[ !, v .!.v vv E e./ cr]t6f &L Let's _- i c- '.,,t L.l Po, ' ,];.,boJ fo.r d''-,1 o: Iorh.l otfln) i nersDJDcr Ie.ir.d mldr ,her I h ^nF !l \€5f- "Dcn' retasr)ex nnr.r "d ln rh€ onliire world r His €r?€lience as chqlrman of the , councild ihe Inpaci of Ne; Media in socialv, or Arms. bar lert ure for m"r pd-ror-in', hi"f ot Sinsa' Dore PIe6s Hoid]nes'tn8li h snd Malay NewsPJ * '. Division (onvrft ed thaL I nr saw ol new m' He s3ys tbe sterd Ln,y red u,er rre di\.!sung among itrer selks b!l a vcr! rmlortanl lirty to ihc conlers tjoi ts nisiurg," he says. lle n.les a !cr..,dion em.nLt}!!]ublic th3t t . ir '" . n | 't.r L r.n.!.ior .r-!_ 't!rtr!l]*1tu!- -- -' !-b-.t.'-Ll" o -!_- 1 :r.r ",cl r" l,L" :i i-T-u- ,.ne roiio l rneor . h" ''i - Ajms lDs sL,ggesied thli ihe C.lernDreDt stn ho{ bcst to engage onlnie s. as to avoid the pitfa cncomtererl elsewh.re Officials lron counhies such as Britai]t, Autr. ia and the Uniied Staies that Aims .o)rsulted al siressed that e engaEement should complemer not replace, traditjonal mems ol gove.nnent-cll On how \rarnly Singafore's politicians €mbra 'hptn."rn,LV , .orP,.r\ . tlri chanuc r lecesarv. B.ltJ" odt,t o" h 'l - n"s r ' C . $ '\ " , \iLlsrlblF .rution . He cjtes as an exanFle th€ covelimcnt's loli not to reply to lelters to The Straiis TiD€s Io,! ilrdi !ir Fllrli5licd onlirc. |,,i .!1..'to tirl)n, rrrintl jn thc newsp.rtcr itrelf. 1'I thinl thri js \rroii: " dc.hres ihr !cie( nevspapernur, quite appa.cntly se:zed by ihe b, li€f that new media ca no longer be ignor.d. But, he adds, "t Nppose ii nlDlies somc discotr fori I can uderstand b€cause there's a lot of dl slructive cynicjsm in cyberspace. !eople use an( n).n iy and easy access io post comentsi som( limes they shoot from the hip. I "so it's like the wild wnd west rNofar as publ didloguc js coDcerned." But th€re.re lso "habitable places" D cyb€r spac€, he observes, such as ile spaccs crealed t mainstream riedia players Singapore Press llol( ings aDd Mediacory SingaDore. He also notes thc serious and thought provokir viows expressed onwebsites such ar The Onljne Cil ,zJ dd roioflo$.\r. -tr T" p "ri::-tJ. ,\d i ove m n to rrf lr . "n*'j'rou rr r ;J;ir-$r-D..Id .nF4Ti -":r l,i- :-- ?j. }da;i.s";i;Tl-. idq+.tr, 94\ in fact, irm irr. e pl4t&rm }her€-yorlsq !"-.rjl -rn dra. ^r. irrr . l 'l a. rrJnn.n -n lr ir) :ind relircrs," h. sal's Hnn€ver, what is terliatrs rnost strikng V'.heonp rrew or ll. r'npd.I,I media on iraditional ncdia. Th4 biggc.t chlllenge fac rg traditional medja to find ways io continlle proliding value to the Despitc decad€s of flippx)g through newspaper for his daily dose of nerrs. he now confessesr I do|'t rely on n€wspapers to tell n1e there are deD onrqaijons to ove.throif ihe goverDment in Bang "i n€cd the nelrspa!.n to telt me lchai is yo! iriJn 'o 'n. I hatp.,nErhprp.$tut it"l lobl[-\,T f r! .| . ^hytr.!! 1L, '1, t. . olr'(. rr,d rf" tdp"r. n.l "\ '". qrcarer rrcmim on inrl\sls thrn most . :T,6-0 p , ifi ,n;"," \. u .d.tdedr_lno !-rd r',' \ .. /.1 iL. o,^... ll .cr [email protected] '(\\!.r,f,1 ' pJ\11'r.\ i'lr'", i \i, lLu rail:,' ing to b€ a major chsnnel of com'nunication gojrg -we L-v b, ln ortuorrabl, s'n '' \-oL"-or"' ' rh." o" nu;ttrHj-n lou F,6daP. brdr o'! , rnr,oi.vojfut.' hr te l.lnsrEbt ll is a licF slaped by e year of visitilg seYe! .ro'l)tri:s. conductinE focus group djscls3iors sii]l a cross-scclior of th€ publi. md holdjng dialogdcs wiih the !)osr adire bloggers here' in lrepsrati''n for a rsDort on whele SingilFore should head h on- hne IeErnrtion and enBagcment M, r.hconl dnd lx ll mernb r parel sJ "p noi'Led br th-c Covp:iraenr jn Mdrcr l.'l ved lo ioo1 " r-o" s5" ru;.." ^. "ngag.ment wth cruz"n( ought to ch?nge, in the lighi of developments ia cv- l; ih r€Dort r€lcased lasi wee!' Ainis recom- n,""aea u'ai rt e cou"'nmer' adopt e-en8asemenl ., DoL v, whi.h would be a l.di.al deparlur€ from th;.!ftnt consultatior taking place olrline No*. rhc Covpnu "rr d€. idec whrl i wdt. dj - ,L.ed byN'ring".o1 ulJrjonprPcr onbe ror eramDle and invites citirens to respond q,,i ri-. en;sdec arornol\L lriF'd inte'" - tionbetqeen the G;vernncnt and citizens on pnh- lic nohL\ j wilo " nro ' -oo arr up p ce\ in whrll DrdN ofthelonvelsations wiil b€ initiaied bv inte!- .,"dc i? r."nctn ol\p"ldg"numberorpdn;i- M, ( rLone teLL. In iehl rha- eoLtg b) lo u "'. " oi rsion ,omnrr'. oned b' AIm publ' -Linor tor 'u h e-FlaasPmen i "ovcrwhe nut. .; ,. reet rhev ar€ d,. u-rra dmong lh"n- selves,6dt a v€ry irportant paru to the conlersa- ri.r i! mic.ifd'r hF srvs

Newspaper Articles 08

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Page 1: Newspaper Articles 08

[ !, v .!.v vv E e./ cr]t6f &L

Let's _- i c- '.,,t L.l


' ,];.,boJ fo.r d''-,1 o: Iorh.l otfln) i

nersDJDcr Ie.ir.d mldr ,her I h ^nF !l \€5f-

"Dcn' retasr)ex nnr.r "d ln rh€ onliire world r

His €r?€lience as chqlrman of the ,councild ihe Inpaci of Ne; Media in socialv, orArms. bar lert ure for m"r pd-ror-in', hi"f ot Sinsa'Dore PIe6s Hoid]nes'tn8li h snd Malay NewsPJ* '. Division (onvrft ed thaL I nr saw ol new m'

He s3ys tbe sterd

Ln,y red u,er rre di\.!sung among itrerselks b!l a vcr! rmlortanl lirty to ihc conlerstjoi ts nisiurg," he says.

lle n.les a !cr..,dion em.nLt}!!]ublic th3t t. ir '" . n | 't.r L r.n.!.ior .r-!_'t!rtr!l]*1tu!- -- -'!-b-.t.'-Ll" o -!_-


:r.r ",cl r" l,L" :i i-T-u-,.ne roiio l rneor . h" ''i- Ajms lDs sL,ggesied thli ihe C.lernDreDt stnho{ bcst to engage onlnie s. as to avoid the pitfacncomtererl elsewh.re

Officials lron counhies such as Britai]t, Autr.ia and the Uniied Staies that Aims .o)rsulted alsiressed that e engaEement should complemernot replace, traditjonal mems ol gove.nnent-cll

On how \rarnly Singafore's politicians €mbra'hptn."rn,LV , .orP,.r\ .

tlri chanuc r lecesarv.B.ltJ" odt,t o" h 'l - n"s r ' C . $ '\ " ,

\iLlsrlblF .rution .

He cjtes as an exanFle th€ covelimcnt's lolinot to reply to lelters to The Straiis TiD€s Io,!ilrdi !ir Fllrli5licd onlirc. |,,i .!1..'to tirl)n, rrrintljn thc newsp.rtcr itrelf.

1'I thinl thri js \rroii: " dc.hres ihr !cie(nevspapernur, quite appa.cntly se:zed by ihe b,li€f that new media ca no longer be ignor.d.

But, he adds, "t Nppose ii nlDlies somc discotrfori I can uderstand b€cause there's a lot of dlslructive cynicjsm in cyberspace. !eople use an(n).n iy and easy access io post comentsi som(limes they shoot from the hip.I "so it's like the wild wnd west rNofar as publ

didloguc js coDcerned."But th€re.re lso "habitable places" D cyb€r

spac€, he observes, such as ile spaccs crealed tmainstream riedia players Singapore Press llol(ings aDd Mediacory SingaDore.

He also notes thc serious and thought provokirviows expressed onwebsites such ar The Onljne Cil,zJ dd roioflo$.\r.

-tr T" p "ri::-tJ. ,\d i ove m n to rrf lr. "n*'j'rou rr r ;J;ir-$r-D..Id .nF4Ti-":r l,i- :-- ?j. }da;i.s";i;Tl-. idq+.tr,94\ in fact, irm irr. e pl4t&rm }her€-yorlsq!"-.rjl -rn dra. ^r. irrr. l 'l a. rrJnn.n -n lrir) :ind relircrs," h. sal's

Hnn€ver, what is terliatrs rnost strikngV'.heonp rrew or ll. r'npd.I,Imedia on iraditional ncdia.

Th4 biggc.t chlllenge fac rg traditional medjato find ways io continlle proliding value to the

Despitc decad€s of flippx)g through newspaperfor his daily dose of nerrs. he now confessesr I

do|'t rely on n€wspapers to tell n1e there are deDonrqaijons to ove.throif ihe goverDment in Bang

"i n€cd the nelrspa!.n to telt me lchai is yo!iriJn 'o 'n. I hatp.,nErhprp.$tut it"llobl[-\,T f r! .| . ^hytr.!!

1L,'1, t. . olr'(. rr,d rf" tdp"r. n.l "\ '".qrcarer rrcmim on inrl\sls thrn most. :T,6-0 p , ifi ,n;"," \. u .d.tdedr_lno

!-rd r',' \ .. /.1 iL. o,^... ll .cr

[email protected]

'(\\!.r,f,1' pJ\11'r.\

i'lr'",i \i,

lLu rail:,'

ing to b€ a major chsnnel of com'nunication gojrg

-we L-v b, ln ortuorrabl, s'n '' \-oL"-or"'' rh." o" nu;ttrHj-n lou F,6daP. brdr o'!, rnr,oi.vojfut.' hr te l.lnsrEbt

ll is a licF slaped by e year of visitilg seYe!.ro'l)tri:s. conductinE focus group djscls3iors sii]la cross-scclior of th€ publi. md holdjng dialogdcs

wiih the !)osr adire bloggers here' in lrepsrati''nfor a rsDort on whele SingilFore should head h on-hne IeErnrtion and enBagcment

M, r.hconl dnd lx ll mernb r parel sJ "pnoi'Led br th-c Covp:iraenr jn Mdrcr l.'l ved loioo1 "

r-o" s5" ru;.." ^. "ngag.ment wth cruz"n(

ought to ch?nge, in the lighi of developments ia cv-

l; ih r€Dort r€lcased lasi wee!' Ainis recom-n,""aea u'ai rt e cou"'nmer' adopt e-en8asemenl

., DoL v, whi.h would be a l.di.al deparlur€ fromth;.!ftnt consultatior taking place olrline

No*. rhc Covpnu "rr d€. idec whrl i wdt. dj -

,L.ed byN'ring".o1 ulJrjonprPcr onbe ror

eramDle and invites citirens to respondq,,i ri-. en;sdec arornol\L lriF'd inte'" -

tionbetqeen the G;vernncnt and citizens on pnh-lic nohL\j wilo " nro ' -oo arr up p ce\ in whrllDrdN ofthelonvelsations wiil b€ initiaied bv inte!-.,"dc i? r."nctn ol\p"ldg"numberorpdn;i-

M, ( rLone teLL. In iehl rha- eoLtg b) lo u

"'. " oi rsion ,omnrr'. oned b' AIm publ'-Linor tor 'u h e-FlaasPmen i "ovcrwhe nut.

.; ,. reet rhev ar€ d,. u-rra dmong lh"n-selves,6dt a v€ry irportant paru to the conlersa-ri.r i! mic.ifd'r hF srvs

Page 2: Newspaper Articles 08

i, 'i .F e, ,. +..*: E-- "^+t l:i - .'+.t 3:16.,' ; + 5-sL :+oqi 6E - +IlgE'-'d -E - :-{r"F=-*E F . i '":'-;=r-!:;i 6P .qiFD_;R':: de '. 54e:f Es'EF *-= " 7i:6iFf ",r&F s 7,-q' "ie;.P;r?ag - a.ziL =:*:#3i4=Hb e 9!Bg 3

-&lFi s i: f: .& 9E? S , r'.'i:FU, €e4=TE =

irSLlo':-* q €-E -E F U *e-e ;


























{ 6-"i "at€ r 5E

9 E€ €isEir€-7. tE E-."r iE e r, iE-^3Ei F:E= i;E;fHl.i*EijE^€ il*EE;:it ira ii=2e e zE -*Ei-9 3.8 3€-:5 ts 5


El? €1iLg dq':{i-3ii5:Hg ArBl

i€.;: ;;; ,f;jti ij iiiir$$gEi

;ii,iuiiii;qii! iii:iiil gggaE


Page 3: Newspaper Articles 08


5ettin13 ihe rtttird straightlN AN atlemlrl lo showthe $rcsien iredn ,s

r{:.orts or lh. reccnL

Chinese medix has citedexanrlles Lo clposc srch'delileml. ttistakcs"

Some ol lhe mcdi!.tr|!rrts nghlghtld Lrt'

r.revision ilarb; ccTV

req\pi '.r Clrin, Dril\

television N-TV:

NeDel q'as sxid Lo bc ol

television RTL:N? r.lcs. s.crnir lor.es

'Iibelrr frirLsleN wu.iJ.nlrli(al ..i allinese

; cNN, 1r. r, ...ricl!rc r!lo1(l.d brCh0csc !eL'1d$ nr Ir!websil,r thrL .lrorve.i

huck. wilb otre showntpelt L tlee,r I lron tll,, ABC:.Jphun lu, r

i hr\r' ihit ,l sh!wedIhLnrse pohce hehins!n+ n'1. I \ldII carr! !wourded terso! jnro an

r Germannewspaper BerlineYMorsenPost: LdPt o.t.i r !rebstte DrLtuIe

'nd in rns Lie ti^nr\tra! h.rne ralcn aNa)b! DUh,e wlci tlrrrhot., r,!ur!h +ro n eJ'oolicc in Lhasa rescuine: Han Chinese assatrLted

, Fox Tv: C.rPrr ,. iur{LL}i.PuLt,' Idar,n,ese miliL.Lr\ !ltr.tr', cre,l ae|'LnH i^m',, r .i ,i . ii,, ., \ uhnle

Lr form.J pdun[ 'vetrIidiaD !olice oflicers

l!'i t ,rj *"tt

China ac:ffitlses Westernmedia t:f distqlrtimg ffactsik jiriq t;ke', I i: lr:ttqri j*ul r;:;l il:tli': 1;be{: in sl*tr'rits;!cie 0f cli:nit

Bv SlNl (l YlNChhd CattcsPonLle l

lN Brl)rNti

A5 CHINA chaferones a

! oup of ioreiSn iourn.li\t<, T bFt l1 .ry toL rhe tLi\ttine since thc \torst anri Chincsc nots in tNo decldes broke oul r.rcently, Beijr.8 r' lr,,rd,t s ,rl \JSrn!llr uun I op. ! 'i dr $i

1. .c{ tr,!.i rn iddih' n

, tre D,LicLr'[re t,'r, rN,, L.lF f.rltri,'uL d5r.ircLl reDorl! on LlLc dnr.n, s.li{:'l a(o nig to B.itnrs lras krllcd al l.isr 2?

ln receni d,rYS n e Nnnedia Lrcre lrrve r!.le athv sloics iLlegin-e Ln.':.u;le lse ol images or loot-,rc b \ cstern me |i , !tlrt! rn uJrIe LNN rrL'iEI]C

''Sr)mc Wesledr Iicdia.eglecied ihe facls and lr.5ented Jrnor rrJ ePor t ngtoL nl rc than !0 dJ\ 5, thFolticial Xinhua !.qG a gencysaid in a conncntary on

Ti.se stori.s. conntetes'ilh scrcer shols ol the olien{lnle Dredia, a!!ear toha!e ireen based o. a

Yo lbo anritei rfteo aceusing the Wenern tredD.t Flr f.\elJ l,I rnE ro. ,nrlP Ch .r uliLb hd,

beer .irc!htj.g on llnc

[Ihile {]hini, lcteli lhese,lir.rsnrs aL tlr rveJ!t)!.n.di.r. oueiilotrr Ic benrrm,$i oier n!,ninil req';l,h.kour aDd !vhil [)1lowcd: rhe,.tcltlidlaitng.l . rnrc sid.(l accoinl .rstil. tele!rsur. .ccLlsirrgthe Dllai Ln.,. s diqre'ol pLd lg the {nren

'llr..liI lcitdres.do

Live lnter !r. ws tilh !icl n., ,r JS i .lJi enrh, r\ ., rd L).:ir:s -L ,lsra;ni. Ioolagc oI Til,.taDsrot.e I'rt rLllri'8,n lrmrs.i. Clr,. r r:,, I

Pla\'i,rs to a doDestic ardren.c, tlcijinE s medix ottensive 1.!s rnto a dc.Llwcll oI rrotul.r Ch,nese nrtionalisn s'tnch has scenCNN geLl,ng lDle Lrlls .ndthreats rn rcc$!l da,vs

'Ihc rercri!ed sniearcanpaigr bv lht Westcrnmedk has sr! id Cbinesen.riz.ns Lo D.st onlinc n'cs

'""c' lri c ,r. br'.r"rn .LLll l\l rr rrstc:dr''Whxl vo! c.r fLrd in \1esL_

err nr-eJr!? Nl.griJi.enLlrish aDd rnrlrag'rolLs liesl"

1,i rnr!e rri .rse. Xinhua ;n'Nldr(ht3N!1 tb.1 PIi

vate (;rrman bro,rd.!srerRTL lV had a?ologised n, xnatemerl for Inis,traichinBa Mdr.h ll7 thoto ol clashesh.tr,.-rf tLn fibcl 1 oltsc,, rD,i I I tre rn llrpil aila car)tion sdvins Clntese Police were cracklrs dolvn on

N utu tL.d .ll Ll.rLN ol.lrslrrred L.verJ!r, the ( NNs hrh r. . a.cu5cd .l del,t,eraLelv croliPiDg sroneLL, !$ lxr rroler\ uIi.f J Irrr,.. rti,t shoued :rflriN{:ks runblins nlo Li].s.i,said ir a stalemenl iL hadtD nred the lDage Puelyfor icchDical re!soos .Ddhad capLtoued r1 acctrmlelY

Anilvsts said ihe e.roslv lvesieni nedii olliits;feDrcbablv dte Lo sloplLne$s. and bi talkine thenrrp, Berjins aould be lrylns

lo.lell.]c irLemalion.l crillcisn oi its d..Ldown ir'li-

]vledrr fxfcrr \iaoOiane, .drrt.1 froic-.sor atrh,: ti.l!c1e1! ol Calilo,nraar Llerk.l.). said "lbc eL

,os car Ilrdlv be lnte'T)r.l_, Ll .l, ^nspirJ'!

. c..\ i,,, .l1u,r ThL 'il.R,tions are an ove.reactnnto craSgerite such errcrs ii

F.i.. !r"raed ni his iai(e.roL n.LIsn D,o{e5!., v,t;,r,,n,nLp ol' Rermr UnL

'.:srr, ii P.1r g srL.ll.,s..,l,rn, .l , L t,i\ \ould !ntbe kncLated ervwher.. buL

tlc Chrtcse lhornd aho "liste. natienllv to tbe crilicilvie;s pat ;ul bv th. wcst

Desnitc iis Pledses tooncr jp to loreign nediaah rd,l l,L L,\nri,iL' Betrng I'1,.1 nurr Jr,lllu\hrf ioLrre, ou,, al cr\ou1 of Iibet, nhe1. \'iolenG .iuDt.d on M.1ch l'1..nd elhnic Tibet.n !r.as iISr.br.n, G!!su and Qursh.i where a ltavc o! Protest5 btokc ont lasl D'eeh

\, Lr r un,L nrolr P e

,n,., \ Lli lLrhrn ,nr e l,sLweoli, Beiling rodNl' tooliI .reiqr loi rnrl -t | .r

thrL! L .r\ cpo tirH li rP I 'Lhxsa. F t ili€ mov. hdss.arked oles .1 rlnfaunessoironE to"mahsts rot s.icct

At; rculi,,e press conlelL rr! resr"'dJ]. u,eLUnMinblr \ \pDl_esmJl] QrLi rA ii'cd.l.LrrgL ot.Lrc.n!ns !rt that rnd .b\lr.ies Lr in {oreisr lounal'isd;av in relorting llcTi

A rotrch crasDer?ted, hc.lei.nded rhe 1o;k.joa'n b1

savinp trial repoli.rs lvelc

';dcio leare lroluL spols

ft', r,.uit-v reannrs r d lor

l\il .ne .rror1$ r.b!Lr.!l: llo,id thos. areis hrve'Lrecrr n!)L dangciqls thr.LFq r)f,\lSharrsl.r'l


Page 4: Newspaper Articles 08

if!: is *:l=e:j !


;sis;;i:;i;ixi-E e: ri 6

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Page 5: Newspaper Articles 08

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Page 6: Newspaper Articles 08


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Page 7: Newspaper Articles 08

INSiGI{-f \ r \tP r04J, aar,i i: t:r'f tfr

0nline debate is easy- the real challengeis in taking advocacyto the people

BY c1gss^ Oo\

L-rk{ r\'!iDore s -.!,o D,,1,

.na ir*r rlD" .Fv ofiidivid,

slLh-|n3, Plofe5!o' wsliei

rression giv.s drem the rishiu!< humm rr2rrc to iurrb<rrh.L po,n-d ;sendr\

cates wiih ihe sam; r,.\n otlcan tuo .6Dce'!ed bloEpdsro.hiriense hi (rdru{r. no

Mr Ne E J:v wore on dreIlos sre The oltrne citizcn


Flurnan rights:**i:[1i:*i;:*:. Going beyondffi:r*.:i:t* Internet Chatter'rl!. righrs Lo lreedom or

nRn tu!r,i!- --.h bo s doqr1! the kind ofPoweFAs*n n

On l,u,n;n rahr. ese.t!leni\ !J i knee rerk" !c!istDd b.,""-- s. s"id selnnarHe is .\si, .eaional direciorlor the Genewa bascd ce.lle

i" aene,.r. ^,e.n

ri., .r,riF r"r", o. h"; oFerabsasth-

^i! toj i D r e , .. , c , , . c ; , , . ,


Lr.or {,""i. nho n:rro!humao rrehis{ho]]IrvaureenMaroney'{L

said Nr5 clanLir Gnbriel. the

sid nean rjgha commissi6,

Trre M;laysian comnnssion

Prrh"nci ; 19ee rnd nisr,enddi.c r "".-". FonE in

their linse.s

!,r,r d n{.rdIom;n! rat!

tude tow*ds nlhE EiueswhtlE tr 6 ieaireD,,,. ,.

."e the b.A,"i,"e, "t n;;bre]afeddebatehere'atsonrc

nsha pr;ccss is . g.od Fl..eTruc, there ale brsic h!

n,an nshts standards rrnqt, ad-

bur rhc,r !oi r ,;hi-, 6; <en:rnti.r !on Dor, ri, , HL"i,,,nrh6 ..r\o.i.r JmourG io

'kind of Lalf skn!,Gh. haltwnile ft_is crsv """"gh t"

LlrrouPh rhe rnr.rn.r ti!r; r

clElse, fs ]o!E rid; dul soo.

offrt,.. ,"1" pr. :-".r ,Dd

rl,e Asia Fii, ni F.i,niafnnraseo lrs sub,id was.re Je.lsbiritv or a lt;naD{iPhrs conr

rorndnia,-a charler sigred nrNovember Las ver! has firilrv rcsor,ld to ;.eatc n r.nwiar Lr,s o!.,o.lon ","i",.,,.

Page 8: Newspaper Articles 08

,\'N(;CP('RL'S I LLL( OMMUNICA'I'ION\ MARr{',7 0",.

Seisrnic cl range in tkre air

Th< co, J!])se!r 10,red o

drar EcuDrbe.rs Si.!rer

d !r!1ir, ca! !Dr!r rh onrr.'

.r!! D'c,,,! d,- irn r- !,-!-

roi ri, H!b h

hi rnioor Lcnj-!:

lmagine if you had only onefibre-optic cable in your homeand you could select theb.oadband service you heede.t orthe TV programmes vou wanted-Th's rs not a fantasy-



,.,, o rr ,!,otn- r,,\ines!. ..r5"n ",, .";. ],

I mp p"L . Dro,," ,rra dr-


rtrir-er i,,,.,i-rr., - , o c- ,,f. ure ,.,.i,- n; ,

Page 9: Newspaper Articles 08

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Page 10: Newspaper Articles 08

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Page 11: Newspaper Articles 08

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Page 12: Newspaper Articles 08

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Page 13: Newspaper Articles 08

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Page 14: Newspaper Articles 08

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Page 15: Newspaper Articles 08

.rr rtr. A,..,-r:

More help with..bripging up baby

4 announces measures.v encourage peopJe

" have more childrenl



iM[ Mi]lSl[R Lee H$en Loona

""hBed r'Bhi in to the cootrowBrat issue

f en.-ragDg -5ingaloreans..to-iave? I ona a8ain wh{ he sDoke atN:rDndl Day Rally ihtr yed.


Ihis i5 the scond tine in iour veahat he hA hckled the hsue. tbe fini be-.a,his inaugural r&lly in zOot.

le mounced a ralt of neasues rh.tlcost the covdi$ent $7oo milion aq, bugiag to jr.o_hitffil


fhe mersues mclMe. bo,e $ar€Iaityrwlol-trrlrlhers, noF ld i!@nrNX f oraving child&n, Dore subsidis for chitd,

,,iore leave toJ parenh to care for ahc chld, rd ryeniubsAe M*"r-

, 4plodlltion iechriquerwhile DeDUt! Prhe lvli ter wnn,,

Seng - who s in rhuse of popul,:r\sus - {iI piovidenoF derais on

. bulk ofthsemssu$ at a bres c.i-r4e loday, pM ke in h\ tuiv nn sni-- dght Fovided a few of lis ;wn.

'he lwo Covsnhenr mrtctrnatu! .its . So.ral DeveloDneni Un,r rhtr'e so beyelolment aenjce, w l benged !o.s to bcreqe synsRLer.

lhis new ouhit wiJlalso do;ond,r:of private seclor datftig agencies to

su@ Uut thev ee reDuiabhAt ure famili tewt; larenh (wheihd)rornolh ) ca! no{ izltraid leave

'19j!!4rs up fioDi{o - to coe' cldrJu tud!! sver yeaN oldTlrey c{ als ia}e sDaid have of uo

wel to .:reErrrF-nis urdi!-t$!i oid

.le Eabv Bonlt ash irreniivs forre!!s.!!l !e er!9,tdqd !9y9qqq.9 !I!

his Rrlly sp*.h, Iir Le skeichedJl.ilusoph) behrnd the (hsee\ He

I : ired il br .otuld$ons afGr n -aus discursion wiihfocus groups dd

tr systenratic approach focued ortr es: geitLlg peopk mffned, helo-those m red to have ald brihE ;Freni belping parehis najiiain alife bau.! dnd tnjtly, hetDup

ricd Loulks to coh.etrc.4 fiequeit thene u erEnding ner]'

\ puioh sn the nFd Ior kndeto bP moE r,tuJsed aoup[\ for

,nfl shnuid \h&e rc\poh!b riies ror

talq's. caE or chidr_el Lrcludirg rhus-

The Pline Mnstq Droudtv rec:ltedhnw h. hid.hdnged dEpe\ h; hl5 cht_dren afterhe Aot mdried, and ihar hd h:ddoft so wiihout pickbg ov babies. {fl(!o do it, tbrl mpM5 !nrbodr rD do r,he srd, be:flrr

Anoihr freqtreni thehe: th! jinh.i,rlro\t of h nt babrc Thtr, hrnot!Lt. sajlirradornlly rclt mor rah J b, hrsh.tr Dronr. snmen, rs rhet hivsto lorelnmoE $ n.omP in lrder io hr\r hn p rocde for a baby -),r\|]"rr, t,..,.,IE !!\snh€nt !, 1 budd uD th!

clrld({e \eriq h-deAseq rfdd-hfrnra rhmgs rcB\ba rh. subridis ntrcbld; rqe5inB rhe qL;rhry oi.,,! ariherfies, and ilumshs the n@ber oiplaces

sinilely, ih. Covdnneri vrl] be en-hdring the kindequten scto alre.rlva vdy "lively' one he noted.

singaloEt beby voA go blck Ddry

I:1::1"1":1! g" :". :,,." "l eaLe, pd 4d ro,pr wb. \ ar o h"vedf sero...copdSn ro eer p&enrs l'!_,lt!!jl _ t low nres.Ilaj ..11"' wd- i-a.hulorJy )]jll]a$nn . i on.o,t"d L,o ,6 Mr Le nored u rytv. hr I hak F(utr"d D or\ m.mrlsJh.Tha,o.lrp,L rv,are, rh.r i. lp Mr Lrepo,."doJ

".;;;;i,:ir;,r mb-ol b"be pq m',Fd wona ]rEle o. Lrlrlbd, r,%.!o.r, "redli !t:!lpq Lerq- tt.r ap Jv nelr ,,-. , rlh , olomrc ol U.r or -i. l9e re0 r. r. o)(. " .i.r t1p o - ,r.i.r,.. rr.1rr-,rL..L".t.o.prbB(D l00t ,. .ori.m " t../. ".,"..i"^,t,8"DorF'r omp..roLobrri-t

"I.,l,r\drop.,. tne.o,.rp,r..,,r"...

rjgrpoe! d,.,rud.n.r,;,,." i .

=gEF od'. re\ari\. h. {'..vdt -: , tndpd M ..-.Lte. T" ur^ ohInsm.e ru t fol, /e! . rn., ,.e "r.ndpd nEh.-

iehiiy b;ve to tb!@ sobtlN, and eighlrMORI NATTONAL !,ar- .I er Dp prer.or. p u.! hdh +r,oay RALl.y Mr I oh .hot .lons I rod I "d

,h" d"oJRIPoRTS, PRI E Bonus scheDe.plcts l2-At0 Mr t.ee,s plearo sirsaporedns on surEDrTonAL d"' n gn' P:"pacEA2S -:se.orrrnrr \dler!" \ou, D..o

r es nive r rrdlrrd happr liJL ,

[email protected]

Page 16: Newspaper Articles 08

.! ! j;:a e;rix;ill.ii i?r*tEli$tE;;

; ,iii$ifl;i

Fffi,u i:riEtiH:l::;

' ::ri-liilq';:$co i,a, 2z

!lE lr

E;+E C#

e g:t * g

F P{ 9t-

-Er 9 3




€+ ,p€;E :E ;lfr5 €EiEE :E *a& oo;E; rE .tF fir"q s€ :lf€ sE!:i r.-: dr" *-!tib=E; IlfE fi;:=r.i9P:lE: yIE?;EEE rI

*i E;Elr r; FFr El

i;c;?ftiiE* cf,

!l El

.E sl


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tlli Eii ;nFE ;

ii"ljr ii:kiil 8.9:tsi :. Ji-+af;*e" *: frEi2':{4,4-1'\ =4t '-:.

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;:,: lE E.! 299i_ ij rd4ij! 9ibfri; t€43t EsE

boi d2 ji!i ao!

43f ;E!85 $;{A;€eft;#H;;AH4!--7t "u e * ir !ei l*;f i!i -3 g;ouaqa -Lo

^a^t:n >i!!!Ei,-e tEzEi 9r-a>Zz..,a.. 4r9--

= 4iiet i iI t ir:!I u:E€{!!r-3 ?q,"; gEHflfi::F;,r+EiE a(A!: C. n ;a!



Page 17: Newspaper Articles 08


utdoor protests okay,ut only at peakers' orner'', , ,.,I Li


irDwAy throuEh his N.lio!.t Day Raxyldress the rrine Mi'inbr rished ori ,lobjre ;hone rd pni.eed.d to l,lm tlr

audiercebaf.re hih in the auditoriuh.Behnd hin, on a gisr screen, rhe audi-

rce saw themselles featur.d on the wrhige olthe Frine Mnistefs offlc€ live.

''There you ar., sihple as that I veirst made our fi6i non lolitical yideo,,he said td hrghter from the audience.

I Mr Lees candid cahera home.r hetdrerions point. Anyone cxn now be mhateui tiln naker, captuinE polihcs

.n film, and leopk will do so.'so, qe !esot to,llowpohncal sdeor

Ii.,rhtb*';;l;;*-"hh -m;;l;-i-h-eAiI roii",,Feoplc can dasily mske ejdeos ed uDloadthe. .the lntehet.r

' k how peopl€ comuicate or. \!eb in daily life. 1ltoy nake videos,tt liss clips aroDnd," Mr rf,e srtd in

his Nstioml D3y R,lly speddh on Sud.y.wbat 'ill no* hake tbe cut with rhe

tnsoB: Jactual footase dodDentatiesd reroldirrs ot live evenk.Brt sone dnD8s still von,t pass 'tf

/ou hale a lolitical connElcial so ttrattk pnrely made-up haterirli p&risantrr, fooE&p dirtoned to cleatr r sl:nt-inDre$ion. l think thole 3ho,r.r nrl

betxcen vhat is ok .nd whar is not

ys stmilar lo non Foliticd mms. vith?;so6hin and filnr c'iasification si,ndrds, be sajd, with a Fanel to d.cide\ether or nor a political tiln *ould

'rl'i'e ovenid4 .oN'deElon tr to oreeive the ht€sfltv, qualtv, ad hoh;jtvf ou lolitical dkcouse," he said.P.litk:l frlm: lere boned to yes6

lrrr hi.l ch4 soon jur €irpl,ed ror

SecuJr 13 of rhe Fit Acr disstows' . baking, reprod!.rior, djsrributioni scledning oi ,,p.rty lolitlcst filns".fh filns,rederined as those ravoum!polrtjot pa y or DUshinr u Dolitr.al

- Mr rze s.id loliticll filhs were

'1P!11lrI: q: Fnn6!!drJ{e rlsto'p( to i nind.r is<sraloha]ly, coo]-

.ardlhlnt thioucn de!1ffi xth d-i ]ortutrre rnd Dake : conedergd

",4nd olr *ory n th,t filhs are annolive hedjun the jbF.t of seNing)mcthinE oh a lilD js qdre ditterenrn re.ding sonDtlin( in coldDrint.It nfs ron visceiallr. t{ engaees }olr

.tio,s befors your thinkiis lrocesses

'n kick m, and if rou are walrhing it itr a

'owd, (it n)even more powerful"1heh, p€\.ror6 L.n gd 5rtrred up:nd,ph.:n gcr curi.d :rry ,

Ineprohiseof soneloUtic.l fil,ns b.-ts alloyetl *as chee.ad by film-m.kerlrtyn See, vho had two of lis 6lns

'This is by I* the most obvious retrxai of poutisl space in sinA,Dole jb rhe

ln z0 yers. rr vil le$en t$ climare of

qrt scnior Resea.ctr Fellos Tar Tarnr frcn the Institnte of Poljcy Studjeslered thcre r. bc no condtiobs in,


riFAl vel.ones the libcrdieriononounded by the Pri,Te Minisrer. 1.lisvnl Dcrease the opporrunfties forS,nEalor*nrlo give then views andallow por jtj cai padies to iett{ engaEe.yber'cilizenr. PAP wilt opelateresponsibly Fithin tbe new ande4randed boundaies to ilforn. educ,rexnd rea.n ou to yomger voters r[ough!:i,.D\F itrom\ OlcdI, odr soat,, to.rerte arDndu've en! ,.nh.hrvheiner onlhe or *ithin rle re;.rarlublic, for politjcal issues to bedis.us,ed senddy rnd produ!rrvelv. tohelp find 5oluron5 rof.haDenses ti.i

Mkdbn rfidlG lv! for H.,, P f o$djb{!..Etiry llprdrr duiia.nd ns h.di')

ll0 flvouR GRAItr$. JUST A nto{r,The prhd M'n'\tPr E hopinatharsrneapoens *iilso on thetri€ndedknees to thart him for these..n!essioE. He scetu ro foreet thar rhensht to h:lepoLtici fiths or the riRht10 bold demondr.trons are !:rr aid

Itt not r qdestiof of fi\uuc bensaLed from the C.vernncnt ll\ a_

rl{Ir.8 j.yillfuh, Kd6.dnlofrlE R.Iam ht

i"It doesn't hale sense ta 3sme rhbGt people de nost of rhe rine norsrurt enou,{h to telt the Aood fiom thcbad,

'nd hurh from rrlseh;od, he sad. Lsl! frlm m*er T:n pin p'n s haDrt'

"A ge$tre has beennadp, lndrAessilt: losirlve rhnA Thtr r the srarr ofaiorc jo,rho, towjrd\ [ss i.enet]c sov- fll ra fhht th. &dhft! ti tho.udhodm ll$ r m.dt. ptw. ft. dndtd do.E noMlM i sdr6 polnt fltm qn m* !. het nh.n.kr. \'0. Or0 D vor,D utt

PMLeer?hinedtotherrTooirrongau- causr rher€ r .tEady a ptaF $t forsdicnce at rhe Natiordl Day raul why burve.hoo5. rod" iiet;L-" wh"*-

r BYJnnxMy Au YoNc

_I]S6!t49tc?!!!9!914!!ld@r dchon- hry rpnri tions on outdom denronsrra any soestoHons t_i,b parkr be sdd..Eiio"s sll lom be rlowidTo-aa; tons hrve beonnahtainsd. H. n onc ot rs peolle {ho verou4!Il!'.t!Feqf?l5 csn4 odrcon rmi5law.ndordcr,sndse- chargedre.ennyloriakinsFa inrnile,

Th rotJb"nor.rhpror,n.h,d or:/ l o," r!,"p,nd' iFo1. sJ" "nll.ob..' " o!,qd"r o reJ ro ", rvisr and -!:! ltj !. L, , Lld -d"n " \4.' 1.. 1" h"vp - d.""ropro! :or no.irl Ll\ bu on Sundrv ..?J- !--ll l" I r L d o F -I ;Piih. M,;ter Le. lG,en Lourr -ii r&glc,- r'. "id L'Letrrdlrliradn?t. choo rlre.g {i,2:.t.ei lJrv r aherh -,a-"r i.'",,i. H"Jr.iho" r b " - .

orrd \oonoe,r. r.1 's.r.l i'" I I I'

H.;;';;.i;;;; "d

t" h.r,r,,,. r.,"*-t.tt.-*"+,*i,trs Fsoud tr'tbethrsttr or

. ,;;,;;,;;;;;,1:, ;'";;";:.:;; ". ,F. q 'D" ".'1 0" h", , tr 'r .'gndad r' a fotuc

_.or DcoDl

. rl -s,p'k., 'oaer in Ponc L,D pr! -):'1.'i:..:' '" "9 ,'''c p .":"- ,. i.".rli'". ,-,' " o-" ,hoa b"u""r",.,;e -ar"- il--l*, !Y:!l- .r,i ,on. uo, ".-,,1 or re.roriun- e.-br' ro p.,.h"MR, ''" i'""i]-'X.l .,1'

iordn earroLL,,"'i. h. cd.. , ,4o . ."r " ,, o" .,_dLr

U:_!!:drj!i:1 ,..*..r. .,,i1 ,:":,1* ,'*".iuehc'.ognr< n h.o oruowlo ihd"

Ichi ' , ' t -": ' """

rr:,o r" @.d.r rno,c -'".;, " ";; ,,-, r*" '_o",. -_'_n*.-.-_._.r.._in { nomci'l8 th. ho!. he rorod I zr ror ooe {'n.,r *"r',,r."r'r'r"Jrd. Lo.,c. :i,,.

",...t1i*' ' "'"'" :" :.";:....: :. i".,:";,;'"\un"cdro,Jt rr Dpror.'.,or\,,, ,N, "\,".-.-,.. reri,.,d.. j..o

,o."*r-" "i,. r., ,i,ii ,,.. ,t,',,,ii.t i,i,"i ,i'jir ii,. ;,;i;";,;;;, ,r ,h",'j'. o"."n,.,. u """.h, ...; :r,r.. ,. ,;.. ";

Page 18: Newspaper Articles 08

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Page 19: Newspaper Articles 08

waste exp0rfsDelegates at UN taiksurge nations tomanage theirown electronics trash


DELEGATES at a United Na,tions (UN) conference decideda8alnst bauing loxic wasre cx-torts, instead encouasirw co!,ldes to lake tliei. omi aalion toaddre$ the steady stream of dan{erous chemic.ls and ol.l PlP.ironic itcms that litter ihe latrdfills ol po.r nations.

Supl,orL for r hJn durtnE thlweek lo, r meet,nc on iliu i:aselconventioD was driven bv Ai,.i

$1,.h rLArc.trhaLrt rJ. rhe lc\r waJ ro pr,'te.rrheir LitizPrs. Jnd b\ rhe frrron-an Unr {1, s 1,,!h ati."dv Droli,bjls toxic exporls.

But lhe proposal ran iDro stiffopposilion from ihe UniledShtes, Japan, Canada and lDdiaover concerns th.]lit would stiflerecvcliDg irdustries in the devel.ped w.rllj thdr are Luorunpamid !he nqnx pnces of nchls "The deleSatcs insreadenielged lron lalks vcsterdavwilh a rumber of otliet ".",iures, inLludnA rndusrrv+!DDort-ed Errdclrne5 for dr\posl,,a ;lrcl-|hones dnd Jn aenemeri to stdr rsimilar discu$ioDs 0n old.om.,,,ter equipment.

"It \ v.r! sad, rer\ sad. \rrdI1, lrtr lucketi. .ooi,_t,n.r", "r{he S.rttle Lrased Blset AcrionNerwo,l, Jid, g rl JL is gro!ptrrdlr PoPl it thr convErfj.n wr(to ecl nriior6 to mrna.e rt,ciown \vrstc Jr homc n;tcrd or

Conpanies, mostlv in ,i.h nations, pav 1o sliD th;ir .teclrotrics plste to othir courhnrs fo,dEpn\al but r, unLtFir tu.r howrnrnl t,'ture| i$Lhwd(rrrr. /

But jusl aLolt cveNone at ur.CJl, !,,n\rnr!.n as.iO rt,.L tt,.rrJilL ,r rirLL !Ianr.its ,s hra.thal c!cnlual disDosrl .f rhprd\tr ,. , ftcn In.lLlraudru. rndtl:rtdLbun,.$.u.;\,u

Tl,u r rn' ' sed tlrn "."^ rr,,

holdcsl attcnlpl ar rhe.onl!renccLo slronqlhen the tlascl Conwtsniron .n thc Cortrol ol Trons

CO[,lPUlER VYASiF: [leasures comine our of rhe tdlh! io.tude dnagreement io start worl on BUidetines tor dicposine of ord computers.

boundary Movements of Hazard-ous Wasles aDd their DisDosalThe 1989 Dact allows iti 170meLnbc^ tihin lnpol1s and re-quues c\t'.rters to arin con(ertbeforc sendins toxic natcrials

Critics argre tirat i$ltlicieDrl!nds, srdesprcrd ro(uDtro!and rhe ibsence of th. (Jr' is 3paficipart havc undemrined thcconveDtion, lcaviDg rillions otpoor !eople cxposcd ro hcavvmeials and olher toxir6. Mani,s 'y rn .ut rtt'I hrn ,,n exp.rirniroxiL wrsLu i, the onl\ sol;'h.n

Hoy evc.. rdusLtv reue\cnt:i \ F\ sird ltrat tlr. n;\ rolLDrar!Drdasures adopted at thc co e;cnce could lead to the c.€atnnr .fcerlified .ecycl'ne Iacilities_$hi.lr would be e,recirll\ \rRnrtiLrnt rn develoFrnE ,1,!.arie5v hrri old cl.!truntr rrems ,,ot.Itrlr ludlill\ ,,' a'c t,,"..,t ,"

The hopc, 1oo. is rhar aDv oIthe countrics would use the ;.wguid.lines to..eate rhcir orD rccycln,g hws th,t {oukl a.ldresslhe estiDatcd 20 lrilli.\r 10 50millioD tolnes ol trscd eiectroli.

Mr tuck Go$ olhe lnfo'da-lion TechnoloAv lndusrry Cou!{:i1 s'hich nr.hdes nrosr najor

THE S']'R{iTS'I'I\'IES SATLITIDAY. ruNIi 28 20ou

,,"4r!ri ,'a 11r_.tr.!i ,

Lohputer ind prTtermJnulalrurers. e,d rhe Lamputer AxrdeluesNould offer a uDivers:tl l.ameivork thal would sive the 1ndus,trV confiJcn.e th.n rts produLrswcre beins, r.y.led re\ponsrblv

The rssuc uf toxiL cxn,,fstook (entre strre D 200! ivhcnhundr-ds of ti,nnes ot {a\res ere dxmfed.r^xrd ihe lronCuist s n, rin uty ot Ah,drin. kitiingatleast 10 people anll leavlnglcni oI tl,ou5Jrdr utD6Dl!: $.k

Fur nritrl, ,,t rl,c we.i i'i ra!.tLie .!cLr.te r.voh ed around theexport ban. But as a deadlo.k nflersificd- Ildonls'. Dnt nrrh .compro;ise, which i!'said !ouldallow !a,1ies to rcvisil lhe issue

AnionS othe.lh'!Es, the strte-Drenl encouraees naLjons to Dxss],ws, as lhe EU did. that ir;uldi,rr tnYr! r\t.rts nr \h,rjt uiIl, rI boon.!io,L.,f.,rr r,r,',tr .

to. Jnd deteLL,ll€ral sr(t.'ln th. Liplrr .i rhP n'1h, ,l ,,.

Jrrlt.rfg rh1 L,a ' O'. fI1,P(Lr\e:A elLl Lu look dL J $,r\ otrcsol\ rfe tL ' rmfrsse 'Mrq.hrn 5terncr r.r.r ri\e .l rec1., ior t|.1rN tsnvnonment Pro-Srimmc, said ol tlre stal.rneDt

"Tha1 is ! vcry positive sis


Page 20: Newspaper Articles 08

\,l!ul\Eru11r, ]v1,.!i(Ln 19 Zou

gt"vqlr\*r,ihio time-out for

By NayeN Cqerrn,r, For 1:fte St/aits Timei

!nl,n+de.! The imDort ofbetter aDd cbeapei goodshas alwavs affected ineffi_cient producers andbrought'pain. Coni"m"i"Eqn, *gqq!&;dq:our rtremctent industrieslost.Is this what is haooen-ing in the US now? ' '

Economist Robert Las,-

But perception is reality, gnd the i1l-pervasivmedta steteoscoDicrll.magnifies the dark oerceritions about trade'. EIeitron-tlme r,rletolic coul(do F,,orse thaD iust deeDerttus. perception; it coulclo ci< politicia0s jnr.self-firJfillbg protectionisi' The period betweentlre two world wars. whena, anti-globa sation back-rasn produced a tariffwar, holds serious w.rn-

rence's new sfudv. BIl1e-Collar Blues. shoii tiat a

jobpit is significant amouDt ofslgtrrrcant amouDt oj

what the Usj-loForts is no\YIar me uJrloFotts $ nolg?gelprolqqqdjlga€SFcallv As D .F( .l +hoca

chtuadges taking

Iesslv cli-Dloitins the fear-ful irood of th"e ele.tor-ate.

While their Democtat-ic colleasues in the USCongress refuse to ap-prove free trade agre'e-ments Degotiated bv theadministration w;tli Co-lotrbia, South Korea andPanama, Senator BarackObama calls Ior a reneeo-tiation of thc r4-via.-6taNorth Americair FreeTrade Agreement 0.{afta)and )eflatol l1lllarv (]lin-ton wants a "tim"e-out"oD free trade pacts.

ls trade th_e main rea-son for growjig iobless-ness in the US - or forthat matter. anvwhere'else? The qiestidn ls asold as trade itself.

Everyone agrees that\fitlout trade. we wouldbc€-.r_qE!go_rt-Lo{r-lo-6aand $,c:rvrne $ htt l^Iewe_ar. -Tia d-srew to al-

:1ow for s&ills siecialisa-

tecbological and rianasd-llent imovation D]avea 'ment ian-"ovation olaved aEuch biPser rold. ikrmuch bieser rold.2091-2003 peridrrigdr,((Ay!9rye9* 12'ang. +'Ficetrt. of Eanufecturine.iobs lost were estimatad,iobs lost were estimatld.to have been due ia trade I

place ir the ecoiemv. DeYalirling inveshtent fti man-uJachiring, atrd Dfoductivi-ty _growih wrought .by

The data also lavs torest a lnl'th about Aineri-can jobi outsourced iI1droves to lndia - or inpopular parJance,'-'Banga-Loleo vIIlCla1 datashows.that out of almostone mi11io[ iobs lost in2004. less tlan 10 oercent - oDlv 73.217 - wiredue to outsdurcias. Ofthese- three in 10 we"resenl ibroad and the restwent to other Darts of theUS. Professoi Lawrenceconcludes that thele isoverrl'hekning evidercethat the US has benefitedfrom gJobal engagements,which has helo-edraise itsgross domeslia product bvI0 Der .enr

growing aDti:globalisa-tion sentiment. He nowc?Ds for {indins "',r'avs tomake Americ-ans irorecorDfortable wjth siobali-sation". The nevi oresi-dent, he savs, wouldhaveto use tha Dresidential brl-ly pulpit: oot to bullv.but to ex'Dlai! whv slobali-sation is bolh iiie"vitableaod more ao ooDorfunitvthall a threat- ' '

Presidential hoDe{uisnlay find it poljtjc fo calltor a time-out on trad-.agreements, but tbe proc,ess of slobaLisatjon diivenby billions o{ people's de-sire to live b4ttei brooksno time-out. If irade isforced to shut down. as ihthe 1930s. the r6srltscould b e dis astrous for all.

Tho writer is director ofDublications at the Yalebentre lor the sl dv ntGlobalisation and ;diior alYaleclobal 0nline.

on. and

DUt rto{ the

'p-*E$biD,Sormer Dre(idcn'I.or]Iler iresidentialeconomic adviser AlanBlnder, who raised thealarm in 2006 about anew industrial revolutionembodied-in outsourcinschallengjng America. iinow wo ied about ihe

Page 21: Newspaper Articles 08

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Page 22: Newspaper Articles 08


weeks .Ao: "Thc! cahe forlLhc ilerl .onoJiies rnd no6odi sJ d r;yrh,ns rhEv

' ru noboLl' _:rd r.lihinqL$ -n. i,, ,he ofi,:..-;.prn,er, people u ho ,tid!turr !.t. r rn1!e r!b, 3ndno oDe said anvihinP And'h.y.Jnre

for Lhe proI.( onstob\ $rrlodtdbe ouBolredind oobod,, qrd Jn!1hrna 1

t h! aro5Jlshor !iEi,;i,,lrr\ iim.d odIu br 1ryc;nlen ent flr pol h! Jr LL alov rh!ntobl rqluLdh,{srur ercnoor!

'oe_ rr dit,,q.

them o prerend rhrr bl 'e.u r I nr ,Ddc deal, thlv can

r$urse econonrtr rn( irl ftr Luwilhem ro aerteconim,and so.ial d{rse as a trrea1rieranrilist conFetiti.n, with!dr DU{ leims .omneti.c torsloba \!oremi$ !nd

"rthpor'n.: s nsrnns d\ ihecom

Bur iheret a DrobrenL qiihrhe way ihe glob:tMionpamdic( las evoh,ed ll doisi'tre3rr/ eeh ron o1 uhr sh:fodriurlFq r.r

Clob.liMtionis rc.l and nn,rc rn Irt iust noi thc ccn.irrl Io(e dii\rnR !cononrr

1,,!c scen rhen iobs shiDDcdo!rr ! . LUL eloU t.omncrchon hn : lounted Io, : {ni Ishare oi rob.Earion aDd den,L!ion ov.r rhe t,fl te*



Enter the Cognitive, 5, ge

8Y DA!,rD Droo(s

IF YOU so inro a qood tibrary, you ljll lind th.u$ndsor book\ un stobrtrJrronson,. qill hud I Some *rtJwd'n dbout 5 drnseE Buirhey will asrce !hor itobilLsJ-lion k Lhc chief o'o.es dnv.ins our ase. Our'L're\ :re t,eldA rEndo cd br rhe indc?sirs dovencni oi loods.tcoP e rn,1.:prb d.tu; bor.

rieglubrlinhonrEmdmrrrl rld

'n tr fo rirJLarenr,{r a crtain hnlorical .ara.v.: Ttiere s,eie on.e .a,ron stares l*c ihe us and rheEuropean po(en, wtoseecononries could be securcdwilhirborde's Alt no{ GDi-rr nv$\ rr.e\ Te.hnoro'Prh,\ hle)lcd rF D i$np neij.compeiirior i5 rtobrt and

!,n m:n!h.turiis rs Ln de_

f Mn Hirrary Clhron smn,a-rke_d th. .rnativ. , rc!,

dccades. Capilal does ndecdflow aroundthe world Bnr a\Prore$or Pankaj chena*ar

imprnies open plan(s oversers, but thai ji mxinly sother p,.du.Lion l?.iliilea.anbc .ldse {o local n$kaLs

N!f i,th, arobd[5rL!nD]r,dfi..13(fne"h.n'-'ph.d l! maftLl,.i!m! l;{<trd.f necituN 10

^!; Uq

manlJa.{Ldns outLJrr is uF

lhot- Iruarr bcrs !tMrnLL '!k,. A rln drltu r,.

5eir.h n,n. hr5 Daded odthe U5 iIJre oJilob]rn-ntrfacturine odpur h:- sduallvincrused stiFhdY sin.e 1930.

1he chiel j.re resharnramdi!hriunns r ielhrolopr!:LrhanL" th:netred b\ .onprht ou w'l oihef!onjpr'!e-r crkdJ,

'iemran\ !rLlom

Tlanks ioiturdv'iion dinuf^crurinU p'oduch,nr hJ5doublcd ovcr lwo dc.rdc!EdelavcF low reoutrc lcs.rbuinrdrt h,RHj \r.i l.d *orr

T..rnolosicai chrnse attec6 chitu ust :s I dois r\eAnen.a r!1r Wilrm over

holt of Ue !.AND cor.oD-ron has noren that b€r;eei1994 and 2004 rhe Cnineseshed 25 niuion ma.utactur.iq robs, 10 tiDes mdre rhaD

Ile cental srccss dnv'n!t l i; nbr slolalkruon rriLhe J<illi -rcftndri.n se remowjn8 into a norc dedmdina .opiiive a* rn .rdar rolbive, peoole are comDellcdto be.ome ber.' rt absorbin8, prc.e$i4 and combjdnB,nr!rm:non flrn n hlpn.ntr [ in ro!:r..d J LLr {lobiltrld.P o^, rnd 't

r'ou d L,e l3pp€n ns.,c L I rou rok uo.,er, ro '.,!; d", " ".

The cognitive ageparadigm emphasisespsychology, cultureand pedagogy - thespecific procrssesthat foster learning.lfyou understand )

that you are living atthe beginning of acognitive age, you'refocusinq on the realsourct of prosperityand understand thatyour anxiety is notbeing caused by aforeigner.

'rheelubal s:h.i prFd am

naiio. .an now ria!et24.000km in aD ln anr B,n

'h€ mo(t mpod,iLprn ol rn

romrllln! rourne\ b the hnIeq .enhhetre\ ihe .'n abel**.,re^o"''.'.'.-e:r,,od rh;,aflor5 ;p,on\orLhe hrar Does rfic,nd,\,d.ual havelhe capacitY to undernand the nfomation? Iroeihe or she h3ve the 'r: 'na

roerTl!,t ,f Are rhEre .ulti \asunptions rhar disro.t*ay il is pe.ceiwed?

TlLeElobnis:' oi L iLdrmlPadj oeoole tu rec a.onortrde\eloprDeni :i: ro'nr of foreixn pnli(\ a\ a eEnd !odorlilion betueen nationsrod aivilisations Tlese ab*n.ti. rcall.d rhe Chinese" or ,,rbe

Ind,a.5 . arc do,ns LhL\ ..Brt rhe eo;n'1'!€ rai p,fr .

dism 3r plFsi\", p5\.t.toPr.cuxure and redasoF rhc\prrif. prore$e\ rh Ionerlerrn nq ri emlll,trtrr\ lhird,llerco, lofle';. ." h" ",(..-.d,n

'm,r", ".,' b";trca5ed denan.l5 od Lud,D

U rou unde6lrnd $at vor3re I vnra atihc b!Prnntr;13cognili!e a3e, you

'e L.usi.a

on the realsource olprcspei:Ia and Luder$and drr v.ui,irxiery is nor t.'ne.auseit lv

and rhe skith re;olL ion a).

ehich paadia; you.mbmtuderernines wbi.h l3.h 3nd

'one-dies)ou rtop[isFe

ocr;llc o.e* hlv. r"lr"" i"loi6 with tfie !lobalisaLronparodiaiir lrt tinie ro nov!



ed cutrendes Noq e\c6,rhids ' n:de rbroJd Amc;

Page 23: Newspaper Articles 08

More global

more troubl

}THE WORLD \qE LIVE IN iasL l0 yca h 1997 alhina

and Indii ,,1'ere ninorplayen.Nnv' lhP growlL rnlo t|e11'od{l s l\!olargtn r'onorures

is.realing n(r dJrro r\ rn

the global econony.

Security threats

1}1! Cold WaI is over, bulthere has b€en no lerce divi

dend. lven though'tlere were

omino$ sisns - the 1993

bonb lhat ;xDloded uoderthe World Tnde Gnkr. the

1998 bombinrs ol US embas-

sies in Alrira ind tle 2000 at'

tack or $e USS Cole tu fieport o[ Ade[, Yemen - lew

iaid beed to the Slowingihent ol l\lam$t extrenism.

orce the Soviets had vitl_dmwn &oo Ahhaflslan, tleworld Iorgot aboul $c jrtrad

agaimt the inradem.


Right or wrong,

Americans are in

kaq. They mu(

now find the dght

way out of haq -without their

rc rnd, |e s l lxllr. 'rlalo ger " i'residel)l Bus

ltor \ llDlo r!' \''rll roL b-populn 0 urlh ro n url rtsril,P, hr urrnt\ loStrc \\Lrrisor lcoro(tuIorPeruLlun trme ffr c.*efuldrlil,eto-hon. qllhoLrt the ures5ure\ 0lcL'tironeennB, tti deLrde ohi, or h.i .orre o{a,tLon


lIlE {ltimate theat to hfinan

survival is slobal warninsand dinale chnse. lte hab

tats ol nl[ons. nuvbe bi

honr, of people iray be da,t,qed fte oolar ice cnD ii nelt'ide. ftis lirs higsereil Rursi'

Qnada, Denmarl., Nonratlic LIS and oticrnrlions abut-

tins $e Archc to lay drlr lnxeriions ol lhe Arcti(.

Ilre scranble ior the richt

ulder lhe ice is on. lbe Krcm.

lin has sent $borariDes t"Dlanl a titaniun Russian lla;n the sabed al the NortPole. Canada has dainedomenhro ol lhe Nodh.ver'Pasare. bul ilsca levck n,rn inrindate nanv aillions rpeoplc, and rf gl;cie$ i, tieHimil as Trbel and dre Ardcs melt away, leavirrB mor

millons w$oui enotrgh w.ler, there wi be no "[le al


cl.0lAUSATl0N'S power

sa frflt demonsh?te/ in $esbck narleb 10 Yeirs ago, in

Julv 1997, wili li€ omel olrh; A(ir; firaDrial crisis.

Willin davs all oI ltrc r4ionkemcrshs ba*eb were afterled. aitliueh the deve)oPed

o/orld\ n ikeb remained re_

lalivelv udo&!ed.n; mitir m5 ercciPilrled

when ihe Banl 6f 1liailardno out ol loreiRr exchanae

and rould nol wilhland ttresriseored nm o[ ils cnrrm-

cv. lt'ar bark ad r omPaoes

iere heavily indebted io lor-eiBn bank, espedally tlose jn

thi US. $hi1e instituliotral

Iudn aeex hom lhe devel-

nned vrorld lad hvesled bil'

li'ons ol dollaru ir tle stock

narlel6 ol lhe booniogSoulh-east Aiian eaonomies

Wien lhe cnmch croe,

tloseifleston shed for the

exit, sellinn local stock and

ruriencies, disregarding tbe

roudriei' fundaf, eDlals The

suddm wibdn{d ol liquidi-

tv l,.on lie Esioo\ slock nar_

ft'ets bmke tle cenual balkol lbjlard, hdorcsia, lilalay'sh and Soub Korea.

DBwing o! il5 exPerience

in IrtinAnedca. tle bterni-tional Morctarv Fuld inr_

oosed mredies tiat maaY crit'i.! helieve made lbe situatiod

worse. Miny Asian ba*sweDtbellrup, and D,rnY com

DaDies werc binlftPled' WtrJe many Asian cour_

lnes ift{red larye c1lfieDt a('.ornl deli{it5 ir Ic9b. 10

vean later thev had substao

6rl nrrrort accirLrnt surpluscs,

ar wellas af,ple loreip cul

Iilen New York's stock

mrrket{,as sold do'm in JulY

,rnd Ausu5l rhis yPJ,. ilr Lnn'

uuon $'rsd rornredr,rkll lo

Frirone and ]!trn and tim to

mLcrr ng Alrr Thesrh Pnrnenoridage lorns at thc mo{ ot

ttris vere a US pmbhm, but

lhey bad becn passed oo

lhrough CD0s (m lilemh\ed

debt obligalio$) to lulop e a n

ba s and irxunnce conPa

nies and lo llru najor bankr

h Clina

Although lL. eritr,,-u'e to

Asian banks and lnsuranrr

comDanies $as no1 hI(lr,rhei;dock m? etslell Asra J

econonies sill depeld otr

Ameimr consume$. Henc€,

rf tle lub pnrc mortgJge

nrobhn sDIl[ over ioio lhe

i S real e,on, ny, reduclng

ronsumer de,n d, Asia\ er

noits r.,nll declnre and econom

i, gLo{ah x lslow.

TheNr d'ssiuiegicnalt-cA rnd tnttrlron 1rcrd\ hr\c,hrrgd rd,rlr dLrr ng tlc

no$llon. lrf vur.u rgiur\ectntv Counri 'n]lnot

be t

le, rivein50lfinq tl./o imn et

rlio;. lhc UftlPd Ndriom

trnrvCourri l'ldlnot be '

'ii t*llit, tr".ts it'Itr{e ptoblefl lront rL.qln

"nudear progmmrne ano ros'

ovot fililrht

"aie{ r llrrlskr Me!!Lo!

s ruaooft Ihrirdir t '?Plerrs


I re-{-l[r€nl !sue olforbP5


decisions being tied Global player

to election


lihad io Alshadstao sas

buta plelude6 global jfiad

SeDl 11, 2001 was te hmrng

Doint. The Uniled Siates and

iie world were shocked bY

L\e desl$ctiotr ol lle lvi!Towers ald itre attacl( on the

?enlason. US loftes let?lialed hv"iamfue AJshanistrn in

Ocdber. fte-do"ire fol licworld vas clear: Yor are ei

ther Yrith rs (the US) oIasainsl ur. In Marh 2001 lhe

U"S invaded lraq and over'threw Saddam HLissein

Rjght or wong, Arneic?ns

are h lmo. Tlev nusi now

Snd tle riRlt ll"i oulot lraq

rnthoLrt tlLeu dccrsions be

ins tied lo cle!tion daleln$P;e$dent GeorRe W Bush

ha\ mrdr clcar [i! Dllcv to

ilober{ DraDeI. dLrthoi ofDc.d ( rrLarri a buok nn lhe

Itcndin! 'To aetu\ n 3 Po5i

tron where tl; tre,rdenLrrlrididtrl* w ll he tor orti

ble aboul su$eioing ir Pres

Tm US - enbloiled in llar

snasred bv inien nable prol

kmiovei lran's nuchci pro_

(rannle and unable lo piAo\,,,n Lhrt elusive t$o-sla1

solution lor lssei/Palesline

DMv aDDeaI werkc[ed 3od

ue,iw llut whether vou a

for oi asaiNL US Doliries r

hao ,nd'elsewberc: fte lact "tJraimanv of the world\ prol,'

hmr rainot be el{eLrlvel

mrnared \vilhout the arti\n: rtLci"nation ol the US.' woiddbadeisbowAneti'u wJi bolltrce bacl asah..F{

ir$dhffifttwfi1dkinostdnenic sociehi il has lhe Do5'

hnovative {iconollY wiib itlleadinPadse lecbnolog

both ci"viljai and nilih,'lBu{ Riven Russia! anti Irr