www.pwc.co.uk NHS Non-Executive Director programme February – September 2018

NHS Non-Executive Director programme - PwC · 2018-06-11 · 6 March 10:00-13:00 Aspiring Chairs Chris Outram - Chair, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust Peter Wyman CBE - Chair, Care

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Page 1: NHS Non-Executive Director programme - PwC · 2018-06-11 · 6 March 10:00-13:00 Aspiring Chairs Chris Outram - Chair, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust Peter Wyman CBE - Chair, Care


NHS Non-Executive Director programme

February – September 2018

Page 2: NHS Non-Executive Director programme - PwC · 2018-06-11 · 6 March 10:00-13:00 Aspiring Chairs Chris Outram - Chair, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust Peter Wyman CBE - Chair, Care


This year we will have sessions on the following topics: Is cyber security the biggest risk to healthcare?; Your role in the transition to Accountable Care Systems; Communications, consultation and social media; The empowered patient; Reducing clinical variability; Quality vs financial pressure; Aspiring Chairs; Efficiency and GDPR.

Our events are chaired by Mike Farrar, Chair of PwC’s Public Sector Health Board, and bring together a range of national and local experts to share their thoughts, innovations and best practice. This year we are delighted to welcome Sir Ian Andrews - Senior Independent Director, NHS Digital; Chris Outram - Chair, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust; Peter Wyman CBE - Chair, Care Quality Commission; Erik Johnson - Vice President, Optum; Sheena Peirse - Editorial Director Online, ITV; Sian Jarvis - Communications Consultant; Baroness Dido Harding - Chair, NHS Improvement; Paul Baumann - Chief Financial Officer - NHS England; Richard Barker - Regional Director, North, NHS England; Jennifer Dixon - CEO, The Health Foundation; Professor Ted Baker - Chief Inspector of Hospitals, Care Quality Commission; Jim Easton - Managing Director, Care UK; Mohammad Al - Ubaydil - CEO and founder, Patients Know Best; and Rachel Hardy - Regional Finance Director, NHS England.

Life as an NHS NED will be undoubtedly fulfilling but it is not without its challenges. Our programme of events is designed to support and guide NEDs in these testing times. We look forward to welcoming you at a future event and welcome your feedback.

Rarely out of the news, the NHS is facing challenging times. Whilst medical innovation drives consistently better patient outcomes, many people are living longer and often with long term conditions. As a result, resources are becoming increasingly stretched. Whilst money is one answer, there is a need for wider system overhaul alongside the development and implementation of new and more effective ways of delivering care. A hefty dose of innovation is required to ensure that local services provided to patients are improved.

Health sector Non-Executive Directors (NEDs) can play a key role in driving the transformation agenda. In many cases they bring experience from outside the sector that can be harnessed to bring a different perspective to the issues on the table. NEDs also have a responsibility to ensure they are well informed on the myriad of regulations and governance arrangements that relate to running an NHS organisation. The executive has a clear role in making sure their institution is considering how to secure its future, meets all of its legal and regulatory obligations and maintains a service of the highest order.

Our events programme, designed specifically for NEDs and in its third year, is free of charge to participants and offers support and information on many of the issues NEDs are facing, whether that be the strategic issues such as transformation or the more detailed issues such as GDPR. Over 160 NEDs from across NHS providers, commissioners and the national bodies have already benefited from our programme.

ContentsIntroduction 1

Calendar of events February – September 2018 2

Programme of events

For the Board 4 – 14

For the Audit Committee 15

How to register 16

Contact 18

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Quentin Cole Partner UK Health Industries Leader

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Mike Farrar Chair, Public Sector Health Board Mike Farrar, Chair of PwC’s Public Sector Health Board, hosts our NHS NEDs programme. The events are facilitated to allow for honest and open debate, with each designed as a working session with time to get under the skin of key issues. Mike was previously the Chief Executive of the NHS Confederation, which he joined in May

2011. Prior to that, he was the Chief Executive of the North West England SHA from May 2006 to April 2011. Former roles include Chief Executive of West Yorkshire and South Yorkshire Strategic Health Authorities, Chief Executive of Tees Valley Health Authority and Head of Primary Care at the Department of Health. He remains a consultant to the NHS, where he supports system wide leadership groups across the country as well as a number of individual NHS organisations.

Calendar of events February – September 2018

For the Board

Date Time Topic Speakers Location

27 February 13:00-16:00

Is cyber security the biggest risk to healthcare?

Sir Ian Andrews - Senior Independent Director, NHS DigitalAndrew Miller - Director, PwC


6 March 10:00-13:00

Aspiring Chairs Chris Outram - Chair, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust Peter Wyman CBE - Chair, Care Quality CommissionYvonne Mowlds - Partner, PwC

More London

8 March 13:00-16:00

Health and care architecture: incentivising the system

Alan Milburn - Chair, PwC UK Health Industries Oversight BoardDavid Morris - Partner, PwCAlison Breadon - Partner, PwC


29 March 13:00-16:00

Your role in the transition to Accountable Care Systems

Erik Johnson - Vice President, OptumDamien Ashford - Partner, PwCKaren Finlayson – Partner, PwC


25 April 14:00-17:00

Communications, consultation and social media

Sheena Peirse - Editorial Director Online, ITVSian Jarvis - Communications ConsultantEmma Thorogood - Director, PwC

More London

17 May 10:00-13:00

Quality vs financial pressure

Baroness Dido Harding - Chair, NHS ImprovementQuentin Cole - UK Health Industries Lead, PwCAlan Milburn - Chair, PwC UK Health Industries Oversight BoardYvonne Mowlds - Partner, PwC

Embankment Place, London

5 June 13:00-16:00

Efficiency Paul Baumann - Chief Financial Officer, NHS EnglandBrian Pomering - Partner, PwCIain Alexander - Partner, PwC

Embankment Place, London

For the Board

Date Time Topic Speakers Location

19 June 10:00-13:00

Quality vs financial pressure

Richard Barker - Regional Director, North, NHS EnglandDamien Ashford - Partner, PwCPaul Heath - Director, PwC


17 July 10:00-13:00

Reducing clinical variability

Jennifer Dixon - CEO, The Health FoundationProfessor Ted Baker - Chief Inspector of Hospitals, Care Quality CommissionDr.Oliver Bernath - Partner, PwCTom Hampshire - Partner, PwC

More London

13 September


The empowered patient

Jim Easton - Managing Director, Care UKMohammad Al - Ubaydil - CEO and founder, Patients Know BestYvonne Mowlds - Partner, PwCAndrew McKechnie - Partner, PwC

More London

26 September


Quality vs financial pressure

Rachel Hardy - Regional Finance Director, NHS EnglandDavid Morris - Partner, PwC


For the Audit Committee

9 April 13:00-16:00

GDPR is coming. Are you ready?

Anna Blackman - Partner, PwC Embankment Place, London

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Aspiring ChairsTuesday 6 March 2018

10:00 – 13:00

PwC, 7 More London Riverside, London SE1 2RT

It is to the enormous credit of our current board members that there are a significant number of NEDs who are both capable, and interested, in progressing from their current NED role to that of chair. Equally, there are a number of existing NHS managers/clinicians who are considering portfolio careers with chair positions being an important possibility. But are these straightforward steps and what skills and preparation would be needed to make a successful transition?

In this session we will talk to some recently appointed and respected chairs and ask them about their journey, what they knew, what they didn’t know, how they have coped and use their wisdom to set out some practical actions that aspiring chairs might wish to take to account of to help them be successful should they take on a chair role.

Programme of events

Is cyber security the biggest risk to healthcare?Tuesday 27 February 2018

13:00 – 16:00

PwC No 1 Spinningfields, Hardman Square, Manchester, M3 3EB

In the wake of the recent ransomware attacks, the topic of cyber security has propelled itself to the board agenda, with the key question ‘how secure are we from future cyber attacks?’ This session with PwC healthcare cyber experts will guide you through the top level issues and what you, as a NED, should be asking of the Board.

Following the CQC/Caldicott 3.0 report of July 2016, it is now a Board level responsibility to have the same rigour of assurance over the security of your information systems as it is over your clinical and financial governance. However, with continual financial constraints the decision of where to invest is torn between an increasing number of priorities. We will take you through the essential areas a health provider should focus on to ensure they have the appropriate threat intelligence, how to respond to an incident, the legal implications and building the assurances around your defences. We will also cover the role of the CQC, NHS Digital and the National Cyber Security Centre and who is responsible for what.

Andrew Miller Director, PwCAndrew Miller is a Director in PwC’s Cyber Security practice. He has over 15 years of experience helping clients deal

with security challenges across a range of industry sectors. Andrew leads PwC’s national aviation cyber security network and is directly responsible for the UK public sector cyber security business. Andrew also provides support to FTSE and Fortune global organisations. He is experienced in both advisory and operational leadership having been the interim chief information security officer for a critical national infrastructure organisation.

Peter Wyman CBE Chair, CQCPeter Wyman CBE is the Chair of the Care Quality Commission. He took up the position in January 2016. Peter served as Chair of the Yeovil District Hospital NHS

Foundation Trust for five years and has held a range of senior posts in the private, public and voluntary sectors across his career. He was a partner in PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP and was President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales from 2002 to 2003. He was awarded a CBE in 2006.

Yvonne Mowlds Partner, PwCYvonne Mowlds leads our PwC Healthcare practice that specialises in working with boards to review and improve their effectiveness

and governance arrangements. Yvonne is a former Regional Director at NHSI and has spent the last twelve years specialising in healthcare. At NHSI, Yvonne worked with a number of foundation trust boards to drive improvement where they had financial, governance and operational challenges.

Chris Outram Chair, The Christie NHS Foundation TrustChris Outram holds an MBA from the London Business School, and a modern languages degree from

Heriot Watt University Edinburgh. Prior to joining the NHS, she worked as a conference interpreter and as a graduate trainee in the Department of Trade and Industry. Her first role in the NHS was as a patient advocate, and she continues to be passionate about working with clinical staff and patients to provide excellent services and outcomes for people.

Sir Ian Andrews Senior Independent Director, NHS Digital A former Second Permanent Secretary of the UK Ministry of Defence who retired after 34

years in the civil service in 2009, Sir Ian Andrews continues to pursue a wide range of security interests. From 2009-2013, he was Non-Executive Chairman of the UK Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) – now part of the National Crime Agency – and is a Non-Executive Director of NHS Digital (the former Health and Social Care Information Centre for England) where he takes a particular interest in Information Assurance and Cyber Security.


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Health and care architecture: incentivising the systemThursday 8 March 2018

13:00 – 16:00

PwC, Cornwall Court, 19 Cornwall Street, Birmingham,B3 2DT

To support the delivery of the Five Year Forward View, local commissioners and providers are being asked to put institutional interests to one side and come together in local care systems. Our Redrawing the health and social care architecture report explored the role of national bodies in enabling and supporting the delivery of local and integrated health and care services.

Building on the research, this session will examine how financial structures and systems can support delivery of the outcomes and performance needed from tomorrow’s health and care architecture. Among other questions it will explore how money should flow through systems and how to incentivise behaviours to deliver the outcomes that citizens need.

The session will be relevant to NEDs as they consider the new roles and responsibilities they could have in the move towards localised and integrated care. It will help provide NEDs with discussion points to inform Board level conversations, as the sector undergoes a radical shift in the way health and care services are delivered.

Alan Milburn Chair, PwC UK Health Industries Oversight BoardAlan Milburn chairs the PwC UK Health Industries Oversight Board. Alan Milburn served as

Chief Secretary to the Treasury (1998 – 1999), Secretary of State for Health (1999 – 2003) and Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster (2004 – 2005).

David Morris Partner, PwCDavid Morris is the lead Partner in our Government & Public Sector Restructuring team and has a wealth of experience

working alongside NHS Trusts facing significant financial and operational challenges. Alongside his clinical background, David has deep financial, stakeholder management, turnaround/restructuring, cost reduction and programme management skills.

Erik Johnson Vice President, OptumErik Johnson has broad experience designing population health strategies for an array of providers. He was most recently senior vice

president of Alere Health, where he ran its health care networks consulting practice and oversaw new product development. Erik assisted health care systems in determining how to adopt and assess accountable care and bundled payment models and helped guide overall strategy. Erik also worked with health IT companies in responding to emergent issues around EHRs and data exchange.

Your role in the transition to Accountable Care Systems Thursday 29 March 2018

13:00 – 16:00

PwC, Central Square, 29 Wellington St, Leeds, LS1 4DL

NHS England is encouraging all health and care economies to move - at varying paces - to a model of population health management and accountable care. There is no fixed route map to follow and each system will need to work through what it means for local accountabilities and the roles each organisation will play in both shaping and delivering care going forward.

Other countries are ahead of the UK on this transformation, however, and there is much to learn from them. In this session we will share the learnings from systems who have embarked on this journey, the implications of the different organisational forms available, and the pitfalls to avoid.

Damien Ashford Partner, PwCDamien Ashford leads assignments in PwCs Government and Public Services practice, typically working with organisations that have deep

or critical challenges. Damien’s experience from 13 years in the firm has included a secondments to the Department of Health as Deputy Director for QIPP Delivery, as a Finance Director and to PwC’s ‘Fever Pitch’ team, challenging both PwC staff and clients in mock pitches and interviews.


Alison Breadon Partner, PwCAli Breadon leads the PwC Government and Public Services industry teams across our three Midlands offices in Birmingham,

the East Midlands and Milton Keynes. Ali is an Assurance specialist and has supported organisations in all parts of the public sector since joining the firm in 1996.Ali has extensive experience of managing large NHS and local government assurance engagements in the Midlands and has led a wide range of advisory work to public sector entities particularly support on governance.

Karen Finlayson Partner, PwCKaren Finlayson is a Partner in PWC’s Risk Assurance practice and she leads both the health industries practice and internal audit practice

across the north. Karen also leads on the diversity and inclusion agenda in the north and is heavily involved in our activities to recruit and retain talent within the business. Karen works across the health sector with national bodies and providers and the broader public sector providing assurance and advisory services. She is currently on the board of Sheffield Hallam University and a Lay board member at Leeds teaching hospital NHS trust.

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Quality vs financial pressureThursday 17 May 2018

10:00 – 13:00

PwC, 1 Embankment Pl, London WC2N 6RH

In a system faced with increasing demand and restrained resource, the toughest challenge facing boards is how to ensure the provision of high quality care whilst balancing the budgets. As has been said - ‘financial efficiency without quality is unthinkable, quality without financial efficiency is unthinkable’ (Joe Rafferty, CEO, Merseycare).

CQC and NHSI have commented on the deterioration of both aspects of this equation over recent years but the political narrative continues to assert that both are possible to deliver and failure to do so is a failure of local boards. In this session we will discuss how boards face up to this challenge and what can we do to deploy effective strategies that achieve both.

Alan Milburn PwC UK Health Industries Oversight BoardAlan Milburn chairs the PwC UK Health Industries Oversight Board. Alan Milburn served as

Chief Secretary to the Treasury (1998 – 1999), Secretary of State for Health (1999 – 2003) and Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster (2004 – 2005).

Quentin Cole UK Health Industries Lead, PwCQuentin Cole is the UK Leader for Health Industries at PwC. as well as leading PwC’s Government

and Public Sector restructuring team. He specialises in turnaround and restructuring, working with organisations (and their stakeholders) facing major financial challenge or distress

Yvonne Mowlds Partner, PwCYvonne Mowlds leads our PwC Healthcare practice that specialises in working with boards to review and improve their effectiveness

and governance arrangements. Yvonne is a former Regional Director at NHSI and has spent the last twelve years specialising in healthcare. At NHSI, Yvonne worked with a number of foundation trust boards to drive improvement where they had financial, governance and operational challenges.

Baroness Dido Harding Chair, NHS ImprovementBaroness Dido Harding became Chair of NHS Improvement on 30 October 2017. Dido is a non-executive director on The Court of The Bank of England and Chair of

the Bank’s Remuneration Committee. She was Chief Executive of TalkTalk Telecom Group PLC from 2010 to May 2017. Prior to TalkTalk, Dido was Sainsbury’s convenience director, having been appointed to Sainsbury’s operating board in March 2008.

Sheena Peirse Online Editorial Director, ITVSheena Peirse is Editorial Director, Online at ITV, responsible for the channel’s digital strategy and

output across web, social and apps. As part of the leadership team she’s tasked with using digital platforms to engage existing viewers and to bring new audiences and revenue to the network. Sheena’s worked in digital for traditional media companies all her career, before ITV at Channel 4, Carlton Television and Express Newspapers

Communications, consultation and social mediaWednesday 25 April 2018

14:00 – 17:00

PwC 7 More London Riverside, London, SE1 2RT

The NHS exists in a complex modern environment in which communication is constant and crucial. NHS board members and senior leaders are under constant scrutiny and so need to be transparent and proactive in connecting with their staff, their patients, their key stakeholders and the wider population they serve.

They have to do this in a world of 24/7 social media comment and information savvy generations who can communicate with thousands of others at the touch of a mobile phone.

In this session we examine state of the art approaches to communication with professionals from outside the NHS and consider what the NHS could and should learn from other sectors. We ask boards if they have sufficient capability to engage effectively and we consider the consequences of both success and failure to do so. Finally we consider how boards can assure themselves of good behaviours from staff in this space and how to enhance the reputation of the NHS in this environment.

Sian Jarvis Independent media consultant and previous Head of Communications at the Department of Health

Sian Jarvis started her career as a BBC trainee journalist and was the political correspondent in the Westminster lobby for breakfast ITV. She joined the Department Health as Head of News in 1999 and became Director General, Communications operating across the DH and NHS. In 2009 Sian was named PR professional of the year and in 2010 was awarded a CB for her services to the Dept of Health. She led a marketing team that created enduring public health campaigns including Change4Life. This marketing approach attracted the attention of Michelle Obama and was adopted by the US as an approach to tackling childhood obesity.

Emma Thorogood Director, PwCEmma Thorogood joined PwC as head of media relations in April 2008. In 2012 she became Comms Leader, heading up PwC

media relations, online and internal communications teams. Emma is currently Co-Head of the PwC’s Corporate Affairs Group and has over 20 years experience in professional services, public and third sector services and Parliamentary communications.


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Quality vs financial pressureTuesday 19 June 2018

10:00 – 13:00

PwC, Central Square, 29 Wellington St, Leeds, LS1 4DL

In a system faced with increasing demand and restrained resource, the toughest challenge facing boards is how to ensure the provision of high quality care whilst balancing the budgets. As has been said - ‘financial efficiency without quality is unthinkable, quality without financial efficiency is unthinkable’ (Joe Rafferty, CEO, Merseycare.

CQC and NHSI have commented on the deterioration of both aspects of this equation over recent years but the political narrative continues to assert that both are possible to deliver and failure to do so is a failure of local boards. In this session we will discuss how boards face up to this challenge and what can we do to deploy effective strategies that achieve both.

Paul Heath Director, PwCPaul Heath leads our consulting health team within Yorkshire and the North East, focusing on helping healthcare organisations improve

operational performance as well as introducing population health models. Paul has an extensive operational and leadership background as well as over 20 years’ experience delivering national scale, cross-sector programmes. Paul has worked at FTSE 250 Board level leading and advising on supply chain transformation and cost reduction initiatives. He brings this breadth of knowledge and fresh thinking to bear when working with health executive teams to solve their most complex problems.

Efficiency Tuesday 5 June 2018

13:00 – 16:00

PwC, 1 Embankment Pl, London WC2N 6RH

The NHS has much more to do to become efficient and reduce waste in the way it provides services and uses taxpayers money. Lord Carter has worked with his team at NHSI to demonstrate practically all the ways that efficiencies could be delivered. But when do these approaches run out of road? How much can done inside the organisation and what needs to be achieved through creating a more efficient system?

Boards are constantly targeting ways to improve efficiency but how do they know what’s possible when benchmarks are questioned as to their accuracy and recognition warranted variation from the norm?

In this session we will ask these questions and challenge NEDs to discuss their approaches to efficiency and look at some of the NHS best practice on both the provider side and the commissioner side and ask if it’s only when we change to an accountable care system will we create the platform for sustained efficiency at the scale we need?

Paul Baumann Chief Financial Officer, NHS EnglandPaul Baumann is NHS England’s Chief Financial Officer, providing system leadership to the NHS in

delivering best value and financial sustainability. Paul is also providing interim leadership of the Transformation and Corporate Operations Directorate ensuring governance, organisation and corporate services are effective and support staff to deliver their objectives.

Richard Barker Regional Director, North, NHS England In May 2012 Richard Barker was appointed as Regional Director for the North of England, one of

the 4 directors appointed nationally. As part of his role Richard will deliver strategic leadership for the NHS England including the coordination and oversight of local area teams, working alongside Clinical Commissioning Groups and partners to ensure they have a strong and innovative commissioning system that improves outcomes for patients.

Damien Ashford Partner, PwCDamien Ashford leads assignments in PwCs Government and Public Sector practice, typically working with

organisations that have deep or critical challenges. Damien’s experience from 13 years in the firm has included a secondments to the Department of Health as Deputy Director for QIPP Delivery, as a Finance Director and to PwC’s ‘Fever Pitch’ team, challenging both PwC staff and clients in mock pitches and interviews.

Brian Pomering Partner, PwCBrian Pomering leads our UK Health Consulting practice within PwC and also our Cost Reduction and Performance

Improvement practice. His expertise covers transformation of health organisations, reconfiguration of services, mergers and acquisitions, income and tariff reimbursement arrangements, resource optimisation, scheduling and planning, strategic partnering and overall change management. Brian has over 25 years of advisory experience.

Iain Alexander Partner, PwCIain Alexander is a Restructuring Partner at PwC who focuses on healthcare. Over the last ten years he has supported over 100

NHS organisations facing significant financial challenges [including Foundation, Acute, Community and Mental Health Trusts, PCT’s and CCG’s, NHS England, NHS Improvement and the Department of Health]. Over the last two years he has worked extensively with Cambridge University Hospitals FT both as an advisor on their high profile turnaround and as interim CFO on the Board.

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The empowered patient Thursday 13 September 2018

10:00 – 13:00

PwC 7 More London Riverside, London, SE1 2RT

We live in an age of patient empowerment where data is constantly transmitted to each of us, helping us to diagnose our own problems, keep healthier diets and active lives. It also means greater access by the patient to the performance of our health care providers be them GPs or hospitals. For some this revolution is the route to NHS sustainability, for others it’s a challenge to their clinical judgement. For boards it’s arguably an opportunity to organise their services to capitalise on this great social movement.

So we ask, what does this imply for boards? How can NEDs and chairs take advantage and embrace the empowered patient? What sort of culture should the board encourage at all levels in their organisations to ensure that it adds value to the current approaches they adopt. We will look at some of the leading practical examples of empowered patient inspired approaches and services and to show how benefits can flow to all in a way that empowers the organisations, their clinicians and their managers.

Mohammad Al - Ubaydil CEO and founder, Patients Know BestMohammad Al - Ubaydil is founder and CEO of Patients Know Best. He trained as a physician at the

University of Cambridge; worked as a staff scientist at the National Institutes of Health; and was a management consultant to US hospitals at The Advisory Board Company. Mohammad is the author of seven books and is an honorary senior research associate at UCL medical school.

Jim Easton CEO, Care UKJim Easton has been an executive in the healthcare system in England for over 25 years. He has held leadership positions in

hospital services, mental health, primary care and national policy and was the Chief Executive of York Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, a high performing 700 bed hospital in the north of England. He held the Chief Executive position for the South Central Strategic Health Authority, where he was responsible for the delivery of all healthcare services for a population of 5 million people in the south of England.

Andrew Mckechnie Partner, PwCAndrew Mckechnie runs strategy assignments and commercial due diligence projects across all areas of Healthcare for corporate clients,

Private Equity and the NHS. He has over 20 years of experience in advising in the Healthcare industry and currently leads a dedicated healthcare strategy team of over 20 individuals as part of PwC’s Deals Strategy business of c.150 people covering all sectors.

Yvonne Mowlds Partner, PwCYvonne Mowlds leads our PwC Healthcare practice that specialises in working with boards to review and improve their

effectiveness and governance arrangements. Yvonne is a former Regional Director at NHSI and has spent the last twelve years specialising in healthcare. At NHSI, Yvonne worked with a number of foundation trust boards to drive improvement where they had financial, governance and operational challenges.

Reducing clinical variability Tuesday 17 July 2018

10:00 – 13:00

PwC 7 More London Riverside, London, SE1 2RT

Of all the current means by which the NHS is attempting to improve productivity and sustainability, the one programme that appears to have most traction amongst clinicians is the Get It Right First Time (GIRFT) programme. It’s logic and evidence base are undeniable and many clinical leaders have signed up to being advocates and change agents in achieving its aims.

But it’s not straightforward to reduce the unwarranted variation when it’s revealed locally. For many clinicians the change it implies are disputed, difficult and insulting to their clinical skills and judgements.

So we ask what is the role of the board in assuring themselves that strategies to reduce unwarranted variation are being effective within their own organisations? How do benchmarks get set and monitored? What support should they offer their clinicians and what penalties should be applied to those who don’t comply or are not capable of complying?

Professor Ted Baker Chief Inspector of Hospitals, Care Quality CommissionTed Baker was appointed Chief Inspector of Hospitals at the Care Quality Commission in 2017.

Previously he has had extensive experience in clinical and academic medicine, in hospital management and as regulator. He was Deputy Chief Inspector of Hospitals from 2014 and led the inspection programme for acute hospitals. Before this he had been Medical Director and Deputy Chief Executive of Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust having previously been Medical Director of Guy’s and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust.

Dr Jennifer Dixon CEO, The Health Foundation Dr Jennifer Dixon joined the Health Foundation as Chief Executive in October 2013. Jennifer was Chief Executive of the Nuffield Trust from

2008 to 2013. Prior to this, she was director of policy at The King’s Fund and was the policy advisor to the Chief Executive of the National Health Service between 1998 and 2000. Jennifer has undertaken research and written widely on health care reform both in the UK and internationally.

Dr Oliver Bernath Partner, PwC Oliver Bernath is partner in PwC’s healthcare advisory practice with an additional focus on Health Analytics, as well as on integrated care

strategy, operations, and implementation, both for commissioners and providers. Oliver has accumulated knowledge and experience in healthcare providers and whole local health economies. Before joining PwC, he founded Integrated Health Partners, a specialist advisory firm for integrated care and Health Analytics. Before that, Oliver was Associate Principal and one of the leaders of healthcare at McKinsey London.

Tom Hampshire Partner, PwCTom Hampshire leads PwC’s Health and Care Transformation work in the UK and our PwC Consulting healthcare practise in the Midlands.

Bringing together health and social care organisations and care professionals to work around the needs of patients/citizens and to allow them to deliver the best value.


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SpeakersGDPR is coming. Are you ready? Monday 9 April 2018

13:00 – 16:00

PwC, 1 Embankment Pl, London WC2N 6RH

The new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes fully into force in May 2018. Whilst many of the concepts in the GDPR (such as fairness, transparency, integrity and confidentiality) will feel familiar to healthcare providers, it will demand more of organisations in terms of accountability for their use of personal data and it enhances many of the existing rights of patients. Failure to comply could result in hefty punishment. In this session we cover everything you need to know about what the new regulations mean for your organisation and what you need to do to make sure you are compliant.

Anna Blackman Partner, PwCAnna Blackman is the lead Partner for PwC’s Assurance services to the NHS coordinating the work of the national team of over 300 people. This team

provides a range of services to the NHS including external audit, internal audit and other assurance services such as due diligence, governance & risk management and financial reviews and CQC and FT preparation support. This team also includes our specialists who provide cyber, IT risk and GDPR services to the health sector. Anna personally leads assurance services to 5 NHS Trusts including University Hospitals Southampton and Imperial. Anna specialises in supporting Boards with strategic decision making and responding to regulatory challenges.

Quality vs financial pressureWednesday 26 September 2018

13:00 – 16:00

PwC, Cornwall Court, 19 Cornwall Street, Birmingham,B3 2DT

In a system faced with increasing demand and restrained resource, the toughest challenge facing boards is how to ensure the provision of high quality care whilst balancing the budgets. As has been said - ‘financial efficiency without quality is unthinkable, quality without financial efficiency is unthinkable’ (Joe Rafferty, CEO, Merseycare).

CQC and NHSI have commented on the deterioration of both aspects of this equation over recent years but the political narrative continues to assert that both are possible to deliver and failure to do so is a failure of local boards.

In this session we will discuss how boards face up to this challenge and what can we do to deploy effective strategies that achieve both.

David Morris Partner, PwCDavid Morris is the lead Partner in our Government & Public Sector Restructuring team and has a wealth of experience working alongside NHS Trusts facing

significant financial and operational challenges. Alongside his clinical background, David has deep financial, stakeholder management, turnaround/restructuring, cost reduction and programme management skills.

Rachel Hardy Regional Finance Director, NHS England Rachel Hardy is a CIPFA qualified accountant and her career in NHS Finance spans over 30 years. Rachel has worked in a number of

different organisations from all sectors; Providers – acute, community, mental health; PCTs and Strategic Health Authorities.Rachel’s most recent role prior to her current role as Regional Finance Director, Midlands & East Region, NHS England was as Finance Director and Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Birmingham and Solihull Cluster.


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If you would like to join us at one or more of the NED events, please RSVP to [email protected]. Places will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis and are strictly for NHS NEDs only.Prior to the event, you will receive joining instructions with directions to the location. If you are subsequently unable to attend an event you have registered for, we would be grateful if you could let us know.

Please let us know if there are any specific topics you would be interested in attending events on in the future for this programme.

How to register

Future events

If you have any questions regarding the NED  programme please [email protected] or+44 (0)20 7212 2543 and we will be in touch.

For more information

Juliet DarkkoProgramme Coordinator T: +44 (0)20 7212 2543M: +44 (0)7718 339344 E: [email protected]

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Tomorrow’s healthcare today

Healthcare matters to us and it matters to our clients. We all want better healthcare, sooner and the potential is there to make it happen.

New technology, new breakthroughs, new ideas. But while there are opportunities, there are challenges too: constrained budgets, an ageing population and an increase in chronic conditions. At PwC we’re working with clients to steer a course to success in this new health economy so we help improve healthcare for all.

We’re working with the NHS, nationally and locally, as well as the private sector and the pharmaceutical and life sciences sector to deliver real, workable solutions to today’s challenges.

We’re delivering transformation and integration projects with patient outcomes at their heart. And we’re supporting organisations through testing financial times, often developing bespoke operational and digital systems. We give strategic support to organisations across healthcare and pride ourselves on convening different parts of the system to solve problems.

We also bring insight and expertise to healthcare as well as engaging in the public policy debate. For more information, sign up for our Health Matters blog at:www.pwc.blogs.com/health_matters

Quentin ColeUK Health Industries Leader

T: +44 (0)20 7212 6784

Health industries: our people

Karen FinlaysonNorth Health Leader

T: +44 (0)11 3289 4167

Heather AncientWest and Wales Health Leader

T: +44 (0)17 5250 2301

Alison BreadonMidlands Health Leader

T: +44 (0)15 0960 4246

Anna BlackmanSouth and East Health Leader

T: +44 (0)20 7212 5983

Ian BaxterLondon Health Leader

T: +44 (0)20 7213 3914

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This publication has been prepared for general guidance on matters of interest only, and does not constitute professional advice. You should not act upon the information contained in this publication without obtaining specific professional advice. No representation or warranty (express or implied) is given as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this publication, and, to the extent permitted by law, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, its members, employees and agents do not accept or assume any liability, responsibility or duty of care for any consequences of you or anyone else acting, or refraining to act, in reliance on the information contained in this publication or for any decision based on it.

© 2018 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. All rights reserved. In this document, “PwC” refers to the UK member firm, and may sometimes refer to the PwC network. Each member firm is a separate legal entity. Please see www.pwc.com/structure for further details.
