E-NEWSLETTER Edion - Jul’19 (Apr-Jun)

Newsletter - Jul2019 · During the first quarter of FY 2020, we have been able to on board only 75 new dealers as compared to 257 dealers on-boarded during the same period last year

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  • E-NEWSLETTER Edi�on - Jul’19 (Apr-Jun)

  • Milestones Achievements & Latest UpdatesDuring the first quarter of FY 2020, we have been able to on board only 75 new dealers as compared to 257 dealers on-

    boarded during the same period last year.


    There are various reasons for the sluggish growth registered in the first quarter. For example, decrease in Dalmia cement sales

    due to price increase, internal restructuring of management, a�ri�on in sales team and changes in Dalmia credit policy and

    CD structure. However, in order to expedite the new on-boarding, all of us need to pull up our sleeves and rebuild

    rela�onships with the new team, align our policies/programs with the changes that have taken place in Dalmia policies,

    increase our outreach/foo�all to visit large number of dealers and increase coverage of new dealers under Kanika DF

    program. This is especially important as we have set an ambi�ous target of maintaining a por�olio of 2,500 dealers in Kanika

    by end of FY 2020.

    At the strategic level, we are engaging with the respec�ve Zonal Heads and Dalmia top level management to increase the

    outreach of Kanika program across all regions. We are trying to have our presence in new territories; Kanika team is currently

    working to expand the program in U�ar Pradesh. We are also exploring the possibility of introducing Kanika program to the

    new dealers taking Dalmia dealership by placing Kanika DF program brochure in the Dalmia dealership training kit. We are also

    trying to launch new products and engage in new partnerships.

    News and Update

    Dalmia-OCL, the refractories business of Dalmia Bharat Group, announced its expansion into Europe with its first-ever

    interna�onal acquisi�on, of GSB Group GmbH – a German specialty refractory maker and a global leader in lance produc�on,

    essen�al for good quality and clean steel produc�on.

    Aside from strengthening its hold in India, the takeover will provide mul�-faceted benefits to Dalmia-OCL including access to

    customers in the heart of steel and refractory making belt in Europe, and state-of-the art technology to make cleaner steel. It

    will also provide an opportunity to work with newer talent who understand and are trained in advanced steel making

  • New Employees in Kanika Family

    Aman Saxena

    Assistant Manager - Credit Opertaion

    (Noida Office)

    Mohit Pareek

    Execu�ve – Customer Real�on

    (Dhanbad Office)

    Interna�onal Yoga Day

    Events at Kanika

    stWe have celebrated Interna�onal Yoga Day on 21 June’19 by prac�sing some office yoga under the guidance of professional

    yoga trainers, to realise the importance of Yoga to keep our Body, Mind & Soul healthy.

    Birthday Celebra�on for this Quarter

    Kanika wishes happy birthday to:

    Apr’19 – Sanjay Nayak, Mithilesh Goswami, Dipankar Bha�acharjee, Rajesh Kushwaha and Satyabhan Gadhai

    Jun’19 - Puspita Das


  • 4

    Training Programs

    Cemen�ng a Financial Future

    Learning and Development Team “Nalanda” of Dalmia had conducted a workshop “Cemen�ng a financial future” at Noida

    office on Financial Planning wherein employees were educated on their financial planning and different methods to

    achieve it.

    Emplyees par�cipated with great zeal and found the program very relevant and informa�ve.

    Par�cipant Say –

    “It was good workshop, gave understanding of types of investment and its comparison” – Pooja and Rohini (Finance and


    Women's Safety Program

    Delivered by domain experts in engaging session, the program was structured to provide an in-depth awareness about safety of women at home and public places. It was also aimed to a personal bonding among women co-workers and discussion on safety �ps adopted by various women through their personal experiences.

  • 5

    Anurahda and Akansha from Kanika Investment Limited had par�cipated and shared their experience with other


    Pooja Virmani from Kanika Investment Limited had par�cipated and get benefi�ed by the learnings.

    Nalanda team from Dalmia had organised a 90 min. session to up skill the secretaries, where they focussed on -

    Session for Execu�ve Secretaries on Administra�ve Professionals Day

    Ÿ How to adapt one’s style to different types of leaders.

    Ÿ How to remain calm in �mes of crisis.

    Ÿ How to influence without authority.

  • Photo Contest- WinnersAll the entries shared by par�cipants were amazing (Theme- Brand Love), as everyone clicked their best pictures.

    It was really difficult to choose the best .

    We are sharing the winning entries…

    01�� PrizeAkansha Shrivastava

    Next Photo Contest- Flowers

    Flowers are regarded as a symbol of love and a gi� of nature.Flowers are used by us to provoke the feelings of love and

    happiness because they have the power to make people happy and cheerful.Without flowers,plants would merely be green

    and the world would be a duller place.

    So here is a chnace to win the best flower photography contest by sharing your best picture clicked with your smart phones

    from anywhere whether your garden, work place or during your travels.

    Share best of your clicks with us to get published in the next edi�on.

    (Mul�ple entries are not allowed)

    Submit your entries by 15.09.19 to [email protected]

    nd02 PrizeDeepak Verma

    rd03 PrizeAnuradha Rawat

    rd03 PrizeAman Saxena


    mailto:[email protected]

  • Travelogue by Ishanvi Verma, Student IX Standard(Daughter of Deepak Verma)

    Most Memorable Trip - “Ladakh” - Hey there! I am super excited to share my experience of first ever Ladakh trip and I must

    tell you that it has been one of my best travel experiences so far. I have always been fascinated by the snow cladded-

    mountains and wanted to experience the snow fall. We went on a 5 days trip to Ladakh in the month of April’2019 and took

    Day 2 - It was a day reserved for local sight-seeing. We visited Sangam point (confluence of Indus and Zanskari River). It was

    indeed a very beau�ful place and I seriously loved it. A�er that we went to Pa�har sahib Gurudwara. I was so impressed to

    know that this Gurudwara is solely managed by Indian Army convoy. We also had lungar there. Other a�rac�ons that we saw

    on that day were Hall of Fame, a famous Army Museum and Magne�c hill.

    Day 3 - We had planned to visit Pangong Lake on 3�� day but when we woke up in the morning, we all were very shocked,

    surprised and very sad to see the snow fall through our hotel window. All roads going to Pangong lake were blocked so we

    decided to go to Khardungla pass, one of the highest motorable roads in the world. We saw the snow fall all through our way

    and finally a�er 3-4 hours of drive through the hills we reached at the peak. It was extremely cold there, we took few

    photographs and a�er half an hour of stay, started to return to Leh.

    Winners of Crea�ve Corner are -

    Day 1 - of our arrival at the Leh airport, we headed towards our hotel and had awesome lunch. A�er taking rest for 3-4 hours,

    we went on to see Shan� Stupa (one of the famous Buddhist monasteries), Leh palace and local market in the evening. We

    were very �red by the �me we reached hotel and had good sleep. I wish we had more �me to take rest and acclima�ze.


    Shan� Shupa Leh Palace

    Hall of Frame Pathan Sahib Gurudwara Sangam POint

    Delhi to Leh.

  • 8

    “एक लड़का - थोड़ा िज�मेदार है और थोड़ा समझदार है” Poem by Aman Saxena ( AM – Credit Opera�on)

    तो बात कछ इस तरह क� ह ैिक य ेघर का वो लड़का ह,ै थोड़ा िज़�मदेार ह ैऔर थोड़ा समझदार ह ैु

    तो बस इसिलए घर छोड़ कर िनकल चका ह ै ु

    वैस ेतो पहाड़ी क� एक ब�ती म � घर उसका भी ह ैछोटा ही सही पर म�मी पापा स ेसजा घर उसका भी है

    एक छोटा भाई और एक बहन भी ह ैिज़�दगी िज�मदेारी का कछ बोझ उस पर भी हैु

    बस यही सब बात ेसमझ चका ह ैइसिलए घर छोड़ कर िनकल चका ह।ैु ु

    "ये घर का वो लड़का ह,ै थोड़ा िज़�मदेार ह ैऔर थोड़ा समझदार ह”ै

    तकरीबन उ� कछ 20 क� थी जब उसने दहलीज को पार िकया थाु

    दिनया दखेी भी ना थी जब उसने काम स� िकया था ुु

    ध�के खाने क� िह�मत भी नही थी पर खद को ये समझ िलया था ु

    िक बेटा आज तपेगा नही तो कल घर का च�हा जलेगा नहीू

    और कछ हट कर करेगा नही तो आगे बढ़ेगा नही,ु

    िफर घर क� िक�त भी ह,ै भाई क� जेबखच� भी ह,ै

    िफर दीवाली आने वाली ह,ै म�मी क� कछ और नयी �वाइस ह,ैु

    बस यही सब कछ चद बात� समझ चका ह ै इसिलए घर छोड़ कर िनकल चका ह,ैु ं ु ू

    "ये घर का वो लड़का ह,ै थोड़ा िज़�मदेार ह ैऔर थोड़ा समझदार ह”ै

    घर क� रसोई से नफरत थी उसे, पर आज टेढ़ी मढ़ेी रोटी भी पका लेता ह,ै

    खाने म � नखरे करने वाला था वो पर, अब क�चा प�का सब खा लेता ह,ै

    पर अफ़सोस नह� ह ैउसे इस बात का, ये द�तर ह ैदिनया का बस ू ु

    यही कह के िदल को बहला लेता ह ैवरना खश नसीब होते ह ैवो लोग जो िमल कर साथ रहते ह,ैु

    वरना उस जैसे तो शहरो म � कई हजार रहते ह ै

    कछ अ�पताल� म � दम तोड़ दतेे ह ैकछ बखार म � तपते रहते ह ैु ु ु

    अपना िकसे कह ेवो उसके सब तो वही पहाड़ी म � रहते है

    Day 4 - It was a sunny day so we decided to visit Pangong lake. We started early morning but as soon as we reached to the

    checkpost, we came to know that the roads are s�ll blocked and could get open by a�ernoon. So we decided to slowly move

    up to Changla pass but almost 5 kms before the pass, we realized that we can’t go far. Snow was all over the places and the

    roads were covered with snow. So we decided to come back. On the way back we also saw Rancho’s school and Thiksey


    Day 5 - Headed back home to Delhi.

    Although we could not go to Pangong lake but my childhood dream came true!! I was so happy to see the snow fall and snow

    cladded-mountains through my naked eyes.

  • Travelogue by Vanya Gowan (Daughter of Sanjay Naveen Gowan)

    Master piece of Paris – The Eiffel Tower - At night, we paid our visit to the “most beau�ful and roman�c structure” in the world,

    the Eiffel Tower. Around 11:00 to 11:05 the Eiffel Tower is lit up by 2,000 led lights and trust me it’s the most magical thing anyone

    can see in the world! It has got a �tle of ‘Symbol of Love’ due to its superb construc�on and outstanding views. Finally �red, we

    checked into our hotel and slept.

    “Paris is always a good idea’’- Audrey Hepburn - Well I would say ‘Europe’ is always a good idea. Every single person dreams to visit Europe once in their life�me to experience its epic history, culinary diversity and beauty. The people, the culture, the air

    that the Europeans breathe are just so amazing!

    When we landed in Europe - Well thanks to my parents, especially my papa for making this dream possible for me and my sister.

    We arrived in the City Of Love, Paris on 25th May 2019. Though our flight journey was a bit �ring but it was all worth it when we

    arrived at the Charles De Gaulle, Paris airport which was a visual delight. The sky was beau�ful, we could breathe fresh air which

    is clearly isn’t possible in a city like Delhi. A�er reaching hotel we had dinner and a good rest.

    Opera House - The next day was our city tour and we explored world famous opera house, Palais Garnier. Though it wasn’t open

    around that �me we did had a wait there. The architecture was mesmerizing as they had made models of great composer of

    their �me like, Mozart, Beethoven and many more.

    World’s largest art museum – The Louvre - We visited Louvre Museum as next place, It is not only one of the largest in the world,

    but also the most visited. More than 15000 people visit the Louvre every day. Mona Lisa is obviously the most popular exhibit at

    Louvre. This 16th century oil pain�ng by Leonardo da Vinci with the enigma�c gaze of the Lady has charmed art connoisseurs as

    well as the common man for centuries. I did try to check whether the legend about the pain�ng was true or not and moved aside

    a li�le bit, but couldn’t witness Mona Lisa’s eyes moving!


    Guest Entry

    Louvre Museum Opera House Monalisa

    Eiffel Tower Disneyland

  • Disneyland - the magical Land - The next day we went to Disneyland, the pilgrim of children. I mean if you haven’t been to Disneyland once in your life, what are you doing with your life? It is startling to see people and kids from all walks of life

    come here and mingle with each other so easily. Around the world, Disneyland is known for being the place to experience the

    adrenaline and magic.

    Adelboden, Interlaken and Bern - The next day was most hec�c day. We had a full day bus travel from Paris to Adelboden, a Swiss Alpine village in the Bernese Oberland region. Switzerland. A small village with snow clad mountains

    views, probably the best views one could ever get! Next day we went to Interlaken and Bern. Unfortunately due to the

    constant pouring, we couldn’t enjoy much in Interlaken but it was so picturesque that we couldn’t get enough of it. Thanks to

    Mr. Yash Chopra that we Indians got a fad about Swiss and because of this in Interlaken there’s also a statue of him made by

    the government as a sign of gra�tude and respect.

    Mount Titlis - The next day was surely my best day of life, we went to MT. Titlis (Engelberg) 10,000 feet above the ground was pure beauty. We went up there through a cable car system which is the first and only ‘rota�ng’ cable car system at such a

    height. Oh what a treat it was to our eyes, to go up there looking at the whole city down and it was extremely cold there. We

    couldn’t even feel our hands, they got so numb but it was indeed the best snow experience one could ever have.

    We even went to the Titlis Cliff Walk, the highest eleva�on suspension bridge in Europe. It was pitch white out there, so even

    had a hard �me seeing there but it got be�er a�er a while. Another highlight there was a cut-out of DDLJ because of which

    Titlis got famous amongst us in the first place! That was truly a proud and happy feeling for us.

    All in all, this trip holds a special place in my heart and my love for Europe has even grown more! Ul�mate beauty and culture is

    found there and there is nothing in this whole world that could compare to the beauty of Europe. Hopefully going there again!


    Mount Titlis

    Adelboden Interlaken

  • Screa�ve corner is again open for our new entrants in coming quater.

    Share your ar�cles/poem/personal experinces/travelogue etc. to be included in the next edi�on of Kanika’s News Le�er. The

    best ar�cle will be awarded a cash prize of Rs. 500/- each.

    Submit your entries by 15.09.2019 to [email protected]

    Crea�ve Corner (Win Cash Prizes)

    Tell us what you think

    Write for your Comments & Suggestions [email protected]

    Kanika Editorial Team
