1 TORRIDGE THIRD AGE GROUP www.torridgeu3a.btck.co.uk NEWSLETTER Issue 489 January 2020 This month’s notice board: January Lunch : At our lunch on 15th January our speaker will be Robert Hesketh on the subject of “Devon Place Names”. Robert Hesketh is a freelance writer and photographer with a strong interest in local history. He has published over 50 Devon, Dorset and Somerset titles and written numerous illustrated articles for Dartmoor Magazine, The Countryman, Country Walking and other publica- tions. He also contributes photographs of Devon Landscapes and Devon people to many maga- zines and has given talks to many organisations in our area. Would members attending the Royal for the meal please register BEFORE going into the lounge or bar. Members should arrive between 11:15 and 11:50 and be seated in time for the speaker at 12:00. Lunch follows. Please book this lunch as below by Sunday 12th January. Monthly Lunch Booking Please contact: Helen Summerhayes (Email or text preferred ) Please advise Helen If you are unable to attend, having booked lunch in order that the ho- tel can be given the correct numbers. Payment to the hotel on the day can be made by cash, card or cheque (payable The Royal Hotel). If you are paying by cheque you will need to present your cheque guarantee card, this is essential and cheques will not be accepted without it. Admin charge (toward speaker cost) - £1 Chairman Secretary Membership Secretary Editor Dennis Pavitt Carolyn Kelly Anne Budd Graham Thompson We welcomed the following new members in December: John Cowell, Julia Cowell, Susan Hunt Future U3A Lunches : Feb 19th Speaker: Jonathan Brownelle talking about: Trump that Mar 18th Speaker: Paul Rendell talking about: Tales of a Dartmoor Guide Apr 15th Speaker: Adrienna Hesketh talking about: Musical Presentation Lunch will be 2 courses plus coffee, ordered on arrival, at £10.25 per person.

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Page 1: NEWSLETTERbtckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site3999/January 2020 newslette… · where the ghost story element emerges, as present time slips into the village’s bloody 14th century


TORRIDGE THIRD AGE GROUP www.torridgeu3a.btck.co.uk

NEWSLETTER Issue 489 January 2020

This month’s notice board:

January Lunch :

At our lunch on 15th January our speaker will be Robert Hesketh on the subject of “Devon

Place Names”. Robert Hesketh is a freelance writer and photographer with a strong interest in

local history. He has published over 50 Devon, Dorset and Somerset titles and written numerous

illustrated articles for Dartmoor Magazine, The Countryman, Country Walking and other publica-

tions. He also contributes photographs of Devon Landscapes and Devon people to many maga-

zines and has given talks to many organisations in our area.

Would members attending the Royal for the meal please register BEFORE going into the lounge

or bar. Members should arrive between 11:15 and 11:50 and be seated in time for the speaker

at 12:00. Lunch follows. Please book this lunch as below by Sunday 12th January.

Monthly Lunch Booking

Please contact: Helen Summerhayes

(Email or text preferred )

Please advise Helen If you are unable to attend, having booked lunch in order that the ho-

tel can be given the correct numbers. Payment to the hotel on the day can be made by

cash, card or cheque (payable The Royal Hotel). If you are paying by cheque you will need

to present your cheque guarantee card, this is essential and cheques will not be accepted

without it.

Admin charge (toward speaker cost) - £1

Chairman Secretary Membership Secretary Editor

Dennis Pavitt Carolyn Kelly Anne Budd Graham Thompson

We welcomed the following new members in December: John Cowell, Julia Cowell,

Susan Hunt

Future U3A Lunches :

Feb 19th Speaker: Jonathan Brownelle talking about: Trump that

Mar 18th Speaker: Paul Rendell talking about: Tales of a Dartmoor Guide

Apr 15th Speaker: Adrienna Hesketh talking about: Musical Presentation

Lunch will be 2 courses plus coffee, ordered on arrival, at £10.25 per person.

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All copy for publication in the February edition of the newsletter, written please (by email) by 31st

Jan, to

the editor. If you do not receive your electronic version, please contact Graham Thompson, Any que-

ries regarding the printed Newsletter distribution should be made to Sue Beer,

Group leader changes.

Please send note of any change in name or contact details to the group leader co-ordinator Roger Drew

Upper Room payments

Payments due for the Upper Room should be passed to the Treasurer Sue Beer,

Proposed events

If you are planning to hold an event, please contact Roger Drew first to ensure that there are no clashes.

Availability & Booking of the Upper Room

For details, see website, programme in Upper room or contact Roger Drew

The Appledore Singers performing at the U3A Christmas Lunch

Well, Christmas is over for another year. So too is Brexmas 2019…

Apparently 2020 is the Year of the Rat according to the Chinese zodiac, and the element is metal.

So this is the Year of the Metal Rat. Without dwelling on this vision of robotic rodents, the Editor and

Torridge U3A Committee wish you all a:

Happy New Year !

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If interested, come along and join us to play, make plays

and do performance. We meet weekly on Wednesdays

at 2pm at Pollyfield. Maureen Lamb

Monday Badminton Group.

Our group meets at 10am on Monday’s at the Atlantic

Racquets Centre for an hour . We have vacancies for

anyone interested in joining us. All equipment is sup-

plied and no experience is necessary. Our group is very

friendly and you will feel welcome plus we are sure you

will enjoy the exercise and company too.

Phone me on my mobile if you would like to give us a

try . RALPH.

Details for the Birdwatching Group January meeting have

already been sent to members. This Group is now full

but we are happy to start a waiting list if there is a de-


No book this month as we decamped to the Golf Club

for some festive cheer! A good year for the group, a

varied selection of books but we did seem to spend a

long time in Europe walking with a brown suitcase! Too

many World War 2 stories. Our book for January is '

Once upon a river ' by Diane Setterfield. (at No. 40 )

Joan Lock

There was no meeting for Book Group 2 in December.

The Mobile Library by David Whitehouse

This book left us with many queries. The central charac-

ter is a 12 year old boy who acted more like an eight

year old. Having lost his mother in an horrific accident

he is appallingly neglected by his father and stepmoth-

er. He survives by collecting physical memories of his

mother, believing she will return.

He is befriended by the cleaner of a mobile library and

her mentally disabled daughter, who decides after re-

ceiving hate gossip, that they should flee in the library

van. Picking up an army deserter they head to Scotland to

his former home before fleeing south where finally they

are surrounded by police.

The boy’s character is very detailed in the description of

his coping mechanisms and is quite heart rending. Many

themes are touched on, child abuse, grieving, fantasy su-

perhero, PTSD, unconditional love....these characters are

all misfits in society. The finale makes way for a ‘family‘

coming together. We felt they deserved some happiness in

their lives. Jo Sampson

Our December read was suitably seasonal - The Winter

Ghosts by Kate Mosse. What a relief to have a readable

account of a sensible length for a change. The novel is a

ghost story – with romantic elements. The central charac-

ter, Freddie Watson is a tortured soul, still mentally devas-

tated by his elder brother’s death ten years earlier in WW1.

Seeking relief via a car journey through the Pyrenees of

southwest region of France, the wintery conditions and

increasingly icy roads result in a crash. He sets off to seek

help and shelter in an isolated local village and this is

where the ghost story element emerges, as present time

slips into the village’s bloody 14th century past. Meeting

the beautiful Fabrissa at a village get-together he gains a

vivid insight into the religious intolerance of the

times ,where the Roman Catholic church is determined to

eliminate the minority Cathar sect. When their enemy de-

scends on the village, those villagers that can escape, seek

refuge in local mountain caves. Their sanctuary becomes

their tomb when the caves are sealed up by their pursuers

(based on factual historical events). We enjoyed the novel,

in particular its sequential planning and its use of descrip-

tion. However, some of us felt the ghost aspect of the

book was somewhat contrived and were incredulous re-

garding the ability of a sick and injured man to clamber

about the mountains, in the depths of winter. Next month

marks a change from fiction to non-fiction when we read

Other Minds: The Octopus and the Evolution of Intelli-

gent Life by Peter Godfrey-Smith

We meet every Tuesday and Friday evening in the Upper

Room at 7pm. We have a few spaces and any member who

would like an evening of bridge and banter please come


For more information contact Ann Mayne as above


Drama—SHOESTRING PLAYERS Group contact Maureen Lamb

Book Group 1. Group contact Sheila Wright

Book Group 2. Group contact Hazel McLellan

Book Group 3. Group contact Jo Sampson

Bird Watching Group Group Contact:


Monday session: Ralph Bennett on

Wednesday session: Stephen Skinner on

Book Group 4. Group contact David or Hazel McLellan

Bridge for Improvers. Group contact John Krey

Canasta . Group contact Ann Mayne

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No meetings in December for the craft groups

Group not meeting until the third week in Jan.2020


No meetings in December for the craft groups

Group not meeting until the third week in Jan.2020


The croquet season has now finished for 2019. The new

season will hopefully start in April 2020 so watch this


Thursday 9 January 2020 at 12noon.

Black Horse Inn, High Street, Great Torrington EX38

8HNTel: 01 805 622 121.


Suggest you

park in the car

park by the

Bowling Club,

then walk

through the

market and the

pub will be

across the road

on your left.

If you have not

signed the at-

tendance book

and wish to attend please contact Lesley or Colin by Sun-

day 5 January.

We enjoyed our

December meet-

ing with a Christ-

mas theme,

where we relaxed

with a buffet,

raffle and good


We all at the Dig-

ital Camera

Group would like

to wish everyone

in the Torridge

U3A, a Prosperous New Year with successful group activ-

ities. We look forward to continuingly see our own group

grow with new ideas and the support of our members in

2020. We have no vacancies.

Due to the many people expected at our usual meeting

venue of the Royal Hotel during the Festive Season, we

held our December meeting in an upper room at 'The Lit-

tle Coffee Cup' in Mill Street, kindly made available for

our exclusive use by that establishment.

As has happened on a number of occasions, we dis-

cussed the NHS and with particular reference to Mental

Health which has suffered disproportionately. It was

hoped that whoever won the General Election, the NHS

would be better funded, better organised and better and

more training opportunities provided rather than have to

rely so heavily on other countries for trained personnel

and for them to then work within the NHS at the expense

of and loss to those others countries who in some cases

are short of medical staff themselves. Extra funding may

help retain staff and help upgrade equipment and sys-

tems but providing trained indigenous staff will take sev-

eral years, so improving the NHS in a number of ways

needs to receive very urgent action.

We went on to consider some of the vast financial dis-

parities between what most receive and others are paid in

various areas of employment generally. This is another

area that needs to be addressed but care needs to be tak-

en so that those who are already taxed heavily are not

squeezed to the extent that they decide to move abroad

and we would then not only lose the tax they pay but

their expertise. The same applies to companies too, who

may be incentivised to move abroad. On the other hand

there are major, largely foreign companies making a lot

of money in the UK but due to creative accounting have

paid less than a fair amount of Tax. This is another long

running matter that needs to be rectified.

It was decided to cancel our meeting on 1st January as

some members intend to be be with their families. So our

next meeting will be on 5th February 2020, back at the

Royal Hotel Bideford.

I take the opportunity to wish all members of our Group

and indeed all U3A members, a Happy Christmas and a

Prosperous New Year.

After around 14 years with Group 1 and approximately 7

with Group 2, I will be retiring from leading both groups

at the end of this year due to increasing health problems.

I am happy to say that both Drawing Groups 1 and 2 are

aiming to continue as before under their own steam.

They will meet as usual in The Upper Room at the same

times as at present. Judy Seabright will be the key con-

tact for Group 1 and Sue Smith will be the same for Group

2. Both groups are currently full. I am pleased that each

group will continue and I wish that their work maintains

their current high standard. Best wishes to both groups

and keep up your high standards! John Wright

Devon Inns. Group contact: Colin or Lesley Hunt

Digital Camera Group. Group contact: Dawn Parr

Crafty Cards. Group contact: Alison Tamplin or Car-

olyn Kelly

Croquet (Braunton). Group contact: Anne Young

Creative Craft Class. Group contact: Alison Tamplin or Carolyn


Discussion Group. Group contact Barry Gown

Drawing Group 1 & 2 For further details or to be added to wait-

ing list contact John Wright

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Folk dancing.. We have enjoyed our last two meetings. I

was on holiday for one of them and you all turned up to

hear what a really good caller and musician sounded like

when my son Chris taught you some different dances.

However it was back to reality with me in charge last

time! We start 2020 on Monday the 13th January at

2.Opm in Northam Hall. We would love it if you joined

us. Shirley Jewell.

No update received this month

The enjoyable garden outings have been well supported

this year, thank you to all who have participated. The

next Garden report will be in February 2020.

December was eventful for our group. A group of musi-

cians from Barnstaple U3A came to one meeting and ac-

companied our singing of German Christmas carols and

songs, which kept us (more or less) in tune. For our sec-

ond meeting of the month, we went to the home of a Ger-

man group member to celebrate Advent. The house was

decorated with festive greenery and candles, and we en-

joyed typically German Advent goodies like Stollen and

gingerbread, washed down with mulled wine brewed by

our hostess; a very good advent experience!

This month being December we did not meet as our

meeting would have fallen on Boxing Day, and I feel none

of us would really want to leave our cold Christmas Tur-

keys and yet more mince pies for a History group meet-


After 4 years of running the History group and then

handing it over to David, only to get the group back

when David died, I have felt that I need a rest as I have

run out of ideas. As no one has yet come forward, this

group will be temporary closed. Any help willingly accept-


For any more information about the History group the

leader remains

Our last walk of 2019 was designed with Christmas

Lunch at the Royal Hotel in mind. So, armed with histori-

cal notes, David and Hazel with Pat led 23 of us around

East-the-Water sites of geographical and historical inter-

est. To most of us the information was completely new

and those who were more familiar with the area added

extra relevant comments. The views looking towards

Bideford and surrounding area are stunning. This was

especially true of our coffee break up at Chudleigh Fort

which was enhanced by answering a surprise quiz of

cryptic clues, as well as drinking coffee. Lunch at the

Royal Hotel was excellent and all departed looking for-

ward to our next walk, see Third Friday Walkers entry,

destination Topsham on January 17th. (IH)

The next First Friday Morning Walk is on 7th Febru-

ary and is from Appledore to Westward Ho!, follow-

ing the coast path as much as possible. We will meet at

10.30 in the Main Appledore Car Park where there are

public toilets. The 21A* bus to Appledore leaves Bide-

ford Quay at 09.45, arriving in Appledore at 10.03. The

next bus is at 10.15*, arriving at 10.33. The walk is

fairly flat and might be muddy. There may be a chance

to walk along the beach depending on the state of the

tide. Lunch is at the Waterfront Front Restaurant in

Westward Ho! Their menu includes a carvery at £6.95

but there is no requirement to order in advance. No.21*

buses back are at 23 and 53 minutes past the hour.

Although Pat Blacker is leading this walk, please book

on to it by contacting Irene Hahn (details above) by

Wednesday 5th February.

*Rumour has it that the bus timetables may be changed

after the Newsletter has gone to press, so please check


This is the final report from the group.

In December on the theme of ‘Merry Music’ we enjoyed

lively pieces by Grieg , Dvorak, Weber, Respigi, Sibelius,

Tchaikovsky and Mozart; also Christmas carols and

songs from Gilbert and Sullivan, Elvis Presley and Aaron


Due to dwindling numbers, current group members

have agreed unanimously to close down this Music

group and so there will be no meetings in 2020.

Music sans Frontieres Christmas was coming when we

held our December meeting so we had a few Christmas

offerings....two versions of White Christmas by Frank

Sinatra and then by Miles Davis and Charlie Parker, then

also White Winter by Fleet Foxes; Annie Lenox sang the

Coventry Carol with the help of the African Children’s

Choir and then there was the perennial Christmas(No.

1) song! Autumn Leaves by Stan Getz didn’t really qual-

ify, belonging with the ‘other plays’ from Bob Dylan,

Bellowhead, Acker Bilk, Peter Skellern, Finnish group

Varttina, some didgeridoo playing by Exeter buskers

Windslide, and a musically backed poem from John Bet-


For the musically broad-minded this is all great fun,

so if anyone else thinks so and would like to join us,

please get in touch. The next meeting at 2.15pm on

Tuesday January 14th will be held at 41 Lily Close,

Northam. Angus Winfield

History. Group Contact: Chris Peacock

French. For further information contact Jo


Gardens. For further information contact Babs Muir

Folk Dancing. For further information contact Shirley Jew-


German Details of the German group from Val Cur-


Music. For further information please contact

Peter Lockett

Music sans Frontieres. Contact Angus Winfield

Morning Walkers (1st Friday): Group contact Irene Hahn

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Happy New Year to all Petanquers. By the time some of

you read this, it could well be next year !! Hope allof you

have had a most enjoyable break and will be ready to

start playing again on Monday 6th. In the meantime

don’t forget that on New Years Day at 2pm John is hop-

ing to arrange for Petanque on the beach at Westward

Ho!, weather permitting. Meet on the slipway at 1400hrs.

Sorry not to have been around much recently but this

has been due to unexpected problems re the minor op-

eration on my neck, so my thanks once again to Martin

for keeping things going. Hope to see you all again

soon, Regards, Brian.

A small group braved the day’s storm to enjoy an inter-

esting discussion on spirituality during which we ex-

plored the gradient from religion to atheism, chose to

keep an open mind to ley lines but had mixed views on

whether psychics deserved the same treatment. Next

month’s topic is ‘The Prejudice of Facts - are there no

facts, only interpretations?’, a subject which seems likely

to bring up Trump and fake news. Stuart Mealing

We finished reading ‘Androcles and the Lion’ - Bernard

Shaw, which we all enjoyed. It was funny throughout as

well as thought provoking.

There won’t be a meeting on 2 January but we will meet

at a member of the group’s house in Bideford, on 16

January instead. In February, we’ll be back to normal,

meeting in the Upper Room on Thursday 6 February at

10 am.

In December we began the topic of VISUAL PERCEPTION.

In this, the first of two parts, we looked at some of the

"top-down" psychological operations by means of which

the reality of the outside world is construed from the

input provided by our eyes.

In the second part, to take place in February, we will

look at the "bottom-up" processing and transfer of infor-

mation from the eyes to the visual areas of the brain.

The January session will be led by Irene Baxter. Her topic


Happy New Year! For our first meeting of 2020, on

Tuesday 28 January (2:30 in the Upper Room), the sub-

ject will be very close to home, as we welcome guest

speaker Jan Whittington to talk about ‘The Rock Pools of

the North Devon Coast’. As well as running her own

ecology consultancy and training company based near

Bideford, Jan also actively supports our friends at Coast-

Wise North Devon, to help them with their valuable con-

servation projects. I look forward to seeing as many of

you as possible at the meeting. Finally, please note that

the group is currently full, so if anyone else would like to

join, please let me know and I’ll add you to the waiting


We next meet on the 24th. January at 10am in the Upper

room. If you wish to play any other board games please

let me know and I will do my best to get them. I have

Monopoly and Cluedo plus Upword.

Here is the Tennis team enjoying a festive lunch after our

last session in 2019.

We run two weekly

sessions at the Atlan-

tic Racquets Centre

in Bideford, on Tues-

day between 11 am

and 12 noon and on

Thursday between 3

pm and 4 pm. All

necessary equipment

is provided and the

cost is £2.00 per ses-

sion. Both groups are

very sociable and the

members enjoy the exercise and the company. There are

currently vacancies in both groups. To come along and

see if this is for you, Contact one of the group leaders


Tuesday tennis will start again on the 7th January 2020.

There are still vacancies so do try something new in the

New year!

Yo, one and all,

Due to heating being put in the hall this month… appar-

ently it was cheaper to do that than widen all the doors

to allow Eric to get in with all his layers of clothes...there

is only one week to report on so here it is..on Tuesday

Gary had a phenomenal 15 break and Alistair played an

equally superb snooker on himself ! Must be the season

of giving. Wednesday was spent mainly with adapting

ourselves to John Stotesbury returning from a cruise. It

was tough going, but we saw it through. Numbers are

holding steady..still room for a couple more particularly

on Tuesday's so if you like some banter and playing the

odd good shot, please get in touch with Deadly Dennis

Pavitt (Tues.), or Captain Nemo aka John Stotesbury for

Wednesdays. Happy New Year everyone.

Scrabble Group. Group contact: Carolyn Kelly

Philosophy (The George Kelly Group.) Group Contact: Stuart Mealing on

Playreading. For further information please contact :

Hilary Smith

Petanque. For any further information please contact

Brian Halstead

Short/Walking Tennis Contacts: -

Tuesday session: Helen Summerhayes

Thursday session: Sandie Treby

Psychology Contact: John Martin

Snooker (Tue & Wed)

Contacts: John Stotesbury

Tuesdays: Dennis Pavitt

Science, Technology & Society. For more information, contact Barry Zuss-


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Editors note:

The next Tuesday snooker session will be on Tuesday

7th January 2020, hopefully with the new central heating

up and running!

We all enjoy our table tennis and the good company of

our players. We have our maximum number of players,

but if you are interested, please contact me to be put on

the waiting list. Christine Issac

January Walk: Denny and Linda thought it would be

wise to give the countryside a breathing space this

month and take a train ride to Topsham instead. The

total walking distance is roughly 2.5 miles. We will walk

from Topsham Station to Topsham Quay then along the

lanes to a large, new bird hide where we will have our

coffee stop and watch winter waders on the Exe Estuary.

If you are a keen bird-watcher, don't forget your binocu-

lars. Then we will walk back to the quay via another

route. If you are interested in antiques there is a three

storey antiques centre on the quay where we can spend

some time browsing before going to the Lighter Inn for

lunch. If you would like to join this day out, please let

Linda know by Tuesday 14 January, along with your

choice of lunch. The Lighter Inn menu and special die-

tary menu are on their website, www.lighterinn.co.uk, (If

you do not have access to the internet please ring Lin-


Details: On Friday 17 January 2020, meet at Barn-

staple Railway Station at 9.10am to meet the 9.35am

train to Exeter. As the train no longer goes direct to

Topsham we will have to change at Exeter St Davids and

wait 9 minutes for the train to Topsham. Return jour-

ney: We leave Topsham on the 3.35pm train and arrive

back in Barnstaple at 5.27pm.

Return fare to Topsham (as at December 2019): All Rail-

cards = £7.35. Groups of 3 or more = £7.35. Full fare for

one passenger, £11.10. We advise getting to the station

early so that you can form into groups of 3 or more.

Remember, only one person per group can pay at the

kiosk so you will need cash to pay your payer.

Daily Car Parking charges (as at December 2019): Barn-

staple Station = £3.70. Seven Brethren (five minutes

walk away, situated behind the Leisure Centre) £1.70

December walk – A window in the weather – and 16 of

us led by Adrienne set off from Westward Ho! for a cir-

cular walk. Because of the very wet ground the route

was adapted, and we did a semi-circular walk. Eric was

‘invited’ to be ‘Master of Ceremonies,’ he knew where

to find the deepest flood!!! We all negotiated this in

various ways and ended up in Bideford. Luckily, ramblers

who’d parked in Westward Ho! all had their bus passes

and could return to their cars.

Thank you Adrienne, especially for coping with the last

minute change of plan.

January walk – Meet at 10.30 on 10th January at Mud-

dlebridge Layby, Fremington (OS Landranger 139 GR

325 518) On the 21 bus route, for those who wish to

use the bus.

About 5 mostly flat miles + MUD! Mixture of beach,

fields, lanes and footpaths , with a ford.

Depending on weather and tides the route could change

on the day BYOFAD

When the group met this month we spent sometime prac-

ticing the playlist for the two gigs that we have in Janu-

ary. We then continued with a selection of Christmas

music and enjoyed some lovely chocolates provided by

one of the group members. Finally, members thanked

Richard for all his hard work during the year.

The group will reconvene in January. Our first subject for

2020 is “chill of the night”.

The group is currently full.

We meet in the Upper Room on the fourth Wednesday of

the month. Our next meeting will be January 22nd 2020

at 2.30pm.

This month we each drew cards out of a hat. One set

was a career and the other a place. The idea was to write

a story connecting the two. When I drew a Department

Store and a Vet I felt suitably challenged as did everyone

as all the pairs drawn were equally unlikely. A nurse/

library, actor/hotel and artist/cinema etc. We all agreed it

was a good idea which made us use our imaginations to

the full. We still have a vacancy in our group. If you are

interested please give me a call.

Writers' Group 1. For further information contact Gary How

by email:

Writers’ Group 2. For further information Shirley Jewell

Ukulele group. For further information contact Richard


Torridge U3A Ramblers. Contact: Jane Papworth

Glenis Beardsley

Third Friday Walkers. Group contact: Linda Burgess

Table Tennis. Contact: Christine Isaac

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Groups below meet every week

DRAMA Wednesday 14:00 The Pollyfield Centre, East–the-Water


Wednesday Afternoon



Atlantic Racquets Centre, Bideford

BRIDGE for IMPROVERS Tuesday & Friday 19:00 Upper Room, St Margaret’s

CROQUET Tuesday 14:00 Season over—back next year

FRENCH Tuesday 10:00 Upper Room, St Margaret’s

PETANQUE Mon & Fri am; Wed pm 10:30/14:00 Village Inn, Westward Ho!

SNOOKER Tuesday & Wednesday 10:00 Kingsley snooker club, Westward Ho!

TABLE TENNIS Thursday 10:00 Bideford Youth Centre on the Pill


Thursday Afternoon



Atlantic Racquets Centre, Bideford

Groups below meet two or three times a month

CANASTA 1st & 3rd Wednesday 14:00 Upper Room, St Margaret’s

DRAWING 1 2nd & 4th Wednesday 10:00 Upper Room, St Margaret’s

DRAWING 2 1st & 3rd Thursdays 14:00 Upper Room, St Margaret’s

FOLK DANCING 2nd & 4th Mondays 14:00 Northam Hall

GERMAN Alternate Thursdays 10:00 Contact Val Curtis for details

UKULELE (improvers) 1st & 3rd Mondays 14:00 Upper Room, St Margaret’s

Groups below meet once a month

BIRD WATCHING See newsletter entry See newsletter entry

BOOK GROUP 1 3rd Tuesday 14:00 Ocean Park

BOOK GROUP 2 4th Thursday 10:00 Upper Room, St Margaret’s

BOOK GROUP 3 1st Tuesday 14:30 Upper Room, St Margaret’s

BOOK GROUP 4 2nd Monday 14:30 Upper Room, St Margaret’s

CLASSICAL MUSIC 4th Friday 14:00 6, Stanbridge Park, Bideford

CRAFT CARDING 3rd Wednesday 09:30 Upper Room, St Margaret’s

CREATIVE CRAFT 3rd Thursday 10:00 Upper Room, St Margaret’s

DEVON INNS 2nd Thursday 12:00 See newsletter entry

DIGITAL CAMERA GROUP 2nd Wednesday 14.00 Upper Room, St Margaret’s

DISCUSSION 1st Wednesday 10:30 The Royal Hotel, Bideford

GARDENS 3rd Thursday All day * * See newsletter entry

HISTORY 4th Thursday 14:30 Upper Room, St Margaret’s

MORNING WALKERS 1st Friday 10:30 See newsletter entry

MUSIC 2nd Friday 13:00 19 Amyas Way

MUSIC SANS FRONTIERS 2nd Tuesday 14:15 41 Lily Close, Northam

PHILOSOPHY (The George Kelly Grp) 2nd Tuesday 14:00 Upper Room, St Margaret’s

PLAY READING 1st Thursday 10:00 Upper Room, St Margaret’s

PSYCHOLOGY 2nd Friday 10:00 Upper Room, St Margaret’s

SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY 4th Tuesday 14:30 Upper Room, St Margaret’s

SCRABBLE 4th Friday 10:00—12:00 Upper Room, St Margaret’s

TORRIDGE U3A RAMBLERS 2nd Friday 10:30 Appledore via Westward Ho!

THIRD FRIDAY WALKERS 3rd Friday 10:30 See newsletter entry

WRITERS GROUP 1 4th Wednesday 14:30 Upper Room, St Margaret’s

WRITERS GROUP 2 3rd Tuesday Contact Shirley Jewell (see

Newsletter entry)