, butbalso that He would gather togetherin one the children of God who werescattered abroad.53 Then, from that day on, theyplotted to aput Him to death.54 aTherefore Jesus no longerwalked openly among the Jews, butwent from there into the countrynear the wilderness, to a city calledbEphraim, and there remained withHis disciples.55 aAnd the Passover of the Jewswas near, and many went from thecountry up to Jerusalem before thePassover, to bpurify themselves.56 aThen they sought Jesus, andspoke among themselves as theystood in the temple, “What do youthink—that He will not come to thefeast?”57 Now both the chief priests andthe Pharisees had given a com-mand, that if anyone knew whereHe was, he should report it, thatthey might aseize Him.

The Anointing at Bethany

12 Then, six days before the Passover, Jesus came to Beth-

any, awhere Lazarus was 1who hadbeen dead, whom He had raisedfrom the dead.2 aThere they made Him a supper;and Martha served, but Lazarus wasone of those who sat at the tablewith Him.3 Then aMary took a pound of verycostly oil of bspikenard, anointed the

25 aJohn 5:21;6:39, 40, 44 b1 John 5:10c1 Cor. 15:22

27 aMatt. 16:16

30 1NU was


31 aJohn11:19, 33 1NUsupposing

that she was


32 aRev. 1:17bJohn 11:21

35 aLuke 19:41

37 aJohn 9:6, 7

38 aMatt.27:60, 66

40 a[John 11:4,23]

41 1NU omitsfrom the

place where

the dead man

was lying

42 aJohn12:30; 17:21

44 aJohn 19:40bJohn 20:7

45 aJohn 2:23;10:42; 12:11,18

46 aJohn 5:15

47 aPs. 2:2bActs 4:16

49 aLuke 3:2

50 aJohn 18:141NU you

52 aIs. 49:6b[Eph.2:14–17]

53 aMatt. 26:4

54 aJohn 4:1,3; 7:1 b2 Chr.13:19

55 aJohn 2:13;5:1; 6:4 bNum.9:10, 13;31:19, 20

56 aJohn 7:11

57 aMatt.26:14–16


1 aJohn 11:1,43 1NU omitswho had been


2 aMark 14:3;Luke 10:38–41

3 aJohn 11:2bSong 1:12

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947 JOHN 12:37feet of Jesus, and wiped His feet withher hair. And the house was filledwith the fragrance of the oil.4 But one of His disciples, aJudasIscariot, Simon’s son, who wouldbetray Him, said,5 “Why was this fragrant oil notsold for 1three hundred denarii andgiven to the poor?”6 This he said, not that he caredfor the poor, but because he was athief, and ahad the money box; andhe used to take what was put in it.7 But Jesus said, “Let her alone;1she has kept this for the day of Myburial.8 “For athe poor you have withyou always, but Me you do not havealways.”

The Plot to Kill Lazarus

9 Now a great many of the Jewsknew that He was there; and theycame, not for Jesus’ sake only, butthat they might also see Lazarus,awhom He had raised from thedead.10 aBut the chief priests plotted toput Lazarus to death also,11 abecause on account of himmany of the Jews went away andbelieved in Jesus.

The Triumphal Entry

12 aThe next day a great multitudethat had come to the feast, whenthey heard that Jesus was coming toJerusalem,13 took branches of palm trees andwent out to meet Him, and cried out:

“Hosanna!a‘Blessed is He who comes in the

name of the LORD!’The King of Israel!”

14 aThen Jesus, when He hadfound a young donkey, sat on it; as itis written:

15 “Feara not, daughter of Zion;Behold, your King is coming,Sitting on a donkey’s colt.”

16 aHis disciples did not under-stand these things at first; bbutwhen Jesus was glorified, cthen theyremembered that these things werewritten about Him and that theyhad done these things to Him.17 Therefore the people, who werewith Him when He called Lazarusout of his tomb and raised him fromthe dead, bore witness.18 aFor this reason the people alsomet Him, because they heard thatHe had done this sign.19 The Pharisees therefore saidamong themselves, a“You see thatyou are accomplishing nothing.Look, the world has gone afterHim!”

The Fruitful Grain of Wheat

20 Now there awere certain Greeksamong those bwho came up to wor-ship at the feast.21 Then they came to Philip, awhowas from Bethsaida of Galilee, andasked him, saying, “Sir, we wish tosee Jesus.”22 Philip came and told Andrew,and in turn Andrew and Philip toldJesus.23 But Jesus answered them, say-ing, a“The hour has come that theSon of Man should be glorified.24 “Most assuredly, I say to you,aunless a grain of wheat falls into theground and dies, it remains alone;but if it dies, it produces much 1grain.25 a“He who loves his life will loseit, and he who hates his life in thisworld will keep it for eternal life.26 “If anyone serves Me, let himafollow Me; and bwhere I am, thereMy servant will be also. If anyoneserves Me, him My Father will honor.

Jesus Predicts His Death on theCross

27 a“Now My soul is troubled, andwhat shall I say? ‘Father, save Mefrom this hour’? bBut for this pur-pose I came to this hour.28 “Father, glorify Your name.”aThen a voice came from heaven,saying, “I have both glorified it andwill glorify it again.”29 Therefore the people who stoodby and heard it said that it had thun-dered. Others said, “An angel hasspoken to Him.”30 Jesus answered and said, a“Thisvoice did not come because of Me,but for your sake.31 “Now is the judgment of thisworld; now athe ruler of this worldwill be cast out.32 “And I, aif I am 1lifted up fromthe earth, will draw ball peoples toMyself.”33 aThis He said, signifying bywhat death He would die.34 The people answered Him, a“Wehave heard from the law that theChrist remains forever; and how canYou say, ‘The Son of Man must belifted up’? Who is this Son of Man?”35 Then Jesus said to them, “A littlewhile longer athe light is with you.bWalk while you have the light, lestdarkness overtake you; che whowalks in darkness does not knowwhere he is going.36 “While you have the light,believe in the light, that you maybecome asons of light.” These thingsJesus spoke, and departed, and bwashidden from them.

Who Has Believed Our Report?

37 But although He had done somany asigns before them, they didnot believe in Him,

4 aJohn 13:26

5 1About oneyear’s wagesfor a worker

6 aJohn 13:29

7 1NU that

she may keep

8 aMark 14:7

9 aJohn 11:43,44

10 aLuke 16:31

11 aJohn11:45; 12:18

12 aMatt.21:4–9

13 aPs. 118:25,26

14 aMatt. 21:7

15 aIs. 40:9;Zech. 9:9

16 aLuke 18:34bJohn 7:39;12:23 c[John14:26]

18 aJohn 12:11

19 aJohn11:47, 48

20 aActs 17:4b1 Kin. 8:41,42

21 aJohn 1:43,44; 14:8–11

23 aJohn 13:32

24 a1 Cor.15:36 1Lit.fruit

25 aMark 8:35

26 a[Matt.16:24] bJohn14:3; 17:24

27 a[Matt.26:38, 39]bLuke 22:53

28 aMatt. 3:17;17:5

30 aJohn 11:42

31 a[2 Cor. 4:4]

32 aJohn 3:14;8:28 b[Rom.5:18] 1Cruci-fied

33 aJohn18:32; 21:19

34 aMic. 4:7

35 a[John 1:9;7:33; 8:12]bEph. 5:8 c[1 John2:9–11]

36 aLuke 16:8bJohn 8:59

37 aJohn 11:47

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JOHN 12:38 94838 that the word of Isaiah theprophet might be fulfilled, which hespoke:

a“Lord, who has believed ourreport?

And to whom has the arm ofthe LORD been revealed?”

39 Therefore they could not be-lieve, because Isaiah said again:

40 “Hea has blinded their eyes andhardened their hearts,

bLest they should see with theireyes,

Lest they should understandwith their hearts and turn,

So that I should heal them.”

41 aThese things Isaiah said 1whenhe saw His glory and spoke of Him.

Walk in the Light

42 Nevertheless even among therulers many believed in Him, butabecause of the Pharisees they didnot confess Him, lest they should beput out of the synagogue;43 afor they loved the praise of menmore than the praise of God.44 Then Jesus cried out and said,a“He who believes in Me, bbelievesnot in Me cbut in Him who sent Me.45 “And ahe who sees Me sees Himwho sent Me.46 a“I have come as a light into theworld, that whoever believes in Meshould not abide in darkness.47 “And if anyone hears My wordsand does not 1believe, aI do not judgehim; for bI did not come to judge theworld but to save the world.48 a“He who rejects Me, and doesnot receive My words, has that whichjudges him—bthe word that I havespoken will judge him in the last day.49 “For aI have not spoken on Myown authority; but the Father whosent Me gave Me a command, bwhatI should say and what I shouldspeak.50 “And I know that His commandis everlasting life. Therefore, what-ever I speak, just as the Father hastold Me, so I aspeak.”

Jesus Washes the Disciples’ Feet

13 Now abefore the Feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew

that bHis hour had come that Heshould depart from this world to theFather, having loved His own whowere in the world, He cloved them tothe end.2 And 1supper being ended, athedevil having already put it into theheart of Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son,to betray Him,3 Jesus, knowing athat the Fatherhad given all things into His hands,and that He bhad come from Godand cwas going to God,

4 arose from supper and laid asideHis garments, took a towel andgirded Himself.5 After that, He poured water intoa basin and began to wash the disci-ples’ feet, and to wipe them with thetowel with which He was girded.6 Then He came to Simon Peter.And Peter said to Him, a“Lord, areYou washing my feet?”7 Jesus answered and said to him,“What I am doing you ado not un-derstand now, bbut you will knowafter this.”8 Peter said to Him, “You shallnever wash my feet!” Jesus an-swered him, a“If I do not wash you,you have no part with Me.”9 Simon Peter said to Him, “Lord,not my feet only, but also my handsand my head!”10 Jesus said to him, “He who isbathed needs only to wash his feet,but is completely clean; and ayouare clean, but not all of you.”11 For aHe knew who would betrayHim; therefore He said, “You are notall clean.”12 So when He had washed theirfeet, taken His garments, and satdown again, He said to them, “Doyou 1know what I have done to you?13 a“You call Me Teacher and Lord,and you say well, for so I am.14 a“If I then, your Lord andTeacher, have washed your feet,byou also ought to wash one anoth-er’s feet.15 “For aI have given you an exam-ple, that you should do as I havedone to you.16 a“Most assuredly, I say to you, aservant is not greater than his mas-ter; nor is he who is sent greaterthan he who sent him.17 a“If you know these things,blessed are you if you do them.

Jesus Identifies His Betrayer

18 “I do not speak concerning all ofyou. I know whom I have chosen;but that the aScripture may be ful-filled, b‘He who eats 1bread with Mehas lifted up his heel against Me.’19 a“Now I tell you before it comes,that when it does come to pass, youmay believe that I am He.20 a“Most assuredly, I say to you,he who receives whomever I sendreceives Me; and he who receivesMe receives Him who sent Me.”21 aWhen Jesus had said thesethings, bHe was troubled in spirit,and testified and said, “Most as-suredly, I say to you, cone of you willbetray Me.”22 Then the disciples looked at oneanother, perplexed about whom Hespoke.23 Now athere was 1leaning onJesus’ bosom one of His disciples,whom Jesus loved.24 Simon Peter therefore motioned

38 aIs. 53:140 aIs. 6:9, 10bMatt. 13:1441 aIs. 6:1 1NUbecause

42 aJohn 7:13;9:2243 aJohn 5:41,4444 aMark 9:37b[John 3:16,18, 36; 11:25,26] c[John5:24]45 a[John 14:9]46 aJohn 1:4,5; 8:12; 12:35,3647 aJohn 5:45bJohn 3:171NU keep


48 a[Luke10:16] bDeut.18:18, 1949 aJohn 8:38bDeut. 18:1850 aJohn 5:19;8:28

CHAPTER 131 aMatt. 26:2bJohn 12:23;17:1 cJohn15:92 aLuke 22:31NU during


3 aActs 2:36bJohn 8:42;16:28 cJohn17:11; 20:174 a[Luke22:27]6 aMatt. 3:147 aJohn 12:16;16:12 bJohn13:198 a[1 Cor. 6:11]10 a[John 15:3]11 aJohn 6:64;18:412 1under-


13 aMatt. 23:8,1014 aLuke 22:27b[Rom. 12:10]15 a[1 Pet.2:21–24]16 aMatt. 10:2417 a[James1:25]18 aJohn15:25; 17:12bPs. 41:9 1NUMy bread has

19 aJohn14:29; 16:420 aMatt. 10:4021 aLuke 22:21bJohn 12:27 c1 John 2:1923 aJohn19:26; 20:2;21:7, 20 1re-


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949 JOHN 14:21to him to ask who it was of whomHe spoke.25 Then, leaning 1back on Jesus’breast, he said to Him, “Lord, who isit?”26 Jesus answered, “It is he towhom I shall give a piece of breadwhen I have dipped it.” And havingdipped the bread, He gave it to aJu-das Iscariot, the son of Simon.27 aNow after the piece of bread,Satan entered him. Then Jesus saidto him, “What you do, do quickly.”28 But no one at the table knew forwhat reason He said this to him.29 For some thought, because aJu-das had the money box, that Jesushad said to him, “Buy those thingswe need for the feast,” or that heshould give something to the poor.30 Having received the piece ofbread, he then went out immedi-ately. And it was night.

The New Commandment

31 So, when he had gone out, Jesussaid, a“Now the Son of Man is glori-fied, and bGod is glorified in Him.32 “If God is glorified in Him, Godwill also glorify Him in Himself, andaglorify Him immediately.33 “Little children, I shall be withyou a alittle while longer. You willseek Me; band as I said to the Jews,‘Where I am going, you cannot come,’so now I say to you.34 a“A new commandment I give toyou, that you love one another; as Ihave loved you, that you also loveone another.35 a“By this all will know that youare My disciples, if you have love forone another.”

Jesus Predicts Peter’s Denial

36 Simon Peter said to Him, “Lord,where are You going?” Jesus an-swered him, “Where I aam goingyou cannot follow Me now, but byoushall follow Me afterward.”37 Peter said to Him, “Lord, whycan I not follow You now? I will alaydown my life for Your sake.”38 Jesus answered him, “Will youlay down your life for My sake?Most assuredly, I say to you, therooster shall not acrow till you havedenied Me three times.

The Way, the Truth, and the Life

14 “Let anot your heart be trou-bled; you believe in God,

believe also in Me.2 “In My Father’s house are many1mansions; if it were not so, 2I wouldhave told you. aI go to prepare aplace for you.3 “And if I go and prepare a placefor you, aI will come again and re-ceive you to Myself; that bwhere Iam, there you may be also.4 “And where I go you know, andthe way you know.”5 aThomas said to Him, “Lord, we

do not know where You are going,and how can we know the way?”6 Jesus said to him, “I am atheway, bthe truth, and cthe life. dNo onecomes to the Father eexcept throughMe.

The Father Revealed

7 a“If you had known Me, youwould have known My Father also;and from now on you know Himand have seen Him.”8 Philip said to Him, “Lord, showus the Father, and it is sufficient forus.”9 Jesus said to him, “Have I beenwith you so long, and yet you havenot known Me, Philip? aHe who hasseen Me has seen the Father; so howcan you say, ‘Show us the Father’?10 “Do you not believe that aI am inthe Father, and the Father in Me?The words that I speak to you bI donot speak on My own authority; butthe Father who dwells in Me doesthe works.11 “Believe Me that I am in the Fa-ther and the Father in Me, aor elsebelieve Me for the sake of the worksthemselves.

The Answered Prayer

12 a“Most assuredly, I say to you, hewho believes in Me, the works that Ido he will do also; and greater worksthan these he will do, because I go toMy Father.13 a“And whatever you ask in Myname, that I will do, that the Fathermay be bglorified in the Son.14 “If you 1ask anything in Myname, I will do it.

Jesus Promises Another Helper

15 a“If you love Me, 1keep My com-mandments.16 “And I will pray the Father, andaHe will give you another 1Helper,that He may abide with you forever—17 a“the Spirit of truth, bwhom theworld cannot receive, because it nei-ther sees Him nor knows Him; butyou know Him, for He dwells withyou cand will be in you.18 a“I will not leave you orphans; bIwill come to you.

Indwelling of the Father and theSon

19 “A little while longer and theworld will see Me no more, but ayouwill see Me. bBecause I live, you willlive also.20 “At that day you will know thataI am in My Father, and you in Me,and I in you.21 a“He who has My command-ments and keeps them, it is he wholoves Me. And he who loves Me willbe loved by My Father, and I willlove him and 1manifest Myself tohim.”

25 1NU, M addthus

26 aJohn 6:70,71; 12:427 aLuke 22:329 aJohn 12:631 aJohn 12:23b[1 Pet. 4:11]32 aJohn 12:2333 aJohn12:35; 14:19;16:16–19b[John 7:34;8:21]34 a1 Thess.4:935 a1 John 2:536 aJohn13:33; 14:2;16:5 b2 Pet.1:1437 aMark14:29–3138 aJohn18:25–27

CHAPTER 141 a[John 14:27;16:22, 24]2 aJohn 13:33,36 1Lit.dwellings 2NUwould I have

told you that

I go or Iwould have

told you; for I


3 a[Acts 1:11]b[John 12:26]5 aMatt. 10:36 a[Heb. 9:8;10:19, 20]b[John 1:14,17; 8:32;18:37] c[John11:25] d1 Tim.2:5 e[John10:7–9]7 aJohn 8:199 aCol. 1:1510 aJohn10:38; 14:11,20 bJohn 5:19;14:2411 aJohn 5:36;10:3812 aLuke 10:1713 aMatt. 7:7bJohn 13:3114 1NU ask


15 a1 John 5:31NU you will


16 aRom. 8:151Comforter,

Gr. Parakletos

17 a[1 John4:6; 5:7] b[1 Cor. 2:14]c[1 John 2:27]18 a[Matt.28:20] b[John14:3, 28]19 aJohn16:16, 22 b[1 Cor. 15:20]20 aJohn10:38; 14:1121 a1 John 2:51reveal

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JOHN 14:22 95022 aJudas (not Iscariot) said toHim, “Lord, how is it that You willmanifest Yourself to us, and not tothe world?”23 Jesus answered and said to him,“If anyone loves Me, he will keepMy word; and My Father will lovehim, aand We will come to him andmake Our home with him.24 “He who does not love Me doesnot keep My words; and athe wordwhich you hear is not Mine but theFather’s who sent Me.

The Gift of His Peace

25 “These things I have spoken toyou while being present with you.26 “But athe 1Helper, the HolySpirit, whom the Father will bsend inMy name, cHe will teach you allthings, and bring to your dremem-brance all things that I said to you.27 a“Peace I leave with you, Mypeace I give to you; not as the worldgives do I give to you. Let not yourheart be troubled, neither let it beafraid.28 “You have heard Me asay toyou, ‘I am going away and comingback to you.’ If you loved Me, youwould rejoice because 1I said, b‘Iam going to the Father,’ for cMyFather is greater than I.29 “And anow I have told you be-fore it comes, that when it doescome to pass, you may believe.30 “I will no longer talk much withyou, afor the ruler of this world iscoming, and he has bnothing in Me.31 “But that the world may knowthat I love the Father, and aas theFather gave Me commandment, so Ido. Arise, let us go from here.

The True Vine

15 “I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser.

2 a“Every branch in Me that doesnot bear fruit He 1takes away; andevery branch that bears fruit Heprunes, that it may bear bmore fruit.3 a“You are already clean becauseof the word which I have spoken toyou.4 a“Abide in Me, and I in you. Asthe branch cannot bear fruit of itself,unless it abides in the vine, neithercan you, unless you abide in Me.5 “I am the vine, you are thebranches. He who abides in Me, andI in him, bears much afruit; for with-out Me you can do bnothing.6 “If anyone does not abide in Me,ahe is cast out as a branch and iswithered; and they gather them andthrow them into the fire, and theyare burned.7 “If you abide in Me, and Mywords aabide in you, byou1 will askwhat you desire, and it shall be donefor you.8 a“By this My Father is glorified,that you bear much fruit; bso youwill be My disciples.

Love and Joy Perfected

9 “As the Father aloved Me, I alsohave loved you; abide in My love.10 a“If you keep My command-ments, you will abide in My love,just as I have kept My Father’s com-mandments and abide in His love.11 “These things I have spoken toyou, that My joy may remain in you,and athat your joy may be full.12 a“This is My bcommandment,that you love one another as I haveloved you.13 a“Greater love has no one thanthis, than to lay down one’s life forhis friends.14 a“You are My friends if you dowhatever I command you.15 “No longer do I call you ser-vants, for a servant does not knowwhat his master is doing; but I havecalled you friends, afor all thingsthat I heard from My Father I havemade known to you.16 a“You did not choose Me, but Ichose you and bappointed you thatyou should go and bear fruit, andthat your fruit should remain, thatwhatever you ask the Father cin Myname He may give you.17 “These things I command you,that you love one another.

The World’s Hatred

18 a“If the world hates you, youknow that it hated Me before ithated you.19 a“If you were of the world, theworld would love its own. Yet bbe-cause you are not of the world, but Ichose you out of the world, there-fore the world hates you.20 “Remember the word that I saidto you, a‘A servant is not greaterthan his master.’ If they persecutedMe, they will also persecute you. bIfthey kept My word, they will keepyours also.21 “But aall these things they willdo to you for My name’s sake, be-cause they do not know Him whosent Me.22 a“If I had not come and spokento them, they would have no sin,bbut now they have no excuse fortheir sin.23 a“He who hates Me hates MyFather also.24 “If I had not done among themathe works which no one else did,they would have no sin; but nowthey have bseen and also hated bothMe and My Father.25 “But this happened that theword might be fulfilled which iswritten in their law, a‘They hated Mewithout a cause.’

The Coming Rejection

26 a“But when the 1Helper comes,whom I shall send to you from theFather, the Spirit of truth who pro-

22 aLuke 6:1623 aRev. 3:20;21:324 aJohn 5:1926 aLuke 24:49bJohn 15:26 c1 Cor. 2:13dJohn 2:22;12:16 1Com-

forter, Gr.Parakletos

27 a[Phil. 4:7]28 aJohn 14:3,18 bJohn16:16 c[Phil.2:6] 1NUomits I said

29 aJohn 13:1930 a[John12:31] b[Heb.4:15]31 aJohn 10:18

CHAPTER 152 aMatt. 15:13b[Matt. 13:12]1Or lifts up

3 a[John 13:10;17:17]4 a[Col. 1:23]5 aHos. 14:8 b2 Cor. 3:56 aMatt. 3:107 a1 John 2:14bJohn 14:13;16:23 1NUomits you will

8 a[Matt. 5:16] bJohn 8:319 aJohn 5:20;17:2610 aJohn 14:1511 a1 John 1:412 a1 John3:11 bRom.12:913 a1 John3:1614 a[Matt.12:50; 28:20]15 aGen. 18:1716 aJohn 6:70;13:18; 15:19b[Col. 1:6]cJohn 14:13;16:23, 2418 a1 John3:1319 a1 John 4:5bJohn 17:1420 aJohn 13:16bEzek. 3:721 aMatt.10:22; 24:922 aJohn 9:41;15:24 b[James4:17]23 a1 John2:2324 aJohn 3:2bJohn 14:925 aPs. 35:19;69:4; 109:3–526 aLuke 24:491Comforter,

Gr. Parakletos

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951 JOHN 16:33ceeds from the Father, bHe will tes-tify of Me.27 “And ayou also will bear wit-ness, because byou have been withMe from the beginning.

16 “These things I have spoken to you, that you ashould not be

made to stumble.2 a“They will put you out of thesynagogues; yes, the time is comingbthat whoever kills you will thinkthat he offers God service.3 “And athese things they will do1to you because they have notknown the Father nor Me.4 “But these things I have toldyou, that when 1the time comes, youmay remember that I told you ofthem. And these things I did not sayto you at the beginning, because Iwas with you.

The Work of the Holy Spirit

5 “But now I ago away to Him whosent Me, and none of you asks Me,‘Where are You going?’6 “But because I have said thesethings to you, asorrow has filledyour heart.7 “Nevertheless I tell you thetruth. It is to your advantage that Igo away; for if I do not go away, theHelper will not come to you; but aif Idepart, I will send Him to you.8 “And when He has acome, Hewill convict the world of sin, and ofrighteousness, and of judgment:9 a“of sin, because they do not be-lieve in Me;10 a“of righteousness, bbecause I goto My Father and you see Me nomore;11 a“of judgment, because btheruler of this world is judged.12 “I still have many things to sayto you, abut you cannot bear themnow.13 “However, when He, athe Spiritof truth, has come, bHe will guideyou into all truth; for He will notspeak on His own authority, butwhatever He hears He will speak;and He will tell you things to come.14 a“He will glorify Me, for He willtake of what is Mine and declare itto you.15 a“All things that the Father hasare Mine. Therefore I said that He1will take of Mine and declare it toyou.

Sorrow Will Turn to Joy

16 “A alittle while, and you will notsee Me; and again a little while, andyou will see Me, bbecause I go to theFather.”17 Then some of His disciples saidamong themselves, “What is thisthat He says to us, ‘A little while,and you will not see Me; and againa little while, and you will see Me’;and, ‘because I go to the Father’?”18 They said therefore, “What is

this that He says, ‘A little while’? Wedo not 1know what He is saying.”19 Now Jesus knew that they de-sired to ask Him, and He said tothem, “Are you inquiring amongyourselves about what I said, ‘A lit-tle while, and you will not see Me;and again a little while, and you willsee Me’?20 “Most assuredly, I say to youthat you will weep and alament, butthe world will rejoice; and you willbe sorrowful, but your sorrow willbe turned into bjoy.21 a“A woman, when she is inlabor, has sorrow because her hourhas come; but as soon as she hasgiven birth to the child, she nolonger remembers the anguish, forjoy that a human being has beenborn into the world.22 “Therefore you now have sor-row; but I will see you again andayour heart will rejoice, and your joyno one will take from you.23 “And in that day you will ask Menothing. aMost assuredly, I say toyou, whatever you ask the Father inMy name He will give you.24 “Until now you have asked noth-ing in My name. Ask, and you willreceive, athat your joy may be bfull.

Jesus Christ Has Overcome theWorld

25 “These things I have spoken toyou in figurative language; but thetime is coming when I will no longerspeak to you in figurative language,but I will tell you aplainly about theFather.26 “In that day you will ask in Myname, and I do not say to you that Ishall pray the Father for you;27 a“for the Father Himself lovesyou, because you have loved Me,and bhave believed that I came forthfrom God.28 a“I came forth from the Fatherand have come into the world.Again, I leave the world and go tothe Father.”29 His disciples said to Him, “See,now You are speaking plainly, andusing no figure of speech!30 “Now we are sure that aYouknow all things, and have no needthat anyone should question You. Bythis bwe believe that You came forthfrom God.”31 Jesus answered them, “Do younow believe?32 a“Indeed the hour is coming,yes, has now come, that you will bescattered, beach to his 1own, and willleave Me alone. And cyet I am notalone, because the Father is withMe.33 “These things I have spoken toyou, that ain Me you may have peace.bIn the world you 1will have tribula-tion; but be of good cheer, cI haveovercome the world.”

26 b1 John 5:6

27 aLuke 24:48bLuke 1:2


1 aMatt. 11:6

2 aJohn 9:22bActs 8:1

3 aJohn 8:19;15:21 1NU, Momit to you

4 1NU their

5 aJohn 7:33;13:33; 14:28;17:11

6 a[John 16:20,22]

7 aActs 2:33

8 aActs 1:8;2:1–4, 37

9 aActs 2:22

10 aActs 2:32bJohn 5:32

11 aActs 26:18b[Luke 10:18]

12 aMark 4:33

13 a[John14:17] bJohn14:26

14 aJohn 15:26

15 aMatt. 11:271NU, M takes

of Mine and

will declare

16 aJohn 7:33;12:35; 13:33;14:19;19:40–42;20:19 bJohn13:3

18 1under-


20 aMark16:10 bLuke24:32, 41

21 aIs. 13:8;26:17; 42:14

22 a1 Pet. 1:8

23 aMatt. 7:7

24 aJohn 17:13bJohn 15:11

25 aJohn 7:13

27 a[John14:21, 23]bJohn 3:13

28 aJohn 13:1,3; 16:5, 10, 17

30 aJohn 21:17bJohn 17:8

32 aMatt.26:31, 56bJohn 20:10cJohn 8:291own things

or place

33 a[Eph. 2:14]b2 Tim. 3:12cRom. 8:371NU, M omitwill

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JOHN 17:1 952Jesus Prays for Himself

17 Jesus spoke these words, liftedup His eyes to heaven, and

said: “Father, athe hour has come.Glorify Your Son, that Your Son alsomay glorify You,2 a“as You have given Him author-ity over all flesh, that He 1should giveeternal life to as many bas You havegiven Him.3 “And athis is eternal life, thatthey may know You, bthe only trueGod, and Jesus Christ cwhom Youhave sent.4 a“I have glorified You on theearth. bI have finished the workcwhich You have given Me to do.5 “And now, O Father, glorify Metogether 1with Yourself, with the gloryawhich I had with You before theworld was.

Jesus Prays for His Disciples

6 a“I have 1manifested Your nameto the men bwhom You have givenMe out of the world. cThey wereYours, You gave them to Me, andthey have kept Your word.7 “Now they have known that allthings which You have given Me arefrom You.8 “For I have given to them thewords awhich You have given Me;and they have received them, bandhave known surely that I came forthfrom You; and they have believedthat cYou sent Me.9 “I pray for them. aI do not prayfor the world but for those whomYou have given Me, for they areYours.10 “And all Mine are Yours, andaYours are Mine, and I am glorifiedin them.11 a“Now I am no longer in theworld, but these are in the world,and I come to You. Holy Father,bkeep1 through Your name thosewhom You have given Me, that theymay be one cas We are.12 “While I was with them 1in theworld, aI kept them in 2Your name.Those whom You gave Me I havekept; and bnone of them is 3lost cex-cept the son of 4perdition, dthat theScripture might be fulfilled.13 “But now I come to You, andthese things I speak in the world,that they may have My joy fulfilledin themselves.14 “I have given them Your word;aand the world has hated thembecause they are not of the world,bjust as I am not of the world.15 “I do not pray that You shouldtake them out of the world, but athatYou should keep them from the evilone.16 “They are not of the world, justas I am not of the world.17 a“Sanctify1 them by Your truth.bYour word is truth.

18 a“As You sent Me into the world,I also have sent them into the world.19 “And afor their sakes I sanctifyMyself, that they also may be sanc-tified by the truth.

Jesus Prays for All Believers

20 “I do not pray for these alone,but also for those who 1will believein Me through their word;21 a“that they all may be one, asbYou, Father, are in Me, and I in You;that they also may be one in Us, thatthe world may believe that You sentMe.22 “And the aglory which You gaveMe I have given them, bthat theymay be one just as We are one:23 “I in them, and You in Me; athatthey may be made perfect in one,and that the world may know thatYou have sent Me, and have lovedthem as You have loved Me.24 a“Father, I desire that they alsowhom You gave Me may be with Mewhere I am, that they may beholdMy glory which You have given Me;bfor You loved Me before the founda-tion of the world.25 “O righteous Father! aThe worldhas not known You, but bI haveknown You; and cthese have knownthat You sent Me.26 a“And I have declared to themYour name, and will declare it, thatthe love bwith which You loved Memay be in them, and I in them.”

Betrayal and Arrest in Gethsemane

18 When Jesus had spoken these words, aHe went out with His

disciples over bthe Brook Kidron,where there was a garden, which Heand His disciples entered.2 And Judas, who betrayed Him,also knew the place; afor Jesus oftenmet there with His disciples.3 aThen Judas, having received adetachment of troops, and officersfrom the chief priests and Phar-isees, came there with lanterns,torches, and weapons.4 Jesus therefore, aknowing allthings that would come upon Him,went forward and said to them,“Whom are you seeking?”5 They answered Him, a“Jesus 1ofNazareth.” Jesus said to them, “I amHe.” And Judas, who bbetrayed Him,also stood with them.6 Now when He said to them, “Iam He,” they drew back and fell tothe ground.7 Then He asked them again,“Whom are you seeking?” And theysaid, “Jesus of Nazareth.”8 Jesus answered, “I have told you

2 aLuke 21:37; 22:39 3 aLuke 22:47–534 aJohn 6:64; 13:1, 3; 19:28 5 aMatt. 21:11bPs. 41:9 1Lit. the Nazarene

CHAPTER 171 aJohn 12:232 aJohn 3:35bJohn 6:37,39; 17:6, 9, 241M shall

3 aJer. 9:23, 24b1 Cor. 8:4cJohn 3:344 aJohn 13:31bJohn 4:34;19:30 cJohn14:315 aPhil. 2:61Lit. alongside

6 aPs. 22:22bJohn 6:37cEzek. 18:41revealed

8 aJohn 8:28bJohn 8:42;16:27, 30cDeut. 18:15,189 a[1 John5:19]10 aJohn 16:1511 aJohn 13:1b[1 Pet. 1:5]cJohn 10:301NU, M keep

them through

Your name

which You

have given


12 aHeb. 2:13b1 John 2:19cJohn 6:70dPs. 41:9;109:8 1NUomits in the

world 2NUYour name

which You

gave Me. And

I guarded

them; (or it;)3destroyed4destruction

14 aJohn 15:19bJohn 8:2315 a1 John5:1817 a[Eph. 5:26]bPs. 119:9,142, 151 1Set

them apart

18 aJohn 4:38;20:2119 a[Heb.10:10]20 1NU, Momit will

21 a[Gal. 3:28]bJohn 10:38;17:11, 2322 a1 John 1:3 b[2 Cor. 3:18]23 a[Col. 3:14]24 a[1 Thess.4:17] bJohn17:525 aJohn 15:21bJohn 7:29;8:55; 10:15cJohn 3:17;17:3, 8, 18, 21,2326 aJohn 17:6bJohn 15:9

CHAPTER 181 aMark 14:26,32 b2 Sam.15:23

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953 JOHN 18:39that I am He. Therefore, if you seekMe, let these go their way,”9 that the saying might be fulfilledwhich He spoke, a“Of those whomYou gave Me I have lost none.”10 aThen Simon Peter, having asword, drew it and struck the highpriest’s servant, and cut off his rightear. The servant’s name was Mal-chus.11 So Jesus said to Peter, “Put yoursword into the sheath. Shall I notdrink athe cup which My Father hasgiven Me?”

Before the High Priest

12 Then the detachment of troopsand the captain and the officers ofthe Jews arrested Jesus and boundHim.13 And athey led Him away to bAn-nas first, for he was the father-in-law of cCaiaphas who was highpriest that year.14 aNow it was Caiaphas who ad-vised the Jews that it was 1expedientthat one man should die for the peo-ple.

Peter Denies Jesus

15 aAnd Simon Peter followedJesus, and so did banother1 disciple.Now that disciple was known to thehigh priest, and went with Jesusinto the courtyard of the high priest.16 aBut Peter stood at the door out-side. Then the other disciple, whowas known to the high priest, wentout and spoke to her who kept thedoor, and brought Peter in.17 Then the servant girl who keptthe door said to Peter, “You are notalso one of this Man’s disciples, areyou?” He said, “I am anot.”18 Now the servants and officerswho had made a fire of coals stoodthere, for it was cold, and theywarmed themselves. And Peter stoodwith them and warmed himself.

Jesus Questioned by the HighPriest

19 The high priest then asked Je-sus about His disciples and Hisdoctrine.20 Jesus answered him, a“I spokeopenly to the world. I always taughtbin synagogues and cin the temple,where 1the Jews always meet, and insecret I have said nothing.21 “Why do you ask Me? Askathose who have heard Me what Isaid to them. Indeed they knowwhat I said.”22 And when He had said thesethings, one of the officers who stoodby astruck1 Jesus with the palm ofhis hand, saying, “Do You answer thehigh priest like that?”23 Jesus answered him, “If I havespoken evil, bear witness of the evil;but if well, why do you strike Me?”

24 aThen Annas sent Him bound tobCaiaphas the high priest.

Peter Denies Twice More

25 Now Simon Peter stood andwarmed himself. aTherefore theysaid to him, “You are not also one ofHis disciples, are you?” He denied itand said, “I am not!”26 One of the servants of the highpriest, a relative of him whose earPeter cut off, said, “Did I not see youin the garden with Him?”27 Peter then denied again; andaimmediately a rooster crowed.

In Pilate’s Court

28 aThen they led Jesus from Ca-iaphas to the Praetorium, and it wasearly morning. bBut they themselvesdid not go into the 1Praetorium, lestthey should be defiled, but that theymight eat the Passover.29 aPilate then went out to themand said, “What accusation do youbring against this Man?”30 They answered and said to him,“If He were not 1an evildoer, wewould not have delivered Him up toyou.”31 Then Pilate said to them, “Youtake Him and judge Him accordingto your law.” Therefore the Jews saidto him, “It is not lawful for us to putanyone to death,”32 athat the saying of Jesus mightbe fulfilled which He spoke, bsigni-fying by what death He would die.33 aThen Pilate entered the 1Praeto-rium again, called Jesus, and said toHim, “Are You the King of the Jews?”34 Jesus answered him, “Are youspeaking for yourself about this, ordid others tell you this concerningMe?”35 Pilate answered, “Am I a Jew?Your own nation and the chiefpriests have delivered You to me.What have You done?”36 aJesus answered, b“My kingdomis not of this world. If My kingdomwere of this world, My servantswould fight, so that I should not bedelivered to the Jews; but now Mykingdom is not from here.”37 Pilate therefore said to Him,“Are You a king then?” Jesusanswered, “You say rightly that I ama king. For this cause I was born,and for this cause I have come intothe world, athat I should bear bwit-ness to the truth. Everyone who cisof the truth dhears My voice.”38 Pilate said to Him, “What istruth?” And when he had said this,he went out again to the Jews, andsaid to them, a“I find no fault in Himat all.

Taking the Place of Barabbas

39 a“But you have a custom that Ishould release someone to you at the

9 a[John 6:39;17:12]

10 aMatt. 26:51

11 aMatt.20:22; 26:39

13 aMatt. 26:57bLuke 3:2cMatt. 26:3

14 aJohn 11:501advanta-


15 aMark14:54 bJohn20:2–5 1M the


16 aMatt. 26:69

17 aMatt. 26:34

20 aLuke 4:15bJohn 6:59cMark 14:491NU all the

Jews meet

21 aMark12:37

22 aJer. 20:21Lit. gave Je-

sus a slap,

24 aMatt. 26:57bJohn 11:49

25 aLuke22:58–62

27 aJohn 13:38

28 aMark 15:1bActs 10:28;11:3 1The gov-ernor’sheadquarters

29 aMatt.27:11–14

30 1a criminal

32 aMatt.20:17–19; 26:2bJohn 3:14;8:28; 12:32, 33

33 aMatt. 27:111The gover-nor’sheadquarters

36 a1 Tim. 6:13b[Dan. 2:44;7:14]

37 a[Matt.5:17; 20:28]bIs. 55:4c[John 14:6]dJohn 8:47;10:27

38 aJohn 19:4, 6

39 aLuke23:17–25

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JOHN 18:40 954Passover. Do you therefore want meto release to you the King of theJews?”40 aThen they all cried again, say-ing, “Not this Man, but Barabbas!”bNow Barabbas was a robber.

The Soldiers Mock Jesus

19 So then aPilate took Jesus and scourged Him.

2 And the soldiers twisted a crownof thorns and put it on His head, andthey put on Him a purple robe.3 1Then they said, “Hail, King ofthe Jews!” And they astruck Himwith their hands.4 Pilate then went out again, andsaid to them, “Behold, I am bringingHim out to you, athat you may knowthat I find no fault in Him.”

Pilate’s Decision

5 Then Jesus came out, wearingthe crown of thorns and the purplerobe. And Pilate said to them,“Behold the Man!”6 aTherefore, when the chiefpriests and officers saw Him, theycried out, saying, “Crucify Him, cru-cify Him!” Pilate said to them, “Youtake Him and crucify Him, for I findno fault in Him.”7 The Jews answered him, a“Wehave a law, and according to 1ourlaw He ought to die, because bHemade Himself the Son of God.”8 Therefore, when Pilate heardthat saying, he was the more afraid,9 and went again into the Praeto-rium, and said to Jesus, “Where areYou from?” aBut Jesus gave him noanswer.10 Then Pilate said to Him, “AreYou not speaking to me? Do You notknow that I have 1power to crucifyYou, and 1power to release You?”11 Jesus answered, a“You couldhave no power at all against Meunless it had been given you fromabove. Therefore bthe one who deliv-ered Me to you has the greater sin.”12 From then on Pilate sought torelease Him, but the Jews cried out,saying, “If you let this Man go, youare not Caesar’s friend. aWhoevermakes himself a king speaksagainst Caesar.”13 aWhen Pilate therefore heardthat saying, he brought Jesus outand sat down in the judgment seatin a place that is called The Pave-ment, but in Hebrew, Gabbatha.14 Now ait was the PreparationDay of the Passover, and about thesixth hour. And he said to the Jews,“Behold your King!”15 But they cried out, “Away withHim, away with Him! Crucify Him!”Pilate said to them, “Shall I crucifyyour King?” The chief priestsanswered, a“We have no king butCaesar!”16 aThen he delivered Him to them

to be crucified. So they took Jesus1and led Him away.

The King on a Cross

17 aAnd He, bearing His cross,bwent out to a place called the Placeof a Skull, which is called inHebrew, Golgotha,18 where they crucified Him, andatwo others with Him, one on eitherside, and Jesus in the center.19 aNow Pilate wrote a title and putit on the cross. And the writing was:


20 Then many of the Jews read thistitle, for the place where Jesus wascrucified was near the city; and it waswritten in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin.21 Therefore the chief priests of theJews said to Pilate, “Do not write,‘The King of the Jews,’ but, ‘He said,“I am the King of the Jews.” ’ ”22 Pilate answered, “What I havewritten, I have written.”23 aThen the soldiers, when theyhad crucified Jesus, took His gar-ments and made four parts, to eachsoldier a part, and also the tunic.Now the tunic was without seam,woven from the top in one piece.24 They said therefore amongthemselves, “Let us not tear it, butcast lots for it, whose it shall be,”that the Scripture might be fulfilledwhich says:

a“They divided My garmentsamong them,

And for My clothing they castlots.”

Therefore the soldiers did thesethings.

Behold Your Mother

25 aNow there stood by the cross ofJesus His mother, and His mother’ssister, Mary the wife of bClopas, andMary Magdalene.26 When Jesus therefore saw Hismother, and athe disciple whom Heloved standing by, He said to Hismother, b“Woman, behold your son!”27 Then He said to the disciple,“Behold your mother!” And fromthat hour that disciple took her atohis own home.

It Is Finished

28 After this, Jesus, 1knowing thatall things were now accomplished,athat the Scripture might be ful-filled, said, “I thirst!”29 Now a vessel full of sour winewas sitting there; and athey filled asponge with sour wine, put it onhyssop, and put it to His mouth.30 So when Jesus had received thesour wine, He said, a“It is finished!”

40 aActs 3:14bLuke 23:19


1 aMatt. 20:19;27:26

3 aIs. 50:6 1NUAnd they

came up to

Him and said

4 aJohn 18:33,38

6 aActs 3:13

7 aLev. 24:16bMatt.26:63–66 1NUthe law

9 aIs. 53:7

10 1authority

11 a[Luke22:53] bRom.13:1

12 aLuke 23:2

13 a1 Sam.15:24

14 aMatt. 27:62

15 a[Gen.49:10]

16 aLuke 23:241NU omitsand led Him


17 aMark15:21, 22bNum. 15:36

18 aIs. 53:12

19 aMatt. 27:37

23 aLuke 23:34

24 aPs. 22:18

25 aMark15:40 bLuke24:18

26 aJohn13:23; 20:2;21:7, 20, 24bJohn 2:4

27 aJohn 1:11;16:32

28 aPs. 22:151M seeing

29 aPs. 69:21;Matt. 27:48,50

30 aJohn 17:4

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955 JOHN 20:20And bowing His head, He gave upHis spirit.

Jesus’ Side Is Pierced

31 aTherefore, because it was thePreparation Day, bthat the bodiesshould not remain on the cross onthe Sabbath (for that Sabbath was achigh day), the Jews asked Pilatethat their legs might be broken, andthat they might be taken away.32 Then the soldiers came andbroke the legs of the first and of theother who was crucified with Him.33 But when they came to Jesusand saw that He was already dead,athey did not break His legs.34 But one of the soldiers piercedHis side with a spear, and immedi-ately ablood and water came out.35 And he who has seen has testi-fied, and his testimony is atrue; andhe knows that he is telling the truth,so that you may bbelieve.36 For these things were done thatthe Scripture should be fulfilled,a“Not one of His bones shall be bro-ken.”37 And again another Scripturesays, a“They shall look on Himwhom they pierced.”

Jesus Buried in Joseph’s Tomb

38 aAfter this, Joseph of Arimathea,being a disciple of Jesus, but se-cretly, bfor fear of the Jews, askedPilate that he might take away thebody of Jesus; and Pilate gave himpermission. So he came and tookthe body of Jesus.39 And aNicodemus, who at firstcame to Jesus by night, also came,bringing a mixture of bmyrrh andaloes, about a hundred pounds.40 Then they took the body ofJesus, and abound it in strips oflinen with the spices, as the customof the Jews is to bury.41 Now in the place where He wascrucified there was a garden, and inthe garden a new tomb in which noone had yet been laid.42 So athere they laid Jesus, bbe-cause of the Jews’ Preparation Day,for the tomb was nearby.

The Empty Tomb

20 Now on the afirst day of the week Mary Magdalene went

to the tomb early, while it was stilldark, and saw that the bstone hadbeen taken away from the tomb.2 Then she ran and came toSimon Peter, and to the aother disci-ple, bwhom Jesus loved, and said tothem, “They have taken away theLord out of the tomb, and we do notknow where they have laid Him.”3 aPeter therefore went out, andthe other disciple, and were going tothe tomb.4 So they both ran together, and

the other disciple outran Peter andcame to the tomb first.5 And he, stooping down andlooking in, saw athe linen clothslying there; yet he did not go in.6 Then Simon Peter came, follow-ing him, and went into the tomb; andhe saw the linen cloths lying there,7 and athe 1handkerchief that hadbeen around His head, not lyingwith the linen cloths, but foldedtogether in a place by itself.8 Then the aother disciple, whocame to the tomb first, went in also;and he saw and believed.9 For as yet they did not 1knowthe aScripture, that He must riseagain from the dead.10 Then the disciples went awayagain to their own homes.

Mary Magdalene Sees the RisenLord

11 aBut Mary stood outside by thetomb weeping, and as she wept shestooped down and looked into thetomb.12 And she saw two angels inwhite sitting, one at the head andthe other at the feet, where the bodyof Jesus had lain.13 Then they said to her, “Woman,why are you weeping?” She said tothem, “Because they have takenaway my Lord, and I do not knowwhere they have laid Him.”14 aNow when she had said this,she turned around and saw Jesusstanding there, and bdid not knowthat it was Jesus.15 Jesus said to her, “Woman, whyare you weeping? Whom are youseeking?” She, supposing Him to bethe gardener, said to Him, “Sir, ifYou have carried Him away, tell mewhere You have laid Him, and I willtake Him away.”16 Jesus said to her, a“Mary!” Sheturned and said to 1Him, “Rabboni!”(which is to say, Teacher).17 Jesus said to her, “Do not clingto Me, for I have not yet aascended toMy Father; but go to bMy brethrenand say to them, c‘I am ascending toMy Father and your Father, and todMy God and your God.’ ”18 aMary Magdalene came andtold the 1disciples that she had seenthe Lord, and that He had spokenthese things to her.

The Apostles Commissioned

19 aThen, the same day at evening,being the first day of the week,when the doors were shut where thedisciples were 1assembled, for bfearof the Jews, Jesus came and stood inthe midst, and said to them, c“Peacebe with you.”20 When He had said this, Heashowed them His hands and Hisside. bThen the disciples were gladwhen they saw the Lord.

31 aMark15:42 bDeut.21:23 cEx.12:16

33 a[Ex. 12:46;Num. 9:12];Ps. 34:20

34 a[1 John5:6, 8]

35 aJohn 21:24b[John 20:31]

36 a[Ex. 12:46;Num. 9:12];Ps. 34:20

37 aPs. 22:16,17; Zech.12:10; 13:6

38 aLuke23:50–56b[John 7:13;9:22; 12:42]

39 aJohn 3:1,2; 7:50 bMatt.2:11

40 aJohn 20:5,7

42 aIs. 53:9bJohn 19:14,31


1 aMatt.28:1–8 bMatt.27:60, 66; 28:2

2 aJohn 21:23,24 bJohn13:23; 19:26;21:7, 20, 24

3 aLuke 24:12

5 aJohn 19:40

7 aJohn 11:441face cloth

8 aJohn 21:23,24

9 aPs. 16:101understand

11 aMark 16:5

14 aMatt. 28:9bJohn 21:4

16 aJohn 10:31NU adds inHebrew

17 aHeb. 4:14bHeb. 2:11cJohn 16:28;17:11 dEph.1:17

18 aLuke24:10, 23 1NUdisciples, “I

have seen the


19 aLuke 24:36bJohn 9:22;19:38 cJohn14:27; 16:331NU omits as-


20 aActs 1:3bJohn 16:20,22

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JOHN 20:21 95621 So Jesus said to them again,“Peace to you! aAs the Father hassent Me, I also send you.”22 And when He had said this, Hebreathed on them, and said to them,“Receive the Holy Spirit.23 a“If you forgive the sins of any,they are forgiven them; if you retainthe sins of any, they are retained.”

Seeing and Believing

24 Now Thomas, acalled the Twin,one of the twelve, was not with themwhen Jesus came.25 The other disciples thereforesaid to him, “We have seen theLord.” So he said to them, “Unless Isee in His hands the print of thenails, and put my finger into theprint of the nails, and put my handinto His side, I will not believe.”26 And after eight days His disci-ples were again inside, and Thomaswith them. Jesus came, the doorsbeing shut, and stood in the midst,and said, “Peace to you!”27 Then He said to Thomas, “Reachyour finger here, and look at Myhands; and areach your hand here,and put it into My side. Do not bebunbelieving, but believing.”28 And Thomas answered and saidto Him, “My Lord and my God!”29 Jesus said to him, 1“Thomas,because you have seen Me, you havebelieved. aBlessed are those whohave not seen and yet have believed.”

That You May Believe

30 And atruly Jesus did many othersigns in the presence of His disci-ples, which are not written in thisbook;31 abut these are written that byoumay believe that Jesus cis the Christ,the Son of God, dand that believingyou may have life in His name.

Breakfast by the Sea

21 After these things Jesus showed Himself again to the

disciples at the aSea of Tiberias, andin this way He showed Himself:2 Simon Peter, aThomas called theTwin, bNathanael of cCana in Galilee,dthe sons of Zebedee, and two othersof His disciples were together.3 Simon Peter said to them, “I amgoing fishing.” They said to him,“We are going with you also.” Theywent out and 1immediately got intothe boat, and that night they caughtnothing.4 But when the morning had nowcome, Jesus stood on the shore; yetthe disciples adid not know that itwas Jesus.5 Then aJesus said to them, “Chil-dren, have you any food?” Theyanswered Him, “No.”6 And He said to them, a“Cast thenet on the right side of the boat, and

you will find some.” So they cast,and now they were not able to drawit in because of the multitude of fish.7 Therefore athat disciple whomJesus loved said to Peter, “It is theLord!” Now when Simon Peterheard that it was the Lord, he put onhis outer garment (for he hadremoved it), and plunged into thesea.8 But the other disciples came inthe little boat (for they were not farfrom land, but about two hundredcubits), dragging the net with fish.9 Then, as soon as they had cometo land, they saw a fire of coalsthere, and fish laid on it, and bread.10 Jesus said to them, “Bring someof the fish which you have justcaught.”11 Simon Peter went up anddragged the net to land, full of largefish, one hundred and fifty-three;and although there were so many,the net was not broken.12 Jesus said to them, a“Come andeat breakfast.”Yet none of the disci-ples dared ask Him, “Who areYou?”—knowing that it was theLord.13 Jesus then came and took thebread and gave it to them, and like-wise the fish.14 This is now athe third time Jesusshowed Himself to His disciplesafter He was raised from the dead.

Jesus Restores Peter

15 So when they had eaten break-fast, Jesus said to Simon Peter,“Simon, son of 1Jonah, do you loveMe more than these?” He said toHim, “Yes, Lord; You know that I2love You.” He said to him, a“Feed Mylambs.”16 He said to him again a secondtime, “Simon, son of 1Jonah, do youlove Me?” He said to Him, “Yes,Lord; You know that I 2love You.” aHesaid to him, “Tend My bsheep.”17 He said to him the third time,“Simon, son of 1Jonah, do you 2loveMe?” Peter was grieved because Hesaid to him the third time, “Do you2love Me?” And he said to Him,“Lord, aYou know all things; Youknow that I 2love You.” Jesus said tohim, “Feed My sheep.18 a“Most assuredly, I say to you,when you were younger, you girdedyourself and walked where youwished; but when you are old, youwill stretch out your hands, andanother will gird you and carry youwhere you do not wish.”19 This He spoke, signifying abywhat death he would glorify God.And when He had spoken this, Hesaid to him, b“Follow Me.”

The Beloved Disciple and His Book

20 Then Peter, turning around, sawthe disciple awhom Jesus loved fol-

21 a[Matt.28:18–20];John 17:18,19; [2 Tim.2:2]; Heb. 3:1

23 aMatt.16:19; 18:18

24 aJohn 11:16

27 aPs. 22:16;Zech. 12:10;13:6; 1 John1:1 bMark16:14

29 a2 Cor. 5:7;1 Pet. 1:8 1NU,M omitThomas

30 aJohn 21:25

31 aLuke 1:4bJohn 19:35;1 John 5:13cLuke 2:11;1 John 5:1dJohn 3:15,16; 5:24;[1 Pet. 1:8, 9]


1 aMatt. 26:32;Mark 14:28;John 6:1

2 aJohn 20:24bJohn 1:45–51cJohn 2:1dMatt. 4:21;Mark 1:19;Luke 5:10

3 1NU omitsimmediately

4 aLuke 24:16;John 20:14

5 aLuke 24:41

6 aLuke 5:4, 6,7

7 aJohn 13:23;20:2

12 aActs 10:41

14 aJohn 20:19,26

15 aActs 20:28;1 Tim. 4:6;1 Pet. 5:2 1NUJohn 2have af-

fection for

16 aMatt. 2:6;Acts 20:28;Heb. 13:20;1 Pet. 2:25;5:2, 4 bPs.79:13; Matt.10:16; 15:24;25:33; 26:311NU John2have affec-

tion for

17 aJohn 2:24,25; 16:30 1NUJohn 2have af-

fection for

18 aJohn 13:36;Acts 12:3, 4

19 a2 Pet. 1:13,14 b[Matt.4:19; 16:24];John 21:22

20 aJohn 13:23;20:2

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957 ACTS 1:12lowing, bwho also had leaned on Hisbreast at the supper, and said,“Lord, who is the one who betraysYou?”21 Peter, seeing him, said to Jesus,“But Lord, what about this man?”22 Jesus said to him, “If I 1will thathe remain atill I come, what is thatto you? You follow Me.”23 Then this saying went out amongthe brethren that this disciple wouldnot die.Yet Jesus did not say to himthat he would not die, but, “If I will

that he remain till I come, what is

that to you?”24 This is the disciple who atestifiesof these things, and wrote thesethings; and we know that his testi-mony is true.25 aAnd there are also many otherthings that Jesus did, which if theywere written one by one, bI supposethat even the world itself could notcontain the books that would bewritten. Amen.

20 bJohn 13:25

22 a[Matt.16:27, 28;25:31; 1 Cor.4:5; 11:26;Rev. 2:25;3:11; 22:7, 20]1desire

24 aJohn 19:35;3 John 12

25 aJohn 20:30bAmos 7:10

THE ACTSof the Apostles

JESUS’ last recorded words have come to be known as the Great Commission:“You shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and

to the end of the earth” (1:8). The Book of Acts, written by Luke, is the story of themen and women who took that commission seriously and began to spread thenews of a risen Savior to the most remote corners of the known world.

Each section of the book (1—7; 8—12; 13—28) focuses on a particular audience,a key personality, and a significant phase in the expansion of the gospel message.

As the second volume in a two-part work by Luke, this book probably had noseparate title. But all available Greek manuscripts designate it by the title Praxeis,“Acts,” or by an expanded title like “The Acts of the Apostles.” Praxeis was com-monly used in Greek literature to summarize the accomplishments of outstandingmen. While the apostles are mentioned collectively at several points, this bookreally records the acts of Peter (1—12) and of Paul (13—28).


THE former account I made, OaTheophilus, of all that Jesus

began both to do and teach,2 auntil the day in which 1He wastaken up, after He through the HolySpirit bhad given commandments tothe apostles whom He had chosen,3 ato whom He also presentedHimself alive after His suffering bymany 1infallible proofs, being seenby them during forty days andspeaking of the things pertaining tothe kingdom of God.

The Holy Spirit Promised

4 aAnd being assembled togetherwith them, He commanded themnot to depart from Jerusalem, but towait for the Promise of the Father,“which,” He said, “you have bheardfrom Me;5 a“for John truly baptized withwater, bbut you shall be baptizedwith the Holy Spirit not many daysfrom now.”6 Therefore, when they had cometogether, they asked Him, saying,“Lord, will You at this time restorethe kingdom to Israel?”

7 And He said to them, a“It is notfor you to bknow times or seasonswhich the Father has put in His ownauthority.8 a“But you shall receive powerbwhen the Holy Spirit has comeupon you; and cyou shall be 1wit-nesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in allJudea and dSamaria, and to the eendof the earth.”

Jesus Ascends to Heaven

9 aNow when He had spokenthese things, while they watched,bHe was taken up, and a cloudreceived Him out of their sight.10 And while they looked stead-fastly toward heaven as He went up,behold, two men stood by them ainwhite apparel,11 who also said, “Men of Galilee,why do you stand gazing up intoheaven? This same Jesus, who wastaken up from you into heaven, awillso come in like manner as you sawHim go into heaven.”

The Upper Room Prayer Meeting

12 aThen they returned to Jerusalemfrom the mount called Olivet,

CHAPTER 11 aLuke 1:32 aMark 16:19bMatt. 28:191He ascendedinto heaven.3 aMark 16:12,14 1unmistak-


4 aLuke 24:49b[John 14:16,17, 26; 15:26]5 aMatt. 3:11b[Joel 2:28]7 a1 Thess. 5:1bMatt. 24:368 a[Acts 2:1, 4]bLuke 24:49cLuke 24:48dActs 8:1, 5,14 eCol. 1:231NU My wit-


9 aLuke 24:50,51 bActs 1:210 aJohn 20:1211 aDan. 7:13;[Matt. 24:30;26:64; Mark14:62; Luke21:27; Rev.1:7; 14:14]12 aLuke 24:52

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